''If you enter more than one code, in more than one box, you will break the game.''
Gain $1,000,000 immediately: MoneyGrowsOnTrees
Set fitness to max: HulkSmash
Enter code: <<textbox "_cheatCode" "">>
<<link [[Check Code|Cheat Codes]]>><<run CheckCode(_cheatCode)>><</link>>
[[Return|Study]]<h2>Game Guide</h2>
Bimbo Life Coach puts you into the shoes of a wannabe bimbo-maker in present day New York.
Most choices you make will shape the story and characters in certain ways which will emphasize certain characteristics over others as the game progresses. For these choices you will make them based on the information you have, and your preferences. But players will be warned when certain decisions are final, meaning that the choice made will open up one plot line at the same time as closing others.
Once you meet a major character, or a minor character becomes a major character, an entry for them will appear in the journal available in the left hand menu. Here you will be able to see a photo which shows how they look, which reflects their development and transformation. In general the more transformed a character becomes, the more their story will open up.
Finances are important in this game. This is true not just for you, but also for other characters. When relevant you will be able to speed up a character's transformation by lending them money, or paying them to work for you. At the beginning of the game your income and expenses will be balanced, but pay particular attention to decisions which will affect this.
There are a number of locations in the game. If you need to visit a certain location or talk to a certain person to advance a main character's plot, a notification will appear either in the right-hand menu or on that character's page.
If you are stuck, try going to sleep! Many events will only become available when you begin a new day. Also, check the journal pages for the characters for help on what to do next.
<<if $player.introComplete>>\
<button type="button" data-passage="$passageName">Go back</button>
<<link [[Start the game!|Visit Desk]]>><</link>>
<</if>>\<img data-passage="ImageLogoCharlotte" width="250"><<if $player.introComplete>>\
<<button [[Your Details|Player Statistics]]>><<if not tags().includes("Sidebar")>><<set $passageName to passage()>><</if>><</button>>
<<button [[Journal|Journal]]>><<set $passageRoute to 1>><<if not tags().includes("Sidebar")>><<set $passageName to passage()>><</if>><</button>>
<<button [[Game Guide|Guide]]>><<if not tags().includes("Sidebar")>><<set $passageName to passage()>><</if>><</button>>
<<button "Saves">><<script>>UI.saves()<</script>><</button>>
<<button "Settings">><<script>>UI.settings()<</script>><</button>>
<<addclass "button" "menu-buttons">>\
<a href="https://discord.gg/yCmGmhj"><img class="no-border-img" data-passage="ImageDiscord" width="150"></a>
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/BimboRoom"><img class="no-border-img" data-passage="ImagePatreon" width="150"></a>
<a href="https://www.subscribestar.adult/bimboroom"><img class="no-border-img" data-passage="ImageSubscribeStar" width="150"></a>
''Version:'' $versionLabel
<<if $devMode>>\
<<link "Restart">><<script>>UI.restart()<</script>><</link>>
<<link [[Test Passage]]>><<set $passageName to passage()>><</link>>
<h3>$player.firstName $player.lastName</h3>
<span class="money">Money</span><img src="Images/UI/Cash.png">: $player.cash
<<if $player.introComplete>>\
<<if $player.fame gte 1>>\
<label for="fame-meter" class="fame">BLC Awareness:</label>
<progress class="fame" id="fame-meter" @value="$player.fame" max="50">\$player.fame</progress>
<label for="fitness-meter" class="fitness">Fitness:</label>
<progress class="fitness" id="fitness-meter" @value="$player.fitness" max="50">\$player.fitness</progress>
<<if $player.introComplete and not (passage() is "Sleep" or passage() is "Weekly Finances") and tags().includes("Location")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lt 23 and $gameDate.getHours() gte 8>><<UIButton "Time">> <</if>><<UIButton "Sleep">>
<<if $player.introComplete>>\
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
Weekly Meeting @ BLC, Friday 18:00
<<if not $bimbos.stella>>Reminder<<else>>Weekly<</if>> Meeting @ Bar, Friday 18:00
<<if $bimbos.stella?.trainingComplete == false>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "Session3")>>\
Meeting Stella @ Bar, Monday 18:00
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stella", "Session6")>>\
Meeting Stella @ Home, Monday 18:00
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "Photoshoot")>>\
Photoshoot with Stella @ Home, 16:00 to 20:00
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "StrippingStart")>>\
Stella Meets Rebeca @ Top Floor Strip Club, 18:00 to 04:00
<<elseif (CheckEvent("Stella", "StrippingTraining") or CheckEvent("Stella", "StrippingTest")) and not CheckEvent("Stella", "Stripper")>>\
Stella Learning to Strip @ Top Floor Strip Club, 18:00 to 04:00
<<if not $bimbos.charlotte?.trainingComplete and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BimboTraining")>>\
Meeting Charlotte @ Home, Wednesday 18:00
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "BimboTraining")>>\
Meet Hang @ Home, Monday 8:00 to 10:00
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym") and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "Surgery")>>\
Stacy's Exercise Group @ BLC, Thursday 18:00
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stacy", "HomeGym") and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "Surgery")>>\
Stacy's Exercise Group @ Home, Thursday 18:00
<<if CheckEvent("Sofia", "BimboTraining")>>\
Meet Mom @ BLC, Saturday 18:00
<<if CheckEvent("June", "BimboTraining") and not CheckEvent("June", "Session10")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("June", "Session5") and not CheckEvent("June", "Session9")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("June", "PhotoShoot5") or not CheckEvent("June", "Session6")>>\
Meet June @ BLC, Tuesday 9:00
Meet June @ Home, Tuesday 9:00
<<if $bimbos.dani and not CheckEvent("Player", "BuildingRenovation")>>\
Meet Dani @ Your Building, Morning
<<if CheckEvent("Tan", "TanEmail") and not CheckEvent("Player", "CouncilMeeting")>>\
Meet Councilmember Hernandez @ Downtown Office, Thursday 10:00
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentLetter") and not CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting")>>\
Attend Co-op Board Meeting @ Home, Tuesday 19:00
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentLetter2") and not CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting2")>>\
Attend next Co-op Board Meeting @ Home, Tuesday 19:00
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting2") and not CheckEvent("Rosa", "BarMeeting")>>\
Look for Rosa @ Bar, Thursday Evening
<<elseif CheckEvent("Priti", "Convince") and CheckEvent("Phil", "Convince") and not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertFired")>>\
Attend special Co-op Board Meeting @ Elaine's, Wednesday 21:00
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "RupertLeave") and not $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
Attend BLC Grand Opening, Saturday
<<if CheckEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay2Email") and not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Convention")>>\
Attend cosplay convention with Natalie, Wednesday Noon
<<if $clients.skylar?.transformLevel is 0 and CheckEvent("Skylar", "Meeting7")>>\
Meet Skylar @ Cosmetic Surgeon, Friday 14:00
<</if>>\:image/jpeg;base64,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'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde20.jpg" width="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde21.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde22.webp" width="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde23.webp" width="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde24.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde25.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde26.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde27.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde28.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde29.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde30.webp" width="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde31.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde32.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde33.webp" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde34.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde35.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde36.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde37.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde38.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde39.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde40.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde41.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde42.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde43.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde44.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde45.jpg" height="600">',
'<img src="Images/Sleep/Blonde46.jpg" height="600">'
$locationText to {
bar: [
"The bar is full of a party of women enjoying themselves. This has been a regular occurrence lately.",
"There have been a lot of classy women turning up to the bar lately.",
"The bar has become a favorite place for the girls to practice the things they learn at BLC meetings.",
"Another aspiring bimbo. You doubt Robert has any complaints.",
"It seems the bar has fully cashed in on catering to the community's bimbo population."
downtown: [
"The downtown park has become such a place of life.",
"There are some quite attractive women frequenting the park nowadays.",
"With more and more women becoming bimbos, of course they'd find a way to make the park more exciting.",
"You love the recreational activities taking place at the park."
gym: [
"The gym has been doing a lot to make the establishment much more female friendly.",
"With the introduction of special programs, they have really cashed in on the new BLC market.",
"You can't stop yourself from ogling at the bimbo working out.",
"It seems the gym is open to many different methods of exercise these days."
coffeedowntown: [
"Judging by the people who work here, this cafe seems to have a type. Young, fit, and attractive",
"The baristas seems to be particularly good looking these days.",
"You like the new uniform choice.",
"Coffee and boobs. Classic combination."
fashionstore: [
"The store seems mostly empty. Early days you suppose.",
"This place seems to have picked up a lot of business recently.",
"A lot of your BLC clients have been frequenting the store; you suspect it has something to do with their new bimbo-oriented clothing line.",
"The best thing about bimbos shopping is they love showing off to whoever is around."
/* Audio */
<<cacheaudio "Remix" "Music/Remix.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "StripClubMusic" "Music/StripClub.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "Subway" "Music/Subway.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "RecText" "Music/RecText.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "SendText" "Music/SendText.mp3">>
/* Global Game Variables */
$versionLabel to "Version";
$gameDate to new Date("2023-01-01T19:30Z");
$devMode to false;
$passageRoute to 0;
$passageName to "";
/* Template Variables */
$player to {
firstName: "",
lastName: "",
fitness: 0,
fame: 0,
cash: 9500,
income: 650,
expenses: 600,
dayCounter: 0,
flags: [],
inventory: [],
gymMembership: 0,
stripClubVisits: 0,
introComplete: false,
unlocks: {
gym: false,
photoStudio: false,
cosmeticSurgeon: false,
building: false,
BLC: false
meetings: {
appearance: 0,
please: 0,
bestSelf: 0,
joy: 0,
care: 0
bimboManualCount: 0,
mortgage: 0
$bimbos to {};
$clients to {};
$npcs to {};
$bimboTemplate to {
bimbo: 0,
slut: 0,
exhibitionist: 0,
happiness: 5,
trainingComplete: false,
dayCounter: 0,
transformLevel: 0,
cash: 0,
debt: 0,
flags: []
$minorTemplate to {
happiness: 5,
transformLevel: 0,
dayCounter: 0,
flags: []
Bimbos (BimboTemplate):
- ana
- charlotte
- analTraining
- exam
- exhibitionistTraining
- modelling
- modellingCount
- photoshoots
- porn
- pornCount
- slutTraining
- stellaTrust
- trust
- trustTraining
- dani
- elaine
- hang
- photography
- profileImage
- training
- june
- bimboTraining
- brat
- exhibitionistTraining
- slutTraining
- natalie
- sofia
- stacy
- timesTrained
- stella
- weeklyHappinessEvent
- tan
NPCs (MinorTemplate):
- elle
- isaac
- jessyka
- kira
- phil
- priti
- rebeca
- rosa
- rupert
- tiffany
- messageCount
- yanovic
Clients (MinorTemplate):
- bethany
- erica
- evelyn
- katie
- lauren
- sarah
- skylar
>><<set _stella to ""; _charlotte to ""; _hang to ""; _sofia to 0; _rosa to true; _designer to ""; _june to "";>>\
Select Stella's path:
<label><<radiobutton "_stella" "BLCEmployee" checked>> BLC Employee</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_stella" "HouseBimbo">> House Bimbo</label>
Select Charlotte's path:
<label><<radiobutton "_charlotte" "Porn" checked>> Porn</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_charlotte" "College">> College</label>
Select Hang's path:
<label><<radiobutton "_hang" "Faithful">> Faithful to Rupert</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_hang" "Girlfriend" checked>> Girlfriend</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_hang" "" checked>> Bimbo</label>
Choose how much surgery your mom has had:
<label><<radiobutton "_sofia" 0 checked>> Minor</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_sofia" 1>> Major</label>
<<if $passageRoute gte 3>>\
<label><<radiobutton "_sofia" 2>> Full</label>
<<if $passageRoute gte 2>>\
Did you choose the good option with Rosa:
<label><<radiobutton "_rosa" true checked>> Yes</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_rosa" false>> No</label>
<<if $passageRoute gte 2>>\
Which renovation designer did you choose:
<label><<radiobutton "_designer" "Elle" checked>> Elle</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_designer" "Kira">> Kira</label>
<<if $passageRoute gte 3>>\
Did you encourage June to be more of a brat or a good sister:
<label><<radiobutton "_june" "Brat">> Brat</label>
<label><<radiobutton "_june" "Bimbo" checked>> Good Sister</label>
/*<label><<radiobutton "_june" "College">> College</label>*/
<<link [[Begin game|Home]]>><<run SetStartPoint(_stella, _charlotte, _hang, _sofia, _june, _rosa, _designer)>><</link>>\/*
Date & Time Widget Definitions
/* Prints the current date ("{weekday} {month} {day}, {year}"). */
<<widget "Date">>\
<<print String.format("{0} {1} {2}, {3}", GameDays[$gameDate.getDay()], GameMonths[$gameDate.getMonth()], $gameDate.getDate(), $gameDate.getFullYear())>>\
/* Prints the current time (24H). */
<<widget "Time">>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getHours()>>:<<if $gameDate.getMinutes() lt 10>>0<</if>><<print $gameDate.getMinutes()>>\
Image Widget Definitions
<<widget "RandomLocationImage">>\
<<if $player.fame gte 10>>\
<<if _args[0] is "Bar">>\
<<set _level to Math.floor($player.fame / 10)>>\
<<if $player.fame gte 50>><<set _level to 4>><<elseif $player.fame gte 35>><<set _level to 3>><<elseif $player.fame gte 25>><<set _level to 2>><<else>><<set _level to 1>><</if>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/Locations/Fame/{0}/Bimbo{1}-{2}.jpg", _args[0], _level, random(1, 4))>>\
<img @src="_imageName" width="600">
<<print $locationText[_args[0].toLowerCase()][_level - 1]>>
/* Journal Event Progress Widget */
<<widget "ProgressImage">>\
<<if _args.length is 0>>\
<<set _imagePath to "Images/UI/Progress/Blank.png">>\
<<elseif _args.length is 1>>\
<<if _args[0] === true>>\
<<set _imagePath to "Images/UI/Progress/Full.png">>\
<<elseif _args[0] === false>>\
<<set _imagePath to "Images/UI/Progress/Empty.png">>\
<<set _imagePath to String.format("Images/UI/Progress/{0}.png", _args[0])>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent(_args[0], _args[1])>>\
<<set _imagePath to "Images/UI/Progress/Full.png">>\
<<set _imagePath to "Images/UI/Progress/Empty.png">>\
<img @src="_imagePath">\
<<widget "JournalEvent">>\
<<if $args.length is 0>>\
<img src="Images/UI/Progress/CU1.png">\
<<elseif $args.length is 1>>\
<<if $args[0]>>\
<img src="Images/UI/Progress/CC1.png">\
<img src="Images/UI/Progress/C1.png">\
<<elseif $args.length is 2>>\
<<if CheckEvent($args[0], $args[1])>>\
<img src="Images/UI/Progress/CC1.png">\
<img src="Images/UI/Progress/C1.png">\
UI Button Widget
- _args[0]: Id of button to display. Default text for non-defined buttons.
- _args[1]: Custom button text (Non-defined buttons only).
- _args[2]: Custom CSS to apply to button (Non-defined buttons only).
- _args[3]: Data setter script to run when button clicked (Non-defined buttons only).
<<widget "UIButton">>\
<<switch _args[0]>>\
<<case "Sleep">>\
<button class="round-button" data-passage="Sleep" title="End Day"><img src="Images/UI/Buttons/Sleep.png"></button>\
<<case "Time">>\
<<set _p to passage()>>
<<button [img[Advance time by 1 hour|Images/UI/Buttons/+1.png][_p]]>><<set AddHours(1)>><</button>>\
<<case "Return">>\
<button @data-passage="$passageName">Return</button>
<<case "BLC">>\
<button class="round-button" data-passage="BLC"><img src="Images/UI/Buttons/BLC.png"></button>\
<<case "Home">>\
<button class="round-button" data-passage="Home"><img src="Images/UI/Buttons/Home.png"></button>\
<<case "Drink">>\
<button class="round-button" data-passage="Bartender" data-setter="$passageRoute to 1"><img src="Images/UI/Buttons/Drink.png"></button>\
<<case "Coffee">>\
<button class="round-button" data-passage="Coffee Shop" data-setter="$passageRoute to 2"><img src="Images/UI/Buttons/Coffee.png"></button>\
<<case "DowntownCoffee">>\
<button class="round-button" data-passage="Black-Rock Coffee Shop" data-setter="$passageRoute to 2"><img src="Images/UI/Buttons/Coffee.png"></button>\
<<case "Workout">>\
<button class="round-button" data-passage="Home Gym" data-setter="$passageRoute to 2"><img src="Images/UI/Buttons/Workout.png"></button>\
<<case "DowntownWorkout">>\
<button class="round-button" data-passage="Body Werx" data-setter="$passageRoute to 5"><img src="Images/UI/Buttons/Workout.png"></button>\
<<if $args.length is 4>>\
<button @class="$args[2]" @data-passage="$args[0]" @data-setter="$args[3]">$args[1]</button>
<<elseif $args.length is 3>>\
<button @class="$args[2]" @data-passage="$args[0]">$args[1]</button>
<<elseif $args.length is 2>>\
<button @data-passage="$args[0]">$args[1]</button>
<button @data-passage="$args[0]">$args[0]</button>
UI Navigation Image Widget
- _args[0]: Id of image to display.
<<widget "UINavigation">>\
<<switch _args[0]>>\
<<case "Home">>\
<a data-passage="Home"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/Home.jpg" title="Home"></a>\
<<case "Sleep">>\
<a data-passage="Sleep"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/Bedroom.jpg" title="End day"></a>\
<<case "SkipDay">>\
<a data-passage="Sleep"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/SkipDay.jpg" title="Skip day"></a>\
<<case "Bedroom">>\
<a data-passage="Bedroom"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/Bedroom.jpg" title="Bedroom"></a>\
<<case "HomeGym">>\
<<if $player.unlocks.gym>>\
<a data-passage="Home Gym" data-setter="$passageRoute to 1"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/HomeGym.jpg" title="Home Gym"></a>\
<img class="link-image-grey" src="Images/UI/Navigation/HomeGym.jpg" title="You can renovate this room into a gym from your study.">\
<<case "PhotoStudio">>\
<<if $player.unlocks.photoStudio>>\
<a data-passage="Home Photo Studio"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/HomePhotoStudio.jpg" title="Home Photo Studio"></a>\
<img class="link-image-grey" src="Images/UI/Navigation/HomePhotoStudio.jpg" title="You can renovate this room into a photo studio from your study.">\
<<case "Study">>\
<a data-passage="Study"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/Study.jpg" title="Study"></a>\
<<case "BLC">>\
<<if $player.unlocks.building>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "RenovationComplete")>>\
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<a data-passage="BLC Headquarters"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/BLCElle.jpg" title="BLC"></a>\
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<a data-passage="BLC Headquarters"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/BLCKira.jpg" title="BLC"></a>\
<a data-passage="BLC Headquarters"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/Building.jpg" title="Your Building"></a>\
<img class="link-image-grey" src="Images/UI/Navigation/Building.jpg" title="Continue with the main story to unlock this location.">\
<<case "Outside">>\
<a data-passage="Outside"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/Outside.jpg" title="Outside Your Apartment"></a>\
<<case "Bar">>\
<<if BetweenTime(4, 13)>>\
<img class="link-image-grey" src="Images/UI/Navigation/Bar.jpg" title="The Squeaky Bunker bar is open between 14:00 - 04:00.">\
<a data-passage="Bar"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/Bar.jpg" title="The Squeaky Bunker Bar"></a>\
<<case "CoffeeShop">>\
<<if BetweenTime(8, 19)>>\
<a data-passage="Coffee Shop" data-setter="$passageRoute to 1"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/CoffeeShop.jpg" title="Henrique's Coffee Shop"></a>\
<img class="link-image-grey" src="Images/UI/Navigation/CoffeeShop.jpg" title="Henrique's coffee shop is open between 08:00 - 20:00.">\
<<case "Subway">>\
<a data-passage="Subway"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/Subway.jpg" title="Subway"></a>\
<<case "CosmeticSurgeon">>\
<<if $player.unlocks.cosmeticSurgeon>>\
<<if BetweenTime(9, 18)>>\
<a data-passage="Cosmetic Surgeon"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/CosmeticSurgeon.jpg" title="Cosmetic Surgeon"></a>\
<img class="link-image-grey" src="Images/UI/Navigation/CosmeticSurgeon.jpg" title="The cosmetic surgeon is open between 09:00 - 19:00.">\
<img class="link-image-grey" src="Images/UI/Navigation/CosmeticSurgeon.jpg" title="Continue with the main story to unlock this location.">\
<<case "StripClub">>\
<<if BetweenTime(4, 17)>>\
<img class="link-image-grey" src="Images/UI/Navigation/StripClub.jpg" title="The Top Floor Strip Club is open between 18:00 - 04:00.">\
<a data-passage="Top Floor Strip Club" data-setter="$passageRoute to 1"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/StripClub.jpg" title="Top Floor Strip Club"></a>\
<<case "Downtown">>\
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "CouncilMeeting")>>\
<a data-passage="Downtown"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/Downtown.jpg" title="Downtown"></a>\
<img class="link-image-grey" src="Images/UI/Navigation/Downtown.jpg" title="Continue with the main story to unlock this location.">\
<<case "DowntownGym">>\
<<if BetweenTime(8, 19)>>\
<a data-passage="Body Werx" data-setter="$passageRoute to 1"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/DowntownGym.jpg" title="Body Werx Gym"></a>\
<img class="link-image-grey" src="Images/UI/Navigation/DowntownGym.jpg" title="Body Werx gym is open between 08:00 - 20:00.">\
<<case "DowntownCoffeeShop">>\
<<if BetweenTime(8, 19)>>\
<a data-passage="Black-Rock Coffee Shop" data-setter="$passageRoute to 1"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/DowntownCoffeeShop.jpg" title="Black-Rock Coffee Shop"></a>\
<img class="link-image-grey" src="Images/UI/Navigation/DowntownCoffeeShop.jpg" title="Black-Rock coffee shop is open between 08:00 - 20:00.">\
<<case "FashionShop">>\
<a data-passage="Modern Fashion"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/FashionShop.jpg" title="Modern Fashion"></a>\
<<case "Townhall">>\
<<if BetweenTime(9, 16) and not GameDayIs("Saturday") and not GameDayIs("Sunday")>>\
<a data-passage="Hernandez District Office"><img src="Images/UI/Navigation/Townhall.jpg" title="Hernandez's District Office"></a>\
<img class="link-image-grey" src="Images/UI/Navigation/Townhall.jpg" title="Hernandez's district office is open 09:00 - 16:00, Monday - Friday.">\
UI Event Image Widget
- _args[0]: Is this an active link.
- _args[1]: If _args[0] is true, the game passage the image links to. If _args[0] is false, the id of event character.
- _args[2]: If _args[0] is true, the id of event character. This is used to determine the image and name displayed. If _args[0] is false, custom text for image.
- _args[3]: (Optioinal) Custom text for image.
<<widget "UIEvent">>\
<<if _args[0]>>\
<<if _args.length is 4>><<set _title to _args[3]>><<else>><<set _title to _args[2]>><</if>>\
<a @data-passage="_args[1]" data-setter="$passageRoute to 1"><img @src="GetJournalImagePath(_args[2])" width="80" @title="_title"></a>\
<img class="link-image-grey" @src="GetJournalImagePath(_args[1])" width="80" @title="_args[2]">\
<</widget>>\<<if $bimbos.ana.transformLevel is 2>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.ana.transformLevel is 1>>\
<<if $bimbos.ana.bimbo gte 50>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.ana.bimbo gte 36>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.ana.bimbo gte 26>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.ana.bimbo gte 16>>\
<<if $bimbos.ana.bimbo gte 16>>\
<h2>Ana Lavoie</h2>
You first met Ana at your local coffee shop. She has a laid-back and down-to-earth attitude which you find refreshing.
<<if CheckEvent("Ana", "Hairdresser")>>\
Ana has finally found a job she likes as a hairdresser.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Ana", "CoffeeShopVisit2")>>\
Ana has been fired from the coffee shop due to her new looks. She is currently looking for a new career.
Ana works at your local coffee shop.
/*Strip club */
<<if $bimbos.ana.transformLevel is 1>>\
Ana has big, fake tits.
Ana has a big, fake ass.
Ana has small, natural tits.
Ana has a small, natural ass.
Ana has big, natural lips.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<ProgressImage "Ana" "BimboTalk">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "CharlotteMeet">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "Sunglasses">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "StreetChat">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "Hair">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "Clothing">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "Raffle">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "RaffleWinner">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "OperationText">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "AnaText">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "AnaReturnText">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "CoffeeShopVisit">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "CoffeeShopVisit2">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "OtherCoffeeShop">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "TripReturn">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "ParkDate">><<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>><<ProgressImage "Ana" "BuildingVisit">><</if>><<ProgressImage "Ana" "StripClubText">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "StripClubRebecaText">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "StripClub">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "Hairdresser">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "HouseVisit">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "TransformVisit">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "TransformMeeting">><<ProgressImage "Ana" "TransformText">><<if $bimbos.ana.transformLevel gte 2>><<ProgressImage "Ana" "TransformText">><<else>><<ProgressImage "Ana" "End">><</if>>
<<if $bimbos.ana.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Ana's next event will be available in <<print $bimbos.ana.dayCounter>> <<if $bimbos.ana.dayCounter is 1>>day<<else>>days<</if>>.
<<if not CheckEvent("Ana", "BimboTalk")>>\
<<if $player.fame gte 6>>\
Visit Ana at the coffee shop.
You need to increase the awareness of BLC for Ana to start noticing your new cliental.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "CharlotteMeet")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte?.trainingComplete>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery")>>\
Wait for Charlotte to recover from surgery.
Visit Ana at the coffee shop.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte>>\
You need to complete Charlotte's bimbo training before progressing with Ana.
You need to concentrate on Stella's progression before concerning yourself with other bimbos.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "Sunglasses")>>\
Visit Ana at the coffee shop.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "StreetChat")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Tan", "BarChat")>>\
Visit Ana at the coffee shop.
Continue to progress with Tan.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "Hair") or not CheckEvent("Ana", "Clothing") or not CheckEvent("Ana", "Raffle")>>\
Visit Ana at the coffee shop.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "RaffleWinner")>>\
Go to sleep to call Ana.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "OperationText") or not CheckEvent("Ana", "AnaText") or not CheckEvent("Ana", "AnaReturnText")>>\
Go to sleep to receive a text from Ana.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "CoffeeShopVisit")>>\
Visit the coffee shop to see Ana's new look.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "CoffeeShopVisit2")>>\
Visit the coffee shop again.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "OtherCoffeeShop")>>\
Visit the Black-Rock coffee shop downtown to find Ana.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "TripReturn")>>\
Ana will text you at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "ParkDate")>>\
Meet Ana at home to go to the park.
<<elseif not $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
Continue with the main story in order to progress with Ana.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Elaine", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Elaine needs to be working for you in order to progress with Ana.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College") and not CheckEvent("Ana", "BuildingVisit")>>\
Continue to visit your home to find Ana visiting Charlotte one day.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "StripClubText")>>\
Go to sleep to receive a text from Ana.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "StripClubRebecaText")>>\
One of these days Rebeca will text you at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "StripClub")>>\
Meet Ana in the evening either from home or the Top Floor strip club.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "Hairdresser")>>\
Visit Ana at the new salon downtown.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "HouseVisit")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "PornThreesome")>>\
Ana will visit your home next Sunday afternoon.
You need to progress with Han's story in order to continue with Ana.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "TransformVisit")>>\
Wait at least a month and Ana will visit you at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "TransformMeeting")>>\
Ana is going to attend your weekly meeting.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "TransformText")>>\
Text Ana from your home.
<<elseif $bimbos.ana.transformLevel lt 2>>\
Ana will visit you at home.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<switch $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel>>\
<<case 2>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StatTransformFull.jpg" width="600">
<<case 1>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StatCollege.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 50>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StatTransform3.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 36>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StatTransform2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StatTransform1.jpg" height="600">
<<case 0>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 50>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Stat6.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 36>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Stat5.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 26>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Stat4.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 16>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Stat3.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 6>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Stat2.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 0>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Stat1.jpg" height="600">
<h2>Charlotte Jackson</h2>
What can you say about Charlotte? She is Stella's daughter. Just out of school, and equal parts sweetheart, sex kitten and naive.
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
Charlotte has decided to attend college.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.porn isnot undefined>>\
Charlotte has decided to give up on college and pursue a career in porn instead.
<<switch $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel>>\
<<case 2>>\
Charlotte has huge, fake tits.
Charlotte has a big, fake ass.
Charlotte has big, fake lips.
<<case 1>>\
Charlotte has big, fake tits.
Charlotte has a big, fake ass.
Charlotte has big, fake lips.
<<case 0>>\
Charlotte has small, natural tits.
Charlotte has a small, natural ass.
Charlotte has large, natural lips.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="charlotte-bimbo-meter" @value="$bimbos.charlotte.bimbo" max="50">$bimbos.charlotte.bimbo</progress>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 50>>\
Charlotte is now the ultimate bimbo. A true masterpiece.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 36>>\
Charlotte loves being a bimbo. She has fully embraced the lifestyle and is never going back.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 26>>\
Charlotte is now a fully fledged bimbo. She lives according to the bimbo principles with a great enthusiasm.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 16>>\
Charlotte has made good progress. She is on the path to her best self.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 6>>\
Charlotte has started to show some interest in the lifestyle. She is a bimbo in the making.
Charlotte does not know anything about what a bimbo is.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="charlotte-slut-meter" @value="$bimbos.charlotte.slut" max="50">$bimbos.charlotte.slut</progress>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 50>>\
A self proclaimed fuckdoll, Charlotte lives for sex.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 36>>\
Charlotte loves sex, and will centre her life around being as sexy as possible.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 26>>\
Charlotte is a very different person from the one you first met; even she would call herself a slut.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 16>>\
It is being clear that behind the cuteness and naivety, Charlotte is a slut in the making.
Charlotte has no sexual experience at all.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="charlotte-exhibitionist-meter" @value="$bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist" max="50">$bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist</progress>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 50>>\
Charlotte has no inhibitions whatsoever.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 36>>\
Charlotte is no longer shy about anything. She loves walking around naked for the world to see.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 26>>\
It is clear to the world what kind of woman Charlotte is, and she does everything possible to live up to it.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 16>>\
Charlotte is becoming more adventurous. She likes the attention the lifestyle brings.
Charlotte has a flirty side, but is still quite shy about anything sexual.
<progress class="progress-big fitness" id="charlotte-trust-meter" @value="$bimbos.charlotte.trust" max="50">$bimbos.charlotte.trust</progress>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust gte 50>>\
Charlotte trusts you completely.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.trust gte 36>>\
Charlotte is almost totally trusting of you.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.trust gte 26>>\
Charlotte is very trusting of you.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.trust gte 16>>\
Charlotte is quite trusting of you.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.trust gt 1>>\
Charlotte is slightly trusting of you.
Charlotte is not at all trusting of you.
<progress class="progress-big fitness" id="charlotte-stella-meter" @value="$bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust" max="5">$bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust</progress>
<<switch $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust>>\
<<case 5>>\
Stella knows all about you and Charlotte and is very happy about it.
<<case 4>>\
Stella is happy with you and Charlotte working together.
<<case 3>>\
Stella is generally supportive of your involvement in Charlotte's life, but is still a little concerned.
<<case 2>>\
Stella is quite wary of your involvement in Charlotte's life, but is beginning to think that it could be positive.
<<case 1>>\
Stella is very suspicious of your involvement in Charlotte's life, but is beginning to accept it.
<<case 0>>\
Stella is totally unaccepting of you being involved in Charlotte's life.
Charlotte has $<<print $bimbos.charlotte.cash>>.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.debt gt 0>>\
Charlotte owes $<<print $bimbos.charlotte.debt>> in debt.
<<if $player.cash gte 1000>>\
<<link [[Pay $1,000 off Charlotte's loan|Charlotte Statistics]]>><<set $player.cash -= 1000>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.debt -= 1000>><<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust lt 50>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.trust += 1>><</if>><</link>>
You do not have $1,000 to help pay off Charlotte's debt.
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "ModelTalk">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "GoOutTalk">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "StellaBoobTalk">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "CharlotteBoobTalk">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "ImplantTalk">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "Finances">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "BimboAdvice">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "BimboOpinion">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "ImplantsDecision">>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel gte 1>><<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "ImplantsDecision">><<else>><<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "Surgery">><</if>>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "SurgeryStellaEmail">>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel gte 1>><<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "ImplantsDecision">><<else>><<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "StellaImplantTalk">><</if>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "PornstarInterest">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "PornstarText">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "PornstarText2">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "PornstarText3">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "PornFirstTime">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "FirstLesson">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "SecondLesson">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "ThirdLesson">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "FourthLesson">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "FifthLesson">>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trainingComplete>><<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "FifthLesson">><<else>><<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "BLCLogo">><</if>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "CollegeEnrollment">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "CollegeFirstDay">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "CollegeFriend">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "CollegeFriendHeather">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "CollegeMoney">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "CollegeClub1">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "CollegeClub2">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "CollegeClub3">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "CollegeClub4">>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>><<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "SecondImplants">><<else>><<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "Surgery">><</if>>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "BLCEmployeeStart">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "BLCPhotos">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "BLCLogo">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "StellaFindsPanties">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "StellaFindsCamera">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "StellaCharlotteFlash">>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "CollegeRent">>\
<<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "CollegeMagazine">>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Charlotte's next event will be available in <<print $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter>> <<if $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter is 1>>day<<else>>days<</if>>.
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ModelTalk")>>\
Talk to Charlotte when she comes over to work.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "GoOutTalk")>>\
<<if ($bimbos.charlotte.trust lt 24 and $bimbos.charlotte.slut lt 16) or ($bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lt 24 and $bimbos.charlotte.trust lt 16) or ($bimbos.charlotte.slut lt 24 and $bimbos.charlotte.trust lt 16)>>\
You need to increase Charlotte's attitude. Continue to invite her over to work.
Have Charlotte work at your home, and invite her out.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stella", "GoOutTalk")>>\
Be at home to receive an e-mail from Stella.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaBoobTalk")>>\
You need to progress with Stella's story in order to continue with Charlotte.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CharlotteBoobTalk")>>\
Talk to Charlotte when she comes over to work.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "HappinessDinner")>>\
Talk to Stella at your desk and then take her out to dinner.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaDinnerEmail")>>\
Talk to Charlotte when she comes over to work.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Finances")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 16>>\
Talk to Charlotte when she comes over to work.
Charlotte needs to be more of a bimbo to progress her story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BimboAdvice")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 19>>\
Talk to Charlotte when she comes over to work.
Charlotte needs to be more of a bimbo to progress her story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BimboOpinion")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 24>>\
Talk to Charlotte when she comes over to work.
Charlotte needs to be more of a bimbo to progress her story.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.trust lt 25>>\
Charlotte needs to trust you more to progress her story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ImplantsDecision")>>\
Invite Charlotte over to have some fun.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.slut lt 16>>\
Charlotte needs to be more of a slut to progress her story.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 0>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "SurgeryStellaEmail")>>\
Wait for Stella to e-mail you at home.
Wait for Charlotte to contact you at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaImplantTalk")>>\
Go to sleep to meet Stella in the morning.
<<elseif not $bimbos.charlotte.trainingComplete>>\
Meet Charlotte at your home Wednesday at 18:00 for bimbo coaching.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeFriendHeather")>>\
Charlotte will continue to want to update you at home about college each week.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeMoney")>>\
Find Charlotte at home during the day.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel lt 2>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery")>>\
Wait for Charlotte to recover from surgery.
Go and see Dr. Yanovic about Charlotte getting new implants.
<<elseif not $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
You need to progress with the main story in order to continue with Charlotte.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BLCLogo")>>\
Talk to Charlotte during the day at home.
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Finances")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College") and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "PornstarText3")>>\
Go to sleep to receive an e-mail from Charlotte about porn.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.porn is undefined>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 35 and $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 35>>\
Talk to Charlotte when she comes over to work about doing porn.
You need to increase Charlotte's stats to have her do porn.
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaFindsPanties")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionistTraining gte 4>>\
Go to sleep to receive an e-mail from Stella.
Continue to invite Charlotte over to have some fun.
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaFindsCamera")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slutTraining gte 4>>\
Go to sleep to receive an e-mail from Stella.
Continue to invite Charlotte over to have some fun.
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaCharlotteFlash")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 23>>\
Go to sleep to receive an e-mail from Stella.
Continue to invite Charlotte over to have some fun.
You can invite Charlotte over to work at your home in the morning.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.modelling isnot undefined or $bimbos.charlotte.porn isnot undefined>>\
You can manage Charlotte's career from your desk.
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeMoney")>>\
Charlotte can work at Top Floor Strip Club for money.
On the first day of every month, you can collect rent from Charlotte.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<if CheckEvent("Erica", "MeetingTease")>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Erica", "MeetingFlash")>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Erica", "CoachingEmail")>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Erica", "FitnessEmail")>>\
<h2>Erica Holz</h2>
Erica has been attending your weekly meetings and has quickly become a central figure amongst a group of aspiring bimbos. A good friend of Stacy's, she has a naturally voluptuous figure that many women spend many years of hard work to achieve.
<<if CheckEvent("Erica", "CoachingEmail")>>\
She has grown a lot more confident in herself attending BLC session.<<if CheckEvent("Erica", "MeetingFlash")>> Even flashing you in public.<</if>>
Erica has large, natural tits.
Erica has a large, natural ass.
Erica has small, natural lips.
<<ProgressImage "Erica" "FitnessEmail">>\
<<ProgressImage "Erica" "StacyEmail">>\
<<ProgressImage "Erica" "CoachingEmail">>\
<<ProgressImage "Erica" "MeetingFlash">>\
<<if $clients.erica.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Erica's next event will be available in <<print $clients.erica.dayCounter>> day<<if $clients.erica.dayCounter gt 1>>s<</if>>.
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "FitnessEmail")>>\
<<if $player.fame gte 5>>\
Be at home to receive an e-mail from Erica.
You need to increase the awareness of BLC before you can continue Erica's story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Erica", "CoachingEmail")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "NakedGym")>>\
Be at home to receive an e-mail from Erica.
You need to progress with Stacy's story before you can continue Erica's story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "CouncilMeeting")>>\
You need to progress with the main story before you can continue Erica's story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Tan", "BLCAttend3") or (CheckEvent("Hang", "HangDrunk") and not CheckEvent("Tan", "FirstNight"))>>\
You need to progress with Hang's story before you can continue Erica's story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Erica", "MeetingFlash")>>\
Attend the next weekly BLC meeting.
<span class="tiffany-text"><h4>Unlocked Repeatable Events</h4></span>
<<ProgressImage "Erica" "MeetingFlash">>\
<<if CheckEvent("Erica", "MeetingFlash")>>\
Erica can be found attending weekly BLC activities.
<<UIButton "Journal">>[img[Images/Clients/Evelyn/Stat1.jpg]]
Evelyn is a middle-aged woman who came to Bimbo Life Coaching hoping it will fix her marriage.
Katie has small, natural tits.
Katie has a small, natural ass.
Katie has small, natural lips.
<<if $clients.evelyn.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Evelyn's next event will be available in <<print $clients.evelyn.dayCounter>> day<<if $clients.evelyn.dayCounter gt 1>>s<</if>>.
<<UIButton "Journal">>[img[Images/Clients/Katie/Stat1.jpg]]
Katie is a sexy girl who has been attending Stacy's exercise sessions.
Katie has large, fake tits.
Katie has a large, natural ass.
Katie has large, natural lips.
<<ProgressImage "Katie" "WorkoutGym">>\
<<ProgressImage "Katie" "Bootycall">>\
<<if $clients.katie.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Katie's next event will be available in <<print $clients.katie.dayCounter>> day<<if $clients.katie.dayCounter gt 1>>s<</if>>.
<<if not CheckEvent("Katie", "WorkoutGym")>>\
Meet Katie at the next BLC gym session.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Katie", "Bootycall")>>\
Meet Katie at your home.
<span class="tiffany-text"><h4>Unlocked Repeatable Events</h4></span>
<<ProgressImage "Katie" "Bootycall">>\
<<if CheckEvent("Katie", "Bootycall")>>\
You can invite Katie over for a booty call from your bedroom.
<<UIButton "Journal">>[img[Images/Clients/Lauren/Meet.jpg]]
Lauren has come to you after being dumped by her fiancé. You're not quite sure if her motivation is healthy however.
Lauren has small, natural tits.
Lauren has a small, toned ass.
Lauren has small, natural lips.
<<ProgressImage "Lauren" "FirstMeeting">>\
<<ProgressImage "Lauren" "Meeting2">>\
<<if $clients.lauren.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Lauren's next event will be available in <<print $clients.lauren.dayCounter>> day<<if $clients.lauren.dayCounter gt 1>>s<</if>>.
<<if not CheckEvent("Lauren", "Meeting2")>>\
Meet Sarah for her appointment at BLC.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<if $clients.sarah.transformLevel gt 0>>\
Sarah is a professional trainer and fitness guru you meet at the gym.
<<if $clients.sarah.transformLevel gte 1>>\
Sarah has big, fake tits.
Sarah has small, natural tits.
Sarah has a small, toned ass.
Sarah has small, natural lips.
<<ProgressImage "Sarah" "BeginTraining">>\
<<if $clients.sarah.happiness gte 10>><<ProgressImage true>><<else>><<ProgressImage false>><</if>>\
<<if $clients.sarah.happiness gte 15>><<ProgressImage true>><<else>><<ProgressImage false>><</if>>\
<<if $clients.sarah.transformLevel gt 0>><<ProgressImage true>><<else>><<ProgressImage false>><</if>>\
<<if $clients.sarah.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Sarah's next event will be available in <<print $clients.sarah.dayCounter>> <<if $clients.sarah.dayCounter gt 1>>s<</if>>.
<<if $clients.sarah.transformLevel is 0>>\
Meet Sarah at the Body Werx gym downtown.
<<UIButton "Journal">>[img[Images/Clients/Skylar/Email.jpg]]
You met Skylar at the BLC grand opening. It will be interesting to see what happens in the future.
Skylar has large, natural tits.
Skylar has a large, natural ass.
Skylar has small, natural lips.
<<ProgressImage "Skylar" "Email2">>\
<<ProgressImage "Skylar" "Email3">>\
<<ProgressImage "Skylar" "Email4">>\
<<ProgressImage "Skylar" "Email5">>\
<<ProgressImage "Skylar" "Meeting6">>\
<<ProgressImage "Skylar" "Meeting7">>\
<<if $clients.skylar.transformLevel is 1>><<ProgressImage true>><<else>><<ProgressImage false>><</if>>\
<<ProgressImage "Skylar" "PostTransform">>\
<<if $clients.skylar.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Skylar's next event will be available in <<print $clients.skylar.dayCounter>> day<<if $clients.skylar.dayCounter gt 1>>s<</if>>.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Skylar", "Meeting6")>>\
Meet Skylar at BLC.
<<elseif $clients.skylar.transformLevel is 0>>\
Meet Skylar at the cosmetic surgeon on Friday, 14:00.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Skylar", "PostTransform")>>\
Meet Skylar at BLC.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<if $bimbos.dani.bimbo gte 50>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.dani.bimbo gte 36>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.dani.bimbo gte 26>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.dani.bimbo gte 16>>\
<h2>Dani Mathers</h2>
You met Dani as a former student of Stella. A bubbly and joyful person by nature, Dani is already more of a bimbo than most people. It's no wonder she wants to be part of BLC.
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
Dani has a big crush on you. She even gave you a blowjob at the grand opening.
You have offered Dani a job working for BLC. She seems quite excited about it.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Dani", "Cleaning")>>\
You're beginning to think Dani might have a crush on you.
<<if $bimbos.dani.transformLevel is 1>>\
Dani has large, natural tits.
Dani has a huge, natural ass.
Dani has large, natural lips.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<ProgressImage "Dani" "DaniMeeting">><<ProgressImage "Dani" "Cleaning">><<ProgressImage "Dani" "BLCEmployeeStart">><<ProgressImage "Dani" "BLCEmployeeStart">>
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "BuildingRenovation")>>\
Meet Dani at your new building in the morning.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Dani", "BLCEmployeeStart")>>\
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
Meet Dani at BLC headquarters between 16:00 - 18:00.
You need to progress with the main story in order to continue with Dani.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "BimboPath")>>\
<<if $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 50>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Stat5.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 36>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Stat4.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 26>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Stat3.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 16>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Stat2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Stat1.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Partner.jpg" height="600">
<h2>Elaine Kennedy</h2>
You first met Elaine as the treasurer of the Co-Op board. She has left her career as a doctor to become VP of Bimbo Life Coaching. Her keen intellect and dedication make her perfect for the position. The fact that she is gorgeous and flirtatious is a bonus.
<<if $bimbos.elaine.transformLevel is 1>>\
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
Elaine has big, fake tits.
Elaine has big, 'natural' tits.
Elaine has a big, natural ass.
Elaine has large, natural lips.
<<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "BimboPath")>>\
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="elaine-bimbo-meter" @value="$bimbos.elaine.bimbo" max="50">$bimbos.elaine.bimbo</progress>
<<if $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 50>>\
Once the most professional person you knew, Elaine is as much a bimbo as any of the other girls.
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 36>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 26>>\
It's quite surprising how much Elaine has embraced this new side of her.
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 16>>\
Although She doesn't quite understand the bimbo lifestyle, at least Elaine is more accepting of those who practice it.
Elaine has always concentrated on her career. The idea of being a bimbo has never occurred to her.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="elaine-slut-meter" @value="$bimbos.elaine.slut" max="50">$bimbos.elaine.slut</progress>
<<if $bimbos.elaine.slut gte 50>>\
Elaine is the cock-crazed, bimbo VP of BLC you all love.
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.slut gte 36>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.slut gte 26>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.slut gte 16>>\
You've found out Elaine has a bit of a wild past. Even better, she wants to return to it.
Elaine has never really had time to consider her sex life.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="elaine-exhibitionist-meter" @value="$bimbos.elaine.exhibitionist" max="50">$bimbos.elaine.exhibitionist</progress>
<<if $bimbos.elaine.exhibitionist gte 50>>\
Elaine, always ready to show off her tits as an example to other up-and-coming bimbos.
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.exhibitionist gte 36>>\
Even the idea of being naked in public no longer holds any issues for Elaine.
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.exhibitionist gte 26>>\
From sexy poses to openly talking about sex; Elaine has come out of her shell quite a bit.
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.exhibitionist gte 16>>\
Elaine doesn't quite mind so much others seeing a more relaxed side of her.
The idea of anything threatening her public image is abhorrent to Elaine.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<ProgressImage "Elaine" "OfficeMeeting">><<ProgressImage "Elaine" "BimboPath">><<ProgressImage "Elaine" "GymNaked">><<ProgressImage "Elaine" "Blowjob">>
<<if $bimbos.elaine.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Elaine's next event will be available in <<print $bimbos.elaine.dayCounter>> <<if $bimbos.elaine.dayCounter is 1>>day<<else>>days<</if>>.
<<if not $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
You need to progress with the main story in order to continue with Elaine.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Elaine", "OfficeMeeting")>>\
Meet with Elaine at your home on the weekend.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Elaine", "BimboPath")>>\
Talk to Elaine at your next BLC weekly meeting.
<<if not CheckEvent("Elaine", "GymNaked")>>\
<<if $bimbos.elaine.exhibitionist gte 30>>\
Talk to Elaine at Stacy's next workout session.
Elaine needs to be more of an exhibitionist to continue her story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Elaine", "Blowjob")>>\
<<if $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 30>>\
Visit BLC headquarters in the afternoon.
Elaine needs to be more of a bimbo to continue her story.
You can find Elaine attending weekly BLC activities.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<if $bimbos.hang.transformLevel is 1>>\
<<if $bimbos.hang.bimbo gte 50>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/StatTransform5.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.bimbo gte 36>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/StatTransform4.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.bimbo gte 26>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/StatTransform3.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.bimbo gte 16>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/StatTransform2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/StatTransform1.jpg" height="600">
<<if $bimbos.hang.bimbo gte 50>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Stat5.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.bimbo gte 36>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Stat4.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.bimbo gte 26>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Stat3.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.bimbo gte 16>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Stat2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Stat1.jpg" height="600">
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "NameChange")>>\
<h2>Hang Duong</h2>
<h2>Hang Cosgrove</h2>
Hang is an interesting woman. Having moved from Vietnam several years ago, she has adapted to life in America quite well. Although quiet and shy, Hang does have a wild side, with a past of going out dancing and sporting tattoos.
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Girlfriend")>>\
Hang is now living with you as your amazing bimbo girlfriend.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.trainingComplete and CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
Hang has decided to stop the coaching, and is focusing on her marriage to Rupert. You can still see Hang at Henrique's, but for now, at least, Hang is out of your reach.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.trainingComplete>>\
Hang has returned from Vietnam transformed. Huge fake tits, fake lips, a new face. Her coaching to behave like a bimbo isn't complete, but she certainly looks like one now.
Hang is married to Rupert Cosgrove, whom she met through her church.
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Photography")>>\
<<if $bimbos.hang.photography gte 3>>\
Hang loves her new hobby as your personal photography muse.
Hang is tentatively taking part in some photo shoots with you.
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "LesbianPorn")>>\
Hang has had her first taste of porn. Time will tell where this leads.
<progress class="progress-big fitness" id="hang-happiness-meter" @value="$bimbos.hang.happiness" max="5">$bimbos.hang.happiness</progress>
<<switch $bimbos.hang.happiness>>\
<<case 5>>\
Hang loves you.
<<case 4>>\
Hang likes you very much.
<<case 3>>\
Hang does not think badly of you.
<<case 2>>\
Hang is indifferent to you.
<<if $bimbos.hang.transformLevel is 1>>\
Hang has big, fake tits.
Hang has a big, fake ass.
Hang has big, fake lips.
Hang has small, natural tits.
Hang has a small, natural ass.
Hang has small, natural lips.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="hang-bimbo-meter" @value="$bimbos.hang.bimbo" max="50">$bimbos.hang.bimbo</progress>
<<if $bimbos.hang.bimbo gte 50>>\
Her training complete, Hang is now the sexy bimbo she was meant to be.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.bimbo gte 36>>\
Now a bimbo in the making, Hang loves her new outlook on life.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.bimbo gte 26>>\
There is something different about Hang. She might actually now want to become a bimbo.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.bimbo gte 16>>\
Hang has might not wish to be a full bimbo, but her coaching is showing great results.
Raised in a conservative environment, Hang has never considered being a bimbo.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="hang-slut-meter" @value="$bimbos.hang.slut" max="50">$bimbos.hang.slut</progress>
<<if $bimbos.hang.slut gte 50>>\
Hang loves being a slutty, sex bomb; and there's no two ways about it.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.slut gte 36>>\
You didn't think you would get this far, but Hang is truly embracing her sluttiness.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.slut gte 26>>\
While not fully embracing her sexuality, Hang is certainly making progress.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.slut gte 16>>\
Hang is now feeling a bit more confident with herself.
Whilst Hang wishes to be sexy, she does not yet have the confidence.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="hang-exhibitionist-meter" @value="$bimbos.hang.exhibitionist" max="50">$bimbos.hang.exhibitionist</progress>
<<if $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist gte 50>>\
Hang has taken the last step and shown her body for the world to see.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist gte 36>>\
Hang truly feel comfortable with herself, even to the point of having sex in front of others.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist gte 26>>\
Feeling more confident in herself, Hang has begun to display her femininity.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist gte 16>>\
Hang is beginning to understand she has to be comfortable with her body.
Hang isn't very comfortable with public displays of sexuality.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<ProgressImage "Hang" "MeetCoffeeShop" 2>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "MeetSubway" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "CoffeeDate" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "CoffeeDate2" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "HangDrunk" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "FirstTraining" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "SecondTraining" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "ThirdTraining" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "FourthTraining" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "FifthSession" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "SixthSession" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "SeventhSession" 3>><<if $bimbos.hang.trainingComplete>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "SexSessions" 3>><<else>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "Vietnam" 3>><</if>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "TripEmail" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "TripEmailResult" 3>><<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "SexSessions" 3>><<ProgressImage 3>><<ProgressImage 3>><<ProgressImage 3>><<ProgressImage 3>><<ProgressImage 3>><<ProgressImage 3>><<ProgressImage 3>><<ProgressImage 4>><<else>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "SexSessions" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "OfficeSex" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "Photography" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "PornProfile" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "PornTalk" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "PornTalk2" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "LesbianPorn" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "PornResult" 3>><<ProgressImage "Hang" "PornThreesome" 4>><</if>>
<<if $bimbos.hang.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Hang's next event will be available in <<print $bimbos.hang.dayCounter>> <<if $bimbos.hang.dayCounter is 1>>day<<else>>days<</if>>.
<<if not CheckEvent("Hang", "MeetCoffeeShop")>>\
You can often find Hang at the local coffee shop.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "MeetSubway")>>\
<<if $player.fame gte 4>>\
Find Hang on the subway.
You need to increase the awareness of BLC to continue with Hang.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "CoffeeDate2")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting")>>\
Meet Hang at the coffee shop.
You need to progress with the main story in order to continue with Hang.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "HangDrunk")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Tan", "BLCAttend3")>>\
Go to sleep on Sunday for Hang to visit you.
You need to progress with Tan's story in order to continue with Hang.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "SexSessions")>>\
Meet with Hang at your home Monday morning for her coaching session.
<<elseif not $bimbos.hang.trainingComplete>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "BimboTraining")>>\
Meet with Hang at your home Monday morning for her coaching session.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "Vietnam")>>\
Go to sleep over the next couple of weeks to stay updated with Hang's trip.
<<elseif not $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
You need to progress with the main story in order to continue with Hang.
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Photography")>>\
<<if $bimbos.hang.photography gte 3>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Hang", "PornTalk2")>>\
Meet Hang at your apartment.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "LesbianPorn")>>\
Meet Hang at your apartment on Saturday before 16:00.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "PornThreesome")>>\
Meet Hang at your apartment.
<<if $bimbos.hang.photography lt 7>>\
Meet Hang at your photo studio for more shoots.
Meet Hang at your apartment.
<<if not CheckEvent("Hang", "OfficeSex")>>\
You can find Hang at BLC during the day.
<<if not $bimbos.hang.trainingComplete and CheckEvent("Hang", "ThirdTraining") and not CheckEvent("Hang", "TanEmailTrip")>>\
When you go to sleep, look out for any e-mails from Tan. They could contain some interesting tidbits.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<td colspan="2"><br><button class="journal-button" data-passage="Journal" data-setter="$passageRoute to 2">Main Characters</button><br></td>
<td colspan="2"><br><button class="journal-button" data-passage="Journal" data-setter="$passageRoute to 3">BLC Clients</button><br></td>
<td colspan="2"><br><button class="journal-button" data-passage="Journal" data-setter="$passageRoute to 4">Minor Characters</button><br></td>
<td colspan="2"><br><br></td>
<td colspan="2"><<UIButton "Return">></td>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<td colspan="2"><button data-passage="Journal" data-setter="$passageRoute to 1">Back</button><br></td>
<<if $bimbos.stella>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/UI/Profiles/Stella{0}.jpg", $bimbos.stella.transformLevel)>>\
<img @src="_imageName" width="150">
<<UIButton "Stella Statistics" "Stella Jackson" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
Attend your first Bimbo Life Coach meeting.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/UI/Profiles/Charlotte{0}.jpg", $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel)>>\
<img @src="_imageName" width="150">
<<UIButton "Charlotte Statistics" "Charlotte Jackson" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
You will be introduced to this girl by her mother, whomever that is.
<<if $bimbos.hang>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/UI/Profiles/Hang{0}.jpg", $bimbos.hang.transformLevel)>>\
<img @src="_imageName" width="150">
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful") and CheckEvent("Player", "RupertLeave")>>\
Hang has decided to leave with Rupert.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "NameChange")>>\
<<UIButton "Hang Statistics" "Hang Duong" "journal-button">>
<<UIButton "Hang Statistics" "Hang Cosgrove" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
This girl lives in your apartment, so you might see her around the area.
<<if $bimbos.ana>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/UI/Profiles/Ana{0}.jpg", $bimbos.ana.transformLevel)>>\
<img @src="_imageName" width="150">
<<UIButton "Ana Statistics" "Ana Lavoie" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
The local coffee shop looks like a good place to meet this person.
<<if $bimbos.sofia>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/UI/Profiles/Sofia{0}.jpg", $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel)>>\
<img @src="_imageName" width="150">
<<UIButton "Sofia Statistics" "Sofia Winstanley (Mom)" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
You haven't seen this woman in some time. She might contact you after progressing with the main story.
<<if $bimbos.june>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/UI/Profiles/June{0}.jpg", $bimbos.june.transformLevel)>>\
<img @src="_imageName" width="150">
<<UIButton "June Statistics" "June Winstanley" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
It's been some time since you've seen this girl (thank goodness). Doubt it will stay that way for long if you progress the main story.
<<if $bimbos.tan>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/UI/Profiles/Tan{0}.jpg", $bimbos.tan.transformLevel)>>\
<img @src="_imageName" width="150">
<<UIButton "Tan Statistics" "Tan Nguyen" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
You meet all sorts of people at your BLC meetings.
<<if $npcs.rosa>>\
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Rosa0.jpg" width="150">
<<UIButton "Rosa Statistics" "Rosa Hernandez" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
This woman is such an important member of the community, you are bound to meet her eventually.
<<if $bimbos.stacy>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/UI/Profiles/Stacy{0}.jpg", $bimbos.stacy.transformLevel)>>\
<img @src="_imageName" width="150">
<<UIButton "Stacy Statistics" "Stacy Peloni" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
Fitness is always an important part of bimboism.
<<if $bimbos.natalie>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/UI/Profiles/Natalie{0}.jpg", $bimbos.natalie.transformLevel)>>\
<img @src="_imageName" width="150">
<<UIButton "Natalie Statistics" "Natalie" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
This city is bustling with all sorts of people. Who knows who you can run into downtown.
<<if $bimbos.dani>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/UI/Profiles/Dani{0}.jpg", $bimbos.dani.transformLevel)>>\
<img @src="_imageName" width="150">
<<UIButton "Dani Statistics" "Dani Mathers" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
Many a recently graduated girl would like to learn more about bimboism. If only you knew a school teacher to introduce you.
<<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/UI/Profiles/Elaine{0}.jpg", $bimbos.elaine.transformLevel)>>\
<img @src="_imageName" width="150">
<<UIButton "Elaine Statistics" "Elaine Kennedy" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
Professional acquaintances often become friends; and sometimes friends become something more.
<td colspan="2"><br><button data-passage="Journal" data-setter="$passageRoute to 1">Back</button></td>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<<if not $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
<<if $clients.erica>>\
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Erica0.jpg" width="150">
<<UIButton "Erica Statistics" "Erica Holz" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
Some of the girls who attend your meetings might begin to contact you.
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
You need to continue with the main story and grow BLC to meet new clients.
<td colspan="2"><br><button data-passage="Journal" data-setter="$passageRoute to 1">Back</button></td>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Erica0.jpg" width="150">
<<UIButton "Erica Statistics" "Erica Holz" "journal-button">>
<<if $clients.evelyn>>\
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Evelyn0.jpg" width="150">
<<UIButton "Evelyn Statistics" "Evelyn Davis" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
This client can be found at BLC.
<<if $clients.katie>>\
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Katie0.jpg" width="150">
<<UIButton "Katie Statistics" "Katie" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
This client can be found attending Stacy's gym sessions.
<<if $clients.lauren>>\
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Lauren0.jpg" width="150">
<<UIButton "Lauren Statistics" "Lauren" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
This client can be found at BLC.
<<if $clients.sarah>>\
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Sarah0.jpg" width="150">
<<UIButton "Sarah Statistics" "Sarah" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
This client can be found at Bodywerks Fitness if you are fit enough and BLC is famous enough.
<<if $clients.skylar>>\
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Skylar0.jpg" width="150">
<<UIButton "Skylar Statistics" "Skylar" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
You met a number of new people at the grand opening. Some may even contact you.
<td colspan="2"><br><button data-passage="Journal" data-setter="$passageRoute to 1">Back</button></td>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentLetter")>>\
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/CoOp.jpg" width="150">
<<UIButton "Coop Board Statistics" "Co-op Board" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
Living in an apartment means dealing with official bodies.
<<if $npcs.yanovic>>\
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Yanovic.jpg" width="150">
<<UIButton "Yanovic Statistics" "Dr. Yanovic" "journal-button">>
<img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Generic.jpg" width="150">
An old acquaintance who has helped with your 'projects' in the past.
<td colspan="2"><br><button data-passage="Journal" data-setter="$passageRoute to 1">Back</button></td>
<</if>>\<<if $bimbos.june.transformLevel is 2>>\
<<set _imagePath to "Images/Bimbos/June/StatTransformFull">>\
<<elseif $bimbos.june.transformLevel is 1>>\
<<set _imagePath to "Images/Bimbos/June/StatTransform">>\
<<set _imagePath to "Images/Bimbos/June/Stat">>\
<<if $bimbos.june.bimbo gte 50>>\
<<set _imagePath to String.format("{0}5.jpg", _imagePath)>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.june.bimbo gte 36>>\
<<set _imagePath to String.format("{0}4.jpg", _imagePath)>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.june.bimbo gte 26>>\
<<set _imagePath to String.format("{0}3.jpg", _imagePath)>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.june.bimbo gte 16>>\
<<set _imagePath to String.format("{0}2.jpg", _imagePath)>>\
<<set _imagePath to String.format("{0}1.jpg", _imagePath)>>\
<h2>June Winstanley</h2>
June is your eighteen year old step-sister. Having grown up in suburbia, she isn't as experienced as she pretends to be. Since her father constantly doted on her, June has grown up to expect life to just provide everything for her, meaning she can be quite bratty is something does not go her way.
<<if $bimbos.june.transformLevel gt 0>>\
June has big, fake tits.
June has a big, fake ass.
June has big, fake lips.
June has small, natural tits.
June has a small, natural ass.
June has small, natural lips.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="june-bimbo-meter" @value="$bimbos.june.bimbo" max="50">$bimbos.june.bimbo</progress>
<<if $bimbos.june.bimbo gte 50>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.june.bimbo gte 36>>\
Though none of you ever set out for June to be come a bimbo, it's quite amazing how much she enjoys it.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.bimbo gte 26>>\
June is growing more and more attached to the bimbo life. It is a good look for her.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.bimbo gte 16>>\
June has begun to think of bimbos less as a weird part of her brother's life, and more a part of hers.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.bimbo gte 2>>\
After being exposed to the type of life you lead, June has started to re-evaluate her view of the world.
June has no idea about what a bimbo is.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="june-slut-meter" @value="$bimbos.june.slut" max="50">$bimbos.june.slut</progress>
<<if $bimbos.june.slut gte 50>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.june.slut gte 36>>\
Who would have have thought within your bratty step-sister was a slut in the making.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.slut gte 26>>\
You've noticed a change in June. Sex isn't merely a tool of manipulation, but something she is genuinely starting to enjoy.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.slut gte 16>>\
Ever your bratty sister, June is learning how to use sex to manipulate others.
Despite pretending to be knowledgeable about sex, it is clear June is quite naive and at times nervous about the subject.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="june-exhibitionist-meter" @value="$bimbos.june.exhibitionist" max="50">$bimbos.june.exhibitionist</progress>
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionist gte 50>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.june.exhibitionist gte 36>>\
Once she may have been self-conscious about her body, but no longer. June is sexy, and wants people to know it.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.exhibitionist gte 26>>\
June loves the attention she can get, just by flaunting her body the right way.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.exhibitionist gte 16>>\
June now knows that she can use her looks and body to get things she wants. And she intends to get them.
June has a high opinion of her body. However, she does not yet have the knowledge or confidence to make use of that.
<progress class="progress-big fitness" id="june-brat-meter" @value="$bimbos.june.brat" max="50">$bimbos.june.brat</progress>
<<if $bimbos.june.brat gte 50>>\
June has lead quite a privileged life. Having everything given to her, she is quite a spoiled brat.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.brat gte 36>>\
June has started to realize that considering how her actions affect others is an important part of being an adult. She still likes to get her own way though.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.brat gte 26>>\
Living with you has opened Junes eyes to the benefits of thinking about others once in a while.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.brat gte 16>>\
June has made so much progress, you might even need to stop calling her a brat.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.brat gte 2>>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "FirstVisit">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "SecondVisit">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "ThirdVisit">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "FourthVisit">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "FifthVisit">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "SixthVisit">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Home">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Introduce">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "StripClub">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "StripClubFirstTime">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "StripClubStellaCall">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "StripClubDancingFirstTime">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "HouseGym">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Bathroom">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Photos">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "TiffanySex">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Apology">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "BratMorning">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "BratDress">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Session1">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Lick">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Pamper">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "College">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Session2">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Session3">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Session4">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Session5">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Session6">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "PhotoShoot1">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "PhotoShoot2">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "PhotoShoot3">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "PhotoShoot4">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "StripclubBlowjob">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "PhotoShoot5">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Session7">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Session8">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Session9">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Session10">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Hotel">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Test">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Asleep">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Asleep2">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "ImplantsTalk">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Consultation">>\
<<ProgressImage "June" "Consultation2">>\
<<if CheckEvent("June", "CollegeChoice")>><<ProgressImage true>><<else>><<ProgressImage "June" "TransformChoice">><</if>>\
<<if $bimbos.june.transformLevel gte 1>><<ProgressImage true>><<else>><<ProgressImage false>><</if>>\
<<if $bimbos.june.dayCounter gt 0>>\
June's next event will be available in <<print $bimbos.june.dayCounter>> <<if $bimbos.june.dayCounter is 1>>day<<else>>days<</if>>.
<<if not CheckEvent("June", "FirstVisit")>>\
Meet June at your home on the weekend during the day.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "PornDate")>>\
You need to progress with your mom's story in order to continue with June.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "SecondVisit")>>\
Meet June at your home on the weekend during the day.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "LingerieDate")>>\
You need to progress with your mom's story in order to continue with June.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "FourthVisit")>>\
Meet June at your home on the weekend during the day.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "BimboTrainingInterest")>>\
You need to progress with your mom's story in order to continue with June.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "SixthVisit")>>\
Meet June at your home on the weekend during the day.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Home")>>\
Go to sleep during the week to receive a call from your mom.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Introduce")>>\
Speak to June at home to introduce her to everyone.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.brat gte 44>>\
June needs to become less bratty.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining lt 3>>\
Continue to talk to June at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "StripClub")>>\
Talk to June at home about bimbo coaching.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "StripClubDancingFirstTime")>>\
Talk to June at home about visiting the strip club.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining lt 5>>\
June needs to become more exhibitionism.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "HouseGym")>>\
Go to sleep and meet June in the morning.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.slutTraining lt 5>>\
June needs to become more slutty.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Photos")>>\
Talk to June at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "TiffanySex")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Tiffany", "BuildingText")>>\
Go to sleep and meet June in the morning.
You need to progress with Tiffany's story in order to continue with June.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Apology")>>\
Talk to June at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "BratMorning")>>\
Go to sleep and meet June in the morning.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "BratDress")>>\
Talk to June at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session1")>>\
Meet June at home Tuesday morning to begin bimbo coaching.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Lick")>>\
Talk to June at home in the morning.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Pamper")>>\
Talk to June at home on Saturday morning.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "College")>>\
Find June lazing around at home on Monday.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session5")>>\
Continue to meet June at home Tuesday morning for bimbo coaching.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session6")>>\
Continue to meet June at BLC Tuesday morning for bimbo coaching.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "PhotoShoot4")>>\
Talk to June when you interact with her in the evening about doing a photoshoot.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "StripclubBlowjob")>>\
When you visit June in the evening, choose to see how she is going at the strip club.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "PhotoShoot5")>>\
When you visit June in the evening, do another photo shoot with her.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session9")>>\
Continue to meet June at BLC Tuesday morning for bimbo coaching.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session10")>>\
Meet June at home Tuesday morning for bimbo coaching.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Hotel")>>\
Take June on a surprise trip on Friday morning.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Test")>>\
Go to sleep and meet June in the morning.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Asleep2")>>\
Find June at home in the morning.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.transformLevel lt 1>>\
Talk to June at home during the day.
<<if CheckEvent("June", "Hotel") and not CheckEvent("June", "Test")>>\
In a couple of weeks you will wake up to June arguing.
<<if CheckEvent("June", "Home")>>\
You can talk to June at home in the evening or on the weekend.
<<if CheckEvent("June", "Introduce")>>\
Have June do chores to decrease her brattiness.
<<if $bimbos.june.brat lt 44 and $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining lt 7>>\
You can take June out shopping to increase her exhibitionism.
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining gte 3>>\
You can conduct bimbo training with June to increase her sluttiness.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<if not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertLeave")>>\
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rupert/Stat1.jpg" height="600">
<h2>Rupert Cosgrove</h2>
Husband to Hang and the president of your apartment's co-operative board. A thoroughly unlikable person.
<<if not CheckEvent("Elaine", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/Elaine.jpg" width="350">
<h2>Elaine Kennedy</h2>
Elaine is an important doctor up at Woodhull. Though largely keeping to herself, as treasurer she has significant influence over the board.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<ProgressImage "Elaine" "Visit" 2>><<ProgressImage "Isaac" "Visit" 3>><<ProgressImage "Isaac" "Support" 4>>
<<if $bimbos.elaine.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Elaine's next event will be available in <<print $bimbos.elaine.dayCounter>> <<if $bimbos.elaine.dayCounter is 1>>day<<else>>days<</if>>.
<<if not CheckEvent("Elaine", "Visit")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Isaac", "Visit")>>\
Visit Elaine's apartment from your home.
You need to progress with Isaac's story in order to continue with Elaine.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Elaine", "Training")>>\
Talk to Stacy at the next workout session about training for Elaine.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession1")>>\
Go to sleep to e-mail Elaine about training.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession3")>>\
Go to sleep to receive an e-mail message from Stacy.
<<elseif not $player.unlocks.building>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession4")>>\
Go to sleep to receive an e-mail message from Elaine.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Elaine", "PartnerTalk")>>\
Visit Elaine's apartment from your home in the evening.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Elaine", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "BuildingVisit")>>\
Visit Elaine at your new building.
You need to progress with the main story in order to continue with Elaine.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/Isaac.jpg" width="350">
<h2>Isaac Goldfarb</h2>
Isaac is probably the nearest thing you have to a friend on the board. A young lawyer, you don't expect you'll have to do much to win him over.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<ProgressImage "Isaac" "Email" 2>><<ProgressImage "Isaac" "Visit" 3>><<ProgressImage "Isaac" "Support" 4>>
<<if not CheckEvent("Isaac", "Email")>>\
Go to sleep to receive an e-mail from Isaac.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Isaac", "Visit")>>\
Visit Isaac's apartment from your home in the evening.
<<elseif $player.bimboManualCount lt 15>>\
Finish writing a bimbo training guide from your desk.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Isaac", "Support")>>\
Go to your desk to present Isaac with the completed guide.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/Priti.jpg" width="350">
<h2>Priti Waters</h2>
Priti doesn't have any particular responsibility on the board, but she is good friends with Rupert and has taken on the unofficial role of the building's enforcer. She is a stay at home mom, whose husband works on Wall Street and is rarely at home.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<ProgressImage "Priti" "Convince" 2>><<ProgressImage "Priti" "Garden" 3>><<ProgressImage "Priti" "Lunch" 4>>
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertResponse")>>\
You need to progress with the main story in order to continue with Priti.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Priti", "Convince")>>\
Visit Priti's apartment from your home during the day.
<<elseif not $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
You need to progress with the main story in order to continue with Priti.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Priti", "Garden")>>\
Visit Priti's apartment from your home in the afternoon.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Priti", "Lunch")>>\
Be at your home around lunchtime.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/Phil.jpg" width="350">
Phil is the sole holdover from the old neighborhood. He gets re-elected to the board each year to keep him happy and the roof garden blooming.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<ProgressImage "Phil" "Visit" 2>><<ProgressImage "Phil" "Convince" 4>>
<<if not CheckEvent("Phil", "Visit")>>\
Phil will visit you at home in the coming days.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertResponse")>>\
You need to progress with the main story in order to continue with Phil.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Phil", "Convince")>>\
Visit Phil's apartment from your home during the day.
<<UIButton "Journal">><img src="Images/Locations/Subway/CosmeticSurgeon.jpg" width="600">
<h2>Dr. Yanovic</h2>
Dr. Yanovic is a cosmetic surgeon and old acquaintance of yours. He has provided services for a number of women in your life.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<ProgressImage "Yanovic" "Advert" 2>><<ProgressImage "Yanovic" "Discount" 4>>
<<if not CheckEvent("Yanovic", "Advert")>>\
Meet Dr. Yanovic at his office.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 0>>\
You need to progress with your mom's story in order to continue with Dr. Yanovic.
<<elseif $bimbos.natalie.transformLevel is 0>>\
You need to progress with your mom's story in order to continue with Dr. Yanovic.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Yanovic", "Discount")>>\
Meet Dr. Yanovic at his office.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<if CheckEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay2")>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Natalie", "TransformMeet")>>\
You first met Natalie after defending her from some bullies. A sweet girl, but initially lacking in confidence.
<<if CheckEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay")>>\
You've discovered she likes dressing in cosplay outfits.
<<if CheckEvent("Natalie", "Convention")>>\
Natalie has grown in confidence thanks to her experience at the convention.
<<if $bimbos.natalie.transformLevel is 1>>\
Natalie has big, fake tits.
Natalie has small, natural tits.
Natalie has a big, natural ass.
Natalie has big, natural lips.
<<ProgressImage "Natalie" "Locker">>\
<<ProgressImage "Natalie" "TransformEmail">>\
<<ProgressImage "Natalie" "TransformMeet">>\
<<ProgressImage "Natalie" "CosplayText">>\
<<ProgressImage "Natalie" "Cosplay">>\
<<ProgressImage "Natalie" "Cosplay2">>\
<<ProgressImage "Natalie" "Cosplay2Email">>\
<<ProgressImage "Natalie" "Convention">>\
<<ProgressImage "Natalie" "Park">>\
<<ProgressImage "Natalie" "Cosplay3">>\
--- Other Flags ---
<<if $bimbos.natalie.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Natalie's next event will be available in <<print $bimbos.natalie.dayCounter>> day<<if $bimbos.natalie.dayCounter gt 1>>s<</if>>.
<<if not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Locker")>>\
Look for Natalie hanging around the subway.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "TransformEmail")>>\
Natalie will text you at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "TransformMeet")>>\
Natalie will text you at home on Friday.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "CosplayText")>>\
<<if not $player.unlocks.photoStudio>>\
You need to build a home photo studio before you can continue Natalie's story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Home")>>\
You need to progress with June's story before you can continue Natalie's story.
Natalie will text you at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay")>>\
Meet Natalie at your home in the morning.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay2")>>\
Wait for Natalie to text you at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay2Email")>>\
Natalie will e-mail you the photos at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Convention")>>\
Natalie will meet you at home on Wednesday morning to attend the convention.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Park")>>\
Meet Natalie at the park downtown during the day.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay3")>>\
Meet Natalie at home during the day.
<<UIButton "Journal">><h2>$player.firstName $player.lastName</h2>
After building a multi-million dollar start-up, you decided to cash in and see the world. Things didn't end up as you would have hoped however. Depressed and directionless for a few years, it seemed as if your best was behind you.
That was until you had the idea of creating Bimbo Life Coaching. It's time for you to rebuild your fortune and turn your passion into your career.
<progress class="progress-big fitness" id="fitness-meter-big" @value="$player.fitness" max="50">$player.fitness</progress>
<<if $player.fitness gte 50>>\
You at the peak of physical fitness.
<<elseif $player.fitness gte 40>>\
Your body is in prime health and extremely fit.
<<elseif $player.fitness gte 30>>\
You are looking quite toned.
<<elseif $player.fitness gte 20>>\
You dedication to physical exercise is paying off.
<<elseif $player.fitness gte 10>>\
You have taken the first steps to getting back into shape.
It's been a while since you last cared for the state of your body.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="fame-meter-big" @value="$player.fame" max="50">$player.fame</progress>
<<if $player.fame gte 50>>\
Bimbo Life Coaching is one of the most popular businesses in the city.
<<elseif $player.fame gte 40>>\
Women from all over the city are talking about Bimbo Life Coaching.
<<elseif $player.fame gte 30>>\
Bimbo Life Coaching has become quite popular with the locals.
<<elseif $player.fame gte 20>>\
People are beginning to pay an interest in this new Bimbo Life Coaching.
<<elseif $player.fame gte 10>>\
A few people in the local area have heard of Bimbo Life Coaching.
Bimbo Life Coaching is all but unknown.
You currently have $<<print $player.cash>>.
Your weekly passive income is $<<print $player.income>>.
Your weekly regular expenses are $<<print $player.expenses>>.
<h4>BLC Income</h4>
<<set _total to 0>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym")>>\
<<set _total += $player.fame * 20>>\
Stacy's Workout Sessions: $<<print $player.fame * 20>>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stacy", "HomeGym")>>\
<<set _total += 50>>\
Stacy's Gym Rent: $50
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Stripper")>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella?.exhibitionist gte 26>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella?.slut gte 50>>\
<<set _total += 1600>>\
Stella's Stripping: $1,600
<<elseif $bimbos.stella?.slut gte 36>>\
<<set _total += 1120>>\
Stella's Stripping: $1,120
<<set _total += 800>>\
Stella's Stripping: $800
<<set _total += 640>>\
Stella's Stripping: $640
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Finances")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte?.exhibitionist gte 38>>\
<<set _total += 525>>\
Charlotte's Modelling: $200
Charlotte's Social Media: $325
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte?.exhibitionist gte 33>>\
<<set _total += 380>>\
Charlotte's Modelling: $150
Charlotte's Social Media: $230
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte?.exhibitionist gte 28>>\
<<set _total += 210>>\
Charlotte's Modelling: $60
Charlotte's Social Media: $150
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte?.exhibitionist gte 23>>\
<<set _total += 80>>\
Charlotte's Modelling: $30
Charlotte's Social Media: $50
<<set _total += 35>>\
Charlotte's Modelling: $15
Charlotte's Social Media: $20
Total: $<<print _total>>
<h4>BLC Expenses</h4>
<<set _total to 0>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<<set _total += 600>>\
Stella's Wage: $600
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<<set _total += 400>>\
Stella's Weekly Allowance: $400
<<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "GymPay") or CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym")>>\
<<set _total += 300>>\
Stacy's Trainer Fee: $300
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "WeeklyFine")>>\
<<set _total += 1000>>\
Weekly Co-Op Fine: $1,000
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "BuildingElainePartner") and $player.mortgage gt 0>>\
<<set _total += 650>>\
Elaine's Building Rent: $325
Mortgage: $325
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "Mortgage") and $player.mortgage gt 0>>\
<<set _total += 650>>\
Mortgage: $650
Total: $<<print _total>>
<div class="progress-block">\
<<if $bimbos.stella>><<ProgressImage "Player" "IntroComplete">><<else>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "BLCEmployee">><</if>><<if $npcs.rupert>><<ProgressImage "Player" "IntroComplete">><<else>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "CouncilMeeting">><</if>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "Session5">><<ProgressImage "Player" "CouncilMeeting">><<ProgressImage "Player" "ApartmentLetter">><<ProgressImage "Player" "ApartmentMeeting">><<ProgressImage "Player" "OwnBuilding">><<ProgressImage "Player" "ApartmentLetter2">><<ProgressImage "Player" "ApartmentMeeting2">><<ProgressImage "Player" "BuildingRenovation">><<ProgressImage "Player" "RenovationComplete">><<ProgressImage "Player" "BuildingVisit">><<ProgressImage "Player" "ProtestPlanning">><<ProgressImage "Player" "ProtestInterview">><<ProgressImage "Player" "ProtestRally">><<ProgressImage "Player" "CouncilResponse">><<ProgressImage "Player" "RupertResponse">><<ProgressImage "Player" "RupertFired">><<ProgressImage "Player" "RupertLeave">><<ProgressImage "Player" "BLCHeadquarters">><<ProgressImage "Player" "FashionStore">>\
<<ProgressImage "Player" "RupertReturnsTanVisit">>\
<<ProgressImage "Player" "RupertReturnsHouseMeeting">>\
<<ProgressImage "Player" "JamesCall">><<ProgressImage "Player" "BarFuck">><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage "Player" "GymRandom">><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage "Player" "ChloeMeet">><<ProgressImage "Player" "YovvonaMeet">>
<<if not $bimbos.stella>>\
Host your first Bimbo Life Coaching meeting at the bar on Friday, 18:00.
<<elseif not $npcs.rupert>>\
Expect a visit from your building representative when you go to sleep soon.
<<elseif not $bimbos.stacy or not $bimbos.tan>>\
Continue with building Bimbo Life Coaching by holding weekly weetings to meet Erica.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "HomeGym")>>\
You need to progress with Stacy's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not $bimbos.tan>>\
You need to progress with Hang's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Tan", "TanEmail")>>\
You need to progress with Tan's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "CouncilMeeting")>>\
Meet Councilmember Hernandez downtown on Thursday at 10am.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Tan", "BarChat")>>\
You need to progress with Tan's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentLetter")>>\
Expect a letter the next time you go to sleep.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting")>>\
Attend the Co-op meeting at home on Tuesday 6:00pm.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Isaac", "Support") or not $player.unlocks.building>>\
You need to gain the support of at least two other members of the Co-op.
<<elseif not $bimbos.hang?.trainingComplete>>\
You need to progress with Hang's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Home")>>\
You need to progress with June's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentLetter2")>>\
Expect a letter the next time you go to sleep.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting2")>>\
Attend the Co-op meeting at home on Tuesday 6:00pm.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "BuildingRenovation")>>\
You need to progress with Dani's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "BuildingRenovation")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("ana", "ParkDate")>>\
You need to progress with Ana's story in order to continue the main story.
<<if not CheckEvent("June", "Introduce")>>\
You need to progress with Junes's story in order to continue the main story.
<<if $player.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Wait for the building renovations to complete.
<<if $player.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Ana", "ParkDate") and CheckEvent("June", "Introduce")>>\
Go to sleep to receive a message about the renovations.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "BuildingVisit")>>\
Invite people around to view your newly renovated building.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Elaine", "BLCEmployee")>>\
You need to progress with Elaine's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "ProtestPlanning")>>\
Talk to Stella at home to plan your next move.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "ProtestInterview")>>\
Attend the interview at your home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "ProtestRally")>>\
Go to sleep and attend the rally tomorrow.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "CouncilResponse")>>\
Go to sleep to find out the result of your efforts.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertResponse")>>\
Wait until the evening to find out Rupert's response.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertFired")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Priti", "Convince") and CheckEvent("Phil", "Convince")>>\
Attend the Co-op meeting at home on Wednesday 9:00pm.
Gain the support of the other members of the Co-op.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertLeave")>>\
Go to sleep to catch Rupert early next Wednesday morning.
<<elseif not $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
Attend the BLC grand opening on Saturday at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertReturnsTanVisit")>>\
<<if not $bimbos.stella.trainingComplete>>\
You need to progress with Stella's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not $bimbos.sofia.trainingComplete>>\
You need to progress with your mom's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BLCLogo")>>\
You need to progress with Charlotte's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Priti", "Lunch")>>\
You need to progress with Priti's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Hotel")>>\
You need to progress with June's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "HouseVisit")>>\
You need to progress with Ana's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "Return")>>\
You need to progress with Stacy's story in order to continue the main story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertReturns")>>\
Isaac will contact you at home during the day.
Tan will meet you at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertReturnsHouseMeeting")>>\
Call a meeting at home before 18:00.
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "Advertising")>>\
<<if not (CheckEvent("Player", "BLCWebsite") and CheckEvent("Player", "BLCGoogle") and CheckEvent("Player", "MagazineAd") and CheckEvent("Player", "PostersStella") and CheckEvent("Player", "PamphletsStella"))>>\
You can purchase advertising opportunites from your desk to increase the public awareness of BLC.
<<if not $player.unlocks.gym>>\
Purchase a home gym from your study to increase your fitness and unlock new events.
<<if not $player.unlocks.photoStudio>>\
Purchase a photo studio from your study to unlock reveal new events.
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
You can provide private coaching session from BLC to earn a bit more cash.
<<elseif $player.fame gte 3>>\
You can provide private coaching session from your study to earn a bit more cash.
Increase the fame of BLC to provide private coaching sessions.
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "BarFuck")>>\
<<if $player.fame gte 20>>\
Places like the bar are a good spot to pick up girls.
If BLC was more well-known, it could open more random opportunities.
<<if $bimbos.stacy>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Stacy", "ButtPlug")>>\
Continue with Stacy's story to find more opportunities.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Home")>>\
Continue with June's story to find more opportunities.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "GymRandom")>>\
Attend Stacy's exercise session.
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "ChloeMeet")>>\
You can always find some interesting people downtown.
<<elseif $player.fitness lt 40>>\
You might be able to find some more opportunities if you were fitter.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "YovvonaMeet")>>\
You can always find some interesting people downtown.
<<UIButton "Return">><img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/Stat1.jpg" height="600">
<h2>Rosa Hernandez</h2>
Councilmember Rosa Hernandez is your local representative.
<progress class="progress-big fitness" id="fitness-meter-big" @value="$npcs.rosa.happiness" max="20">$npcs.rosa.happiness</progress>
<<if $npcs.rosa.happiness gte 18>>\
Rosa loves you.
<<elseif $npcs.rosa.happiness gte 14>>\
Rosa likes you.
<<elseif $npcs.rosa.happiness gte 11>>\
Rosa approves of you.
<<elseif $npcs.rosa.happiness is 10>>\
Rosa does not care about you.
<<elseif $npcs.rosa.happiness gte 7>>\
Rosa disapproves of you.
<<elseif $npcs.rosa.happiness gte 4>>\
Rosa dislikes you.
Rosa hates you.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<ProgressImage "Rosa" "BarMeeting" 1>>
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting2")>>\
You need to progress with the main story in order to continue with Rosa.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Rosa", "BarMeeting")>>\
Find Rosa at the bar on Thursday evening.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/StatFullBimbo.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<<if $bimbos.sofia.bimbo gte 50>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/StatTransform5.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.bimbo gte 36>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/StatTransform4.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.bimbo gte 26>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/StatTransform3.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.bimbo gte 16>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/StatTransform2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/StatTransform1.jpg" height="600">
<<if $bimbos.sofia.bimbo gte 50>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Stat5.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.bimbo gte 36>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Stat4.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.bimbo gte 26>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Stat3.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.bimbo gte 16>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Stat2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Stat1.jpg" height="600">
<h2>Sofia Winstanley</h2>
Sofia is your mother. Originally from Belgium, she is elegant and sophisticated, living with your step-father. Sofia has always loved the fake look, and in many ways was the first bimbo in your life.
<<if CheckEvent("Sofia", "RoomEvent")>>\
Things have gone way past the point of no return with your mom.
<<if CheckEvent("Sofia", "BimboTraining")>>\
You are currently training your mom on how to be a bimbo.
<progress class="progress-big fitness" id="sofia-happiness-meter" @value="$bimbos.sofia.happiness" max="5">$bimbos.sofia.happiness</progress>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.happiness gte 5>>\
Your mom is very happy with you.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.happiness is 4>>\
Your mom is largely happy with you, but has some worries.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.happiness is 3>>\
Your mom is unhappy with you.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.happiness is 2>>\
Your mom is very unhappy with you.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.happiness is 1>>\
Your mom is angry with you.
Your mom has huge, fake tits.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 2>>\
Your mom has a huge, fake ass.
Your mom has huge, fake lips.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
Your mom has a big, fake ass.
Your mom has big, fake lips.
Your mom has a small, natural ass.
Your mom has large, natural lips.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="sofia-bimbo-meter" @value="$bimbos.sofia.bimbo" max="50">$bimbos.sofia.bimbo</progress>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.bimbo gte 50>>\
The original Bimbo. Your mom, the woman who started it all, is now perfected.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.bimbo gte 36>>\
Your mom is loving the training. It feels like she is unleashing her natural self.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.bimbo gte 26>>\
Your mom has shown interest in Bimbo Life Coaching, and may even ask you for training.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.bimbo gte 16>>\
Whilst never trained, Sofia is as close to a natural bimbo as you have seen.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="sofia-slut-meter" @value="$bimbos.sofia.slut" max="50">$bimbos.sofia.slut</progress>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut gte 50>>\
Your mother has become a being of pure sex appeal.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.slut gte 36>>\
There is no going back for your mom. She loves sex and is no longer inhibited in showing it.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.slut gte 26>>\
Your mom is embracing sex as a bigger part of her life, and is enjoying being still thought of as sexy.
As a liberated Francophile, your mom has never been one to shy away from her sexuality.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="sofia-exhibitionist-meter" @value="$bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist" max="50">$bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist</progress>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist gte 50>>\
Any tiny bit of modesty your mom possessed is now gone. She spends more time naked than clothed.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist gte 36>>\
Your mom has finally admitted to herself that she is an exhibitionist, and loves showing off her naked body.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist gte 26>>\
Your mom loves the attention her assets bring her, and wishes to improve in order to achieve perfection.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist gte 16>>\
Your mom has always known people look at her lustfully. But now she is starting to encourage it.
Your mom has always had a European attitude to nudity. It is not unusual to see her walking around the house naked.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<ProgressImage "Sofia" "SecondPhoneCall" 2>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "JuneCall" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "DinnerDate" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "PornDate" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "LingerieDate" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "BimboTrainingInterest" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "RoomEvent" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "Massage" 3>><<if not CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "HangMeet" 3>><</if>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "OliviaMeet" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "Implants" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "VisitDoctor" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "ImplantsComplete" 3>><<if $bimbos.sofia.trainingComplete>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "ExamLesson" 3>><<else>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "BimboTraining" 3>><</if>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "OfficeLesson" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "DesireLesson" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "ExamLesson" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "ImplantsTalk" 3>><<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 2>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "Implants2" 3>><<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "ImplantsTalk") or CheckEvent("Sofia", "Implants2")>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "Photoshoot1" 3>><</if>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "PhotoShoot" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "PhotoShoot2" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "Hairdresser" 4>>
<<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<if not CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>><<ProgressImage>><</if>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "ShopEvent" 5>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "HallEvent" 3>><<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 0>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "BathroomEvent" 3>><</if>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "FlirtEvent" 3>><<ProgressImage "Sofia" "DinnerEvent" 4>>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Your mom's next event will be available in <<print $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter>> <<if $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter is 1>>day<<else>>days<</if>>.
<<if not CheckEvent("Sofia", "JuneCall")>>\
Go to sleep to receive a call from your mom.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "HomeVisits")>>\
You need to progress with June's story in order to continue with your mom.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "LingerieDate")>>\
Talk to your mom at home during the evening.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.slut lt 36 or $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist lt 36>>\
Your mom needs to be more slutty or more exhibitionist to continue her story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "Massage")>>\
Talk to your mom at home during the evening.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful") and not CheckEvent("Sofia", "HangMeet")>>\
<<if $bimbos.hang.transformLevel is 1>>\
Meet your mom and Hang at home during the evening.
You need to progress with Hang's story in order to continue with your mom.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "Implants")>>\
<<if $bimbos.june.slutTraining gte 1>>\
Talk to your mom at home during the evening.
You need to progress with June's story in order to continue with your mom.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "VisitDoctor")>>\
Visit Dr. Yanovic to discuss your mom's implants.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "ImplantsComplete")>>\
Visit Dr. Yanovic for your mom's operation.
<<elseif not $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
You need to progress with the main story in order to continue with your mom.
<<elseif not $bimbos.sofia.trainingComplete>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Sofia", "BimboTraining")>>\
Talk to your mom at home on Saturday afternoon.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "ExamLesson")>>\
Continue your mom's training at BLC on Saturday evening.
<<if CheckEvent("Sofia", "OfficeLesson") and not CheckEvent("Sofia", "HallEvent")>>\
Talk to your mom at home during the evening.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Sofia", "DesireLesson") and not CheckEvent("Sofia", "DinnerEvent")>>\
Talk to your mom at home during the evening.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "ImplantsTalk")>>\
<<if $bimbos.june.slutTraining gte 3>>\
Talk to your mom at home.
You need to progress with June's story in order to continue with your mom.
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel isnot 2 and CheckEvent("Sofia", "Implants2")>>\
Visit Dr. Yanovic to book your mom for surgery.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "Hairdresser")>>\
Talk to your mom at home after Monday.
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC and not CheckEvent("Sofia", "OliviaMeet")>>\
Meet your mom at BLC in the afternoon.
<<if ($bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 0 and CheckEvent("Sofia", "RoomEvent")) or CheckEvent("Sofia", "DesireLesson")>>\
You can talk to your mom in the evening at home to continue your fun.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<if $bimbos.stacy.transformLevel is 1>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained gte 12 and CheckEvent("Stacy", "PhotoShoot")>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained gte 8 and $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained gte 5>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained gte 3>>\
<h2>Stacy Peloni</h2>
Stacy is a fitness trainer you met through Erica. Feisty and flirty, you get on well.
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym")>>\
She is a contractor with BLC, running your weekly exercise sessions.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stacy", "HomeGym")>>\
She runs a weekly gym session for many of the bimbos attending your meetings.
<<if $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained gte 5>>\
Stacy loves having sex with you. It appears she wants to be your "Anal Queen".
<progress class="progress-big fitness" id="stacy-happiness-meter" @value="$bimbos.stacy.happiness" max="5">$bimbos.stacy.happiness</progress>
<<switch $bimbos.stacy.happiness>>\
<<case 5>>\
You think Stacy might be a bit smitten with you.
<<case 4>>\
Stacy loves to spend time with you.
<<case 3>>\
Your relationship with Stacy has grown quite close.
<<case 2>>\
Stacy likes you a lot.
<<case 1>>\
Stacy thinks you are alright.
<<if $bimbos.stacy.transformLevel is 1>>\
Stacy has big, fake tits.
Stacy has a huge, fake ass.
Stacy has large, natural lips.
Stacy has small, natural tits.
Stacy has a big, natural ass.
Stacy has large, natural lips.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<ProgressImage "Stacy" "GymEmail" 2>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "HomeGym" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "NakedGym" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "ButtPlug" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "ButtText" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "BLCGym" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "BLCRandom" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "RandomText" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "RandomText2" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "RandomTextReject" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "PhotoShoot" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "BLCOffice" 3>><<if not CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "ThankYouEmail" 3>><</if>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "WorkoutMeet" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "Appointment" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "SurgeryText1" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "SurgeryText2" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "SurgeryText3" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "Return" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stacy" "Dinner" 4>>
<<if $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Stacy's next event will be available in <<print $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter>> <<if $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter is 1>>day<<else>>days<</if>>.
<<if not CheckEvent("Stacy", "GymEmail")>>\
<<if $player.fame gte 6>>\
Be at home to receive an e-mail from Stacy.
You need to increase the awareness of BLC for Stacy to contact you.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "HomeGym")>>\
Visit your home gym to call Stacy about workout sessions.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "NakedGym")>>\
Continue to hold BLC coaching sessions on Friday discussing the Joy principle.
<<elseif $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained lt 11>>\
Attend Stacy's workout sessions and speak to her afterwards.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "ButtText")>>\
Be at home to receive a text from Stacy.
<<elseif not $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
You need to progress with the main story in order to continue with Stacy.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym")>>\
Attend Stacy's workout sessions and speak to her afterwards.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCRandom")>>\
Meet Stacy at BLC headquarters.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "PhotoShoot")>>\
Be at home to receive a text from Stacy.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCOffice")>>\
Meet Stacy at BLC headquarters.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful") and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "ThankYouEmail")>>\
Be at home to receive an e-mail from Stacy.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "WorkoutMeet")>>\
Attend Stacy's workout sessions and speak to her afterwards.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "Appointment")>>\
Meet Stacy at your home in the morning.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "Return")>>\
Wait for Stacy to contact you at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "Dinner")>>\
Meet Stacy at your home on Saturday.
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym")>>\
You can attend Stacy's workout session at BLC headquarters on Thursday evenings.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stacy", "HomeGym")>>\
You can attend Stacy's workout session from your home on Thursday evenings.
<<if $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained gte 5>>\
You can invite Stacy over for a booty call from your bedroom.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<if $bimbos.stella.transformLevel is 1>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella.bimbo gte 50>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/StatTransform5.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.bimbo gte 36>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/StatTransform4.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.bimbo gte 26>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/StatTransform3.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.bimbo gte 16>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/StatTransform2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/StatTransform1.jpg" height="600">
<<if $bimbos.stella.bimbo gte 50>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stat5.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.bimbo gte 36>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stat4.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.bimbo gte 26>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stat3.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.bimbo gte 16>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stat2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stat1.jpg" height="600">
<h2>Stella Jackson</h2>
Stella is a classy lady in her 40's. Stella came to you after her husband divorced her for a younger woman. Intelligent with refined tastes, Stella is the first woman to be a client of BLC.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
Stella lives with you, and works for BLC as your executive coach and personal assistant.
Stella lives with you, and is currently your employee and personal assistant at BLC.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Stella lives with you as your personal house bimbo.
Stella works as a school teacher.
<progress class="progress-big fitness" id="stella-happiness-meter" @value="$bimbos.stella.happiness" max="5">$bimbos.stella.happiness</progress>
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5>>\
Stella is very happy with you.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.happiness is 4>>\
Stella is largely happy with you, but has some worries.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.happiness is 3>>\
Stella is unhappy with you.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.happiness is 2>>\
Stella is very unhappy with you.
Stella is incredibly angry at you.
<<if $bimbos.stella.transformLevel is 1>>\
Stella has big, fake tits.
Stella has a big, fake ass.
Stella has big, fake lips.
Stella has small, natural tits.
Stella has a small, natural ass.
Stella has small, natural lips.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="stella-bimbo-meter" @value="$bimbos.stella.bimbo" max="50">$bimbos.stella.bimbo</progress>
<<if $bimbos.stella.bimbo gte 50>>\
Stella has fully embraced the bimbo lifestyle. She truly is her best self.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.bimbo gte 36>>\
Stella loves being a bimbo and living the lifestyle.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.bimbo gte 26>>\
Stella has embraced the bimbo lifestyle and is well on her way to her true potential.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.bimbo gte 16>>\
Stella is starting to make good progress and living according to the principles of bimboism.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.bimbo gte 6>>\
Although she has shown interest in learning, Stella has only slightly started to act on her training.
Stella has never seriously considered being a bimbo and in fact holds a misconceived view of the lifestyle.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="stella-slut-meter" @value="$bimbos.stella.slut" max="50">$bimbos.stella.slut</progress>
<<if $bimbos.stella.slut gte 50>>\
Stella has fully realized her sexual awakening. She loves all forms of sex, which is never far from her thoughts.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.slut gte 36>>\
Stella loves sex and will never turn it down.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.slut gte 26>>\
Stella is very much in touch with her sexuality. Being an object of desire arouses her.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.slut gte 16>>\
Stella has started to enjoy the thought of people thinking of her sexually.
Whilst not a prude, Stella does not think of herself as a sexual being.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="stella-exhibitionist-meter" @value="$bimbos.stella.exhibitionist" max="50">$bimbos.stella.exhibitionist</progress>
<<if $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist gte 50>>\
Stella is a full exhibitionist. She loves showing people her naked body and public displays of sex.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist gte 36>>\
Stella loves to show off how amazing her body is. She really is an exhibitionist.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist gte 26>>\
Stella likes her body and wishes to show it off. If it involves sex, so much the better.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist gte 16>>\
Stella has begun to accept that she can be beautiful and others can see that too.
Stella does not have a high opinion of her body and does not wish to show it off.
Stella has $<<print $bimbos.stella.cash>>.
<<if $bimbos.stella.debt gt 0>>\
Stella currently owes you $<<print $bimbos.stella.debt>>.
<<if $bimbos.stella.cash gte 1000>>\
<<link [[Ask Stella to pay you back $1,000|Stella Statistics]]>><<set $player.cash += 1000>><<set $bimbos.stella.cash -= 1000>><<set $bimbos.stella.debt -= 1000>><</link>>
Stella does not have $1,000 to give you.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "StellaLoan") and $bimbos.stella.transformLevel is 0>>\
<<if $player.cash gte 1000>>\
<<link [[Lend Stella $1,000|Stella Statistics]]>><<set $player.cash -= 1000>><<set $bimbos.stella.cash += 1000>><<set $bimbos.stella.debt += 1000>><</link>>
You do not have enough money to lend Stella $1,000.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Lingerie")>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "Session1Lingerie" 8>><<else>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "Session1Flirt" 8>><</if>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "Session2Lingerie" 6>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "Session2Flirt" 6>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "Session2" 6>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "Session3" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "Session4" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "Session5" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "Session6" 6>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "Photoshoot" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "StrippingStart" 3>><<if $bimbos.stella.transformLevel is 1>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "StrippingStart" 3>><<else>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "Operation" 3>><</if>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "StrippingTraining" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "StrippingTest" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "SchoolTease" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "SchoolFlash" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "SchoolSex" 3>><<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "HouseBimbo" 3>><<else>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "BLCEmployee" 3>><</if>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "AnalTraining" 3>><<if $bimbos.stella.trainingComplete>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "AnalTraining" 4>><<else>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "Complete" 4>><</if>>
<<ProgressImage "Stella" "RepairEvent" 7>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "LawyerEvent" 7>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "TrainEvent" 7>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "AdditionalTaskPanties" 5>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "AdditionalTaskNaked" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "AdditionalTaskNeighbor" 3>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "AdditionalTaskErrands" 4>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "CharlotteFirstVisit" 5>><<if $bimbos.charlotte>><<ProgressImage "Stella" "CharlotteFirstVisit" 4>><<else>><<ProgressImage "Charlotte" "ModelTalk" 4>><</if>>
<<if $bimbos.stella.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Stella's next event will be available in <<print $bimbos.stella.dayCounter>> <<if $bimbos.stella.dayCounter is 1>>day<<else>>days<</if>>.
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "Session3")>>\
Meet Stella at the local bar on Monday evening.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stella", "Session6")>>\
Meet Stella at your home on Monday evening.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stella", "Photoshoot")>>\
Invite Stella over from your home for a photoshoot in the evening.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stella", "StrippingStart")>>\
Visit the Top Floor Strip Club to introduce Stella to Rebeca.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.transformLevel is 0>>\
Visit Dr Yanovic to book Stella in to get implants.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stella", "StrippingTest")>>\
Visit the Top Floor Strip Club so that Stella can learn to strip.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stella", "SchoolTease")>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist gte 15>>\
Go to sleep during the week to receive an e-mail from Stella.
Stella needs to be more of an exhibitionist to progress her story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stella", "SchoolFlash")>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist gte 17>>\
Go to sleep during the week to receive an e-mail from Stella.
Stella needs to be more of an exhibitionist to progress her story.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stella", "SchoolSex")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.pornCount is 9 or not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "FourthLesson")>>\
You need to progress with Charlotte's story in order to continue with Stella.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist lt 20>>\
Stella needs to be more of an exhibitionist to progress her story.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.happiness lt 5>>\
Stella needs to be happier in order ot progress her story.
Go to sleep during the week to receive an e-mail from Stella.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo") and not CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Talk to Stella at home.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Rosa", "BarMeeting")>>\
You need to progress with Rosa's story in order to continue with Stella.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Elaine", "BLCEmployee")>>\
You need to progress with Elaine's story in order to continue with Stella.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stella", "AnalTraining")>>\
Talk to Stella at home after Monday.
<<elseif not $bimbos.stella.trainingComplete>>\
Talk to Stella at home on Saturday evening.
<<if ((CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Lingerie") or CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Flirt")) and not CheckEvent("Stella", "RepairEvent")) or (CheckEvent("Stella", "Session2Flirt") and not CheckEvent("Stella", "TrainEvent")) or (CheckEvent("Stella", "Session2Lingerie") and not CheckEvent("Stella", "LawyerEvent"))>>\
Be at home after Monday to receive an e-mail from Stella.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Session6")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "CharlotteFirstVisit")>>\
Go to sleep to receive an e-mail from Stella.
<<elseif not $bimbos.charlotte>>\
Invite Charlotte over to work from your home in the morning.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Stripper")>>\
You can visit Stella at the Top Floor Strip Club to see her perform.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo") or CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
You can call Stella for a booty call from your bedroom.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTasks")>>\
You can assign Stella additional tasks from your desk.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<if $bimbos.tan.bimbo gte 50>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Stat5.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.tan.bimbo gte 36>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Stat4.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif CheckEvent("Tan", "SexVisits")>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Stat3.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "HangDrunk")>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Stat2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Stat1.jpg" height="600">
<h2>Tan Nguyen</h2>
Tan is a friend of Hang's from Vietnam, having lived in America for much of her life. She is a very professional person who works for Councilmember Hernandez in charge of communal affairs.
<<if $bimbos.tan.transformLevel is 1>>\
Tan has huge, fake tits.
Tan has a big, fake ass.
Tan has big, fake lips.
Tan has big, natural tits.
Tan has a small, natural ass.
Tan has big, natural lips.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="tan-bimbo-meter" @value="$bimbos.tan.bimbo" max="50">$bimbos.tan.bimbo</progress>
<<if $bimbos.tan.bimbo gte 50>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.tan.bimbo gte 36>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.tan.bimbo gte 26>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.tan.bimbo gte 16>>\
Tan has no interest in being a bimbo.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="tan-slut-meter" @value="$bimbos.tan.slut" max="50">$bimbos.tan.slut</progress>
<<if $bimbos.tan.slut gte 50>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.tan.slut gte 36>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.tan.slut gte 26>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.tan.slut gte 16>>\
Tan is far more relaxed with herself and willing to explore her sexuality.
Tan has never paid much interest to her sexual needs.
<progress class="progress-big fame" id="tan-exhibitionist-meter" @value="$bimbos.tan.exhibitionist" max="50">$bimbos.tan.exhibitionist</progress>
<<if $bimbos.tan.exhibitionist gte 50>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.tan.exhibitionist gte 36>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.tan.exhibitionist gte 26>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.tan.exhibitionist gte 16>>\
Tan has always tried to maintain a professional reputation, and will not do anything to jeopardize that.
<div class="progress-block">\
<<ProgressImage "Tan" "BLCAttend" 2>><<ProgressImage "Tan" "BLCAttend2" 3>><<ProgressImage "Tan" "TanEmail" 3>><<ProgressImage "Tan" "BarChat" 3>><<ProgressImage "Tan" "BLCAttend3" 3>><<ProgressImage "Tan" "FirstNight" 3>><<ProgressImage "Tan" "SexVisits" 4>>
<<if $bimbos.tan.dayCounter gt 0>>\
Tan's next event will be available in <<print $bimbos.tan.dayCounter>> <<if $bimbos.tan.dayCounter is 1>>day<<else>>days<</if>>.
<<if not CheckEvent("Hang", "MeetSubway")>>\
You need to progress with Hang's story in order to continue with Tan.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Tan", "BLCAttend2")>>\
<<if $player.fame gte 5>>\
Attend the next BLC coaching session and talk to Tan.
You need to increase the awareness of BLC to continue with Tan.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "HomeGym")>>\
You need to progress with Stacy's story in order to continue with Tan.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Tan", "TanEmail")>>\
Be at home to receive an e-mail from Tan.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "CouncilMeeting")>>\
You need to progress with the main story in order to continue with Tan.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Tan", "BLCAttend3")>>\
Attend the next BLC coaching session and talk to Tan.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "HangDrunk")>>\
You need to progress with Hang's story in order to continue with Tan.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Tan", "FirstNight")>>\
Attend the next BLC coaching session and talk to Tan.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "FifthSession")>>\
You need to progress with Hang's story in order to continue with Tan.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Tan", "SexVisits")>>\
Go to sleep to receive an e-mail from Tan.
<<if CheckEvent("Tan", "SexVisits")>>\
You can call Tan for a booty call from your bedroom.
<<UIButton "Journal">><<if $bimbos.ana?.dayCounter is 0 and $player.fame gte 6>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Ana", "BimboTalk")>>\
[[Talk to Ana|Ana Bimbo Talk]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte?.trainingComplete and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Ana", "CharlotteMeet")>>\
[[You see Ana and Charlotte talking at the counter|Ana Charlotte Meet]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "Sunglasses")>>\
[[Ana stops you to talk|Ana Sunglasses]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Tan", "BarChat")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Ana", "StreetChat")>>\
[[Ana bumps into you as you leave|Ana Street Chat]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "Hair")>>\
[[Charlotte and you bump into Ana|Ana Hair]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "Clothing")>>\
[[You see Ana wearing new clothes|Ana Clothing]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "Raffle")>>\
[[Sit down for a coffee|Ana Raffle]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Ana", "AnaReturnText")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Ana", "CoffeeShopVisit")>>\
[[Meet Ana|Ana Coffee Shop Visit]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "CoffeeShopVisit2")>>\
[[Meet Ana|Ana Coffee Shop Visit 2]]
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/CoffeeShop/CoffeeShop.jpg" width="600">
<span class="ana-text">"Hey $player.firstName, what's up?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Not much, you?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Same shit different day. I see you with a bunch of basic bitches down at the Squeaky Bunker a few nights back?"</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Bimbos. They prefer to be called bimbos."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"The fuck?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No kidding. Bimbos. Anyway, lemme just get a tap water?"</span>
She grabs a small plastic glass and fills it under the tap. <span class="ana-text">"Sure thing, $player.firstName."</span>
As you walk away you hear here muttering at the bottom of her voice. <span class="ana-text">"Bimbos. What kinda shit..."</span>
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "BimboTalk"); $bimbos.ana.bimbo to 1; $bimbos.ana.exhibitionist to 1; $bimbos.ana.slut to 1; $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\As you walk in to get a coffee you see an unexpected sight: Charlotte and Ana, talking casually at the counter. The place is quiet and it seems like they've been chatting for a while. You're surprised because you wouldn't think they had all that much in common, what with Ana's disdain for 'basic bitches'.
As you approach you see Ana quickly raise her eyebrows, and Charlotte turns around too look at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName! I'm just talking with Ana for the first time. Isn't she great?"</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Ana/CharlotteTransform.jpg" height="600"><<else>><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/Makeup.jpg" height="600"><</if>>
Ana smirks. <span class="ana-text">"Hey, uh, $player.firstName."</span> You can almost hear the quotation marks around her use of your first name.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/CoffeeShop/CharlotteMeet.jpg" width="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"Anyway, I've gotta rush, but I hope you can find what you're looking for, Ana. Talk soon!"</span> Charlotte bounces on her tiptoes and gives you a kiss on the cheek before rushing out with her coffee.
You and Ana share mutually evaluating looks at each other in silence, until you hear the door close behind Charlotte.
<span class="ana-text">"So she's one of your bimbos."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yup."</span> You nod slowly. <span class="mc-text">"I'll just get a black Americano."</span>
Ana turns around and begins to make the espresso shot for your coffee. When she's done, and she's about to hand over the coffee, she holds onto it for a second.<span class="ana-text">"I didn't hate her, if that's what you're wondering. She was kinda nice."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm glad you think so... Was she helping you find something?"</span>
Ana looks a little embarrassed, but being the woman she is she reacts to that by clenching her jaw and looking you right in the eye. <span class="ana-text">"My cousin, dumb bitch that she is, is marrying some asshole from Long Island. They're having this fancy ass wedding out at some golf course and I gotta get all done up..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So?"</span>
Ana shrugs. <span class="ana-text">"I liked her lipstick."</span> Ana turns around and begins to wipe the counter, but doesn't finish talking. <span class="ana-text">"Could be kinda fun, you know?"</span>
You take that as your cue to end the conversation.
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "CharlotteMeet"); $player.cash -= 5; $bimbos.ana.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\<span class="ana-text">"My boss is pissed at you, but he don't know it's you he should be pissed at."</span>
You look up from your book to see Ana standing there, with her usual no-nonsense look.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/CoffeeShop/Sunglasses.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"You know what heels do to these floors? You know how expensive these floors are?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Ahh. All the basic bitches that are running around the neighborhood now."</span>
Ana laughs. <span class="ana-text">"Hey, they prefer to be called bimbos."</span>
She goes to turn around and ignore you again but you talk to her before she's can. <span class="mc-text">"Nice sunglasses! They new?"</span>
She lifts her chin once in agreement. <span class="ana-text">"Yeah. I got them in the city a few days ago. They kinda suit me, right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, they make you look really pretty."</span> Her eyes narrow in annoyance, until you lift one eyebrow and she realizes that you're fucking with her. <span class="mc-text">"Nah, but seriously, they look good on you. Kinda bad-ass."</span>
Ana says nothing, but when you leave after finishing your chapter she shouts <span class="ana-text">"Later!"</span> at you as you walk away.
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "Sunglasses"); $bimbos.ana.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\Ana wasn't working in the coffee shop today, but you sat down and enjoyed your book anyway. As you're leaving you see Ana striding up the street.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/CoffeeShop/StreetChat.jpg" height="600">
Ana shouts down the block to you. <span class="ana-text">"Yo! Brooklyn's Bimbo Boss!"</span> She stands still and waits for you to approach her. <span class="ana-text">"How's it going?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good, I missed you, change your shifts?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Nah, just today, Tommy needed to go to a doctor's appointment or some shit like that. Switched with him. He's a pussy anyway, so if I didn't I would have been stuck listening to how his latest show was awesome for six fucking hours. Or worse, how his girlfriend sucks"</span> She puts on a little whiny voice when she says 'how his girlfriend sucks.'
<span class="ana-text">"Anyway, what's this?"</span> She points to the folders in your arms.
<span class="mc-text">"BLC stuff. A gin company is doing a little promo at next week's session."</span>. You open up the folder and show her a mockup of an art nouveau style poster of the gin bottle, complete with a flowing blonde haired bimbo drawn into the frame.
<span class="ana-text">"Cool art."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Want some free gin?"</span>
She smiles. <span class="ana-text">"If you drop it off to me, sure. But you ain't getting me through that fucking door."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"I'll see if there's any leftovers."</span> You start walking away, but Ana doesn't move.
<span class="ana-text">"Hey."</span> You turn back around. <span class="ana-text">"Do you fuck, like, all of those bitches?"</span>
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"Some of them."</span>
Ana bites her lower lip then smiles widely. <span class="ana-text">"Yeahhhhhhh!"</span> She gives you a thumbs up then heads into the cafe.
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "StreetChat"); $player.cash -= 4; $bimbos.ana.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\<span class="charlotte-text">"So I let him touch my knee, but he was kinda ugly, so I-"</span> Charlotte's eyes widen, then she sticks her hand up in the air and begins to wave. <span class="charlotte-text">"Oh my God! Ana! Ana!"</span>
You turn around.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/CoffeeShop/Hair.jpg" height="600">
Ana looks... Different.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Ana!"</span> Ana looks over, dead in the eyes, but smiles. She begins to walk over, a dishtowel over her shoulder.
<span class="ana-text">"Hey $player.firstName, hey-"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh my God, Ana, your hair, you look so good. So so good. Doesn't she look good Mr. $player.lastName? Seriously, who did it? Was it for the wedding? How was the wedding?"</span>
Ana laughs and points at Charlotte's empty cup of coffee. <span class="ana-text">"This your fifth cup of the day?"</span>
You all laugh, including Charlotte. <span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck you Ana! I'm just being nice."</span> Charlotte pushes the empty chair at your table away. <span class="charlotte-text">"Got a moment to sit down. Was it for the wedding?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Nah, too busy, but the wedding was fine. Even got compliments on that lipstick you told me to buy."</span> Charlotte claps her hands.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Amazing! I bet you killed it Ana."</span>
Ana nods and crosses her arms in front of her. <span class="ana-text">"Yeah."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm gonna go shopping soon. Wanna come with me?"</span>
Ana looks at you a little embarrassed, but shrugs. <span class="ana-text">"Maybe. Text me. Anyway, gotta work."</span>
Ana turns around and walks to the counter. When Ana isn't looking Charlotte leans in and whispers. <span class="charlotte-text">"You aren't the only one with projects, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "Hair"); $player.cash -= 10; $bimbos.ana.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\You head to the coffee shop and, as you do, you see Ana walking in to work too.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/CoffeeShop/Clothing.jpg" height="600">
She looks... Amazing. You catch up to her at the corner, and begin walking to Henrique's together.
She looks at your face. <span class="ana-text">"Fuck you."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"You went shopping with Charlotte I see. She really got her claws into you."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Fuck you. And fuck you twice, cuz I picked all this shit out, Charlotte just gave my picks a thumbs up or thumbs down."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"Cool. That's cool. But, seriously... You look great."</span>
Against her own will Ana cracks a smile.<span class="ana-text">"Well, still fuck you, but... Thanks... These shoes are a bitch, though. How the fuck does Charlotte wear heels all the time? Do her feet not kill?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Nah, they're murder, but the sacrifices she makes for beauty..."</span> You whistle through your teeth.
<span class="ana-text">"Well, shit. Gotta up my game then."</span>
You shake your head. <span class="mc-text">"Don't try and compete with a bimbo on sacrifices for beauty, you'll lose."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Fuck you again..."</span> Ana pushes open the door to Henrique's and walks in first. She strides towards the counter and you follow, without even looking at you she shouts. <span class="ana-text">"Your usual, I got it."</span>
You leave a $5 bill by the register then go and sit down.
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "Clothing"); $player.cash -= 5; $bimbos.ana.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\You take your usual table, but this time it's covered in crumbs. You push them off to the other side of the table and get out your laptop.
After about half an hour Ana comes up to your table.
<span class="ana-text">"Hey $player.firstName..."</span> She looks at the table. <span class="ana-text">"Fuck."</span> She walks back to the counter, grabs her cloth, then comes over.
She begins to clean off your table.
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks, Ana."</span> You say this still typing, not looking at her.
<span class="ana-text">"What you working on?"</span>
You stop typing. <span class="mc-text">"Untangling a shit show that's turned out to be more trouble than it's worth."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Yeah?"</span> She sweeps the crumbs into her hand.
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah. I've signed up to do a raffle giveaway with this plastic surgeon in the city. He's great, one of the best in the world. But turns out it's legally complicated."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"What, the surgery?"</span>
You snort through your nose and look at Ana. <span class="mc-text">"Nah. The raffle. Even if I were giving away a free coffee it'd be complicated. Too much like gambling."</span>
Ana laughs. <span class="ana-text">"What's the giveaway anyway?"</span>
You look at her and put on a lopsided smile.<span class="mc-text">"Breast enhancements. If you enter it and win, you get a free pair of new tits. No cash, whatever size and style you want that's safe."</span>
Ana dumps the crumbs in a trashcan nearby, then rubs her hands together to get rid of the last few crumbs. <span class="ana-text">"Different styles?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah. Some implants make your tits hard, the really fake looking ones. Some implants try to look more natural, to make it look like you've got natural tits. Just, like, bigger ones that you naturally have."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Cool. Cool. This for your bimbos?"</span>
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"It was supposed to be, but under the law anyone can enter it."</span>
Ana nods, then walks back to the counter.
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "Raffle"); $player.cash -= 5; $bimbos.ana.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\You can't find Ana in the coffee shop, so you text her.
<span class="mc-text">Hey where are you?</span>
<<audio "SendText" play>>\
<<timed 3s transition>>\
<<audio "RecText" play>>\
<span class="ana-text">Boss wasn't too happy with me today, sent me home.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Huh?</span>
<<audio "SendText" play>>\
<span class="ana-text">I don't think he liked the new tats</span>
<<audio "RecText" play>>\
<span class="mc-text">Wait what? What tats?</span>
<<audio "SendText" play>>\
<span class="ana-text">You'll see soon enough.</span>
<<audio "RecText" play>>\
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "CoffeeShopVisit"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\You head to the coffee shop just to see Ana's new body. Again she isn't here. You text her again.
<span class="mc-text">Your still not back to work?.</span>
<span class="ana-text">Nah he's being a douche, fired me. Whatever, check it out.</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/Text/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="ana-text">Well? What do you think?</span>
<span class="mc-text">Looking good, I like it.</span>
<span class="ana-text">I've decided I really like Tattoos. Not sure my boss will though. Fuck 'em.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Purple suits you.</span>
<span class="ana-text">Nerd.</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/Text/2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">Wow you weren't kidding.</span>
<span class="ana-text">You said that like it's a bad thing.</span>
<span class="mc-text">No No. I think you look sexy as hell.</span>
<span class="ana-text">Uh Huh.</span>
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Ana", "Surgery"); AddEvent("Ana", "CoffeeShopVisit2"); $bimbos.ana.transformLevel to 1; $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\As you continue into the coffee shop, my god that ass...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/CoffeeShop/OtherCoffeeShop.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">Ana...?</span>
<span class="ana-text">Oh hey $player.firstName, you come here too? This is my new spot.
Just came to grab a coffee before I go catch my plane. Going on a mini vaycay.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Oh nice, you look great by the way.</span>
<span class="ana-text">Thanks, I gotta run though. I'll be back in a few days. See ya!</span>
<<UINavigation "DowntownCoffeeShop">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "OtherCoffeeShop"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 14;>>\<<if $bimbos.ana?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Ana", "OtherCoffeeShop")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Ana", "TripReturn")>>\
[[You receive a Text from Ana|Ana Return E-mail]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "ParkDate")>>\
[[Go meet Ana|Ana Park Date]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Elaine", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College") and not CheckEvent("Ana", "BuildingVisit")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
[[You and Charlotte are laying around the house|Ana & Charlotte]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Ana", "StripClubText")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Ana", "StripClubRebecaText")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
[[Rebeca texts you about Ana|Ana Rebeca Text]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "StripClub")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18>>\
[[See Ana at the strip club|Ana Dance]]
<<elseif $bimbos.ana.transformLevel is 1 and CheckEvent("Ana", "Hairdresser")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "PornThreesome") and not CheckEvent("Ana", "HouseVisit") and BetweenTime(13, 20) and GameDayIs("Sunday")>>\
[[You hear a knock at the door|Ana House Visit]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Ana", "HouseVisit") and not CheckEvent("Ana", "TransformVisit")>>\
[[You hear a knock at the door|Ana Transform 2][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Ana", "TransformMeeting") and not CheckEvent("Ana", "TransformText")>>\
[[You haven't heard from Ana in a while|Ana Transform 2][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Ana", "TransformText")>>\
[[You hear a knock at the door|Ana Transform 2][$passageRoute to 6]]
<</if>>\<span class="ana-text">Hey $player.firstName, I'm back in town. Want to meet up tomorrow?</span>
<span class="mc-text">Sure. When & where?</span>
<span class="ana-text">idk let's hangout though. Central park?</span>
You start to type "its a date" and erase it. <span class="mc-text">Where you want to meet?</span>
<span class="ana-text">There's a bus that goes from downtown. Meet me there between 10 and 11.</span>
<span class="mc-text">See you tomorrow.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "TripReturn"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\You ride the Subway to Downtown and arrive at the Bus Station.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/BusStation.jpg" width="600">
As you walk in you can not see Ana. You look at the board and see the bus for central park is in terminal 2, so you walk over. As you approach you think you see Ana standing next to the bus, grinning as she sees you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/Meet.jpg" width="300">
<span class="ana-text">"Yo, look who it is. Brooklyn's Bimbo Kingpin!"</span>
You look around embarrassed as she yelled to you and start laughing. <span class="mc-text">"Was that necessary?"</span>
As you walk up Ana gives you a hug. <span class="ana-text">"OK, coach. I'll try not to yell to the world that you buy girls fake tits."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Hey everyone! He bought me fake tits!"</span> Ana busts up laughing.
<span class="mc-text">Oh my god.</span> You start walking toward the bus. She follows you chuckling. You wait at the door for her. <span class="mc-text">"Ladies first."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Oh I'm a lady now?"</span> Ana walks past you and gets on the bus, the two of you being the first to board. As Ana walks back to find the seat she wants, she spins around in the aisle.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/Bus.jpg" width="600">
<span class="ana-text">"So Bimbo guru, whatcha think?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span> You laugh.
<span class="ana-text">"Oh please, we both know you've been judging me since you saw me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm not that shallow Ana."</span>
Ana starts tugging at her skirt.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/Bus2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Really Ana, here?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Just having a little fun. I mean you paid for them you could at least admire the work."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You look great now please."</span> You start laughing, slightly embarrassed.
Ana spins back around toward the back of the bus.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/Bus3.jpg" width="600">
<span class="ana-text">"Like the panties?"</span>
You walk up and smack her beautiful, firm ass, causing Ana to moan. She starts pulling her skirt up. <span class="mc-text">"Yes. I like them; good choice in the leather. Your ass looks good too."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Thanks."</span> Ana looks back and grins at you. <span class="ana-text">"Been working out. You know, maintaining my appearance and all."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Reading some of my material are we?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Charlotte may have sent me a thing or two."</span>
You both laugh. The bus quickly fills up and you are on your way.
<span class="ana-text">"And no, don't get any ideas. Her style is a bit much for me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Got it."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Taking notes?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You never know."</span> You change the subject. <span class="mc-text">"Have you been to the park before?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Only once. I always tend to get busy and usually don't want to deal with all the people."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Looks like we are almost there."</span>
[[Get off the bus|Ana Park Date Park]]You hop off the bus as it pulls up to the park.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/Park.jpg" width="600">
<span class="ana-text">"So pretty here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah. It's only downfall is all the people; at least it's not that crowded today."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/Park2.jpg" width="600">
You point to the right where there is less of a crowd. <span class="mc-text">"Shall we take this path?"</span>
Ana's always for dealing with less annoying people. <span class="ana-text">"For sure."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I feel like I've known you for awhile now, but I don't really know you. You know what I mean?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Yeah, I can see that, Mr. 'The usual please'."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Speaking of, what's going on? I haven't seen you there in quite awhile."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"At the coffee shop? Well at first douche was just being an A-hole saying I was being unreasonable with my appearance and style. Then he just up and fired me last week."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"For what?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Me being me I guess."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Mmm. You know, you could always come work at BLC. I could use a friendly face."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Oh yeah, Ana the Bimbo Queen; I can see it now. Yeah, No. Thanks for the offer though."</span> Ana laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"Just trying to help."</span> You chuckle as well knowing full well she wasn't going to come work for you. You continue walking down the path talking about her work situation. Ana confides that she is short on cash and that losing her job was not the best thing to happen. You try to cheer her up and also take this time to get to know her better.
<span class="ana-text">"Wow thats dope. Look at this arch."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/Park3.jpg" width="600">
<span class="ana-text">"It's beautiful."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I wonder how old it is."</span> You walk with Ana under the arch, she seems happy to be with you. <span class="mc-text">"Almost time to get back to the bus."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Let's hit it 'Kingpin'."</span>
[[Head back to the bus|Ana Park Date Bus]]You walk back to the bus chatting with Ana and board it for the trip home.
<span class="mc-text">"That was fun."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Yeah, it was nice to get out of town."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I enjoyed our talk."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Me too, thanks for listening to me whine about how unfair life is."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's all good. That manager really fucked you, but you'll be alright."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"I know. I'll figure it out. Shame the fun had to end though; wish there were more hours in the day sometimes."</span>
[[Hit on Ana|Ana Park Date Sex][$passageRoute to 1; $bimbos.ana.slut += 1;]]
[[Agree with Ana and head home|Ana Park Date Sex][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You joke around with Ana and she smiles. <span class="mc-text">"The fun doesn't have to end. We could go to a bar or something."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Are you asking me out on a date Bimbo Master?"</span>
You laugh a little bit. <span class="mc-text">"Sure, why not?"</span>
Ana nestles up against you smiling. <span class="ana-text">"You can't change me $player.firstName, I'll never be one of your bimbos."</span>
Jokingly, you reply, <span class="mc-text">"Whatever, you know you want to be just like Charlotte."</span> You both laugh.
<span class="ana-text">"I think it's you who wants me to be like Charlotte."</span> Ana looks over at you with a naughty grin.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/BusLook.jpg" width="300">
<span class="mc-text">"I mean Charlotte's a nice girl, but there can only be one Charlotte in a man's life."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Right. Of course you wouldn't want every girl to be like her... I can be a little bit of a good girl too."</span> Ana slides her hand over your pants towards your crotch and starts rubbing back and forth. <span class="ana-text">"Been awhile? You're rock hard already."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Teasing me isn't nice Ana."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Who said I'm teasing you?"</span> Ana unzips your pants and pulls out your cock.
<span class="mc-text">"I didn't take you for an exhibitionist."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Feel good or something?"</span> Ana slides her mouth over the head of your cock and starts playing with her tongue.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/Blowjob.jpg" width="600">
You can barely contain yourself with excitement. Ana lifts her head and you here a pop from her mouth. She looks at you, smiles, goes right back down onto your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/Blowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You look up and see the guy in front of you looking back.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/OtherGuy.jpg" width="600">
You try to cover Ana. <span class="mc-text">"Enjoying the view?"</span> He turns around without saying anything. Ana continues to suck as you quietly groan and even though you are trying to hold it in, you can't and cum in her mouth.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/Blowjob2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You look up; the guy in front is just staring at the two of you again. Ana does not even stop and just keeps sucking your cock.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/OtherGuy2.jpg" width="600">
You nudge Ana as she pulls her head up, mouth and chin covered in slobber and cum. She giggles and looks forward.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/ParkDate/Notice.jpg" width="600">
You both seem giddy as the bus arrives downtown. You can't keep your eyes off Ana but she is acting like nothing happened.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
The bus has nearly arrived back at downtown.
<span class="ana-text">"That was really fun $player.firstName. Thanks for keeping me company dude."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Anytime Ana."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"I think I'm just going to have to look for a new job downtown or something."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Plenty of opportunities around this area, it's growing pretty fast. I will miss the usual coffee experiences."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"If you see anything text me, I'll be looking."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course."</span>
[[Get off at the bus stop|Ana Park Date Finish]]You step off the bus with Ana.
<span class="ana-text">"Well thanks for the company. I needed a day out to release some stress."</span> Ana shrugs. <span class="ana-text">"So did you apparently."</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
The guy who sat in front of you walks past and Ana rubs the top of his head. <span class="ana-text">"Some day."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Drinks?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"I really should get going sorry."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"All good."</span>
Ana turns around and starts walking away. <span class="ana-text">"You have a good rest of your day BM."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"BM?"</span>
Ana yells back and starts laughing. <span class="ana-text">"Bimbo Master!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You know it."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(5); AddEvent("Ana", "ParkDate"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\You are really not feeling it today and just want to be lazy, but Charlotte gets a text.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName, Ana is bored. Can we go over to the new building? She can check it out and it will give us something to do."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure thing."</span> You toss the keys over to Charlotte.
<span class="charlotte-text">"What? You're not coming?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Wasn't planning on it."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh come on, don't be a party pooper."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What's the big deal?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I want you to come with me. Aaaand... I've got this cute outfit I want to try out. I even bought one for Ana. She's going to look AMAZING! Trust me. You'll want to see it."</span> Charlotte runs to her room, coming back with a bundle of clothing. <span class="charlotte-text">"Look at this bra, and this bottom. Won't it look great on her? It so fits her complexion and body style perfectly. Oh and Mr. $player.lastName look at this? I tried it on at the store but I'll put it on for you."</span> Charlotte smiles at you. You really don't want to go, but you would feel bad being an ass to Charlotte.
<span class="mc-text">"Alright, Fine. Let's go."</span>
The both of you head out the door and down to your new building. Of course, it takes forever because charlotte has to bring her purse, her bag full of outfits and for some reason all the other damn things girls lug around.
[[Head over to the building|Ana & Charlotte 2]]Whilst unlocking the building, you and Charlotte see Ana walking up, and your jaw drops. She's wearing a black dress with red socks and large, hoop earings. You've never seen Ana dressed up before; she is definitely making a statement.
<span class="ana-text">"Hey $player.firstName. Hey Charlotte."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/AnaCharlotte/1-1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"Ana!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Ana, you look beautiful."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Oh please. You see this beautiful, blonde bimbo? I look like shit next to her."</span>
Ana grabs Charlotte's tits. Charlotte blushes and pushes Ana away.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/AnaCharlotte/1-2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"OMG stop Ana! You are a hot bitch. We are going to have the funnest girl's night ever."</span> Charlotte grabs Ana's waist. <span class="charlotte-text">"Look at this hot, sexy chick."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Alright girls."</span> You motion for them to enter the door.
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle1.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="ana-text">"Holy shit moneybags! This place is nice."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I know like, it's cool right? He's going to let us girls use it to hold meetings and stuff."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Brooklyn bimbo boss' hideout huh."</span> Ana laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"Alright, alright."</span>
Ana and Charlotte walk around checking the place out. You yell that you are heading up to your office. Sitting down at your desk, you start to read your Emails. After about five minutes Charlotte walks in.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey party pooper. You alright?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, was just checking my e-mail quickly."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Well, not to take you away from your work but damn, you gotta admit Ana's looking hot as hell tonight. Even I want to fuck her."</span>
You chuckle a bit. <span class="mc-text">"She does look good."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I can tell by the way you look at her you two got something going on."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We don't. Do not pressure her into things Charlotte. We are good friends. Please do not ruin that."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I won't Mr. $player.lastName. Though I did show her the stuff I bought and she is trying it on. If she likes it I'll bring her up here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK, I'll be here."</span>
Charlotte walks out... She seems to be acting a bit weird.
[[Go back to your work|Ana & Charlotte 3]]You begin to shut down your computer. Charlotte knocks on the door again.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName? You still back here?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah."</span>
Charlotte walks in wearing sexy, crisscrossed pattern lingerie.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/AnaCharlotte/2-2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Wow. You look amazing."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Thank you, wait till you see Ana."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What's this for?"</span>
Charlotte walks over and sits down on your couch. <span class="charlotte-text">"Nothing in particular. Just saw it at the store and it looked cute. I had to have it."</span>
You and Charlotte chat for a few minutes about how great she looks, and that it is good she buys outfits to make herself look and feel confident. Ana quietly knocks on the door and pushes it open.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/AnaCharlotte/2-1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"Ooooooh. Look at this sexy babe."</span>
Charlotte laughs as Ana walks inside. She's wearing a black lace and leather set. It has a cute skirt, and a leather and lace combo bra top. To top it off she's got her hair up and a matching choker on. Your dick is instantly rock hard.
<span class="mc-text">"Damn Ana. You look great."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Thanks. I actually kinda like it."</span> Ana spins around.
<span class="charlotte-text">"See, when you invite your man over or something you come out of the bathroom in this and boom he's ready."</span>
Ana laughs. <span class="ana-text">"Well, $player.firstName. Is this sexy enough for you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You look ama-"</span>
Ana walks over, spins your chair and straddles you; sliding her legs around you and clenching onto you. She presses her breasts to your face and hugs you.
<span class="ana-text">"Please. We all know you want it. Look at that blonde over there. You can't resist. Shit, I can't even resist."</span>
They both laugh while Ana teases you.
[[Flirt with the girls|Ana & Charlotte 4]]<span class="mc-text">"You two are such a tease."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Who's teasing?"</span> Ana runs her hand down your chest, across your stomach, and down to your already throbbing cock. <span class="ana-text">"Someone's excited."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Who wouldn't be?"</span>
Ana rubs back and forth, eventually gripping your cock through your pants. She looks over at Charlotte, who is already smiling. Looking at you, Charlotte sticks her finger in her mouth and runs her tongue around it. Ana giggles and slides down to the floor in front of you.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey."</span>
Ana rubs her hand across you again and unbuttons your pants. She gives you a devilish grin as she pulls out your cock.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/AnaCharlotte/3.jpg" height="600">
Ana starts to slowly suck your cock in front of Charlotte.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck."</span> You caress Ana's head as she moves back and forth.
<span class="charlotte-text">"You two look cute together."</span>
Ana continues to suck your cock while Charlotte watches. After a few minutes Ana pulls back with quite a bit of suction and you hear a loud "pop" as her lips leave your cock, causing her to giggle a bit. You start to get up, but Ana grabs a hold of your member and nearly pulls you out of your chair by it.
<span class="ana-text">"Mmm hmm"</span> She goes back to sucking.
Charlotte walks over and joins the two of you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Can I play?"</span> She kisses the side of your cock while still in Ana's mouth.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/AnaCharlotte/4.jpg" width="600">
Ana and Charlotte take turns sucking on the tip of your cock. Ana throats you deep and then slowly pulls back, sucking what feels like as hard as she can. You hear another audible "pop" as her lips leave you. Charlotte grabs your cock and wraps her lips around you, sucking hard. She pulls back and again hear a loud "pop".
<span class="ana-text">"No fair, yours was louder. Those lips are cheating devices."</span>
Charlotte laughs. <span class="charlotte-text">"More like sucking devices."</span>
Ana runs her fingers across Charlottes lips. The two of them look at each other for a moment and then start kissing. Ana is vigorously going at Charlotte, but Charlotte hasn't forgotten about you. She keeps stroking your cock whilst she and Ana begin making out. Just watching them makes your dick twitch. Charlotte reaches down with her other hand and begins to play with Ana. It does not take long before Ana starts moaning, cumming only a few seconds later. You can't hold back and spray Charlotte with your load.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey!"</span> Charlotte giggles.
Without missing a beat Ana begins to kiss Charlotte again.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/AnaCharlotte/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You should leave them to enjoy this moment.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Ana", "BuildingVisit"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\<span class="rebeca-text">Hey. Ana's going to dance at the club tonight if you wanna come see how she does. We went over a few things today. She's a smart girl, quick learner too.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Absolutely. I'll see you tonight.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "StripClubRebecaText");>>\You arrive at the club to see how Ana is doing. As you enter, you feel the great vibe the club has tonight. You head over in the direction of the bar.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Bar1.jpg" width="600">
Catching the bartender's attention, you ask <span class="mc-text">"Hey, is Ana here?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Sorry bud, don't know any Ana."</span>
You look over toward the stage and see Rebeca giving a lap-dance to what looks like a birthday party.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rebeca/Club1.jpg" width="600">
[[Approach Rebeca|Ana Dance 2]]<span class="mc-text">"Hey Rebeca, where's Ana?"</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"She's about to come out, let me finish up here."</span>
Rebeca keeps grinding on her client. She dances a bit more. You admire her work; she is quite skilled. When Rebeca is finished she goes off stage, changes clothes, and then comes back out to meet you.
<span class="rebeca-text">"Hey papi, you are just in time. I thought you were going to miss it."</span>
The music in the club changes.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/Stripclub/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Ana starts dancing. She moves quite well for someone brand new.
<span class="rebeca-text">"Wow. I am actually impressed. She's doing great."</span>
The crowd is cheering. Quite a few men are throwing money up on the stage. Ana pauses grinding on the pole for a moment. She makes eye contact with you and your heart pulses for a moment. You can feel your dick stiffening in your pants. She continues to dance, it almost feels like slow motion.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/Stripclub/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="rebeca-text">"Get it girl!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"She is quite good."</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"She could make a ton of money here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No doubt."</span>
Ana spins around and lays on the stage right in front of you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/Stripclub/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks up at you and sees your dick hard as a rock through your pants. Ana smiles and licks her fingers on the stage.
<span class="rebeca-text">"$player.firstName, there is no way you are not fucking this girl right?"</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"We are just friends."</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"Friends my ass."</span>
Ana finishes her dance and walks off the stage. The entire club is cheering. After a few moments you and Rebeca find a booth to sit and chat. Ana walks up shortly after.
<span class="rebeca-text">"Girl, you did great."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Thanks Rebeca, what'd you think $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It was awesome, I dare say you might be a natural."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Ha! Well, it was fun. I really don't know if this was for me though."</span> Ana is nearly out of breath from the dance. <span class="ana-text">"I really appreciate the opportunity though guys."</span>
You knew it wasn't going to last.
<span class="rebeca-text">"No problem girl, it's not for everyone."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's alright Ana. Did you at least make some good money?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Hell yeah. That's the first thing I did when I got back stage."</span> You all bust up laughing. <span class="ana-text">"I made $328."</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"Not bad for 5 minutes."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Thanks again Rebeca, it just isn't for me."</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"Any time you want to earn some extra cash feel free to call. We'd be glad to have you."</span>
You, Ana, and Rebeca chat for a bit. Even though she looked amazing and was quite entertaining, in the end this just was not for Ana. You walk home together at the end of the night.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Ana", "StripClub"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\As you walk downtown you pass the Icon Salon. You think you see Ana through the window. She looks up, sees you, and waves you in.
<span class="ana-text">"Hey!"</span> Ana walks over and gives you a hug. She has bright blonde highlighted hair. She looks... amazing.
<span class="mc-text">"Wow Ana, you look great."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/HairSalon/NewJob.jpg" width="600">
<span class="ana-text">"Thank you! My girlfriend had seen a job opening so I figured what the hell, I'll give the salon a shot. They are really great. Even sending me to hairdressing school or whatever. Either way it's a great job. When I get back though send the girls over. I'll be the bimbo king's harem's hairdresser."</span>
You both laugh.
<span class="mc-text">"Alright well, I gotta get running. I'm really glad to see you on your feet again. I'll be sure to send the girls your way."</span>
<<UINavigation "Downtown">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "Hairdresser")>>\You hurry to the door.
<span class="ana-text">"Hurry up $player.firstName!"</span> You hear what sounds like Ana yelling through the door.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm coming."</span>
You open it to see Ana standing there in a black skirt and red plaid outfit.
<span class="ana-text">"What up."</span>
Motioning for her to enter. <span class="mc-text">"Not much, how have you been?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Not much, just doing hair do's and the like. Have not heard from you in a while."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I been pretty busy."</span>
Ana helps herself to a glass from the kitchen and fills it with water. <span class="ana-text">"Uh huh. No time for friends."</span> She takes a drink.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/Visit/House1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="ana-text">"Ah, guessing you are busy being Brooklyn's bimbo king or some shit huh."</span>
[[Take a seat in the living room|Ana House Visit Chat]]Ana walks over and climbs onto the couch.
<span class="ana-text">"Man I am so uncomfortable. Like I look cute, but god damn this skirt is scratchy."</span> She drops her skirt on the floor in front of you.
<span class="mc-text">"Umm."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/Visit/House2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="ana-text">"What? You have big-titted bimbos and naked girls running around here all the time and you are offended at my skirt? Please."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Not offended; it was just a bit random."</span> You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"By the way. I really do like the blonde."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Of course you do. It's bimbo-esque."</span> Ana says jokingly. <span class="ana-text">"But thank you. I think I look damn good. Bimbo king over here trying to be a smooth talker after me being half naked in less than three minutes."</span>
You both bust up laughing. The two of you for a while and end up watching a movie together.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/Visit/House3.jpg" width="600">
[[The movie ends|Ana House Visit Daydream]]<span class="mc-text">"Thanks for stopping by Ana. It was great seeing you."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"You too. Gotta keep up with my boy more often."</span> Ana readjusts her top, grabbing at her tits.
<span class="mc-text">"Speaking of, how have you liked the implants? They seem to suit you nicely."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"I love them. Though they do get in the way sometimes. Can't even see my feet in certain outfits. Annoying as shit."</span> Ana stands up and looks straight down at her feet. <span class="ana-text">"Nothing but tits."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well you look great."</span>
You stare at Ana as she stares down admiring her tits. You can see a little bit of a grin on her face. You begin to daydream about playing with the gorgeous, tattooed bimbo standing in front of you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/Visit/House4.jpg" width="600">
<span class="ana-text">"$player.firstName."</span>
You continue to daydream.
<span class="ana-text">"$player.firstName. Hello you perv!"</span>
You realize Ana's been trying to talk to you for several seconds as you sit there nearly drooling over her.
<span class="mc-text">"S-sorry."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Mmmhmm. Don't gotta lie to me hun; I know you're a perv."</span> Ana grabs at her tits again.
She doesn't stop laughing as you escort her to the door.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Ana", "HouseVisit"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 28;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You hear a knock at the door. You walk over and answer it, shockingly, to find Ana.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh wow. I haven't seen you in forever!"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Yeah, it's been a while."</span>
You give her a hug and she pats you on the chest and walks into your apartment.
<span class="ana-text">"Place is looking nice."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks."</span> You close the door behind you. <span class="mc-text">"How have you been?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Pretty good. I get quite a few of your clients over at my hair salon. Charlotte hooked it up and spread the word, now I am like the blonde, bimbo queen hairdresser."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well that's probably good for business."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Yeah, but the shop itself is expensive. Trying to expand and be my own boss."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's a good plan."</span>
Ana leans back against the wall.
<span class="ana-text">"Got any more of those giveaways? Thinking I could use some work."</span> Ana laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"Uhm. I wasn't planning on it. I guess I could."</span>
You make a note to hold another promotion.
<span class="mc-text">"I can help you out if you want..."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"I'm not into the whole owing someone money thing."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Think of it as a gift. I can talk with Yanovic."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"How about I send you clients; and I'll still try to pay you back something."</span>
[[Encourge Ana to get the work done|Ana Transform 2][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Encourge Ana to think about it some more; you like her the way she is|Ana Transform 2][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You think for a second.
<span class="mc-text">"OK. I'll talk with the Yanovic; he'll help us out. And in the meantime I'll front the bill. I'm sure you're good for it."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Thanks bro."</span>
Ana walks up and punches you in the shoulder, causing both of you to laugh.
<span class="mc-text">"I'll see what I can do."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Maybe I'll even attend one of your meetings. Might throw down with some bitches at the bar instead though."</span> Ana waves behind her as she walks out. <span class="ana-text">"See ya Bimbo King."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Ana", "TransformVisit"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You think for a second.
<span class="mc-text">"On second thought, I think you should instead come to a few coaching sessions. Then we can talk. I don't want you jumping into anything you are unsure of."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Hmm. I think I'll pass on your sessions, but maybe I'll join a group meeting. I do enjoy watching catty, drunk bitches."</span>
You both laugh.
<span class="mc-text">"I'll see you there then."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Maybe, toodles Bimbo King."</span>
Ana waves behind her as she walks out.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Ana", "TransformVisit"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
After the meeting you approach Ana. She is dressed in a sleek black dress and has a notebook out.
<span class="ana-text">"Nice speech, pimp."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Not a pimp, but thank you... So what do you think?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"I'm pretty sold. I need an upgrade."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's not just about that."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"It is for me. How about you spot your girl so I can get this rolling."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Sure, what are you thinking?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"About $5000 should do the trick. I'm good for it."</span>
You think for a moment.
<span class="mc-text">"Alright, I think I can manage that."</span>
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "TransformMeeting"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 14;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
You decide to check in with her.
<span class="mc-text">Hey Ana, how you been?</span>
<span class="ana-text">Pretty good, thanks for checking in. I'll swing by once my recovery is done. Damn sore though.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "TransformText"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 14;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
You answer the door to see Ana. you pause for a moment.
<span class="mc-text">"Wow, you look..."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Amazing? I know."</span>
Ana walks in, brushing past you.
<span class="ana-text">"I must say, I like having bigger tits."</span> Ana gently squeezes them and squints a bit. <span class="ana-text">"Still a bit sore, but I love how tight and round they feel."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm glad your happy with your new look."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"I just wanted to stop by and say hi, make sure you knew I didn't die on the table."</span> Ana laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"Still going to attend the weekly sessions?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Doubtful, but we'll see."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"They aren't that bad are they?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Of course not, just not for me."</span> Ana walks toward the door. <span class="ana-text">"Toodles bimbo king."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.ana.transformLevel to 2; $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $bimbos.ana?.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Ana", "Raffle") and not CheckEvent("Ana", "RaffleWinner")>>\
[[You ring an unknown number|Ana Raffle Winner]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Ana", "RaffleWinner") and not CheckEvent("Ana", "AnaReturnText")>>\
[[You get a text from Ana|Ana Text]]
<<elseif ((CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College") and CheckEvent("Elaine", "BLCEmployee")) or CheckEvent("Ana", "BuildingVisit")) and not CheckEvent("Ana", "StripClubText")>>\
[[You wake up to a text from Ana|Ana Strip Club Text]]
<</if>>\Last night you held the raffle with Dr. Yanovic at your usual meeting spot. Almost as many bimbos as you've ever been in contact with attended, each clutching their raffle ticket. There were other prizes, of course, but the main prize was the free breast enhancement surgery. Dr. Yanovic even turned up in full medical garb, ready to begin the consultation then and there.
You called out the number, but no one claimed it. You called it out again, but still not claimant, even after you asked everyone to double check their tickets. You joked that whoever it was must have forgotten to turn up, and you were thankful that you'd collected contact details for everyone that signed up.
The winner, however, had just provided a phone number, even though they'd signed up for the giveaway online. Rather than call them late at night you decide to wait until tomorrow.
Once you've taken care of your morning routine you settle down at your desk, deciding to start by calling the winner of the raffle.
You dial the number and it begins to ring. Within a few seconds someone picks up.
<span class="ana-text">"Yo. Who's this?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hi, this is..."</span> It takes you a second but you realize that you recognize that voice. <span class="mc-text">"Ana?"</span>
There's a silence at the other end. <span class="ana-text">"Uhhh... $player.firstName? How did you get my number?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I... You..."</span> You push air through your teeth and whistle. Charlotte must have put Ana's number in without telling her. <span class="mc-text">"You, uh, you won the raffle. For the boob job."</span> You wait for Ana to scream down the phone, and wonder where you'll get your coffee from now.
<span class="ana-text">"I did? I won that? Fuck!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Look, I'm sorry Ana, I can do the draw again, I'll talk to Charlotte-"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"What? Shut up. Why the fuck would you draw again?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Because, well, because Charlotte did this without telling you?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"You're an idiot. You think she'd do that without me knowing? I just didn't want you to know if I didn't actually win."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So... You're happy?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"I won a free boob job, dipshit. You think I'd be unhappy?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I mean... I assumed you would be."</span>
She sighs down the line. <span class="ana-text">"I'm not working today. Meet me at the coffee shop."</span> She hangs up, not telling you when, but you get dressed and head out.
[[Continue|Ana Raffle Winner Finish]]She's already waiting outside by the time you get there.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/CoffeeShop/Raffle.jpg" height="600">
<span class="ana-text">"So when can I get my big ass new titties?"</span>
You sit down next to her and stare at her for a moment. <span class="mc-text">"You know, seriously, I'm surprised you're so down for this. You really didn't strike me as the bimbo type."</span>
She scoffs. <span class="ana-text">"I'm not. Fuck that. But I can want big tits without being a bimbo, can't I? Nothing wrong with that. Everyone likes big tits. I like big tits. You like big tits."</span> She points at a man walking past and yells at him. <span class="ana-text">"Hey! You like big tits?"</span> He shrugs, nods, says nothing, and speeds up. <span class="ana-text">"Yeah, see, he likes big tits too."</span>
She turns and looks at you.<span class="ana-text">"So I want my big tits. I talked to Charlotte about it. I know what I'm doing. And I want them even if I'm not no bimbo. OK?"</span>
You widen your eyes and hold up your hands to surrender. <span class="mc-text">"OK, OK, OK. I got you."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"So how does it work?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, you can get whatever you want done, whenever you want. You just gotta agree to have some photos taken after you're all healed."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"What kind of photos?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Not necessarily topless, but it's gotta be clear that you've got a new pair, you know?"</span>
Her eyes narrow. <span class="ana-text">"Who gets 'em? Who takes 'em?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Me and the doctor get them, I take them. For promo stuff."</span>
She nods and says nothing, and looks away from you.
<span class="mc-text">"That sound OK?"</span>
She turns back to look at you and her eyes narrow. <span class="ana-text">"Fuck it. Deal. You gonna book me in to the doctor?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What, now?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"It's my day off. I wanna get going with this."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Fuck it."</span>
You call Dr. Yanovic and ask if he has time to meet Ana today. He does, and after you get off the phone you explain to her how to get to his office.
Later that evening you get a text from Ana.
<span class="ana-text">Got your number off Charlotte
on for tomorrow
getting legit double Ds</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Ana", "RaffleWinner"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<if CheckEvent("Ana", "AnaText")>>\
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "AnaReturnText");>>\
You get a text from Ana.
<span class="ana-text">Back home today
thanks for the free tits
drop by coffee shop tomorrow if you wanna see me</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Ana", "OperationText")>>\
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "AnaText");>>\
You get a text from Ana.
<span class="ana-text">Gonna be free tomorrow
boring shit
say hi to Charlotte</span>
<span class="mc-text">Happy to hear you're OK!
Recovering well?
What size did you go for?</span>
<span class="ana-text">double d</span>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "OperationText"); AddEvent("Ana", "Surgery");>>\
You wake up to a message from Ana, sent at around 7:30.
<span class="ana-text">Wish me luck</span>
At about 10 you get a text from Charlotte.
<span class="charlotte-text">Im with Ana
Shes good
These drugs are no joke
But dr Y says that it went great</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\<span class="ana-text">Yo wondering if you got any ideas. Ever since fuck face over at the coffee shop fired me I've been hurting for money.</span>
<span class="mc-text">You can always try the strip club, but I didn't think you are into that kind of thing.</span>
<span class="ana-text">Fuck it. I need the money. When and where?</span>
<span class="mc-text">I'll have Rebeca text you. Good luck.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "StripClubText"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 1;>>\<span class="mc-text">"Excuse me, can I help you?"</span>
The woman looks up at you. She's dressed quite nicely in a white business suit. She is showing quite a bit of cleavage and has ample breasts.
<span class="client-text">"Uhm. I was wondering if you had some time to speak?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Absolutely. Please call me $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Bethany."</span> She reaches out and shakes your hand.
You lead her upstairs to your office and take a seat at your desk.
<span class="mc-text">"How can I help you?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"I was hoping you could explain, I suppose, the benefits of your services here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's a great question. I'm assuming by that, you are possibly interested?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"Possibly."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well to truly understand it may take some time. But I offer counseling services and life coaching. My specialty is the bimbo lifestyle."</span>
You slide a card across the table to Bethany with the Five Principles of Bimboism.
<img src="Images/BLC/PrinciplesOfBimboism.jpg" width="600">
Bethany ponders the card for a few moments. <span class="client-text">"I'm not sure I entirely agree with these."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I wouldn't necessarily say its about agreeing with them; more about embracing them and trying to understand them. The only way to better yourself and truly understand others is to reach outside of your comfort zone."</span>
Bethany shifts slightly in her chair, looking a bit uncomfortable. You get distracted by her large breasts.
<img src="Images/Clients/Bethany/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I don't want to mislead you. This is not for everyone. But I believe the best way for you to start is to embrace things that may make you uncomfortable. This is not just a style, but a way of life."</span>
<span class="client-text">"I see."</span> Bethany flips the business card around a few times glancing down at it. <span class="client-text">"I am definitely interested."</span>
The two of you chat for quite some time; talking about her goals and ambitions as well as getting to know her. Before long Dani comes upstairs to check on you.
<span class="dani-text">"Just wanted to check up on you. I'm going to head home and lock-up."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No problem, have a good night Dani."</span>
The two of you continue to chat. Eventually Bethany invites you over to her place for a few drinks to continue your conversation. You oblige. It was a long, fun night.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Bethany/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You should probably not make a habit of treating new clients like this.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set SetHours(22); SetMinutes(0); $clients.bethany to clone($minorTemplate)>>\As you walk around the gym, you can't help but stare at some of these beautiful women.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Chloe/Exercise.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="client-text">"Umm hellloooo!"</span> A woman yells. <span class="client-text">"Can you move please."</span>
You turn around.
<img src="Images/Clients/Chloe/Woman.jpg" width="600">
<span class="client-text">"Are you deaf? Quit staring at her and move so I can work out."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh sorry."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Fucking perv."</span>
You step out of her way. You should probably be less obvious.
<<UINavigation "DowntownGym">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Player", "ChloeMeet")>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="erica-text">Hello $player.firstName!
My name is Erica. I just wanted to reach out to you. I'm not sure if you remember me, but I'm one of your regular attendees. I've turned up a few times and I really like what you have to say, and I just, like... I dunno. It feels right for me, I guess?
Anyway, I'm having a bit of a problem and I thought you might be able to help. My boyfriend, John, is being shitty about this. He's got all jealous about even small changes I've tried to make. I've tried to explain that it's for both of us, but he isn't there for it.
How should I approach it?
You sit back and consider the problem for a moment before writing a response.
[[Tell her to include her boyfriend more and have him show her off|Erica Intro E-mail][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Tell her to do her own thing, even if her boyfriend isn't supportive|Erica Intro E-mail][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Erica-
Thank you so much for your e-mail. Of course I remember you, and it makes me really happy to hear that you are finding the group sessions so useful.
To answer your question I think the best strategy is to try and include your boyfriend more. Instead of just explaining why this change is good, try to demonstrate the benefits. Treat him to something nice after a long day, go to town on his dick. Dress up in a provocative way and let him enjoy the jealousy of other men as they look at you.
If you are interested in more direct coaching, I do offer one-on-one sessions for $150 each session.
- $player.firstName</span>
[[Continue|Erica Intro E-mail][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">Erica-
Thank you so much for your e-mail. Of course I remember you, and it makes me really happy to hear that you are finding the group sessions so useful.
To answer your question I think you should move forwards with this regardless of his criticism. If he truly loves you he will catch up, once he sees how much happier you become. If he continues to be negative, you should consider how much you wish to engage - it is hard to be a source of joy for others when negative people remain in your life.
If you are interested in more direct coaching, I do offer one-on-one sessions for $150 each session.
- $player.firstName</span>
[[Continue|Erica Intro E-mail][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<span class="erica-text">Hello $player.firstName!
Thanks so much for the help! I'm not sure that I can afford one-on-one sessions, but I did do what you said. He's still not, like, totally down for this... But I know he had fun.
I dressed up kinda slutty and had him take me out. I showed off my ass under a tight skirt. I've attached a photo - I know I need to lose a bit of weight, but I'm working on it! LOL
I could see he was torn between feeling jealous, but also getting kinda turned on.
Attached Image:
<img src="Images/Clients/Erica/Email.jpg" height="600">
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $clients.erica to clone($minorTemplate); $clients.erica.dayCounter to 7; $clients.erica.bimbo to 1; $clients.erica.exhibitionist += 2; $clients.erica.slut += 1;>>\
<</if>>\<span class="erica-text">Hello again $player.firstName!
I really appreciated your advice from last week, but I was wondering if I could ask you another question? It's a bit... Awkward. But I had a blow out argument with my boyfriend. He told me that I'm fat, and that it bothers him. I know I've put on a bit of weight since we got together, and, like, I know it's not ideal. But isn't that part of being with someone, that you trust them enough that you can relax around them a little?
It isn't like I don't WANT to be fitter, it's just tough, what with work, and all that. It's hard enough as it is to roll out of bed in the morning, and by the time I'm home it's a struggle to even make dinner. I kinda want to tell him to shut up, and that he really hurt me. But... Yeah. Stacy thinks I should do that, but start working out anyway. She also kinda asked why I'm bothering to come to the bimbo coaching if I'm not going to get fit, but I think she's biased because she's a personal trainer.
Anyway... Any advice would be appreciated.
You had offered private coaching for her last time, and hadn't intended to make a habit of offering free services, but... She does seem to be in trouble. You write a quick response.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[You should listen to your boyfriend|Erica E-mail Fitness][$passageRoute to 2; AddEvent("Erica", "FitnessEmail"); $clients.erica.dayCounter to 7; $clients.erica.bimbo to 2;]]
[[What do you want out of the coaching?|Erica E-mail Fitness][$passageRoute to 3; AddEvent("Erica", "FitnessEmail"); $clients.erica.dayCounter to 7; $clients.erica.bimbo to 2;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Erica-
Honestly, and as harsh as this may sound, I think your boyfriend is right. You are a little on the large side. There's nothing objectively wrong with that, but it's clear that you're both unhappy with that. You should make the effort to exercise. Even if it's difficult at first, it will actually give you more energy in the long run.
- $player.firstName</span>
You go about the rest of your day, but you don't hear back from Erica and you hope she will attend next week's session.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<span class="mc-text">Erica-
What is it, exactly, that you are wanting from these weekly meetings? What are you wanting to be coached to become? A bimbo, yes: but what kind of bimbo?
- $player.firstName</span>
A little while later you receive a response from her.
<span class="erica-text">Thanks for responding so quickly. To answer you, I don't really know. Like, I want to be hot. I want to be my best self and all that but I don't, like, have a particular vision of who I want to become. Is that bad? What should my vision be?</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 3>>\
[[You should decide what kind of bimbo you want to be on your own|Erica E-mail Fitness][$passageRoute to 4]]
[[Part of being your absolute best self includes being in peak physical condition|Erica E-mail Fitness][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
You send off your response to her.
<span class="mc-text">Erica-
I can't answer for you what your ultimate bimbo aim should be, no more than I can decide for you whether you want to become a bimbo or not. This is a journey I can only help you along, but not a journey I can chart for you.
Think about it, and maybe discuss this with Stacy.
- $player.firstName</span>
You wait for a message from her, but by the time you get to bed you've heard nothing. Hopefully she isn't so mad that she doesn't attend the next meeting.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
You send off your response to her.
<span class="mc-text">Erica-
There are, of course, many kinds of bimbos. Even plus size bimbos. But any divergence from the norm is a product of sincere and strongly held desires, a product of a bimbo wanting to live the perfect life in a particular way. If you are not absolutely committed to being a plus size bimbo - and you do not seem to be - then you should appreciate that physique is a crucial part of being a bimbo.
You said that Stacy was a personal trainer? Perhaps you should take her up on her offer of help.
- $player.firstName</span>
You wait for a message from her, but by the time you get to bed you've heard nothing. Hopefully she isn't so mad that she doesn't attend the next meeting.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</if>>\<<if not CheckEvent("Erica", "StacyEmail")>>\
<span class="erica-text">Oh My God $player.firstName!
I can't believe Stacy has got all the girls working out naked! I'm not surprised that she would try though. You would like that as well I bet.
Things have been going really well with me. I'm healthier and feeling better about my body. I have a long way to go still, but my boyfriend has already begun spoiling me. He loves this new side of me.
Anyway, thanks.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Send a reply|Erica Coaching E-mails][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Erica,
Honestly, it would have been more difficult to stop Stacy.
I am glad that you're getting a lot out of the training sessions. Remember, you cannot please those around you until you are pleased with yourself.
- $player.firstName</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Erica", "StacyEmail"); $clients.erica.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<span class="erica-text">Hey $player.firstName,
I just wanna to say thanks. I've learned so much at the meetings and I've truly discovered things about myself. I am a bimbo. I love being a bimbo. I never used to think I could look pretty, or others would want me, but now I'm loving my life and my body.
I bought a new dress the other day.
<img src="Images/Clients/Erica/NewDress.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Clients/Erica/NewDress2.jpg" height="600">
Maybe I should wear it to meetings sometimes.
Love you $player.firstName.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Erica", "CoachingEmail"); $clients.erica.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\You walk into the lobby and see a brunette woman with an older gentleman sitting together on one of the sofas. Dani sees you and cuts you off as you walk toward your office.
<span class="dani-text">"Mr. $player.lastName, Evelyn over there has requested a meeting with you. A prospective client."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Fantastic."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Mr and Mrs Davis? Right this way please."</span> Dani motions them to follow you.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello. Nice to meet you."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Evelyn."</span> The woman states.
The man approaches and shakes your hand. <span class="minor-text">"Charles, nice to meet you."</span>
They follow you into a counseling room, and take a seat on different sofas. There is clearly an issue between them.
<span class="mc-text">"So Charles and Evelyn, what brings you here today?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Evelyn/Meet/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="client-text">"I'd like to hear more about your... practice? Not sure what to call it. But we've been in counseling for years and nothing has worked. I..I mean, We, are hoping something you may offer will help us."</span>
You look toward Charles. <span class="mc-text">"And what are your thoughts Charles?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"You know, I've tried for years but she always feels inadequate. I'm not."</span> Charles states planely. <span class="minor-text">"At this point, I am willing to try anything to make her happy. However, I must say after reading your brochures from the lobby..."</span> Charles places one on table infront of him. <span class="minor-text">"I am quite skeptical of this 'program', if you will."</span>
You pause for a moment and gather your thoughts.
<span class="mc-text">"I understand that it can be difficult when you and your partner have different desires. It's important to remember that it's okay to have different opinions and desires within a relationship, but it's also important to listen to each other's concerns and work together to find a solution that works for both of you."</span>
You're getting good at this.
<span class="minor-text">"So, Mr. $player.lastName, is it? What do you think we should do?"</span> Charles asks.
<span class="mc-text">"Evelyn, I'd like to hold a few sessions just the two of us. Charles, after a couple sessions I'd like you to join us as well. I want to dig into your lives and truely find out what is the issue and if this program can help the two you. Evelyn, here is my card."</span> You slide over a BLC Principles card to Evelyn. <span class="mc-text">"Evelyn, you have to be the one to take this journey. Being a true bimbo takes hard work to get there. Are you ready for that?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Bimbo? So a sex object."</span> Charles states.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Evelyn/Meet/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="client-text">"You always do this Charles, let him speak."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Charles, it's understandable that you may have concerns about other men viewing Evelyn as a sexual object. However, there are ways that she can feel confident in her appearance and take the attention in a positive manner for the both of you. Through the Bimbo Life Coach program, Evelyn can learn how to dress appropriately for any occasion and how to carry herself with confidence while being with you."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Yes. Lets do it."</span>
Evelyn smiles, looking at Charles.
<span class="minor-text">"Sure, why not."</span> Charles agrees with a smug look.
<span class="mc-text">"Great. Evelyn I'd like to meet with you Thursdays if that works. Say noon? And in three weeks Charles I'd like you to attend with her. If it fits your schedule."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Thats perfect, and he will."</span>
The two exit your office. You show them to the door and Dani wishes them a good day upon leaving. You've got yourself a new client, though it's going to be a tough one to convince Charles.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(1); $clients.evelyn to clone($minorTemplate);>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
As you check on the fitness group, you notice none of them are inside the gym. Hearing a noise outside, you look out the window and see them doing yoga on the grass out back. You decide to head down. Walking outside, you see them doing stretches; it looks like you missed the workout. You notice one girl in particular. She's wearing a blue one piece romper, with pink shoes. Cute choice. She looks at you and smiles.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Yoga/1.jpg" width="600">
Just as you catch a clear glimpse of her, Stacy yells out the class is over. Everyone begins to leave. You can't take your eyes off the girl in blue though; she is gorgeous.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Yoga/2.jpg" width="600">
You decide to talk to her. <span class="mc-text">"Hi."</span>
She looks up. <span class="client-text">"Hi. Excuse me."</span> She moves to walk past you.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, sorry. I just wanted to say hello. I haven't seen you at this class before."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Oh, I'm not a regular. Are you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I wouldn't say I am either, Stacy just runs it out of my place."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Oh."</span> She laughs. <span class="client-text">"So you are $player.firstName. Charlotte told me about you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yep, that's me."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Sorry, I'm Katie. Charlotte told me about these classes. Figured I would check them out."</span>
You shake her hand and the two of you chat for a short time.
[[Hit on Katie|Katie Workout Yoga][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Your outfit works great by the way."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Thanks."</span> Katie runs her hands up her hips and along the side of her tits.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Yoga/3.jpg" width="600">
She raises her arms and stretches a bit. You can tell her muscles are tight.
<span class="mc-text">"Looks like you need to loosen up."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Yeah, probably should stretch a bit more."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I could show you a few good ones."</span>
Katie agrees and you walk over to the grass, talking a bit about good workout and stretching techniques. She gets down on her hands and knees and kicks back a leg, stretching out her glutes.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Yoga/4.jpg" width="600">
You can't keep your eyes off her ass. Katie looks back and sees you. She just grins and keeps stretching.
[[Make a move on Katie|Katie Workout Yoga][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You slide your hand down her side, along her thigh up to her hips. Katie looks back at you and smiles again. She rolls over onto her back. One thing leads to another and you have Katie sucking your cock in the back yard.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Yoga/5.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Damn you are cute."</span>
Katie smiles and then slides up, popping your cock out of her mouth. she grabs her tits and squeezes them together for you. You begin running your cock between her tits. It nearly makes you cum as soon as you start.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Yoga/6.jpg" width="600">
<span class="client-text">"Wanna fuck me $player.firstName?"</span> She grins naughtily at you.
[[Fuck Katie|Katie Workout Yoga][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<span class="mc-text">"God."</span> You slide your cock into her.
<span class="client-text">"Oh fuck!"</span>
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Yoga/7.jpg" width="600">
You begin to thrust harder.
<span class="client-text">"Fuck me harder $player.firstName. Fuck me."</span>
You slam your cock into Katie even harder. She can barely hold on to the wall as her hands slides down the glass.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Yoga/8.jpg" width="600">
Katie can't hold on anymore and collapses to the ground. She reaches back and puts her hands on your thighs, slowing your pace. You grab her wrists and go back to work, fucking her even harder than before.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Yoga/9.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"FUCK!"</span> You let out a loud sigh as you start to cum. You pull your cock out and cum all over her ass.
<span class="client-text">"Thanks babe."</span> Katie pulls up her pants and puts herself together. She gives you a hug and walks off in that sexy outfit. You watch her the entire way. She looks back and smiles at you one more time before leaving your sight.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); $clients.katie to clone($minorTemplate);>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You join Stacy's workout class in hopes to find Katie there again. She said she was not a regular, but maybe now... At least one can hope. You walk around the corner and see the group are doing Yoga again.
It's quite a sight; nothing like women in the downward dog. You notice Katie in the corner. None of the girls are paying you any attention as you walk over and grab her hips. Katie lets out a quiet squeak.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Gym/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="client-text">"Huh?"</span> Katie realizes it was you and smiles.
She motions the word "Naughty" at you, and goes back to her yoga pose. You grab her waist, looking around. No-one else has noticed. You slides your hands from her waist down to her butt. Katie does not react. You look around again, still no-one is looking at you.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Gym/2.jpg" width="600">
You brush your hands across her butt and grab her thighs, pulling her against you. Katie looks back at you again and silently mouths "Stop".
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Gym/3.jpg" height="600">
[[Continue teasing Katie|Katie Workout Gym][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
The girls change pose and Katie pushes her ass straight up in the air. You give it a squeeze.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Gym/4.jpg" height="600">
You glancing around you see that the woman next to you has noticed. Katie looks over and sees her looking. She scoots her ass away from you grasp.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Workout/Gym/5.jpg" height="600">
It seems you've exhausted your welcome.
''You can now invite Katie over from your bedroom.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Katie", "WorkoutGym"); $clients.katie.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You decide to call Katie again and ask her to come over. You dial up her phone and it begins to ring.
<span class="client-text">"Hello?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, Katie. It's $player.firstName. I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out?</span>
<span class="client-text">"Sure, I'm not doing much. I'll head over."</span>
You hang up the phone. After about twenty minutes Katie is knocking at the door, and you let her in. She's dressed in a red shirt and a black skirt.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Photoshoot/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"You look dressed up for the occasion."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Oh, I just got off work."</span> Katie giggles. <span class="client-text">"I work over at the industrial complex. Office work, ugh. It's miserable."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That sucks, but I guess a job is a job."</span>
Katie smiles at you.
<span class="mc-text">"You are gorgeous, let me take a photo."</span> You grab your camera and snap a picture.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Photoshoot/2.jpg" height="600">
Katie starts to blush.
[[Take more photos of Katie|Katie First Bootycall][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You convince Katie to let you take more photos of her. She slowly takes off her skirt as you snap the shots. She poses for a second and you take another photo.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Photoshoot/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="client-text">"Like taking photos?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">It's a hobby."</span>
Katie strips down to her bra and panties.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Photoshoot/4.jpg" height="600">
You tell her to pose by the counter.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Photoshoot/5.jpg" height="600">
You take a few more photos. Katie ends up bent over the counter, showing her pretty ass.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Photoshoot/6.jpg" height="600">
[[Take Katie into the Studio|Katie First Bootycall][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You turn on all the lights as Katie walks around checking out your equipment. She stands in front of the wall and you take another photo.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Photoshoot/7.jpg" height="600">
Katie has finally striped naked in the middle of the room. She lets you take one last picture.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Photoshoot/8.jpg" width="600">
You are beyond worked up, and you can tell she wants to fuck too. You get a little grabby and she goes with it. What follows is a passionate fuck session, ending in the bathroom. Katie lays the camera on the counter and knees down beside you.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/Photoshoot/9.jpg" width="600">
What a picture to remember.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Katie", "Bootycall"); $clients.katie.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\You look over and see a potential client sitting in the waiting area. Dani waves as you approach the counter.
<span class="mc-text">"How are you today Dani?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Great; just busy with college work. You've got someone waiting for you. She filled out the questionaire and asked to speak to you. Lauren."</span>
Dani hands you a clipboard. You browse over it as you approach.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello. Lauren, correct?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"That's right. I'm guessing you are Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I am. How can I help you?"</span>
You take a seat on the sofa across from her.
<img src="Images/Clients/Lauren/Meet.jpg" width="600">
<span class="client-text">"I'd like to learn more about your program. I'd be interested in starting immediately."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's excellent. But I do have some questions. I see you mentioned you are recently separated from your fiancé, and you want to make him jealous?"</span>
You look at her questioningly.
<span class="client-text">"That's right."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"To be honest Lauren, I don't think that's a good reason to do this. While the program can be molded to anyone, for anyone; I do not want you to embark on a journey you will regret later, simply out of revenge."</span>
Lauren looks at you a bit shocked.
<span class="client-text">"I do want it; that is just a driving factor. My money is as good as anyone else's."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It is. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to have you as a client. But you need to do it for the right reasons."</span>
<span class="client-text">"So what can I do to prove it to you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You don't need to prove anything to me. You've got to want it and prove it to yourself. How about this. I'd like to schedule you next week to start weekly meetings. In the mean time, I want you to write me an e-mail about your recent relationship and how that has brought you here. I'd also like you to tell me, truthfully, why you want to be a client."</span>
<span class="client-text">"I can do that by the end of the week. Could we meet on Friday evening? I am quite busy with work."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That will work just fine. Please schedule the time with Dani. Anything you need just ask her."</span>
You shake Lauren's hand and direct her toward Dani. Soon after your phone buzzes with a notification for the Friday appointment.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); $clients.lauren to clone($minorTemplate); $clients.lauren.dayCounter to 7;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You take a seat in your office and wait for Lauren; she's running late. You hear a knock at the door and tell her to come in. Lauren walks in and takes a seat on the sofa with a shy smile.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Lauren/FirstMeeting/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Good afternoon Lauren."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Hello Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Glad you could make it."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Thanks. I nearly had to reschedule, but I made it work."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You seem quite busy in your work life. Will this interfere with your training going forward?"</span>
Lauren looks at you with shock and nervousness.
<span class="mc-text">"I'd love to take you on as a client, but it's going to require a time commitment."</span>
You fold your hands on the desk and wait for her reply. She seems even more nervous.
<span class="client-text">"I am. I mean, I will. I am ready to do this."</span>
You hand Lauren a Principles of Bimboism card.
<span class="mc-text">"These are the fundamental principles of bimboism. Think of them as rules that should guide your life, on your journey to become a true Bimbo."</span>
Laurens eyes are focussed on the card.
<span class="mc-text">"What I think we should do Lauren, is begin coaching you one step at a time. I want to show you there is much more to life than just work; something you may struggle with intitially; but in the end, I believe you will love. I am not saying you cannot work and be a successful businesswoman. I am saying there is more to life than that, you have the power to do both."</span>
You can tell Lauren already cares about her appearance. Her nails and skin are well-groomed, and it looks as if she's already had filler injected into her lips. They look very appealing, even to a bimbo lover.
<span class="client-text">"Well, how do we start?"</span> Lauren sits up in her chair.
[[Begin the session with Lauren|Lauren First Meeting][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Lauren/FirstMeeting/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You pour a glass of water for Lauren, and pull out a folder with a lesson plan.
<span class="mc-text">"After your e-mail I laid out a personalized plan for you. We are going to progress through each principle, focusing on understanding, applying, and perfecting it within your life. Each week I will assign you homework and a lesson focus for the week."</span>
<span class="client-text">"That sounds intriguing."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Before we begin though, I want you to tell me what a bimbo is."</span>
<span class="client-text">"A girl that can get what she wants, looks good, smells good, maybe acts a bit too flirtatious."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Ok. I don't completely agree with that statement, however it may lead to you getting what you want. Additionally, looking good is a founding principle, Pride In Your Appearance."</span>
<span class="client-text">"I think I do a pretty good job of that already."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I would agree, in context."</span>
Lauren gives you a frustrated look. <span class="client-text">"What do you mean by that? I'll never be one of those girls dancing around in pink, if that's what this is about."</span>
You put your hand up. <span class="mc-text">"Absolutely not. I meant no offense. What I mean is that you clearly care about your appearance. For instance, your skin and complextion clearly take work each day. Your hair is always in an orderly fashion and your nails are also always done."</span>
Lauren smiles a bit.
<span class="mc-text">"It's alright, you can smile; its a compliment. Every girl has their strengths and struggles when it comes to this program. Your strengths are you already care, your driven, and successful. On the other side though, you seem a bit stubborn, selfish, and shy about your appearance. Now before you react, I think this is largely because of how successful you are. I don't think its a bad thing, it will just take some work to direct that energy in a positive direction."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Hmmph. I don't know how much I am going to like this training."</span>
[[Continue the session with Lauren|Lauren First Meeting][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"So for today, let's work on your appearance and exhibitionist tendencies."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Um, exhibitionist?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"A person who behaves in an certain way in order to attract attention."</span>
<span class="client-text">"I don't think that is me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"While you may view it as some pornographic ditsy girl, it can be any attitude that is desireable. For instance, I'd like you to relax and unbutton the top of your shirt."</span>
<span class="client-text">"seriously?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes. Now please Lauren, trust me."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Alright, but I don't know what this is going to prove."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Lauren/FirstMeeting/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Lauren takes sip of water; you can tell that she is a bit uncomfortable.
<span class="mc-text">"So, do you not think you look more visual appealing in this current state?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"I do not, why would I need to do this? I mean, does it really matter?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The way you look now makes you appear more open, friendly, and attractive. It makes you look, approachable."</span>
<span class="client-text">"To men."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Actually, to women as well. A tight kept person just gives off a "Don't bother me" vibe. I'd like you to unbutton another."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Oh come on."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Trust me."</span>
Lauren reaches down and undoes another button. Her collar is now loose and showing some cleavage.
<span class="client-text">"Is this really neccessary?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, it is. Don't you feel even the slightest bit more sexy and open?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"I mean, I guess."</span> Lauren looks down at her chest.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Lauren/FirstMeeting/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="client-text">"So is this how I am supposed to dress?"</span> Lauren tugs at her shirt.
<span class="mc-text">"Not neccessary like this all the time. But here's your homework for the week. I want you to dress more sexually appealing, show yourself off. While doing so, I want you to document interactions that you don't think would have happened otherwise; such as men approaching you."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Anything else?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think that's it for now Lauren; really focus on it. I'll send you some more reading material as well. Dani has scheduled our weekly meetings for 1pm on a Friday. I'll see you then."</span>
You and Lauren shake hands, before she leaves.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Lauren", "FirstMeeting"); $clients.lauren.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You wait in your office for Lauren to arrive. Shortly before your scheduled time you hear a quick knock at the door and Lauren enters.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Lauren/Meeting2/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Good afternoon Lauren, great to see you."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Hello Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Glad you could make it today."</span>
Lauren takes a seat at the table with you. She is dressed much more provacatively, in a black suit showing a decent amount of cleavage. She looks professional yet sexy.
<span class="mc-text">"You look amazing Lauren. How do you feel?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"I feel pretty good. It took a couple days but I think I am still getting used to it, to be honest. I don't think I've ever dressed this way."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's good. Your breaking down barriers. Let's talk about your week. How did it go? How did you do with your assignment for the week?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"I'll be honest with you $player.firstName. I couldn't do it the first day of work. But, I did get the courage to on Tuesday. I wore a slimming dress that showed off my curves. I got quite a few looks, nothing crazy. Oh! I did take some pictures to show you what I wore."</span>
Lauren slides her phone to the middle of the desk scrolling through pictures showing you her weekly outfits.
<span class="client-text">"Here is what I wore Tuesday. A slimming black dress."</span>
<span class="client-text">"And Wendsday a cute pink top with a black skirt."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Thursday I wore this. I had a business meeting with some of the higher ups and holy hell I got a lot of looks. They couldn't keep their eyes off of me."</span>
<span class="client-text">"And Friday, I went cool school girl mode."</span> Lauren giggles. <span class="client-text">"I don't think some women apprecaited this outfit.</span>
[[Continue talking to Lauren|Lauren Meeting 2][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"So it sounds like it went pretty well. How did it make you feel?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"I was shy at first, but honestly. It felt great to be desired. Every man in that room on Thursday wanted me.</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Lauren/Meeting2/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"That's great Lauren. I want you to continue to work on your dress and appearance this week as well. Maybe try flirting a bit. Let your body display your real self and how beautiful you are. Additionally I want you try to be appealing and nice to everyone, even men you don't particularly like. "</span>
<span class="client-text">"Wait, why would I flirt or be nice to men I don't like?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Because others see that Lauren, they see how you interact. They see how you treat people, and in general I want you to become just a good person. Give it a try. "</span>
<span class="client-text">"Sure. Why not."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Lastly, before you go I'd like to try somethign with you."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Yes?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'd like you to practice some exhibitionist behaviours."</span>
<span class="client-text">"And what exactly does that mean?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's a person who behaves in an extravagant or sexual way in order to attract attention to themselves. I'd like you to give it a try and unbutton you top."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Really?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Humor me."</span>
Lauren pauses for a moment and grins.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Lauren/Meeting2/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"See, not so bad is it?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"No, but I feel naughty."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's your sexual desires kicking in. Continue to enforce good habits with yourself, when appropriate give it a try more often."</span>
You slide another card across the table to her with the principles of Bimbo Life Coaching. <span class="mc-text">"And Lauren, don't forget."</span> You point at the card. Lauren grabs it and slides it into her purse.
<span class="client-text">"Thanks $player.firstName."</span>
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Lauren", "Meeting2"); $clients.lauren.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\<span class="client-text">"Hi!"</span>
You take out your earphones and look at her.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Sorry to bother you, but are you that guy?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm not sure who that guy is."</span>
You chuckle a bit. She begins to blush.
<span class="client-text">"I mean the coaching guy; bimbo coach right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No idea what you're talking about."</span>
She looks down covering her eyes.<span class="client-text">"Oh my god."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm kidding. Yes, I know what your talking about. I guess I am that guy."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Oh thank god."</span> She begins to laugh. <span class="client-text">"I am Sarah by the way. I was going to see if you could, you know, work with me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course. You can come by our office to set up an appointment..."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Could we just do it here? I don't know if I'm ready for... any of that kind of possible exposure."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sure we can work something out. Corresponding through e-mail and maybe fortnightly meetings here?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"That'd be great; OK. I'll stop bothering you and let you get back to your workout."</span>
You go back to lifting for a few moments then glance back over at her.
<<UINavigation "DowntownGym">>
<<set $clients.sarah to clone($minorTemplate); $clients.sarah.dayCounter to 7;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You see the girl you previously ran into, working out at one of the curl machines.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey! I didn't catch your name last time."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Oh, it's Sarah."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I've got a couple hours till I need to head out. If you would like to continue our last conversation, we can find a place to sit down and talk about what you are looking for?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"Sure, but let me finish this rep and I'll meet you over at the juice bar. OK?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sounds good; I'll see you there in five."</span>
She goes back to her workout, intensely focusing on each lift. As you watch, it's admirable how much focus she gives to every movement. You head over and take a seat in the corner of the Juice Bar louge area. Inside your duffle bag, you keep a notebook and pen that you place on the table.
[[Wait for Sarah to finish|Sarah Begin Training][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="client-text">"Hey, sorry I just needed to finish the routine."</span> Sarah takes a seat.
<span class="mc-text">"So, why do you need my help? What is it you are looking for?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"Mainly, I want to re-invigoriate my feminine side. I think my physique drives some men away. While I look like I love the fitness style, I am not too much into the meat-head male side of it. I just want a normal guy, and I feel like I almost look and act manly."</span> Sarah stands up. <span class="client-text">"See? I mean, I love how I look; but there has to be a way to bring back some feminine side to this."</span>
[[Council Sarah|Sarah Begin Training][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You think for a moment, writing down all the things Sarah is confiding to you.
<span class="mc-text">"First, I think we should start weekly sessions. I can work on and lay out a plan to bring back your feminine side. What are you thoughts on augmentation? I am usually not sold on that being a primary driver, however it could enhance your feminine appearance while allowing you to maintain your overall physique."</span>
<span class="client-text">"I'm not against it. But it would have to be on the condition that it will not affect my overall body structure and ability to strengthen."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's fair and understandable; so let's do this. Schedule an appointment in the future, and we'll go over the do's and don'ts, As well as any preconditions you may have and even might enlighten us both on the abilities of your body to cope and structure around muscle building."</span>
<span class="client-text">"That sounds fantastic."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Alright then; here is my card. Give us a call when you'd like to schedule an appointment."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Can't wait. I have to run, it was great seeing you $player.firstName."</span>
<<UINavigation "DowntownGym">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Sarah", "BeginTraining"); $clients.sarah.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\<<switch $clients.sarah.happiness>>\
<<case 9>>\
Today you and Sarah go to the free-weight room for your workout.
<span class="mc-text">"So how have things been going?"</span> You questionably ask Sarah as she seems a bit off today.
<span class="client-text">"Eh, pretty good I suppose. I won a competition last night so I am stoked about that but...."</span> Sarah takes a pause and snaps back into it. <span class="client-text">"I spoke with that surgeon you referred me to, was not the best news."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh? What did he say?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"He said I would never have a normal looking shape again, but that he could start with a small breast implant and go from there.."</span> Sarah looks dejected.
<span class="mc-text">"That's not necessarily a bad thing right?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"I dunno.."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, not everyone's body is "normal"."</span>
<span class="client-text">"I know, and I don't want to be normal. I want to be perfect."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And you can be. You just gotta work for it and trust we can get there together. Are you going to continue with Yanovics recommendation?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"Yeah. I think so... I want to at least give it a try. He said they'd be small but would look large due to my tight skin. So I am interested to see how it turns out."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's great, Sarah. I honestly think it will help and build a new perspective for you."</span>
You and Sarah finally have reached a point where she trusts you and you can begin training.
<<case 8>>\
You approach Sarah and take a seat on the machine next to her.
<span class="mc-text">"Ready to get to work?"</span>
Sarah looks at you smiling. <span class="client-text">"Already there partner."</span> She grunts as she puts down the weights. <span class="client-text">"Let's get the ropes."</span>
It was a hard workout today, and you can tell she trusts you more.
<<case 7>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
Sarah seems extra focused on the workout today.
[[Discuss Sarah's training|Sarah Workout Sessions][$passageRoute to 2; AddHours(1); AddFitness(2); $clients.sarah.dayCounter to 1;]]
[[Work out with Sarah|Sarah Workout Sessions][$clients.sarah.happiness += 1;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You approach Sarah and take a seat on the machine next to her.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello Sarah."</span>
She looks up at you. <span class="client-text">"Hey."</span> Sarah grunts and goes back to pulling weights.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Sarah/Training/Workout3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You try to discuss a training syllabus for her but she is so focused on her workout that she only retains a little bit of what you said.
This session was hardly fruitful.
<<UINavigation "DowntownGym">>
<<case 6>>\
Today when you meet up with Sarah, you ask her if she would like to go get a coffee.
Sarah thinks for a second. <span class="client-text">"I suppose so, but I really wanted to get this workout in."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We can always workout after?"</span>
The two of you walk down a trail near the gym chatting.
<span class="mc-text">"So what is it you'd like most out of these counseling sessions, Sarah?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"I'm not really sure to be honest."</span> Sarah takes a drink of her coffee. <span class="client-text">"I think I just want to work on my femininity. Like I said before I love being fit and strong. But I also want to feel sexy, be sexy, and have men think I am sexy. I know you can't fix everything, but it is nice to have someone to talk to."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We can work on one thing at a time and get to your goals. I promise we will get there."</span> Sarah smiles at you. <span class="client-text">"That's good to hear."</span>
The two of you chat more about her goals, ambitions, and how you think she should start working toward increasing her feminine side.
<<case 5>>\
You spend an hour working out with Sarah. She instructs you on proper techniques and positioning for arm curles. You spend a little time talking to her about her ambitions and take the opportunity to go over the Principles of Bimboism. With each curl she recites one after the other. After just a few sets she already has them all memorized.
<<if $clients.sarah.happiness isnot 7>>\
''Sarah now trusts you a little more.
You are now a little fitter.''
<<UINavigation "DowntownGym">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddFitness(2); $clients.sarah.happiness += 1; $clients.sarah.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\<<switch $clients.sarah.happiness>>\
<<case 14>>\
You arrive at the gym and look around for Sarah. She dosn't seem to be at the gym today so you pull out your phone and text her. Hopefully she is doing well.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Sarah just wanted to check in and see how you are doing after the procedure. I didn't see you at the gym today."</span>
After a few moments you recieve a text back from Sarah.
<span class="client-text">"Still not completely ready to get back at it. Quite a bit sore. But everything looks great."</span> Sarah sends you a short video.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Sarah/Training/Masturbate5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You feel your dick in your pants twitch, this is one of the sexiest pictures you've ever seen. Sarah's body looks much more feminine, those round breasts and that hard body looks amazing. You save the video to your phone and head home.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $clients.sarah.happiness += 1; $clients.sarah.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<case 13>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You walk up toward Sarah and tap her on the shoulder. She looks over and smiles.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello Sarah."</span> You smile back taking a seat on the bench next to her. <span class="mc-text">"I wanted to talk to you today about your progress and where you think you are at."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Uh-oh. What'd I do wrong?"</span> Sarah looks at you with a sad tone.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh, nothing. It's good to do periodic checkups and see where we both think you are in regards to progress."</span>
The two of you walk over and take a seat in the juice bar area. Sarah looks over at you with a slight grin. The two of you begin to talk about her progress, after about 20 minutes Sarah has something to tell you.
<span class="client-text">"This has been fun but I think we need some... help."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What do you mean?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"These. They are just too small, non-existant even."</span> Sarah laughs.
Sarah grabs her breasts, or lack there of and is giggling.
<span class="client-text">"We are in fact doing bimbo coaching, I don't think I can be much of a bimbo with a flat chest, can I?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You could, but it will help."</span> You laugh a bit.
<span class="client-text">"Well, I think its time for some implants. I am pretty set on it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's good to hear, did you decide to go with Yanovic?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"I did, small implants at first, but it is what it is."</span> Sarah sighs, but gets up slowly from her chair. <span class="client-text">"Well, I'll probably be out of comission for a week or two. But when I get back its time to get back to work."</span> Sarah walks over and gives you a peck on the cheek. <span class="client-text">"Thank you for all your support $player.firstName, I gotta run. I've got a radio show to get to, you could come if you'd like."</span>
[[Agree to go with Sarah|Sarah Workout Sessions][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You go change and meet with Sarah outside the gym and walk down the street toward the radio station.
<span class="client-text">"It's not too far."</span> Sarah looks at you and the two of you chat along the way about bimbosim and the principles and why they are important.
Once you arrive at the radio station you take a seat and Sarah gets to work. It's pretty interesting how unscripted it was.
During a break you talked with Sarah and used the opportunity to encourage her to talk about feminitiy and your business. A good opportunity for both your company and her to express her true self interests.
Sarah talks about her challenges with body building and her feminity, she even gives a shoutout to your business and tells people that she is looking at ways to become more feminine, sparking a debate with the radio show host about plastic surgey, Sarah does well and defends her position eventually winning over the radio host.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $clients.sarah.happiness += 1; $clients.sarah.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<case 12>>\
Today you once again start your training session with Sarah by doing a hard workout.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Sarah/Training/Workout5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After you session is complete you are both completely drenched in sweat.
<span class="client-text">"That it for today?"</span> Sarah is panting a bit, breathing deeply after that hard workout.
<span class="mc-text">"Not quite."</span> You walk up to Sarah and whisper in her ear. <span class="mc-text">"Now you are going to masterbate in the shower before you leave.."</span> Sarah looks toward you and is emitting her emotions clearly. She is both nervous and shocked.
<span class="mc-text">"I've put an aide for you in your gym bag. Call me when your finished and tell me how it went."</span> You smile and walk back toward the mens lockerroom. Sarah stands motionless in shock.
<span class="client-text">"Really?"</span> Sarah giggles a bit and grabs the gym bag and walks toward her lockerroom.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Sarah/Training/Masturbate4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 11>>\
Today you start your training session with Sarah by doing a hard workout.
After you session is complete you are both completely drenched in sweat.
<span class="client-text">"That it for today?"</span> Sarah is panting a bit, breathing deeply after that hard workout.
<span class="mc-text">"Not quite. I am going to text you some instructions for this evening. ."</span> Sarah looks at you in a nervous manner.
<span class="client-text">"Ok."</span> Sarah giggles.
Later that evening you text Sarah telling her to masterbate in the shower. Sarah does as instructed.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Sarah/Training/Masturbate3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 10>>\
Today you start your training sessions with Sarah, after a quick workout the two of you head back to your office.
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
You and Sarah walk up to your office on the 2nd floor and you take a seat at your desk. Her reactions are mixed. She looks excited and terrified at the same time. You suppose you can't criticize her too much for that, not yet at least.
Sarah looks down then back up at you nervously. <span class="client-text">"$player.firstName, when we began this I always wanted to be more feminine, but I do want you to know I have boundaries."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Don't worry, just relax."</span> You pause for a moment. <span class="mc-text">"I want you to masturbate."</span> Sarah's eyes widen and her jaw drops.
She pauses for a moment then shakes her head and replies. <span class="client-text">"I don't think so."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sarah, you need to express yourself sexually. That is part of the process."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Can't I just do it alone?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'd like you to do it right here. There is a toy next to you in the drawer, and dont worry before you ask, its brand new."</span>
Sarah pauses in shock. You walk over and open the drawer pulling out a flesh colored dildo, its average to small. You hand it Sarah and step back over to your desk. <span class="mc-text">"Please get undressed."</span>
Sarah slowly takes off her jeans and panties, and as she does you feel your cock throb. She takes a quick glance at you then looks away shyly.
Sarah sits down in the chair next to her and begins to rub the outside of her pussy. <span class="mc-text">"Good, Sarah."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Now, I'd like you to take that toy and make yourself cum."</span>
Sarah takes a deep breath. <span class="client-text">"Ok."</span> Sarah grabs the dildo and begins to masturbate.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Sarah/Training/Masturbate1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Sarah."</span> She pauses and looks up at you. <span class="mc-text">"What is the second Principle of Bimboism?"</span>
Sarah moans. <span class="client-text">"Please those around you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good girl."</span>
<span class="client-text">"You can jack off if you want."</span>
She moves about, and grinds her pussy lips against the dildo as you pull your cock out and stroke it slowly.
<span class="mc-text">"I want you to make yourself cum."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Ughh."</span> Sarah moans loudly.
She begins stroking the dildo deeper into her and begins shaking as she has a strong orgasm.
You cannot hold yourself back much longer. Sarah stands up and walks over to you.
<span class="client-text">"Here let me help."</span> Sarah motions toward you.
Sarah gets down on her hands and knees and begins to suck your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Sarah/Training/Masturbate2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The two of you get cleaned up and you walk Sarah out, she smiles at you and gives you a peck on the cheek.
<span class="client-text">"I'll see you next time."</span>
You watch Sarah as she walks back to her car nearly stumbling looking quite disheveled. You nearly feel proud of yourself.
<<if $clients.sarah.happiness lt 13>>\
''Sarah is now more of a slut.
Sarah is now a little bit more of a bimbo.
You are now a little fitter.''
<<UINavigation "DowntownGym">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddFitness(1); $clients.sarah.happiness += 1; $clients.sarah.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You arrive at the gym and look around for Sarah. You notice her over by the benchpress.
<span class="mc-text">"Sarah! Hey, how are you doing?"</span>
Sarah looks over at you smiling.
<span class="client-text">"Fantastic!"</span> Sarah blurts out smiling, she spins around showing you her body.
<span class="client-text">"I can't believe it."</span> Sarah grabs her breasts. <span class="client-text">"This just feels so great....and right."</span>
Sarah now has what looks like about B to C cup breasts, they are firm and round and look quite good on her body.
<span class="mc-text">"It looks like Yanovic did a great job."</span>
Sarah's smile widens. She takes a pause then looks up at you.
<span class="client-text">"Would you like to go get a drink?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Absolutely, that sounds great."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Lets go change and meet up around 8?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That sounds good."</span>
[[Head to the changing room and then Meet with Sarah at 8|Sarah Transform Session][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You arrive to the bar at 8 P.M. and meet up with Sarah outside. She's wearing a pair of tight jeans with a black-crop top. Her breasts look amazingly firm and round, nearly like two softballs bolted onto her chest.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey! You look amazing."</span> Sarah smiles.
You lean in for a hug from her and she hugs you back squeezing you tightly against her breasts, they are incredibely firm against your chest making your dick twitch in your pants.
<span class="mc-text">"Shall we head inside?"</span>
You walk over and open the door for her.
<span class="client-text">"Thank you."</span> Sarah looks at you shyly smiling. You can tell she does not get treated like a proper woman often.
The two of you find a booth to sit in and have a few drinks togther.
<span class="mc-text">Well, how's it been going Sarah?"</span>
Sarah looks excited.
<span class="client-text">"Actually, great. I've noticed an increase in my desires, and those around me desiring me. I get quite the stares from men."</span>You yourself catch yourself staring at her chest.
<span class="client-text">"I don't mind it."</span> Sarah grabs her breasts. <span class="client-text">"I actually love it."</span>
Sarah squeezes her breasts together tightly looking at you. You even notice the man across the bar staring.
<span class="mc-text">"Well that's good, you do remember the principles right?"</span>
Sarah smiles <span class="client-text">"Of course, and I think this pleases everyone around me. Except some women."</span> She begins to laugh.
<span class="mc-text">"And that is alright occasionally, if its in the right context."</span>
The two of you chat for quite awhile about her progress, where she is, where she wants to be, and the way forward.
[[Ask Sarah if she'd like to come over|Sarah Transform Session][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You and Sarah head back to your apartment. When the two of you walk through the door you stumble a bit from your drinks. Sarah helps you onto the sofa.
<span class="client-text">"Would you like another drink?"</span> Sarah heads into your kitchen and finds the liqour cabinet. <span class="mc-text">"I think I'm good."</span> You lean back on the sofa throwing your head back and staring at the ceiling.
Sarah walks up behind you and looks down at you from above, all you can see is her eyes and tits.
<span class="client-text">"You ok?"</span> Sarah giggles.
Sarah bends over putting her tits in your face and rubs her hands down your chest.
<span class="client-text">"I think we need to get you to bed..."</span> Sarah says grinning.
Sarah grabs your hand and leads you to your bedroom, she lays you down on the bed and walks into the bathroom. A few moments later she emerges wearing a neon pink set of lingire.
Sarah climbs into your lap and starts to kiss you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Sarah/Transform/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Fuck Sarah|Sarah Transform Session][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
Sarah grinds on top of you carassing your chest and rubbing her body all over yours.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Sarah/Transform/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She feels your rock hard cock between her legs and rolls over onto the bed to give it a lick.
<span class="client-text">"It's been awhile..."</span>
Sarah grabs your cock and guides it into her mouth.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Sarah/Transform/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She begins stroking it looking up into your eyes, she squeezes it a bit hard making you squirm a bit and groan. Sarah dosn't stop, she squeezes you a little tighter and takes deep hard strokes.
<span class="mc-text">"Ugh."</span> You groan loudly.
Sarah climbs on top of you as you begin to lick her while you strokes your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Sarah/Transform/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="client-text">"Oh shit."</span> Sarah shivers and lets out a squeal.
She quivers on your face and lets out a moan, she pauses for a moment then slams your cock into the back of her throat quickly moving her head up and down.
[[Continue with Sarah|Sarah Transform Session][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
Sarah continues to grind her pussy in your face while sucking your cock, then she slides up on top of you moaning.
<span class="client-text">"I want your cock in me."</span> You groan loudly.
Sarah grabs your cock tightly and sits on top of it, pushing the head of your cock deep inside of her
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Sarah/Transform/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Sarah is clearly enjoying herself now, she is dripping wet on top of you as she slams herself up and down on your cock. You grab a handful of her ass cheeks and give it a solid slap. Sarah moans, but dosn't lose her rhythm.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck."</span> You moan.
<span class="client-text">"Cum on my tits."</span> Sarah quickly lays down sliding her head under your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Sarah/Transform/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Sarah grabs the shaft or your penis and strokes it while licking your balls, you can't hold it in any longer and release your cum all over her new tits.
<span class="client-text">"Mmmmmm."</span>Sarah coos while she sucks on your balls.
<span class="client-text">"Can I suck your cock?"</span> Sarah questions from beneath you.
<span class="mc-text">"Of course."</span>
Sarah rolls over and beings running her hands over your chest and belly while she pushes your cock between her lips.
<span class="client-text">"Your cock tastes... good."</span> You chuckle a bit.
<span class="client-text">"First one to cum on my new tits, did it look good?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Looked amazing."</span>
Sarah continues to lick your cock clean, till it softens a bit.
<span class="client-text">"Thank you for this, I needed it.."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You don't need to thank me for sex, it was quite enjoyable."</span>
The two of you get cleaned up, you can already see a shift in Sarah adopting more to her feminine side. It's a good change of pace.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $clients.sarah.transformLevel to 1>>\
<</if>>\<<if $clients.skylar>>\
<<if $clients.skylar.transformLevel is 1>>\
You recieve a text from Skylar.
<span class="client-text">Check this out. Doc did amazing!</span>
<img src="Images/Clients/Skylar/StatTransform.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">You look great Skylar.</span>
<span class="client-text">Thx XOXO. I'll stop by sometime for another sesh. See you!</span>
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddEvent("Skylar", "PostTransform"); $clients.skylar.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Skylar", "Meeting6")>>\
You recieve a phone call from Skylar.
<span class="client-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName. I wanted to touch base with you again. This are going pretty well actually. I even found a man, I think. He's pretty great."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm glad your doing well, Skylar. I am even more glad that you found yourself a stable companion."
<span class="client-text">"Yeah, he's great."</span>
Skylar takes a pause. <span class="client-text">"But you never know, he may not be the one. You know what I mean?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I do Skylar. But you will never know unless you try. Give your best and only you will know if it's good for you or not."
<span class="client-text">"Thanks. While I got you on the phone. Could you come to my appointment with my surgeon. I'd like to get another opinion. I went to one of the surgery centers and didn't really like what they said so I am going to try this new guy."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Who?"
<span class="client-text">"Yanovic or something like that. One of the girls at the strip club said he does amazing work. So figured I'd go for a consultation."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"He's actually who I would recommend as well. We have some agreements. When is your consulatation?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"Next week on Friday."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'll be there. What time?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"2 P.M."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Alright, I'll see you there."</span>
You hang up the phone and set a notification for Friday at Yanovic's office.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddEvent("Skylar", "Meeting7"); $clients.skylar.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Skylar", "Email5")>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You take a seat in your office and wait for Skylar to arrive. It's time to check up on her progress. It's been a decent amount of time since your last engagement with her; yet she seems to be following the regime that you sent her.
<span class="client-text">"Oh hello Mr. $player.lastName."</span> Skylar runs toward you as her tits bounce up and down and gives you a hug.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello, Skylar. You've made quite some progress."</span>
The two of you take a seat. Skylar is wearing a pink top with lots of makeup; nearly to the point of being excessive.
<span class="mc-text">"How have things been going?"</span>
<span class="client-text">"Fucking amazing. I feel great, I look good, and I've even started stripping on the weekends. In a few more weeks I'll be able to pay for some enhancements. To tell you the truth Mr. $player.lastName, I really want to get my nose done, lips done. Maybe even my boobs bigger."</span>
Skylar Looks down and squeezes her boobs together.
<span class="client-text">"I mean, I've never had so much attention in my life. I didn't know what I was missing out on."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's great Skylar. But I also want to remind you about the principles and that it's not always just about you."</span>
<span class="client-text">"I know! I'm just saying it's been amazing and I love every bit of it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So why did you want to meet exactly? Your e-mail did not really specify anything."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Mostly to share my progress. But there's also this guy and I don't know what to do about him."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, tell me a bit about the situation."
<span class="mc-text">"So what you're asking is how do you proceed further to an actual relationship?"</span>
<span class="client-text">Yeah I mean, I guess so."</span>
[[Talk to Skylar about this "guy"|Skylar][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Big picture Skylar, you have to show interest. In this case, at least how you make it sound, he may not entirely be interested in a serious relationship. You may need to take it slow, and it may take time."</span>
<span class="client-text">"Can I make just myself irresistable to him?"</span>
Skylar looks down and stares at her tits again.
<span class="mc-text">"In a way, yes. But you have to realize it's not just about how you look. It's about how you act, what he wants, and what you want..."</span>
<span class="client-text">"I know what I want."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And what exactly is that?"/span>
<span class="client-text">"To want men to want me, to feel needed and desired."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're on the right track. I'm going to send you some information in your e-mail to review and some homework reading topoint you in the right direction. It seems like you are taking great care of your body, so continue doing that."</span>
<span class="client-text">"One last thing. Do you think I should get more plastic surgery?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The only person who can decide that is you, Skylar. But be careful. You are in a state of excitment and I must warn you to take it slowly and ensure its truely what you want..."</span>
<span class="client-text">"I will. Like I said, in a few weeks I'll be able to do everything I wanted to. The club's been great to me."</span>
You lend Skylar $4000 for the surgery as she leaves.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Skylar", "Meeting6"); $player.cash -= 4000; $clients.skylar.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Skylar", "Email4")>>\
<span class="client-text">Well $player.firstName, it's been two more weeks and I feel like I hit a plateau.
I've contacted your office to set up an appointment. I've made significant progress but just need soemone to talk to. See you soon.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Skylar/Email5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You set up a meeting with Skylar.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddEvent("Skylar", "Email5"); $clients.skylar.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Skylar", "Email3")>>\
<span class="client-text">Hello $player.firstName
I've been working hard still. Kinda been in and out as far as commitment. Any advice here? Maybe I should stop by in person. I feel like I need more motivation and can't seem to find it myself.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Skylar/Email4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You respond to Skylar with some motivational content; including complementing her current progress.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddEvent("Skylar", "Email4"); $clients.skylar.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Skylar", "Email2")>>\
<span class="client-text">"Hey $player.firstName
Thanks for the response! I've been working hard the last two weeks and I've lost almost 10 pounds already. It's amazing what I can do when I put my mind to it. I'd like to get on your schedule when you have some time.
<img src="Images/Clients/Skylar/Email3.jpg" height="600">
You send a motivated response to Skylar.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddEvent("Skylar", "Email3"); $clients.skylar.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<span class="client-text">"Hello $player.firstName
Just a quick update. I've started a great diet plan. I also increased my workouts to 4 times per week! I'm feeling great but kinda sore every day. I am still looking forward to our future counseling sessions. I've been done a ton of reading lately as well about self improvement. I can't wait to hear your take on it all.
<img src="Images/Clients/Skylar/Email2.jpg" height="600">
You send a motivated response to Skylar.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddEvent("Skylar", "Email2"); $clients.skylar.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You receive an e-mail from a Skylar S. titled "Making myself better".
<span class="client-text">Hi $player.firstName,
Not sure if you remember me but I'm Skylar. We met at the party. I just wanted to reach out and see if you had any advice. I'd really like to get in shape and honestly, think I need a little help both mentally and physically.
Anyway, what I am asking is do you have any good workout/meal plans? Also, I remember some of the girls mentioning meetings. I'd love to maybe try some coaching via email. Or maybe some day coming to a meeting.
<img src="Images/Clients/Skylar/Email.jpg" height="600">
<3 Skylar</span>
You think about the e-mail for a moment, glancing at her picture. It's always good to take on new clients but you are pretty busy.
[[Send Skylar a workout plan and respond that you are excited to begin working with her|Skylar][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Hey Skylar!
Attached you will find a workout plan. I really hope we get to start working together. For now start following the workout plan and I think you will make great progress. I will also get you some solid meal ideas to keep your intake in check. Thanks for reaching out.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set $clients.skylar to clone($minorTemplate); $clients.skylar.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You arrive at Yanovic's office, not seeing Skylar in the waiting room. You pull out your phone to text her.
<span class="client-text">"Uhm Sir. Are you here for Skylar's appointment?"</span>
You look up and see Yanovic's new secretary.
<span class="client-text">"Uhm Sir. Are you here for Skylar's appointment?"</span>
You pause for a moment. <span class="mc-text">"Yes, I am."</span>
<span class="client-text">"It's right down the hall, first door on the right."</span>
[[Go see Skylar|Skylar Transform][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You knock on the door and you hear Skylar say come in.
<span class="client-text">"Hey! I didn't think you were going to make it."</span>
You look at Skylar. <span class="mc-text">"Why wouldn't I? You said 2 P.M."</span>
<span class="client-text">"I guess I told you the wrong time; it was at 1:45. Either way, you're here. Yanovic stepped out for a moment but he said he thinks I should get 360 lipo and a breast lift. What do you think?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'd say surgery recommendations should be left to the experts. But if this is what you want then go for it Skylar."</span>
<span class="client-text">"I know. I just wanted someone here for moral support."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Any time Skylar."</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"$player.firstName! What a surprise. I've had quite a bit more business lately thats to you. Did you meet Harley?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I assume you are referring to your receptionist?"</span>
Yanovic begins to examine Skylar's breasts. <span class="yanovic-text">"Yes, beautiful isn't she? My most recent masterpiece."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"She was quite stunning."</span>
Skylar looks over Yanovic at you. <span class="client-text">"Oh please, that bitch is hot as hell.."</span>
Yanovic smiles and looks you. <span class="yanovic-text">"Like I said, a masterpiece."</span> He steps back and glances at Skylar once more. <span class="yanovic-text">"Well Skylar, I think you are a perfect candidate. I think it'll have just the results you are looking for. I've got to get going to my next consult, take your time gathing your things Skylar. $player.firstName, it was great seeing you again."</span>
Yanovic shakes your hand.
[[Head home|Skylar Transform][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
As you walk back through the lobby, you notice Yanovic's receptionist sitting staring at her computer. She's got a pen resting on her lips.
<span class="mc-text">"Have a good day."</span>
<span class="client-text">"You too. Come back soon hun."</span>
As you walk out, you realize that you've learned a valuable lesson. Some clients just need encouragement and are looking for a little social interaction. Skylar in particular, just needed encouragement. She may not be your version of a good-acting bimbo, but she is clearly a "go getter" and is putting her life back together. You hope she continues to track in the right direction and look forward to seeing her progress.
<<UINavigation "Subway">>
<<set AddHours(1); $clients.skylar.transformLevel to 1; $clients.skylar.dayCounter to 14;>>\
<</if>>\You walk into the gym, and are immediately captivated by a girl in the corner. Where did she come from?
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Clients/Yovvana/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You stand there with your jaw on the floor for a solid minute. Finishing her routine, she sees you staring.
<span class="client-text">"Hey."</span>
You stammer for a few seconds. <span class="mc-text">"...Hi."</span>
She smiles gently at you on the way to the change-room. Well that was awkward.
<<UINavigation "DowntownGym">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Player", "YovvonaMeet");>>\<h2>Charlotte's Career</h2>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.modelling is true>>\
As her agent you receive 10% of all of Charlotte's model bookings.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
[[Local lingerie designer ($2,500)|Charlotte Model Shoots][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Fitness shoot ($2,250)|Charlotte Model Shoots][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Glamour magazine shoot ($3,000)|Charlotte Model Shoots][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[Online store shoot ($2,000)|Charlotte Model Shoots][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 1>>\
[[Local lingerie designer ($2,500)|Charlotte Model Shoots][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Fitness supplement shoot ($2,250)|Charlotte Model Shoots][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Local fashion first look ($3,000)|Charlotte Model Shoots][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[Bikini pop-up model ($2,000)|Charlotte Model Shoots][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.modelling is false>>\
Charlotte has already worked as a model this week.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.porn is true and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
As her agent you receive 20% of all Charlotte's porn bookings.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
[[Foot fetish scene ($1,500)|Charlotte Adult Shoots][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Simple girl-girl scene ($1,250)|Charlotte Adult Shoots][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Oil scene ($1,500)|Charlotte Adult Shoots][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[Anal scene ($2,000)|Charlotte Adult Shoots][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 1>>\
[[Simple boy-girl scene ($1,100)|Charlotte Adult Shoots][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Simple girl-girl scene ($900)|Charlotte Adult Shoots][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.analTraining gte 7>>\
[[Anal scene ($1,500)|Charlotte Adult Shoots][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[Double penetration scene ($2,000)|Charlotte Adult Shoots][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.porn is true and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeMoney")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.pornCount is 0>>\
[[Charlotte's first porn shoot|Charlotte College Porn][$passageRoute to 1]]
As her agent you receive 20% of all Charlotte's porn bookings.
[[Porn shoot|Charlotte College Porn][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.porn is false>>\
Charlotte has already shot an external scene this week.
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<UINavigation "Study">>
<</if>>\<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 1>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<set $player.cash += 250; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 2250;>>\
Charlotte models the latest designs of a Brooklyn-based lingerie maker.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/1.jpg" height="600">
You receive $250, and she earns $2,250.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $player.cash += 225; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 2025;>>\
Charlotte shoots at a gym in the city, showing off her body as she holds a bottle of protein milkshake.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/2.jpg" height="600">
You receive $225, and she earns $2,025.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<<set $player.cash += 300; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 2700;>>\
Charlotte models a local designer's latest collection at a first look for interested buyers. She has to focus on conveying a very different persona than normal, putting on an air of cool detachment to fit in.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/3.jpg" height="600">
You receive $300, and she earns $2,700.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo lte 49>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo -= 1>>\
''Charlotte is slightly less of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<<set $player.cash += 200; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 1800;>>\
Charlotte spends the day modelling in a bikini at a pop-up store in the city. Bouncing around, chatting to customers interested in the bikinis - or her body - she entertains a small crowd and helps sell the local designer's wares.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/4.jpg" height="600">
You receive $200, and she earns $1,800.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo lt 35>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
''Charlotte is slightly more of a bimbo.''
''Charlotte is too much of a bimbo for this event to transform her further.''
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<set $player.cash += 250; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 2250;>>\
Charlotte models the latest designs of a Brooklyn-based lingerie maker.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/a.jpg" height="600">
You receive $250, and she earns $2,250.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $player.cash += 225; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 2025;>>\
Charlotte shoots at a gym in the city, showing off her body as she promotes the gym's new boxing classes targeted at the growing demographic of self-described bimbos.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/b.jpg" height="600">
You receive $225, and she earns $2,025.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<<set $player.cash += 300; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 2700;>>\
Charlotte models for a new glamour magazine started by a few fashion photographers looking to spice things up.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/c.jpg" height="600">
You receive $300, and she earns $2,700.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<<set $player.cash += 200; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 1800;>>\
Charlotte wears the tight and sexy clothing for an up-and-coming, online-only, fast fashion brand.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/d.jpg" height="600">
You receive $200, and she earns $1,800.
[[Return|Charlotte Agent][$bimbos.charlotte.modelling to false; $bimbos.charlotte.modellingCount += 1;]]<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 1>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<set $player.cash += 220; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 880;
Charlotte shoots a simple boy-girl scene.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You receive $220 and she earns $880.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $player.cash += 180; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 720;>>\
Charlotte shoots a simple girl-girl scene.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You receive $180 and she earns $720.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<<set $player.cash += 300; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 1200;>>\
Charlotte shoots an anal scene.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You receive $300 and she earns $1,200.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<<set $player.cash += 400; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 1600;>>\
Charlotte shoots a double penetration scene.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You receive $400 and she earns $1,600.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<set $player.cash += 300; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 1200;>>\
Charlotte shoots a foot fetish scene
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Transform2/a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You receive $300 and she earns $1200.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $player.cash += 250; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 1000;>>\
Charlotte shoots a simple girl-girl scene.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Transform2/b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You receive $250 and she earns $1000.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<<set $player.cash += 300; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 1200;>>\
Charlotte shoots an oily, tit-fucking scene.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Transform2/c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You receive $300 and she earns $1,200.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<<set $player.cash += 400; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 1600;>>\
Charlotte shoots an anal scene.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Transform2/d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You receive $400 and she earns $1,600.
[[Return|Charlotte Agent][$bimbos.charlotte.porn to false; $bimbos.charlotte.pornCount += 1;]]<<if $bimbos.charlotte.pornCount is 0>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You decide to talk to Charlotte about doing some porn videos. After all, it is probably the fastest way to make money. ''Be warned though, if you continue it could quickly corrupt her into more of a slut than a bimbo.''
You wander around the house looking for Charlotte. You walk toward Junes room and hear someone in the bathroom. You peak through the door to check and see June in the bathtub.
June see's the door open. <span class="june-text">"Uh, excuse you."</span>
You peak your head through the door. <span class="june-text">"Can I help you?."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Just looking for something."</span> You start to close the door. <span class="june-text">"She's in the shower in moms room."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Who?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Charlotte... Everyone on the block knows shes here after last night."</span> June giggles. <span class="june-text">"I'd say you could join me, but I've got a nail appointment I need to get to."</span> June stands up in the bathtub giving you a good look at her naked body. She turns and wraps a towel around herself.
<span class="mc-text">"Have fun."</span> You close the door slightly embarassed and moreso proud.
You head over to Sofia's room and hear the shower running. You peak into the bathroom and see Charlotte.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Porn/First1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After waiting for a few minutes she finally emerges.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Porn/First2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh shit."</span> Charlotte blurts out. <span class="charlotte-text">"You scared the shit out of me, what are you doing, why are you filming?"</span> Charlotte covers up.
<span class="mc-text">"I figured we could start filming."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Seriously? Right now?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good a time as ever."</span>
[[Talk to Charlotte about filming porn|Charlotte College Porn][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"So what do you say? I mean look at you, your beautiful."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Porn/First3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte pauses for a minute.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I mean, when you put it that way."</span> Charlotte smiles.
<span class="mc-text">"Well?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Right now?"</span>
Charlotte walks up to you and grabs onto your cock through your pants.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Porn/First4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Perhaps we could..."</span> Charlotte looks at you deviously. <span class="charlotte-text">"Later."</span> Charlotte laughs and scurries away back into the bathroom.<span class="charlotte-text">"Now get outa here perv."</span> You can hear Charlotte giggling.
''Charlotte can now do porn for money.''
''Charlotte is now a little bit more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.charlotte.slut += 1; $bimbos.charlotte.porn to false; $bimbos.charlotte.pornCount to 1;>>\
<<switch $bimbos.charlotte.pornCount>>\
<<case 1>>\
You see Charlotte on the sofa in a teal top and panties. You take the opportunity to see if she'd like to film a video.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello beautiful."</span> You walk up to Charlotte holding a camera.
<span class="charlotte-text">"What do you want."</span> Charlotte smiles.
<span class="mc-text">"Let's give this a try."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Porn/2-1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte jokingly complains, but you can tell that she is interested. You turn and walk toward your room filming. You spin around and show the camera Charlotte as she gets up smiling and scurries toward you as the two of you run into the bedroom.
You jump onto the bed and Charlotte grabs onto your pants and pulls them off.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Porn/2-2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Is this what you want to see?"</span> Charlotte giggles and smiles at the camera..
Charlotte starts swallowing your cock, slowly pulling it deeper into her throat. She looks up at the camera making good eye contact then goes straight back down into deepthroating you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Porn/2-3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
It only takes a few minutes and your already cumming down her throat. This will make a good amateur video intro for Charlotte.
<<case 2>>\
Charlotte's porn profile has started to get attention by a number of viewers, today you decided to livestream some video of her.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello."</span> You walk up to Charlotte holding a camera.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Is this what you want to see?"</span> Charlotte giggles and and gets on her knees.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Porn/3-1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
It was a successful livestream both for the viewers and you.
<<case 3>>\
Charlotte's porn profile has started to get attention by a number of viewers, today you decided to livestream some video of her.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello."</span> You walk up to Charlotte holding a camera.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Is this what you want to see?"</span> Charlotte giggles and and gets on her knees.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Porn/3-1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
It was a successful livestream both for the viewers and you.
<<case 4>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Hey."</span> You see Charlotte sitting in the dining room relaxing. She's wearing a tight white shirt with red lettering and outlines, a cute pair of torn jeans and red shoes. Her accessory game is strong.
Lately Charlotte's porn profile has gotten a ton of attention. You've got it loaded on your phone and the notificatons of paying customers increases daily.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hi babe."</span> Charlotte smiles. <span class="charlotte-text">"We make any money yet."</span>
You notice Charlotte's nipples through her shirt, it makes your cock twitch slightly in your pants. <span class="mc-text">"Quite a bit actually."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"There has been a few offers for some different jobs if you are interested."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm game."</span> Charlotte stands up and walks toward you brushing her hand over your shoulder.<span class="charlotte-text">"You can set it up if you think it's a good idea."</span> She walks past you smiling.
<<case 5>>\
You book Charlotte with a company that has offered her $7500 to film a video.
The cameraman walks over toward you.<span class="minor-text">"Good afternoon. Are you Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I am."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Great!"</span> The cameraman runs through the sequence of events as Charlotte walks out in her wardrobe of jeanshorts and a tight little white shirt.
The male actor emerges from the trailer next to the set in a police uniform. Charlotte walks over toward you and whispers in your ear.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Can't you just wear the uniform?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"This is their show hun."</span> Charlotte gives a pouting face.<span class="charlotte-text">"Well I am the star here."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Everyone."</span> Charlotte speaks loudly.<span class="charlotte-text">"I want this guy to wear that costume."</span> Charlotte points at you.
After a little deliberation the set producer agrees and leads you to the trailer where you change into the police uniform. They lead you over to a police car where you can see Charlotte ahead of you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Charlotte Money/Porn/5-1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You pretend to pull over Charlotte in her pink jeep.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Charlotte Money/Porn/5-2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte stands up and begs you to not give her a ticket. <span class="charlotte-text">"Please officer. Please don't give me a ticket. My daddy will kill me. Please, Please, Please."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Charlotte Money/Porn/5-3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte gets down on her knees after rubbing your cock through your pants.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Charlotte Money/Porn/5-4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Am I a good girl officer?"</span> Charlotte looks up at you.
You can't hold back any longer as Charlotte continues to tug on your cock and rub her lips and mouth all over you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Charlotte Money/Porn/5-5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After the scene is complete the cameraman comes up to you.
<span class="minor-text">"Damn, she is quite a girl."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes she is..."</span>
''Charlotte is now more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); $bimbos.charlotte.porn to false; $bimbos.charlotte.pornCount += 1;>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut lt 40>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.slut += 2>><</if>>\
<</if>>\You're sitting at the breakfast counter idly scrolling through your phone when the front door opens.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Enrollment.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Charlotte."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName. Is my mom around?"</span>
You put your phone down on the counter. <span class="mc-text">"No, she's out shopping. Why?"</span>
Charlotte strides over in her heels. <span class="charlotte-text">"College enrollment was today!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Congratulations! A CUNY, right?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Thank you!"</span> She sits down next to you and smiles brightly. <span class="charlotte-text">"Hunter College, in the city. They also have a big Greek life."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Any idea what you'll major in?"</span>
Charlotte shakes her head. <span class="charlotte-text">"Not really. I kinda want to do French or Italian, they're such beautiful languages, but they also have a dance program..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Languages are always useful. Are you excited? Did you make any friends?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"So excited! And no, it was just photos and signing things. I wanted to look good for my ID, but I was super overdressed compared to the other bitches there."</span> Charlotte stands up. <span class="charlotte-text">"Anyway, I'm gonna go have a shower, then maybe we can hang out a bit before my mom gets home?"</span>
Charlotte winks at you as she walks to the bathroom, and you consider following her, but decide to let her call the shots today.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeEnrollment"); $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 14;>>\You wake up from your nap feeling so thirsty that you can't think of anything but water. As you head to the kitchen, wearing no clothes, to fill a glass, you hear Charlotte and Stella talking.
<span class="charlotte-text">"...like, stupid rich. Alejandra has a goddamn maid. A maid! Well, her parents have a maid, but they live in Manhattan. They even have a spare room! A spare room! And a maid! In Manhattan!"</span> Stella is shaking her head in wonder. <span class="charlotte-text">"Like, how do you even..."</span> Charlotte spots you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey! How are my girls?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"We're good. Charlotte's telling me about her new rich friends."</span>
Charlotte corrects her mom. <span class="charlotte-text">"New rich, //pretty// friends."</span> She gets out her phone and begins to search for an instagram account. <span class="charlotte-text">"You'll like her, she's super hot."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Alejandra.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Wow. She could be a model."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Right? So pretty. Anyway, she's, like, super rich. From some famous Mexican family, but she grew up here."</span> You consider how to phrase the obvious question without insulting Charlotte, but she preempts you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Like, what the fuck is she doing at Hunter? Why isn't she at Harvard or something?"</span>
You shrug. <span class="stella-text">"Maybe she's just too much of a party girl."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, probably."</span>
You fill your glass of water, chugging it in seconds, before filling a second glass and padding back to your room. As you lie down on the sofa in your room you send Charlotte a text.
<span class="mc-text">I want one of you in my room, you can decide who.</span>
You get no response, but a few minutes later you hear Charlotte and Stella laughing, loudly, a few times, then Stella opens your bedroom door and begins to undress. <span class="stella-text">"We played rock, paper, scissors. I won."</span> Naked now - having only had to remove a pair of shorts and a tube top - she kneels on the sofa and begins to suck your dick.
<span class="charlotte-text">"She cheated."</span>
Charlotte's standing in the doorway.
Stella stops and begins to tell Charlotte off. <span class="stella-text">"Charlotte! You should lea-"</span> She's cut short by you pressing her head down onto your cock. You look Charlotte in the eye as you press Stella's head up and down on you. You bunch up Stella's hair and hold her down until you hear her gag, not breaking eye contact with Charlotte once.
You let Stella back up. As she catches her breath you pull her on top of you, and begin to rub Stella's pussy. <span class="stella-text">"Charlotte, really, he only wanted one of us... You should leave."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm only leaving if Mr. $player.lastName asks me to."</span>
You say nothing, but slide your dick into Stella. <span class="stella-text">"I can't put on a show for-"</span> You shut her up again by grabbing her and kissing her. You keep an eye on Charlotte, who has now come to sit at the end of the sofa, only a couple of feet from you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Charlotte/CollegeSex.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
By now Stella is moaning, and you let her go. You fuck up into her, then she begins to throw her ass up and down on your cock. She doesn't look at Charlotte, who by now has got her tits out and is beginning to touch herself.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Finger.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Seeing this, you turn Stella around. <span class="mc-text">"Look at Charlotte."</span>
Stella keeps her eyes closed, but now you are fucking up into Stella as Charlotte masturbates and watches.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Charlotte/CollegeSex2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Open your eyes, Stella."</span>
Stella obeys your instruction and opens her eyes. You see Charlotte's smile grow wide as she speeds up, and Stella reaches her hand to the front and begins to rub her own clit. Quickly Stella orgasms, and is shuddering on top of you. You're close, so you hold Stella in place and fuck up into her as she grows limp and watch as Charlotte, too, comes at the same time as you.
You shuffle out from underneath Stella and lie next to each other on the sofa. Now naked, Charlotte comes and lies on top of you, stroking her mom's hair out of her face as they look at each other and giggle nervously.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeFirstDay"); $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 14;>>\Walking over, she spots you and smiles.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Bar/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey beautiful. You alright? Not usual for you to be standing alone."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, just a long day."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Bar/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You can tell Charlotte is a bit tipsy.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Wanna... you know."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Always."</span>
Charlotte rubs her hands over your crotch.
<span class="mc-text">"Um."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"What? You don't wanna play?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Shouldn't we..."</span>
She reaches down your pants and grabs your cock.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck? Yes. There's nobody here they already locked the doors."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The bartenders are."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"So? Maybe they'll join us."</span>
Charlotte pushes you back in your barstool and unbuttons your pants.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Bar/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mmm, damn I need some dick."</span>
Charlotte gets down between your legs.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Bar/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She licks and sucks on your cock a bit.
<span class="mc-text">"Damn those lips feel good."</span>
[[Fuck Charlotte|Charlotte College Bar Blowjob]]You look down at Charlotte as she slowly sucks your cock. Suddenly she stands up, grabs hold of your cock tightly and rubs back and forth.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck!"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Does that feel good?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Bar/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte gives you a peck on the cheek, then spits on your cock.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck me Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
Charlotte spins around and bends over.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Bar/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Look up|Charlotte College Bar Sex]]Charlotte is bent over waiting for your cock. You look up and see the bartender peaking around the corner looking shocked. Making awkward eye contact, you forget what is going on until you feel Charlotte pushing your cock into herself, snapping back to it as she slams back into your lap.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Bar/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Pumping into her for a several minutes, you grab her waist and slide your cock out. She glances back at you with a shocked, aching look. You reach up and put a finger in her mouth which she sucks on like it's your dick, working her tongue down to the base. You lay back onto the bar stool and Charlotte climbs up on top of you. She looks up, sees the bartender watching, ignores him and starts riding your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Bar/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Cum for Charlotte|Charlotte College Bar Finish]]Your dick is as hard as a rock, and Charlotte feels you about to cum.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Cum for me baby."</span>
Charlotte slams down harder, pushing you as deep as she can. Right before you cum Charlotte pops off and gets between your legs.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Give it to me, I've needed this all day."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Bar/9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As you cum Charlotte looks up at you smiling with her mouth wide open. She swallows every drop.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Thanks Mr. $player.lastName, I needed to relieve some stress."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Me too apparently."</span>
You lean over bar exhausted as Charlotte yells out to the bartender.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Thanks for letting us hang out! We're heading off now."</span>
You and Charlotte get dressed and walk home together.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeBar");>>\You enter your apartment to the sound of giggling. As you walk toward the living room you hear more giggling and what sounds like kissing. <span class="mc-text">What the fuck?</span> you think to yourself as you get closer. Cautiously you step lightly toward the opening. As you get to the doorway you peak around the corner and see Charlotte with what looks like her friend from college.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendVisit/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The TV in the corner is playing a yoga tape; looks like the girls were trying to get in a nice workout. Your eyes go back to them. They are wearing matching outfits with hot pink yoga pants and blue bras.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mmm you are bitey."</span>
Charlotte's friend keeps nibbling on her lip, then moves down toward her breasts. Charlotte hops on top of the girl and pushes her breasts into her face.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendVisit/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The two girls go back to making out.
[[Continue watching the two girls|Charlotte College Friend Play]]Both the girls continue kissing as Charlotte's friend begins to grab her ass and tug at her yoga pants.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendVisit/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She begins to rub Charlotte's pussy through her pants, eventually running her tongue from her belly up on to her tits.
<span class="minor-text">"I love your tits Charlotte, they are so much bigger than mine."</span>
Charlotte giggles and runs her hand through her hair while the girl licks and tugs at her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendVisit/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[The girls notice you|Charlotte College Friend Finish]]As you continue to watch, Charlotte's friend looks over in your direction.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendVisit/5.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Your pervy friend is watching."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"So?"</span>
Charlotte looks over at you as well.
<span class="minor-text">"Ugh, yeah..."</span>
She climbs off Charlotte.
<span class="minor-text">"Thanks for having me over girl, we'll do this again sometime."</span>
She gets dressed and leaves.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Talk about a cock-block Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
With that, you both head to your rooms frustrated with the outcome.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeFriend"); $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 7;>>\You enter your apartment to the sound of giggling coming from the living room again.
<span class="mc-text">Charlotte's at it again,</span> you think to yourself as you get closer.
Walking around the corner you see Charlotte with a different friend than before.
<span class="minor-text">"Girls."</span> You greet them.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName, here to cockblock again?"</span> Charlotte laughs.
<span class="minor-text">"What?"</span> Her friend questions.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh nothing, just a joke."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, what are you up to."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Nothing, just hanging out."</span>
You walk over to Charlotte's friend.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm $player.firstName by the way."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Heather. Nice to meet you $player.firstName. Cool place."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks. Well, have fun girls. I'm going to get some work done."</span>
You head to your study and begin browsing through your e-mails. It should not take you long, however you cannot get the image of Charlotte and her friend fucking in your living room out of your head. You daydream about it for a bit and decide to just watch some porn.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendSex/Laptop.jpg" width="600">
[[A short time later|Charlotte College Heather Caught]]You hear giggling again from the living room, and decide to investigate.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendSex/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Heather is between Charlottes legs. At the sight of you Charlotte goes into a panic.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Sorry Mr. $player.lastName. We were just messing around."</span>
Charlotte covers up.
<span class="minor-text">"Yeah. That."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I thought you fell asleep."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Well. He's here now."</span>
Heather pushes you back into your chair. She gets down between your legs and motions for Charlotte.
<span class="minor-text">"Might as well make it worth his while."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendSex/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte walks over and hops down next to her.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Is this the sort of thing you dream about Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
[[Charlotte grabs your cock|Charlotte College Heather Blowjob]]Charlotte and Heather now both have their hands wrapped around your dick.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendSex/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Well. What do you think Charlotte?"</span>
Heather looks at Charlotte smiling as she strokes your cock; running her hand to the base and squeezing insanely hard. Your dick feels like it's going to explode. Charlotte meanwhile is rubbing the head of your cock and playing with the tip, which is now throbbing so hard it nearly hurts. All of a sudden Charlotte throats your entire cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendSex/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Both girls take turns sucking your cock and kissing each other.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Is this what you wanted? Two college girls on their knees sucking your cock?"</span>
They both start giggling.
<span class="mc-text">"What guy wouldn't."</span>
Heather is blushing quite a bit now. You can tell she is getting quite worked up and horny. Suddenly she pulls you off the chair.
[[Follow her lead|Charlotte College Heather Strip]]<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendSex/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Heather pushes you back on to the couch as Charlotte jumps down next to you and starts stroking your dick. Heather starts to undress.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Take it off. Take it off girl!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendSex/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Impressive."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I think I do a decent job at hiding these."</span>
Heather cups her breasts.
<span class="mc-text">"You do."</span>
She climbs on to your lap and buries your face in her tits.
[[Suck on Heather's tits|Charlotte College Heather Tits]]As you lick and suck, you feel one of them grab your cock and push it inside Heather's now dripping wet pussy.
<span class="minor-text">"Oh Damn! You are kinda big."</span>
Heather is not one to be bashful apparently.
<span class="mc-text">"Sorry."</span>
You strain and flex your cock so it's rock hard inside her. Heather moans, leans back, and starts to ride you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendSex/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After a short time Charlotte interrupts.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I think it's my turn."</span>
Heather changes places with Charlotte and she begins to ride you. Already rock hard, you can feel her pussy tightening around you as she slides down.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendSex/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Fuck Charlotte|Charlotte College Heather Sex]]You push Charlotte off and she lets out a yelp.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey!"</span>
Bending her legs up, she grabs them, and you slam your dick back into her. Her pussy is dripping wet and feels amazing; you can barely hold back your orgasm.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendSex/9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck me!"</span>
Her screaming nearly drives you over the edge as you continue to pound her. Heather reaches down and wraps her hand around your cock, looking up at you smiling. She licks her fingers, covered in Charlotte's juices.
<span class="minor-text">"Mmm, fuck her good $player.firstName. Though I could use some more dick too you know."</span>
The two girls get up and bend over together. Climbing on top of one another.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendSex/10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You start fucking Heather again, then switch to Charlotte, then shove your dick back into Heather.
[[Cum for the girls|Charlotte College Heather Cum]]It does not take long before you can't hold it back anymore. Charlotte feels you about to cum and reaches down and grabs your cock to pull it out.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendSex/11.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Both girls sit on their knees waiting. You grab your cock and almost instantly start cumming on their faces.
Heather looks up at you. <span class="minor-text">"Thank you $player.firstName."</span>
She starts kissing Charlotte, licking your cum off her face.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/FriendSex/12.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Charlotte's been whining all day she needed a dick, I was going to do my best but this was much better."</span>
They continue kissing and licking up your cum. You plop back down on the couch exhausted. Heather slides over and licks your dick.
<span class="minor-text">"There, all clean."</span>
She slaps your chest as she gets up and walks toward the bathroom.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeFriendHeather"); $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 7;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You hear Charlotte and Sofia arguging in the kitchen; you overhear the issue is about money.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Like, all I asked for was an opinion mom, not a lesson on morality."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Charlotte that's enough."</span>
Stella lets out an angry sigh. Just as you enter.
You ask Stella and Charlotte what is going on. While you wait for an answer you put the kettle on the stove.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Charlotte, Hi Stella. Either of you like a cup of tea or coffee?"</span> You try to soften their tones toward eachother.
Stella glares at Charlotte. <span class="charlotte-text">"Sure, I'll take some tea."</span>
Both of them are silent while you pour the hot tea.
<span class="mc-text">"So, what's the issue you two?"</span>
Charlotte and Stella continue to sit in silence.
<span class="mc-text">"Alright, I can see the two of you disagree on something. Charlotte whats the issue?"</span>
Charlotte looks up at you.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I wanted to ask her opin-"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"She's asking how she can make some extra cash and wants to be a slut."</span>
Charlotte gasps. <span class="charlotte-text">"I did not, I was kidding."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That wasn't very nice Stella."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I know, I am sorry hunnie. I just want the best for her."</span> Stella looks over toward Charlotte remorsefully.
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte, would you like to go out for a drink?"</span>
You try to diffuse the situation to get Charlotte alone so you can talk.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Of course $player.firstName."</span>
Charlotte stands up and grabs her purse. You walk over and kiss Stella on the head letting her know that your doing this for her and don't want them to fight.
[[Head to the bar with Charlotte|Charlotte College Money][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You head outside with Charlotte and walk to the bar. The two of you hold hands, Charlotte with a glowing smile the entire way. You take the opportunity to chat along the way about how college is going.
Once you arrive at the bar the two of you take a seat in a booth. You and Charlotte sit across from eachother and order drinks.
<span class="mc-text">"So. What's going on babe?"</span>
She lets out a sigh and looks slightly dejected.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Like, all I asked mom for was her opinion. I mentioned doing some more videos or something for money. I am tired of being tight on cash and having to live week to week. Its especially frustrating away from home."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I see. Videos?"</span> You question.
Charlotte shrugs. <span class="charlotte-text">"Porn silly, its been awhile and I'm not going to be paid to be on film any other way."</span> Both of you let out a laugh.
<span class="mc-text">"How much money are we talking here?"</span> You take a sip of your beer.
<span class="charlotte-text">"A lot, like, rent, food, fun."</span>
You pause for a few moments in thought.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, you could always clean my house again."</span> You snicker. <span class="charlotte-text">"Uhm, unless we talking like 200$ a day cleaning. I think not."</span> Charlotte laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"Expensive hooker are we?"</span> You questionably laugh.
<span class="minor-text">"Hello, you two. Could I interest you in more drinks?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Absolutely."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Tonights specials are Monte Carlo Red Wine and RavenFrost Vodka. But I can get you anything you'd like."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'll take your best whiskey, bourbon preferably."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"and you hun?"</span> She looks over at Charlotte.
<span class="mc-text">"She'll take a beer."</span> You blurt out.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Uhm excuse me. I can order for myself."</span> You motion go ahead toward the waitess.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'll take a beer."</span> You all start laughing.
[[Chat with Charlotte|Charlotte College Money][$passageRoute to 3; AddHours(1);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
Your drinks arrive and the two of you knock a few more back. Over time building up quite a collection of empty glasses and bottles.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Well, what do you think I should I do? I need fast cash. Like, I want to get this done in a few weeks so I can go back whenever the next semester starts."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So, I've got a few ideas."</span> Charlotte looks intrigued.
<span class="mc-text">"We could do some more photoshoots."</span> You take another sip of your whiskey.<span class="mc-text">"Try to pitch them to some more magazines, who knows maybe you could even get on the cover and make some real money."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I think I could be on a magazine cover."</span> Charlotte poses.<span class="charlotte-text">"What else?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"There is always the strip club."</span> Charlotte raises her eyebrows. <span class="mc-text">"Most of those girls make decent money."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Especially in those private dance rooms."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Funny."</span> Charlotte smiles.<span class="mc-text">"Only other thing I can think of is we could try filming and doing some light porn, though I don't know how pleased Stella would be."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"By her last reaction not very."</span> Charlotte knocks back the rest of her beer.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sure I can find something for you to do around BLC."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"This isn't your financial problem to solve, though I appreciate it $player.firstName. Let's get outa here"</span> Charlotte grabs her purse and slides out of the booth.
You slide out and grab her hand, walking her out of the bar.
[[Walk home with Charlotte|Charlotte College Money][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
The two of you walk home arm and in arm. Charlotte is in a much better mood now, thanks to those drinks and your discussions.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Money/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Really though, thank you for tonight. I needed a night out."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No problem."</span> Charlotte smiles at you. <span class="mc-text">"Tell a girl to be a hooker and she gets all excited."</span>
Charlotte snorts. <span class="charlotte-text">"Ugh. That is not what I meant."</span> She wacks you with her purse lightly.<span class="charlotte-text">"Ass."</span> You both laugh as you arrive at the corner of your building.
Charlotte stops and turns around putting her hand on your chest.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Can I come up?"</span> You knew exactly what she meant.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Money/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You've missed those lips. You kiss Charlotte deeply and give her a light smack on her butt.
<span class="mc-text">"Come on."</span> You grab her hand and lead her toward your apartment.
[[Walk home with Charlotte|Charlotte College Money][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
You and Charlotte tip toe through the house and sneak into your bedroom.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Give me a few minutes."</span> Charlotte pushes you on to the bed and rushes off to the bathroom. You hear the shower water turn on.
After a few moments Charlotte emerges wearing only her green panties. You stare at her and she smiles. Charlotte walks over and climbs on top of you. You grab a handfull of her buttcheek and begin kissing her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Money/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte climbs on top of you and whispers in your ear.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I want to fuck you."</span>
You let out a groan, and smile as Charlotte rubs her body on you.
Charlotte sits up on top of you. She reaches between her legs and grabs your rock hard cock. <span class="charlotte-text">"I've missed you."</span> Charlotte leans forward and slides your cock into her tight pussy. She lets out a moan.
[[Fuck Charlotte|Charlotte College Money][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
Charlotte begins to ride you, pushing your cock deeper and deeper.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh fuck."</span> Charlotte moans..
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Money/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"God your cock feels good $player.firstName."</span>
Charlotte pushes her weight down on your cock taking every inch of you that she can. She holds completely still and you can feel her starting to shake. After a moment Charlotte throws her head back and begins to orgasm.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Money/9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck, fuck, fuck."</span> Charlotte squirms as she cums on your cock.
Your cock twitches as you feel her wet pussy grinding on your cock.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Your turn babe."</span> Charlotte climbs off of you and gets on her hands and knees. She reaches up and starts stroking your cock. She looks deep into your eyes and you cannot hold it back any longer.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Money/10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You pause for a moment letting all of your cum cover Charlottes face. She looks up at you grinning.
<span class="charlotte-text">"You know, I'd make even more money if we hung out more. You are my manager and all."</span>
Charlotte wipes a drip of your cum from her chin and licks it off her finger.
<span class="mc-text">"Sounds like a plan."</span> Exhaustedly you plop onto the end of the bed.
Charlotte comes over and climbs up onto your lap. She runs her finger along her face getting the last bits of cum and licks it clean.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Thank you $player.firstName. I love you."</span>
Charlotte hugs you pressing her tits into you.
''You now have the option to continue training with Charlotte.''
''You now have the option to do porn with Charlotte.''
''You now have the option to do photoshoots with Charlotte.''
''You now have the option to have Charlotte work the club.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeMoney"); $bimbos.charlotte.porn to true; $bimbos.charlotte.pornCount to 0; $bimbos.charlotte.photoshoots to 0; $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeClub1")>>\
Charlotte works the local club making a couple hundred dollars tonight. Her popularity is rising, bringing more buisness to the club. She's definately becoming a fan favorite.
''Charlotte makes $800 stripping at the club.''
<<if not BetweenTime(4, 17)>><<UINavigation "StripClub">><<else>><<UINavigation "Home">><</if>>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeClub1"); $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 800; $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lt 40>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 2>><</if>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeClub2")>>\
Charlotte works the local club again making over a thousand dollars tonight. Her rising popularity has brought substantial business to the club.
As a fan favorite, she has gotten sponsored by the club to even headline the weekends.
''Charlotte makes $1200 stripping at the club tonight.''
<<if not BetweenTime(4, 17)>><<UINavigation "StripClub">><<else>><<UINavigation "Home">><</if>>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeClub2"); $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 1200; $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lt 40>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 2>><</if>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeClub3")>>\
You visit Charlotte at the club. She's on the stage dancing with quite a large crowd watching her. Her hips moving a nearly a hypnotic way, she has nearly mastered the art of seduction with her body movements. You watch for a while, slowly feeling your cock stiffen in your pants. Charlotte notices you and walks over.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
Charlotte climbs up onto your lap, kisses your neck, and whispers in your ear.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Want a private dance?"</span> She pulls back and smiles at you, licking her lips.
<span class="mc-text">"What will that cost me?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Uhmm."</span> Charlotte looks devilishly in thought. <span class="charlotte-text">"Two hundred. It's a steal; I promise."</span>
She leads you back towards the private rooms. As soon as you walk through the door, Charlotte drops to her knees and pulls down your pants. She grabs hold of your cock and starts slowly licking it from base to tip.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Club/3-1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks up at you with a hungry smile.
<span class="charlotte-text">"So, did I undersell myself?"</span> Charlotte giggles as she swallows your cock again.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Club/3-2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She begins throating your cock till you feel the back of her throat. You strain as you begin to cum in her mouth.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Ahhh."</span> Charlotte wipes the drool from her face. <span class="charlotte-text">"That'll be $200."</span>
She holds out her hand.
<<if not BetweenTime(4, 17)>><<UINavigation "StripClub">><<else>><<UINavigation "Home">><</if>>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeClub3"); $player.cash -= 200; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 200; $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lt 40>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 2>><</if>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeClub4")>>\
You visit Charlotte at the club, she's on the stage dancing with quite a crowd of men watching her. Her hips moving a nearly a hypnotic way, she has mastered the art of seduction with her body movements. She notices you and smiles.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hello again babe."</span> She climbs up onto your lap. <span class="charlotte-text">"Want some one-on-one again?"</span> She pulls back and smiles.
<span class="mc-text">"What will that cost me?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hmmm. What's a good price this time?"</span> Charlotte looks devilishly in thought. <span class="charlotte-text">"I think four hundred is a good price for this evening's activity."</span>
Charlotte reaches down and rubs your cock through your pants, before guiding you back toward the private rooms just as before.
Charlotte gets down on her knees between your legs.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Club/4-1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Ready Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Club/4-2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She squeezes your cock between her tits, rubbing more vigorously till you begin to cum.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Ahhh."</span> Charlotte wipes the cum and drool from her tits. <span class="charlotte-text">"That'll be $400."</span>
She holds out her hand.
<<if not BetweenTime(4, 17)>><<UINavigation "StripClub">><<else>><<UINavigation "Home">><</if>>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeClub4"); $player.cash -= 400; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 400; $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lt 40>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 2>><</if>>\
You visit Charlotte at the club again. She's on the stage dancing with a large crowd of men watching her. She quickly notices you in the crowd. After her dance with the fans she comes over and sits on your lap, both figuratively, and literally.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Club/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
''Charlotte makes $1800 stripping at the club tonight.''
<<if not BetweenTime(4, 17)>><<UINavigation "StripClub">><<else>><<UINavigation "Home">><</if>>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 1800; $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lt 40>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 2>><</if>>\
<</if>>\<<switch $bimbos.charlotte.photoshoots>>\
<<case 7>>\
Charlotte had just gotten out of the shower, her high heels clicking rhythmically on the tiled floor as she trode through your apartment. As she walked towards your room, she noticed a glow emanating from the laptop on the coffee table. With curiosity piqued, she approached quietly, catching a glimpse of you viewing her online profile. Charlotte couldn't help but smile.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Photoshoot/7-1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As she got closer, you didn't seem to notice her presence. Then you heard a soft noise. Charlotte stood there with a mischievous grin. She leans down and playfully kisses you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Photoshoot/7-2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte places your laptop next to you and closes it, unable to resist the urge any longer. She leans in and plants another soft, lingering kiss on your lips.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Photoshoot/7-3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Breaking the kiss, she chuckles. <span class="charlotte-text"> "What were you looking at so intently?"</span>
You grin. <span class="mc-text">"Just admiring my incredibly beautiful and talented star."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text"> "Oh yeah? Let's see."</span> You grab the laptop and show Charlotte her profile page you've been working on. It includes all her recent magazine covers and photoshoots.
''Charlotte's income has increased by $7250 from magazine ads.''
<<case 6>>\
Today, you embark on a whirlwind photoshoot with Charlotte; the bimbo model who never fails to intrigue. She's chosen to wear an outfit that seems to dance on the fine line between sophistication and allure. The centerpiece is a charming black lace top that drapes delicately over her shoulder. Cinched at her waist is a striking red belt, a bold accent that adds a dash of vibrant contrast to the ensemble.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Photoshoot/6-1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As you watch her, you can't help but notice the artful synergy between the black lace and the crimson belt which draws your attention to her tiny waist and large breasts. It's a visual symphony, a playful yet tasteful composition that exudes an air of elegance and sensuality.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Photoshoot/6-2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
In your mind, you can't help but think how the outfit, with its beguiling mix of innocence and allure, channels the allure of a high-class call girl from a classic film noir.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Photoshoot/6-3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
It's not just clothing; it's a narrative in fabric, a visual story that Charlotte effortlessly embodies. Her confidence radiates through each pose, each glance, as she brings the character to life with a captivating blend of poise and allure. She has absolutely become a professional.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Photoshoot/6-4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 5>>\
Today you do a quick shoot with Charlotte. She wears a cute black bra and panty set. It look sophisticated but sexy at the same time, like a high-class call girl.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Photoshoot/5-1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The fruits of your labor are paying off. A well-known lingerie company has reached out and asked if Charlotte would model their newest season line of clothes in short videos and pictures for potential commerical opportunities.
<<case 4>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
Charlotte has been giddy about this photoshoot since she first find out; and so are you. This could be a big moment both for Charlotte and your company. As her manager, BLC can be represented as well. The two of you head over to the BLC building for the photoshoot. As you set up the inside of the building, hoping it will meet the standards for the photographer. After a short while you hear a knock on the glass doors in the front. You head over to greet them. Openning the doors, you see a beautiful photographer. She's got a badge around her neck and a very expensive looking camera in her hands.
<span class="minor-text">"Hello, I am Melody. I'm looking for Mr. $player.lastName and Charlotte?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's me."</span>
You lead her inside and lock the doors behind you, offering Melody a cup of coffee or a bottle of water. She declines your offer and is wandering around the first floor of your building.
<span class="minor-text">"This is a pretty nice place."</span> Melody has taken interest in a particular area that looks fashionable. <span class="minor-text">"I think this spot will work. Where is Charlotte? Can you have her stand over there please."</span> Melody points to the area.
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, absolutely. She'll be right out."<span class="mc-text"> You yell out to Charlotte. <span class="mc-text">"Charlotte? You ready babe?"</span>
Summoning her courage, Charlotte walks around the corner wearing a beautiful set of white linigire with a white unbuttoned t-shirt. The air was charged with a mixture of excitement and vulnerability. Charlotte seemed unsure of herself.
<span class="minor-text">"You're a vision."</span>
Her words carrying a blend of sincerity and encouragement to Charlotte. Charlotte felt a warm flush spread across her cheeks at the compliment.
<span class="minor-text">"Stand right there."</span>
<em>Shick Shick</em>
You hear the camera shutter go wild as Meldoy snaps multiple photos of Charlotte. The two girls wander around the area taking a few more photos.
[[Continue watching the photoshoot|Charlotte College Photoshoots][$passageRoute to 2; $bimbos.charlotte.photoshoots -= 1; $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter += 6;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You watch as Charlotte has clearly found her groove and is displaying good emotions while taking the photos. You glance over at Charlotte and she looks at you smirking. Her eyes trace down toward your pants and you look down noticing your clearly pitching a tent. You adjust yourself. Looking back up at Charlotte shes back to paying attention to Melody's instructions.
<span class="minor-text">"All right."</span> Melody catches a glimpse of you and giggles. <span class="minor-text">"The two of you are adorable."</span>
The session eventually drew to a close, and Charlotte draped herself in a whisper-light robe, her heart still racing, though now with a different fervor. The two of you retreated to the bathroom, mulling over the experience. This was more than just a lingerie photoshoot; it was a journey of self-discovery, an exercise in embracing vulnerability and celebrating her gorgeous form. Melody informs you that it'll take one week for the prints to be viewed and a decision be made. She has no information other than that as she is just the photographer.
<<case 3>>\
Today you sit down with your laptop and review Charlotte's ongoing profile and portfolio. You check your email and notice an inquiry for a photoshoot.
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte?"</span> You call out from the sofa.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah?"</span> Charlotte yells back.
You can hear her heels walking in your direction.
<span class="mc-text">"Come look at this."</span> You say in a quieter voice, as you lift up your laptop and hand it to Charlotte.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh my god is this real?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think so. Do you want to give it a shot?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Uh yeah, of course."</span>
Charlotte seems very excited.
<span class="mc-text">"Ok, I'll set it up for next week on Monday."</span>
You look over the e-mail again and send a reply back to the company.
<<case 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 150>>
Today you and Charlotte do a shoot inside the house. She wears a modern light blue swimsuit. Charlotte walks up and grabs the bottoms of the suit pulling them up as you take the first photo.
She goes right into posing for you.
You take another picture.
You take the last photo of the set, Charlotte looks a bit worked up this time. You catch her smiling and glancing down at your cock. You look down and see you've pitched a tent in your gym shorts.
Keep it professional, professional, professional, you repeat in your head.
''Charlotte didn't earn any outright money for this photoshoot, but some people did buy a couple pictures of hers behind a paywall.
Charlotte made $150 today.''
<<case 1>>\
<<set $player.cash -= 200>>\
Today you and Charlotte do an outside photoshoot pretending to wash your car; at least you get a free car wash out of it. You set up the car near some bushes and trees. Charlotte walks from the building in boots, cut up jean shorts, and a tight tied yellow shirt. She walks up and grabs the hose, spraying water on the car. She then puts on some heart shaped sunglasses and poses.
Charlotte instinctively turns and poses her ass once again.
She moves to climb on top of the car.
<span class="mc-text">"Don't dent it."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Are you calling me fat?"</span> Charlotte giggles jokingly.
<span class="mc-text">"Of course not."</span>
You both laugh.
Charlotte bends over the car and pulls down her pants.
<span class="charlotte-text">"We could just fuck right here?"</span>
She bends over and pulls her ass cheeks apart. You snap the last photo feeling your cock pulsing in your pants. Who wouldn't want to shove their cock in that perfect tight little asshole.
You remind yourself once again that this is for professionals, and in order to make money you can't fuck her every time she gets dressed up and poses for you.
''Charlotte didn't make any money off this photoshoot, but it did cost you $200 to rent the car. At least you got that last picture to keep for yourself.''
You and Charlotte get together to come up with a gameplan for photoshoots. It could be very lucrative in the long run, maybe even earning never-ending royalities if you make it big, but there is much to be done. As the two of you sit together and brainstorm ideas its obvious step one is to start taking photos and build up even more of a portfolio than she already has.
The two of you get ready for the first shoot, you prep your camera and your photo studio for Charlotte.
<span class="mc-text">"Go pick out something cute. I'll finish this up."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Right now?"</span>
You answer simply.<span class="mc-text">"Yes."</span>
Charlotte goes and picks out a flower bikini, fitting since its warm outside today.
You instruct her to pose. Charlotte smiles and shows you her perfectly round ass.
After a couple shots Charlotte bends over and looks back at you.
You feel your cock harden in your pants, but now is not the time for play. You both need to take this seriously if you want it to work.
''You didn't earn any money today for Charlotte, but the groundwork is set and the photos turned out pretty good.''
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.charlotte.photoshoots += 1; $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter += 1;>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lt 40>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 1>><</if>>\You grab the envelope which feels like a magazine. You quickly open it and pull out the product inside, which is indeed a magazine. Though it's nothing like you've seen before, it's a proof from the editing company with a letter attached to Charlotte for her consideration and their decision.
You look at the cover, it's a classy yet sexy shot from Charlotte's shoot with Melody. She looks sultry in the image. You quickly find her in the house to show her the cover.
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte? It's here."</span>
Charlotte comes running around the corner from her room with a t-shirt on and jean shorts.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh my god, oh my god, Is it good?!"</span> She grabs the proof magazine. <span class="charlotte-text">"Oh, I love it!"</span> She lets out a squeal.
Charlotte reads through the letter. It's an offer for $4,000 to use her image for the cover. With a deal sweetener for more photoshoots and potential for greater income.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeMagazine")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lt 40>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 2>><</if>>\<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeRent")>>\
It's the start of the month; perhaps it's time to collect rent from Charlotte. While collecting rent is usually a mundane task, for the moment it's filled with a mix of anticipation and curiosity as neither of you have discussed what is a fair price. As you wander the house, you walk past Charlotte's door; she's topless. You pause and turn toward her.
<span class="mc-text">"You know what brings me here."</span> You hold out an empty envelope. <span class="mc-text">"It's rent day."</span>
Charlotte chuckles. <span class="charlotte-text">"Of course, the monthly ritual of being an adult and paying your own way."</span> She reaches for the envelope. <span class="charlotte-text">"Is there some other way I could perhaps pay you for this month Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
Charlotte looks at you, batting her eyes.
<span class="mc-text">"Hmmm..."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Pretty please..."</span>
Charlotte walks over toward you. The two of you come to an agreement quite quickly after she rubs her hands over your cock. After a few moments you've made a deal with Charlotte.
<span class="charlotte-text">"How about I suck your cock and we call it even this month."</span> She giggles, and you know you're gonna have a hard time saying no.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'll even let you cum all over my pretty little face."</span> Charlotte sticks out her tongue. <span class="charlotte-text">Just like this."</span>
You can't resist the temptation. Hell, you don't really care about the money anyway. Within minutes Charlotte has your dick right where she wants it; deep in her mouth.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Rent/1-1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As Charlotte sucks your cock, she runs her hands all over your body. You can't hold back much longer and begin to cum on her face.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Rent/1-2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte rubs the cum over her face. She looks up at you smiling.
<span class="charlotte-text">"See. wasn't that worth it?"</span> Charlotte winks and smiles at you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Rent/1-3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
It's that time of the month again; Charlotte owes rent. You wander the house looking for Charlotte, finding her inside her room.
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte?"</span> You stand at the door waiting. <span class="mc-text">"It's rent day."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"No freebie this month?"</span> Charlotte looks at you batting her eyes.
<span class="mc-text">"Not this time."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh come on. Pretty please..."</span> Charlotte kneels on the bed. <span class="charlotte-text">"How about I suck your cock again and we call it even this month?"</span>
She giggles, and you know you're going to have a hard time saying no.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Rent/2-1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'll even let you cum all over my tits this time."</span> Charlotte sticks out her tongue and cups her tits. <span class="charlotte-text">Just like this."</span>
Unfortunately, you can't resist the temptation. Once again Charlotte's got your dick right where she wants it; deep in her mouth.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Rent/2-2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As Charlotte sucks, she strokes harder and harder, squeezing your cock tightly.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mmmm"</span>
Charlotte smiles and begins licking your balls.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Rent/2-3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You strain as you feel her tongue lick slowly across your member and running along your balls.
<span class="charlotte-text">"See, we should just make this our monthy payment. I'd save money."</span> Charlotte winks at you.
You can't hold back much longer and end with Charlotte on her back. You cover her beautiful tits in cum.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/College/Rent/2-4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I still think this should be the monthly dues. We both get to have fun."</span> She giggles.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeRent");>>\<<set SetHours(21); $bimbos.charlotte.exam to 0; $player.cash += 150; $bimbos.charlotte.cash -= 150;>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BimboTrainingExamRepeat")>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.exam += 1>>\
Charlotte arrives and as her and Stella get changed you go over the rules again.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName, I got this. I'm ready. Let's do this!"</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
[[What is the second principle?|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Which principle is 'be your absolute best self'?|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
[[What is the second principle?|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Which principle is 'be your absolute best self'?|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 2>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
You arrange for Charlotte's session to begin an hour later today, giving you a chance to talk to Stella beforehand. Stella arrives at your house and you buzz her up, leading her to the dining table. She's dressed in a nice blouse and a businesslike suit.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Charlotte/Planning.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"What's it like being on this side of the fence?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I'm looking forward to it, though it seems strange that my first involvement in coaching is with my daughter."</span>
You two settle in to discuss Charlotte's coaching. You begin by explaining what you have done so far - the coaching on how to make the most of each outfit, the week where Charlotte's anus was free use, the exercise to find out what you like, the homework to improve relations with her mom - all of this was heading towards one goal.
<span class="mc-text">"...so you see, that's why Charlotte's coaching has all focused on making her a disciplined bimbo. All throughout this I've focused on making sure that she puts in the work, and that she learns to be less self-centred."</span>
Stella smiles. <span class="stella-text">"You've done excellently so far. What next?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, we can begin as usual, by discussing her homework. This week's homework was based on the Fifth Principle, which is...?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Let yourself be taken care of."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good, good. Anyway, yes. Her homework was to let herself be taken care of, but in such a way that it pleased the people doing the caring, rather than manipulating them into doing what she wants."</span> You gesture towards the door. <span class="mc-text">"I expect she will have found this homework easy. What I'm really looking to do is assess where she is right now. I want to find out how good of a bimbo she is, I want to see how good her instincts are."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"You're giving her a test?"</span>
You nod vigorously. <span class="stella-text">"Yes, exactly. But it will be a little different than a normal test. Have you ever seen that game show Mr. and Mrs.?"</span>
She looks puzzled. <span class="stella-text">"That old one where they have to answer questions but can't see what the other has said?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's the one. We're going to do that. I'm going to be asking you and Charlotte both questions. At first that will help us both see how good a bimbo Charlotte has become, but in the second stage it will allow us to see what kind of bimbos both you and Charlotte are."</span>
[[Continue|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
You arrange for Charlotte's session to begin an hour later today, giving you a chance to talk to Stella beforehand. You walk up to the roof to get Stella, who is carefully reading a magazine after applying new nail polish.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella? Come downstairs please. We need to prepare for Charlotte's session."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"OK $player.firstName! I'll be right down."</span>
You head down and wait for Stella at the dining table. When she arrives she's wearing a purple silk robe - and nothing else.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Charlotte/HouseBimbo.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Are you enjoying being a house bimbo so far?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I'm loving it, $player.firstName. It's so... free. And relaxing."</span>
You two settle in to discuss Charlotte's coaching. You begin by explaining what you have done so far - the coaching on how to make the most of each outfit, the week where Charlotte's anus was free use, the exercise to find out what you like, the homework to improve relations with her mom - all of this was heading towards one goal.
<span class="mc-text">"...so you see, that's why Charlotte's coaching has all focused on making her a disciplined bimbo. All throughout this I've focused on making sure that she puts in the work, and that she learns to be less self-centred."</span>
Stella smiles. <span class="stella-text">"That all sounds wonderful, $player.firstName. How can I help you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, we can begin as usual, by discussing her homework. This week's homework was based on the Fifth Principle, which is...?"</span>
Stella answers brightly. <span class="stella-text">"Let yourself be taken care of."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Very good, Stella. Very good. Anyway, yes. Her homework was to let herself be taken care of, but in such a way that it pleased the people doing the caring, rather than manipulating them into doing what she wants."</span> You gesture towards the door. <span class="mc-text">"I expect she will have found this homework easy. What I'm really looking to do is assess where she is right now. I want to find out how good of a bimbo she is, I want to see how good her instincts are."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"You're giving her a test?"</span>
You nod vigorously. <span class="stella-text">"Yes, exactly. But it will be a little different than a normal test. Have you ever seen that game show Mr. and Mrs.?"</span>
She looks puzzled. <span class="stella-text">"Like, where they have to answer questions but can't see what the other has said?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's the one. We're going to do that. I'm going to be asking you and Charlotte both questions. At first that will help us both see how good a bimbo Charlotte has become, but in the second stage it will allow us to see what kind of bimbos both you and Charlotte are."</span>
[[Continue|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 1]]
<</if>>\<<set $bimbos.charlotte.exam += 1>>\
<<switch $bimbos.charlotte.exam>>\
<<case 1>>\
When Charlotte arrives she is wearing a tight leather jacket, a white boob tube, and long, skin tight jeans. You ask both her and her mom to get changed, saying you have laid out their outfits in their rooms.
Stella is the first out, in a simple black robe.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Charlotte/Exam.jpg" height="600">
Then Charlotte comes out, in a red robe and lingerie.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/ExamLingerie.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I hadn't left that lingerie on the bed, Charlotte."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I thought it looked good together. It is what I was wearing already..."</span>.
You consider arguing, but decide it would be counterproductive. You sit the two of them down and give them a glass of wine each. Stella listens patiently, occasionally offering useful critiques, as Charlotte discusses her homework from the past week.
The main event of the past week for Charlotte was how she met an old friend from high school, a boy that she used to have a crush on, who is now at a college near Boston. He was impressed with her changes, she said, and he took her to an expensive restaurant in midtown before paying for her cab home. She described how she simply went with the flow that night, and both didn't try to worry about how she would pay for the evening, but also didn't try and ensure that her friend paid. She simply trusted that he would, and let herself be taken care of.
<span class="mc-text">"Very good, Charlotte. Now, to the main event. Charlotte, you are near the end of your intensive coaching. You might still be a little rough around the edges, but at heart you are now a bimbo, and you've got a great foundation in the Principles of Bimboism. What we are going to do now is give you a test. Stella?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName is going to ask us questions, and we are both going to answer them on these white boards"</span> Stella gestures to two white boards on the table. <span class="stella-text">"We won't be able to see each others answers, though, as there will be a screen between us. OK?"</span>
Charlotte nods and you lead them to their stools, Stella on the left and Charlotte on the right. Between them is a light, but large, bounce board from your photography.
<span class="mc-text">"The first questions will be easy, but as they progress they'll get more challenging, and more personal. Ready to begin?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yes, Mr. $player.lastName!</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Ready when you are."</span>
[[What is the second principle?|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Which principle is 'be your absolute best self'?|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 2>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What is the second principle?"</span>
The two quickly write their answers.
<span class="stella-text">Please those around you</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Please those around you</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Excellent! You both got it right."</span> Both women smile.
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Which principle is 'be your absolute best self'?"</span>
The two quickly write their answers.
<span class="stella-text">3</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">2</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good job Stella, but it was the Third Principle, Charlotte."</span> Charlotte clicks her tongue in annoyance.
[[What is the most important principle?|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[What is the least important principle?|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 3>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What is the most important principle?"</span>
The two write their answers after some thought.
<span class="stella-text">Please those around you</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Be your absolute best self</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good job Charlotte, but surprised you didn't get that Stella. Being a bimbo is about being the best."</span>
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What is the least important principle?"</span>
The two write their answers after some thought.
<span class="stella-text">Let yourself be taken care of</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Let yourself be taken care of</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Excellent. Both correct. Letting yourself be taken care of is, of course, important, but it isn't an absolute rule in the same way the other principles are, more guidance on how to live a good bimbo life."</span>
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
[[One word: why did you want to become a bimbo?|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[One word: what is the best thing about being a bimbo?|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 4>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"One word: why did you want to become a bimbo?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Confidence</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Fun</span>
<span class="mc-text">"There is not really a right or wrong answer, but I enjoy Charlotte's answer more."</span>
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"One word: what is the best thing about being a bimbo?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Joy</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Fun</span>
<span class="mc-text">"There is not really a right or wrong answer, but I enjoy Stella's answer more."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We're going to step things up a little now."</span>
[[What part of your body are you happiest with?|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[What part of your body are you least happy with?|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 5>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What part of your body are you happiest with?"</span>
The two answer quickly, both with a little giggle.
<span class="stella-text">Breasts</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Face</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte, your mother answered her breasts. Stella, your daughter said her face."</span>
Stella looks approvingly around the screen. <span class="stella-text">"Yeah, I'd agree."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"You do have banging boobs, mom."</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What part of your body are you least happy with?"</span>
The two answer quickly.
<span class="stella-text">Ass</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Boobs</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte, your mom said her ass. Stella, your daughter answered her boobs. Thinking of going bigger soon?"</span>
Charlotte laughs. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah! Probably!"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"You won't regret it, I can promise you that."</span>
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
[[What is your favorite part of each others body?|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<case 6>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What is your favorite part of each others body?"</span>
The two answer almost immediately.
<span class="stella-text">Lips</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Boobs</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte, your mother answered your lips. Stella, your daughter said your boobs."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"You really do have amazing, plump lips."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Now, what we're going to do now is I am going to give you words or statements, and you are both going to write down which one of you it best describes."</span>
[[Smart|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Kind|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 7>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo -= 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Smart"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said Charlotte!"</span> Charlotte peeks round the curtain to high five her mom.
''Charlotte is now less of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Kind"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Stella</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Stella</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said Stella"</span>
Stella's face crunches up in a mix of happiness and emotion. <span class="stella-text">"Awwwww, Charlotte."</span>
[[Sexy|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Classy|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 8>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Sexy"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said Charlotte!"</span> Charlotte bites her lip and nods, like a man that just won a sports bet.
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Classy"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Stella</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said... Each other!"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Awwwww, Charlotte."</span>
[[Slutty|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Exhibitionist|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 9>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Slutty"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said Charlotte! Do you really think your daughter is a slut, Stella?"</span>
Stella leans around the screen to look at her daughter. <span class="stella-text">"Total slut."</span>
Charlotte pretends to be offended, but laughs.
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Exhibitionist"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Stella</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Stella</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said... Stella!!"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I mean, she does work as a stripper."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Now for a question that I can really give you an honest answer to..."</span>
[[Better at sex|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Better at blowjobs|Charlotte Training Exam Assistant][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 10>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.stella.happiness -= 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Better at sex"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Stella</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said yourself! I have to admit, though, the answer is unfortunately Charlotte"</span>
Stella looks offended, while Charlotte purses her lips in embarrassment.
''Stella is now less happy with you.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Better at blowjobs"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Stella</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Stella</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said... Stella!!"</span>
Stella begins to clap, but then stops, realizing that this means her daughter thinks she is the blowjob queen of the Jackson family.
<span class="mc-text">"Now for the final test. Stella, Charlotte, I'm going to blindfold you both now."</span> You slip thick blindfolds over their eyes, making totally sure that they are unable to cheat.
<span class="mc-text">"Girls, you can come in now."</span>
[[Final Question|Charlotte Training Exam Stella Boob Check]]
<</switch>>\<<set $bimbos.charlotte.exam += 1>>\
<<switch $bimbos.charlotte.exam>>\
<<case 1>>\
When Charlotte arrives she is wearing a tight leather jacket, a white boob tube, and long, skin tight jeans. You ask both her to get changed, saying you have laid out her outfits in their rooms.
After a few minutes Charlotte comes out, in a red robe and lingerie.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/ExamLingerie.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I hadn't left that lingerie on the bed, Charlotte."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I thought it looked good together. It is what I was wearing already. "</span>.
You consider arguing, but decide it would be counterproductive. You sit the two of them down and give them a glass of wine each. Stella listens patiently as Charlotte discusses her homework from the past week.
The main event of the past week for Charlotte was how she met an old friend from high school, a boy that she used to have a crush on, who is now at a college near Boston. He was impressed with her changes, she said, and he took her to an expensive restaurant in midtown before paying for her cab home. She described how she simply went with the flow that night, and both didn't try to worry about how she would pay for the evening, but also didn't try and ensure that her friend paid. She simply trusted that he would, and let herself be taken care of.
<span class="mc-text">"Very good, Charlotte. Now, the main event. I think, Charlotte, that you are near the end of your intensive coaching. You might still be a little rough around the edges, but at heart you are now a bimbo, and you've got a great foundation in the Principles of Bimboism. What we are going to do now is give you a test. Stella?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName is going to ask us questions, and we are gonna answer on these white boards"</span> Stella gestures to two white boards on the table. <span class="stella-text">"We, like, won't be able to see each others answers, though, as there will be a screen between us."</span>
Charlotte nods and you lead them to their stools, Stella on the left and Charlotte on the right. Between them is a light, but large, bounce board from your photography.
<span class="mc-text">"The first questions will be easy, but as they progress they'll get more challenging, and more personal. Ready to begin?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yes, Mr. $player.lastName!</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Ready when you are."</span>
[[What is the second principle?|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Which principle is 'be your absolute best self'?|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 2>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What is the second principle?"</span>
The two quickly write their answers.
<span class="stella-text">Please those around you</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Please those around you</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Excellent! You both got it right."</span> Both women smile.
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Which principle is 'be your absolute best self'?"</span>
The two quickly write their answers.
<span class="stella-text">3</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">2</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good job Stella, but it was the Third Principle, Charlotte."</span> Charlotte clicks her tongue in annoyance.
[[What is the most important principle?|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[What is the least important principle?|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 3>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What is the most important principle?"</span>
The two write their answers after some thought.
<span class="stella-text">Please those around you</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Be your absolute best self</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good job Charlotte, but surprised you didn't get that Stella. Being a bimbo is about being the best."</span>
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What is the least important principle?"</span>
The two write their answers after some thought.
<span class="stella-text">Let yourself be taken care of</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Let yourself be taken care of</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Excellent. Both correct. Letting yourself be taken care of is, of course, important, but it isn't an absolute rule in the same way the other principles are, more guidance on how to live a good bimbo life."</span>
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
[[One word: why did you want to become a bimbo?|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[One word: what is the best thing about being a bimbo?|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 4>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"One word: why did you want to become a bimbo?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Confidence</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Fun</span>
<span class="mc-text">"There is not really a right or wrong answer, but I enjoy Charlotte's answer more"</span>
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"One word: what is the best thing about being a bimbo?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Joy</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Fun</span>
<span class="mc-text">"There is not really a right or wrong answer, but I enjoy Stella's answer more"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We're going to step things up a little now."</span>
[[What part of your body are you happiest with?|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[What part of your body are you least happy with?|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 5>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What part of your body are you happiest with?"</span>
The two answer quickly, both with a little giggle.
<span class="stella-text">Breasts</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Face</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte, your mother answered her breasts. Stella, your daughter said her face."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Very true, sweetie."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"You do have banging boobs, mom."</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What part of your body are you least happy with?"</span>
The two answer quickly.
<span class="stella-text">Ass</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Boobs</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte, your mom said her ass. Stella, your daughter answered her boobs. Thinking of going bigger soon?"</span>
Charlotte laughs. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah! Probably!"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"You won't regret it, sweetie."</span>
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
[[What is your favorite part of each others body?|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<case 6>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What is your favorite part of each others body?"</span>
The two answer almost immediately.
<span class="stella-text">Lips</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Boobs</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte, your mother answered your lips. Stella, your daughter said your boobs."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"You really do have the most wonderful lips, sweetie."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Now, what we're going to do now is I am going to give you words or statements, and you are both going to write down which one of you it best describes."</span>
[[Smart|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Kind|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 7>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo -= 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Smart"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said Charlotte!"</span> Charlotte peeks round the curtain to high five her mom.
''Charlotte is now less of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Kind"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Stella</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Stella</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said Stella"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Awwwww, Charlotte."</span>
[[Sexy|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Classy|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 8>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Sexy"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said Charlotte!"</span>
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Classy"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Stella</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said... Each other!"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Awwwww, Charlotte."</span>
[[Slutty|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Exhibitionist|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 9>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Slutty"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said Charlotte! Do you really think your daughter is a slut, Stella?"</span>
Stella nods and shrugs while laughing, as Charlotte pretends to be offended.
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Exhibitionist"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Stella</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Stella</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said... Stella!!"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I mean, she does work as a stripper."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Now for a question that I can really give you an honest answer to..."</span>
[[Better at sex|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Better at blowjobs|Charlotte Training Exam House Bimbo][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<case 10>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.stella.happiness -= 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Better at sex"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Stella</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Charlotte</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said yourself! I have to admit, though, the answer is unfortunately Charlotte"</span>
Stella nods and shrugs while laughing, as Charlotte pretends to be offended.
''Stella is now less happy with you.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Better at blowjobs"</span>
<span class="stella-text">Stella</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">Stella</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You both said... Stella!!"</span>
Stella begins to clap, but then stops, realizing that this means her daughter thinks she is the blowjob queen of the Jackson family.
<span class="mc-text">"Now for the final test. Stella, Charlotte, I'm going to blindfold you both now."</span> You slip thick blindfolds over their eyes, making totally sure that they are unable to cheat.
<span class="mc-text">"Girls, you can come in now."</span>
[[Final Question|Charlotte Training Exam Stella Boob Check]]
<</switch>>\Four women walk in. Two with a striking resemblance to Stella and two with a striking resemblance to Charlotte. Off to the side you have a wide black box with adjustable shades. You are able to move the shades up and down, creating gaps, and there are three sets of them.
Silently, you point at the women who look like Stella, and send them out of the room. Then you walk to Charlotte, and take off her blindfold.
<span class="mc-text">"Being as quiet as you can I want you to stand behind one of the curtains. Then I want you to take off your bra and robe. OK?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"OK, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
Charlotte does as she's told and stands there, baring her breasts. The other two women follow suit and stand next to her. Taking your time you adjust each set of curtains so that their breasts, and only their breasts, are visible through the hole.
You then walk over to Stella and take off her blindfold.
<span class="mc-text">"You are to figure out which of these three pair of breasts belong to Charlotte."</span>
Stella walks down the line looking at the breasts lined up in front of her. Silently she studies each pair. She looks at you. <span class="mc-text">"Go on. You can touch."</span>
Pair 1
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/charlotte2.jpg" width="300">
Hesitantly, and gently, Stella cups one of the first woman's breasts. She gives it a little squeeze. <span class="stella-text">"Maybe too big for Charlotte, but nice and firm..."</span>
Pair 2
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/charlotte1.jpg" width="300">
She approaches the second pair with a bit more confidence. <span class="stella-text">"They seem kinda new. Nice and firm, nice nipples."</span>
Pair 3
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/charlotte3.jpg" width="300">
She weighs both of them in her hand. <span class="stella-text">"These are great."</span>
Slowly Stella circles back, feeling each pair again, hesitating. <span class="mc-text">"I'm going to have to press you for an answer now, Stella."</span>
This goes on for some time until, finally, she is ready to make a choice.
[[Breasts #1|Charlotte Training Exam Stella Boob Result][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Breasts #2|Charlotte Training Exam Stella Boob Result][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Breasts #3|Charlotte Training Exam Stella Boob Result][$passageRoute to 3]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
Stella stops in front of the first woman in line. <span class="stella-text">"I think this is Charlotte..."</span>
You pull a cord and pull up the curtain to reveal...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/charlotte2a.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Incorrect!"</span> You walk down the line and pull open the middle curtains to reveal Charlotte.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/charlotte1a.jpg" width="600">
Charlotte shakes her tits and cackles at Stella's failure. <span class="charlotte-text">"Bet you I'll win this!"</span>
[[Charlotte's Turn|Charlotte Training Exam Charlotte Boob Check]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.stella.happiness += 1>>\
Stella stops in front of the middle woman. <span class="stella-text">"I think this is Charlotte..."</span>
You pull a cord and pull up the curtain to reveal...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/charlotte1a.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Correct!</span> Charlotte hangs her head slightly.
<span class="stella-text">"I knew it!"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Lucky guess, it took you long enough. I bet I'll do it way faster."</span>
''Stella is now happier with you.''
[[Charlotte's Turn|Charlotte Training Exam Charlotte Boob Check]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
Stella stops in front of the last woman in line. <span class="stella-text">"I think this is Charlotte..."</span>
You pull a cord and pull up the curtain to reveal...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/charlotte3a.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Incorrect!"</span> You walk down the line and pull open the middle curtains to reveal Charlotte.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/charlotte1a.jpg" width="600">
Charlotte shakes her tits and cackles at Stella's failure. <span class="charlotte-text">"Bet you I'll win this!"</span>
[[Charlotte's Turn|Charlotte Training Exam Charlotte Boob Check]]
<</if>>\You blindfold Charlotte and place her on a chair facing the curtains. She doesn't bother to close her robe, nor does she bother to close her legs. For whatever reason she had taken off her panties as well as her bra, and you suspect that she is enjoying putting on a little show for everyone.
You let Stella choose where she wants to stand, and then you lead the other women into the room. They stand on their spots, and you adjust the curtains to reveal their tits - and nothing but their tits.
Everything arranged correctly you walk over to Charlotte and take off her blindfold. <span class="mc-text">"OK, Charlotte."</span>
Charlotte stands back and looks at each pair in front of her. She briskly walks down the line and cups each pair, and giving them a little squeeze.
A cheeky grin creeps across her face. <span class="charlotte-text">"I can do anything, as long as I don't lift up the curtains, right?"</span>
You wonder what she has in mind. <span class="mc-text">"That's right."</span>
At the first woman in line Charlotte bends down, and slowly sucks one of her nipples. You see the woman tense up, and once the nipple is wet Charlotte begins to gently blow on it.
Pair 1
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/stella1.jpg" width="300">
The nipples become pert almost immediately, and Charlotte smiles.
Charlotte repeats this with the next woman...
Pair 2
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/stella2.jpg" width="300">
Her nipples barely change and Charlotte claps slightly in excitement, before moving onto the third woman, who exhales audibly as Charlotte's lips wrap around the nipple.
Pair 3
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/stella3.jpg" width="300">
Her nipples also become erect as Charlotte blows on them.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I know which ones are my mom now, Mr. $player.lastName"</span>
[[Breasts #1|Charlotte Training Exam Charlotte Boob Result][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Breasts #2|Charlotte Training Exam Charlotte Boob Result][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Breasts #3|Charlotte Training Exam Charlotte Boob Result][$passageRoute to 3]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 3>>\
Charlotte points at the first woman.
You pull a cord and pull up the curtain to reveal...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/stella1a.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Stella!"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"How did you get me so quickly?"</span>
Charlotte jumps up and down laughing and clapping. <span class="charlotte-text">"The tiniest bit of cold and ZONK your nipples would point right out."</span>
You look at Charlotte carefully. <span class="mc-text">"It was a very smart way to win..."</span> Stella comes round to give Charlotte a hug and, behind her back, Charlotte winks at you.
''Charlotte is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Charlotte points at the middle woman.
You pull a cord and pull up the curtain to reveal...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/stella2a.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Incorrect!"</span> You walk to the first woman and pull open the curtain.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/stella1a.jpg" width="600">
<span class="stella-text">"Why were you sucking on my nipple sweetie?"</span>
Charlotte shrugs, seemingly upset at her loss. <span class="charlotte-text">"It used to be that the tiniest bit of cold and ZONK your nipples would point right out..."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"That was before the implants"</span>
Stella comes round to give Charlotte a hug and, behind her back, Charlotte winks at you.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
Charlotte points at the last woman.
You pull a cord and pull up the curtain to reveal...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/stella3a.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Incorrect!"</span> You walk to the first woman and pull open the curtain.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Exam/stella1a.jpg" width="600">
<span class="stella-text">"Why were you sucking on my nipple sweetie?"</span>
Charlotte shrugs, seemingly upset at her loss. <span class="charlotte-text">"It used to be that the tiniest bit of cold and ZONK your nipples would point right out..."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"That was before the implants"</span>
Stella comes round to give Charlotte a hug and, behind her back, Charlotte winks at you.
[[Continue|BLC Exam End]]<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.trainingComplete to true; $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo to 50;>>\
You bring together all the Charlottes and all the Stellas for an announcement.
<span class="mc-text">"At the beginning of this summer I started a new business, Bimbo Life Coaching. I had a dream to become New York's first Bimbo Life Coach, to help the women of this city who wished to become bimbos live up to their full potential, to become the best bimbos that they can. Around us we see the product of that work."</span>
The women begin to clap, looking around at each other.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I formed a close relationship with Stella, my very first client, who is now the official hostess for Bimbo Life Coaching since she moved in to become my house bimbo just recently. Together Stella and I are walking along this path, and though Stella's journey is not yet over, she understands the philosophy better than anyone else. Stella?"</span> Stella walks up and stands next to you.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I formed a close relationship with Stella, my very first client, who is now the first full time employee of Bimbo Life Coaching. Together Stella and I are walking along this path, and though Stella's journey is not yet over, she understands the philosophy better than anyone else. Stella?"</span> Stella walks up and stands next to you.
<span class="mc-text">"My masterpiece though, has been Charlotte, Stella's daughter. Charlotte?"</span> Charlotte stands on the other side of you, and you slip an arm around each of their waists. <span class="mc-text">"When I first met Charlotte she lacked confidence, she lacked inner strength and, well... did not quite meet today's outer beauty we see before us. But today she is an exemplary bimbo. Beautiful, confident, capable of bringing joy to all those around her. Today was her exam, which she passed with flying colours, and I want you to congratulate her."</span>
All the women, including Stella, begin to clap Charlotte, who smiles at everyone before taking a little curtsey.
<span class="mc-text">"If you could please move to the living room, you will find champagne."</span>
As you ask, they begin to move to the living room for the champagne. All except for Charlotte, who hangs back.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Do you really think that I am your masterpiece?"</span>
It suddenly strikes you how offensive that could seem. <span class="mc-text">"I, no, I just. I didn't mean to take all the credit, we've done such a good job here, together, I just..."</span>
Without any warning Charlotte jumps into your arms, wraps her legs around you, and whispers into your ear. <span class="charlotte-text">"Thank you, $player.firstName. I'm so much happier now."</span> She holds you like that for some time, until you sit down on a chair, with her still sitting on your lap.
She strokes your hair but doesn't look at you.<span class="charlotte-text">"I feel like I'm at a, like, point where things stop and start..."</span> You begin to suck on her tits and your cock gets hard.
You make a loud smack as you stop sucking. <span class="mc-text">"A transition point?"</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
She pushes your head back, and you lick her nipples.<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, that's it. I feel like I gotta decide now how I'm gonna live as a bimbo, you know? Like, I'm going to college but that doesn't make me less of a bimbo, does it?"</span>
She unbuttons your trousers, takes your your cock, and you slide it into her asshole.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/ExamAnal.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"But I don't really want to do something boring. I don't wanna be a doctor, I think I'm gonna go do fashion or nutrition or something."</span> She stops bouncing on you for a moment. <span class="charlotte-text">"That's a good decision, right?"</span>
You think for a moment and she begins to slowly move up and down. <span class="mc-text">"I think so, yeah. It'll allow you to keep your feet in both worlds"</span>
You nod thoughtfully and look at her to continue when Stella walks in. You begin to push Charlotte off you but she stops you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/ExamAnal2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey mom, what's up?"</span> You find yourself torn, and just stay still.
<span class="stella-text">"Oh nothing, I can see you're busy."</span> Stella turns to leave.
<span class="charlotte-text">"No, it's alright, we're actually just talking about my future."</span>
Stella looks at you two, your oiled dick in Charlotte's ass. <span class="stella-text">"So I see."</span> You make eye contact with Stella as Charlotte turns back to face you, and you can see her roll her eyes. You shrug, but Stella pulls up a chair.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I've decided I'm gonna do, like, nutrition or fashion at college. For my major."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Stella sighs, and smiles brightly. <span class="stella-text">"Whatever you want, sweetie."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella sighs, and clears her throat. <span class="stella-text">"Yeah, I've increasingly got the hint that accountancy isn't for you."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I feel like I just gotta decide now, because then I'll be happier starting, you know?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I mean, there is something reassuring about making a decision and just being done with it. When your-"</span>
You begin to slowly slide your dick in and out of Charlotte, thinking that if she's fine with Stella seeing this, you may as well enjoy yourself. Charlotte interrupts Stella. <span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName, what the fuck? You can't actually fuck me right in front of my mom. God, you can be so rude sometimes."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Stella sighs, and smiles brightly. <span class="stella-text">"Thanks, sweetie."</span> Charlotte stays sitting on your dick.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella looks at you and you both begin to laugh, hard. <span class="charlotte-text">"Very funny guys, very funny. Have a laugh at my expense. I was just trying to be polite."</span> Charlotte takes your dick out of her ass and then pulls up her own chair.
<span class="charlotte-text">"But yeah, that's my plan. I'm gonna be a college bimbo."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo to 36; $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 21;>>\
She pushes your head back, and you lick her nipples.<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, that's it. I feel like I gotta decide now how I'm gonna live as a bimbo, you know? Like, I could still go to college, bimbos can be smart."</span>
She unbuttons your trousers, takes your your cock, and you slide it into her asshole. She begins to bounce up and down.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/ExamAnal.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"But I don't really want to. I think I can do way better with modelling, or porn, or... Just being myself."</span> She stops bouncing on you for a moment. <span class="charlotte-text">"What do you think I should do?"</span>
You think for a moment and she begins to slowly move up and down again, almost like she's fucking you thoughtfully. <span class="mc-text">"I don't really want to tell you. I think this decision is too big to be made on your own."</span>
You look at her to continue when Stella walks in. You begin to push Charlotte off but she stops you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/ExamAnal2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey mom, what's up?"</span> You find yourself at a loss, and just stay still.
<span class="stella-text">"Oh nothing, I can see you're busy."</span> Stella turns to leave.
<span class="charlotte-text">"No, it's alright, we're actually just talking about my future."</span>
Stella looks at you two, your oiled dick in Charlotte's ass. <span class="stella-text">"So I see."</span> You make eye contact with Stella as Charlotte turns back to face you, and you can see her roll her eyes. You shrug, but Stella pulls up a chair.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I need to decide once and for all if I'm gonna go to college."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Stella sighs, and smiles brightly. <span class="stella-text">"Whatever you want, sweetie."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella sighs, and clears her throat. <span class="stella-text">"Are you, uh, are you sure that isn't a little like shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted?</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I feel like I just gotta decide now, and be happy with it."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I mean, there is something reassuring about making a decision and just being done with it. When your-"</span>
You begin to slowly slide your dick in and out of Charlotte, thinking that if she's fine with Stella seeing this, you may as well enjoy yourself. Charlotte interrupts Stella. <span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName, what the fuck? You can't actually fuck me right in front of my mom. God..."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Stella sighs, and smiles brightly. <span class="stella-text">"Thanks, sweetie."</span> Charlotte stays sitting on your dick.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella looks at you and you both begin to laugh, hard. <span class="charlotte-text">"Very funny guys, very funny. Have a laugh at my expense. I was just trying to be polite."</span> Charlotte takes your dick out of her ass and then pulls up her own chair.
<span class="charlotte-text">"But yeah, what do you think I should do?"</span>
''This is a major choice for Charlotte.
If you encourage Charlotte to go to college, she will not shoot porn and will never complete her physical transformation.''
[[Go to college|BLC Exam End Choice][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Dedicate yourself to being a bimbo|BLC Exam End Choice][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "BimboTrainingExamRepeat")>>\
Charlotte is a major bimbo, but is not completely bimbofied and has not passed her test. Try again next week and try to ensure that Charlotte passes the test.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm afraid, Charlotte that you're not enough of a bimbo yet. Study some more, practice on your own, and let's try again next week?"</span>
Charlotte looks disappointed, and Stella walks over to comfort her as you begin to clear up.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "College"); $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo to 36; $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 21;>>\
Charlotte stands up. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'm gonna go to college. I can still do all the stuff I like, right? I won't be able to make a big success of it, but I shouldn't be so focused on one thing. Besides, I don't have do something boring, I can go and do like fashion or something."</span>
Stella stands up and gives Charlotte a big hug. <span class="stella-text">"I'm proud of you. That's a really mature decision."</span>
You can't help but feel a little disappointed that your 'masterpiece' is backing away from a glorious future, but you're happy that she's made her decision. You also know that, despite it, this won't be the last you see of Charlotte.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "SecondImplants")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Charlotte begins to bounce ever so slowly up and down on your cock again.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Charlotte stands up again, and sits back down on your cock, slipping it inside her right in front of her mom.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/ExamAnal3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks at her mom and begins to bounce up and down, faster and faster. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'm a bimbo. I'm a total fucking bimbo, and I wanna... I just wanna... Remember that video I left up on my computer that you caught me watching? That girl with huge oily tits, getting fucked by two guys?"</span>
Stella looks away, but you can see she can't help but stare. <span class="stella-text">"Yeah?"</span> You make eye contact with her and Stella stares back at you, a strange smile creeping across her face, before she turns to walk out.
Charlotte speeds up even more and calls out after her. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'm going back to Dr. Yanovic!"</span>
''When Charlotte has $20,000, meet her at Dr. Yanovic's to complete her physical transformation.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><<if not $bimbos.charlotte and CheckEvent("Stella", "CharlotteFirstVisit")>>\
<<if BetweenTime(8, 15)>>\
[[Charlotte's first visit (-$50, +8hrs)|Charlotte First Work]]
Charlotte will only come round between 8am and 3pm.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte?.transformLevel is 0 and $bimbos.charlotte?.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "GoOutTalk") and not CheckEvent("Stella", "GoOutTalk")>>\
[[You receive an e-mail from Stella|Charlotte Stella Go Out]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery") and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "SurgeryStellaEmail")>>\
[[You receive a worried e-mail from Stella|Charlotte Gone]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "SurgeryStellaEmail")>>\
[[Charlotte Arrives Unexpectedly|Charlotte Implants Return]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte?.transformLevel is 1 and $bimbos.charlotte?.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeEnrollment")>>\
[[Charlotte wants to tell you about college...|Charlotte College Enrollment]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeFirstDay")>>\
[[Charlotte wants to tell you about college...|Charlotte College First Day]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeFriend")>>\
[[Charlotte wants to tell you about college...|Charlotte College Friend]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeFriendHeather")>>\
[[Charlotte wants to tell you about college...|Charlotte College Heather]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeMoney")>>\
[[You hear Charlotte and Stella arguing in the kitchen|Charlotte College Money][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte?.photoshoots gt 4 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeMagazine")>>\
[[The magazine from Charlotte's shoot has arrived|Charlotte College Photoshoot Magazine]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery")>>\
[[Charlotte is healed|Charlotte Surgery Healed]]
You hear a single, short buzz. Luckily you were expecting Charlotte, otherwise you likely would have missed it. Outside you see a cute, but annoyed looking, young woman. You buzz her up and wait by the door.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Meet.jpg" width="600">
Evidently she plastered a smile on her face before knocking on the door. You swing it open, and gesture her inside.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello Charlotte, a pleasure to meet you."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hi, Mr. $player.lastName!"</span> She smiles up at you and you smile down at her.
<span class="mc-text">"Come on in, would you like a glass of water while I explain what I'm gonna have you do today?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Sure!"</span> You walk into the kitchen and she lags behind you, looking around at your apartment. <span class="charlotte-text">"You have a great place, Mr. $player.lastName. Is it yours?"</span>
As you pour two glasses of water at the sink, you answer. <span class="mc-text">"Yep. I bought it a few years ago. This neighborhood wasn't quite as nice then, so I got a good deal."</span>
You hand her a glass. <span class="charlotte-text">"I bet... But I mean, even a good deal must have been a lot of money."</span>
You cough awkwardly, and continue. <span class="mc-text">"Anyway. Thanks for coming to work for me today, I appreciate it."</span>
Charlotte scoffs. <span class="charlotte-text">"It isn't like I had much say in it... But you're welcome anyway."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"Come with me, let's go to the back spare room."</span>
You walk down the long hallway which separates the open plan living area from the cluster of rooms in the other half of your apartment. The very back corner room hasn't been touched in years.
<span class="mc-text">"We're gonna start in here. You'll help me sort through the boxes. There's nothing heavy, so you'll put the ones I'm going to keep in the other room, and take the ones that are being tossed down to the trash room. OK?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/Talk.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks distinctly unimpressed.
<span class="mc-text">"OK?"</span>
She pouts a little. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, I guess."</span>
You two get to work...
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/FirstWork.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You work for hours... You don't make much of a dent into the arrangements, but eventually 6 hours have passed and Chloe has been working for the arranged time.
By the time she leaves, she's sweaty, silent, and sullen.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Later, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); $bimbos.charlotte to clone($bimboTemplate); $player.cash -= 50; $bimbos.stella.cash += 50; $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo to 1; $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist to 1; $bimbos.charlotte.slut to 1; $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust to 0; $bimbos.charlotte.trust to 1;>>\<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "DressOption1")>>\
<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
I see that my daughter went out with you last night. I'm glad that you two are getting along better, and I appreciate that she is an adult, but I'm not sure if I am totally comfortable with you socializing with her. Our... 'unusual' relationship aside, I think that the relationship between you and Charlotte should be strictly professional. You are her boss after all.
Talk soon!</span>
''Stella is becoming suspicious, and is slightly upset with you.''
<<set RemoveEvent("Charlotte", "DressOption1"); $bimbos.stella.happiness to 4;>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "DressOption2") or CheckEvent("Charlotte", "DressOption3")>>\
<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName
You took my daughter out last night looking like a slut. Did anything unprofessional happen? I know she's an adult, but you are also her boss.
Talk to you soon.</span>
''Stella is suspicious, and is upset with you.''
<<set RemoveEvent("Charlotte", "DressOption2"); RemoveEvent("Charlotte", "DressOption3"); $bimbos.stella.happiness to 3;>>\
''You can improve your relationship with Stella at home.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stella", "GoOutTalk"); AddEvent("Stella", "HappinessDinner");>>\<span class="stella-text">Hello $player.firstName,
Have you had any worries about Charlotte lately? She seems happy, and I'm sure I'm just being paranoid, but she's seemed... Different. Like she has less to lose. She told me that she was going off to stay with a friend for a week, but refused to give me any more details.
Do you know where she is?
Hope you are well,
<span class="mc-text">Stella -
I don't, I'm afraid. She didn't even tell me that she was going somewhere, she just stopped turning up to clean when I asked her to.
When she's back ask her to reach out to me.
- $player.firstName</span>
It's true, you have no concrete idea of where Charlotte is, but you have your suspicions.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "SurgeryStellaEmail"); $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 7;>>\There's a knock at your door, and you think to yourself that you aren't expecting any visitors today.
<span class="mc-text">"Who is it?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"It's me. Open up."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte? Where have you been, I've been..."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Profile.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte? Is that... Wow."</span>
Charlotte squeals happily. <span class="charlotte-text">"I went to Dr. Yanovic!"</span> She begins to laugh and runs in to your bedroom. Her shouts trail off as she runs. <span class="charlotte-text">"Stay there! I'm going to change. I want you to see the work."</span>
You mill awkwardly around your own home, wondering what the hell happened. In the back of your mind you're aware that Stella knows nothing about this, but it's pushed well back as you wait to see Charlotte's new body.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Like me? When I mentioned you had sent me to him Dr. Yanovic gave me lip filler for free."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You look at her with only lust on your mind, and your dick hardens quickly, and almost audibly. <span class="mc-text">"You look... Fuck, Charlotte. You look amazing."</span>
She begins to undo her bra straps.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"They're Ds, just like I wanted."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're such a good bimbo.</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"What?"</span> She looks at you with a wry smile and you remember that Stella isn't the only one you've been lying to.
You stammer out some words before she shuts you up. <span class="mc-text">"I mean, blonde, big tits, I - "</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Right? I want you to be the first one to enjoy them. Lie down, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
She lies you down and takes your throbbing cock out of your pants. She gently sucks the tip of your cock, and dribbles spit on her tits. She begins to rub the tip of your cock on her tits and you can feel how large they are, you can feel the implants.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Do you like this, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
You gasp and look down at her as she rubs your spit covered cock between her tits. She goes and goes until you are close to coming.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Do you like turning women into blonde bimbos with big, fake tits?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span> You get nervous now and try to move away from Charlotte but she just speeds up, jerking you off fast.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I know what you did with my mom... Dr. Yanovic told me all about it. What a good customer you are, how you train women... Do you want to turn me into a bimbo, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I... I..."</span> Your mind is blank as you look down at Charlotte jerking you off onto her new, fake tits. <span class="mc-text">"I'm coming!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She smiles as you orgasm, then sucks the last few spurts of cum straight from your dick. You lie back, your mind dark in a moment of post-orgasm clarity, but Charlotte is still beneath you, sucking on your balls and idly playing with your fast shrinking dick.
[[Continue|Charlotte Implants Talk]]Charlotte eventually leaves you to stew, as she showers and changes. You worry whether Charlotte will hate you, whether Stella will hate you. You agonize over all your past decisions and wonder how the fuck you always seem to turn golden situations into shit. The anti-Midas, that's what the should call you.
You shout-whisper at the ceiling. <span class="mc-text">"What the fuck is wrong with me!?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Not much that some self confidence can't fix."</span> You look up and see Charlotte standing in the doorway.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Talk.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"What's wrong?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What? Nothing, I..."</span> It feels strange for the tables to turn like this, for you to be the vulnerable one, and you're about to smile through it when you realize that won't help anyone in the long run. <span class="mc-text">"You don't hate me, do you?"</span>
Charlotte laughs. <span class="charlotte-text">"Hate you? What for?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Your mom... For lying to you about that... I -"</span>
Charlotte looks you dead in the eye. <span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName, the first thing I did when I was healed up was come over here to show off my new body and suck your dick. Does that seem like I hate you?"</span>
She comes and sits down next to you, putting her hand on your naked thigh. <span class="charlotte-text">"Like, OK, I was mad at first, but... I like my mom more, now. She's still soooooo annoying but we get along better when she isn't giving me a hard time about something. And if anyone should have told me it was her, not you. I like what you've done with her, and without really knowing it, I like what you've done with me."</span>
She continues to stare into your eyes. <span class="mc-text">"OK."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I do think, though, that we should tell her the truth."</span> She sees the flash of worry in your eyes. <span class="charlotte-text">"The whole truth. She's gonna know something's up when she sees my new lips and boobs."</span> Charlotte makes a peeling gesture. <span class="charlotte-text">"Just gotta yank it, like a band-aid."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm gonna tell her tonight, when I go back home. OK?"</span>
[[OK|Charlotte Implants Truth]]
[[Maybe not about the sex|Charlotte Implants Lie]]<span class="mc-text">"OK. Just so you know, though, we..."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Are also fucking?"</span>
You look at her wide-eyed, shocked that she's accepting you fucking her mom so casually. <span class="charlotte-text">"I kinda figured. I know you well enough by now and her, well... She's been happier lately."</span>
Charlotte laughs, and bends down to kiss your penis goodbye.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Wish me luck, Mr. $player.lastName"</span>
You have a sudden realization and call after her. <span class="mc-text">"Wait! Charlotte! How did you pay for the operation?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh, I just borrowed the money, Dr. Yanovic explained it to me. Pay it back each month, like a student loan."</span>
Charlotte shuts the door behind her before you can say anything more.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery"); AddEvent("Charlotte", "SexTruth"); $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel to 1; $bimbos.charlotte.trustTraining to 0; $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionistTraining to 0; $bimbos.charlotte.slutTraining to 0;>>\<span class="mc-text">"OK, but don't tell her... You know..."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"That we are fucking?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"She already suspects it. I mean, you two are fucking, right?"</span>
You're quietly shocked that Charlotte's so casual about you having sex with her mom. <span class="mc-text">"Not like we are, but we have once."</span>
Charlotte nods. <span class="charlotte-text">"OK. I'll keep that from her, at least."</span>
Charlotte gets up to leave and kisses your penis goodbye.
You have a sudden realization and call after her. <span class="mc-text">"Wait! Charlotte! How did you pay for the operation?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh, I just borrowed the money, Dr. Yanovic explained it to me. Pay it back each month, like a student loan."</span>
Charlotte shuts the door behind her before you can say anything more.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery"); AddEvent("Charlotte", "SexLie"); $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel to 1; $bimbos.charlotte.trustTraining to 0; $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionistTraining to 0; $bimbos.charlotte.slutTraining to 0;>>\You're running a little late for Charlotte's final appointment and the nurse shows you right into the examination room.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/DoctorVisit.jpg" width="600">
Charlotte is up on the table, legs spread, being 'examined' by Dr. Yanovic. Charlotte greets you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName!</span>
Dr. Yanovic makes a shushing sound and you watch him finger her, until he is satisfied. He snaps off his gloves, then reaches out to shake your hand. <span class="yanovic-text">"How's it going $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Fine, fine. How's Charlotte?"</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"In excellent health I'm pleased to report. She's going to get an awful lot of work done at once, but... She's young, and very healthy. I wouldn't worry at all."</span>
Charlotte smiles up at you, her legs still spread and her tits still out. You bend down and give her a little kiss.
<span class="mc-text">"What are you having done?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Well, I'm going up to a G. I'm going to get slightly bigger lips, a little bit of face work and... Butt implants! I'm gonna get a big fake ass, just like that pornstar I love."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"You know, I already think you're beautiful, but I can't wait to see you. You're going to be a perfect bimbo."</span> You turn to face Dr. Yanovic. <span class="mc-text">"When will she be healed?"</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"She should be well enough to live normally in a couple of weeks. As I said, she's young and healthy. Anyway, $player.firstName, it's time for the operation."</span>
You look nervously down at Charlotte but she smiles up at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Don't worry about me, Mr. $player.lastName. I'll be fine. I'll see you when I'm all healed up!"</span>
Charlotte gets into a patient's gown and lays down on a trolley, before being wheeled out by the nurses. For whatever reason you're feeling much less worried this time. With Stella you felt a sense of responsibility for her decision to get the work done that you just don't with Charlotte. There's no stopping her, you know that well enough by now.
Charlotte was gonna Charlotte.
''Two weeks will pass before Charlotte is healed.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery"); $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 14; $bimbos.charlotte.cash -= 20000;>>\You hear a buzz and know that must be Stella and Charlotte. It will be the first time in weeks that you've seen Charlotte outside of a hospital bed, un-bandaged, and unattached to drips. You tried to visit as often as you could, and brought her whatever she asked for. Which was grapes, diet Dr. Pepper, a small bullet vibrator, and more grapes.
The door opens and Stella and Charlotte walk in, having a happy little argument over what really happened at a Christmas party years ago. When they see you, though, their conversation stops and Charlotte runs up to you to give you a hug.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName! Look at me!"</span>
You look at Charlotte and she's certainly filled out. Her top is straining to contain her new tits, and her ass... Well, her ass is filling out her jeans very nicely.
<span class="mc-text">"Turn around, let me get a proper-"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...."</span> Charlotte runs off into a different room with a paper bag.
Stella looks at you with raised eyebrows. <span class="stella-text">"She insisted, absolutely insisted, on dropping by that slutty lingerie story on 6th before we got on the subway."</span>
You chuckle, and walk up to Stella to give her a hug. <span class="mc-text">"How are you? I'm sorry if you feel a little neglected lately. Would you like a coffee?"</span> Stella smiles. You gesture to the sofa, and she walks over. You pour two cups and sit next to her.
<span class="stella-text">"Thanks, $player.firstName. I'm good, though, don't worry about neglecting me - you saved me after I got fired, and I'm just happy that Charlotte's healthy and happy."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Great. Any news on that front?"</span>
Stella pulls an 'eek' face. <span class="stella-text">"From the school system? No. I even received a payout for my vacation time, given I wasn't so much fired but heavily pressured to resign. But I've had a lot of the boys from that class follow me on Instagram, so I'm sure all my old colleagues know by now too."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Know what a bimbo you've become?"</span>
Stella laughs. <span class="stella-text">"Something like that."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"OK!"</span> Charlotte walks out, wearing a full, black set of lingerie. Black lace bra, black lace suspenders, black fishnet stockings. No panties, though.
<span class="stella-text">"Where are your panties?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"They didn't have a matching set, so I improvised. Anyway! What do you two think?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Wow... Charlotte... You look..."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Don't just look, touch!"</span>
You walk over and begin by cupping her breasts, then squeezing her ass. You stand back.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform2/Ass.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stella walks over after and gives Charlotte's ass a quick squeeze. <span class="stella-text">"It doesn't feel exactly real, but... Wow."</span> Stella looks at you and nods, an impressed look on her face.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I think they look great. They sit well, right? And they move naturally. See?"</span>
Charlotte puts one leg up on the sofa and spreads her cheeks, moving one of them up and down.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform2/Display.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"What about the main show?"</span>
Stella slaps your bicep. <span class="stella-text">"You're obsessed."</span>
Charlotte takes them out of her bra, and squeezes them.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform2/Boobs.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Amazing."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Even for Gs they look pretty big."</span>
Charlotte sits down and looks up at you, a coy look on her face. <span class="charlotte-text">"Wanna test them out?"</span> You kneel down, and she spits on her tits.
She laughs. <span class="charlotte-text">"Oh my God! They're so big! I was trying to get that on my nipples but I couldn't reach!"</span> She seems giddy with excitement and you bend down, and begin sucking on her nipples.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform2/Play.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Stella suppresses a smile, then strokes Charlotte's hair as you suck her nipples. <span class="stella-text">"I'm going to go. I've had a stressful couple of weeks. You two have fun!"</span>
[[Continue|Charlotte Healed 2a]]
[[Continue|Charlotte Healed 2b]]
<</if>>\As Stella collects her stuff and gets ready to leave, Charlotte pushes you down onto the sofa and begins to rub her new breasts over your face.
<span class="stella-text">"Bye!"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Bye mom!"</span> You don't say anything, as your mouth is currently full of nipple.
The second the door closes Charlotte's on her knees, unzipping your pants and taking your cock out. She doesn't begin slowly at all, and just throws her throat onto you. You stand up and push her on her knees.
<span class="mc-text">"I want to see the spit drip onto your new, huge tits."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform2/Blowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte sucks your cock until her entire face and chest is dripping with spit. She leans back, and jumps back onto the sofa. <span class="charlotte-text">"Don't just try out my new boobs."</span>
You grab one of the bottles of lube that, by now, litter your house. You spend a few minutes oiling all of her up, and fingering her asshole. By now your cock is throbbing and you have a hard time not ejaculating immediately after you penetrate her. You stay still, waiting for the moment to pass, as Charlotte plays with you, reaching for your balls and pushing herself down onto you.
Once it's safe, you begin to fuck her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform2/Anal.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Do I look like a bimbo, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
You grit your teeth and answer her. <span class="mc-text">"Yes."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm your bimbo. Everything you see, you made, you did..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte..."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"You own me."</span> You speed up, fucking her faster, and harder. <span class="charlotte-text">"Call me your bimbo, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're my bimbo."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm the property of Mr. $player.lastName. He can do whatever he-"</span> You can't help it, you orgasm, one of the best orgasms you've ever had. You feel your dick jumping as you fill Charlotte's asshole, and she jiggles her oiled tits while making a happy squeal, before she pulls your face down and kisses you. You stay like that for a while, kissing one another, your dick shrinking in her asshole, before she pushes you away.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I want every part of you."</span> You then watch as Charlotte eats your cum out of her asshole, making you hard all over again.
Once she's done you look down at her. <span class="mc-text">"You're fucking disgusting, you know that?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform2/Finish.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yes! Yes, I am. I totally am. Oh my God, yes. It's more fun that way, right?"</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery"); $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel to 2;>>\Stella watches as you suck on Charlotte's nipples, then walks over and strokes Charlotte's hair. <span class="stella-text">"If you want I can leave..."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"No, mom, you've had a stressful week. Just relax, we don't need any privacy, do we?"</span> You begin to stand up, and Charlotte starts rubbing your erection through your trousers.
<span class="stella-text">"Are you sure? I don't want to stop you having fun..."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform2/Talk.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte now takes your cock out of your pants, and points to it. <span class="charlotte-text">"Does that look like you're interrupting us? Just get a glass of wine and relax!"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Well OK, sweetie. I'm going to go change."</span> Charlotte begins to suck your dick, and Stella gives you a kiss on the cheek. <span class="stella-text">"Thanks for being so good to us."</span>
Charlotte doesn't begin slowly at all, and just throws her throat onto you. Stella turns around and gives a little chuckle at the sound of Charlotte's gagging. You stand up and push her on her knees.
<span class="mc-text">"I want to see the spit drip onto your new, huge tits."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform2/Blowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte sucks your cock until her entire face and chest is dripping with spit. She leans back, and jumps back onto the sofa. <span class="charlotte-text">"Don't just try out my new boobs."</span>
You grab one of the bottles of lube that, by now, litter your house. You spend a few minutes oiling all of her up, and fingering her asshole. By now your cock is throbbing and you have a hard time not ejaculating immediately after you penetrate her. You stay still, waiting for the moment to pass, as Charlotte plays with you, reaching for your balls and pushing herself down onto you.
Stella walks past, in her silk house robe, and looks at the scene.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Charlotte/Healed.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As she pours herself another cup of coffee in the kitchen she gives Charlotte some advice. <span class="stella-text">"Be careful sweetie, you don't want to rush things."</span>
Once it's passed, you begin to fuck her. Stella sits at the dinner table across from you, reading a magazine and occasionally watching you two.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform2/Anal.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You fuck her ass raw, and after 15 minutes or so you feel yourself approaching orgasm again. Charlotte can sense it too. <span class="charlotte-text">"Do I look like a bimbo, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
You grit your teeth and answer her. <span class="mc-text">"Yes."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm your bimbo. Everything you see, you made, you did..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte..."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"You own me."</span> You speed up, fucking her faster, and harder. <span class="charlotte-text">"Call me your bimbo, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're my bimbo."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm the property of Mr. $player.lastName. He can do whatever he-"</span> You can't help it, you orgasm, one of the best orgasms you've ever had. You feel your dick jumping as you fill Charlotte's asshole, and she jiggles her oiled tits while making a happy squeal, before she pulls your face down and kisses you. You stay like that for a while, kissing one another, your dick shrinking in her asshole. She calls over to Stella. <span class="charlotte-text">"See, mom! I knew what I was doing."</span>
Stella rolls her eyes, and goes back to her magazine.
Charlotte whispers in your ear, then pushes you off her. <span class="charlotte-text">"I want every part of you."</span> You then watch as Charlotte eats your cum out of her asshole, making you hard all over again.
Once she's done you look down at her. <span class="mc-text">"You're fucking disgusting, you know that?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Transform2/Finish.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yes! Yes, I am. I totally am. Oh my God, yes. It's more fun that way, right?"</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery"); $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel to 2;>>\<<include [[Charlotte Stella Events]]>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Session6") and not CheckEvent("Stella", "CharlotteFirstVisit")>>\
[[You wake up to an e-mail from Stella|Stella Charlotte E-mail]]
<<if $bimbos.stella?.dayCounter is 0 and $bimbos.charlotte?.analTraining gte 7 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ButtPlug")>>\
[[You wake up to an e-mail from Stella|Charlotte Stella Butt Plug][$passageRoute to 1]]
<</if>>\<span class="stella-text">Hello $player.firstName,
Things rather blew up with Charlotte. If she's not going to college, and is so insistent that at 18 she can make her own decisions, then she is going to pay rent if she wants to keep on living with me. Without a job, that means working off her rent by working for you.
I'll send her over whenever you want.
Good luck!</span>
''Charlotte can now work at your home.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stella", "CharlotteFirstVisit")>>\<span class="stella-text">$player.firstName!
You perverted bastard! Hahahahaha! OMG!
I can't believe you got me a matching butt plug to Charlotte's! I hope you aren't expecting me to wear this all week.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/Buttplug.jpg" width="600">
It was difficult to take the photo, but enjoy.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Forward it to Charlotte|Charlotte Stella Butt Plug][$passageRoute to 2; AddEvent("Charlotte", "ButtPlug"); $bimbos.stella.happiness -= 1; $bimbos.charlotte.slut += 3;]]
[[Keep it to yourself|Charlotte Stella Butt Plug][$passageRoute to 3; AddEvent("Charlotte", "ButtPlug");]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Charlotte -
I got your mom a butt plug that matches yours. You like it?
- $player.firstName</span>
You receive an e-mail back later that day.
<span class="charlotte-text">is that in my mom's asshole? you are such a pervert lmao
looks cute though</span>
''Stella is now less happy with you.''
''Charlotte is now much more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
Stella would be pissed if you forwarded on that photo to Charlotte.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</if>>\<<set _passageText to "You receive an e-mail">>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte?.transformLevel is 0>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionistTraining gte 4 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaFindsPanties")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Stella Finds Panties]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.slutTraining gte 4 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaFindsCamera")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Stella Finds Camera][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 23 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaCharlotteFlash")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Stella Flash][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte?.trainingComplete is false>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter is 0 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College") and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "PornstarInterest")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "PornstarText")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Porn Interest]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "PornstarText2")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Porn Interest 2]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "PornstarText3")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Porn Interest 3]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaImplantTalk")>>\
[[There is a knock at your door|Charlotte Stella Implant Talk]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.modelling is undefined and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ModellingFirstTime")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Modelling First Time]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.porn isnot undefined and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaPornEmail")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Stella Porn E-mail]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 25 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaInternetPhoto")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Stella Internet Photo]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.modellingCount gte 4 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaModelShop")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Stella Model Shop]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.pornCount gte 9 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaCharlottePornDiscover")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Stella Porn Discover]]
<<elseif (CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee") or CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")) and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaFiredResponse")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Stella Fired Response]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "SecondLesson") and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaShower")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Stella Shower]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "FourthLesson") and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaNice") and not GameDayIs("Thursday") and not GameDayIs("Friday")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Stella Nice]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "FifthLesson") and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaMakeup")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Stella Makeup]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "FifthLesson") and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaPhotography")>>\
[[_passageText|Charlotte Stella Photography]]
<</if>>\<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
I found these in Charlotte's room. She said that she'd taken them when she was cleaning your place.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/Panties.jpg" width="600">
Do you want them back?
You shoot back a quick e-mail. They aren't yours, but you see an opportunity.
<span class="mc-text">Stella -
Yes, please. Tell Charlotte that she is to bring them back to me when she next comes and cleans.
- $player.firstName</span>
The next time Charlotte comes round to clean, you ask her to strip down and only wear the Daddy panties while she tidies up. You feel a little guilty involving Stella in this, but...
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaFindsPanties")>>\<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
I think there's something a little strange going on. Charlotte's being way more private when she gets home in the evenings now, and I can hear strange things coming from her room. Then, today, when I went to get her laundry I saw that there was this camera type thing pointed right at her bed.
Have you noticed anything strange when she's at work?
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Tell her it's just social media stuff|Charlotte Stella Finds Camera][$passageRoute to 2; AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaFindsCamera");]]
[[Tell her you don't know|Charlotte Stella Finds Camera][$passageRoute to 3; AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaFindsCamera"); $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo -= 1;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stella -
Oh, it's normal, it's just social media stuff. I bet she's just talking to her friends over video chat.
- $player.firstName</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stella -
I'm not sure, I'm afraid. Have you asked her?
- $player.firstName</span>
''Charlotte is now less of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</if>>\<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
I need a little advice. I was getting out of a cab earlier with Charlotte when she tripped over - she's started wearing heels almost as high as mine - and, anyway, when she fell I saw that she wasn't wearing any panties. Worse, she's totally waxed. Worst, she wasn't even ashamed! She just laughed and told me that she shouldn't do that kind of thing for free.
Is this OK? How has she been when she's at your house?
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Tell her it's OK|Charlotte Stella Flash][$passageRoute to 2; AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaCharlotteFlash");]]
[[Tell her you'll talk to Charlotte|Charlotte Stella Flash][$passageRoute to 3; AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaCharlotteFlash"); $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo -= 1;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stella -
It's fine! I'm sure she's just joking. Besides, she's growing into her womanhood now, it's normal to push boundaries a bit.
- $player.firstName</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stella -
I'll talk to her, see if I can persuade her to wear panties as a rule.
- $player.firstName</span>
At least, as a rule around her mother.
''Charlotte is now less of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</if>>\<span class="stella-text">$player.firstName!
Doesn't she look so pretty? We did each other's make up together today.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/Makeup.jpg" height="600">
I'm so, so proud of her. What a good bimbo she's becoming! We did it as a little practice exercise, for Principles 1 and 2 - appearance and pleasing those around you.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaMakeup")>>\<span class="stella-text">$player.firstName! Have I got a treat for you!
Charlotte and myself teamed up today. She bought this new phone with some great camera - I don't really get stuff like that - and wanted me to take a photo of her for her Instagram.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/Photos.jpg" height="600">
Didn't I do a great job? She also took some photos of me, and helped me set up my very own Instagram! Now that I've been fired I have nothing to lose, right? Yeeeeet, as the kids say.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Charlotte/Photos.jpg" height="600">
I'm sure we both found the day useful, but I'm clearly the better photographer, right?
A few minutes later you get an e-mail from Charlotte
<span class="charlotte-text">it isn't about the photographer it's about the model, if that's a better photo it's because of me whatever my mom says lol</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaPhotography")>>\<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">i hear my mom's working for you now as your assistant. what does that mean for the rest of my coaching? is she gonna be helping you coach, or just, like, other shit. she was a pretty good teacher before she got cock crazy.
can't believe she got fired like that. she wouldn't tell me the full story but i knew some of the guys at that school.
way to go mom!!!</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">wtf is a house bimbo and why is my mom one now?
does this mean she'll have to, like, get me drinks and shit when i'm over there? can i stop cleaning up after you now? or am i still gonna have to clean and she just looks pretty around the house?
can't believe she got fired like that. she wouldn't tell me the full story but i knew some of the guys at that school.
way to go mom!!!</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaFiredResponse")>>\<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "SexLie")>>\
By now you're almost used to your home being the scene of early morning disputes and you wearily lift yourself out of bed to answer the door.
<span class="mc-text">"Yes?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"It's Stella, and Charlotte."</span> Charlotte told her mom the truth last night - at least about the surgery and the work, though you hope she didn't mention you two are having sex.
You open the door and they both walk in, and you have to admit both of them are looking stunning. Charlotte is wearing tight black jeans with a black off-the-shoulder crop top that shoes off her midriff, while Stella is rocking her blonde hair and a floral dress that shows off her large tits. The fact that you've transformed both of them, and slept with both of them, makes you feel a strange mix of proud and ashamed. But mainly proud.
<span class="stella-text">"I'm sorry for being so rude, $player.firstName, we just-"</span>
Charlotte cuts in. <span class="charlotte-text">"-she just-"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"-need to talk to you."</span>
You're still in your dressing gown and you yawn and nod at the same time. <span class="mc-text">"I think that's a good idea. Come into the kitchen while I make coffee."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'll make it. You two talk."</span> You and Stella let Charlotte make the coffee, then tread over to the living room. You sit on the sofa, next to each other.
<span class="stella-text">"So."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So."</span> You can hear the clock ticking, and Charlotte bustling about in the kitchen, as Stella formulates her words.
<span class="stella-text">"I know I shouldn't be surprised."</span> Stella sighs, and you detect a hint of resignation. A good way to begin, all things considered. <span class="stella-text">"Charlotte said in our long talk last night, we all are who we all are. So, you know, I'm doing this //thing// with you because I've always been a worrier, a bit too serious, but I want to be happier and more care free. You've helped me do that."</span> Stella smiles, weakly. <span class="stella-text">"But I didn't think Charlotte needed that help, she's always been confident, and fun, and... I don't know. She's always been like the best bits of being a bimbo, you know?"</span>
Charlotte comes in with the coffee, and hands each of you a cup. Both you and Stella nod your heads in thanks and Stella continues. <span class="stella-text">"And you... I mean..."</span> She gestures to her and Charlotte. <span class="stella-text">"Who you really are is a man who can shape others, help them become who they want to be."</span>
Charlotte puts her hand on her mom's forearm and you can sense that last night involved a lot of honesty, and a lot of tears. <span class="stella-text">"I'm unhappy that you hid this from me, and I can't help but feel that both of you have let me down. But... I can't hold back my daughter, and I can't stop her from doing what I've grown so much from."</span>
You feel guilty now that Charlotte didn't tell her the whole truth, but you're thankful that you avoided a huge argument. <span class="mc-text">"I'm sorry, Stella."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm sorry too, mom."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I appreciate that, and I know you're being sincere. I'll try to drop this subject, but just one last thing."</span> She looks both you and Charlotte in the eyes as she says this. <span class="stella-text">"My feelings might change, but what's important hasn't. I'm not gonna stand by and watch my daughter throw away her future. She owes a lot of money for her new breasts, and though she might be the only one on the hook legally, as far as I'm concerned it's up to both of you to get that paid off as soon as possible."</span>
You nod grimly, and the three of you finish your coffees. The mood is still awkward, but the Stella even cracks a few jokes about abiding by the Principles of Bimboism.
''Stella is unhappy with you, but is a little more accepting of your role in Charlotte's life.''
<<set $bimbos.stella.happiness -= 1; $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust to 2;>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "SexTruth")>>\
By now you're almost used to your home being the scene of early morning disputes and you wearily lift yourself out of bed to answer the door.
<span class="mc-text">"Yes?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"It's Stella, and Charlotte."</span> Charlotte told her mom the truth last night - at least about the surgery and the work, though you hope she didn't mention you two are having sex.
You open the door and they both walk in, and you have to admit both of them are looking stunning. Charlotte is wearing tight black jeans with a black off-the-shoulder crop top that shows off her midriff, while Stella is rocking her blonde hair and a floral dress that shows off her large tits. The fact that you've transformed both of them, and slept with both of them, makes you feel a strange mix of proud and ashamed. But mainly proud.
<span class="stella-text">"Sorry for the early visit, $player.firstName, we just-"</span>
Charlotte cuts in. <span class="charlotte-text">"-she just-"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"-need to talk to you."</span>
You're still in your dressing gown and you yawn and nod at the same time. <span class="mc-text">"I think that's a good idea. Come into the kitchen while I make coffee."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'll make it. You two talk."</span> You and Stella let Charlotte make the coffee, then tread over to the living room. You sit on the sofa, next to each other.
<span class="stella-text">"So."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So."</span> You can hear the clock ticking, and Charlotte bustling about in the kitchen, as Stella formulates her words.
<span class="stella-text">"I gotta admit, I'm unhappy with all this."</span> She lets out an angry sigh. <span class="stella-text">"My daughter comes home, with fake tits that she didn't tell me about, tells me she's showing off her body all over the internet, and that you two are sleeping together?"</span>
Charlotte brings out the coffees and sits the other side of her mom, looking down at the ground. She maintains a bleak face, but winks at you when her mom isn't looking. <span class="stella-text">"It's just... How could you?"</span> She lets out another angry sigh. <span class="stella-text">"Charlotte's been clear that this is what she wants, that she hasn't felt at all manipulated, that, if anything, she's been the one leading you down this path."</span> Stella casts an angry look at Charlotte. <span class="stella-text">"Well, I don't exactly find that hard to believe."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I know I shouldn't be surprised."</span> Stella sighs yet again, and you detect a hint of resignation. An improvement. <span class="stella-text">"Charlotte said in our long talk last night, we all are who we all are. So, you know, I'm doing this //thing// with you because I've always been a worrier, a bit too serious, but I want to be happier and more care free. You've helped me do that."</span> Stella smiles, weakly. <span class="stella-text">"But I didn't think Charlotte needed that help, she's always been confident, and fun, and... I don't know. She's always been like the best bits of being a bimbo, you know?"</span>
Charlotte comes in with the coffee, and hands each of you a cup. Both you and Stella nod your heads in thanks and Stella continues. <span class="stella-text">"And you... I mean..."</span> She gestures to her and Charlotte. <span class="stella-text">"Who you really are is a man who can shape others, help them become who they want to be."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sorry, Stella. I just... Once it began, I didn't know how to tell you. I think Charlotte was right to lay all the cards on the table, though, and tell you the whole truth. As much as it hurts I think we'll all be better for it."</span>
Stella lets out a skeptical scoff, but says nothing.
<span class="mc-text">"I promise I'll look out for your daughter, just like I've looked out for you. That means something, right?"</span> Stella looks you in the eyes and nods, and you can see her eyes well up ever so slightly. Charlotte puts her hand on her mom's forearm, and you can sense that last night involved a lot of honesty, a lot of shouting, and at least a few tears.
<span class="stella-text">"I appreciate that, and I know you're being sincere. One last thing, and perhaps the most important one."</span> She looks both you and Charlotte in the eyes as she says this. <span class="stella-text">"My feelings might change, but what's important hasn't. I'm not gonna stand by and watch my daughter throw away her future. She owes a lot of money for her new breasts, and though she might be the only one on the hook legally, as far as I'm concerned it's up to both of you to get that paid off as soon as possible."</span>
You nod grimly, and the three of you finish your coffees. The mood is still awkward by the time they leave and you know you'll have to work hard to regain Stella's trust. But, on the plus side, you're not really sure what you could do with Charlotte now that would come as a shock.
''Stella is very unhappy with you, but is a lot more accepting of your role in Charlotte's life.''
<<set $bimbos.stella.happiness -= 2; $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust to 3;>>\
''You can now begin to coach Charlotte properly.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaImplantTalk"); AddEvent("Charlotte", "BimboTraining"); $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionistTraining to 1; $bimbos.charlotte.slutTraining to 1; $bimbos.charlotte.cash -= 10000; $bimbos.charlotte.debt += 10000;>>\<span class="charlotte-text">yo mr $player.lastName!
check it outttttt
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/FirstTime.jpg" height="600">
im so happy, i think the shots came out really great
thanks for all your support - feel free to arrange other shoots for me, lol
''You can now arrange model work for Charlotte from your desk.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.modelling to true; $bimbos.charlotte.modellingCount to 1;>>\<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust lt 5>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust += 1>><</if>>\
<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
I found this photo of Charlotte
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/NakedPhoto.jpg" width="600">
She's looking very good there. Did you take this photo? I don't recognize the bathroom, or the stockings. It's a very good photo, though. I know I'm her mother and shouldn't be proud of things like this, but... I'm kinda proud of her. She looks so good, and so strong.
<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName,
I found this photo of Charlotte.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/NakedPhoto.jpg" width="600">
She's looking great, but did you take that of her? Is she posting these on the internet? Has the world seen my daughter's naked body? God, what have I been thinking... Tell her when you see her that we'll talk about this later.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaInternetPhoto")>>\<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
Thanks to your coaching my daughter has stolen all of my conditioner. She says she can't keep her hair tied up anymore, and if she can't keep it up she can't have split ends and dry hair.
I tried explaining to her that she should buy her own conditioner then, but she didn't listen. Can you talk to her later? She seems to only listen to you anymore.
You make a mental note to remind Charlotte that she should stop stealing her mom's conditioner.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaShower")>>\<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName
Charlotte's started being really nice to me. I'm not sure what you're doing with her in those coaching sessions - and I'm not really sure I want to know! - but... Keep it up. This is the best we've got along in years.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaNice")>>\<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5 or CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust lt 5>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust += 1>><</if>>\
<span class="stella-text">Oh my God!!! $player.firstName!!!
I was walking in the city and I saw this small little lingerie shop. I walked inside to see if I could pick up something cute when I walk in and THIS is staring me in the face!
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/Lingerie.jpg" height="600">
Isn't she so beautiful? Wow. I'm so proud of her. I know this probably means she won't go off and become a lawyer or something now, but... Wow.
Thank you so, so, so much for all your help with Charlotte.
<span class="stella-text">Oh my God!!! $player.firstName!!!
I was walking in the city and I saw this small little lingerie shop. I walked inside to see if I could pick up something cute when I walk in and THIS is staring me in the face!
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/Lingerie.jpg" height="600">
She's so beautiful. Like, stunning. I'm really impressed her career has moved so quickly. But I must admit... I'm a little worried. Even if she goes to college now she'll find it really difficult to build a proper, professional career with this behind her.
I suppose it was always unrealistic to expect her to become a lawyer, though.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaModelShop")>>\<span class="charlotte-text">hey mr $player.lastName!!!
ever since we fucked while watching that video of that girl getting banged by like 3 or 4 dudes i've been obsessed
i thought you might like this video
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/PornInterest.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
she's really good and, like, pretty but also happy. don't you love her eyes?
xxx charlotte</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "PornstarText"); $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="charlotte-text">wow
mr $player.lastName look how she's sucking this cock that was IN HER FRIENDS ASSHOLE
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/PornInterest2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
so hot. in a really dirty slutty disgusting way.
xxx charlotte</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "PornstarText2"); $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="charlotte-text">you like how she looks mr $player.lastName?
i've been watching like all of her videos. my clit's all swollen i've been cumming so much lol
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/PornInterest3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
i want to look like her. you think I could?
i know my mom is like some sort classy bimbo, but i wanna be a big slutty bimbo.
xxx charlotte</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "PornstarText3"); $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName
Charlotte left this up on her computer. She's been sat in that room watching porn all night. She doesn't even bother to keep the sound off anymore.</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/Porn.jpg" width="600">
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust lt 5>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust += 1>><</if>>\
<span class="stella-text">I really like the look of her. She's got great breasts, hasn't she? I suppose I should be upset that Charlotte's watching porn like this, but she's just having fun, isn't she?
<span class="stella-text">I wonder if it was a mistake for me to get my breasts enhanced, what a role model I am... She's already got her breasts enhanced, what if Charlotte wants to do it again? And again, just ending up some overinflated bimbo?
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stella -
If you liked that, check this out.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/StellaPorn.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
What all bimbos should aspire to!
- $player.firstName </span>
You write Stella a quick e-mail assuring her that you haven't started coaching Charlotte, and making sure that she understands that her decision to get her breasts enlarged was one of the better decisions she's ever made. You also assure her that, whatever she does, you're sure Charlotte will be beautiful.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaPornEmail")>>\You receive an e-mail from Stella, but notice that you are just CC'd in on an e-mail to Charlotte.
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5 or CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="stella-text">Well, it seems you've made your choice, Charlotte. I was browsing the internet earlier and I came across this video.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/PornDiscover.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
So that's that, I guess. No college. I'd wanted so much for you to stand on your own. You're young and don't understand that now, but this will make it harder. I suppose the only thing left for me to do is hope that you make a success of this career and support you as best I can.
I am disappointed though, and I am disappointed in you too, $player.firstName, for not trying harder to stop this.
You decide not to respond until Charlotte does, but you send her a text to check her emails. A little later you get a response from Charlotte.
<span class="charlotte-text">mom, i'm really really sorry that you had to find out like this. i wasn't wanting to upset you, but i also, like... i'm really good at this. i know i can be really successful at this. i'm sorry that i disappointed you, i really am, but i just hope that i can show you that this was the right decision and that i can live up to the support you say that you will now show me.
i really love you, and don't blame him for any of this, it was totally my choice. he supported my decision, but he made sure i was aware of the consequences of what i am doing.
A minute or two later you receive a second email, this time just to you and not Stella.
<span class="charlotte-text">i didn't know she watched porn. i wonder how long she watched me for? lol</span>
<span class="stella-text">What the fuck is this? Are you really shooting porn now?
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/StellaEmail/PornDiscover.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
So that's that, I guess. No college. I'd wanted so much for you to stand on your own.
You decide not to respond until Charlotte does, but you send her a text to check her emails. A little later you get a response from Charlotte.
<span class="charlotte-text">mom, i'm really really sorry that you had to find out like this. i wasn't wanting to upset you, but i also, like... i'm really good at this. i know i can be really successful at this. i'm sorry that i disappointed you, i really am, but i just hope that i can show you that this was the right decision.
i really love you, and don't blame him for any of this, it was totally my choice. he supported my decision, but he made sure i was aware of the consequences of what i am doing.
A minute or two later you receive a second email, this time just to you and not Stella.
<span class="charlotte-text">i didn't know she watched porn. i wonder how long she watched me for? lol</span>
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<<set $bimbos.stella.happiness -= 1>>\
''Stella is now less happy with you.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaCharlottePornDiscover")>>\<<set SetHours(20)>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "FifthLesson")>>\
<<include [[Charlotte Training Exam]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "FourthLesson")>>\
<<include [[Charlotte Training Fifth Lesson]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ThirdLesson")>>\
<<include [[Charlotte Training Fourth Lesson]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "SecondLesson")>>\
<<include [[Charlotte Training Third Lesson]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "FirstLesson")>>\
<<include [[Charlotte Training Second Lesson]]>>\
<<include [[Charlotte Training First Lesson]]>>\
<</if>>\Charlotte buzzes up, coming to your apartment as you had asked her to. As she pushed open the front door you greet her. <span class="mc-text">"Hello Charlotte."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hello Mr. $player.lastName!"</span>
You lead her into the kitchen and take two wine glasses down from the cabinet. Charlotte jumps up to sit on your kitchen counter. <span class="mc-text">"Do you know why I've asked you to come here today?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/FirstTraining.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"No, no idea whatsoever..."</span> She giggles and you detect a hint of sarcasm.
<span class="mc-text">"As you already know, I run a company called Bimbo Life Coaching. I do weekly group sessions, and offer more personalized one-on-one coaching."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Like the coaching you gave my mom?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Exactly."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"You did a lot, she did a total 180. She's a lot happier now that she's this..."</span> Charlotte searches for words, then gives up with a hand wave. <span class="charlotte-text">"Big boobed bimbo."</span>
You smile with pride at the work you did with Stella. <span class="mc-text">"Thanks."</span> You pour white wine into two glasses, and offer Charlotte one. <span class="mc-text">"What I want to know is whether you would be interested in working with me in the same way that your mom did?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"You mean we haven't been already?"</span>
You smile and laugh gently. <span class="mc-text">"No, not at all. I've just been encouraging you to do what you already wanted to do. Coaching you to become a bimbo would involve making changes, rather than just polishing what you already have."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm not sure I need it. I talked with my mom about how you coached her, and I've already got that stuff down. Choosing sexy lingerie? Learning how to flirt? Being able to be happy with how I look?"</span> She snorts dismissively. <span class="charlotte-text">"I appreciate what you did with her, but I already got that down, you know?"</span>
You nod appreciatively, and hand her a laminated card with the Principles of Bimboism written on it.
<img src="Images/BLC/PrinciplesOfBimboism.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Here's the fundamental principles of bimboism. The rules that should guide the life of any aspiring bimbo. With your mother, I had to focus our coaching on how she could best take pride in her appearance, and how she could be a source of joy in the world."</span>
You take a long sip of your wine and Charlotte's eyes flit between the card and your face before you continue. <span class="mc-text">"You're right, you're different from your mom. The aspects of bimboism that she had the most difficulty with you find easy. You don't need encouragement to show off, or to share your inherent joy for life with others. But you also lack some of your mother's qualities."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"What?! I-"</span>
You gesture with your hand for her to be patient. <span class="mc-text">"Your mother already embodied some of these principles when I first began to work with her. She already inherently knew the value, the happiness, of pleasing those around her. She also strove to become her best self. You'll forgive for saying this Charlotte, but you can be selfish sometimes, and you lack inner drive and discipline."</span>
Charlotte looks slightly upset, but nods. <span class="charlotte-text">"I don't really think I'm selfish but... I guess you're not wrong about me lacking drive and all that shit. I just..."</span> She shrugs, and you expect her to continue, but she doesn't.
<span class="mc-text">"What I'd like to do, Charlotte, is to begin coaching you. In the same way that I taught your mother to enjoy life more, I want to teach you how to make more of life."</span>
Charlotte looks down and kicks her feet a few times thinking, tapping the Principles of Bimboism card with her long fingernails.
<span class="charlotte-text">"How does it work?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We meet once a week, each session costs $150, and I will assign you homework that you need to complete."</span>
Charlotte makes a face like you just farted in front of her.<span class="charlotte-text">"So it's like being back at school?"</span>
You purse your lips, but smile with your eyes. <span class="mc-text">"I suppose. But it will be the most fun you've ever had at school, I promise."</span>
Charlotte nods. <span class="charlotte-text">"OK, Mr. $player.lastName. Does Wednesday work for you?"</span>
''Charlotte will now come to your house for weekly coaching sessions on Wednesday evening.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "FirstLesson")>>\Charlotte arrives and you usher her to your dining room table, where you have two glasses of white wine already poured, and a folder on your side of the table. She's dressed casually, but you can't deny that she still looks amazing.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/ThirdTrainingMeet.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"So, Mr. $player.lastName. How do we begin?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We begin by assessing where you already are. I want you to describe what you think a bimbo is."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I..."</span> She cocks her head, and begins to count off characteristics. <span class="charlotte-text">"She's beautiful, big boobs, big ass, flaunts her body, she's fun... uhhh... Blonde?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You basically just described yourself, you know that right?"</span>
She flashes a wide smile. <span class="charlotte-text">"I know."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"But, when you're right, you're right. You've already got a lot of the characteristics of a bimbo. Frankly, you're already far down the path of bimboism, and even without my coaching you'd probably live your life as a bimbo. What I want to do is make sure that you're a ''good'' bimbo."</span>
She nods briskly. <span class="charlotte-text">"Sounds good to me."</span>
You open the folder. <span class="mc-text">"I've developed a personalized course for you. What we are going to do is progress through each of the principles of Bimboism, but every week the meeting and the homework is going to be aimed at encouraging you to act in a way that allows you to truly live up to your potential. To be your absolute best self. This week we're going to focus on 'Pride in your appearance'"</span>
Charlotte claps her hands. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yay!"</span>
[[Continue|Charlotte Training Second Lesson Mirror]]<span class="charlotte-text">"Don't get too enthusiastic. What we're going to do today is examine how you are dressed now. Stand up and look into the mirror."</span>
Charlotte does as she's told and stands up. She walks over to the floor length mirror you have by your dining table, wine glass still in hand.
<span class="mc-text">"Let's start with what you did well. What did you do well today?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"My makeup? My hair? My shoes are really cool too."</span> She kicks up her right foot to show off her pure white sneakers.
You make a show of examining her closely, making her more self-conscious. <span class="mc-text">"Your shoes are great... And, well, your makeup is very well done. But your hair is just up in a pony tail. You've got great hair, so why did you put it up like that?"</span>
She looks upset and pouts slightly. <span class="charlotte-text">"I just... It's, like, easier, and it still looks good.."</span>
You look her in the eyes. <span class="mc-text">"It's easier."</span>
She nods, and you continue. <span class="mc-text">"What could you have done better today?"</span>
She's subdued now. <span class="charlotte-text">"This big hoodie, the pants... I... Well. The entire outfit, I guess?"</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"What I want you to do is fix this outfit. I want the basic building blocks - the hoodie, the jogging pants, the shoes, whatever your underwear is - to remain the same. But I want you to take this"</span> You gesture at all of her. <span class="mc-text">"And make the best possible version of it."</span>
She looks up at you, a look of uncertainty in her eyes.
<span class="mc-text">"Everything you'll need is in my bedroom and the master bathroom. I'll wait out here, don't rush, make sure everything is perfect."</span>
[[Continue|Charlotte Training Second Lesson Finish]]When you told Charlotte to take as long as she wanted you didn't expect it would take her over two hours. You just finished watched a movie when you hear her call from down the hall.
<span class="charlotte-text">"OK, I'm ready Mr. $player.lastName!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Come out and stand in front of the mirror."</span>
You can see she's touched up her makeup slightly, let her hair down, and curled it. She even dyed the bottom blue.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/SecondTrainingOutfit.jpg" height="600">
You also see that she's transformed her outfit. She took the hint you'd given her by leaving a pair of fabric shears in there. She did borrow a faux fur coat you had in your closet, but overall you're very happy with her. The hoodie is nowhere to be seen.
<span class="mc-text">"Stand still, don't talk."</span>
You stand and examine her. You pull on her top to see what effort, if any, she made to conceal her nipples - not even a pasty, let alone a bra. Her running pants have been cut to booty shorts.
<span class="mc-text">"So, tell me what you did, and why."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"My best self is a slut, right?"</span> You laugh at how blunt she can be, but she continues. <span class="charlotte-text">"That means I gotta slut it up. I saw the shears, so I cut off the legs of my pants, and got them as short as I could get them without my pussy hanging out."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The top? Where did that come from?"</span>
She smiles and points at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Got smart. The material is all stretchy, and I decided to cut the legs so that I could tie it around my boobs. What's sluttier than just showing off like that?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The hair and makeup?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"The makeup was good already, so I just focused on my hair, I curled it and then saw you had a little temporary blue hair dye. I wanted to make a statement, you know?"</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"Good job, Charlotte."</span> You circle around her examining her further, as she tries to suppress a grin. <span class="mc-text">"Very good job."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Thank you, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
You sit down at the dining table and hand her a sheet of a paper.
<span class="mc-text">"Your homework for next week. You're going to meet me a couple of blocks away. You are going to dress as well as you can, but the focus isn't to be on what you like, but what I like"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"How do you want me to dress then?"</span>
You gesture towards the sheet. <span class="mc-text">"That's the homework. You've got to figure out how to please me. There are all my social media usernames, and usernames of ex-girlfriends with public profiles."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Charlotte", "SecondLesson"); $player.cash += 150; $bimbos.charlotte.cash -= 150;>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo lte 30>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo to 31>><</if>>\You wait on the corner for Charlotte at the assigned time. You're wearing a suit, but it's a casual blue suit. The fabric is rough, but light, and fine for late summer evening in New York. You're eyeing the bodega longingly, debating buying a pack of cigarettes, when you catch Charlotte walking up the block towards you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/ThirdTrainingDress.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You knew she was gorgeous, but...
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/ThirdTrainingFace.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Good evening, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
You say nothing, your jaw hangs open, and you take her by the hand, giving her a little twirl. She giggles. <span class="mc-text">"Charlotte..."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Did I do well with the homework?"</span>
You collect yourself and look at her carefully. <span class="mc-text">"Definitely A material, Charlotte. Let's head inside this cocktail bar and discuss."</span>
She laughs. <span class="charlotte-text">"Probably the first time I ever got an A on my homework"</span>
You bring Charlotte into the bar and it's like she's become a different woman. Restrained, polite. She sits with her legs crossed at her ankles, and her hands in her lap. Every man in there, and more than a few women, are staring at her. With your drinks ordered, you get down to coaching.
<span class="mc-text">"Explain to me why you dressed like you did."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I looked through all the accounts you shared with me. I tried to see how they had dressed when they were with you, how they had dressed when you weren't there. I wasn't, like, really sure what you'd want... But then I realized, there's only one of them that you follow, and whose photos you've been liking regularly."</span>
She slides her phone over to you and shows you a picture of Tiffany.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Tiffany.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"I saw that photo, and I just knew you'd loved her there. And then I remembered, the big stalker that I am, that this was a balcony you'd been photographed on. Did you take this picture, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
You nod, jutting your bottom lip out, unsure whether to be proud at her detective work or annoyed at yourself for giving her quite so much ammunition to pry into your life.
<span class="mc-text">"That was her apartment. This was only a few months before we broke up..."</span> Your voice trails off and an image flashes into your head of Tiffany looking annoyed at you over a dusky dinner table.
[[Continue|Charlotte Training Third Lesson Dress]]<span class="mc-text">"So what did you learn from that?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I learned that you like women to dress classy and slutty at the same time. And, evidently, you're a boob man, so I should show that off."</span>
The drinks arrive and you cheers one another. Looking like she does Charlotte didn't have to worry for a moment about being carded. You had ordered an old fashioned, as usual, but she had opted for a martini.
She pulls a face when she has the first sip.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck that shit is stroooong, I thought I could dr-"</span> She cuts herself short and straightens her back, placing her martini down on the table and reasserting her dignity. You smirk at her. <span class="charlotte-text">"It's stronger than I was expecting it to be."</span>
You chuckle, switch the drinks around. <span class="mc-text">"Well, you're a fan of old fashions, so at least we'll both be able to finish our drinks this way."</span> You take a sip of the martini, and grimace happily as the alcohol tingles the tip of your tongue, and burns the inside of your lips. <span class="mc-text">"You weren't lying about it being strong."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Thanks, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
You look at Charlotte and examine her closely. <span class="mc-text">"Tell me why you didn't simply copy how Tiffany looked."</span>
She looks almost confused for a moment, but nods. <span class="charlotte-text">"Like, why I didn't wear a long floral dress?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yep. But also the hair, the demeanor, all that."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Well... Like, one of the principles is to be my absolute best self, right? So I gotta be, like, myself."</span> She starts slow, but picks up speed as she firmly grasps her own logic. <span class="charlotte-text">"Tiffany there was pleasing you, but in a Tiffany way. I've got to please you in a Charlotte way. Right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Right."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"And I'm not a floral kind of gal. I'm not a floor length, platinum blonde kind of gal. I'm a... a... Skin tight, shiny gold, make a statement, have them stare at me person. I don't want to just show off my new boobs, but make it impossible for people to not stare at them. I want to walk up to the bartender and have his eyes flick up from my chest to my face every time he looks at me. I..."</span> She looks at you and seems to remember she was answering your question. <span class="charlotte-text">"But in a classy way, obviously, because you like that. Classy and slutty. Right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Classy and slutty."</span> You take another sip of the martini. <span class="mc-text">"You did very well, and are doing very well. I can't say you explained it well, but to be frank figuring this out with intuition isn't the worst thing. You just sensed what would work, right?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, I knew what the right answer was, and then kinda tried to like..."</span> She searches for the right word.
<span class="mc-text">"Rationalize it."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's useful, because pleasing people can be difficult if you are overthinking it. To really please someone you also have to be enjoying yourself too. The men, or women, that you'll be wanting to please aren't wanting a geisha to meekly serve them. It's about knowing what someone likes, and then taking pleasure yourself from pleasing them."</span>
You gently point your index finger onto her chest, between her breasts. She instinctively pushes her shoulders back, offering them to you.
<span class="mc-text">"How did you feel when you saw how I looked at you? When I said you'd got an A on your homework?"</span>
She smiles brightly at you, offering you a peek behind the curtains to the Charlotte you're used to. <span class="charlotte-text">"I felt great. I liked that you were so impressed by me, that you were enjoying looking at me. I felt, I dunno... Powerful, almost. I did a thing, and now all these other things are happening. In your mind, in my mind. In your pants..."</span>
You grin. <span class="mc-text">"Good. If you can work on combining that instinct to know what people want, with the happiness you feel when you please people, you'll make an excellent bimbo."</span>
She flashes another smile at you, and lifts her drink in response.
[[Continue|Charlotte Training Third Lesson Final]]<span class="mc-text">"I'm going to go to the bathroom quickly, but by the time I am back I want you to have three things that you really want to do, three characteristics that you really want to have, but which you find difficult or embarrassing or boring. I don't mean 'skydiving' or 'eating healthier' but 'answering text messages right away' or 'making small talk with the super'. OK?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"OK!"</span>
You go to the bathroom and when you return you see Charlotte typing on her phone, a big grin plastered across her face. When you sit she looks up at you, puts on a normal face, and places her phone on the table.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I texted you the list, so that I didn't just, you know, pick things from nowhere. Are you going to help me figure out how to deal with these things, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span> She makes an exaggerated, innocent face at you, fluttering her eyelids.
<span class="mc-text">"No. Your homework for this week is to pick one of these things, and focus on doing this every day, as much of the day as you can."</span> Charlotte's eyes widen and you take your phone out of your pocket. <span class="mc-text">"The third principle of bimboism is being your absolute best self. Your mother's homework for this week was the visualize her ideal body. But you, you know what you want, you just need the discipline to get there."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I... Uhhh... Maybe I should choose-"</span>
You cut her off and look into her eyes. <span class="mc-text">"Whatever these are, are what you're picking from."</span> You open up your texts, and read Charlotte's list.
<span class="charlotte-text">1 putting things in my ass
2 keeping things in my ass
3 taking things out of my ass</span>
You look up at her. <span class="mc-text">"This, this is exactly what I mean. There's a fine line between being positive, and happy, and bringing joy - and bringing things down by joking too much about them."</span>
Charlotte looks a strange mix of panicked and guilty. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'm sorry Mr. $player.lastName. I'm really sorry, I'll take it seriously, I could focus on... on... like..."</span> You stare at her, and her mind's a blank.
Her shoulders drop.
<span class="charlotte-text">"What do I need to do?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You are going to come home with me tonight, and stay the rest of the week at my house. I was going to e-mail you a schedule tonight, but I suspect I will have to be more hands on this week."</span>
[[Charlotte's Anal Coaching|Charlotte Anal Training][AddEvent("Charlotte", "ThirdLesson"); $player.cash += 150; $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.charlotte.cash -= 150; $bimbos.charlotte.analTraining to 1;]]<<switch $bimbos.charlotte.analTraining>>\
<<case 1>>\
You walk arm in arm back home, enjoying the cool night air. Charlotte turns virtually every head you pass on the few blocks home, and though you chit chat with Charlotte, you're focused on how this week's coaching will work. You're disappointed that Charlotte turned this into such a joke, but you can't help but be happy that //this// was the way Charlotte tried to make a joke of your method.
Besides, you tell yourself, it's not without logic. Charlotte is a self-admitted slut. But she's always been slightly uncomfortable with anything to do with her asshole. How can she be her best self, her best, slutty, self, if not all her holes are for use?
When you get home you ask Charlotte to go to the bedroom and wait for you on the bed on all fours. You head to the bathroom and grab a bottle of oil based lube.
She's still in her gold, skin tight dress. You pull it up, and dribble some oil onto her ass. You begin to explain the week's rules as you finger her asshole, stretching it out.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"The rules for the next week are simple. You will spend all week with me, staying at my house. When you are out of this bed and not in the bathroom, you will always be plugged. Whenever I wish, I can check your asshole and do what I want with it. Do you understand?"</span>
You slip in a second finger, and push into her asshole past her knuckles. Charlotte lets out a cry of pain.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"I will stretch you tonight, and plug you tomorrow morning. By the end of this week your asshole will be perfect. What do you expect to learn this week?"</span>
Charlotte seems in a hurry for the stretching to stop, but you aren't. <span class="charlotte-text">"How to take things in my ass!"</span>
You stop, your knuckles right against her asshole, stretching her as wide as you dare tonight. <span class="mc-text">"No, Charlotte. This is your bimbo coaching, remember?"</span> You begin to slowly thrust your fingers in and out of her hole, and you feel her begin to relax slightly. You add a little more lube.
<span class="mc-text">"You are going to learn how to be your absolute best self. You want to be a good bimbo, yes?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yes, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And you are a slut, yes?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yes."</span>
You slowly pull your fingers out of her, and wipe the lube on her cheek. She flops down forward onto the bed.
<span class="mc-text">"To be your absolute slutty bimbo best you need to learn how to please men with every tool at your disposal. You can't be precious about your asshole. Do you understand?"</span>
Charlotte nods, then sits up in bed. You instruct her to shower, and tell her where an enema bulb is, then ask her to come to bed. At first she's shy around you, but once it's clear that the coaching is over you two chat in bed for half an hour, before she eventually falls asleep with her face pressed into your shoulder.
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set SetHours(8); SetMinutes(0); AddDays(1); $bimbos.charlotte.analTraining += 1;>>\
<<case 2>>\
In the morning you plug Charlotte, then put her to work for the day. She spends the day tidying up your house and organizing your documents. You remove her plug for lunch, much to her appreciation, but afterwards you put her up on a stool and have her stretch her asshole in front of you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.analTraining += 1>>\
<<case 3>>\
Around mid-morning Charlotte comes up to you. <span class="charlotte-text">"I know I have to stay plugged, Mr. $player.lastName, but... Can I lube myself when I want? It's starting to chafe a bit, to hurt."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course, I'm surprised you haven't been already. Present yourself."</span>
Charlotte turns around, and presents herself.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You pull out the plug, and though you can see her asshole is swollen and raw, it slides out with a little pop.
<span class="mc-text">"I'll plug you after lunch. But I think tonight we can move on to the main attraction"</span>
Charlotte smiles at you, and you're glad to see that she's looking forward to it.
At dinner you take her plug out and let her asshole rest. After dinner, and a movie, you two go to bed, where you lay Charlotte on her back and begin to lube up your dick and her asshole.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As you try to press it in, you feel that she's very tight, very swollen. You're tempted to press ahead, and to Charlotte's credit she says nothing, but you can see she's in pain.
<span class="mc-text">"We'll try later."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.analTraining += 1>>\
<<case 4>>\
Today Charlotte has to leave the house, to meet her mom for Sunday lunch. You ensure that she's properly plugged and give her a bottle of lube before seeing her off.
When she comes back that evening she runs through the door. <span class="charlotte-text">"I have the best story!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Present yourself"</span> Charlotte sighs loudly but does as she's told, turns around, flips her skirt up, and shows you that she's still plugged. You're please to see that she's returning to normal - you're not looking to break Charlotte, or even stop her being cheeky and impulsive, but channel it.
<span class="charlotte-text">"My mom found the lube!"</span>
You cock your head at her. <span class="mc-text">"How did she react?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"She asked me what it was for and you'll never guess what I did!"</span>
You're not sure you like where this is going... <span class="mc-text">"What did you do...?"</span>
She begins to laugh, hard. <span class="charlotte-text">"I presented myself!"</span> She laughs even harder. <span class="charlotte-text">"I can't believe I did that!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You... You showed your mom your plugged asshole?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yes!"</span> She laughs some more. You find yourself chuckling along too, despite yourself.
<span class="mc-text">"What then?"</span>
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"She told me it was pretty!"</span> Charlotte laughs even harder, and now you join in properly.
<span class="charlotte-text">"She rolled her eyes at me, sighed, then changed the subject."</span> Charlotte stops laughing. <span class="charlotte-text">"Honestly she was a bit annoyed, but didn't really give a fuck"</span>
[[You receive an e-mail from Stella later on|Charlotte Stella E-mail Butt Plug][$bimbos.charlotte.analTraining += 1]]
<<case 5>>\
By now the plug is no problem for Charlotte and you pop it in and out all day, working your way up to three fingers in her asshole.
By the time night arrives you decide you're going to approach it differently. The only way you're not fucking her ass tonight is if she's worried, and looking at her face she's beginning to psych herself out. You tell her to shower, and make sure her anus is sparkling, then lay her down on her back.
You kneel down in front of her, and smile up at her. <span class="mc-text">"Part of learning to be a good bimbo is to learn about the pleasure that you can also enjoy."</span>
You begin to lick her asshole, and play with her clit.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After relaxing her, and getting her to a stage where she's giggly and happy, you stand up and begin to oil everything up. You slide your fingers in, reassuring her that she's a good bimbo, that she'll do a good job. She begins to repeat it like a mantra as you get ready.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm a good bimbo. I'll do a good job. I'm a good bimbo. I'll do a good job."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Your dick slides in, and her face collapse to a blank at the experience of the new sensation. <span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName!"</span>
You fuck her gently at first, and then a bit harder, before coming in her asshole as you kiss her lips. Masturbating as you fucked her she comes at the same time, and falls asleep within minutes, your cum oozing from her asshole.
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.analTraining += 1>>\
<<case 6>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The dam has burst, and you and Charlotte basically spend all day fucking. By the time dinner rolls around Charlotte has to ease herself onto her chair.
Not that that stops you fucking her ass one last time before sleep.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.analTraining += 1>>\
<<case 7>>\
<<set $player.cash -= 350>>\
In the afternoon your find Charlotte lying on the floor of your bedroom, examining her pussy and asshole. When you walk in she lifts her chin in greeting, <span class="charlotte-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName,"</span> then goes back to looking at herself as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
You squat down next to her and look at her in the mirror. <span class="mc-text">"You've done a very good job this week Charlotte. What have you learned?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I've learned you've got an anal fixation."</span> You laugh, but she continues. <span class="charlotte-text">"Nah, I've learned that, like, doing tough things can work out well. A little pain at the beginning was worth the fun, right? And it's made you really happy."</span> She scrambles onto all fours, then stands up to talk to you.
You sit down on the bed, pull her towards you so her tits are in your face, then slide a finger in her asshole as you two talk. Charlotte squirms happily.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm going to take you out tonight. You'll be plugged, and I'm expecting that you will show off what you've learned tonight. Should anyone ask, you cannot deny that you have a plug in. OK?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Sure! Where are we going?"</span>
You two pass the rest of the afternoon getting ready. To set the mood you don't plug Charlotte until you are standing in the stairwell outside of your apartment. You two rock up overdressed at a cheap local dive bar, and then take the subway into the city. On the ride you hear a tapping sound coming from Charlotte, but instead of her fingernails tapping on the seat, you just see her bouncing up and down next to you.
She leans in to you to whisper. <span class="charlotte-text">"If I spread my ass cheeks, I can tap the plug on the seat! My dress is so thin."</span> She grabs your arm and giggles, but sits up slightly, closing her cheeks.
There is a longish walk to the club from the subway, but you two stroll up the avenue, chatting idly about people around you. You find yourself feeling a strange happiness walking along with Charlotte on your arm. The way she smiles up at you when you say something you think is smart, the way she punches your shoulder when you tease her. The way her ass wiggles as she impatiently shifts her weight from one foot to the other waiting for the crosswalk light.
Eventually you get to the club and you're almost sad that the chat is over and the 'coaching', such as it is, is going to begin again.
<span class="minor-text">"$player.firstName! Heyyyyyyyyyy! $player.firstName!"</span>
You turn around.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/Brett.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Brett! Oh my God man! How are you? How's life down under?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Pretty fucking good, I'm back for a little visit. Only a few nights so I didn't hit you up but my plans fell through. What you up to now?"</span>
You look at Charlotte and you feel Brett give you a matey punch in your shoulder. An attaboy for turning up with such a hot woman. <span class="mc-text">"Charlotte, let me introduce Brett. He's an old friend from college. He's Australian, though, so forgive him if he's a rude asshole."</span>
She smiles at Brett, and gives her hair a tiny, sexy shake as she offers him her hand. <span class="charlotte-text">"Hi Brett!"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Heya Charlotte."</span> Brett looks up at you. <span class="minor-text">"Fancy going inside, I'll get the first round in."</span>
You look at Charlotte to see if she minds, but she's too busy eye fucking Brett and you suspect that she is down. <span class="mc-text">"Make it the first two rounds and I might allow myself to be seen with you."</span> Brett laughs and the two of you head in, cutting the line thanks to Charlotte's dress and a $50 bill from you.
The three of you are a little early and grab a small table at the back. The first couple of drinks are mainly you and Brett catching up, sharing party stories from back in the day.
By the third drink Brett suggests splitting a bottle of champagne, and Charlotte's eyes light up. <span class="minor-text">"You want to choose the bottle, Charlotte? We're cheap cunts though, so don't buy the bar."</span> Charlotte nods excitedly, and hops up, striding towards the bar.
<span class="minor-text">"She's a piece."</span> You feel a lewd grin slowly spreading across your face. <span class="minor-text">"How long have you known her? How did you meet? Is she fun?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"A few months. It's a long fucking story. And... Well..."</span> You consider whether to do it, and think fuck it. <span class="mc-text">"When she gets back, ask her whether she's wearing a butt plug."</span>
Brett looks at you with a confused look on his face. <span class="minor-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"A butt plug."</span>
He looks at you, with a shocked look now on his face. <span class="minor-text">"I thought you said that but... Fuck..."</span> He shrugs. <span class="minor-text">"Well fuck it."</span>
You two grin at each other, but wait in silence for Charlotte to come back. She eventually toddles over. <span class="charlotte-text">"I got a Dom. Classic, safe, and I didn't even have to buy the bar."</span> You look at Gregg and lift your eyebrows to encourage him.
<span class="minor-text">"Charlotte."</span> Brett drawls out in his Aussie patter. <span class="minor-text">"Have you got a plug up your ass right now?"</span>
You begin to laugh and Charlotte's jaw drops, before she shouts at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"I fucking hate you $player.firstName!"</span> Instead of answering Brett's question, though, she just turns around and presents herself. She flashes her plugged asshole to you and Brett, before sitting down, cackling, and half-jokingly trying to push you off the booth.
The champagne pops and a nearly scandalized Brett pours three glasses. As he hands them around, he lifts his glass as a toast. <span class="charlotte-text">"To assholes, both the pretty ones and the ones who think they're much funnier than they are."</span>
The ice broken the three of you begin to enjoy your night, taking turns dancing with Charlotte and even ordering another bottle of champagne. You begin to talk about Charlotte's transformation, and Bimbo Life Coaching.
<span class="charlotte-text">"...just wanted Ds, but maybe I should go bigger now?"</span>
You and Brett look at each other and, reading each others minds, you both pull down the front of her dress, revealing one of her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Looking good to me, $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Excellent work, Brett."</span>
Charlotte drains her glass and stands up. <span class="charlotte-text">"I need to go to the bathroom."</span> She does a little ass wiggle as she walks away and Brett looks at you.
<span class="minor-text">"Does she work for a living? Or do you just keep her?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"She works. Little modelling, little cam work."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Has she ever work-worked?"</span> Brett looks at you with his eyebrows raised. <span class="minor-text">"When she comes back, raise the subject with her. I'd pay $1,000. I'm gonna go to the bathroom."</span> He stands, and passes Charlotte as he goes. The two dance for 10 or 20 seconds before they part ways.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I love your friend. I've never met an Australian before."</span>
You shout over the increasingly loud music. <span class="mc-text">"He loves you too!"</span>
[[Tell her what Brett said|Charlotte BLC 3 Anal Final][$passageRoute to 1; $bimbos.charlotte.analTraining += 1;]]
[[Don't mention his offer|Charlotte BLC 3 Anal Final][$passageRoute to 4; $bimbos.charlotte.analTraining += 1;]]
<</switch>>\<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust lt 5>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust += 1>><</if>>\
<<set $player.cash -= 50; $bimbos.stella.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
Did Charlotte tell you about our her little display today? She came over for Sunday dinner - Lord knows what you're having her do for this week of 'special' coaching - and when she flopped down her bag a bottle of lube stuck out.
I asked her what it was and, well! She turned around and she had the prettiest little jeweled butt plug in.
I managed to suppress a snort, but that girl. She's going to be the death of me one day.
You e-mail back asking Stella if she wants a matching one. All you receive back is an e-mail with a winking face emoji in it.
Taking that as a yes, you go online and order one on Amazon to be delivered to her house.
<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName
What exactly are you coaching Charlotte on this week? She's been at yours every night since her last session, and when I asked her about a bottle of lube in her bag, she showed me that she was wearing a butt plug. It was pretty, but did you tell her she had to show it to me? I don't think that's really acceptable if you did, but I suppose if you didn't Charlotte's just gonna Charlotte.
<<UINavigation "Home">><<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"He wants to fuck you. He'll pay $1,000."</span>
She looks at you, eyes wide open. You're wondering how shocked she's going to be when she answers.
[[Charlotte agrees|Charlotte BLC 3 Anal Final][$passageRoute to 2; $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1;]]
[[Charlotte will do it for free|Charlotte BLC 3 Anal Final][$passageRoute to 3; $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"He wants to fuck you. He'll pay $1,000."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Wow! I'm worth that much, huh? Did you try and haggle my price up?"</span>
You hang your head in faux shame. <span class="mc-text">"No, I'll try better next time."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"There won't be a next time, but your friend is cute and... Well... I want the money."</span> She laughs.
When Brett returns you nod at him, and as he sits down Charlotte begins to stroke his thigh. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'm stoked you value me so highly, Brett."</span> Brett looks at you, almost ready to high five you. <span class="charlotte-text">"I've only got one condition. $player.firstName is going to fuck me at the same time, and he's the only one who can fuck my ass. Deal?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Deal!"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm also not ready to leave yet."</span> She grabs Brett by the hand and pulls him up. <span class="charlotte-text">"Let's dance."</span>
You watch as Charlotte grinds against Brett. The night passes quickly and by the time you're leaving the club the sun is rising. You catch a cab, and by the time you're home the sun is up.
Once you're through the front door Charlotte begins to kiss Brett. You take them both into your living room, and stand behind Charlotte as the two make out.
You roll up the bottom of her dress. <span class="mc-text">"Look at her ass Brett, isn't it great?"</span> He stops kissing her as you push her forward to bend over, then pull out the plug, placing the heavy metal plug on the table with a reassuring thud. Charlotte stands back up and Brett begins to kiss her some more as she feels his dick through his pants.
You peel down the top of her dress. <span class="mc-text">"Be sure to enjoy her tits."</span> You begin to kiss the back of her neck as Brett plays with her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/11.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Things move quickly after this and within five minutes the three of you are naked. Brett's fucking Charlotte's pussy as you walk to the bedroom to get lube. You stand in the doorway watching for a moment, as Brett fucks up into Charlotte, sucking on her tits.
You come close, lube up her asshole, and then slide your dick in. Charlotte cries out in pleasure.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/12.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm coming!"</span> Within seconds of you beginning to fuck her ass she cums, hard. And she comes three more times within minutes. You continue to fuck her, the two of you throwing her about the room, until eventually you come in Charlotte's ass and Brett comes in her throat.
Once everything is done, you bring everyone dressing gowns, and you watch old episodes of Archer in a sticky post-sex fug, waiting for the bagel store to deliver three breakfast bagels.
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 1000;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"He wants to fuck you. He'll pay $1,000."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Wow! I'm worth that much, huh? Did you try and haggle my price up?"</span>
You hang your head in faux shame. <span class="mc-text">"No, I'll try better next time."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"There won't be a next time. There won't even be a this time."</span> You begin to stammer out an apology when she laughs and interrupts you. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'll fuck him, though. He's cute. I'm just not gonna get paid for it."</span>
When Brett returns you nod at him, and as he sits down Charlotte begins to stroke his thigh. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'm stoked you value me so highly, Brett."</span> Brett looks at you, almost ready to high five you. <span class="charlotte-text">"I've got two conditions, though. One, you aren't paying me. We're doing this for free. Two, $player.firstName is going to fuck me at the same time, and he's the only one who can fuck my ass. Deal?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Deal!"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm also not ready to leave yet."</span> She grabs Brett by the hand and pulls him up. <span class="charlotte-text">"Let's dance."</span>
You watch as Charlotte grinds against Brett and sip on your drink. The night passes quickly and by the time you're leaving the club the sun is rising. You catch a cab, and by the time you're home the sun is up.
Once you're through the front door Charlotte begins to kiss Brett. You take them both into your living room, and stand behind Charlotte as the two make out.
You roll up the bottom of her dress. <span class="mc-text">"Look at her ass Brett, isn't it great?"</span> He stops kissing her as you push her forward to bend over, then pull out the plug, placing the heavy metal plug on the table with a reassuring thud. Charlotte stands back up and Brett begins to kiss her some more as she feels his dick through his pants.
You peel down the top of her dress. <span class="mc-text">"Be sure to enjoy her tits."</span> You begin to kiss the back of her neck as Brett plays with her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/11.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Things move quickly after this and within five minutes the three of you are naked. Brett's fucking Charlotte's pussy as you walk to the bedroom to get lube. You stand in the doorway watching for a moment, as Brett fucks up into Charlotte, sucking on her tits.
You come close, lube up her asshole, and then slide your dick in. Charlotte cries out in pleasure.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/Anal/12.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm coming!"</span> Within seconds of you beginning to fuck her ass she cums, hard. And she comes three more times within minutes. You continue to fuck her, throwing her about the room, until eventually you come in Charlotte's ass and Brett comes in her throat.
Once everything is done, you bring everyone dressing gowns, and you watch old episodes of Archer in your sticky post-sex fug, waiting for the bagel store to deliver three breakfast bagels.
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
You decide not to mention Brett's offer and when Brett manages to get you alone you just shake your head as if Charlotte wasn't interested. You three enjoy the rest of your night and part in the early hours. Charlotte's happy, but in the cab ride back you can tell she's a little disappointed.
''Charlotte is now less of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo -= 1>>\
<</if>>\Charlotte doesn't have to buzz up this week, given she was already at your house, but you still begin your session at the usual time.
<span class="charlotte-text">"What a week Mr. $player.lastName"</span> She eases herself down onto her chair. <span class="charlotte-text">"It's strange, my asshole almost hurts more now that I haven't had it plugged in like 12 hours than when it was plugged. Like it knew it had a chance to relax a little."</span>
You both smile at each other.
<span class="mc-text">"How do you feel after this week?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Well, I'm gonna take my homework more seriously and not make fun of your methods anymore."</span> She shakes her head at her own mistake last week. <span class="charlotte-text">"But, you know, I learned a lot. I really did. At the beginning it was kinda scary, I found you kinda scary. I wasn't used to the dynamic, you know? Like I knew you were coaching me, but until you had free reign with my asshole for a week I didn't really know that you were ''coaching'' me. So, like, I learned that. That this isn't about me just becoming a fun ditz, but actually, like... Pushing myself, learning from you, learning from myself. Just being a better version of myself..."</span> She lets out a big breath, then looks at you.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I guess what I learned is that bimbos don't half-ass, they whole ass. Or hole ass, if you're in charge."</span>
You laugh at her terrible pun, but wag your finger at her approvingly.<span class="mc-text">"Exactly right. The essence of being a bimbo is taking what you want - to be pretty, to be loved, to make people have fun - and pushing it to its limit. You aren't just going to be attractive, you're going to be stunning. You aren't just going to be popular, you're going to be the life and soul of every party. You aren't just going to entertain people, but you're going to ensure that you're a really positive influence on their lives."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The main lesson for this week was on how to 'be your absolute best self'. But, as tough as last week was, you did an excellent job. I'm really proud of you."</span>
Charlotte smiles and claps. <span class="charlotte-text">"Thanks, Mr. $player.lastName. I really did try hard. I tried so, so hard."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So, I don't think we really need to focus on that lesson this week, but rather look ahead to this week's homework and next week's lesson."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Is it 'be a source of joy, not stress'?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Have you been studying?"</span> Charlotte gives you a thumbs up. <span class="mc-text">"Very good, Charlotte. Very good. But, yes. That's the focus of next week. For your homework this week, I want you to be a source of joy for the people in your life. But I want you to focus on one particular person."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Let me guess, you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No. Your mother. I want you to spend this week trying to repair your relationship with your mother, and to make sure that she is happy with you and your life. Do you think you can do that?"</span>
She purses her lips slightly, and looks off to the side. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah. I can do that. I do love her, we just gotta..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"If you need any advice, e-mail me through the week, but I want you to write a short diary about what happened each day. We'll discuss it next week. If you can persuade her, I want you to bring your mother to next week's session."</span>
Charlotte raises her eyebrows in a gesture full of doubt.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "FourthLesson"); $player.cash += 150; $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.charlotte.cash -= 150;>>\Charlotte sends you an e-mail in the afternoon
<span class="charlotte-text">Subject: mom and me
hey! here's my diary for the week. i tried to like be reflective, but also just be there for my mom. anyway we should be round later i think i persuaded her
yesterday i had my bimbo life coaching session and on the subway home i was sad. i was thinking about how things are with my mom and even though like she stresses me out too i gotta admit that she's always been there for me. my dad's an asshole but she never was. she should get what i want to do but her hassling me is all coming from a good place
she was out late last night and I didn't get to see her but that was good because i could like plan the week and get my own head in the right space
on thursday when she got home from work id made a nice dinner for her. she likes pasta so i made a good fish pasta. nothing fancy but she appreciated it. i told her what i was thinking about on the subway and we kind of argued again about my life plans but at the end she thanked me saying that it really meant a lot that i knew whatever happened between us came from love. she also said that she was proud of me for being so mature that i could see things from her point fo view and that she would try and do the same
we stayed in and had a girl night tonight. my mom bought a bottle of wine and we watched trashy romance movies and she even gave me a glass of it. we talked about men about my dad about other men. on her third glass she told me that she had started working as a stripper and that was how she paid for her new boobs.
you didn't tell me that!
we ended the night by watching that movie mama mia about that old european band that my mom loves
my mom was a bit embarrassed today that she told me about the stripping work but i told her i thought it was really cool. i thought about pointing out that it was shitty of her to be stripping while giving me a tough time about not being a good girl but I didn't.
at first that felt phony but the more i think about it that was good. i'm still gonna do what i'm gonna do. why do i need to make a point of doing what my mom doesn't want me to do? i can just do it anyway, you know?
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5>>\
my mom told me she was working at the club that night and showed me what she was wearing. she didn't model it for me hahahaha but she did show me these big, cute shoes. i told her that she was already pretty tall and didn't need them but she said that all the girls wore them.
my mom had to head out that night. i think she was working at the strip club but she wouldn't say.
i took my mom out today to a spa. she fucking loves spas and shit like that so i took her to a fancy european one down in bay ridge. cost like a hundred bucks but with was worth it. she had some face treatment while i went for the one where they put you in a hot room and hit you with sticks. afterwards we sat in robes with tea and she talked about how important it is to keep your skin looking nice.
we began to talk about our skincare routine and she got excited and told me about all the products i can use. she was really nice and told me that i obviously didn't need it now but that by the time you notice you need it it's too late.
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5>>\
she gave me a pot of some expensive cream to put under your eyes, and put the first bit of it on my face. it was really nice to just girl out with her today.
she wrote down the name of some expensive cream that i should use, then let me put a little bit of it under my eyes when we got home. it was really nice to just girl out with her today.
she was working all day and night. i made enough dinner for two though and put a little post-it note on the fridge to tell her how to heat it all up. when i woke up she was already gone but she left her own post it note, all smiles and kisses thanking me.
i was nervous but i knew today i would need to ask her to come to the session. i wasn't sure how she was going to react. she got home and after dinner i asked her when we were sitting on the sofa.
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5>>\
she looked at me strangely but she agreed. she then began to talk about how useful she had found the coaching and how happy she was that i was learning from it too.
she looked at me strangely and didn't really want to come. but i reminded her how useful she had found the coaching. i also asked her whether she'd liked the changes she had seen in me lately and she said that she had to admit that she did. though she didn't like it when i showed her my butt plug! lol
anyway. we'll see you tomorrow i guess.</span>
[[Continue|Charlotte Training Fifth Lesson Visit]]It's a little past the hour when they arrive. You don't know why but you're slightly nervous, but you feel better when you hear them happily arguing as they walk up the stairs.
<span class="stella-text">"Charlotte, of course I know where his apartment is."</span>
The two of them linger in the hallway for a moment, probably adjusting their clothes, before the doorbell rings.
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5>>\
<span class="stella-text">"Hi $player.firstName!"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hi Mr. $player.lastName!"</span> Stella smiles at Charlotte.
<span class="stella-text">"Hello $player.firstName!"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hi Mr. $player.lastName!"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"After all this you still call him Mr.?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hello ladies. Shall we sit at the dining table?"</span> You usher them to the dining table and the three of you sit down. There are three wine glasses, and a bottle of white. You uncorked the bottle and pour each of you a small glass. When the glasses are filled you sit down and raise your glass in a toast. <span class="mc-text">"To you, Stella, for coming today. And to you, Charlotte, for your hard work"</span>
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5>>\
You all clink glasses and smile at each other.
You all clink glasses, but only you and Charlotte are smiling.
<span class="mc-text">"So, Stella, Charlotte's homework this week was to focus on the fourth principle."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"'Be a source of joy, not stress'. I remember."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"How has she done, do you think?"</span> Charlotte looks at her nervously.
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5>>\
Stella smiles at Charlotte. <span class="stella-text">"Really well. I feel like we've started to form a little team together this past week."</span>
Stella smiles at you. <span class="stella-text">"Well. I feel that we've started to move together a little over the past week."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"You had her write a diary, right?"</span>
You nod. <span class="stella-text">"Can I read it?"</span> You look at Charlotte and she raises her eyebrows, but agrees. You take out your phone and pass it to Stella. You and Charlotte sit quietly for 5 or 10 minutes while she reads the diary.
Stella smiles are certain moments, and furrows her brows at one or two others. When she's done she looks up. <span class="stella-text">"That's accurate. I'm proud of you for being so thoughtful."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Really? You didn't think it was, like, fake because it's my homework?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"No. Good intentions need work."</span> Stella smiles at Charlotte and you feel a little warmth grow between them.
<span class="mc-text">"Your mom's right. Good intentions do require some work. How do you feel about the last week, Charlotte?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Good. Really good. I don't think things are fixed, but it's nice to learn to separate them a bit, right? Like, maybe we'll disagree about stuff, but I do really like spending time with her."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I want us to be totally honest here. I want you each to agree to be totally honest here."</span> You look at Charlotte and she gives you a thumbs up, and you look at Stella and she nods. <span class="mc-text">"I want you to ask the other one question, and the one you most want to ask if you know that you'll get the whole truth."</span>
[[Charlotte asks about the stripping|Charlotte Training Fifth Lesson Stripping]]
[[Charlotte asks about her own coaching|Charlotte Training Fifth Lesson Coaching]]<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness lt 5>><<set $bimbos.stella.happiness += 1>><</if>>\
<span class="stella-text">"Why were you so hesitant to tell me about stripping?"</span>
Stella lowers her head and looks at Charlotte with a 'can you believe she's serious' face. <span class="stella-text">"Sweetie, I'm your mom."</span> They both laugh, and you can feel some of the tension in the room evaporate.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, alright. What I mean is, like... Did you think I would judge you?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"No, of course no, I just-"</span> Stella stops herself, then holds up her hands, looking at you. <span class="stella-text">"Honesty. Total honesty... So yeah. I thought you would. I thought you might think I'm this dumb hypocrite, pushing you to go to college while I get dollars shoved... Well, while I earn money like that."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I think it's awesome though. You've been so much happier the past few months. What kind of daughter would I be if I judged you for that?"</span>
You can see a few tears well up in Stella's eyes. She doesn't say anything, but she looks Charlotte in the eyes and reaches her hand out to touch Charlotte. The two of them hold hands over the table.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella? What do you want to ask Charlotte?"</span>
Stella collects herself for a moment and thinks.
''Stella is now happier with you.''
[[Stella asks Charlotte about how she is making money|Charlotte Training Fifth Lesson Money]]
[[Stella asks Charlotte about the divorce|Charlotte Training Fifth Lesson Divorce]]<<if $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust lt 5>><<set $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust += 1>><</if>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"Why didn't you tell me about wanting to be a bimbo? It was confusing seeing this happen, seeing you change, but not knowing why."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Did you worry about me?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I mean, obviously. You and dad split up - finally - and then you start changing so much. I didn't know whether it was something you really wanted, and was just bursting out, or whether you were going crazy and this was some manic period."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I'm sorry for worrying you. It was just... I needed something personal for a while. I'd been a wife for years, a mother for years, a teacher, a... All those things. I had to be everything to everyone, but this -"</span> She looks at you. <span class="stella-text">"- was the first thing I did for myself in so, so long. I'm really sorry that I stressed you out. It wasn't really a good bimbo move, but, I... Can you understand that?"</span>
Charlotte smiles at her. <span class="charlotte-text">"Of course, mom. You needed some time to yourself. I understand, and I know how important this coaching was for you. You've become a totally new you, I think it's awesome."</span>
Stella smiles back. <span class="stella-text">"Thanks, Charlotte. That means a lot to hear. I guess... I guess I shouldn't be so harsh on you trying to benefit from the same process."</span>
''Stella is now a little more accepting of your role in Charlotte's life.''
[[Stella asks Charlotte about how she is making money|Charlotte Training Fifth Lesson Money]]
[[Stella asks Charlotte about the divorce|Charlotte Training Fifth Lesson Divorce]]<span class="stella-text">"How are you making money? You've got new breasts, you've got new clothes, you've taking me to spas. Where is it coming from all of a sudden? Did $player.firstName get you stripping too?"</span>
Charlotte looks at you, and you cock your head to the side slightly.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I don't strip, exactly. I do cam shows, and I model a little."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"But you're basically also undressing for money?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah..."</span>
Stella begins to laugh, a hint of hysteria creeping into it. You and Charlotte share worried glances with each other. But to your surprise Stella raises her glass. <span class="stella-text">"Another toast? To the Jackson girls, making their way in the world with what their momma and Dr. Yanovic gave them."</span>
You and Charlotte raise your glasses. <span class="stella-text">"You did go to Dr. Yanovic?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, he even gave me lip filler for free. Said Mr. $player.lastName is such a good source of business."</span>
Stella leans forwards and looks at Charlotte's face. <span class="stella-text">"He does good work. Maybe I should think about getting some more work done with him."</span>
[[Continue|Charlotte Training Fifth Lesson Final]]<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness lt 5>><<set $bimbos.stella.happiness += 1>><</if>>\
Stella's eyes begin to water slightly. <span class="stella-text">"Do you blame me for the divorce? I worry that-"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mom, no. God no. Fuck no. Dad's an asshole and you are much better off without him. I only feel sorry for that bitch that he trapped."</span>
Stella begins to cry. Charlotte stands up, and walks around the table, standing behind her mother and hugging her from behind. <span class="charlotte-text">"I love you, mom, and you're way too good for him. Even before you made all these changes."</span>
''Stella is now happier with you.''
[[Continue|Charlotte Training Fifth Lesson Final]]<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 4>>\
<span class="mc-text">"So, Charlotte. I think you've done very well this week. What did you think you learned?"</span>
She answers immediately, clearly having prepared an answer. <span class="charlotte-text">"I learned that it's rewarding to bring joy to people's lives, and that it's stressful to stress people out. It doesn't have to limit my own independence to bring joy to people, it just means I need to pay attention to my surroundings, and try to be nice."</span>
Both you and Charlotte nod. <span class="stella-text">"I'm so proud of my little girl! You're doing such a good job, you're going to be such a good bimbo."</span>
You all laugh and Stella looks at you. <span class="stella-text">"So what's her homework this week? 'Let yourself be taken care of'?"</span> You grunt, slightly annoyed that Stella is preempting your lesson plan.
<span class="mc-text">"Yes. Yes it is."</span> You turn to look at Charlotte, momentarily shutting out Stella with your body language. <span class="mc-text">"What I want you to do this week is focus on going through your day to day life, trying to create opportunities for people to be generous, and then to gracefully accept their generosity. I know you can get people to do things for you, but a good bimbo doesn't manipulate favors out of people. They behave in such a way that people feel good when they get to take care of bimbos. Do you get the distinction?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, I think so?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"E-mail me if you need any extra coaching. Anyway, after you've had a week working so hard to improve yourself, and your relationship with your mom, I want to begin it with a little treat. You can stay the evening at my house and I can take care of you. We can do whatever you want."</span>
Charlotte's eyes light up. <span class="charlotte-text">"We're gonna watch James Bond! And you're gonna get pizza. Oooo! And I can have a bath! I'm gonna go get comfortable."</span>
Charlotte runs off to your bedroom, leaving you and Stella looking at each other. Stella clinks her wine glass against yours, which is still sitting on the table. <span class="stella-text">"Good work, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thank you, Mrs. Jackson."</span>
Charlotte comes back and jumps onto the sofa. She's wearing her best lingerie set, and heels. She looks stunning and even Stella is impressed.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/FifthTrainingPose.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Can I have my wine, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span> You bring it over and place it next to her.
Stella sidles up behind you, and places her hands around your waist as her daughter sits up on the sofa. <span class="stella-text">"You know, I could do with some extra coaching too..."</span> Stella disappears too, leaving you as you set up the television for Charlotte.
A few minutes later you hear Stella call to you, and you head to the upstairs bedroom.
<span class="stella-text">"What do you think? It's what I've been wearing all day."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You look great."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/FifthTrainingStella.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You escort Stella downstairs and into the living area. When you pop out of the hallway you hear Charlotte scream. <span class="charlotte-text">"Mooooom! You look greeeeat! Oh my God, Mr. $player.lastName, doesn't she look great? I mean, goddamn, I didn't realise you'd gone that big."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I could say the same, sweetie! You look so good... What Bond are we watching?"</span>
Stella and Charlotte spend the rest of the evening watching movies in their lingerie. They start with Goldfinger, and you leave them to it, reading a book only to interrupt yourself to bring them drinks and snacks. They both sleep in your bed that night, and as you lay awake with both of them on either side of you, you suppress a laugh as you marvel at how successful you've been as a bimbo life coach.
''Stella will now help coach Charlotte, as long as she remains very happy with you.''
<span class="mc-text">"So, Charlotte. I think you've done very well this week. What did you think you learned?"</span>
She answers immediately, clearly having prepared an answer. <span class="charlotte-text">"I learned that it's rewarding to bring joy to people's lives, and that it's stressful to stress people out. It doesn't have to limit my own independence to bring joy to people, it just means I need to pay attention to my surroundings, and try to be nice."</span>
Both you and Charlotte nod. <span class="stella-text">"You're right, Charlotte. It's good to try harder to be nice to others."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"So what's my homework this week? 'Let yourself be taken care of'?"</span> You grunt, slightly annoyed that Charlotte is preempting your lesson plan.
<span class="mc-text">"Yes. Yes it is. What I want you to do this week is focus on going through your day to day life, trying to create opportunities for people to be generous, and then to gracefully accept their generosity. I know you can get people to do things for you, but a good bimbo doesn't manipulate favors out of people. They behave in such a way that people feel good when they get to take care of bimbos. Do you get the distinction?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, I think so?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"E-mail me if you need any extra coaching. Anyway, after you've had a week working so hard to improve yourself, and your relationship with your mom, I want to begin it with a little treat. You can stay the evening at my house and I can take care of you. We can do whatever you want."</span>
Charlotte's eyes light up. <span class="charlotte-text">"We're gonna watch James Bond! And you're gonna get pizza. Oooo! And I can have a bath! I'm gonna go get comfortable."</span>
Charlotte runs off to your bedroom, leaving you and Stella looking at each other. Stella clinks her wine glass against yours, which is still sitting on the table. <span class="stella-text">"You're certainly changing her, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
Charlotte comes back and jumps onto the sofa. She's wearing her best lingerie set, and heels. She looks stunning and even Stella is impressed.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Training/FifthTrainingPose.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Can I have my wine, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span> You bring it over and place it next to her.
Stella sidles up behind you, and places her hands around your waist as her daughter sits up on the sofa. <span class="stella-text">"You know, I think I'm going to go home."</span> She kisses you on the cheek, then bends down and kisses Charlotte on the forehead. <span class="stella-text">"Enjoy getting spoiled, Charlotte."</span>
''Stella won't help coach Charlotte until she is very happy with you.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "FifthLesson"); $player.cash += 150; $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.charlotte.cash -= 150;>>\<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
Charlotte comes over to your house, either to work on her own projects, or just to hang out.
<<if $player.unlocks.photoStudio>>\
[[Charlotte asks you to take photos of her|Charlotte Exhibitionist Work 4]]
In order to take photos of Charlotte, you need the home photo studio and all the equipment.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.porn isnot undefined>>\
<<if $player.unlocks.photoStudio>>\
[[Charlotte want to shoot a scene (+$250)|Charlotte Slut Work 4]]
In order to film Charlotte, you need the home photo studio and all the equipment.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 1>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.debt gt 0>>\
Charlotte's now working for herself - or at least the financing company that Dr. Yanovic partners with. Once Charlotte's paid off her debts you'll get a cut of her income, given how much you help her, but until then you both decide it'll be best to keep Stella happy and focus on paying off the debt.
''You can help pay off Charlotte's debt from her journal page.''
Charlotte comes over to work, either for you, or to use your space for her own projects.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 30 and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ModelInterest") and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ModellingFirstTime")>>\
[[Charlotte wants to talk to you|Charlotte Modelling Talk]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.trust gt 38 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeTalk")>>\
[[Charlotte wants to talk with you|Charlotte College Talk][$passageRoute to 0]]
[[Charlotte cleans the house naked (-$100)|Charlotte Relationship Work 3]]
<<if $player.unlocks.photoStudio>>\
[[Charlotte asks you to take photos of her|Charlotte Exhibitionist Work 3]]
In order to take photos of Charlotte, you need the home photo studio and all the equipment.
<<if $player.unlocks.photoStudio>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.porn isnot undefined>>\
[[Charlotte wants to shoot a scene (+$250)|Charlotte Slut Work Porn]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "PornFirstTime")>>\
[[Charlotte wants to shoot a scene (+$250)|Charlotte Porn First Time]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 35 and $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 35 and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "PornstarText3")>>\
[[Charlotte wants to talk|Charlotte Porn Talk]]
[[Charlotte shoots her cam show|Charlotte Slut Work 3]]
[[Charlotte shoots her cam show|Charlotte Slut Work 3]]
In order to film Charlotte, you need the home photo studio and all the equipment.
<<set $player.cash -= 50>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.stella.cash += 50>>\
Charlotte comes over to work for you. What do you want her to do today?
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ModelTalk")>>\
[[Charlotte wants to talk to you|Charlotte Talk Modelling]]
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "GoOutTalk")>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella.transformLevel is 0>>\
Stella needs her new tits for Charlotte to begin thinking properly about her own physical transformation.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaBoobTalk") and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CharlotteBoobTalk")>>\
[[Charlotte wants to talk about her mom's new boobs|Charlotte Stella Implant Chat]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaDinnerEmail")>>\
[[You tell Charlotte about dinner with her mom|Charlotte Stella Dinner Talk]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 16 and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CharlotteBoobTalk") and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ImplantTalk")>>\
[[Charlotte wants to talk about her boobs|Charlotte Implant Chat]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ImplantTalk") and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Finances")>>\
[[Charlotte wants to talk about making money|Charlotte Money Chat]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 19 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BimboAdvice")>>\
[[Charlotte wants some advice|Charlotte Bimbo Advice][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo gte 24 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BimboOpinion")>>\
[[Charlotte voices her opinion|Charlotte Bimbo Opinion][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 16 and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BimboOpinion") and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ImplantsDecision")>>\
[[Charlotte wants to talk about breast enhancement|Charlotte Implant Choice]]
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust gte 3 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "SurgeryStellaEmail")>>\
[[You find Charlotte in your bed...|Charlotte Relationship Work]]
[[You see Charlotte taking sexy selfies...|Charlotte Exhibitionist Work]]
[[Charlotte wants you to touch her...|Charlotte Slut Work]]
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Finances")>>\
[[Charlotte cleans the house naked (-$50)|Charlotte Relationship Work 2]]
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 16>>\
[[Charlotte asks you to take photos of her|Charlotte Exhibitionist Work 2]]
Charlotte is not exhibitionist enough to want you to take photos of her.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 16>>\
[[Charlotte practices her cam show|Charlotte Slut Work 2]]
Charlotte is not slutty enough to start practicing her cam show.
<<UINavigation "Home">>Charlotte gets to work, and you get to your work. You can hear here spending nearly two hours cleaning the kitchen, before she goes out to do your shopping. She comes back as you're getting a coffee and you can see her struggling under the weight of all the bags.
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks for all the help, Charlotte."</span>
She looks at you sullenly, but answers back. <span class="charlotte-text">"No problem, Mr. $player.lastName."</span> You return to your office and hear the clatter and slamming of cupboard doors as she puts everything away, then silence. You figure she's taking a break and leave her to it, but when you step out again she's nowhere to be found.
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte?"</span>
Silence. You begin to look around the house, before eventually finding her in your bedroom. You open the door and she's lying on your bed, sleeping.
You walk over and shake her awake. She wakes up, drawing her knees to her chest.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm sorry, I was so tired after carrying all those bags."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's fine, but don't forget to do the dishes."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/3a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You turn around to walk out, expecting her to follow, but she doesn't.
<span class="mc-text">"Aren't you going to go back to work?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/3b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She laughs and writhes around in bed. <span class="charlotte-text">"In a minute."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust gte 10>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey, Mr. $player.lastName... Can I ask you a question?"</span>
You go and sit at the edge of the bed. <span class="mc-text">"Sure, anything."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"My mom's been talking about boobs a lot lately, and I... I feel bad about mine.</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/3c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She pulls down her top. <span class="charlotte-text">"Do you like them?"</span>
You assess them. <span class="mc-text">"They may be a bit small, but you have very pretty nipples."</span> You touch her leg. <span class="mc-text">"Your mom's been learning a lot about herself lately, including how to love herself better. Life's all about learning. Just as long as you're happy, and still learning, then as long as you're happy with your tits then they're beautiful."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust gte 16>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"Do you want to see what I've been learning lately?"</span>
She gets off the bed, and stands in front of you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/3d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She puts her fingers in her throat and, to your shock, she shoves three of them all the way to the back of her throat. You can hear a little gagging sound as she pulls them out.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm learning how to not be quite so sensitive about things in my mouth. I've heard men like it when women can put things down their throat."</span>
You'll be fucked if this girl is actually as innocent as she pretends to be, but you may as well play along.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust gte 16 and $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 9>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Do you want to do a little more learning?"</span>
She nods nervously. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yes please, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Pull down your top."</span> She does so and you begin to feel her tits. Once you're hard you take off your clothes and lie down in the bed. <span class="mc-text">"Come here."</span> You look her in the eye. <span class="mc-text">"Do you want to learn how to do a good job?"</span>
She nods, a bit scared.
<span class="mc-text">"OK. I'll teach you. Open your mouth and keep it open, I will be very, very unhappy with you if you close it."</span>
She opens her mouth and stares at you. <span class="mc-text">"Get on the bed next to me."</span> She does as she's told, mouth still wide open, and you arrange her knees and arms so that her head is directly above your cock. You bunch up her hair, and push her head down onto it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/3e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Good girl."</span>
She takes it well at the beginning, but you can tell she hasn't had much practice yet.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust gte 16 and $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 16>>\
The longer you go on, the more she gags, the more upset she gets.
<span class="mc-text">"You need to practice more, but I'm not letting you walk out of here without anything to show for it."</span>
You grab her and turn her around, before she can say anything you slide your cock into her wet, tight vagina.
She groans. <span class="charlotte-text">"OH MY GOD!"</span>
You lift her up, and then hold her above your cock as you thrust into her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/3f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Promise me you'll practice more, girl."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust lt 24>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.trust += 3>>\
''Charlotte now trusts you a lot more.''
''Charlotte already trusts you a lot, and you cannot improve it through this action anymore.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo lt 19>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 2>>\
''Charlotte is now much more of a bimbo.''
''Charlotte is too much of a bimbo for this event to transform her further.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lt 20>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 1>>\
''Charlotte is now more of an exhibitionist.''
''Charlotte is too much of an exhibitionist for this event to transform her further.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut lt 20>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.slut += 1>>\
''Charlotte is now more of a slut.''
''Charlotte is too much of a slut for this event to transform her further.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust gte 24 and $bimbos.charlotte.slut gt 16 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "GoOutTalk")>>\
[[Invite her out|Charlotte Go Out]]
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8)>>\You leave her to it and go to your office to do some work. After a couple of hours you leave your office to get some coffee. Hearing how quiet your footsteps are in your thick, wooly socks, you decide to sneak up on Charlotte to see if she is actually working hard.
She's sitting on the sofa playing with her phone.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/4a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You're about to go and tell her off when you see that she is taking selfies of herself, and trying to act sexy.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/4b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 10>>\
After a few minutes she evidently decides that a little bit of bra isn't sexy enough, and walks over to your mirror. She pulls down her shorts to reveal her cute little ass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/4c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 16>>\
You stick around for a while, watching her pose, when you see her go and lay down on the sofa. You creep over and she's lying on the sofa, eyes closed, masturbating.
You stand over her, and cough. <span class="mc-text">"Charlotte?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/4d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Her eyes open, and she leaps up. <span class="charlotte-text">"You fucking perv!"</span>
You laugh, and keep looking at her. <span class="mc-text">"You should finish, either come, or make sure my living room is actually clean"</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 16 and $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 9>>\
Charlotte sits up, and looks down at your crotch. Your dick had got hard watching her, and she now begins to rub it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/4e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"OK, Mr. $player.lastName. If you say so..."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 16 and $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 16>>\
Charlotte sits on the sofa, still looking up at you.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName... Do you have a big cock?"</span>
You splutter slightly, but decide to seize the moment. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah. Want to see?"</span>
Charlotte nods. You unzip, and let it hang out. She prods it and giggles. <span class="charlotte-text">"I was thinking..."</span> She trails off, but she gets on her knees in front of the sofa. You strip, and sit down in front of her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/4f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"This is gonna make such an awesome photo. Should I send it to my mom?"</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust lt 20>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.trust += 1>>\
''Charlotte now trusts you more.''
''Charlotte already trusts you enough for you to improve it by doing this anymore.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo lt 19>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 2>>\
''Charlotte is now much more of a bimbo.''
''Charlotte is too much of a bimbo for this event to transform her further.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lt 24>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 3>>\
''Charlotte is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''Charlotte is too much of an exhibitionist for this event to transform her further.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut lt 20>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.slut += 1>>\
''Charlotte is now more of a slut.''
''Charlotte is too much of a slut for this event to transform her further.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 24 and $bimbos.charlotte.trust gt 16 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "GoOutTalk")>>\
[[Invite her out|Charlotte Go Out]]
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8)>>\You show her into your bedroom and before you can start giving instructions she runs over to your side table and puts on a pair of glasses you left there.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh my god! I look like such a nerd!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/2a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You sigh, but walk over. <span class="mc-text">"Yes, yes, you look like such a nerd."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Do I look good as a nerd?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, sure..."</span> You turn away and begin to straighten the bed yourself, you don't have time for this today.
<span class="charlotte-text">"How about as a popular girl?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You look up at her and see her flashing her tits at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Aren't the popular girls just popular because they let everyone see their boobs?"</span>
You laugh.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 10>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I mean, that isn't the only reason."</span> She cocks her head at you and you continue. You affect a stage whisper. <span class="mc-text">"They also let the jocks touch their ass."</span>
She begins to laugh, then turns around.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/2c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"OK then, Mr. Quarterback."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 16>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"You can touch my boobs too, if you like."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/2d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You can feel yourself getting hard, and Charlotte begins to rub your cock through your pants.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 16 and $bimbos.charlotte.trust gte 16>>\
Charlotte sighs. <span class="charlotte-text">"I don't think you'll let me get any work done until we sort this out, will you?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/2e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust lt 20>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.trust += 1>>\
''Charlotte now trusts you more.''
''Charlotte already trusts you enough for you to improve it by doing this anymore.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo lt 19>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 2>>\
''Charlotte is now much more of a bimbo.''
''Charlotte is too much of a bimbo for this event to transform her further.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lt 20>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 1>>\
''Charlotte is now more of an exhibitionist.''
''Charlotte is too much of an exhibitionist for this event to transform her further.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut lt 24>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.slut += 3>>\
''Charlotte is now much more of a slut.''
''Charlotte is too much of a slut for this event to transform her further.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut gte 24 and $bimbos.charlotte.trust gt 16 and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "GoOutTalk")>>\
[[Invite her out|Charlotte Go Out]]
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8)>>\You ask Charlotte to begin by cleaning the surfaces in the kitchen. While she's doing that you put the kettle on the stove.
<span class="mc-text">"Do you want a cup of tea?"</span>
She keeps on wiping but answers happily. <span class="charlotte-text">"Sure!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm having mint, but I have black tea, green tea, chamomile, and some random herbal ones."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'll have chamomile please."</span>
Charlotte continues to work and you two stand in silence, the boiling sound of the kettle growing. Once the teas are made you remain in the kitchen rather than go to your office.
<span class="mc-text">"How are things with your mom?"</span>
Charlotte stops wiping and looks up at you.
<span class="mc-text">"Don't worry, anything you say stays between us. Employer-employee confidentiality."</span> You chuckle at your own joke, but she doesn't. She looks at you skeptically but evidently decides to throw caution to the wind.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Things are OK, I guess. She's a lot happier now than she was. I don't just mean when my dad left her, but also before, when they were together. So that's good..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"But...?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Ever since my dad left her, she's been kind of a bitch about college. Like... I guess.. I mean I see why, you know? All that stuff makes her want me to do things to keep myself safe, and not need someone, but at the same time I want to have fun."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I had a lot of fun at college."</span>
She takes a long sip of her tea, and thinks for a moment. <span class="charlotte-text">"I know... I just... It's expensive, right? And I've never really been good at school."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's fair. College isn't for everyone."</span> You look at her and cock your head to the side. <span class="mc-text">"What would you do if you didn't go to college?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"You mean I can't clean your house forever?"</span> She laughs, you laugh along, then she continues. <span class="charlotte-text">"I want to get into modelling..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Do you know much about modelling?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"No..."</span>
[[Offer to introduce her to a model|Charlotte Modelling Approve]]
[[Encourage her to be more practical|Charlotte Modelling Advice][$passageRoute to 1]]<span class="mc-text">"If you like, I could introduce you to an old friend of mine. Amanda. She's a model."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"That would be SO awesome! Thank you Mr. $player.lastName! What kind of modelling does she do?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Retail fashion and lingerie mostly."</span> You get out your phone and search the internet for a photo of her. <span class="mc-text">"Here's a photo of her in a recent campaign."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Amanda.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"She's so hot. Like, stupid hot... Was she your girlfriend?"</span>
You sigh dramatically, for effect. <span class="mc-text">"No, but I'd be lying if I said I never tried."</span> You grab a pen and a post it note, then write down her e-mail address. <span class="mc-text">"I'll let her know to expect an e-mail from you."</span>
Charlotte squeals slightly. <span class="charlotte-text">"Seriously, thanks so much!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course. Don't e-mail her til after you're done cleaning, though!"</span>
Charlotte nods, and as you walk away she begins to hum happily to herself as she continues cleaning your kitchen.
''Charlotte is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); AddEvent("Charlotte", "ModelTalk"); AddEvent("Charlotte", "ModelApprove"); $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 2; $bimbos.charlotte.trust += 3;>>\<span class="mc-text">"I'm not going to say you shouldn't think about modelling, but if you don't really know anything about it yet it might be better to be practical."</span>
Charlotte's lips form a little pout. <span class="charlotte-text">"But if I worked hard, I think I could be a really good model. Right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sure you could, but being a responsible person means you work on a backup plan too."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"But I know I really hate studying, college, all that. Should I really be making that my backup plan?"</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Yeah, you probably should|Charlotte Modelling Advice][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[No, but at least find something that you enjoy that you know you can make money from|Charlotte Modelling Advice][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, you probably should. Even if it's just to go and study something that gets you into that world. Something like... I don't know... Fashion design? Or something else artistic and useful for fashion. You can study something fun, you don't have to train to be an accountant."</span>
Charlotte makes a thoughtful face. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'll think about it, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
''Charlotte now trusts you a lot more.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); AddEvent("Charlotte", "ModelTalk"); $bimbos.charlotte.trust += 5;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"No, but at least find something that you enjoy that you know you can make money from."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Like what?"</span>
You make a knowing face. <span class="mc-text">"Oh, I'm sure there are lots of ways a young woman can make a lot of money"</span> You quickly laugh, and Charlotte lets out a fake yelp of shock, but you continue. <span class="mc-text">"But seriously, there are all sorts of ways that you can make good money. Even just by working as a hostess at a restaurant downtown."</span>
Charlotte makes a thoughtful face. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'll think about it, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
''Charlotte is now much more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); AddEvent("Charlotte", "ModelTalk"); $bimbos.charlotte.slut += 2; $bimbos.charlotte.trust += 3;>>\
<</if>>\As your breathing slows and Charlotte wipes the last of your cum off her, you go get you both glasses of water. When you return to the room you see Charlotte sitting there, her legs spread, playing with her pussy.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/GoOut/Naked.jpg" width="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"Do you think I have a pretty pussy, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
You hand her the glass of water, then kneel down in front of her. <span class="mc-text">"Let me check"</span>. You pretend to examine it, spending a few seconds looking at it from different angles. <span class="mc-text">"It looks good. But let's make sure."</span> You dip your head down and taste her. Her hands momentarily try to push your head away, but she stops as you begin to lick her clit.
She begins to writhe on the bed in pleasure, letting out little screams of happiness, when you insert your middle finger and slowly, gently, begin to drag the tip of your finger from the top of her vagina to the bottom. Within seconds you feel her shudder and, though she is bucking about, try not to stop or move your head until she's done.
Once she's done, you throw her a towel.
<span class="mc-text">"Clean yourself up, we're going out tonight."</span>
Once the words are out you're not sure how good an idea this is, nor whether Stella would approve, but it's too late now.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Whaaaaaat? Like, out out? In the city? I don't think I can..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Don't worry, I can get us in somewhere."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I, uh, I also don't like... Have anything nice to wear."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Ah that's no worry, I have loads of old dresses around. You're roughly the size that Elise used to be... Go shower, I'll find you something to wear."</span>
While Charlotte hops in the shower you go to your storage room and find Elise's old dresses.
[[Continue|Charlotte Go Out Shopping]]You lay out the three options on the bed. When she's out of the shower you tell her to try them all on, and to come out and show you how she looks in each one.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/GoOut/Conservative.jpg" height="600">
She shouts through the doorway as she walks out to you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Dress One!"</span> She does a little twirl.
<span class="mc-text">"What do you think?"</span>
She shrugs, looking at herself in the mirror. <span class="charlotte-text">"I mean I think I look good in it, but like... I dunno. Boring, much?"</span>
She goes back to change.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/GoOut/Sexy.jpg" height="600">
She comes out, shouting again. <span class="charlotte-text">"Dress Two!"</span> She bends over to show you her ass, which is visible under the skirt. She's wearing no panties.
<span class="mc-text">"Like it?"</span>
She smiles, examining herself. <span class="charlotte-text">"I look good in it, right? But I am a bit nervous that this is too revealing. Did your ex go out with her ass hanging out like this?"</span>
You nod and she goes back to try on the last outfit.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/GoOut/Slutty.jpg" height="600">
Again she comes out. <span class="charlotte-text">"Dress Three!"</span> She plays with her pigtails and giggles, before dropping the act and examining herself in the mirror.
<span class="mc-text">"Well I like it."</span>
She smiles, examining herself. <span class="charlotte-text">"I don't mean to be rude Mr. $player.lastName, but I look like a slut. Of course you would like it."</span> She twirls around though and lets the dress flow around her. <span class="charlotte-text">"I like it too, though. What dress do you think I should wear?</span>
[[Dress 1|Charlotte Go Out Dress][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Dress 2|Charlotte Go Out Dress][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Dress 3|Charlotte Go Out Dress][$passageRoute to 3]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
AddEvent("Charlotte", "DressOption1");
$bimbos.charlotte.trust += 2;
Charlotte puts on the conservative dress, and feels a little more comfortable, trusting you a little more.
You decide to splurge and take a cab into the city.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
AddEvent("Charlotte", "DressOption2");
$bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 2;
Charlotte puts on the exhibitionist dress, and though she's a bit nervous, she feels excited to be showing off so much of her body.
You decide to splurge and take a cab into the city. Charlotte wears a long, but light jacket over her outfit - you'll need to keep things decent at dinner.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
AddEvent("Charlotte", "DressOption3");
$bimbos.charlotte.slut += 2;
Charlotte puts on the slutty dress, and though she's a bit nervous, she is turned on to be dressed so provocatively.
You decide to splurge and take a cab into the city. Charlotte wears a long, but light jacket over her outfit - you'll need to keep things decent at dinner.
Charlotte says that she wants to eat sushi, so you take her to a popular Japanese restaurant on Avenue A. The decor is nothing fancy, but the sushi is excellent, and is a firm favorite of Japanese students in the city. After dinner you take Charlotte to a relaxed cocktail bar a few blocks over, one where you're sure she won't be carded.
<span class="mc-text">"Have you drunk much before?"</span>
She scoffs. <span class="charlotte-text">"Puh-lease. Plenty."</span> You don't believe her, obviously, but as she calmly sips an old fashioned that you advised her against getting, you wonder how different an upbringing she had in the city, compared to yours in the 'burbs. You two slowly nurse a few drinks until it's 11, then you settle up the bill and hop in another cab.
Charlotte's beginning to feel the drink a bit more now, but that's alright. So are you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Where are we going?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Just a club I know on the west side."</span>
You arrive at the club and walk to the front of the line. The bouncer is about to kick you to the back of the line when he recognizes you. You two aren't friends, but he remembers that you always slip him a $50 for priority entry. You do the same tonight, both impressing Charlotte and ensuring she doesn't get carded.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Wow."</span> Charlotte's impressed by the club, and though she may have been drinking before, you suspect she's never been out to a nightclub in the city before. As clubs go The Basic isn't one of the fanciest, or most popular, but it has good music, good drinks, and a good crowd.
You two dance and drink the evening away, and as you buy drinks you watch Charlotte get hit on. At first she's nervous, but you smile at her, and she plays along - at least for as long as it takes you to come back with drinks.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
Not long after the clock turns past 1 Charlotte shouts into your ear.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I want to go home!"</span> You look around, gesturing to her to show her what fun there still is to be had, when you feel her hand on your cock. <span class="charlotte-text">"I want to go home together."</span> You gather your belongings and beat a hasty exit. In the cab home you two are making out, much to the enjoyment of the driver, and you feel slightly guilty that Charlotte left a wet patch on the back seat.
Drunk, with the front door not even properly closed, you rip her clothes off, and your clothes off, before taking her. You wrap her dress around her neck and pull on it as you fuck her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/GoOut/ConservativeSex.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Not such a conservative dress now, is it?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/GoOut/ConservativeCum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Within minutes you feel yourself coming and you fill her with an evening's worth of excitement and blue balls. She stays there, playing with the cum for a few minutes, before you close the apartment door, turn off the lights, and take her to your bed. When you wake up, Charlotte is gone, but she has sent you a text thanking you for taking her out.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
As you hang about in the club Charlotte gets increasingly playful, and increasingly brazen. She begins bending over to show off her ass, she flashes her nipples at you. She even walks around the club with one part of her shirt 'accidentally' falling down, revealing her right nipple.
As 1am comes and goes you two are getting increasingly drunk. Charlotte pulls you into a quiet room with only a few other people in it, then stands right in front of you, jiggling her ass. She spreads her cheeks and you can see her asshole underneath her panties.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/GoOut/SexyAss.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You throw caution to the wind and begin to finger her, in front of the people. She doesn't care, but they do, and they smile and laugh as you continue to finger her. The people leave the room, winking at you.
<span class="mc-text">"Pull your top down. Get on your knees."</span>
She does as she's told and you whip out your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/GoOut/SexyCum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Say my name."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"$player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No. Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName... Mr. $player.lastName... Come on me Mr. $player.lastName"</span>
It can't have been two minutes since you got your dick out before you ejaculate, all over Charlotte's face and into her mouth. You pull her up to her feet.
<span class="mc-text">"Pull your top up."</span> She does as she's told, licking your cum off her lips. <span class="mc-text">"So you like showing off, right?"</span> She nods. <span class="mc-text">"We're going to leave now, and you aren't going to wipe off any of my cum until we're in the cab. Understand?"</span>
She looks worried, as if she suddenly sobered up slightly, but before she can say anything you take her hand and begin to walk out of the club. Your fellow patrons, all as drunk or drunker than you, don't notice, but the bouncers at the front do. <span class="minor-text">"I see you've had a good evening."</span> You laugh, then hail a cab. Charlotte stands next to you, giddy, and jumps into the cab when it pulls up. She begins laughing and once you've given directions she begins to talk.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I can't believe you did that! I hate you sooooooo much, that was so embarrassing!"</span> She wipes off the last of the now cold cum onto her dress. <span class="charlotte-text">"You can get this cleaned... Thanks for a fun night, though"</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
Not long after the clock turns past 1 Charlotte shouts into your ear.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I want to go home!"</span> You look around, gesturing to her to show her what fun there still is to be had, when you feel her hand on your cock. <span class="charlotte-text">"I want to go home together."</span> You gather your belongings and beat a hasty exit. In the cab home you two are making out, much to the enjoyment of the driver, and you feel slightly guilty that Charlotte left a wet patch on the back seat.
Charlotte leads you into your own house and she's swaying slightly.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Sit down."</span> You do as your told, wondering what she has planned, but confident that whatever it is you'll enjoy it.
She gets on her knees and takes your cock out from your fly. <span class="charlotte-text">"Just sit back."</span> She begins by teasing the tip of your cock, and then slowly works up speed.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/GoOut/SluttyBlowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You sit there, doing nothing but moaning. When you tried to touch her shoulder she said nothing, keeping your cock in her mouth, but pushed your hand away. She gets more and more sloppy, more and more aggressive, as you get closer and closer to coming.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/GoOut/SluttyDeepthroat.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
By now there's a puddle of her spit underneath your ass, and she's repeatedly choking herself on your cock. Between gasps she pops up. <span class="charlotte-text">"I've been practicing, Mr. $player.lastName.</span>
Eventually you come and she keeps her head fixed in place, swallowing every spurt as it arrives. All you can hear are her swallowing sounds, broken up by her little gagging noises. When you're all done she stands up, spit dripping down her face.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I really liked tonight, Mr. $player.lastName. Can I go to bed now?"</span>
When you wake up, Charlotte is gone, but she has sent you a text thanking you for taking her out.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(7); AddEvent("Charlotte", "GoOutTalk"); $player.cash -= 250;>>\<<switch random(1, 6)>>\
<<case 1>>\
Halfway through Charlotte dusting your TV cabinet you grab her ass and begin to suck on her nipple. After a little bit you reach down and realize she is wet, so you have her sit down on your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/Naked/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 2>>\
As Charlotte's busy vacuuming around an ugly fur rug that you have no recollection buying, you strip down naked and walk up behind her. You place your flaccid penis between her butt cheeks, and begin to kiss her neck.
Without saying anything, she lies down on the rug, and spreads her legs.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/Naked/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 3>>\
You're sitting and working in your shorts when Charlotte comes up.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm bored. Can we fuck, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span> She begins to rub your crotch and you get your dick out. She sits on top of you, facing away from you and you have the feeling that you're being used as a dildo. Before too long, though, you're about to come and she stops. You can see your dick twitch as you fill her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/Naked/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 4>>\
Near the end of the day you finish your work and consider what you're going to watch as you jack off when you hear Charlotte in the kitchen and have a better idea.
You strip off and call for Charlotte. <span class="mc-text">"Charlotte! Come here please!"</span>
She wraps up whatever it was she was doing then comes into the living room to see you jerking off, looking at her.
<span class="mc-text">"Just your mouth today, Charlotte."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/Naked/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 5>>\
Charlotte is cleaning the entrance area when you two make eye contact. Without saying anything she walks over to you, takes you by the hand, then sits you on the leather chair near the front door.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/Naked/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 6>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"Your other bathroom was so sticky I needed to put shoes on to clean it..."</span> She shudders, and you sympathize.
You decide to give her a little reward for being such a good worker.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/Naked/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust gte 25>>\
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "ImplantsDecision")>>\
After you two are done Charlotte approaches you.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I've been thinking, Mr. $player.lastName..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, Charlotte?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I think I might want bigger boobs. You like them bigger, right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, I do. But don't take such a big step just for my sake."</span>
She smiles, and gently punches your shoulder. <span class="charlotte-text">"It isn't just for you you self-centred jackass... I just... It's for me. It'll make me happier."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust lt 24>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.trust += 3>>\
''Charlotte now trusts you a lot more.''
''Charlotte already trusts you a lot, and you cannot improve it through this action anymore.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo lt 26>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
''Charlotte is too much of a bimbo for this event to transform her further.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); $player.cash -= 50; $bimbos.charlotte.trustTraining += 1; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 50;>>\<<switch $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionistTraining>>\
<<case 1>>\
Charlotte had been cleaning for a couple of hours so far, but it looked like she had something to say. Eventually she worked up the courage to approach you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Hey... Could I ask a favor, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure, Charlotte. What do you need?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"You're like, good with, like, cameras and all that stuff, right?"</span>
You try to look modest, but you nod. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I suppose. I did photography at college."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh, great! Well..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"...Yes?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I've started an Instagram page, you see. Separate from my personal one. I want to, like, post photos of me looking pretty and all that kind of stuff."</span> She looks a bit ashamed and tries to head off any criticism you might have. <span class="charlotte-text">"I know that it won't make any money, at least not soon, but like... I dunno... I just want to let people see the best side of me, you know?"</span>
You smile kindly and put your hand on her forearm. <span class="mc-text">"I'd love to help you. Were you wanting to take some photos?"</span>
She nods.
She's wearing a pretty pink skirt and a light blue top. <span class="mc-text">"In these clothes?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yes, I mean, unless you, well, I'd thought that..."</span>
She's nervous, and you wonder where the woman making out with you at the nightclub has got to. <span class="mc-text">"You look great. Let's just take some photos in here, OK?"</span>
You get out your camera and spend about 45 minutes taking photos of her in various places around your apartment. You upload it to your computer and let Charlotte pick her favorite.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"I think I look pretty there, right?"</span>
She does, but you hope she'll begin to show off a little more in future photos.
<<case 2>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"Please can we take some photos again? I have a costume for today."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure!"</span>
As you get your kit ready she explains how she was in the West Village and came across a sex shop. She walked in mainly to laugh with her friend at the gigantic dildos on sale there, when she saw a mannequin wearing a bright neon outfit that would work perfectly for her Instagram.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm going to this dance festival this weekend and I thought I'd look super hot in this. I thought we could take some proper photos of me all dressed up, then I can post photos from the festival this weekend."</span>
You look at her with a smile, one that you felt was pride, but which she finds unsettling. <span class="charlotte-text">"What? Is that bad?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No, not at all, I think it's a very good idea."</span>
You spend about 30 minutes taking photos of her in her festival outfit, and she selects the one she likes the most.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"I look cute there. But also kinda sexy. Not too sexy, but like... I want to dance."</span>
You're happy to see that she's becoming a bit more adventurous.
<<case 3>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"I bought a lingerie set. Can you take some photos of me in it Mr. $player.lastName? Pleeeeease?"</span>
You enjoy her begging so you decide not to tell her that taking photos of her in lingerie is something you'd enjoy doing anyway. <span class="mc-text">"If you insist."</span>
As she changes in front of you, you ask her whether she's planning to take the Instagram page in a more sexual direction.
<span class="mc-text">"...I mean, what if your mom finds out?"</span>
She stops applying mascara and looks at you with a dead face.<span class="charlotte-text">"Have you seen how she's dressing lately?"</span> Charlotte lets out a derisive laugh, and goes back to her makeup. <span class="charlotte-text">"She can't say anything to me."</span>
You spend about 45 minutes taking photos, and Charlotte even flashes her pussy at you, which you get a photo of. Sensibly, though, Charlotte opts for a classier shot.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/4.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"I want to look a bit like a ho, but not, like... A major ho."</span>
<<case 4>>\
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "ImplantsDecision")>>\
Charlotte doesn't approach you to take photos today, but you look up her account.
Her latest photo is a selfie of her wearing a downright slutty outfit. Her ass is hanging out and, if she hadn't been angling it at the mirror for full ass-tasticness, you're sure you could have seen her nipples through her bikini top.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/5.jpg" height="600">
You look at the comments underneath, and see that 90% of them are positive. She only has about 3,000 followers, which isn't bad for a normal person, but not exactly impressive for a would-be Insta-hoe. A few comments on this photo and others do make fun of her small breasts, and you wonder how Charlotte feels about this criticism.
Charlotte asks you to take photos of her in a new lingerie set which is so see through that you can see her vagina through the mesh panties.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/1.jpg" height="600">
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lt 24>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 3>>\
''Charlotte is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''Charlotte is already too much of an exhibitionist for you to transform her by doing this anymore.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo lt 26>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
''Charlotte is too much of a bimbo for this event to transform her further.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionistTraining += 1;>>\<<switch $bimbos.charlotte.slutTraining>>
<<case 1>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 35>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"So... I decided I'm gonna take your advice. I'm gonna try out this entire 'camgirl' thing."</span> She nods to herself a few times. <span class="charlotte-text">"I've got this, right? I'm sexy. I'm hot. I'm good at being slutty. Right, Mr. $player.lastName? I'm good at being slutty?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"If last -"</span>
She interrupts you with a big, loud, exhaling breath through her mouth. Charlotte's nervous. You walk up to her and take both her hands. <span class="mc-text">"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, OK? Just try it out, see if you like it."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"OK... OK. I got this. I'm uhhh... Gonna go to the other bedroom, OK? So don't come in. If that's alright."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course it's alright."</span> You kiss her on her forehead, then watch as she heads to the back bedroom. You return to your desk and get back to work when, about an hour later, she e-mails you a link to a cam site.
You click it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Chatroom/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You see her posing in a lingerie set on your spare bed, holding up her phone as she chats with a customer. You're strangely proud of her for doing so well her very first time in front of the camera, and stick around for a few minutes to watch. She's generally just talking and only showing a bit of nipple, so you close the page after a while. About an hour later she comes out, wearing her normal clothes.
<span class="charlotte-text">"What did you think?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're a natural. Where did you get the idea to video chat on your phone at the same time from?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh. That's just in the advice from the chat website. Like, it makes you closer to the guys, right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"How much did you make?"</span>
She looks a bit disappointed. <span class="charlotte-text">"Only $35, after the site fees."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"$35!!! That's amazing! Maybe not if you were experienced, but for your very first time? Very good job Charlotte. I'm proud of you."</span>
Charlotte smiles up at you with a sweet smile of gratitude.
<<case 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 50>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"Big day for my fans, today. Showing my tits for the first time, all show, all nipple. Even going to touch myself, under my panties of course."</span>
You're a bit disappointed that Charlotte's taking things so slow, and you suspect that will show up in her earnings. You decide to watch her today.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Chatroom/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She's certainly growing in terms of her personality, but the vibe in the room wasn't great. When she comes out you ask her how much she earned.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Only $50... After all that, barely improved from my very first show."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"There's not much point doing a halfway show. Chatting, teasing, a hint of nipple can do OK. But if you want to earn a lot more, you're going to have to show a lot more."</span>
She looks at your screen, where you have another cam show up, with a girl currently shoving a huge dildo down her throat.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I suppose..."</span>
Charlotte spends the rest of the day cleaning up your apartment, moving around as if under a sulking raincloud.
<<case 3>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 220>>\
Charlotte finishes the most urgent of chores, and then comes up behind you at your desk. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'm going all the way today. You should take a break and watch."</span>
About 15 minutes later the usual link appears in your inbox and you begin watching.
Within 10 minutes you have your cock out. Within 20 you are peeking your head round the door to watch, alternating between real life and the close up pussy shots on your phone.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Chatroom/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You return to your desk after nearly getting caught, and wait for Charlotte to be done.
<span class="charlotte-text">"$220!! Two hundred and twenty ''fucking'' dollars!!"</span> She giggles and screams with happiness. <span class="charlotte-text">"Two hours work!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Wow. That's more than I get paid, hourly, at least."</span> You both laugh, and Charlotte continues cleaning your apartment, humming happily to herself as she does so.
<<case 4>>\
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "ImplantsDecision"); $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 300;>>\
Charlotte send you a link to a video from her show earlier in the afternoon.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know, I'm looking to make some upgrades.
I've heard some of your feedback and I'm officially setting a target for $12,000. Every dollar you give me will go towards..."</span>
She does a fake drumroll here.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Chatroom/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"New tits!"</span>
A few minutes after you've watched the video, Charlotte comes up to you.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I made $300 today. It shouldn't take me long til I'm better endowed."</span>
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 330>>\
Charlotte sets up for the day and sends you her usual link.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Chatroom/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Out of the corner of your eye you watch Charlotte masturbate, chat with fans, and use a dildo on herself. At the end of the day she comes out and lets you know that she earned $330.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo lt 26>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
''Charlotte is too much of a bimbo for this event to transform her further.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut lt 24>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.slut += 3>>\
''Charlotte is now much more of a slut.''
''Charlotte is too much of a slut for this event to transform her further.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); $bimbos.charlotte.slutTraining += 1;>>\<span class="charlotte-text">"So... You seen my mom's new boobs?"</span>
You look at her warily, but she just carries on. <span class="charlotte-text">"She's way happy about them. She hasn't told me, but I know it had something to do with you. The past couple of months it's just been $player.firstName this, $player.firstName that."</span>
You try to turn the attention away from you. <span class="mc-text">"What do you think of them?"</span>
She shrugs, but looks at you with a glint in her eye. <span class="charlotte-text">"I think they look good."</span> She giggles, and adjusts her top. <span class="charlotte-text">"Do you think I need bigger boobs?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Do you want them to be bigger?"</span>
She begins to feel her breasts and you can see her nipples getting hard through her shirt. <span class="charlotte-text">"I think so?"</span>
''Charlotte is now considering breast enhancement.''
[[Put her to work for the day|Charlotte Work][AddEvent("Charlotte", "CharlotteBoobTalk"); $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 7;]]<span class="mc-text">"Your mom knows that we went out the other night."</span>
Charlotte looks at you with a slightly worried look on her face, but she turns around and gets back to her work.
<span class="charlotte-text">"So?"</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust gte 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I obviously didn't tell her that we had sex, but I hinted at it."</span>
Hey eyes open wide. <span class="charlotte-text">"What?? Are you crazy?! I can't have my mom thinking that..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Honestly... It's OK. She wasn't as outraged as I had thought. She just really, really wants you to go to college."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I obviously didn't tell her that we had sex, in fact I totally denied it."</span>
She nods. <span class="charlotte-text">"Great. I can't have my mom thinking that... We... You know..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"She's happier this way, though it does mean if she ever found out she'd be totally blindsided. Do you think you'll tell her?"</span>
Charlotte shakes her head vigorously. <span class="charlotte-text">"Noooooope. Not a chance."</span>
You two continue chatting for a while, discussing her mom's changes. Charlotte says twice that she can't believe her mom is pressuring her to go to college and be boring, even though ''she'' is changing her entire life to have fun and be more open.
It strikes you that Charlotte is jealous of her mom.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); RemoveEvent("Charlotte", "StellaDinnerEmail")>>\You're sitting on the sofa trying to get some work done when Charlotte comes up to you. She sighs loudly, but says nothing.
You continue focusing on your work and Charlotte leaves. The cycle repeats itself a few times over the next hour until she eventually returns, still sighing, but this time flopping down on the sofa next to you.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Ughhhhhh."</span>
Clearly, she wants attention.
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, Charlotte?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Do you think I'm ugly?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What? Of course not!"</span> You disagree with her but she continues to sigh, and you continue to try and focus on your work.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Strip.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Before you know it she's stripping down in front of you. So much for a quiet day of work at home. <span class="charlotte-text">"Are you sure, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
It's your turn to sigh now, as you close your laptop. <span class="mc-text">"If I want to be sure, I need to inspect you."</span>
You stand up and make sure she's taken off all of her clothes. She begins to speak, but you put your finger on her mouth to shush her. <span class="mc-text">"Be quiet."</span>
You look at her face and hold her jaw with your hand. <span class="mc-text">"Beautiful face. Clear eyes, nice skin, a cute nose."</span>
You slip your fingers into her mouth. At first playing with her tongue and lips, but then forcing it to the back of her throat.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/SuckFingers.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Useful mouth."</span> You step back. <span class="mc-text">"Turn around."</span> She does as she's told and you continue. <span class="mc-text">"Good figure, delicate arms, a pretty back."</span>
You run your hand down her back and you feel goosebumps appear on her skin. <span class="mc-text">"Bend over please Charlotte."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Ass.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"You have a wonderful round ass... A pretty asshole... A neat, inviting vagina... Put your underwear back on."</span>
Still in silence she does as she's told. You step back and look at her.
<span class="mc-text">"Overall you're very, very beautiful. But..."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"But?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Shush, Charlotte."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Implants/Boobs.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"But, you might be a bit prettier with larger breasts. You can speak now."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"It bites but thanks for being real with me... I gotta get these bigger. How did my mom get hers?"</span>
You're not sure whether Charlotte knows about Stella's work at the strip club, so you avoid the question. <span class="mc-text">"She worked for them. I'm sure you could raise the money"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"How much would it be?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Your mom's were $12,000, but it varies. I know a very good doctor in the city. Next time you come, let's talk about how we can make this happen. OK?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"OK. Thanks, Mr. $player.lastName!"</span>
She begins to get dressed, but you stop her. <span class="mc-text">"I want you to clean the house naked for the rest of the day. I'll pay you $50 extra - to you, not your mom. Your first income of your own."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); AddEvent("Charlotte", "ImplantTalk"); $player.cash -= 50; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 50;>>\<span class="charlotte-text">"I just wanna make some money, stack that paper, you know?"</span> You both laugh, but she continues. <span class="charlotte-text">"No, seriously Mr. $player.lastName. Working here's fine and all, but I gotta work for myself. If I wanna not go to college, I need to find some way to make money, right?"</span>
You nod, and grunt approvingly. <span class="mc-text">"Definitely. I'm really glad you're starting to think practically about this."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ModelApprove")>>\
<<set RemoveEvent("Charlotte", "ModelApprove")>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Did you ever hear back from Amanda?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, I did. It seems like a tough world to break into."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I could do modelling if I really, really wanted to, but I want money faster than that. It did get me thinking, though. There are other things like modelling, right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Right..."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Like there are all those girls with ten or twenty thousand followers getting money from sponsors, and they're basically just models, right?"</span>
You grimace slightly, but don't disagree. <span class="mc-text">"Right."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"So I was thinking I could do something like that. Show off my ass in tight clothes."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Probably not a bad idea, and would help you if you wanted to get into modelling later, but... It's also not a fast way to earn money. You know, there are faster ways..."</span>
The silence hangs in the air and your oblique reference is wasted on Charlotte. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, if you wanted to show off more than just you ass in tight clothes, you can make a lot of money."</span>
She laughs. <span class="charlotte-text">"What, like become a stripper? I can't dance for shit."</span> You laugh too, remembering her awkward moves on the dance floor the night you two went out. You also feel a flash of anxiety at the chance of Stella and Charlotte bumping into each other at work.
<span class="mc-text">"No, no... But, there are girls who do cam shows."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Cam shows?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Let me show you."</span>
[[Continue|Charlotte Money Chat Finish]]<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Chatroom/camgirl1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You gesture towards the screen. <span class="mc-text">"See."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I know what cam girls are, Mr. $player.lastName, I don't live under a rock."</span>
You leave the girl up on the screen and continue the chat.
<span class="mc-text">"What I ''mean'' is that you can make money quickly if you need to, without any special education or, you know... Learning to dance."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Chatroom/camgirl2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Doesn't look too difficult, does it? And she's probably going to rake in $200 in a couple of hours."</span>
Charlotte's eyes linger on the screen, watching the smile as she types, her oiled tits sparkling under the lights. <span class="charlotte-text">"My mom would kill me if she found out."</span>
You suppress a knowing snort. <span class="mc-text">"I think she might be understanding. Besides, she doesn't need to find out until she is ready. You could even do it here."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Here?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Spare bedroom, or even in this living room. You've got your own laptop, right?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah..."</span>
You smile brightly. <span class="mc-text">"So that's settled, then."</span>
She raises a single eyebrow and looks at you, and for a moment you think she's going to write off the entire idea. A little bit of you even hopes that she does, as you already feel guilty lying to Stella in the way that you do, but...
<span class="charlotte-text">"OK. I can try it, see how I like it. I've never been ashamed of my body so... Why start being ashamed now?"</span>
<<if $player.cash gte 50>>\
[[Offer her $50 to clean naked again|Charlotte Relationship Work 2][$bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 1]]
[[Let her work normally|Charlotte Relationship Work]]
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "Finances"); $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionistTraining to 1; $bimbos.charlotte.slutTraining to 1; $bimbos.charlotte.trustTraining to 1; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 50;>>\<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "PornstarInterest")>><<set _randomChoice to 2>><<else>><<set _randomChoice to random(1, 6)>><</if>>\
You leave a $100 bill on the entrance table for when Charlotte arrives. When she sees it she strips down, and gets to work.
<<switch _randomChoice>>\
<<case 1>>\
In the afternoon you find yourself at your desk, bored out of your mind, trying to get a little work done. You tap your fingers in a drum roll on the desk. Out of the corner of your eye you see Charlotte bending over to clean under your sofa.
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte. It isn't only my house that needs to be clean, but also the people in it. Get on your back please."</span>
Charlotte does as she's told and begins to rub herself, in anticipation of you fucking her. You're not going to do that today, though, merely inspect her. You begin to finger her asshole and explain to her how important it is for a good bimbo to always be ready.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/Naked/Transform/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 2>>\
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "PornstarInterest")>>\
Charlotte's busy dusting in your office. You want to cum, but you also want that office dusted. You strip down and search for some porn on your TV before settling on a classic gang-bang scene.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Gangbang.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As you're jacking off Charlotte comes into the room and sees what you're watching. Your eyes dart between the screen and her, as at first she simply sits next to you without saying anything and begins to touch herself.
Then she sits down on top of you, and watches the screen as she fucks you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/Naked/Transform/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 3>>\
You're at your desk when you hear a crash of splintering glass and breaking wood.
Charlotte shouts out. <span class="charlotte-text">"FUCK! FUCK!"</span>
You run into your bedroom to see Charlotte standing over a broken picture frame, of a poster that you had bought in the Himalayan foothills. You also notice that she's wearing shorts and a black crop top.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm very angry Charlotte."</span>
Charlotte looks like she might be on the verge of tears. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'm sorry, was it expensive? I can get it f-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I paid you $100 to clean my house naked. Why are you dressed? On your knees, Charlotte."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yes, Mr. $player.lastName"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/Naked/Transform/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 4>>\
Near the end of the day you finish your work and consider what you're going to watch as you jack off when you hear Charlotte in the kitchen and have a better idea.
You strip off and call for Charlotte. <span class="mc-text">"Charlotte! Come here please!"</span>
She wraps up whatever it was she was doing then comes into the living room to see you jerking off, looking at her.
<span class="mc-text">"Just your mouth today, Charlotte."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/Naked/Transform/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 5>>\
You get back from a meeting in the city and hear the sound of Charlotte running away from the door as you unlock it. By the time the door is open, and you can see properly into the room, Charlotte is on your sofa, legs spread, rubbing herself.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I thought you might have had a tough day."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/Naked/Transform/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 6>>\
You get back from a run and decide to take a shower. Charlotte's busy cleaning the house and walks in on your showering.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mind if I join you Mr. $player.lastName? I got all dirty."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/Naked/Transform/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5 and random(1, 6) lte 2>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Stella walks in on you two fucking, but doesn't leave.
<span class="stella-text">"Don't let me disturb your fun, I'm just looking for my magazine.</span>
After she finds it she leaves the room, leaving you two to it.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella walks in on you two fucking, but doesn't leave. She lets out a short snort. <span class="stella-text">"I swear I'm the only one around here that actually gets any work done."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust lte 34>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.trust += 3>>\
''Charlotte now trusts you a lot more.''
''Charlotte already trusts you a lot, and you cannot improve it through this action anymore.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo lt 30>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
''Charlotte is too much of a bimbo for this event to transform her further.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); $player.cash -= 100; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 100;>>\Charlotte asks you to take some photos for her. She's begun to monetize her small but growing Instagram following by also taking photos for a premium snapchat.
<<switch random(1, 6)>>\
<<case 1>>\
A smouldering look and frilly lingerie for IG...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Naked/1a.jpg" height="600">
And a shot peering up at her bare breasts and vagina for Snapchat.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Naked/1b.jpg" height="600">
<<case 2>>\
Sexy ath-leisure for IG...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Naked/2a.jpg" height="600">
Tits out, open wide for Snapchat.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Naked/2b.jpg" width="600">
<<case 3>>\
A fierce, sexy shot of Charlotte in a collar and bikini for IG...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Naked/3a.jpg" height="600">
And a squatting shot of her asshole and tits for Snapchat.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Naked/3b.jpg" height="600">
<<case 4>>\
Charlotte looking sexy in white lingerie for IG...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Naked/4a.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"I want to do something different this time. Jerk off onto my face."</span>
And a somewhat safe for work photo of Charlotte with your cum on her face for Snapchat.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Naked/4b.jpg" height="600">
<<case 5>>\
A cute, but sexy lingerie shot for IG...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Naked/5a.jpg" height="600">
And a close-up of her pussy for Snapchat.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Naked/5b.jpg" height="600">
<<case 6>>\
A boundary-pushing shot on a chair for IG...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Naked/6a.jpg" height="600">
And a hot, legs spread shot for Snapchat.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Naked/6b.jpg" height="600">
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5 and random(1, 6) lte 2>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Towards the end of the shoot Stella walks in. Charlotte gives her mom a quick wave before returning to her pose and spreading for the camera. When the shoot is over Stella brings you both bottles of water, as well as a packet of makeup removal wipes for Charlotte. As she begins to help Charlotte remove her makeup, she compliments her on the shoot. <span class="stella-text">"You look so good sweetie! Have you been working out lately?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Thanks mom! Not really, just eating right."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Towards the end of the shoot Stella knocks on the door frame and peers in. Charlotte gives her mom a quick wave before returning to her pose and spreading for the camera. When the shoot is over Stella asks to see some of the photos and gives Charlotte useful advice on better poses, and some ideas for future shoots.
<span class="stella-text">"You're looking really good though, have you been working out?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Nah, just eating right."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lte 34>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 3>>\
''Charlotte is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''Charlotte is already too much of an exhibitionist for you to transform her by doing this anymore.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo lt 30>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
''Charlotte is too much of a bimbo for this event to transform her further.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionistTraining += 1;>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionistTraining gte 4>><<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "ModelInterest")>><</if>>\<<switch random(1, 6)>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 200>>\
Charlotte shoots a panty focused show today, playing with her pussy as she tries on various pairs of panties, getting them all wet.
She makes an extra $200 from selling the used pairs.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Camshow/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 2>>\
Charlotte plays with a dildo in your shower.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Camshow/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 3>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"I thought I'd do something different today. I got a big box of dildos delivered, I was gonna unbox them and try them all out"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Camshow/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 4>>\
Charlotte takes it easy today and just masturbates for her fans while chatting with them.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Camshow/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 5>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 75>>\
Charlotte persuades you to film her oiling herself up in your building's communal sauna. She makes an extra $75 from tips.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Camshow/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 6>>\
Charlotte takes it easy today and just masturbates for her fans while chatting with them.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/SocialMedia/Camshow/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo lt 35>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 1>>\
''Charlotte is now more of a bimbo.''
''Charlotte is too much of a bimbo for this event to transform her further.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut lte 34>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.slut += 3>>\
''Charlotte is now much more of a slut.''
''Charlotte is too much of a slut for this event to transform her further.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); $bimbos.charlotte.slutTraining += 1;>>\Before Charlotte starts working she approaches you, with an air of slight nervousness.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Charlotte. How's it going?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Good, good... I uh... I had a question for you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure, what's up?"</span>
Charlotte begins to explain a whole long story regarding a boy she used to know from high school, some girl she's friends with, a saga regarding a phone that Alana SWEARS was stolen but which everyone thinks was just lost by Alana, the drunk slut.
<span class="charlotte-text">"...So I suppose what I'm really wondering is, how much effort should I make for this party? I know that I should go, and it isn't like I really hate anyone there, but at the same time, you know, I just... I don't really give a shit."</span>
It strikes you that, should you want to, this is an opportune time to slip in a little Life Coaching.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[You should always strive to be the best version of yourself|Charlotte Bimbo Advice][$passageRoute to 2; AddHours(8); AddEvent("Charlotte", "BimboAdvice"); $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 7;]]
[[Trust your gut and don't worry too much about others|Charlotte Bimbo Advice][$passageRoute to 3; AddHours(8); AddEvent("Charlotte", "BimboAdvice"); $bimbos.charlotte.slut -= 2; $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 7;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"You should always strive to be the best version of yourself. Perhaps it is not my place to say this, but I would either not go, or make sure you are stunning. There is no point attending the party and making a poor impression."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"But I kinda want to send Alana a message that she isn't that important to me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Fine, but are you not important to yourself? Why would you make yourself look worse to everyone just to send a message to Alana?"</span>
Charlotte nods thoughtfully then shrugs. <span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck it. I'll really show them."</span>
''Charlotte is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Trust your gut and don't worry too much about others. Personally I think you should still make a good figure of yourself regardless, but if you don't want to, don't. There's no point getting too hung up on what other people think of you."</span>
Charlotte smiles up at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah! Fuck 'em."</span>
''Charlotte is now much less of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</if>>\You're just idly looking of photos of bimbos on the internet, rubbing your cock through your trousers, wasting time you should be using more productively.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Work/InternetBimbos.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"About to start jacking off, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span> You jump slightly, startled. Charlotte laughs. <span class="charlotte-text">"Surprise you, did I?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You creep around this house like a spider."</span> She makes a creepy, sucking noise, which you suspect is her imitation of a spider.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Do you really like women that look like this, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, yeah I do. I think they're really beautiful. Don't you?"</span>
She shakes her head slightly. <span class="charlotte-text">"It looks like they were made in a doctor's office, you know? Like I'm down with the fake boobs, but I bet half of what you're looking at is fake."</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Try to change her mind|Charlotte Bimbo Opinion][$passageRoute to 2; AddHours(8); AddEvent("Charlotte", "BimboOpinion"); $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo += 2;]]
[[Don't try to change her mind|Charlotte Bimbo Opinion][$passageRoute to 3; AddHours(8); AddEvent("Charlotte", "BimboOpinion"); $bimbos.charlotte.slut -= 2;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Isn't that OK, though? They clearly know what they want, and they're trying to look their absolute best. Is it really all that different from spending a lot of money on a dress that you know makes you look really good?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah? I mean, it's a big step, you can take off a dress..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It is permanent, but doesn't that make it all the more admirable that they are willing to take such pride in their appearance?"</span>
Charlotte shrugs, and while you don't think you've convinced her, hopefully she's willing to consider a different point of view now.
''Charlotte is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You don't really say much, feeling almost a bit insulted, and thinking about your past girlfriends. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I suppose."</span>
Charlotte smiles at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Anyway, I'm going to get back to work. Let me know if you need help with anything..."</span> Her eyes linger on your dick as she leaves the room, and she giggles.
''Charlotte is now much less of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</if>>\<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 4>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName... I'm gonna get new boobs."</span>
You don't react to her and continue reading your book. <span class="mc-text">"Is that so?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yes. I'm going to go up to a D."</span>
You look up and make a show of examining her chest. <span class="mc-text">"What are you now, a B?"</span>
She looks at you with jaw dropped. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah. Can you just eyeball cup sizes? Impressed. Anyway. Can I use your guy? He did a really good job with my mom."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Been paying close attention have we?"</span> You're about to make fun of her further when you see that Charlotte's beginning to blush. <span class="mc-text">"But sure. I'll pass you on to him. It'll cost about $10,000 if you're just wanting to move up to a D. When you have the money, you can get it done... Do you have $10,000?"</span>
She looks down at the ground. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'll figure something out! I'm making good money lately."</span> She sighs. She flops down on the sofa next to you, limply. <span class="charlotte-text">"It'll be fun when they're bigger, won't it?"</span>
[[Back to work|Charlotte Work][AddEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery"); $bimbos.charlotte.dayCounter to 7;]]
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName... I'm gonna get new boobs. Bigger boobs."</span>
You make a grimace slightly. <span class="mc-text">"Is that a good idea at the moment? I'm not sure how your mom would take it."</span>
Charlotte groans. <span class="charlotte-text">"Gooooood, she's so annoying."</span>
''Stella is either too unhappy, or not accepting enough of your role in Charlotte's life, for Charlotte to get breast enhancement surgery.''
[[Put Charlotte to Work|Charlotte Work]]
<</if>>\<<switch random(1, 6)>>\
<<case 1>>\
Today you and Charlotte shoot a standard blowjob to sex scene, which you finish with one of the biggest loads you've ever blown.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Home/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After the scene is done the cameraman comes up to you.
<span class="minor-text">"Good thing you blew it on her face, she might have choked taking that in her throat."</span>
<<case 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 100>>\
You and Charlotte shoot a consciously low budget, honest scene today, where you film her having 'normal' sex with you in bed. Charlotte saves $100 due to not hiring a cameraman.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Home/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 3>>\
You fuck Charlotte on your sofa today. You managed to pull out in time, but you were enjoying yourself so much you nearly missed the pop shot and came inside her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Home/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 4>>\
You oil up Charlotte's ass. For most of the scene she's fucking you, thrusting her oiled ass back onto your dick.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Home/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 5>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"I got this in the West Village. You like me as a slutty schoolgirl?"</span> She giggles, and you know you're gonna have a hard time not blowing your load too soon today.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Home/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 6>>\
You persuade Charlotte to shoot a face-fucking video today. The fans will love it, and you'll love it too.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Home/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After the scene Charlotte comes up to you, wiping her face clean of the mascara that her tears had streaked across her face. <span class="charlotte-text">"I gotta admit, that was pretty hot Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5 and random(1, 6) lte 2 and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "StellaCharlottePornDiscover")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Stella doesn't watch the scene being shot, but afterwards she comes into the room offering everyone drinks.
<span class="stella-text">"I'm sure you did such good work sweetie!"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Thanks mom!"</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella doesn't watch the scene being shot, but after it is done she comes into the room while Charlotte is still cleaning herself up. After asking what type of scene you shot, Stella asks the cameraman how long it will take to edit it properly, and what kind of promotional work can be done to boost audience figures.
That done, Stella walks over to Charlotte as she's putting back on her panties and kisses her gently on the back of the head. <span class="stella-text">"You've been really dedicated, I'm so proud of you."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut lt 34>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.slut += 3>>\
''Charlotte is now much more of a slut.''
''Charlotte is too much of a slut for this event to transform her further.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); $player.cash += 250; $bimbos.charlotte.pornCount += 1; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 400;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 0>>\
Charlotte's holding a letter, which she passes over to you. You see the seal of the State of New York on the front of it.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey, Mr. $player.lastName. What do you think of this?</span>
You open the letter up and glance at it quickly. It's a scholarship fund for students from New York City public high schools to attend City universities. Charlotte's eligible for nearly free tuition.
<span class="mc-text">"That's excellent Charlotte."</span> You look up and see Charlotte looks worried. <span class="mc-text">"What's wrong?"</span>
She sits down next to you. <span class="charlotte-text">"I don't want to go to college. Like I reeeeally don't want to go, but I also know, like... It's probably the smart decision."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You have found other ways to make money, but you are right. A lot of these things can only support you for the next 10 or 20 years, eventually you'll be too old to do cam shows or modelling, even if you still wanted to..."</span>
Charlotte bobs her head in a show of uncertainty. Whether she's doubting that she'll ever want to stop showing off her body, or doubting her future security, you're not sure.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I don't know whether to show my mom or not. If I show it to her, then... I may as well just buy the CUNY hoodies now, you know? The only thing that's stopping her from basically forcing me is how expensive it is."</span>
''This is a major choice for Charlotte.
If you encourage Charlotte to show the letter to her mom, she will go to college, which means she will not shoot porn and will never complete her physical transformation.''
[[Keep it to yourself|Charlotte College Talk][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[You should show her|Charlotte College Talk][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Keep it to yourself. You know what you want to do. It might be a tough decision, to keep something from your mom but... You already know what you want to do."</span>
Charlotte takes her letter back, and goes back to cleaning the house.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeTalk")>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"You should show her. You can't just... Hide something so important from Stella. Who knows, she might be more understanding of you wanting to not go if you are open with her."</span>
You doubt that, but you want to give Charlotte some hope. Charlotte takes her letter back, and goes back to cleaning the house, a sad look on her face for the rest of the day.
''Charlotte now cannot shoot porn.
Charlotte now cannot complete her physical transformation.
Charlotte is now significantly less of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); AddEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeTalk"); AddEvent("Charlotte", "College"); $bimbos.charlotte.bimbo -= 8;>>\
<</if>>\Charlotte comes bounding into the room, clearly ecstatic. <span class="charlotte-text">"Hey, Mr. $player.lastName... Guess what?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Profile.jpg" height="600">
You stand up, excited by her infectious mood. <span class="mc-text">"What? Did you win the lottery?"</span>
She laughs, and puts her hand on your chest. <span class="charlotte-text">"Almost! I just got asked to model something. Legit modelling, for this boutique lingerie company in the city. They're gonna pay me $2,500."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No way! That's amazing Charlotte."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"It is, right?"</span> She taps her fingernails on the pillar she is standing next too, creating a sharp clacking sound on the steel. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'm really happy about it, but I can't help but feel that it's a huge step."</span> She exhales sharply through her nose. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'm usually really confident, but big decisions can spook me a bit. Do you think I should do it?"</span>
You decide not to answer her question but to talk her through it, therapist style. <span class="mc-text">"Why don't you weigh up the pros and cons of this."</span>
She lets out a big breath. <span class="charlotte-text">"So... The upside is obviously money, and confidence. Like, lingerie models are hot, right? I'll know for sure that I'm hot now. The downside is that if I'm successful that's kind of that. I can't really do other stuff because I can't ruin my career. And I'm not sure I want a career just yet, I'm happy with a job."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You can't just do this and then see where it goes?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"No, you're right, I can, but like... Shit kinda snowballs, you know? I do this, then if I'm good something else comes up, blah blah blah."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, I'm proud of you for being so sensible about this and going into it eyes open."</span>
She smiles at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Thanks, Mr. $player.lastName. But be honest with me, do you think I should do it?</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Do it. Don't let the chance pass you by. I think it would be awesome for you."</span>
A smile slowly spreads across Charlotte's face until she's baring all her teeth. <span class="charlotte-text">"Right? I'll do it."</span> She jumps up and plants a kiss on your cheek.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); AddEvent("Charlotte", "ModellingFirstTime"); $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 2500;>>\<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey, Mr. $player.lastName... I was thinking."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Talk.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Yes?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I know I'm making a lot of money with my cam show, and my IG, and all of that... But I... I dunno. I, like... I want to do more. I don't just want to make more, I want to ''do'' more - do you know what I mean?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Not really. What do you mean, Charlotte?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Well..."</span> She blushes slightly, and you realize that you haven't seen Charlotte blush in a long time. She really has changed significantly since you first met her. <span class="charlotte-text">"Like..."</span>
You smile at her. <span class="mc-text">"Whatever it is Charlotte, you can tell me."</span>
She lets out a big breath. <span class="charlotte-text">"So... You know those videos I've been sending you, right?"</span>
Oh. That's where this is going.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I want... I want..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You want to start doing videos like that? You want to start shooting porn?"</span>
She nods. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yes. I really want to. I like... I know I'd be great at it.</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think you would too."</span> She smiles up at you and giggles slightly. <span class="mc-text">"It's a huge step, though. A really huge step."</span> You gesture towards the bedroom where she's done most of her cam work <span class="mc-text">"All that stuff, you can come back from, but this? Once you've been fucked on camera, that's sort of it. You can build a life, but once those videos are out there... They're never coming back."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I know... But still... I just... Like, W. B. Yeats was born to be a poet, I was born to take dick on camera."</span>
You begin to laugh, hard. Charlotte joins in, a little nervously. <span class="charlotte-text">"What? What's so funny?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're referencing Yeats while trying to justify becoming a pornstar. Maybe your mother is right and you should go to college. You're smart enough to."</span>
She looks thoughtful. <span class="charlotte-text">"Maybe... What do you think I should do Mr. $player.lastName? I trust your advice."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think as long as you're sensible it's a great idea. You can make a lot of money, money that you can save, and you'll be able to have a lot of fun while you're still young."</span>
Charlotte begins to jiggle on the spot in happiness. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'm sooooo glad you think so. I'll clean the house today but be ready for tomorrow, we're going to shoot my first scene."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Duhhhh. Mr. $player.lastName, you think I'd shoot my first scene with anyone else but you?"</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); AddEvent("Charlotte", "PornFirstTime");>>\Charlotte whispers at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Did you really need to get a cameraman?"</span>
You whisper back. <span class="mc-text">"If you can't do it in front of a cameraman, how are you going to make a career of this? We don't have to do this if you don't want to."</span>
She shoots you an angry look. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'm gonna do this, I want to do this, I just thought the first time..."</span>
You begin talking normally again. <span class="mc-text">"Start as you mean to go on Charlotte, start as you mean to go on."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Hey, you guys ready? I've got it all set up. We cool on the shot list?"</span>
You look at Charlotte. Despite your intervention to hire a cameraman it's her gig after all. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, let's do this shit."</span>
Charlotte starts kinda slow, and a bit nervous, showing off her body to the camera. She only really gets going when she's spreading her pussy and notices you standing in the corner, naked, getting hard.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Home/3a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She begins with a sloppy blowjob and does an amazing job looking at the camera, speaking to the viewers.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Home/3b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You then move on to fucking her, and after a long, teasing shot where you oil up her ass you begin to fuck her. You stick your finger into her asshole, too. It was just too inviting, shining up at you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Home/3c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You two continue fucking and end the scene with you coming inside her. The cameraman gets a closeup of Charlotte smiling, and of the cum dripping out of her.
As you two pack up the cameraman gives you a card.
<span class="minor-text">"You her manager? She did a great job. Whenever she wants to shoot, let me know. Obviously if it's with anyone else she, and maybe you, will need to get tested, but... The money's good, and she's a born fucking star man. You're lucky."</span>
Charlotte overhears this and walks over as she's towelling the oil off her ass. <span class="charlotte-text">"Wow! I'm so glad you think I did well. See, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
The cameraman shoots you a strange look hearing her call you Mr., but he packs up his gear and leaves.
''Charlotte earns $500 a scene, and as her manager you get 20%. As her co-star you get paid $150 a scene. You can now arrange shoots with others for Charlotte at your desk.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); $bimbos.charlotte.porn to true; $bimbos.charlotte.pornCount to 5;>>\Charlotte asks you to take some photos for her. She's begun to monetize her fast growing Instagram following by also taking photos for a premium snapchat.
<<switch random(1, 6)>>\
<<case 1>>\
A sexy schoolgirl outfit...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/1a.jpg" height="600">
...stripped down to just her white, knee high socks.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/1b.jpg" height="600">
<<case 2>>\
She invites one of her friends over, who's started to develop her own following in Instagram too.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/2a.jpg" height="600">
Only Charlotte is brave enough to totally bare her chest, though.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/2b.jpg" height="600">
<<case 3>>\
Nothing but hot pink for a perfect bimbo...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/3a.jpg" height="600">
...peeled down to show off her shiny, oiled breasts.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/3b.jpg" height="600">
<<case 4>>\
Charlotte looks good in a maid's uniform, which you wish she had used when she was still actually cleaning your house...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/4a.jpg" height="600">
She doesn't keep it on for long though, and ends by spreading for the camera.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/4b.jpg" width="600">
<<case 5>>\
A few more of her new friends come round, everyone wanting Instagram-safe pics...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/5a.jpg" height="600">
...and a few that are less Instagram-safe.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/5b.jpg" width="600">
<<case 6>>\
Sexy red lingerie for Instagram...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/6a.jpg" height="600">
...and up on the desk, naked, on all fours for Snapchat
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Modelling/Transform2/6b.jpg" width="600">
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5 and random(1, 6) lte 2>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Towards the end of the shoot Stella walks in. Charlotte gives her mom a quick wave before returning to her pose and spreading for the camera. When the shoot is over Stella brings you both bottles of water, as well as a packet of makeup removal wipes for Charlotte. As she begins to help Charlotte remove her makeup, she compliments her on the shoot. <span class="stella-text">"You look so good sweetie! Have you been working out lately?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Thanks mom! Not really, just eating right."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Towards the end of the shoot Stella knocks on the door frame and peers in. Charlotte gives her mom a quick wave before returning to her pose and spreading for the camera. When the shoot is over Stella asks to see some of the photos and gives Charlotte useful advice on better poses, and some ideas for future shoots.
<span class="stella-text">"You're looking really good though, have you been working out?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Nah, just eating right."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist lt 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist += 1>>\
''Charlotte is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust lt 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.trust += 1>>\
''Charlotte now trusts you a little more.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8)>>\<<switch random(1, 6)>>\
<<case 1>>\
Today you and Charlotte shoot a standard sex scene, starting by fucking her over the kitchen counter.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Transform2/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Watching it back, you hear the cameraman whisper to himself. <span class="minor-text">"God damn, her tits were flying about like basketballs."</span>
<<case 2>>\
Looking forward to showing off her huge tits, you and Charlotte shoot a simple titfuck video today.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Transform2/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 3>>\
You put Charlotte's new maid uniform to use and fuck her in it, finishing up by coming all over her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Transform2/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 4>>\
You oil up Charlotte's ass and fuck it. It doesn't go anywhere but her asshole today.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Transform2/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 5>>\
Charlotte wears a red ribbon in her hair and black mesh stockings, for an otherwise typical sex scene.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella, who has been learning about camera work from your regular cameraman, suggests a great angle, where you can see Charlotte sucking your cock, her huge tits, and her spread open pussy.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Transform2/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 6>>\
Another schoolgirl video today, and you do a good job playing the role of a perverted principal, if you say so yourself.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Porn/Transform2/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5 and random(1, 6) lte 2>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Near the end of the shoot Stella creeps into the room and watches the final shots. Once the scene is over she walks over as Charlotte's cleaning off and gives her a kiss on the top of her head. <span class="stella-text">"You looked so good sweetie!"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Thanks mom!"</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella stays to watch the scene, moving around to get a better view and better understand what the cameraman is looking for. Once the scene is done Stella helps Charlotte clean herself off and kisses her gently on the back of the head. <span class="stella-text">"Really good work Charlotte."</span>
Once Charlotte is cleaned up, Stella begins interrogating the cameraman about his technique.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.slut lt 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.slut += 1>>\
''Charlotte is now more of a slut.''
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trust lt 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.trust += 1>>\
''Charlotte now trusts you a little more.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(8); $player.cash += 250; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 400;>>\<<if $bimbos.dani>>\
<<if $bimbos.dani.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Dani", "DaniMeeting")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lte 11>>\
[[Meet Dani|Dani Meeting]]
You have to meet Dani in the morning.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Dani", "Cleaning")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lte 11>>\
[[Check on the building|Dani Cleaning]]
You have to meet Dani in the morning.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "BuildingRenovation")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lt 10>>\
[[Meet with the contractor|Building Contractor]]
<<elseif $player.unlocks.BLC and not CheckEvent("Dani", "BLCEmployeeStart")>>\
<<if BetweenTime(16, 18)>>\
[[Invite Dani over|Dani BLC Job Training]]
You should meet Dani in the afternoon.
You have already seen Dani today.
<</if>>\You return home with half a dozen bagels in a paper bag, and between the rustling of the bag and the clinking of your keys, you hear a new voice in the kitchen.
<span class="stella-text">"...but you know what rent's like now."</span>
You walk in and see Stella, wearing a short body-con dress, talking to a young woman.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Dani/Meet.jpg" height="600">
Stella sees you and looks at the new woman. <span class="stella-text">"Here he is"</span> then she twists her head slightly and looks at you. <span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName! I'm glad you're home, I wanted you to meet Dani, an old student of mine. She's the same age as Charlotte."</span>
You walk over and shake her hand. <span class="mc-text">"A pleasure to meet you, Dani."</span> She takes your hand, shakes it, and smiles.
<span class="dani-text">"Mrs. Jackson has told me so much about you."</span>
You raise an eyebrow at Stella and she nods. You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"Not all of it bad, I hope?"</span>
Dani laughs a little nervously. <span class="dani-text">"Nah, not at all."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Dani here is starting a youth group for seniors and recent graduates, somewhere for them to get off the streets and socialize."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh that sounds great. How's it working out?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Good! A lot of interest, and we have some support, all we need now is a place to meet..."</span>
There's a silence of a few seconds, before Dani stands up. <span class="dani-text">"Anyway, thank you so much for seeing me Mrs. Jackson, let me know about that thing once you know. OK?"</span> She looks at you and shakes your hand again. <span class="dani-text">"Great to meet you, too, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Bye Dani!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Goodbye, Dani."</span>
As the door closes behind her you look at Stella. <span class="mc-text">"She seems nice."</span>
Stella smiles, looking at the door for a second or two before looking at you. <span class="stella-text">"She is, she really is. She wasn't always the best student but she always had her heart in the right place. I know teachers aren't supposed to have favorites, but she was one of mine..."</span>
You raise one eyebrow at Stella.
<span class="mc-text">"It's a remarkable coincidence that she visits you just after I have bought a building. What with her looking for a space to hold her after school club..."</span>
Stella bites her lip slightly guiltily. <span class="stella-text">"Yes... About that. We'd kept in contact, and you were arranging to buy it just as she was messaging me about the problems she was having... I may have been a little sneaky."</span>
You laugh and then wrap your arms around Stella. <span class="mc-text">"It's alright. Now that BLC's getting better known and noticed in the community, it would be good to give a little back..."</span> You begin to put away the bagels into the bread box, leaving one out. <span class="mc-text">"You should let her know that I'm interested in the idea in principle and would like to talk to her about it."</span>
You slice open a bagel to toast it, and as you do Stella takes out her phone, presumably to text Dani. Just as the toaster pops, Stella's phone pings. As you spread some cream cheese on the bagel, Stella laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Is it OK if she comes back here?"</span>
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"Sure. When?"</span>
Stella laughs. <span class="stella-text">"In 15 minutes?"</span>
You sigh. <span class="mc-text">"Fuck it."</span> You take a bite of your bagel. <span class="mc-text">"Is she always like this?"</span> Stella nods. <span class="mc-text">"And does she know, about...?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Yeah. She knows why I got fired, and she knows all about the services you offer..."</span> You look at Stella somewhat surprised. <span class="stella-text">"You don't exactly try to keep it a secret, and people like to gossip. Besides, if you didn't hold your meetings at a place you have to be 21 to get into, she might even be one of your regular attendees."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Huh."</span> You stand up and take your plate with you. <span class="mc-text">"When she comes back, show her to my office, OK? Ask her if she wants a coffee or anything too."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"OK, $player.firstName."</span>
[[Continue|Dani Meet Finish]]About ten minutes later Stella knocks on the door, then shows Dani in. There's no coffee in her hands, but she is clutching a large pink binder.
<span class="dani-text">"Thank you so much for seeing me Mr. $player.lastName!"</span>
You gesture towards the sofa near your desk and then turn around in your swivel chair to face her.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella tells me you're looking for a space for some sort of club?"</span>
Dani nods. <span class="dani-text">"Yeah, I am. There's an afternoon club for boys, and I wanted to run one for girls. I've got some support from the City, and-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"From the City?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Yeah, Councilmember Hernandez has agreed to get some funding for me."</span> You nod. <span class="dani-text">"Anyway, I thought we should set one up for girls too. The one at the high school cuts off when you turn 18, leaving a lot of us without anywhere really to hang out... Most of us are just bored, but some of us get into some trouble and I thought it would be good to sort that out. The boys get to do boxing at that old Puerto Rican gym down Broadway, but we have nowhere to go really."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's unfair."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"It is so unfair!"</span> She sharply gestures towards you to emphasize her point. <span class="dani-text">"Thank you!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So what's your plan for this club?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"What do you mean?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Like... What will you all do?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"It depends on the space, but I'd planned to create a space where we can hang out and enjoy ourselves a little, but if it would work to, like, have an exercise class like the boys, or learn things, like maybe makeup or things, you know?"</span>
You nod.
<span class="mc-text">"How many girls do you think would turn up?"</span>
She shrugs. <span class="dani-text">"About 10-15 to start. It would mainly be my friends and friends of friends at first."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK. And how much support has the Councilmember offered?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"$5,000 a year. Which sounds a lot, but when I began looking at things didn't seem to be that much at all. But she has said she'll help out with other things, like favors, or permits, things like that. She thinks it is unfair that the only young adult club is for boys so wants to help us."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, she can be helpful..."</span> You stare off into space for a moment before focusing back on Dani. <span class="mc-text">"So what do you want from me? Just my space?"</span>
Dani nods eagerly. <span class="dani-text">"Any help you'll want to give, Mr. $player.lastName. If we could use your space from like 4 to 7 every day that would be amaaaazing."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"So, I'm OK with this in principle-"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"YAY!"</span> Dani begins to clap gently. You hold up your finger.
<span class="mc-text">"But we need to work out the terms, OK?"</span>
She smiles brightly. <span class="dani-text">"OK!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I want to help you out, but I also want to make sure that it helps my business... Stella says you know what I do?"</span>
She frowns. <span class="dani-text">"Yeah, you're the bimbo coach. Everyone knows what you do."</span>
You crack a smile. <span class="mc-text">"So if I let you use the space, I'd basically be supporting the entire thing. I'd want it to be clear that I was the main sponsor and I'd want to be involved in it, to make sure that the club is successful."</span>
She smiles brightly. <span class="dani-text">"Sure! Whatever it takes, Mr. $player.lastName. It's nothing serious, just a little fun, right?"</span>
You smile at her. <span class="mc-text">"Sure... Anyway, we will have some work to do to get the space ready. Meet me at next door tomorrow morning and we'll get started, OK?"</span>
''Meet Dani at the building next door tomorrow to start getting the place ready.
You can now see an entry for Dani in your journal.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); $bimbos.dani to clone($bimboTemplate); $bimbos.dani.bimbo to 5; $bimbos.dani.exhibitionist to 5; $bimbos.dani.slut to 5; $bimbos.dani.dayCounter to 1;>>\You arrange to meet Dani at your place before you head down to your new building. When you made the plan you had instructed her to be ready to get dirty helping you clean.
When she arrives she's wearing old grey sweatpants and a stained blue hoodie.
<span class="dani-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Dani. Let's get started?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Sure!"</span> You take her down the elevator and out and around to your building. After unlocking the front door your swing it open.
<span class="mc-text">"Ta da!"</span>
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/OwnBuildingStart.jpg" width="600">
Your voice echoes in the room. <span class="mc-text">"Think this will be suitable?"</span>
She looks around, eyeing up the room carefully but excitedly. <span class="dani-text">"It's huge! But I see what you mean about it needing some work..."</span>
All around are old paint pots, wrappers, and other trash. The floor is stained and the walls are too, not to mention the cobwebs hanging in the corners and over old pallets.
<span class="mc-text">"We should start by tidying up the trash. I'm gonna go off and get a van so I can take all this to the dump, so I want you to get all the trash moved to just here -"</span> You gesture to the spot by the garage door. <span class="mc-text">"- so that it can be loaded easily."</span>
You take a pair of gloves out of your back pocket and chuck them at her. She fails to catch them and they just bounce off her tits. She bends down to pick them up.
<span class="mc-text">"Now we don't know what's in here really, so I want you to be safe. Wear the gloves, there's a dust mask in the container office, and if you come across anything that you don't know what it is - don't touch it. OK?"</span>
She nods firmly. <span class="dani-text">"OK. I've got this. Thank you again, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
[[Go get the van|Dani Meeting Finish]]It takes you about two hours to get the van. You slowly pull into the space and see a neatly assembled pile of garbage, but no sign of Dani.
You stop the van, get out, and as you hear the engine tick and crack as it cools, you call out for her. <span class="mc-text">"Dani?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"In here Mr. $player.lastName!"</span>
You look towards where the rudimentary bathroom and kitchen are. You walk in and see Dani. Her sweatpants and hoodie are on the counter and she's wearing short red shorts and a translucent white top. You can see her nipples.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Dani/BuildingClean/Outfit.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"How's it going? All done?"</span>
She nods. <span class="dani-text">"Yep! Tired though, I was running around getting everything ready, I got so hot. I only stopped for a break like seconds before you got back, seriously."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good job... I'm just gonna go check that you got everything."</span>
You leave Dani in the kitchen and walk around. She's done a thorough job, even getting the trash that was in the back alleyway. You go back to her in the kitchen.
<span class="mc-text">"You got everything, thanks Dani. That went a lot quicker than I thought it would."</span>
Dani shrugs. <span class="dani-text">"Never get a man to do a woman's job."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"I don't think cleaning is just a woman's job, you know."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"No, but picking up after men who don't pick up after themselves is."</span> You laugh harder and Dani giggles.
Once you both stop laughing you raise your eyebrows and jerk your head in the direction of the van. <span class="mc-text">"Shall we?"</span>
She shakes her head. <span class="dani-text">"Just five minutes? I really did only just stop, I promise."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, OK."</span> You sit down but Dani stays standing.
<span class="dani-text">"Next I'll have to clean in here, and the bathroom... Eww. The bathroom. That will need A LOT of work. And the office too, but..."</span> She shrugs. <span class="dani-text">"That can wait I guess. But the space is cool. Really cool. Thank you again for letting me use it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course Dani, it's time that I started giving back to the community."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Or at least the younger people. It's stupid that you hold your bimbo meetings in a bar, that means only over-21s can go."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'd never really thought about it that way... Would you and your friends want to be able to attend Bimbo Life Coaching?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Totally! Well, I mean, I would. And I know a few of my friends would. Everyone talks about it and it seems pretty cool, you know?"</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"I'll think about it... Anyway! Back to work!"</span>
Dani makes a groaning sound, but still chats happily as the two of you load the van.
She comes with you to the dump, but she changes back into her sweatpants and hoodie before you leave.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(10); AddEvent("Dani", "DaniMeeting"); $bimbos.dani.bimbo += 5; $bimbos.dani.dayCounter to 1;>>\You walk through the front door of your building.
<span class="dani-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName!"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Dani/MeetingDesigners/Dani.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, Dani. You're here early."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Had some ideas last night. I got excited and wanted to get a head start on cleaning again."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Ideas?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Oh you know, just things we could use the space for; girly things."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh."</span> You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Well things are coming along nicely. I think it's about time to start the layout."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Dani/MeetingDesigners/Building.jpg" height="600">
<span class="dani-text">"Oh! I wanted to show you something."</span> Dani walks over to the corner and motions for you to follow her. <span class="dani-text">"I think this space would be an amazing spot for a meeting room, you could even hold your business meetings in here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's a good idea Dani, thanks."</span>
You walk back toward the open area of the building.
<span class="mc-text">"I think that's most of the cleaning for now, Dani. I'm going to have to get contractors and designers in here to finish up the rest. Can you lock up when you leave? I'm going to head downtown."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Sure thing Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
[[Head to the designer and contracting office|Designers]]You catch the train downtown and start walking to the contracting and business design building. <span class="mc-text">Why are so many people out here? Does nobody work?</span>
You arrive at the designer office warehouse and walk inside.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Dani/MeetingDesigners/DesignersOffice.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Hello. Do you have an appointment?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh sorry, I do not."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"No problem. How can we help you today?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I am renovating a building, well, industrial office space. I would like help designing it to be efficient and modern."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Absolutely! Let me see if any of our designers are available. Just a moment."</span> She pulls out her IPad and starts checking some screens. <span class="minor-text">"Looks like there are two different designers available, Kira or Elle. Would you like me to contact one for you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure. Umm, do either of them have specialties?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I wouldn't say specialties, however you can check out their credentials on the wall behind you if you'd like. Also, I am terribly sorry, I did not catch your name?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"$player.firstName $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Just let me know who you'd like to speak to and I'll set up an appointment."</span>
[[Check the wall|Designers Choose]]You look over at the wall with pictures and credentials of the employees.
[[Look at Elle's photo|Elle Photo]]
[[Look at Kira's photo|Kira Photo]]
<span class="minor-text">"Either one fit your needs sir?"</span>
''This is a major storyline choice.
Depending on which designer you choose your encounters and building style may change.''
[[Pick Elle|Designer Finish][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Pick Kira|Designer Finish][$passageRoute to 2]]<img src="Images/NPCs/Elle/ElleBio.jpg" width= "400" height="600">
[[Look at Kira's credentials|Kira Photo]]
[[Back|Designers Choose]]<img src="Images/NPCs/Kira/KiraBio.jpg" width= "350" height="600">
[[Look at Elle's credentials|Elle Photo]]
[[Back|Designers Choose]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<set $npcs.elle to clone($minorTemplate)>>\
The girl at the desk shows you to Elle's office.
<span class="minor-text">"Elle?"</span>
<span class="elle-text">"Yes?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"A Mr. $player.lastName would like to speak to you about some remodeling."</span>
<span class="elle-text">"Absolutely, have a seat."</span>
You walk into her office, it looks modern and well kept. You sit down and she closes the app on her computer.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Elle/Meet.jpg" height="600">
<span class="elle-text">"How can I help you Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I would like help with the design of a building I recently acquired. It will be used as a social club and meeting place."</span>
<span class="elle-text">"Great! We can absolutely help with that. What is the ultimate goal here?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'd like it to be modern and welcoming, a nice place to hang out and spend time."</span>
<span class="elle-text">"OK, we can definitely do that. Do you have pictures and specs of the building? I'd also like to come take a look myself. Say, tomorrow?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I do have a few pictures, though some are older before we did a large cleanup."</span> You show her the pictures.
<span class="elle-text">"Sure, looks like a decently open space. I do have some preferred contractors we like to use. That is, if you want walls, electrics and the like run through the building."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Unfortunately, Yes I will need help with that too."</span> You laugh.
Elle chuckles a bit. <span class="elle-text">"It's no problem Mr. $player.lastName. Let's setup a time for tomorrow, say 9am? Also, I'll have a contractor come with me as well."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Perfect. Thank you for your time."</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $npcs.kira to clone($minorTemplate)>>\
The girl at the desk shows you to Kira's office.
<span class="minor-text">"Kira?"</span>
<span class="kira-text">"Yes?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"A Mr. $player.lastName would like to speak to you about some remodeling."</span>
<span class="kira-text">"Great! Come on in and have a seat."</span>
You walk into her office, it looks modern and but a little messy. You sit down and Kira is digging through her desk looking for something.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Kira/Meet.jpg" width="600">
<span class="kira-text">"How can I help you Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I would like help with the design of a building I recently acquired. It will be used as a social club and meeting place."</span>
<span class="kira-text">"Excellent!"</span> Kira scribbles on a notepad.
<span class="mc-text">"I'd like it to be modern and welcoming, a nice place to hang out and spend time."</span>
<span class="kira-text">"What kind of theme would you like?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Classy, Modern; welcoming to women."</span>
<span class="kira-text">"Sure. Will we need any walls, electrics, plumbing run through the building?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Unfortunately, Yes. </span>
<span class="kira-text">"It's no problem Mr. $player.lastName. Let's setup a time for tomorrow to take a look, say 9am? I'll have a contractor come with me as well."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Perfect. Thank you for your time."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Dani", "Cleaning"); $bimbos.dani.dayCounter to 1;>>\You walk into BLC and realize you have not called Dani to go over her new job. Now seems to be the perfect opportunity and you pick up your phone.
<span class="dani-text">"Hey $player.firstName. What's up?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, sorry I kinda dropped the ball. Any chance you've got some time to go over your employment opportunity here at BLC?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Yeah, I can right now. I just got out of class."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Great. Head on over."</span>
It only takes Dani twenty minutes to arrive, wearing a cute sweater and carrying a pink bag.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Dani/BLCJob/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="dani-text">"Hey $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hello Dani, shall we begin?"</span>
Dani puts her bag down on the table and takes a seat.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Dani/BLCJob/2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Cute bag by the way."</span>
Dani smiles. <span class="dani-text">"Thanks."</span>
There are quite a few topics to go over, from employment paperwork to the digital management system. Despite it all, Dani gets the hang of it rather quickly. After the hour mark Dani starts looking rather tired, so you decide to call it quits for the day.
<span class="mc-text">"I think that's all for today Dani, thanks for coming by. You sure you still want to do this?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Absolutely, and I need the money."</span> You both laugh. <span class="dani-text">"Do you mind if I just hang out and finish up some homework?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh absolutely, I'm going to do some office work upstairs. Feel free to stay as long as you need. You are an employee now after all."</span>
You head upstairs to your office, another hour quickly passing.
[[Check on Dani|Dani BLC Job Training Finish]]After finishing up you head down to check on Dani.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Dani/BLCJob/3.jpg" width="600">
She is passed out on the table with her books. You decide to let her sleep, so you place a key on the table and head home.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Dani", "BLCEmployeeStart"); $bimbos.dani.dayCounter to 1;>>\You arrange to meet Elaine at her apartment. You're surprised that she is free at this time, but you have a feeling that Elaine has reached the stage in her career where others adjust their schedule to hers and not the other way around.
<img src="Images/Locations/ElaineApartment.jpg" width="600">
You've been to Elaine's apartment once before and you must admit that you were impressed. After yours it is the largest in the building, and though you find white leather and stainless steel too austere for your tastes, you must admit that it is very well done.
<span class="elaine-text">"Hello, $player.firstName. Good to see you. Come in."</span> She walks you in and brings you to the kitchen. <span class="elaine-text">"Coffee?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, please. How are you Elaine?"</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Good, good-"</span> Before she can start making coffee her phone rings. She picks it up.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Apartment.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="elaine-text">"Elaine... OK... OK... That isn't quite what we agreed, but OK... No... Check in with Sanjay but circle back to me."</span> She puts her phone back and looks at you, flashing you a perfunctory smile. <span class="elaine-text">"Did you say yes to the coffee?"</span>
You answer, <span class="mc-text">"Yes,"</span> but she has already switched on the prepped drip machine before you answer.
<span class="elaine-text">"So, $player.firstName. I think I can guess what it is that you want to talk to me about."</span>
You nod, and gesture towards one of the stools at the kitchen counter. She gestures to it, and you sit down. <span class="mc-text">"I wanted to find out how you are feeling about Rupert's attempts to rezone the building in order to end the exercise sessions being held at my house."</span>
Elaine looks you dead in the eye, a fierce gaze all the more ominous by the sound of the gargling coffee machine. <span class="elaine-text">"I am not exactly neutral, but I am, shall we say, ambivalent. You see, on the one hand I don't exactly view your exercise classes as an issue. They don't affect me, and should they affect me or the building we can merely recoup the cost of any damage from you. But, on the other hand, I am worried that tolerating this could be the thin end of the wedge. A small weekly exercise session might not be a problem, but what if you - or others - begin to engage in more disruptive commercial work?"</span>
[[Continue|Elaine Visit Talk]]<span class="mc-text">"I appreciate that. I can assure you that it isn't my plan to-"</span>
Elaine cuts across you. <span class="elaine-text">"I'm sure you are a very trustworthy man, but I don't trust anything that I can't hold you to. At the moment, due to the current situation, all we can really do is hope you don't cause any issues and then recover damages if you do. So, as I said, I am not exactly neutral."</span>
The coffee finishes, in a last eruption of steam and noise. Elaine turns her back on you to pour two cups, and passes it to you black, without asking whether you want milk.
<span class="mc-text">"What could be done to assuage your concerns?"</span>
You see a glint in her eye and she smiles slightly through pursed lips. <span class="elaine-text">"You know the commercial space we attached to the building?"</span> Attached to the building is what used to be a loading dock. When the warehouse was converted into apartments, the loading dock was converted into a retail space.
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, the one that used to have the art shop in it. What about it?"</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"It has been put up for sale. The board, in their wisdom, has not seen fit to decide to purchase it. Should the purchaser come from within the building, I am sure that that person would be able to arrange to allow for a mix of uses across both of their properties."</span>
You look at her thoughtfully and she continues. <span class="elaine-text">"From my perspective, that would resolve any issues I have. On balance I am more worried about what happens next door than what happens in your apartment. As far as I am concerned what you do there is your business as long as you don't open a mechanics' garage, which is more than can be said for next door."</span>
You say nothing but Elaine continues once again. <span class="elaine-text">"Think it over."</span> She smiles, and puts both her hands on the kitchen counter. Her voice is immediately lighter, and you sense that the business meeting is over. You expect to be dismissed, coffee barely finished, but she stands. <span class="elaine-text">"Let's sit on the sofa."</span>
You follow Elaine to her living area, and try to pick the most comfortable looking of the armchairs.
[[Continue|Elaine Visit Finish]]<span class="elaine-text">"So, tell me about your business and what role these exercise sessions play in it."</span>
If this is what passes for Elaine's attempt at pleasant chit chat, you think you know why she has been divorced and single for so long, but you decide to make nice. <span class="mc-text">"So, as you know, I am the coach at Bimbo Life Coaching."</span>
She responds to that in a very matter of fact way. <span class="elaine-text">"Turning young women into slutty airheads."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Not just young women, my first client was older."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Oh? How old? Was she my age?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I don't think she is in her 20s, no."</span> Elaine snorts at your lame joke.
<<if $bimbos.stella.transformLevel is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I've got a picture of her here."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Charlotte/HouseBimbo.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"And this is what she looked like before..."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stat1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="elaine-text">"Oh my."</span> She holds your gaze, evaluating you.
You see Elaine's eyes dip away from you for a moment, but she quickly looks back at you. <span class="elaine-text">"Good to see you are an equal opportunity coacher."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The exercise classes, though, play two roles. First, and really most importantly, they help some of the less athletic trainee bimbos become fitter. More than a few women who attend are not only on the larger side, but are unhappy with that."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Aren't bimbos all flat stomachs and thin legs?"</span> She takes a sip of her coffee and you're surprised that you are having such a businesslike discussion about this with Elaine.
<span class="mc-text">"No, not at all. Or, well... Most are, you are right, but there are some who embrace their larger physiques. The issue isn't so much what you look like, as how you feel about it. At its core being a bimbo is about joy, both living it and bringing it to others. It is hard to be joyful if you hate what you see in the mirror."</span>
Elaine nods, and seems to be taking it seriously. <span class="elaine-text">"And the other purpose?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Bonding, really. The women who attend the session are effectively the inner core of the group, the ones who have started to make friends with each other and really embrace the philosophy."</span>
Elaine sighs. <span class="elaine-text">"I wish I had the time to work out properly. Or, more accurately, I wish I had the discipline to exercise alone or the flexibility to get training when it fits my work schedule."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Perhaps you could attend these sessions?"</span>
Elaine laughs for the first time since you arrived. <span class="elaine-text">"I don't think so, but I appreciate the offer!"</span> She shakes her head slowly. <span class="elaine-text">"No, no, I don't think that's for me, but I know you were only joking anyway."</span>
You finish your coffee and Elaine lifts her chin ever so slightly. <span class="elaine-text">"Well, $player.firstName. I have to be in the city soon, so..."</span>
You get up and wish Elaine goodbye, but as you walk back to your apartment her comment about exercising sticks in your head.
''Next time Stacy comes to teach her class, ask her about helping Elaine get fit.
If you buy the commercial space, Elaine will back you on the board. It costs $700,000. You can pay this in cash, or you can put down a deposit of $140,000 and pay $2,600 a month for a mortgage.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Elaine", "Visit");>>\<span class="mc-text">Hello Elaine -
I was just e-mailing to let you know that the trainer I am friends with, Stacy, has offered to give you free personal training at your apartment if you are interested. I've CC'd her in if you are interested, I know that you had said that it's difficult to do this on your schedule, but now that there is a personal trainer close at hand I thought it might be something you would like!
- $player.firstName</span>
You don't receive a response until later that evening, from Elaine.
<span class="elaine-text">Thanks so much for this! We've arranged to meet three times a week, at various times when I know I will be home.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession1"); $bimbos.elaine.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="stacy-text">Yo!
This Elaine woman is actually pretty bad-ass. She's some doctor over at Woodhull, cutting people up and shit. She's also pretty fit already, don't know why she was complaining about it but whatever.
I took a photo for you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Workout.jpg" height="600">
See? I am actually coaching her.</span>
You e-mail Stacy back thanking her again, and wonder how Elaine is liking it.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession2"); $bimbos.elaine.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="stacy-text">You know, I'm starting to like Elaine a lot. She's actually pretty cool, though she seems a little lonely.
Like, after our session on Wednesday she asked me to stay for a drink. I had a chance to hang around her house and I realized that it's barely lived in, she's the only person ever there. It's like... I dunno... A show-home.
I feel a bit sorry for her.</span>
You're glad that Stacy and Elaine are getting along, and you wonder whether Stacy getting close to Elaine will work out well for you.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession3"); $bimbos.elaine.dayCounter to 7;>>\You see an e-mail that Elaine had sent late last night.
<span class="elaine-text">What is your availability for you to come over to my apartment? I wanted to talk with you again.</span>
You shoot off a quick reply.
<span class="mc-text">Any time after 6pm.</span>
Later, when you are doing some tidying up, you hear a ding.
<span class="elaine-text">See you one evening this week then.</span>
''Visit Elaine one evening this week to talk with her.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession4")>>\When you're done with your day you decide that it's the right time to drop in on Elaine and see what she wanted to talk about. You take the stairs down to her apartment and buzz.
<span class="elaine-text">"Who is it?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"$player.firstName, from upstairs."</span>
You hear her trot towards the door, which soon swings open.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Meeting.jpg" height="600">
<span class="elaine-text">"Hi $player.firstName! Thanks for coming over. Sorry the place is a mess but I only just got back from work."</span>
You look at her house and see that everything is immaculate.
<span class="mc-text">"No worries. What did you want to talk about?"</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"That can wait a minute. Do you want anything? A glass of wine?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Only if you're having one."</span> You follow her into the kitchen where she uncorks a bottle of red and pours two glasses. <span class="mc-text">"How's the training with Stacy going?"</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Oh my God, it's going so well, though she is a tough trainer. I've really been working my little tushy off."</span> Elaine laughs and hands you one of the glasses. She holds it up, then clinks it.
<span class="elaine-text">"She's also been doing a good job persuading me of your... Skills, shall we say."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Stacy can be quite straightforward."</span>
Elaine lets out a single 'HA'. <span class="elaine-text">"That's one word for it... But, I suppose I am coming over to the idea of having your services be more firmly established in the building. Have you given more thought to buying the building next door?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"To tell the truth, no. It's just a little outside of my budget."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"I thought so. I had a business proposition for you, if you are interested."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh?"</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"We can work out the exact details, but I propose that we partner up to buy the building next door. I own half, you own half. I would want BLC to pay rent for operating in the space, but it would save you money up front. What do you say in principle?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"In principle, I say it depends on the details."</span>
Elaine laughs, but seems a little impressed at your response, and you two spend the next half hour haggling out the rough numbers for any such agreement. Elaine isn't pushing the negotiation too hard, and at the end you settle on a weekly rental payment of $325 to her. Doing the math once you are back home, that means you will have to put $70,000 down and pay another $325 a week for the mortgage.
''You now have a new option for buying the building next door.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); RemoveEvent("Elaine", "GymPay"); AddEvent("Elaine", "PartnerTalk");>>\You've spent the afternoon in your office with Elaine, pouring over the finances and structure of Bimbo Life Coaching.
<span class="mc-text">"It isn't too difficult. Fortunately our books are in fairly good state right now."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"I must say $player.firstName, I am impressed by how well you have managed the business side of things."</span>
Elaine leans in closer, ostensibly to take a better look at some documents, but giving you a good look at her cleavage. Catching your eye, she gives you a cheeky smile.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Office/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="elaine-text">"Something interesting?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Perhaps, but I realize not everyone finds statistics sexy. Although maybe it's not the numbers that are interesting."</span>
Elaine chuckles. <span class="elaine-text">"Do the others fall for those lines?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No. But it's still fun."</span>
You look at Elaine's half-exposed chest again. Without looking at you, she leans forward again, her shirt pulling to the side and exposing her bra. Remembering what she said at the opening, you bring up the topic.
<span class="mc-text">"It's a little strange."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You. You're acting... different. I like it, but it's so different from what you were like before."</span>
Elaine stares at you for a couple of seconds. <span class="elaine-text">"Assuming you knew what I was like before."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Care to enlighten me?"</span> You point at her chest. <span class="mc-text">"You did say you would tell me the story with those."</span>
[[Learn about Elaine|Elaine Office Backstory]]Elaine stands up and leans against the desk.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Office/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="elaine-text">"I know I seem very serious now. But in college I was a bit more... wild. Some of the things I got up to, I could teach these bimbos."</span>
You are surprised by this, but don't interrupt.
<span class="elaine-text">"It was a very different time for me, I even did a bit of modelling. That's why I got these."</span> Elaine gestures at her chest. <span class="elaine-text">"Not that I've shown them off much these last years. I used to get them out all the time."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Office/Young.jpg" height="600">
<span class="elaine-text">"I wasn't a bimbo like your girls, but in my own way I was Elaine the slutty college girl. And I loved it. Eventually I had to concentrate on my career however, and that life was put aside."</span>
Elaine looks at you with passionate determination.
<span class="elaine-text">"Now all of this has happened, and I realize I miss being that girl from college; it's part of who I am. Don't misunderstand me. I do like being the respected businesswoman of this enterprise."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"But you also want to be slutty VP of the enterprise."</span> You finish.
Elaine blushes a little. <span class="elaine-text">"Yes."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Elaine, you are whoever you want to be. You know you'll fit right in here. You could attend sessions if you want."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Thanks $player.firstName."</span>
You sit down again and begin putting everything away.
<span class="mc-text">"I can clean up. You don't need to stay."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"OK. I might use the kitchen before I leave."</span>
You look up to respond.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Office/3.jpg" width="600">
<span class="elaine-text">"Surprised? Don't you know we sluts love getting our tits out."</span>
Elaine exits your office with laughter trailing after her, as you sit there still processing this new force of nature, or sexuality, that has entered your life.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Elaine", "OfficeMeeting");>>\Looking around the room, you are quite surprised at who is sitting near the back.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Meetings/MeetingEvent.jpg" height="600">
Elaine seems to be concentrating intently on the meeting, gazing around the room whilst scribbling in a notebook. Once the meeting is over, you walk toward her seat.
<span class="mc-text">"Working or just enjoying the meeting?"</span>
She looks up and smiles.
<span class="elaine-text">"I thought it would be a good idea to attend a few meetings. Get a feel for how things work."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And?"</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"It's quite a good setup. Inclusive, and easy for beginners. I have some ideas for things to improve, but all in due course."</span> She looks down at her notes. <span class="elaine-text">"I haven't paid much attention to the content so far. I might read over your notes before next session; get an idea of what I'm listening to."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Just don't work yourself too hard."</span> You grin. <span class="mc-text">"Can't have BLC staff being stressed out."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Meetings/MeetingEvent2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="elaine-text">"Me? Never!"</span>
''Elaine is now more of a bimbo.
Elaine is now more of a slut.
Elaine is now more of an exhibitionist.
''You can now find Elaine at various BLC events.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Elaine", "BimboPath"); $bimbos.elaine.bimbo to 16; $bimbos.elaine.slut to 16; $bimbos.elaine.exhibitionist to 16;>>\<<set _sceneChoice to random(1, 3)>>\
Elaine has decided to attend again this week.
<<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "MeetingsSpecial")>>\
<<switch _sceneChoice>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<switch _sceneChoice>>\
<<case 1>>\
She seems different today. Less focussed on the content of the meeting and more on the women attending. Their reactions and participation.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Meetings/Meeting1.jpg" width="600">
All part of the job of business research you're sure.
<<case 2>>\
She is furiously scribbling in her notebook. Always the workaholic, despite her words about enjoying more of life.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Meetings/Meeting2.jpg" width="600">
You make a note to talk to her about it some time. See what ideas she has come up with.
<<case 3>>\
She is spending her time this meeting helping to set up and pack away the various equipment used.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Meetings/Meeting3.jpg" height="600">
<<if $bimbos.elaine.bimbo lt 30>>\
<<set $bimbos.elaine.bimbo += 2>>\
''Elaine is now much more of a bimbo.''
''This is as much of a bimbo Elaine can become this update.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><<set _sceneChoice to random(1, 3)>>\
Elaine has decided to attend again this week.
<<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "GymNaked")>>\
<<switch _sceneChoice>>\
<<case 1>>\
She looks quite dedicated today. So in the zone she doesn't even see you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Gym/ExerciseNaked1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
That is a sight you would never get tired of.
<<case 2>>\
She stops her workout as soon as she notices you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Gym/ExerciseNaked2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You spend a good while chatting about how well Stacy is going, before you leave so she can get back to her routine.
<<case 3>>\
She is currently running on treadmill chatting to one of the other girls.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Gym/ExerciseNaked3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
It would be rude to interrupt their conversion, so you decide to leave.
<<if $bimbos.elaine.exhibitionist lt 36>>\
<<set $bimbos.elaine.exhibitionist += 2>>\
''Elaine is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''This is as much of an exhibitionist Elaine can become this update.''
<<switch _sceneChoice>>\
<<case 1>>\
She is entirely focussed on her training.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Gym/Exercise1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Despite how good she looks, it would be best not to interrupt her.
<<case 2>>\
She is dedicating the day to doing some strength training.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Gym/Exercise2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You spend some time chatting before letting her get back to it.
<<case 3>>\
It appears to be yoga day at this session.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Gym/Exercise3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Better leave before she catches you staring; or was that her goal?
<<if $bimbos.elaine.exhibitionist lt 30>>\
<<set $bimbos.elaine.exhibitionist += 2>>\
''Elaine is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>Stacy's workouts are as popular as ever.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You also spy Elaine near the back.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Gym/NakedEvent.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="elaine-text">"Coming to join us $player.firstName?"</span>
You pause. This might be the first time you have seen her naked. She looks at you questioningly for a few seconds, before looking down at her chest.
<span class="elaine-text">"Oh. I guess this is a first for you."</span> She chuckles.
<span class="mc-text">"It's unexpected to say the least."</span>
[[Sit opposite Elaine|Elaine BLC Gym Naked 2]]<span class="elaine-text">"I like the extra freedom when exercising."</span>
To think, this is the same woman who was the most serious and career-oriented of all the homeowner's board. Now here she is, chatting with you naked with no concern.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sure Stacy is happy with this little bit of progress."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Gym/ExerciseNaked2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Elaine chuckles. <span class="elaine-text">"She was surprised. And more than a little excited I suspect. I think I'm a little victory for her; the uptight doctor turned gym slut."</span>
You chuckle is response. <span class="mc-text">"That does sound like Stacy."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"You should come by more often. Do a routine with us."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I might have to do just that."</span>
With that you leave Elaine to finish her exercises.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Elaine", "GymNaked"); $bimbos.elaine.dayCounter to 7;>>\Elaine has decided, as your resident medical expert, to give all your employees a checkup. She has booked you in for 1pm. You wait patiently in the common area, having given over your office for her use.
<span class="elaine-text">"$player.firstName!"</span>
It's your turn.
[[Enter your office|Elaine BLC Medical 2]]She is standing in front of the desk sorting some equipment.
<span class="elaine-text">"Please sit down."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Medical/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="elaine-text">"We will be doing a basic checkup today."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sounds good."</span>
Elaine begins with some minor tests; blood pressure, eyes and ears, reflexes. Her demeanor calm and professional, more like the doctor you first met than the VP of late. The whole thing takes about thirty minutes.
<<if $player.fitness gte 50>>\
<span class="elaine-text">"Everything is fine. You appear to be in perfect health."</span>
<<elseif $player.fitness gte 36>>\
<span class="elaine-text">"Everything is fine. You appear to be in very good health."</span>
<<elseif $player.fitness gte 26>>\
<span class="elaine-text">"Everything is OK. You appear to be in good health."</span>
<<elseif $player.fitness gte 16>>\
<span class="elaine-text">"Everything is OK. Although it could be better."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Everything is OK. Although I do recommend you get more exercise."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So we're finished?"</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Yes that should be the end."</span> She gives you a smirk. <span class="elaine-text">"Unless we need to check your stress levels."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Medical/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[You're always up for some stress relief|Elaine BLC Medical 3]]<span class="elaine-text">"The procedure is very straightforward."</span> She purrs, approaching you. <span class="elaine-text">"I just need to examine the affected areas first."</span>
Crouching down, Elaine pulls down your pants.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Medical/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="elaine-text">"Mmm. Yes; I know just what to do."</span>
Elaine leans forward and starts licking your cock. The feeling is intense.
<span class="elaine-text">"You just stay there and let me take care of this."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes ma'am."</span>
[[Enjoy the blowjob|Elaine BLC Medical 4]]You stare in wonder as Elaine, known to most as the no-nonsense professional doctor, eagerly sucks your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Medical/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="elaine-text">"Does that feel better?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"God yes!"</span>
She continues, bobbing her head to go as deep as possible. You feel your muscles tightening.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm going to cum!"</span>
Elaine pull her head back and sticks out her tongue.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/BLC/Medical/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="elaine-text">"Good boy. It's bad to hold it in you know."</span>
You stand there for a second before bursting out laughing. A second later she joins you.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Elaine", "Blowjob"); $bimbos.elaine.slut += 5; $bimbos.elaine.dayCounter to 7;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You notice Elle with some clients down the bustling city street. Finishing up with them as you approach, she turns and looks at you with a somewhat shocked look.
<span class="elle-text">"$player.firstName? Hi! Long time no see."</span>
Elle gives you a light hug, and you begin to chat about your lives; Elle, busy with her real estate career, and you, busy with Bimbo Life Coach. You make a joke that Elle should attend one of your sessions; for free of course. Instead of laughing, Elle listens intrigued as you share the finer details of your unconventional business. You explain that the theory is about embracing and celebrating all facets of one's personality and abilities, not just focusing on traditional concepts of yourself and society.
<span class="mc-text">"It's not about changing who you are, It's about exploring different aspects of yourself. Understanding your unique strengths, and most importantly, embracing the idea that intelligence and empowerment comes in many forms."</span>
Elle hesitates for a moment, yet something about your enthusiastic pitch has drawn her in. She agrees to head to your place for a quick sit down and discuss it more. Perhaps she has a feeling it might provide a refreshing change of pace from her daily routine, despite the reservations still present in her body language.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Elle/TrainingBegin/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Continue at your home|Elle Training Begin][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Upon arriving, you pour two glasses of wine and continue to discuss the ideals and principles of Bimboism and your philosiphy of Bimbo Life Coach.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Elle/TrainingBegin/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Elle finds herself reflecting on her life and acknowledging that the pursuit of self-acceptance was equally important to her as professional success.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Elle/TrainingBegin/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Elle gives you a concerned look. <span class="elle-text">"I'm not sure this is all for me. Like, it seems nearly too good to be true. I don't think everything is really that simple."</span>
You lean forward. <span class="mc-text">"It really is."</span>
Elle lets go of herself for a moment and kisses you deeply.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Elle/TrainingBegin/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Stop Elle and tell her that you'd like to continue working with her|Elle Training Begin][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[Continue to have sex with Elle|Elle Training Begin][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You slowly run your hand down Elle's cheek.
<span class="mc-text">"Listen Elle; You're beautiful, talented, and clearly a business driven woman. I think we should setup a meeting in the future so that we can get to know each other. I'd love the opportunity to show you what my business is about."</span>
Elle composes herself for a moment. <span class="Elle-text">"Sorry about all that. I guess it was the wine talking there."</span> She pulls down on her dress and composes herself once again. <span class="Elle-text">"I really should get going, thanks for the chat."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Wait..."</span>
<span class="Elle-text">"I'll call you later."</span> Elle yells out as she walks out the front door.
You made the situation awkward. Only time will tell if Elle warms back up to you.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Elle", "TrainingBegin"); $npcs.elle.dayCounter to 7;>>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
You run your hands over Elle's breasts. <span class="mc-text">"You are absolutely beautiful."</span> You whisper into her ear.
Elle breathes in deeply and runs her hand over your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Elle/TrainingBegin/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As Elle begins to suck your cock, you grab her hair, holding it in a ponytail above her head. You slowly begin applying pressure as she swallows you further. Elle begins to gag as you push down on her neck, your cock now pressing against the back of her throat.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Elle/TrainingBegin/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="Elle-text">"MMmmm."</span> Elle lets out a small moan.
She pulls your cock out of her mouth giving a popping sound as the pressure releases. You stand up and pull down your pants. Looking down at Elle, you grab her hand and pull her toward the bedroom.
[[Continue in the bedroom|Elle Training Begin][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
Elle pushes you back onto the bed. <span class="Elle-text">"Sit."</span> She commands.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Elle/TrainingBegin/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="Elle-text">"So."</span> Elle licks the base of your cock.<span class="Elle-text">"Who sucks better; your bimbo girls, Or me?"</span> She squeezes your cock and giggles.
<span class="mc-text">"It's hard to say."</span>
She squeezes tighter. <span class="Elle-text">"Oh really?"</span>
Elle looks into your eyes, sits up, and puts her hair into a ponytail.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Elle/TrainingBegin/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Elle goes to work.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Elle/TrainingBegin/9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You clench your legs as Elle tries swallow your entire cock.
<span class="Elle-text">"UgghGahhhhh."</span> Elle pulls her head off your cock taking a deep breath. <span class="Elle-text">"Mmmm, fuck me Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
[[Fuck Elle|Elle Training Begin][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
You press your cock against Elle; she squirms, rubbing her pussy against you.
<span class="elle-text">"Oh!"</span>
Elle squeels as you push your cock into her. You push deeper. Elle leans further on her arms and starts pushing back against you.
<span class="elle-text">"Fuck."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Elle/TrainingBegin/10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Elle joins your rythmn as you slowly push your cock into her.
<span class="elle-text">"Fuck. You... god you feel good."</span>
Elle is getting into it more and more. After a few moments she starts pushing back onto your cock herself, forcing it deeper. You start feeling her ass cheeks bounce against your thighs. Elle leans forward, pulling your cock out of her. She looks back smiling and guides you onto the bed and climbs on top of you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Elle/TrainingBegin/11.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck."</span> You clench your legs and grab Elle's hips as she slams herself down as far as she can while you begin to cum.
Elle rolls over next to you and takes a few deep breaths.
<span class="elle-text">"That was amazing. But I really should go."</span>
Elle stands up and starts putting her dress back on.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Elle", "TrainingBegin"); AddEvent("Elle", "TrainingBeginSex"); $npcs.elle.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $bimbos.hang?.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if $bimbos.hang.photography gte 3>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Hang", "PornProfile")>>\
[[Talk to Hang about the photography|Hang Porn Profile]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "PornTalk")>>\
[[Talk to Hang about her profile|Hang Porn Talk]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "PornTalk2")>>\
[[Hang is talking with Charlotte|Hang Porn Talk 2]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "LesbianPorn") and GameDayIs("Saturday") and BetweenTime(8, 16)>>\
[[Help Hang get ready for shoot|Hang Lesbian Porn]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "PornResult")>>\
[[See if Hang wants to do a shoot|Hang Porn Blowjob]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "PornThreesome")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
[[See if Hang wants to do another video|Hang Porn Charlotte]]
[[See if Hang wants to do another video|Hang Porn Stacy]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "Photography")>>\
[[You want to spend more time with Hang|Hang Photoshoot 1]]
<</if>>\It's been a while since you've done anything fun with Hang, and you've had a great idea; get Hang to take some sexy photos. You grab your camera and walk to Hang's room. She's sprawled out across her bed, looking sexy as ever. You snap a picture.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/1/1.jpg" width="600">
Hang looks back at you unamused.
<span class="hang-text">"Uhm, what are you doing?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Taking pictures."</span>
Hang scrambles towards you across the bed. You snap another photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/1/2.jpg" width="600">
Hang grabs the camera and puts it down. She pulls you onto the bed, looks up at you smiling, and pulls down your pants.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/1/3.jpg" width="600">
Hang keeps smiling up at you as she begins to suck your cock. God her mouth is amazing.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/1/4.jpg" width="600">
''Hang is now more of an exhibitionist.
Hang is now more of a slut.''
[[Continue|Hang Photoshoot 1 Finish]]Hang makes you cum hard, then licks up every drop. You grab the camera and ask her for just one photo.
<span class="hang-text">"Fine, one."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Over by the mirror?"</span>
Hang crawls over to the mirror and takes off her top, looking back at you. Perfect; you snap a photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/1/5.jpg" width="600">
Hang hops up and pushes you out of the room as she puts her top back on.
<span class="hang-text">"Out."</span>
Hang closes the door behind you.
''You can now take photographs with Hang at your studio.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Hang", "Photography"); $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1; $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.hang.slut += 1; $bimbos.hang.photography to 1;>>\Now that Hang has done a bit of photo modelling, it would be a good idea to create an online profile. It would be a great promotional move, and could even turn out to be profitable. You decide to talk to Hang about it; finding her in your bedroom.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, I wanted to talk to you about making a profile."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"A profile?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, a web profile for your videos. Then we can see comments, requests, feedback and the like. You never know, it could turn out great. We just need a profile picture to start."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Sure, why not."</span>
You and Hang spend a few hours on a photo session. Now the decision is, which one do the two of you choose?
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Profile/1.jpg" height="600">
[[Pick Profile Picture 1|Hang Porn Profile Choice][$passageRoute to 1]]
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Profile/2.jpg" height="600">
[[Pick Profile Picture 2|Hang Porn Profile Choice][$passageRoute to 2]]
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Profile/3.jpg" width="600">
[[Pick Profile Picture 3|Hang Porn Profile Choice][$passageRoute to 3]]
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Profile/4.jpg" height="600">
[[Pick Profile Picture 4|Hang Porn Profile Choice][$passageRoute to 4]]
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Profile/5.jpg" height="600">
[[Pick Profile Picture 5|Hang Porn Profile Choice][$passageRoute to 5]]
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Profile/6.jpg" height="600">
[[Pick Profile Picture 6|Hang Porn Profile Choice][$passageRoute to 6]]You Selected -
<<switch $passageRoute>>\
<<case 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Profile/1.jpg" height="600">
<<case 2>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Profile/2.jpg" height="600">
<<case 3>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Profile/3.jpg" width="600">
<<case 4>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Profile/4.jpg" height="600">
<<case 5>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Profile/5.jpg" height="600">
<<case 6>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Profile/6.jpg" height="600">
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Hang", "PornProfile"); $bimbos.hang.profileImage to $passageRoute; $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 7;>>\As you mill about the house Hang is laying on the sofa reading a magazine. As you walk over she puts it down and looks up at you.
<span class="hang-text">"Good morning."</span> Hang smiles at you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Talk/1.jpg" width="600">
Hang, as always, looks stunning. She's perfect.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"OK."</span> Hang sits up.
<span class="mc-text">"What do you think of your profile? Do you want to start uploading those photos to it?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Uhm."</span>
You wonder if she's into it or not.
<span class="hang-text">"It could be fun. I mean I don't mind publishing photos of myself and I think they turned out well."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I agree, you look beautiful."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I don't know about that."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You do, and I think you'll be one of the most popular girls out there."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"OK, sure."</span> Hang giggles and goes back to reading her magazine. She looks up at you again. <span class="hang-text">"Thanks $player.firstName."</span>
You head back to your room to work a bit on Hang's profile page.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Hang", "PornTalk"); $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 7;>>\You walk through the house and notice Hang and Charlotte sitting in the living room.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Talk/CharlotteBimbo.jpg" width="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Talk/CharlotteCollege.jpg" width="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh $player.firstName!"</span> Charlotte looks up at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Why didn't you tell me you made Hang an online profile? That's so cool, and unfair! Why don't I have one?"</span>
Charlotte and Hang both laugh.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I mean look at you girl."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I don't look that great."</span>
Charlotte looks at Hang shocked.
<span class="charlotte-text">"What?! Yeah you do. I want a profile too $player.firstName, get on it."</span> Charlotte laughs.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"You know Hang... If you two are into this adult entertainment stuff, I have a friend who does this kind of thing. She could even come over next Saturday. She's super cute too."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"You know Hang... If you two are into this adult entertainment stuff, I have a college friend looking to do this kind of thing. She needs the money, and she's cute too. She could even come over next Saturday."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Maybe"</span> Hang giggles.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Hang", "PornTalk2"); $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1;>>\You talked with Charlotte and organized nearly everything. Her friend is on her way over today for the shoot.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, Hang. Scheduled it for you tonight."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/0.jpg" height="600">
<span class="hang-text">"Yeah, umm about that, not so sure."</span>
Hang seems to be panicking a little.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, this is completely up to you. If you're uncomfortable, I'll call it off."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"No no, it's alright. I'll at least try it... just nervous."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, I did buy you a cute outfit."</span>
You hand Hang a box smiling. She lights up, grabs the box, and tears it open.
<span class="hang-text">"Oh! It's so pretty."</span>
It's time to get everything ready.
[[Clean up the place and prepare for the video|Hang Lesbian Porn Arrive][SetHours(18); SetMinutes(30);]]You begin to clean up the apartment and prepare the bedroom. You grab your camera and set it up as well. Hang spends her time perfecting her makeup in the bathroom. Finally, the room looks great; hopefully this works out.
<span class="mc-text">"All ready Hang. She should be here shortly."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"All right."</span> Hang yells from the bathroom. She walks out in her lingerie.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="hang-text">"What do you think?"</span>
The doorbell rings.
<span class="mc-text">"You look amazing, be right back."</span> You head to the door.
Charlotte's friend is standing there in a cute, modern outfit.
<span class="minor-text">"Hey, are you $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, you must be Ashley. Charlotte told me quite a bit about you."</span>
Hang yells out from the bedroom. You show Ashley to another room so she can change, then go see what Hang needs.
[[Check on Hang|Hang Lesbian Porn Meet]]You walk into the bedroom to check on Hang. She's kneeling on the bed.
<span class="hang-text">"Is she here?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, you ready?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"No."</span> Hang nervously laughs.
Ashley has changed and found her way to the room. She is also wearing lingerie. They are going to look amazing together.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/2.jpg" height="600">
The two girls talk a bit, becoming acquainted. You can tell Hang is more at ease and comfortable. Ashley removes Hang's bra and cups her boobs. Hang looks over at you as you snap a photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/3.jpg" height="600">
You turn on the video recording. Ashley makes the first move and begins to kiss Hang. Hang kisses her back and blushes. You haven't seen Hang so nervous since she started her coaching. Ashley pushes Hang back on the bed and pulls her panties down.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/4.jpg" width="600">
Your cock hardens as the girls run their hands over each other. You think to yourself why are you not a part of this.
[[Keep filming|Hang Lesbian Porn Foreplay]]<span class="hang-text">"Mmm"</span> Hang moans.
<span class="minor-text">"Charlotte wasn't lying, you are sexy."</span>
Hang leans up kissing Ashley deeply. Ashley pulls off her bra as Hang runs her hands through her hair.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/5.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Been with a girl before?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Sort of."</span>
Ashley once again pushes Hang back onto the bed and runs her hands down her belly toward her pussy. Her tongue works down in the same direction. Before you know it, Ashley's mouth is glued to Hang.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/6.jpg" width="600">
Hang begins squirming and moaning.
<span class="hang-text">"Mmm, ohh fuck."</span>
Hang grabs hold of Ashley's hair as she cums. She lays back on the bed as Ashley looks up at her.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/7.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Feel good?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Uh huh."</span>
Hang stretches her body and looks over at you as Ashley goes back to work.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/8.jpg" width="600">
<span class="hang-text">"Holy shit!"</span> Hang grabs the sheets, still staring at you. She begins to cum again as she grips onto the bed.
[[Hang makes a move|Hang Lesbian Porn Sex]]Ashley runs her tongue towards Hangs clit.
Hang giggles. <span class="hang-text">"You're bad."</span>
She closes her legs and pushes Ashley away.
<span class="minor-text">"You wanna-"</span>
Hang stops Ashley, pushes her back on the bed and dives down between her legs to repay the favor.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/9.jpg" width="600">
Hang slides her fingers inside of Ashley, making her moan.
<span class="minor-text">"Ohh yes, this is why I love women."</span>
Hang starts to lick her. Ashley giggles and rolls over. Hang seems really into it and runs her tongue over her ass.
<span class="minor-text">"Hey."</span> Ashley giggles, it must have tickled.
Hang just tries even more to tickle her and buries her tongue in her ass.
<span class="minor-text">"Oh shit."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/10.jpg" width="600">
Ashley begins to shake and strain. She begins cumming extremely hard and grabs the pillows to bury her face as she yells out.
[[Hang climbs on top of Ashley|Hang Lesbian Porn Finish]]As Ashley removes her face from the pillows, the two girls laugh and giggle as Hang runs her hands over Ashley's body. Ashley motions for Hang to come up toward her. Hang mounts Ashley and she pulls Hang's hips toward her face.
<span class="minor-text">"Come here."</span> Ashley giggles.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/11.jpg" height="600">
Ashley begins to eat out Hang again. Hang can't hold back for more than a few seconds and arches her back, orgasming again.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/12.jpg" width="600">
<span class="hang-text">"Godddddddddd!"</span>
Hang collapses on top of Ashley as the two girls kiss and run their hands over each other. Both are blushing with rosy cheeks after that experience. They begin to kiss again; Hang reaches down and plays with Ashley. This might have been the hottest thing you've ever seen.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Lesbian/13.jpg" width="600">
You leave them in their afterglow.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Hang", "LesbianPorn"); $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1;>>\You wander around the apartment looking to see if Hang wants to do another photoshoot.
<span class="mc-text">"Babe? Where are you?"</span>
You continue looking for her.
<span class="mc-text">"Where the hell where is she"</span> you mumble to yourself.
[[Look in the living room|Hang Porn Blowjob Search][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Look in your office|Hang Porn Blowjob Search][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Look in the gym|Hang Porn Blowjob Search][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[Look in the bathroom|Hang Porn Blowjob Search][$passageRoute to 4]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Apartment.jpg" width="600">
Nope. She's not here.
[[Look in your office|Hang Porn Blowjob Search][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Look in the gym|Hang Porn Blowjob Search][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[Look in the bathroom|Hang Porn Blowjob Search][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Desk.jpg" width="600">
Nope. She's not here.
[[Look in the living room|Hang Porn Blowjob Search][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Look in the gym|Hang Porn Blowjob Search][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[Look in the bathroom|Hang Porn Blowjob Search][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Gym.jpg" width="600">
She's not here but June is.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, have you seen Hang?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Ugh."</span> June sighs as she takes off her headphones. <span class="june-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Have you seen Hang?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Blowjob/June.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"No dude. Can I just work out? I'm sure your booty call is somewhere around here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey..."</span>
June puts her headphones back on. You should probably go check somewhere else.
[[Look in the living room|Hang Porn Blowjob Search][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Look in your office|Hang Porn Blowjob Search][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Look in the bathroom|Hang Porn Blowjob Search][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Babe?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes? I am in the shower."</span> Hang yells out.
<span class="mc-text">"I was just going to ask if you wanted to do a photoshoot."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Umm, I'd have to get ready and stuff. Maybe another time? Sorry."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh don't be sorry. I caught you at the wrong time."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I'll be out in a minute."</span>
Hang presses her ass against the glass.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Blowjob/Bathroom.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"You'd better hurry."</span> Your cock stiffens in your pants.
Hang laughs.
[[Wait for Hang|Hang Porn Blowjob Find]]
<</if>>\Hang comes out of the bathroom wearing just a tank top and pair of panties.
<span class="mc-text">"Damn, look at you."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I did not keep you waiting too long did I?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'd wait all day for you."</span>
Hang gets down and crawls between your legs. You pull out your phone to record her.
<span class="hang-text">"Really?"</span> She puts up her hand to block her face.
<span class="mc-text">"Come on. You look really cute."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Mmm Hmm."</span> Hang grabs hold of your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Blowjob/Sex1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Mmmm. This what you want?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"God yes."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Blowjob/Sex2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang passionately sucks your cock, slowly licking side to side then swallowing. You can feel every bit of her mouth as her lips slide down to the base.
<span class="mc-text">"You are amazing."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Oh I am?"</span> Hang smiles.
She slowly works your cock back into her mouth.
[[Tell Hang she's a good girl|Hang Porn Blowjob Sex]]<span class="mc-text">"Damn babe, you're such a good girl."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Mmm Hmm."</span> Hang looks up at you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Blowjob/Sex3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh my god."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Ghhhggghhghg?"</span> Hang chokes herself on your cock.
<span class="mc-text">"Holy..."</span> You struggle to hold up your phone.
Hang starts bouncing her head up and down on your cock. She can tell you are about to cum.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Blowjob/Sex4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Mmmmmmm."</span> Hang moans as you release into her mouth. <span class="hang-text">"That what you needed?"</span> She smiles up at the camera, licking her fingers.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Blowjob/Sex5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"That'll make a good video."</span>
Hang smiles and bounces up, walking away.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Hang", "PornResult"); $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 7;>>\Hang hasn't answered any of your texts; you decide to wander the house looking for her. You hear giggling as you pass the studio, and walk inside to investigate. You hear buzzing.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Charlotte/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You look over and see Hang, she seems to be filming Charlotte. You make eye contact and she smiles at you. She gets up quickly, trying not to disturb Charlotte, and tiptoes over to you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Charlotte/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Shh."</span> Hang whispers to you. <span class="hang-text">"Isn't this hot?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, but what were you doing behind the sofa?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Getting the best angle. It looks like I was sitting on the couch in the camera. It'll be soo hot."</span>
What a deviant you have created.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Uhm. What are you two doing?"</span>
You both turn to see Charlotte staring at you.
[[Tell Charlotte to keep going|Hang Porn Charlotte Catch]]<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, you two kinda ruined the moment."</span> Charlotte giggles... <span class="charlotte-text">"Just kidding."</span> She presses the vibrator back against her clit.
<span class="mc-text">"How about you two do something together and I'll film?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"$player.firstName!?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm game."</span>
Hang looks a bit hesitant. <span class="hang-text">"Uhm. I don't know."</span>
Charlotte stands up and grabs her ass. <span class="charlotte-text">"Come here girl. We'll start slow. I'll lay down and we can start from there. OK?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"OK..."</span>
You take a seat on the sofa looking at the two girls. Hang runs her hands down Charlotte's back to her butt.
<span class="charlotte-text">"That feels amazing!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Charlotte/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Mmm."</span> Hang lets out a sigh as she grabs hold of Charlotte's tight ass.
Charlotte rolls over. <span class="charlotte-text">"Come here."</span>
The two girls begin to kiss.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Charlotte/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Tell Charlotte and Hang to keep kissing|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Tell Hang to suck on Charlotte's tits|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
The two girls continue kissing.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Charlotte/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Mmmmhhhhh"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"God you taste amazing."</span>
[[Tell Hang to suck on Charlotte's tits|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Tell Charlotte and Hang to keep kissing|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[Tell Hang to lick Charlotte|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Hang climbs on top of Charlotte and pulls down her bra.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Charlotte/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Mmmmhhhhh"</span>
Hang moans as she sucks on Charlotte's tits,causing Charlotte to squirm.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oww."</span> Charlotte giggles.
[[Tell Charlotte and Hang to kiss again|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[Tell Hang to lick Charlotte|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
Charlotte and Hang sit up and begin making out together.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Charlotte/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang runs her hands all over Charlotte, as Charlotte grabs hold of Hang's butt.
[[Tell Hang to lick Charlotte|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 4]]
[[Tell Hang to finger Charlotte|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
Hang climbs down between Charlotte's legs, and buries her face in Charlotte's pussy.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Charlotte/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte lets out a loud moan and squirms all over the table. <span class="charlotte-text">"Oh my god!"</span> She grabs ahold of the table.
[[Tell Hang to finger Charlotte|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
Hang looks up at you. <span class="hang-text">"Slow your horses."</span>
Charlotte looks over as well and giggles. <span class="charlotte-text">"Someone is excited."</span>
[[Tell Charlotte and Hang to kiss again|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
Hang climbs back on top of Charlotte. She kisses her deeply and runs her hand down between her legs.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Charlotte/9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Tell Charlotte to lick Hang|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 7]]
[[Tell Charlotte to finger Hang|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 8]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 7>>\
Charlotte gets behind Hang. <span class="charlotte-text">"Bend over."</span>
She grabs hold of Hang's butt and smacks it.
<span class="hang-text">"Oww."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Charlotte/10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Tell Charlotte to finger Hang|Hang Porn Charlotte Sex][$passageRoute to 8]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 8>>\
Charlotte gets behind Hang. <span class="charlotte-text">"Bend over."</span>
She grabs hold of Hang's butt and rubs her hands all over it; then slides a finger into her pussy and sticks her tongue right into her ass.
<span class="hang-text">"Ohh fuck."</span> Hang begins trembling almost immediately.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Charlotte/11.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Tell Charlotte to finger Hang|Hang Porn Charlotte Finger]]
<</if>>\Hang is flush in the face. She came so many times. You pull out your cock and begin rapidly stroking it. Hang looks over toward you smiling.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey."</span> Charlotte rolls over and grabs hold of Hang's neck. <span class="charlotte-text">"My turn."</span>
Hang slides a finger into Charlotte's pussy while grinding against her.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Ohh fuck."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Charlotte/12.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Tell Charlotte and Hang to cum together|Hang Porn Charlotte Orgasm]]Hang climbs on top of Charlotte one last time.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh god, cum for me."</span> Charlotte squeezes Hang's hips.
<span class="hang-text">"Shit shit."</span> Hang begins grinding her pussy against Charlotte's.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Charlotte/13.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh shit."</span> Charlotte screams out. <span class="charlotte-text">"Oh shit."</span> Charlotte screams out again.
<span class="hang-text">"Oh my..."</span>
Both girls start shaking and cumming together.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Hang", "PornThreesome"); $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 7;>>\Hang hasn't answered any of your texts; you decide to wander the house looking for her. You hear giggling in the living room.
<span class="mc-text">"What the heck?"</span>
As you enter you see Hang with Stacy. They are giggling, running their hands over each other's bodies.
<span class="stacy-text">"The videos you guys made are so hot..."</span> Stacy looks over and sees you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Baby, she said our video was super hot. I showed it to her. Is that OK? "</span> Hang looks at you smiling.
<span class="mc-text">"That's OK."</span> You look toward Stacy a bit embarrassingly.
<span class="stacy-text">"You never told me you two make porn videos."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's a recent thing."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Uh huh."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Babe look at this ass. Wouldn't it look amazing on video?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sure it would."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh whatever, you got a cute little ass too."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Not a big one though. Look how firm your butt is. You need to show me some of your workouts."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Squats, lots of squats. $player.firstName knows."</span> Stacy looks at you with a devilish grin.
[[Sit down in the chair and watch the girls|Hang Porn Stacy Make-out]]The girls stand up.
<span class="hang-text">"Babe check out this booty."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Damn you two girls look good."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Want to play with it?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes."</span> You lean forward.
<span class="hang-text">"Nu uh."</span> Hang pushes you back into your seat.
[[Watch Hang play with Stacy|Hang Porn Stacy Play]]Hang tugs on her shirt and pulls out her tits right in front of your face.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Mmm eughhhh."</span> Hang opens her mouth and spits on her tits.
Hang looks down and sees your cock rock-hard through your pants.
<span class="hang-text">"Want to see her ass babe?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Uh huh."</span>
Stacy bends over and Hang crouches down, putting her face right into Stacy's ass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh god damn girl... Mmmm."</span>
Stacy shakes her ass in Hang's face.
<span class="stacy-text">"Why have you been hiding this one $player.firstName? Her tongue is amazing."</span>
Hang giggles but it's muffled by Stacy's ass.
<span class="stacy-text">"Here's a better view."</span> Stacy bends over right in your face.
<span class="hang-text">"Look at her."</span>
Hang runs her hands over Stacy's ass again and slides a finger into her butt.
<span class="hang-text">"Wow."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh shit!"</span>
[[Play with the girls|Hang Porn Stacy Join]]<span class="hang-text">"Want to play with us $player.firstName?"</span> Hang slides over and runs her hand over your cock.
<span class="stacy-text">"It looks like he wants to play."</span> Stacy shakes her ass. <span class="stacy-text">"I think it's his turn to play with my ass."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"No, my ass."</span>
Both girls get on their hands and knees in front of you. Their big, round asses sticking in the air.
[[Play with Stacy|Hang Porn Stacy Rimming][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Play with Hang|Hang Porn Stacy Rimming][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You decide to play with Stacy.
<span class="hang-text">"You wanna play with her big ass? I do."</span>
You nod your head up and down while grinning. Hang runs her hands over Stacy's ass, before sliding a finger slowly into her butt.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh my..."</span>
Hang licks her fingers then continues her probing.
Stacy takes advantage of the opportunity. <span class="stacy-text">"$player.firstName, why don't you get over here and lick my ass."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"That is so hot baby."</span>
Hang and Stacy begin to kiss.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You decide to play with Hang.
<span class="stacy-text">"Come play with your woman's ass. I know you're an amante del culo and love big butts."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span> You laugh as Stacy's inner Spanish comes out.
You continue to grin at Stacy as you move your head toward Hang's ass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Why..."</span> Hang pants, <span class="hang-text">"Have I... not let you do this... before?"</span>
Hang starts shaking cumming from you licking her ass, Stacy begins kissing Hang deeply while you continue to lick.
[[Continue to play with the girls|Hang Porn Stacy Blowjob]]The two girls finish kissing, both of them look back at you smiling.
<span class="stacy-text">"You poor thing, being ignored."</span>
Hang giggles. <span class="hang-text">"I think the least we can do after that is suck his dick."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"I suppose so."</span> Stacy rolls her eyes grinning.
Stacy and Hang both begin to lick you.
<span class="hang-text">"I'm first."</span>
Hang grabs your cock and starts throating it deeply while Stacy licks your balls.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"My turn."</span>
Stacy swallows your cock, gagging herself down to the base.
<span class="stacy-text">"It's so... gluh gluh gluh... big."</span> Stacy takes a second to take a breathe.
You nearly fall over from Stacy pushing her throat onto your cock so forcefully.
<span class="hang-text">"Let me try."</span>
Hang proceeds to follow Stacy's lead.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/11.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Fuck Stacy|Hang Porn Stacy Sex][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Fuck Hang|Hang Porn Stacy Sex][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You decide to fuck Stacy. Who wouldn't? She looks back at you.
<span class="stacy-text">"Come on $player.firstName. Give me that big cock."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Fuck her big ass baby."</span> Hang smiles and slaps Stacy's ass.
Hang spits on your cock to lube it up, and guides it into Stacy's ass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/12.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh fuck! Yes, Yes, Yes!"</span>
Stacy grabs tightly onto the couch as you slam deep into her ass. Hang slides over putting her face right next to Stacy. As you pull out she licks every inch on your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/13.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Cum|Hang Porn Stacy Cum][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You decide to fuck Hang. Gotta keep the lady happy right?
Hang looks back at you. <span class="hang-text">"Come on $player.firstName. Give me that big cock."</span>
Stacy grabs your cock, spits on it, and grabs hold of Hang's ass cheeks.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/14.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Oh fuck! Oww!"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Relax beautiful."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Ugh, it's so tight!"</span>
Hang braces as you pound your cock into her tight, little ass. Stacy starts licking your balls.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/15.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Cum|Hang Porn Stacy Cum][$passageRoute to 2]]
<</if>>\You can't hold on any longer.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
Stacy looks back at you.
<span class="stacy-text">"Cum for me $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Give it to us baby."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/16.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Mmmmm."</span> Hang wipes the cum from her mouth. <span class="hang-text">"Thanks darling."</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Hang and Stacy look up at you.
<span class="stacy-text">"Cum for us $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yeah give it to us baby."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Porn/Stacy/17.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You cum all over Hang's face.
<span class="hang-text">"Mmmmm."</span> Hang wipes the cum into her mouth and spits it into Stacy's. <span class="hang-text">"Thanks darling."</span>
Stacy swallows it.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Hang", "PornThreesome"); $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 7;>>\Hang is sitting on the bench to the side of the main entrance.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Encounters/Outside.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hello, I believe you are a neighbor of mine? My name is $player.firstName and I live on the top floor."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Hello, $player.firstName."</span>
She says nothing for a moment, but still looks at you expectantly. <span class="mc-text">"What is your name?"</span>
She looks down at the ground. <span class="hang-text">"My name is Hang, I am the wife of Rupert Cosgrove."</span>
She continues looking down at the ground and you say goodbye. But as you walk away you swear that you can feel her staring at you, wishing to talk to you more.
You were also very surprised to see she had tattoos. Rupert did not seem like the sort of man to like tattoos, perhaps you mildly misjudged him.
<<UINavigation "Outside">>
<<set $bimbos.hang to clone($bimboTemplate); $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1; $bimbos.hang.happiness to 2;>>\You see Hang in the corner, drinking a coffee and playing on her phone. Fuck it, you think, you'll go and introduce yourself to the skittish woman.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Encounters/CoffeeShop.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hello, Hang, how are you?"</span>
She looks up, surprised, but not as worried as last time. <span class="hang-text">"Hello $player.firstName. I am fine, thank you. How are you?"</span> You can tell her English is good, but that she hasn't reached a natural level of fluency yet, where conversation is easy and she can focus on what she wants to say rather than how she is going to say it.
She doesn't offer you a seat.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm good, I'm good. Do you come to this coffee shop often?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"No, I do not. But I come sometime to meet a friend. A friend from my country."</span>
You take a seat without being offered. She looks slightly put out but you smile at her and she says nothing. <span class="mc-text">"So, tell me Hang. Where are you from originally?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I am from Vietnam. Phuoc Long. It is about 90 miles from Ho Chi Minh City."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Did you meet Rupert there?"</span>
She nods. <span class="hang-text">"Yes. He was working with your government... Our government, I mean. He was looking for the bodies of missing Americans from the war."</span> You're about to ask about how she met Rupert when she continues, for the first time of her own volition. <span class="hang-text">"Rupert went to my family's church. It is very small. There are not many Protestants in Vietnam. He made friends with my parents, then friends with me."</span>
You see her spot what must be her friend entering the coffee shop. In the few seconds before her friend approaches she continues, her face a smile, but her voice dripping with insincerity. <span class="hang-text">"My family and I are very lucky that I am in America."</span>
Hang stands, and you take it as your cue to leave. You see her friend approaching and she introduces herself to you.
<span class="tan-text">"Hi, I'm Tan. Are you a friend of Hang's?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Encounters/CoffeeShop.jpg" height="600">
She's gorgeous, and though she still has a strong accent, she's clearly been in America for much longer than Hang.
<span class="mc-text">"I live in her building,"</span> you say, avoiding her question directly. <span class="mc-text">"I hope you two enjoy your coffee"</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Hang", "MeetCoffeeShop"); $bimbos.tan to clone($bimboTemplate); $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1; $bimbos.hang.happiness to 3;>>\You see Hang using a beat up old payphone at the end of the platform. You didn't even know those still worked, you just figured the MTA was too cheap or too disorganized to remove them.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Encounters/Subway.jpg" height="600">
You keep your distance. You're not exactly above being a creeper, but there's a limit even for you. Watching her you're unsure why she felt the need to use the payphone, couldn't she just use her cell phone or her landline? It isn't an angry conversation, if anything Hang seems more genuinely happy than you've yet seen.
The train into the city is a five minutes out, and by the time the clock ticked downs to two, she ends her call. She begins walking towards you, to the exit closest to your building. You steal glances of her, not wanting to make it seem like you've been watching her the entire time, but as she gets close you steal another glance - and make eye contact.
You expect a return to the scared, skittish Hang you had seen before, but she walks past you as if nothing strange at all had happened. Not happy, not worried, not sad. Just neutral.
<span class="hang-text">"Hello $player.firstName. I hope you have a good day. Goodbye."</span>
She walks by with a nod and thin smile, leaving your words trailing behind her as a train screeches into the station on the other side.
<span class="mc-text">"... You too, Hang."</span>
<<UINavigation "Subway">>
<<set AddEvent("Hang", "MeetSubway")>>\<span class="mc-text">"Hello Hang, I was hoping to find you here."</span>
Hang looks up at you and smiles. You take a seat, without asking, before she greets you. <span class="hang-text">"Hello $player.firstName. It is good to see you. What have you been doing today?"</span>
You put your coffee down and lay your phone next to it. <span class="mc-text">"Oh, the usual. A mix of professional work and life coaching work. I thought I would get a coffee and see if I could bump into you. Yourself?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Oh, not much."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Don't you work?"</span> Hang shakes her head. <span class="mc-text">"Do you have any hobbies?"</span>
Hang twists her head from side to side. <span class="hang-text">"I used to, but not anymore. Now I take care of the house for Rupert, and I come here and practice my English."</span> She points at at notebook next to her, underneath which is an Advanced English textbook.
You nod, trying not to seem too judgemental. <span class="mc-text">"What did you used to do for fun?"</span>
She smiles. <span class="hang-text">"I danced. I was known in our city for traditional dance, but I enjoyed all sorts of dancing. I liked being well exercised, but I did not like to be outside, so it was good for me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Why don't you do it here?"</span>
Hang shrugs. <span class="hang-text">"I don't know anyone who wants to dance with me, and it is not fun to dance alone."</span>
She begins to look a little sad.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
What do you do?
[[Ask her why she pretended not to have met you before at the board meeting|Hang Coffee Date][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Change the subject|Hang Coffee Date][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
A silence hangs between you for a few seconds
<span class="mc-text">"Hang...?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes, $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The other evening, for the board meeting... Why did you pretend that we had never met before?"</span> Hang's eyes widen and she looks off to the side, avoiding looking at you. <span class="mc-text">"I wasn't offended, but, I was curious."</span>
Hang looks down at her coffee cup. <span class="hang-text">"I... I just did. I didn't want to upset Rupert."</span>
You two chat awkwardly, until you finish your coffee and head off.
''Hang is now less happy with you.''
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Hang", "CoffeeDate"); $bimbos.hang.happiness to 2; $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You decide not to pressure Hang, and bring up the plans Phil has to redesign the roof garden. You two happily chat for the next twenty minutes or so, as Hang tells you about her father's flower garden.
You make a mental note, however, to make sure to ask her about why she pretended not to know you next time.
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Hang", "CoffeeDate"); AddEvent("Hang", "CoOpQuestion"); $bimbos.hang.happiness to 3; $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\You grab your coffee and walk over to Hang, who waves at you when she spots you.
<span class="hang-text">"Hello!"</span>
You sit down, and you two exchange pleasantries for a few minutes, and discuss a recent accident on your block where a car jumped the pavement and knocked down a fence.
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "CoOpQuestion")>>\
As that conversation dies, however, you decide to get your question off your chest. <span class="mc-text">"Hang...?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes, $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The other evening, for the board meeting... Why did you pretend that we had never met before?"</span> Hang's eyes widen and she looks off to the side, avoiding looking at you. <span class="mc-text">"I wasn't offended, but, I was curious."</span>
Hang looks down at her coffee cup. <span class="hang-text">"I... I just did. I didn't want to upset Rupert."</span>
A silence falls between you, and say the first thing that comes to mind. <span class="mc-text">"You seem homesick."</span>
Hang nods. You see her shoulders droop, but almost as quickly as they do she straightens her back and puts on a smile. But you see that her eyes are slightly red. <span class="hang-text">"I am, yes. I think. But I am also guilty, I don't really miss my family that much. I just miss being... I don't know what. I had an idea of what my life would be, but I don't think this is it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Are you unhappy?"</span>
Hang's mouth hangs open for a second, but she shakes her head. <span class="hang-text">"No, not at all. I am very lucky. Rupert is good to me and I have a very prosperous life."</span>
The mask is back on. You two chat pleasantly for another half hour or so. You think to yourself that if you want to get to know Hang better, you're going to have to get her to relax a little better around you.
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Hang", "CoffeeDate2"); $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1;>>\//BUZZZZZZZZ
You're woken up. It's 2am. You're groggy, grumpy, and wondering who the fuck is waking you up. You stumble out of bed, down the hall, and press the talk button.
<span class="mc-text">"WHAT?"</span>, you shout down the intercom.
<span class="hang-text">"$player.firstName?"</span> You recognize the voice. <span class="hang-text">"Are you there?"</span> It's Hang, and in the background you hear what sounds like someone talking in Vietnamese.
<span class="mc-text">"Hang?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Are you there? I need help. Can you buzz me up?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure, sure, come right up."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo") or CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
You buzz her up and you're immediately awake. You hear sound down the hall and Stella is awake, and standing in the archway to the living room.
<span class="mc-text">"Everything's fine, go back to sleep. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow."</span> Stella's clearly unhappy to have been woken up, but she nods, and goes back to her room.
You buzz her up and you're immediately awake. You switch on the lights and are momentarily blinded by their intensity.
A few minutes later you hear a gentle knocking at the door, and a cackling laugh. You open the door, and in walks Hang, guiding a stumbling Tan into your house. <span class="hang-text">"I can explain..."</span> You start at Hang, who begins to stammer. <span class="hang-text">"We, well, we had gone out.. And Tan was shouting and laughing... But she drank too much... And..."</span> Hang begins to cry now and Tan wakes up. She kisses Hang on the cheek and tells her something in Vietnamese, which Hang nods along to.
You sigh, then put your hand on Hang's shoulder. <span class="hang-text">"I didn't know what else to do, I lost my keys, and Rupert is away."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Let's put Tan to bed, then talk."</span> Hang nods meekly, then drags Tan along as you walk to one of the guest rooms. You decide it would be best to put her in a room with an en suite. After Hang has got Tan ready for bed, you place an empty trash can by her bed, then go back to the kitchen.
<span class="hang-text">"I'm sorry, $player.firstName."</span>
You can't deny that you're a little annoyed, but at the same time you're flattered that she turned to you. <span class="mc-text">"It's OK... Let's have a cup of tea before bed, OK?"</span>
[[Continue|Hang Tan Night Dance]]Hang sits down on a stool as you make tea. Now that you get a chance to look at her, you see how dishevelled she looks. Her makeup is streaked and her shirt is slightly torn.
<span class="mc-text">"Fun night?"</span>
She squints at you, but misses the sarcasm. <span class="hang-text">"No. It was not a fun night."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Did you get to dance at least?"</span>
She shakes her head. <span class="hang-text">"We never made it to the nightclub."</span> Hang gives a weak shrug. <span class="hang-text">"I prefer older music anyway."</span>
You finish filling the kettle and put it down on the hob.
<span class="mc-text">"Alexa, play 'As Time Goes By'"</span> You walk up to Hang, and offer her your hand as the first piano notes gently echo through the darkened living space.
She looks up at you shocked. <span class="hang-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Dance with me."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"No, I can't-"</span>
You interrupt her. <span class="mc-text">"Dance with me, it's the least you can do after you woke me up like this."</span> She exhales a little laugh through her nose, then stands up. She takes off her heels, and her head barely reaches your chest. You take her right hand in your left, place your right hand on her waist, then begin to gently dance around the kitchen.
You step on her feet a few times, and Hang laughs. <span class="hang-text">"You are a bad dancer."</span> For some reason her blunt statement, combined with her strong accent, makes you laugh hard. And by the end of the song Hang is pressed up against you, looking up at you. <span class="hang-text">"Why are you laughing?"</span>
You step back. <span class="mc-text">"You're funny, that's all."</span> She smiles and gestures towards the kettle that is just about to squeal. You make the tea, and you sit down on stools next to each other.
<span class="hang-text">"Thank you, $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're welcome, Hang. We're friends. Friends help each other."</span>
She looks at you thoughtfully. <span class="hang-text">"Well, perhaps I can help you learn to be a better dancer."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Only if I can teach you how to have more fun."</span> You give her an exaggerated, comic wink.
<span class="hang-text">"OK. Tan tells me you are good at teaching people how to enjoy life."</span>
You try not to let your reaction show, but it seems Hang may have just agreed to let you coach her.
[[Continue|Hang Tan Night Morning]]You wake up at your usual time. You almost forget what happened last night until you stumble to the kitchen wearing only your boxers and bump into Hang. She looks at you, and you have the good grace to look embarrassed - at least until you remember that she woke you up in the middle of the night.
You switch on the coffeemaker.
<span class="mc-text">"Any sign of Tan?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"She has left already. She woke me up this morning, and said she was very sorry, and that she would make it up to us. Shall we meet on Monday?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh, that's alright... Wait, what?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"For the lessons. I can do Mondays. In the morning?"</span>
You remember Hang had offered to give you dance lessons - and agreed to let you teach her how to have fun. You had forgotten yourself, and even then had assumed that was the drink talking.
<span class="mc-text">"OK. Sounds good."</span>
Hang smiles up at you, then rings a locksmith to arrange to get into her own apartment.
''Hang will now meet you at your apartment every Monday morning, from 8:00 to 12:00.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set SetHours(8); AddEvent("Hang", "HangDrunk"); AddEvent("Hang", "BimboTraining"); $bimbos.hang.happiness to 3;>>\<<if $bimbos.hang.photography is 1>>\
<<if $player.inventory.includes("Corset") and $player.inventory.includes("BlackBra")>>\
<<include [[Hang Photoshoot 2]]>>\
You need to purchase Hang a corset and black bra.
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.photography is 2>>\
<<if $player.inventory.includes("PinkBraPanties")>>\
<<include [[Hang Photoshoot 3]]>>\
You need to purchase Hang a pink bra and panties.
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.photography is 3>>\
<<if $player.inventory.includes("SchoolSkirts")>>\
<<include [[Hang Photoshoot 4]]>>\
You need to purchase Hang a schoolgirl outfit.
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.photography is 4>>\
<<if $player.inventory.includes("WhiteHeels")>>\
<<include [[Hang Photoshoot 5]]>>\
You need to purchase Hang some white heels.
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.photography is 5>>\
<<if $player.inventory.includes("HotPinkBra") and $player.inventory.includes("PinkFishnets")>>\
<<include [[Hang Photoshoot 6]]>>\
You need to purchase Hang a hot pink bra and pink fishnets.
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.photography is 6>>\
<<if $player.inventory.includes("BlueLingerie")>>\
<<include [[Hang Photoshoot 7]]>>\
You need to purchase Hang some blue lingerie.
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.photography is 7>>\
''More photography content with Hang coming in the future.''
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<</if>>\You have finally managed to talk Hang into doing more photo shoots. This time you purchased a black corset and lingerie for her to wear. Hang walks into the studio already dressed.
<span class="hang-text">"Where do you want me?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Over here."</span> You point toward the white wall. Hang poses and you take the first photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/2/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Perfect."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/2/2.jpg" height="600">
You walk up and go low in front of Hang. She spins around and pokes her ass at you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/2/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"One more."</span> You spin her back around. <span class="mc-text">"One more pose beautiful."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/2/4.jpg" height="600">
''Hang is now more of an exhibitionist.
Hang is now more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.hang.slut += 1; $bimbos.hang.photography += 1; $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1;>>\Hang's beginning to get into the whole photography thing. This time you bought her a sexy pair of pink bra and panties.
<span class="hang-text">"Where do you want me?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Over there."</span>
You point over at the white wall again. Hang poses and you take the first photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/3/1.jpg" height="600">
You take more photos.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/3/2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/3/3.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/3/4.jpg" height="600">
[[Tell Hang to take off her clothes|Hang Photoshoot 3 Finish]]Hang strips as you take more photos.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/3/5.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/3/6.jpg" height="600">
''Hang is now more of an exhibitionist.
Hang is now more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.hang.slut += 1; $bimbos.hang.photography += 1; $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1;>>\Hang's starting to love taking photos. This time you bought her a sexy schoolgirl outfit.
<span class="hang-text">"Where do you want me?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Over there."</span>
You point over at the white wall again. Hang poses and you take the first photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/4/1.jpg" height="600">
You take more photos.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/4/2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/4/3.jpg" height="600">
[[Tell Hang to take off her clothes|Hang Photoshoot 4 Finish]]Hang strips as you take photos.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/4/4.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/4/5.jpg" height="600">
''Hang is now more of an exhibitionist.
Hang is now more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.hang.slut += 1; $bimbos.hang.photography += 1; $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1;>>\Hang's starting to love taking photos. This time you bought her a sexy set of white high heels.
<span class="hang-text">"Where do you want me?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Over there."</span>
You point over at the white wall again. Hang poses and you take the first photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/5/1.jpg" height="600">
[[Tell Hang to pose|Hang Photoshoot 5 Finish]]You take more photos.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/5/2.jpg" height="600">
Hang crawls on the floor.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/5/3.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/5/4.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/5/5.jpg" height="600">
''Hang is now more of an exhibitionist.
Hang is now more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.hang.slut += 1; $bimbos.hang.photography += 1; $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1;>>\Hang loves taking photos. This time you bought her a sexy set of heels, pink lingerie, and fishnets.
<span class="hang-text">"Where do you want me?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Over there."</span>
You point over at the white wall again. Hang poses and you take the first photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/6/1.jpg" height="600">
You take more photos.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/6/2.jpg" height="600">
Hang gets down on the floor.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/6/3.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/6/4.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/6/5.jpg" height="600">
[[Tell Hang to take off her clothes|Hang Photoshoot 6 Finish]]Hang strips as you take photos.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/6/6.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/6/7.jpg" height="600">
''Hang is now more of an exhibitionist.
Hang is now more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.hang.slut += 1; $bimbos.hang.photography += 1; $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1;>>\Hang loves taking photos. This time you bought her a sexy set of blue lingerie.
<span class="hang-text">"Where do you want me?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Over there."</span>
You point over at the white wall again. Hang poses and you take the first photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/7/1.jpg" height="600">
You take another photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/7/2.jpg" height="600">
[[Tell Hang to take off her clothes|Hang Photoshoot 7 Finish]]Hang strips as you take photos.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Photoshoots/7/3.jpg" height="600">
''Hang is now more of an exhibitionist.
Hang is now more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.hang.slut += 1; $bimbos.hang.photography += 1; $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "SexSessions")>>\
<<include [[Hang Session Sex]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "SeventhSession")>>\
<<include [[Hang Session First Sex]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "SixthSession")>>\
<<include [[Hang Session 7]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "FifthSession")>>\
<<include [[Hang Session 6]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "FourthTraining")>>\
<<include [[Hang Session 5]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "ThirdTraining")>>\
<<include [[Hang Session 4]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "SecondTraining")>>\
<<include [[Hang Session 3]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "FirstTraining")>>\
<<include [[Hang Session 2]]>>\
<<include [[Hang Session 1]]>>\
<</if>>\Hang knocks on your door and you let her in.
<span class="hang-text">"Good morning $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good morning, Hang. How are you? Would you like a coffee?"</span>
Hang shakes her head.<span class="hang-text">"No, thank you. I have already had a coffee."</span>
You're a little uncertain how to begin, but there's something that you need to ask Hang before you start.
<span class="mc-text">"Have you told Rupert?"</span>
Hang shakes her head. <span class="hang-text">"No, he is always at work early... Have you had dancing lessons before?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Only in gym class at school. Nothing more than that."</span>
Hang takes you by the hand. <span class="hang-text">"Play that song another time."</span>
You shout at your Alexa. <span class="mc-text">"Alexa, play As Time Goes By."</span>
The song begins and Hang puts your hand on her waist. <span class="hang-text">"You put your hand here..."</span> She steps closer in to you and she lifts her hand to the height of her head. <span class="hang-text">"Hold my hand up here."</span> You do as you are told. <span class="hang-text">"First simple dance, OK? Forward, left, back, right. Make a square. You lead me, and you start with the left foot. OK?"</span>
You nod. <span class="hang-text">"OK. 1, 2, 3..."</span> You step forward with your left food, then bring your right forwards. <span class="hang-text">"Good. Good."</span>
You do a square, and Hang smiles at you. <span class="hang-text">"OK, now, make each step the same distance. So we end where we started."</span>
You try it, but fail. Hang shakes her head at you. You try again, and the song finishes, but Hang tells Alexa to play it again. You try it a few more times, but each time Hang says your steps are different lengths.
After what must have been the 20th failure you're flustered. <span class="mc-text">"Look, Hang, I'm not sure I'm cut out for this, I'm not very..."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"No, $player.firstName. We practice. You become a better dancer and make all the ladies happy. It is difficult, but when you learn to make all your steps the same, then you can become a good dancer. OK?"</span>
You sigh and drop your hand from her side.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/FirstTraining.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"What? Come on I will help."</span> She pulls you close to her and you feel her small breasts press up against you. She stands on your feet, and clings to you. <span class="hang-text">"I will press down on your feet, OK?"</span>
You're not sure what she means, but at the cue you step forward. She doesn't press down on your feet this time, but when you step to the left she pushes you foot down. <span class="hang-text">"See? Same distance."</span> The same sequence repeats itself a few times, until Hang steps off you.
<span class="hang-text">"OK, now we try normally."</span> She steps back, leaving room for Jesus, as they say.
<span class="mc-text">"I was just beginning to enjoy that"</span> You wonder if that joke was a little too flirty, but she doesn't seem to mind.
She wags her finger at you. <span class="hang-text">"Good dancers get to hold each other close, bad dancers need to leave room."</span>
You practice some more, apparently getting a little better, until an hour has passed since Hang arrived.
<span class="hang-text">"OK, I think that is enough for today. I need to protect my toes."</span>
You laugh and give her shoulder a gentle, playful shove.
<span class="mc-text">"Let's sit down. Water?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes, please."</span>
Hang goes to sit down on the sofa while you grab two glasses.
[[Continue|Hang Session 1 Finish]]<span class="mc-text">"Here you are."</span> You hand Hang the glass of water, then sit down on the same sofa as her. She turns toward you and sits cross-legged facing you.
<span class="hang-text">"Thank you, $player.firstName. I have missed dancing."</span>
You chuckle. <span class="mc-text">"I'm sorry that you are only getting to dance with a bad dancer."</span>
She nods thoughtfully. <span class="hang-text">"Yes, but you will get better."</span> You laugh, and she looks at you, then giggles as a smile creeps across your face.
<span class="mc-text">"I haven't forgotten the other part of our bargain, you know."</span>
Hang looks a little worried for a moment, but then nods. <span class="hang-text">"OK. What are you going to teach me?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Today? Nothing, or at least I don't have a lesson planned out, if that's what you mean. But do you have any questions? Aren't you curious about who I coach, what I'm coaching, how they end up?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I suppose."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So ask me any questions you have, I'll answer them. Honestly."</span>
You look at Hang and she stares back into your eyes, before she begins to look up at the ceiling. A long, pregnant silence passes before Hang looks back at you. <span class="hang-text">"When did you start?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June. I held my first session down at the bar."</span>
She nods, then there is another long silence. <span class="hang-text">"Do you enjoy it?"</span>
You let a little snort of laughter come out of your nose. <span class="mc-text">"I love it. I'm the happiest I've ever been."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Why do you love it?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well... I... I suppose I love bimbos, you know? I have always had a thing for women who look like that, who behave like that, and I kept on ruining relationships by pushing my girlfriends to become bimbos. But that wasn't fair, and it wasn't really satisfying for me either. Getting paid to do it, though, and getting to help women realize their aims is really fulfilling. Plus I find it really hot."</span> Hang laughs. <span class="mc-text">"But, yeah. That's why."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Why do they want to be bimbos? What is a bimbo, really? Tan just says they are dumb sluts, but if they are wanting to do this..."</span> Her voice trails off.
<span class="mc-text">"A bimbo is a woman who tries to be her best self, who brings joy to others, and isn't ashamed of sex and sexuality. Someone who trusts that, one way or another, she will be taken care of. Tan might think they're dumb sluts, but I think she's wrong. They're certainly not dumb. And, well... It's not bad to be a slut, is it?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"It isn't?"</span>
You shake your head. <span class="mc-text">"Of course not. If you're having fun, and you're making sure other people are having fun, how could it be wrong?"</span>
Hang looks down. <span class="hang-text">"I used to be called a slut. I used to hang about with boys and have fun. Until Rupert married me my parents worried that no one would ever take me in."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sorry."</span>
Hang looks up at gives you a weak smile. <span class="hang-text">"Anyway, I don't-"</span>
You interrupt her. <span class="mc-text">"Did you enjoy it? Apart from what people thought, did you enjoy it?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Being a slut."</span>
Hang looks offended. <span class="hang-text">"I wasn't a slut, I-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"There's nothing wrong with being or not being a slut. But if other people hadn't treated you badly, did you like it?"</span>
She purses her lips, but evidently decides not to hold on to her offense. <span class="hang-text">"I did."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Why?</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I... I liked how people wanted to talk to me, to be nice to me. I liked how the boys learned to dance so they could dance with me and show off that I would dance with them."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"How did you dress?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"What do you mean?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Did you dress up well? What did you try to look like?"</span>
She laughs and shuffles a little closer to you. <span class="hang-text">"I would wear thin dresses, short dresses. Not boring shirts and big trousers."</span>
You stand up. <span class="mc-text">"Come with me."</span> You take her by the hand and walk down to an empty bedroom. You slide open the walk-in closet, filled with dresses and women's clothes, the detritus of girlfriends past. <span class="mc-text">"A lot of these should fit you. I want you to put on a dress that you would have worn before, and then come and dance with me."</span>
She looks nervously between you and the dresses. <span class="mc-text">"OK?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"OK."</span>
You leave her to it and go back to the living room to sit down. About 15 minutes later she walks out. She's wearing a short, but simple, blue dress and black heels. She steps out nervously.
<span class="mc-text">"Wow. You look great."</span>
She blushes. <span class="hang-text">"No, I..."</span>
She goes to turn back around but you take her by the hand. You place your hand on her waist, the begin to count out a rhythm. <span class="mc-text">"1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3..."</span> You lead and she dances, and begins to smile.
<span class="mc-text">"See? Don't you feel good?"</span>
She says nothing but she smiles up at you. You continue to dance for a little while, to a silent beat you both hear in your heads.
<span class="mc-text">"But you like to show off a little, right?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So show off for me."</span>
You step back, and lean against a pillar. She stands there awkwardly.
<span class="mc-text">"How does the dress feel?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Good..."</span> She begins to move, swaying her hip and she touches the dress. She begins to smile.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/FirstTrainingDress.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"You really think I look good?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You look stunning."</span> She smiles and continues to move in front of you. She turns around and begins to do a little routine she clearly remembers from her past, her little ass jiggling slightly as she hops about. She does this for a little bit until she forgets the rest of the routine, then stops. She turns around and looks at you, then at the clock.
<span class="hang-text">"I... I think I should go. Can we do this again next week?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Definitely."</span>
Hang goes back to the room and changes, coming back in her old hoodie before going back to her apartment, promising to see you next week.
''Hang is now more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Hang", "FirstTraining"); $bimbos.hang.bimbo to 2;>>\Hang comes round at the same time, and greets you happily when she walks in.
<span class="hang-text">"Hi! I've been looking forward to this all week."</span>
You smile and she gives you a little hug. <span class="mc-text">"Same."</span>
She drops down her bag, then looks at you. <span class="hang-text">"So! This week I think we can be faster. OK? I have a new song for us."</span> She comes and stands next to you, and raises your hand up.
You stop her.
<span class="mc-text">"Not yet. Remember, we're both helping each other. I want you to put on another dress, something you find daring but that you want to show off in."</span>
She nods, opens her mouth in likely protest, but then shuts it and just shrugs. <span class="hang-text">"OK."</span> She heads off to the room, and is back in only a few minutes. Wearing the same blue dress as last week.
<span class="mc-text">"You're wearing the same dress as last week."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I like it!"</span>
Hang's lesson begins and she is introducing a little twirls into your repertoire today. For most of it you are actually focusing on what she's teaching you, and you feel you make progress. You say as much to Hang at the end of the lesson, but she is more skeptical.
<span class="hang-text">"Yes, you are better, but you are not an expert yet $player.firstName."</span>
You pour you both glasses of water then bring Hang to the living room.
<span class="mc-text">"At least I am improving."</span>
You pause, looking at her.
<span class="hang-text">"What?"</span>
You gesture to the dress.
<span class="hang-text">"I just wanted to dance with you..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's OK, but I wanted you to push yourself a little. Instead you just picked the same dress as last time."</span>
She nods. <span class="hang-text">"OK. I will do better next time."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You can do better today. In that dress, I want you to do something that you find daring, that makes you feel good."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I can decide?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, but I will know if you haven't felt a little thrill."</span>
She sits down next to you and thinks, taking a long sip of her water. Then she stands up, and stands in front of you. Then she bends over.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/SecondTrainingFlirt.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Do you like my panties?"</span>
You stare at her and though her panties are black you swear you can see a little wet patch. <span class="mc-text">"Very good, Hang. Very good."</span> She stays there, bent over in front of you.
[[Reach out and touch her|Hang Session 2 Finish][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Tell her to bend down lower|Hang Session 2 Finish][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You reach out and place your hand on her ass. She momentarily jumps forward, but then pushes her ass back.
<span class="hang-text">"$player.firstName..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What? You look so good. Anyway, I've been touching most of the rest of you for the past hour."</span>
Hang says nothing but stays there until you take your hand back. She comes and sits down next to you on the sofa, and you spend the next half hour chatting about nothing in particular, not wanting to go too heavy on the coaching yet.
''Hang is now more of a bimbo.
Hang is now much more of a slut.
Hang is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<set $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist to 10; $bimbos.hang.slut to 16;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Bend down a little lower, please."</span>
Hang says nothing but she bends down a little lower. She even widens her gait a little bit and you can see how wet she is getting.
<span class="mc-text">"Thank you."</span> Hang stands up straight again. She comes and sits down next to you on the sofa, and you spend the next half hour chatting about nothing in particular, not wanting to go too heavy on the coaching yet.
''Hang is now more of a bimbo.
Hang is now more of a slut.
Hang is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
<<set $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist to 16; $bimbos.hang.slut to 10;>>\
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Hang", "SecondTraining"); $bimbos.hang.bimbo to 4;>>\Hang comes over and after saying hello she heads off to change. She comes back about 15 minutes later and you're pleased to see that she has chosen a new outfit. But you're less pleased to see that it covers more of her than the dress.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/ThirdTrainingDress.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Before we start, Hang, why don't you explain why you've chosen the silk robe as your daring outfit today? I'm not quite sure I see how this is daring."</span>
Hang looks down and blushes slightly. <span class="hang-text">"Well... I'm not..."</span> She mumbles something and you don't quite hear her.
<span class="mc-text">"You're not what?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I am only wearing the robe."</span>
She looks up at you, then looks away as a grin creeps across your face. <span class="mc-text">"Oh. I see... So, what do you have planned today?"</span>
Hang perks up and within a few minutes has almost forgotten what she is wearing. Today she shifts gears and focuses on teaching you how to move to other, more complicated, rhythms. There are no spins that risk exposing her nudity, but you can easily feel her naked body through the thin silk. When she presses up against you, you have to try hard not to get erect, and you can see she is looking a little flushed.
Once the hour is up, you move to the sofa as usual.
[[Continue|Hang Sessions 3 Finish]]You and Hang sit down on the sofa, at opposite ends with Hang going to great lengths to ensure that she is both facing you and totally covered.
<span class="hang-text">"What are we going to do today for your lesson, $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Before we do anything, I want to ask you, Hang. Do you want to properly be coached by me? Coached to become a good bimbo."</span>
Hang looks down. <span class="hang-text">"Is this not what we are doing?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No, not really. We are just having fun now, but there is a method to all this. I think I can really help you if we begin to take this seriously."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Well, OK, if you want to do that, but as long as we keep dancing."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hang. We don't have to do anything you don't want to do, and I promise you even if you don't want to be coached, we can still have fun together like we have been... Just give me an honest answer, say what you really feel."</span>
She nods, and you can see she knows what she wants, but is just formulating the sentences to express it.
<span class="hang-text">"I want you to see what it is. OK? I want you to coach me, but if I do not like it, I do not want to upset you if I say 'stop! no more'. OK?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's totally fair, Hang. Shall we start at the beginning then?"</span>
You hand Hang the card, and spend the next hour or so explaining each of the main principles of bimboism. You explain to her that there are as many types of bimbos as there are individual women.
<img src="Images/BLC/PrinciplesOfBimboism.jpg" width="600">
Before she leaves you ask her to think about which principles she feels she most embodies now. She answers almost instantly.
<span class="hang-text">"Please those around you."</span>
And then you ask her which she wants to work on the most. This time she answers more quietly, more deliberately.
<span class="hang-text">"Pride in your appearance."</span>
You nod, say goodbye, and ask her this week to think about what appearance she wants to convey, what meaning she wants to convey with her clothes, and makeup, and body.
It's an old method, but an effective one.
''Hang is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Hang", "ThirdTraining"); $bimbos.hang.bimbo += 3; $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 3; $bimbos.hang.slut += 3;>>\Hang arrives at the normal time and walks in. She's wearing flowing trousers, almost like pyjamas, and a hoodie. You're about to point her towards the closet when she begins to strip.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/FourthTrainingOutfit.jpg" height="600">
<span class="hang-text">"I chose my own clothing today."</span>
Hang is only wearing a small top and a big pair of underpants.
<span class="mc-text">"Very good Hang. Any particular reason?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I thought about what you told me to think. I want to be fun. And, today, I will make you sweat!"</span> A look of genuine concern flashes across your face. <span class="hang-text">"Yes, you should be worried."</span>
Hang explains that she wants to improve your coordination and speed.
<span class="hang-text">"Today we do simple, but fast. OK?"</span>
She walks over to your speakers and sets up her phone. After a few frowns, a thick, heavy trumpet echoes through your apartment.
<span class="hang-text">"OK! Let's go."</span>
You start with a simple box step, as you cycle through Latin songs with fast beats. You feet are whirring around, trying to comply with Hang's instructions. Within ten minutes you're sweating, within 30 you are drenched.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Strip down to your underwear too|Hang Session 4][$passageRoute to 2; $bimbos.hang.slut += 2;]]
[[Keep your clothes on|Hang Session 4][$passageRoute to 3; $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 2;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Wait, wait, wait... I'm joining you."</span>
You pull off your t-shirt, your jeans, and your socks. You are wearing only a pair of your boxer briefs and you see Hang's eyes glance down to your bulge. She looks back up at you, though, and with an extra fire in her eyes grabs you and throws you back into the dance. Your bare, sweaty skin is rubbing up against one another and, despite the immense physical effort, you grow a semi, which Hang seems to ignore as she dances against you.
''Hang is now much more of a slut.''
[[Continue|Hang Session 4 Photos]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You keep your clothes on, not wanting to embarrass Hang. But after a while your shirt is soaked through with sweat, and the sweat begins to get on Hang. She doesn't seem to mind, but the combination of your own sweat and her - much less intense - sweat has made her top translucent. You can see her brown nipples through it, and though she catches you looking she doesn't stop dancing.
''Hang is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
[[Continue|Hang Session 4 Photos]]
<</if>>\After a little more than an hour's dancing Hang calls time.
You grab some water and catch your breath before turning to Hang. <span class="mc-text">"How did I do?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Not very well, but you used to be terrible, so I think this is very good."</span>
You laugh, and after a moment she laughs too. <span class="mc-text">"Way to spare my feelings."</span>
She shrugs, and walks over to the usual sofa. She leans back into it, legs spread. <span class="hang-text">"We Vietnamese are like that. So. What is today's bimbo lesson?"</span>
You sit down next to her, facing her. <span class="mc-text">"Did you think about what I wanted you to think about?"</span>
She nods. <span class="hang-text">"Yes, I told you. I want to look fun. I want to look like I am at the middle of the room. I want people to look at me, like when I dance."</span>
You aren't surprised that this is what she wants, but you are pleased that Hang has taken the assignment seriously. <span class="mc-text">"So what does that mean in practice?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I... I'm not sure."</span>
You pull out your laptop and pass it to Hang. <span class="mc-text">"Have a look around on the internet, look for someone who inspires you, a bimbo that seems to be close to what you want to look like.."</span>
Hang takes the computer and begins to search around.
<span class="hang-text">"Her?"</span> Hang turns the computer around for you to look.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/FourthTrainingBimbo.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"What do you like about her?"</span>
She shrugs. <span class="hang-text">"If I walked into a room looking like her, people would look at me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Is it just her blue hair and tight dress?"</span>
She shrugs again. <span class="hang-text">"I suppose..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What about her body? Do you like how big her ass is?"</span>
She shakes her head. <span class="hang-text">"No, not really. I want to be thinner than that. I like her face, though. Her makeup."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think you know what sort of outfit and vibe you want to express, but you aren't really sure of the body. Right?"</span> She nods. <span class="mc-text">"I want you to focus on the body and face this time, then."</span>
She takes the computer back and searches. Another ten minutes go by.
<span class="hang-text">"It's hard to find one I like..."</span> You look over her shoulder and it's a range of semi-identical bimbos in bandage dresses. You take the computer from her.
<span class="mc-text">"You aren't shy, right?"</span> She shakes her head. You type in a porn site. <span class="mc-text">"Search here, you'll be able to see their bodies better."</span>
You give the computer back to Hang and her eyes widen, but she says nothing.
<span class="hang-text">"I found someone."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/FourthTrainingPornstar.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"What do you like about her?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"She is fit, she is thin. She is very pretty, but also..."</span> She struggles for the word here. <span class="hang-text">"Striking."</span>
''Hang is now much more of a bimbo.''
[[Look at more photos of this pornstar|Hang Session 4 Pornstar][$bimbos.hang.slut += 2]]
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Hang", "FourthTraining"); $bimbos.hang.bimbo += 2;>>\You click her profile and go back to the list of her scenes. You click another one, bring up the photos, and see her posing naked, her ass sticking out, her pussy on full view.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/FourthTrainingNaked.jpg" height="600">
You look at Hang and she's just looking at the screen, avoiding looking at you. <span class="hang-text">"I like her tattoos..."</span>
You click back and randomly click another scene.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/FourthTrainingPose.jpg" height="600">
<span class="hang-text">"She looks a little like Tan, don't you think?"</span>
Without saying anything Hang stretches out her hand and starts the video playing.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/FourthTrainingPorn.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks at it for at least 30 seconds, then looks at you.
<span class="hang-text">"I'm going to go home now."</span>
''Hang is now much more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>Hang comes over as usual, but she has not brought her own outfit this week. She changes into a similar outfit from last week, though, but she makes you get down to your underwear too. You dance, fast, and hard, and both end up sweaty and spent after her lesson.
<span class="hang-text">"Better, you are better every week."</span>
You pour you both glasses of water, and you sit down next to each other one the sofa. Hang puts her hand on your bare thigh. <span class="hang-text">"So how can I become a better bimbo this week, coach?"</span> Hang laughs, and you think it might have been one of the first jokes you have heard her tell.
<span class="mc-text">"This week I want to focus on the 4th principle. Which is?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"The joy one... No stress."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Be a source of joy, not stress. But close enough. Now, with most of my clients I have to focus on the element telling them not to be a source of stress. Don't make problems bigger than they need to be, learn to only be demanding about things that are truly important to you. I think with you, though, I need to teach you the opposite. How to take your own joy seriously. After all, how can you be a source of joy if you have little joy yourself?"</span>
Hang nods.
<span class="mc-text">"So, Hang. What makes you happy in life?"</span>
She thinks, and gets a little sad looking. <span class="hang-text">"This every week. And being friends with Tan. And thinking about how my family is better off now that I am here."</span>
You know you shouldn't, but you can't help it. <span class="mc-text">"Rupert doesn't make you happy?"</span>
She looks away from you and readjusts the spandex strap on one side of her underwear. <span class="hang-text">"He is a good husband."</span>
You let the matter drop, and spend much of the next hour talking to her about her own happiness. About making space for herself and her own joy.
At the end of the lesson you stand up. <span class="mc-text">"This week, for your homework, I want you to do one little thing every day that makes you happy. Just you, and no one else. OK?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"OK."</span> Hang doesn't stand up, and you look expectantly at her. She begins to blush.
<span class="hang-text">"I know it is silly, but... Can I use your laptop again? I couldn't get to... that website, at home."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"There is a family block? But you don't have kids."</span>
Hang looks up at you. <span class="mc-text">"Sure."</span> You pick up your laptop and hand it to her. <span class="mc-text">"You can use it while you're changing, if you want."</span>
She smiles at you and grabs the laptop and runs down the hall.
[[Peek on her|Hang Session 5 Masturbate][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Respect her privacy|Hang Session 5 Masturbate][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
After 10 minutes or so your curiosity gets the better of you and you walk down the hall. You put your eye to the crack in the door.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/FifthTrainingMasturbate.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang is masturbating, but to little effect. After a few minutes the novelty has passed and you quietly stand up.
About 15 minutes later Hang leaves the room, and you can tell she's in a poor mood. She grabs her bag and keys, gives you a perfunctory goodbye, then leaves.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
About 30 minutes later Hang leaves the room, and you can tell she's in a poor mood. She grabs her bag and keys, gives you a perfunctory goodbye, then leaves.
You suspect you know what is wrong, and head off to a special store in the city.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Hang", "FifthSession");>>\Your dancing lessons are settling down to a cosy routine now of sweaty lessons in minimal clothing. Hang assures you that each week you are getting a little better, and you confess to her that you've started to practice occasionally when you have a spare moment or two.
<span class="hang-text">"That's great!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Did you do your homework this week? What did you do each day?"</span>
Hang gets out her phone and opens up a note and begins to rattle through it.
<span class="hang-text">"On Monday - after our session - I bought myself a little mini donut at Henrique's. On Tuesday I did not answer an annoying text message. On Wednesday I went out by myself and had a beer after I had finished cleaning the house. On Thursday I bought myself two mini donuts at Henrique's, one strawberry, one chocolate. On Friday I nearly bought myself three mini donuts at Henrique's, but I decided that I would read a Vietnamese book rather than study English. On Saturday I cooked my eggs how I liked them, rather than doing them both how Rupert likes them. On Sunday I went for a run."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK..."</span> You take a moment to collect yourself, and try to remember what she had said. <span class="mc-text">"On Tuesday, you didn't answer an annoying text. What was it about?"</span>
She sighs. <span class="hang-text">"It was Rupert. He was upset that I didn't fold the blankets in the living room after I had used them."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"And the eggs?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"He likes his scrambled, and always told me just to do them all together because it creates less mess. But Sunday I did fried eggs for me!"</span> She sounds positively excited about this minor act of rebellion.
<span class="mc-text">"How did this make you feel?"</span>
She frowns. <span class="hang-text">"Nervous... At first. But then I liked myself a little more."</span>
You nod, and begin to focus on the other half of Principle Four: not being a source of stress. You explain how that isn't merely reactive, doing whatever people want to do, but rather proactive. People can sense, even subconsciously, when someone is reluctant or unenthusiastic. A critical part of being a source of joy in other people's lives is making choices that ensure you are surrounded by people who are on the same page as you. Good bimbos don't just keep their mouths shut and do what they're told, rather they enthusiastically embrace joy in their lives, while quietly avoiding unhappiness.
<span class="hang-text">"What's my homework?"</span>
You look at Hang seriously, and you feel your dick begin to tingle and hope that Hang doesn't look down at your bulging boxer briefs. <span class="mc-text">"Can I ask you a personal question?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"OK..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"When was the last time you had an orgasm?"</span>
[[Continue|Hang Session 6 Orgasm]]<span class="hang-text">"$player.firstName, I don't think you should be..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hang. If we are to continue with proper coaching, rather than merely being friends, we need to be open about sexuality. A critical part of being a good bimbo is having a happy, full sex life. Do you want to be a good bimbo?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes, I do."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Do you want to have a happy, full sex life?"</span>
She nods, but says nothing.
<span class="mc-text">"Then we need to be open with one another. If you want, you can ask me a question after you answer mine. We will be completely honest with each other."</span>
She looks at you.
<span class="mc-text">"So, Hang. When was the last time you had an orgasm?"</span>
She looks at you, then looks down at her hands covering her crotch, then back at you. She exhales loudly. <span class="hang-text">"Maybe last year?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Maybe?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I think so, yes."</span>
You nod, and wonder if Hang has ever, in fact, had an orgasm.
<span class="mc-text">"I got you a little present."</span> You stand up, and grab a nondescript white gift bag from by the television console. You hand it to her.
<span class="hang-text">"What is it?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Open it up."</span>
She does as she's told and she pulls out a long, wide box. She takes the lid off the box and inside is a battery operated 'personal massager'.
<span class="hang-text">"What is it?"</span>
You chuckle, then stretch out your hand. She gives it to you. <span class="mc-text">"It's a vibrator."</span> You switch it on, and hand it back to her. <span class="mc-text">"Women use them to have orgasms."</span>
You expected Hang to be embarrassed, but she isn't. If anything she is businesslike. <span class="hang-text">"What do I do?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You know what your clitoris is?"</span> She nods. <span class="mc-text">"You hold it on that, or around that. You'll figure out what you like."</span>
She looks at you expectantly, vibrator still buzzing away in her hand. <span class="mc-text">"You can go and-"</span> Before you finish your sentence she has put the vibrator against her pussy, up against her clitoris. Immediately her eyes widen and her legs spread. It's almost your turn to be embarrassed, and it can't be more than a minute until you hear a low, growing shout from Hang. Her eyes open wide and there's a look of panic on her face as she drops the vibrator to the ground.
Her face is flushed and she looks at you. She can't form words, but says something in Vietnamese, over and over again. You bend down and pick up the vibrator, switching it off before trying to hand it back to her and then merely resting it against her vagina when she doesn't take it from you.
<span class="mc-text">"Next time, try doing it without any underwear on."</span>
She looks at you, but still says nothing. You go and refill your glasses of water.
When you return she is looking up at you. <span class="hang-text">"I... I never..."</span>
You stroke her hair and take a sip from your glass.. <span class="mc-text">"I figured."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Hang", "SixthSession");>>\Hang comes running in the apartment. And runs up to you and grabs your wrists.
<span class="hang-text">"Before the lesson, can I use the vibrator?"</span>
You chuckle but agree. She runs over to where the vibrator is, and takes off her underwear.
<span class="hang-text">"Do you mind if I? Here... Just...?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You owe me one."</span>
Hang is ignoring you by now, and pulls down her underwear.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/SeventhTrainingStrip.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She grabs the vibrator and fumbles for a bit, trying to turn it on. She lays on your sofa. She's ignoring you almost completely and she then puts the vibrator up against her clit.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/SeventhTrainingMasturbate.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
A minute or two later she is looking around, wide-eyed, biting her lower lip, as she begins to pant she takes the vibrator away, but you correct her. <span class="mc-text">"Hold it there, hold it there til you are done."</span>
She does as you suggest, and her pants grow louder, turning into rhythmic groans, then a single long, loud groan. She drops the vibrator and you pick it up again, switching it off. She lays there for a few seconds, eyes closed, her pussy staring right up at you, until she suddenly seems to realize what she did and begins to blush. She stands up and tries to grab her panties, but you snatch them from her.
<span class="mc-text">"I told you that you would owe me."</span> Hang nods. <span class="mc-text">"And the dress."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"What?!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Take off your dress. Or am I going to be the only naked one when we dance?"</span>
Hang looks at you seriously. <span class="hang-text">"OK. But you cannot tell Rupert."</span>
You whisper in her ear. <span class="mc-text">"I'm not telling him anything about this. Are you?"</span>
She shakes her head, then turns on the bluetooth on her phone. The two of you begin to dance, this time slower, more complex steps. You're actually focusing on the dancing and manage to avoid getting an erection, despite how often it rubs against Hang.
[[Continue|Hang Session 7 Choice]]You two sit down, naked, next to each other.
<span class="mc-text">"Today, I think you're ready to learn about pleasing others. Pleasing them in a new way. How many men have you kissed? Had sex with?"</span>
She looks you in the eye. <span class="hang-text">"Kissed? A lot. Many. Maybe 20. Sex? I... Rupert Just Rupert... How many women have you... You know?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's my turn to coach you, Hang."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Last week you said we ask questions, honest questions, and we answer each other. Answer my question, I answered yours."</span>
You nod, and make a little grimace. <span class="hang-text">"Kissed? I can't remember. Sex... You won't be disgusted, will you?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Why would I be disgusted?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Because it is a lot."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I am not scared. Even if it is 20!"</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"It's more than 20."</span>
She looks at you, gobsmacked. <span class="hang-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yep. More like 100? I don't really know."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"You don't really know..."</span> She looks down at your penis and points at it. <span class="hang-text">"How has he not fallen off yet?"</span>
She laughs and you laugh with her, but she gets quiet. <span class="hang-text">"Is it bad that I have only had one man? I was always told that I needed to wait for my husband, and even though it was difficult I did. I knew that my parents would forgive me for most things, they were strict but they loved me, but if I were to be... Well. But now I wonder if that is right, that I should only ever have Rupert."</span>
''This is a major choice for Hang.
If you tell her that it is bad to only be with one man, she will immediately become "quite slutty" and will be open to having sex with you and other men.
If you tell her that it is OK to only be with one man, she will remain faithful to Rupert.''
[[Yes, you should have more experience|Hang Session Finish][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[No, it isn't necessarily bad|Hang Session Finish][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You look off to the side and try to gather your words, delicately.
<span class="mc-text">"Well... It depends. But I think it might be bad for you, yes."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"As a bimbo it is bad?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"For a bimbo, yes, usually. But Hang, I meant for you. You aren't a bimbo yet, just learning, not even open about it... You've only had two orgasms, right?"</span> She nods. <span class="mc-text">"And they've both been on this sofa, in front of me. That isn't... That isn't good. I don't think you can tie yourself to a man that has never given you an orgasm. Does he even try to?"</span> She shakes her head. <span class="mc-text">"Would you ever be able to have a conversation like this with him?"</span>
Her eyes grow wide and she shakes her head. <span class="hang-text">"No, I don't think so."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Do you want to have that be your sex life, for the rest of your life?"</span>
Hang says nothing, and does nothing, but she looks at the vibrator. Then she looks right into your eyes.
<span class="hang-text">"I want you to coach me, $player.firstName. I want to commit to this. I want to be a bimbo, and I want to learn to love my body and..."</span> She searches for the words.
<span class="mc-text">"Experience joy from your body?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Learn how to please a man?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Become a sex goddess?"</span>
Hang laughs. <span class="hang-text">"Yes."</span>
You stick out your hand for her to shake. <span class="mc-text">"Deal."</span> Hang takes it and gives you a firm shake. <span class="mc-text">"I'll help you become the bimbo slut you always wanted to be, deep down. We'll start next week."</span>
''Hang is now much more of a bimbo.
Hang is now significantly more a slut.''
<<set $bimbos.hang.slut += 15>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"I couldn't live like that, but I don't think it's bad that you want to. What I would say is that the way things currently are makes you unhappy, right?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes, it does. I'm not happy with my sex life with Rupert."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What if you could be, though?"</span>
She looks at you, a curious look on her face. <span class="hang-text">"What do you mean?"</span>
You sigh, and hope that if there is a God he appreciates your self-sacrifice. <span class="mc-text">"What I mean, is what if you could learn how to have a good sex life and be faithful to Rupert? What if you could help Rupert learn to love you as a bimbo?"</span>
She smiles. <span class="hang-text">"I think... I think I would like that, yes."</span> She purses her lips and looks a little guilty, before looking you in the eye. <span class="hang-text">"He is... He has his flaws, but deep down he is a good man, you know?"</span> You'll just have to take that under advisement, but you say nothing at her and just smile. <span class="hang-text">"I want you to coach me, $player.firstName. I want to commit to this. I want to be a bimbo, and I want to learn to love my body and..."</span> She searches for the words.
<span class="mc-text">"Experience joy from your body?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Learn how to please Rupert?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Become a sex goddess?"</span>
Hang laughs. <span class="hang-text">"Yes."</span>
You stick out your hand for her to shake. <span class="mc-text">"Deal."</span> Hang takes it and gives you a firm shake. <span class="mc-text">"I'll help you become the bimbo sex wife you always wanted to be, deep down. We'll start next week."</span>
''Hang is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<set AddEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Hang", "SeventhSession"); $bimbos.hang.bimbo += 3; $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 3; $bimbos.hang.training to 1;>>\Hang arrives ready to learn. What will you focus on today?
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
<<if $bimbos.hang.slut lt 26>>\
<<set $bimbos.hang.slut += 1>>\
<<if $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist lt 26>>\
<<set $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 1>>\
<<if $bimbos.hang.training is 1>>\
[[Orgasm Training|Hang Orgasm Faithful]]
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.training is 2>>\
[[Oral Training|Hang Oral Faithful]]
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.training is 3>>\
[[Vaginal Training|Hang Vaginal Faithful]]
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.training is 4>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte?.trainingComplete>>\
[[Anal Training|Hang Anal Faithful]]
You must complete Charlotte's bimbo training in order to progress to Hang's anal training.
<<if $bimbos.hang.slut lt 36>>\
<<set $bimbos.hang.slut += 1>>\
<<if $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist lt 36>>\
<<set $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 1>>\
<<if $bimbos.hang.training lt 4>>\
[[Hang's Orgasm Training|Hang Orgasm]]
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.training lt 6>>\
[[Hang's Oral Training|Hang Oral]]
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.training lt 8>>\
[[Hang's Vaginal Training|Hang Vaginal]]
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.training lt 9>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte?.trainingComplete>>\
[[Anal Training|Hang Anal]]
You must complete Charlotte's bimbo training to progress to anal sex with Hang.
<<if $bimbos.hang.training is 9>>\
[[Hang Visits Briefly|Hang Morning Visit]]
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2)>>\<<if not (CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo") or CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee"))>>\
In order to continue with Hang's sex coaching, you will need an assistant.
''Finish more of Stella's storyline before continuing with Hang's story.''
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Hang", "SexSessions"); $bimbos.hang.happiness to 4;>>\
So far you had done an excellent job of keeping Hang and Stella separated from each other. When necessary, you'd sent Stella out, or just explained away her presence in a way that didn't incur Stella's curiosity. This was not for Stella's benefit, of course. Rather it was to protect Hang from the immaculately manicured grip of Stella's rampant bimboism.
Now that Hang has fully committed to being trained as a bimbo, however, you decide that it is time that they were introduced. Both to let herself see what she is in for, and to see what she should aspire to. Before Hang arrives you make sure that Stella is around, and explain the situation to her.
<span class="stella-text">"This is so exciting! Do you think she's ever touched fake tits before?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No, but-"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Oh, and I can show her how to do makeup!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Look, Stella, just-"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"And maybe she could be friends with Charlotte!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Stella! I don't want you to scare her. Just do what I say, OK?"</span>
She frowns at you, a little upset, but shrugs. <span class="stella-text">"Fine."</span>
You dress Stella up in a professional red shirt and black skirt, with slutty white lingerie underneath. Then you sit in a slightly awkward silence for five or ten minutes until the bell rings. Stella lets out a little happy squeal and you shoot her a glance that you hope hits the right note between caution and encouragement.
<span class="mc-text">"Hi Hang. How are you?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I am good. How are you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good, good."</span> You lead her through the hall to where Stella is standing. <span class="mc-text">"I want you to meet someone. Hang, this is Stella. Stella, this is Hang."</span>
They shake hands. <span class="mc-text">"Hang is a friend of mine and a new... Well, not paid client, but shall we say pro bono client. Stella was my very first client, and now she is..."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"House bimbo!"</span> Stella nearly shouts in. <span class="stella-text">"I'm his house bimbo."</span> She beams a smile at Hang, who raises an eyebrow at you.
<span class="mc-text">"She lives here, and generally keeps everyone in the house happy, and just generally brightens up the place. Don't you Stella?"</span> Stella nods enthusiastically.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella steps forward. <span class="stella-text">"I'm now his assistant at BLC. I help out with coaching, but also do the menial work that he is too 'big picture' to handle himself."</span> She shoots you a skeptical look and Hang giggles. You cough.
<span class="mc-text">"Anyway. Today, at least, I wanted to just focus on your new coaching. I'm very proud of you, and I really think that together you can learn how to have an amazing sex life, both for yourself and others..."</span> You turn to Stella. <span class="mc-text">"Did you always have a happy sex life, Stella?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"No, I didn't, not for years."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"But now?"</span>
She laughs, and crosses her arms, a gesture of self-satisfaction. <span class="stella-text">"Yeah, I do. I mean, look at me."</span> She sticks out her chest ever so slightly. You look at Hang and she's clearly awed by Stella.
You take Hang by the hand, and lead her until you are standing next to Stella. <span class="mc-text">"Stella's body is built for sex. All good bimbos, of whatever kind, are essentially sex toys. To be used and enjoyed by others, getting their own enjoyment not only out of the sex itself, but first and foremost the pleasure they are bringing to other people. Isn't that right, Stella?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Yes, it is."</span>
Hang breaks her silence. <span class="hang-text">"Are... Are you always wanting to have sex?"</span>
Stella bobs her head side to side. <span class="stella-text">"No, but I always let myself get turned on, if that makes sense. Maybe at first I don't want to, but after a minute..."</span>
You lift Hang's hand up, and place it on one of Stella's breasts. Stella smiles, and offers them more fully to Hang. You keep Hang's hand there. <span class="mc-text">"Squeeze."</span> Hang squeezes, and Stella giggles.
<span class="mc-text">"Do you see how much she enjoys that? Do you enjoy touching her?"</span>
Hang smiles and nods. <span class="hang-text">"Can I..?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You can do anything you want to Stella. No part of her is off limits."</span>
Stella looks Hang in the eyes. <span class="stella-text">"Anything."</span>
Hang giggles now and, you're happy to see, continues to touch Stella's breasts. She turns to you. <span class="hang-text">"I love them..."</span> Hang squeeze them, and circles the outline of Stella's nipple.
<span class="mc-text">"Don't just focus on her breasts."</span>
Hang nods, then walks behind Stella to touch her ass. She runs her hands up and down Stella's legs, and begins to bite her bottom lip as she runs her hands up Stella's torso. From behind she lifts up each of Stella's breasts in turn. <span class="mc-text">"So heavy!"</span> She laughs, and comes to stand next to you.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella. Take you clothes off."</span>
Immediately she does as she's told.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Stella.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She strips her skirt off, then begins to walk straight at Hang. She presses right up against Hang, and you worry that Stella may be pushing Hang too quickly. But you make eye contact with Hang and she pokes her tongue out happily at you, before running her hands over Stella's body.
You let Hang explore Stella some more, before you interrupt her.
<span class="mc-text">"Hang. It's your turn now."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You are going to take your clothes off."</span>
She takes her hands of Stella suddenly, then looks at her. <span class="hang-text">"But... I only just..."</span> You look at Hang, and already she has begun to obey your coaching without too much resistance.
Slowly, Hang strips.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella, I want you to touch Hang. Be gentle."</span>
Hang immediately covers her body with her hands. You're about to order Hang to drop them, but Stella shoots you a dirty glare, and you shut up. <span class="stella-text">"Hang. Can I?"</span>
Hang shakes her head. <span class="hang-text">"No... No. You are beautiful, you are sexy. You have big boobs, and a big behind. I do not."</span>
Stella steps close to Hang, and strokes her hair. <span class="stella-text">"You are beautiful, Hang. And some day, if you really want to, you can have a body built for sex. But you were born with a body built for fun. You enjoyed touching me, let me enjoy touching you. OK?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Naked.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang groans, but then smiles at Stella. <span class="hang-text">"OK. For you."</span>
You should never have worried about Stella, and as you watch you see Stella gently touch Hang. She gives her gentle tickles with the back of her finger nails, and compliments her on various parts of her body.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Flirt.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
With the two of them naked, examining each other, you feel almost useless, but you're still enjoying the show. After a short while Stella is done, then gives Hang a gentle kiss on the cheek, then looks at you.
<span class="mc-text">"Did you enjoy that, Stella?"</span>
Stella nods enthusiastically. <span class="stella-text">"So, so, so much. Training her is going to be so much fun!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hang, I want you to think about how it feels to know that Stella enjoyed touching you so much."</span>
Hang looks at you and gathers her thoughts. Then she looks at Stella. <span class="hang-text">"I mean... If you really did like touching me so much... I... I feel happy, I guess. I liked it when you touched me, and I liked touching you, too, so I that makes sense."</span>
You thank Stella and tell her she can leave.
<span class="mc-text">"Do you want to dance today?"</span>
Hang looks at you, with a serious face. <span class="hang-text">"No. But can we next time?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure. But next time we start properly, OK?"</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">><<if $bimbos.hang.training is 1>>\
Hang arrives, and as usual you begin with an hour's dancing. Once her lesson is complete, it's your turn.
<span class="mc-text">"Today we're going to work on controlling your orgasm with the vibrator. An important part of sexual experience is understanding when to delay pleasure, and what to let it wash over you. What we're going to do is have you use the vibrator. For the first five minutes you aren't allowed to come, but if you don't come before 6 minutes passes, you will have to stop. OK?"</span>
Hang looks at you dubiously, but agrees. <span class="hang-text">"You watch too, yes?"</span> You nod. <span class="hang-text">"OK."</span>
Hang lays down on the sofa and spreads her legs. You hand her the vibrator. <span class="mc-text">"Wait..."</span> You sit down, and get out your phone. You set the stop watch. <span class="mc-text">"1, 2, 3, Go."</span>
Hang begins to use the vibrator and looks at you, making sure to point her pussy straight at you. <span class="mc-text">"While you're doing this, I want you to tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how close you are to orgasm."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"4."</span>
You raise your eyebrows. <span class="mc-text">"It's only been 30 seconds, Hang. You gotta slow down."</span>
Hang exhales and moves the vibrator a bit further away from her clitoris. <span class="hang-text">"2."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Better."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Orgasm/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She moves it around for a while, and when 4 minutes hit you ask here where she is. <span class="hang-text">"6? Maybe."</span> She begins to press it into her clitoris and rub against it.
<span class="mc-text">"OK, 5 minutes. You have 60 seconds to come."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"7.... 7..... UGH..... 8.... 8...."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"15 seconds..."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"9.... 9...."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"5....4....3....2....1...."</span> You snatch the vibrator from her hands and she opens her eyes wide.
<span class="hang-text">"NO! NO! Give it back!"</span>
You reach down and rest your hand on Hang's pussy, the first time you've ever touched it. <span class="mc-text">"You're here to do what I tell you, and to learn. No more, no less. OK?"</span>
She nods, but begins to rub herself against your fingers. You take your hand away. <span class="mc-text">"I'm gonna let you calm down before we try again."</span>
You repeat the exercise again, and snatch the vibrator from her before she comes only a minute in. You repeat it another time and this time she nearly comes before the end of the 6 minutes, but fails.
She's almost weeping with frustration by now. <span class="hang-text">"Please, $player.firstName... Please... I just... Please..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You are either about to come way too soon, or too slowly, right? So why not practice and then push yourself over the edge when you are allowed."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"How do I do this?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Put a few fingers inside yourself."</span> You consider giving her a practical demonstration by fingering her yourself, but looking at her you suspect that would just push her over the edge.
This time she follows your advice. Once you call 5 minutes, she puts the vibrator right on her clit and slowly begins to stick two fingers inside of herself.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Orgasm/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Within seconds her back begins to arch, and her fingers reach further and further inside herself. She groans loudly, exhaling until her lungs empty completely. Her eyes close and she shudders. You leave her alone until her eyes open and she looks at you.
<span class="hang-text">"$player.firstName, I-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Again."</span>
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.training is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"You haven't had an orgasm without using the vibrator, have you?"</span>
Hang shakes her head. <span class="hang-text">"No, I have not."</span>
Stella looks at her, almost shocked, but says nothing.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, that is what you're going to learn to do today. Go with Stella and find something that you want to wear."</span>
The two of them walk off to what has lately turned into the bimbo dressing room at the rear of your apartment. About 20 minutes later they return. Stella is wearing her normal clothes, but Hang is wearing a full lingerie set. A lacy one-piece with matching stockings, and stripper heels.
<span class="stella-text">"It turns out we have the same size feet."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Orgasm/2a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You're not sure about the lipstick, but Hang looks happy. <span class="mc-text">"How do you feel, Hang?"</span>
Hang beams at you and Stella. <span class="hang-text">"Great! I feel very sexy, very very sexy. Do you think I look sexy?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, I do... So, Hang. Bend over for me."</span>
Hang bends over and grabs her ankles, steadying herself.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Orgasm/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You begin to touch her ass and then rub her pussy. You keep on rubbing it as you tell her what you want her to do. <span class="mc-text">"A major part of sex is the intimacy of it, the reciprocity and friendship. Learning to enjoy sex as a bimbo isn't merely about learning to derive your primary pleasure from pleasing men, but also about an enthusiastic sluttiness. Do you understand what I mean?"</span>
Hang nods, and pushes back slightly onto your fingers. <span class="mc-text">"You've learned a little better how to control your orgasms, but it will be difficult for you to be an effective partner, guiding them on how to take care of you, if you do not know how to take care of yourself. All I want you to do today is to give yourself an orgasm, just using your hands. OK?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes. I will do this."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Orgasm/2c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang spreads her legs and begins to masturbate as you and Stella watch, Stella occasionally providing advice to Hang on what to do. At first Hang seems to be enjoying herself, but after ten minutes you can see she is getting a little demoralized.
<span class="hang-text">"I... I don't feel any closer..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Where are you at now?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"5..."</span> You nod. <span class="hang-text">"Can... Can I watch one of those videos?"</span>
You stand up and are about to grab your laptop for her when you decide that there is a better option. You stop, and turn to Stella. <span class="mc-text">"Stella, take off your clothes and get on your knees."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Hang/Blowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Without even asking Stella strips, and squats down right next to Hang. You take out your dick and she begins to suck it. You see Hang speed up, watching Stella suck your cock only a foot from her face.
<span class="mc-text">"Don't forget to tell me where you are."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"7....7...."</span>
Hang is transfixed on you and Stella. You make a point of holding eye contact with Hang as Stella is on her knees in front of you. <span class="mc-text">"Do you see what a good bimbo is?"</span> Hang nods and reaches out one of her hands to touch Stella. Stella adjusts her body so that Hang can feel one of her tits.
<span class="hang-text">"9... I want to be like you... I want... 9..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Tell me where to cum, Hang."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Her big breasts..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Her big bimbo tits?"</span> Hang nods. <span class="mc-text">"Say it. Tell me to cum on her big bimbo tits."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Cum on her big bimbo tits."</span> Hang collapses and begins to shudder with her orgasm. You pull out of Stella's mouth and jerk yourself off onto her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Hang/Cum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Once you're done, Stella goes and stands behind Hang, stroking her sweaty hair out of her face. A little bit of your cum drips down onto her face but Hang doesn't seem to mind.
<span class="mc-text">"You know what you learned today, Hang?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"How to orgasm without a vibrator."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No. You learned how to lose yourself to the moment. Were you thinking about what I told you to do when you came, or were you just thinking about how you were fingering yourself, watching your neighbor get his cock sucked?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I was... I was not thinking."</span>
You sit down, and let Stella and Hang go to the bathroom together to clean up.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.training is 3>>\
For today's lesson you ask Stella to inform Hang that dancing will not take place until after, then to lead Hang to the bedroom where she will find instructions and clothes. When Hang is ready, Stella comes to get you, then leaves you two alone in the room.
<span class="mc-text">"What are you going to learn today?"</span>
Hang says nothing. In the instructions you had written for her, you made clear that she was to say nothing, to do nothing, to not even look you in the eye.
You begin by lifting her skirt.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Orgasm/3a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Today is about me, today is about how you can learn to enjoy being taken care of, merely trusting in the judgement of others."</span>
Slowly, you inspect her body, opening her shirt, putting your fingers into her mouth. You pull her shirt apart, exposing her breasts, then you begin to finger her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Orgasm/3b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"You are already soaking wet, Hang."</span> She says nothing, but you feel her ever so slightly lower herself onto your hand. You insert a finger into her, and begin to stimulate her G-spot.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Orgasm/3c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You start slowly, but as you feel Hang warm up you grow faster, and rougher. By the end you are finger fucking her hard, and squeezing one of her tits, and she rests against the bed and approaches orgasm. She comes, quickly, and falls off the edge of the bed.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Orgasm/3d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As she does, rather than give her any respite, you begin to rub her clitoris. She looks up at you, almost pleadingly, but you continue to pleasure her. She moves one of her hands to try and move yours.
<span class="mc-text">"No."</span> Hang puts it back. She looks up at you, and you realize that in all this time you have never kissed Hang. <span class="mc-text">"Kiss me, if you want to."</span>
She reaches up greedily with her face and you begin to make out. You bring her to orgasm once more, and this time as she shudders she falls to the floor. You leave her there and leave the room, saying nothing. Five or ten minutes later she walks out, wearing only the stockings, her eyes a little puffy and red.
<span class="mc-text">"Thank you."</span>
''Hang is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.hang.bimbo += 3; $bimbos.hang.training += 1;>>\<<if $bimbos.hang.training is 4>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I think you've learned what your sexual role is, correct?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes, I think so. I am... What did you say... To be an 'enthusiastic slut'."</span> She smiles up at you and giggles.
<span class="mc-text">"Exactly. You've learned how to manage your own pleasure, and you're learning how to please others. The past lessons focused on teaching you how to get into the right mindset, how to be in the right head-space, but now we can move onto more practical matters."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"What will I learn today?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Today, you are going to suck my cock and Stella is going to correct you."</span>
You lead Hang to a chair and sit her down on it, then you take out your penis. Stella stands next to you.
<span class="stella-text">"OK, sweetie, now you have to get him hard. You can do this a few ways, you can talk dirty, you can show off your body, but it's easier to just take it in your mouth and get him hard that way."</span>
Hang looks at your penis. She's never touched it before, not in an obviously sexual way, and in a certain way this the major line. Once she crosses it she has undeniably been unfaithful to Rupert. She psyches herself up, and then takes it in her hand.
<span class="hang-text">"Lick it?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Put the tip of it in your mouth then suck it. Have you never sucked a dick before?"</span>
Hang looks up at Stella. <span class="hang-text">"No... Rupert has never asked me to."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Oh... Well. I'm sure an enthusiastic girl like you will learn in no time, 80% of sucking dick is just enthusiasm. Enthusiasm and spit."</span>
Hang begins to suck on your dick and you get hard. <span class="stella-text">"Now, you may want to use your hand a bit more, jack him off a little."</span> Hang awkwardly uses her hands to jerk you off.
Stella wraps her hands around Hang's and jerks you off, using Hang's hand. <span class="stella-text">"Like that."</span> She lets go and Hang does it in a better up and down motion. <span class="stella-text">"Now suck on the tip of it."</span> Hang puts the tip of your dick in her mouth, then looks up into your eyes.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Oral/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Great job Hang! Look up into his eyes whenever you can. Guys love that."</span>
Hang sucks on the tip of your dick for a while, and she's having fun exploring it with her mouth. After a while you can see she has started to feel less self-conscious. <span class="stella-text">"OK, now do more."</span>
Hang takes your dick out of her mouth with a pop. <span class="hang-text">"How more?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Take more of it into your mouth. Bob your head back and forth."</span>
Hang begins to take a little more, and a little more of your dick but she is doing it tentatively. Stella pushes her head down onto your dick. <span class="stella-text">"Like that."</span>
Hang pulls back and coughs, and shoots a dirty look at Stella. But she takes the advice and is going further. She does this for a few minutes, trying to take more and more of you into her mouth. You start to feel good, really good. You tense up your legs and your buttocks.
<span class="stella-text">"OK, you see that? How he just tensed up, and is getting all fidgety? That means he's gonna blow his load soon."</span>
Hang takes you out of her mouth. <span class="hang-text">"What?-"</span>
Stella shoves her head back onto your cock, and even pushes it back and forth as she chastises Hang. <span class="stella-text">"Never. Stop. Sucking. Not when they get close."</span> Stella lets go, and Hang keeps on going.
<span class="stella-text">"Tell us when you get close. When he does, what you are going to do is jerk him off into your mouth. Do you think you can do that?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Mmmm hmm"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"And remember, when you do it, big smile! Big big smile, and look up at him, like it's your favorite thing in the world."</span>
If anything Hang picks up the pace, and a little while later you warn them. <span class="mc-text">"I'm close."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"OK, Hang."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Oral/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang begins to jerk you off and looks worried for a moment, but begins to smile - a big, genuine smile - as you begin to cum in her mouth. She even begins to rub it on her face, and you see her swallow it. Stella looks at you, with an impressed face.
<span class="stella-text">"Good job for a virgin cocksucker."</span>
Hang looks up at you and Stella, wiping little bits of cum off her face, giggling.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.training is 5>>\
Once you and Hang have caught your breath after dancing, you grab a book and two beers. <span class="mc-text">"Get dressed, we're going on the roof today."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"We aren't doing a lesson?"</span> She looks disappointed.
<span class="mc-text">"Dying to suck my cock, are we?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"No... I mean... Well..."</span> You raise your eyebrows at her and she shrugs. <span class="hang-text">"I want to get better. I like to learn to suck cock."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Don't worry, you will. Bring a cushion."</span>
She grabs a cushion from the sofa and follows you up to the roof. You stand at one of the high-top tables, and open a beer.
<span class="mc-text">"Get down on your knees."</span>
Hang looks at you, and you can tell she's worried about doing this in a semi-public place, but you shoot her and glare and she does as she's told. You take your penis out of your fly.
<span class="mc-text">"I've got two beers and a book I am liking a lot. Your job is to distract me, and to make me cum. No guidance, just reading my body language. A good bimbo, in fact anyone who is good at sex, learns to read people's body language. A good bimbo will know what I want, how I want it, before my brain has even turned that desire into a properly formed thought. Do you understand?"</span>
Hang nods, and takes your penis into her mouth. She gets you hard, quickly, and begins to bob her head up and down. At first she does it silently, but then she begins to make little sounds. Consciously, you decide to give her a little positive feedback by widening your stance.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Oral/2a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You can see her looking up at you through the glass of the table, and her eyes smile as you make eye contact. You go back to your book, but this only encourages Hang. She begins to fondle your balls with her hand, and hold your dick in her mouth and lick the bottom of your shaft with her tongue. You look down at her, and close the book.
Her eyes widen, with joy. She then takes your dick out of her mouth, and begins to lick your balls, and suck your balls.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Oral/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks up at you, and you take a sip of beer, stroking her hair. After a little bit she takes your dick back into her mouth, then stops. She looks around, making sure no neighbors could accidentally see her there, then she takes off her top.
You groan in pleasure and she sees your dick jump. Taking the hint she puts one of her hands down her jeans and begins to finger herself. From her own little gasps you can tell she is close, which brings you closer too, which only excites her more and makes her enthusiastic.
You don't warn her, and you begin to cum in her mouth. She swallows it all, and slowly sucks on your dick. You don't have the heart to stop her, and only a minute or so later she comes too. She stands up, licks her lips, then takes a sip of your beer.
<span class="hang-text">"Stella said good blowjob is 80% enthusiasm. I want to be like Stella."</span>
''Hang is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.hang.bimbo += 3; $bimbos.hang.training += 1;>>\<<if $bimbos.hang.training is 6>>\
Hang looks over at Stella excitedly. <span class="hang-text">"More cock-sucking today?"</span> Stella laughs. <span class="hang-text">"What? Why you laugh?"</span>
You chuckle too. <span class="mc-text">"Not today, no. Today we move onto sex, real sex."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"OK. Good, I want to learn that too. "</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What contraceptives are you on?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I have a coil. Why?"</span> You share a look with Stella, then Hang looks at you. <span class="hang-text">"Oh! Yes, you will fuck me and fill me."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Jesus, Hang. You're turning into a bigger slut than me."</span> Hang smiles at you and Stella.
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"Well, let's begin then."</span> You walk up to hang and rip open her exercise pants. She screams, and tries to wriggle away from you. You grab on to her, then bend her over.
<span class="mc-text">"Put your hands on the counter."</span> You rub her until she is wet, then you slide your dick inside of her. You relish the chance to be so matter-of-fact while fucking her for the very first time, only the second time a man has been inside her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Vaginal/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"The important thing to remember about sex is, fundamentally, you are a hole. A lot goes into being a bimbo, but at the end of the day you are a hole to be fucked, to be used. Do you want to be used, Hang?"</span>
She nods. You begin to fuck her harder.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Vaginal/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Tell me you want to be used, Hang."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I want to be used."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"More."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Use me. I am a toy."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"What kind of toy? He likes it when you're dirty, really dirty."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I am a sex toy..."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Dirtier."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I am a cunt toy..."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Wow, very good."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I am a little hole for you to use. I want you to fill me. I want to feel you empty into me. I want you to hold me down and do whatever you want. Do not care about me. I am a whore, a cheap whore that you... That you..."</span>
Hang begins to shudder. You continue to fuck her, not even close to coming, but Hang stops you, and pushes you off her. <span class="hang-text">"Wait... Wait... It hurts. Wait."</span>
You debate what to do, but you decide to be rough with her. <span class="mc-text">"What am I even coaching you for? You talked yourself into an orgasm, just by thinking about being a whore. Didn't you?"</span>
Hang nods.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella? Finish what Hang was too weak to do herself."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Hang/Cowgirl2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stella strips and climbs onto you. She eases herself onto you, then begins to fuck you.
<span class="mc-text">"Look at what Stella is doing, Hang. Today is supposed to be a lesson for you, but today I learned that when I need something done, I need to go to a real woman."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"No, I, just wait..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Too late Hang."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"No, it's not too late."</span>
Stella stops, and looks at Hang. <span class="stella-text">"Take over, then."</span> Hang vacillates, and you wonder for a moment if you've pushed her too far, but she nods. She sits down onto you, facing away from you. She slides you inside herself, and begins to squat up and down on your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Vaginal/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Good job, Hang."</span>
Hang says nothing, but quickly you are close to coming. <span class="mc-text">"I'm coming!"</span>
Hang keeps up the pace, not slowing or speeding up. <span class="hang-text">"Please, fill me. Fill me. I am good."</span>
You fuck up into Hang, and begin to come inside her. Once she call feel it she begins to moan. She keeps moving up and down, though, until you pull her back into you. As your dick shrinks inside her, you kiss her head.
<span class="mc-text">"You're a good girl, Hang."</span> Hang opens her eyes and looks up at you, then at Stella. She closes them again, and as you hold Hang she falls drifts off to sleep.
<<elseif $bimbos.hang.training is 7>>\
After how intense last week was, you decide that you want to take it a little easier on Hang this week. Truth be told, you feel a little guilty for pushing her boundaries like that. Coaching, you feel, should always be a positive space, and while you hope that Hang learned about about the commitment a bimbo makes to being her best possible self last week, you worry that she will trust you less.
Hang arrives for the dance lesson and seems as happy as ever. You two dance, and Hang even begins to teach Stella a few steps. Once class is over you pull Hang aside to talk to her.
<span class="mc-text">"How did you feel about last week?"</span>
Hang frowns, and thinks. <span class="hang-text">"I liked it. I think I learned how to be a better sex partner, but I did not like it when you did not wait for me to be less sensitive, and then you used Stella instead."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sorry that I rushed you, I-"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"It was my lesson, not Stella's. It was my first time with a man who is not my husband. I would have been upset if you had filled her. You were supposed to fill me."</span> You look at her, evidently with a surprised look on your face. <span class="hang-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh, nothing... Well, actually, yes. I suppose I worried that I had hurt your feelings, or made you do something that you didn't want to do, not that you were jealous."</span>
Hang shrugs, then smiles at you. <span class="hang-text">"You were teaching me. I want to be a good hole for you to fill. My teachers in Vietnam were much more mean, but the lessons were not as fun."</span> She giggles. <span class="hang-text">"What are you teaching me today?"</span>
Your mind goes a little blank. Truth be told, you hadn't really planned a proper lesson.
<span class="mc-text">"To tell the truth I hadn't really planned one."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"What? How are you a professional coach? You are mean once, and you then become bad?"</span> She looks at you with a smile, and you must admit that this time it is your feelings that are slightly hurt. <span class="hang-text">"I am joking. We can just have fun today."</span>
You nod, and have a think. Then you realize something, and turn to Hang...
<span class="mc-text">"All of these lessons, I've set up the situation. What we are going to do, how you will do it."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Is that bad?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's not bad, but... A good bimbo takes the lead too, sometimes. You bring joy to those around you, and if you want to be a good bimbo you need to be able to think about what it is that-"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I have a plan. Where is Stella?"</span> Hang doesn't wait for you to answer, but stands up, and walks off towards the hallway calling for Stella.
A little while later, they both return. <span class="hang-text">"We are going to the roof."</span> Both her and Stella take you by the hand and lead you up there. Hang leads you to a corner of your private roof, to a corner where you are completely concealed from the shared roof garden, but where you have a full view of the skyline. Hang kneels down beneath you and begins to suck your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Vaginal/2a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stella returns with a chair, and sits opposite you. She's naked, and begins to masturbate as she watches. When Stella returns, Hang lays down her clothes, then gets on her back. You're wondering what is going on, but Hang looks at you.
<span class="hang-text">"Fuck me."</span> You look at Stella, and she lifts her chin at you, hurrying you up.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Vaginal/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You begin to fuck Hang, but after a few minutes she stands up, and lifts you up too. <span class="hang-text">"Fuck me from behind."</span> You do as you're told.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Vaginal/2c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Tell me I look good."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You look so-"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"You look great honey."</span> You look at Stella, but she pointedly only looks at Hang. <span class="stella-text">"Keep working it, you're getting me close."</span>
You feel Hang make a little shudder beneath you. You start to realise that this was never about you. You speed up, and you grab Hang's ass. You pull her in towards you and begin to fuck her, hard.
Stella laughs. <span class="stella-text">"We wondered how long it would take you!"</span> Hang begins to laugh too, but she bends over and grabs her ankles as you fuck her to within an inch of her life. You come, quickly, then pull out of Hang, leaving her dripping.
You spread your arms like a gladiator. <span class="mc-text">"Looks like I won that round, ladies."</span> Hang and Stella look at each other and laugh. You go downstairs, leaving the two of them on the roof. They come down after you about ten minutes later.
<span class="mc-text">"So, how was that something a good bimbo would do?"</span>
Stella makes a 'oh, you in trouble' face, but Hang answers you patiently. <span class="hang-text">"You felt bad about last week. You pushed me. Now I push you. Now we are even. You do not feel bad now, yes?"</span>
You frown. <span class="mc-text">"Yes, but.."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"No but. I have brought you joy. I have brought Stella joy, and myself joy. I am a good bimbo."</span> She is looking at you intently.
Stella begins to laugh again. <span class="stella-text">"She's got you there, $player.firstName."</span> You smile, and Hang begins to giggle happily too, her gamble having paid off. You hold up your finger, indicating that they should wait. You stroll down the hall to your bedroom, reach into the sex toy drawer, and take something out.
When you're back in the living room you present it to Hang. Stella begins to laugh again, but Hang does not. <span class="hang-text">"What is this?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"A butt plug. Next week we begin your anal training."</span>
Hang shoots a scared look at Stella, who just begins to laugh even harder.
''Hang is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.hang.bimbo += 3; $bimbos.hang.training += 1;>>\<span class="charlotte-text">"Hi Hang, my name's Charlotte. I'm here to fill in for my mom today."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Your mom?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Stella? She's my mom. She can't do butt stuff."</span>
Hang looks Charlotte up and down, then looks at Stella sitting in the corner, then looks at you. <span class="hang-text">"I... You are to teach me this 'butt stuff' in front of your mother?"</span>
Stella interjects sniffily. <span class="stella-text">"He never taught me, not that I need it to please him."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mom!"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"And you both... Know that he is having sex with each other?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Right? Isn't it so fucked up? I love it. Bet you love to watch, don't you mom?"</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Stella smiles sweetly over. <span class="stella-text">"I just like to see you happy, sweetie."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella sighs. <span class="stella-text">"One of the best things I learned from my bimbo coaching, Hang, was what to simply accept. My daughter is a pervert."</span> She winks at Charlotte then goes back to her phone.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"She watches all the time, she..."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Don't worry, it's only happened like once."</span>
You cough.
<span class="mc-text">"Anyway. Shall we start? Charlotte, go take Hang to get changed."</span> Charlotte claps her hands and a somewhat shellshocked Hang follows her to the dressing room. Less then ten minutes later they're back.
Charlotte leads her to the front of the living room, for everyone to look at her.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Super hot, right?"</span> Stella says nothing but she smiles at Hang, who sways around smiling, looking proud.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Anal/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"What a fucking show off whore, I love her $player.firstName, you have to keep her."</span>
Hang laughs. <span class="hang-text">"I am not for $player.firstName to keep, I think. Just to teach."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"How do you feel, Hang? Did you practice this week?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I tried, yes. When Rupert was out I would practice using the toy, to make sure I am stretched enough for you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Let's take a proper look at you."</span>
You walk off to grab a kitchen stool and as you return you overhear Charlotte whispering in Hang's ear. <span class="charlotte-text">"He loves this pervy stuff, like you're..."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"On display?"</span>
Charlotte nods. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sit up on this Hang."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Anal/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang sits up on the stool and, without being instructed to, she lets her ass hang out over the edge. You begin by just looking at it, playing with her cheeks. She giggles and seems to be enjoying it. You ask her to stand up, and get on all fours on a nearby chair.
<span class="mc-text">"We can do this in private, if you want."</span>
Hang shakes her head. <span class="hang-text">"No. I want them to stay. I have not done this before... I also enjoy people watching now. I want to be a show off bimbo, $player.firstName. Why would I not show off when I can?"</span> She shrugs as if that were the most obvious thing in the world.
You look at Charlotte, who is suppressing a giggle. <span class="mc-text">"Well, OK. Take off the one piece, then bend over, just here."</span> Hang strips quickly, then rests forward on the chair. You squirt a little lube onto her asshole, then begin to rub it up and down her crack.
You're surprised at how relaxed Hang seems. You insert the first finger, and she barely reacts, other than to turn around and smile at you. You feel yourself getting hard, not just from the fact that you are lubing up Hang's asshole, but because you know - you really know - that you're over the hill with Hang. She has a long way to go before she is an excellent bimbo, but she has become a bimbo.
You insert a second finger, and it enters easily. You feel her asshole slowly relax around you. Charlotte approaches and is hovering over your shoulder.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Way to go Hang!"</span> Hang laughs, and stretches out her hand for Charlotte to high five. The two bimbos high five, and you insert a third finger. You can feel Hang stretching now, and you know from experience that the girth of your dick is roughly three fingers, up at your knuckles.
<span class="mc-text">"You've got this, Hang."</span>
Over the next few minutes you slowly stretch Hang out, until you can keep your three fingers inside her all the way up to your knuckles, without any sign of pain or worry on Hang's face.
<span class="hang-text">"Am I being good?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So good Hang, so good."</span>
You take your fingers out and let Hang's asshole close back up, before you spread her cheeks and begin to rim her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Anal/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang begins to squirm and squeal. <span class="hang-text">"That tickles! That tickles so much!"</span>
Between dips you respond. <span class="mc-text">"Most girls... like being... rimmed..."</span>
Hang keeps squirming around. <span class="hang-text">"I like tongue, but not stubble. You must shave next time!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Are you ready, Hang?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"For fucking my ass? I have been ready since I arrived."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Now don't feel bad if you can't take it the first time, I couldn't."</span>
By now even Stella has walked over. <span class="stella-text">"You've been so good throughout all of this, honey. You can do this."</span>
You guide Hang to get up on the stool, and to lie on her back, legs spread and ass open for you. You lube her up, and then you lube up your dick. Pressing it against her opening you look at her, and she smiles up at you, nodding.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Anal/1d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You inch it in. For a moment, Hang looks shocked, but then she smiles, and throws her head back. She lets out a great moan. It isn't a moan of pain, or even pleasure, but relief.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Wow."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"You're doing so well."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm going to speed up now, Hang."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Anal/1e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You speed up, and Hang begins to enjoy herself.
<span class="hang-text">"Am I being a good hole today, $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Call him Mr. $player.lastName, he likes that."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Am I being a good anal toy today, Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes Hang!"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Fill me! Please, fill my asshole."</span>
You stare at Hang, and for all of her hesitancy sucking dick, or showing her body, she is a natural at anal. She's relaxed, and her inherent desire to please others is shining through. She's smiling up at you, telling you how much she wants you to cum inside her, how much she wants you to fill her asshole.
You're conscious of the audience you two have, and you begin to edge over towards orgasm. Hang senses this, and begins to edge into you at the depth over every stroke, burying your dick just a little deeper inside her, the tip of your penis in an ever so slightly tighter part of her.
And then you roll over the edge. Wave after wave of pleasure, wave after wave of cum. You fuck her, hard, until the very end of your orgasm, then you stop. A little sweaty, your dick still inside her, you can't help yourself.
You bend down and you kiss her. She kisses you back, then you turn and look at Charlotte and Stella, smiling sweetly at you.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Aww, so cute! Wasn't that so cute mom? They had a real gentle little kiss right after he fucked her in-"</span> Stella gives Charlotte a gentle backhanded slap on her bicep to shut her up. <span class="charlotte-text">"What? Oh. OK... Lemme get you two some towels."</span>
Charlotte runs off to grab two kitchen towels, hands one to you, then one to Hang. You wipe off your dick as Hang squeezes out your cum into the towel. After a few squeezes she looks at it. <span class="hang-text">"You jizz a lot today!"</span>
The four of you laugh, and you tuck your dick back into your trousers. <span class="mc-text">"You did a good job, Hang. You're a natural."</span>
Hang beams up at you.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Seriously, you took that dick like a pro, you sure you never be fucked in the ass before? I found it so difficult, and I had tried before with..."</span>
You let Hang and Charlotte sit down and talk, before you go to the kitchen for a glass of water. A little while later, Stella follows you in there. Stella looks at you, as if she has something important to say.
<span class="mc-text">"What are you thinking?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"She... She still has a husband."</span>
You nod, and wonder if Stella is about to give you a lecture on faithfulness. <span class="stella-text">"I've seen this before... I mean, I was here before. Before I started acting stupid at school, you know?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What do you mean?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I mean, she's got a lot to learn, and... She can't live two lives anymore. She's too much of a bimbo now."</span>
You look at Stella, then the ground, then back up at Stella. Then you nod, take your glass to the lounge, and listen to Charlotte and Hang talk about Charlotte's anal experiences.
''Hang is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.hang.bimbo += 3; $bimbos.hang.training += 1;>>\Hang arrives at the usual time and, after your hour's dancing is done, you shift gears, rather abruptly. While Hang is
<span class="mc-text">"A crucial part of being a good bimbo, Hang, is learning to channel your own desires and your own pleasure in ways that please other people. As I've said time and time again, a good bimbo isn't simply a geisha girl, staying passive and silent until she performs some task or another. Most women I coach need to learn one side of this issue, they need to learn how to feel joy from the joy of others. For you, however, I think we need to focus on finding joy within yourself, so that you can properly share this with others."</span>
Hang nods, clearly making a show of attentiveness.
<span class="mc-text">"So far, you have only had orgasms with the vibrator, correct?"</span>
She gives one firm nod. <span class="hang-text">"Correct."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That needs to change. Though sometimes it can be fun to just use someone, a lot of the joy from sex comes from the intimacy. You will often find that it pleases others if you give them a chance to please you. Today I am going to show you how to receive an orgasm."</span> You look up towards the staircase. <span class="mc-text">"Stella!"</span>
A few moments after you call for her you hear her heels clip along the floor and down the stairs.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Hang/Entry.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang stands, looking enviously at Stella's breasts.
There is a sheet on a small table, and Stella lays down on it.
<span class="mc-text">"Now I want you to pay attention to all of this, Hang, so that you can try it later with Rupert. An important part of this will be to set a scene that you both find fun. I like oil, and Stella does too."</span>
You proceed to oil Stella up, liberally dripping oil over her body before rubbing it in with your hands.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Hang/Massage.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After a while you move your hands down, and begin to rub Stella's pussy. <span class="mc-text">"It might be hard to tell, but Stella is already a little wet, turned on presumably by the oil but also by the fact she has an audience."</span>
Stella breaks her silence. <span class="stella-text">"Mainly the audience..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What I want you to do, Stella, is tell Hang why you are doing what you are doing, as I focus on bringing you to orgasm just using my hands, OK?"</span>
Stella nods then looks at Hang as you continue to rub Stella.
<span class="stella-text">"I'm not quite turned on enough yet for him to begin to finger me properly, so I'm going to try and encourage him to do more to me. I'm going to press my pussy down onto his hand, I'm going to shake my tits in the hope that he-"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Hang/Masturbate.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"-in the hope that he begins to suck on them."</span> Stella lets out a little moan here. <span class="stella-text">"Being vocal is really good, as it makes them know that you're really happy to be there, but also lets you say what you want them to do... OK, start to..."</span>
You slide a finger into Stella.
<span class="stella-text">"Mmmmmm...."</span> Stella moans a little more, and you slowly go back and forth, until you insert another finger.
<span class="hang-text">"What do I do next?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Next you... You have to make sure that he doesn't go too fast, or too slow. Too fast, and you won't really be there to have your orgasm. Too slow and you'll never come."</span>
Hang nods, and looks like she is taking mental notes.
<span class="stella-text">"I'd just tell them to speed up - speed up, $player.firstName -"</span> You speed up as she instructed, making your come hither gestures a little more quickly, up and to the left as she usually likes. <span class="stella-text">"- but you can also use little moans or movements with your..."</span>
Stella groans here, closes her eyes, and begins to bite her lip.
<span class="mc-text">"Focus, Stella."</span>
She opens her eyes. <span class="stella-text">"Yes, Yes... So, uh... $player.firstName knows that I like to be touched at one particular place, up and to the left inside me, so I'm having a LOT of fun right now and I'm getting close... So... Really you just have to... Just try things..."</span>
You speed up, and Hang comes to stand closer. She's not looking at you fingering her, but rather at Stella's face. You begin to watch too, and as you hit a particular rhythm you can hear the gentle sound of Stella's mouth opening to chase her orgasm. You stick with it, and she begins to grip at the sheet, and buck around, thrusting herself onto your fingers.
<span class="mc-text">"If you start moving around too much it can stop them getting you to orgasm, as it can be hard to keep it up with the angle changing all the time."</span>
As you explain this, though, Stella lets out a soft little cry. Her body begins to shudder and you keep on stroking in and out of her, until she bats away your hand.
Hang looks at you, a smile on her face, then back down at Stella.
<span class="mc-text">"Let's give her a few minutes."</span>
''Hang is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.hang.bimbo += 3; $bimbos.hang.training += 1;>>\The dance lessons progress as usual, and you're pleased to find out that Hang now considers your basic foxtrot step to be 'OK'. Hang even taught Stella some basic steps when you had to take a breather, and much to your annoyance turned out to be something like a natural.
Once you two are back on the sofa after dancing, glasses of water in hand, you turn to today's lesson.
<span class="mc-text">"Before we move on to today's lesson, did you have a chance to put anything you learned last week into practice?"</span>
Hang makes a naughty face. <span class="hang-text">"I did!"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Tell me about it."</span>
Hang tells you about how she bought a pretty new set of lingerie that she put on for Rupert. She could see that Rupert was torn between being attracted to her and annoyed that she had been so frivolous, but she had been so happy that he began to kiss her. He began trying to have sex with her, in the same exact way they do every time they have sex, when she stopped him.
<span class="hang-text">"So I say 'Rupert, can you try with your fingers tonight?'. He looks a little annoyed, but I rub his penis, and then I show him what I mean."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Orgasm/2c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Did he make you come?"</span>
She shakes her head. <span class="hang-text">"No... But I pretend. I think he will do it more if I show him that I like it."</span>
You nod, and consider her point. <span class="mc-text">"You aren't wrong, but be careful, because if you fake your orgasm too often you will just be rewarding him not orgasming."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"OK. I will be careful... What do I learn today?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"It's his favorite lesson today, oral."</span> Stella says this sarcastically, but she winks at you as she does.
<span class="hang-text">"Oral?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Your mouth. How to please a man just with your mouth. Have you ever done this before?"</span>
Hang shrugs. <span class="hang-text">"Yes, but Rupert thinks it is dirty. That good women don't do this."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"But he enjoys it, right?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes, he does."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I figured. Perhaps if you get excellent at it, he won't think it's just something for bad women anymore. Today you are going to watch as Stella sucks my dick, but as she does so you're going to give her instructions. That way you can think about what to do, without actually having to be the one doing it. OK?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes, $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So, what should Stella do first?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"She should take all her clothes off."</span> As Stella begins to strip, you ask Hang why. <span class="hang-text">"Because you like her body, and because she is beautiful."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK. She's naked now. Should I stand up, or sit down?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Uhhh... Stand up?"</span> You stay standing and look at Hang to elaborate. <span class="hang-text">"You stand up, because you look down at her. I know you say that it is not for bad women, but it is fun to think about bad women."</span>
You stand right next to Hang, and Stella kneels in front of you.
<span class="hang-text">"Stella should start by licking your penis."</span> Stella begins to lick up and down on your penis and it grows a little harder. <span class="hang-text">"Then... Then she should put it in her mouth."</span> Stella puts it in her mouth, and keeps it there.
<span class="hang-text">"Uhhh... She should suck on it?"</span> Stella begins to literally suck on it, but as you had agreed before she takes Hang's instructions very literally.
<span class="mc-text">"What does 'suck on it' mean?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"She should move her head back and forth... That will feel good, right?"</span> Hang puts her head close to Stella's and watches as she begins to bob her head back and forth. <span class="hang-text">"Do more."</span> Stella begins to take more of your dick in her mouth, and you can feel the tip of your dick hit the back of her throat, making little gagging noises.
Hang claps her hands happily. <span class="hang-text">"So fun! Now what?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What about my balls?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Ooo! Touch his balls!"</span> Hang reaches for Stella's hands and places her left hand on your balls. Both Stella's hands are now cupping you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Hang/Blowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang sits mesmerized watching Stella suck your dick. You let her enjoy it for a bit, occasionally making happy eye contact, until you decide to get the lesson moving again.
<span class="mc-text">"I still haven't come. So now what?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I... I don't know."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Think."</span>
Hang frowns and begins to think. To tell the truth you are edging towards orgasm, but you want Hang to begin to think about blowjobs as more than just mechanics.
<span class="hang-text">"I am not sure. What do you like?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Excellent question Hang. Why don't you see?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Just suck the tip."</span> Stella just starts sucking the tip and your legs tense up a little. <span class="hang-text">"You like that, yes?"</span> You nod. <span class="hang-text">"OK. Now go really deep. All the way."</span>
Stella throws her head against your cock, gagging loudly as she does. At first Hang seems worried, but you stop her. <span class="mc-text">"It's alright. She's good."</span> Spit begins to drip off your balls.
<span class="hang-text">"Are you close?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I am. But what do I really like?"</span>
Hang looks at you, head cocked, before her eyes widen. <span class="hang-text">"Stella's boobs!"</span> You nod. <span class="hang-text">"Stop sucking."</span> Stella stops sucking and looks at you. <span class="hang-text">"Play with them, then come on them."</span>
Stella begins to play with her tits beneath you, and Hang begins to giggle as you start to jerk yourself off. <span class="mc-text">"She can talk too."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Tell him you want him to orgasm on your boobs."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Come on, jizz all over them. Cover them. I want it, please..."</span>
You begin to come.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Hang/Cum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang begins to clap again as you do. Once you're done Stella leans back against the sofa. Hang dips her finger into your cum, then rubs it about on Stella's chest.
<span class="hang-text">"I can't wait to try this with Rupert. Though..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Though?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I'm not as beautiful as Stella."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Just work with what you've got, honey. Work with what you've got."</span>
''Hang is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.hang.bimbo += 3; $bimbos.hang.training += 1;>>\Hang bursts through the door today, shouting.
<span class="hang-text">"I did it! I did it! I am so good!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What did you do Hang?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Tell me I am a good bimbo first."</span> You chuckle, and she does a little jump.
<span class="mc-text">"I don't know what you did yet. Tell me and then I'll decide."</span>
She groans, but takes both your hands. <span class="hang-text">"I got Rupert to enjoy it. To enjoy it so much. I've been making sure to be better with him, making sure to try harder to please him with sex. He has been nicer to me and he even bought me some makeup. I don't really like it, but it was nice, and so I put some of it on..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Oral/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"He came on my face! Or, in my mouth. But I liked it. He felt guilty after, but we talked and I said I liked it a lot. He felt better then."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good job, Hang. What a good bimbo you are becoming."</span>
She beams at you, and when Stella walks in she excitedly repeats the story. You hope to skip right to your lesson after this, but Hang circles back round to dancing. After a lesson where even by your standards you underperformed, you are back on the usual post-dance sofa.
<span class="hang-text">"So what do I learn today?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sex."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Sex? Have I not been learning that already?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"You have. But penetrative sex. Where a man puts his-"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Ah, yes, fun. But even I know how to do this."</span> You look at her with doubt. <span class="hang-text">"Yes, the penis goes in, out, in, out. And I do it on top, or underneath, or even from behind, though Rupert used to think that was dirty."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"He doesn't anymore?"</span>
Hang shrugs. <span class="hang-text">"I don't know. But he used to think blowjobs were dirty and then he came on my face yesterday, so I am starting to think he might begin to like dirty."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And you like sex with him?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes. He made me come with his fingers last week, when he was inside me. That was the first time."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Well, I was going to show you how to have sex in a way that brought you pleasure too, but evidently we don't need to do that today. We can just talk about-"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"If you already say you know how, you-"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"No, no, I can still learn. I want to watch."</span>
Stella, who had been listening in from the dining table, lets out a little snort. <span class="stella-text">"Let's just give her the show she wants."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I will learn!"</span>
You and Stella laugh at this, and for a moment Hang looks offended until she begins to laugh too. <span class="hang-text">"Well, OK. Maybe I will enjoy it more than I learn. But I will learn a little. Please?"</span>
You take off your underwear and gesture for Stella to come over. Stella strips her clothes off and gets on the sofa between you and Hang. <span class="hang-text">"Yay!"</span> You get off the sofa and kneel between Stella's legs, eating her out.
<span class="hang-text">"I will get Rupert to do this to me."</span>
Once Stella is wet enough you turn her to the side and raise her ass into the air. You begin to jerk off as you turn and talk to Hang, who is now kneeling on the floor next to you, her face right in the action. <span class="mc-text">"If he can, get Rupert to throw you about. Whatever anyone may say, men love to throw women around the room. It makes you feel strong, and..."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Put it in, fuck me and talk."</span>
You slide your dick into Stella, and as you do you see Hang's hand disappear beneath her underwear.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Hang/Doggy.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You fuck her from behind for a while until you begin to get a little tired. Sensing this, Stella pushes you off her, and then mounts you.
<span class="stella-text">"Really learn how to be on top, Hang. You have a lot more control then..."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Hang/Cowgirl.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As Stella says this you grab her thighs and begin to lift her up and down off your cock, setting the pace yourself.
Hang moves back, and though you're focusing more and more on Stella, you notice that her legs are spread and she is simply masturbating as she watches you two fuck. You feel Stella's tits bounce up and down in your face and you begin to suck on each of them in turn.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Hang/Cowgirl2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You can feel your orgasm welling up. <span class="mc-text">"Hang! Come here!"</span> You continue to pump up into Stella. <span class="mc-text">"Watch. Watch closely."</span>
Hang kneels down and watches as you fuck up into Stella. Your dick begins to twitch as you come inside Stella. As you do, you feel something underneath your balls, and peering around Stella you see Hang with her hand stretched out.
<span class="hang-text">"They jumped up and down when you came."</span> She shrugged with innocent curiosity, then looked as you pulled out of Stella and your cum dripped out of her and onto the floor.
As you catch your breath Hang and Stella chat, eventually talking about their hair care, reaching across your sweaty body to touch one another's hair, discussing the various products they've found useful and the regime that Hang had recently started.
''Hang is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.hang.bimbo += 3; $bimbos.hang.training += 1;>>\<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
For today's lesson you invite Charlotte over, as her mother lacks the requisite experience. You introduce them to each other before your dancing lesson begins. Because Charlotte is here Stella now has a partner, and the four of you learn under Hang's guidance. Once the lesson is over you need to head to the bathroom, and when you are back Stella and Charlotte are listening to Hang tell a story.
<span class="hang-text">"...which means he is close, OK? But I do not want him to come yet. I know we have just started, so not only do I not get to have as much fun, but I know he will not feel as good. I need to slow down."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"What do you do?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I get on top, and then I bounce up and down on him! I also found out that this feels very good. Rupert's dick was touching right up into that bit that feels really good."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Vaginal/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Your G-spot."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"My what?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"That super sensitive bit that feels good, that's called your G-spot."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Ah, my G-spot. Well then we do that, and we orgasm at the same time. Afterward he grunts a little, then looks at me with these wide eyes. I feel like I did a very good job."</span>
You cut in, and sit opposite them. <span class="mc-text">"You did really well Hang. But after what you learn today, you'll blow Rupert out of the water."</span>
Hang laughs doubtfully. <span class="hang-text">"How?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Your ass!"</span> Charlotte begins to laugh, Stella purses her lips and smiles at the same time, and Hang looks at you shocked.
<span class="hang-text">"But that would hurt!"</span>
You chuck her a butt plug, which she just about catches. <span class="mc-text">"Not if you practice. Put that in when you can."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"She gets an option? I had to just..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You got to enjoy my undivided attention. Anyway, Charlotte, I want you to show Hang what a good little butt slut you are."</span>
Hang looks at Stella, who smiles and shrugs. <span class="stella-text">"Whatever makes them happy, Hang."</span>
Charlotte shoos Stella and Hang off the sofa, then lies across it waiting for you. <span class="mc-text">"Anal is all about preparation and mindset. If good blowjobs are about enthusiasm, and good sex is about control and vigour, then anal is simply about realising that you are being used as a hole and enjoying that."</span>
Hang looks at Charlotte, who is now fingering her asshole. <span class="hang-text">"A hole."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Hang/Transform2/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"What you gotta do Hang is get nice and stretched out, but also make sure that you're feeling good about it. If you're worried, or anxious, you'll just pucker right up and then it'll be hard to enjoy it."</span>
Hang looks at Stella again.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Stella nods. <span class="stella-text">"I've only tried it a couple of times, but my sweetie is right."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella nods. <span class="stella-text">"She's not wrong. Lube can only do so much."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"See? But still, lube a lot; that helps a lot. Mom? You wanna get him ready while I continue?"</span>
Stella takes your dick out of your underpants and begins to jerk you off, before getting on her knees and sucking you until you are hard. While she is doing this, Charlotte continues to explain preparation to Hang as she lubes up her asshole.
<span class="charlotte-text">"You also gotta make sure that you're clean. Make a habit of cleaning right up in there when you're in the shower. The toughest bit is also when it first goes in, if you start well, you'll end well, but if it's hard going in then..."</span> Charlotte shakes her head. <span class="charlotte-text">"You could have a tough time."</span>
You're hard now, but Stella is still slowly sucking your cock. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yo! I'm ready."</span> Stella stops and stands next to Hang to watch. You put your penis at edge of her hole and stop. <span class="charlotte-text">"It'll go in easily, but first times always make sure they go in slow, OK?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Hang/Transform2/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You edge your way in, pretending that Charlotte is more nervous than she is. You slowly fuck her as Charlotte explains how it feels for her now and how it feels when it is bad.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Any questions?"</span>
Hang shakes her head.
At this you swing Charlotte over, and begin to fuck her hard. <span class="mc-text">"To prove that you don't always need to be delicate."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Hang/Transform2/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte begins to play with herself and within a few minutes you have both come. As you thrust raggedly but hard into her to eek out the last of your orgasm, Hang sits down and looks at the scene. Stella is watching with more than a dash of envy, and Hang's face turns to a strange determination. Once you've wiped yourself clean Hang peppers Charlotte and Stella with their other anal experiences, and before she leaves she slips into the bathroom to insert the butt plug you gave her.
For today's lesson you invite Charlotte over, as her mother lacks the requisite experience. You introduce them to each other before your dancing lesson begins. Because Charlotte is here Stella now has a partner, and the four of you learn under Hang's guidance. Once the lesson is over you need to head to the bathroom, and when you are back Stella and Charlotte are listening to Hang tell a story.
<span class="hang-text">"...which means he is close, OK? But I do not want him to come yet. I know we have just started, so not only do I not get to have as much fun, but I know he will not feel as good. I need to slow down."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"What do you do?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I get on top, and then I bounce up and down on him! I also found out that this feels very good. Rupert's dick was touching right up into that bit that feels really good."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Training/Sex/Vaginal/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Your G-spot."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"My what?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"That super sensitive bit that feels good, that's called your G-spot."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Ah, my G-spot. Well then we do that, and we orgasm at the same time. Afterward he grunts a little, then looks at me with these wide eyes. I feel like I did a very good job."</span>
You cut in, and sit opposite them. <span class="mc-text">"You did really well Hang. But after what you learn today, you'll blow Rupert out of the water."</span>
Hang laughs doubtfully. <span class="hang-text">"How?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Your ass!"</span> Charlotte begins to laugh, Stella purses her lips and smiles at the same time, and Hang looks at you shocked.
<span class="hang-text">"But that would hurt!"</span>
You chuck her a butt plug, which she just about catches. <span class="mc-text">"Not if you practice. Put that in when you can."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"She gets an option? I had to just..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You got to enjoy my undivided attention. Anyway, Charlotte, I want you to show Hang what a good little butt slut you are."</span>
Hang looks at Stella, who smiles and shrugs. <span class="stella-text">"Whatever makes them happy, Hang."</span>
Charlotte shoos Stella and Hang off the sofa, then lies across it waiting for you. <span class="mc-text">"Anal is all about preparation and mindset. If good blowjobs are about enthusiasm, and good sex is about control and vigour, then anal is simply about realising that you are being used as a hole and enjoying that."</span>
Hang looks at Charlotte, who is now stretching her asshole with a plug. <span class="hang-text">"A hole."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Hang/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"What you gotta do Hang is get nice and stretched out, but also make sure that you're feeling good about it. If you're worried, or anxious, you'll just pucker right up and then it'll be hard to enjoy it."</span>
Hang looks at Stella again.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Stella nods. <span class="stella-text">"I've only tried it a couple of times, but my sweetie is right."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella nods. <span class="stella-text">"She's not wrong. Lube can only do so much."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"See? But still, lube a lot; that helps a lot. Mom? You wanna get him ready while I continue?"</span>
Stella takes your dick out of your underpants and begins to jerk you off, before getting on her knees and sucking you until you are hard. While she is doing this, Charlotte continues to explain preparation to Hang as she lubes up her asshole.
<span class="charlotte-text">"You also gotta make sure that you're clean. Make a habit of cleaning right up in there when you're in the shower. The toughest bit is also when it first goes in, if you start well, you'll end well, but if it's hard going in then..."</span> Charlotte shakes her head. <span class="charlotte-text">"You could have a tough time."</span>
You're hard now, but Stella is still slowly sucking your cock. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yo! I'm ready."</span> Stella stops and stands next to Hang to watch. You sit down next to Charlotte and she gets on top of you. She puts your penis at edge of her hole and stops. <span class="charlotte-text">"It'll go in easily, but first times always make sure they go in slow, OK?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Hang/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You can't quite get it in there, so Charlotte takes over. <span class="charlotte-text">"If you're on top, it can be useful to just stick it in yourself, you'll know better than him."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Hang/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Your dick pops into Charlotte, and she begins to ride up and down on you. She slowly speeds up, until she is quickly bouncing up and down as quickly as she can.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Hang/1d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"See? You don't always have to be delicate. In fact, you gotta be rough to really enjoy it. It's the ultimate bimbo act, I think. Just... Taking it in the ass."</span> You give Charlotte a few spanks for good measure.
Charlotte turns to you. <span class="charlotte-text">"You gotta be quick Mr. $player.lastName otherwise my mom is gonna catch us."</span> Both Charlotte and Stella laugh, but it does the trick, and within seconds you're filling Charlotte's ass. She keeps bouncing until you drop your head back with relief.
Hang sits down and looks at the scene. Stella is watching with more than a dash of envy, and Hang's face turns to a strange determination. Once you've wiped yourself clean Hang peppers Charlotte and Stella with their other anal experiences, and before she leaves she slips into the bathroom to insert the butt plug you gave her.
''Hang is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.hang.bimbo += 3; $bimbos.hang.training to 9;>>\Hang arrives at the usual time, but before she has even passed through your door you can tell something is wrong.
<span class="hang-text">"I can't stay long, but I needed to come and see you. I will be gone for two weeks, maybe three... Here, take this. I want to hear from you."</span> She hands you a piece of paper which has her e-mail address on it.
Hang turns to leave but you grab her wrist.
<span class="mc-text">"What's wrong, Hang?"</span>
Hang lets out a shaky breath, then turns back to you with tears in her eyes. <span class="hang-text">"My father... He's... He's dying. I have to go back to Vietnam."</span>
You look at her, your jaw drops, and you say nothing. You open your arms and she rushes in for a hug. She lets out two or three whole body, wrenching, yet quiet sobs, then buries her face into your shoulder. You stand there for a few minutes, holding each other before she pulls away, eyes red, but otherwise fine.
She turns to leave, and looks at you nodding, but says nothing.
<span class="mc-text">"Good luck, Hang."</span>
The doors to the elevator close and you hear it whirr back downstairs. You walk back into the apartment and find Stella looking at you expectantly.
<span class="stella-text">"What's the matter with Hang? Did her husband find out?"</span>
You shake your head. <span class="mc-text">"No, worse... Her father is dying."</span>
Stella looks sad and sits down. As she does you look at the e-mail address she gave you, and decide to send her a message then and there from your phone.
<span class="mc-text">Hang -
I am really very sorry to hear about your father, and while I do not know what is the matter I hope that things work out. Regardless of what happens I want you to know that me, Stella, and Charlotte are thinking of you. If you need anything, or just want to vent, e-mail me, OK?
We will all miss you.
- $player.firstName</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Hang", "BimboTraining"); AddEvent("Hang", "Vietnam"); $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
<<set $bimbos.hang.bimbo to 26; $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist to 26; $bimbos.hang.slut to 26;>>\
<<set $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist to 36; $bimbos.hang.slut to 36;>>\
<</if>>\<<set _passageText to "You receive an e-mail from Tan">>\
<<if not $bimbos.hang?.trainingComplete and not GameDayIs("Tuesday")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "ThirdTraining") and not CheckEvent("Hang", "TanEmailSwimsuit")>>\
[[_passageText|Hang Tan E-mail Swimsuit][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "FifthSession") and not CheckEvent("Hang", "TanEmailSex")>>\
[[_passageText|Hang Tan E-mail Sex]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "TanEmailSex") and not CheckEvent("Hang", "TanEmailCoaching")>>\
[[_passageText|Hang Tan E-mail Coaching]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "SeventhSession") and not CheckEvent("Hang", "TanEmailVibrator")>>\
[[_passageText|Hang Tan E-mail Vibrator][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $bimbos.hang?.training gte 4 and not CheckEvent("Hang", "TanEmailPhotos")>>\
[[_passageText|Hang Tan E-mail Photos][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif (($bimbos.hang?.training gte 4 and CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")) or $bimbos.hang?.training gte 6) and not CheckEvent("Hang", "TanEmailHookup")>>\
[[_passageText|Hang Tan E-mail Hookup]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "Vietnam") and not CheckEvent("Hang", "TanEmailTrip")>>\
[[_passageText|Hang Tan E-mail Trip]]
<<if $bimbos.hang?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Hang", "Vietnam")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Hang", "TripEmail")>>\
[[You receive an e-mail from Hang|Hang Gone E-mail 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Hang", "TripEmailResult")>>\
[[You wake up to an e-mail from Hang|Hang Gone E-mail 2]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
[[Hang Returns|Hang Returns Faithful]]
[[Hang Returns|Hang Returns]]
<</if>>\You'd been waiting anxiously to hear from Hang all week, but got nothing, not even a reply to your first e-mail. When you wake up and see an e-mail from Hang in your inbox, you're overjoyed.
<span class="hang-text">My father has died. I got home just in time to say goodbye. My brother says he stayed alive just for me, and was waiting to tell me how much he loved me. I am very, very sad, but it is good to be around my family. My mother will be OK, my brothers are good men and will take care of her. With the money I send, and their love, our family will be OK.
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
Rupert came with me. At first I had wondered if he should. I know he can be awkward sometimes. To tell the truth, he has been awkward sometimes, but he has also been very good. Not just to me, but to my family. He really tries, and he really cares about me. I feel a little guilty that I have been going behind his back, and I think I need to be honest with him.
Rupert came with me. I... I do not want to be ungrateful, but I am not happy that he did. He has been difficult and rude. I used to think he was a good man deep down inside, but I see now that he is not. He is good when he gets his way and things are not difficult. But what kind of good man cannot rise to the occasion? What kind of good man cannot be a source of comfort?
Watching my father die has forced me to think about what I value, and what I do not.
I'm looking forward to seeing you when I get back.
You read the e-mail and agonise for nearly an hour with how to respond. But in the end you just send her a simple e-mail.
<span class="mc-text">Hang -
We are all still thinking about you. If you need anything done in America, let me know and I will do it.
You're a smart woman Hang, so I know you won't rush into anything. Whatever decisions you make, I'm sure you will make the right one, as long as you are certain of it.
- $player.firstName</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Hang", "TripEmail"); $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 7;>>\<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
<span class="hang-text">Hello $player.firstName!
I am sorry that I have waited so long to reach out to you again. I am also sorry that I will not be seeing you for much longer than I had expected to. I have big news.
I came clean to Rupert. It was terrible when I first did, and he was so upset that I had to stop my brothers beating him up for abandoning me temporarily at this time, until I told them a little bit of the truth and then they understood why he was so angry. Rupert came around, though. He's not exactly... Happy, but he is understanding. He wants me to enjoy my life and he has promised that he will try and be understanding, even if he doesn't necessarily want to walk that path with me. We haven't really agreed, but we have agreed to disagree, if that makes sense.
When I get back, I will visit you.
- Hang</span>
You respond to her right away.
<span class="mc-text">I'm proud of you Hang! It is very difficult to tell the truth, but you are an unusually honest woman. I look forward to seeing you again soon, and I hope that Rupert comes round eventually.
- $player.firstName</span>
<span class="hang-text">Hello $player.firstName!
I am sorry that I have waited so long to reach out to you again. I am also sorry that I will not be seeing you for much longer than I had expected to. I have big news.
To start, me and Rupert are getting a divorce. I had planned to wait until we were both home, to make really sure, but he snapped at my mother when she wanted to include a small Buddhist part of my father's memorial. She was always the more committed Christian of the two, so for her to do that was a testament to her love for him.
I couldn't believe he did that. I told him so, and I told him to leave. He has been apologizing a lot over e-mail and phone, but I do not care now. I want a new life, without Rupert.
So. Because of that. I have decided to go to Thailand before I come back to New York. I am scared, $player.firstName, but I know it is the right decision. I want to be like Stella, or Charlotte. I want to be looked at like that woman in the videos you showed me. I will be a new woman when you see me, but I will be committed to being the best possible version of myself. Just like you've been teaching me.
When I get back, can I stay with you? Just for a small time. I do not want to stay with Rupert.
- Hang</span>
You respond to her right away.
<span class="mc-text">I'm proud of you Hang! That sounds horrible that he did that, and I'm really proud of you for standing up for yourself. Of course you can stay with me, no questions asked.
I'll get a room ready for you.
I'm also proud of you for taking such a big step, and I am very curious to see what you mean!
- $player.firstName</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Hang", "TripEmailResult")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>><<set $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 7>><<else>><<set $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 14>><</if>>\A little later than normal Hang knocks on the door. You know from a message she sent last night that her and Rupert returned from Vietnam yesterday.
You open the door, and as you do Hang steps in and gives you a hug. <span class="hang-text">"Hello! I am happy to see you again. How are you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm good, I'm good... I half expected Rupert to be with you."</span>
Hang shakes her head. <span class="hang-text">"He does not want to see you, not yet at least. I nearly persuaded him to come, but in the end he did not want to."</span>
There's a silence and Hang moves to the kitchen, where she sits on a stool. You pour two glasses of water.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sorry about your dad."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I am too. I am glad I got to go home to say goodbye, though."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It sounds like you've had a hell of a time over there."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"It was very difficult. But I think things will be better now."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"With Rupert?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"With everything."</span> She smiles at you. <span class="hang-text">"It will be long work to fix things with Rupert, he is still upset with me for getting you to coach me like this, but he trusts me that nothing ever happened between us. He also appreciates that I was lonely, and that he treated me badly. He has promised to have more fun with me, to be a better husband, but also a friend. He says he could learn to become more a bimbo, or at least to worry less. But..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"But?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"But I won't be able to see you as often. He has promised to be better, and I have too. We can still be friends, but only at Henrique's. At least for now."</span>
You feel your face form a grimace, at least momentarily. <span class="mc-text">"I was worried that you'd say that. But your marriage comes first. Are you sure you're making the right decision?"</span> You don't know what possessed you to ask that, but Hang takes it in her stride.
<span class="hang-text">"No. But if I learned one thing from you, it is to move forward, right? A good bimbo trusts others that earn her trust. These past weeks Rupert earned my trust, or at least a lot of it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah."</span>
Hang drinks a little more of her water then stands up. She walks round to you and kisses you on the cheek. <span class="hang-text">"Thank you, $player.firstName. You really helped me."</span>
You say nothing, but Hang kisses you on the cheek again and walks out of the house.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); RemoveEvent("Hang", "Vietnam"); $bimbos.hang.trainingComplete to true;>>\Hang e-mailed a couple of days before to let you know that her flight arrives early in the morning and that she would come straight to your apartment. You don't know why you are nervous waiting for her, but by now nerves as you wait for this moment of revelation have become almost a tradition for you. Sophie, Erica, Stella, Charlotte, the other girlfriends long forgotten... Now Hang.
You hadn't had to wait this long before, though. To tell the truth you've been slightly on edge ever since Hang left, and a little bit of you wonders if this time you've strayed into unprofessional feelings. You like Stella and Charlotte a lot, of course, but your relationship with them has felt more shallow, less stressful. Hang has been complicated.
You wake up earlier than normal and fuss around the house, adjusting little things and wiping the kitchen counters.
Eventually, and much to your relief, you hear a knocking on the door. You go to open it, and standing outside is a woman you barely recognize.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Return/Face.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hang?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"$player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Is that really you?"</span>
You stand in the doorway, shocked at how different she looks.
She looks side to side a little nervously. <span class="hang-text">"Can... Can I come in?"</span>
You move out of the way. <span class="mc-text">"Of course, of course..."</span> Hang walks in, dragging her suitcase behind her. <span class="mc-text">"I'm sorry about your father."</span>
Hang nods, sadly. <span class="hang-text">"Yes. So am I. I will miss him... It feels like so long ago that I was last here happy."</span> Hang takes off her coat, and you see she's only wearing hot-pants and a bra underneath.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Return/Body.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"You flew dressed like that?"</span>
She nods, a smile crossing her face for the first time. <span class="hang-text">"It was hot in Thailand... And I wanted to show off."</span> Hang looks expectantly at you, but says nothing.
<span class="mc-text">"What happened, Hang?"</span>
Hang leaves her suitcase by the door and walks over to the sofa. She flops down and you sit down next to her.
<span class="hang-text">"Everything. It was like one thought after the other just exploding in my brain. My father told me to make the most of my life while I still was young. Then Rupert was mean. Then I thought about what ''I'' wanted. It all just kind of happened... We can talk about it soon, but right now I don't want to."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Whatever you want, Hang. You've had a really tough few weeks... You look great, though."</span>
She smiles at you. <span class="hang-text">"Thanks. I was going to just get my boobs done, but then I thought I should get everything I wanted. Lips, face, boobs..."</span>
She flops out her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Return/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"I didn't go that big, but I am bigger, yes?"</span> She dribbles some spit on them then smiles at you. You reach out and touch them, rubbing her spit onto her nipples.
<span class="mc-text">"They look great, did it hurt?"</span> You look around and can't see any sign of scarring.
<span class="hang-text">"A little, but the doctor was very good. They feel fine now."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You know, you look a little like that pornstar, the one that we watched."</span>
Hang claps her hands happily. <span class="hang-text">"Yes! I know. I went in and asked the doctor to make me look just like her. He did a good job, I think."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well let me see the rest of you."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Return/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang stands up and you sit down. She shakes her ass in your face for a moment before bending over. <span class="mc-text">"Were your face and breasts the only things you got done?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes... Look!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Return/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She pulls down her shorts and shows you her vagina. <span class="hang-text">"Still the same! But I wax now.</span> She pulls her shorts back up and sits next to you. <span class="hang-text">"Have I pleased you?"</span>
You smile a shallow, wry smile and begin to nod slowly. <span class="mc-text">"Yes, Hang... You've also surprised me."</span>
She looks concerned. <span class="hang-text">"I surprised you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I didn't really think you had it in you to take big steps on your own, you know? I'm proud of you."</span>
The anxiety drops from Hang's face and she leaps forwards to plant a kiss on your cheek. <span class="hang-text">"Anyway, I'm tired. I want to sleep. Where shall I sleep?"</span> She looks at you expectantly and you wonder whether you should give Hang her own room or allow her to sleep with you.
[[Let Hang sleep with you|Hang Returns Finish][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Give Hang her own room|Hang Returns Finish][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Sure. Let's take your things to my, my bed is all made up."</span>
Hang walks ahead of you as you grab her suitcase and bring it into your room. She begins to undress and smiles at you, before walking over, naked, and kissing you on the lips. She kisses you gently and slowly, then looks into your eyes, before walking to the bathroom. You let her take care of herself and decide that she will probably want a cup of tea or some water. You bring her both, but by the time you are back she is tucked in bed, blinds drawn, already asleep. You leave the water by the bedside table closest to her then close the door.
Most of the day passes before you go to check on Hang again and you find her lying in bed, eyes open. When you walk in you get into bed with her, silently, and she shuffles over to you. You hold her for a minute, before she begins to unbutton your pants and stroke your cock. You turn her around and begin to kiss her, then she throws off the covers and spreads her legs. You manhandle her to the edge of the bed then penetrate her. Her head arches back and she lets out a loud moan, as you begin to fuck her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Return/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You fuck her on the bed for ten minutes, and you both come easily. The both of you collapse into a slightly sweaty, post-orgasmic puddle. As you look to your side you see Hang, nestled in the corner of your shoulder, smiling sweetly up at you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Return/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Hang", "Vietnam"); AddEvent("Hang", "Girlfriend"); $bimbos.hang.trainingComplete to true; $bimbos.hang.bimbo to 50; $bimbos.hang.happiness to 5; $bimbos.hang.transformLevel to 1;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Sure, the spare bedroom is all made up. You can stay there as long as you want."</span>
You lead Hang down the hallway to the spare room, dragging her suitcase for her. <span class="mc-text">"There isn't an ensuite, but you can just use the one next door. Make yourself at home Hang."</span> You want up to her and wrap your arms around her. <span class="mc-text">"I'm glad you're back."</span>
She looks up at you and nods, then gestures with her eyes towards the bathroom. You laugh and leave her to it. You do your work for the whole day and by the time Hang has woken up again it is the afternoon, and you are sitting on the sofa watching TV as Charlotte and Stella chat in the kitchen.
<span class="charlotte-text">"No, mom, you don't get it, it just doesn't look that good when I... Hang!"</span>
Hang walks through the archway to the rest of the apartment and Charlotte squeals as she runs towards her. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'm so happy you are back! You look so good now! Congratulations on joining the club. Are you staying with us now?"</span>
Hang looks at you, then back at Charlotte. <span class="hang-text">"Yes, at least for as long as $player.firstName will have me."</span>
Charlotte dismisses that. <span class="charlotte-text">"Psh, he'll have you for as long as you want."</span>
Stella has padded over now and hugs Hang. <span class="stella-text">"I'm sorry about your father."</span> She hugs her tightly, and Charlotte, looking a little ashamed that she had forgot, hugs her again but says nothing. <span class="stella-text">"Let us know if you need anything."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Thank you. I will."</span> Hang walks towards you and comes and sits next to you on the sofa. You two spend a little while chatting about her flight, and the surgery. As you do she edges closer and closer to you, and by the end is stroking your cock through your pants.
Charlotte, evidently watching, strides over. <span class="charlotte-text">"If you don't suck it now, move out the way."</span> Hang looks up at Charlotte and laughs, then looks at you with eyes raised. Answering her silent question in similar style, you unbutton your jeans and let her take out your now hard dick.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Return/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang takes off her top and begins to slowly suck your dick. Charlotte comes to sit next to you and, rather than pay attention to the TV show, she focuses on Hang sucking your dick. After a while you realise that Charlotte is paying an unusual amount of attention to Hang and you look at her, and see that she is actually getting something up on her phone. She notices you looking and turns it around, to show a video playing. Handing you the phone, Charlotte grabs the TV remote and casts it to main TV. Half the wall is now taken up by two Asian women slobbering over a cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Return/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey! Mom!"</span> There's no response. <span class="charlotte-text">"MOM!"</span> Stella sticks her head around the corner, to see Hang sucking your cock and the porn video on the screen.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Doesn't Hang look really really similar to Asa Akira? You know, that big Asian pornstar."</span>
Stella looks at Charlotte, then the screen, then Hang. She walks closer and as Hang continues to suck your dick through her smiles, Stella lets out a little snort from her nose, then nods. <span class="stella-text">"I can barely tell them apart."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(9); RemoveEvent("Hang", "Vietnam"); $bimbos.hang.trainingComplete to true; $bimbos.hang.bimbo to 50; $bimbos.hang.happiness to 5; $bimbos.hang.transformLevel to 1;>>\
<</if>>\<span class="tan-text">$player.firstName!
Me and Hang went to the beach today. I really think Hang is starting to come out of her shell a little. She was jumping about and even talking to the guys selling stuff - normally she makes me do all the talking in English when we hang out.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/TanEmails/Beach.jpg" height="600">
She was still too shy to just wear a bikini, but she seemed to get a kick out of mine. When I asked for a photo she even tried giving me instructions on how to pose!
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Email/Pool.jpg" height="600">
Do you like it?</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Suggest a more revealing swimsuit|Hang Tan E-mail Swimsuit][$passageRoute to 2; AddEvent("Hang", "TanEmailSwimsuit"); $bimbos.tan.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.tan.exhibitionist += 4; $bimbos.tan.slut += 6;]]
[[Very good|Hang Tan E-mail Swimsuit][$passageRoute to 3; AddEvent("Hang", "TanEmailSwimsuit"); $bimbos.tan.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.tan.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.tan.slut += 6;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Tan-
Looking good, but I can't help but feel it's a shame you aren't wearing a bikini that shows off your body a little better. Do you own anything more daring?</span>
You don't hear back from Tan until late that evening.
<span class="tan-text">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Email/Bikini.jpg" height="600">
Daring enough? lol
I haven't had the courage to wear it out yet, but I only got it last week.</span>
''Tan is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">Looking good, Tan. Really good.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</if>>\You wake up to an e-mail from Tan.
<span class="tan-text">Hey $player.firstName,
I was wondering if you could do me a really big favor? My family's apartment is being renovated at the moment, and I have a bunch of work to do that I can't really do at the Councilmember's office due to campaign finance rules. Do you mind if I work at yours after work?"</span>
You shoot off a quick e-mail to Tan letting her know that's alright, then get to your day's work.
[[Continue|Hang Tan E-mail Sex Night]]When Tan arrives later you're relaxing on the sofa. You two chat for a little but it's clear that Tan is eager to get to work. She creates a little work station for herself at your breakfast counter, then gets to work.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Night/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
At around 10 you decide to go and read in bed. <span class="mc-text">"Don't stay up too late, Tan, it isn't good for you... I'm going to read now."</span>
She looks at you with a smile. <span class="tan-text">"I'm not sure about that. Goodnight, $player.firstName."</span>
You get into bed and begin to read your book. After half an hour, when you're considering going to sleep, you begin to what sounds like someone calling you from the living room.
<span class="tan-text">"$player.firstName? Can you hear me?"</span>
You get up and see what's going on, and you see Tan standing by the counter. She looks at you and says nothing, but her eyes flash and she ever so slightly sticks out her chest.
You walk over to her, wearing only your shorts, and kiss her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Night/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tan-text">"I just wanted to say goodbye..."</span> As she tells this lie she sticks her hand down your shorts and begins to touch your cock. <span class="tan-text">"I didn't want to just disappear, again."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Night/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You begin to kiss her again, and she begins to pull down your shorts. You stand there making out, her jacking you off, as you undress her. When you're both naked and the precum is beginning to leak from the tip of your dick, she takes you by the hand.
<span class="tan-text">"Can I stay the night?"</span>
You kiss her, and carry her tiny frame to the bedroom. You turn the light on, and after laying on top of her and kissing her, she turns you over onto your back. Facing away from you, but toward the big mirror in your bedroom, she eases herself down onto you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Night/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Slowly she works her way up and down, moaning as she goes. She does this for a while, until she turns around and begins kissing you again. You take control and begin to speed up. The faster you get, the louder Tan gets.
<span class="tan-text">"$player.firstName! Fuck me!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Night/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You fuck up into her as hard and as fast as you can. As you do you feel Tan begin to tense up, and you get close to orgasm. You try to hold it back, but you can't help it. You shudder as your thrusts become irregular and you fill Tan. She tries to ride up on you but you quickly turn flaccid. You look at Tan, then quickly reach for your bedside drawer and take out a vibrator. You switch it on and before Tan can say yes or no you press it against her clit and, within seconds, she begins to cum.
<span class="tan-text">"What... I.... aaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"</span>
She screams and shudders as she comes, then falls against you, her sweaty hair covering her mouth and sticking to your chest. You both pant for breath and say nothing for a few minutes.
<span class="tan-text">"I needed that... God, did I need that... Do you always have that in arm's reach?"</span>
You let out a little grunt. <span class="mc-text">"No. It's for Hang, believe it or not."</span>
She looks up at you, disbelieving. <span class="tan-text">"For Hang?"</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"I'm coaching her, too..."</span> You see that Tan begins to get up, but you kiss her on her forehead. <span class="mc-text">"I'll tell you all about it next time we meet. Just sleep now."</span>
Tan protests, gently, but within a few minutes the lights are off and Tan is gently snoring in bed next to you.
When you wake up, Tan has vanished, only sending you a text with a kiss emoji.
''You can now bootycall Tan from your bedroom.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set SetHours(22); AddEvent("Hang", "TanEmailSex"); AddEvent("Tan", "SexVisits");>>\<span class="tan-text">So, you're coaching Hang? To be a bimbo? What the fuck is going on, $player.firstName?</span>
You respond immediately.
<span class="mc-text">Tan-
No, or, well, not exactly. I'm just helping her be more confident, you know? Helping her learn how to have more fun. Even if she isn't trying to properly be a bimbo, you know how uptight she is. We've started to meet up and dance sometimes, and afterwards I just give her a little life advice.
- $player.firstName</span>
You get an e-mail back from Tan within ten minutes.
<span class="tan-text">So yeah, you are coaching her. She had told me about the dancing, but what the fuck, you're coaching her too? Is there anyone you aren't turning into a slut?
Fuck. You're so irresponsible. What happens if Rupert finds out?</span>
You are in the middle of responding when you get another e-mail from Tan.
<span class="tan-text">Look, sorry... I just care about her. Don't fuck things up for her, but I gotta admit, she is happier now. That beach trip was the most fun that we've ever had together, and it kinda makes sense now that she's learning how to focus on herself a little more.
Be careful.</span>
You delete your indignant e-mail and respond to Tan's last one.
<span class="mc-text">I will. I promise.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Hang", "TanEmailCoaching")>>\<span class="tan-text">Hang finally came clean with me about what's happening with you, but funnily we didn't talk about her coaching much, just vibrators. She's gone mad, she even said she's tried sitting on the driers down in your building's basement to see if she can orgasm.
What the hell have you done with my prudish Hang? lol
Still, I didn't have the heart to tell her that she wasn't the first person to use the vibrator you're letting her use in your 'sessions'. I'm almost jealous she gets it now!</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Buy Tan her own vibrator (-$300)|Hang Tan E-mail Vibrator][$passageRoute to 2; AddEvent("Hang", "TanEmailVibrator"); $player.cash -= 300; $bimbos.tan.slut += 1;]]
[[Tell Tan she can use it at yours again|Hang Tan E-mail Vibrator][$passageRoute to 3; AddEvent("Hang", "TanEmailVibrator");]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You don't hear back from Tan, but you get a vibrator couriered to Tan's office.
You don't hear back from Tan until late that evening.
<span class="tan-text">Anyone could have opened that, you asshole!
But... Not gonna lie, she's powerful.
''Tan is now more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">You can always come over and use it when you want, Tan. Up to you whether you tell Hang.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</if>>\<span class="tan-text">Hang has started to send me photos of the outfits she's wearing each day.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/TanEmails/DressUp.jpg" height="600">
I'm starting to sense a theme on Mondays.</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Encourage her to send more revealing photos|Hang Tan E-mail Photos][$passageRoute to 2; AddEvent("Hang", "TanEmailPhotos"); $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 2;]]
[[Send photos of your own to encourage her|Hang Tan E-mail Photos][$passageRoute to 3; AddEvent("Hang", "TanEmailPhotos"); $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.tan.exhibitionist += 2;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">You know, you would be helping my coaching significantly if you encouraged her to send you more interesting photos.</span>
You don't hear back from Tan until late that evening. The e-mail is just a photo, nothing else.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/TanEmails/Lingerie.jpg" height="600">
''Hang is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">Do you send her photos of what you're wearing? It could encourage her to be more confident if you did.</span>
A few hours later you get a photo from Tan.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Email/Bra.jpg" height="600">
The message attached reads.
<span class="tan-text">Encouraging enough?</span>
''Hang is now more of an exhibitionist.
Tan is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</if>>\<span class="tan-text">When I met up with Hang today she asked me how I managed to take such a huge penis as yours when we had sex. It seems she found it a little overwhelming.
Ignoring that you're now fucking my married friend, AND the fact that Rupert's penis must be tiny given your dick is solidly above average size (no more, no less), I'd never actually told Hang that we we occasionally have sex. Did you?</span>
You respond back quickly.
<span class="mc-text">Tan -
I didn't, but... Who knows how she knows. Did she seem OK when you saw her?"
- $player.firstName</span>
A few hours later Tan responds.
<span class="tan-text">I don't think you broke her, lol
Maybe she just assumes everyone fucks casually here. Or at least that you do.
Speaking of, hit me up soon.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Hang", "TanEmailHookup")>>\<span class="tan-text">Hang's dad is dying... I just heard she flew back home to see him. Shit.
I'll ask around and see if I can find out any more. Did she say anything to you before she left?</span>
You shoot off a quick response.
<span class="mc-text">Yeah, she dropped by my apartment before the flight. Do you think she'll be alright?</span>
You don't hear back from Tan until the early evening.
<span class="tan-text">I don't know, but according to the grapevine it's looking pretty bad.
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
Rupert went with her, too. I'd doubted it at first, but they've been getting along better since you started doing whatever it is you do with her... Not that he knows. Still, it'll be good for her to have him around.
Rupert went with her, too. I bet that will go down well... Her family always liked the idea of her marrying a rich American, but he never really got used to the idea of not always being in charge.
I hope she's alright.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Hang", "TanEmailTrip")>>\<<if $bimbos.june?.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if CheckEvent("June", "Introduce")>>\
<<if $bimbos.june.brat lt 44 and CheckEvent("June", "Session6")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("June", "PhotoShoot1")>>\
[[Ask June about a photoshoot|June Photoshoot 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "PhotoShoot2")>>\
[[Ask June to do another photoshoot|June Photoshoot 2][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "PhotoShoot3")>>\
[[Ask June to do another photoshoot|June Photoshoot 3][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "PhotoShoot4")>>\
[[Ask June to do another photoshoot|June Photoshoot 4]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("June", "StripclubBlowjob") and not CheckEvent("June", "PhotoShoot5")>>\
[[Ask June to do another photoshoot|June Photoshoot 5][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Make June do chores|June Brat Training]]
<<if $bimbos.june.brat gte 44>>\
June is too much of a brat for her to deserve new clothes.
June is too much of a brat for her to listen to you.
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining lt 6>>\
[[Buy June new clothes (-$250)|June Exhibitionist Training][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining is 6 and $bimbos.june.slutTraining gte 3 and CheckEvent("Player", "FashionStore")>>\
[[Take June out shopping|June Appearance Training]]
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining gte 3>>\
[[June's 'bimbo' coaching|June Slut Training]]
June is not exhibitionist enough for her to listen to you.
<<if CheckEvent("June", "StripClub")>>\
[[Go visit June at the strip club|June Strip Club]]
[[Introduce June to Stella and Charlotte|June Introduce]]
<<UINavigation "Home">><span class="mc-text">"June? what's taking so long?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Introduce/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You pop your head around the kitchen wall and see June at the counter, on the verge of tears.
June caught your eye and began to whine at you. <span class="june-text">"I'm screwing it all uuuuup."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Look, just be calm, and plate things. It's not that hard. We'll be out in the dining room."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Introduce/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You walk back to Stella and Charlotte who are sitting at the dining table. Strictly speaking this isn't the first time that June has met either of them, but so far she has only had the briefest of interactions, bumping into them in the hallway, or as she leaves for school. Tonight is, however, the first time that June will have spent more than 30 seconds talking to them.
You smile at Stella, then fix your eyes on Charlotte before you whisper at her. <span class="mc-text">"Don't tease her, be nice."</span>
She scoffs at you and almost shouts back at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"I promise-"</span> You widen your eyes and hold both your palms out to quiet her. She begins to whisper, barely. <span class="charlotte-text">"I promise I won't tease her, I want to be her friend! She's so little, and so cute, and I just want to-"</span>
Stella takes Charlotte by the hand, then looks her in the eyes too. <span class="stella-text">"Don't scare her, either. Don't go all cock crazy in the first five minutes, OK?"</span>
Charlotte scoffs, and you appreciate Stella for zeroing in on the heart of the issue. <span class="charlotte-text">"Fine."</span>
Charlotte takes a sulky sip of her wine just as June pops her head out.
<span class="june-text">"I think it's ready, could you come help me carry the plates in?"</span>
[[Go help June|June Introduce Talk]]The two of you walk back to the dining table. You place the two plates your are carrying in front of yourself and Stella, and June places one down for Charlotte and herself.
As June grabs the sauce, you top everyone up, and pour June a glass too. When June is sitting down you lift up your glass.
<span class="mc-text">"To new friendships."</span>
Stella copies you at a normal voice. Charlotte chimes in with a <span class="charlotte-text">"Yay!"</span>
June says nothing, but smiles politely at everyone. There's a moment of silence and you think about trying to start a conversation when Stella looks at June. <span class="stella-text">"Do you cook often, June?"</span>
June shakes her head. <span class="june-text">"No. I hope it isn't too bad."</span>
You cut into the chicken breast and take a bite. It's overdone, but the sauce is nice. <span class="mc-text">"No, June, it's perfect. Thank you for cooking for us. It's a thoughtful way of starting your time in our home."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"It's great, June, thanks."</span>
Charlotte doesn't say anything, but raises her eyebrows. Thankfully June, sitting next to her, doesn't see.
There's another silence, and you hear Charlotte's knife scrape across the plate. You're about to try and restart conversation yourself when June begins to speak, almost too quiet for you to hear.
<span class="june-text">"So $player.firstName says that you used to be a teacher?"</span>
Stella nods. <span class="stella-text">"Yeah, I was. I used to teach at a high school not far from here."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Was it a private one?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I mean... Was it a public one, or a private one?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Public, just a normal school."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh, how interesting."</span>
June takes a bite and the conversation dies again.
<span class="mc-text">"How's Chapin going?"</span>
June shrugs. <span class="june-text">"Fine..."</span> June looks at you nervously.
<span class="mc-text">"They know what happened, don't you Stella? Charlotte?"</span>
Stella gives a responsible, parental nod. Charlotte laughs and turns to face June. <span class="charlotte-text">"Dude, next time just don't steal anything, OK? Rookie error."</span>
Charlotte laughs again and you see June suppress a smile, before looking up at you with a self-imposed mask of contrition. You glare at Charlotte but Stella gives a happy little snort through her nose.
<span class="mc-text">"Have people been shitty to you since it happened?"</span>
June shakes her head. <span class="june-text">"No... They haven't really been anything. It's like they're too embarrassed, or something. Like..."</span> June sighs. <span class="june-text">"Yeah."</span> She takes a bite of her chicken and chews it.
The four of you continue chatting for the rest of the meal, June generally keeping to herself but doing a good job of being polite. Once the meal is done June gets up and is about to go to the living room when you put your hand on her shoulder.
<span class="mc-text">"Help me with the dishes."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK."</span>
[[Continue|June Introduce Dishes]]You two stand next to each other doing the dishes, you washing, June drying and putting things away.
<span class="mc-text">"So remember when I agreed to let you move in, I said that my life is a little adult, right?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Right."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, that includes Stella and Charlotte."</span>
June sidles up next to you and bumps the side of your ass with hers, making you almost drop the wet, soapy plate you're in the middle of washing. <span class="june-text">"What, are they going to, like, try and get me topless too?"</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Something like that, yes."</span> June laughs. <span class="mc-text">"No, but we do usually hang around the house looking more... comfortable. They made an effort tonight, given it is your first night hanging out with us."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK..."</span> June takes the plate and begins to dry it. <span class="june-text">"It's sort of weird, but I can't say no, can I?"</span>
You get right up in her face and shake your head. <span class="mc-text">"You can't, no."</span>
June scoffs at you. She wipes the dish and you see her opening her mouth a few times, but nothing comes out.
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh, nothing."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span> June shakes her head. <span class="mc-text">"June, tell me what you were about to say."</span>
<span class="june-text">"It's... It is a... A weird deal, you know? Like... How?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, they're bimbos."</span>
June laughs. <span class="june-text">"I mean, they're not the smartest, but come on..."</span>
You stop washing and look at her. <span class="mc-text">"No, I'm being serious. First of all, they're not dumb. But they are bimbos. And proud of it."</span> You turn back to your washing. <span class="mc-text">"In fact I helped them."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What the fuck?"</span> You look at June and raise your eyebrow. <span class="june-text">"Sorry... But I mean. Well... What do you mean?"</span>
You finish the last dish and hand it to her. Kissing her on the cheek, you then whisper in her ear. <span class="mc-text">"You'll find out. But I'm not joking."</span> You lean back out and speak normally. <span class="mc-text">"Join us when you're done."</span>
[[Continue|June Introduce Dress]]In the living room Stella and Charlotte are on the sofa, Charlotte stretched out with her head in Stella's lap. Stella is stroking Charlotte's hair.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Heyyyyy"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Charlotte."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'm bored."</span>
You sit down on the chair closest to Stella. You look at her, and as you do Charlotte begins to bounce Stella's boobs up and down. Stella laughs, then grabs Charlotte's hands and puts them in her lap. Charlotte laughs too, then sits up.
She pokes her mom's boobs one last time. <span class="charlotte-text">"Boop!"</span> Then she looks at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"So what's the plan tonight? Hang out, watch something, fuck one of us?"</span> She boops her mom's boobs again. <span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck both of us?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Charlotte, I want to-"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Shotgun first!"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"What? I-"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I don't want his sloppy seconds dick."</span>
Charlotte looks at Stella with her mouth open and Stella laughs. She pushes Charlotte away from her, and they both laugh. You join in too when June walks in, having changed from her dress into shorts and a baggy shirt. She sits down at the end of the sofa. Stella and Charlotte are sitting at one end of it, with June at the far other end.
She smiles at you. <span class="june-text">"What's so funny?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh, I was just making fun of mom for not wanting to-"</span> Stella hits her. <span class="charlotte-text">"For not wanting, to, uh... Well... I dunno."</span> Charlotte flops back in the sofa and grabs the remote. <span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck it."</span>
She turns on the TV. Thankfully the last thing Charlotte was watching was an episode of Real Housewives, not porn.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey!"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Yeah?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"No, not you mom. Mr. $player.lastName. I bought a super, super cute dress today. Wanna see it?"</span>
Stella looks at you. <span class="stella-text">"I'm not sure we should make June feel awkward..."</span>
June pipes up. <span class="june-text">"I won't feel awkward. $player.firstName told me about... This. I'd love to see the dress, I'm sure you look great in it."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh my God, it's so cute, it's the sluttiest thing, you can see my entire ass in it!"</span>
June nods and smiles at Charlotte. <span class="june-text">"Amazing!"</span> She seems happy, but you can see her eyes widen.
Charlotte stands up. <span class="charlotte-text">"So? Can I Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
[[Sure|June Introduce Assert][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Only if everyone else relaxes too|June Introduce Ask]]<span class="mc-text">"Fuck it. Go get it on."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck. Yeah."</span> Charlotte runs off to their room and returns only a few minutes later, and stands in the middle of the room.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Don't I look amazing? Isn't this great? It was only like 20 bucks. It makes my tits look so fucking good."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/June/Transform2/Dress.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/June/Dress.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"You look great, sweetie."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Seriously... Too hot."</span> Charlotte laughs happily.
June joins in. <span class="june-text">"Yeah... Like, super hot."</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Just look|June Introduce Assert][$passageRoute to 2; AddEvent("June", "Introduce"); $bimbos.june.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining to 0; $bimbos.june.slutTraining to 0; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;]]
[[Show Charlotte's ass|June Introduce Assert][$passageRoute to 3; AddEvent("June", "Introduce"); $bimbos.june.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining to 0; $bimbos.june.slutTraining to 0; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Charlotte does a little twirl, then sits down on the sofa between Stella and June. You see June repeatedly eyeing Charlotte's breasts as you sit around for the night watching Netflix and occasionally chatting.
At one point June quietly asks Charlotte where she bought the dress.
''June is now more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Come here, bend over."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
Charlotte trots over to you and then bends over. You give her ass a squeeze before lifting up the bottom of her dress
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/June/Transform2/Ass.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte lifts up her skirt and displays her bare ass. Without asking she turns to show her asshole to everyone. You. Her mom. June.
You stick out your hand and squeeze her ass again.
Charlotte trots over to you and then bends over.
<span class="mc-text">"Lift up your skirt."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/June/Ass.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte lifts up her skirt and displays her bare ass. Without asking she turns to show her asshole to everyone. You. Her mom. June.
You stick out your hand and squeeze her ass.
<span class="stella-text">"This is for making fun of me!"</span> After you give it a squeeze, Stella spanks her. The two of them giggle.
You look at June. <span class="mc-text">"Want a feel, June?"</span> June shakes her head. Charlotte moves closer and gives her ass a shake. <span class="charlotte-text">"Sure?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"No, thank you."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Missing out..."</span> Charlotte pulls her skirt back down and flops onto the sofa. An argument begins about what the watch. Once a compromise option is found you see June repeatedly eyeing Charlotte's breasts.
At one point June quietly asks Charlotte where she bought the dress.
''June is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<</if>>\<span class="charlotte-text">"Don't I look amazing? Isn't this great? It was only like 20 bucks. It makes my tits look so fucking good."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/June/Transform2/Dress.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/June/Dress.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"You look great, sweetie."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Seriously... Too hot."</span> Charlotte laughs happily.
June joins in. <span class="june-text">"Yeah... Like, super hot."</span>
Charlotte does a little twirl, then sits down on the sofa between Stella and June. You see June repeatedly eyeing Charlotte's breasts as you sit around for the night watching Netflix and occasionally chatting.
At one point June quietly asks Charlotte where she bought the dress.
<span class="mc-text">"Come here, bend over."</span>
Charlotte trots over to you and then bends over.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
You squeeze her ass and lift up the bottom of her dress.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/June/Transform2/Ass.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Lift up your skirt."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/June/Ass.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte lifts up her skirt and displays her bare ass. Without asking she turns to show her asshole to everyone. You. Her mom. June.
You stick out your hand and squeeze her ass.
<span class="stella-text">"This is for making fun of me!"</span> After you give it a squeeze, Stella spanks her. The two of them giggle.
You look at June. <span class="mc-text">"Want a feel, June?"</span> June shakes her head. Charlotte moves closer and gives her ass a shake. <span class="charlotte-text">"Sure?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"No, thank you."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Missing out..."</span> Charlotte pulls her skirt back down and flops onto the sofa.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Who's next? Mom? Get your tits out!"</span>
Stella stands up, whips off her single piece, body-con dress, then throws it at you. Sitting on the edge of the sofa she then takes off her panties as Charlotte claps.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/June/Strip.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Shake it, mom. Shaaaaake iiiiit!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/June/Robe.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
From behind the sofa Stella grabs a silk dressing gown. She puts it on, but Charlotte tries to force it open again. Stella gives her and June a quick flash.
<span class="stella-text">"That's all you're getting."</span>
Stella comes to your chair, and sits on your lap.
[[June's turn|June Introduce Include][$passageRoute to 1]]All eyes turn to June. Stella plays with your hair, and Charlotte sits cross legged on the sofa looking right at her.
You smile widely at June, preparing to persuade her to fit in. <span class="mc-text">"Your turn, June."</span>
She looks at you, bites her lip, then you see her give in. Without any fight at all. <span class="june-text">"Fine, you're all such weirdos."</span> She stands up, drops her shorts, and quickly sits back down, only giving you all a brief glimpse of her panties.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Introduce/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"You're so hot!"</span> Charlotte looks over her shoulder and looks at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"You're so lucky to have such a hot sister. And a hot mom."</span> Charlotte looks back at June. <span class="charlotte-text">"You're just so cute. But hot cute. Y'know?"</span>
June giggles, then begins to take off her top.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Introduce/1d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Underneath she's wearing a purple bra and panty set. She lays back on the sofa, her knees together, but her ass visible to you and Stella. You feel your dick grow a little, and Stella squirms her ass onto it a little until you're fully hard.
You stare at June, and she stares back at you.
<span class="june-text">"So, weirdos, seen enough?"</span> She assumed that you had, but to your surprise Stella steps in.
<span class="stella-text">"No. Rub your pussy for us. Just through your panties."</span>
Your heart begins to beat harder, and your dick along with it, as you hope that June doesn't freak out.
She looks at you. <span class="june-text">"Only if I can get that handbag I talked about."</span> She opens her legs halfway.
This morning June had asked about a $300 handbag.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[No|June Introduce Include][$passageRoute to 2; AddEvent("June", "Introduce"); $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 2; $bimbos.june.brat -= 1; $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining to 0; $bimbos.june.slutTraining to 0; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;]]
[[OK|June Introduce Include][$passageRoute to 3; AddEvent("June", "Introduce"); $player.cash -= 300; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 3; $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining to 0; $bimbos.june.slutTraining to 0; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"No. I'm not buying it for you."</span>
June snaps her legs shut. <span class="june-text">"Fine!"</span> She looks at Charlotte. <span class="june-text">"Let's decide on something to watch, OK? Ignore the old people."</span>
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''June is now less of a brat.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You nod. June spreads her legs.
<span class="stella-text">"Suck your fingers, too."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mom, you're being such a perv."</span> Given Charlotte was saying it, there was no doubt that it was meant as a compliment, not a criticism.
<span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName is just being too shy."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Introduce/1e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June sucks her fingers and rubs her pussy over her panties. She does this for a little while before spreading her legs fully, facing right towards you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Introduce/1f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
With her eyes closed you see her body judder ever so slightly, before she opens her eyes and looks at you.
<span class="june-text">"I want it in pink."</span>
Charlotte begins to laugh loudly, and even Stella claps.
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<</if>>\<<switch random (1, 5)>>\
<<case 1>>\
You make June tidy up the house, beginning with the books you have strewn around your office.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Brat/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 2>>\
You make June do the dishes and clean the kitchen.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Brat/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Every time you enter the kitchen she sighs at you, unhappily.
<<case 3>>\
After she receives a bad grade in school you force June to sit down and do her homework where you can watch her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Brat/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 4>>\
You make June read the bimboism principles and tell you how she feels about them.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Brat/Brat1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 5>>\
You tell June to clean the kitchen and sweep the floors. She sighs, but does what she's told.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Brat/Brat2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.june.brat gte 36>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.brat -= 2>>\
''June is now less of a brat.''
''June will not become less of a brat by repeating this action.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<if not CheckEvent("June", "Session1")>>\
<<include [[June First Bimbo Session]]>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session2")>>\
<<include [[June Second Bimbo Session]]>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session3")>>\
<<include [[June Third Bimbo Session]]>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session4")>>\
<<include [[June Fourth Bimbo Session]]>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session5")>>\
<<include [[June Fifth Bimbo Session]]>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session6")>>\
<<include [[June Sixth Bimbo Session]]>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session7")>>\
<<include [[June Seventh Bimbo Session]]>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session8")>>\
<<include [[June Eighth Bimbo Session]]>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session9")>>\
<<include [[June Ninth Bimbo Session]]>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Session10")>>\
<<include [[June Tenth Bimbo Session]]>>\
<</if>>\<span class="mc-text">"June, let's go."</span>
You knock on her door and push it open.
<span class="mc-text">"You're not even up yet?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/First/Bed.jpg" width="600">
June starts laughing. <span class="june-text">"No, it's early."</span> She pulls the covers over her head giggling.
<span class="mc-text">"June come on."</span>
You laugh as you grab hold of the blanket, giving it a tug.
<span class="june-text">"Noooooo."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/First/Bed2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Wow."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Wow what?"</span> June tries to cover herself up.
<span class="mc-text">"You look..."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Like a bimbo?"</span> She giggles again.
<span class="mc-text">"Actually, yeah. You do."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Figured I might as well play the part if I am going to do this."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/First/Bed3.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"What do you think?"</span>
[[Tell her she looks great|June First Bimbo Session 2][$passageRoute to 1; $bimbos.june.bimbo += 5; $bimbos.june.brat -= 2; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining += 1;]]
[[Tell her to quit fooling around|June First Bimbo Session 2][$passageRoute to 2; $bimbos.june.brat += 5; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining -= 1;]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/First/BedBimbo.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Thanks. Let's do this."</span>
June jumps out of the bed and starts to get dressed.
<span class="june-text">"I'll be right there."</span>
''June is now much more of a bimbo.
June is now less of a brat.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/First/BedBrat.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"You are no fun."</span>
June climbs out of the bed and starts to get dressed.
<span class="june-text">"I'll be there in a minute."</span>
''June is now much more of a brat.''
[[Head to your home office|June First Bimbo Session 3]]June walks out into the living room wearing a tight pair of jeans and a pink tank top.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/First/Training.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Well, lets do this."</span>
She sits down on the couch.
<span class="mc-text">"First, let's review all of the principles. Do you remember any of them?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Umm, Pride in your appearance, please those around you, something about self, joy, and..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Pride in your appearance. Please those around you. Be your absolute best self. Be a source of joy, not stress. Let yourself be taken care of."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah those."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Can you commit to those?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"...Sure."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June take this seriously."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah yeah, I'll give it my best shot."</span> June nods at you.
You take a sip of your coffee.
<span class="mc-text">"Where to begin then. I suppose you've had quite a bit of exposure to this. Whats your general feeling toward it?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/First/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Well, I think it's cool and all. And I really do want to try and see what it's like. But sometimes it's so hard."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK, well that's understandable. Let's try an exercise. Pretend I am a guy who's been staring at you. You're interested, but are unsure how to approach. Come talk to me and show me what you would say."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/First/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June gets up, walks away and comes back.
<span class="june-text">"I saw you staring at me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh come on June. You know that won't work."</span>
June crosses her arms and stares at you.
<span class="june-text">"Sure it will. He'll either admit it or run away."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"How about instead I stand here like a good little housewife?"</span>
June stands up and acts like shes mopping the floor. You have to admit, she does look good in those pink heels. At least she's making progress.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/First/Training2.jpg" height="600">
[[Stare at June|June First Bimbo Session 4]]She sits back down on the sofa.
<span class="june-text">"See?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Alright fine. So what do you think a housewife should do?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hmm. I don't know, but I have some ideas."</span>
June stands up.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/First/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="June-text">"I think I know exactly what a man wants."</span> June kneels on the sofa, pointing her ass toward you. <span class="june-text">"And I think this is all he thinks about."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It may be a driving factor, and pleasing to the eyes. I'd say more about pleasing those around you, pride in your appearance, and being a source of joy, not stress."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Uh huh."</span> June looks at you smiling. <span class="june-text">"How about being a source of pleasure?"</span>
June gives you a devilish grin as she climbs between your legs.
<span class="june-text">"Is that not one of your principles Mr. <<print $player.lastName>>?"</span>
June runs her hand down your leg. You feel your cock become rock hard instantly.
[[Tell June to stop|June First Bimbo Session 5]]June looks up at you.
<span class="june-text">"You really want me to stop Mr. <<print $player.lastName>>?"</span> She grins. <span class="june-text">"How about..."</span> June runs her hand over your cock. <span class="june-text">"Oh hello."</span> She stands up, turns around, and bends over; putting her ass right in your face.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/First/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"It may not be your principle Mr. <<print $player.lastName>>, but you should let me be your source of pleasure today."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You are impossible June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"You know you want it. I can feel your cock."</span>
You reach up and wrap your hands around her waist.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/First/Training3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Oh no you don't."</span> June stands up. <span class="june-text">"This, is for cock blocking me with Tiffany. Enjoy the rest of your day <<print $player.firstName>>."</span>
June walks away laughing. She really is going to be the death of you.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(5); AddEvent("June", "Session1"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1; $bimbos.june.slut += 2; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 2; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining to 0;>>\You stand in June's doorway.
<span class="mc-text">"Good morning."</span>
June is looks over at you smiling.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Second/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Just let yourself in, huh?"</span> She says playfully.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, I figured I'd catch you before you got dressed. Today we are going to talk about principle number one."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Don't walk into other people's rooms?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Very funny."</span>
[[Quiz June on which principle it is|June Second Bimbo Session 2][$passageRoute to 1; $bimbos.june.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining += 1;]]
[[Just tell June which principle it is|June Second Bimbo Session 2][$passageRoute to 2; $bimbos.june.brat += 1; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining -= 1;]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Well which one is it?"</span>
June looks at you glaringly.
<span class="june-text">"Pride in your appearance, duh."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good job!"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I know some things."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I know you do. It's just if you want to apply yourself or not. I've got some clothes for you laid out on the table. I'd like you to pick something that you think reflects yourself. How you want to be seen. Whatever you'd like."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK. I can do that."</span>
''June is now more of a Bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"It's pride in your appearance."</span>
June looks at you glaringly.
<span class="june-text">"I knew that."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You should by now."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I did know it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I know you do. It's just if you want to apply yourself or not. I've got some clothes for you laid out on the table. I'd like to you pick something that you think reflects yourself. How you want to be seen. Whatever you'd like."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK. I can do that."</span>
''June is now more of a Brat.''
[[Let June get dressed|June Second Bimbo Session 3]]June grabs a piece of clothing and walks back into her room and closes the door. When she comes out she is dressed in a tight, pink dress.
<span class="june-text">"What do you think?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Second/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"You look nice."</span>
June twirls around.
<span class="mc-text">"I like it."</span>
<span class="june-text">"That's it? Just 'Oh I like it'."</span> June says in a weird manish tone.
<span class="mc-text">"You look amazing. How's that? But in all reality June, it's not what I think you look like. How do YOU feel?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I dunno. I feel sexy, though I think it makes me look like I am desprate. But I kinda like it. It.."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Second/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"It what?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"It makes me feel good I can wear somthing so sexy and look good in it."</span>
[[Tell June she should feel good about her body|June Second Bimbo Session 4][$passageRoute to 1; $bimbos.june.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining += 1;]]
[[Tell June she should show off her body more|June Second Bimbo Session 4][$passageRoute to 2; $bimbos.june.brat += 1; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining -= 1;]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"You should feel good about her body. That's the whole idea. Have pride in what you look like, how you feel, and at the same time it will please those around you. It all ties together June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I think I get it, a little bit at least."</span>
June seems to be understanding what you are trying to teach her.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Second/4.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"I do look damn good though."</span> June runs her hands over her breasts. <span class="june-text">"Don't you think?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I agree. But remember its all about having pride in your appearance. It's both how you feel about yourself AND how others see you. Don't be lured into the common mistakes of being selfish about it."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What do you mean?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sometimes you may need to adjust your appearance based on the occasion or the setting and people you are with. Its not always just about you."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh I get it, like don't be a total slut."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Well yes. That is part of it. There is a time and place for that. Let's talk more next Tuesday OK?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK.</span>
''June is now more of a Bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"You should off your body more often. Have pride in what you look like, how you feel and at the same time it will please those around you. It all ties together June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I do like when guys find me attractive. I mean who doesn't."</span> June seems to be a little into herself.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Second/4.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"I do look damn good though."</span> June runs her hands over her breasts. <span class="june-text">"Don't you think?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I agree."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I mean, I feel like I can get any guy to do whatever I want in this.</span>
June turns around with her ass pointed toward you and pulls down her dress.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Second/5.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"You probably could."</span>
June seems to have derailed this lesson, once again.
<span class="june-text">"I do look good though.</span> She kneels down with her tits pulled out of her dress.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Second/6.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I agree, but I think we should continue next Tuesday. I've got some other meetings to attend to."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Uh huh.</span> June pulls her dress up. <span class="june-text">"At least I know how these other girls feel now. This is easy.</span>
''June is now more of a Brat.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "Session2")>>\It's ten past nine and you still have not seen June in the house. You knock and open her door. The room is empty.
<span class="mc-text">"June?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Shit. Sorry I am almost done."</span> June says from the bathroom.
<span class="mc-text">"It's after nine and you're still not ready?"</span>
You push the bathroom door open.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Third/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Hey, get out. Can't a girl get some privacy?"</span> June motions at you.
<span class="mc-text">"You are on my time now. Are we not supposed to be in a meeting?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"God is there no safe space for anyone in this house?"</span>
June rolls her eyes and continues with her makeup.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Third/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Tease June|June Third Bimbo Session 2]]You press your luck and tease June.
<span class="mc-text">"You look quite nice. Your butt looks good."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What?"</span> June giggles.
<span class="mc-text">"You're the one who brought it up the other day, just saying it looks good."</span>
You walk toward her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Third/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Hey!"</span> June bends over a tiny bit.
<span class="june-text">"Can I help you?"</span> June rolls her eyes but is grinning devilishly.
You pull up her skirt and smack her butt.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Third/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"June honey, I'm running to the store. Why don't you come with me."</span>
Your mom yells out from the entry to her room. You can hear here walking toward the two of you.
<span class="june-text">"Shit."</span> June pushes you away and pulls her skirt down.
<span class="sofia-text">"<<print $player.firstName>>? What are you doing in here."</span>
She questions. Rightfully so as well.
<span class="mc-text">"We were going to have a lesson. She was running late. It's OK though. You two go have fun. We'll talk more at our next meeting June."</span>
June looks at you and grins as she walks out with your mom. Right before she exits her bedroom door she pulls up her skirt, flashes her butt, and scurries away.
''June is now more of a brat.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "Session3"); $bimbos.june.brat += 1;>>\Before nine o'clock you decide that today's lesson is going to be held over dinner. You promptly let June know.
<span class="mc-text">"Good morning June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Ugh, is it already nine?"</span> June says squinting as she opens her eyes.
<span class="mc-text">"Not quite. But we are going to cancel this morning's meeting."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Fourth/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Ugh yes! More sleep. We'll meet next week."</span> June rolls over and covers her head with a pillow.
<span class="mc-text">"Not quite, let's meet for dinner. Say 5pm."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Sure, fine."</span> June mumbles as she pulls the pillow tightly over her head.
[[Wait for time to pass and meet June for dinner|June Fourth Bimbo Session 2][SetHours(18); SetMinutes(0);]]<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/Downtown.jpg" width="600">
The two of you head downtown for a nice meal and a quiet place to chat.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Fourth/2.jpg" width="600">
The waiter quickly seats you and you order a round of drinks and an appetizer to share.
[[Have a discussion with June|June Fourth Bimbo Session 3]]June looks over at you smiling.
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
June giggles. <span class="june-text">"Nothing. It's just nice to be treated like an adult once in a while."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Fourth/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"So... what are we going to talk about today?"</span>
June sips a drink of her wine.
<span class="mc-text">"What I want to talk about this week is how to apply the principles to your day to day life. I want you to work on creating opportunities for people to be generous and please those around you. One of the other things I think we can all use some work on is accepting their generosity graciously. I know first hand you can get people to do things for you, quite often whenever you want. But June, a good bimbo doesn't manipulate favors out of people. She earns them with class and dignity."</span>
June sits back in her chair, and thinks for a a bit. You can see the wheels turning in her head, and make a point to look at her questionably.
<span class="june-text">"Well here's the thing. I do like how I feel as of late; but I don't think I am your classic bimbo girl. At least as you would put it. I kinda just like the idea of being slutty and having a sugar daddy. I hope you are getting what I am trying to say. Like, are there different types of bimbos?"</span>
She takes another sip.
<span class="mc-text">"Of course! Every girl has their own path. But remember, the principles will always be the same."</span>
<span class="june-text">"That's good. I do think this kind of thing is for me though, just maybe not what you have invisioned."</span>
June grins. She seems to have developed some sort of attachment to the thought of being a bimbo. Though maybe not what you had in mind. Either way; progress.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, how about this. This week, I want you to work on being approachable, accepting, and let yourself be taken care of. As well as taking care of others. Make a true concious effort to actually embrace others and their feelings. As well as your own. By doing this you will please those around you. Trust me you will be happier because of it too."</span>
June leans forward on the table. <span class="june-text">"I can give that a try,"</span> and takes another drink of her wine.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Fourth/4.jpg" height="600">
[[Talk to June about moving forward|June Fourth Bimbo Session 4]]The two of you chat about moving foward, what June likes about bimboism and what she does not like. You seem to be making quite a bit of headway. Afterall, this is the least bratty June has ever been, her presence has been somewhat enjoyable as of late.
<span class="mc-text">"Should we head home?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Sure."</span>
You grab the check, its $180. You lay out your credit card and the two of you chat as you wait for the waiter.
<span class="minor-text">"I'll process your payment Sir. And I must say you two make quite a cute couple."</span>
June giggles quietly.
<span class="mc-text">"Um, thank you."</span>
The waiter walks away.
<span class="june-text">"Couple huh?"</span> June smirks at you.
<span class="mc-text">"Sometimes you just have to take the compliment and not make things awkward."</span>
[[Head home|June Fourth Bimbo Session 5]]As you and June walk home you chat some more about personailities, qualities, and how to bring positivity into your life. Arriving home you open the door for her.
<span class="mc-text">"Well that was fun, I'm glad we got to talk a bit. It's nice to get out once in a while."</span>
<span class="june-text">"It was fun, should do that more often. Maybe bring Charlotte next time she's around."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Absolutely."</span>
June heads to her room. After a few moments you remember you need to remind her about next week and her goals for the week.
<span class="mc-text">"June."</span>
You say while heading over to Junes room. As you walk ins you notice her fixing her makeup.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Fourth/5.jpg" height="600">
You pause for a second admiring her. She looks over and sees you.
<span class="june-text">Can I help you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I."</span> You pause for a second trying to get your brain straightened out. <span class="mc-text">"Just wanted to talk about this week. We will meet next Tuesday. But remember, this week I want you to work on being gracious and positive."</span>
<span class="june-text">I didn't forget."</span>
She smiles and walks over to you with her robe still pulled down around her arms and waist. You look down at her as she kisses you on the cheek. She runs her hand along your chest sending chills down your spine. You caress her cheek and run your hand over her lips. She submits closing her eyes and pushing her lips against your thumb.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Fourth/6.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">Ahem."</span> June interupts. <span class="june-text">We'll talk next week."</span>
She pulls up her robe and walks away.
''June is now more of a Bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("June", "Session4"); $bimbos.june.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining += 1;>>\You wait for June in the morning and head to your office together for today's meeting.
<span class="mc-text">"So June, how did this week go?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Pretty good. I feel like I was pretty happy. I tried my best not to make mom mad. She seems to not hate me as much."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"She does not hate you June."</span>
June seems a little tense. <span class="june-text">"Why did we come here anyway? Home worked just fine."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well I wanted to get away from the stressors of always being at home, have some private discussions."</span>
June sits down on the sofa and relaxes a bit.
<span class="mc-text">"Would you like something to drink?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"No thank you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Your body language is telling me you are a bit, tense, or angry?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"No, just a bit frustrated. It's always something, you know what I mean?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think everyone does. That's why I always encourage being a source of joy and not stress."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Fed right into that one didn't I."</span>
June brightens up a bit.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Fifth/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"You sure did."</span>
You pause for a moment, trying to read the room on June's state of mind.
<span class="mc-text">"You know, I want to try something today. I bought a few outfits for you for another session. But I'd like you to go over to the dressing room and pick out an outfit of your choosing. Anything you'd like. You can keep it as well."</span>
<span class="june-text">"You've got a dressing room here?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course."</span> Pointing to the room. <span class="mc-text">"The only rule for today is something fun and casual. Take your time, there is a makeup counter in there as well. Do whatever you feel is... you."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Not going to say no to free clothes."</span>
[[Wait for June in the lobby|June Fifth Bimbo Session 2]]You wait for about an hour and June finally comes out of the dressing room. As she walks across the floor in the lobby you hear the sound of heels clicking. Good start.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Fifth/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"You look stunning."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Thank you."</span> June twirls about.
<span class="mc-text">"See, that was not so hard."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What?"</span> June seems to be brightening up the entire room.
<span class="mc-text">"You accepted that compliment with wonderful grace. Now, lets talk about showing your sexual side."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hmm."</span>
June looks almost excited.
<span class="mc-text">"I want you to show me how you would flirt with someone. If you were, let's say, at work privately; or even in your own home after a long days work."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hmm."</span>
June takes a deep breath and then puts a finger in her mouth while staring at the ceiling. She looks over at you, smiles, turns around and pulls down her skirt ever so slightly to show her incredibly toned ass.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Fifth/3.jpg" height="600">
June quickly pulls it back up and plops back down on the sofa.
<span class="june-text">"I think that's a good enough tease."</span> She says giggling
<span class="mc-text">"I would agree."</span> You smile at June. <span class="mc-text">"Now I'd like you to take off your dress."</span>
June gets a sheepish look.
<span class="mc-text">"I want you to explore what it is like to feel vunerable; but at the same time, sexy."</span>
June unbuttons her skirt and lets it fall to the floor.
<span class="mc-text">"And the top."</span>
June turns away from you and pulls up her top. She is not wearing a bra.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Fifth/4.jpg" height="600">
June reaches around and smacks her butt. <span class="june-text">"Well?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You are in great shape June, your hard work is paying off. You should be proud of that."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Can I get dressed now?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes. For our next meeting, we'll rally up at nine again, but here at my office. I'd like to continue our sessions privately away from home."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK."</span> June puts her clothes back on, grabs her bag and heads home.
''June is now more of a Bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("June", "Session5"); $bimbos.june.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining += 1;>>\<span class="mc-text">"Good Morning June."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Sixth/1.jpg" height="600">
June walks up toward you in your building. Today she is wearing a blue top and a black skirt, with black heels to match.
<span class="june-text">"Hi."</span>
June smiles delightfully and grabs her skirt giving it a little tug.
<span class="june-text">"Well, whats the rating today? ten out of ten?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Sixth/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"As always June you look great. What undergarments did you choose today?"</span>
June pulls up her skirt.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Sixth/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Light blue, no bra. What's the plan for today?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I want you to go back into the dressing room, I've laid out something for you."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I don't get to pick this time?"</span>
June heads toward the room.
<span class="mc-text">"Nope, I picked for you."</span>
June changes rather quickly and comes out dressed in the light blue sundress you had laid out for her.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Sixth/4.jpg" height="600">
[[Work with June on exhibitionism|June Sixth Bimbo Session 2]]<span class="mc-text">"I'd like you to get undressed June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Seriously? Again?"</span>
June smiles. It's like she's teasing you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Sixth/5.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Yes. I'd like to see your choice of undergarments."</span>
June slowly pulls down the top of her dress.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Sixth/6.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Sixth/7.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Sixth/8.jpg" height="600">
She leaves nothing on but her lingire and heels.
<span class="mc-text">"Impressive."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What exactly is impressive?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Your choice of clothing. It tells me you are feeling sexual and want to be desired. However, you remained classy and beautiful without trying to oversell yourself."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I don't know what I think about that, but I am horny today."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What would you think about doing some photoshoots June?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"That could be fun."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Would you like to pick the outfits or would you like me to?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"You can pick them I suppose. You better not put me in anything that looks lame. I don't need that immortalized in a photo."</span>
You both laugh.
<span class="june-text">"So can I get dressed now? Mr. <<print $player.lastName>>?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Before you do, I'd like you to get undressed."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I am undressed."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Completely."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Really <<print $player.firstName>>?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes really."</span>
June begins to take off her bra and works down toward her panties.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Sixth/9.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I'd like you to take a seat."</span>
June quietly sits down covering up her breast and with her legs crossed.
<span class="june-text">"Is this really neccessary? What if someone walks in."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's locked, we're safe."</span>
<span class="june-text">"This is kind of uncomfortable."</span>
[[Teach June|June Sixth Bimbo Session 3]]<span class="mc-text">"That's precisely the point of today's lesson. I want you to be comfortable and confident with your body. Being able to express your sexuality in varying ways. Now please relax."</span>
June uncovers her self and slowly widens her legs.
<span class="june-text">"Is this what you want?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Sixth/10.jpg" height="600">
You take a deep relaxing breath and swallow. It's hard to not say yes.
<span class="mc-text">"The real question is, are you enjoying yourself?"</span>
June rolls up her legs and flashes her ass.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Sixth/11.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I'd like you to pleasure yourself. In whatever way you see fit."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh come on."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Im serious June. It's important."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What should I think about?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Whatever you want."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hmm how about that time you couldn't contain yourself and cummed all over my face as mom walked through the door. That was pretty hot."</span>
You remain quiet. June bends over on the sofa and slowly starts rubbing herself.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Sixth/12.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Though it would have been so much better if you just grabbed me right there and bent me over. Was unfortunate."</span> June moans.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Sixth/13.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Oh fuck."</span> June pants and begins to tremble.
Is she just trying to get to you or is she actually daydreaming about this? Either way that is one hell of an imagination.
''June is now much more of a Bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "Session6"); $bimbos.june.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining += 1;>>\It's 8:45 and you are sifting through some notes. It has taken some time but you've made quite the amount of progress with June. This morning you are spending your time building a plan for June to modify her behaviour even further; both mentally and sexually. June pokes her head around the corner looking at you before disappearing again.
<span class="mc-text">"Good morning June."</span>
June pops back around the corner.
<span class="june-text">"Hey. Sorry, I didn't want to disturb you."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Seventh/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"It's no problem. I was just going through some notes."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Notes about what?"</span>
June walks into the room.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Seventh/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"You."</span> You smile.
<span class="june-text">"I have notes?"</span>
June grabs the papers on the desk, but you quickly snatch them back.
<span class="mc-text">"I don't think so."</span>
<span class="june-text">"That's not fair."</span> June crosses her arms and gives you a pouting face.
<span class="mc-text">"You could make your own notes. It may help you to keep a notebook or diary. Actually June, during this week I'd like you to create a journal and track your thoughts and feelings."</span>
<span class="june-text">"That's not what I meant."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I understand that. But think of these notes as my diary. Regardless, today I'd like to talk more about being a source of joy and not stress. A very important principle; one I think everyone can always work on."</span>
[[Chat with June about being a source of joy|June Seventh Bimbo Session 2]]June takes a seat on the sofa.
<span class="mc-text">"So tell me June, what do you think being a source of joy means."</span>
June looks up thinking.
<span class="june-text">"I think it means do things that make people happy."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Not just other people June. It means everyone, including yourself."</span>
<span class="june-text">"How are you supposed to make everyone happy."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's rather simple. You act in a way to bring joy to others, which in turn will give you satisfaction and a feeling of fulfillment. Eventually you will become happy by making others happy. This can be both mentally or physically."</span>
<span class="june-text">"You mean like changing my body for anothers benefit?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's one way, but its not just that. It also includes sexually. Doing things that please others."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I see. I think I'm pretty good at that already."</span> June smiles at you.
<span class="mc-text">"It's not quite as simple as that. When you act in such ways you create lasting memories for people. These can be postive, and in turn lead to positive perceptions that will carry on into the future when you engage or meet again. If their memories of you are negative, then it sets a negative tone before the next interaction even begins."</span>
<span class="june-text">"So do things that are memorable."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes and no. Sometimes memorable moments will help you in the future; but not always."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hmm. We've had some memorable moments. But in all seriousness I feel like sometimes it's more work than what it's worth."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's understandable."</span> You nod at June. <span class="mc-text">"But to truly embrace the fundamental principles of bimboism, you'd be happy to do it. It may be hard, but that's part of the growing process. Think of it as the rules that should guide your life. With Charlotte and her mother, I had to focus coaching on how they could best take pride in her appearance, be source of joy, but most importantly for Charlotte, discipline."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh come on..."</span>
You motion with your hand for her to be quiet.
<span class="june-text">"Ughhh"</span> June starts pouting.
<span class="mc-text">"June, it's about following the principles and embracing them. We've already covered those. You know what they are and you've been around them for quite some time. Frankly, I think most of your problem is not discipline, but the sense of getting in trouble. It's your life. You need to have direct control over your emotions and your lifestyle. You've gotten better, but you can be incredibly selfish. Charlotte had the same issues. Don't feel like I am targeting you or your flaws. This is all to make you a better person."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I guess your right."</span> June looks a bit sad and is staring down at her feet.
<span class="mc-text">"Lastly, I think we need to work on your self confidence. You are improving greatly, but I want you to project it in a pleasing manner. Not with an attitude."</span>
[[Continue your session with June|June Seventh Bimbo Session 3]]June walks over and slides onto your lap.
<span class="june-text">"Take this off."</span>
June pulls off your shirt and starts unbottoning your pants.
<span class="mc-text">"What are you doing?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Giving you a memorable moment."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Seventh/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June grabs your phone.
<span class="june-text">"Unlock it please."</span>
You unlock your phone. She grabs it and turns on your camera.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Seventh/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June hands you the phone.
<span class="june-text">"Now you can watch me suck your cock whenever you want."</span>
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Seventh/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Continue your session with June|June Seventh Bimbo Session 4]]It only takes a couple minutes and you are already about to explode.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Seventh/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You cum all over June's face. She looks up at you, waiting.
<span class="june-text">"Well?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well what?"</span>
June smiles up at you. <span class="june-text">"Take a picture."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Seventh/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You can't believe how sexually active and pleasing June is becoming. At least now you have some amazing video and pictures.
''June is now more of a bimbo.
June is now more of a slut.
June is now more of a brat.''
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "Session7"); $bimbos.june.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.june.slut += 1; $bimbos.june.brat += 1; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining += 1;>>\You are sitting at your desk working through your finances; the costs to keep BLC running seem to never stop rising. Overall business is doing quite well though. You hear someone walking your way, and look up to see June. She has shown up for today's meeting wearing a black skirt and white top. You glance down at your watch and to it's 8:55. She's early and not late for once.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello June."</span>
June walks over to your desk.
<span class="june-text">"Good morning."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Eighth/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"How are you doing this morning?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Fine, and you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm doing well. I see you don't have your journal with you. Did you record your week as I asked?"</span>
June looks at you in a near panic. <span class="june-text">"I didn't think you were serious."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I was very serious. And I am quite disappointed that you ignored what I asked June."</span>
You lean back in your chair now staring at her, awaiting her response.
<span class="june-text">"I mean, I wasn't ignoring it. I was just doing other things..."</span> June runs her hand down the side of her skirt.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Eighth/2.jpg" height="600">
[[Chastise June for her actions|June Eighth Bimbo Session 2][$passageRoute to 1; $bimbos.june.brat -= 2; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining += 1;]]
[[Let June carry on|June Eighth Bimbo Session 2][$passageRoute to 2; $bimbos.june.brat -= 2; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining -= 1;]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You quickly correct June and her actions.
<span class="mc-text">"June stop trying to manipulate as a means to correct mistakes."</span>
June looks down at the floor.
<span class="june-text">"I'm sorry. I remember you saying it, I just forgot."</span> June looks at you with a sad frown.
<span class="mc-text">"It's alright, but next week I really need you to come prepared."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I promise I will."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Let's call today complete. We'll talk more next week."</span>
June sighs and walks toward the door. <span class="june-text">"Sorry <<print $player.firstName>>."</span>
''June is now less of a brat.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You allow June to continue parading her body in front of you.
<span class="mc-text">"And you think showing your body is the answer to this problem?"</span>
June begins taking her top and skirt off.
<span class="june-text">"I don't know. We'll see I guess. It could be."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Eighth/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I don't know if this is how you should be apologizing."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Who said I am apologizing?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Eighth/4.jpg" height="600">
June stands in front of you wearing nothing but her lingerie. She looks at you smiling. <span class="june-text">"Can we just forget about today? We'll do it next week, I promise."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I suppose so. But you can't always use your body to get what you want."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Says who? I am good at this."</span>
June grabs her clothes and heads back out.
''June is now more of a brat.''
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "Session8");>>\It's nearly 9:00 and you haven't even gotten out of bed yet. June walks around the corner in a silky, suede, pink dress.
<span class="june-text">"Still in bed? Oh how the tables have turned."</span>
She jumps on the bed next to you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Ninth/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Good Morning. Let's see your notes from the week."</span>
She hands her notebook to you. You take a few moments to go through it. June wrote a little bit each day; she seems to be trying in general to be a good person, she also wrote about liking how people are noticing her more and staring at her.
<span class="mc-text">"I'd like to discuss and expand more on your notes June."</span>
''//Buzzzz//'' June's phone is vibrating.
<span class="june-text">"One sec."</span> June answers. <span class="june-text">"Hello?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Ninth/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Oh hey. How are you?"</span>
You can hear a male voice on the other end of the phone.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Ninth/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Yeah for sure. I am a little busy right now but text me later OK?"</span> June hangs up.
[[Ask June who it was|June Ninth Bimbo Session 2]]<span class="mc-text">"Who was that?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Just some guy I met. He keeps calling and texting. Cling-on alert!"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Ninth/4.jpg" height="600">
[[Remind June she owes you for her homework being late|June Ninth Bimbo Session 3][$passageRoute to 1; $bimbos.june.brat += 1; $bimbos.june.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining -= 1;]]
[[Tell June she should be graceful about the attention|June Ninth Bimbo Session 3][$passageRoute to 2; $bimbos.june.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining += 1;]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I'm pretty sure you will need extra credit to make up for this late assignment."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah, you may be right."</span>
June slides her hand over you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Ninth/5a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"And how much is this extra credit worth?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Ninth/6a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"I think you can work your way to making up for just one late assignment."</span>
June pulls off her dress and licks your cock through your boxer briefs.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Ninth/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Any homework for next week Mr. <<print $player.lastName>>? I don't want to turn it in late again."</span> She goes back to licking.
<span class="mc-text">"Yes actaully. Between now and our next meeting I'd like you to do something nice for someone else. Devote yourself to it. Someone who you appreciate. Make them notice your effort."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK. I can do that."</span> June runs her hand down your arm. <span class="june-text">"I'll see you next week."</span> June stands up and puts her dress back on. <span class="june-text">"Something to remember this lesson by."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Ninth/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June texts you the video.
''June is now more of a brat.
June is now more of a bimbo.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Oh don't be so harsh. Though I'm happy to hear you are exploring and putting yourelf out there. Give the guy some credit, he's trying. Remember June, take the attention you get with class."</span>
<span class="june-text">"You're right."</span>
June grabs her phone and snaps a picture of herself.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Ninth/5b.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"There."</span> She starts typing. <span class="june-text">"Rewarded."</span> June giggles.
<span class="mc-text">"I am actually impressed June. Good job."</span>
The two of you chat for a while regarding the importance of showing appreciation for attention.
<span class="june-text">"Any homework?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes actaully. Between now and our next meeting I'd like you to do something nice for someone else. Devote yourself to it. Someone who you appreciate. Make them notice your effort."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK. I can do that."</span> June runs her hand down your arm. <span class="june-text">"I'll see you next week."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Ninth/6b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
''June is now more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "Session9");>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
Today you arranged to meet June at home. Your sitting in your home office going through notes and working the financials with some new clients on the horizon. You glance over at the clock and its 9:02; June is late. As you stand up from your desk you glance over at the mirror, straightening out your suit.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/Suit.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">Looking good.</span> You think to yourself.
Venturing around the house, you run into June just outside your office door.
<span class="mc-text">"Good morning June."</span>
You glance down at your watch.
<span class="june-text">"I'm not late!"</span> She pouts. <span class="june-text">"You were just at the wrong meeting place!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Is that so?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Look at your texts."</span>
You grab your phone and see a missed text from June asking if you can move the meeting location.
<span class="mc-text">"OK. Where do you want to go?"</span>
June motions to follow her.
<span class="mc-text">"And did you complete your homework?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Not yet."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Not yet?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"You'll see."</span> June leads you to her room where she has the massage table set up. <span class="june-text">"Take a seat."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/1.jpg" width="600">
[[Ask June what she's doing|June Tenth Bimbo Session][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="june-text">"Well, I didn't see any opportunities to do anything nice for you this week. I kept trying to think of something. So I am going to give you a relaxing morning massage before you go to work."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"There's no need to do anything for me June. But I appreciate the offer."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I mean you're one of the few people who care about me. You deserve it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Alright sure."</span>
She pats the bed for you to lay down.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Now get comfortable."</span> June pulls off your clothes then starts getting undressed herself.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/3.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Do you enjoy massage oil?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure, why not."</span>
June grabs a bottle, pouring a little over your chest and rubs it in. You open your eyes and see her pouring it over herself.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/4.jpg" width="600">
[[Compliment June|June Tenth Bimbo Session][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"You look amazing June, thank you for this."</span>
<span class="june-text">"My pleasure Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
June rubs her hands over you. You look up as she climbs on the table, straddling your waist.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Relax, you're so tense."</span>
You close your eyes.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/6.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Just think of a relaxing bath; or in your case, a big pair of fake titties."</span>
She giggles and continues rubbing your chest and neck with her body.
[[Continue|June Tenth Bimbo Session][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Oh this feels great June. I havn't had a massage in weeks."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I can tell."</span>
You open your eyes, looking up at June who's still straddling you.
<span class="mc-text">"You can tell?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Mmm hmm."</span> She looks down, her eyes pointing at your now hard cock. <span class="june-text">"Only natural"</span> she states, running her hand over your towel.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/7.jpg" width="600">
June runs her hands up your hips, sending chills down your spine. You feel her lift the towel, and open your eyes.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/8.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Hey! Eyes closed."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Think happy thoughts."</span>
[[Continue|June Tenth Bimbo Session][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
June starts to rub your inner thighs; you can feel your cock bouncing from excitment. You strain to keep your eyes closed but take another peak. As you open your eyes June looks up at you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/10.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"You're not supposed to be looking."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sorry."</span>
June giggles then runs her tongue across your cock.
<span class="june-text">"OK, you can keep your eyes open."</span>
[[Open your eyes|June Tenth Bimbo Session][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
As you crack your eyes open you see June with both of hands at the base of your cock. She guides her mouth slowly over the head, lowering and swallowing you completely.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/11.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Fuck."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Uggg."</span> June gags. <span class="june-text">"Mmm. Almost. Can't quite get there."</span> June works down toward the base and begins sucking on your balls.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/12.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Continue your session|June Tenth Bimbo Session][$passageRoute to 7]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 7>>\
June climbs up and straddles you once more, gyrating her hips and rubbing her pussy on your cock. She slides her legs back.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/13.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Ohh."</span> June slides her ass up and down, slowly grinding your cock between her thighs.
<span class="mc-text">"Fuck."</span>
You close your eyes and run your hands down to her hips to grab her ass and squeeze.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/14.jpg" width="600">
You can barely contain yourself when June slides her body around. Her pussy is now over your mouth as she goes back to sucking your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/15.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You begin to lick June.
<span class="june-text">"Fuck that tickles."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/16.jpg" width="600">
[[Finish your session|June Tenth Bimbo Session][$passageRoute to 8]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 8>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/17.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Cum for me Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
June moves off the table and down onto her knees, looking up at you.
<span class="mc-text">"Good girl."</span>
You slide off the table, leaning against it. June immediately goes to work throating your cock as far as she can. It takes mere seconds before you lost control.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bimbo/Tenth/18.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Thank you Mr.$player.lastName."</span>
You lean back. <span class="mc-text">"No, thank you June. I think you've passed this lesson with flying colors."</span>
''June is now much more of a bimbo.
June is now much more of a slut.
June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "Session10"); $bimbos.june.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.june.slut += 2; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 2;>>\
<</if>>\<<switch $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include [[June Exhibitionist Event 1]]>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<include [[June Exhibitionist Event 2]]>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<include [[June Exhibitionist Event 3]]>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<include [[June Exhibitionist Event 4]]>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<include [[June Exhibitionist Event 5]]>>\
<<case 5>>\
<<include [[June Exhibitionist Event 6]]>>\
<</switch>>\You hear the door slam shut and someone run in. You stick your head around the pillar and see June, clutching a Bergdorf bag.
<span class="june-text">"I'm back!"</span> She's looking at you, only steps away, but still shouts.
You stand out fully from behind the pillar and wipe your wet hands from cooking on the back of your pants. June frowns at your disregard for your clothing.
<span class="mc-text">"So what did I buy?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"You bought me a very pretty sleek black dress. It's very fashionable and I will be able to wear it to almost any kind of event."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well I'm looking forward to seeing you in it... And out of it."</span> You return to the kitchen and hear June walk down the hallway. About half an hour later your phone pings.
<span class="june-text">Hey
Come to my room
I'm just finishing in the shower
I want to wear the dress tonight lol</span>
You check the timer on the oven and, happy that it's safe to leave, you go to June's room.
As you wait inside you begin to look at the little souvenirs that she's got on her shelf. The room, decent sized for a normal person, but tiny by the standards of your apartment, is mostly taken up by the extra clothes racks that your mom bought June after she moved in.
The door open and June walks in, wearing a silk dressing gown. You frown at it, trying to remember why it seems familiar, when June answers your silent question. <span class="june-text">"Stella let me borrow it. She says that it's too small for her chest now."</span>
June begins to undo the belt on the gown and, before you can give her any instructions, she drops it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/4a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You stand there looking at her. She looks at you. <span class="june-text">"Good enough?"</span>
You smirk and sit down on the bed. <span class="mc-text">"I want to see how it fits."</span>
June laughs, walks past you, then opens her dresser drawer to take out a pair of black panties.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/4b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As she puts on her panties you look inside the drawer. As you take out a simple pair of white panties she interrupts you.
<span class="june-text">"Hey! That's private."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I was just thinking you need some real lingerie."</span>
She bobs her head but says nothing, until she unpacks, unwraps, and picks up her new dress.
<span class="june-text">"Isn't it so cute?"</span> She holds it up to her body.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/4c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Bra?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No bra."</span> Her eyebrows raise. <span class="mc-text">"Seriously, it'll look lumpy under a dress like that."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah, I suppose."</span> June steps into the dress and begins to pull it up.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/4d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As she struggles to pull it up over her ass you stand up again. <span class="mc-text">"It fits you perfectly."</span> She manages to lift it up, and as she's about to turn round you hear the oven begin to beep. <span class="mc-text">"Dinner's in 10 minutes, OK?"</span>
June appears at the dinner table 15 minutes later, after everyone else has sat down.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Exhibitionist/Dinner.jpg" height="600">
Looking at her through dinner, you have to admit that the dress is great.
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionist lte 16>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 3>>\
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''June cannot become more of an exhibitionist by repeating this event.''
''There are still new scenes to see by repeating this event.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash -= 250; $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\June walks in when she's home from athletics practice. As ever the door slams loudly behind her. You stand up, walk down the hall, and approach her just as she's taking off her shoes. By now you've started just wearing your underwear around the house again, and you're just wearing a tight pair of boxer briefs. Your sister gives you a quick glance up and down before turning back to her fiddly shoelaces.
<span class="mc-text">"Don't leave your gym bag sitting in the hall."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK."</span>
You bend down and whisper in her ear. <span class="mc-text">"And I got you some presents. Put them on and then come to my bedroom."</span> You stand straight again and walk back to your room.
About half an hour later you hear a knock on your door.
<span class="mc-text">"Come in!"</span>
The door opens slowly and in walks June. She's wearing the black lingerie set, and new black heels, that you bought her.
<span class="june-text">"How did you-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Get on the bed, then you can talk."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/3a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June does as you ask and, as you follow her to the bed, you get a great view of her ass. After spending a few moments on all fours, she rests on her front, her legs kicking in the air.
<span class="june-text">"How did you know my size?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I looked through all your underwear."</span>
Her eyes widen. <span class="june-text">"$player.firstName! I told you that was private."</span>
You glare at her. <span class="mc-text">"My house, my rules, June. You don't have any privacy here."</span> She squints at you. <span class="mc-text">"Besides, I got you something you were missing, didn't I? This is probably the nicest simple set you have now."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/3b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"I suppose... You could have just asked, though."</span>
You get on the bed and lay next to her. <span class="mc-text">"Where would the fun in that be?"</span>
You prop yourself up and as you do June rolls over onto her back. You look each other in the eyes. <span class="mc-text">"I hope you aren't too self-conscious, that you know how beautiful you are."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/3c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June smiles at you sweetly, but the tone of her voice indicates that she thinks you're an idiot. <span class="june-text">"$player.firstName. I'm gorgeous. I know exactly how beautiful I am."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Not very modest though, are you?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/3d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She slowly flips down her bra and shows you one of her nipples. <span class="june-text">"Nah, modesty is dumb."</span>
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionist lte 16>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 3>>\
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''June cannot become more of an exhibitionist by repeating this event.''
''There are still new scenes to see by repeating this event.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash -= 250; $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\You're working at your desk when you see June walk into your office.
<span class="june-text">"I've got a confession to make."</span>
You look back down at your work. <span class="mc-text">"What did you break now?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Nothing, I- Hey! Don't assume I break things!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You are kinda clumsy, you always have been."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What? Have not, that's so lame, just because... UGH! Anyway, I'm confessing that I stole some money from you."</span>
You look up at her, your voice runs cold. <span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hey, hey, hey, you won't be angry. I bought something for you. That you'd like."</span>
You teeter on the edge of still being mad but then look back down at your work. You're not exactly strapped for cash, and buying something for you with your own money is an on-brand way for June to show affection. <span class="mc-text">"A nice bottle of whiskey, I hope."</span>
<span class="june-text">"No... I'll be right back with it."</span>
You get back to work and a little while later you hear June walk back in. She goes and stands by the window.
<span class="june-text">"What do you think?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Wow."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Do I look sweet, and innocent? Do I look sexy?"</span>
You roll your office chair over until you're just in front of her.
<span class="mc-text">"June, you are innocent. So you always look sweet, and innocent."</span>
She pouts. You ignore her, and, figuring that all pretense of this not being about your titillation is out the window, begin to give her instructions.
<span class="mc-text">"Turn around. Lift up your skirt a little so I can see your panties."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"They're mesh."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hold still so I can see your pussy."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What?"</span>
You repeat yourself slowly. <span class="mc-text">"Hold still, so I can, see your, pussy."</span>
<span class="june-text">"$player.firstName, I just want to tease you, I don't want-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June, you're always a tease. But you're a thief, and you're in my house, so you'll do what I say. OK?"</span>
She nods. <span class="june-text">"OK. I'm sorry. Aren't you happy with me?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Pull down your skirt."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She does as she's told, but briefly uses it to squeeze her ass. <span class="mc-text">"Good job, June. Turn around and lift up your top."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/1d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She turns around and sees you, sitting in your chair, your hard dick bulging out of your boxers. You stick your hands down into your boxers and begin to rub your dick. Not exactly jacking off, but not just scratching your balls either.
<span class="mc-text">"Copy me, and I won't tell mom that you stole money from me."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/1e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"OK..."</span> June puts her hands down her panties, still smiling at you. You look each other in the eyes as you both rub yourselves, before you gently take her hand out of her panties.
You feel wetness on the tips of her fingers.
You stand close to her but make sure that your penis doesn't touch her. <span class="mc-text">"Maybe you're a little less innocent now, June?"</span>
She looks at you, doe eyed, and just nods.
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionist lte 16>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 3>>\
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''June cannot become more of an exhibitionist by repeating this event.''
''There are still new scenes to see by repeating this event.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash -= 250; $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\Your phone pings. It's June.
<span class="june-text">Hey
You see the '...' appear and disappear a few times until, a few minutes later, you hear another ping.
<span class="june-text">Can you send me $250
I found a really nice necklace
Attached is a photo of the necklace. It's just a gold chain choker, but you agree.
<span class="mc-text">Sure.</span> You then put $250 into her account.
About an hour and a half later you hear the door slam loudly. From your office you yell out. <span class="mc-text">"Don't let it slam so loud!"</span>
You hear June run down the hallway, yelling a very quick <span class="june-text">"Sorry $player.firstName!"</span> Seconds later you hear loud music from her room. You try to get back to work, but your concentration has been ruined. You lean back in your chair, sigh, and watch as the spreadsheet in front of you melts into nonsense.
<span class="mc-text">"Fuck it."</span>
You push your chair back, go to the kitchen, and pour yourself an official 'end of day' glass of wine.
Glass in hand, you walk down the hallway and push open the door to June's room. She dancing on her bed and doesn't seem surprised to see you.
June shouts at you over the music. <span class="june-text">"Come to perv on me, brother dearest?"</span>
You shout back at her. <span class="mc-text">"Step brother."</span> You rest against the dresser at the foot of her bed. <span class="mc-text">"But yes, I have... You seem happy."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I am happy!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/8a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June lifts her skirt and continues dancing. <span class="june-text">"I made new friends! Better friends."</span> She flashes her ass at you, then drops down onto the bed. She writhes around a bit before reaching for her phone, turning down the volume on the speaker just a little.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/8b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Cooler friends. Not like these stuck up Chapin girls."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Awesome, how did you meet them?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Well, Chapin. But they're cooler."</span>
June lifts up her shirt, flashes you her tits, before throwing you her shirt. <span class="june-text">"Wooooo!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/8c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She stands up again and begins to bend over and play with her ass.
<span class="june-text">"One of them is even the poor kid."</span>
June drops her skirt then pulls her panties down to her knees. She looks you in the eye as you stare at her pussy and asshole. She spreads her cheeks, then lays down on the bed.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/8d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You stare at her, and as she's about to close her legs and begin dancing again, you stop her. <span class="mc-text">"No, stay like that..."</span>
She pouts. <span class="june-text">"Ugh, at least let me take my panties off."</span>
You shrug.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/8e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"What do you mean by 'the poor kid'?"</span>
She answers while rubbing her pussy, without you even having to tell her to. She looks at your hard cock, the tip of which is poking out of your underwear, but answers your question.
<span class="june-text">"Like, you know, she's poor. She lives in the projects, she's really street. Also really cool. She's black, she's smart, but she's fun, and she also thinks that the girls I thought were cool are actually stupid."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Is she nice?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I think so. She told me that I had a crumb on my cheek, but she waited until no one else was there so it wasn't like she was being shitty."</span>
You nod, and you find your mind kinda blank as you stare at June playing with herself. She begins to laugh and you realise neither of you have said anything for about 30 seconds.
<span class="mc-text">"Anyway, I'm gonna go, uh..."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Find Charlotte?"</span>
You smirk, and June hops up on her knees. She begins to imitate Charlotte's high pitched but unmistakably Brooklyn accent.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/8f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Oh, $player.firstName, you're so biiiiig."</span>
You give a little shocked laugh, then shove June so she's lying on her back. She cackles loudly as you walk out of the room, then turns up the music.
It turns out she was wrong, however, as you interrupt Stella and drag her to your office. You make sure to leave the door ajar.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/June/Blowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As you're getting your dick sucked you see a little flash of white face and blonde hair, but it disappears after a moment. With your point made, and your cum inside Stella, you go to the living room, still naked.
For the first time you see that June is just wearing underwear around the house. She stands up, looking at you like she wants validation.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Exhibitionist/Underwear.jpg" height="600">
You smile at her and are about to compliment her when Stella, also naked, walks in. June begins to blush and sits down.
<span class="stella-text">"Looking good, June."</span>
June still blushes, and doesn't look at either you or Stella, but she smiles slightly as she responds in a quiet voice. <span class="june-text">"Thanks..."</span>
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionist lte 16>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 3>>\
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''June cannot become more of an exhibitionist by repeating this event.''
''There are still new scenes to see by repeating this event.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash -= 250; $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\Suddenly the world goes black.
<span class="june-text">"Guess who?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I have absolutely no idea. Who, oh who, could be standing behind me covering my eyes with their tiny hands?"</span>
June giggles, then uncovers your eyes. <span class="june-text">"It's me, silly!"</span> She comes and rests her ass against the edge of your desk. She's just back from school, and has changed into a little bandeau with a very short skirt.
She screws up her face and makes a whining sound, before flopping her face down into your shoulder. <span class="june-text">"Mr. Gregory gave us a really stupid project. We have to make some dumb model of a planet and moons, and an even dumber board to go behind it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That does sound annoying... Have you got all the stuff you need?"</span>
You feel her nodding in your shoulder. You place a hand on both sides of her torso, the tip of your thumb just barely touching her breasts. You push June away from you.
<span class="mc-text">"When is it due?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Tomorrow..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"When did he assign it?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Since yesterday."</span> You stare at her and raise an eyebrow. <span class="june-text">"Fine! Like, I dunno, a week ago. But it's so boooooring and stupid."</span>
You pat her hand. <span class="mc-text">"Sounds like you better get started then."</span>
She whines again and tries to put her face in your neck, but, putting your hand on her chest, you stop her. She whines more loudly.
<span class="june-text">"Can you help me? It'll take me, like, all night if you don't. And I've got a big race tomorrow I'm running in."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Nope."</span>
Your hand still on her chest she leans closer towards you. <span class="june-text">"We can do our deal. But, like, for free. You don't have to buy me something or anything, but if you help me I'll let you perv over me."</span>
You look up at her. <span class="mc-text">"No."</span>
She leans in a little closer and your hand slips down her chest until your palm is directly between her breasts. <span class="june-text">"I'll let you touch my ass. Pleeeeease?"</span>
You turn your head slightly and look into her eyes, only inches from yours. She widens them, and twists her head slightly.
<span class="mc-text">"Ugh."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yay!"</span>
She stands up, grabs you by the hand, then begins to drag you to the dining room. All the material is laid out on the table.
<span class="june-text">"It'll be fun, bonding time."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/6a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"With all this glue, literally."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What?"</span> She squints at you, then lets out a loud sigh. <span class="june-text">"Oh my God, you're so fucking lame. That was such a lame joke."</span>
You sit down next to her and she explains what she needs to do. The two of you begin to work on the project, chatting and joking as you do. The clock ticks by and you have to admit it's actually pretty fun.
<span class="june-text">"...delusional! You're clearly the lame one. I don't even know how you ended up in the same family as us."</span> She cackles, and you throw some of the paper shapes you had cut in her face.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/6b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks at you, and takes you by the hand for a moment. You brush a little piece of paper off her shoulder.
The two of you get back to work, but a few minutes later June taps you on the shoulders. She has two heart shaped pieces of paper and she's holding them over her nipples.
<span class="june-text">"I should leave school and just make nipple covers. What do you think?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/6c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You say nothing, but you stand up, and begin to stroke her back and her arms. As you stroke her arms she licks one of the paper hearts.
You grab the scissors as she turns back to her work and, moving quickly, you cut through the bandeau.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/6d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You pull it off her and chuck it on the table. <span class="mc-text">"Hard to give proper advice without seeing them in action."</span>
June puts them over her nipples, then looks at you. Without even realising it you see her hand move down to her crotch and under her skirt. A few seconds later, though, she moves it away, coughs, then stands.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/6e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She drops the skirt, then peels down her panties. Her pussy is bare, and looks invitingly smooth. <span class="june-text">"Such a pretty vagina... Do you want to touch my ass now? Nothing more than that."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/6f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She turns around and you give her ass a gentle squeeze. <span class="mc-text">"Your skin is so soft."</span> You begin to stroke it and rub the back of your hand against it.
<span class="june-text">"Want to watch me play with myself?"</span>
You nod. She sits back in her chair, lifts one leg over the arm of the chair, then begins to rub her pussy.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/6g.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
By now your dick is hard as a rock, and you're not even bothering to conceal it. You adjust your boxer briefs, tucking the band of them underneath your balls. You sit back in your chair and watch June rub herself.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Pay her to finger herself|June Exhibitionist Event 5][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Settle for that|June Exhibitionist Event 5][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"If you finger yourself I'll give you $250."</span>
She looks at you. She looks at your dick. <span class="june-text">"I... I want more. There are these shoes that I really, really want. $450."</span> You begin to sit up slightly and are about to say no. <span class="june-text">"You can touch yourself. But don't, like... You know, don't be gross. Don't jizz in front of me. Save it for Stella."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK."</span>
You look at June. She looks at you. <span class="june-text">"Well?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What, now?"</span>
She nods, still rubbing her pussy. <span class="june-text">"Yeah."</span>
You grab your phone and transfer the money to her account. You hear her phone vibrate and she slips two fingers inside of herself.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/6h.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You begin to stroke your dick and you watch as she brings herself closer to orgasm. At first you stroke your dick fast, but as you also get closer to orgasm you resolve to hold to your end of the deal and slow down.
June closes her eyes, and you see a little shudder pass over her body. A small, gentle squeak passes her lips. She opens her eyes and looks at you. You stop stroking your dick. June stands up, then walks behind you. She bends down and strokes your chest.
<span class="june-text">"Thanks for the shoes."</span>
She leaves the room and you decide to text your mom.
<span class="mc-text">June just orgasmed in front of me in exchange for a $450 pair of heels.</span>
<span class="sofia-text">Who, exactly, is training who here?</span>
''June is now significantly more of a brat.''
''June is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionist lte 16>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 3>>\
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''June cannot become more of an exhibitionist by repeating this event.''
''There are still new scenes to see by repeating this event.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash -= 450; $bimbos.june.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining += 1; $bimbos.june.brat += 4; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
June continues to rub her pussy, but after a minute or so of silence she stops. You tuck your dick back into your boxers, and though the bulge of your erection hangs about for five minutes or so, the two of you get back to work, laughing and hanging out.
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionist lte 16>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 3>>\
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''June cannot become more of an exhibitionist by repeating this event.''
''There are still new scenes to see by repeating this event.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(2); $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\Your phone pings. <span class="mc-text">"Speak of the devil."</span>
Your mom looks across the breakfast bar at you. <span class="sofia-text">"June? She's in Connecticut with dad. I can't believe she's started texting you when she doesn't want something."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Is it that hard to believe that we've actually started to get along?"</span> You open your messages, then laugh. You slide the phone over to your mom, who reads out the messages.
<span class="june-text">Daddys asleep
Want to facetime
I need new trousers</span>
Your mom laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"You're turning her into a whore."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."</span>
She yelps, the laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"I do it the classy way! You suck dick then get the cash when you're married."</span> You laugh too, then look back at the phone. <span class="sofia-text">"What you gonna do?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Wanna watch?"</span>
Your mom bites her lip. <span class="sofia-text">"I mean... Fuck it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We're going 50/50, then."</span>
She stares at you. <span class="sofia-text">"You want me to pay to see my daughter do... Well, God knows what? Putain."</span>
You raise your eyebrows at her. She says nothing, but you take it for consent. You text June back.
<span class="mc-text">Let me guess
They're $250</span>
Almost immediately you get a reply back.
<span class="june-text">:)
Gotta be quick though dont know when dad will wake up</span>
You say nothing, but transfer her $250. A couple of minutes later you get a video call from her. You answer it, but don't turn on your camera, so she doesn't see mom next to you.
<span class="june-text">"Why's your camera not on?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's broken. My new phone doesn't arrive til tomorrow."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Whatever. Look how cute I am today."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/2a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June pans up and down on herself. She is looking cute, and has a full face of makeup on.
<span class="june-text">"I promise you the show will be worth it, $player.firstName. You can touch yourself, if you want."</span>
Your mom's eyes widen, and you shrug as you begin to rub your dick. Both of were already chatting with no clothes on. <span class="mc-text">"I already am."</span>
June puts her phone down and begins to tease the camera. You mute your mic.
<span class="sofia-text">"I can't believe I'm watching you jack off to her."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June slips her shirt down. Then she slips her bra off, and picks up the camera.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/2c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"I know they're small, but they're cute. Are you hard now?"</span>
You unmute. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I am. Don't stop."</span> You mute her again.
<span class="sofia-text">"If she were less confident I'd offer to get her a boob job, but Lord knows our June doesn't need to think even more highly of herself."</span>
June takes off her top, then scoots her pussy nearer to the camera. She begins to rub it through her panties.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/2d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Those are my panties! She stole them!"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I'm getting so wet. Can you see it through these lacey panties?"</span>
You hold up your finger to your mom, then unmute. <span class="mc-text">"Those are mom's."</span>
June begins to laugh, then she moves to take off the panties. She puts them in her mouth.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/2e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"I thought you'd like that... You won't tell mom, will you? You won't tell mom that you're paying me to touch myself in her lingerie?"</span> Your mom gasps. <span class="june-text">"What was that?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Nothing, just... Just enjoying myself."</span> You mute your phone again. <span class="mc-text">"Mom, shut up, you'll ruin everything."</span>
Your mom sighs, but looks back at the phone. June has started to masturbate, fingering herself repeatedly.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/2f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Girls today, I was 29 before I started waxing regularly... And she's only 18, I wonder how long she's been doing it for..."</span>
You unmute. <span class="mc-text">"You're so smooth... When did you start waxing?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Junior year... Do you like it?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's perfect."</span> Your mom's wide eyed now, almost a little shocked. You decide to push her a little first. Keeping your eyes on your mom you keep talking to June. <span class="mc-text">"June... I want to you get on all fours, and I want you to show me exactly how smooth your asshole is. OK?"</span>
June giggles, trying to be sexy and doing a not terrible job of it. <span class="june-text">"OK. But quickly, before daddy wakes up."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/2g.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June bends over and spreads her cheeks. <span class="mc-text">"Stay like that for just a bit longer."</span> You mute your mic. <span class="mc-text">"Look, mom, isn't that worth $125?"</span>
Looking at the screen it's clear June hears something. You unmute your mic. <span class="june-text">"I think he's awake. I need to go. Thanks for the pants!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/ExhibitionistChat/2h.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June hangs up, and you look at your mom standing next to you. Your dick is still rock hard, with a little bit of precum leaking from the tip.
<span class="sofia-text">"You're not really teaching her to be less manipulative, are you? Just how to do it with her body."</span>
You shrug.
<span class="mc-text">"What, you want me to get her to start doing it for free?"</span>
Your mom shrugs. <span class="sofia-text">"Maybe."</span>
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionist lte 16>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 3>>\
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''June cannot become more of an exhibitionist by repeating this event.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash -= 125; $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<if $bimbos.june?.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if CheckEvent("June", "Home")>>\
<<set _passageText to "Check on June">>\
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining gte 5 and $bimbos.june.slutTraining gte 5 and BetweenTime(8, 16)>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("June", "Bathroom")>>\
[[_passageText|June Bathroom]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Photos")>>\
[[_passageText|June Photo Shoot]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("June", "TiffanySex") and not CheckEvent("June", "Apology")>>\
[[You see your mom in the kitchen|June Apology]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("June", "BratMorning") and not CheckEvent("June", "BratDress")>>\
[[See what June is up to|June Brat Dress]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("June", "Session1")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("June", "Lick") and BetweenTime(8, 12)>>\
[[Talk to June about the last session|June Lick]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Pamper") and CheckEvent("Ana", "Hairdresser") and BetweenTime(8, 12) and GameDayIs("Saturday")>>\
[[You see June walking through the house|June Pamper]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "College") and GameDayIs("Monday")>>\
[[You see June in the living room|June College]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("June", "Session10") and not CheckEvent("June", "Hotel") and GameDayIs("Friday") and BetweenTime(8, 11)>>\
[[Take June on a surprise trip|June Hotel Begin][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("June", "Test")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("June", "Asleep") and BetweenTime(8, 12)>>\
[[Check on June|June Asleep][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Asleep2") and BetweenTime(8, 12)>>\
[[June is in the kitchen|June Asleep][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "ImplantsTalk")>>\
[[Your mom and June are in the living room|June Implant Talk][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Consultation")>>\
[[Your mom and June are both up early buzzing around the house|June Transformation][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "Consultation2")>>\
[[You see your mom cleaning up the house|June Transformation][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "TransformChoice")>>\
[[June and your mom are talking in the living room|June Transformation][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $bimbos.june.transformLevel is 0>>\
[[June's appointment is today|June Transformation][$passageRoute to 7]]
<<elseif (GameDayIs("Saturday") or GameDayIs("Sunday")) and BetweenTime(8, 16)>>\
<<set _passageText to "June texts you">>\
<<if not CheckEvent("June", "FirstVisit")>>\
[[_passageText|June First Visit]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Sofia", "PornDate") and not CheckEvent("June", "SecondVisit")>>\
[[_passageText|June Second Visit]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Sofia", "LingerieDate") and not CheckEvent("June", "ThirdVisit")>>\
[[_passageText|June Third Visit]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("June", "ThirdVisit") and not CheckEvent("June", "FourthVisit")>>\
[[_passageText|June Fourth Visit]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Sofia", "BimboTrainingInterest") and CheckEvent("June", "FourthVisit") and not CheckEvent("June", "FifthVisit")>>\
[[_passageText|June Fifth Visit]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("June", "FifthVisit") and not CheckEvent("June", "SixthVisit")>>\
[[_passageText|June Sixth Visit]]
June isn't responding to you.
<</if>>\<span class="june-text">hey big bro
wanna take me to lunch?</span>
You remember that you promised mom that you'd meet up with her, and reluctantly you open up the text and agree.
<span class="mc-text">Sure
Brooklyn or the city?</span>
<span class="june-text">city, duh
let's do this place</span>
She sends you the information to a popular brunch place in Gramercy. You assume you're paying, but it isn't too pricy.
<span class="june-text">see you in an hour?</span>
<span class="mc-text">OK</span>
You're already dressed well enough to go to that place, so you just tidy your hair a little then hop on the subway. When you get to the place June is standing outside the entrance, fully made up in a cute matching shirt and skirt combo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Meet.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hey."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hey! Thanks for taking me here. I've heard it's pretty cool... Have you been before?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No, but I've heard about it."</span>
You walk up to the hostess and ask for a table for two. Unfortunately there aren't any tables available for another two hours. You return to June with the bad news.
<span class="mc-text">"You didn't book, did you?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"No, why?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No tables for two hours."</span>
She begins to whine. <span class="june-text">"What? No, I really wanted to come here, it looks so good."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sorry, June. Let's find somewhere else."</span>
<span class="june-text">"No, please, let's just wait, it's supposed to be amazing."</span> You glare at her, but she continues. <span class="june-text">"Come on, we can just like..."</span>
She continues whining and you're about to snap at her when you remember you're doing this for your mom. You take a deep breath, then interrupt her.
<span class="mc-text">"Look, June. I'm sure this place is actually really good, but it's also somewhere you found on Google, right?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Instagram, but... Yeah. Why?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That means anyone can find it. Tourists can find it. Boring finance bros. You've just become a New Yorker, yeah?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I've lived here one day, $player.firstName, I'm not sure I quite deserve that title yet."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well if you want to be one, or at least fit in with them, you've got to know the little places, the places that aren't big and flashy, but the hidden places locals go to."</span> She looks at you skeptically, then looks back into the rammed restaurant. <span class="mc-text">"Come on. There's a place a few blocks away that does amazing sandwiches. We can eat in the park."</span>
She looks longingly into the restaurant, then back at you. Her shoulders drop. <span class="june-text">"Ugh. Fine. You better not be lying."</span>
[[Continue|June First Visit Lunch][AddHours(1); $player.cash -= 14;]]You walk the 10-15 minutes down and over to Tompkins Square Park, where you stop in at an old sandwich shop. You tell June about your first year living in the city, and how you started off living in an expensive apartment that mom and Greg rented for you, but you realized you needed to live more normally to make friends with people that you actually liked.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm not, like, hating Fairfield but... It's not the realest place, you know?"</span>
She ignores your largely rhetorical question and points at the sandwich shop.
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/SandwichShop.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Yep!"</span> You start to worry that she will judge it entirely based on the... Well, on everything except the sandwich. But then you realize fuck it, and fuck her if she doesn't appreciate it.
She barely conceals her disgust. <span class="june-text">"Ugh. I better not get sick."</span>
You laugh and open the door for her in an elaborately gentlemanly fashion. She walks in and begins to look up at the counter.
<span class="june-text">"I'm not really that hungry, to be honest. Maybe I'll just get a bag of chips."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh, come on, don't be so timid."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I'm not timid! I'm just not hungry, seriously."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The best thing here is the meatball sub, the guy who opened it's grandma made the recipe and they import the marinara from their home town in Sicily."</span>
June's snobby interest is slightly piqued. She'd turn up her nose at a delicious gas station sub, but one made with imported marinara? <span class="june-text">"Well, maybe a little one."</span>
You beam at her, because you know such exaggerated emotion annoys her. <span class="mc-text">"Great. How big do you want it? Small is about 6 inches, large is 12."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Small for me. You might need to help me."</span> She looks around the shop and only sees cheap, bolted down chairs, the vinyl cracking and the tables wiped but still visibly greasy. <span class="june-text">"I, uh... I think I'll wait outside."</span>
You decide not to press your luck. <span class="mc-text">"OK. I'll bring them out when the sandwiches are ready."</span> You turn to the woman at the counter as she leaves. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah, lemme get a..."</span>
[[Continue|June First Visit Park][AddHours(1)]]About five minutes later you walk outside and find June standing on the corner, flicking through her phone. You've got the sandwiches and her drink in a plastic bag in your left hand, and your filter coffee in your right.
<span class="mc-text">"Let's go eat in the park."</span> June begins to stride up the block. <span class="mc-text">"Other way."</span> And then quickly turns around.
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/Square.jpg" width="600">
You find a suitable bench, opposite a playground, and sit down on one end, placing the bag between you and June. You begin to rummage through it, talking to her as you do. <span class="mc-text">"I didn't know what to get you to drink so I got you a Diet Dr. Pepper."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Are you implying I need to go on a diet?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No, I-"</span> You look up and see her trying to suppress a smile by pursing her lips. <span class="mc-text">"Fuck you June."</span> She cackles. You hand her her drink, her sandwich, and some of the napkins.
She stares at the sandwich, wrapped up in paper. <span class="june-text">"There's not even, like, a tray?"</span>
You've already unwrapped yours and, mouth full with your first bite, mumble out <span class="mc-text">"No."</span>. Delicately she begins to unwrap it, then sees the marinara leaking out.
<span class="june-text">"$player.firstName! This is so messy. How can I eat this?"</span>
You swallow. <span class="mc-text">"With your hands?"</span>
She looks at you like you're the dumbest man in the world. <span class="june-text">"This is a $3,000 outfit, $player.firstName. I can't stain it with... With marinara sauce."</span>
[[Give her your jacket to lay across her lap|June First Visit Finish][$passageRoute to 1; $bimbos.june.brat -= 1;]]
[[Give her all the napkins and the plastic bag|June First Visit Finish][$passageRoute to 2; $bimbos.june.brat -= 2;]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You begin to take off your jacket. <span class="mc-text">"Lay this across your lap."</span>
You can see her eyeing the jacket, mentally assessing how much it is worth, and then noticing the H&M tag. She takes it. <span class="june-text">"Thanks."</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You hand her all your napkins but one, and then pass her the plastic bag.
<span class="june-text">"What am I supposed to do with that?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Lay it across your lap."</span> She sighs at you. <span class="mc-text">"Be careful."</span> She sighs again.
Slowly, as if she were defusing a bomb, June unwraps her little sub. Inside is a glorious mess of Italian bread and marinara. Angling her head down so it is over the precise centre of the sandwich paper and her lap protection, she takes her first, tiny bite.
She chews it and you see her eyes narrow. She takes another, slightly larger bite.
<span class="june-text">"This is..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Amazing, right?"</span>
She shrugs. <span class="june-text">"It's pretty good, I have to admit, but maybe not amazing..."</span> She takes another large bite and chews it thoughtfully. <span class="june-text">"You can taste how good the Italian marinara is."</span>
You two sit and eat your sandwiches, and when you're done you stay and chat about starting school on Monday, and about Uncle Matthew. After about half an hour June stands up.
<span class="june-text">"Anyway. Thanks for meeting me, $player.firstName. Maybe we can meet again next weekend, or the one after or something?"</span>
Before you even really consider what she said, you blurt out <span class="mc-text">"Sure!"</span>
She smiles at you. <span class="june-text">"Wish me luck for school!"</span>
You slightly curse yourself for agreeing to see her again, but as you're walking back to the subway you figure fuck it. It wasn't actually that bad hanging out with her.
Later that evening you get a message from your mom.
<span class="sofia-text">I hear June had quite the time with you
Something about imported Italian sandwiches from a cool place</span>
<span class="mc-text">A meatball sub from a deli on Ave A, but yeah
I'm glad she had fun</span>
<span class="sofia-text">She did. Thanks for taking her out, $player.firstName. I appreciate it. She says you even agreed to see her again!</span>
You don't respond, but a little later you get another text from her.
<span class="sofia-text">Greg's going to be travelling a lot over the next few months. The Tokyo thing really caused problems. Maybe I can see you more regularly?</span>
''June is now less of a brat.''
''You can now invite your mom out for the night when you are at home after 18:00.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "FirstVisit"); AddEvent("Sofia", "HomeVisits"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="june-text">Let's hang
Take me somewhere cool</span>
You sigh and think about how happy it would make your mom as you summon up the will to text the brat back.
<span class="mc-text">OK, sounds fun.
When you say cool, what kind of cool do you have in mind?</span>
She texts back ten minutes later.
<span class="june-text">Well obviously not the coolest places
But like somewhere fun
Or as fun and as interesting as you know
<span class="mc-text">Meet me at the Wythe in Williamsburg in an hour.
Dress cute, but not too fancy.</span>
<span class="june-text">OK!</span>
You hop in the shower and have a good scrub. Once you're out you put on a nice shirt, a cool blazer, black jeans, and a pair of slightly worn boots. As you leave the house you grab a pair of sunglasses. You take the subway over and as you catch your reflection in the mirror you think you look good.
When you walk into the hotel lobby you see June standing there.
<span class="june-text">"Hey!"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/SecondVisit.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hey!"</span> You lean in to hug her, then step back out again and look at her. <span class="mc-text">"You're looking great. New clothes?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/SecondVisitDress.jpg" height="600">
She does a little twirl, beaming obliviously as you notice how short her skirt is. <span class="june-text">"Thanks! But, ugh, no. It's old. Like six months, I've worn it out like four times now, but it is a super cute outfit. My friend Ashley, she said that-"</span>
You cough, and take her by the arm. <span class="mc-text">"We're already late for our reservation."</span> She pushes your hand away, but follows you to the elevator.
<span class="june-text">"She says that if you find a style that works, you should stick with it..."</span> The doors close. <span class="june-text">"This place is cool."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's only a few years old. I thought you might like to have lunch at the roof bar. The food isn't much, but the views..."</span>
[[The doors open|June Second Visit Restaurant]]<img src="Images/Locations/Restaurant.jpg" width="600">
June virtually runs out of the elevator, until she slows quickly and tries to play it cool. Still, she is impressed. <span class="june-text">"Wow..."</span> She edges towards the large window overlooking Manhattan as you check on your reservation.
As you're being led to your table you tap June on the shoulder, and she follows you as you are seated. The table isn't the best in the restaurant, but the view is still good. You let June have the seat facing out over the city.
For a few minutes she's silent as she cranes her neck to look out, only answering your questions about what she wants to eat or drink briefly and simply.
<span class="june-text">"Do you come here much?"</span>
You shrug, also trying to play it cool. <span class="mc-text">"Occasionally. It's a bar at night, but you're a little too young for that."</span>
She frowns at you, then looks out at the skyline again. As she's looking a table is seated by the window, somewhat blocking her view. She makes a whiny sound.
<span class="june-text">"Ugh...."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Those people are ruining my view."</span> You turn around and look and see four people sitting at the table, including one woman wearing incredibly tight latex trousers. You turn back to June. <span class="june-text">"Why couldn't we get that table?"</span>
Looking down at the menu you answer her. <span class="mc-text">"Because that is a table for four."</span> You flip the menu over, then look at her. <span class="mc-text">"And if you haven't noticed, we're just two."</span> You give her a big, fake smile and stare pointedly at her.
She groans again.
<span class="mc-text">"Look, can't you just enjoy the view and seeing your step-brother? Isn't this a cool place?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I suppose, but..."</span>
[[Tell her off|June Second Visit Waitress][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Gossip about the people at that table|June Second Visit Waitress][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.brat -= 2>>\
You put the menu down and stare at her. <span class="mc-text">"But nothing. I'm taking you out for a great dinner with a good view, if you can't handle looking at some other people for a little while then we should just go."</span>
She says nothing, but she avoids looking you in the eye.
<span class="mc-text">"OK?"</span>
She nods. You two sit in silence until the waitress comes a few minutes later, and after you've ordered June starts to talk about how Chapin has been. Things are quickly back to normal but June doesn't complain about the people again.
''June is now much less of a brat.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 2>>\
You interrupt June before she can complain anymore. <span class="mc-text">"Did you see how tight that girl's trousers are? Hell of an outfit for lunch."</span>
June peers over. <span class="june-text">"Seriously, like, what a slut."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Nothing wrong with being a slut, June."</span> June looks at you shocked and you laugh again, but begin to backtrack. <span class="mc-text">"But, yeah... Might be a little too much for lunchtime at the Wythe. Still, it must be nice to be that confident..."</span>
June nods, and as the waitress is taking your order you think you notice June looking at the woman in the latex pants. As she does so she focuses on her posture, before smiling charmingly at the waitress after she's ordered. She complains a little more about the view being blocked, but you have a good lunch together.
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
[[Continue|June Second Visit Finish]]As you're heading down in the elevator after finishing your meal, June looks at you. <span class="june-text">"You're dressed better than normal today."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, I had to dress for the occasion."</span>
She smiles brightly. <span class="june-text">"I'm glad you dressed up for me."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Not you, this fancy hotel."</span>
She looks momentarily upset, but then scowls at you. <span class="june-text">"I was being nice."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I know, I know..."</span> You step in for a hug. <span class="mc-text">"You looked amazing today, it was worth dressing up for you. You should dress like that more often."</span>
She nods. <span class="june-text">"I don't really have any clothes, though."</span> You give a sharp laugh. Even June begins to smile at the ridiculousness of the statement. <span class="june-text">"Well, OK. But I don't really have many new clothes and I'm wanting to dress differently, less like a preppy Connecticut girl and more... Interesting, more daring."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I suppose I see what you mean."</span>
She looks at you expectantly, eyes wide open. <span class="june-text">"So does that mean you'll take me shopping next time? Please? Please?"</span>
You laugh again, and hug her. <span class="mc-text">"It was nice to see you, perhaps if you continue being nice to me I might."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(4); AddEvent("June", "SecondVisit"); $player.cash -= 200; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="june-text">Lunch?
<span class="mc-text">Yeah, OK.
Meet me at the restaurant at the top of Bloomingdale's in 90 minutes.</span>
June replies back with nothing more than a smiley emoji. You get dressed, making a little less effort to look good this time but still a little more than normal.
[[Go into the city|June Third Visit Lunch]]<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Restaurant.jpg" height="600">
You're standing outside of the restaurant on the top floor when June exits the elevator. Taking her jacket off you see she's wearing a thin cream turtleneck with white jeans. The turtleneck rides a little high and it showing about an inch of midriff.
<span class="mc-text">"Did you deliberately choose to look like an angel?"</span>
June smiles, ignoring the sarcasm and taking the compliment graciously. <span class="june-text">"Thank you."</span> She walks towards the restaurant. <span class="june-text">"Did you book?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No, no need."</span> You talk to the hostess and you're quickly seated. The restaurant is nice, but nothing remarkable. June quickly scans the menu and decides on a salad.
<span class="june-text">"If you're taking me shopping I don't want to be all fat and gross."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Who says I'm taking you shopping? Maybe you're taking me shopping?"</span>
She lowers her face and looks at you incredulously. <span class="june-text">"You arranged to meet me in Bloomingdale's. I mean, it's no Bergdorf or Barneys, but you know, you can't bring me here and then just, like, dangle it in front of me..."</span>
You smile, and order a sandwich as the waitress arrives.
The two of you chat about your lives as you eat. When you're done June is rushing you to pay the check so you can start shopping. Once it's paid you stand up and walk towards the elevator.
<span class="mc-text">"You've got $500 to spend... What are you wanting to get, anyway?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yay! Oh my God!"</span> June hugs you briefly but tightly. <span class="june-text">"But I'm not sure. My heart obviously calls out to go and get some cute, classy outfit... But I really need more casual wear, things I can relax in. What do you think I should do?"</span>
[[Classy|June Third Visit Shopping][$passageRoute to 1; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 2]]
[[Casual|June Third Visit Shopping][$passageRoute to 2; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.june.brat -= 1;]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="june-text">"You can buy casual clothes at Target, get something nice."</span>
She squeals happily and presses the button for the Women's Designer floor. She chats happily about various looks that she's considering, the information largely going in one of your ears and right out the other. She starts by scoping out the floor, seeing which designers are where, before diving in for the kill.
<span class="june-text">"People just buy random things, but you have to always try and, like, think about what it goes with, even things that you've got at home already. A new skirt can really make an old top pop, you know?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course."</span>
You listen to her until she has two outfits picked out. She takes you to the changing rooms, manages to grab the large one, and asks you to wait in the alcove with the surround mirrors.
She strides out. <span class="june-text">"Outfit One..."</span> She turns around and looks at herself in the mirror for a little bit, before turning to you. <span class="june-text">"What do you think?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Outfit1.jpg" height="600">
You look up. <span class="mc-text">"You look good, very professional, yet still attractive."</span>
She purses her lips to the side. <span class="june-text">"Yeah... It's just not... It's not fun enough."</span> She looks at you. <span class="june-text">"It's something that I'd have worn in Connecticut."</span>
You shrug and she walks back in the changing room. She re-emerges a little while later. <span class="june-text">"Outfit Two..."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Outfit2.jpg" height="600">
She twirls around in the mirror, already smiling more. <span class="june-text">"Yeah, I like this... It's still cute, but it's fun too, you know? Like I look like I'd be a good date, not a good hire."</span>
You laugh, but you agree. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah, this is a lot more fun... Aren't you worried the skirt is a little too short to be that flowing, though?"</span>
She flips up the back of her skirt.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Outfit2Flash.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"What, in case anyone sees my ass?"</span>
She looks at you brightly for a moment, but then a look of mortification passes over her face and she lowers the skirt. <span class="june-text">"Sorry, I just... I forgot for a moment..."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Hey, don't worry. It isn't like we grew up being particularly ashamed of our bodies, did we? But yes, that is what I was worried about. But if you're fine with that, more power to you."</span>
June nods, then looks at you again smiling. <span class="june-text">"Then I want this outfit, please."</span> She walks back into the changing room and a few minutes later re-emerges wearing her existing clothes and hands you the pile of new clothes. <span class="june-text">"Thank you, $player.firstName."</span>
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="june-text">"Casual. You need to be able to hang with your friends at home and out and about, right?"</span>
She nods, and presses the button for the casual women's floor. She chats happily about various looks that she's considering, the information largely going in one of your ears and right out the other. She starts by scoping out the floor, seeing which designers are where, before diving in for the kill.
<span class="june-text">"People just buy random things, but you have to always try and, like, think about what it goes with, even things that you've got at home already. A new skirt can really make an old top pop, you know?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course."</span>
You listen to her until she has two outfits picked out. She takes you to the changing rooms, manages to grab the large one, and asks you to wait in the alcove with the surround mirrors.
She strides out. <span class="june-text">"Outfit One..."</span> She turns around and looks at herself in the mirror for a little bit, before turning to you. <span class="june-text">"What do you think?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/CasualOutfit1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"It's fun, summery. I like it."</span>
She stares into the mirror, thinking hard. <span class="june-text">"I do too, and it's not that expensive, but it is like, so similar, to a bunch of stuff I already have."</span>
You shrug and she goes back into the changing room.
<span class="june-text">"Don't laugh..."</span>
She comes out.
You laugh. You're not sure you ever expected to see June wearing cutoffs and a simple top. <span class="june-text">"I asked you not to laugh!"</span> She turns to go back into the changing room.
<span class="mc-text">"Wait, wait, wait! Seriously, you look great. Come and look."</span>
She stands in front of the mirror and she slowly begins to smile. She turns to look at you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/CasualOutfit2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"I look kinda hot, right?"</span>
You nod, and try not to stare at her pert little ass. You'd always known she was hot, but...
''June is now less of a brat.''
''June is now more of an exhibitionist.''
[[Continue|June Third Visit Lingerie][$passageRoute to 1]]As you head to the ground floor, purchases in tow, June asks to take the escalators so she can have a quick look at the floors you pass. As you're circling round one of the floors June makes a wistful sound as you walk past the lingerie section.
<span class="mc-text">"See something you like?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah..."</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Tell her tough luck|June Third Visit Lingerie][$passageRoute to 2; AddHours(4); AddEvent("June", "ThirdVisit"); $player.cash -= 550; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;]]
[[Offer to buy some for her|June Third Visit Lingerie][$passageRoute to 3; AddHours(4); AddEvent("June", "ThirdVisit"); $player.cash -= 750; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 2; $bimbos.june.brat += 2; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Sorry, tough luck. I've done enough shopping today. Maybe you can get some yourself soon."</span>
She looks like she's about to argue, but she just nods a little sadly.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Well, I could be persuaded to get you some..."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yay!"</span> She strides off into the lingerie section and after only a few minutes browsing - a nanosecond in June time - she grabs something and runs off to the changing room. She doesn't have you follow her, but you do anyway.
You stand outside her cubicle and listen to her change. After a few minutes you hear her make happy little sounds inside the changing room.
<span class="mc-text">"Happy with the set?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"$player.firstName! What are you doing?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Can't I see what I might decide to buy you?"</span>
She says nothing for a few beats, then answers. <span class="june-text">"Only if you promise to buy me them."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"How much are they?"</span>
She scoffs. <span class="june-text">"There's only one way for you to find out."</span>
You think for a moment, and decide that lingerie can't been too expensive. <span class="mc-text">"Deal."</span> She steps out, and goes to the surround mirror like the one in the last changing room.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Underwear.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Isn't it so pretty?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, it's a cute set. How much is it?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"$200."</span>
You make a whistling sound. <span class="mc-text">"God, women's lingerie is so expensive... Mom got me like 12 pairs of underwear for the price of that."</span>
She turns around and you look at her ass before she looks back over her shoulder at you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Underwear2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Mom's been buying you underwear?"</span>
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah. We've been hanging out more lately and I must have mentioned it."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hmm."</span> She stops examining herself and looks at you, then squeezes your shoulder as she walks past. <span class="june-text">"Thanks for the lingerie, step-bro."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</if>>\<span class="june-text">Hey...
Can you lend me some money
I really really appreciate what you did last time
But I need something and I don't know who else to go to
It isn't the kind of thing dad would buy for me
But I really need to get it
It's for this party and I need the girls to like me but
She's in the middle of texting a storm so you quickly interrupt her.
<span class="mc-text">Hey, hey. Calm down. What do you need? Tell me what's going on.</span>
<span class="june-text">$150. The coolest girl at school is throwing this themed party
I thought I would be good but then all my friends showed me what they're wearing and they're wearing like these fancy lingerie sets
I have nothing like that
I can't go with nothing
I can't miss this either
<span class="mc-text">It's OK. I'll Venmo you the money. OK?
Just this once.</span>
<span class="june-text">THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH!</span>
You send her $150. A few minutes later you get a message from her.
<span class="june-text">Thank you again, $player.firstName
You saved me
Sorry we can't have lunch today though
I'll make it all up to you though</span>
<span class="mc-text">Don't worry
Come over tonight for dinner
Mom's coming but otherwise my house is empty</span>
<span class="june-text">OK!
How fun to see your apartment
See you at 6?</span>
[[Continue|June Fourth Visit Call]]<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/June/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"June's coming round for dinner tonight too."</span>
Your mom looks simultaneously happy and disappointed, but mainly happy.<span class="sofia-text">"Terrifique! I'm so glad you two are getting along."</span>
You pour each of you a glass of wine. <span class="mc-text">"Of course, we'll have to be on best behavior."</span> You look at her and she smiles, throwing her hands up as if to say 'of course' <span class="mc-text">"But she borrowed $150 from me this morning in some sort of sartorial crisis."</span>
You hand your mom the wine and you both go to sit down on the sofa.
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh? What was that all about?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"She needed a lingerie set, for a themed party."</span>
You mom raises an eyebrow, then clinks her glass against yours. <span class="sofia-text">"What a problem to have in life. Your sister-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Step-sister."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"-lives the life of a Bourbon monarch."</span>
You give a little snort and then the two of you begin to chat about your respective days.
[[Continue|June Fourth Visit Apartment][SetHours(18)]]As you're chatting and about to finish your first glass of wine your phone buzzes.
<span class="june-text">Hey
I'm outside
Let me in</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June's here."</span>
You stand up to let June in and then wait by the door. Your mom joins you, and as June walks in she wraps her arms around her. Still in her embrace June puts a bag of shopping down by the door.
<span class="june-text">"Hey!"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Hello my darling June."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey June. How was the shopping?"</span>
June's eyes widen and she glances towards your mom. You drop the subject.
<span class="sofia-text">"We were just going to have another glass of wine, would you like one June?"</span>
As a Francophone, albeit a Belgian, your mother had always encouraged you and June to have sips here and there of wine and beer. Now that June was 18 your mother saw no reason to stop her from joining in with the other adults, regarding American alcohol laws as a dangerous sign of barbarism.
She answered brightly. <span class="june-text">"White, please."</span>
You go to the kitchen and refill two glasses of red for you and your mom, then grab an open bottle of white for June. By now both your mom and June are sitting in the living room and you bring the wine over. You sit in an armchair, as your mom and June share the sofa.
<span class="mc-text">"Cheers."</span> You three clink your glasses. You're about to ask how her day was when June cuts across you.
<span class="june-text">"What's for dinner?"</span>
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"I haven't got anything I plan to cook, but I thought we could get a delivery. Maybe Mexican? Or Indian?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Mexican! Let's do Mexican. I'm totally down for something with guac right now."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I don't know, I sort of want Chinese..."</span>
The three of you argue for 10 minutes about what to get until you settle on Turkish food. You chat about your step-dad's travels as you wait for the food and when it does you pour everyone another glass of wine.
[[Continue|June Fourth Visit Talk][SetHours(22)]]You continue to hang out until you see June nearing the end of her second glass of wine. She looks at you expectantly, then at your mom.
<span class="june-text">"Can I have another? I've had a long day."</span>
You're about to shake your head when your mom answers. <span class="sofia-text">"Sure. Tell us about it."</span> As you refill all the glasses, June begins to tell her story.
<span class="june-text">"Did $player.firstName tell you that he lent me money today?"</span> She looks at you quickly. <span class="june-text">"Thanks for that again."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Yes, he did. For lingerie?"</span>
June nods. <span class="june-text">"Yeah... So, like, this girl in my class, who is super cool and is friends with everyone, well her parents are out of town this weekend. She lives in this huge townhouse on like E 68th and she's having a themed party. I was gonna go as Red Riding Hood. Cute, kinda sexy, fun. Right?"</span>
You and your mom both nod.
<span class="june-text">"Well it seems that's not really the vibe. All my friends are going to wear, like, lingerie sets. Going as cats, or like bunnies. And I couldn't be left out. I couldn't have my first real party I've been invited to here and turn up as the frumpy one."</span>
Your mom puts her hand on June's forearm. <span class="sofia-text">"Of course."</span>
<span class="june-text">"But I couldn't ask dad for the money cos, well..."</span> You all nod here. <span class="june-text">"But I thought $player.firstName might help. And he did, he saved me."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"What did you get?"</span>
An ever so slight look of embarrassment passes over June's face, but she takes a big sip of wine. <span class="june-text">"I got this super cute one piece with a matching fascinator shaped like a bow. It's black lace. I also got some stockings and some heels to match."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sounds like quite an outfit. I'm sure you'll impress everyone with it!"</span>
Your mom looks at you as she speaks. <span class="sofia-text">"Why don't you show us it? Make sure you look good."</span>
Your eyes widen and while June doesn't see your mom does. June looks at your mom skeptically instead. <span class="june-text">"Yeah?"</span>
Your mom smiles. <span class="sofia-text">"Yeah. We're all comfortable with each other, right?"</span>
June shrugs and takes another big sip of wine. <span class="june-text">"OK!"</span> She stands up. <span class="june-text">"Where can I change?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The first room off the corridor is a guest room."</span>
[[Continue|June Fourth Visit Lingerie]]Once the door is closed behind June you go and sit next to your mom on the sofa, whispering at each other.
<span class="mc-text">"I thought we were to be on best behavior tonight."</span>
She waves her hands dismissively. <span class="sofia-text">"We are, but won't it be fun if June can also join in, just a little? We can see each other more that way, plus I think it would be really good for her to loosen up a little, don't you think?"</span>
You nod, and then your mom strokes your hair as you wait for June to finish.
<span class="june-text">"OK! I'm ready!"</span> You stand up, and letting your mom go first you walk into the guest room.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Lingerie.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Wow June, you look so good. You'll stun everyone at that party."</span> You're looking at June in her outfit and you say nothing. You can tell June is a little nervous. <span class="sofia-text">"Doesn't she look great, $player.firstName?"</span>
You smile at her, trying to maintain eye contact but generally just letting your mom set the mood. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah. Those other slutty Chapin girls won't know what hit them."</span>
They both laugh, but June with more than a hint of nerves. <span class="june-text">"It's not weird that I'm showing you this outfit, is it? It's weird. Yeah, it's weird. I should just get changed back again...."</span>
Your mom laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"It's not weird! It's fine, it's fun, we're having a good evening. When I bought $player.firstName underwear I had him show me whether I'd made a good purchase or not. What's the difference?"</span>
June nods briskly.
<span class="sofia-text">"Turn around, let me get a proper look at the entire outfit."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Visit4/Lingerie.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh, fantastic June. It really suits you. You look great."</span> She steps up to June and begins to adjust one of the straps. <span class="sofia-text">"Just make sure that you keep the straps in place, you don't want to accidentally flash anyone."</span>
June laughs again, more naturally now. <span class="june-text">"Sure."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"And you'll wear a good coat? You can't walk around like this, or you'll catch cold if not attention you don't want."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Visit4/Stockings.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Yes, yes, of course."</span>
By now your gaze is running up and down her legs and ass. You swap a glance with your mom and she steps away from June.
<span class="sofia-text">"Move about, see if the garter straps come lose. They're such a pain to do, but if you have them too long or too short they will pull off or get caught on things. Try getting up onto the bed."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Visit4/Showoff.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June climbs up onto the bed, starting off on all fours. You can see the edge of her pussy on either side of her panties.
<span class="june-text">"Yeah, they feel good."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"What if you twist around a little?"</span>
She twists down onto the bed, legs tucked to the side.
<span class="june-text">"Oh! You're right, they just slipped slightly. I'll loosen them a little."</span>
Your mom smiles at June. <span class="sofia-text">"Of course, June. Now that you're a woman I've got all sorts of little pieces of advice for you."</span>
June makes a scoffing sound, but doesn't sound too insincere when she replies. <span class="june-text">"Thanks. Anyway... I'm feeling kinda tired. Do you mind if I stay the night, $player.firstName? This bed is calling to me."</span>
You're about to say no problem when your mom answers for you. <span class="sofia-text">"Of course! There should be a towel in here for when you wake up."</span> She walks over and kisses June on the head. <span class="sofia-text">"We'll leave now, but let us know if you need anything."</span>
You look at your mom who beckons you out of the room. You follow her to the lounge.
[[Continue|June Fourth Visit Finish]]You walk out of the room and in the silence of a nearly empty apartment you stare at your mom with eyebrows raised.
<span class="mc-text">"Well..."</span>
You sit down on the sofa and your mom lies across you, her legs stretched out over your lap.
She finishes the last gulp of wine in her glass then gestures it at you, whispering as she does. <span class="sofia-text">"June's in an awkward place right now. She's confident, but not confident enough to trust herself, yet too confident not to make terrible decisions. If we can help her feel comfortable with herself, if she can be beautiful, and happy, and well-liked... Then she'll be a better, happier person."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And you're not just saying that because you want all of your adult kids to wear skimpy underwear around you?"</span>
She laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"Well, maybe that too."</span>
The two of you sit on the sofa and watch an episode of Law & Order before you also go to bed. When you wake up your mom is, as usual, gone, but you are woken up by June, who knocks on the door. You sleep naked, and thankfully your sheets are covering your important bits.
She peers her head around the door. <span class="june-text">"I just wanted to say thanks again for helping me out... And for having me over. I had fun."</span>
She walks away, not bothering to close the door behind her.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("June", "FourthVisit"); $player.cash -= 650; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="june-text">Heyyyyy
Wanna hang out today?
Im free like all day
I promise I wont make you buy me anything
You grab your phone and respond
<span class="mc-text">Hahaha!
Well, OK then.
Want to come back out to Brooklyn?
I'm busy in the morning but we can meet at the park around 3 and maybe have dinner?</span>
She responds back about 20 minutes later.
<span class="june-text">Sure!
Sounds fun</span>
You go back to your office to finish off some work for BLC when Stella pops her head around the corner, making an exaggeratedly sad face.
<span class="stella-text">"You'll be all alone at home tonight, both me and Charlotte are out either all night or most of it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I'm stripping tonight and I'm sure Charlotte told you about Exxxotica."</span> You make a groan of recognition. <span class="stella-text">"Well she's off in New Jersey and can't be fucked to come back until tomorrow, especially because they're putting her in some fancy hotel for the night."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Makes sense."</span>
Stella nods, then comes over to give you a hug. You begin to feel her ass with one of your hands then slip your other hand up underneath her tiny skirt and rub a finger along her pussy. <span class="stella-text">"Goodbye blowjob?"</span>
You grimace. <span class="mc-text">"I've got a conference call I need to dial in to in about 3 minutes..."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I can be quiet."</span> Before you say anything Stella's on her knees and unbuttoning your trousers. As she takes you into her mouth you dial in to the call and, once you're waiting in the lobby, she speeds up, still deadly silent though. You stroke her hair as the call begins and you listen to the introductions. As you make your introduction Stella focuses on the tip of your cock, which feels great, but is also annoyingly like tickling. You push her head down and she gags, which you have to pass off as a cough.
As the call begins, with you taking a passive role, you begin to move Stella's head up and down. You come closer and closer to orgasm until you're about to come. You hold Stella's head down and cum right down the back of her throat.
You pull her back up as she's swallowing, kiss her gently on the lips, then make a shooing gesture towards the door. With both her hands she gives you the middle finger, but she smiles and winks as she leaves your office.
[[Meet June|June Fifth Visit Party][SetHours(15)]]You meet June at the Grand Army entrance to Prospect Park.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Park.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"You're looking happy."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OH MY GOD! $player.firstName, that party was last night and..."</span> June makes a squealing sound here. <span class="june-text">"It went SO well. SO SO well. Like... Ugh... I can't even..."</span>
You laugh and ask June to tell you about it as you walk around the park. You do a pleasant turn round the park as she talks to you, telling you all about who was there, what they did, how cool it was, how well she went down, how people said she was cool, how they loved her outfit.
<span class="june-text">"Bethany even said that she didn't think I'd be brave enough to dress like them, to put on some 'skimpy little outfit' but I showed her. The boys were looking at me, the girls were looking at me... Ugh. I loved it. I felt so free and amazing."</span> She stops speaking for the first time in about thirty minutes. <span class="june-text">"There's a bathroom, wait here for a moment."</span>
She runs off to the bathroom and as she does you text your mom.
<span class="mc-text">Apparently June went down amazingly at the party.
She loved her lingerie outfit, it was popular.
She loved the attention.
What a chip off the old block.</span>
<span class="sofia-text">wonderful!
are you with her now?
tell her hello
we should have dinner at your house soon, the three of us</span>
You consider for a moment what to do, then decide to invite her.
<span class="mc-text">She's actually coming over for dinner tonight.
My house is empty.
Do you want to come?</span>
<span class="sofia-text">yes!
but i might be petit peu late
wait to eat for me but otherwise have fun
June comes trotting back over.
<span class="june-text">"Who's that? Your girlfriend?"</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"No, it was mom. I invited her over tonight.</span>
June groans.
<span class="mc-text">"Look, she's lonely now that dad's away almost all the time. Besides, we had fun last time didn't we?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Ugh, I suppose. She is way nicer to hang out with without dad around... Don't tell him I said that... Or her. In fact don't tell anyone, OK?"</span>
You laugh and she smiles, then starts talking about the party again.
''June is now less of a brat.''
[[Continue|June Fifth Visit Lingerie][SetHours(19)]]After the park you take June back home and the two of you relax watching one of her favorite movies, something about Juliette Binoche moving to a little village and finding it difficult to sell chocolate.
It's 7pm before your mom arrives, and you've already poured you and June your first glass of wine each.
As she bursts through the door, June looks at you. <span class="june-text">"She has keys?"</span>
You ignore her. <span class="mc-text">"Hey mom!"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Hey! I have preseeeeents!"</span>
June looks over and when she sees a Bergdorf bag she jumps up.
<span class="june-text">"No way! Mom!"</span>
Your mom flaps her hands at June. <span class="sofia-text">"Pour me a wine first... And top yourselves up. How did the party go?"</span>
You roll your eyes obviously, and June shoves you, but you go to get everyone a full glass. You return to the living room where June's going on about the party. You clink your glasses, and June is going on about the house. You are half done, and June is going on about the drinks and snacks.
By the end of your glasses your mom looks at you and her. <span class="sofia-text">"And the outfit?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh my God! I looked so good, I got so many compliments and, like, the boys were staring but in that good way, you know?"</span>
She laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"I know."</span>
<span class="june-text">"And, like-"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"But you enjoyed wearing your little, lacey, lingerie outfit?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"So much. I felt so good and, like, I dunno..."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Free? Well if $player.firstName gets us another glass, I think I should show you all your presents."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Ooooo!"</span>
You go and get the bottle of wine to share around as you listen to June and your mom gently bicker about June wanting her present right now. When you're sitting back down, your mom hands you both a bag, keeping one left for herself. Seeing June's look she responds, <span class="sofia-text">"Something for myself."</span>
June thrusts open her bag and rips off the top layer of tissue paper. She thrusts her hand and in pulls out a simple pair of black lace lingerie.
<span class="june-text">"You... Got me... Lingerie?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I got us all lingerie!"</span>
You look inside your bag and see two pairs of what, at a glance, you assume is far too revealing men's underwear.
<span class="sofia-text">"Shall we try it all on? Who wants to go first?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I'm not going first."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName?"</span>
She looks at you and raises her eyebrows as if to say 'you better do this or you're in trouble'.
<span class="mc-text">"Well OK, but no peeking!"</span> You say it comically and June laughs, but it's a serious instruction for your mom.
You step into your bedroom and throw your clothes on the bed. You put on the first pair that you pull on, and then walk back to the living room.
[[Continue|June Fifth Visit Modelling]]<img src="Images/Player/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"What do you think?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh, these are great! They fit you really well. Are they comfortable?"</span>
You twist around a little.
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, pretty comfortable."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"What do you think June?"</span>
You can feel June looking at your body and wondering when, exactly, you got so fit. She looks down at your underwear, at the bulge where you penis is, then looks up at you. <span class="june-text">"You look good, I like boxer briefs..."</span> She looks away.
<span class="sofia-text">"Try on the next pair!"</span> You go off, but rather than going back to your room you just turn the corner and slip off the first pair and put on the second pair. These are a lot smaller, and not only do they barely cover your dick, they ride right up your ass too.
You know your mom will love them.
<img src="Images/Player/4.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Perfect! Aren't these great, June?!"</span>
June looks at you, her jaw drops a little, then she looks back at your mom. <span class="june-text">"Yeah... They're... They're great. Jesus, $player.firstName, I didn't know you were so fit!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Impressed? I work out now and then."</span>
You do a little turn and let everyone see your sculpted behind, then come and sit on the sofa. You sit cross-legged, your penis barely staying in the underwear. <span class="mc-text">"I take it these are the favorites, then?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Of course!"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah... They're great..."</span> June looks at your mom, and definitely, resolutely not at your crotch.
<span class="sofia-text">"You next June?"</span> June shakes her head, then takes a last sip of her glass of wine. <span class="sofia-text">"Fine. But that just means you go last."</span> Your mom jumps off the sofa and runs off to her room. She calls behind herself as she trots down the hallway <span class="sofia-text">"I only got myself one thing!"</span>
When she's gone you grab June's glass and fill it up, the bulge of your cock at eye level as you do so. Sitting back down you look at June. Your mom trots back.
<span class="sofia-text">"So? How do I look?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/June/Lingerie.jpg" height="600">
June finds it easier to compliment your mom, and the two of you say nice things about the lingerie as she stands there showing off for you both. After a few minutes your mom bends down, picks up June's bag, then holds it up.
<span class="sofia-text">"Your turn."</span>
June takes a gulp of her wine, then stands up.
<span class="june-text">"Ugh. Fine."</span>
[[Continue|June Fifth Visit Movie]]June comes in as if she's on a catwalk, she walks towards you, then away from you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Visit5/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"How do I look?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Amazing, June. I did well. $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Really good, black goes well with your skin and hair."</span>
She smiles widely and jumps up on the reclining sofa to the side, slightly in front of you instead of your mom.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/ShowOff.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Thanks!"</span> She jumps up briefly and gives your mom a hug then stands there. <span class="june-text">"Sooooo.... Are we gonna change?!"</span>
You shrug, your mom answers. <span class="sofia-text">"Don't be silly. Now, what do you want to watch tonight?"</span>
You're outvoted and the three of you decide to watch a romantic movie. After your delivery arrives, which June only pecks at, she stretches out to the side of you on the sofa as your mom sits in the armchair. The movie's boring, and you find yourself catching glances at June's ass. You occasionally make eye contact with your mom, who smiles, but June's oblivious.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/ShowOffMovie.jpg" height="600">
She waxes, you realize. Her thighs, her pussy lips, her asshole are all smooth as a tiled floor. You can see the edge of the star of her asshole. You bet she's tight, and you wonder if anything has ever been up there, even her fingers.
Even in the shower? She must have slipped at least one sometimes. You wonder if she leaves a little shaved triangle above her vagina.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/ShowOffFlirt.jpg" height="600">
She smiles at you, then she realizes you were staring at her ass and she frowns at you. Then, both at the same time, you realize that your dick had grown to at least a semi. She stares at it for a moment then turns back to the movie.
When the movie's over June politely excuses herself. Your mom stares at you and, with June safely away, she grabs your now fully flaccid dick through your jockstrap. <span class="sofia-text">"You've got to learn to control him."</span>
[[Go to bed|June Fifth Visit Finish]]After you say goodnight to your mom and get yourself a glass of water in the kitchen, you sigh to yourself and begin to plod down the hallway. You notice the light is on in the room and as you walk in you see June standing by the mirror.
<span class="june-text">"I liked our lingerie night."</span>
She stares at you, straining not to look at the bulge in your underwear. You can feel your heartbeat in your cock.
<span class="mc-text">"So did I."</span>
You stare at each other and June begins to move slowly, sensually. She looks at you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Visit5/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"I could tell you liked looking at me."</span>
You raise your eyebrows and look at her. She keeps moving.
<span class="june-text">"It was like the party. Maybe I liked you looking at me..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"If you want, we can do that more often, if you buy me more nice things to wear for you."</span>
You squint at her. <span class="mc-text">"Like what?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"More lingerie... Less lingerie..."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Visit5/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She stops, her bra still covering her breasts but both straps still down. <span class="june-text">"Mom told me I should enjoy the attention. That I should do what I enjoy and make people happy."</span>
Is your mom coaching June on how to be a bimbo? <span class="mc-text">"I agree."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Weekend/Visit5/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She drops her bra to the floor then comes closer to you, still moving to an imaginary beat. She stands about ten feet from you, and a little more awkwardly dances, brushing her breasts as she does it. As she rubs her nipples she closes her eyes, then drops her hands, opens her eyes. She glances quickly at your growing cock, then smiles at you. <span class="june-text">"So will you take me shopping again?"</span>
So that's what this is about. How mercenary your step-sister is.
You frown.
<span class="june-text">"Oh come on, pleeeeease? We can have such a good time."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Fine."</span>
''June is now significantly more of an exhibitionist.''
''June is now much more of a slut.''
''June is now much more of a bimbo.''
''June is now more of a brat.''
When you wake up you text your mom
<span class="mc-text">You'll never guess who sold me a topless striptease last night in exchange for a promise to be taken shopping again.</span>
<span class="sofia-text">what?
what a little brat
still though... how fun!</span>
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("June", "FifthVisit"); $player.cash -= 400; $bimbos.june.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 4; $bimbos.june.slut += 2; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="mc-text">I paid for June's shopping trip again.
I bought her a new outfit and she promised to model it for me.
Like last time.</span>
<span class="sofia-text">are you coaching june?
between us she'll be unstoppable
You look up from your phone at June who has walked back in the living room.
<span class="mc-text">"So... You gonna show me your purchases?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Ugh... Fine."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Don't be such a brat, I spent a lot of money on you. I want to see what I bought."</span>
She grabs the bag and stomps off to the bedroom. A few minutes later she returns, wearing a tiny pair of pink shorts and a ribbed red halter top. She has a cheeky grin on her face.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Shopping/Arrive.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"This isn't the only thing you bought me, but I thought it might be the one you'd like."</span>
You smile at her. <span class="mc-text">"I do... I'm liking the casual turn you're taking now."</span>
She does a little turn, letting you see how short the pink jean shorts really are.
<span class="june-text">"So, happy? Can we watch something now?"</span>
You shake your head.
<span class="mc-text">"What else did you do last time?"</span>
She looks at you shocked and lets out a bark of a laugh. <span class="june-text">"$player.firstName, I had had like 3 big glasses of wine then... Look at me, I'm tiny. I'm not gonna-"</span>
[[Offer her $200|June Sixth Visit Finish][$passageRoute to 1; $player.cash -= 200; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 3;]]
[[Walk up to her and take her top off|June Sixth Visit Finish][$passageRoute to 2; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.june.brat -= 3;]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You cut her off. <span class="mc-text">"I'll give you $200."</span>
She looks at you suspiciously. <span class="june-text">"This is creepy, I'm not sure if..."</span> She stops. Then shrugs. <span class="june-text">"Whatever."</span>
She perches on the side of the ottoman and takes off her top. She cups her tiny breasts.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Shopping/Naked.jpg" height="600">
You take out your wallet and remove two $100 bills. She snatches them from your hands then giggles. <span class="june-text">"There's this super cute belt you just bought half of."</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You walk up to her and put your fingers on the hem of the shirt. <span class="mc-text">"You're going to take this off, because this was the deal we had. OK?"</span>
You stare at her and she stares back at you, before breaking eye contact. You're about to pull the shirt up yourself when she begins to take it off.
<span class="june-text">"Ugh, fine! You're such a jerk sometimes."</span>
She gets on the edge of the ottoman and cups her tiny breasts.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Shopping/Naked.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Is this what you wanted, you asshole?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, thank you. But that isn't a nice way to speak to someone who's updating your wardrobe so quickly."</span>
She mutters under her breath, but after what is a visibly torn internal monologue she looks at you. <span class="june-text">"Yeah, I suppose. Sorry."</span>
You let her stand up and put her top back on and, to be gracious, you let her pick the afternoon movie. When June's leaving she hugs you on the sofa and then gets up to show herself out.
<span class="june-text">"Hey! Hey!"</span>
You look over to the door where June is standing...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Shopping/Flirt.jpg" height="600">
...flashing you.
<span class="june-text">"I think that gets me the right to choose what food we eat next time."</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
''June is now much less of a brat.''
''June is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set SetHours(15); AddEvent("June", "SixthVisit"); $player.cash -= 300; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\You should probably talk to June and continue her training.
[[Find June|June Bathroom Enter]]You walk into June's room.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bathroom/Room.jpg" height="600">
Huh. It's actually clean. You hear a noise from the bathroom.
[[Investigate|June Bathroom Peep]]The door is partly open.
<span class="mc-text">"June?"</span> You push it open and see June.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bathroom/Lingerie.jpg" height="600">
June see's you in the doorway. <span class="june-text">"What the shit $player.firstName? Get out!"</span>
June attempts to push you out of the bathroom but only manages to fall out with you.
<span class="june-text">"Mom. Mom!!!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June, calm down."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"What Hun."</span> You hear Sofia yell out.
<span class="june-text">"Tell your perverted son to at least knock before he barges into a bathroom."</span>
Sofia enters wearing not much more than June.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bathroom/SofiaTransform2.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bathroom/SofiaTransform.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bathroom/Sofia.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Oh for heaven's sake."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"It is nothing you haven't seen before. Are you causing your brother trouble?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Me? Why isn't he causing the trouble?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June, I'm sorry. The reason I came in was to say we have seen the effort you've been putting in recently, and are proud of the changes you have made."</span>
This halts June's prepared rant. <span class="june-text">"Uh... well... I, um; You still should have knocked."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"We will next time sweetie. Go finish up."</span> Your mom smiles at you, beckoning toward the door.
<span class="mc-text">"Of course. You look great by the way June. Really good these days."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Bathroom/Lingerie2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Whatever"</span> and she heads back to the bathroom.
You do managed to catch a blush and smile spread across her face though.
''June is now much more of a bimbo.''
''June is now more of an exhibitionist.''
''June is now more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("June", "Bathroom"); $bimbos.june.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.june.slut += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\You don't really have many photos of June. Maybe it's time to change that.
<span class="mc-text">"June?"</span>
You knock on her door and push it open.
<span class="june-text">"What? It's too early for your crap."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hush. I just want a picture."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh hell no."</span> June covers up with her blanket.
You walk in and place your camera at the end of the bed.
<span class="mc-text">"Please June. I don't have any, and you look cute in the morning."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Ugh, you are such a pain. Hurry up."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/1.jpg" height="600">
June sits up. You snap the photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Thank you."</span> You walk over and kiss her on the head.
<span class="june-text">"Now get out."</span>
June smiles and points at the door jokingly. She crawls back into bed and gets under the covers.
''June is now much more of a bimbo.''
''June is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("June", "Photos"); $bimbos.june.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<set _sofiaImage to String.format("Images/Bimbos/June/Apology/Mom{0}.jpg", $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel);>>\
<img @src="_sofiaImage" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName. You need to fix whatever it is you did to June."</span> Your mom is glaring at you.
<span class="mc-text">"It's more complicated than you think."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"It does not matter how complicated it is, fix it. It's not fair to her or anyone else in this house. Everyone can feel the tension."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You are right."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Sooner than later."</span>
You know this conversation is going to suck. You were mean, but was it deserved?
[[Go talk to June|June Apology 2]]You knock on June's bedroom door. <span class="mc-text">"June?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Go away."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Please don't be like that."</span> You open the door.
<span class="june-text">"What do you want?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked to you like that. But you can't do that with Tiffany. She is not exactly welcome here."</span>
<span class="june-text">"She let herself in; you left the door unlocked."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Alright well, can we at least call a truce. I'll make it up to you."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Whatever."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Let's go get some coffee and chat?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Apology/Bed.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Sure."</span> June rolls over and smiles just slightly.
[[Take June up to the garden|June Apology 3]]You grab two cups of coffee and head up to the rooftop garden.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Apology/Coffee.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Look June, I really am sorry. Tiffany being there doing, that... made me lose my temper. It wasn't your fault. I over reacted and lost it."</span>
In retrospect, your obvious displeasure with her actions, although being aggravated by Tiffany, hurt her deeply as was clearly evidenced by her facial expressions.
<span class="june-text">"I kind of understand, I guess. But you could have knocked."</span> June lets out a little chuckle.
<span class="mc-text">"She just brought back all kinds of emotions. I really want the best for you. I hope you know that."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I know."</span> June lets out a slight sigh. <span class="june-text">"It's OK."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Though I've got to ask; the whole girl thing?"</span>
June giggles. <span class="june-text">"I knew that was coming. But yeah, I just wanted to try it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's great you are trying new things; it just was not a great... option."</span>
June seemingly understands; though maybe she found a new part of herself.
<span class="mc-text">"Look. Go get dressed and let's go out to lunch. I owe you."</span>
[[Take June to lunch and shopping|June Apology 4]]The two of you grab a quick lunch. It looks like June ran into her friend at the counter, the two girls walk over to the table together.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Apology/Lunch.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hello."</span>
<span class="june-text">"$player.firstName, this is Dakota. She's a friend from what? Elementary school?"</span> The girls giggle.
<span class="mc-text">"Nice to meet you."</span>
The three of you chat a bit. June seems to be having a good time and has somewhat cheered up, or at least, forgotten about what you'd done.
<span class="mc-text">"Want to stop by Modern Fashion and see if they've got anything cool?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Sure, but you are paying."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course."</span>
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/Downtown.jpg" width="600">
The two of you wander over to the store, chatting along the way. It seems as if June has forgiven you.
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/ModernFashionReception.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Anything we can help you find today?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"It's been cold. Do you have jackets?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Of course. Back left corner. Let me know if you need any further help."</span>
June tries on random jackets. She settles on a rather expensive looking leather jacket.
<span class="mc-text">"This one?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I like it, don't you?"</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"It looks nice."</span>
It costs you 400$; you did say you owe her afterall. You get to admire June's new look as you head out. It does fit her rather well. She almost looks like a grown-up.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Apology/Shopping.jpg" height="600">
June thanks you with a smile.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "Apology"); $player.cash -= 450; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\You yell out for June from your room.
<span class="mc-text">"June? Junebug!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Brat/Dress/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June opens the door and stares at you.
<span class="june-text">"Oh my god what are you yelling for?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So what'd you end up buying?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Nothing."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Why not?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"It was too expensive. I'll just have to work more at the club or something."</span>
You sigh. <span class="mc-text">"What is it?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"A blue summer dress. It's really cute. I hope it's not sold out by the time I get the money."</span> June looks at you with puppy-dog eyes. <span class="june-text">"Maybe you could loan me the money?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Brat/Dress/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Maybe one day you might be able to resist her ability to make you feel guilty.
<span class="mc-text">"Fine. But you have to show me it when you get back."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Deal."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Brat/Dress/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Wait to see this "amazing" dress|June Brat Dress 2]]After a couple hours of watching movies you hear a knock on the door. June walks through the door.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Brat/Dress/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"That's cute."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Thanks."</span> June smiles at you.
<span class="mc-text">"What did that cost me?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Well I had $100... and you didn't ask before I left, but it was another $150."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Ugh."</span>
<span class="june-text">"And I bought some panties, but I needed them. They were $20."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Wait, so how much did you charge?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"$270."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Brat/Dress/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"What? You had 100."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Well they asked for payment and I handed them the card."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What?"</span> June begins to laugh.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, lets see it."</span>
<span class="june-text">"See what? The dress?"</span> She spins around.
<span class="mc-text">"The rest."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Uhm. The rest?"</span>
June stares at you.
<span class="mc-text">"We made a deal."</span>
<span class="june-text">"You are a perv."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Brat/Dress/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Tuesday morning June. We're going to have session. It's time to get serious."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Fineee."</span>
June huffs as she walks out the door.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "BratDress"); AddEvent("June", "BimboTraining"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\Once again, the last session with June did not go as planned. It's time to step things up a notch and take this seriously. Source of pleasure, what were you thinking even letting her talk like that?
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Slut/Lick/June.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Good morning $player.firstName."</span>
June looks half put together, but not yet fully dressed.
<span class="june-text">"We should-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Alright June, get dressed."</span>
June walks back to her room and puts on a tank top and jean shorts.
<span class="june-text">"Now don't get started quite yet."</span> June giggles. <span class="june-text">"You owe me. Once your debt is paid we can continue."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What debt?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"For cock blocking me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I didn't cock block you. What are you talking about?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"For the other day. Just because you bought me something does not mean I've forgiven you. You owe me. You even said it yourself."</span>
June looks at you.
<span class="mc-text">"Fine. What do you want?"</span>
June sits down on the couch and widens her legs.
<span class="june-text">"To not be cock blocked."</span>
June gives you a devilish grin as you unzip your pants.
<span class="june-text">"Nu uh."</span> She points at the floor.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Slut/Lick/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Oh fuck!"</span> June shouts out, instantly squirming and she begins to orgasim. <span class="june-text">"Shit."</span>
June grabs ahold of your head.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Slut/Lick/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Oh fuck, again. Oh my, oh my god!"</span>
June quivers, and pushes you back.
<span class="june-text">"There. Now we are even."</span>
You clean yourself up with your T-shirt.
<span class="mc-text">"You are such a brat, its unreal."</span>
<span class="june-text">"See you next week Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
She's going to be the death of you.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("June", "Lick"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Pamper/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Hello."</span>
June looks a bit brighter this morning. She gives you a little grin.
<span class="june-text">"What are you doing?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Nothing, I figured we could go do something."</span>
June smirks. <span class="june-text">"Well, I need to find a place to get my hair done. It's been weeks. It feels all scraggly."</span> she toys with her hair.
<span class="mc-text">"Have you gone and seen Ana?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"No?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"She does hair downtown. I bet she can squeeze you in."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Why would I go see her? Anyone can do my hair."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Humor me."</span>
June shrugs. <span class="june-text">"Fine, but you have to pay for it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure, why not."</span>
[[Text Ana|June Pamper 2]]<span class="mc-text">Hey Ana could you do me a favor?</span>
<span class="ana-text">Whatup?</span>
<span class="mc-text">June wanted to get her hair done. I'd like it done with some style. Could you hook her up?</span>
<span class="ana-text">My schedule's pretty full today sorry</span>
<span class="mc-text">Please?</span>
<span class="ana-text">I can try make something work. Can she be here in 30 minutes? I'm very busy</span>
<span class="mc-text">Perfect.</span>
<span class="ana-text">Let me guess; blonde, wavy?</span>
<span class="mc-text">I mean, she is blonde.</span>
<span class="ana-text">Mmmm hmmm :)</span>
[[Talk with June|June Pamper 3]]<span class="mc-text">"Alright. Ana said she'll get you in. She can see you in thirty."</span>
June smiles and twirls her hair around her finger.
<span class="june-text">"Thanks big bro."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Have fun."</span>
[[Continue about your day|June Pamper 4]]After about two hours June texts you.
<span class="june-text">"Before."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Pamper/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"And after."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Pamper/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"What do you think?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Looks great. Tell Ana I said hi."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "Pamper"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\You notice June laying on the sofa with a backpack.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/College/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, what are you up to?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Nothing really. I was going to swing by the college and see if they had anything interesting to do. I feel like I should be doing something."</span>
Who is this girl? June never talks like that.
<span class="mc-text">"OK, well have fun."</span>
You start to walk away.
<span class="june-text">"I mean it's just, I don't really go out much and..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I don't know, I'm bored."</span> June sits up.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/College/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Bored of what?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Ughhh. Everything."</span>
June stands up.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/College/3.jpg" height="600">
[[Watch her|June College 2]]June spins around.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/College/4.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"I mean come on, with a booty like this I could get all kinds of guys. Around here, there's just you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey now."</span>
June laughs.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/College/5.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"I mean, you're not bad."</span> She smirks at you. <span class="june-text">"But I've been working hard and what for?"</span>
You take a seat on the sofa.
<span class="mc-text">"It's not always about getting a reward June. Sometimes you have to take the success of your personal victory as your award."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Sure; but I want one."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You can't..."</span>
June walks over to you and bends over your lap.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/College/6.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"But I want one."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"One what?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I don't know, an award for my hard work. I've been working out every day for weeks."</span>
June looks up at you smiling, both of you realising how hard your cock has grown.
<span class="june-text">"Men are so easy. You eat what you want, do what you want. Don't even have to work for anything."</span> She runs her hand up your pants. <span class="june-text">"I'm pretty sure I could get any 'man' I want on campus with this body."</span>
June looks down at your cock.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/College/7.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"What do you think? Should I go to college or stay in this 'amazzzzing apartment' all my life?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's up to you."</span>
You say quickly as you can barely think. Your cock now nearly bursting from your pants as it pulses against your zipper.
<span class="june-text">"Well that's good. I'm absolutely not going to college. That's way to much work."</span> June laughs as she stands up and kisses you on the lips.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/College/8.jpg" height="600">
She pulls back a bit. <span class="june-text">"Besides, hanging out with you has been kinda fun, what kind of girl would go to college when I have all this?"</span>
You look at June, getting dirty thoughts in your head of your last 'encounter'.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/College/9.jpg" width="600">
You snap out of it.
<span class="mc-text">"We'll talk more on Tuesday."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Sure thing."</span> June pops up off the sofa and walks toward her room. <span class="june-text">"See ya later. Oh and I never intended on going to college. I just like the outfit."</span>
She smirks, seeing you glancing at her ass.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "College"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
Walking towards June's room, you see her door is slightly open. It's already midday you haven't seen her anywhere. You peak through the door and find June fast asleep.
You stare at June for a moment. She actually looks quite like a bimbo, every week making more and more progress. You like the contour and lettering of her shirt, even the fit outlines her tight body. June moans and rolls over. You take that as your queue to step away.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set SetHours(12); AddEvent("June", "Asleep"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
June is standing at the kitchen island, greeting you as you enter.
<span class="june-text">"Hey $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, getting enough sleep lately?"</span> You quip.
June stares at you. <span class="june-text">"You should know."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And how's that?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I saw you watching me sleep."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I was just coming to talk to you."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Uh huh."</span> June looks around to check the coast is clear. <span class="june-text">"Standing in my doorway rubbing your cock is one way to talk to me I guess."</span> She laughs. <span class="june-text">"But I am going to go take a nap and listen to some music. Feel free to join me."</span>
June grabs an apple off the counter and takes a bite. As she walks away she glances at you with a smile. You stand in the kitchen for a minute, contemplating.
[[Follow June|June Asleep][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
Following June to her bedroom, you wonder what she's up to exactly. The door is closed this time.
*Knock, Knock*
<span class="june-text">"Come in."</span>
You weren't quite expecting this sight.
<span class="mc-text">"Cover up, what are you doing?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I mean, why do you care, not like you've not seen me before."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What if it wasn't me."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Nobody else is here. Or they would have gotten a suprise and shouldn't be walking into my room with the door closed."</span>
June does have a point. You stand for a moment enjoying the view. Her fitness regime is paying off, as well as her personal discipline.
<span class="june-text">"Well?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"You are pretty dense sometimes $player.firstName."</span>
June walks up to you and reaches down for your crotch while leaning in for a kiss.
<span class="june-text">"I'm horny and you're here to fix it."</span>
June lies back down on the bed and waits for you to get undressed. The next hour passed rather quickly.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Asleep/Sex.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
All in all, a productive morning.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "Asleep2"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You roam the kitchen looking for a snack whilst listening in.
<span class="june-text">"Mom."</span> June began tentatively. <span class="june-text">"I've been thinking about something."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"What's on your mind, sweetie?"</span>
June hesitates for a moment. She seems quite nervous and searching for the right words. <span class="june-text">"It's about breast implants."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Absolutely not young lady."</span>
June takes a deep breath and sighs. <span class="june-text">"You have them. And I've been considering getting breast implants for a while. I feel like it would boost my confidence, and to top it off I'd look hot as hell."</span>
Your mom maintains a somewhat calm demeanor, even though she could sense the mix of emotions welling up inside her.
<span class="sofia-text">"I appreciate you sharing this with me, but I think you are too young."</span>
She looks toward you.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName, what do you think?"</span>
<<if $bimbos.june.bimboTraining gt 0>>\
[[Tell her you agree that June would look great|June Implant Talk][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[Tell her you agree that June could, but it's an adult decision to make|June Implant Talk][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I think it's an adult decision. It's up to you two if you think she's capable of that decision."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"That's a pretty good point $player.firstName."</span>
June crosses her arms. <span class="june-text">"You're such a dick $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"June!"</span> Your mom snaps.
June looks at you with a scowl.
<span class="sofia-text">"I'll have to think about it. If it's something you truely want June, we can talk about it more."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yes, obviously."</span>
The two of them continue to talk through the decision. June clearly wants implants and your mom seems like she's agreeable to June getting them. After all, June has changed quite a bit over the past months. But there is still work to be done, and June maintains her brattiness even after everything the two of you have tried. Is she really mature enough to do it?
You excuse yourself from the conversation letting Sofia make the final decision on her own.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "ImplantsTalk"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I think she'd look great. Just like you do mom."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh please $player.firstName, tell me what you really think."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm serious. She'd look good, I mean just look at you. You can't blame her for wanting them."</span>
June looks over at you with a grin.
<span class="sofia-text">"Fine."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yes!"</span> June hops in her seat.
<span class="sofia-text">"But only if the doctor says it's safe."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Well, duh."</span>
The three of you continue to talk through the decision. June clearly wants implants and Sofia seems like she's agreeable to June getting them. After all June has changed quite a bit over the past months.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "ImplantsTalk"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What are you two up to?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Good morning hunnie. I'm taking June to see Dr. Yannovic this morning. I can't find my keys though."</span>
You see them on the floor and point them out.
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh thanks darling."</span>
She walks over and grabs them off the floor. You can't help but look at her ass as she bends over.
<span class="sofia-text">"Do you want to come with us $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think I am booked for this morning. I've got a bunch of work to do."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Alright sweetie. Well we better get going."</span>
The girls head out the door together.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("June", "Consultation"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 3;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"How did the consult for June go?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Hello $player.firstName, it went well. June had to have to prepatory work done this morning; we've just returned home. She got expanders put in. Why don't you go check on her?"</span>
You head to June's room and knock on the door.
<span class="mc-text">"June?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hi."</span>
You see June laying in bed snacking on some grapes.
<span class="mc-text">"So you went through with it huh?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Mmm hmm. At least the first part. The real work is in two weeks. These things are really stretching out my chest though. It hurts. Women are crazy."</span>
June giggles.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, do you need anything?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Nope. I'm good."</span> June pops another grape in her mouth. <span class="june-text">"How do they look?"</span> June pulls the sheet down just above her nipples revealing her cleavage.
<span class="mc-text">"They look great June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I thought so. And they aren't even done yet. Next appointment is in two weeks."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well I am happy for you June. Maybe you've found your true purpose."</span>
<span class="june-text">"And there he goes again with his girl power mentality."</span>
June giggles.
<span class="june-text">"Thanks."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("June", "Consultation2"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
Your mom and June are arguing in the living room.
<span class="mc-text">"Alright you two, I can hear you across the house. What's going on?"</span>
Your mom looks frustrated.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 2>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<span class="sofia-text">"June thinks it's all fun and games. That I am going to just keep shelling out money for her. And now she's joking around about doing porn. She needs to get her act together. I thought this would help, but clearly she needs to be treated like a child. She should be going to college and building a life for herself $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Thats bullshit!"</span>
You put your finger up.
<span class="mc-text">"June! Enough."</span>
<span class="june-text">"This is totally unfair."</span>
''Sending June off to college, will change her destiny forever and minimzing her interactions within the game going forward.''
[[Tell Sofia you agree that June should continue going to school|June Transformation][$passageRoute to 4]]
[[Tell Sofia you think shes being to harsh on June|June Transformation][$passageRoute to 5]]
[[Scold June, but, tell Sofia June has to be able to make her own choices|June Transformation][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
You agree with your mom. June should be going to college and setting up her future.
<span class="mc-text">"Alright, June. I agree you do need to go to college."</span>
June snarls. <span class="june-text">"This is such bullshit. The two of you never agree with me!"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Go to your room young lady. That's enough."</span>
June stomps off.
<span class="sofia-text">"Thank you $player.firstName. That girl sometimes."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "TransformChoice"); AddEvent("June", "CollegeChoice"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
You decide to defend June. She's been making progress and she needs to gain the freedom to make her own decisions.
<span class="mc-text">"June. I agree you should be able to make your own decisions. But remember, be a source of..."</span>
Your mom look at you questionably.
<span class="june-text">"Joy not stress."</span>
June smiles slightly.
<span class="june-text">"I'm sorry mom."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"It's ok baby."</span>
The two hug.
<span class="sophia-text">"Thank you $player.firstName."</span> Sofia mouths silently toward you.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "TransformChoice"); $bimbos.june.bimboTraining += 2; $bimbos.june.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
You decide to scold June. She's been making progress and she needs to gain the freedom to make her own decisions but she still hasn't lost her bratty ways.
<span class="mc-text">"June. I agree you should be able to make your own decisions. But remember, be a source of joy, not stress."</span>
Your mom look at you questionably.
<span class="june-text">"Yeah, that. She's being stress not joy."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Excuse me young lady?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"This is such bullshit. The two of you never agree with me."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Go to your room young lady. That's enough."</span>
June stomps off toward her room. Clearly she still has a lot to learn.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "TransformChoice"); $bimbos.june.bimboTraining -= 2; $bimbos.june.brat += 2; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 7>>\
The day has arrived. Your mom sent you a text that she's on her way to June's appointment with her. She said she should be in the recovery room by noon. No reason to not go support June. You should probably head over there.
[[Head to Yanovic's office|June Transformation][$passageRoute to 8; AddHours(3);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 8>>\
As you walk into the office you are greeted by Yanovic's secretary.
<span class="minor-text">"Hello Sir."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hello, My name is $player.firstName $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Ah yes I remember you from before. Dr. Yanovic told me you'd be by to check on June today."</span>
Your eyes are glued to her tits, again.
<span class="minor-text">"Sir?"</span>
How has this woman not come to your office?
<span class="minor-text">"Sir!?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Dr. Yanovic is in his office and June is in recovery. Sofia also said you'd be by. She is in the waiting room, right this way."</span>
She leads you to the waiting room. You pass by Yanovic's office.
[[Talk with your mom|June Transformation][$passageRoute to 9]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 9>>\
You walk into the waiting room and see your mom sitting in the corner looking at her phone.
<span class="minor-text">"Ma'am, Mr. $player.lastName is here."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName! Come in. June will be finished soon. The nurse came out and said they are finished and just doing stiches. Everything went well."</span>
Dr. Yanovic comes into the room.
<span class="yanovic-text">"Good morning to both of you. June's right across the hall in recovery. Feel free to check on her. It shouldn't be too long; the nurses are finishing up. No complications, everything went as planned."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's great."</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"She had minimal breast tissue to work with, but it turned out well. She'll be happy."</span>
[[Head in to visit June and see the results|June Transformation][$passageRoute to 10]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 10>>\
As you walk into the recovery room, you see some nurses talking to June, who is lying on a bed.
<<if CheckEvent("June", "CollegeChoice")>>\
<span class="minor-text">"Sir, can we help you?"</span> One of the nurses looks at you.
<span class="june-text">"Oh that's $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"How is she doing?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Good, her recovery is going well."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I'm not dead mom."</span> June snarks.
<span class="mc-text">"Good to see you're still the June we all know."</span> You chuckle.
You head out to the waiting room as the nurses finish up with June. They bring her out after a short while; you can tell she's incredibly stiff, trying not to make quick movements and agitate the pain. You walk out to the car with both of them, and open the door for June and help her into the car. June has an implant in each hand.
<span class="sofia-text">"He gave her a couple of implants to squeeze for the pain, just like when I came here."</span> Your mother laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"Maybe I should get mine redone."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think you've had enough for now."</span> You laugh.
Your mom drives June home while you follow her. Once back in the parking lot you assist June into the house, laying her on the sofa in the living room. She quickly falls asleep.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.june.transformLevel to 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.june.bimboTraining gte 1>>\
<span class="minor-text">"Sir, can we help you?"</span> One of the nurses looks at you.
<span class="june-text">"Oh that's $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"How is she doing?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Good, her recovery is going well."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I'm not dead mom."</span> June snarks.
<span class="mc-text">"Good to see you're still the June we all know."</span> You chuckle.
June slowly gets out of bed, and you admire her new look.
<span class="mc-text">"Wow."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Like the look?"</span> June twirls. <span class="june-text">"Oww!"</span> June stops in pain from the motion and holds her breasts. <span class="june-text">"Too fast."</span> She giggles.
You head out to the waiting room as the nurses finish up with June. They bring her out after a short while; you can tell she's incredibly stiff, trying not to make quick movements and agitate the pain. You walk out to the car with both of them, and open the door for June and help her into the car. June has an implant in each hand.
<span class="sofia-text">"He gave her a couple of implants to squeeze for the pain, just like when I came here."</span> Your mother laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"Maybe I should get mine redone."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think you've had enough for now."</span> You laugh.
Your mom drives June home while you follow her. Once back in the parking lot you assist June into the house, laying her on the sofa in the living room. She quickly falls asleep.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.june.transformLevel to 2; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<span class="minor-text">"Sir, can we help you?"</span> One of the nurses looks at you.
<span class="june-text">"Oh that's $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"How is she doing?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Good, her recovery is going well."</span>
You look over at June.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, how are you doing?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Great, these painkillers are awesome. And look, they gave me nurse scrubs."</span> June giggles.
June climbs up on the counter. <span class="june-text">"Wanna see? They are tight as hell."</span> June slowly pulls up her top.
<span class="mc-text">"Wow. You look good."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName."</span>
You remain lost in thought.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName! June, pull down your shirt."</span>
You head out to the waiting room as the nurses finish up with June. They bring her out after a short while; you can tell she's incredibly stiff, trying not to make quick movements and agitate the pain. You walk out to the car with both of them, and open the door for June and help her into the car. June has an implant in each hand.
<span class="sofia-text">"He gave her a couple of implants to squeeze for the pain, just like when I came here."</span> Your mother laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"Maybe I should get mine redone."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think you've had enough for now."</span> You laugh.
Your mom drives June home while you follow her. Once back in the parking lot you assist June into the house, laying her on the sofa in the living room. She quickly falls asleep.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.june.transformLevel to 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You arrange to meet June at home for today's meeting. You have a surprise for her, some time away at a resort. She's earned it; you both have really. You are already packed of course.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Packing.jpg" width="600">
You walk down the hall and push open the door to June's room.
<span class="mc-text">"Wakey wakey June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Ugh, what the hell? I still have ten minutes."</span> June covers her head with her blanket.
<span class="mc-text">"Come on, I have a surprise for you."</span>
She pops up.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/JuneBed.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"What kinda surprise?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You will just have to find out. But start packing."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Packing? What am I packing?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Three days worth of clothes. Bring something casual, something fancy, and something comfortable."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Uhm, OK. Where are we going?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We are taking a three day, all expenses paid for, BLC coaching retreat."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hmm. That sounds like it could be fun."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It will be. I could use some time away. Though we will be working. Coaching sessions every day."</span>
<span class="june-text">"That does not sound like fun."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June..."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I am kidding. It'll be nice to get away and spend some time together outside of this crazy house. I'll try to be quick."</span>
It takes about an hour, but finally after waiting patiently June is ready to go, walking out of her room with two giant suitcases. It looks like she packed her entire life for a three day trip.
[[Grab your bags|June Hotel Begin][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You head out to the car. June decided on wearing a pair of black jeans, a tight form fitting top, and red heels; she looks quite attractive. You chat with June about her coaching. She still seems indifferent to it; almost as if she is accepting, but wants it to go her way. You've got your work cut out for you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Resort.jpg" width="600">
It takes a few hours drive before you arrive at the Sennica Resort. It's a modern, luxury retreat, with a beautiful pool, and close by, a local shopping center with quite a bit of fashion shops. As you walk toward the entrance you notice some men staring at June.
<span class="june-text">"Gesh. Those guys couldn't be more obvious."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/JuneEntrance.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Take it as a compliment. You do look great though."</span>
You both laugh a bit.
June Smiles. <span class="june-text">"Thank you."</span>
Once checked-in, you head up to your room.
<span class="mc-text">"I hope you don't mind, we are sharing a room."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I don't mind. As long as you don't snore like a woodcutter."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Ha. I do not."</span>
You enter the suite. It has two bedrooms; one with floor to glass walls that look onto the other buildings and courtyard; another room that is more secluded. It also has a living room and full-size kitchen.
<span class="june-text">"Wow, this room's amazing. Look at you big spender."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It was a pretty long trip out here. Do you want to take a nap then head down to the lobby for dinner? I read that the resteraunt is amazing here."</span>
<span class="june-text">"That sounds good, I could use a nap."</span>
The two of you shower and clean up, with June heading to bed, whilst you fall asleep watching a movie.
[[Wake up|June Hotel Begin][$passageRoute to 3; SetHours(16);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You wake up from your nap and realize it's already after four. You should probably go wake June up.
She's already awake looking at her phone.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/JunePhone.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Why didn't you wake me up?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I came in there, you were asleep. Figured you could use the rest. Want me to get ready for dinner?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure. Lets say fourty minutes?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I gotta hurry."</span>
June jumps out of bed and heads to the bathroom.
[[Get ready for Dinner|June Hotel Begin][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
After a while June is finally ready. She's decided to wear a slimming, black dress and put extensions in her hair. You head downstairs to dinner. You pull out her chair and she takes a seat.
<span class="june-text">"Thank you."</span>
The waiter walks over to the two of you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Waiter.jpg" width="600">
<span class="random-text">"Good evening. Aren't you two just an adorable couple."</span>
June giggles. <span class="june-text">"Oh we..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thank you for the compliment."</span>
<span class="random-text">"What can I get the two of you?"</span>
You order a glass of wine for the both of you and an appetizer.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Dinner.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I know he was incorrect but just take the compliment June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Haha. Yeah, I guess your right. I am kind of your date tonight."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I can't take my step-sis out for a good time?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"You can."</span> June takes a bite of the appetizer. <span class="june-text">"I just thought it was funny."</span>
You spend the evening talking about various topics, including your plans for this retreat. When you will host sessions, what you are going to talk about, and how the two of you are going to proceed forward. June seems quite receptive, and looks forward to spending more time with you. You finish head back upstairs to change into something more comfortable.
[[Change|June Hotel Begin][$passageRoute to 5; SetHours(20);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
June heads to the bathroom to change, while you change into your sweatpants and a comfortable sleeping shirt.
<span class="mc-text">"I had fun tonight June, thank you for coming."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh. Thank you for spoiling me. Where the heck are my pants?"</span> June walks out in a lace top with a jean jacket.
<span class="mc-text">"You look amazing."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Photos1.jpg" height="600">
June smiles and leans against the wall.
<span class="june-text">"I kinda need my pants perv."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You don't. Stay there."</span>
You run over and grab your camera out of your bag.
<span class="june-text">"Seriously? You brought that?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I figured there would be beatufiul things to take pictures of."</span>
June laughs. <span class="june-text">"Smooth."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Go over by the windows."</span>
June looks at you with a devilish grin.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Photos2.jpg" width="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Photos3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"There. That's enough for your collection."</span>
[[Take more pictures of June|June Hotel Begin][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
<span class="mc-text">"You look absolutely stunning June."</span>
June giggles. <span class="june-text">"Thank you."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Photos4.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Photos5.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Wonder who's looking at us through these windows."</span> June looks out into the courtyard.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Photos6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Could you take the Jacket off?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh now I'm a stripper?"</span> June teases, spinning around and shaking her ass.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Photos7.jpg" width="600">
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Photos8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"I suppose I can take it off. Getting kind of hot in here."</span>
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Photos9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Take more photos of June|June Hotel Begin][$passageRoute to 7]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 7>>\
June twirls around and then jumps back onto the bed.
<span class="june-text">"Ugh."</span> She lays back. <span class="june-text">"This bed is comfy."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Photos10.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"June I must say, you look stunning. Your progress has been amazing. I still remember when you were too shy to take a single photo."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hmm. I guess you could say I am more confident."</span> She runs her hands along her body.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Photos11.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"I think it's time to get comfortable. Don't you?"</span>
June slides to the floor and pushes down her top, exposing her breasts.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Photos12.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"You could be a model you know."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I don't know about that. I'm no Charlotte."</span>
June looks out into the courtyard again.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Photos13.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"See. Look at you."</span> You snap a photo.
[[Talk with June|June Hotel First Night][$passageRoute to 1]]
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You look down and re-adjust your now tight pants. You look up to find June looking at your crotch. She walks over and rubs her hand on top of your crotch.
<span class="june-text">"Hi."</span> June says smiling.
<span class="mc-text">"Hi."</span>
June leans back against the wall and pulls down her panties.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Panties.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"I wanted to thank you for taking me out tonight."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Naked.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Tell me $player.firstName, what is it about all these girls that attracts you to them?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/JuneLook.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"The sexual appeal of a confident, good looking woman. I'd say that's probably the number one thing. It's why I started my business. To bring and nuture that confidence in women. Making them their best selves."</span>
<span class="june-text">"And what about me?"</span>
June looks at you, laying back on the bed.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/BedNaked.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"What do you mean?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Do you want me?"</span>
[[Tell June the truth|June Hotel First Night][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
June gets up and walks toward you.
You hesitate for a moment. <span class="mc-text">"I don't know..."</span>
June puts her finger over your mouth, grabbing your hand and leading you to the living room. As you enter June drops to her knees in front of you and starts unzipping your pants. She seems to not have any reservations; pulling out your cock and getting to work.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Blowjob.jpg" height="600">
June climbs up on the sofa and spreads her legs.
<span class="june-text">"Fuck me $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I don't know if..."</span>
<span class="june-text">"$player.firstName, shut up and get over here."</span>
You can't resist.
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Sex.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Oh fuck! Yes."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh my god."</span> I can't believe I am doing this, you think to yourself though.
<span class="june-text">"Oh shit."</span>
June is already so turned on she starts trembling on your cock as an orgasm hits. She lifts up her legs and pulls you into her deeper. You bury your cock completely into her and instantly start cumming.
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Cum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Did you just cum inside of me?"</span> June laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"Fuck."</span>
[[Tell June to quickly clean up|June Hotel First Night][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Did you seriously just cum inside of June with no condom? What the fuck was you thinking.
<span class="mc-text">"Sorry. Are you on protection?"</span>
June stands up and pushes you down onto the sofa, ignoring you.
<span class="june-text">"It's running down my leg. A bit excited are we?"</span>
June climbs on top of your lap, reaches back and pulls you back into her pussy.
<span class="june-text">"Fuck me."</span>
June starts bouncing on your cock as you start pushing into her in rythmn.
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day1/Ride.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"God, your cock is good."</span>
Your cum is leaking out of June, dripping down your cock.
<span class="june-text">"Fuuuuuck."</span>
She lets out a long moan, grabs your face in both hands and starts kissing you. You place your hands on her hips and push her down.
<span class="june-text">"Ughhhhhh."</span>
June starts shaking as she continues to kiss you. Slowly coming to a halt, she rotates her hips on your cock, riding out her second orgasm. She slowly gets up, grinning at you, and walks toward the bathroom to clean up. It take about thirty minutes for you to make your way into bed, exhausted. June walks out of the bathroom and climbs in next to you.
<span class="june-text">"Good night."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Night."</span>
[[Go to sleep|June Hotel Day 2][$passageRoute to 1; AddDays(1); SetHours(8);]]
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You wake up in the morning, kind of stiff; you had quite an evening.
[[Make some coffee|June Hotel Day 2][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Go look around|June Hotel Day 2][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[Wake up June|June Hotel Day 2][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You brew some coffee; it smells delicious.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Coffee.jpg" width="600">
It's time to wake up June.
[[Wake up June|June Hotel Day 2][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You decide to take a stroll around the resort while June gets her beauty rest.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lobby.jpg" width="600">
[[Check out the pool|June Hotel Day 2][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
The pool looks quite nice' it's already getting crowded early in the morning.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Pool.jpg" width="600">
[[Head back to your room and talk with June|June Hotel Day 2][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
Walking over to June's side of the bed you gently rub her shoulder.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/JuneWakeup.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Good morning."</span>
<span class="june-text">"It's that time already huh."</span> June looks up at you smiling. <span class="june-text">"What's the plan for today?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'd like to start the morning off with some discussions, and we could go exploring."</span>
<span class="june-text">"That sounds nice. Let me get dressed."</span>
[[Get ready to go for a walk with June|June Hotel Day 2][$passageRoute to 6; AddHours(1);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
When June said she'd be ready shortly you thought it would take only a few minutes. You manage to finish a whole episode of television when finally June yells out she's ready.
<span class="mc-text">"So much for quick huh?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Outfit.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Why'd you choose that outfit?"</span>
You stand and examine her choices.
<span class="june-text">"Well, I wanted to be casual but comfrotable. Its warm out."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Interesting choice. I think it fits."</span>
She smiles<span class="june-text">"And what if it didn't?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We'd be having more of a talk. Your first lesson here. Every day, what to choose to wear reflects both your attitude and your overall appearance to others."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Well, I think I look pretty cute."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"You did a good job."</span> You examine her further. <span class="mc-text">"Your makeup could use some work."</span>
<span class="june-text">"You rushed me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Your homework for tomrorow. Dress to impress."</span>
<span class="june-text">"How do you want me to dress?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's the homework. I did a similiar exercise with Charlotte. You've got to figure out how to please me and others."</span>
[[Head out with June|June Hotel Day 2][$passageRoute to 7]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 7>>\
You head out into the lobby.
<span class="mc-text">"Why don't we go for a hike?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"That sounds fun. Glad I wore tennis shoes and shorts. Its warm out."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Hike.jpg" width="600">
The two of you start walking down the trail, chatting about how beautiful it is. You consider how to best approach coaching with June for the future. You're quite disappointed that June constantly turns everything into a game, but there is no denying she's at least made some progress. When you reach the end of the trail you take a seat on a nearby bench. It's time to outline the progress she has made, and lay out expecations for the next couple days.
<span class="mc-text">"June, I want to talk about the rules for the next few days. They are quite simple. You will spend the rest of the time here trying to please me and those around you. You will dress accordingly, and act accordingly."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I will. I want to be a bimbo $player.firstName. Sometimes it's just hard."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"If it isn't hard its probably not worth doing. But I am glad you've made your choice. I also wanted to talk to you about some specifics. Have you ever tried anal?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"What? No. I mean I've like played myself but, no... no way."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well June. You are going to learn how to be your absolute best self. And to do that you need to learn how to please men with every part of your body. Regardless of your inhibitions."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I mean, we can try. So you want to fuck again? Don't need you being weird about it."</span> June says bluntly.
<span class="mc-text">"I want you to be your best self. And from what you've said and done, I think you truly want to be a good bimbo girl. So I'm going to help you get there."</span>
After about another hour of talking and chatting along the trail, June has warmed up to you quite a bit. She seems flirtatious, if not down right ready to fuck. She keeps looking at you smiling, rubbing you as she walks past. Even bending over seductively in front of you. You arrive back at your hotel room; June heads to the bedroom to get cleaned up. You plop down on the sofa and turn on the TV. It's been a long day already.
[[Take a quick nap|June Hotel Day 2][$passageRoute to 8; AddHours(3);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 8>>\
You take a quick nap. Feeling refreshed, you search for June. looking around, you see a note on the counter.
<span class="june-text">I went to the pool. - June <3</span>
You change into your swimsuit and head down to the pool as well.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Pool.jpg" width="600">
June is laying over in the corner on an inflatable; you couldn't miss that platinum blonde hair if you tried. As you walk over you notice she's sound asleep with multiple guys stairing at her ass, which is just barely sitting above the water.
<span class="mc-text">"June?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hmm?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey there, you fall asleep?"</span>
June rolls over and smiles at you.
<span class="june-text">"Finally awake?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I could say the same to you. Looks like you got a crowd staring at your ass."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Crowd.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Really?"</span> June turns and looks. <span class="june-text">"OK, now I am embarassed. How long have I been like this?"</span>
You jump into the pool next to her.
<span class="mc-text">The water is nice at least."</span>
June climbs onto you and whispers in your ear.
<span class="june-text">"Unfortuante all these people are around. I gotta get out; going to get a sunburn. Been out here way too long. Sorry."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's fine, I'll head back with you. Want to grab a late lunch?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Sure. Just let me rinse off first."</span>
[[Walk to your room|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 1]]
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You arrive back at your hotel room.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Room.jpg" width="600">
June quickly jumps in the shower; you walk over to the bar and make a cocktail.
<span class="june-text">"$player.firstName! It's your turn."</span> June yells out from the bathroom.
You walk over and push the door open.
<span class="mc-text">"Knock, Knock."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Come in. Starting your night early are we? That looks good. Did you make me one?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/JuneBathroom.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"No sorry. Here, have some of mine."</span>
You hand June your drink.
<span class="mc-text">"I'll be quick."</span>
You start to undress and notice June peaking over at you. You ignore it and just get in the shower. Once finished you head out to the living area to find June.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/SofaNaked.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I was going to ask if you were ready."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I was just air- drying my hair. I am ready though."</span>
June crawls down from the sofa and gets on her knees. <span class="june-text">I'm ready Mr. $player.lastName."</span> She sticks out her tongue.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Blowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Damn."</span>
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Facial.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Thank you, Mr.$player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think maybe we should order some room service."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK."</span>
June smiles and runs off to the bathroom to clean up. You decide to have a coaching session during lunch.
[[Tell June to dress comfortably|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 2; $bimbos.june.brat += 2; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining -= 1;]]
[[Tell June to dress appropriately|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 3; $bimbos.june.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining += 1;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Once June has cleaned up and you call down to room service. It arrives quite quickly; you ordered sushi.
<span class="june-text">"Mmm, that looks good."</span>
June takes a seat. She's dressed in a sheer pink top that goes down to about her thighs. She looks comfortable but sexy.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lunch.jpg" width="600">
You walk over and pull out her chair. <span class="mc-text">"Take a seat."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Aww, thank you."</span> June takes a seat. <span class="june-text">"So what's the topic today?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"This afternoon we are going to plug you."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lunch2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Plug me?"</span> June laughs. <span class="june-text">"That's an interesting way to say it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You need to experience anal."</span>
<span class="june-text">"And what if I don't want to..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's OK if you don't want to, but you need to try it. Being able to pleasure yourself and others with every part of your body is important."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I guess."</span> June takes a drink. <span class="june-text">"Going to have to get a bit drink for this one."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It won't be that bad June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Like you would know."</span>
You both chuckle.
<span class="june-text">"You'd better start slow."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I am bit of an expert you know."</span>
''June is now more of a brat.''
[[Start a lesson with June|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
Once June has cleaned up and you call down to room service. It arrives quite quickly; you ordered sushi.
<span class="june-text">"Mmm, that looks good."</span>
June takes a seat. She's dressed in a tight black dress that goes down to about her thighs. She looks incredibly sexy.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lunch.jpg" width="600">
You walk over and pull out her chair. <span class="mc-text">"Take a seat."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Aww, thank you."</span> June takes a seat. <span class="june-text">"So what's the topic today?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"This afternoon we are going to plug you."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lunch2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Plug me?"</span> June laughs. <span class="june-text">"That's an interesting way to say it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You need to experience anal."</span>
<span class="june-text">"And what if I don't want to..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's OK if you don't want to, but you need to try it. Being able to pleasure yourself and others with every part of your body is important."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I guess."</span> June takes a drink. <span class="june-text">"Going to have to get a bit drink for this one."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It won't be that bad June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Like you would know."</span>
You both chuckle.
<span class="june-text">"You'd better start slow."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I am bit of an expert you know."</span>
[[June runs her hand on your leg|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
You feel June running her hand along your leg.
<span class="june-text">"I think we should go to the bed."</span>
You stand up and kiss her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lunch3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Mmmghhmm."</span>
June moans as you kiss her deeply. She begins to run her hand over your pants, quickly unzipping them.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lunch4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"We are supposed to be going over your training."</span>
<span class="june-text">"We will, I promise."</span> June gets down on her knees. <span class="june-text">"But I want this first."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lunch5.jpg" width="600">
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lunch6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lunch7.jpg" height="600">
[[Fuck June again|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
You grab June, put her up on the edge of the table and begin to lick her pussy.
<span class="june-text">"Oh shit."</span> June leans back and begins to squirm.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lunch8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Fuck me $player.firstName."</span>
You push your cock into June once again. She throws her head back moaning.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lunch9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Oh my god $player.firstName."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lunch10.jpg" width="600">
It dosn't take more than a few minutes and June's looking back at you smiling.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lunch11.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"I think we can start our lesson now Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
June pulls down her dress over your cum.
<span class="mc-text">"I think so."</span> You brace against the table.
''June is now more of a bimbo.''
[[Start a lesson with June|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 6; AddHours(1);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
You head to the bathroom and pull out a small suitcase. Inside it are various things for June. Outfits, handscuffs, and at the bottom of the bag, you grab a chrome-plated buttplug with a shiny pink jewel on the end.
<span class="june-text">"I didn't think you were that prepared."</span> June walks in and looks at you nervously.
<span class="mc-text">"Your ass belongs to me tonight."</span> You smack her butt as you walk past. <span class="mc-text">"Let's start the lesson in the bathtub."</span>
June walks over and turns on the water. As she's bent over you walk up and rub your fingers over her ass.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Bath1.jpg" height="600">
She looks back at you. <span class="june-text">"I don't know about this. I know you're a perv..."</span>
You slip the tip of your finger into her asshole and push up to your first knuckle. June lets out a small whimper.
<span class="mc-text">"Relax."</span> You reach over and rub her shoulder, while pushing your finger past your second knuckle.
<span class="june-text">"Oh shit, stop stop."</span> June squeezes her ass against your finger.
<span class="june-text">"Fuck $player.firstName. Slow down."</span>
June leans her hips forward pulling your finger out of her ass.
[[Continue training with June|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 7]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 7>>\
The bathtub finishes filling. You grab some bath oils and pour them in. June climbs into the tub and gets on her hands and knees with her ass poking out of the water.
<span class="june-text">"Well?"</span> You climb over the edge of the tub and get in with June.
<span class="mc-text">"Good girl."</span>
You run your hands over her ass and grab the chrome plug.
<span class="mc-text">"You're going to wear this all night. So you remember your ass is a toy to be played with."</span>
June looks back at you.<span class="june-text">"I don't know about that Mr..."</span>
You slip the tip of your finger into her asshole again and push it all the way into the base of your hand.
<span class="june-text">"Oh fuck."</span> June squeezes her ass against your finger. <span class="june-text">"Fuck $player.firstName, that kinda hurts."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Embrace it, let your body enjoy it."</span>
June starts to slowly slide back and forth, the oily bath water providing a decent amount of lube. You reach over and grab some extra lube you had waiting for her; pouring some onto your fingers, before pushing another digit into her ass.
<span class="june-text">"God, no more."</span>
You start rubbing your fingers back and forth.
<span class="june-text">"Mmm."</span> June quivers. <span class="june-text">"I think you just made me cum."</span>
You pull out your fingers and slowly slide the plug in their place. It pops in and tightly seals around her asshole.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Bath2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Now, this does not come out unless it's absolutely neccesary. And if you want it out, you have to ask."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What if I have to go to the bathroom?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Then you ask."</span>
<span class="june-text">"It kind of feels good."</span> June leans forward down onto her arms and spreads her legs. <span class="june-text">"And it looks super cute."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Bath3.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Later, we'll see how you're feeling. Once you're finish in here, I'd like you to get dressed in something sophisticated and fancy. We are going to go to the pavillion for dinner."</span>
<span class="june-text">"With this in my ass?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes."</span>
By now it's clear June is going to be your bimbo fucktoy on this trip. She's figured it out, and so have you. The idea that you weren't going to fuck again has long sailed. Now you just want to get your cock in that tight, little ass and show June how to be a good slut. You climb out of the bathtub and start getting ready for the night.
[[Check on June|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 8; SetHours(17);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 8>>\
You take your time getting ready, dressing up in something fancy. You decide on a dark blue suit with blue tie. Putting on your watch you yell out for June.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Suit.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"June? How long till you're ready?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I don't know, I'll let you know when I'm finished."</span>
You sit down and check some e-mails at the desk. Mostly just junk, but you do get a few from prospecitve clients. You respond with an information packet and close your laptop.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm going to go check what's going on outside, text me when you're are ready."</span>
[[Check out the Lobby|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 9]]
[[Check out the Gazebo|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 10]]
[[Check out the Bar|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 11]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 9>>\
You stroll to the lobby.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Lobby.jpg" width="600">
There is a beautiful woman working the front desk.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Reception.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Good Evening."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Hello sir. How can I help you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I wanted to double check the events for the rest of the week."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"We have a pool party daily at noon, and every night there is a dinner with music, we also give out prizes at every event. Tonight is a room upgrade."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thank you."</span>
[[Head to the Gazebo|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 10]]
[[Head to the Bar|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 11]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 10>>\
You walk over to the Gazebo and see that they've set up a beautiful eating area with a band playing music.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Gazebo.jpg" width="600">
[[Head to the Bar|June Hotel Day 2 Room][$passageRoute to 11]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 11>>\
You walk over to the hotel bar and see a group of people standing there, including quite a few beautiful women.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Bar.jpg" width="600">
You notice one in particular and decide to approach her.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/BarLady.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hello."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Hi."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm $player.firstName, can I get your name?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"While I apprecaite the pickup, I'm here with my husband. But my name is Carla."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No problem. I was just saying hi."</span>
Your phone buzzes.
<span class="minor-text">"Girlfriend?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Unfortunately not."</span>
<span class="june-text">What do you think?</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/JuneDress.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">A bit more formal.</span>
You send back a selfie in your suit.
<span class="june-text">Oh, so formal formal.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Yeah, on my way back. Your makeup looks great by the way.</span>
<span class="june-text">Thanks :)</span>
[[Meet up with June|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 1]]
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You head back to your room. June meanwhile has been getting herself ready for the dinner party. June texts you a video.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/DressText.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She has slipped on a gorgeous purple dress that shows off her breasts and tight figure. She has also spent some time perfecting her makeup; the sign of a true bimbo.
<span class="june-text">What do you think of this dress? Cute right?</span>
You call June but she doesn't pick up.
<span class="june-text">Busy</span> She texts you another video instead.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/JuneWaiting.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You quicken your steps.
[[Enter the hotel room|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You burst through the door.
<span class="mc-text">"June? You look amazing! Where did you get that dress."</span> You yell out into the room.
You look in the living room; she's not there. You head to the bathroom.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Dress1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As you walk in June is adjusting her dress. She dosn't even notice you. <span class="june-text">"Just a sec almost finished."</span> June puts lip gloss on and touches up her makeup.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Dress2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
//Bzzzzz Bzzzz.//
June's phone is ringing. You slip back outside the door.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Dress3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Hello?"</span>
You hear your mom on the phone.
<span class="sofia-text">"Hey baby. How's the trip going? You and $player.firstName getting along?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah we are having fun. He's being his normal self, coaching and all."</span>
They chat about the resort.
<span class="sofia-text">"Well make sure you behave."</span>
<span class="june-text">"God this dress is tight..."</span> June mumbles.
<span class="sofia-text">"Dress? What dress?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Nothing mom. I gotta go. We are going to get dinner, bye."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Dress4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You walk into the bathroom.
<span class="mc-text">"Who was that? I see you're ready. Thank you for the texts."</span>
June smiles. <span class="june-text">"No problem and it was mom. Always trying to be nosey."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Be nice June, please those around you. She cares about you."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I know, I know. I'll text her sorry."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good job. Shall we?"</span> You motion out of the door.
[[Exit the hotel room|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You can't help but stare at her ass as she walks ahead.
<span class="mc-text">"You look amazing June."</span>
You give a light tap of her behind. She jumps.
<span class="june-text">"Hey."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Just making sure it's still in there."</span>
June giggles. <span class="june-text">"It is."</span>
June walks over to the glass window.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Dress5.jpg" width="600">
[[Head out to the event|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 4; AddHours(1);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
You head out to the Gazebo area, which is now packed with people. You find your seats and chat with some of the people around you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Gazebo.jpg" width="600">
June seems to be having a good time. She is currently interacting with a gorgeous blonde woman next to her. You can't help but notice June occassionaly looking over at you, grinning as she adjusts the way she's sitting because of the plug. The waiters bring out a delicious looking steak meal and serve you all a glass of wine.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Dinner.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Alright, Alright. How's everyone doing tonight?"</span>
You hear booming through the area and look up at the stage.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Stage.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"For tonight's big prize, we have a competition. I am going to walk around the room to each table. And I need you to give a big cheer for who we all think is the cutest couple. Winners will recieve a room upgrade for the rest of their stay to one of our private pool suites and tweo vouchers for dinner!"</span>
The event coordinator walks to the first table and the crowd lets out a small cheer. Over on the second table, a similar cheer. She walks to your table and the crowd cheers quite loudly. There are three couples at your table. She finishes her rounds and heads back to your table.
<span class="minor-text">"Alright. It sounds like we've got a winning table. How about it for couple number one!"</span>
She waves her hand over the couple across from you. The crowd cheers.
<span class="minor-text">"And couple two?"</span>
The crowd cheers louder.
<span class="minor-text">"And last but not least. Couple number three?"</span>
She waves her hand over you and June. June looks at you, her face flushed with embarassment. The crowd roars and whistles. It looks like you've won.
<span class="minor-text">"We have a winner folks! Take a look at this gorgous couple."</span>
She lays down a voucher and a piece of paper.
<span class="minor-text">"Congratulations!"</span>
The crowd applauses.
[[Try to play off the annoucement|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
Some time passes while dinner finishes up. June seems quite interested in the woman next to her. They chat about life, where they are from and the like, albeit the woman is quite older than June. You see June stand up and walk toward the bathroom. Shortly after the woman that was sitting next to her stands up and catches June in the hall. You see them talking, June looks nervous.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Woman.jpg" height="600">
You walk over to them.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey June."</span> You look at the woman. <span class="mc-text">"Hello. I'm $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Allysa. Nice to meet you."</span> She reaches out to shake your hand. <span class="minor-text">"I was just telling June here that I am a creative videographer and that she is absolutely gorgeous. I would love to film her."</span>
June interupts. <span class="june-text">"It could be pretty cool."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Interesting. What's your speciality?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Adult mostly. Anything exciting."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Sounds neat."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I don't think you get what she's saying. Porn, June."</span>
June turns red. <span class="june-text">"Oh. Oh my god."</span> She embarassingly walks away.
<span class="minor-text">"Here is my card $player.firstName. If you're interested, I think you would look great together. Discretion would be used of course. I am in room 205. Come by tonight at ten if you'd like to give it a shot."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure. We'll think about it."</span>
You play it off cool to not be rude. June isn't ready for that kind of thing.
The two of you walk back toward the table and take a seat. Allysa continues chatting with June; it looks like she's almost hitting on her, trying to coax her into it. You can't hear much of their conversation though.
[[Head back to your hotel room|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
You quickly pack your bags and move over to your new penthouse suite, complete with a private pool and amazing view of the city.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Penthouse.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Wow! This is nice."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It sure is."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Funny we won the cutest couple."</span> June lightly punches you in the shoulder.
<span class="mc-text">"It was all you. Not a single guy could keep their eyes off you all night. Or woman for that matter."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Ha, yeah right. I need to get out of this dress and put on something more comfortable."</span>
She runs off to the bedroom.
<span class="june-text">"Much better."</span>
June walks out in a tight black dress, which you highly doubt is 'more comfortable'.
<span class="june-text">"I'm going to get a drink at the bar. Want to come?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'll catch up with you."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Your loss!"</span>
[[Decide what to do for the rest of the night|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 7; AddHours(2);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 7>>\
You take a seat on the sofa looking over the city.
[[Check out the pool bar with June|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 8]]
[[Text June asking what she wants to do for the night|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 9]]
[[Head to room 205 alone|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 10]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 8>>\
You head out to the pool to meet June.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/PoolNight.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Hey! It's about time."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's only been five minutes."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Well I didn't think you were coming."</span>
You sit down with June and have a couple of drinks.
<span class="june-text">"So, Allysa. She wanted to do porn?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think so. It seemed like she was in the adult industry."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Are you curious? We can stop by if you want."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Possibly. If you want to."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah, but can I take this thing out of my ass first?"</span> June smiles at you.
<span class="mc-text">"Nope."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Whatever, your such a perv. I'm pretty sure she noticed it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That would explain the bluntness."</span>
[[Skip it for tonight and head back to the room to sleep|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 22]]
[[Head to room 205 with June|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 13]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 9>>\
<span class="mc-text">Hey anything you want to do tonight?</span>
<span class="june-text">Whatever you want :)</span>
June sends a photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/PoolText.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">That's what you wore out to the pool?</span>
<span class="june-text">Haha no that is what is under my dress</span>
<span class="mc-text">If only we would have all been so lucky.</span>
<span class="june-text">Perv :P
Though I'd like this thing out of my ass</span>
[[Head to the pool|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 8]]
[[Head to room 205 alone|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 10]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 10>>\
You head to room 205 alone, mostly because you are curious, but also you want to find out what Allysa's intent was. It could be fun; but June has to be prepared, and she didn't really seem that interested.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Door.jpg" height="600">
You knock on the door. Allysa greets you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Allysa.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hi."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Welcome. Where's that cute, little girl. June right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I wanted to come by and check things out first. Ask a few questions. It seemed like you were hinting at something."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I wasn't hinting at anything specific. Though I do film pornography. I thought June was quite cute. I have a thing for blonde women. You're handsome yourself though."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So what exactly is it you want?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I was going to ask if the two of you would like to shoot a film. Have some fun. Here, have a glass a wine."</span>
Allysa pours a drink for the two of you.
<span class="minor-text">"You don't have to answer now, it's an open invitation."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Understood."</span>
You chat for a while; talking about your business. Alyssa could actually be helpful in the future. She even expressed some minor interest in your coaching. Definitely an asset to bring in new clients.
<span class="minor-text">"I appreciate you stopping by."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks for the invite."</span>
[[Text June to come join the two of you|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 12]]
[[Stay with Allysa alone for now|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 11]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 11>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I think, I had better go."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"No, no, no."</span>
Allysa pushes you back onto the sofa, unzipping your pants in the process.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/AlyssaHandjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"I want this handsome cock first."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I don't know if we should be doing this Allysa. You're kind of tipsy and..."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"First, I am not drunk. Second, call your girlfriend tell her to join us."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"She's not my girlfriend."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Even better."</span>
Allysa swallows your cock to the base. She sticks her tongue out, gagging as she licks your balls.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck."</span>
You begin to cum.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/AlyssaCum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Thank you."</span> Allysa looks up at you smiling.
[[Text June to come join the two of you|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 12]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 12>>\
You text June asking her to join you. She arrives after a few moments.
<span class="minor-text">"Welcome June, you don't disappoint. You are absolutely stunning in that dress."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Thank you for having us over. I see $player.firstName is already here. What were you two talking about?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Nothing specific. Though I did tell him that I film pornography."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June, she wanted to ask if you had any interest in being filmed."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"We could have some fun. The two of you, or even the three of us. Here, have a glass a wine."</span>
Allysa pours a glass for the three of you.
<span class="minor-text">"You don't have to answer now, it's an open invitation."</span>
[[See what Allysa has in mind|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 14]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 13>>\
You head over to room 205 with June. Mostly because the two of you are curious, but you also want to find out what Allysa's intent is. It could be fun, but you are unsure if June is prepared.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Door.jpg" height="600">
You knock on the door. Allysa greets you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Allysa.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hi."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Hello, welcome. Gosh June, you don't disappoint. You are absolutely stunning in that dress."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thank you for having us over. We wanted to come by and check things out. Ask a few questions. It seemed like you were hinting at something."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I wasn't hinting at anything specific. Though I do film pornography. I thought June is quite cute."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So what exactly is it you want?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I was going to ask if the two of you would like to shoot a film. Have some fun. Here, have a glass a wine."</span>
Allysa pours a drink for the three of you.
<span class="minor-text">"You don't have to answer now, it's an open invitation."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I've never done that before."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Neither of us have."</span>
You chat for a while; talking about your business. Alyssa could actually be helpful in the future. She even expressed some minor interest in your coaching. Definitely an asset to bring in new clients. She also talked with June quite a bit about the adult industry.
[[See what Allysa has in mind|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 14]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 14>>\
Allysa walks away it get more wine. You take the opportunity to ask June about the proposition.
<span class="mc-text">"It's up to you June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I mean, why not? Let's see where it goes. Nothing weird though OK?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's fair."</span>
Allysa returns.
<span class="mc-text">"We've decided to agree to your idea. Let's see what you had in mind Allysa."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Perfect. June come with me."</span>
The two girls walk off toward the bedroom. Allysa has a large suite just like the one you were just upgraded to. You idle about the room looking at the view, trying to nonchalantly be nosy. You find some magazine covers she had laying about and some videography stills. She's quite talented. June comes walking out in heels and a gorgeous set of white lingere.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Wow."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I know right? Look at this! It fits perfect too."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn2.jpg" width="600">
June walks back toward the bedroom. Allysa takes a seat next to you wearing only a bra and panties.
<span class="minor-text">"Where did you find this girl, she is quite adorable."</span> Allysa drinks her wine.
<span class="mc-text">"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."</span>
This could get awkward.
<span class="minor-text">"Do tell. She'll be a while; probably trying something else on. Told her the closet is her's to use."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, we are both from Manhattan."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Nice area. I've been there quite a few times for work. Not a huge fan of the city though. How'd you meet."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We were introduced by a relative."</span> You try your best to downplay the smalltalk.
<span class="minor-text">"That's a cute plug she's got by the way."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Figured you'd seen it."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Is she a fan of anal?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Actually, never done it. That's the first time."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Oh really? I am even more intrigued. Was she going to let you fuck her butt?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Umm. Probably?"</span> You try to laugh it off.
Allysa grins at you and takes another sip of her wine.
<span class="minor-text">"I think she will. Oh here she is."</span>
You hear heels clicking as June comes back down the hall. Just in time too.
[[Look at June|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 15]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 15>>\
June walks up dressed in a sheer, partially see through, black dress.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"That was quick."</span>
June looks at you smiling.
<span class="minor-text">"I think she's ready $player.firstName."</span>
June grins at you, with a 'are we doing this?' look. You reassure her by running your hands along her butt and giving her a kiss.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[June reaches down and pulls out your cock|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 16]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 16>>\
June reaches down unzipping your pants. She gently squeezes your cock and starts to rub it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Allysa sets up a camera.
<span class="minor-text">"Suck his cock June."</span>
Allysa is taking control of the situation, and June seems to be willing to comply to directions from her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
span class="minor-text">"Good girl. Now faster."</span> You see Allysa grab your phone and take a video with it, while still filming from her camera.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Let June please you|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 17]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 17>>\
June continues to suck your cock, never once breakign eye contact. It increases the excitement whilst having Allysa watch you. June starts sucking on your balls.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Now, lets see that tight, little ass of yours June. I heard you've got a cute little buttplug shoved in there."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Umm..."</span>
You grab June and turn her around, pushing on her back and making her bend over. Slowly, you pull the plug out of her ass. It makes a popping sound as it releases.
<span class="june-text">"MMMhmmm!"</span> June whimpers.
<span class="minor-text">"$player.firstName, how about you get her ready. I'll position the camera."</span>
You grab June and lay her down on the sofa, pushing her legs back and wide. Licking one of your fingers you slowly slide it into her ass. It goes in much easier this time.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Ohhhmmmmm."</span> June cries out.
<span class="minor-text">"I think she's ready $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Ready for what?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"His cock babe."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I don't..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's OK June. We'll take this slowly."</span>
Allysa grabs June's legs and helps spread them.
<span class="june-text">"Oh fuck oh fuck."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Holy Fuck!!!"</span>
[[Fuck June's ass|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 18]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 18>>\
You slowly start fucking June's ass. Allysa helps by holding Junes ass wide and her legs apart.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn11.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Oh Shit. Can we, can we take a break."</span> June pants.
<span class="minor-text">"Of course."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Sorry $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's alright."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"How about you hop on top of him. I'll work the camera."</span>
You lay back onto the couch and she climbs on top of you.
June moans as she gets in position. <span class="june-text">"Ugh, my ass hurts."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn12.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You push your tongue into her pussy. June clutches onto your cock and squeezes.
<span class="minor-text">"There you go."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn13.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Continue like this|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 19]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 19>>\
June slowly sits up, releasing your cock from her tight grip. She pushes her pussy down into your face, then slowly slides forward, pushing her ass into your mouth.
<span class="june-text">"Oh."</span> June moans as you push your tongue into her.
<span class="minor-text">"Oh you naughty girl. You want try again?"</span> Allysa whispers in Junes ear encouraging her.
<span class="june-text">"OK."</span>
June spins around. She looks down at you smiling, and slowly pushes you back into her ass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn14.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Good girl."</span> Allysa walks round to you. <span class="minor-text">"She's going to fuck you now with her tight, little ass. Are you excited?"</span>
June begins riding you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn15.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Fuck June harder|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 20]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 20>>\
June slowly grids your cock into her ass. You can't help it anymore and want to fuck her harder.
<span class="mc-text">"My turn."</span>
You grab June and bend her over again.
<span class="minor-text">"Yes! That's good $player.firstName."</span>
You start ramming your cock into June's ass. She seems to be enjoying the rhythm now.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn16.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck."</span>
Right before you cum Allysa pulls June onto her knees in front of you. She cups June's head and pushes her mouth onto your cock.
<span class="minor-text">"That's it."</span>
June gags while she swallows every drop.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Porn17.jpg" width="600">
[[You are spent|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 21]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 21>>\
You nearly fall back onto the sofa. June is panting and beet red in the face. Allysa is checking over the equipment and video. You sit there just trying to catch your breath. Eventually, two of you slowly start getting dressed.
<span class="minor-text">"That was pretty hot you two."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks I guess?"</span> You laugh.
<span class="june-text">"Oww. I don't think I can walk."</span> June has a smile on her face though.
<span class="minor-text">"I'll compile the video and send it to you. I won't release it. It's our secret."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks. I think we are going to call it a night."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Me too. I need a shower after that."</span>
[[Head back to your hotel room|June Hotel Evening 2][$passageRoute to 22]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 22>>\
You take a shower and get cleaned up. Afterwards you walk around the hotel room shutting off the lights. When you get back to the bathroom June is just getting out of the shower as well.
<span class="mc-text">"What are you doing?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Relax.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Letting my ass relax."</span> June looks over at you smiling and laughing.
[[Sleep for the night|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 1; AddDays(1); SetHours(8);]]
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You wake up the next morning. It is your last full day here at the resort.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Penthouse.jpg" width="600">
June isn't in bed; you get up to make some coffee. As you are sipping your coffee you see June is already up and swimming in the pool. You head out and sit on the edge of the pool, dipping your legs in.
<span class="mc-text">"Good morning."</span>
<span class="june-text">"About time you woke up."</span> June swims over to you.
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Pool.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Well hello."</span>
June pulls her mouth off your cock with a hard sucking motion. <span class="june-text">"Good morning. Last day here, what do you want to do today."</span>
June continues to stroke your cock. She's turned into a proper cock slut.
[[Fuck June by the pool|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Get ready for the day|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You sit on a sunbathing chair, laying back and eyeing June as she swims. She looks over at you, though she can't quite tell if you are looking at her or not because of your sunglasses.
<span class="june-text">"Not going to join me in the pool?"</span>
June climbs out of the pool.
<span class="mc-text">"Too early."</span>
You take a sip of your coffee.
<span class="june-text">"Party pooper."</span>
June towels off and puts her bikini back on. She walks past you, brushing her hand over your shoulder.
<span class="june-text">"I'm going to take a shower."</span>
You grab her hand and smile at her.
<span class="june-text">"What do you want?"</span>
You stand up and grab June, kissing her.
<span class="mc-text">"Last day here."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I'm aware."</span>
You take the initiative and bend June over the chair. You grab her bottoms and push them to the side.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Pool2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Oh shit."</span> June moans as you push your cock into her.
You rub your thumb over her ass.
<span class="june-text">"Careful."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Pool3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You grab onto her hips and start pounding.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Pool4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Fuck your cock is big."</span>
June leans down on the chair. You can feel her pussy gripping your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Pool5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You fill her pussy with cum as she moans and squirms on your cock.
[[Get ready to go|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 4; AddHours(4);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You head back inside the hotel room.
<span class="mc-text">"June? You almost ready? Juist throw on something casual. We'll go grab some food and explore."</span>
June walks around the corner.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Lingerie.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"How's this look?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Wow."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Would you like a better view?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes."</span>
You sit on the sofa while June shows off.
<span class="june-text">"What do you think Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Room1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Is this a better view?"</span>
June walks over and puts her ass in your lap.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Room2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Room3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Fuck me."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Room4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Get ready to go|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 4; AddHours(4);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
The two of you get cleaned up and are ready to head to lunch, you've 'wasted' the entire morning.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Penthouse.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Are you ready?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yep."</span>
You and June head out to the city for a nice lunch. Wandering around, you find a nice restaurent to sit down and have a meal.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Restaurant.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"So."</span> You look at June. <span class="mc-text">"What do you think so far?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"So far as to what?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Your training."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I mean..."</span> June smiles at you. <span class="june-text">"I've enjoyed it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We have one last day here and I intend on making it productive. We'll have a coaching session later this evening."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Sure. What time do we leave tomorrow?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Check out is at nine. I plan on hitting the road by then."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Ugh. So early."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Nine is not that early."</span>
The two of you continue chatting about June's training while finishing lunch. You head back toward the hotel room and settle down for a short time. You now have two choices with your time remaining before the evening events.
[[Talk with June|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 5; AddHours(2);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Hey June?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah?"</span> June yells out.
You walk into the bedroom.
<span class="mc-text">"What are you doing back in bed?</span>
<span class="june-text">"I'm tired."</span> June giggles.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Bed.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Let's just stay in the room all day."</span> June slides off the bed and gets on her knees in front of you. <span class="june-text">"Pretty please?"</span> She caresses her hand over your pants. <span class="june-text">"I'll make it worth your while."</span>
[[Give in to June's attempt|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 6; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining -= 1;]]
[[Tell June you need to finish the last session on the agenda|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 7; $bimbos.june.bimboTraining += 1;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
June's looks up at you smiling. You give her a devilish grin. She unzips the front of your pants and pulls out your cock.
<span class="june-text">"Want me to suck your cock $player.firstName?"</span> She begins stroking.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, we can turn this into your lesson for this afternoon. I want you to suck my cock while staring up at me. Be a good girl. Show me you want to suck my dick.</span>
June gets to work.
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day2/Blowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Good. Well done June. Now get on the bed and present yourself.</span>
<span class="june-text">"Present myself?"</span> June looks at you questioning.
<span class="mc-text">" Get up on the bed on your hands and knees.</span>
June complies and climbs up on the bed. <span class="june-text">"Like this?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No, turn your ass toward me."</span>
June adjusts her position.
<span class="mc-text">"Wrong."</span>
You grab her hips and adjust her on the bed properly. Putting her on all fours with her legs spread apart and ass aligned with you.
<span class="mc-text">"There."</span>
You take a look at June's placement and posture.
<span class="mc-text">"That's how you should look when on all fours."</span>
You take off your pants and get behind June.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Room5.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"MMMmmfff."</span> June lets out a moan and bits her finger as she feels your cock press against her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Room6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Fuck!"</span> June yells out as you smash your cock into her. <span class="june-text">"Ugh."</span> She grips the sheets of the bed. <span class="june-text">"Your..."</span> June gulps, and takes a breath. <span class="june-text">"...cock is so big $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm going to cum."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yes, cum in me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No. Get on your knees."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hmmpf."</span> June makes a pouting face but awaits your cum.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Facial.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Spend the evening with June|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 10]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 7>>\
June's looks up at you smiling. You give her a devilish grin.
<span class="june-text">"Want me to suck your cock $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well of course. I am glad you offered. However, we are going to resume your training first."</span>
June looks up at you with a pouting face.
<span class="mc-text">"Bend over."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What?"</span>
You pull a jeweled plug out of your pocket. <span class="mc-text">"Bend over."</span>
<span class="june-text">"But..."</span>
You run your hand down June's back, positioning her on her hands and knees. You continue to slide your fingers down over her ass.
<span class="mc-text">"Relax."</span> You take the plug and slowly push it in.
<span class="june-text">"Ugh. I kind of like this whole anal thing."</span> June wiggles her ass at you as she stands up.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/WhiteLingerie.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Show it to me."</span>
June spins around and pulls her ass cheeks apart.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/AssShow.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Good."</span> You take a closer look.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/AssCloseup.jpg" height="600">
[[Continue Training June|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 8]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 8>>\
June stands up and walks over to the stereo, switching on some club music.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Music.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"This music makes me want to dance."</span> June begins to dance to the beat.
<span class="mc-text">"Come here."</span>
June walks over. You grab her by the hand and pull her into your lap.
You whispering into her ear. <span class="mc-text">"Dance for me."</span>
June starts to grind her butt into your lap. She throws her head back onto your shoulder and pushes her ass down on your crotch. You can feel the plug against you. She starts breathing heavier.
<span class="june-text">"Mmmmffff."</span> June lets out a moan as your cock becomes rock hard against her.
<span class="mc-text">"Are you ready?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Uhm. I'm not sure yet."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It'll be fine, just relax."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Fine. But if it hurts we are done."</span>
You lead June out onto the patio. June takes off her lingerie and she gets down on all fours.
<span class="june-text">"You are not putting your dick in my ass with that in there too. Not a chance."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Of course not."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/PlugRemove.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Fuck."</span> June takes a deep breath as you pull out the buttplug.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Buttplug.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Continue|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 9]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 9>>\
You pour some baby oil over June's ass, slowly rubbing it around.
June feels the head of your cock press against her asshole. <span class="june-text">"I don't know $player.firstName. I don't think I'm warmed up enough."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Just relax June.</span>
You grab her hips and slide your cock between her ass cheecks.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Anal1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Fuck!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"See, that wasn't so bad.</span>
You take it easy, slowly sliding your cock a few inches into her ass.
<span class="june-text">"Easy!"</span>
June puts her hand back on your leg and pushes against you, forcing your cock to slide out of her ass.
<span class="june-text">"Ugh damn."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Now. Bend over further and stick your ass up in the air.</span>
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Anal2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Oh shit, oh shit."</span>
June begins to tremble with an orgasm as you push your cock deep into her ass.
[[Fuck June harder|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 10]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 10>>\
You continue pounding June. She's enjoying it quite a bit now. June grabs a handful of the sofa and is bouncing to the rythmn of your cock.
June throws her head back and moans. <span class="june-text">"Oh my god."</span> She gasps and starts to tremble again.
<span class="mc-text">"Lets try something else."</span> You slide your cock out. <span class="mc-text">"Let's see how you like it on top."</span>
June slowly gets up and climbs on top of you. She puts both hands on your chest and lowers herself onto you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Anal3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Holy shit $player.firstName."</span> June's beet red in the face, trying to catch her breath. <span class="june-text">"Ohhh!"</span> She moans as her ass gets near the base of your cock.
<span class="mc-text">"See that's not bad right?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"You try taking a big dick up your ass."</span>
You both chuckle, before June quickly goes back to focusing on her hip motions.
<span class="mc-text">"Ugh yeah. Just like that."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh shit $player.firstName."</span> June pushes her ass as far down onto your cock as she can. <span class="june-text">"Fuck. Cum in my ass $player.firstName."</span> She claws her nails along your chest.
Tightly gripping her ass you feel your cock pulsate.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Anal4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Completely spent, June falls forward onto your chest as you both lie in the afterglow.
[[Spend the evening with June|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 11; SetHours(18);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 11>>\
Once cleaned up you prepare for dinner. June decides to wear a gorgeous, red dress. It's thigh high and shows off her tight body.
<span class="mc-text">"Well look at you."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Cute right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You look absolutely amazing. Let's go show you off."</span>
June locks her arm in yours and you head out. Walking down the hall you pass another couple.
<span class="minor-text">"Look how pretty that girl is."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/Dress.jpg" height="600">
June blushes.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day3/DressCloseup.jpg" height="600">
Arriving at the restaurant, you are lead to a table. You pull out a chair for June.
<span class="june-text">"Thank you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June. I wanted to talk about your progress. I am very impressed. While I know you have, in a way, taken your own path through it. You've made great strides to at least employ the steps of bimboism into your life. It show's. Believe me."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Thank you. But most of it was your relentlessness."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, regardless of why, I think most people have enjoyed being around you. You're quite special June. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."</span>
You continue to chat with June about her training and progression. She has taken it quite well and is quite adapted to being a bimbo; though she seems to always have her own twist to it. Your choices have clearly influenced what she will become.
[[Head to back to your room|June Hotel Day 3][$passageRoute to 12]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 12>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Night2/Penthouse.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Sucks we have to leave tomorrow, but I'm spent. It's been a fun trip $player.firstName. Thank you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It was fun June. Just don't forget all you've learned while we were here."</span>
June leans over and gives you a peck on the cheek.
<span class="june-text">"Good night."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Night."</span>
[[Go to sleep|June Hotel Day 4][$passageRoute to 1; AddDays(1); SetHours(8); SetMinutes(45);]]
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
As you wake up you realize it's nearly nine. You wanted to be on the road in an hour. You quickly head toward the shower.
<span class="mc-text">"June? We gotta get going."</span>
As you walk into the bathroom June comes around the corner already dressed. Her makeup is done and she is wearing a cute outfit.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh. You're already set?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I am. You are not, sleepy head."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'll be quick."</span> You jump into the shower.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day4/Shower.jpg" width="600">
Your phone buzzes. June sent you a text; it's a video file and you open it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day4/Text1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You text June back.
<span class="mc-text">Quit teasing, we've got to get going.</span>
<span class="june-text">Waiting on you.</span>
You finish up showering. Your phone buzzes again.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day4/Text2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">I'm still waiting.</span>
[[Head out to find June|June Hotel Day 4][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You walk out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
<span class="mc-text">"June, where is my suitcase?"</span> You yell out.
<span class="june-text">"In the living room."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I havn't gotten dressed yet. I need my clothes."</span>
As you walk around the corner you see June now completely naked with her clothes on the floor.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day4/Naked.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She turns around looking at you.
<span class="june-text">"Quicky?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We don't have time. Checkout is in ten minutes."</span>
June walks over and grabs your towel. <span class="june-text">"Then be quick."</span> June drops to her knees and puts your cock in her mouth.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day4/Blowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
//Ring Ring//
The phone in your suite is ringing. You try to shuffle over.
<span class="mc-text">"June!"</span>
June grabs your cock laughing and follows you on her knees. Once you stop moving she goes back to it.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Mr. $player.lastName, it's checkout time. We need to get cleaners to your room for the next guests. Is there a reason for the delay sir?"</span>
June grips your cock tightly and squeezes.
<span class="june-text">"Yeah $player.firstName what's the delay for?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sorry. We are on our way. Just give us a few more minutes."</span>
You laugh as you hang up the phone.
<span class="mc-text">"Come here."</span>
You grab June picking her up off the floor; nearly tossing her around like a rag-doll. You throw her onto the sofa. She spreads her legs knowing what you want. You slam your cock into her pussy without any delay.
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day4/Sex.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck."</span>
You let out a long moan as you cum inside her.
<video id="video" autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day4/Cum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June looks up at you. <span class="june-text">"What a mess."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Shit."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Housekeeping. Sir? We are coming in."</span>
June quickly pulls up her clothes and you run to the bathroom and quickly get dressed.
[[Head home with June|June Hotel Day 4][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You quickly made it out of the hotel room without them seeing or noticing anything. As you're driving home June looks over at you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/Day4/Driving.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Well. Back to the daily grind."</span> Sighs sighs a bit.
<span class="mc-text">"Yes. Unfortunately that's part of life. I'd like you to start coming to sessions at BLC though."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And June, please be discreet."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Of course. Though this is your problem."</span>
June spreads her legs. You glance down and see the passenger seat is completely soaked. Shortly after you pull up to the apartment.
<span class="june-text">"I'll see you inside."</span>
You grab a shirt from your suitcase and clean up the mess on your seat, throwing the shirt away on your way upstairs. The weekend was fun, but time to get back to work.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(6); AddMinutes(15); AddEvent("June", "Hotel"); $bimbos.june.bimbo += 5; $bimbos.june.slut += 5; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 5; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 14;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You awaken to hearing June talking to your mom quite loudly; they seem to be arguing already.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh come on, already?"</span> You mumble as you walk toward June's room.
By the time you get there your mom is gone. You push the door open.
<span class="mc-text">"What's the deal June?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"She started it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It doesn't matter June, you know better."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah, yeah."</span> June sits on her couch and turns on the TV.
You need to pee so you head into her bathroom. As you start peeing you glance down into the bathroom trash.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/After/Test.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"What the?"</span>
You walk out of the bathroom and close the bedroom door.
<span class="mc-text">"June what is this?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/After/June.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"What? Why are you going through my trash?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It was right on top. Kind of hard to miss."</span>
<span class="june-text">"It doesn't matter."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We used protection, you're on the pill. Why?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I felt kind of sick; wanted to make sure."</span>
Close one this time.
<span class="mc-text">"OK. I'm going to go take a nap."</span>
June lets her hair down and takes off her top.
<span class="june-text">"Me too,. Too bad huh?"</span> June laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Nothing. Get outta here."</span>
June throws her shirt at you. You didn't really contemplate those risk; though you probably should have.
[[Go back to sleep|June Hotel After][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
As you sleep you dream of June and your weekend with her.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Hotel/After/Sleep.jpg" height="600">
You awaken drenched in sweat. You look over at the clock, it's already midday.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(4); AddEvent("June", "Test"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\You ask June if she'd like to do a photoshoot today.
<span class="mc-text">"Let's try something, I just want you to relax and be comfortable. Don't change, just wear what you are wearing. Let's get warmed up to the camera."</span>
June agrees and walks to the photo studio with you.
<span class="june-text">"Where do I stand?"</span>
You point toward the wall.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/1/1.jpg" height="600">
You crack a few jokes and June loosens up. She pulls down the straps to her tank top.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/1/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Turn around for me."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/1/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Perfect. Look at me."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/1/4.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Stunning June, Look at this last picture."</span>
You show June the close up of her face. It looks amazing. The lighting, her eyes; it's perfect.
<span class="june-text">"Wow. That did turn out really good. Thank you."</span>
''June is now more of an Exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "PhotoShoot1"); $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You ask June if she'd like to do another photoshoot today.
<span class="mc-text">"This time June I'd like for you to put on the outfit I picked out."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Where is it?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's behind the changing wall over there."</span>
June walks around the corner and begins to dress.
<span class="june-text">"Isn't this top a little small and uh, See through?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No. It'll be perfect."</span>
June walks around the corner tugging at her top a bit.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/2/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"You look stunning June."</span>
You snap a picture.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/2/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Give me a little pose."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/2/3.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/2/4.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/2/5.jpg" height="600">
[[Tell June to get down on the floor|June Photoshoot 2][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
June sits down on the floor.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/2/6.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Can you bend over for me?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/2/7.jpg" width="600">
[[Finish the photoshoot|June Photoshoot 2][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
After you finish the shoot with June she walks back over to the changing room. You can't help but stare at those satin panties as she walks away. After a few moments you head to the changing room yourself to talk with June about her training.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey June, I wanted to talk with you..."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/2/8.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"Excuse me."</span>
June turns back looking at you. She's topless in some tight white jeans.
<span class="june-text">"Can I help you?"</span> June giggles and turns around.
<span class="mc-text">"I just wanted to talk to you about the photoshoots. I'd like to do more, but I wanted to know what you think."</span>
You can't seem to take your eyes off that ass.
<span class="june-text">"It's fine; kinda fun at times."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, we can do more any time you'd like."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Sure, why not."</span>
June shrugs it off and continues to fix her makeup.
''June is now more of an exhibitionist''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "PhotoShoot2"); $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You have a special surprise for June today. You wonder if she will even go along with it. You lay out a purple bikini. Off to the side you place a bottle of baby oil.
<span class="mc-text">"I've laid out an outfit for you."</span>
June walks over and sees the bikini. She picks up the top by a finger.
<span class="june-text">"An outfit?"</span> She laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah."</span>
June pauses.
<span class="june-text">"You call this an outfit?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I do."</span>
She stares at you with the bikini top dangling from her finger.
<span class="june-text">"Ugh, what the hell."</span>
June starts walking off to the changing room.
<span class="mc-text">"No, right there."</span>
June looks at you sheepishly for a second then drops the top. She pulls up her shirt and stares at you while getting undressed. Almost like she's trying to prove a point.
<span class="june-text">"Happy?"</span> June walks over to the white screen.
<span class="mc-text">"I am. You should be too."</span>
[[Take photos of June|June Photoshoot 3][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You spool up the camera and begin taking shots.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/3/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"There is some baby oil there, try using that."</span>
June walks over and grabs the oil, she pours it down her chest and her body begins to glisten.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/3/2.jpg" height="600">
June turns around and rubs it all over her booty.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/3/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Make sure to get it everywhere."</span>
June looks you in the eyes. She pulls her top apart, displaying her tits and then pulls down her panties just slightly and pours it down toward her pussy.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/3/4.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Relax June. Have fun with it."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/3/5.jpg" width="600">
June crawls on all fours pouring oil all over her body.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/3/6.jpg" width="600">
''June is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "PhotoShoot3"); $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\You grab June for another photoshoot.
<span class="mc-text">"I've picked another outfit for you."</span>
June walks over and sees leather pants, black bra, and panties.
<span class="june-text">"All black today?"</span>
She looks over at you and smiles.
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah. It's good to try new things and express yourself."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I'll take your word for it."</span>
June begins getting undressed and putting on the outfit.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/4/1.jpg" height="600">
June turns her butt toward you and deliberately pulls the leather pants up over her butt, pointed right at you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/4/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"I like these pants."</span> She walks over to the mirror and applies a dark lipstick. <span class="june-text">"I kind of dig it. Not my thing; but I like these pants."</span> June runs her hands down her legs.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/4/3.jpg" height="600">
June turns around and grabs the side of her thighs, showing you her tightm little ass.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/4/4.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"I think I might wear leather more often."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I don't think anyone would complain."</span>
You both begin laughing.
''June is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "PhotoShoot4"); $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You lay out a sports outfit for June today. The goal being to let June have fun.
<span class="mc-text">"Let's have some fun today June. I've picked a cute sporting outfit for today's shoot."</span>
June picks up the top and sizes it up against her chest. <span class="june-text">"This is super cute. I'd wear this around the house. Would make for a great football night outfit."</span>
<span class="mc-text">Let's see it on."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hold your horses cowboy."</span>
June laughs and begins taking off her clothes. First on are the bottoms, which are essentially short shorts. She pulls the jersey top over her head and turns around to you.
<span class="june-text">"I should be a cheerleader? Could make anyone a fan."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/5/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">Probably."</span> You chuckle, but know it's true. <span class="mc-text">Let me see the back."</span>
June spins around.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/5/2.jpg" height="600">
[[Take some photos with June|June Photoshoot 5][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You grab a football and toss it to June.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/5/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Let's go into the hallway."</span>
The two of you walk out of the studio. June toses you the ball and you throw it back. She giggles as you snap a picture.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/5/3.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hold it on your side. Like a running back."</span>
June awkwardly holds the ball near her hip.
<span class="mc-text">No like that weirdo."</span> You imitate the motion of a running back holding the ball, June finally gets it and you take another photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/5/4.jpg" height="600">
[[Take more photos|June Photoshoot 5][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You take the football from June and walk around her sizing her up.
<span class="mc-text">"So what do you think?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"It was fun, and I like the outfit. Good choice. How do you like it?"</span> June walks up presses her hand on your chest.
<span class="june-text">"Don't you like it Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
She slides her hand down over your cock and begins unzipping your pants.
<span class="june-text">"I could wear this all season."</span>
June pulls out your cock and begins stroking it.
<span class="mc-text">"Ugh."</span>
You lean your head back slightly and let out a quiet moan. Looking down at June you run your hand through her hair as she descends to her knees in front of you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/5/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June wraps her lips tightly around your cock and begins sucking. She eagerly swallows you and strokes her hand back and forth quickly as she stares up into your eyes.
<span class="mc-text">"Damn you look sexy."</span>
You can't resist and reach down putting your hands behind June's head, pushing her further onto your cock. June rides the rythmn and bobs her head back and forth.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/5/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Keep going|June Photoshoot 5][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
It does not take long for June to start making a mess as her drool begins to leak from her mouth and down her chin. She licks her lips and sloppily goes back to sucking your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/5/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As June wraps her lips back around your cock and starts bobbing her head back and forth, you can't resist the temption to push her further on your cock again.
<span class="june-text">"MMMmm!!"</span>
June presses her hands against your legs as she struggles to take a breath, but you're on the edge. You strain your legs, and grab a hold of June's head as you explode in her mouth.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/PhotoShoot/5/9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "PhotoShoot5"); $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 2;>>\
<</if>>\<<if CheckEvent("June", "SixthVisit") and not CheckEvent("June", "Home") and not GameDayIs("Saturday") and not GameDayIs("Sunday")>>\
[[You are woken up by a call from your mom|June Move In][SetHours(5)]]
<<elseif $bimbos.june?.exhibitionistTraining gte 5 and not CheckEvent("June", "HouseGym")>>\
[[You wake up to noise from the gym|June House Gym]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Tiffany", "BuildingText") and CheckEvent("June", "StripClubDancingFirstTime") and CheckEvent("June", "HouseGym") and not CheckEvent("June", "TiffanySex")>>\
[[You notice June is up early|June Tiffany Sex]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("June", "Apology") and not CheckEvent("June", "BratMorning")>>\
[[You are woken by someone sneaking into your room|June Brat Morning]]
<<elseif $bimbos.june?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("June", "Hotel") and not CheckEvent("June", "Test")>>\
[[You are woken by the sound of arguing|June Hotel After][$passageRoute to 1]]
<</if>>\You're woken up by the sound of your phone vibrating on your bedside table. Your room is dark and the sun has not yet risen. The only source of light is your phone flashing up a photo of your mom.
You wake up, angry.
<span class="mc-text">"It's 5 o'clock in the goddamn morning, you at least usually wait until-"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Just shut up and listen for a moment, OK?"</span>
Your mom sounds angry, and exhausted, and anxious. You comply.
There's silence, then a loud sigh, then she begins to speak. <span class="sofia-text">"Your sister has been kicked out by her uncle, and we're-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"WHAT?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"-and we're LUCKY that she probably won't be prosecuted."</span>
You're shocked into silence.
<span class="mc-text">"What the fuck happened?"</span>
She sighs again. <span class="sofia-text">"Look, I'm about 20 minutes from yours, I'm coming over. I'll tell you all about it then, OK?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK, OK, OK. I'll see you soon."</span>
[[You start making coffee|June Move In Arrive][AddMinutes(20)]]You get out of bed, put on a dressing gown to keep yourself warm after it got chilly overnight, then go to the kitchen and put on the coffee machine. Only the kitchen lights are on and as the coffee machine reaches its loudest, gurgliest point, your mom unlocks your door and walks in. She's wearing a beautiful dress, but it's clear she hasn't slept tonight.
You look at her and she smiles, then she looks at the coffee machine. She sticks out her hand and leaves it hanging in the air until you hand her a full cup of coffee. She sits down at the kitchen counter.
<span class="sofia-text">"So. This has been a night."</span>
You sit down opposite her with your own cup of coffee. <span class="mc-text">"What happened?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Well... June stole a necklace, an expensive necklace, from your uncle's wife. She wore it when she went out with her friends and apparently lost it after a drunken fight with a bouncer who didn't believe her fake ID. She was arrested for hitting the bouncer, and for having a fake ID."</span>
Your eyes are wide and your jaw dropped. <span class="mc-text">"Fuck."</span>
Your mom nods. <span class="sofia-text">"Fuck indeed. I managed to persuade your uncle to not report the theft. The cops had agreed to let her go with a summons for public intoxication, but if that had been reported too... But he has refused to let her stay with him any longer."</span>
You shake your head. <span class="mc-text">"Oh June... Where is she now?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"She's being processed out of jail by our lawyer. Then she's coming here."</span>
You nod. You're not too keen on dealing with recently released June, but you won't say anything for your mom's sake.
<span class="mc-text">"She won't be happy that she has to go back home..."</span>
Your mom looks at you, raises her eyebrows slightly and twists her face to the side. <span class="sofia-text">"Well..."</span>
[[Continue|June Move In Plan]]You can't stop yourself from shouting. <span class="mc-text">"You want me to take her?!?"</span> Your mom's eyes widen in shock and you begin to whisper loudly, not wanting to wake up Stella or Charlotte. <span class="mc-text">"What do you expect me to-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey. HEY. Just listen to me for a moment. OK?"</span>
You sigh and shrug dramatically. <span class="mc-text">"Fuck it."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"June's a spoiled brat who has no idea of real life. Right?"</span> You nod. <span class="sofia-text">"It pains me to say it but you have the most grounded life of anyone I can turn to. Yes this entire... bimbo thing... is strange, but you have normal people in your life, people who aren't millionaires who think - who KNOW - that they can buy their way out of any difficulty or consequences."</span>
<<if $bimbos.hang?.transformLevel is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"If you haven't forgotten I've already got three women living with me. Stella, the teacher turned stripper. Charlotte, vying for New York's sluttiest woman, and innocent Hang."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"If you haven't forgotten I've already got two women living with me. Stella, the teacher turned stripper, and her daughter, who is currently vying for the title of New York's sluttiest woman."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I know, I know... But they're good people. They're nice women, they're nicer than most of the women June knows. As ridiculous as it is to say, I think they - and you - would be a good influence on June. Besides..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Besides what?"</span>
She exhales loudly through her nose. <span class="sofia-text">"You are good at shaping women. At helping them become better. Maybe you could use some of those skills to stop June being such a..."</span> She laughs, but continues. <span class="sofia-text">"Such a spoiled little bitch."</span>
You look at her and frown, clenching your jaw as you angrily put down your coffee cup. But your mom knows that she's won you over, or at least beaten you into submission, and showing the first smile since she walked in she hops around the counter to give you a hug.
<span class="mc-text">"You'll have to help, though."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Of course, of course. I won't just dump her on you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And my house, my rules."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Whatever you say goes."</span>
[[Continue|June Move In Prepare][SetHours(6)]]Before June arrives you go and wake up Stella. You explain the situation to her and ask her to give you some space, then also ask her to make sure no one else disturbs you.
When you return to the kitchen your mom is standing up. <span class="sofia-text">"She's just outside."</span> June buzzes and your mom lets her in, and as your mom stands by the door you sit at the kitchen counter.
June knocks, and your mom opens the door. She says nothing. June's face is red and puffy, her makeup has run, but she's still in heels and a tiny, shiny dress. She goes in for a hug from your mom, but your mom steps back and dodges it.
<span class="sofia-text">"We need to talk in the office. $player.firstName?"</span>
You stand up and follow your mom and June, who is once again crying and whining. <span class="june-text">"I just need a hug..."</span>.
When you're in your office your mom and June sit on the leather chairs at the small coffee table, and you take your desk chair, swiveling around to look at them.
Your mom stares at June, piercing her with her disgusted gaze, before beginning to speak. <span class="sofia-text">"You've disgraced yourself tonight June. Stealing? Fighting? Getting arrested? Behaving like a drunken idiot out on the streets? What WERE you thinking?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"It's not my fault! I didn't have a nice necklace and stupid Aunt Sarah wouldn't lend me one, and I didn't think she'd mind if it went missing, and I am small, I don't know how to drink that well, and the bouncer was really, really mean. I didn't hit him, I just tried to grab my ID back, and-"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Enough!"</span> Your mom slaps her hands on the sides of the chair and then leans forward pointing at June.<span class="sofia-text">"You've always got excuses. It's always someone elses fault. Why can you never take responsibility for yourself?"</span>
June begins to sob.
[[Continue|June Move In Talk][SetHours(8)]]You sit there basically saying nothing, only nodding or agreeing when prompted to by your mom.
Half an hour passes.
<span class="sofia-text">"...just get yourself together and stop being so spoiled..."</span>
An hour passes.
<span class="june-text">"...maybe if dad ACTUALLY paid attention to me..."</span>
An hour and a half passes.
<span class="june-text">"...you're right, I'm sorry, I'm just... I don't know..."</span>
Two hours pass.
<span class="sofia-text">"You promise? You'll try and behave like an adult?"</span>
June nods meekly. Her face is as red as you've ever seen it and by now her mascara has leaked down to stain her dress.
Your mom hands her a tissue, then gets out of the chair to hug her.
<span class="sofia-text">"What are we going to do with you, hey?"</span> June begins to cry again, and after hugging her for about 20 seconds your mom sits back down. Once June's crying subsides again your mom looks at you. <span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName has gracefully agreed to let you stay with him now that you can no longer stay at your uncle's."</span>
June looks down at your feet and responds in a quiet, mousy voice. <span class="june-text">"Thank you, $player.firstName. I promise I will be good."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"We'll make sure of that. I'll be around a lot to help, but under this roof it is his rules. Do you understand that?"</span> June nods. <span class="sofia-text">"However he wants to do things here is how you have to do them. If you don't like it, you can come back to Connecticut and finish school there. Do you understand?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I understand."</span>
Your mom looks at you. <span class="sofia-text">"Is there anything you want to say?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June?"</span> June looks up at you. <span class="mc-text">"I will go over this in more detail later, but I have a certain lifestyle, a certain way of living, and while I'm doing you the favor of allowing you to stay with me I am not willing to compromise it. I live a very... adult... life, and if you can't accept that then you will have to go home."</span>
She looks at you curiously.
<<if $bimbos.hang?.transformLevel is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Three other women live in this house with me, and you have to be prepared to see them - and me - naked."</span> June frowns a little here, but doesn't look overly concerned. <span class="mc-text">"You are also going to have to grow up, and figure out how to live like an adult, and with adults. Not spoiled rich kids, or their parents, or their servants, but normal adults. I will introduce you to them, but I expect you to get along with them. If you don't, you will be the one who has to leave, not them. Have I made myself clear?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Two other women live in this house with me, and you have to be prepared to see them - and me - naked."</span> June frowns a little here, but doesn't look overly concerned. <span class="mc-text">"You are also going to have to grow up, and figure out how to live like an adult, and with adults. Not spoiled rich kids, or their parents, or their servants, but normal adults. I will introduce you to them, but I expect you to get along with them. If you don't, you will be the one who has to leave, not them. Have I made myself clear?"</span>
She sniffs and wipes the snot from her nose with her tissue. <span class="june-text">"Yes, $player.firstName. I understand. I'll be good."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK."</span> You stand up. <span class="mc-text">"I'll show you to your room."</span>
With the house so full you're down to only having three spare rooms now, and to help ground her you decide to give June the smallest one, and one of the only two that does not have an en suite bathroom. The room has a large bed, a dresser, and a desk, but compared to most of your apartment it feels cramped. The only consolation is the view of Manhattan from the sole window.
You can see June look around skeptically. <span class="june-text">"But..."</span>
You stare at her. <span class="mc-text">"But what?"</span>
She shakes her head. <span class="june-text">"Nothing. Thank you..."</span> You begin to leave the room but she quietly calls after you. <span class="june-text">"Can I have a shower?"</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"Sure. There should be towels in the dresser, and you can use the shower in the bathroom in the hallway."</span>
You walk out of the room and back to the living room where your mom is smiling at you.
<span class="sofia-text">"I think that went well. Really busted her balls, hopefully it keeps her in line long enough for everything else to start working on her."</span>
You laugh.
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I've never seen her so... So... Easy going."</span>
You and your mom chat for a few minutes more about June, then she goes to sleep for a little in her room as you go and let the others know that they don't need to avoid you any more.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("June", "Home"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 7;>>\Sounds like the bike; who is up this early? You haven't even had your coffee yet but you are intrigued by who might be working out this early. You decide to check it out. As you enter the gym, you see a girl cycling; in their panties.
What the hell?
You stare and realize it's June. Good for her trying to become fitter. You turn to walk away and take another look. She looks... great.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Gym/Bike.jpg" height="600">
You decide not to interrupt her workout.
''June is now much more of a bimbo.''
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("June", "HouseGym"); $bimbos.june.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 2; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\You notice June walking through the house in a high-cut pink top and jean shorts.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/June.jpg" height="600">
She's almost never gets up this early, and you wonder What kind of trouble she is up to.
<span class="mc-text">"You are up early."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I have things to do today."</span> June smiles happily.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh, like what?"</span>
June motions at you. <span class="june-text">"None of your business actually. I finally have the place to myself today. Going to enjoy it while I can. Don't need your nosey butt around here either."</span>
It's true. June is in the smallest of the rooms in the apartment and it has been quite noisy lately.
<span class="mc-text">"Uh huh. What you mean is your going to sit around and watch movies all day."</span> You head for the door.
<span class="june-text">"And. What's wrong with that? At least I'm not staring at tits all day."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Uh huh. Whatever."</span>
<span class="june-text">"That's what I thought."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Have fun doing a whole lotta nothing. I'll be back around dinner."</span>
The brother-sister banter between the two of you is palpable.
<span class="june-text">"See ya nerd."</span>
You close the door and head out toward your car.
[[Go to work|June Tiffany Sex 2]]Meanwhile...
June gets comfortable on the sofa. She scrolls through the channels, finding little of interest, until she gets to the playboy channel.
<span class="june-text">"Finally, some me time."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"That's hot."</span> June whispers to herself as she is staring at the two girls on the screen. June starts to play with herself, moaning softly. <span class="june-text">"Oww."</span>
What June didn't realize, is you left the door unlocked.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Hello? $player.firstName?"</span>
[[This should be interesting|June Tiffany Sex 3]]<span class="june-text">"Ohh yeah. MMMmmfff"</span> June exhales loudly.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Tiffany walks throughout the house searching for you, but to no avail. Eventually she runs into June in the living room area.
<span class="tiffany-text">"You must be June?"</span>
June starts and quickly changes the channel. <span class="june-text">"Uhm, hello. Who are you?"</span> Her face is beet red.
<span class="tiffany-text">"Tiffany, a friend of your brother."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh, his ex. How'd you get in here?"</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"The door was open, and yes."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Shit."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Well young lady, you don't disappoint."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh and how's that?"</span> June, now irritated, crosses her arms and looks at Tiffany.
<span class="tiffany-text">"Just like your brother, a bit of an asshole and a pervert."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What? I am not!"</span>
Tiffany grabs the blanket.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Hey! What the shit!" </span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Like I said."</span>
Tiffany grabs the remote and hits last channel. The porn comes back on.
<span class="tiffany-text">"So you are a pervert."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Whatever. Get out of here."</span> June covers herself back up with the blanket.
<span class="tiffany-text">"Where is $player.firstName anyway? Not like he has a real job."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Gone."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Well aren't you helpful."</span>
<span class="june-text">"He's at work, you should go there."</span>
June stares down Tiffany.
<span class="tiffany-text">"How about we restart. Hi, I'm Tiffany."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Like I said, he's at work."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"What exactly does he do again?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Tell women like you how to live."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Oh really? Do I look like that woman to you? I bet he's got you on a leash though."</span> Tiffany smirks back.
<span class="june-text">"Does not."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Uh huh. You just do what you want?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"...No."</span>
[[The girls continue to talk|June Tiffany Sex 4]]<span class="tiffany-text">"It's OK to be sexual. Being hot, sexy, and confident has its benefits. Though I don't know if I'd do it in the living room."</span> Tiffany begins to laugh.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/Tiffany.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Yeah yeah, I get it. Can you please leave?"</span>
Tiffany sits next to June and leans forward.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/Tiffany2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="tiffany-text">"Listen girl. I am serious; you are beautiful. Stand up for yourself. Be yourself for you, not something for someone else. Be sexy as hell if you want to; or a kinky bastard."</span>
They both laugh.
<span class="june-text">"I am a little tired of his shit."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"You're telling me. On another note, got some time to burn till I can talk to $player.firstName. What is there to do around here? Unless we continue watching."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Really?"</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"I mean I like porn too."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Do you like having fake tits?"</span> June blurts out quickly.
<span class="tiffany-text">"Well, you are up front."</span>
June blushes. <span class="june-text">"Sorry."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"It's fine hun. I do. You want to feel them?"</span>
Tiffany moves over by June. She reaches up and squeezes her tits.
<span class="june-text">"Wow they feel awesome. I don't think $player.firstName would like me getting any. Probably say I'm too young or some BS."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Screw him. You do what you want. Here, try them out."</span> Tiffany unbuttons her shirt and puts her tits in June's face. <span class="tiffany-text">"Have you ever played with a girl before?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Uhm, sort of."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Well let me teach you."</span>
[[Tiffany pulls the blanket off June|June Tiffany Sex 5]]<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"I don't know if we should be doing this."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Hush. Lay down."</span>
Tiffany pushes June down on her back.
<span class="june-text">"Why?"</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Just lay down."</span>
She climbs on top. <span class="tiffany-text">"It's pretty simple girl. Just lick around; take it slow."</span>
June slowly sticks out her tongue while Tiffany returns the favor.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Oh shit. Damn, you are better than your brother."</span>
Tiffany begins to lick June.
<span class="june-text">"Oh my god. Oh god."</span>
June begins to tremble and starts to orgasm, causing Tiffany to snicker.
<span class="tiffany-text">"I guess you were already close."</span>
June looks up. <span class="june-text">"I like feeling your tits on me. They're hard... but squishy."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"You can play with them."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[They keep playing|June Tiffany Sex 6]]Meanwhile, you arrive home from work to see if June would like to accompany you for some lunch.
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Apartment.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"June?"</span>
You wander around the house looking for her, then head toward her room mumbling. <span class="mc-text">"You better not be asleep."</span> You knock on her door and open it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"What the..."</span> The girls don't even notice you. <span class="mc-text">"Ahem!"</span> That get their attention.
<span class="june-text">"Oh my god. What the hell $player.firstName!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What the hell are you doing here Tiffany? Get out."</span> You motion angrily to the door.
<span class="tiffany-text">"Oh please $player.firstName, relax."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June get dressed."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Stop telling me what to do and get out of my room!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June. Now."</span>
June looks upset. She stares at the floor, then looks back up at you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/JuneAngry.jpg" width="600">
<span class="june-text">"I'm so tired of you always bossing me around."</span>
She starts tearing up while her and Tiffany put on their clothes.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/Tiffany3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="tiffany-text">"Chill $player.firstName, we were just having fun. Nice to see you by the way."</span>
Tiffany buttons up her shirt as she leave the room.
<span class="mc-text">"June stay in your room."</span>
You slam the door shut.
[[Confront Tiffany|June Tiffany Sex 7]]<span class="mc-text">"You can't just barge in here and do that shit Tiffany. Seriously, what the hell are you doing."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Tiffany/Tiffany4.jpg" height="600">
<span class="tiffany-text">"My god $player.firstName, for the last time relax. She was being a perv when I walked in. We talked, it got weird. Who cares."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I don't care that she's messing around with another girl. But with my ex-girlfriend? Come on."</span> You angrily lash out.
<span class="tiffany-text">"Whatever. I was on a business trip, stopped by, the door was open. I didn't think you'd be so offended."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I wouldn't have been if I didn't come home to you fucking June in her bedroom."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Hardly fucking. And are we a bit up tight now? Relax."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Don't start."</span>
You see June peeking around the corner.
<span class="mc-text">"June not now, go back to your room."</span>
<span class="june-text">"You are such an asshole."</span>
June stomps away.
<span class="tiffany-text">"See? Why do you have to talk to her like that."</span> Tiffany looks upset.
<span class="mc-text">"Please mind your own business Tiffany. What do you want?"</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Nothing I guess. I'll see you around $player.firstName. Seems like I may be in the area more often if the business deal goes well. Let's catch up sometime when you are not being a prick."</span>
Tiffany walks herself out.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "TiffanySex"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Brat/Morning/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
What the hell is June doing?
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Brat/Morning/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Stop June|June Brat Morning 2]]<span class="mc-text">"Uhm, excuse you."</span>
You jump up out of bed.
June startles. <span class="june-text">"What?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Brat/Morning/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She spins around and sighs. <span class="june-text">"Umm."</span> She is hiding something behind her back. <span class="june-text">"I was just seeing if you were awake."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh really?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think not. What did you take from the drawer."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Nothing."</span>
You have a sudden realization that June stole from you, got caught, and is trying to lie her way out of it.
<span class="mc-text">"Whats in your hand then?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I said nothing."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Give it to me."</span>
June holds out her hand, a wad of cash in it.
You take the disappointed route. <span class="mc-text">"I expected much more from you June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I wanted to buy a dress I saw..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That does not mean you can steal for it! I thought you were going to try to be a better person, to improve yourself. We've made all this progress and you're back to square one."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I was going to pay you back; and it was sock drawer money anyway. You probably didn't even know it was there."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That does not mean you are just free to take it. Guess we'll see what mom has to say."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Brat/Morning/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Please don't tell her! Come on."</span>
You pause. <span class="mc-text">"Fine. But you have to start training again, and actually make an effort."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK. But, can I have the money? I really want that dress."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure, whatever."</span>
June walks out of your bedroom all giddy. This girl, she's going to make you age a hundred years by the time she grows up.
''June is now much more of a Brat.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "BratMorning"); $bimbos.june.brat += 5; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<switch $bimbos.june.slutTraining>>\
<<case 0>>\
<<include [[June Slut Training 1]]>>\
<<case 1>>\
<<include [[June Slut Training 2]]>>\
<<case 2>>\
<<include [[June Sofia Training Talk]]>>\
<<case 3>>\
<<include [[June Slut 1]]>>\
<<case 4>>\
<<include [[June Slut 2]]>>\
<<include [[June Slut 3]]>>\
<</switch>>\You walk around the house looking for your mom. The training session with June needs to be addressed.
<span class="mc-text">"Mom?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I'm in here!"</span> You hear her yell from her room. The door is cracked open; you walk up and push open the door. She is laying on the bed in her underwear talking on the phone.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Bedroom/1.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Bedroom/1b.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Hold on a sec. Yes $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Mom, can we talk?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Let me call you back in a few minutes."</span> Sofia hangs up the phone.
<span class="mc-text">"Can you put some clothes on?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"You came into my room... OK. But it's not like you haven't seen me before."</span>
Sofia gets up and starts putting on some clothes. Damn, her jeans are tight. She bends over to grab her shirt and you're completely distracted by her ass as she pulls her pants up.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Bedroom/2.jpg" width="600">
You snap back into it. <span class="mc-text">"I wanted to apologize for the lesson with June. That was unacceptable."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I was pretty shocked to be honest. You were supposed to be teaching her."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I know. Like I said, it was wrong and I am sorry."</span>
You zone out again. Sofia has now stood up in front of you and is taking off her lacy bra. She then grabs a pushup sporty type bra, whilst you are just standing there staring. You can't stop thinking about her beautiful tits.
<<if CheckEvent("Sofia", "RoomEvent")>>\
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
How desperately you want to fuck them.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Bedroom/3-2.jpg" height="600">
You should take her right now.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Bedroom/4-2.jpg" width="600">
Cum all over her face and tits. You both know she truly wants it.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Bedroom/5-2.jpg" width="600">
How desperately you want to fuck them.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Bedroom/3-1.jpg" width="600">
You should take her right now.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Bedroom/4-1.jpg" width="600">
Cum all over her face and tits. You both know she truly wants it.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Bedroom/5-1.jpg" width="600">
You snap out of it. Sofia is standing in front of you, bra hanging from her finger with her tits in your face. You didn't even realize she had moved closer and placed her other hand on the front of your pants squeezing your cock.
You snap out of it. Sofia is standing in front of you, bra hanging from her finger with her tits in your face. You didn't even realize she had moved closer.
<span class="sofia-text">"Distracted?"</span>
You start to stammer.
<span class="sofia-text">"It's fine baby. We all let our desires get the best of us sometimes. But that croqueuse de diamant isn't going to manipulate my boy."</span> Sofia finishes getting dressed like nothing happened.
<span class="mc-text">"We'll do better next time."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh? Another lesson?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, she seems receptive. Going to take the opportunity and try to patch things up with Charlotte at some point as well."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"That's good. Let me know how it goes."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.june.slutTraining += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\You walk into June's room for her next training lesson. She's laying on the bed in a pair of jeans and a cute white top.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Shopping/App1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"June."</span> You wave at her from the door. She doesn't see you. <span class="mc-text">"June."</span> You walk over and firmly smack her ass. She jumps.
<span class="june-text">"Hey! What the hell!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Get ready, it's time for your lesson."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Can't we just take the day off? I'm tired."</span> June looks at you sadly.
<span class="mc-text">"No, let's go. Meet me downstairs in 10."</span>
You gather your things while June gets ready. When she finally heads downstairs, you take her downtown. As you are walking you spend the time explaining how important it is to look good. <span class="mc-text">"To be happy, confident, and especially if you want to be a bimbo. This applies specifically to your personal commitment to being better."</span>
June asks you a few questions. She seems receptive to the discussion but wonders where you are taking her. While you have her open and talking you take the time to address her last training session.
<span class="mc-text">"June we really need to talk about the last lesson."</span>
June looks surprised. <span class="june-text">"What? Why?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You were manipulating me."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I was not."</span> She looks slightly annoyed.
<span class="mc-text">"June."</span> You look over at her sternly.
<span class="june-text">"Fine, maybe a little. But I was having fun. I mean, I did have fun."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That is not the point. You were being manipulative to get your way. I'm being serious, trying to help you be better. If we are going to keep doing this you need to actually put effort in too."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Okaayyyy. I get it."</span> June just wants this conversation to be over with.
<span class="mc-text">"No more fits or being manipulative?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah yeah."</span> June trails off and starts talking about something else. At least you tried.
You finally arrive at your destination.
[[Enter Modern Fashion|June Appearance Training Shopping]]You open the door.
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/ModernFashion.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Hello Sir. How can we help you today?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We'd like to try on some outfits for this young lady here."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Of course. The women's section is down and to the right. Fitting rooms are also at the back. Please let us know if you need any assistance."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thank you. We will let you know."</span>
You lead June to the back. She gets distracted looking at everything as you walk through the store.
<span class="mc-text">"Back here June."</span>
There's a nice seating area where you sit down. June starts looking through the hangers and comparing outfits.
<span class="mc-text">"You bring me what you like, and I'll vote yes or no."</span>
<span class="june-text">"That's not fair. Why do you get to choose?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Because I am the one paying."</span>
June laughs. <span class="june-text">"Fine. How about this?"</span> She holds up a polka dot skirt.
<span class="mc-text">"No. Are you kidding me?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"What? It's cute."</span> She puts it back. <span class="june-text">"And this?"</span> June holds up a blue dress.
<span class="mc-text">"Try it on."</span>
She goes back into the changing room and comes out in a sleek sexy blue dress; professional but appealing.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Shopping/Blue1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"I like it"</span>, June giggles.
<span class="mc-text">"Turn around."</span>
June spins, poking her ass out a bit for you.
<span class="june-text">"Like every guy wouldn't want it."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Shopping/Blue2.jpg" height="600">
You think to yourself she isn't lying.
June goes on to try a few more outfits. The ones that stand out to you were the red skirt dress and black summer skirt and top.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Shopping/Red1.jpg" height="600">
You comment to June how this one is also sexy and professional. The bright red suits her.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Shopping/Red2.jpg" height="600">
This one is cute, but you tell her that it looks a bit much like a schoolgirl. It is not a bad thing, just has a time and a place.
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Shopping/Spin.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
This one is beautiful. And June loves it too. While she is trying on more outfits you explain how there are many ways to take pride in your appearance. Again she asks a few questions; like what is desirable about bimbos, what men look for, and how to act. You explain the most sought after bimbo is the blonde, incredibly fit bimbo. But you remind her men have types, and all women can be bimbos.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Shopping/White1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After further discussion June tries on a white dress, with other motives on her mind. She leaves the curtain open and you watch her change. You can tell she's having fun. Lastly, June tries on various styles of shoes. From slut heels to cute fashionable and professional styles. There's a few that suit her look.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Shopping/Shoes1.webp" height="600">
After she is done trying on shoes you choose a few outfits for her that you liked best. She showed up in jeans and a white top. You buy a white top with a red skirt and some beautiful high heels.
<span class="mc-text">"Wear this home, you'll look great."</span>
She puts them on for you. <span class="june-text">"I actually kind of like it."</span>
You finish paying and June meets you outside.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Shopping/After1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"June you really do look great."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Thanks..."</span> June looks shy.
<span class="mc-text">"Seriously, be confident. You are beautiful."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Thank you"</span> she giggles.
<span class="mc-text">"Shall we?"</span>
You head home, talking about bimboism and how she can better herself. She actually seems receptive. It was a good day for you and June. Though it set you back just over $800.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(4); $player.cash -= 800; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist +=2; $bimbos.june.brat -= 3; $bimbos.june.exhibitionistTraining += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\Stella suddenly stops shouting, but she keeps riding you. You're sitting on the sofa. Stella's on top of you, while Charlotte is in the chair to your right, half watching you and Stella fuck, half watching an old episode of Friends.
It's been a relaxing day. An incredibly relaxing day, in fact. You woke up late and decided not to do any work, discovering that neither Stella nor Charlotte had any plans for the day. The three of you got bagels delivered for breakfast, then Charlotte jumped you. You fucked Charlotte in the ass as Stella cleaned up the living room around you, then the three of you settled in for the day.
Groundhog Day had just finished when Stella began to suck your dick. One thing led to another, and then...
Stella lets out a guttural, loud grunt. Her body shakes. She bounces up and down on your dick a couple last times, then she squeezes herself down onto you, her ass resting on your balls. You're still inside her when she flops down onto you, sweaty. Her face is all red and her hair is tangled.
Charlotte comes and sits next to you. She begins to brush Stella's hair out of her face. <span class="charlotte-text">"You got yours mom but Mr. $player.lastName didn't get his. You want me to finish him off for you?"</span>
Stella begins to nod, but you shake your head. <span class="mc-text">"Later."</span> You then kiss Stella on the forehead. She rests on you for a few minutes and you feel yourself grow soft inside her, until she stands up and heads for the shower. Charlotte pokes your dick, but you stand up and head to the kitchen sink to rinse it off.
When you're back Charlotte's put on something a little more racy than friends. You go and sit next to her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Slut/Porn1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"What's her name?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Uhhh...."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Black something... Whatever, she looks way better with fake tits."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You think that about everyone."</span> Charlotte snorts. You get out your phone and Google it. <span class="mc-text">"Black Angelika!"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck yeah. She used to have these..."</span>
Behind you, you hear the door open. It doesn't slam this time so you look over your shoulder and see June walking in with your mom.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Slut/Porn2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"...and they were tiny, but she was cute. But she got these bigger ones for the end of her career and I think they suited her. She's, like, Hungarian, or something."</span>
You stand up to greet them. <span class="mc-text">"Hey you two."</span> You kiss your mom on both cheeks, then turn to June. June's staring at the TV.
Charlotte turns around on the sofa to look at them, a big smile on her face. <span class="charlotte-text">"Hey June! Hey Mr. $player.lastName's mom!"</span>
You look at your mom. <span class="mc-text">"To what do I owe the pleasure?"</span>
She lifts up a bag. <span class="sofia-text">"I took June shopping after school. Want to see what we bought?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure."</span>
Your mom hands June a bag. <span class="sofia-text">"Go get changed."</span> June takes it, reluctantly.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Slut/Porn3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="charlotte-text">"See! Look, look how great her tits became. I swear Eastern European bimbos are the best."</span> Charlotte turns around. <span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName, you aren't looking."</span>
You walk over to Charlotte. <span class="mc-text">"They're great."</span>
Your mom follows you. <span class="sofia-text">"The oil is sexy."</span> She begins to take her clothes off and drape them over the back of the sofa.
June walks to her room. The three of you continue talking about Eastern European bimbos, when June walks in. Still wearing the same clothes.
Your mom is now fully naked, standing in front of the sofa, when June walks back in.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/June/Naked.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"You haven't changed, my lovely. Don't you want to show $player.firstName what I bought you?"</span>
June flops down and sits in the chair, not looking at the TV. <span class="june-text">"No."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Slut/Porn4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Why not?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I'm not going to display myself like a stripper when $player.firstName has put on weird porn."</span>
Your mom walks closer to her and takes her hand.<span class="sofia-text">"I bought you that as a gift-"</span>
You cut across your mom. <span class="mc-text">"June, you know the rules in this house, you can't-"</span>
Charlotte shouts over you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName didn't pick the porn, I did! And it's not weird! And there's nothing wrong with being a stripper, my mom's a stripper!"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Good for her, given how tacky you are I'm surprised she's not stuck sucking dick at a truck stop."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"WHAT? What the fuck did you say?"</span> Charlotte's about to get up out of her seat and get in June's face when you put your hand on her chest.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Slut/Porn5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte-"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck you, June!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte, leave this-"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"You're such a stuck up bitch, I wish you-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"CHARLOTTE!"</span> All the shouting stops. <span class="mc-text">"Leave this to me."</span> You look at your mom. <span class="mc-text">"Leave this to us. OK? Go check on your mom."</span>
Charlotte grunts angrily, but stands up. <span class="charlotte-text">"Bitch."</span>
June says nothing, but lifts her chin away from Charlotte in an aggressively haughty manner.
[[Continue|June Slut Training 1 Fight]]You turn off the TV. The room goes entirely silent. You're about to start laying into June when your mom beats you to the punch.
<span class="sofia-text">"How can you be so rude? How can you be so ungrateful? How can you be so mean? $player.firstName has taken you in, these women have taken you in, and you throw it back in their faces? Let me remind you, June, that they're doing this as a favour. You can come back to Connecticut, not just whenever you want, but when $player.firstName wants you to as well."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I don't care. Just because he's doing me a favor doesn't mean he can treat me so badly. I do everything he tells me to do. I do chores, I do homework, I... I..."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Take your clothes off in exchange for expensive things?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yes! I-"</span> June shakes her hands about. <span class="june-text">"I don't care. He always takes Charlotte's side, always! Always! Always!"</span> June's cycling up into full tantrum mode now. <span class="june-text">"She's just cheap, and so is her mom. Who just sits around the house watching porn? It's creepy. It's pathetic. I don't know why you're friends with them, $player.firstName, they're just trash. Just a stripper and her slut daughter."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Better a happy stripper and a kind slut than a mean, lonely bitch who can't keep any friends."</span> June's mouth opens and closes, but nothing comes out. You see her eyes wet and her face redden.
You mom sits down next to you and puts her hand on your forearm. <span class="sofia-text">"I know you're angry, but you don't have to be mean in exchange."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm not being mean. I'm telling the truth. Aren't I, June? You can't keep your friends."</span>
June begins to cry. As she does so your mom crosses over to her and then gives her a hug, but she says nothing. A wave of regret washes over you, followed quickly by a wave of flinty compassion.
<span class="mc-text">"Look, June, I'm angry because you were really hurtful to Charlotte. I didn't say anything that I didn't mean, but I do regret saying it to hurt you rather than to help you."</span>
June continues to wail. <span class="june-text">"I- I- I-"</span> She sniffs, and your mom passes her a tissue from the coffee table. <span class="june-text">"I try so hard! And I never get what I want."</span>
You open your mouth, but your mom stares daggers at you and you shut it. <span class="sofia-text">"June, you get most things that you want. What is it that you don't get?"</span>
She sniffs loudly and disgustingly. <span class="june-text">"Friends... Independence. A chance to be cool."</span> She sniffs again. <span class="june-text">"I just, like, it's so hard, I-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Do you want to go back to Connecticut?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"No, please, I just-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes or no?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"No, I don't want to. Please don't make me, I just-"</span>
You raise your voice slightly and lean in. <span class="mc-text">"If you want to stay here, then, you need to do a few things. OK?"</span>
She looks at you, but says nothing.
<span class="mc-text">"Firstly, you're going to apologize to Charlotte and to Stella."</span>
<span class="june-text">"To Stella? I didn't say anything to her, I-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You know why."</span> June looks down at the ground and you count out a second point on your fingers. <span class="mc-text">"Secondly, you're going to become friends with Charlotte. Not only is she kind and fun, but she's relaxed. And cool. You could learn a lot from her."</span>
June nods.
<span class="mc-text">"Thirdly, I'm going to help you learn how to be cooler and more relaxed. How to be less... Stuck up."</span> You see a flash of anger from behind June's eyes but she bites her tongue. <span class="mc-text">"But you're going to have to let me teach you. And mom will fully support me in this. But if you tell your dad, the entire thing is over. Do you understand?"</span>
She nods meekly. <span class="june-text">"Yes."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Tell me what you've just agreed to."</span>
She looks at you confused, then cottons on and begins to repeat back to you the agreement. <span class="june-text">"I will apologize to Charlotte and Stella. I'll become friends with Charlotte. And you will teach me how to be better."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And what?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"And... I won't tell daddy."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good."</span> You stand up. <span class="mc-text">"You can apologize now."</span> You start to shout down the hallway. <span class="mc-text">"Stella! Charlotte! Could you come here please!"</span>
You sit back down. Moments later the two approach. Stella is trying to maintain a neutral face, concealing a small part annoyance, and a small part amusement. <span class="stella-text">"Yes, $player.firstName?"</span>
Charlotte says nothing and, if possible, looks even angrier than before she left the room.
[[Continue|June Slut Training 1 Apology][AddHours(2)]]<span class="mc-text">"June has something she wants to say to both of you."</span>
June sniffs, and looks up at Stella and Charlotte.
June sniffs. <span class="june-text">"I'm sorry. Like, really, I'm super sorry."</span> She begins to cry a little bit again. <span class="june-text">"I- I- I shouldn't have insulted you and been rude about what you do."</span>
Stella speaks to June kindly. <span class="stella-text">"Charlotte told me what you said, yes. That wasn't very nice of you, was it?"</span>
June shakes her head.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mom, what!? She was acting like a total cunt, she-"</span>
Stella looks at Charlotte. <span class="stella-text">"Charlotte, you gotta learn how to gracefully accept an apology. Look at her, she's clearly upset."</span>
Charlotte scoffs. <span class="charlotte-text">"Fine. Thanks, June."</span>
June nods and smiles at them, but can't bare to hold eye contact with Charlotte for more than a second.
Stella walks over to the sofa where you're sitting down and scoots you over, away from June. <span class="stella-text">"It's a tough world for women, June. We've got to stick together, we've got to support each other, help each other. Give each other the benefit of the doubt. You're probably going through a lot right now, but women can't turn on other women. Not all men are like $player.firstName. This thing, this entire bimbo thing, a lot of it is about learning how to be a supportive woman. Before you arrived that was what this house was about, but you haven't been supportive. We want to include you in that, though. Do you want to start being a good, supportive woman?"</span>
June looks confused and you realise that you've never entirely filled her in on the 'entire bimbo thing'. But June nods. <span class="june-text">"I do, I really do."</span> She sniffs again.
<span class="stella-text">"You're good at makeup. $player.firstName, Sofia?"</span> Stella looks at you and mom. <span class="stella-text">"If you're OK with this, I would like to bring June with me to the club. She can learn a lot from the girls, and she can help us by using some of her great makeup skills."</span>
You nod, and look at your mom who nods back. <span class="mc-text">"I think that's a great idea, Stella."</span>
No one asks what June wants, but she nods. The conversation moves on slightly, to live at the strip club, when June looks at you. <span class="june-text">"Can I go to my room?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure. I'll come with you, though, I need to talk to you about something."</span>
[[Continue|June Slut Training 1 Finish]]You follow June to her room and she looks at you with a mixture of anxiety and exhaustion.
<span class="june-text">"Look, are you gonna make me change, because I-"</span>
You sit down on her bed and hold up your palm to stop her. <span class="mc-text">"No, no. Don't worry. I just... I wanted to say sorry for hurting you."</span>
June nods, then shrugs. <span class="june-text">"Thanks. I guess you weren't wrong, though."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And I also wanted to tell you the truth about my life. Stella's right, this is supposed to be a supportive house, but it was always going to be difficult for you to fit in if you don't know the full story."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Remember I said that Stella and Charlotte are bimbos?"</span>
June nods.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, I turned them into bimbos. Or, well, I helped them become good bimbos."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I run a company to help women become bimbos, it's called Bimbo Life Coaching. We have weekly sessions at a bar near here, and the women that really want to learn... Well I coach them, privately. Stella was my first proper client."</span>
You take out your phone, and continue talking as you scroll back through your old photos, before handing it to June.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stat1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"That's what Stella used to look like. When I met her she was quiet, and afraid. She was pretty even then, but she didn't like herself. She'd just come out of a divorce where her husband had cheated on her and left her for a younger woman. At first she just tried to become a bimbo to make him jealous, but after a while she realized how much she liked being a bimbo."</span>
<span class="june-text">"She's changed so much... And you did this to her?"</span> June looks at you with more than a little nervousness.
<span class="mc-text">"No. She did this herself. I just helped her develop the habits of mind, and the body, to fulfil what she actually wanted. You wrote off Stella for being a stripper, Charlotte for being a slut. But what I want you to realize is that they're living their own authentic life. I can help you do that too, but the first step is learning that each person has their own authentic self. What's your authentic self?"</span>
She shrugs, still looking at the photo of Stella. <span class="june-text">"I don't know."</span> She hands the phone back to you. <span class="june-text">"I mean, I like, I like how things are... I just want to be liked more, and to, like, you know, not get so upset with people."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"And if this is what you want, then that's fine. But make sure, OK? I want you to think about this. In the mean time we'll all take you under our wing, starting with you helping Stella at the strip club."</span>
June smiles her first smile in hours. <span class="june-text">"OK."</span>
You get up to leave the room when June clears her throat. <span class="june-text">"Can... Can I see what Charlotte used to look like?"</span>
You unlock your phone and find a photo of Charlotte.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Stat1.jpg" height="600">
You pass it to June.
<span class="june-text">"Wow... She looks so much better now."</span>
''You can now teach and guide June at home.''
''You can now visit June when she is with Stella at the strip club.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "StripClub"); $bimbos.june.slutTraining += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<if $bimbos.june.slut lte 16>><<set $bimbos.june.slut += 3>><</if>>\You walk through the house looking for June.
<span class="mc-text">"June? Juuuuunnnnne? Where are you?"</span>
You crack open the door to her room.
<span class="june-text">"Whhhhattt?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/Bed.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"It's time for your lesson."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh yayyyy..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, we talked about this remember? Time to shape up."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Fine."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What are we doing today then?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"First we obviously need to work on that attitude young lady."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Ugh."</span> After a moments silence she at least has the humility to look apologetic. <span class="june-text">"Sorry."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's alright, nothing we can't fix."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh great. Now I am just another one of your "projects"."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey now, come on."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Just tell me what we are going to do already."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Chores."</span>
June starts throwing a tantrum-<span class="june-text">"WHAT? YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME DO CHORES."</span>
You throw some clothes on the bed.
<span class="mc-text">"I do, but today you will be doing chores in this. On top of that, you are going to clean up after everyone today as a nice gesture. You need to make up for what you did the other day. Let me know once you've changed and you are ready to begin."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I'll see you at half past never then..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June!"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I'm changing, I'm changing. What do I get for this?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The satisfaction of being a good girl. Well, and maybe I'll take you shopping."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Deal, but I better get something nice."</span>
[[Wait for June to change|June Slut Training 2 Dress]]June shouts out from her room.
<span class="june-text">"I'm ready Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
You walk toward her room and come around the corner. Your jaw drops.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/Intro.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"June! You look beautiful."</span>
June seems to be having a little too much fun taking on the role of a maid. <span class="june-text">"Thank you. Who knew I could look so cute cleaning."</span> she twirls around.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/Showoff.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Continue|June Slut Training 2 Lesson]]<span class="mc-text">"Alright June. Today we are going to what?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Work on my 'attitude'...</span> June makes quotations with her hands. <span class="june-text">"And make up for being mean the other day."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And do you know any of the principles of bimboism?"</span>
June looks at you with a confused face. <span class="june-text">"Um, no. You've never mentioned anything like that."</span> She sits down as you start your traditional introductory speech.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/MaidOutfit.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"The 5 Principles of Bimboism are Pride in your appearance, Please those around you, Be your absolute best self, Be a source of joy, not stress, and Let yourself be taken care of."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Oh! I did hear you and Charlotte talking about that once."</span>
That was a better relation than you were expecting. Maybe June's training will not be as big an issue as you feared. <span class="mc-text">"Good so you have a slight idea of what I am talking about. Today we are working on being a source of joy, not stress."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I think I'm pretty joyful. You seem pretty happy."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June..."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What? You don't like how I look right now?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's about being a joyful person to be around for all parties involved; not creating stress. Your appearance is not central to this principle, though it could play a part in it. Today we are going to clean up this mess of a room, and then we are going to clean up the house. Specifically, help out Charlotte and Sofia to make up for the other day."</span>
June nods.
[[Continue|June Slut Training 2 Shopping]]You hear the front door open as Charlotte and Sofia return from shopping. <span class="mc-text">"First things first, start cleaning up this room and I'll be right back."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Should I go say sorry to them again?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No, just get this room in order."</span>
<span class="june-text">"OK"</span> she sighs.
You walk out of the room and see Sofia and Charlotte.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/SofiaTransform.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/Sofia.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Hey hunnie."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hi Mom, Hi Charlotte. You two are looking nice, did you have a good day?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"We went on a little shopping trip."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Sofia bought me this. It's so pretty."</span> Charlotte holds up a cute top.
<span class="mc-text">"I bet it looks great on you."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I'll go try it on for you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Before you go, I am working with June. Please try to let her focus so we can make some progress."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Sure hunnie, no problem."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh I cant wait. June's going to be so cute! At least when she's less of a brat. Good luck Mr. $player.lastName."</span> Charlotte runs off in the direction of her room.
[[Go back to the room with June|June Slut Training 2 Flirt]]You walk back into June's room and close the door behind you. Taking a look around June made short work of cleaning, though it wasn't necessarily that dirty.
<span class="mc-text">"That was quic-"</span> You look toward June and she's straddling a chair with her ass pointed at you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/JuneAss.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Need to relieve some stress?"</span> She giggles.
<span class="mc-text">"June this is serious. I'm trying to teach you something."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I am just trying to help."</span> June spins around on the chair and starts rubbing her pussy in front of you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/JuneFlirt.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Give in to June|June Slut Training 2 Blowjob]]June gets down on all fours and crawls over on top of the bed, motioning for you to join her. She kisses you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/Masturbate.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You start to rub June's pussy while kissing as she moans in pleasure.
<span class="june-text">"Can I suck your cock?"</span>
You pull out your stiff cock already dripping from the tip.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/Blowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June strokes and sucks your cock looking up at you. <span class="june-text">"See? I think I'm pretty good at relieving stress."</span>
Just as you are about to cum you hear a knock at the door.
<span class="mc-text">"Just a minute."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName, how's the lesson..."</span> The door opens.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/SofiaReactTransform.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName!"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/SofiaAngryTransform.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/SofiaReact.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName!"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/SofiaAngry.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck."</span>
June opens her mouth as you cum all over her face in front of Sofia.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/FirstTraining/Cum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Coming down off the high, you realize the situation you are currently in. <span class="mc-text">"What are you doing in here."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I came to see how your lesson was going. Obviously not very well."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Can you get out please."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"No $player.firstName, she's manipulating you again."</span>
June looks up at you licking the cum off her face. <span class="june-text">"Can we go shopping now?"</span>
You realize what you've done.
''June is now more of a brat.''
''Your mom is less happy with you.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); $bimbos.sofia.happiness -= 1; $bimbos.june.brat += 2; $bimbos.june.slutTraining += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<if $bimbos.june.slut lte 16>><<set $bimbos.june.slut += 3>><</if>>\You talk with June and take her to the living room. Porn is playing on the TV.
<span class="june-text">"Really?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Porn?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Just sit down."</span>
June sits down, giving you a glare. You try to ignore her and talk about the different types of porn and the satisfaction it can give.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Slut/Slut1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June flicks through the channels but does not seem convinced. She walks away a bit annoyed.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.june.slut += 1; $bimbos.june.slutTraining += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\You talk with June again and take her to the living room. Once again, porn is playing on the TV. June clicks through channels. She finds two gorgeous lesbians playing in a bathtub.
<span class="june-text">"Damn they are hot."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah they are."</span>
Shortly after June forgets that you are there and starts rubbing her pussy. Within a few minutes she's licking her fingers.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Training/Slut/Slut2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June suddenly realizes what she is doing and quickly stops, looking over at you. <span class="june-text">"What is your obsession with porn?"</span> She get up and walks away a bit annoyed.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.june.slut += 1; $bimbos.june.slutTraining += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\You talk with June again and take her to the living room. As usual, you have porn is playing on the TV.
<span class="mc-text">"How does porn make you feel?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Tingly... excited sometimes."</span> June seems a little more intrigued by it.
<span class="mc-text">"Pleasure has a way with people. You can feel it now. This is how you make other people feel June. It is a good thing. Embrace it."</span>
June continues watching for a short while. Eventually, she has had enough and trots away to her room. You let her leave without trying to push the subject too far.
<span class="mc-text">"Have a good day June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"You too"</span>, June trails off.
Within seconds you hear June moaning from her bedroom. Your training is working.
<<if $bimbos.june.slut lt 26>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.slut += 2>>\
''June is now much more of a slut.''
''June is already as much of a slut as she can become from repeating this scene.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<if not CheckEvent("June", "StripClubFirstTime")>>\
Tonight is the first time June is visiting the club. You decide to text Stella to see how things are going.
<span class="mc-text">Hey Stella. How is June doing at the club? $player.firstName.</span>
A few minutes later you receive a reply. <span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName. Good, she seems to be enjoying it and she has a knack for makeup.</span>
<span class="mc-text">What do you mean?</span>
<span class="stella-text">Maybe it is her thing? She looks great and is making all the other girls happy with her skills.</span>
<span class="mc-text">That's great, maybe we finally found her passion.</span>
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionist lt 24>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 2>>\
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''June is too much of an exhibitionist to be affected by this action.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("June", "StripClubFirstTime"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "StripClubStellaCall")>>\
You decide to call Stella and see how June is doing at the club.
<span class="mc-text">"Hi Stella, it's $player.firstName. Just calling to see how June is doing."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName! June is doing so well. The girls love her and she loves helping them get ready."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's great!"</span>
You are genuinely glad that June seems to have found a place where she is doing something she likes and is making friends.
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionist lt 24>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 2>>\
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''June is too much of an exhibitionist to be affected by this action.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("June", "StripClubStellaCall"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("June", "StripClubDancingFirstTime")>>\
As you are wandering to the living room, June passes you, a bounce in her step and a smile on her face.
<span class="mc-text">"You seems happy."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Dancing/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Yeah, the club is so great! At first I thought it would just be weird you know, but all the girls are really nice to me. We love to sit and chat and I do their makeup."</span>
You smile at how happy this new experience is making June.
<span class="june-text">"Actually, I was thinking... I want to try some dancing."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Dancing/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"The girls look like they all enjoy themselves. And I like to dance, and I want to try it once, and I can get paid for it, and I can pay you back, and-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"June!"</span> June looks worried, and you realise she's wanting your advice just as much as telling you. <span class="mc-text">"Of course if you want to do this it's OK. Stella and Rebeca will take care of you. Just be sure you remember why you are there."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah, your training stuff. This is going to be so cool! I'll start tonight, you should come and see how I do."</span>
What have you brought down on yourself!?
[[Visit the Top Floor Club to watch June dance|June Strip Club 2]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("June", "PhotoShoot4") and not CheckEvent("June", "StripclubBlowjob")>>\
You search around the house for June, but not finding her anywhere. You hear the clicking of heels around the corner, thinking it's her, but when you chase after it's Stella instead.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Stella. Have you seen June?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Hello sweetie. She was asking for some extra work to make some cash, so I told her to go over to the club."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Doing what exactly?"</span>
Stella laughs. <span class="stella-text">"She's not sucking dicks in the back $player.firstName. They've been looking for help to clean the place up."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks. I'll head over there."</span>
[[Meet June at the Stripclub|June Strip Club Blowjob][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<include [[June Strip Club Repeatable]]>>\
<</if>>\<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionist gte 26>>\
You head to the Top Floor Club to check on June. When you arrive you ask the bartender where she is and he points backstage. Walking in you see June at one of the makeup counters in front of the mirror.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey June."</span>
June is in the zone. She is dancing to the beat of the music, looking sexy as hell in a little strapless black dress. She's moving her hips with confidence.
<span class="mc-text">"June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Hey $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Want to get a drink?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"In a minute."</span> June finishes putting some eyeliner on while dancing. She looks over and catches you staring at her butt. She smiles. <span class="june-text">"Good huh?"</span>
You are zoned out and don't even answer her. Looking up you see June staring. She smiles and licks the mirror.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/Slut/Club/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June knows full well you want your cock in her mouth right now.
<<elseif $bimbos.june.exhibitionist gt 20>>\
You head to the Top Floor Club to check on June. When you arrive you ask the bartender where she is. He points toward the other side of the bar. As you walk up June sees you. She is wearing a flannel shirt and booty jean-shorts. She looks damn cute.
<span class="june-text">"Hey bro!"</span> June grabs her butt.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Slut/Club/Club2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Check it out!"</span> She twerks a bit.
<span class="mc-text">"Nice! You are getting the hang of it."</span>
You chat with June a bit. She is actually starting to like the club and the girls are teaching her how to be appealing and pleasing to others. It's working quite well.
You head to the Top Floor Club to check on June. When you arrive you ask the bartender where she is. He points toward the back. As you walk backstage you are greeted by some of the club girls. One of them is in the corner giving a twerking lesson to June. She has her back to you and is attempting to bounce her tight, little ass; it could be going better. You begin to chuckle.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh boy look at what I have created,"</span> you proclaim as you laugh.
June instantly stops and spins around. She spots you and looks embarrassed. Her cheeks are bright red.
<span class="june-text">"$player.firstName! Get out of here!"</span> June can't help but to laugh a little as well. You start to head out and the woman on your left gives you a little twerk as you leave.
<span class="minor-text">"Yeah, $player.firstName get that booty outta here."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Slut/Club/Club1.jpg" height="600">
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionist lt 26>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 2>>\
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''June is already as much of an exhibitionist as she can become from repeating this scene.''
''This is as much as you can see in this scene.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\You walk into the club looking for June and don't see here anywhere so you call Stella's phone.
<span class="stella-text">"Hello?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Stella its $player.firstName, where is June?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"She's out back about to go on stage. Do you need me to get her for you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No that's alright, I'll find her after. If you do see her just tell her to meet me at the bar."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Absolutely."</span>
You hang up the phone just as June comes out on stage. June dances and puts on quite a good show for the crowd, especially for her first time on the dance floor.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/StripClub/Dancing.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After her dance she spots you as she walks offstage and waves. You hang out by the bar waiting for her. After a few minutes June approaches you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/StripClub/Chat.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="june-text">"Like the outfit?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You look stunning."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Thank you, Stella picked it out."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"She has good taste. How did you like dancing?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"It's OK. Making guys excited and happy is fun and I get to tease them. They even pay me for it."</span> June laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"See. You are having fun, smiling. Being your best self. We might be getting somewhere."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I know I was excited earlier, but I don't think this is for me. It might be fun every once in a while. Stella though, she loves this. It's right up her alley."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's good to find something that you are interested in. I think we might be ready for our next lesson."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I liked the first one, can we just do that one again?"</span> June smiles at you.
<span class="mc-text">"No, we can not."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Aww."</span> June makes a sad face.
<span class="mc-text">"While I do not think you had bad intentions we need to get serious June."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I know. I'll do better next time, promise."</span> June smiles. <span class="june-text">"Oh! It's time for me to be in the cage. I'll see you back at home?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'll see you there, have fun tonight June."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/StripClub/Cage.jpg" height="600">
You spend awhile having a drink and enjoying the club before leaving for the night.
<<if $bimbos.june.exhibitionist lt 24>>\
<<set $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 2>>\
''June is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''June is too much of an exhibitionist to be affected by this action.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("June", "StripClubDancingFirstTime"); $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You walk into the Top Floor and the woman working the stage gives you a little wave as you walk in. Your favorite table is free, and she works her way down the stage to it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/StripClub.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You yell to the bartender, asking where June is. Recognising you, she points to the back.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Bar1.jpg" width="600">
As you walk through the back you see June in one of the private rooms picking up.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, what are you doing? Stella said you were trying to make some cash?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah, they have me picking up and straightening things out. This place is a mess."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It does look like it could use some cleaning, but maybe also a remodel."</span>
You both laughas you take a seat on the sofa while June picks up a few things. She turns around to face you while standing under some neon lights.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/StripClub/Blowjob/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Talk with June|June Strip Club Blowjob][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
June stands in front of you and twirls around. She tosses the pillow that was on the floor onto the side of the sofa and giggles.
<span class="june-text">"Don't you ever wonder what they do back here?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Not really."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I'm pretty sure I know."</span> June giggles.
<span class="mc-text">"I don't think you have any idea."</span>
<span class="june-text">"I'll show you."</span>
June starts to dance, her body swaying to the rythmn of the music.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/StripClub/Blowjob/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Not bad."</span>
You stare at June and she smiles. You move your hand to try to re-adjust the now straining bulge in your pants. She notices and pushes your hand away.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/StripClub/Blowjob/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"What are you doing?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"I told you, I'll show you."</span>
[[Let June continue|June Strip Club Blowjob][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
June rubs her hand across your pants, looking at you occasionaly. She seems to be nearly in a trance as she moves with the music.
<span class="mc-text">"What are you..."</span>
June motions at you. <span class="june-text">"Shhh."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/StripClub/Blowjob/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She unbuttons your pants and slowly begins to suck your cock.
<span class="mc-text">"This is what you think they are doing back here?"</span>
You lay back into the chair, with your head staring at the ceiling.
<span class="june-text">"Uh huh."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/StripClub/Blowjob/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Look down at June|June Strip Club Blowjob][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
You lean forward and look down at June. She tightly wraps her hand around your cock and begins sucking your dick to the rythmn of the music. Every beat you can feel her throat pulsing.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck."</span> Your glutes tighten and you strain your legs from the sensation.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/StripClub/Blowjob/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
June lifts her head slowly, her lips still wrapped tightly around your cock, making a popping sound as leaves her mouth. <span class="june-text">"You gonna cum $player.firstName?"</span>
[[Stand up|June Strip Club Blowjob][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
June slides back on her knees a bit. She reaches around your legs and pulls you toward her, your cock sliding into her mouth she takes you as deep as she can, causing her to gag and spit to burst from her mouth.
<span class="june-text">"Muuuaahh."</span> June looks up at you smiling as she runs her hand over your messy cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/StripClub/Blowjob/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"God damn June."</span>
You can't contain it any longer. June opens her mouth and strokes you, waiting.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/StripClub/Blowjob/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Get cleaned up|June Strip Club Blowjob][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
June toys with your cock, rolling her tongue around it.
<span class="june-text">"I'm pretty sure that's what they do."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/June/StripClub/Blowjob/11.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Maybe."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Did you like cumming in my mouth?"</span> June stares up at you grinning.
<span class="mc-text">"Yes."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Should try it again sometime. I think you could say that was being a source of joy and not stress."</span> June wipes her mouth and bounces away, giggling.
<span class="mc-text">"I think I can agree with that."</span>
''June is now more of a bimbo.
June is now more of a slut.
June is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("June", "StripclubBlowjob"); $bimbos.june.slut += 1; $bimbos.june.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.june.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Dani, what's up?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"A Real Estate Agent is here to see you. Kira?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh. Send her up to my office please."</span>
You continue reading as you hear a knock at the door and Kira walks in.
<span class="kira-text">"Hey $player.firstName, how are you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Doing good, please come in and have a seat. What brings you by?"</span>
Kira walks over and takes a seat.
<span class="kira-text">"I've just got to ask."</span> Kira pauses for a moment. <span class="kira-text">"I'm not sure how to properly articulate this. But... a couple girls I know said you turn girls into sluts. That can't be true, right?"</span>
As Kira sits across from you you can see her eyes are radiating curiosity. You pause for a moment giving a slight smirk. You don't create sluts, you create bimbos. A sterotype you'll be battling forever.
<span class="mc-text">"Of course it's not true."</span> You pause for a moment. <span class="mc-text">"I understand the skepticism. The term 'bimbo' can carry negative connotations, but here at Bimbo Life Coach, we redefine it. We focus on empowering women to embrace their true selves, to be confident, and to take charge of their lives in a way that makes them feel genuinely happy and fulfilled."</span>
<span class="kira-text">"Ha! I knew it wasn't true."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I do however coach women into being true bimbos."</span>
<span class="kira-text">"Bimbos? Isn't that just a word for a big-titted slut?"</span> Kira laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"Absolutely not."</span> You slide your principles of bimboism card across the table to Kira. <span class="mc-text">"This is what we focus on in my training regime. It's absolutely about being the best woman you can be."</span>
Kira reads the card looking intrigued.
<span class="kira-text">"Hmm so, like, any woman can be... this?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course, but every person adopts it in their own way. Each journey is different. Is this really why you stopped by?"</span>
[[Kira answers your question|Kira Training Begin][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Kira takes a deep breath.
<span class="kira-text">"Well, I wanted to see if you could help me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What's going on?"</span> You lean back in your chair beginning to analyze what Kira truely wants.
<span class="kira-text">"I've been hearing rumors about myself around town. People are saying I'm a cold, unapproachable bitch. That I'm too focused on work to have any fun. And, well, there's another rumor I'd rather not repeat."</span> Kira fidgets with her hands.
You put on your most reassuring smile <span class="mc-text">"Don't worry, Kira. Whatever it is, we can fix it. Tell me, what do you want people to think about you?"</span>
Kira sits up in her chair and rests her arms on your desk.
<span class="kira-text">"I want to break free from the reputation of being unapproachable; which makes no sense. I am a real estate agent, I approach people and talk all day long. But, I want to find a balance between work and enjoying life. After thinking about it all night last night I think its more of an approachable thing..."</span> Kira pauses. <span class="kira-text">"I can't even remember the last time a guy approached me in a bar. They always hit on my friends."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Interesting."</span>
Kira looks at you. <span class="kira-text">"Interesting huh?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"A pretty girl like you should have no problems getting men."</span>
<span class="kira-text">"Right!? So clearly, I need some changes in my life."</span> Kira slides the card back toward the middle of your desk and points to it. <span class="kira-text">"I want to try this."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Alright. So let's explore this together. It's really all about your comfort and authenticity. We can research, discuss, and ensure this journey aligns with who you truly are and in the end we will see if you really want to become your version of a perfect Bimbo."</span>
<span class="kira-text">"Bimbo? Isn't that usually used as a derogatory term?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's had negative connotations before. But truthfully most of that is based on misunderstandings."</span>
<span class="kira-text">"I see. Well, lets give it a go."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Great. We can get started next week. Let's book a session; Tuesday at 2PM?"</span>
<span class="kira-text">"I think I can make that work. I'll see you Tuesday."</span>
Kira grabs her bag and heads to the door before turning back toward you.
<span class="kira-text">"Thanks $player.firstName, I hope this works."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I have every faith it will Kira, thanks for stopping by. I'll see you next week."</span>
''You now have a new client, Kira. She will attend weekly sessions at 2PM on Tuesdays.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Kira", "TrainingBegin"); $npcs.kira.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $bimbos.natalie?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Natalie", "Locker")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Natalie", "TransformEmail")>>\
[[You receive a text from Natalie|Natalie Transform E-mail]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "TransformMeet")>>\
<<if GameDayIs("Friday")>>\
[[You receive another text from Natalie|Natalie Transform Meet][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "CosplayText")>>\
<<if $player.unlocks.photoStudio and CheckEvent("June", "Home")>>\
[[You receive a text from Natalie|Natalie Cosplay Text]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lt 12>>\
[[Wait for Natalie to arrive|Natalie Cosplay][SetHours(12); SetMinutes(0); $passageRoute to 1;]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay2")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
[[Natalie texts you|Natalie Cosplay 2][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay2Email")>>\
[[Natalie e-mails you the photos|Natalie Cosplay 2 E-mail]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Convention")>>\
<<if GameDayIs("Wednesday") and $gameDate.getHours() is 12>>\
[[Today is the convention|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Natalie", "Park") and not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay3") and BetweenTime(8, 18)>>\
[[Someone is knocking at your door|Natalie Cosplay 3]]
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Whoa, HEY!"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Sorry, sorry *sniff* I'll buy you a new coffee."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Crying.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"It's alright.. are you OK?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Yeah those guys over there were just being assholes."</span>
[[Yell out to the guys harassing her|Natalie Intro][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You look down the street.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Natalie2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hey you little pricks stop harassing her!"</span>
They yell back.
<span class="minor-text">"Get fucked!"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"It's alright, you didn't have to do that. I am Natalie by the way."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Nice to meet you Natalie, but that is no way to talk to anyone, let alone a pretty lady such as yourself."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Ha, that's funny. I am far from pretty."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Don't sell yourself short."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Trust me, you are crazy. People are always making fun of me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You mean like those guys?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Pretty much, they are always calling me "stick", "flat", "Skittles". You know, anything derogatory they can come up with."</span>
You think to yourself, well there are easy ways to fix that.
<span class="mc-text">"Trust me those guys are just assholes. Want me to walk you home?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Sure, we can walk and chat."</span>
You walk down the street with her toward her apartment.
[[Continue down the street|Natalie Intro][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You chit chat with Natalie on the way as you walk up to a modern looking apartment right next to the shopping center.
<span class="natalie-text">"This is me."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Natalie3.jpg" width="600">
You look back at Natalie.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Natalie1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"Well, Thank you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No Problem, glad I could cheer you up. This is quite a nice place you've got."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Yeah, thanks, not really mine. My dad owns it. He owns a ton of property here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's awesome, I'd love to live in a place like this."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Well I've got to run, not to be creepy but can I get your number? Maybe we can get coffee some time."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure thing, I do love coffee."</span>
Natalie takes your number into her phone and walks to her apartment.
<span class="natalie-text">"Thanks again, see ya."</span>
You walk back toward downtown and thought she was such a nice girl. But you couldn't stop yourself from thinking about how to enhance her body to solve her problems.
<<UINavigation "Downtown">>
<<set $bimbos.natalie to clone($bimboTemplate); $bimbos.natalie.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You walk over to the girl who looks like Natalie from downtown.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Nat."</span>
She gets scared as you walk up.
<span class="natalie-text">"HEY!"</span>
She looks angry and defensive at first.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Natalie4.jpg" width="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"Oh hi $player.firstName. Sorry, I didn't know it was you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Are you always so jumpy?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Like I said, people in Manhattan are not always nice."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I was just going to ask if you'd like to get some coffee."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Sure, I just got off work. Let me change real quick and we can catch the train to BR?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Let's do it."</span>
Natalie quickly changes in the bathroom and meets you by the train stop.
[[Catch the train to Downtown with Natalie|Natalie Locker][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You get off the train and head downtown with Natalie.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Natalie5.jpg" width="600">
The two of you chat about the local area as you walk to BR Coffee.
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/BlackRockCoffee2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Finally."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"I love this place, it smells great."</span>
You both order coffee, and start chatting about life in general.
<span class="natalie-text">"So $player.firstName, what do you do?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Ah, that's an interesting question."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Why?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm a consultant."</span>
You said that as you sort of grinned.
<span class="natalie-text">"OK... Consulting in what?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"A life consultant"</span> you quickly responded.
<span class="natalie-text">"OK, what kind of life consulting? Like, parenting or something?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'd say more of a self esteem coach for women."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"I could use some of that in my life."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm not sure my consulting is your... type."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Oh really? I have a type now?"</span>
Natalie does not look amused.
<span class="mc-text">"That's not what I meant, Sorry."</span>
Shit, she's going to drag this out of me.
<span class="mc-text">"I meant I work with women to change their posture, attitude, and appearance; to be more, Desirable"</span>
Natalie chokes on her coffee.
<span class="natalie-text">"Oh really now, and what do you know about women and how to be desirable?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well."</span>
You pull out your phone.
<span class="mc-text">"Here are some of the women I consult."</span>
You flash a few before and after pictures.
<span class="natalie-text">"Wow, they are beautiful."</span>
Natalie pauses for a second before blurting out <span class="natalie-text">"consult me."</span>
You laugh, thinking she's joking.
<span class="natalie-text">"I'm serious, tell me the truth doctor."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Um. How about we talk about it later?"</span>
Natalie starts to look frustrated.
<span class="natalie-text">"I'm dead serious, give it to me straight."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Fine, I think you have a good personality, but your body could use some work."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"I agree. So let's do it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"This is moving pretty fast, but take this card. It's for a plastic surgeon here in downtown. Go see him and let me know what you think."</span>
You hand her the card. She looks it over and smiles.
<span class="natalie-text">"I really have to go, but thanks for this. I'll let you know how it goes."</span>
Natalie takes off.
<<UINavigation "Downtown">>
<<set AddEvent("Natalie", "Locker"); $bimbos.natalie.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\Natalie Texts you.
<span class="natalie-text">Hey $player.firstName, I did it!</span>
<span class="mc-text">Did what?</span>
<span class="natalie-text">I got the operation.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Wait, what? What operation.</span>
<span class="natalie-text">Boobs.</span>
<span class="mc-text">I didn't think you were serious.</span>
<span class="natalie-text">100%, and I feel great. Dr. Yanovic did a great job.</span>
<span class="mc-text">That's great Natalie, I couldn't be happier for you.</span>
<span class="natalie-text">Still a bit sore, but maybe we could meet up in a few days?</span>
<span class="mc-text">Sounds great, Just let me know when and where.</span>
<span class="natalie-text">OK :)</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Natalie", "TransformEmail")>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
Natalie Texts you again.
<span class="natalie-text">You want to meet up?</span>
<span class="mc-text">Sure, you feeling better?</span>
<span class="natalie-text">Yep, meet me at BR coffee?</span>
<span class="mc-text">Now?</span>
<span class="natalie-text">Yep. I am already here.</span>
<span class="mc-text">On my way.</span>
[[Meet Natalie|Natalie Transform Meet][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
As you walk up to the coffee shop you think you see Natalie waiting.
<span class="mc-text">"Natalie?"</span>
She turns around.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Transform/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"$player.firstName! Hi, and you can call me Nat if you'd like."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Wow, you look stunning."</span> Your eyes are glued to her chest. You can clearly tell she had a boob-job; not too big, not too small. She's also wearing a push-up bra. You look up at her face.
Natalie is smiling ear to ear, clearly noticing your infatuation with her boobs. <span class="natalie-text">"Thank you!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Are you feeling well?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Yeah I feel great. Healed super fast. Here, I got you a coffee, same thing you ordered last time."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh, thank you. You didn't have to do that."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Least I could do after helping me."</span>
You laugh and take a drink of your coffee. <span class="mc-text">"All I did was hand you a business card Nat."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Well, I wanted to say thank you in person. Also, would you like to come an event on Wednesday?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"An event? What kind?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"More of a convention. It's here downtown."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure I'm game."</span>
Some guys walk past eyeing up Natalie, eyes glued to her chest. She looks over grinning.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Transform/2.jpg">
<span class="mc-text">"I see your plan has worked."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"It better have for how much I paid."</span> Natalie laughs. <span class="natalie-text">"It gave me some confidence too. No more bullies."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's great Nat."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"But really, you should come Wednesday. I think you will have a good time."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'll be there."</span>
After a few more minutes conversation you excuse yourself.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Natalie", "TransformMeet"); $bimbos.natalie.dayCounter to 7; $bimbos.natalie.transformLevel to 1;>>\
<</if>>\<span class="natalie-text">Hey $player.firstName, any chance you can help me out with some stuff for the convention?</span>
<span class="mc-text">Sure, I don't have much going on tomorrow if that works. What do you need help with?</span>
<span class="natalie-text">Taking some photos, I was going to try to sell prints on Wednesday.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Oh, of course. I have a studio if you'd like to use it?</span>
<span class="natalie-text">Oh really? Well aren't you mister fancy pants. But seriously, that sounds amazing.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Come over. Say, noon tomorrow?</span>
<span class="natalie-text">See you then!</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Natalie", "CosplayText"); $bimbos.natalie.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You receive a text from Natalie.
<span class="natalie-text">Hey, I'm stopping by a store real quick then I'll be right over.</span>
<span class="mc-text">No Problem! Door's unlocked.</span>
20 Minutes later...
You hear a knock at the door. Natalie slowly pushes the door open.
<span class="natalie-text">"Hello, $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Nat! Come in."</span>
You jump up off the couch and head for the door as Natalie walks in.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay1/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"Hey! Sorry I'm a few minutes late."</span>
She leans in to give you a friendly hug. You try to keep your eyes off her chest.
<span class="mc-text">"No problem."</span> You close the door behind her. <span class="mc-text">"You can put your bag over here, I created a studio in this room."</span>
Natalie walks over to the studio and peaks inside. <span class="natalie-text">"It looks amazing."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Go on in, check it out."</span>
[[Walk in to Photo Studio|Natalie Cosplay][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You walk into your studio with Natalie.
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/PhotoStudio.jpg" width="600">
She walks up to the whiteboard and lights.
<span class="natalie-text">"This is so cool $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks, I figured it would be a good investment for the business."</span>
Natalie sits down in the chair near the window and digs through her bag.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay1/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"I brought a camera but can I check out yours?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Absolutely. Feel free to check out anything you like and set it up how you want."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Cool!"</span> Natalie runs giddily over to the camera. She spins toward the mirror and snaps a photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay1/4.jpg" height="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"This equipment is awesome $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's alright, the lights and board need some improving. I'm thinking about upgrading."</span>
Natalie reaches up towards the lights, then over to the control panel.
<span class="natalie-text">"This is going to work great, can we shoot tomorrow?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure. I'll check everything to make sure it's working and have it set up for you."</span>
Natalie walks toward the windows and grabs her bag.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay1/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"I really appreciate everything you've done for me $player.firstName. Thank you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Any time. Let's meet at noon tomorrow?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Yeah, I gotta dye my hair tonight and get everything ready. Super excited for this costume."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Can't wait to see it."</span>
Natalie heads for the door. <span class="natalie-text">"Thanks again $player.firstName."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay"); $bimbos.natalie.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="natalie-text">Hey, heading over.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Sounds good!</span>
You walk over picking up random things and putting them in their place. Tidying up a bit. Natalie knocks at the door about 10 minutes later.
[[Open the door|Natalie Cosplay 2][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You open the door and Natalie is standing there holding two duffel bags that look quite full. She has dyed her hair blonde and is wearing it up in double buns.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay2/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"Hey!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Need help?"</span> You laugh.
<span class="natalie-text">"I thought you'd never ask."</span> Natalie giggles, happy to unload the bags.
You walk in to the studio and unload the bags on the desk.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay2/2.jpg" height="600">
Natalie reaches into one of the bags and pulls out a huge makeup kit.
<span class="natalie-text">"Going to change in here and get ready if you are OK with that?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure thing."</span> You step toward the door. <span class="mc-text">"Shout if you need anything."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"OK!"</span>
You walk back to the living room and watch TV for what seems like an eternity.
[[Finally!|Natalie Cosplay 2][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="natalie-text">"$player.firstName!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah?"</span>
You head for the studio and Natalie peaks out the door.
<span class="natalie-text">"Can you help me with this?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay2/1.jpg" height="600">
As you look toward Natalie you freeze in your tracks and your jaw drops.
<span class="mc-text">"Holy Shit!... sorry"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Ha! It's OK."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You look amazing."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Hardly, but help me with this."</span> Natalie reaches up toward her hair extensions and leans over showing you the clip.
<span class="mc-text">"Got it."</span> You clip it in and straighten her hair, covering the extension.
<span class="mc-text">"This is quite the outfit, it is freaking cool."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Thanks. I wanted to do something with a punk vibe this year. Let's do a test pic and try out the camera and light settings."</span>
Natalie grabs the camera and goes over toward the window.
<span class="natalie-text">"Here, just snap a normal photo, so I can adjust the settings."</span>
You walk over and grab the camera.
[[Take the photo|Natalie Cosplay 2][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay2/4.jpg" height="600">
[[Show Natalie the photo|Natalie Cosplay 2][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
<span class="natalie-text">"Great, just give me one sec."</span>
Natalie walks around adjusting the lights, pointing them toward the white wall. She sets up the camera on a tripod and motions for you to come over.
<span class="natalie-text">"I'll stand over by the wall. You just need to set the focus."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Got it."</span>
You focus in the camera while being mesmerized by her outfit, particularly how great her figure and chest look.
<span class="natalie-text">"$player.firstName? $player.firstName... hello?"</span>
Natalie had been trying to talk to you for a few seconds.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh sorry, just focusing."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Uh huh."</span> She laughs. <span class="natalie-text">"Here."</span>
Natalie walks over and finishes adjusting the camera. She then goes and adjusts the lights a bit.
<span class="natalie-text">"All set. Just snap a bunch of photos in each pose and we can edit them later."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Don't worry; I'm a master at taking photos."</span> You chuckle.
Natalie stands in front of the white board and starts moving around. You snap a candid picture as she brushes the hair from her face.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay2/5.jpg" height="600">
You snap photos while Natalie stands in various poses.
[[Finish taking photos|Natalie Cosplay 2][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
You finish up with Natalie. She comes over and grabs the camera.
<span class="natalie-text">"Oh these will look great!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah I think so."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Look at you taking photos between poses trying to be all artsy."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"I think some of them turned out great."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"I'm just teasing, I actually really like this one."</span> Natalie spins the camera screen toward you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay2/5.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, me too. It turned out great."</span>
Natalie scrolls though all the photos smiling. You can tell she is super excited.
<span class="natalie-text">"I am going to work on them; you know, do some Photoshopping."</span> Natalie laughs. <span class="natalie-text">"But I will send you an e-mail with the photos. Tell me what you think, OK?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh for sure."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Going to get packed up, I really do appreciate this $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's no problem. If you ever want to do it again just let me know. I actually had fun."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"If you think this is fun, come to the convention. I swear you will have a great time."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's Wednesday right?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Yeah. You can be my side-chick."</span> Natalie busts up laughing. You start to laugh as well.
<span class="mc-text">"Alright, send me the details. It's a date."</span>
You finish cleaning up Natalie's gear and carry it down to her car.
<span class="natalie-text">"Thanks again $player.firstName. This was amazing and hopefully these photos turn out great. I'll e-mail you tomorrow morning."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay2"); $bimbos.natalie.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\You open the e-mail from Natalie.
<span class="natalie-text">Hey $player.firstName,
I hope you are doing well. I attached a few of the raws that I think really turned out well. Also, I had time to background an image which I attached. I think it might be my favorite! We are going to have a blast at the convention. Meet me over at the subway on Wednesday at noon. I'll see you then.</span>
You download the attachments.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay2/5.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay2/6.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay2/7.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Cosplay2/8.jpg" height="600">
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay2Email"); $bimbos.natalie.dayCounter to 7;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
Today is the big cosplay convention Natalie wants you to attend with her. You should begin getting ready if you want to meet on time. A stylish t-shirt and jeans should fit in just fine, you think to yourself. Just as you finish and prepare to leave, June interrupts you.
<span class="june-text">"Where are you going?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Out."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Where?"</span> June looks at you annoyed.
<span class="mc-text">"Going out with a friend."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What kind of friend?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're being nosy June; we are going to that convention downtown."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Sounds lame, buy me something cool though."</span>
[[Meet Natalie near the subway|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Arriving at the station, you see Natalie waiting. You can spot her red hair from a mile away.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/Subway.jpg" height="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"Hey $player.firstName! I was starting to think you forgot and weren't going to show up."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Almost did forget honestly. But I wouldn't bail on you like that."</span>
You both laugh a bit.
<span class="natalie-text">"Well, that's alright. But we are running late now."</span>
The two of you head toward your platform; Natalie is carrying a large duffel bag.
<span class="mc-text">"What's in the bag?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"My outfit, and I brought a bunch of those pictures to sell."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What pictures?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"The ones you took silly."</span> Natalie smiles at you.
The train ride is pretty quiet, unlike the convention centre when you arrive. There are people everywhere.
[[Head into the venue|Natalie Convention][AddHours(2); $passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/Convention.jpg" width="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"I am going to go change OK? Just hang out here. If you wander off I'll text you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'll just wait here."</span>
Natalie seems to take forever.
<span class="natalie-text">"Back."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/Costume.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Oh wow."</span> You look at Natalie with astonishment. <span class="mc-text">"You... You look amazing Nat."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Aww thanks."</span>
As you make your way through the large crowds, there are countless vendors and people in costumes.
<span class="mc-text">"This is crazy."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Yeah, it's pretty awesome isn't it?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm actually quite impressed."</span>
One of the girls in costume catches your eye.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/Cosplayer.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Natalie!"</span> The two girls clearly know each other and embrace. <span class="minor-text">"You are going to be a hit girl, look at you."</span> Natalie's friend then turns to you.
<span class="minor-text">"And this is?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"$player.firstName, a friend. First timer."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Well at least he got a front row seat to the best costume in town."</span> They both laugh.
[[Follow Natalie|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
You head down the stairs to the main area. A Superwoman catches your eye.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/Superwoman.jpg" width="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"Ahem."</span> Natalie makes a coughing sound and stands in front of you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/Unhappy.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Sorry."</span>
Natalie smiles at you. <span class="minor-text">"It's not nice to stare. You were practically drooling."</span> As she turns away you can't help but watch her hips sway. <span class="natalie-text">"Coming?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Lead the way... again."</span>
You both laugh.
[[Check out the shops|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/Lobby.jpg" width="600">
You reach the lobby area. To your left are the stages, complete with massive crowds; mostly people intermingling. To the right are various shops and venue stands.
<span class="natalie-text">"I am going to go and try to sell these photos."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'll help."</span>
You head over to a small stand Natalie had booked. Within minutes there are people everywhere looking at the photos. Some make purchases while others pose to take pictures with Natalie.
<span class="natalie-text">"Everyone, he's the photographer. Loads of talent as you can see."</span> Natalie smiles at you.
[[Take a break|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/Lobby.jpg" width="600">
You walk back to the lobby.
<<if not CheckEvent("Natalie", "ComicShop")>>\
[[Check out the Comic Shop|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 7]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Natalie", "PokeShop")>>\
[[Check out the Poke' Shop|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 8]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Natalie", "AnimeShop")>>\
[[Check out the Anime Shop|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 9]]
<<if CheckEvent("Natalie", "ComicShop") and CheckEvent("Natalie", "PokeShop") and CheckEvent("Natalie", "AnimeShop")>>\
[[Go check on Natalie|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 10; RemoveEvent("Natalie", "ComicShop"); RemoveEvent("Natalie", "PokeShop"); RemoveEvent("Natalie", "AnimeShop");]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 7>>\
You head over to the Comic Shop.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/ComicShop.jpg" width="600">
You pan through a few comics. You even find a Superwoman comic and snap a photo of it with your phone to send to Natalie.
[[Head back to the lobby|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 6; AddEvent("Natalie", "ComicShop");]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 8>>\
You head over to the Poke' Shop.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/PokeShop.jpg" width="600">
You walk through and see a couple of cute plush toys. Maybe June would like one? No, she's never been into Poke' stuff. Though you used to love playing it on your Gameboy as a kid. Brings back old memories.
[[Head back to the lobby|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 6; AddEvent("Natalie", "PokeShop");]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 9>>\
You head over to the Anime Shop.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/AnimeShop.jpg" width="600">
Wow, this stuff is pretty cool. A cute Hello Kitty doll catches your eye. You bet June would like this.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/Doll.jpg" width="300">
<<if $player.cash gte 50 and not CheckEvent("June", "AnimeDoll")>>\
[[Buy the doll and head back|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 6; AddEvent("Natalie", "AnimeShop"); AddEvent("June", "AnimeDoll");]]
[[Head back to the lobby|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 6; AddEvent("Natalie", "AnimeShop");]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 10>>\
You head back to see Natalie's stand cleared out and Natalie taking a few last photos with her many fans.
<span class="natalie-text">"$player.firstName! Welcome back."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sorry, I was just checking out the shops."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"You're good. I was just finishing up anyway. Can you believe it? They all sold!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good for you Natalie."</span>
She is glowing with excitement. <span class="natalie-text">"Thanks to you of course."</span>
You help clean up the stand, while she finishes taking photos with fans. You then decide to do another circuit of the centre. Everyone is staring at Natalie.
<span class="minor-text">"Hey Nat."</span> You hear called out in a deep tone.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/Groot.jpg" height="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"Drew? No way!"</span> Natalie runs up and hugs the large, tree-looking character. <span class="natalie-text">"Holy cow, you look so real."</span>
You exchange greetings with Natalie's friend, and carry on.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/Cosplayers.jpg" width="600">
A group of characters asks for a picture with Natalie, which she obliges.
[[Continue following Natalie|Natalie Convention][$passageRoute to 11]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 11>>\
Natalie leads you over to the windows; it's dark outside. How did the time go by so quickly?
<span class="natalie-text">"I want some photos."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK."</span>
Natalie hands you her camera. <span class="natalie-text">"Always come equipped."</span> She pulls off her glasses. <span class="natalie-text">"How's this?"</span>
You snap a couple photos.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/Natalie.jpg" width="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Convention/Natalie2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"That should do. A few to sell next time."</span> Natalie has been glowing with excitement, and quite popular too. <span class="natalie-text">"Oh wow, it's late. I'm sorry I didn't mean to keep you this long."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's fine. I had fun, looks like you did as well."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"I did, thank you for coming with me. I owe you one."</span> Natalie hugs you. <span class="natalie-text">"Shall we head out?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure."</span>
You and Natalie head home. She ties her arm around yours as you walk her to her apartment.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(6); AddEvent("Natalie", "Convention"); $bimbos.natalie.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\You notice Natalie standing by a tree with her camera.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey! Natalie!"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Park/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"Oh my god, hey $player.firstName."</span>
Natalie runs up and gives you a big hug.
<span class="mc-text">"How have you been?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Great actually. I'm getting ready for the next cosplay event. I've even gotten quite good at taking photos."</span> She hands you her camera.
<span class="mc-text">"Nice camera."</span> You scroll through some of Natalie shots. <span class="mc-text">"These are really good Natalie."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Thanks! I wanted to take some pictures of myself at the water, could you help out?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure. I've got a few minutes."</span>
The two of you walk over toward the lake at the park.
Natalie runs into the bathroom to change. She comes out in a pink t-shirt. She looks gorgeous. She runs back toward you and you quickly snap a photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Park/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="natalie-text">"No, not yet! At least let me fix myself."</span>
Natalie straightens out her shirt and checks her makeup quickly.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Natalie/Park/3.jpg" height="600">
You snap another photo.
<span class="natalie-text">"Perfect. Thanks $player.firstName. Day at the park; it'll look great on my social media. Trying to grow the fan base."</span> Natalie smiles.
<span class="mc-text">"No Problem. You look great; in the photos I mean."</span>
Natalie smiles at you again. <span class="natalie-text">"I've got to get going, thanks again!"</span> She heads back towards campus.
<<UINavigation "Downtown">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Natalie", "Park"); $bimbos.natalie.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="mc-text">"Hello?"</span>
Opening your door, you find Natalie waiting.
<span class="natalie-text">"Hey. I need your opinion."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK. What can I help you with?"</span>
Natalie unzips a duffel bag, revealing two costumes carefully packed inside; one is black, the other white. As she pulls them out you realize one is Spiderman themed and the other Batman.
<span class="natalie-text">"I need a man's opinion. I can't decide which one to wear."</span>
She holds them up. You can't really tell the difference other than they are different colors.
<span class="mc-text">"I think I need to see them on."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"OK. Which should I try on first?"</span>
You think for a second. <span class="mc-text">"The black one."</span>
Natalie sets down the bag and starts to change in the middle of your living room, stripping down to her panties and bra like it's nothing. She's obviously built some confidence in her body.
<span class="natalie-text">"How's this?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's pretty cute."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Pretty cute. That's it? Not going with this one then."</span>
Natalie begins to change again.
<span class="mc-text">"You look different."</span>
You state it boldly, though it's the truth. She does look... different.
<span class="natalie-text">"Probably the tits."</span> Natalie finishes changing and squeezes her chest. <span class="natalie-text">"Pretty hot huh."</span>
She strikes a few dynamic poses, embodying the spirit of the web-slinger with enthusiasm.
<span class="mc-text">"No bottom?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Nope. It's just for an online cosplay session, shouldn't be seeing that."</span> Natalie laughs. <span class="natalie-text">Here, take a picture."</span>
She hands you a camera and she makes a cute pose.
She walks over and inspects the camera screen. <span class="natalie-text">"Perfect,"</span> and gives you a peck on the cheek.
<span class="mc-text">"How's the business been?"</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Pretty good. I've gotten like, twenty thousand followers so far."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's great Natalie. I am glad you're doing well. Let me know if you ever need anything."</span>
<span class="natalie-text">"Will do. I gotta run."</span>
After changing back, you walk Natalie down to the street.
She looks amazing in the sunlight; no wonder she has such a following.
<span class="natalie-text">"Like I said, it's great seeing you. We should hang out again."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay3"); $bimbos.natalie.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
The sun streaming into your apartment convinces you it would be a lovely afternoon to spend in the fresh air. It has been a while since you visited Phil's garden. It would be interesting to see what's changed.
[[Make your way to the roof|Priti Garden][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You haven't been up here since getting Phil's variance approved. The result is obvious as you step outside; the garden now covers the entire roof in a display of foliage and bright colors.
<img src="Images/Locations/RooftopGarden.jpg" width="600">
Caught up in the beauty, you don't see Stella standing nearby until she begins to giggle.
<span class="stella-text">"Have we finally found something more eye-catching to you than bimbos?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Priti/Garden/Stella.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"It's incredible to be sure. I didn't expect to find you up here though."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I love spending time out here. It's so peaceful..."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"To see the whole roof transformed. I cannot believe what you have accomplished."</span>
The sound of conversation interrupts you as Priti and Phil appear from the other side of the garden.
<span class="phil-text">"Yeah, thanks to $player.firstName $player.lastName. The dude got this all through the council somehow."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"Really? He doesn't seem..."</span>
Their conversation cuts off as they notice your presence. Priti gives you a puzzled look, which then quickly turns to Stella.
<span class="phil-text">"What's up $player.firstName?"</span> Phil spreads his arms wide. <span class="phil-text">"What do you think?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Very impressive Phil. It might even become the most popular place in the building."</span>
Phil snorts at your obvious attempt at humor. Priti meanwhile is still staring at Stella.
<span class="stella-text">"I don't think we've met. Stella Jackson, $player.firstName's personal assistant."</span>
Stella leans forward to shake her hand, showing off an ample amount of cleavage. Priti obliges, although her attention is now focussed elsewhere.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Priti/Garden/Cleavage.jpg" width="600">
<span class="priti-text">"Priti Waters. H-have you worked for Mr. $player.lastName for long?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Oh I've been with him from the beginning. I'm his first client."</span>
[[Priti seems speechless at this|Priti Garden][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
It might be best to intervene at this point. <span class="mc-text">"And how are you Mrs. Waters?"</span>
This seems to break the tension.
<span class="priti-text">"Good good. Trying to keep, busy."</span>
<span class="phil-text">"Speaking of busy, I have some herbs to tend. Catch you all later."</span>
With that, Phil moves off to his shed round the corner. Priti makes moves to leave as well, but Stella stops her, a big, friendly smile on her face.
<span class="stella-text">"If you have some free time, you must come for lunch. It's so difficult to find a nice person to chat to these days."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Priti/Garden/Confused.jpg" height="600">
Priti gives her another puzzled look, mumbles a quick maybe, and exits as fast as she can. You did manage to catch a small blush on her face though.
Stella turns to you with a knowing look, <span class="stella-text">"She seems nice."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Priti", "Garden"); $npcs.priti.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="stella-text">"-and so we moved in."</span>
You didn't realise Stella was having guests for lunch. You follow the sound to the dining room.
<span class="priti-text">"But you were a teacher. Do you not regret leaving?"</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"No. This job is just as fulfilling and far less stressful."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"No. This is, like, so much better. I don't have to stress about things anymore."</span>
You round the corner to see Stella sitting with... Priti?
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"Hello $player.firstName. Priti decided to come over for lunch."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"Hey $player.firstName. Priti and I have been having a super chat."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Priti/Lunch/Stella.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hello Mrs. Waters."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"$player.firstName. You have a very nice place."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thank you."</span>
[[This is awkward|Priti Lunch][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="stella-text">"I was telling her how Charlotte and I came to live here."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"Yes. It was, informative."</span> She looks deep in thought, and a bit perplexed.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Priti/Lunch/Priti.jpg" width="600">
<span class="stella-text">"Help me clean up $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course. Nice to see you again Mrs. Waters."</span>
She snaps out of her thought. <span class="priti-text">"Oh yes. And please, it's Priti."</span>
You join Stella in the kitchen. She has a mischievous look in her eye.
<span class="stella-text">"It's starting."</span>
Oh god.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Priti", "Lunch"); $npcs.priti.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\As the meeting drew closer you began to appreciate the seriousness of the matter at hand. It was unlikely that a City Councilmember would be of much use to you, that is true, but were she to become an enemy you could quickly find yourself facing controversy that you aren't prepared for. The morning of the meeting you decided to wear...
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Your blue summer suit|Rosa First Meeting][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[A cool t-shirt and jeans|Rosa First Meeting][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Misc/Outfits/Formal.jpg" width="600">
Your blue summer suit. It might be a little too formal for a morning meeting at a district office, but you want to make the best impression you can. You arrive too early at the office on Union, and decide to get yourself an iced coffee while you wait for a polite but not overly eager time to arrive.
As the clock ticks round you spend a little while on your phone, switching between lame memes and the NYT website.
[[Continue|Rosa First Meeting Arrive]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<img src="Images/Misc/Outfits/Casual.jpg" width="600">
Your trusty t-shirt and jeans combo. Both are in good shape, obviously, but you figure that a morning meeting at a district office isn't the best place to flaunt your formal-wear. Besides, ties have a habit of making people stick to the book, and you weren't sure you wanted that today.
You arrive too early at the office on Union, and decide to get yourself an iced coffee while you wait for a polite but not overly eager time to arrive. As the clock ticks round you spend a little while on your phone, switching between lame memes and the NYT website.
[[Continue|Rosa First Meeting Arrive]]
<</if>>\You walk around the corner to the Councilmember's office and push open the door. At the front there is a small waiting area and a few cheap desks, all looking like it dates back to the Reagan presidency. At the rear is a white wall with a door bearing a plaque saying 'Councilmember Rosa Hernandez'.
A young man you don't recognize is sitting at the desk closest to the door looking at you.
<span class="minor-text">"Hey, can I help you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I'm here for a meeting with the Councilmember. Is Tan here?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"OK, great. Just wait right here and I'll let them know you're here. What's your name?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"$player.firstName $player.lastName."</span>
The young man stood up and walked to the door at the rear. He knocked, but didn't wait for an answer before opening the door and sticking his head in. He didn't seem to say anything, but only a few seconds later he was back.
<span class="minor-text">"Someone will be with you in just a moment"</span>
You nodded your thanks, then got your phone out, expecting to be waiting for a while. You had barely started scrolling through Twitter when you heard Tan's voice.
<span class="tan-text">"$player.firstName?"</span> You looked up and saw her there. Not exactly smiling, but not angry with you either. <span class="tan-text">"Councilmember Hernandez isn't here yet, but she is on her way in now. Come and wait in the back"</span>
You stand up and see that Tan is wearing a light red top and a short black skirt. She's a very attractive woman, and her ass strains at the tight fabric of the skirt. You follow her into the rear room and, rather than the impressive office you had expected, it's just more desks. The Councilmember's desk was the only one on the left side of the room, but other than that it was just a slightly more private version of the drab room at the front.
Tan points at a chair in front of the Councilmember's desk. <span class="tan-text">"Just sit there while I prepare for the meeting."</span> You sit down, and Tan begins to collect documents.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Meeting.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Continue|Rosa First Meeting Meet Rosa]]You sit silently for a while, looking around the room, as Tan bustles about. Once she's done, and she has placed a manila folder with papers inside on the Councilmember's desk, the room is silent, disturbed only by the ticking of a clock and the intermittent typing of another woman at the far end of the long, narrow room.
You can feel Tan looking at you.
<span class="tan-text">"How long have you been running BLC for?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Since June. How long have you known Hang?"</span> You look at her and see that she purses her lips slightly. But she answers you.
<span class="tan-text">"I've known her since I was young back in Vietnam. My father was the vice principal of the elementary school we both attended."</span> You're about to open your mouth to ask how long she has been in America but she beats you to the punch. <span class="tan-text">"I've been in America since I was 17, so about 10 years."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And Hang? How long has she been here?"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"A little over a year. Anyway, to focus on the business-"</span> At this moment the door bursts open and in strides the Councilmember. You stand, though Tan doesn't. She strides up to shake your hand, and though you tower over this tiny Latina woman, you feel that if she wanted to you would be cowed by her presence.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/GymGear.jpg" height="600">
As it is, though, she's friendly and happy to see you.
<span class="rosa-text">"Great to finally meet you $player.firstName, Tan has told me so much about your business. How are you? Do you want a coffee?"</span> All the while that she's speaking to you she's unloading her bag and taking off her jacket to reveal she's wearing sports clothes, including a rather revealing sports bra.
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
You're glad that you wore your t-shirt and jeans, and didn't attend the meeting in a suit while she is only wearing sweaty sports gear.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm great, a no on the coffee though. How are you? Have a good workout?"</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Good, good... Tan?"</span> Tan approaches the desk. <span class="rosa-text">"Sit in on this meeting."</span> The Councilmember sits, drums her desk rapidly with both her hands, then smiles at you. <span class="rosa-text">"So, $player.firstName. Tell me about Bimbo Life Coaching."</span>
You clear your throat. <span class="mc-text">"Well, Councilmember -"</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Rosa, please. We're not in the chamber."</span> The same smile remains plastered on her face.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, Rosa... Bimbo Life Coaching, like most life coaching businesses, is a service that helps people lacking self-confidence become who they want to be. For us-"</span>
She interrupts you again. <span class="rosa-text">"In this case, bimbos, yes?"</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"Yes. I work with women who wish to become bimbos. Generally speaking they are women who clearly like attention, particularly of a sexual kind, but need a little guidance on how to relax, how to take life as it comes and to focus on their own personal development. The outcomes and the lessons are focused on helping them become bimbos, but really it's a self-help group."</span>
She stares at you. <span class="rosa-text">"What is a bimbo?"</span> You squirm a little in your seat. <span class="rosa-text">"Don't be embarrassed. We're all adults, and besides, Tan here has been to two of your meetings."</span>
[[Be bluntly honest about what a bimbo is|Rosa First Meeting Truth]]
[[Be diplomatic and vague about what a bimbo is|Rosa First Meeting Lie]]<span class="mc-text">"A bimbo is, bluntly, a pretty slut who aims to please those around her, particularly men."</span>
Rosa looks at Tan. <span class="rosa-text">"Is that what you heard?"</span>
Tan nods. <span class="tan-text">"Yep. That's basically what he's teaching them."</span>
Rosa takes a water bottle out of her bag and unscrews the top before taking a long swig. <span class="rosa-text">"A lot of businesses have a short shelf life. In this district any number of artisanal tofu stores, rim stores, and menorah merchants open up every year. Within a few months it's usually clear whether a business is going to survive or not, and when it seems that a business has at least a chance of surviving, I make a point of meeting with the people behind it.
I don't do this because it is good politics - though it is - but because I remember what this area used to be like. I grew up here, I remember when Bushwick Ave was nearly abandoned, when the only stores on Union were a crappy grocery store and a place for cops to buy coffee and papers. The people who worked and lived here did it because they couldn't afford a family away from their extended family, they couldn't make rent on a house with a garden in Queens AND pay for the childcare their abuela would provide after school..."</span> She looks at her phone and taps her chin. <span class="rosa-text">"When did you move in?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Uhhh... Like, 2012?"</span>
She shrugs her left shoulder. <span class="rosa-text">"OK, a little earlier than most of you guys, but still. The neighborhood was functional by then, and for most of us old timers that period - 2004 to about when you moved in - was when things were at their best. The rent was cheap, there were good stores open, and you could walk home from the subway at midnight and not get mugged. But things spiralled, and now the decent working people of this area who stuck by the neighborhood when times were bad are being pushed out. This time by guys with eviction papers, not crack rocks.
But, whatever anyone else may say, that's far better. Neighborhoods change. Cities change. People move in and out, and once I saw these rich NYU grads sticking around past their post-college, shitty apartment phase, and actually having kids here, I knew that the days of my district being a center of Brooklyn's Hispanic community were numbered.
So I meet up with all the new business owners, all the new power players, not just to get to know them, not just to find out how I can help them thrive, but also to try and coach them a little too. To try and teach them how they can be good neighbors and good citizens. Are you a good neighbor? A good citizen?"</span>
You're almost surprised that you are getting a chance to speak now. <span class="mc-text">"Yes... I mean... I hope so. But I'm not really sure."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Good answer. None of us really know."</span> Rosa stands up behind her desk, and so does Tan. Despite not really talking about your business you take this as your cue to leave. <span class="rosa-text">"It was very good to meet you, $player.firstName. You run a very unorthodox business, and I am not quite sure how I can help you in your endeavors, but I want you to know that my inbox, if not quite my door, is always open to you."</span> She looks at Tan. <span class="rosa-text">"Tan? If you can show him out, and give him our direct contact information"</span>
She reaches across the desk to shake your hand, and you shake it briefly, before walking out the door. Tan walks you to the front door of the entire office and hands you a business card. <span class="tan-text">"You already have my e-mail address, which is better for contacting us than the one here, but the phone numbers allow you to call us at the back there and the office down at City Hall."</span>
Tan turns to leave and as you're about to open the door you turn back to Tan. <span class="mc-text">"Is she always like that?"</span>
Tan smiles, a laugh about to emerge. <span class="tan-text">"Yeah. She is... We'll see each other soon. I know where you are every Friday!"</span>
''Rosa appreciated your honesty, and your relationship with her has improved.
You can now start visiting downtown.''
<<set AddMinutes(45); AddEvent("Player", "CouncilMeeting"); $npcs.rosa to clone($minorTemplate); $npcs.rosa.happiness to 11;>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 3>><<set $npcs.rosa.happiness += 1>><</if>>\
<<UINavigation "Downtown">><span class="mc-text">"A bimbo is a woman who strives to maintain a welcoming, joyful outlook on life and is particularly concerned with her looks."</span>
Rosa looks at Tan. <span class="rosa-text">"Is that what you heard?"</span>
Tan nods slowly, and skeptically. <span class="tan-text">"Essentially, yes..."</span>
Rosa takes a water bottle out of her bag and unscrews the top before taking a long swig. <span class="rosa-text">"A lot of businesses have a short shelf life. In this district any number of artisanal tofu stores, rim stores, and menorah merchants open up every year. Within a few months it's usually clear whether a business is going to survive or not, and when it seems that a business has at least a chance of surviving, I make a point of meeting with the people behind it.
I don't do this because it is good politics - though it is - but because I remember what this area used to be like. I grew up here, I remember when Bushwick Ave was nearly abandoned, when the only stores on Union were a crappy grocery store and a place for cops to buy coffee and papers. The people who worked and lived here did it because they couldn't afford a family away from their extended family, they couldn't make rent on a house with a garden in Queens AND pay for the childcare their abuela would provide after school..."</span> She looks at her phone and taps her chin. <span class="rosa-text">"When did you move in?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Uhhh... Like, 2012?"</span>
She shrugs her left shoulder. <span class="rosa-text">"OK, a little earlier than most of you guys, but still. The neighborhood was functional by then, and for most of us old timers that period - 2004 to about when you moved in - was when things were at their best. The rent was cheap, there were good stores open, and you could walk home from the subway at midnight and not get mugged. But things spiralled, and now the decent working people of this area who stuck by the neighborhood when times were bad are being pushed out. This time by guys with eviction papers, not crack rocks.
But, whatever anyone else may say, that's far better. Neighborhoods change. Cities change. People move in and out, and once I saw these rich NYU grads sticking around past their post-college, shitty apartment phase, and actually having kids here, I knew that the days of my district being a center of Brooklyn's Hispanic community were numbered.
So I meet up with all the new business owners, all the new power players, not just to get to know them, not just to find out how I can help them thrive, but also to try and coach them a little too. To try and teach them how they can be good neighbors and good citizens. Are you a good neighbor? A good citizen?"</span>
You're almost surprised that you are getting a chance to speak now. <span class="mc-text">"Yes... I mean... I hope so. But I'm not really sure."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Good answer. None of us really know."</span> Rosa stands up behind her desk, and so does Tan. Despite not really talking about your business you take this as your cue to leave. <span class="rosa-text">"It was very good to meet you, $player.firstName. I'm not quite sure what will happen to your business, but I want to keep up to date on any developments."</span> She looks at Tan. <span class="rosa-text">"Tan? If you can show him out, and give him our direct contact information"</span>
She reaches across the desk to shake your hand, and you shake it briefly, before walking out the door. Tan walks you to the front door of the entire office and hands you a business card. <span class="tan-text">"You already have my e-mail address, which is better for contacting us than the one here, but the phone numbers allow you to call us at the back there and the office down at City Hall."</span>
Tan turns to leave and as you're about to open the door you turn back to Tan. <span class="mc-text">"Is she always like that?"</span>
Tan smiles, a laugh about to emerge. <span class="tan-text">"Yeah. She is... We'll see each other soon. I know where you are every Friday!"</span>
''You can now start visiting downtown.''
<<set AddMinutes(45); AddEvent("Player", "CouncilMeeting"); $npcs.rosa to clone($minorTemplate); $npcs.rosa.happiness to 10;>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 3>><<set $npcs.rosa.happiness += 1>><</if>>\
<<UINavigation "Downtown">>You've dressed up nice; you have to impress Ms. Hernandez. This could be big for BLC. You take a deep breath and walk inside the bar.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/Bar/1.jpg" height="600">
To your right is the main bar area; you don't see Rosa. You continue walking toward the back. You check the back room and find it empty, then walk over to the lounge area. It's not too busy, but a little noisy. You finally see her. She's talking to what looks like a friend. You take a deep breath and walk toward her.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/Bar/2.jpg" height="600">
Rosa is standing there in a gorgeous dress. She looks at you and smiles.
<span class="rosa-text">"Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Ms. Hernandez. How are you?"</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Rosa. Call me Rosa. I'm great. What are you doing down here? I haven't seen you before."</span>
Shit, you hadn't thought this through. You try to come up with a reasonable thought. What do you say? <span class="mc-text">"Oh just getting a drink."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Well, let's go get you one."</span>
You can tell Rosa has had a few to drink, but is just a little peppy. She grabs your arm and leads the way over to the bar.
Rosa waves to the bartender. <span class="rosa-text">"Ben! Ben! Can we get a drink?"</span> She looks at you. <span class="rosa-text">"What's your poison?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"A cocktail. Whatever your special is tonight."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Oh a fancy guy? Two please Ben."</span>
Ben quickly makes the drinks and hands them to you. You pull out your wallet.
<span class="rosa-text">"Oh put that away"</span> Rosa says pushing away your wallet. <span class="rosa-text">"Being a council member has its perks. Most businesses know who I am."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That must be nice."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"It is. I do not however abuse it like some of my counterparts. They put it on my tab and just charge me cost."</span>
You wonder if your plan will work. She seems like she's up tight about certain things. You should have done more research.
<span class="rosa-text">"Let's head back to the lounge area before we lose our seats.</span>
[[Go back to the lounge area|Rosa Bar Meet Talk]]You walk back to the lounge area with Rosa. She greets a few people along the way. It seems like she is a regular here and knows almost everyone. As you walk behind her you marvel at how well she has aged. Rosa seems like a middle aged woman, but she is quite fit and her body looks great in that dress.
<span class="rosa-text">"Madison! Hey Madison!"</span>
As you walk up to the table Rosa has called out to a woman in the room.
<span class="minor-text">"Hey Rosa. Welcome back."</span>
You can tell they are friends. Rosa walks up and embraces her.
<span class="mc-text">"Nice to meet you, Madison is it?"</span>
<span class="madison-text">"Yep that's me."</span>
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/Bar/Madison.jpg" height="600">
Madison looks the same age as Rosa. She's blonde, kinda cute, decently fit for her age, professional demeanor.
<span class="rosa-text">"Well Mr. $player.lastName. It was nice seeing you."</span>
Now is your chance.
<span class="mc-text">"Actually, I'd like to talk with you if you wouldn't mind Rosa. About some professional things."</span>
She looks surprised. <span class="rosa-text">"Sure. Madison would you excuse us for a minute?"</span>
<span class="madison-text">"Sure thing, I need another drink anyway."</span> She walks toward the bar.
<span class="rosa-text">"Take a seat. How can I help you $player.firstName?"</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Ana", "CoffeeShopVisit2")>>\
''This is a major choice for Rosa.
Attempting to appeal to her better nature will keep your relationship professional.
Using any means necessary might lead to unforeseen results however.''
[[Attempt to persuade Ms. Hernandez by talking about Ana's misfortune|Rosa Bar Meet Persuasion Good][AddEvent("Rosa", "GoodPath"); $npcs.rosa.happiness += 5;]]
[[Persuade Ms. Hernandez by whatever means necessary|Rosa Bar Meet Persuasion Bad][$npcs.rosa.happiness -= 5]]You sit down across from Rosa and take a deep breath. Internally you know what you need from her but are a little uncertain on how to approach this subject.
<span class="mc-text">"I think we could be mutually beneficial to each other Rosa."</span>
She looks at you questionably. <span class="rosa-text">"Go on"</span> she says, taking a drink.
<span class="mc-text">"You see my business, as you well know of, is for the betterment of women."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Women who want to be better in that way you mean."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Exactly. It is not for you or me to decide how they should live their lives."</span>
Rosa actually looks like she agrees with what you said.
<span class="mc-text">"I also think we should promote women and their desires. Unfortunately not everyone will agree with me."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"As with all things in life $player.firstName."</span> Rosa finishes her drink. <span class="rosa-text">"What is it you want exactly?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I have a friend in bit of a precarious situation. Her boss, and the business that fired her have overstepped their bounds. I'm also dealing with a similar situation myself."</span>
Rosa seems interested in what you are saying.
<span class="mc-text">"Look, I'll be blunt. A woman who decided she wanted to enhance her body was fired because of it. She was treated extremely poorly and is now struggling to find work."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Sounds like a gender discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen. I have no doubt if what you say is true and she reports it to my office, we can have restitution for her. There is no place for that in my community. You also said you had a similar issue yourself? I'm intrigued to hear about it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm having an issue with another resident who happens to be the president of the Co-operative board for my residence. They have fined me and are now pursuing eviction."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"For your business?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes. Due to being a startup, part of it has been run from my home. I have now purchased a building next door and am in the middle of transitioning the business over."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Sounds like you've solved your problem."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I wish. Unfortunately, they have deemed immoral women operating from my home as a reasonable offense for eviction."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"So you want me to intervene?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"If you would. It would help me greatly."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"I think that may be an overstep of my reach."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'd like to think of it more as an opportunity to stand up for women and letting them live their lives as they want to. Not defined by some asshole who happens to live in my building."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Look $player.firstName, maybe I can help you, maybe I can't. If you can prove these things then without a doubt I can. But the burden of proof is on you. I will have my assistants look into it; send anything you have to my office."</span>
You thank her and take your leave. While walking home you think about how you are going to finish the job. Having the girls protest a bit, maybe hang some fliers.
[[Head home and rally the girls|Protest Planning Meeting]]You sit down across from Rosa and take a deep breath. Internally you know what you need from her but are a little uncertain on how to approach this subject.
<span class="mc-text">"I think we could be mutually beneficial to each other Rosa."</span>
She looks at you questionably. <span class="rosa-text">"Go on"</span> she says, taking a drink.
<span class="mc-text">"You see my business, as you well know of, is for the betterment of women."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Women who want to be better in that way you mean."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Exactly. It is not for you or me to decide how they should live their lives."</span>
Rosa actually looks like she agrees with what you said.
<span class="mc-text">"I also think we should promote women and their desires. Unfortunately not everyone will agree with me."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"As with all things in life $player.firstName."</span> Rosa finishes her drink. <span class="rosa-text">"What is it you want exactly?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Let me be blunt. I'm having an issue with another resident who happens to be the president of the Co-operative board for my residence. They have fined me and are now pursuing eviction."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"For your business?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes. Due to being a startup, part of it has been run from my home. I have now purchased a building next door and am in the middle of transitioning the business over."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Sounds like you've solved your problem."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I wish. Unfortunately, they have deemed immoral women operating from my home as a reasonable offense for eviction."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"So you want me to intervene?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"If you would. It would help me greatly."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"I think that may be an overstep of my reach."</span> The waiter brings Rosa another drink.
<span class="mc-text">"I'd like to think of it more as an opportunity to stand up for women and letting them live their lives as they want to. Not defined by some asshole who happens to live in my building."</span> You're getting a tad bit annoyed, and can tell Rosa really does not want to deal with your issue.
<span class="rosa-text">"Look $player.firstName. Maybe I can help you, maybe I can't. I'll look into it OK? I promise. Let's just have a good time."</span> Rosa has been looking off toward the bar the entire time she is talking to you. You can tell she has completely dismissed what you've said to her. <span class="rosa-text">"Hey!"</span> Rosa yells out towards the bar.
You look over and her friends are headed your way.
<span class="rosa-text">"$player.firstName you can meet some of my friends. Who knows, maybe they'll be your next customers."</span> Rosa laughs, stands up and goes to hug her friends. Fuck. She has no interest in your problem. How the hell are you going to get her to work for you? There's only one way you are going to win this battle. Force her hand.
[[Hang out with Rosa and her friends|Rosa Bar Meet Persuasion Bad 2]]You've made your decision. You have to find a way to get her to do what you want. You continue interacting with Rosa and her friends, subtly hitting on her, touching her. She smiles and is quite interested from what you can tell. After a while both you and Rosa have a decent buzz going. She turns around to you smiling.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/Bar/2-2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="rosa-text">"You ever fuck a powerful woman before $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Let's go."</span> Rosa grabs your hand and leads you toward the door. She's extremely giddy and excited. She walks toward her car.
<span class="rosa-text">"Come on, get in."</span> What the hell, why not? You think to yourself. She's making this easier than you thought.
Rosa drives you to her apartment; it isn't far. She pulls up in front, the valet comes out to take her keys. She lives in a ritzy building. Rosa grabs her heels off her feet and holds them.
<span class="rosa-text">"No way am I climbing these stairs in these."</span> You both laugh and you follow her. Once inside she heads to the bathroom.
<span class="rosa-text">"Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back."</span> You wander around the house looking at things. She has art everywhere; gorgeous pictures from her vacations. Rosa walks out of the bathroom in lingerie and heads to her bedroom. You follow her. She plops down on the bed, looking toward you.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/Bar/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="rosa-text">"Well?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Huh?"</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"What do you think?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You are beautiful."</span>
Rosa smiles. <span class="rosa-text">"What a gentleman."</span> She walks up to you and pushes down on the bed. Going for your pants she pulls out your cock. Rosa grabs a hold of it, tight, and pushes up your shirt.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/Bar/4.jpg" width="600">
<span class="rosa-text">"God I've needed to suck a cock for a while."</span>
Rosa swallows your cock.
[[Lay back|Rosa Bar Meet Persuasion Bad 3]]Rosa throats your dick for a few minutes; you can tell she enjoys it. You grab her hair and push her head down on your cock. You nearly cum.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/Bar/5.jpg" width="600">
As you push down Rosa gags, nearly making her vomit. She pushes herself off your cock and grabs your arm.
<span class="rosa-text">"What the hell $player.firstName?"</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
Rosa looks annoyed. You take the opportunity to show her who's boss. Grabbing her hair while she's laying on her side, you jump over and push your cock into her. Rosa moans in pleasure.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/Bar/6.jpg" width="600">
You tighten your grip in her hair as she tries to push you off. You've got a nice handful and start pounding into her. You feel her pulsating on your cock; she can barely contain herself.
<span class="rosa-text">"Uggghhhh"</span> Rosa moans as she cums. Powerful women do like being controlled afterall.
Rosa finally wiggles free and gets on top of you. She pushes you down smiling. <span class="rosa-text">"Not really my style, but felt good."</span>
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/Bar/8.jpg" width="600">
Rosa slams down onto your cock, holding your arms down whilst riding you. You can feel your balls smashing into her ass. She wants you deep. Rosa continues to fuck for quite a while. She's got her eyes closed, completely in her own world. After a short time you are ready to cum. Rosa pops off your cock and gets on her knees ready for your load. You unleash all over her face, which she willingly accepts. It starts to drip down on to her tits.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/Bar/9.jpg" height="600">
Rosa runs her tongue around her mouth licking up your cum. <span class="rosa-text">"I assume that I can expect your discretion, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course"</span> you say whilst thinking to yourself <span class="mc-text">Yeah right, this is perfect. She has to do anything I want now.</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Good, thank you for the good time."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It was fun Rosa. Maybe we can meet up again sometime and discuss my situation further."</span>
Rosa attempts to ignore you. <span class="rosa-text">"Sure $player.firstName. Have a good night."</span>
You get dressed and head home. At least now you've got her in a more fragile position. While walking home you think about how you are going to finish the job. Having the girls protest a bit, maybe hang some fliers, making it more vocal will force Rosa to take your side.
[[Head home and rally the girls|Protest Planning Meeting]]After your night with Rosa you realize you have a chance to make a change. First thing in the morning you rally the others in the living room.
<span class="mc-text">"Girls! Let's go!"</span>
As they one by one walk into the living room you are bombarded with a flurry of questions.
Stella groans at you, perturbed at the early morning intrusion. <span class="stella-text">"What are we doing $player.firstName?"</span>
Sofia interjects. <span class="sofia-text">"Why are you waking everyone up?"</span>
Charlotte walks in, somehow looking beautiful even with her hair a mess. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah, like, I need my beauty rest."</span>
June stumbles into the living room. <span class="june-text">"What the heck do you people want?"</span>
<<if not CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
Hang comes over to you and whispers <span class="hang-text">"What's going on?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Everyone relax for a second."</span>
You pick up your phone and start a call with Dani.
<span class="dani-text">"Hey $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hold on a sec Dani."</span>
You call Tan as well.
<span class="tan-text">"Hello?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Tan, it's $player.firstName. Alright can everyone hear me?"</span>
You receive a bunch of yeses from everyone.
<span class="mc-text">"OK. We have an opportunity and I need your help."</span>
Some of the girls seem interested. June clearly is not and starts listening to her music.
<span class="mc-text">"I've spoken with councilmember Hernandez, and if we just give this issue a little push, we can force them to act against the board. What I mean by that is I need you to be vocal about your support for women and their right to choose to do what they want. Both in life and with their bodies. Stella. Do you think you could lead the push for me on this?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Of course."</span>
Dani speaks up. <span class="dani-text">"I think I could get some of my friends to make posters too."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Let's organize as many people as we can. If we can rally a large group outside of her office, hopefully it'll force Councilmember Hernandez to help us."</span>
Everyone seems motivated except June.
''June is now much more of a brat.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(10); AddEvent("Rosa", "BarMeeting"); $bimbos.june.brat += 2;>>\You text your mom asking if she wants to come over. With Greg traveling, she agrees.
<<if not CheckEvent("Sofia", "DinnerDate")>>\
[[Go out for dinner|Sofia Dinner Date]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Sofia", "NightEventTalk")>>\
[[Talk about what she saw|Sofia Night Event Talk]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "PornDate")>>\
[[Invite her over|Sofia Porn Date]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "LingerieDate")>>\
[[She invites herself over|Sofia Lingerie Date]]
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.slut gte 36 and $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist gte 36>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Sofia", "BimboTrainingInterest")>>\
[[Talk about Bimbo Life Coaching|Sofia Bimbo Coaching Interest]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "RoomEvent")>>\
[[You hear Charlotte walking past your room|Sofia Room Event]]
Your mom needs to be incredibly slutty and incredibly exhibitionist to talk about Bimbo Life Coaching more.
<<if $bimbos.hang?.transformLevel is 1 and CheckEvent("Sofia", "BimboTrainingInterest") and not CheckEvent("Sofia", "HangMeet")>>\
[[You introduce your mom to Hang|Sofia Hang Meet]]
<<elseif $bimbos.june?.slutTraining gte 1 and (CheckEvent("Sofia", "HangMeet") or CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")) and not CheckEvent("Sofia", "Implants")>>\
[[Your mom needs new implants|Sofia Implants]]
<<if not $bimbos.sofia.trainingComplete and CheckEvent("Sofia", "OfficeLesson")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Sofia", "ShopEvent")>>\
[[Check on your mom|Sofia Shop][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "HallEvent")>>\
[[See where your mom has gotten to|Sofia Hallway]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Sofia", "DesireLesson")>>\
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 0 and not CheckEvent("Sofia", "BathroomEvent")>>\
[[You have a new message|Sofia Bathroom Text]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "FlirtEvent")>>\
[[Relax in the living room|Sofia Flirts]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "DinnerEvent")>>\
[[Grab something to eat|Sofia Dinner]]
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 0 and BetweenTime(18, 24)>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Sofia", "LingerieDate")>>\
[[Play dress up|Sofia Exhibitionist Repeatable]]
[[Watch porn|Sofia Slut Repeatable]]
<<if CheckEvent("Sofia", "RoomEvent")>>\
[[Ask your mom for 'help' again|Sofia Titjob]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Sofia", "Massage")>>\
[[Check on your mom, she made a weird noise|Sofia Massage]]
<<if CheckEvent("Sofia", "DesireLesson")>>\
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel isnot 2>>\
[[Time for massage|Sofia Massage Repeatable]]
[[Check on your mom's progress|Sofia Dildo Repeatable]]
[[Conduct some extra training|Sofia Blowjob Repeatable]]
[[Have some fun|Sofia Anal Repeatable]]
You spend some time chatting over a glass of wine. Mostly what you are concentrating on to expand BLC.
<<UINavigation "Home">>It's raining heavily today, so you run into the restaurant rather than waiting outside. Seconds after you to, your mom saunters in, protected by a big umbrella, a stack of bags hanging from her other forearm. She waves at you, and after she takes off her coat and closes her umbrella, walks over to you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/DinnerDate/Dress.jpg" height="600">
She hugs you and kisses your cheek. You're wet from the rain and she tries to avoid making too much contact with you. Her cleavage is on full show in this dress.
You make a point of looking her up and down, and see that her dress is longer than normal. Almost all the way down to her knees.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/DinnerDate/Skirt.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Like my shoes?"</span>
You look up at her and smile. <span class="mc-text">"I was mainly thinking that your dress is longer than normal. Have you joined the sisterhood?"</span>
She raises one eyebrow at you. <span class="sofia-text">"Oh, you've noticed have you? Anyway, it's not a dress, it's a skirt and matching top. I just had to have it, it suits me don't you think? It's only a bandage skirt so I can roll it up if you think it isn't short enough."</span>
She smiles lopsidedly and laughs as you begin to look embarrassed, then pushes past you. <span class="sofia-text">"I made a booking."</span> She approaches the hostess who is tiny in comparison to her. Once the booking is found, you are led into a sleek, modern restaurant with bright tiles and dark furniture.
After you order a bottle of wine you get down to conversation. <span class="mc-text">"When did you get into the city?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Around lunchtime. I went shopping all afternoon."</span>
You nod towards her pile of bags. <span class="mc-text">"So I see. What did you get?"</span>
She smiles brightly. <span class="sofia-text">"Lots of things! I got this gorgeous jacket, a pair of heels, a couple of nice dresses, and a bunch of lingerie."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Sounds like quite a haul."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"It is! I'm trying to update my wardrobe, take a few more risks, you know?"</span>
You raise your eyebrows at her. <span class="mc-text">"Doesn't Greg already think you take too many risks?"</span>
She flaps her hands at you, then turns the conversation around to what you've been up to since you last saw her.
[[Continue|Sofia Dinner Date June]]After you finish your main the subject turns to June.
<span class="sofia-text">"I wanted to thank you again for taking June out. I really appreciated it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No worries. Anything for you, mom."</span>
She detects the sarcasm in your voice and makes a face. <span class="sofia-text">"Did you like seeing her?"</span>
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"It wasn't a completely horrific experience."</span>
She laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"Well, good. Because she is excited to see you again."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"She never seems that excited."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Well, you're siblings. That's how these things work."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Step siblings"</span>
She rolls her eyes, then orders a coffee to round off the meal, as conversation turns to the dire state of public transport in New York.
After she's paid the check - you've stopped arguing now - she looks at you expectantly. <span class="sofia-text">"So..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Are you going to invite me back to your place?"</span> You make a concerned face and she laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"You're so easy to tease. But yeah... Can I stay the night again? I don't want to go back all alone to Fairfield."</span>
You sigh dramatically. <span class="mc-text">"Well OK. But it'll have to be relaxed tonight, if you're going to be over more regularly I can't be disturbing Stella and Charlotte too much."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Just behave like I'm not even there."</span> You laugh, and she does too. <span class="sofia-text">"Well, maybe not."</span>
[[Get a cab home|Sofia Dinner Date Apartment][SetHours(21)]]When you get home you see Stella and Charlotte are in the living room together watching a movie. As you walk in their heads turn around, and after looking at each other, a naked Charlotte begins to skip towards the hallway.
She yells towards you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Let me just go get dressed!"</span>
You're about to thank her when your mom steps in. <span class="sofia-text">"Hey, Charlotte!"</span> She turns around.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sofia/NakedTransform.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sofia/Naked.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Don't worry. I don't want to impose on you, just watch your movie."</span> Charlotte beams at your mom, and then pokes her tongue out at Stella.
<span class="mc-text">"What do you wanna do? We could watch the movie with them, or have a drink or tea just us two."</span>
She looks over at Stella and Charlotte watching their movie, then back at you. <span class="sofia-text">"I kinda wanted to try on my new clothes, but... Either sounds good. You decide."</span>
[[Watch the movie with Stella and Charlotte|Sofia Night Event]]<span class="mc-text">"Let's watch the movie with Stella and Charlotte. They usually only watch fun ones, plus it might be good to help you all relax around each other, you know?"</span>
She looks up at you and smiles, then kicks her heels off. <span class="sofia-text">"OK! That sounds fun."</span> She begins to walk off to the hallway with her bags. <span class="sofia-text">"I'll be back in a little bit, just gonna freshen up."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You want anything? Wine? Tea?"</span>
She shouts over her shoulder from the entrance to the hallway. <span class="sofia-text">"Tea, please."</span>
You make two cups of tea and then sit down on the other sofa watching the movie. <span class="mc-text">"What are we watching?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Wolverine."</span> Stella briefly glances at you. <span class="stella-text">"Nice night with your mom?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah. Went to some new restaurant in the city, was good."</span>
Stella nods, and turns back to the film. A few minutes later your mom walks in the room and stands by the TV. You shift your gaze over to her and see that she's wearing a tiny pair of panties, and a bra that doesn't even cover her nipples.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/DinnerDate/Underwear.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"When in Rome!"</span>
Charlotte looks up at her and her jaw drops. <span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck, that's awesome. Are they supposed to cover your nipples?"</span>
Your mom shrugs. <span class="sofia-text">"Maybe? To be honest I have trouble finding bras that manage to cover me up anyway."</span> She turns to you. <span class="sofia-text">"What do you think, honey? I bought the set today."</span>
You shift in your seat and look at her, your jaw dropped. <span class="mc-text">"You look... Amazing"</span>
She smiles at you, and begins to walk over to where you are sitting.
[[Tell her there's not much point in even wearing a bra|Sofia Night Event Movie][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Pass her the cup of tea when she sits down|Sofia Night Event Movie][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<set $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 2;>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Not much point even wearing a bra that doesn't cover anything, if you ask me..."</span> You turn back towards the movie, but your mom stops.
<span class="sofia-text">"You're right."</span>
She undoes the bra then drops it to the ground.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/DinnerDate/Boobs.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Just my panties now! I'm fitting right in."</span>
Charlotte's attention has shifted back to the movie, but Stella is searching your face for your reaction.
You decide to tease her, and lean forwards.
<span class="mc-text">"They barely cover anything too, you might as well be naked."</span>
She raises a single eyebrow. <span class="sofia-text">"Are you wanting me to take all my clothes off?"</span>
You glare at her. <span class="mc-text">"You're interrupting the movie."</span>
She turns around and bends over slightly. <span class="sofia-text">"I think these cover me well enough."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/DinnerDate/Ass.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You make a point of not looking at her, but she moves her ass until you finally look. She laughs, and smiles, and comes to sit next to you. You hand her the tea you made her, and the four of you settle in to watch Wolverine. You, your two bimbos, and your topless mom. Or, as is becoming increasingly true, your three bimbos.
Towards the end of the movie you notice your mom has fallen asleep, and after the credits roll you gently wake her up and send her off to bed. Charlotte follows her, and Stella is about to go to sleep too when you grab her hand.
<span class="mc-text">"You're not going to bed yet."</span>
''Your mom is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
[[Continue|Sofia Night Event Finish][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
When she sits down next to you, you pass her the cup of tea you made for her. She blows on it, producing a small cloud of steam. <span class="sofia-text">"Thanks."</span>
She turns to watch the film and you settle in to watch Wolverine, with your two bimbos and your nearly topless mom. Really, if you're being honest, with your three bimbos. You look at your mom and smile, and she takes your forearm and wraps her arm around it, the side of her left breast now touching your bare arm.
When the movie finishes you notice that she has fallen asleep, and you wake her up. As she sleepily walks to bed she kisses you on the cheek. <span class="sofia-text">"Goodnight, honey."</span>
When you wake up your early riser mom has left already, but as usual you get a text from her in the morning.
<span class="sofia-text">Thanks for the wonderful night, it was so nice to relax so 'freely' with you three. I'll have to come over more often!</span>
''Your mom is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Sofia", "DinnerDate"); $player.cash -= 30; $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 1;>>\
<</if>>\You quickly go down on Stella to get her wet, but you're consumed with lust, and once she's good to go you pick her up, sit down on the sofa, then begin fucking up into her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sofia/Sex.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"So desperate tonight, I love it."</span>
You're fucking up into her, grabbing her tits, sticking your fingers in her mouth when you hear something behind you, from towards the hallway.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Stop and look|Sofia Night Event Finish][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Keep fucking her|Sofia Night Event Finish][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You stop fucking Stella. <span class="mc-text">"Wait. Stop. I heard something."</span> You both stop, and then immediately sensing that your mom is approaching you push Stella off you.
You're both sitting naked on the sofa when she walks around the corner.
<span class="sofia-text">"What are you two still doing-"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/DinnerDate/Interrupt.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She approaches, and laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"I see... Well, I'm going right back to bed when I've got my water glass. I promise."</span> She makes a show of covering her eyes and quickly jogs back to her room with her glass.
When her back is turned but you can still see her in the hallway Stella leans over and begins sucking your dick, but after 15 seconds or so you stop her. <span class="mc-text">"Nah. That killed the mood for me. Sorry Stella.</span>
In the morning, she's gone, but you get a text message from her as she's on the train back to Fairfield.
<span class="sofia-text">Thanks for a great night again!
I could get used to watching movies nearly au naturel
Sorry for interrupting you ;)</span>
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Sofia", "DinnerDate"); $player.cash -= 30;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You keeping fucking up into Stella, quickly forgetting the noise and assuming it is just the creaking of the building, or Charlotte coming to get something. You grab Stella by the hair and push her to her knees on the floor. Stella looks up at you and plays with her tits. <span class="stella-text">"Come on my face, $player.firstName. Fill my mouth, I want to taste you. I want you to fill-"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/DinnerDate/Interrupt.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Hey guys, what're you still-"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"-my mouth with your cum"</span>
Your mom is staring right at you. Stella doesn't stop.
<span class="sofia-text">"Cover me, $player.firstName. Cover my face."</span>
You're seconds away from orgasm, but if you stop right now, you can stop yourself from orgasming.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName?"</span>
[[Stop|Sofia Night Event Finish][$passageRoute to 4]]
[[Cum on Stella's face|Sofia Night Event Finish][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
You keeping fucking up into Stella, quickly forgetting the noise and assuming it is just the creaking of the building, or Charlotte coming to get something. You grab Stella by the hair and push her to her knees on the floor. Stella looks up at you and plays with her tits. <span class="stella-text">"Come on my face, $player.firstName. Fill my mouth, I want to taste you. I want you to fill-"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/DinnerDate/Interrupt.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Hey guys, what're you still-"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"-my mouth with your cum"</span>
Your mom is staring right at you. Stella doesn't stop.
<span class="stella-text">"Cover me, $player.firstName. Cover my face."</span>
You're seconds away from orgasm, but if you stop right now, you can stop yourself from orgasming.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName?"</span>
You stop, immediately. <span class="mc-text">"Mom!"</span>
You both look at each other wide-eyed, and Stella shrinks to the floor.
<span class="sofia-text">"I... I was just getting a water glass."</span> She covers her eyes to avoid looking at you and Stella, and does a brisk walk to the kitchen where she grabs her glass. She almost jogs back to her room.
You call after her weakly. <span class="mc-text">"Night, mom"</span>
Your dick has gone flaccid now, and you help Stella up from the floor. She nods at you, and you both go to bed silently.
''Your mom is now more of a slut.''
In the morning, she's gone, but you get a text message from her as she's on the train back to Fairfield.
<span class="sofia-text">Thanks for a great night again!
I could get used to watching movies nearly au naturel
Sorry for interrupting you ;)</span>
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Sofia", "DinnerDate"); $player.cash -= 30; $bimbos.sofia.slut += 1;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
You keeping fucking up into Stella, quickly forgetting the noise and assuming it is just the creaking of the building, or Charlotte coming to get something. You grab Stella by the hair and push her to her knees on the floor. Stella looks up at you and plays with her tits. <span class="stella-text">"Come on my face, $player.firstName. Fill my mouth, I want to taste you. I want you to fill-"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/DinnerDate/Interrupt.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Hey guys, what're you still-"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"-my mouth with your cum"</span>
Your mom is staring right at you. Stella doesn't stop.
<span class="stella-text">"Cover me, $player.firstName. Cover my face."</span>
You're seconds away from orgasm, but if you stop right now, you can stop yourself from orgasming.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName?"</span>
You don't stop. You can't stop. In fact you speed up, looking right into your mom's eyes as you cum all over Stella's face.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sofia/Cum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks at you, saying nothing.
<span class="mc-text">"Mom..."</span>
Stella doesn't stop, she keeps sucking the last of the cum out of your dick, then plays with it. <span class="stella-text">"Yes, $player.firstName. Yes."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sofia/After.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Your mom turns around, and says nothing. She walks back to her room.
''Your mom is now much more of a slut.''
''You mom is now less happy with you.''
In the morning, she's gone, but you get a text message from her as she's on the train back to Fairfield.
<span class="sofia-text">We should probably talk about last night
I'm not mad, but...
Anyway, thanks for the fun night. I could get used to watching movies nearly au naturel</span>
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Sofia", "DinnerDate"); AddEvent("Sofia", "NightEventTalk"); $player.cash -= 30; $bimbos.sofia.slut += 2; $bimbos.sofia.happiness -= 1;>>\
<</if>>\You arrange to meet your mom again that evening, but you suggest that instead of going out to dinner you just eat at your house. Stella and Charlotte are gone for the evening, and you'll have the house all to yourselves.
She arrives at the arranged time, with a suitcase and a few shopping bags. She bursts through the door and begins walking towards the corner room.
<span class="mc-text">"Been shopping again?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Of course! I bought a bunch of nice stuff."</span>
You begin to follow her to the room.
<span class="mc-text">"What did you get?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"More lingerie, mainly. A dressing gown. A matching skirt and top."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What's in the suitcase? Are you off somewhere?"</span>
She wheels it into the room and drops it by the bed. <span class="sofia-text">"No! I'm staying over so often now I thought I should leave some things here."</span>
You sigh as a frown creeps across your face. She walks to you and pinches your cheek. <span class="mc-text">"You could at least ask first, you know."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"OK. Can I leave some things here?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, but..."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Great! That's settled."</span> You sigh again. <span class="sofia-text">"What are we doing tonight?"</span>
You sit down on the chair opposite her bed. <span class="mc-text">"Whatever you want, really."</span>
She begins to rummage through her bags. <span class="mc-text">"Are you uh... Gonna try any of that stuff on?"</span>
She remains bent over, but turns her head to look at you. <span class="sofia-text">"Are you wanting me to dress up for you?"</span>
You blush slightly. <span class="mc-text">"No, I just... You said you enjoyed it. That's all. It's relaxing, right?"</span>
She picks up one bag. <span class="sofia-text">"OK. But you've got to 'relax' too."</span>
[[Take off your clothes|Sofia Porn Date Dress]]You smile at her, and it seems she wasn't entirely expecting you to agree. You begin to take off your top, and see her eyes flitting between you and almost anything else in the room. You take off your socks, then slip off your jeans.
<img src="Images/Player/2.jpg" height="600">
When you're done, you stand in front of her, and she looks you up and down.
<span class="sofia-text">"You've been keeping fit. I'm proud of you."</span>
You sit down on the chair looking at her, but she beckons you to follow her to the bathroom. <span class="sofia-text">"Just gonna unpack a little."</span> She begins to empty various toiletries and some costume jewelry onto the bathroom counter.
That done, she begins to undress.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Will you see June again soon?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, probably."</span>
So far this isn't that weird, your family was quite casual about nudity growing up.
<span class="sofia-text">"You should see her this weekend."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She lifts up her leg to take off her heels and you see her pussy is perfectly smooth. You wonder about that for half a second, before you shake it out of your head.
<span class="mc-text">"I'll see. Maybe I can get her to go somewhere that isn't an Instagram hot spot."</span>
Your mom snorts. <span class="sofia-text">"If you figure out how to get her to do that, let me know your secret."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/1d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She puts on her garter and then begins to line it up correctly.
She glances at you for a moment. <span class="sofia-text">"Are you a stocking man, $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I guess."</span> She sits down and begins to put on her stockings.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/1e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"There's no 'I guess' you either are, or you aren't."</span>
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"Then yes, I am."</span> She smiles at you.
<span class="sofia-text">"Why do you like them?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/1f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You're silent for a moment. <span class="mc-text">"I guess I like that they cover up the legs but leave all the interesting bits free."</span>
She looks at you and giggles. <span class="sofia-text">"Same."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/1g.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Like it so far?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/1h.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"You haven't put on the full set yet, how can I tell?"</span>
She pushes past you, making an offended sound. <span class="sofia-text">"Like I need a bra."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Or panties, clearly..."</span>
She looks over her shoulder at you and laughs, then trots back to put on a pair of panties.
<span class="sofia-text">"Oops!"</span>
''Your mom is now more of an exhibitionist.''
[[Continue|Sofia Porn Date Apartment]]She walks through her bedroom and the hallway, and to the living room where she hops up on the sofa.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/Boobs.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"What do you think? Should I keep it?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I didn't know you could return lingerie."</span> She frowns. <span class="mc-text">"It looks good on you, though. Stockings suit you."</span>
You go and sit at the far end of the same sofa and she flops down lengthwise across it. She props her arms up, otherwise her face would be in your crotch.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/Naked.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"So! What are we going to do tonight?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Glass of wine while we discuss?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Sure!"</span>
You hop up and walk to the kitchen to open a bottle and pour two glasses of wine. You initially leave the bottle there, but after a moment's thought you bring the bottle with you.
You had her her glass, then sit down opposite her, but a little further away.
<span class="sofia-text">"If I bought you some better underwear would you wear them?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Mom, you're sounding like June."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"She hasn't complained about your underwear, at least not to me. But would you?"</span>
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah, of course. I won't say no to free panties."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I was going to get you boxers and briefs, but if you want panties I'm sure I could lend you some of mine."</span>
You laugh, and your mom sits up, takes off her heels, and sits cross legged next to you.
<span class="mc-text">"So. We have the house to ourselves. What do you want to do? I could cook us dinner. I could get us delivery. We could sit in and watch some old movies, or just kinda hang out and chat."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"What can you cook?"</span>
You stand up and walk over to the kitchen and peer into the fridge. You shout back to her. <span class="mc-text">"I could do seared chicken breasts in a nice mushroom sauce with some greens?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Sounds good!"</span> she shouts back.
You slowly pad back to the living room and look at her. <span class="mc-text">"Shall I get started now then?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Sure."</span> You head into the kitchen and begin to take things out of the fridge and cupboard, when your mom shouts for you again. <span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName!"</span>
You poke your head out.
<span class="sofia-text">"How do I switch on the TV?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The remote should be kept on the coffee table, but if Charlotte's the last one to watch anything then it'll probably be shoved between the cushions on the other sofa."</span>
You return to the kitchen and begin to look up the recipe on your phone to remind you when hear your mom shout again. <span class="sofia-text">"It was between the cushions!"</span>
[[Continue|Sofia Porn Date TV]]A few minutes later you hear your mom shout again.
<span class="sofia-text">"Woah!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/2a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You poke your head out, and displaying on your giant screen is a pert little ass in vinyl shorts getting squeezed.
<span class="sofia-text">"Is sex the only thing you guys think about here?"</span> She turns her head and looks at you, then looks back at the screen.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You put down your knife then walk over to the living room, standing behind your mom.
<span class="mc-text">"Fucking Charlotte. This is her favorite scene."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/2c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"She likes some pretty intense stuff."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh she does, this gets a lot more intense."</span> You lean over and reach to take the remote out of your mom's hands, but she holds onto it slightly.
[[Take it from her and switch to something else|Sofia Porn Date Finish]]
[[Let her do what she wants|Sofia Porn Date Porn][$bimbos.sofia.slut += 2]]You make a light grab for it, but she holds onto the remote.
<span class="sofia-text">"I'll find something else to watch, you just focus on dinner."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Whatever you want mom."</span>
You walk back into the kitchen and a few minutes later you peek your head around the corner and see your mom is looking for a movie to watch on Netflix. But when you look again to see what movie she's chosen, you see she's gone back to the porn.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/2d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
When all the food is prepped, and the chicken is searing on the grill, you look again. The porn is still on. It doesn't look like your mom is, you know, 'doing' anything, so you leave her be.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/2e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After you take the chicken out of the pan and replace it with butter and mushrooms, you look again. The girl in the porn is airtight, with a cock in her right hand.
You finish cooking and you bring the two plates over to the living room. Your mom looks up at you.
<span class="sofia-text">"It's kind of mesmerizing..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You jealous of all the attention?"</span> You place the plates down on the table, then sit next to her. <span class="mc-text">"The girl's name is Keri Sable."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Yeah... Anyway, let's change to something else and eat dinner."</span>
She reaches for the remote, but you wonder if you should grab it before she can.
''Your mom is now much more of a slut.''
[[Let her change to a movie|Sofia Porn Date Finish]]
[[Grab the remote|Sofia Porn Date Porn Continue]]You quickly snatch it out of her grasp.
<span class="mc-text">"You've been sitting here watching this for over half an hour straight and you want to stop now?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I mean... I don't think we can watch porn together..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"But it's alright to watch porn around me while I'm cooking dinner?"</span>
She shrugs, then picks up her plate and puts it on her lap.
<span class="sofia-text">"Fine."</span> She cuts into the chicken and takes a bite. <span class="sofia-text">"Oh, $player.firstName. This is delicious."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks mom."</span>
You eat in relative silence.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/2f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"She's gonna be sore tomorrow."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Know this from personal experience?"</span> She punches your shoulder and jostles you. <span class="mc-text">"Hey, hey, hey, don't get any sauce on the sofa."</span>
You take another bite, and on the screen you see the girl get on all fours on the floor. <span class="mc-text">"Oh, this is Charlotte's favorite part!"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Why?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You'll see, it's so fucked up."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/2g.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
On the second load your mom begins to count out loud. <span class="sofia-text">"Two..."</span> You share occasional glances and now that dinner is over, you lay back and enjoy the show.
<span class="sofia-text">"Three..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What a champ, right?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Four..."</span>
You're starting to get turned on now, and you grab a pillow to cover your growing erection. Your mom looks at you and raises an eyebrow, but then shrugs and looks back at the screen.
<span class="sofia-text">"Five."</span>
Keeping the pillow over your rock hard dick, you reach for the remote. <span class="mc-text">"This bit is pretty disgusting, to be honest..."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Wait, wait..."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/PornDate/2h.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You lean back with the remote in hand and look at your mom's face as she watches five loads of cum drip from the actress' asshole into a glass bowl.
<span class="sofia-text">"Eww! That's gross!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Seen enough?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Turn it off, turn it off, turn it offfff!"</span>
You quickly exit the scene and don't have the heart to tell her that she then drinks all the cum.
<span class="sofia-text">"Fuck, $player.firstName..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Every time you stay here must be such an educational experience for you."</span>
She laughs, then snatches the remote from you. <span class="sofia-text">"I'll pick a movie. When you can stand up again, get me a tea."</span>
A few minutes later you get up and get her tea, and when you come back you see her eyeing your semi and the little patch of precum that soaked through your boxers. Neither of you say anything, but when you sit back down she stretches out along the sofa and rests her head on your thigh to watch the movie. It takes a surprising amount of self-control not to get another hard on.
After the movie is done you both find your ways to bed.
''Your mom is now much more of a slut.''
You receive a text message from her the next morning.
<span class="sofia-text">I can't believe you made us watch that together
Fun night though, that chicken and mushroom dish was delicious
Love you! xxx</span>
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Sofia", "PornDate"); $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.sofia.slut += 2;>>\You put on a cheesy comedy that you've both watched a dozen times, and after you eat dinner your mom rests her head on your thigh to watch the movie. A couple of times you come close to getting an erection, but it's a relaxing evening and she falls asleep on you.
After the movie is done you wake her up and you both find your ways to bed.
You receive a text message from her the next morning.
<span class="sofia-text">I can't believe we watched some of that porno together!
Fun night though, that chicken and mushroom dish was delicious
Love you! xxx</span>
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Sofia", "PornDate"); $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 1;>>\She calls you around 6. <span class="sofia-text">"I'm on my way over!"</span>
You sit up from the sofa, where you had been stewing in laziness. <span class="mc-text">"What? Who says I don't have plans?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Well, do you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No, but-"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Well great, see you soon then. I have presents!"</span>
[[Continue|Sofia Lingerie Date Apartment]]Half an hour later you she buzzes up and you let her in. A few minutes later she strides in with the usual shopping bags.
<span class="sofia-text">I'll be with you in a second, I'm just going to go change."</span> She chucks the bags on the sofa and strides off towards what is now essentially her bedroom.
A few moments later she returns, topless, wearing black stockings, with a purple garter and panties.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/LingerieDate/Naked.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Ahh, a lot more comfortable."</span> She sits down, and picks up one of the larger bags. She takes out some fabric. <span class="sofia-text">"I got you presents!"</span>
She passes you a pair of boxers.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Remember last time I was over I asked if I could buy you better underwear?"</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I do. Thanks mom."</span> You hold up the boxers and feel them. <span class="mc-text">"They look good. Nice, soft material."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Only the best for the $player.lastName mother and son..."</span> She looks at you and makes a shooing gesture. <span class="sofia-text">"So aren't you going to try them on? I want to see if I did good!"</span>
You pick up the boxers and begin to walk to the hallway, when you hear your mom quietly say. <span class="sofia-text">"You don't have to be shy..."</span>
You stop, turn around, and look at her. She smiles at you. You go stand next to her, in front of the shopping bags and begin to undress. She makes no effort now to look away as you do, and when you pull down your underwear to show your cock she only looks away to hand you the new underwear.
You pull them on, facing her the entire time.
<img src="Images/Player/SofiaLingerie/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"You look great!"</span> You walk over to the mirror and look at yourself. The pair of white boxer briefs do flatter you. <span class="sofia-text">"What do you think?"</span>
You turn around to look at your ass. <span class="mc-text">"They're good. Comfy... They look good on me, too."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Of course they do!"</span>
She dangles another pair of underwear from her finger.
<span class="sofia-text">"These are a little more flattering, but for someone in such good shape I think they'll work well."</span>
You walk over and take off the first pair, then put on the new second pair.
<img src="Images/Player/SofiaLingerie/2.jpg" height="600">
She stares at you nodding, and gives you a thumbs up, then does a spinning gesture. <span class="sofia-text">"See? I'm the master of buying lingerie."</span>
You look over your shoulder and frown at her as you walk back to the mirror to admire yourself. <span class="mc-text">"Underwear, mom."</span> You look haven't really worn underwear this skimpy before, but... It could grow on you. You examine yourself for a while, and stretch the band. You stick your hand down and rearrange your cock to make it more comfortable.
Then you turn back to your mom.
<span class="sofia-text">"The rest of the underwear is pretty much like those, but I did get one more thing..."</span>
You walk back to her, and take off the second pair. You stand in front of her naked. <span class="mc-text">"What is it?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"This."</span>
[[Continue|Sofia Lingerie Date Underwear]]She holds up a blue thing that seems to consist entirely of mesh and straps.
<span class="mc-text">"Really?"</span> She shrugs, but smiles innocently. <span class="mc-text">"Ugh, fine."</span> You take it from her and she claps.
<span class="sofia-text">"I had to get you something fun, too. Underwear shouldn't just be functional, but also exciting."</span>
You bend over and struggle slightly getting your feet through it. Then when you pull it up, it's a tangled mess. You try a few more times. <span class="mc-text">"Fuck, this is difficult..."</span>
She beckons you towards her and you approach, the jockstrap around your thighs. <span class="sofia-text">"It's nowhere near as difficult as the stuff we have to put on."</span>
With both her hands on your thighs she finds the top strap, then begins to pull it up. You're standing so close that her breasts are brushing against you as she moves. She works it up, initially tucking the top strap above your ass, then with a casualness that almost took your breath away, she cups your penis and slides it into the support mesh. With her hand still on your dick she says <span class="sofia-text">"Almost like old times, dressing you."</span> You feel your dick jump as a little bit of blood rushes into it, and you can tell she felt it too.
She lets go, and you stand back, your penis growing slowly as she looks at you.
<span class="sofia-text">"Amazing, $player.firstName."</span>
You walk over to the mirror and look at yourself.
<img src="Images/Player/SofiaLingerie/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"This is pretty... Sexy?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"They're meant for working out, so that your penis is supported while you're moving, but there's nothing restricting you elsewhere. You're totally free."</span>
<img src="Images/Player/SofiaLingerie/4.jpg" height="600">
You turn around and look at your ass, almost entirely bare. You walk back over. <span class="mc-text">"I love them."</span> She smiles at you as you stand in front of her. You bend down and kiss her on the cheek. <span class="mc-text">"Thanks, mom. Want a glass of wine?"</span>
She nods, and you go to the kitchen.
[[Continue|Sofia Lingerie Date Bimbo]]You stay in the jockstrap, and you and your mom relax into the evening, half watching that British baking show, but mainly just chatting. Once the wine is finished talk turns to your coaching business.
<span class="sofia-text">"So what, exactly, do you teach?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I teach them how to be good bimbos."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"But what does that mean? What makes a good bimbo? If it's just huge tits and slutty clothes, then..."</span> She gestures at herself. You both laugh, but you stand up.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm just getting something from my office, I'll be right back."</span>
When you return, you hand her a card.
<img src="Images/BLC/PrinciplesOfBimboism.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"These are the principles of bimboism."</span>
She reads them for a moment. <span class="sofia-text">"I mean... Yeah, this all makes sense. It seems a good way to live life."</span>
She's silent for a little bit, then bites her lip. <span class="sofia-text">"In fact, isn't this kind of how I live my life?"</span> She leans in to you, and points at the top one. <span class="sofia-text">"I take enormous pride in my appearance. I'm always trying to make people happy. I think - or at least I hope - I am my absolute best self. And I'm a source of joy, right?"</span> You nod. <span class="sofia-text">"And, well, I'm the trophy wife of a banker. How could I let myself be taken care of any more?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I suppose you couldn't."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Am I a bimbo, $player.firstName?"</span> She says this with a sneaky grin on her face.
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"You're on your way there, but it's clear you're self-taught rather than trained."</span>
She laughs, offended. <span class="sofia-text">"I need to be trained, do I?"</span> You shrug dramatically, but she looks at you. <span class="sofia-text">"Do you want to train me?"</span>
You're at a loss for words and open your mouth, but nothing comes out.
<span class="sofia-text">"Train me, $player.firstName."</span>
After a few seconds she begins to smile, then laughs, and you laugh too. She changes the subject, and you go to bed once the episode you're watching finishes.
When you wake up in the morning, though, you notice that she's taken the Principles of Bimboism card with her.
''You can now do repeatable events with your mom. They will increase certain stats, and unlock certain events.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(4); AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Sofia", "LingerieDate");>>\You don't arrange to meet her tonight, but once you're done with your day you call her up.
<span class="sofia-text">"Hey $player.firstName!"</span>
She sounds surprisingly chirpy.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, mom... How are things with you?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"They're good. I just got back from the gym. How are you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm good, I'm good..."</span>
There's silence, and you can imagine her waiting for you to fess up.
<span class="mc-text">"I wanted to talk about what you saw."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Yes, we should talk about that."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I wanted to apologize. I... I shouldn't have done that."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"It was... Weird. I know we're a relaxed family, but that's a little too relaxed even for me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I know, I know. I'm sorry."</span>
She lets out a long sigh. <span class="sofia-text">"I suppose it's not entirely my fault. I know what you get up to with them. I shouldn't be surprised to see things like that if I go creeping around in the night. You should buy me a cowbell."</span> You laugh, and she does too. <span class="sofia-text">"Still, I appreciate the apology $player.firstName. Anyway, June was saying..."</span>
The conversation switches over to June's adventures, and you spend another 20 minutes with each other on the phone. As you say goodbye, your mom says something curious right before she hangs up. <span class="sofia-text">"I hope you invite me round to your den of sin again soon. Anyway. Have a good night!"</span>
You spend the rest of the night hanging out with Charlotte and Stella, and actually manage to finish what you started with Stella. Charlotte walks in as you're fucking her, but thankfully she's better trained than your mom.
''Your mom is now significantly happier with you.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); RemoveEvent("Sofia", "NightEventTalk"); $bimbos.sofia.happiness to 5;>>\Stella and Charlotte are out for the evening, and you and your mom are sitting in the living room chatting as the sun sets.
<span class="mc-text">"It's not the most profitable, but I am making money from it... Do you want to see some of what I teach, mom?"</span>
You don't wait for her to answer when you run off to your study to get the card with the Principles of Bimboism.
<img src="Images/BLC/PrinciplesOfBimboism.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"So really the most important principles is to be your absolute best self. The way I think of it, and what I teach my bimbos, is that being a bimbo is about taking everything to its extremes. You aren't just sexy, you're the sexiest woman in the room. You aren't just fit, you're a goddess. You aren't just fun to be around, you're someone who brings joy to everyone around them. All the other principles center on this one."</span>
Your mom nods. <span class="sofia-text">"What do you find is the most difficult to train?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good question! It depends on the woman, really. Stella, for example, already knew how to please people well, but she was anxious and lacked confidence. With her it was difficult to convince her that she could be attractive, and that she didn't need to worry about everything so much."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"And Charlotte?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The exact opposite. She was selfish and undisciplined, but she was very confident and full of fun."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Sounds like June."</span>
You raise your eyebrows at each other then laugh.
<span class="sofia-text">"So what do you think I need the most help with?"</span>
You open your mouth to respond, but it strikes you that there is no obvious weak point. There is no Principle that your mom doesn't already do an alright job of living up to.
<span class="mc-text">"I... I'm not sure, really. Maybe you could live up to being your best self a little more, but you're actually already quite a good..."</span> Your voice trails off.
<span class="sofia-text">"Bimbo?"</span>
You smirk and she laughs. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah, you're already a pretty good bimbo, mom."</span>
''Your mom is now much more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Sofia", "BimboTrainingInterest"); $bimbos.sofia.bimbo += 2;>>\<span class="mc-text">"Look, Hang... You can't keep putting it off. You'll have to meet my mom at some point, you two basically live together now."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Sofia/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"How can I show my face? I am still married but living with another man."</span>
You chuckle and Hang shoots you a dirty look before looking away from you again.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Sofia/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Look, I promise, she's not going to mind about that. Trust me."</span> You reach out and place your hand on her shoulder. <span class="mc-text">"Seriously. If anything I'm more worried you'll judge her..."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Girlfriend")>>\
<span class="hang-text">"I don't want to have her hate me, then what happens to us?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I don't want to have her hate me, then have you make me move out."</span>
She turns to face you again, this time with a sad look in her eye. <span class="mc-text">"Whatever happens I won't abandon you. Besides, you two will get along."</span>
Hang lets out a long, resigned groan then stands up. <span class="hang-text">"OK but warn me first."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well she's here already, she's upstairs..."</span>
Hang shoots daggers at you but runs off down the hallway. <span class="hang-text">"My God! I need to change!"</span>
[[Continue|Sofia Hang Meet Introduce][AddHours(2); AddEvent("Sofia", "HangMeet");]]Hang reappears fifteen minutes later wearing a tight yellow dress.
<span class="hang-text">"How do I look? Too much slut? I want to be good, but also don't want to start with a lie. Like I am a slut, but I want to be a good slut, you know? One that you can-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You ran off before I could tell you but, chances are, you'll be overdressed."</span> She looks at you and is about to continue her stream of anxiety when you interrupt her. <span class="mc-text">"Mom!"</span> You yell upstairs. <span class="mc-text">"Hang's here!"</span>
You hear a faint call back. <span class="sofia-text">"OK!"</span>
You lean down and whisper in Hang's ear as you hear your mom clop along the hallway. <span class="mc-text">"Now, just play it cool. You'll both get along, I promise."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Hang/Meet/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You hear Hang gasp, and then looking down at her you see her smile up at you. She looks back at your mom and, under her breath, whispers to herself. <span class="hang-text">"Oh my God..."</span>
Your mom reaches the bottom of the stairs where you are both waiting. She gestures to herself. <span class="sofia-text">"I normally wouldn't meet people like this, but given you know my son well enough to live here I doubt I can shock you."</span> Your mom pecks you on the cheek twice before turning back to Hang.
<span class="hang-text">"I am very happy to meet you, Mrs. Winstanley."</span>
Your mom sticks out her hand. <span class="sofia-text">"Call me Sofia."</span> Hang takes it and shakes it.
You lead the two of them into your office where, while Hang was changing, you had poured three glasses of wine. One white, for Hang, and two red, for you and your mom. You sit in your office chair, expecting your mom and Hang to take the two visitor chairs, but they don't. Hang hops up on your desk, while your mom remains standing.
<span class="sofia-text">"So, Hang. $player.firstName tells me that you are originally from Vietnam?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Sofia/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes. I have lived in America over a year now. I am from a small town in Vietnam. Did $player.firstName tell you about my husband?"</span>
Your mom nods. <span class="sofia-text">"He did. I'm sorry to hear about that, but it sounds like you're better off without him... I'm not originally from America either, just like you."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Where are you from?"</span>
You take a sip of your wine as the of them slowly circle round each other, talking about how they found life in America. As the minutes pass the two grow more comfortable with each other, little by little.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Hang/Meet/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"...but that's what Americans are like, I've had to get used to it. It is tough to keep this figure!"</span>
Hang laughs. <span class="hang-text">"It is! I got so fat when I first moved here. Too much sugar."</span>
Your mom chuckles too. <span class="sofia-text">"Well I bet my son keeps you active and on your feet... Or at least on your knees."</span>
You look at Hang expectantly wondering how the joke will land.
<span class="hang-text">"Or bent over!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Sofia/1d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The joke wasn't particularly funny but Hang begins to laugh as if it were the most hilarious thing in the world, throwing her head up as you and your mom join in.
A silence falls over the room before your mom speaks up again.
<span class="sofia-text">"I hope that you can feel comfortable around me, Hang."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Of course, Mrs. Winstanley"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Hang/Meet/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"That you don't feel the need to be on best behavior around the 'mother'. As you can see, I'm very comfortable here too. I won't be making an effort to be anything but open with you either."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It might take a bit, but Hang is relaxed. I coached her well."</span>
Your mom raises an eyebrow.
<span class="mc-text">"Hang, could you please stand up and turn around. I want to see your ass."</span>
Hang giggles and does as she's told, as if it's the most normal thing in the world. You look back at your mom while Hang is facing away. She gives you a little eyebrow lift and you can swear she's almost proud of you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Sofia/1e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Happy, $player.firstName?"</span>
[[Hang isn't wearing panties|Sofia Hang Meet Strip][AddHours(1); $bimbos.hang.exhibitionist += 2;]]
[[Yes|Sofia Hang Meet Finish]]<span class="mc-text">"You're not wearing panties, Hang."</span> She turns around to look at you, slightly worried. <span class="mc-text">"To meet my mother, of all people..."</span>
A smile creeps across your face and Hang slaps your shoulder. A few second later your mom shoves your head.
<span class="sofia-text">"He's always been a tease, just ignore him Hang, you look great."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Thank you, Mrs. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Please, Sofia. I mean it."</span>
You cut across their little bonding moment and go and stand next to Hang.
<span class="mc-text">"Hang's just started waxing consistently so I think she was wanting to show off a little. Weren't you, Hang?"</span>
Her voice gets a quiet. <span class="hang-text">"Maybe..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Lift your leg onto the table and let's have a proper look, OK?"</span> Hang looks nervously at your mom.
<span class="sofia-text">"Hang, we're all usually naked, don't be shy."</span>
Hang shrugs then lifts up her leg. You give her ass a little squeeze as she does it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Sofia/1f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"See, Mrs. $player.lastName, I even get my asshole waxed. It hurts a lot but the woman who does it says that the more you get it done the less it hurts."</span>
Your mom gives a little snort. <span class="sofia-text">"They would say that..."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Does it hurt when you get waxed?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Yes, so I only do it for special occasions."</span>
You look at your mom. <span class="mc-text">"Want to see Hang's new tits?"</span>
Hang makes an excited little sound then jumps up again.
<span class="hang-text">"Wait wait wait!"</span> She gestures for you to move back, and you comply.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Sofia/1g.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Before your mom can even answer, Hang flips open her top and yells <span class="hang-text">"Woo! Spring break!"</span>. She falls about laughing again. <span class="hang-text">"I always wanted to do that."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"You wouldn't believe it but before $player.firstName started coaching me I was so shy. At least here. In Vietnam I was more fun, but when I got married and moved here I became so shy..."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I'm glad he's been good for you... He seems to have that effect on women."</span> She winks at you.
''Hang is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
[[Show mom exactly how open Hang is now|Sofia Hang Meet Blowjob][$bimbos.sofia.slut += 2]]
[[Let them chat|Sofia Hang Meet Finish]]Sitting down on the chair you unzip your jeans and pull them down to your ankles. As you kick them off you talk to Hang. <span class="mc-text">"Hang?"</span>
Hang's looking at your dick, occasionally looking up at your mom who is now standing behind you. <span class="hang-text">"Yes, $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Get on your knees."</span>
You're already hard and as Hang kneels down you push your dick into her mouth.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Sofia/1h.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang begins to suck your dick and you lift your head to look at your mom. Her tits are almost directly above your face. <span class="mc-text">"She's really very good."</span> You begin to stroke Hang's hair and feel her bottom teeth rub against your cock as she can't help but smile. <span class="mc-text">"I'm really proud of you Hang."</span>
She speeds up.
As she does you feel your mom kneel down beside you. She strokes you hair and encourages Hang, her tits rubbing over you as she does.
<span class="sofia-text">"Faster, Hang."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Sofia/1i.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang begins to slow slightly, but the voice beside you hurries her up. <span class="sofia-text">"Keep on going."</span>
You begin to orgasm and as the first spurt of cum shoots out of the tip of your dick Hang holds her head down, letting you cum down her throat. Once you're done she lifts her head up, swallows what's left, then opens her mouth wide. <span class="hang-text">"All gone! See?"</span> She moves her tongue around to prove that she's swallowed it all.
Your cock still in her hand you bend down and kiss her on the lips. <span class="mc-text">"You did a really good job."</span> You look up at your mom. <span class="mc-text">"Didn't she make a good first impression, mom?"</span>
Your mom laughs, then reaches down to brush a strand of spit wet hair off of one of Hang's breasts. <span class="sofia-text">"You made quite the impression."</span>
You three chat a little longer before you hear Stella and Charlotte arrive home. You move out to the living room and begin to discuss dinner plans. The five of you spend a relaxing evening together, everyone too tired to get up to much mischief.
In the morning, departed early as usual, you get a text from your mom.
<span class="sofia-text">Hang's a cute girl
I like her
You've really done a number on her with her coaching
You constantly manage to surprise me</span>
''Your mom is now much more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>You three chat a little longer before you hear Stella and Charlotte arrive home. You move out to the living room and begin to discuss dinner plans.
The five of you spend a relaxing evening together, everyone too tired to get up to much mischief.
In the morning, departed early as usual, you get a text from your mom.
<span class="sofia-text">Hang's a cute girl, I like her
Are there any of your clients who don't end up living with you?</span>
<<UINavigation "Sleep">><<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You are strolling past your mom's room when you see her looking at a pile of clothes. Could be a good opportunity.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey mom. Got a bit of free time?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Anything for you, $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Grab your stuff, we're going shopping."</span>
[[Head downtown|Sofia Shop][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You decide to take her to that new Modern Fashion store.
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/ModernFashion.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Alright, pick out something."</span>
Your mom wanders around a bit and finds a top.
<span class="sofia-text">"What about this one?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK. Why do you like that one?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I think it'd look good on me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"But why?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I guess it fits my color scheme. It'll go well with my hair."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Perfect. What about this one."</span> You grab a oddly colored top.
<span class="sofia-text">"Hell no."</span>
The two of you laugh.
<span class="mc-text">"Why not?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"That just does not go with me at all."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Exactly, always be aware of what suits you. But it's also important to remember to try new things sometimes. Even if that means trying on something you don't like."</span>
She looks around a bit more; and settles on a top and matching purse. This is going to set you back a few hundred dollars.
<span class="sofia-text">"Thanks."</span> She smiles at you.
<span class="mc-text">"My pleasure."</span>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist lt 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 1>>\
''Your mom is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Sofia", "ShopEvent");>>\
<</if>>\Heading down the corridor, you are greeted by a superb sight.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Events/Hallway.jpg" height="600">
Damn, Charlotte has a nice ass. You walk up to smack it.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName! Have you seen my-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh hey mom."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Have you seen my Lui purse?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I haven't."</span>
That was close.
[[Return|Sofia Activities][AddHours(1); AddEvent("Sofia", "HallEvent");]]You get a text from your Mom.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Events/Bathroom.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">$player.firstName! I think my body is starting to look way better.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Absolutely. Good work.</span>
[[Return|Sofia Activities][AddHours(1); AddEvent("Sofia", "BathroomEvent");]]You are sitting around the house watching TV. Sofia walks back groping the back of your head and running her hand through your hair. She sits across from you in the chair.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Events/FlirtTransform.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Events/Flirt.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Hey $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh hey."</span> You look up toward Sofia and she's grinning at you.
<span class="sofia-text">"What are you up to today?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Nothing."</span> You go back to watching TV.
You glance back in time to catch her adjusting her tits in your direction. Is she flirting with you?
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut lt 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.sofia.slut += 1>>\
''Your mom is now more of a slut.''
[[Return|Sofia Activities][AddHours(1); AddEvent("Sofia", "FlirtEvent");]]You enter the kitchen to be greeted by the smell of delicious food. Funny, it's different from usual.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Events/DinnerTransform.jpg" width="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Events/Dinner.jpg" width="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName, you are just in time for dinner."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What's that smell?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Does it not smell good?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No no. It smells great!"</span>
Your mom hands you a plate.
<span class="sofia-text">"I figured you deserve a reward for all your hard work. So I am trying a new recipe."</span> She smiles at you. <span class="sofia-text">"I hope it's good."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It is. Thanks mom."</span>
You spend a long time chatting over dinner; about her journey and where her goals are now.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.bimbo lt 40>>\
<<set $bimbos.sofia.bimbo += 1>>\
''Your mom is now more of a bimbo.''
[[Return|Sofia Activities][AddHours(2); AddEvent("Sofia", "DinnerEvent");]]<<if $bimbos.sofia?.dayCounter is 0 and $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
<<if $bimbos.sofia.trainingComplete>>\
<<if $bimbos.june.slutTraining gte 3 and not CheckEvent("Sofia", "ImplantsTalk")>>\
[[Ask your mom about new implants|Sofia Transformation 2 Talk][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "Surgery") and not GameDayIs("Monday")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Sofia", "PhotoShoot")>>\
[[You hear swearing from your mom's room|Sofia Photoshoot]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "PhotoShoot2")>>\
[[See if your mom want to take some more photos|Sofia Photoshoot 2]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "Hairdresser")>>\
[[You see your mom getting ready|Sofia Hairdresser][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Sofia", "BimboTrainingInterest") and not CheckEvent("Sofia", "BimboTraining") and BetweenTime(13, 18) and GameDayIs("Saturday")>>\
[[Spend a quiet Saturday in front of the TV|Sofia Training Intro][$passageRoute to 1]]
<</if>>\You think on all the times your mom has mentioned wanting to get more surgery. Now would be a good time to discuss it with her. You find her in the studio staring out the window.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey mom. What are doing?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Just thinking."</span> She walks over.
She's wearing a cute pair of jeans and a tight t-shirt as usual. Casual but still pleasing to the eye.
<span class="mc-text">"You mentioned you had some physical goals; more enhancements."</span>
You mom laughs a bit. <span class="sofia-text">"I was wondering when you would bring this up. I think I need to go up at least 300cc. Maybe even 500."</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
''This is a major choice for your mom.
If you agree, she will go for another surgery to enhance her looks.
If you disagree, she will remain as is.''
[[Agree|Sofia Transformation 2 Talk][$passageRoute to 2; AddEvent("Sofia", "ImplantsTalk"); AddEvent("Sofia", "Implants2"); AddEvent("Sofia", "Surgery"); $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter to 1;]]
[[Disagree|Sofia Transformation 2 Talk][$passageRoute to 3; AddEvent("Sofia", "ImplantsTalk"); $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter to 1;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I think that would fit you well."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I also want my lips done."</span>
You smile at Sofia. <span class="mc-text">"I also think that would be fantastic. Dr. Yanovik is quite the professional."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Will you come with me?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"If you'd like. I'll set up a consultation."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I meant for the surgery silly. I already went and had a consultation."</span> She looks at you smiling. <span class="sofia-text">"I've been waiting to do this for a long time now. I think my body is in the best shape it's ever been in."</span>
You spend an hour discussing the date, and options for what wil happen on the day.
''You now can visit Yanovik's office for your mom's surgery.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Do you really need it though? You look fantastic already. Why spoil it?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Well... Maybe, I don't know."</span>
She goes back to staring out the window.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</if>>\You walk around the corner into your mom's room.
<span class="sofia-text">"Putain!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What's going on in here, are you OK?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"No, my makeup won't cooperate."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What? You look great."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Non. Je ressemble à un bordel!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh come on, don't start that with me."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Really $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes you look fantastic. Let's take a few pictures and I will show you. It will just take a second."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Fine. But I want to see the pictures first. I get to choose the ones you use."</span> She giggles a bit at that.
You point over at the studio. After entering, your mom poses and you take the first photo.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/3-1.jpg" height="600">
You take another photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/3-2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"See. You look great."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/3-3.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/3-4.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"How about you pose from behind for the last one."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/3-5.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/2-1.jpg" height="600">
You take another photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/2-2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/2-3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"See. You look great."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/2-4.jpg" height="600">
After pulling up her top, your mom looks a bit unsure of what to do next.
<span class="mc-text">"Just take it off."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/2-5.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/1-1.jpg" height="600">
You take another photo as she squats down.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/1-2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/1-3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Nice. Unbutton the shirt."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/1-4.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Umm."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Just take it off."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/1-5.jpg" height="600">
<<if $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist lt 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 2>>\
''Your mom is now much more of an exhibitionist''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Sofia", "PhotoShoot"); $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter to 7;>>\You interrupt your mom as she's working.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey mom, care to do another photoshoot?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Really $player.firstName, that wasn't enough?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course not. And you have to admit you looked great and the pictures turned out amazing. Perhaps you could go put on something cute?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Fine but this is the last time."</span>
You point over at the studio room. Your mom just stares at you.
<span class="mc-text">"Fine we can do it right here."</span>
Click. You snap a photo.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/3-6.jpg" height="600">
You take another photo as she pushes her chest forward.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/3-7.jpg" width="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Good enough for you?"</span> She smiles.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/3-8.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I think one more."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh what the hell."</span> She exclaims and pulls her dress off.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/3-9.jpg" height="600">
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/2-6.jpg" height="600">
You take another photo as she drops her jacket.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/2-7.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Good enough for you?"</span> She smiles, standing there in her lingerie.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/2-8.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I think one more. Remove the bra?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh very well."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/2-9.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/1-6.jpg" height="600">
You take another photo as she bends over.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/1-7.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Good enough for you?"</span> You mom smiles and pretends she's cleaning the floor.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/1-8.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Gorgeous, pull down the shirt."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Photoshoot/1-9.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Perfect."</span>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist lt 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 2>>\
''Your mom is now much more of an exhibitionist''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Sofia", "PhotoShoot2"); $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter to 7;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You notice your mom dressed moderately, hurriedly grabbing her bag and keys.
<span class="mc-text">"Mom? Where are you headed?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Going to get my hair done and some fillers touched up."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Don't go overboard, I don't need one of those crazy-obsessed girls."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I won't hun. I'll send you a picture when they are finished. Can always disolve them if we don't like them."</span>
[[She heads out|Sofia Hairdresser][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
After a few hours you get a text.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 2>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<span class="sofia-text">"What do you think?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"They look... amazing."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Thanks :) see you soon hunnie."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Sofia", "Hairdresser"); $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\You have a relaxed night with your mom, the four of you hang out watching a movie, Charlotte showing off some of her new lingerie that she'd been inspired to buy by your mom. Everyone's a little tired, though, and the night ends early and casually.
The next day you wake up with raging morning wood. You stare up at the ceiling and wonder if you should jack off, when you hear someone in heels clipping down the hallway. Assuming it's Charlotte you call out to her.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey! Charlotte! I need some help with something..."</span> You laugh and prop yourself up to look at the door when she walks in, on your side, your erect dick pointing right at her.
To your surprise your mom walks in, wearing nothing but heels. You shouldn't be awkward around her now, but you can't help but grabbing a pillow to cover your cock and yelping. <span class="mc-text">"Mom!"</span> She laughs, and comes to sit down on the bed with you. <span class="mc-text">"What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you be gone by now?"</span>
She kicks off her heels and then comes to lay down next to you. <span class="sofia-text">"I'm meeting a friend for lunch, so I thought I'd stay here until it's time to go...."</span> She nods towards your penis, covered by the pillow. <span class="sofia-text">"You were wanting help from Charlotte?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, Stella doesn't normally wear heels inside, so I thought..."</span>
She grabs the pillow. <span class="sofia-text">"I thought we were past being ashamed around each other."</span> She pokes your 3/4 hard cock with the tip of her index finger, then lays her head on your chest. <span class="sofia-text">"You've literally jacked off into my mouth, so I don't think we have much to hide from each other anymore."</span>
You're silent for a little and she arranges her hair behind her head then strokes your chest.
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah... I mean. It was a bit strange, right?"</span>
She laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"I never thought that would happen but... I mean whatever, right? We've never been the shyest family. That was a bit far but... I didn't mind. I kinda liked it. What about you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I liked it too."</span> Your dick begins to get harder again, until it's once more fully erect.
She begins to rub the tip of your dick with her fingertips, then whispers in your ear. <span class="sofia-text">"Can I help you instead of Charlotte?"</span>
[[Yes|Sofia Room Event Titjob]]You don't say anything, but you push her hand down so that her hand is wrapped around your dick. She begins to gently jerk you off, then she shifts so that she's looking at you as she continues to touch you.
<span class="sofia-text">"You can't put it inside me, but I'll help you... Get to the edge of the bed."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Titjob/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You do as you're told as she begins to root around in your bedside cabinet. She finds a bottle of oil, and begins to oil up her tits. You try to shove the tip of your dick under her arm as she does it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Titjob/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Can't wait?"</span>
She presses her tits together and you slip your cock between them.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Titjob/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As she moves her chest up and down she begins to talk to you. <span class="sofia-text">"I've always seen how you look at these... Have you dreamed about this before?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah..."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I've seen what you do to the others, turning them into little replicas of me. Is that what you do? Just pump other girls full of silicone. Trying to get from them what you want from me."</span>
You groan and your eyes roll back along with your head.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Titjob/1d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She slows for a moment, then begins to jerk you off between her oily breasts. <span class="sofia-text">"I'm only doing this if you look at me."</span> You prop yourself back up and look at her. <span class="sofia-text">"Good boy."</span>
She squeezes her tits together.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Titjob/1e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Fuck them."</span> You begin to thrust up into them. <span class="sofia-text">"Harder!"</span> You begin fucking her tits harder and you can feel your balls rubbing up and down along her front.
She bends her head down and spits on your dick, and for a moment you hope that she takes it into her mouth. She doesn't, though, and just spits. You begin to groan as you get close, and your legs begin to tense up as you chase your orgasm.
She feels it too, and taking hold of your cock with her hand again she looks at you. <span class="sofia-text">"Cum for me, honey."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Titjob/1f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She milks you onto her tits, slowly jerking you off as you cum all over her tits. She rubs the tip of your ejaculating dick over her nipples. <span class="sofia-text">"There... There... Don't you feel better now, honey?"</span>
You say nothing, and a flash of shame passes over you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Titjob/1g.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After rubbing your cum into her breasts with your dick a little more she looks at your face. She lifts herself up your body, dragging oil and cum up your chest until she's looking directly into your eyes. You're about to say something when she places a finger on your lips to shush you.
<span class="sofia-text">"This can just be our little secret."</span>
Then she kisses you.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Sofia", "RoomEvent")>>\You're laying down on your bed when your mom lets herself into your apartment after you invited her over.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm in my bedroom!"</span>
You hear her heels clip slowly down the hallway, and an exaggerated sigh as she turns the corner. She stands in the doorway and sees you lying naked on your bed.
You throw her a bottle of baby oil. <span class="mc-text">"I need some help again..."</span>
She catches the bottle, laughs, then throws the bottle back at you. <span class="sofia-text">"You are ridiculous! What did I do to end up with such a pervert?"</span> As she says that, though, she slips off her dress and ends up naked in seconds.
You hold the bottle up towards her. <span class="mc-text">"Please?"</span>
She takes it and smiles, then gets down on her knees in front of your fast growing cock. She oils up her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Titjob/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You tap her with the tip of your cock as she dribbles the oil over her chest. <span class="sofia-text">"If you were that impatient you could have just dealt with this yourself? Didn't anyone teach you how to do that?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What? And miss out on this bonding time?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Titjob/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She slides your dick between her oiled tits and slowly begins to move them up and down.
<span class="sofia-text">"It is nice to see you more... And to have such a grown up relationship now. Not seeing you for a while was tough, and I guess..."</span>
You pinch her nipple. She yelps with pain, then laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"Fuck them."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Spit on them, then."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Titjob/1e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She squeezes her huge breasts together as you fuck up into them, and as you do so she spits into her cleavage. You can feel the spit and oil mixing together.
<span class="sofia-text">"Tell me when you're close."</span>
You're close and you just nod.
She presses your hips down and you stop thrusting. She takes her hand and, wrapping it tight around your penis, she uses her oiled hand on the tip to ease you over into a powerful orgasm.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Titjob/1f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You jizz all over her oiled breast, and it drips down onto your thigh, mixing with the oil and the spit. Once you're done she stands up, grabs a towel, wipes herself off, then comes and lies next to you as she towels you off too.
You look up into her eyes and smile. <span class="mc-text">"Thanks."</span>
She winks at you and you begin to discuss your plans for the evening. After a relaxing evening together, you wake up and as usual she's already gone.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>Your mom walks into the living room where you are sitting watching a movie.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName my damn massage got cancelled and my back really hurts. You know of any other places to go?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure, but I could just give you a massage."</span>
She walks over, wearing a pink top with a lace bra underneath, that shirt wouldn't button all the way up if she tried. There is no way it could contain those beautiful round tits.
<span class="sofia-text">"Are you sure."</span> Sofia says sarcastically. <span class="sofia-text">"Have you even given a massage before?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course, it will be great. I promise. We even have a massage table."</span>
Your mom walks over to the table and sits down.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Just get ready, I'll grab some oil from Stella's room."</span>
You run over to Stella's room. When you come back your mom is taking off her shirt, her bra is barely able to contain her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Lay down."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"OK."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You gotta take the bra off."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Can you do it? It's not like you haven't touched me before."</span>
You reach down and take off her bra, then rub some oil into your hands. You can't help but notice how she is elevated off the table from her tits. Though they do look amazing smashed into the table with a nearly perfect view from the side. You desperately want to reach down around her and grope them.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Continue|Sofia Massage Continue]]You begin slowly massaging her back, pushing into her. It's surprising how fit she is. Her skin feels great.
Your mom moans quietly. <span class="sofia-text">"That feels so good $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's good, I'm no professional."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"My boy is good with his hands."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You work down her back and see her beautiful plump ass just waiting to be rubbed. You can't resist. You slide up her skirt and pour oil all over her booty. She does not even protest and just let's you work your magic.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"What kind of massage is this? That's not my back."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Figured you would like a fully body treatment."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Sure..."</span> she says unassured.
You start to rub her ass and thighs. She seems to be enjoying it.
<span class="mc-text">"Feel good mom?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Yes. I guess I was tense in more than just my back."</span>
You brush your hand over her ass and pussy. As you bring your hands up her thighs, she shudders.
<span class="sofia-text">"Watch it mister."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"What are you doing $player.firstName?"</span>
Staying silent you push your hands down her butt and over her pussy.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName!"</span> Your mom starts to wiggle.
You pull her panties to the side and start rubbing her pussy more. She moans but she keeps wiggling like she's trying to resist.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2g.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Continue|Sofia Massage Masturbate]]<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName!"</span> Your mom snaps back and looks at you. <span class="sofia-text">"Are you done?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No."</span> You look disappointed.
She rolls over and giggles. <span class="sofia-text">"A little more, then you are done mister."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2h.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As she rolls over your mom is grabbing at her tits. You reach down and play with her pussy. God her tits look amazing.
<span class="mc-text">"Why?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Because I said so."</span> She looks nervous.
You start rubbing her clit. Your mom grabs on to the table tightly and moans.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2i.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Ugh."</span> She moans louder. She quietly moves her hand toward your cocks, pushing against you.
<span class="mc-text">"Doesn't that feel good?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Yes."</span>
You grab her wrist and put her hand on your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2j.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Your mom starts stroking your cock with one hand, while reaching up and playing with her tit with the other. You bury your fingers into her pussy and start rubbing.
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh shit."</span> She starts to squirm on the table. You take the opportunity and go down between her legs, she spreads her legs for you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2k.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"You ready?"</span>
You pull her panties to the side and grab your cock. Its raging hard, there is almost no blood left in your head you almost feel lightheaded.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName, No!"</span> She sits up and pushes you away, panting on the table. <span class="sofia-text">"No..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Really?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"We... We can't."</span> She looks scared.
[[Continue|Sofia Massage Blowjob]]You look disheveled and angry. Your mom looks like she's panicking now but also horny. She tries to diffuse the situation.
<span class="sofia-text">"Come here."</span> Your mom grabs your cock and pulls you to the table. She spreads her legs laying on her side.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh, so you will suck my dick?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Yes."</span> Is all she says.
She grabs your cock and swallows it, while reaching down with her other hand and starts fingering her ass. You take the opportunity to play with her pussy again.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2l.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She gets into a groove, looking like a professional. She starts throating you cock while jerking you off, though her other hand never leaves her ass. You think to yourself, is she trying to tell you something?
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2m.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She rolls on her back, opens her mouth and you step forward. She swallows your cock without any hesitation. You push your arms down beside her trying not to let her notice but all you want to do is feel her tits pressing against your arms. They look amazing.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2n.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh my god..."</span> You moan loudly. Your mom's eyes are closed; you can tell she's in a trance. She reaches down and starts playing with herself.
She pulls your cock out of her mouth. <span class="sofia-text">"Want to fuck mommy's tits?"</span>
She holds her tits together. Two perfectly round orbs just waiting for your cock, already glistening with oil.
<span class="mc-text">"Fuck yes."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2o.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You grab a hold of her tits. She's already squeezing them together as you smash your cock between them.
<span class="sofia-text">"They are your favorite pair of bimbo tits?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes"</span> You moan.
She can tell you are about to cum; she reaches up and starts to push you away. You grab the edge of the table and hold on for what seems like dear life as you smash your cock between her tits. Your mom wiggles free.
[[Continue|Sofia Massage Finish]]<span class="mc-text">"What are you doing?"</span> You stammer back.
<span class="sofia-text">"Get up on the table."</span>
Your cock is twitching about to cum, you can barely hold it.
<span class="sofia-text">"Sit down dummy."</span> You mom caresses your chest running her hands down, both meeting around your cock.
<span class="sofia-text">"So big, baby."</span> She starts making love to your cock with her mouth. <span class="sofia-text">"Mmm hmm."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Holy shit mom."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Hmm."</span> She keeps sucking your cock. She spits down over your cock and starts to stroke it, grabbing tighter.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2p.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Cum for me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Ugh"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Cum for me baby."</span> She grabs ahold of your cock even tighter. <span class="sofia-text">"Cum for your mommy."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh shit!"</span>
You cum all over her mouth. Though she does a good job and catches most of it, some dribbles down her chin. She continues to slowly suck your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/Massage/2q.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks up into your eyes, then grabs her tits and rubs the few drips of cum that fell into them.
<span class="sofia-text">"Thank you for the massage baby."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Anytime"</span> You pant, grabbing onto the table and almost falling over.
<span class="sofia-text">"I'm sorr-"</span> You interrupt her.
<span class="mc-text">"It's fine, I'm sorry."</span> You get shy and walk out, almost sprinting to your room.
Your mom sits in the room next to the table, wondering if what she'd done was wrong, whilst not being able to resist licking her lips and lapping up all of your cum.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Sofia", "Massage"); AddEvent("Stacy", "Massage");>>\By now you've given up on maintaining any real boundaries with you mom and have just given her a key. When she arrives today you're sitting on the sofa, naked. You yell as she walks through the door. <span class="mc-text">"Hey mom!"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Hey honey!"</span> Once her shoes are off she walks over, and as you tilt your head up she gives you a kiss on the forehead. <span class="sofia-text">"Good day?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, pretty good. Got some work done. You?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Good! Had a nice afternoon shopping."</span> She tugs at her dress. <span class="sofia-text">"Anyway, I'm overdressed. I'm gonna go change into something I bought and I'll be right back. Why don't you put on something for us to watch?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What are you in the mood for?"</span>
She shrugs. <span class="sofia-text">"Something steamy?"</span> She laughs, then walks down the hall.
A few minutes later she's back, topless, wearing only panties, a garter, stockings, and heels. She looks at the screen.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/TV/meganinky1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Is this what I think it is?"</span>
You laugh.
<span class="mc-text">"Of course it is. You'll love it though, I promise."</span>
She comes and sits next to you, draping her arm over your shoulder. <span class="sofia-text">"I like those panties with the tail, maybe I should get a pair."</span>
You chuckle. <span class="mc-text">"Those aren't panties..."</span> She looks at you confused. <span class="mc-text">"It's a butt plug shoved up her ass."</span>
Your mom feigns shock, then laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"I'm so innocent."</span>
You begin to talk about your respective days in detail, keeping one eye on the screen as the action turns towards the hardcore.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/TV/meganinky1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"No one ever tells you about bruising the back of your throat doing that."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Mom!"</span>
She looks at you like you're dumb. <span class="sofia-text">"What? We can't talk about it, but we can watch it together?"</span>
A few seconds later she continues. <span class="sofia-text">"It is pretty hot, though. Just being used like that..."</span>
She sighs, and you feel your dick start to get hard.
<span class="sofia-text">"Like, isn't it fun sometimes when you just take someone and use them as a hole? It must be nice to be a man."</span>
You look at your mom, who now looks at you. Your dick is now rock hard and she looks down at it.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut lt 24>>\
She quickly looks away, and you grab a pillow to cover your erection, as you continue chatting about the porn and discussing what your plans will be for the rest of the night.
She keeps looking at it, her eyes flitting between your erect cock and the screen. You say nothing, you touch nothing.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/TV/meganinky1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She focuses on the screen and she breathes in a few times, like she has something to say. <span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"You can touch yourself, you know. It's only natural... If we're going to watch porn you may as well watch it properly."</span>
You begin to stroke your dick as she watches you. You look her in the eye. <span class="mc-text">"You're the best mom, you know that right?"</span>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut lt 26>>\
She laughs, and punches your shoulder. <span class="sofia-text">"I don't want to watch you cum though! Warn me and I'll look away."</span> You laugh, then look back at the screen and begin to stroke faster.
A few minutes later you warn her. <span class="mc-text">"I'm about to cum!"</span>
She covers her eyes and looks away, but as you orgasm you can see she's facing a mirror and you swear there is a little gap between her fingers.
You continue stroking and your mom continues looking between you and the screen. After a few minutes she spreads her legs, resting her left leg over your right leg. <span class="sofia-text">"Don't watch, OK?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Watch wha-"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/TV/1d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You look at your mom and see she's masturbating. She focuses on the screen, but after a bit she turns and sees that you're watching her. For a moment you're both looking at each other, masturbating.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut lt 28>>\
She shuts her legs. <span class="sofia-text">"No... No... This is too weird."</span> You stop jacking off. <span class="sofia-text">"You don't need to stop, but... I just can't masturbate while my son watches and also masturbates. It's just too weird."</span>
She shuts her legs, then begins to take off her panties.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/TV/1e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"If we're gonna do this, I should do it properly."</span> She begins to masturbate again. <span class="sofia-text">"I want to give you a full view, honey."</span>
After licking her fingers, she switches hands and begins to finger fuck herself.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/TV/1f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You turn away from the screen and look directly at her as she fingers herself. <span class="mc-text">"Play with your tits."</span>
She looks at you surprised, but does what you ask. She focuses on the screen but smiles as you make little sounds, occasionally looking directly at you.
<span class="sofia-text">"I'm so close... Call me mom."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
She groans and speeds up. <span class="sofia-text">"Call me mom, I need it..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I love watching you finger yourself, mom"</span>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut lt 30>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Do you want to come, mom?"</span> She begins to breath hard. You're getting close now too. <span class="mc-text">"Mom, watch me cum too."</span> She looks and, as you begin to ejaculate, her body begins to shudder with an orgasm.
You both lay motionless for a few minutes, legs stretched out and intertwined, until your mom moves over to you and rests her head on your shoulders, her tits rubbing into your cum.
She pats your chest.
She looks at you and flips her other leg to rest on yours. <span class="sofia-text">"I've always loved it in the ass, you know. It's the only way I'm gonna cum."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/TV/1g.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She's finger fucking her ass you, and you can tell she's close. But you grab her hand and stop. You look into her eyes, then yell.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella!"</span>
Her eyes widen, and you stare at each other as Stella comes bounding into the room.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut gte 30>>\
[[Continue|Sofia Slut Repeatable Continue]]
''Your mom is now much more of a slut.''
[[Return|Sofia Activities]]
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut lte 36>><<set $bimbos.sofia.slut += 2>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2)>>\
<</if>>\<span class="mc-text">"We're going to give my mom a show. Come here and open your mouth."</span>
Stella approaches and immediately begins to suck your dick.
<span class="mc-text">"I want you to watch all of this, OK mom?"</span>
She nods, staring at the place where your dick used to be but which is now occupied by Stella's head.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/TV/1h.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She begins to masturbate again, and as Stella sucks your cock you make a point of looking into her eyes.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut lt 32>>\
She occasionally looks away from you, awkwardly, but is always drawn back until - eventually - she orgasms. She shudders and lets out a gigantic groan, before collapsing back into the sofa. Shortly after you join her and cum in Stella's mouth, after which the three of you relax for the rest of the evening.
She meets your gaze, and after a few minutes you pull Stella up. <span class="mc-text">"Stay there."</span> You get up, go behind Stella, and then slide the tip of your dick into her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/TV/1i.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Sofia... Your son is... Wow..."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I know..."</span> She's still masturbating, but gets on the floor in front of you to get a better look.
You have an idea. <span class="mc-text">"Sit on me Stella."</span> Stella does as she's told, and sits on your dick. You begin to fuck up into her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/TV/1j.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Get close mom, get as close as you want."</span>
Your mom shuffles up until she is between your knees. Her face is only inches from Stella's ass. You can feel her tits bouncing as your thighs hit them every time you fuck up into Stella, and after a little while your mom begins to rub your thighs and your ass.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm about to cum!"</span>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut lt 34>>\
She leans back, and watches as you fill Stella. You hear your mom groan, loudly, and then droop to the floor, looking up at your dick still pumping inside Stella.
<span class="sofia-text">"I want it! Give it to me, cum in mommy's mouth."</span>
You pull out of Stella, and push your mom onto her back. She opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/TV/1k.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Fill her mouth, $player.firstName. Fill it."</span>
You look down into your mom's eyes as the first strands of jizz jump out from your cock, your fingers bumping up against her lips as you jerk off.
When you're finished you drop to the side, and watch as your mom swills your cum about in her mouth before spitting it onto her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Slut/TV/1l.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As she plays with it on her tits, and tastes it again, she says thoughtfully. <span class="sofia-text">"I think I can still taste Stella."</span>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut lte 36>>\
''Your mom is now much more of a slut.''
''Your mom is already as much of a slut as she can become from repeating this scene.''
[[Return|Sofia Activities]]
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut lte 36>><<set $bimbos.sofia.slut += 2>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2)>>\After she's kicked off her shoes and you've said hello, you whisper in her ear.
<span class="mc-text">"Let's play dress up."</span>
She smiles at you and gives you a curious look. <span class="sofia-text">"How fun!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I've left something for you to wear on your bed. Come to my bedroom when you're ready."</span>
A few minutes later she walks through the door to your room.
<span class="sofia-text">"You've dressed me like a whore."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Exhibitionist/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Like a bimbo."</span>
She laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"Mommy bimbo."</span>
You bend down as she adjusts her straps.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Exhibitionist/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"How does it fit?"</span>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist lte 22>>\
<span class="sofia-text">"Good."</span> She looks down at your wide eyes. <span class="sofia-text">"Have you seen enough?"</span>
You shrug, and the two of you go out to the living room.
<span class="sofia-text">"Good... I can't believe you're making we wear something crotch-less."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Aren't you having fun playing dress up, though?"</span>
She laughs, then kneels on the sofa.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Exhibitionist/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks at your semi bulging through your jockstrap as she runs her finger along her asshole. <span class="sofia-text">"I am... It seems I'm not the only one."</span>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist lt 25>>
You stand there, looking at her, your cock growing, when she sits down and looks up at you. <span class="sofia-text">"I think we've had enough fun for one night, haven't we?"</span>
She stands up and gives you a hug, tight enough for her to press against your dick.
You stand there, looking at her, and you reach your hand down into your jockstrap and hold your dick.
She looks into your eyes and flips onto her back.
<span class="sofia-text">"Do you like dressing up your mommy bimbo?"</span>
You nod.
<span class="sofia-text">"Dressing me up like a whore?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Exhibitionist/1d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Take a good look."</span>
You get down low in front of her and stare into her pussy.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist lt 27>>\
She spreads her lips, but after a few moments she closers her legs, then with the tip of her toe pushes you away. <span class="sofia-text">"I think you've seen enough now. I may be your mommy bimbo, but I am still your mother."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Tell me what you want to do."</span>
By now you're gently rubbing your cock as you watch her.
<span class="mc-text">"I want to oil you."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I didn't expect that... Where do you want me?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Stand up, lean forwards."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Exhibitionist/1e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You dribble oil over her ass and she begins to rub it in.
<span class="mc-text">"Spread your cheeks, I want it everywhere."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Only if you get totally naked..."</span>
By now your erect cock is hanging out of your strap, and you whip it off.
She spreads her cheeks and you squirt the oil down into her crack and onto her asshole.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Exhibitionist/1f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Good mommy bimbo, good."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I want to be good, honey."</span>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut lt 30>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Sit back down then."</span> When she's sat down, you chuck her the bottle. <span class="mc-text">"I want you to oil every inch."</span>
As you watch, stroking your cock, she does as she's told.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Exhibitionist/1g.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You sit opposite, and jack off watching her.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut lt 27>>\
She says nothing as you cum, spraying jizz all over your chest.
''Your mom is not yet enough of a slut for the other ending to this scene.''
<span class="sofia-text">"Cum for mommy."</span>
At that you cum, hard. As you're still squirting jizz she walks over and, with one finger, dips it. She licks her finger, then walks off.
As she oils her ass she looks at you. <span class="sofia-text">"Don't you want to get a little oily too?"</span>
You approach, and you place her hand on your dick. She gasps, then moans happily.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Exhibitionist/1h.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She begins to jerk you off against her oiled ass, reaching around to make sure your balls are oiled too. Once you're smooth, she gets on her knees in front of you.
<span class="sofia-text">"Cum for mommy. Cum for your bimbo mommy."</span>
You cum aim for her chest, but as you're coming she grabs your cock and points it at her face and her mouth.
As you look down at her she groans happily, and licks her lips.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Exhibitionist/1i.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Look what a mess you've made of mommy's face and tits."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I'm just covered in oil and my son's cum."</span>
You watch as she scoops up a little of your cum and, moving it down to her pussy, quickly masturbates herself to orgasm as you watch.
''This is as much as you can see in this scene.''
<<if $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist lte 36>>\
''Your mom is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''Your mom is already too much of an exhibitionist as she can become from repeating this scene.''
[[Return|Sofia Activities]]
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist lte 36>><<set $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 2>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2)>>\You are sitting ta your desk looking over some notes, when you mom walks in.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName, could you rub my back for a minute?"</span>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Events/Massage/Transform1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Sure."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Sorry, my back's been so sore lately."</span>
You both enter your gym.
<span class="mc-text">"Hop up on the massage table."</span>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
Your mom lays down.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Events/Massage/Transform2.jpg" width="600">
Your mom takes off her clothes and lays down.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Events/Massage/1.jpg" width="600">
You begin to rub some oil on her back.
<span class="sofia-text">"That feels nice"</span> she moans.
You can't help but look at her ass. You run your hands down her side, groping her boobs, all the way to her hips, before spreading oil all over her butt. Her ass looks amazing, and you give it a squeeze.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Events/Massage/Transform3.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Better?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I think so."</span> She looks back at you with a naughty smirk.
<span class="mc-text">"Better?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I think so."</span> She looks back at you with a naughty smirk.
<span class="sofia-text">"I think so."</span> She looks back at you with a naughty smirk. <span class="sofia-text">"Your turn."</span>
You swap positions and your mom starts massaging you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Events/Massage/2.jpg" width="600">
As she leans over to massage your chest, her tits end up right in your face. You close your eyes and think about nothing but sucking on them.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Events/Massage/3.jpg" width="600">
This has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience for the both of you.
[[Return|Sofia Activities]]
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(1)>>\You've taught your mom to please others and please herself. It's time to check up on her progress. You ask her to send you an update; she sends back a text with a smiley face.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 2>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/DildoTransform2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/DildoTransform.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Dildo.jpg" height="600">
<<if $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist lt 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 1>>\
''Your mom is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(1)>>\You and mom have grown closer. She's becoming such a good bimbo. What guy does not like a girl who sucks cock like a true slut. You decide to go spend some time with her.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 2>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/BlowjobTransform2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/BlowjobTransform.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Blowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.bimbo lt 40>>\
<<set $bimbos.sofia.bimbo += 1>>\
''Your mom is now more of a bimbo.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(1)>>\<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 2>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Anal/Transform2-{0}.webm", random(1, 4))>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Anal/Transform-{0}.webm", random(1, 4))>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Sex/Anal/{0}.webm", random(1, 4))>>\
Your mom has been making quite a lot of progress. You're feeling horny so decide to pay her a visit.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source @src="_imageName" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.slut lt 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.sofia.slut += 1>>\
''Your mom is now more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(1)>>\You're sitting on the sofa, legs stretched out, holding your phone above your head as you mindlessly browse through Twitter when your mom walks in.
<span class="sofia-text">"I received a letter from my surgeon today."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Surgery/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Uh huh."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Yeah, reminding me that my implants are going to expire soon."</span> You put down your phone. <span class="sofia-text">"It's been ten years."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Are you going to... You know?"</span>
She laughs and puts on a mocking voice. <span class="sofia-text">"What? Are you worried that I'll go back down to having small, boring breasts?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Surgery/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Coming round the counter she then comes to lie down on the sofa with you, her feet stretched out over your chest.
<span class="sofia-text">"No, was just going to get them replaced. But I was thinking about getting some more work done too..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Yeah. Lips, maybe a little face tuck now that I'm getting older. A bigger ass."</span> You look over at her and as you do you feel your dick twitch as you imagine her going full MILF bimbo. Given her foot is currently resting on your dick, she feels it too and she laughs. <span class="sofia-text">"I'm glad you approve... I was thinking about going to your guy, though. He does everything, right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I think so... Let's go visit him together, see if you like him."</span>
''Visit Dr. Yanovic's clinic to introduce your mom to him.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Sofia", "Implants"); AddEvent("Sofia", "Surgery");>>\A taxi screams past, the driver lingering on his horn as he zooms past bicycle courier. You've just crossed Second Ave and are walking to Dr. Yanovic's office after taking the subway into Manhattan.
<span class="mc-text">"Just up here."</span> You see the mixed use tower up ahead, with '304 E. 29th' written above the entrance hall. The two of you walk into the lobby. You're about to introduce yourself to the guard but your mom addresses her first.
<span class="sofia-text">"We're here to see Dr. Yanovic?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"11th floor."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Thanks."</span>
You press the button for the 11th floor, and turn to look at your mom as you wait for the elevator. <span class="mc-text">"Nervous?"</span>
She shakes her head. <span class="sofia-text">"No not at all. My old doctor retired, and you clearly trust him. I just want to... See what the situation is, you know?"</span>
The elevator arrives and you walk into it. You're whisked up to the 11th floor, and when the door opens you're greeted with Dr. Yanovic's receptionist and waiting area. Normally people would have to sign in, but Becky recognizes you straight away.
<span class="minor-text">"Mr. $player.lastName, great to see you again!"</span> Becky stands up and walks out from behind the reception desk. <span class="minor-text">"Just follow me, Dr. Yanovic will meet you in the examination room."</span>
The two of you follow Becky to the room. Your mom sits on the sofa next to the examination table, while you sit in the chair opposite, next to the computer.
A few minutes later you hear a knock on the door and Dr. Yanovic walks in.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Surgery/2a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Hello, a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Winstanley."</span> He offers your mom his hand and she shakes it. He looks over at you and raises his gaze. <span class="yanovic-text">"It's good to see you again $player.firstName. I can see business is well. Is Mrs. Winstanley...?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"One of his bimbos?"</span>
Dr. Yanovic laughs. <span class="yanovic-text">"So you are?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"No."</span> She laughs now. <span class="sofia-text">"I'm his mother. And please, call me Sofia."</span>.
Dr. Yanovic's eyebrows raise but he says nothing as he sits on his stool. <span class="yanovic-text">"Well, Sofia, what can I do for you today?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"My current implants are ten years old and they need to be replaced. I want the breasts to remain as similar as possible."</span>
He nods. <span class="yanovic-text">"Well, I'm sure as you know it is very unlikely that we can source identical implants, but we can certainly maintain the current look."</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
''This is a major choice for your mom.
If you encourage her, she will go all in for a new look.
Else, she will just get a touchup and remain as is.''
[[Encourage her to explore new options|Sofia Implants Visit][$passageRoute to 2; AddEvent("Sofia", "SurgeryFull");]]
[[Advise against anything too drastic|Sofia Implants Visit][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<if $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="sofia-text">"I also want to have a little bit of work done on my face - nothing major, just to account for my aging a little - then I also want injections, not implants, for my butt. Just a little larger, you see."</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"You certainly know your stuff. Well, I can certainly do the injections and the implants and, while I am not especially experienced at facial surgery I regularly work with an excellent surgeon who does amazing work. Dr. Stanton, she's very experienced. I believe your son may have come across her?"</span>
You shake your head.
<span class="yanovic-text">"Well, I will forward you her information. But if you're agreeable I see no reason why we can't undertake all three augmentations at the same time."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Excellent."</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Well, if you could please get on the exam table please and remove your bottoms."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Surgery/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="yanovic-text">"I will need to examine the parts of your body that I will be working on."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Surgery/2c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Dr. Yanovic looks at you, as if he expects you to leave. He clears his throat. <span class="yanovic-text">"And your panties, please."</span>
[[Stay|Sofia Implants Visit Finish][$passageRoute to 1; AddHours(2);]]
[[Leave|Sofia Implants Visit Finish][$passageRoute to 2; AddHours(2);]]
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
Sofia slides off her panties and climbs up onto the table.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Surgery/2d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Well this is a little embarrassing."</span> She giggles. <span class="sofia-text">"Give it to me doctor."</span>
She slides forward on the table.
Dr. Yanovic chuckles. <span class="yanovic-text">"Alright let's see here."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Surgery/2e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Well you look great, now lets check internals."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Surgery/2f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Fairly tight, moisture good."</span> She blushes. <span class="sofia-text">"I think you could do with some tightening up."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Surgery/2g.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Dr. Yanovic starts roughly rubbing Sofia.
<span class="sofia-text">"What exactly is this testing for? This feels different."</span>
Sofia Moans.
You watch with great amusement as Sofia starts squirting everywhere.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Surgery/2h.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Testing your internals, standard practice. But I think that settles that, Ms. Sofia. I am going to recommend lip injections, ass injections, we can use excess fat and tighten things up "down there" and as we said before we can swap out your implants and find a suitable size and shape for you. What do you think?"</span>
Your mom laying on table panting.
<span class="sofia-text">"Sounds great doctor."</span>
Sofia tries to catch her breath.
<span class="sofia-text">"When?"</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"As soon as tomorrow, come by my office when you are ready. Oh and $player.firstName, thank you for bringing me more clients. It's always a pleasure."</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You stand up. <span class="mc-text">"I'm going to leave."</span> Your mom looks at you and drops her panties, but doesn't look upset.
<span class="sofia-text">"See you at home?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"My home, yes."</span> You offer your hand to Dr. Yanovic. <span class="mc-text">"Take good care of her."</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Don't worry, $player.firstName. I am sure we will see each other again soon."</span>
You take the subway back home and a few hours later you receive a text from your mom.
<span class="sofia-text">Gonna be home late tonight, bumped into a friend from CT
But everything is good
I can have the operation pretty much whenever I want if we give him a little bit of warning he said
Will you come with me?</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Great!
And of course.
You can even recover at my place.</span>
''Whenever you're ready, go to Dr. Yanovic's office during business hours for your mom's surgery.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Sofia", "VisitDoctor"); $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter to 1;>>\You take your mother inside Dr. Yanovic's office.
<span class="yanovic-text">"Sofia! How are you doing today? Are you ready for your procedure?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Can't wait, and $player.firstName is here to take me home and make sure everything goes right."</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"I would expect no less, I can tell there's a ... bond between you two. $player.firstName, you can wait outside in the lobby. It will be a few hours and then we will come find you."</span>
You walk out toward the waiting room.
<span class="yanovic-text">"Sofia, right this way, take a seat."</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Here is the waiver, and your consent to the surgery. Go ahead and sign and we'll have you on your way to your new body."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Sounds great, I can't wait!"</span>
Without hesitation Sofia signs the documents.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Doctor/Signature.jpg" width="600">
The nurse walks in.
<span class="minor-text">Right this way Ms. Sofia. I will take you back to the operating room."</span>
Sofia jumps up with excitement and almost runs toward the nurse.
<span class="sofia-text">"See you soon doctor!"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Doctor/OperatingRoom.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Here we are. Go ahead and lie down, and we will get you all ready.</span>
In short order Sofia is unconscious and ready for the doctor.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Doctor/Surgery.jpg" width="600">
A few hours pass.
<span class="yanovic-text">"Complete! Excellent job everyone."</span>
[[Waiting Room|Sofia Implants Surgery Waiting Room][AddHours(5)]]Dr. Yanovic comes out to the waiting room still in his scrubs.
<span class="yanovic-text">"She is going to look like an all new her."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Fantastic, everything go well?"</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Sofia is doing great, and looks great. In fact, her ass and lips are a masterpiece. She is almost completely awake, you can come see her soon."</span>
Dr. Yanovic returns to the operating room.
About an hour later
The nurse calls out <span class="minor-text">"$player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Sofia is getting dressed and is ready for you, you are welcome to come back."</span>
You walk with the nurse toward the back.
<span class="minor-text">"This is her room. I'll leave you two be, just go out the same way we came in. If you need anything, we'll be at the desk right over there, but you are both good to go."</span>
[[Enter room|Sofia Implants Surgery Recovery Room]]You push the door open.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName! I feel great."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Sofia", "SurgeryFull")>>\
<<set RemoveEvent("Sofia", "SurgeryFull"); $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel to 1;>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Doctor/Enter.jpg" width="600">
You are completely stunned at your mom's new look. You stand there mouth hanging open.
<span class="sofia-text">"Get in here, close the door. Well?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Doctor/Show.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"They look great mom!"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I meant my entire body. I know I had a lot of work done, but it was all for you. I know how you like your girls. I've always known. Nobody could ''NOT'' notice you always staring at my tits."</span>
You start to get quiet and shy.
<span class="mc-text">"Uh huh."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Aren't you going to feel them?"</span>
Sofia reaches over and grabs your hand, pulling it towards her breasts.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Doctor/Touch.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"They are great right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"They feel amazing."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Don't get too worked up, you can only play with them once they've healed. I don't want them getting messed up. Let's get out of here, take me home."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The nurse said we are good to go, you sure you're alright?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"You are sweet, but let's go. I want to check these babies out at home."</span>
There does seem to be a newer glow to your mother.
<span class="mc-text">"That's fantastic mom. The nurse said you are fine to go home."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Thank you sweetie. Just let me get changed first."</span>
''You mom will take the rest of the week to recover.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); RemoveEvent("Sofia", "Surgery"); AddEvent("Sofia", "ImplantsComplete"); $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter to 7;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
The day has come. Your mom sent you a text that she's on her way to her appointment. She said she should be in the recovery room by noon. No reason to make her wait. You should probably head over there.
[[Head to Yanovic's office|Sofia Transformation 2][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
As you walk into the office you are greeted by Yanovic's new secretary.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Doctor/Transform2/Secretary.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Hello Sir."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hello."</span> You stutter a bit. <span class="mc-text">"My name is $player.firstName $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Ah yes. Dr. Yanovic told me you'd be by to check on Sofia."</span>
Your eyes are glued to her tits.
<span class="minor-text">"Sir?"</span>
Who is this girl? You think to yourself.
<span class="minor-text">"Sir."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes?"</span> You look at her stupidly.
<span class="minor-text">"Dr. Yanovic is in his office and Sofia is in the Recovery Room. Right this way."</span>
She leads you to Yanovic's office. You steal a glimpse at her ass as she walks down the hallway.
[[Talk with Yanovic|Sofia Transformation 2][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Subway/YanovicOffice.jpg" width="600">
You walk into the office to find Yanovic sitting at his computer.
<span class="minor-text">"Sir, Mr. $player.lastName is here to see you."</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"$player.firstName! Welcome. Come on in. Sofia is recovering well. I assume you are here to check on her."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Absolutely."</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"She's right across the hall in the recovery room. Feel free to check on her or, go to the waiting room. It shouldn't be too long; the nurses are finishing up. No complications at all. She's good to go."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's great. An easy job then?"</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"She didn't tell you? She had a full makeover. Facelift, eyebrows, nose, and implants."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Wow, OK. I guess she went all out."</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"It'll look great, don't worry."</span>
You leave to go see the result.
[[Check on your mother|Sofia Transformation 2][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
As you step into the recovery room, you see your mom with some nurses.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Doctor/Transform2/Surgery.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Sir, you can't be in here."</span> One of the nurses motions to you.
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh that's my $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, how are you doing?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Good! Look at these babies! My face hurts though. I got a full mommy makeover!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You look great. I'll be waiting outside."</span>
You head out to the waiting room as the nurses finish up. They bring her out after a short while. She looks great. Her body looks tight, her boobs look big, and her face looks amazing right now. Though the swelling will probably ruin that for a short time.
[[Head out to the car|Sofia Transformation 2][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
You walk her out to the car and open the door for her. She sits down and you get in the driver's seat.
You look at her with concern. <span class="mc-text">"Why didn't you tell me you were going to get all of this work done? So much at once will be a long recovery mom."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh it's fine! Yanovic actually said it's best for my body to just knock it out all at once."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I doubt that. But you look great."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Thanks darling! I feel twenty years younger. Oh and look."</span> She pulls something out of her bag.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Doctor/Transform2/Implants.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"He gave me two implants to squeeze for the pain."</span> Your mother laughs and pushes them against her new tits. <span class="sofia-text">"Maybe I should get these added to the ones I've already got in there."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Alrighty then; those drugs are kicking in."</span> You laugh.
The drive home is other wise uneventful.
[[Help her inside|Sofia Transformation 2][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
You help her into the house, she's doing quite well; even walking to her room on her own. After a few moments she yells out for you.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName. $player.firstName!"</span>
You run over to help her.
<span class="mc-text">"What? Are you OK?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Doctor/Transform2/Reveal.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Can you help me put this support bra on?"</span>
She looks-
<span class="sofia-text">"Come over here and help me."</span>
You walk over and attach the bra. Wow her boobs are big.
<span class="sofia-text">"Thanks. It's supposed to help them stay up higher and let them heal properly."</span>
''You mom will take the rest of the week to recover.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); RemoveEvent("Sofia", "Surgery"); $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter to 7; $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel to 2; $bimbos.sofia.bimbo to 50; $bimbos.sofia.happiness to 5;>>\
<</if>>\<<set _passageText to "You get a phone call from your mom">>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte?.trainingComplete and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery")>>\
<<if not $bimbos.sofia>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel gte 2 or CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
[[_passageText|Sofia Intro]]
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter is 0>>
<<if not CheckEvent("Sofia", "SecondPhoneCall")>>\
[[_passageText|Sofia Second Call]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "JuneCall")>>\
[[_passageText|Sofia June Call]]
<</if>>\<span class="sofia-text">"Good morning $player.firstName! How are you?"</span>
Your mom is chirping down the phone at you, altogether far too cheery for someone who has just woken you up.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey mom... Why are you calling me so early?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"</span> You're about to say she did when she skips on to the purpose of her call. <span class="sofia-text">"I just wanted to see if you were free to meet for dinner later, I'm in the city today and I'd love to see you."</span>
You sigh audibly.
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh don't be so grumpy, I haven't seen you in so long! I barely know what you're getting up to anymore."</span>
You give a little happy snort of resignation. <span class="mc-text">"OK. Where do you want to meet? I have some work I've been putting off in the city, I can meet you at 7."</span>
You two arrange to meet at a bar near your last meeting. After you hang up, you let out a long breath, then get ready for the day.
[[Continue|Sofia Intro Meet][SetHours(19)]]Your last meeting ran over by about fifteen minutes and you have to hustle to get to the bar. By the time you arrive you see your mom sitting at the bar. You hope to surprise her, but before you reach her she turns around and smiles at you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Intro/Meet.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName!"</span> She waves at you and you wave back. As you get closer she stands up and you give her a hug. She coos over you and squeezes you tightly. <span class="sofia-text">"So good to see you!"</span>
You take the seat next to her and see she has just started on a glass of white wine.
<span class="mc-text">"It is! What are you doing in the city?"</span>
Your mom, long divorced from your late father, lives in Connecticut. She rarely comes into New York, preferring instead the life of luxury out in Fairfield, living off the income of your jet-setting step father.
<span class="sofia-text">"Your sister -"</span>
You interject. <span class="mc-text">"Step sister"</span>
Your mom frowns but continues. <span class="sofia-text">"- is transferring to Chapin for her senior year. She's been demanding to live in the city since she turned 18... You know what she's like."</span>
You both look at each other and raise your eyebrows in unison. Your step sister June is a notorious princess, and it doesn't surprise you in the least that she is demanding to finish high school in Manhattan.
She spreads her hands wide in a flapping gesture to restart her story. <span class="sofia-text">"So, I was looking at apartments. We're not sure where she will stay yet, but we're thinking that we will just stay in the city during the week with her, after all Greg works here anyway. I might even get to see him occasionally if we stay here. But you know how Greg feels about living in the suburbs... Anyway, how are you? What are you up to?"</span>
[[Tell her the truth|Sofia Intro Explain][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Tell her a partial truth|Sofia Intro Explain][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I coach women on how to become bimbos."</span>
Your mom coughs into her drink.
<span class="sofia-text">"What? Seriously?"</span>
You laugh and nod. <span class="mc-text">"Yep. I'm pretty good at it."</span>
She scoffs, but smiles and shakes her head. <span class="sofia-text">"God, $player.firstName, you always did have the strangest plans... Are you enjoying it?"</span> Her eyes twinkle knowingly.
You look her in the eye and nod slowly. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah. A lot. I... It sounds stupid and you'll laugh, but I feel like I've found my calling."</span>
She does laugh, but she squeezes your shoulder and leans in. <span class="sofia-text">"Well, as long as your happy. That's all that matters."</span> She leans back out and takes a sip of her wine. <span class="sofia-text">"Have you totally given up on the tech world then?"</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"It's early days, but I'm working as a sort of life coach/therapist."</span>
She takes a sip of her wine. <span class="sofia-text">"What's the philosophy you're teaching?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I, uh, I encourage people to take pride in themselves and their appearance. And, like, be carefree. And have fun. You know?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Not really. Is it mainly men you coach?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No... Women..."</span> You begin to blush a little and a smile creeps across your mom's face.
<span class="sofia-text">"Well, as long as your happy. That's all that matters."</span> She leans back and takes a sip of her wine. <span class="sofia-text">"Have you totally given up on the tech world then?"</span>
You explain that you don't own any companies anymore, or take any active role in working for one, but you do work as a consultant for other businesses, occasionally having work passed onto you by the main consultancy.
Talk turns to other things and you catch up on the news from your old neighborhood, reminiscing about the time you broke your neighbor's window as you walk to the restaurant. The reminiscence continues, until after the third drink talk turns to how your mom is doing.
<span class="sofia-text">"I... I don't know, really."</span>
You look up, suddenly concerned. <span class="mc-text">"What's wrong?"</span>
She shrugs. <span class="sofia-text">"I'm starting to feel a little old. And things with Greg aren't that good. They're not bad but just..."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"Well I don't think you look a day over 30."</span>
She laughs, a single, bitter, but not entirely joyless laugh. <span class="sofia-text">"That'd make me your sister, not your mom!"</span>
You both laugh, but then a slightly uncomfortable silence settles between you, which you break after a few seconds. <span class="mc-text">"What's up with Greg?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Same old, same old. He's nice, but he's a bit boring... When I met him all I wanted for myself, for us, was stability. But now I've got stability. I've lived stability now for 20 years and... I feel like I missed out a little."</span>
You're not quite sure what to say. <span class="mc-text">"I'm sorry. What do you think you missed out on?"</span>
She shrugs. <span class="sofia-text">"Adventure... I..."</span> She purses her lips and you see her eyes are slightly wet. She flattens her napkin against the table and smiles at you. <span class="sofia-text">"It's so good to see you, $player.firstName. I also think part of it is that I just don't see you much any more. Did I upset you?"</span>
You're surprised that things have taken such a turn for the honest. Perhaps it's all the wine, but you decide to be honest. <span class="mc-text">"No. Not at all. I'm sorry I hurt you. I just... My life was kind of a mess for a while. I didn't really want to let you see that... And then when I got my life together a few months ago, I just... Well. I was selfish and focused on that."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"It's OK, honey..."</span> You can see she wants to talk more, she wants to ask you another question, but she hesitates. Pushing out her chair, she stands up. <span class="sofia-text">"I'm going to go to the bathroom."</span>
While she's in the bathroom you check your phone, catching up on the news and your friend's latest groomed photos. When she returns she doesn't sit back down. You look up at her with an exaggerated look of anger.
<span class="mc-text">"Did you get the check?"</span>
She laughs, then cocks her head towards the door. <span class="sofia-text">"Come on, let's leave."</span>
You stand up, place your napkin on the table, then follow her out onto the street. <span class="sofia-text">"Greg's going to be working all night. Apparently some crisis in Tokyo... We were supposed to go home together, so I thought I would stay at yours tonight. I haven't seen it since you first moved in!"</span>
You feel a rising wave of panic, knowing that the girls are at home tonight. You hope that they're asleep, or at least uncharacteristically behaving normal and not at all like bimbos.
<span class="sofia-text">"Don't worry if it's a mess, I won't judge you!"</span> She hails a cab, and once you've both climbed in she looks at you. <span class="sofia-text">"You can get this, call it quits on dinner."</span> You continue to say nothing, your wheels spinning in your head. <span class="sofia-text">"Well, aren't you gonna tell him your address?"</span>
You give him the address, and as you cross over the bridge, your mom staring out at the skyline of Manhattan, you warn her that you have some guests staying with you.
[[Continue|Sofia Intro Apartment][SetHours(23)]]As the elevator lifts you to your apartment, and your mom ooo's and ahh's over the thought of having an entire floor to yourself, you pray that you don't have to explain anything awkward. You think you can talk your way over most things, but you know Charlotte is the wild card. If she's sitting up watching porn, you'll have a hard time explaining that.
To your relief, there's no light showing from under the door when you step out of the elevator and into the hallway. Perhaps everyone has gone to bed? You unlock your front door and, pushing it open, you see a gentle light in the kitchen.
<span class="stella-text">"Hi $player.firstName."</span>
It's not ideal, but far from the worst case scenario. Charlotte is clearly in bed, and Stella is making a cup of tea. She's wearing her lingerie and a nightie.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sofia/Meet.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hey... Stella, I want you to meet my mom, Sofia. Mom, this is Stella, she's a friend of mine who is staying with me for a little while."</span>
Stella smiles widely, and your mom plasters a smile on her somewhat surprised face. <span class="stella-text">"It's so nice to meet you Sofia. Your son is such a gentleman, hosting me and my daughter."</span> You see your mom's eyes drawn down to Stella's breasts, almost as large and as fake as her own. Stella stands proudly, showing off her body, as your mom stretches out her hand for Stella to shake it.
<span class="sofia-text">"A pleasure to meet you, Stella."</span>
Stella shakes her hand briefly, but also seems a bit awkward and keen to retreat. <span class="stella-text">"Great to meet you. I'm going to go to sleep now, though.."</span> Stella picks up her cup of tea and begins to walk towards the room she shares with Charlotte. <span class="stella-text">"I hope you two had a good time bonding over dinner and drinks."</span>
As Stella walks away your mom looks at you, saying nothing. You get down two mugs, and look back at her. <span class="mc-text">"Tea?"</span>
She nods, and when Stella's door closes she whispers loudly. <span class="sofia-text">"Your friend, huh?"</span> She smiles and you nod.
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, but it's... Complicated."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I bet... I wouldn't have thought she was your type, she's got to be my age."</span>
You stop yourself from saying that Stella is actually about a decade younger, but as you pass her the hot cup of tea you decide to tease her. <span class="mc-text">"With age comes experience, don't you know."</span> She laughs, and then you begin to lead her through your dim apartment, giving her a tour of your living space, working space, and the various amenities you've installed.
Once you're done you show your mom to her guest room, a corner room with an en suite bathroom. As you are about to close the door she trots over, still in her heels, and kisses you on the cheek.
<span class="sofia-text">"It's been so nice to spend the night with you, $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It was fun, wasn't it? Anyway, goodnight mom."</span>
You close the door and walk to your room, where you fall asleep quickly, with a strange sense of completeness having her in your apartment.
[[Wake up|Sofia Intro Morning][AddHours(8); AddMinutes(30);]]You're woken up half an hour earlier than normal by Stella. She pops her head into your room.
<span class="stella-text">"I thought you might want to know that Charlotte is currently having a great time talking with your mom..."</span> Stella glides out, waving as she leaves, as you throw on your boxers and rush out of the room in a panic. Down the hall, in your mom's room, you hear Charlotte talking.
<span class="charlotte-text">"...really helped my mom, just, like, be herself. Happy, and nice, and not at all stressed. Does he make you less stressed?"</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
You run down the hallways as fast as you can without making a sound. The door is wide open and you see Charlotte standing there, topless, as your mom sits on the leather chair in the corner, looking up at her.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sofia/MeetTransform.jpg" height="600">
You run down the hallways as fast as you can without making a sound. The door is wide open and you see your mom sitting on the leather sofa in the corner of the bedroom. Charlotte is sitting on a stool, wearing lingerie, legs spread.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sofia/Meet.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName!"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Good morning, $player.firstName."</span> Your mom looks at you, wide eyed, more than a little shellshocked.
<span class="mc-text">"Morning, ladies. Can I get you some coffee?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Sure..."</span>
Charlotte leaps forward. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'll get it for you! I'll be right back."</span> She turns towards your mom. <span class="charlotte-text">"I know just how Mr. $player.lastName likes it. You want milk, right, Mrs. $player.lastName?"</span> Your mom nods and as Charlotte trots away you sit on the far corner of the bed your mom slept in last night. You look at your mom, already dressed for the day.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Intro/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"She's certainly very nice."</span>
You look down, away from her. <span class="mc-text">"Uh, yeah, she is. Very nice."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"And she's Stella's daughter?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yep."</span> You nod. <span class="mc-text">"She is indeed."</span>
You feel your mom staring at you and when you look at her she gestures at you. <span class="sofia-text">"Is it a house rule that people need to be naked, or nearly naked?"</span> You realize you're only wearing boxers, tight ones at that. You feel suddenly conscious that your mom can see the bulge of your penis.
You laugh nervously. <span class="mc-text">"No, not at all... We're just relaxed. I want people to feel at home here, you know?"</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
She nods and a small smile creeps across her face. <span class="sofia-text">"Charlotte tells me that you've coached both her and her mom on how to be bimbos."</span>
You nod, looking at her. <span class="mc-text">"That's right. Stella was actually my first client."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"And now what is she? Your girlfriend?"</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Uhhh... She lives here now."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="mc-text">"She works for me now."</span>
Your mom laughs, and as she does Charlotte walks in with three coffees on a tray.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
She nods and a gentle look of concern passes over her face. <span class="sofia-text">"Charlotte tells me that this life coaching you do is coaching women on how to be bimbos."</span>
She purses her lips, but you can see a small smile growing in the corners of her mouth.
<span class="mc-text">"Mom, I can explain, I just..."</span>
She lifts up a hand to stop you. <span class="sofia-text">"Don't worry. Clearly you're having the time of your life."</span> She laughs, and as she does Charlotte walks in with three coffees on a tray.
She hands the first cup to your mom. <span class="charlotte-text">"Mrs. $player.lastName..."</span> And the next to you. <span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Thank you so much, Charlotte. You must make my son so happy being here."</span>
Charlotte laughs. <span class="charlotte-text">"I better!"</span> Charlotte stays standing, and is staring at your mom's chest. You feel slightly uncomfortable whenever you remember she has the huge, fake tits that you're so obsessed with.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Is your bra pink, Mrs. $player.lastName? I love what I can see of it."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Intro/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She laughs and tugs at her top to show a little more of it to Charlotte. <span class="sofia-text">"It is, I'm glad you like it. I find men appreciate seeing a little bit of bra."</span>
Charlotte nods. <span class="charlotte-text">"They do, but Mr. $player.lastName likes it most when women don't wear anything. Don't you?"</span>
Your mom responds for you, deadpan. <span class="sofia-text">"I bet he does."</span>
You change the subject to what everyone has planned for the day, and you drink your coffee happily as the chat moves on to more innocent subjects. As you near the bottom of your cup, however, your mom yelps.
<span class="sofia-text">"Shit!"</span> She's spilled what's left over her coffee over her top. <span class="sofia-text">"I was gonna wear this for viewings today... Shit shit shit."</span>
She begins to panic, but Charlotte steps in. <span class="charlotte-text">"That's OK, Mrs. $player.lastName. I bet we have a top you can wear, right?"</span>
You nod and your mom calms down, then stands up.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Intro/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh my God, that would be a life saver. I'll get changed now to get this soaking. It's silk."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Intro/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As she takes off her belt, your mom looks at you expectantly and not a little awkwardly. Charlotte is, as usual, totally oblivious.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Is the lingerie a set?"</span>
You look at your mom, and know you should probably give her some privacy...
[[Stay as if everything is normal|Sofia Intro Lingerie][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Leave and take Charlotte with you|Sofia Intro Lingerie][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You decide to stay. If she is going to invite herself over without even giving you any warning, you figure she has to live with the consequences.
It could go either way, but after a few seconds she gives a little shrug and seems to give in.
<span class="sofia-text">"Yeah, it's a set. Also silk, only the best for my skin."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I really wish I had more silk lingerie. It looks great, I like the shine too, you know?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"It's expensive but worth it if you can afford it."</span>
As the two chat about lingerie you find your eyes wandering, until you realise you're staring right at her chest.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Intro/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She smiles, and you look away, but not before taking another quick look.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Intro/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Laying on the bed she takes off her skirt, throwing it on the floor.
<span class="sofia-text">"Anyway, guys, I'm gonna change my bra too because some coffee got on that, so if you want to just..."</span> She makes a shooing gesture towards the door.
You stand up, and nod at Charlotte to follow you. <span class="mc-text">"We'll get you your top."</span>
Later that afternoon you get a text from your mom.
<span class="sofia-text">I had such a wonderful night with you honey. I can't wait to see you again. You won't get away without answering all my questions next time! xxx</span>
''Your mom is now more exhibitionist.''
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, Charlotte, let's go find a top for her."</span>
Charlotte looks a little disappointed, but follows along. Once you have a top for her, you leave it outside of the bedroom door and knock, letting her know it is outside.
Later that afternoon you get a text from your mom.
<span class="sofia-text">I had such a wonderful night with you honey. I can't wait to see you again. You won't get away without answering all my questions next time! xxx</span>
''You can now see an entry for your mom in the journal.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $player.cash += 250; $bimbos.sofia to clone($bimboTemplate); $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter to 7; $bimbos.sofia.bimbo to 25; $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist to 15; $bimbos.sofia.slut to 15; $bimbos.sofia.happiness to 5;>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>><<set $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 1>><</if>>\<span class="sofia-text">"Good morning honey!"</span>
You groan down the telephone. <span class="mc-text">"Are wake up calls going to become a regular occurrence?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"There are worse ways to wake up than to a call from your loving mother."</span> You sigh. <span class="sofia-text">"I'm in the city again today. Let's get dinner again. I'll stay the night, Greg's travelling and June is on a sports trip."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure. Sounds good. Where do you want to go?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"You pick. Just let me know where... Will Stella and Charlotte be staying at your apartment too?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, probably, though I could ask at least Charlotte to -"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"No no, don't worry, perhaps we can have a drink with them after dinner? I got such a kick out of chatting to Charlotte, that girl really has no sense of shame does she?"</span>
Little do you know, you think to yourself.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, great. I'll see you later."</span>
Once you're properly woken up you have a look online and decide to take your mom to a new Thai restaurant only a short walk from your house. After texting her the details, you get to work for the day. You don't have much to do, and hanging around the house with Charlotte you two watch old TV shows as she idly sucks your dick.
When it gets to 6:30 you get ready, and head off to the restaurant to meet your mom.
[[Continue|Sofia Second Call Dinner][SetHours(19)]]You see your mom standing in entrance hall waiting for you. You see she's wearing another dress, a little revealing even by her liberal standards.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/SecondVisit/Dress.jpg" height="600">
As you get close she leans in and gives you a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Before she walks in, however, she gives you a little twirl.
<span class="sofia-text">"Like the dress?"</span>
You look her up and down and notice the tiny bottom edge of her ass cheek showing from under the hem of her skirt. <span class="mc-text">"You look stunning as ever, mom."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Greg says it's too short, but now I know about your secret life I have someone to wear my fun clothes with!"</span>
You're not quite sure how to respond to that, but she laughs and starts to walk into the restaurant.
<span class="sofia-text">"Nice place!"</span>
<img src="Images/Locations/Outside/Restaurant.jpg" width="600">
You approach the hostess and confirm the reservation. You're seated at a small table for two in the middle of the room. You feel the eyes of half the men in the place staring at you, or, rather, at her. For most of your life this embarrassed you, but after spending time with your bimbos it's become a normal sensation.
<span class="sofia-text">"There's a great Thai place in Fairfield that we've been going to a lot."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh? Have I been there?"</span>
She shakes her head. <span class="sofia-text">"I don't think so, it only opened about a year ago..."</span> The two of you fall into easy conversation, and you joke about how she doesn't like spicy food. You order a bottle of wine to share, and begin to delve into more serious subjects. The main course finished and the bottle finished, you order two glasses of wine to finish off the meal. After they're delivered mom leans towards you, and you can't help but notice her cleavage shine in the light.
<span class="sofia-text">"I know I'm your mom and it's weird to say this but I'm proud of what you're doing."</span>
You're confused for a second. <span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"This bimbo thing... It's... Well... It's not normal, but I'm proud that you're just doing what you want. Just not giving a fuck."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah... I'm a lot happier now. Things weren't going well for me for a while there. But once I started doing that I really feel like I turned a corner."</span>
She reaches out and rests her hand on your forearm. <span class="sofia-text">"Oh, I'm sorry. I knew you were going through a tough time, I just... I just didn't know what to do about it. You're all grown up now, you know?"</span>
You laugh gently, and lean back. <span class="mc-text">"I'm not so little now, am I? But yeah... I didn't either. Still. Perhaps it was necessary, pain for personal growth and all that."</span>
There's a silence and you see her formulating a question. <span class="mc-text">"Go on, ask it."</span>
She laughs, then bites her lip. <span class="sofia-text">"OK, fuck it. What's the deal with Stella and Charlotte? Or, really, you, Stella, and Charlotte."</span>
[[Give the full story and answer all questions|Sofia Second Call Questions][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Tell about the coaching, but be discrete about the sex|Sofia Second Call Questions][$passageRoute to 2]]<span class="mc-text">"So... I started Bimbo Life Coaching, and Stella was my first client. She was the only one that came to my first weekly meeting, and -"</span>
She cuts across you. <span class="sofia-text">"You hold weekly meetings?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, at a bar near my house. Anyway, she was the only one that turned up. She'd just divorced Charlotte's dad, and was feeling old and left behind, generally sad, and like she'd missed out on a lot of life. And I helped her feel better about that."</span>
She frowns skeptically. <span class="sofia-text">"How?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"First I helped her develop her confidence. To feel more attractive, more desirable. Then I helped her identify what she wanted out of life, and how to worry less about things."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"And Charlotte? Is she really Stella's daughter?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yep. She's 18."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Same age as June... And how did you get to coach Charlotte? Did Stella, like... Give her to you?"</span> Your mom looks a bit worried, anxious about what your answer will be.
You shake your head. <span class="mc-text">"Nah, not at all. In fact she was kinda upset about it at first. But Charlotte had come to work for me - cleaning up, helping around the house, etc. - and as her mom changed, she had a lot of questions. I helped to answer them, and then one thing led to another..."</span>
She takes a deep breath. <span class="sofia-text">"And you've... You know..."</span> She raises her eyebrows and looks at you expectantly.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, I have. What do you want to know?"</span>
Her eyes widen. <span class="sofia-text">"I mean, nothing, this isn't something that I should -"</span>
You laugh and poke her teasingly. <span class="mc-text">"You brought this up! Don't chicken out now that you got the answer you wanted."</span>
She stares at you.
<span class="mc-text">"Yes?"</span>
She shakes her head.
<span class="mc-text">"Are we sure...?"</span>
Still nothing. <span class="mc-text">"Well, in that-"</span>
She blurts out and interrupts you. <span class="sofia-text">"Both of them?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Both of them what?"</span> You raise your eyebrows slightly.
<span class="sofia-text">"Have you... With both of them?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You can say sex, mom."</span>
She laughs now. <span class="sofia-text">"OK, have you fucked both of them? There, happy?"</span>
You laugh, and she continues to laugh, not quite concealing a little nervousness. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I have."</span>
She looks shocked. <span class="sofia-text">"And they both know?"</span> You nod. <span class="sofia-text">"And they live with you, basically?"</span> You shrug and nod. <span class="sofia-text">"Together?"</span> She looks positively scandalized at this.
<span class="mc-text">"I mean... Not, like, together. But we don't keep it secret."</span>
She lets out a deep breath, and then looks around for the check.
''Your mom is now more of a slut.''
<<set $bimbos.sofia.slut += 1>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You make an exaggerated face, turning away, pretending not to answer the question but leaving no doubt about what the answer is.
<span class="sofia-text">"Damn..."</span>
She lets out a deep breath, and then looks around for the check.
[[Go Home|Sofia Second Call Home][AddHours(3)]]She picks up the check for dinner again, and by the time you get home it's 10pm. As you enter the hallway you see the lights are still on at home, and you prepare yourself for a nightcap drink. A little late night chat with you, your first bimbo, her bimbo daughter, and - if you are truly being honest with yourself - your bimbo mom.
As you enter you see Stella sitting at the kitchen counter, flicking through her iPad. She's sipping a glass of wine, and you see an empty glass opposite her.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sofia/Dress.jpg" height="600">
<span class="stella-text">"Hello!"</span> Stella stands up and walks over, and leans in to exchange cheek kisses with your mom. <span class="stella-text">"It's so nice to see you again! Did you have a nice dinner?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, it was great. Where's Charlotte?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"She's just getting ready. Where did you go?"</span>
You go to get two more wine glasses as your mom answers. <span class="sofia-text">"This Thai restaurant not far away. $player.firstName says it is new, have you been?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Not yet, but I'll have to make him take me there."</span>
You fill two glasses and pass one to your mom. After clinking your glasses, you look at her and Stella. <span class="mc-text">"Well, shall we go and sit somewhere more comfortable?"</span> You begin to walk towards the living area of your apartment, and you sit your mom next to you on the sofa. Stella, having stayed behind to fill another glass for Charlotte, follows a few moments later.
<span class="stella-text">"I really love your dress, Sofia."</span> She tugs at the shoulders and then smiles up at Stella.
<span class="sofia-text">"Thanks. I bought it a while ago, but my husband says it's too risque."</span>
You hear quick footsteps up the hallway. <span class="charlotte-text">"Heyyyyy!"</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sofia/SecondVisitTransform.jpg" height="600">
Charlotte walks in, wearing an unusual amount of clothing for her.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sofia/SecondVisit.jpg" height="600">
Charlotte comes and sits down, wearing an unusual amount of clothing for her.
You and Stella stay seated, but your mom stands up and she and Charlotte do the same cheek kissing that she did with Stella.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Fun night?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Yeah, we had a very nice dinner."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mom, can I have another glass of-"</span> Stella lifts up a glass and passes it to Charlotte. <span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck yeah! Thanks, mom."</span>
With Charlotte now sitting opposite, a silence falls over the room. Your mom is looking around, as if she's looking for something to talk about. Stella is sitting with a pleasant smile on her face, waiting for someone to say something. And Charlotte is fidgeting, clearly wanting to talk about anything and everything - as usual - but controlling herself.
The silence continues, and you can hear the fridge begin to whirr in the kitchen.
<span class="mc-text">"They say this is going to be a cold winter this year."</span>
Blank faces.
<span class="mc-text">"Something to do with El Nino... Or... Something like that. I'm not-"</span> Your mom begins to laugh, and as she does Stella and Charlotte do too. <span class="mc-text">"What? What's funny?"</span>
You mom leans over and kisses your forehead. <span class="sofia-text">"My little $player.firstName, always so serious."</span>
You scoff in annoyance, but the ice has been at least gently broken. <span class="stella-text">"What's bringing you to the city so often, Sofia? You live in Connecticut, right?"</span>
She takes a sip of wine and then places the glass on the coffee table before answering. <span class="sofia-text">"We do, Fairfield. My daughter is-"</span>
You interrupt. <span class="mc-text">"Step daughter."</span>
Your mom rolls her eyes at you. <span class="sofia-text">"My step daughter is about to start her last year of high school and, now that she's all grown up she's demanding that we transfer her to a school here for her senior year. She's insistent that she wants to come to college here, and doesn't want to be one of the usual lame girls who doesn't know the secrets of the city... So, after much pestering, we agreed. She's starting at Chapin, but now we need to sort out a place for her to stay. We're thinking of renting an apartment in the city to stay in on weeknights with her, but we might also just let her stay with a relative of ours who has a big place overlooking Central Park."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Wow, you guys must be really rich."</span>
Stella shoots Charlotte a dirty look and she quickly takes a sip of wine.
<span class="stella-text">"That's gonna be so fun for her. Have you seen any nice places?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Loads, but Greg - my husband and $player.firstName's stepfather-"</span> She looks at you and puts extra emphasis on the 'step' <span class="sofia-text">"-really doesn't like living in the city, he prefers to escape to somewhere quiet at the end of the work day. He's a bit old fashioned."</span> She turns to Charlotte. <span class="sofia-text">"Did you grow up here, Charlotte?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah! I loved it. I didn't go to a fancy school, though. But I wouldn't have changed it for the world."</span>
The evening relaxes as you spend your time discussing the various merits of growing up where. Each of you have a different perspective. Stella, who grew up in the countryside of Ohio. You, who grew up in suburban Connecticut. Charlotte, who grew up in Brooklyn. And your mom, Sofia, who grew up in Brussels.
<span class="sofia-text">"I loved it, but I moved to America when I was 24 and though we've gone back to visit a lot, I have lived in or around New York ever since. I had $player.firstName when I was 25, and though my relationship with his late father broke down almost immediately, I stayed here."</span>
You see Charlotte looking at you hard.<span class="charlotte-text">"So that makes you 53?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Charlotte!"</span>
Stella looks worried, but your mom begins to laugh, but also shake her head slightly regretfully. <span class="sofia-text">"I am, yeah. 53."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"What? She looks fucking amazing for 53."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Thank you Charlotte. That's very kind of you to say."</span>
Stella shrugs slightly. <span class="stella-text">"You do, though. I hope I look as good as you at 53."</span> Your mom cocks her head, and looks at Stella. <span class="stella-text">"I'm 37. I had Charlotte when I was 19."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I'm not sure I looked as good as you at 37."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Why? Had you not got your tits done by then?"</span>
Your mom begins to blush, and you step in.
<span class="mc-text">"You must have been... What... 39? 40?"</span>
She nods with a certain amount of reluctance. <span class="sofia-text">"39. It wasn't long after I married Greg, and you'd just started high school."</span>
Charlotte looks at you, knowingly, but then turns back to your mom. <span class="charlotte-text">"So how big are they?"</span>
Stella puts her hand on Charlotte's belly to stop her and leans towards your mom in apology. <span class="stella-text">"I'm sorry, Sofia. Charlotte, you really shouldn't-"</span>
She chuckles. <span class="sofia-text">"It's OK."</span> She looks at Charlotte. <span class="sofia-text">"They're Gs."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"Awesome!"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Wow, I knew they were huge, like, obviously, but... Wow..."</span>
You see your mom's glass is empty. She's probably had nearly a bottle of wine all in all, and you debate whether you should refill her or not...
[[Fill her glass to the brim|Sofia Second Call Night]]
[[Make moves to go to bed|Sofia Second Call Sleep]]You stand up and walk to the kitchen and grab the bottle of wine. There's a little less than half left, and when you return you fill your mom's glass and then pour the rest into your own.
Stella, Charlotte, and your mom all discuss their enhancements, operations, and various other plastic surgeries they've had. Your mom drinks her glass of wine happily, and you can see she is becoming a bit drunk.
Stella beams and shakes her chest as she drops her statistics. <span class="stella-text">"Mine are also Gs."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"They look awesome, but they're way less perky than Mr. $player.lastName's mom's Gs."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I like them to look a little more natural. No offense, Sofia."</span>
Your mom beams, and takes a swig of her wine. <span class="sofia-text">"None taken! I like 'em to look fake. Big and fake."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mine are G's too. They're the most natural looking of us all though, right Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
You cough. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I suppose."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"They look a lot like your mom's to me."</span>
Before anyone can say anything Charlotte stands up and whips open her top.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sofia/BoobsTransform.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"See?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mine are perky and fake too. They're only Ds though."</span>
Before anyone can say anything Charlotte lifts up her top to show them off.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sofia/Boobs.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"See?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Wow... They're... They're very nice Charlotte."</span> At first she looks away politely, but reading the room she just decides to look at them. <span class="sofia-text">"Yeah, they're super nice, really well done."</span>
Charlotte ignores your mom and begins to tug at Stella's dress. At first she fights back, but after a few seconds Charlotte manages to pull down the front of Stella's dress.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sofia/Boobs.jpg" height="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"So those are the same size as yours, but look how they hang a little more naturally."</span> Charlotte leans back, tits still out. <span class="charlotte-text">"I went more natural to look a little more like her, but I kinda wish I'd gone for really fake ones too."</span>
Stella adds thoughtfully. <span class="stella-text">"I do still need to wear a bra."</span>
Your mom blurts out. <span class="sofia-text">"I don't."</span>
Charlotte cries out and begins to clap. <span class="charlotte-text">"Show us then! Come on!"</span>
[[When in Rome, mom|Sofia Second Call Strip]]
[[Put at stop to this|Sofia Second Call Sleep]]Your mom looks at you with anxious eyes but a carefree grin.
You look at her and smile. <span class="mc-text">"When in Rome, mom."</span>
She laughs and stands unsteadily on her feet. You hear her whisper to herself. <span class="sofia-text">"What the fuck are you doing..."</span>
She pulls down the top of her dress, showing that she's wearing no bra. <span class="sofia-text">"No bra. They just stay like that. They're super firm."</span> Then, facing towards Stella and Charlotte, she begins to jiggle them. <span class="sofia-text">"See?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/SecondVisit/Play.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte looks at Stella <span class="charlotte-text">"Fuck, they're amazing."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Seriously. You look fabulous, Sofia."</span>
You start to feel a little uncomfortable now, but if anything your mom is beginning to feel even more free and easy. She begins to take off her dress, only leaving on her tiny white panties.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/SecondVisit/Strip.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte and Stella begin to whoop, and once she's down to her panties she does a little twirl. She looks at you beaming, and you muster all your self-control not to stare at her tits. It isn't the first time you've seen them by any means, given her European sensibilities about nudity, but this time feels different...
You laugh along, though, and she comes to sit with you again on the sofa, now sitting facing you.
Charlotte claps and looks at you. <span class="charlotte-text">"I can see where he gets it from!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Where I get what?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"The bimbo stuff! Your mom, she's like... She's like the original bimbo."</span>
You all collapse laughing, but your mom looks at you, legs spread from the other end of the sofa, with a pondering look in her eyes.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/SecondVisit/Boobs.jpg" height="600">
She looks away, and back to Charlotte. <span class="sofia-text">"Oh, I'm just an amateur. I haven't been properly trained."</span> She slaps your thigh. <span class="sofia-text">"I think I should go to bed before I do anything else I regret."</span>
Your mom stands up, then looks at you. <span class="sofia-text">"Same room?"</span> At this cue you all begin to head to bead. You show her to her room, and as you say goodnight she kisses you on the cheek. <span class="sofia-text">"I haven't had that much fun in years. Thanks for another wonderful night."</span>
As you walk away you see she's left the door wide open, and in the darkened room you see the silhouette of a woman taking off her panties, then climbing into bed.
Your mom is gone by the time you wake up, but mid-morning you get a text from her.
<span class="sofia-text">Well that was a night. I haven't done anything like that in... Well. A long time.
I hope you're not as embarrassed about me as I am for myself, though it doesn't seem like Stella and Charlotte minded, right?
Remind me not to drink so much.</span>
You reply back quickly
<span class="mc-text">Mom, it was a great night. I won't pour your wine so liberally next time. Don't worry, it isn't anything that I didn't see on our beach vacations. Have a good day!</span>
A little later she responds.
<span class="sofia-text">That's a relief xxx
We've decided that June is just going to stay with her Uncle Matthew. She starts the week after next and will move in next week. Do you want to get dinner the three of us? And, if it's alright, can I keep coming into the city to see you more?</span>
You agree, on all counts.
''Your mom is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''Your mom is now less happy with you.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Sofia", "SecondPhoneCall"); $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 2; $bimbos.sofia.happiness to 4; $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter to 7;>>\Your mom stands up, then looks at you. <span class="sofia-text">"Same room?"</span> You all begin to stand up and go to your rooms. You show her to her room, and as you say goodnight she kisses you on the cheek. <span class="sofia-text">"I haven't had that much fun in years. Thanks for another wonderful night."</span>
As you walk away you see she's left the door wide open, and in the darkened room you see a silhouette of a woman taking off her panties, then climbing into bed.
Your mom is gone by the time you wake up, but mid-morning you get a text from her.
<span class="sofia-text">Thanks again for last night. I loved our dinner, and Stella and Charlotte are so fun. I don't meet many women like that in Connecticut.</span>
A little later she texts again.
<span class="sofia-text">We've decided that June is just going to stay with her Uncle Matthew. She starts the week after next and will move in next week. Do you want to get dinner the three of us? And, if it's alright, can I keep coming into the city to see you more?</span>
You agree, on both counts.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Sofia", "SecondPhoneCall"); $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="sofia-text">"Wakey wakey sleepyhead!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Ugh, what?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Now that's not a nice way to talk to your mother, is it?"</span> You grunt, and she continues. <span class="sofia-text">"I'm just reminding you about dinner tonight. 7pm, that French place on East 78th. Oh, and $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Be nice to your sister."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Step sister"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Just be nice... Enjoy your day!"</span>
She hangs up and you get ready to head into the city. You have some meetings to attend, and schedule a final one to end at 6 in midtown, giving you ample time to get to dinner on time.
It was a smart move, as the meeting runs over, and you only just make it to the restaurant in time.
Outside you see June. Looking as neat, and as perfect as ever.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/June/Intro.jpg" height="600">
<span class="june-text">"Hey big bro."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey June. Where's mom?"</span>
She makes an irritated sound. <span class="june-text">"She's, like, running super late. She's not even at Grand Central yet."</span>
You roll your eyes. <span class="mc-text">"Sounds about right. Shall we get our table?"</span>
June shrugs, then walks in ahead of you. She gets you seated, but disliking the first table you were given, has you moved to another table more to her liking.
<span class="mc-text">"Wasn't she supposed to be in the city with you today?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah, but she had something to do. Anyway. I start at Chapin next week!"</span>
You smile. <span class="mc-text">"I heard! Are you happy to be in New York now?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"So, so, so happy. Even if I have to stay with boring Uncle Matthew."</span>
A waitress comes by to get drinks while you wait. June looks at you expectantly. <span class="mc-text">"A glass of the house red, please"</span> June scoffs, then orders a coke.
When the waitress leaves she looks at you angrily. <span class="june-text">"I'm an adult now. In Europe I could have a glass of wine with dinner like a civilized person."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well we aren't in Europe, are we? Anyway, why's Uncle Matthew so boring?"</span>
She scoffs again. <span class="june-text">"He has all these dumb rules. I'm more tied down there than I am at home!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That wouldn't be difficult."</span> Greg and Sofia's parenting was lax for you, and spoiled June gets to do basically whatever she wants. It wouldn't surprise you if this was the first time she's faced real limits since she became a teenager.
<span class="june-text">"It sucks. I've gotta be home by 9 every night, I've got to help clean the house even though they have a maid, I... I... I've got to do all sorts of stuff."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Their house, their rules. Anyway, this isn't Connecticut. You should do what they say, an apartment overlooking Central Park sounds pretty ideal."</span>
She scoffs again, but as she is about to launch into another bite of bitching, you see your mom enter the restaurant. She's dressed in a short leather skirt, and a tight blouse that shows her cleavage. Normal enough for her, and not as daring as last week's outfit.
<span class="sofia-text">"Hey guys!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey mom"</span>
June looks at her frowning as she sat down. <span class="june-text">"What happened?"</span>
She sighs. <span class="sofia-text">"Oh, my car broke down this morning when I was heading to the station. So I had to sort that out, and then get home, switch cars. Then the trains were delayed - you know what the MTA is like - and, well... I was late. I couldn't do any shopping like I had planned."</span>
<span class="june-text">"What were you wanting to buy?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh, nothing, just wanted to try on pretty things."</span>
June nods knowingly. <span class="june-text">"You should take $player.firstName shopping, make him pretty too."</span>
You scowl at her. <span class="sofia-text">"Now, June, be nice. He looks good, he just doesn't have your..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"...Upper East Side boring preppy style?"</span> Your mom sighs.
<span class="june-text">"Hey! I look great, this sweater alone is worth more than you-"</span>
Your mom raises her voice slightly. <span class="sofia-text">"No! Not here."</span> She drops it back to normal. <span class="sofia-text">"Have you got drinks yet?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah. $player.firstName wouldn't order me a wine so I got a coke."</span>
Your mom lowers her face and looks at June skeptically. <span class="sofia-text">"You wouldn't have been served anyway, they card here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I got a house red. Want one?"</span> She nods, and luckily you catch the eye of the waitress and indicate you want two glasses of the red.
[[Continue|Sofia June Call Finish]]The drinks arrive and the three of you chat about June's upcoming move, and her switching schools. Apparently she won't miss Fairfield all that much as both of her best friends moved in their last year, and she feels she would essentially be starting again anyway.
Your mom sums up her feelings about the change as the conversation is reaching its conclusion. <span class="sofia-text">"I wasn't keen on it at first, and I will miss you, but the more I think about it the better and better an idea I think it is. It'll give me an excuse to come into the city more, and to see $player.firstName more. Perhaps you two might even become friends!"</span>
You smile politely.
June puts on her sweetest voice. She thinks she's being artfully manipulative, but everyone can always see right through it. Everyone, that is, except Greg. <span class="june-text">"You know how strict Uncle Matthew is, right mom?"</span> She nods. <span class="june-text">"Maybe on certain nights, when I just need to get away from that, maybe on weekends, I could stay with $player.firstName? You know, relax a bit, but also bond a little."</span>
You widen your eyes ever so slightly at your mom to warn her off, but to your surprise she smiles at you. <span class="sofia-text">"Yes, that could be nice, couldn't it?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Uhhh... Sure. You'll have to let me know ahead of time, though, I'm pretty busy."</span>
June smiles her fakest, brightest smile at you then stands up. <span class="june-text">"I'm going to the washroom."</span>
Once she's far enough away your jaw drops and you hiss whisper at her. <span class="mc-text">"What the fuck? You know what goes on in my house, right? I don't want June coming along and screwing things up. You know what she's like."</span>
She replies normally. <span class="sofia-text">"I'm sure you can keep them dressed and under control. Besides, I think it could do June some good to meet people who aren't all on the same track of private schools via Harvard to Wall Street. She doesn't know any normal people."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"They - we - aren't props in your quest to make June a normal person. It's just never gonna happen, mom."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"OK, at least just meet up with her occasionally even if you don't want her over. Do this for me. Do this for your sister."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Step sister."</span> She glares at you and squints her eyes slightly. You raise your hands. <span class="mc-text">"OK! OK. I'll do it for you. I'll have her over for lunch or something to test the waters, but if it goes badly I'm not doing it again, OK?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Thank you, $player.firstName."</span>
June returns from the bathroom and sits down. <span class="june-text">"They have the beeeeest soap in there. It smells like that vacation we took to Dubai."</span>
You clear your throat. <span class="mc-text">"You know, maybe it would be nice if we got to know each other a bit better. We should swap phone numbers, perhaps we could meet for lunch or something."</span>
June smiles at you and takes out her phone. You swap numbers, then order dessert. Mom and June just have tea, but you have a delicious little creme brulee. After arguing over who pays the bill, you admit defeat then go home, your mom taking June back to Fairfield tonight.
''Your mom is now happier with you.''
''On a weekend day you can now see June for lunch.''
''You can now see an entry for June in your journal.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set SetHours(21); AddEvent("Sofia", "JuneCall"); $player.cash += 300; $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter to 7; $bimbos.sofia.happiness to 5; $bimbos.june to clone($bimboTemplate); $bimbos.june.bimbo to 1; $bimbos.june.exhibitionist to 1; $bimbos.june.slut to 1; $bimbos.june.brat to 50;>>\<<if not CheckEvent("Sofia", "OfficeLesson")>>\
<<include [[Sofia Training Office]]>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "DesireLesson")>>\
<<include [[Sofia Training Desires]]>>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Sofia", "ExamLesson")>>\
<<include [[Sofia Training Exam]]>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
It's Saturday afternoon, and you just want to lay around watching TV. Your mom walks up and runs her hand through your hair.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey mom."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Hi darling."</span>
She sits down on the sofa next to you.
<span class="sofia-text">"How's business?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good, great actually."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I am so proud of you. It's amazing what you've done."</span>
There is an awkward pause; you can tell she wants to ask you something.
<span class="mc-text">"You OK?"</span> You laugh a bit.
<span class="sofia-text">"Well..."</span> Your mom pulls out the bimbo card she took the night you discussed training. <span class="sofia-text">"When I asked you to train me, I think I meant it."</span>
She is staring at you waiting for a response.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/First/SofiaTransform.jpg" width="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/First/Sofia.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Sure, we can do that. If that is what you want."</span>
Sofia smiles with a glow about her. <span class="sofia-text">"...It is."</span>
You sit up, switching to professional trainer mode. <span class="mc-text">"We might as well start now. Do you remember the principles we discussed?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Yes!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Alright, tell me."</span>
You take the card from her first; that would be cheating.
[[Listen to her answer|Sofia Training Intro][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<img src="Images/BLC/PrinciplesOfBimboism.jpg" width="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"They are pride in your appearance, please those around you, be a source of joy not stress, you say that one to June a lot. And, let yourself be taken care of."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I don't, Merde... Be your best self!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Be your absolute best self."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Yes. I was close."</span> She laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"Right, these are the fundamental principles of bimboism. The rules that should guide the life of any aspiring bimbo. For example, with Stella we focused the coaching on how she could take pride in her appearance, and how she could be a source of joy in the world. What is your ultimate goal?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"To be the hottest bimbo in the city of course. But really, I want to be beautiful and confident."</span>
You smile at that.
<span class="mc-text">"Let's set this time each Saturday for training. I'll meet you at BLC in my office unless I tell you otherwise."</span>
''Your mom is now more of a bimbo.
Your mom is now more of a slut.
Your mom is now more of an exhibitionist.
You can meet her at BLC each Saturday afternoon for training.
Don't forget to check on her each evening.''
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Sofia", "BimboTraining"); $bimbos.sofia.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.sofia.slut += 1; $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 1;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You sit in your office, thinking about your plans for your mom. You want her to become her best self, but this could be a touchy one to deal with. After all, it's family.
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle3.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira3.jpg" width="600">
It isn't long before she arrives.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Office/SofiaTransform.jpg" width="600">
She's wearing a tight black dress; looks quite nice.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Office/Sofia.jpg" width="600">
She's wearing a crop top and jean shorts; looks quite slutty.
<span class="mc-text">"Close the door."</span>
She closes the door and sit down.
You smile at her. <span class="mc-text">"Are you ready?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Yes."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK mom, let's talk about your physical goals."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Sure I-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Undress in front of that mirror."</span> You interrupt, pointing.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Undress."</span>
[[Watch Sofia Undress|Sofia Training Office][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Office/SofiaTransformMirror.jpg" width="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Office/SofiaMirror.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Look in the mirror and tell me what you want."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I want to feel young and beautiful again. I want big fake boobs, a tight waist line, and I'd love a big booty. And I want to be your favorite bimbo."</span>
This makes you pause. <span class="mc-text">"Explain?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"When people ask you why you do this, I want you to point at me. I want to be your bimbo mother, your muse. The best."</span>
This warms your heart, as the two of you begin discuss her training; what she can do to better herself and accomplish her desires. Not everything can be fixed by a doctor after all.
<span class="mc-text">"I see an already beautiful, empowered woman. You just need to enhance it. By focussing on each of the principles and how you could apply them more to your day, you will make progress."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"That sounds fun."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good. Living here, it will be easy for me to monitor how things are going. In our next meeting we will talk about your desires, and how to fit them to your training."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Thank you honey."</span>
She leans forward and gives you a kiss.
<span class="mc-text">"See you."</span>
You watch her walk out of the room, not failing to catch a quick glimpse of her ass.
''Your mom is now much more of a bimbo.
Your mom is now more of a slut.
Your mom is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Sofia", "OfficeLesson"); $bimbos.sofia.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.sofia.slut += 1; $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 1;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
As you sit in your office, you think about how you can help your mom realize all her desires. You need to be careful with this one though, you think.
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle3.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira3.jpg" width="600">
You wait in your office until she finally arrives.
<span class="mc-text">"Good afternoon Sofia."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"You don't always have to be so formal."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"This is strictly business, mom. I mean Sofia. I have a professional standard to keep and we will adhere to that family or not. For now on it will be Sofia."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Very well, what are we going to talk about today? So far I've loved it. I can't wait to be the sexiest, most sophisticated bimbo in the world."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's not about being the sexiest bimbo, its about being the best bimbo you can be."</span>
The two of you chat for a long time.
<span class="mc-text">"What about your appearance? What do you desire there?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I want to go bigger here,"</span> She points at her implants, <span class="sofia-text">"And I would like to get my lips done again."</span>
And now you've arrived at the subject of sex. You're worried this might get a bit awkward with your mother, but this is just business, you remind yourself. She tells you about different times shes had sex, what she likes, what she does not like.
<span class="sofia-text">"And I like it in my ass. You might have already noticed. I've always preferred le sexe anal."</span>
You manage to get through without losing too much professional detachment.
<span class="mc-text">"Well I think that's it for today's session."</span>
[[Walk her down to the lounge|Sofia Training Desires][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You grab a glass of wine; your mom asks for one too. You spend some more time chatting about life, unwinding from the session. Your mom wanders off to the bathroom and you take a seat on one of the sofas.
She is taking a long time. <span class="mc-text">"Mom?"</span> You shout out.
<span class="sofia-text">"I'm coming baby, don't worry."</span>
Strange, you think to yourself, as she rounds the corner dressed in a sexy outfit with a glass dildo in her hand. Before you know it she is on top of you.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/Transform1.jpg" width="600">
She kisses you deeply then puts your finger her in her mouth.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/Transform2.jpg" width="600">
She kisses you deeply then shoves her tits in your face.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"I could use some help."</span>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 0>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/2.jpg" width="600">
Your mom hands you one of the glass dildos as she walks past. Her ass looks amazing in that tight dress.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/Transform3.jpg" width="600">
She bends over and pulls up her dress. You massage your fingers into her ass. At this point your cock is twitching in your pants. You press the dildo against her ass and it slides in.
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh fuck, I've needed this all day."</span>
You push it completely into her ass.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/Transform4.jpg" width="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/3.jpg" width="600">
You play with her ass a bit, then step back and start to reach down to grab your dick. Your mom reaches back and plays with herself, letting out moan after moan. You can barely contain yourself as she reaches back and pours lube over the toy, then looks up at you grinning.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/Transform5.jpg" width="600">
You pull out your cock and begin to stroke it as your mom rolls over with her legs spread in the air.
<span class="mc-text">"Fuck."</span>
Sofia looks back at you.
<span class="sofia-text">"Fuck my ass baby."</span>
You kneel down and kiss her thigh as you slowly pull the glass dildo out.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/Transform6.jpg" width="600">
She moans in pleasure. <span class="sofia-text">"Ohh yes."</span>
She gets up, runs her hand down your chest, and then bends over on her hands and knees in front of you.
<span class="sofia-text">"Please."</span>
You pause for a moment. This is your mom. You want this, but told her you must keep it strictly professional. It's business you said.
<span class="mc-text">"Mo... Sofia-"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Please baby. I want this. Fuck your bimbo mom."</span>
You can't stop now. You take a step forward and slide into her ass as you reach up and grab the side of her face.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/Transform7.jpg" width="600">
You push deep into her you grab a handful of her hair.
<span class="mc-text">"Your ass is so tight mom."</span> You moan.
You release her hair as she reaches back and pulls her ass cheeks apart. You grab a hold of her arm and begin pounding even deeper.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 0>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/4.jpg" width="600">
Your mom ends up on top of you, sitting in your lap. She kisses you deeply as she slides up and down your cock.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/Transform8.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/5.jpg" width="600">
You explode deep in her ass; you can feel the cum running down your cock. As you slide out it pours out all over the base of your cock.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 0>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/6.jpg" width="600">
Well, the line has been crossed. You lie there for a while, not really sure what to say now.
<span class="sofia-text">"So."</span> Your mom pants. <span class="sofia-text">"Another session next week?"</span>
You look at her, then you both start laughing.
<span class="mc-text">"Of course."</span> You start to gather yourself.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 0>>\
She gives you a last, little suck first.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/Training/Bimbo/Desires/7.jpg" width="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Thank you $player.firstName."</span>
The two of you head to your respective bathrooms to clean up.
''Your mom is now much more of a bimbo.
Your mom is now much more of a slut.
Your mom is now much more of an exhibitionist.
You can now have some fun with your mom in the evenings.''
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Sofia", "DesireLesson"); $bimbos.sofia.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.sofia.slut += 2; $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 2;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
As you sit in your office you think about how your mom has progressed. She's on a true journey, and may even surpass all the others.
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle3.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira3.jpg" width="600">
She walks through the door.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello mom."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Good afternoon $player.firstName."</span> She kisses your cheek.
<span class="mc-text">"Have a seat."</span> You motion toward the sofa.
She walks over and sits down. She's wearing a cute pair of jeans and a tight t-shirt. Casual but pleasing to the eye.
<span class="mc-text">"How do you think you've faired so far?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Well, I feel like I have made some real progress. I love pleasing others."</span> She blushes. <span class="sofia-text">"Especially you. I feel beautiful. What else could a woman ask for?"</span>
<<if $bimbos.sofia.bimbo gte 40>>\
<span class="mc-text">"You were already well on your way before we started. All you needed was a little guidance. Because of this, I think you're ready for a final little test."</span>
[[Escort her to your office|Sofia Training Exam][$passageRoute to 2]]
<span class="mc-text">"You were already well on your way before we started. All you needed was a little guidance. You're almost there, just continue your activities and we will meet again next week."</span>
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(2)>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You close the door and sit down at your desk. You've never seen your mom look nervous before.
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName, I don't know if I am ready."</span>
<span class="mc-text">You will do fine. What is the first principle?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Pride in your appearance."</span>
<span class="mc-text">Perfect. Which principle is 'be your absolute best self'?</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Um. The third."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Correct. So you have the basics down. Throughout your training we've focused on making sure that you put in the work and understand what it is to be a true bimbo. Give an example of how you've let yourself be taken care of."</span>
Sofia smiles. <span class="sofia-text">"I've been living here with you. Not having to worry about things back in Connecticut. And there is trusting you with this coaching."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"Good, good. Final question, which do you think is the most important principle for you?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Be a source of joy, not stress."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"Excellent. There's nothing more for me to do. You are officially a BLC approved bimbo. What happens next is up to you."</span>
While her training may be over, that doesn't mean the end for exciting things in both your futures.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(2); RemoveEvent("Sofia", "BimboTraining"); AddEvent("Sofia", "ExamLesson"); $bimbos.sofia.trainingComplete to true; $bimbos.sofia.dayCounter to 1; $bimbos.sofia.bimbo += 5; $bimbos.sofia.slut += 1; $bimbos.sofia.exhibitionist += 1;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $bimbos.stacy>>\
<<if $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if $player.fame gte 6 and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "GymEmail")>>\
[[You receive an e-mail from Stacy|Stacy E-mail Gym][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained gte 11 and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "ButtPlug")>>\
[[Out of nowhere Stacy texts you|Stacy Toy][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stacy", "ButtPlug") and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "ButtText")>>\
[[Stacy texts you|Stacy Butt Text]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCRandom") and $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Stacy", "RandomText")>>\
[[You decide to text Stacy|Stacy Text]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "RandomText2")>>\
[[You decide to text Stacy again|Stacy Text 2]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "RandomTextReject")>>\
[[See if someone is available|Stacy Random Text]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stacy", "Surgery")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Stacy", "SurgeryText1")>>\
[[You receive a text from Stacy|Stacy Surgery Text 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "SurgeryText2")>>\
[[Stacy texts you again|Stacy Surgery Text 2]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "SurgeryText3")>>\
[[Another text from Stacy|Stacy Surgery Text 3]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Stacy", "Return")>>\
[[Check how Stacy's recovery is going|Stacy Return Workout]]
<<if not GameDayIs("Thursday")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "RandomTextReject") and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "PhotoShoot")>>\
[[You receive a text|Stacy Photo Shoot]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCOffice") and CheckEvent("Hang", "PornThreesome") and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "ThankYouEmail")>>\
[[You receive an e-mail from Stacy|Stacy E-mail Meet]]
<<if $bimbos.stacy.transformLevel is 1>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Stacy", "Dinner") and GameDayIs("Saturday")>>\
[[Sitting at home you get a text from Stacy|Stacy Dinner][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "WorkoutMeet") and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "Appointment") and BetweenTime(8, 12)>>\
[[Take Stacy to the doctor|Stacy Car]]
<<elseif $clients.erica?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Erica", "FitnessEmail") and not GameDayIs("Monday") and not GameDayIs("Friday")>>\
[[You receive an e-mail from Stacy and Erica|Stacy And Erica E-mail]]
<</if>>\The message was from a Stacy Peloni. You assume this is Erica's friend, especially given Erica is CC'd in on the e-mail.
<span class="stacy-text">Heyyyyyy!
Erica's too nervous to send you a photo, but I wanted to let you know that she really took what you suggested to heart. We've been working out together for a week. Slowly, but surely, she's making progress. Busted past 2 miles on the treadmill today, then I switched gears and taught her a few yoga stretches.
Within ten minutes another e-mail pops up, this one from Erica.
<span class="erica-text">Stacy! I can't believe you sent this RIGHT after I told you I didn't want you to. Whatever. I suppose it doesn't hurt if people know. I thought about it and figured... Well, yeah, I should at least try it, right? I dunno.
Either way, I wasn't the only one who was too nervous. Stacy said her face looked stupid here.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Workout.jpg" height="600">
Love you Stace, see you soon $player.firstName!</span>
Over the next 20 minutes to receive a half dozen e-mails from the girls, poking fun at each other. You chuckle to yourself about their e-mail bickering, and are happy that Erica's beginning to work on her body.
You shoot off a quick response once the thread has calmed down.
<span class="mc-text">Looking good bimbos!
- $player.firstName</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $bimbos.stacy to clone($bimboTemplate); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 7; $bimbos.stacy.happiness to 1;>>\You open your e-mails and see a message from Stacy.
<span class="stacy-text">Heyyyyyyy! I know this sounds weird, but do you know any good workout spaces near the weekly meeting? I was thinking it would be cool if me and some of the girls worked out together. I was looking for a place on Thursday night but the gym a couple of blocks away is all booked up. Figured I could make a little extra money, plus we can bond a little. And work on our butts, lol.
Thank youuuuu!</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<if $player.unlocks.gym>>\
[[I have a home gym|Stacy E-mail Gym][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Sorry, no idea|Stacy E-mail Gym][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stacy-
You know, I actually know the perfect place. I've got a large home gym at my apartment. There's a workout section, and a studio room. Do you want to do it here? If you're charging for it, I'd just want $50 for the hour. That sound fair?</span>
Within minutes you get a response back from Stacy.
<span class="stacy-text">Whaaaaaat! OH MY GOD! That is PERFECT! Well, I think it's perfect, I'll want to come by and check it out but.... OH MY GOD! Amazing! Thank you so so so so so much, and of course $50 is FINE.
I'll see you later??</span>
[[Stacy Visits][$passageRoute to 2; AddEvent("Stacy", "GymEmail");]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stacy-
Sorry, but I don't know of an empty space. I know that the yoga studio down towards Myrtle-Broadway rents a space by the hour? You could try that.
- $player.firstName</span>
A few hours later you get a response from Stacy
<span class="stacy-text"> :( </span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "GymEmail")>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You tell Stacy that your home gym is finished and that, if she wants, she can relocate her weekly exercise session to yours for only $50 an hour.
Within minutes you get a response back from Stacy.
<span class="stacy-text">Whaaaaaat! OH MY GOD! That is PERFECT! Well, I think it's perfect, I'll want to come by and check it out but.... OH MY GOD! Amazing! Thank you so so so so so much, and of course $50 is FINE.
I'll see you later??</span>
[[Wait for Stacy|Stacy Visits][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Later that evening, Stacy arrives. You can tell she's impressed by your apartment and, the modest mouse that you are, you pour her a glass of water to ensure she has time to properly appreciate your home.
<span class="stacy-text">"Is this all yours?"</span> She has a strong Long Island accent, and almost barks the question at you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/HomeGym.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"The floor? Yeah. I actually bought two apartments but just knocked down the wall between them."</span>
She looks gobsmacked. <span class="stacy-text">"I... I, like, had just meant if you had roommates. But you own this entire fucking floor?"</span>
You hope your smile isn't too smug. <span class="mc-text">"Shall we look at the gym?"</span> You walk her down the corridor to the far end of the apartment, where the exercise room and studio is. She whistles through her teeth, and begins to slowly pace around the room.
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Gym.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"So this is the exercise room, but I also have a decent studio, which you can see through here."</span> You gesture to the window next to the studio door.
She grabs the door handle and pushes open the door. <span class="stacy-text">"This is perfect."</span> Her voice echoes a little in the room, and she giggles.
<span class="mc-text">It's not totally perfect, I'm afraid that I only have a few yoga mats. It isn't really equipped for more than a couple people to work out in, so if everyone needs a mat, or identical weights, then you'll have to arrange that. Is that OK?"</span>
Stacy nods. <span class="stacy-text">"And only fifty fucking bucks?"</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Yes, only fifty bucks. I'm happy to open my home to my students. Besides, I think it will be useful for whoever turns up."</span>
Stacy turns to leave, but stops after she places her right hand on your left shoulder. <span class="stacy-text">"Well, I gotta go, but does Thursday work for you? 6pm, like your meeting?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure. 6pm Thursdays. Sounds perfect to me."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set SetHours(21); AddEvent("Stacy", "HomeGym"); $bimbos.stacy.happiness to 2; $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained to 1;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "TrainingRepeat")>>\
<span class="stacy-text">"What's up?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I wanted to ask you again about the favour, training my neighbor."</span>
<<set AddEvent("Elaine", "TrainingRepeat")>>\
You catch Stacy as she is towelling sweat after the class is done.
<span class="mc-text">"How did it go?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Went fucking hard today, so good."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So, uhhh..."</span> You're not quite sure how to introduce this, and how much to tell Stacy.
<span class="stacy-text">"What's up?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I've got a favour to ask. Can you take on a private client?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"A private client?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"A neighbor of mine. I've got in a little trouble with the co-op board over your classes, and she can help get me out of it. What do you say?"</span>
<<if $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained gte 7>>\
[[Stacy agrees to do it for free|Stacy Elaine][$passageRoute to 2; AddEvent("Elaine", "Training"); $bimbos.elaine.dayCounter to 7;]]
Stacy does not like you enough yet to do it for free.
[[Stacy agrees to do it for $300 a week|Stacy Elaine][$passageRoute to 3; AddEvent("Elaine", "Training"); AddEvent("Elaine", "GymPay"); $bimbos.elaine.dayCounter to 7;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="stacy-text">"Yeah, fuck it. I'll train her. Don't want to lose this sweet space, do I?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks so much Stacy! You'll let me know how it goes, right?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Sure, sure."</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="stacy-text">"Yeah, I'll do it, but not for free."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Stacy, I'm not sure you realize the kind of trouble I'm in, I..."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"I don't think you realize the kind of expenses I'm dealing with. Becoming a bimbo is pretty fucking expensive, and being at the beck and call of some rich bitch will limit how much money I can make training other people. I'll do it for $300 a week."</span>
You sigh, but appreciate that she has a point. <span class="mc-text">"Fine. I'll pay it to you, but let Elaine think you're doing it as a favor for me."</span>
''You will now pay Stacy $300 a week for as long as she is training Elaine.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="stacy-text">Hey $player.firstName. I finally got it.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Huh? Got what?</span>
Your phone's facetime rings from Stacy. You answer and it's a black screen.
<span class="stacy-text">"Ugh."</span> You hear Stacy moving around. <span class="stacy-text">"This damn thing."</span> She finally gets it set up its pointed at a bed and some windows. Stacy hops up on the bed and nearly fists her ass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Toy/StacyToy1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"I finally got my toy to fit $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span> You laugh.
Stacy grabs her toy and slides it into her ass. She pushes her ass toward the camera.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Toy/StacyToy2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You can see her pussy dripping. It's obvious Stacy loves anal.
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh fuck, god damn this thing is big."</span>
Stacy moans as she reaches back.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Toy/StacyToy3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"Fuck $player.firstName."</span> She wiggles her ass for you.
<span class="mc-text">"Damn girl."</span> Your cock is rock hard at this point.
<span class="stacy-text">"What? Want me to twerk for you?"</span>
Stacy shakes her ass with the dildo bouncing around. She starts moaning louder.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Toy/StacyToy4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She crawls over and lays her phone down. All you can see is the ceiling.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Toy/1.jpg" height="600">
You hear her moan.
<span class="stacy-text">"Fuck."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You OK?"</span>
She hops over toward the phone.
<span class="stacy-text">"Yeah. Just had to get this thing out of my ass."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh? That's a shame."</span> You chuckle a bit stroking your cock.
<span class="stacy-text">"I figured I could come over and you could help me stretch. I haven't worked out today. I'll wear my pink shorts for you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Door's open."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"I'm on my way. That dick better be ready for a workout.</span>
Stacy hangs up.
[[Stacy arrives|Stacy Toy][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Stacy knocks at your door as she opens it.
<span class="stacy-text">"$player.firstName?"</span>
You are sitting on the couch.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey."</span>
You look over at Stacy. She is wearing her tight pink shorts, with pink shoes and a white top. Her ass looks amazing.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym1/Stacy1.jpg" width="600">
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "Massage")>>\
<span class="stacy-text">"I half expected you to have your cock out already."</span> Stacy busts up laughing. <span class="stacy-text">"That massage table still in your gym? Let's go release some tension."</span> Stacy knows full well what really is going to happen.
You follow her to the gym. As you enter you look over and see Stacy already at the massage table, taking off her clothes. You can't help, but remember your mom's big tits laying on that table not long ago.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym1/Thought1.jpg" width="600">
You snap back to it. Why are you thinking about your mom with this big ass waiting to be fucked in front of you?
Stacy crawls on to the table and opens her mouth. <span class="stacy-text">"Are you going to fuck my mouth or what?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"I half expected you to have your cock out already."</span> Stacy busts up laughing. <span class="stacy-text">"Let's go release some tension."</span> Stacy knows full well what really is going to happen.
You follow her to the gym. As you enter you look over and see Stacy already taking off her clothes.
Stacy crawls on to a table and opens her mouth. <span class="stacy-text">"Are you going to fuck my mouth or what?"</span>
You walk over, cock as hard as a rock. Stacy throats it all without hesitation. She drools all over you, moaning as you fuck her face.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym1/Gym1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You can't stop staring at her ass. Spinning around behind her, she thinks you are finally going to fuck her. Instead, you bury your face into her beautiful ass, licking roughly.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym1/Gym2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stacy moans loudly. <span class="stacy-text">"Fuck! You love my ass don't you baby."</span> She wiggles her ass a bit in your face. <span class="stacy-text">"Here."</span> Stacy adjusts getting up on her knees. <span class="stacy-text">"Ah fuck"</span>, she moans, <span class="stacy-text">"You're going to make me cum."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym1/Gym3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You bury your face into her sexy, fat ass, pushing your tongue in further. Stacy reaches back and pulls on your head, suffocating you as you lick her.
<span class="stacy-text">"Get up here and fuck me baby, I need your cock in my ass."</span>
You get up and she bends over, making her ass look near perfect. It's fat, round, firm, and begging for a cock. As soon as your cock slides into her ass you nearly cum.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym1/Gym4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Over the course of the next hour you fuck her ass over and over; even cumming inside. She reaches back, pulls you into her, smiles and says you aren't finished. Manning up, you pound her ass again, making sure she won't be able to walk straight tomorrow. When you are finished Stacy hops off the table, kisses you, and says goodnight. She heads out the door leaving your cock aching from fucking her so roughly; and a giant mess all over your massage table.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "ButtPlug"); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 1; $bimbos.stacy.happiness to 4;>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Bigbutt.jpg" height="600">
<span class="stacy-text">Does my butt look small?</span>
<span class="mc-text">No.</span>
<span class="stacy-text">I think I need a bigger butt.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Why?</span>
<span class="stacy-text">Everyone loves a big fat ass. I think I am going to get some butt implants :) haha</span>
You like Stacy's butt, but hell, who would complain about a bigger booty.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "ButtText"); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 1;>>\Stacy does not answer the phone when you call her, instead it buzzes with a text.
<span class="stacy-text">What's up?</span>
<span class="mc-text">Just wanted to see if you would like to hang out.</span>
<span class="stacy-text">Sorry, with the girls :)</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Random/Text/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="stacy-text">Maybe another day you can play with this.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Damn girl.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "RandomText"); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 1;>>\Your phone buzzes with a text.
<span class="stacy-text">My booty graduated!</span>
<span class="mc-text">Huh?</span>
<span class="stacy-text">Huge toy
in my ass</span>
<span class="stacy-text">hurts but feels good</span>
<span class="mc-text">Come over.</span>
<span class="stacy-text">can't</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Random/Text/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">Holy shit!</span>
<span class="stacy-text">Just came so hard, but I gotta go have to work lol took forever to get that in</span>
Your cock twitches in your pants. God her ass!
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "RandomText2"); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 1;>>\You can't seem to get your mind off Stacy; you call her. Thankfully she answers.
<span class="stacy-text">"Wassup?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Come over?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Busy."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Can't be that busy."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Sorry."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Lame."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Next time."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Random/Text/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"See! You are not busy."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Getting ready for work, next time babe."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "RandomTextReject"); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 1;>>\It's from Stacy.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/PhotoShoot/Lips.jpg" height="600">
<span class="stacy-text">What do you think? I got some lip injections.</span>
[[Tell her they look great|Stacy Photo Shoot Texting][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Tell her you need to see them in person|Stacy Photo Shoot Texting][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="stacy-text">Oh they do huh?</span>
<span class="mc-text">They do. Can't wait to see them in person.</span>
<span class="stacy-text">And by the way, you're an ass.</span>
<span class="mc-text">What?! What did I do?</span>
<span class="stacy-text">I hear about all these girls getting pictures taken by you, here I am, you don't even ask.</span>
<span class="mc-text">I'm sorry. I didn't think you were into that thing.</span>
<span class="stacy-text">Mmm hmm</span>
<span class="mc-text">Come over, I'll set up the studio.</span>
<span class="stacy-text">I'll think about it</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="stacy-text">Oh you do huh?</span>
<span class="mc-text">Yes. Come over.</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"By the way, you're an ass.</span>
<span class="mc-text">What?! What did I do?</span>
<span class="stacy-text">I hear about all these girls getting pictures taken by you, here I am, you don't even ask.</span>
<span class="mc-text">I'm sorry, I didn't think you were into that thing.</span>
<span class="stacy-text">Mmm hmm</span>
<span class="mc-text">Come over, we can take some pictures.</span>
<span class="stacy-text">Going to take some of my big fat ass?</span>
After about a minute your phone pings with another text.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/PhotoShoot/Photos.jpg" width="600">
<span class="stacy-text">This what you want?</span>
<span class="mc-text">Yes.</span>
<span class="stacy-text">Maybe I'll stop by.</span>
<span class="mc-text">Please? I'll take your picture.</span>
<span class="stacy-text">I'm sure you will.</span>
[[Wait for Stacy|Stacy Photo Shoot Photos]]After about 30 minutes you hear a knock at the door. Stacy is standing there in a red jersey shirt and jeans. She looks cute.
<span class="stacy-text">"Umm, can I come in?"</span> Stacy giggles as she catches you gawking at her.
<span class="mc-text">"Of course."</span>
Stacy walks past as you stare at her ass.
<span class="stacy-text">"Let's take these pictures first. I brought a cute set of lingerie to wear. I want to see these talents the girls talk about."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Challenge accepted."</span>
You set up the photo room while Stacy changes into her outfit. Returning, you have her strike a simple pose.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/PhotoShoot/Pose.jpg" height="600">
She looks beautiful. You snap another photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/PhotoShoot/Closeup.jpg" height="600">
<span class="stacy-text">"That it?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, take a look."</span>
You hand the camera to Stacy and let her see the digital frames.
<span class="stacy-text">"Ok well, I concede. You have some talent. I look hot."</span> She laughs. <span class="stacy-text">"I'm going to go change real fast."</span>
You point. <span class="mc-text">"You could just stay in that."</span>
Stacy laughs while walking to the bathroom.
[[Exit to the living room|Stacy Photo Shoot Sex]]Stacy returns dressed in her jeans and t-shirt.
You pat the sofa cushion next to you. <span class="mc-text">"Come here."</span>
Stacy walks over at sits down.
<span class="stacy-text">"Thanks for taking photos by the way."</span> Stacy smiles at you.
<span class="mc-text">"No problem."</span>
Stacy slides off the sofa down between your legs. Your cock instantly becomes rock hard. She slides her hand up the center of your pants.
<span class="stacy-text">"Looks like you are ready for me to say thank you."</span> Stacy unzips your pants and pulls out your cock. Grabbing hold of the shaft, she kisses your balls.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/PhotoShoot/Sucking.jpg" width="600">
You moan as Stacy begins to lick and suck along your cock. She swallows your whole length and you already feel ready to cum.
<span class="stacy-text">"No you don't."</span>
Stacy releases your cock, turns round and pushes her ass up against your now pulsating dick.
<span class="stacy-text">"Ready?"</span> Stacy reaches back and begins pushing you inside her ass. She slowly slides down on your cock, barely making it half way.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/PhotoShoot/Fuck.jpg" width="600">
You begin to cum.
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh god."</span>
Your cock spasms in her ass, releasing your entire load. Stacy starts slowly grinding against you as your cum leaks out of her ass all over you.
<span class="mc-text">"Holy shit."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"That didn't take long."</span> Stacy giggles. <span class="stacy-text">"Guess I still got it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You never lost it babe."</span>
Stacy laughs and saunters to the bathroom to clean up. Returning, she kisses you gently on the lips before heading home.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Stacy", "PhotoShoot")>>\<span class="stacy-text">Hey $player.firstName!
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
I just wanted to say hi and thank you for all the help with the gym. Some of the girls wanted me to say thank you for letting us use your space and that they are in the best shape of their lives. Anyway, you should stop by during a session sometime. We miss you.
I just wanted to say I had fun the other day. I hope things don't get weird. Anyway, could you stop by during a session? I wanted to talk to you about some things.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "ThankYouEmail")>>\You quickly get ready and make your way over to Stacy's apartment. As you pull up you see her waiting.
<span class="stacy-text">"Hey!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hello there."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Let's do this. I've wanted fillers for months. Gotta step my game up."</span> Stacy laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"What do you mean?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh nothing really, I just feel like I... I just want to be more desirable."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You don't seem to have trouble in that area."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Like you'd know. Any girl with big tits or a big ass is on your radar."</span>
This causes both of you to burst out laughing.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Surgery/Car.jpg" width="600">
After a few minutes Stacy breaks the silence.
<span class="stacy-text">"I really do want to thank you $player.firstName. You've done so much for me. It's really been great."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No problem."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"And, to thank you..."</span>
Stacy bends over and unzips your pants.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Surgery/RoadHead.webp" width="600">
''Whilst healing from surgery, Stacy will not be able to hold gym sessions.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "Appointment"); AddEvent("Stacy", "Surgery"); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="stacy-text">One week down. Damn my ass is sore. :(</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Surgery/Text1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="stacy-text">Bet you can't wait to see :):)</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "SurgeryText1"); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="stacy-text">Week 2! Finally so much less pain. It feels funny though.</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Surgery/Text2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="stacy-text">Going to have a schedule some play time.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "SurgeryText2"); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="stacy-text">Ugh finally week 3, I can actually workout.</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Surgery/Text3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="stacy-text">How's this picture look :). Wanna play?</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "SurgeryText3"); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 7;>>\You check your phone.
<span class="stacy-text">Hey. I'm heading to the gym. Want to meet up?</span>
<span class="mc-text">Sure. Why don't you come over and we can workout in my gym?</span>
<span class="stacy-text">OK</span>
Stacy arrives about twenty minutes later knocking on your door.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Return/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="stacy-text">"Hey there stranger."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey! You look amazing. Looks like your recovery went well."</span>
Stacy walks up and gives you a hug. You can't help but notice her massive ass. Stacy lifts up her leg and starts stretching.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Return/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Let's get a solid workout in. I've been slacking lately."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Me too babe. Time to get back to the grindstone."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Return/3.jpg" width="600">
''Stacy will now return to her weekly workout sessions.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddFitness(1); RemoveEvent("Stacy", "Surgery"); AddEvent("Stacy", "Return"); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 7; $bimbos.stacy.transformLevel to 1;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="stacy-text">Hey! We haven't hung out in a while. Want to come over for dinner? Kinda bored and felt like cooking. I am making Galinhada's. My mamma's reciepe.</span>
[[I'll be right over|Stacy Dinner][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Thanks, but I am really busy. Another night perhaps|Home][$bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 7]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You head over to Stacy's apartment and knock on the door.
You hear from Stacy yelling across the house. <span class="stacy-text">"Come in! Door's unlocked."</span>
You enter the kitchen.
<span class="stacy-text">"Sorry, had to stir the food."</span>
Stacy looks over at you smiling and then goes back to cooking.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Dinner/1.jpg" height="600">
You can't help but stare while she looks at her recepie book.
<span class="stacy-text">"Food will be done in about twenty minutes."</span> Stacy turns and notices you staring. <span class="stacy-text">"Nice to see you too. Like the new look?"</span> She turns and poses for you, flaunting her impressive assets. <span class="stacy-text">"Will be able to shake this money-maker any time I want."</span> Stacy twerks her ass a bit and laughs. <span class="stacy-text">"I'm going to run to the ladies room. Make yourself comfortable."</span> She walks toward the bathroom as you take a seat at the bench.
[[Wait for Stacy to return|Stacy Dinner][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="stacy-text">"$player.firstName!"</span>
You hear her call out after a few minutes.
<span class="stacy-text">"I am in the living room. Come join me, it'll still be a few more minutes."</span>
You hurry to not keep her waiting. Stacy has stripped off down to her lingerie, and opened a bottle of champagne to share.
<span class="stacy-text">"Hi."</span> Stacy says smiling at you. <span class="stacy-text">"Figured we could relax while we wait for dinner to finish."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Dinner/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Go to her|Stacy Dinner][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
Stacy rubs your chest with her left hand as her right finds her way down to the front of your pants. You can't resist the temptation and reach around to squeeze her new and improved ass cheecks; Yanovic did a fantastic job.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Dinner/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"You want to fuck me $player.firstName?"</span> She whispers into your ear.
You squeeze Stacy's ass tightly and lift her up onto your hips.
<span class="stacy-text">"Ooooh."</span> She smiles at you. <span class="stacy-text">"I want a snack first."</span>
Stacy kisses you deeply as you sit down with her in your lap. She then slides down to the floor between your legs.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Dinner/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Enjoy what happens next|Stacy Dinner][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
Stacy enthusastically devours your cock, giving you all the eye attention you could ever want. She slowly swallows every inch, before pulling her mouth off and smiling at you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Dinner/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You grab the back of her head and push her down again.
<span class="stacy-text">"Mmmmhmmmm."</span>
Stacy moans as you hold her down on your cock.
<span class="stacy-text">"Ready to fuck me yet babe?"</span> Stacy grins and runs her tongue around the tip, then pushes you back and mounts you. <span class="stacy-text">"Wouldn't want you to miss this ass bouncing up and down."</span> She crawls back and slides your cock right into her wet pussy.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck."</span>
You lean your head back and grab hold of her ass. She starts slowly bouncing up and down; watching her ass is mezmerizing. It takes everything you have to not cum already.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Dinner/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Have sex with Stacy|Stacy Dinner][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
You smack Stacy's ass hard enough to leave a red handprint across her buttcheek.
<span class="stacy-text">"Owww, you little shit. Thats it."</span>
Stacy stands up, positions herself over to your face, and sits down.
<span class="stacy-text">"Yeah..."</span> Stacy lets out a moan as you begin to lick.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Dinner/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Once again you can't help yourself. You grab hold of both of her ass-cheecks, lift your right hand, and give it a thundering slap.
<span class="stacy-text">"Shit!"</span> Stacy yells. She now has a beet-red handprint.
<span class="mc-text">"Couldn't resist."</span> You smile at her.
Stacy looks down at you nearly snarling as she sits on your face so hard you can barely breathe. You grab her waist and lift her off you, easily picking her up and carrying her to her bedroom.
<span class="stacy-text">"Where are we going?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Somewhere I can properly fuck you."</span>
You walk down the hall till you find her bedroom. Tossing her onto the bed, you push her down onto her hands and knees, grabbing hold of her ass and pulling it toward your waiting cock.
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh fuck!"</span> Stacy lets out a loud moan as you slide into her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Dinner/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
One thing is for sure, the night had barely begun for both of you.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "Dinner"); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<</if>>\<<set AddHours(2); _workout to random(1, 6);>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "NakedGym")>>\
<<switch _workout>>\
<<case 1>>\
Some late arrivals to the class strip off in front of everyone.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 2>>\
A particularly skinny girl works on her upper body strength under Stacy's guidance and your supervision.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 3>>\
You check one woman's form to make sure that she is doing her leg kicks properly.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 4>>\
Stacy shows them how to do various kinds of squats.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 5>>\
After a particularly intense session a few of the bimbos celebrate new personal records.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 6>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo") or CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella joins today's session and you help her work out some kinks in her glutes, much to everyone elses interest.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Shoulder strength is important.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $player.fame gte 21>>\
About eighteen women attend today's session, filling the room completely, and leaving some bimbos working out uncomfortably close to one another. After looking in on the class you have to pinch yourself as small gaggles of totally naked women hang about your home, chatting and living normally.
About nine women turn up today. Attendance is down from it's peak before Stacy instituted her new nude exercise rule, but the girls who stuck it out are even more committed to their fitness.
<<switch _workout>>\
<<case 1>>\
Stacy leads the girls in yoga today.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 2>>\
Stacy shows the girls how to work on their glutes if they want a butt just like hers.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 3>>\
Stacy coaches the girls on how to correctly do dead lifts.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 4>>\
Stacy shows them how to do various kinds of squats.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 5>>\
Stacy demonstrates the importance of pre-workout stretching.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 6>>\
Stacy puts them through their paces on the cardio machines.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $player.fame gte 21>>\
About sixteen women attend today's session, filling the studio nearly to capacity. The atmosphere is fun, and playful, though everyone is getting their sweat on. About half of the women are as skimpily dressed as Stacy.
<<elseif $player.fame gte 11>>\
About ten women attend today's session, and though most are just conscientiously working out, you can tell from raised eyebrows that a the newer attendees are a little excited by Stacy's outfit.
About a half-dozen women attend today, and you can sense that a few of them are a bit uncomfortable with how skimpy Stacy's outfit is.
<<if $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained is 11 and CheckEvent("Stacy", "NakedGym") and $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
[[Talk to Stacy about official sponsorship|Stacy Employee]]
<<elseif $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained is 3 or $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained is 5 or $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained is 7 or $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained is 10>>\
[[Stacy is waiting for you after class|Stacy After Class]]
<<elseif $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained lt 11>>\
<<set $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained += 1>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "Visit") and not CheckEvent("Elaine", "Training")>>\
[[Talk to Stacy about Elaine|Stacy Elaine][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if CheckEvent("Rebeca", "WildeStreet") and not CheckEvent("Rebeca", "WildeWorkout")>>\
[[Check on the attendees|Wilde Workout Group]]
<<UINavigation "Home">><<set AddHours(2); _workoutType to random(1, 3); _workout to random(1, 4);>>\
<<switch _workoutType>>\
<<case 1>>\
Stacy decides they will spend the day's session in your gym.
<<switch _workout>>\
<<case 1>>\
Some late arrivals to the class strip off in front of everyone.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 2>>\
A particularly skinny girl works on her upper body strength under Stacy's guidance and your supervision.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 3>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo") or CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Stella joins today's session and you help her work out some kinks in her glutes, much to everyone else's interest.
Stacy shows them how to do various kinds of squats.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 4>>\
Shoulder strength is important.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $player.fame gte 21>>\
About twenty women attend today's session, filling the room completely, and leaving some bimbos working out uncomfortably close to one another. After looking in on the class you have to pinch yourself as small gaggles of totally naked women hang about your home, chatting and living normally.
About ten women turn up today. Attendance is down from it's peak before Stacy instituted her new nude exercise rule, but the girls who stuck it out are even more committed to their fitness.
<<case 2>>\
The group is spending the day doing activities in the BLC common room.
<<switch _workout>>\
<<case 1>>\
It appears today's session is joga. Not surprisingly, a number of women decided to make it more interesting.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 2>>\
Looks like it's a dance class today.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 3>>\
You check one woman's form to make sure that she is doing her leg kicks properly.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 4>>\
After a particularly intense session a few of the bimbos celebrate new personal records.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $player.fame gte 21>>\
About twenty women attend today's session. Fortunately the space was designed to hold much larger gatherings. You also don't mind seeing a group of naked women hanging out in the kitchen after the class.
About ten women turn up today. Attendance is down from it's peak before Stacy instituted her new nude exercise rule, but the girls who stuck it out are even more committed to their fitness.
<<case 3>>\
Stacy has decided to do some outside activities today.
<<switch _workout>>\
<<case 1>>\
Some of the girls spend the time socializing as well.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 2>>\
The good thing being outside, you can use the hose to cool down.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/2c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 3>>\
One woman is demonstrating why stretching is so important.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/3c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 4>>\
After a particularly intense session a few of the bimbos celebrate new personal records.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Naked/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $player.fame gte 21>>\
About twenty women attend today's session, and the yard is packed. Your only wish is they could also be naked.
About ten women turn up today. Attendance is down from it's peak before Stacy instituted her new nude exercise rule, but the girls who stuck it out are even more committed to their fitness.
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "ButtPlug") and CheckEvent("June", "Home") and not CheckEvent("Player", "GymRandom")>>\
[[You decide to check on Stacy's class|Exercise Group Random Event]]
<<if CheckEvent("Rebeca", "WildeStreet") and not CheckEvent("Rebeca", "WildeWorkout")>>\
[[Check on the attendees|Wilde Workout Group]]
<<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "BimboPath")>>\
<<if $bimbos.elaine.exhibitionist gte 30 and not CheckEvent("Elaine", "GymNaked")>>\
[[Elaine is working out|Elaine BLC Gym Naked]]
[[Elaine is working out|Elaine BLC Gym Random]]
<<if (CheckEvent("Stacy", "ThankYouEmail") or CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")) and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "WorkoutMeet")>>\
[[Meet with Stacy to discuss something|Stacy Workout Meeting]]
<<UINavigation "Home">><<if $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained is 10>>\
After class Stacy hangs around till everyone leaves. You hear her yell out from the living room.
<span class="stacy-text">"$player.firstName!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah?"</span>
You start walking toward the living room.
<span class="stacy-text">"Can you help me with something?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Anything."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"I can't seem to fit my new toy in my ass, I need you to stretch it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Wha..."</span>
As you walk around the corner, you see Stacy bent over your couch with her ass in the air.
<span class="stacy-text">"I need help."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What the hell!"</span>
You laugh a bit.
<span class="stacy-text">"I'm serious. I bought a new toy and it won't fit. Get over here and lube it up"</span>
You bury your face in her ass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/4a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"I think you're going to need a little more to get that in my ass hun."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/4b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks back smiling as you start fucking her ass. After a few moments she pulls forward popping your cock out of her ass.
<span class="stacy-text">"Thanks, I think that's enough."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What!?!"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"I'm kidding. Get that dick back in me."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/4c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Fuck your ass feels good."</span>
Stacy moans in pleasure.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/4d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You keep pounding into her ass as Stacy reaches back.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/4e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She slides your cock out of her and pushes you back.
<span class="stacy-text">"Spank me $player.firstName."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/4f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck. Work that ass."</span>
Stacy moans in pleasure.
<span class="mc-text">"Don't stop."</span>
She hops off your cock, spins around, and just starts throating you right from her tight ass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/4h.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You cum hard in her mouth. Stacy giggles and turns around.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/4g.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"Well, you think it'll fit now?"</span>
<<elseif $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained is 7>>\
After class Stacy hangs around to talk to a client on a video call, but you see that she has only put on a hoodie. Like a newsreader, she is only presentable from the waist up.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/3a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As the call continues she stands up and flashes her bare ass at you. You whisper she should show her client her ass.
<span class="stacy-text">"No way!"</span> She giggles.
Smirking, she quickly spins around.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/3b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained is 5>>\
<<set $bimbos.stacy.happiness to 3>>\
After class Stacy showers. Rather than changing into her clothes, Stacy remains naked and sits down and chats with you. You ask if she wants to go up to the roof again for a drink and she agrees.
It's sunny, and warm, and Stacy enjoys the chance to sunbathe as you stay under the shade. You fall asleep and when you wake up it seems that Stacy has been rooting around your little gardening cubby and found your suspenders and a pair of old trousers.
<span class="stacy-text">"Look at me, I'm farmer Stacy."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You sit up and look at her. <span class="mc-text">"Hotter than any farmer I've ever seen."</span>
Stacy lets the suspenders drop to the side then gets close to you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"You think? I've never seen a farmer."</span> She laughs and then pulls down the old trousers. You see there's a streak of dirt on her ass.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, you've got some dirt on your ass."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Well, wipe it off."</span>
You wipe it off then Stacy does a semi-squat in front of you.
<span class="stacy-text">"Is it all gone?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Are you winking your asshole at me?"</span>
Stacy begins to laugh, hard, and does a little run around the rooftop, clapping a couple times. When she's back she sits down on you and grabs another drink, talking to you normally and ignoring how hard your dick is.
<span class="stacy-text">"I think you're happy to see me $player.firstName. Let's go inside."</span>
She grabs your hand and pulls you inside, leading you to a seat. Stacy drops in front of you and pulls down your pants.
<span class="stacy-text">"Can I taste it?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/1d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She flips around and slides your cock into her dripping wet pussy.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/1e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She starts bouncing on your dick, looking back at you.
<span class="stacy-text">"You going to train me $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Train you for what?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"To be your anal queen!"</span>
You can barely contain yourself as you reach up and slide your thumb into her ass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/1f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stacy yells so loud there is no way every person in a 100 yard radius didn't hear.
<span class="stacy-text">"YES! Fuck my pussy and my ass baby!"</span>
You can no longer contain yourself and explode inside of her. It does not even phase her. She just keeps slamming down onto your cock as your cum comes pouring out of her.
Stacy has started showering at your place after the session, and hanging out for a little before she heads off. Today after she showers she comes out and she's wearing a tiny top, and a tiny pair of shorts.
<span class="mc-text">"Off to a formal dinner, I see."</span>
Stacy laughs. <span class="stacy-text">"Fuck that. I'm off to get free drinks."</span>
You continue shuffling through your stack of unread mail, looking for anything that looks threatening. <span class="mc-text">"Oh? Some event with an open bar?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Nah, just gotta work what I got, you know?"</span>
You look up and she's jiggling her ass in your face.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/2a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stacy looks down over her shoulder at you, and laughs as she sees you admiring her ass. <span class="stacy-text">"Not bad, huh?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Not bad... Though not sure you want some college kid buying you Bud Light with his fake ID. A more experienced man isn't that easy."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"What, you mean like this?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You stand up and approach her. She begins to dance up against you, then turns around and pulls down her shorts.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/AfterClass/2c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"Would that work for you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, OK, that works for me. Get us something from the fridge and I'll join you. Up on the roof?"</span>
Stacy claps and pulls up her shorts, though her top stays off. The two of you go up to your private section of the roof and shoot the shit for half an hour before she goes out.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); $bimbos.stacy.timesTrained += 1>>\After Stacy's class you realize that one of the girls has stayed behind and is still working out.
<img src="Images/Events/Gym/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hi, I'm going to work out if you don't mind."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Oh sorry, I'll head out."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No it's alright, I don't mind."</span>
She smiles at you. <span class="minor-text">"Thanks, I'll be quick. I just want to finish these crunch sets. We appreciate you letting us use your gym. I'm Lucy by the way."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"$player.firstName. Pleasure to meet you."</span>
She stands up from doing her crunches and walks over to shake your hand.
<img src="Images/Events/Gym/2.jpg" height="600">
Lucy has a thin figure with a moderately sized chest. Not completely your style but she is pretty to look at. You like her for being in the workout club and trying to better herself though.
[[Hit on Lucy|Exercise Group Random Event Finish]]
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $player.fitness += 2>>\<span class="mc-text">"Need a workout coach?"</span>
Lucy grins. <span class="minor-text">"I don't know about coaching, but could you hold my legs?"</span>
You both laugh a bit. <span class="mc-text">"Sure thing."</span>
Lucy stands in front of you and turns around, bending over with her ass sticking out. Your cock twitches.
<span class="minor-text">"Well?"</span> Lucy looks back and catches you completely zoned out staring at her ass. <span class="minor-text">"Grab my waist."</span>
Lucy raises herself off the ground, wrapping her legs tightly around you in a pushup position, and slowly grinding her crotch against yours. You tug at her shorts but they are awkwardly stuck as she is pressed against you.
<span class="minor-text">"Get them off already."</span> Lucy looks back at you grinning.
You try to get them off and eventually just rip them away; at this point your dick is rock hard. Her pussy is dripping wet as you attempt to balance her and slide inside. Lucy lets out a soft moan as you penetrate her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Events/Gym/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You begin to pound into her as she lets out various moans and yelps, trying not to be too loud as some of the girls might be home. This position however is just not working for you. You grab hold of Lucy's waist and pull her upright.
She lets out a loud moan <span class="minor-text">"Oh FUCK!"</span> As you pull her up she slides all the way down your cock, taking every inch of you.
<span class="mc-text">"God damn you feel good."</span>
Lucy flexes and tightens around your cock as you bounce her up and down, repeatedly slamming harder and harder into her. After a moment Lucy releases her hands on your thighs and grabs her tits; you reach up and follow suit. You continue as she lets out even louder moans.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Events/Gym/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You cannot hold back anymore, and neither can Lucy. She bends over and grabs the dead lift weight in front of her, pushing back onto your cock.
You let out a massive moan as you begin to release inside of her. <span class="mc-text">"Ugh, Shit."</span> Right as you begin to cum you pull your cock out, realising you don't have on a condom.
<span class="minor-text">"Nu uh"</span> Lucy lets out. She smashes back into you, taking your entire load. Once your done Lucy stands up, grabs her tattered shorts and looks at you questionably.
<span class="minor-text">"How am I supposed to get home?"</span>
You shrug laughing. <span class="mc-text">"I got some sweatpants in my room, you can grab those."</span>
Lucy smiles and starts to walk out of the gym. You follow, pointing her in the right direction. As she is walking down the hall with nothing but her top on, June catches a glimpse of the two of you. Her jaw drops at the audacity of some random girl walking around naked in your house.
Lucy finds your room, and quickly put on the pants. As she walks past, she give you a peck on the cheek before heading home. You are left standing there, naked in the hallway. June has followed you and is still staring.
<span class="june-text">"Nice one bro."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Player", "GymRandom")>>\As most of the women file out at the end of the session, you decide to have a quick chat with Stacy.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Stacy. Do you have a moment?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Sure $player.firstName, what's up?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Employee.jpg" height="600">
You gesture around the gym. <span class="mc-text">"These sessions have become really popular. So popular that you can't fit everyone in anymore. I was thinking if you want to move to holding them at the new building?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Sounds cool. But how much is it going to cost?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I might have an idea about that. Meet in my office?"</span>
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle3.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira3.jpg" width="600">
Fifteen minutes later you are both seated in your office at BLC, looking over some paperwork you've had for some time.
<span class="mc-text">"What I am proposing is to bring you in and have you working officially with BLC."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"You mean hiring me?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I mean as a private contractor. You are still independent, but every Thursday you run a fitness group for us. This will mean we fund all your expenses, salary, advertising. And you get to make use of all the facilities. If you want to make to more permanent, that is a possibility at any time."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Maybe. We'll see what happens. It seems pretty cool $player.firstName."</span>
After signing a few papers, Stacy gives you a peck on the cheek, and saunters her ass out.
''Stacy's workout sessions are now held at BLC.
New scenes are also available when Stacy visits at your bedroom.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym")>>\You stop by Stacy's workout group to check in with her.
<span class="stacy-text">"Hey $player.firstName!"</span> Stacy runs up and gives you a hug. <span class="stacy-text">"I need a favor."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK."</span> You laugh a bit. <span class="mc-text">"You could have texted."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh sorry, It's not like I wanted to see you or anything."</span> Stacy rolls her eyes then begins to giggle. <span class="stacy-text">"I'm kidding. But seriously, I just wanted to talk in person. I am going to get some work done and I was wondering if you could take me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh sure. What kind of 'work'?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh you know, some tightening up here and there. A few injections. Getting jealous of all these catty girls around here, and I've been making good money doing these sessions."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's great Stacy. I'm really happy for you."</span>
Stacy bats her eyes. <span class="stacy-text">"Since I am going to be out of commission for at least a week or two, want to workout with me?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I don't really have workout clothes on, but sure."</span>
Stacy's grin widens. <span class="stacy-text">"Don't worry, we can take them off later."</span>
[[Stretch with Stacy|Stacy Workout Meeting Stretch]]Stacy begins stretching. <span class="stacy-text">"I've been so tight lately. I think it might be my hip flexors."</span> she lays back and puts her leg up in the air. <span class="stacy-text">"God this hurts."</span>
You walk over and help.
<span class="mc-text">"Just take a deep breath and relax the muscles."</span> You grab her leg and run your had down the back of her calve and thigh. <span class="mc-text">"Relax."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Final/Stretching.jpg" width="600">
Stacy looks up at you. <span class="stacy-text">"Relax huh? Does not seem like that's what you're doing."</span>
You look down and realize your cock is hardening up against her other leg.
[[Apologize|Stacy Workout Meeting Workout]]<span class="mc-text">"Sorry. Shall we continue?"</span> You gather some weights and walk over to the bench. <span class="mc-text">"Let's try these, I'll spot you."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"So professional."</span> Stacy lays back on the bench. She look up at you again.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Final/Weights.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Nice, good form."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Thanks, I've become a bit of a master. If I must say so myself."</span>
[[Workout with Stacy|Stacy Workout Meeting Rest]]You continue to workout with Stacy.
<span class="stacy-text">"I think I need to stretch some more."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Final/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You continue to stare at her.
<span class="stacy-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You've gotten good at this."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Thanks."</span> She lays down as if to begin lifting again.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Final/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stacy hops up after teasing you for a moment.
<span class="stacy-text">"I'm going to run to the ladies room."</span>
[[Follow Stacy into the bathroom|Stacy Workout Meeting Bathroom]]<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Final/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Wow."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You look great."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Uh huh."</span> Stacy applies her lipstick. <span class="stacy-text">"Come here."</span>
Stacy stands up, and runs her hand down your chest. <span class="stacy-text">"Wanna fuck one last time before I'm out of commission?"</span>
Your grin is all the agreement she needs.
<span class="stacy-text">"That's what I thought."</span> Stacy pushes you down onto the bathroom floor and pulls your pants down to your ankles.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Final/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Fuck Stacy|Stacy Workout Meeting Sex]]Stacy hops up on all fours. before you know it you've got your cock buried into her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Gym/Final/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You grab a handful of her hair.
<span class="stacy-text">"Ugh, Fuck!"</span>
You pull harder as you cum deep inside Stacy.
<span class="stacy-text">"Mmm, thank you."</span> Stacy looks back at you smiling. <span class="stacy-text">"Still good to take me to the doctor?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course."</span> You say panting.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "WorkoutMeet")>>\<h2>Stella's Additional Tasks</h2>
<<if $bimbos.stella.bimbo lte 22>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskInProgress")>>\
Stella is already working on an additional task you assigned her.
You decide that Stella needs some extra coaching. You open up your laptop and send her an e-mail instructing her to...
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskPanties")>>\
[[Go without panties for a day|Stella Additional Panties]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskNaked")>>\
[[Answer the door naked|Stella Additional Naked]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskNeighbor")>>\
[[Do something nice for your mean neighbor|Stella Additional Neighbor]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskErrands")>>\
[[Dress like a slut and run errands|Stella Additional Errands]]
<<if $bimbos.stella.bimbo gt 15>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella.transformLevel is 1>>\
[[Help me masturbate|Stella Titfuck]]
[[Help me masturbate|Stella Masturbate]]
Stella is not enough of a bimbo yet for other types of tasks.
<<switch $bimbos.stella.happiness>>\
<<case 5>>\
Stella is very happy with you, there is no need to try and make her happier.
<<case 4>>\
Stella is largely happy with you, but has some worries.
<<case 3>>\
Stella is unhappy with you.
<<case 2>>\
Stella is very unhappy with you.
<<case 1>>\
Stella is incredibly angry at you.
<<if $bimbos.stella.happiness is 4>>\
[[Buy Stella a great gift|Buy Stella a Gift]]
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.happiness lt 4>>\
Stella is too unhappy with you to fix it just by buying her a present.
<<if not $bimbos.stella.weeklyHappinessEvent>>\
You have already taken Stella out this week.
<<elseif $player.cash gte 400>>\
[[Take Stella out to talk (-$400)|Happy Stella Dinner]]
You do not have enough money to take Stella out for dinner.
<<UINavigation "Study">><span class="mc-text">Stella -
I'm assigning you a little midweek homework.
Go all day wearing no panties, but making sure to wear a short skirt.
Reply with a report once you've completed the task.
- $player.firstName</span>
''You will need to go to sleep, and check your e-mails when you wake up, to complete these events.''
[[Return|Stella Additional Tasks][AddEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskPantiesWorking"); AddEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskInProgress");]]<span class="mc-text">Stella-
Another assignment for you. Easy one, but I know it's something you've been having difficulty with.
Answer the door naked.
- $player.firstName</span>
''You will need to go to sleep, and check your e-mails when you wake up, to complete these events.''
[[Return|Stella Additional Tasks][AddEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskNakedWorking"); AddEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskInProgress");]]<span class="mc-text">Stella-
Easy task today. You know that creepy, grumpy neighbor you hate?
Do something that makes him happy.
- $player.firstName</span>
''You will need to go to sleep, and check your e-mails when you wake up, to complete these events.''
[[Return|Stella Additional Tasks][AddEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskNeighborWorking"); AddEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskInProgress");]]<span class="mc-text">"Stella-
Dress like a slut when you do your errands today. Like, very slutty, I want people to be able to see your ass cheeks.
- $player.firstName"</span>
''You will need to go to sleep, and check your e-mails when you wake up, to complete these events.''
[[Return|Stella Additional Tasks][AddEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskErrandsWorking"); AddEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskInProgress");]]<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "MasturbateFirstTime")>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stella-
Drop what you're doing, and come over. Now that you're ready, it's time for us to take your coaching up another level, and for you to learn how to please me.
- $player.firstName</span>
<span class="mc-text">Stella-
I want you to come over once again when you get this e-mail. We need to ensure you have fully absorbed the lesson on pleasing me.
- $player.firstName</span>
[[Stella Arrives|Stella Masturbate 2]]<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "MasturbateFirstTime")>>\
<<set RemoveEvent("Stella", "MasturbateFirstTime")>>\
Stella arrives and you buzz her up. Her looks are mixed. She's wearing decent makeup, and her crop top is skimpy, but she's dressed rather casually. You suppose you can't criticize her too much for that, not yet, given you did just order her to come over and she came running.
She looks nervous. <span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName, when we began this I said that I didn't want to be made to..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Don't worry. You are going to help me come."</span> You let the words linger in the air, and her eyes widen. <span class="mc-text">"But just by letting me look at you while I masturbate. Is that OK?"</span>
She nods, then replies. <span class="stella-text">"OK. I suppose it isn't that different from what we've done before."</span>
You lead her onto the bedroom, where there are various panties strewn across the bed. <span class="mc-text">"I want you to pick a pair, and then show off for me."</span>
She takes off her jeans and panties, and as she does you take out your cock. She snatches occasional glances at it, at you, but focuses on putting on the panties.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/Masturbate/Change.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
When they're on, she turns to face you, to give you a better view. You're getting hard now. <span class="mc-text">"Good, Stella. Good."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Now. Give me a show."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/Masturbate/Ass.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She gets on the futon you have, and goes down on all fours. She begins to rub her ass, and talk dirty. <span class="stella-text">"Do you like this, $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Call yourself a bimbo."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I'm learning to be a good bimbo, right? I'm learning how to please you?"</span>
You grunt, and you begin to feel your dick throb. The tip of your dick is leaking pre-cum, and you see Stella staring at it. She stands up.
<span class="stella-text">"I..."</span> She looks at your dick, and you keep stroking it. You're not sure whether she's going to drop to her knees and suck your cock, or whether she's going to run out of the room, crying.
In the end, neither. <span class="stella-text">"Here, I think you need to clean off the tip of your dick."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/Masturbate/Underwear.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She gestures with her panties, and you step closer. You wipe the top of your dick on the panties, and then tap it just above her pussy.
<span class="stella-text">"Let's go back here, so I can continue the show."</span>
She moves about, and spends the next few minutes talking dirty to you. She spreads her ass cheeks and you can see the star of her anus, the edge of her labia.
Then she lies face down on the futon. <span class="stella-text">"You can't touch me, this is just a show. But get closer."</span>
You do as she says, and you're straddling her, still jerking off.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella, I think I'm about to..."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Come on me. Come on my ass. It's what you really want, right?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/Masturbate/Cum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
That's all she has to say. She lifts up her ass slightly, as if she's presenting it to you and right then you feel yourself coming. You see the cum all over her ass, and the pretty pink panties she chose to wear.
You finish coming, and Stella looks back at you. <span class="mc-text">"Very good job Stella, you exceeded expectations today. I'm very proud of you."</span>
She smiles brightly, then shrugs. <span class="stella-text">"I figured why not, right? You'd like it, I'd like it... Though I think I will stay here while you get me some tissues, I don't want to stain your futon."</span>
Stella bounces into the room with a little bag slung over her shoulder. She smiles at you and gives you a cheesy wink. <span class="stella-text">"I'm not late for practice, am I?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're happy today."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I am! It's been a good day. I got a free coffee this morning from the bodega guy just for blowing a kiss at him, and I get to unexpectedly see you."</span>
You chuckle, and you two chat about your days before you lead her into your bedroom. You two keep talking as you take your dick out of your pants. She looks at it, but continues to chat about her day.
<span class="mc-text">"Pick a pair of panties."</span>
She takes off her jeans and panties, and as she does you take out your cock. She looks at your dick, but focuses on putting on the panties.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/Masturbate/Change.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
When they're on, she turns to face you, to give you a better view. You're getting hard now. <span class="mc-text">"Good, Stella. Good."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Now. Give me a show."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/Masturbate/Ass.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She gets on the futon you have, and goes down on all fours. She begins to rub her ass, and talk dirty. <span class="stella-text">"Do you like this, $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Call yourself a bimbo."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I'm learning to be a good bimbo, right? I'm learning how to please you?"</span>
You grunt, and you begin to feel your dick throb. The tip of your dick is leaking pre-cum, and you see Stella staring at it. She stands up.
<span class="stella-text">"I..."</span> She looks at your dick, and you keep stroking it. You're not sure whether she's going to drop to her knees and suck your cock, or whether she's going to flick it just to giggle and watch it bounce about.
In the end, neither. <span class="stella-text">"Here, I think you need to clean off the tip of your dick."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/Masturbate/Underwear.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She gestures with her panties, and you step closer. You wipe the top of your dick on the panties, and then tap it just above her pussy.
<span class="stella-text">"Let's go back here, so I can continue the show."</span>
She moves about, and spends the next few minutes talking dirty to you. She spreads her ass cheeks and you can see the star of her anus, the edge of her labia.
Then she lies face down on the futon. <span class="stella-text">"Remember, you brought me over just to give you a show. Your rules, $player.firstName, so no touching. But get closer."</span>
You do as she says, and you're straddling her, still jerking off.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella, I think I'm about to..."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Come on me. Come on my ass. It's what you really want, right?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/Masturbate/Cum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
That's all she has to say. She lifts up her ass slightly, as if she's presenting it to you and right then you feel yourself coming. You see the cum all over her ass, and the pretty pink panties she chose to wear.
You finish coming, and Stella looks back at you. <span class="mc-text">"Very good job Stella, I see you really have absorbed my lesson on pleasing men. I'm very proud of you."</span>
She smiles brightly, then giggles. <span class="stella-text">"I don't think that's the only of yours that I've absorbed."</span>
<<if $bimbos.stella.bimbo lt 25>>\
$bimbos.stella.bimbo += 2;
$bimbos.stella.slut += 1;
''Stella is now much more of a bimbo.''
''Stella is now more of a slut.''
''Stella is now too much of a bimbo to be further transformed by letting you jack off on her.''
[[Return|Stella Additional Tasks][AddHours(2)]]<span class="stella-text">"You called, $player.firstName?"</span>
Stella walks in and she's dressed casually, but as soon as the door closes she begins to strip down, like the good bimbo she is.
<span class="mc-text">"I want you to help me again."</span>
She smiles and turns around to show you her ass. <span class="stella-text">"Like last time?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Pretty much, but think a little higher. And newer. Lie down on the sofa, face up this time."</span>
Stella laughs and does as she's told. You feel her breasts and play with her nipples. Once your dick is hard you take it out and begin to rub it on her new tits, feeling her firm fakeness with your soft tip. She begins to move around, squeezing them around your dick.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/Titjob/Titjob1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Can I... Can I do more? Do you want me to just sit here?"</span> She looks expectantly at you and you nod, and she sticks out her tongue and begins to lick the tip of your penis.
<span class="stella-text">"Mmmmmm..."</span>
She gets on her knees and begins to lick your dick all over. Softly flicking her tongue up and down your shaft, gently taking your balls into her mouth.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/Titjob/Titjob2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She plays with you for half an hour, just exploring your dick as you grope her tits. Very slowly - but very surely - you approach orgasm. You bend down, and as she rubs your dick on her nipples, you kiss her, then whisper in her ear. <span class="mc-text">"Lean back, Stella."</span>
Stella leans back and looks up at you as you jerk off.
<span class="stella-text">"Cum on me. Paint me, $player.firstName. Paint what you helped me buy."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/Titjob/Titjob3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Spurt after spurt of cum shoots out of your dick, and Stella shakes her tits for you. Once you're done Stella lets out a low, happy groan, and begins to masturbate herself. Within seconds she comes too, a shaky, abrupt orgasm that leaves her red in the face, your cum dripping down from her tits onto her legs.
<<if $bimbos.stella.trainingComplete is false>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella.bimbo lt 35>>\
<<set $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 2>>\
''Stella is now much more of a bimbo.''
''Stella is now too much of a bimbo to be further transformed by letting you jack off on her.''
[[Return|Stella Additional Tasks][AddHours(1)]]What do you want to buy her?
<<if $player.cash gte 3000>>\
[[A Louis Vuitton handbag ($3,000)|Stella Additional Tasks][$bimbos.stella.happiness to 5; $player.cash -= 3000;]]
You do not have the $3,000 you need to buy Stella a Louis Vuitton handbag.
<<if $player.cash gte 3750>>\
[[A Prada Overcoat ($3,750)|Stella Additional Tasks][$bimbos.stella.happiness to 5; $player.cash -= 3750;]]
You do not have the $3,750 you need to buy Stella a Louis Vuitton handbag.
[[Return|Stella Additional Tasks]]<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HappinessDinner")>>\
You invite Stella out for dinner at a nice restaurant in Brooklyn Heights. She arrives wearing a flattering dress, with a nice handbag that you haven't seen before.
<<if $bimbos.stella.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Dinner/DinnerTransform.jpg" height="600">\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Dinner/Dinner.jpg" height="600">\
You kiss her on the cheek as she arrives, but she's still clearly upset with you.
How will you try and make her happier?
[[Prepare her for the truth|Charlotte Go Out Stella Dinner Truth][$bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust to 1]]
[[Deny everything|Charlotte Go Out Stella Dinner Deny][$bimbos.stella.happiness to 5]]
<<set RemoveEvent("Stella", "HappinessDinner"); AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaDinnerEmail"); $player.cash -= 400; $bimbos.stella.weeklyHappinessEvent to false; $bimbos.stella.happiness to 4;>>\
You take Stella out to dinner, wining and dining her. You take her to a cute little cocktail bar in Alphabet City before taking a cab uptown to her favorite Thai restaurant.
She begins the night upset at you, and defensive of her plans for Charlotte's life. Slowly, but surely, you cheer Stella up. Stella enjoys being a bimbo, so why wouldn't Charlotte? If anything, Charlotte's a natural, she would become one anyway - so some guidance would be useful.
By the end of the night you and Stella are joking about her first sessions, but she didn't want to hear about plans for Charlotte's coaching.
[[Return|Stella Additional Tasks][SetHours(22); $player.cash -= 400; $bimbos.stella.weeklyHappinessEvent to false; $bimbos.stella.happiness += 1;]]
<</if>>\She looks at you across the table, clearly unsure of herself. <span class="stella-text">"Have fun with my daughter the other night?"</span>
You look at her and nod. <span class="mc-text">"Yes, we did. She's a wonderful young woman."</span>
Stella nods and begins to stammer out a sentence. <span class="stella-text">"Are you beginning to... Beginning to..."</span> She gestures to herself. <span class="stella-text">"To transform her, too?"</span>
You chuckle and Stella looks confused. <span class="mc-text">"No, no. I just like her, and well, it seemed like she could have a night of fun."</span>
Stella looks at you with a judging glare. <span class="stella-text">"How much fun did she have?"</span>
You shrug, and move the topic along, not wanting to baldly lie to Stella. <span class="mc-text">"She's going to do what she's going to do, right? So it may as well be under the eyes of someone you trust. She's a fun young woman and, well, I'm a fun still-sort-of-young man."</span>
Stella begins to open her mouth to disagree, but you cut across her. <span class="mc-text">"We've talked about her college plans. I know you're very keen for her to do that, and I've explained to her how important it is to you that she can be independent financially."</span>
Stella looks relieved. <span class="stella-text">"I... Thank you."</span> She smiles at you. <span class="stella-text">"I'm not totally OK with this, but you're right... Charlotte is going to do Charlotte. Did she seem interested in going to college?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm afraid not. I talked to her about other possibilities, too. I'm trying to get her to think practically about all of this."</span>
Stella looks slightly perturbed, but eventually nods. <span class="stella-text">"I suppose that can't hurt. She's more likely to make the right choice if she sees that there's no easy option, that whatever she chooses to do involves work."</span>
You begin to ask Stella about her experiences in college, and by the time the main course comes you two are chatting happily with one another.
''Stella is still slightly upset with you, but she is beginning to be more accepting of you and Charlotte socializing.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>She looks at you across the table, clearly unsure of herself. <span class="stella-text">"Have fun with my daughter the other night?"</span>
You look at her and nod. <span class="mc-text">"Yes, we did. She's a wonderful young woman."</span>
Stella nods and begins to stammer out a sentence. <span class="stella-text">"Are you beginning to... Beginning to..."</span> She gestures to herself. <span class="stella-text">"To transform her, too?"</span>
You chuckle and Stella looks confused. <span class="mc-text">"No, no. I just like her, and well, it seemed like she could have a night of fun."</span>
Stella looks at you with a judging glare. <span class="stella-text">"How much fun did she have?"</span>
You decide to reject the implication, even though it means lying directly to her. <span class="mc-text">"She had fun dancing, but nothing more, if that's what you mean"</span>
Stella begins to open her mouth to disagree, but you cut across her, changing the subject. <span class="mc-text">"We've talked about her college plans. I know you're very keen for her to do that, and I've explained to her how important it is to you that she can be independent financially."</span>
Stella looks relieved. <span class="stella-text">"I... Thank you."</span> She smiles at you. <span class="stella-text">"I really hope she makes the right decision but you're right... Charlotte is going to do Charlotte. Did she seem interested in going to college?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm afraid not. I talked to her about other possibilities, too. I'm trying to get her to think practically about all of this."</span>
Stella looks slightly perturbed, but eventually nods. <span class="stella-text">"I suppose that can't hurt. She's more likely to make the right choice if she sees that there's no easy option, that whatever she chooses to do involves work."</span>
You begin to ask Stella about her experiences in college, and by the time the main course comes you two are chatting happily with one another.
''Stella is happy with you again, but is no closer to accepting any involvement on your part in Charlotte's life.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">><<if $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6) and not GameDayIs("Monday")>>\
<<if (CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Lingerie") or CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Flirt")) and not CheckEvent("Stella", "RepairEvent")>>\
[[You receive an e-mail from Stella|Stella Repair Event][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "Session2Flirt") and not CheckEvent("Stella", "TrainEvent")>>\
[[You receive an e-mail from Stella|Stella Train Event][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "Session2Lingerie") and not CheckEvent("Stella", "LawyerEvent")>>\
[[You receive an e-mail from Stella|Stella Lawyer Event][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Session6") and not CheckEvent("Stella", "Photoshoot")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lt 16>>\
Stella can't do the photoshoot until she finishes work at 4.
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() gte 20>>\
It's too late to do the shoot, the studio closes at 8.
[[Stella's First Photoshoot|Stella Photoshoot]]
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "SchoolSex") and not (CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee") or CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo"))>>\
[[Stella comes over to talk about getting fired|Stella Fired]]
<<if $bimbos.stella?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Rosa", "BarMeeting") and CheckEvent("Elaine", "BLCEmployee") and not GameDayIs("Monday")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "AnalTraining")>>\
[[You pass Stella in the hall|Stella Anal Training]]
<<elseif not $bimbos.stella.trainingComplete and $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 and GameDayIs("Saturday")>>\
[[You settle down for a quiet evening|Stella Anal Final]]
<</if>>\<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
Can you help with a little problem I'm having? The maintenance man at my school won't fix my air conditioner. He says because students aren't attending (summer...) that we can just deal with it and the repairs can come out of next year's budget. I've tried my usual methods, but I thought I might, I dunno... Bimbo it.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Show off how hot you are|Stella Repair Event][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Tease him|Stella Repair Event][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stella -
Try and win him over by letting him see quite what an effect the broken A/C is having on you. Wear your normal clothes, but strip down as much as you are comfortable with. Jacket off, blouse buttoned low, shoes off. Etc.
- $player.firstName</span>
The next day you receive an e-mail in reply.
<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
I followed your advice. No luck. He came round, and I had my blouse almost open to my bra (!!!), but he didn't agree to fix it. If anything I think it may have been counterproductive, as he knocked on my door and looked slightly disappointed that I was fully dressed today, then mentioned that he might have to stop the windows opening so widely - for "safety reasons".
At least I've made a new friend!</span>
''Stella is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stella", "RepairEvent"); $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stella -
Tease him a little bit. You've tried using your verbal persuasive skills, so it might be time to try your physical persuasive skills. Don't promise anything, at least not anything you're not willing to follow through on, but I think at this early stage of your development it will do you good to learn how powerful mere suggestion can be.
- $player.firstName</span>
That evening you receive an e-mail in reply.
<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
I followed your advice. It's getting fixed next week! I made sure to catch him at lunch and, sitting in a quiet corner of the cafeteria, I talked to him about dating. Old stories from when I was younger. Listening to his stories I made sure I paid a lot of attention, and I, like, tried to act sexy. Which is hard eating a shitty NYC DoE lunch but I must have been OK!
He did knock on my door today, though, wanting to have lunch again. Perhaps I've made a new friend?</span>
''Stella is now more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stella", "RepairEvent"); $bimbos.stella.slut += 1;>>\
<</if>>\<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
There's a attractive man who lives near me who's always taking the same train as me into the city. I don't really want to 'get to know him', but if I'm being honest he's started to pay more attention to me the past couple of weeks. How can I keep that going, without creating an awkward situation?
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Sit opposite him and give a tiny show|Stella Train Event][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Stand near him|Stella Train Event][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stella -
Do you get on far enough out that there are still seats? If so, just sit opposite him and make sure you wear a dark short skirt, with bright (pink?) panties. Cross and uncross your legs. Don't be brazen, I know you're not ready for that, but if he thinks he can see something interesting by paying close attention to you - well, then he'll pay close attention to you!
- $player.firstName</span>
A few days later you receive an e-mail in reply.
<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
It worked! He finally ended up sitting opposite me, and now he's shuffled down the platform a bit. He's always near me and, when he isn't glued to his phone, he's trying not to be glued to me.
''Stella is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stella", "TrainEvent"); $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stella -
Simple. When the train gets busy, just stand next to him. Brush up against him, maybe be 'clumsy' and bump up against him when the train brakes. Even if nothing is said, he'll feel more comfortable looking at you once you've already been in close contact.
- $player.firstName</span>
The next day you receive an e-mail in reply.
<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
I did what you suggested, I even had my ass up against him for a few seconds, but I'm not sure it worked. Maybe I scared him off... Whatever it was, he's moved further down the platform now.
Thanks anyway</span>
''Stella is now more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stella", "TrainEvent"); $bimbos.stella.slut += 1;>>\
<</if>>\<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
I've got a joint meeting with my lawyer, my ex, and his lawyer later. How should I dress? Part of me wants to make sure that I'm taken seriously, but another part of me wants to use a little of what I've been learning to make an impression.
And make Greg jealous...
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Dress provocatively|Stella Lawyer Event][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Dress the same, but flirt with his lawyer|Stella Lawyer Event][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stella -
Dress up for the occasion! By which I mean, of course, let a little bit of your new self show. Bright colours? Sure! Somewhat revealing top? Even better. As you progress with this, as you progress with your transformation, you'll face a lot of moments like this where you will have to decide how to dress and how much to let on.
I advise that you always dress and present the most truthful, confident version of yourself.
- $player.firstName</span>
The next day you receive an e-mail in reply.
<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName!
I wore bright red heels, a short black skirt, a low cut shirt, all with this very cute tight blue suit jacket. It made me feel a million dollars, and I am sure that Greg's lawyer was having a hard time focusing on the negotiations. I'm not sure whether it had any impact on the divorce proceedings, but I know Greg's jaw dropped a little when I walked in.
Thanks so much!</span>
''Stella is now more of an exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stella", "LawyerEvent"); $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">Stella -
Forget the clothes, have a little fun! How do you think Greg would feel if he saw his own lawyer enjoying your company?
- $player.firstName</span>
That evening you receive an e-mail in reply.
<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName
Thanks for the advice, but I'm not sure it was the best idea. I tried to flirt a little with Greg's lawyer at the beginning, but it clearly wasn't working. After the negotiations Greg whispered to me as he walked past that his lawyer is gay, 'so womp womp'.
''Stella is now more of a slut.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stella", "LawyerEvent"); $bimbos.stella.slut += 1;>>\
<</if>>\You arrive at the building, and check the sign in the lobby. The photo studio is on the 8th floor, and you take the elevator up. After checking in with the staff, you pay the $200 fee for renting the studio and the camera, then you head into the studio to set up.
<img src="Images/Locations/PhotoStudio.jpg" width="600">
The last time you were in a professional studio was when you were in college. To give you time to set up, and shake off your rusty skills, you asked Stella to come about an hour later than you. By the time she arrives, you're confident that you can get the shots you need.
You hear a knocking behind you, and Stella is standing there. She's only wearing a casual summer dress, but her hair is straightened, her makeup is done, and she as a jewelry box with her.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello, Stella."</span> Stella smiles and jogs up to you, kisses you on the cheek, and then gives your rear a cheeky pinch.
<span class="stella-text">"Is the makeup good, $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes. Did you bring the outfit?</span> You decided to start with a relatively conservative, but very flattering outfit.
<span class="stella-text">"I did! Let me get changed."</span> Without caring at all about you being there, she heads to the small makeup station and undresses. She slides into a tight red dress, and puts on her various pieces of jewelry. <span class="stella-text">"It's lucky I have these pearls, they match the dress perfectly. Shall we begin?"</span>
[[Start the shoot|Stella Photoshoot Photos]]<span class="stella-text">"I've been practising my poses at home. I started looking at these videos online on how to pose. I'm not sure I've got it down perfectly, yet, but I think it'll really help me if I keep at it."</span>
She gives you some standard poses. She does look a little awkward, but she is brand new at this. <span class="mc-text">"Very good Stella, if you keep that up you'll be a wonderful little bimbo model. Shall we get to work?"</span>
You walk over to the camera, and gesture for her to stand next to the chair you have on set.
<span class="mc-text">"Just start simple, a few standing shots."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Photoshoot/Photoshoot1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You cycle though various looks. She stands alone, she stands behind the chair, she sits in the chair. After about 30 minutes you stop.
<span class="mc-text">"That's great. Now, let's go through those same poses again, but this time I want you to focus on being your best bimbo self. Can you do that for me?"</span>
She smiles, and narrows her eyes. <span class="stella-text">"I think I got that."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Photoshoot/Photoshoot2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You take some photos, and then notice that not only is Stella wearing no panties, but she is flashing the camera.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella, you know that I can see your pussy, right?"</span>
She giggles, and tilts her head at you. <span class="stella-text">"So?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"If I can see it, the camera can see it."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"You told me to focus on being a bimbo. Am I doing a bad job?"</span>
You sigh, realising that her bimbofication has taken on a momentum of its own, but continue. <span class="mc-text">"Don't complain if you don't like these photos after."</span>
She picks up where she left off, and you start shooting again.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Photoshoot/Photoshoot3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You can feel yourself getting hard now, and between shots Stella is looking right at your cock, the imprint of which is clear in your shorts.
She puts on a confused face. <span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName, I can't quite get this pose right. Can you come and help me?"</span>
[[Help Stella with her pose|Stella Photoshoot Sex]]You walk over to her, in full knowledge that she is lying.
<span class="stella-text">"Here, help me angle my hips."</span> As you reach down, she begins to rub your cock through your shorts.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Photoshoot/Sex1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She twists her head, and whispers in your ear. <span class="stella-text">"I've been practising other things, too.."</span>
Before you can even reply, she's pulling down your shorts. <span class="stella-text">"Take off your shirt. Let me see all of you."</span> She drops to her knees.
She beams up at you. <span class="stella-text">"I just... I can't help myself. I've been practising on my dildo for nearly two weeks, but I just... I need..."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Photoshoot/Sex2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She shuts herself up by throwing her head onto your cock, and she stays there sucking and gagging with each bob of her head.
You decide to take control. You are the Life Coach and she is the Bimbo, after all.
<span class="mc-text">"Get on the chair."</span>
You slide into her easily. She's dripping wet, and delightfully tight.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Photoshoot/Sex3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You fuck her on the chair, you fuck her on the floor. You pull her by her hair and make her call your name. You don't care who hears.
<span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Louder!"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName! $player.firstName! Oh fuck, $player.firstName, fuck me, FUCK ME!"</span>
You feel that you're close, and not wanting to impregnate her, you pull out. You grab her by the throat and push her to the floor.
<span class="mc-text">"Smile at me. Do it."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Photoshoot/Sex4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She smiles up at you, and you look down into her eyes as you come all over her face. Spent, you flop down on the floor.
The door opens, and you see an angry member of staff in the doorway. <span class="minor-text">"What in the fuck... Get out! Get out immediately!"</span>
You begin to collect your belongings, but Stella simply sits on the floor, rubbing your cum into her face.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Photoshoot/Sex5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Get up, Stella, we need to go."</span>
[[Run out of the photo studio|Stella Photoshoot Finish]]You two run out of the studio, Stella still topless, your cock still hanging out. Jumping into the elevator you begin to pull your clothes on in front of a shocked and very embarrassed old lady. As it opens, you both run out of the elevator, through the front door, and onto the street, laughing.
After a couple of blocks you stop, and both rest up against a brick wall, catching your breath.
She looks at you. <span class="stella-text">"You got us into trouble there"</span>
You splutter defensively.
<span class="mc-text">"I did? It was you who-" </span>
She giggles, then touches your chest.
<span class="stella-text">"I needed that."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You did look like you enjoyed yourself."</span> Your mind clears, and you return to the world slightly, and you frown a little.
Stella looks a bit guilty. <span class="stella-text">"I didn't mean to ruin the shoot. You don't have to pay me if you don't want to, I know that..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's alright, I made sure to grab the memory card before we ran out. I'll still pay you. Just gotta let me have the first feel of your new tits once they've healed. Deal?"</span>
She laughs, throwing her head back. <span class="stella-text">"Deal."</span> You take out your wallet and give her the $300 in cash.
<span class="mc-text">"Anyway. I gotta go home, do some work on the website. I don't think we need regular sessions anymore, but I know we'll stay in touch."</span>
As you go, Stella kisses you on the cheek, and you think to yourself how funny it is that you've fucked this woman, that you've cum over her ass, and watched her shove a dildo up her ass - but you haven't kissed her on the lips.
With the photos of Stella you now have new options to advertise Bimbo Life Coaching.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(4); AddEvent("Player", "Advertising"); AddEvent("Stella", "Photoshoot"); $player.cash -= 500; $player.fame += 5; $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 4; $bimbos.stella.cash += 300;>>\You arrange to meet Stella outside of the hospital. She's dressed in simple clothes, and as you approach you see she's on the phone with someone. You slow your pace and hang back, and from reading her lips you can see that she is telling someone that she loves them.
As you get closer she looks at you, nods, then says her goodbyes.
<span class="stella-text">"Thanks for coming... I've never had surgery before."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Never?"</span> You shrug slightly and pull a thin smile. <span class="mc-text">"It's nothing, the worst bit is after when they won't let you have any water for a while."</span>
You two take the elevator up to Dr. Yanovic's clinic in silence. Stella checks in at the front desk and begins to walk to the back with a nurse, before she turns around and comes to you, arms open. You give her a hug and kiss the top of her head. <span class="mc-text">"You've got this."</span>
As she is being prepared for the surgery you wander around the lobby aimlessly for a few moments, pondering how guilty you will feel if something does go wrong. Thankfully Dr. Yanovic comes up to you.
<span class="yanovic-text">"Hello, $player.firstName. Here to witness another upgrade?"</span> He chuckles slightly, but beckons you to follow him. <span class="yanovic-text">"Walk with me as I go to scrub up."</span>
You walk beside him as he pushes through the double doors separating the public areas from the medical areas. <span class="yanovic-text">"You know how it goes. Everything should go fine. The main risks are only for obese or otherwise unhealthy people, but Stella is strong and her implants are simple."</span>. He stops in front of a wooden door, and opens it, revealing a small room separated from an operating theater by what you assume is a one way mirror.
<img src="Images/Locations/Subway/OperatingTheater.jpg" width="600">
<span class="yanovic-text">"Thanks to your repeat business I have been able to modernize my theater!"</span> You chuckle, and Dr. Yanovic continues. <span class="yanovic-text">"Anyway, I have a business proposition for you. Come back and see me once Stella's operation is over... If you want you can stay here and watch the operation."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'll stay in the lobby, thanks."</span>
You part ways and walk back to the lobby. After half an hour a nurse comes out and tells you that Stella's surgery has begun, and once against after two hours a nurse comes to bring you to her recovery room, where Dr. Yanovic is standing at the foot of her bed conferring with a doctor in a white coat.
After conferring with the doctor, who assures you everything is fine, you sit next to Stella's bed, waiting for her to wake up.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(16); AddEvent("Stella", "Operation"); $npcs.yanovic to clone($minorTemplate); $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.stella.transformLevel to 1; $bimbos.stella.cash -= 12000;>>\You're in the middle of watching a movie when you hear your buzzer.
You slowly get up and walk over to the intercom. Stella is outside. You buzz her up and wait for her by the door. As she opens it you walk up, and hug her.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm so sorry, Stella."</span>
She sniffs, and her eyes are a bit red, but she's surprisingly OK. <span class="stella-text">"It's fine... I mean, I can't really blame them."</span>
You say nothing, but you both know she's right. You can't have teachers fucking their students, in their classrooms, and in front of other students of all things.
<span class="mc-text">"Let's sit down and talk, OK?"</span> Stella follows you to the sofa, and as you sit down you tap your lap. Understanding what you mean, she lays down across the sofa, with her head in your lap. <span class="mc-text">"How long can you survive without working?"</span>
She ponders, then shrugs in your lap. <span class="stella-text">"About a month, I suppose."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK. How much is your rent, bills, all that stuff?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Just under two and a half grand."</span>
You make a 'hmm' sound. <span class="mc-text">"That's not huge, but that's not small, either."</span> You place your left hand on her left tit while you think.
She's not wearing a bra, and she pulls down her top to expose them, letting you touch them more easily. Then just continues on with the conversation as if there were nothing strange about you groping her.
<span class="stella-text">"It's still more than I can afford without something changing."</span> She sighs. <span class="stella-text">"I could earn that much at the strip club each month, but I like having security."</span>
You nod, and gently pinch her nipple. <span class="mc-text">"I understand that completely. You can't please men as well if you're wondering about making rent in the back of your mind. A good bimbo shouldn't have to worry about that, it should all be taken care of."</span>
She looks up into your eyes, and you have a flash of inspiration. <span class="mc-text">"It should be taken care of for you. In fact..."</span>
''This is a major choice for Stella.
If you choose to have Stella work for you, she will remain smart.
If you choose to have her move in, she will become dumber.''
[[Ask her to become your employee at BLC|Stella Fired Employee]]
[[Ask her to move in, become your house bimbo|Stella Fired House Bimbo]]<span class="mc-text">"...why don't you come and work for me, at Bimbo Life Coaching? I'd pay you $600 a week so you don't need to worry about bills. You'd get free coaching, and you can help me turn this into a real success. You and Charlotte could even live here with me to make things easier."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"What kind of work would you want me to do?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I mean... I don't know yet. It depends on what needs to be done. You'd be my personal assistant. Help me run the business, organize my time, help with promotional materials and marketing. Occasionally help me with other business ventures. All kinds of stuff. I'm sure you could do it."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"OK, fuck it. I got nothing better, and that sounds like fun. When do I start?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"9am, tomorrow. You'll work 9 to 5 every day."</span>
She begins to rub your crotch to get you hard. <span class="stella-text">"What's the company policy on sexual harassment?"</span>
''You will now pay Stella $600 a week to work for you, and she will be at your house every weekday 9am to 5pm.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee"); $bimbos.stella.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="mc-text">"...you should move in here, become my house bimbo."</span>
She looks up at you, confused. <span class="stella-text">"House bimbo? What's that?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, a house bimbo is a bimbo that's taken care of by someone and lives in one particular house. She brings joy to everyone in it, and pleases everyone. All you'll have to do is be pretty, and happy, and help me take care of the house. Everything else I'll take care of for you."</span>
You expect her to be offended at the lack of independence this would represent, but to you surprise she smiles. <span class="stella-text">"That does sound nice... No more worries..."</span> She looks up at you. <span class="stella-text">"Charlotte would have to find her own place to live, but with how much she's earning that shouldn't be a problem."</span>
She's gonna do it! Oh my God, a house bimbo. I always wanted one of those.
<span class="mc-text">"Right. And don't worry about Charlotte. I'd be happy for her to live here as well."</span>
There's a long silence, but you let it linger as she thinks. After a couple of minutes she finally speaks.
<span class="stella-text">"When can we move in?"</span>
''Now that Stella has moved in with you your weekly expenses have increased $400. Now that Stella is your house bimbo, she no longer has any problem with your involvement in Charlotte's life.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo"); $bimbos.stella.dayCounter to 7; $bimbos.charlotte.stellaTrust to 5;>>\Stella walks through the house. You notice her body is becoming more toned; she's been dedicated to working out. Her face is a little flushed and she has a brighter smile than normal.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella?"</span> you question inquisitively.
<span class="stella-text">"Oh hey $player.firstName. Sorry, didn't see you there."</span>
Something seems out of place.
<span class="mc-text">"You alright? You're acting a little... odd."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Oh. Well, you see..."</span> Stella trails off, not sure how to continue. <span class="stella-text">"I'm trying a new toy."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What kind of toy?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Uhm, a plug. A... a butt plug. I've never really done anal before."</span> Stella says quickly, looking away shyly and a bit uncomfortable.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, let's have a lesson?"</span>
You reach back and grope her ass. Stella smiles at you.
<span class="stella-text">"OK. But it kind of hurts. Be careful."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Come here."</span>
You grab Stella by the hand and lead her over to the massage table. This may take some finesse.
[[Train Stella|Stella Anal Training 2]]You walk over to the massage table and set out some oils. Stella pokes around and looks at the various types you have. You pat the table, motioning for her to jump up, and she starts taking off her clothes. As she unbuttons her shirt your eyes are glued on her tits.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/AnalTraining/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="stella-text">"Like what you see?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Who doesn't like a beautiful woman?"</span>
You walk over and start to help Stella undress. She embraces you and gives you a peck on the cheek.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"So like, how are we going to do this?"</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"How are we going to do this?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We'll start small; you'll see. In the end I bet you will love it."</span> There's a bag of pleasure toys next to the table. You reach in and hand Stella a vibrator. <span class="mc-text">"Lay on your stomach."</span>
Stella hops on the table. As she lays down you see the butt plug in her tight looking ass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/AnalTraining/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You slowly pull on the plug; Stella moans. As you pull it out she lets out a little squeak, partly in pleasure and partly in pain.
<span class="mc-text">"Let's properly work the area."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Please be careful."</span> Stella wiggles a bit.
<span class="mc-text">"Relax."</span>
You reach down and start rubbing Stella's asshole. You slide one finger in, then two. After a bit of warming up you've got three fingers in her ass. Stella seems to be doing very well, but you can tell she has never been fucked there before.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/AnalTraining/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Continue playing with Stella|Stella Anal Training 3]]After a short time you feel Stella is ready. Reaching down you grab a clear and green, ribbed dildo. Placing it against Stella's asshole, you slowly push it inside as she lets out a short gasp.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/AnalTraining/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Oh! That's big $player.firstName."</span>
You push it in deeper. Stella starts to roll and you grab her ass to hold her.
<span class="stella-text">"Fuck."</span>
You play with her a bit more, a little surprised to hear her swear. <span class="mc-text">"I think you are ready."</span>
Stella laughs. <span class="stella-text">"I don't."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Only one way to find out."</span>
You pull out the toy. Stella rolls over and unbuttons your pants whilst you take off your shirt. She pushes your pants down and your cock pops out fully erect.
<span class="stella-text">"Mmm hmm"</span>
Stella wraps a tight grip around the base of your cock, squeezing to make the blood rush; your cock feels like it's going to explode.
<span class="mc-text">"I should probably lube it up, no?"</span>
Stella looks up at you, smiles, and pushes your cock to the back of her throat. It doesn't quite fit, but it's close. She opens her mouth and pushes her tongue towards the base; you've trained her well. She then lifts your cock and goes straight for your balls, giving each a kiss and sucking on them lightly. Your dick twitches with excitement.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/AnalTraining/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Fuck Stella's Ass|Stella Anal Training 4]]Stella rolls over on to her back as you walk between her legs. You slap your cock on her belly.
<span class="stella-text">"I don't remember your dick being so big."</span>
You laugh. Stella reaches down and grabs a hold of your cock.
<span class="mc-text">"Ready to get ass fucked?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"No"</span> Stella laughs again.
<span class="mc-text">"Put it in."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Give me a second."</span> She wiggles. <span class="stella-text">"Alright, here we go."</span>
Stella pushes the tip of your cock into her ass. You start slowly pumping.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/AnalTraining/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stella moans. <span class="stella-text">"Oh fuck, you are huge!"</span>
You keep fucking for a few minutes, making sure her ass can take it. Once she seems more comfortable you tell her to get on her knees. Stella puts her ass up in the air and you slide your cock in again.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/AnalTraining/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Fuck. This... this feels good."</span>
Stella is getting into it more and more. Eventually pushing back onto your cock herself, forcing it deeper. Now for the real test. You pull out of her; she looks back at you quizzically. You lay down and motion for her to get on top.
<span class="mc-text">"Come here."</span> Stella looks nervous. <span class="mc-text">"Try it."</span>
Stella mounts you. First pushing your cock towards her pussy.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh no, cheater."</span>
You reach down and push it to her ass, the head of your cock pops inside.
<span class="stella-text">"Oh"</span> Stella moans. She settles in and starts riding your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/AnalTraining/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
It didn't take that long, but Stella has shown she can handle and actually enjoy anal. You are so proud of your first bimbo.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Stella", "AnalTraining"); $bimbos.stella.dayCounter to 7;>>\You decide to settle down on your bed for a peaceful night of reading. The entrance of Stella however puts that idea to rest.
<span class="stella-text">"Good evening $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I was hoping it would be. The women in my life however seem to have a differet goal..."</span> You smile the whole time jokingly.
Stella lies down next to you. <span class="stella-text">"I'm sorry $player.firstName. Could you ever forgiven this old lady."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Only if she stops calling herself an old lady."</span>
Stella rolls over and pulls up her lingerie, exposing herself.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella//Training//AnalTrainingFinal/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="stella-text">"I've been practising."</span>
You look at her questioningly.
<span class="stella-text">"Training my ass. I think I'm pretty good at it now."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Show me."</span>
Stella rolls over and begins to rubs herself. <span class="stella-text">"Could you help warm me up?"</span>
Positioning behind her, you enter Stella and begin thrusting.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/AnalTrainingFinal/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Yes $player.firstName! Keep going."</span>
You would, but this isn't the purpose of the evening's fun. Instead, you flip onto your back, dragging Stella on top of you.
<span class="stella-text">"Wha-?"</span>
Before she can finish, you re-position your cock to her ass and push upwards.
<span class="stella-text">"Oh my god!"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/AnalTrainingFinal/3.jpg" width="600">
Stella plays with herself as you start thrusting. Soon her moans are loud enough to be heard throughout the house.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey! Sounds like something fun is goin- Holy fuck mom!"</span>
Of course, it's Charlotte...
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/AnalTrainingFinal/4-Transform.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/AnalTrainingFinal/4.jpg" width="600">
<span class="charlotte-text">"Mr. $player.lastName. How come I didn't know my mom is still training?"</span>
Stella's reaction amuses you; she is embarrassed by the situation but is enjoying herself too much to stop.
<span class="stella-text">"Sweetie, this isn't the best time... Oh yes!"</span>
You chuckle as Stella keeps fucking you. <span class="mc-text">"Looks like a certain bimbo can't even stop to speak."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/AnalTrainingFinal/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"Yes! I am your bimbo and I love your cock in my ass."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"You're right $player.firstName. I am a bimbo and I love it."</span>
Stella's moans increase as she nears orgasm. You feel you won't last long yourself. A few more thrusts and you unload in inside her, as she lets out a cry of her own release. Charlotte's eyes have not left either of you the whole time.
<span class="charlotte-text">"That was hot."</span> She helps her mom stand, walking her to the bathroom. <span class="charlotte-text">"I'll help you clean up."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Thank you darling."</span>
They leave you lying there in your post orgasmic bliss.
[[Venture out to the kitchen|Stella Anal Final Finish]]The girls have already beaten you to the kitchen. Stella has put on a lovely silk robe and is relaxing against the bar as Charlotte bombards her with questions.
<span class="mc-text">"I think you should give your mother a break Charlotte."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Aww, but I really wanna know all about it!"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I'll tell you later darling."</span>
Opening your wine cabinet, you select a bottle of champagne and proceed to uncork it.
<span class="stella-text">"What is the champagne for?"</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Pouring three glasses, <span class="mc-text">"Well, you were my first client, and the first bimbo to join BLC. As far as I can recall however, you never had a graduation. So here is to Stella Jackson, the first bimbo and BLC extraordinaire, now 'officially' graduated."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Pouring three glasses, <span class="mc-text">"Well, you were my first client, and the first bimbo to join BLC. As far as I can recall however, you never had a graduation. So here is to Stella Jackson, the first bimbo and BLC's executive coach, now 'officially' graduated."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yayy mom!"</span>
Stella blushes as she sips her drink. After the toast the three of you settle down for a relaxing evening reminiscing how far you all have come.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(1); $bimbos.stella.trainingComplete to true; $bimbos.stella.bimbo to 50; $bimbos.stella.slut += 10;>>\<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Session5")>>\
<<include [[Stella Session 6]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "Session4")>>\
<<include [[Stella Session 5]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "Session3")>>\
<<include [[Stella Session 4]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "Session2")>>\
<<include [[Stella Session 3]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "Session2Lingerie")>>\
<<include [[Stella Session 2 Lingerie]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "Session2Flirt")>>\
<<include [[Stella Session 2 Flirt]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Lingerie")>>\
<<include [[Stella Session 2 Lingerie]]>>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Flirt")>>\
<<include [[Stella Session 2 Flirt]]>>\
<<include [[Stella Session 1]]>>\
<</if>>\You arrive but Stella doesn't seem to be here yet. You order yourself a beer and drink a bit of it, before heading to the bathroom. When you return you see Stella at a table with a glass of white wine, looking at her phone.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training1/Talk.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You sit down beside her. <span class="mc-text">"I'm pleased to meet you again, Stella."</span>
She looks at you, and the vaguely glassy look in her eye makes you wonder if this is actually her first glass of wine. <span class="stella-text">"I'll try anything once! That's the attitude, right...?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That is the attitude! And, my name is $player.firstName. $player.firstName $player.lastName."</span>
She takes a sip of her wine, then gestures with her hands. <span class="stella-text">"So, $player.firstName. How shall we begin?"</span>
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Principles")>>\
[[Explain to her the principles of bimboism|Stella Session 1 Principles]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Looks")>>\
[[Tell her how a good bimbo looks|Stella Session 1 Looks]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Sex")>>\
[[Talk about the sexual aspects of bimboism|Stella Session 1 Sex]]
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Principles") and CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Looks") and CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Sex")>>\
[[Give her her first task|Stella Session 1 Task]]
<</if>>\<span class="mc-text">"All our work together will be guided by my Principles of Bimboism. They are the cornerstone of my service.
There are many kinds of bimbos, and every woman can display their own individuality through bimboism, but every true bimbo still embodies the core principles. Being a bimbo isn't simply about being blonde, or having huge fake tits. It's about living a principled life. Do you understand?"</span>
She nods. <span class="stella-text">"I don't think so, but explain."</span>
You hand her a laminated business card. <span class="mc-text">"There are five main Principles of Bimboism. I want you to keep this card on you at all times."</span>
<img src="Images/BLC/PrinciplesOfBimboism.jpg" width="600">
You stay silent as she reads the card, and as she finishes and looks up at you, you begin. <span class="mc-text">"Let's talk about what each of these mean, individually, and what they mean as a whole. Read each one aloud, please."</span>
She reads the first principle, almost whispering it to avoid anyone overhearing. <span class="stella-text">"Pride in your appearance."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"This is simple. It means that you take pride in how you look, and you know that your appearance is one of the most important things about you. Next."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Please those around you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"This is a crucial aspect of bimboism. Good bimbos please those around them. They ensure that the people around them are happy, and they do what they can to make sure that the people around them are happy. A good bimbo gets her happiness not by being selfish, but by being generous."</span> She smiles knowingly, and nods at you. <span class="mc-text">"Next."</span>
She speaks more normally now, <span class="stella-text">"Be your absolute best self."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"If any one Principle of Bimboism stands above the others, it is this one. It means that however it is that you live, you are living at 100%. It means that if you go to a party, you are not just a friendly person that people enjoy talking to, it means that you are the life and soul of that party. It means that as you focus on your fitness, you don't just run occasionally so that you can run for the train without getting out of breath, it means working out so that you are in peak condition."</span>
You lean back slightly. <span class="mc-text">"It also is very literal. It means making sure that your body, your appearance, is the absolute best that it can be. It doesn't mean a shoddy relative best, making your current body and face look as good as they possibly can be. It means being so dedicated to being the best that you will change your body, change your face."</span>
Concern flashes across Stella's face, but rather allow her to dwell on it you push forwards. <span class="mc-text">"Next."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Be a source of joy, not stress."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"This may seem redundant after the second Principle, but it is actually subtly different. Sometimes it can be stressful for someone to try too hard, too clumsily, to please you. Oftentimes people can subconsciously pick up on other people's stress. Especially in the 21st Century, men don't want a passive geisha who has no depth, no personality, no free will. What this principle means is that a good bimbo lives life gracefully, and does not dwell on problems, but focuses on joy."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Let yourself be taken care of."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"A good bimbo knows that life is to be lived for fun, and to leave the boring aspects of life to the other people in her life, who will look out for her and provide for her. A bimbo's life is an exchange, trading responsibility for joy and support. Any questions?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I... No, not at the moment."</span>
[[Return|Stella Session 1][AddEvent("Stella", "Session1Principles")]]<span class="mc-text">"The most obvious way you can tell if a woman is a bimbo is by how she looks. I want you to describe for me, Stella, what you think the ideal bimbo looks like."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Long, light blonde hair. Thin. Blue eyes... Big.. Big, fake tits. Long fingernails. Long legs, and a big ass. She wears skimpy clothes, and lots of make up."</span>
You hold up your finger for her to wait, as you begin doing something on your phone. Once you found what you wanted, you pass it over to her. <span class="mc-text">"She is what you think the ideal bimbo looks like, right?"</span>
<img src="Images/BLC/Bimbos/Blonde.jpg" width="600">
<span class="stella-text">"Maybe not so many tattoos, but yeah, basically..."</span>
You smile at her, encouragingly. <span class="mc-text">"Good. She is, clearly, a bimbo, and a very fine one at that. But what if I told you, there are many kinds of bimbos? Goth bimbos..."</span>
<img src="Images/BLC/Bimbos/Goth.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Slutty bimbos..."</span>
<img src="Images/BLC/Bimbos/Slutty.jpg" width="600">
Stella looks around, nervous, clearly checking to see if anyone is looking at you show her these photos.
<span class="mc-text">"Asian bimbos..."</span>
<img src="Images/BLC/Bimbos/Asian.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Even old bimbos..."</span>
<img src="Images/BLC/Bimbos/Old.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"What they all have in common is that they take pride in their appearance, and strive to be the absolute best that they can. There are as many kinds of bimbos as there are women."</span>
[[Return|Stella Session 1][AddEvent("Stella", "Session1Looks")]]<span class="mc-text">"Now, there is one sensitive aspect to becoming a bimbo. Sex."</span>
Somewhat surprising you she smiles and responds calmly. <span class="stella-text">"I understand."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sex, after all, is one of our basic needs and wants as humans. If a good bimbo is a woman who pleases those around her, and is a source of joy, then that means fulfilling her role in all aspects of life, including the sexual. Am I making myself clear?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Yes, crystal clear. Though... Between us...?"</span>
You laugh gently. <span class="mc-text">"Don't worry Stella. Our relationship is one of mentor and student. We will have to be very open with each other about our sexuality, but we do not have to be sexual with one another. I am not simply doing this to get off."</span> Though, you think to yourself, if you do this well she will want to please you anyway she can.
<span class="mc-text">"But there is an additional aspect. Bimbos are supposed to live a life of joy as well as pleasing people. This means that not only are bimbos expected to please those around them, sexually if need be, but a good bimbo also learns to truly enjoy all the tasks they perform to please other people."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"But what if I really don't like something?"</span>
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"If there is something you truly don't like, you can work around it. But, generally, a good bimbo learns to enjoy everything that brings joy, even if your only reason for enjoying something is the happiness it brings to others."</span>
She looks somewhat put out, but says nothing. <span class="mc-text">"But don't dwell on that too much, Stella. Tell me what you do enjoy."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Sexually?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, of course. What turns you on, what gets you off?"</span>
She takes a deep breath, and says nothing for a moment while she thinks. <span class="stella-text">"I love it when... When someone goes down on me while I am wearing all my clothes."</span>
You nod along.
<span class="stella-text">"I like it when I get woken up by a hard dick, rubbing into my back."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What do you like most that pleases other people?"</span>
She breaks eye contact, looking down into her lap. <span class="stella-text">"I like it when... I like it when I swallow cum, and stare up into a man's eyes. It feels powerful, I guess?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I want you to describe the last time you did that."</span>
She blushes, and looks around nervously. <span class="stella-text">"OK, but come closer, I don't want anyone to hear..."</span> This shyness will have to be trained out of her, but you can address that another time. You can feel her breath on your ear as she whispers into it.
<span class="stella-text">"It was my husband, around the time that I started to sense something was wrong. I decided that I would treat him to a blowjob, and then at the end I knelt down..."</span> She hesitates.
<span class="mc-text">"Continue, Stella. Don't be embarrassed."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training1/Cum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She whispers even more softly. <span class="stella-text">"I knelt down, and using my hand I jerked him off, into my mouth. I smiled and looked up into his eyes the whole time."</span> She leans back, looking pleased with herself.
<span class="mc-text">"Did you swallow?"</span> You say this in a normal, audible voice.
She doesn't answer. The poor lamb is too embarrassed.
You repeat yourself a little more loudly. <span class="mc-text">"I said, did you swallow?"</span>
Wide-eyed, she answers. <span class="stella-text">"Yes, yes. I did, I did."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good, good. Very good. We can definitely work with that."</span>
[[Return|Stella Session 1][AddEvent("Stella", "Session1Sex")]]<<set RemoveEvent("Stella", "Session1Looks"); RemoveEvent("Stella", "Session1Sex"); RemoveEvent("Stella", "Session1Principles");>>\
<span class="mc-text">"So, Stella. Do you want to continue working together?"</span>
Stella takes in a deep breath. <span class="stella-text">"Yes... I think I do. I mean, I know I do. I want to see what I can become."</span>
You smile, then touch her forearm for a moment. <span class="mc-text">"Wonderful, Stella. I think you have enormous potential as a bimbo. Together we can do great things."</span>
She beams, and lifts up her shoulders, trying to show off her inadequate breasts. You make a mental note that, eventually, Stella will need to invest in bigger tits if she is really committed to becoming a bimbo.
<span class="stella-text">"So how does it work from now on?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Every Monday, same time as tonight, we will meet to review the past week, either here or at my workspace."</span> You decide it is best not to tell her that your workspace is simply your home. It's impressive enough, and if you clean before she arrives it should be OK. <span class="mc-text">"You will pay me $150 each session. I will give you a task to do each week, and I expect you to have done it for the next weekly meeting. Think of it as homework, similar to what you hand out to your students."</span>
You continue, as she nods along thoughtfully.
<span class="mc-text">"During the week, feel free to reach out to me with any questions, or for encouragement. I may also reach out to you, either to meet and provide extra coaching, or to assign you further tasks."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"OK, that sounds great. What's this week's task?"</span>
You lean back and realize that you haven't thought this far ahead. You think up something on the spot, quickly...
[[Have her buy new lingerie, and send you photos of herself in it|Stella Session 1 Task Lingerie]]
[[Have her flirt deliberately and obviously with a stranger|Stella Session 1 Task Flirt]]<span class="mc-text">"The first Principle of Bimboism is 'pride in your appearance'. I want you to go out, and buy a new set of lingerie that you love."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"OK"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I then want you to try out a variety of sexy new poses, and send me a photo of the pose that you think looks best. We will discuss it next week."</span>
She smiles at you. <span class="stella-text">"OK. I can do that."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Stella", "Session1Lingerie"); $player.cash -= 6; $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1;>>\<span class="mc-text">"The second Principle of Bimboism to 'please those around you'. This week, I want you to find a man you don't know - any man you want - and flirt with him shamelessly. I want you to flirt with him until he touches you, even if he simply reaches out and touches your hand. Can you do that?"</span>
She looks somewhat doubtful, but she agrees. <span class="stella-text">"Yes, I think so."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good. I want you to then write down what happened, and we will discuss it next week."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Stella", "Session1Flirt"); $player.cash -= 6; $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.stella.slut += 1;>>\You walk into the bar and Stella is sitting at a table in the corner. As she sees you walk in she smiles and does a little finger wave. She stands up as you approach.
<span class="stella-text">"Hi $player.firstName!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're looking good, Stella."</span> She has a glossy red lipstick on. <span class="mc-text">"Good choice on the lipstick."</span> She sits down and beams at you proudly.
<span class="stella-text">"Principle One: Pride in your appearance"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What a good student you are! But let's get down to business. Did you buy a new lingerie set? Do you have a photo for me?"</span>
She unlocks her phone, and slides it over to you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training2/Lingerie.jpg" width="600">
She looks at you, expectantly. You smile as you look at it, then put the phone down on the table. You can tell she wants to lock the screen in case anyone sees, but you ignore her. <span class="mc-text">"Tell me why you bought this set."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Well, I liked the way it was a short cut bustier, and I thought it might make my breasts look a little bigger. I also thought that the cut out in the panties was, well, hot, and I like lace. So I got these."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Why did you choose black?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I... Uh... Thought it would match my hair."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"How many different poses did you do?"</span>
She laughs. <span class="stella-text">"Oh I must have done dozens, I spent nearly two hours in front of the mirror practising. Just like you told me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Very good. Why did you pick this one?"</span>
She leans in, and points to her waist. <span class="stella-text">"It shows off my figure. I may not have the fullest bust or behind, but I eat well and exercise."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes. Good thinking."</span> You pick up her phone and begin to offer your own critique. <span class="mc-text">"I think you did a good job here, but I also think you can do better."</span>
She looks a bit disappointed, but nods. <span class="stella-text">"OK. How?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, first of all, a better bimbo would have chosen a more joyful lingerie set, or a more sexy one. Black is a bit depressing, no? And lace, while pretty, isn't in-your-face sexy. A good bimbo brings joy, so you should have bought a lingerie set in a brighter colour. Or a sluttier cut."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Is the style good, at least?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's a good beginning, and your mind was in the right place when you bought this. In terms of the pose, you did well. It shows off your thin body and nice arms, but in the future I expect you to be bolder. You did a good job, but not the absolute best you could do. Perhaps twist a bit, to show off your ass, or spread your legs to let me see your pussy better."</span>
She blushes a little at the word pussy. <span class="stella-text">"OK. I will."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Flirt") and CheckEvent("Stella", "Session2Lingerie")>>\
[[Next Assignment|Stella Session 2 Complete]]
[[Next Assignment|Stella Session 2 Task Flirt]]
<</if>>\You walk into the bar and Stella is sitting at a table in the corner. As she sees you walk in she smiles and does a little finger wave. She stands up as you approach.
<span class="stella-text">"Hi $player.firstName!"</span> She strides over, and you see she's wearing a sparkly pair of heels.
<span class="mc-text">"Nice heels, Stella."</span> It isn't an empty compliment, they are nice, and surprisingly bimbo. <span class="mc-text">"Did you buy those recently?"</span>
She sits down and beams at you proudly. <span class="stella-text">"Principle One: Pride in your appearance"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What a good student you are! But let's get down to business. Did you manage to flirt with a strange man and have him touch you?"</span>
She almost jumps out of her seat. <span class="stella-text">"Yes! I did."</span>
Your eyes widen and you laugh at her. <span class="mc-text">"Tell me all about it."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Well, I was at the gym, doing yoga in an empty studio. I prefer to have it all to myself when I do that, but I also thought it would be a good place to do my homework. I decided I would really go for it, really do a good job, you know?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, I do."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"So I thought in the studio if a man came in, I could talk to him 1-on-1, get him comfortable, and also flirt shamelessly."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Did it work?"</span> She smiles brightly, then continues...
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training2/Flirt.jpg" width="600">
<span class="stella-text">"Yes! I started chatting to him, and was stretching as I made eyes at him. As we talked I complained that I couldn't stretch forward far enough on my forward bend, and how it was always easier if someone helped counterbalance me, to stop me falling forward."</span>
You grunt, approvingly. <span class="stella-text">"So he comes over and offers to help me. Not only does he put his hands on my hips, he even kinda touched my ass. Then I did something that I think you'll be really proud of."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
She brings her mouth closer to your ear and whispers a naughty secret. <span class="stella-text">"I leaned back ever so slightly, and for a moment I could feel his dick under his workout shorts!"</span> She leans back quickly, and cackles happily. <span class="stella-text">"How fucking crazy was that?"</span>
You clap gently. <span class="mc-text">"Bravo, Stella! You exceeded all expectations. How did it make you feel to be so daring?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Happy... I did it on Wednesday, and the past couple of days I've occasionally remembered it, and I can feel myself smiling just at the memory of it. It made me feel alive."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Session1Lingerie") and CheckEvent("Stella", "Session2Flirt")>>\
[[Next Assignment|Stella Session 2 Complete]]
[[Next Assignment|Stella Session 2 Task Lingerie]]
<</if>>\<span class="mc-text">"The second Principle of Bimboism to 'please those around you'. This week, I want you to find a man you don't know - any man you want - and flirt with him shamelessly. I want you to flirt with him until he touches you, even if he simply reaches out and touches your hand. Can you do that?"</span>
She looks somewhat doubtful, but she agrees. <span class="stella-text">"Yes, I think so."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good. I want you to then write down what happened, and we will discuss it next week."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Stella", "Session2Flirt"); $player.cash += 150; $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1;>>\<span class="mc-text">"The first Principle of Bimboism is 'pride in your appearance'. I want you to go out, and buy a new set of lingerie that you love."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"OK"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I then want you to try out a variety of sexy new poses, and send me a photo of the pose that you think looks best. We will discuss it next week."</span>
She smiles at you. <span class="stella-text">"OK. I can do that."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Stella", "Session2Lingerie"); $player.cash += 150; $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1;>>\<span class="stella-text">"So, what's my homework this week, $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What is the third Principle of Bimboism?"</span>
She looks at the ceiling, trying to remember. <span class="stella-text">"Be your best self."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Close, but not quite. Be your ABSOLUTE best self. This week I want you to visualize what your absolute best self is. I want you to be able to describe how you look, how you act, what you do. You will find a photo of a woman who comes as close as possible to that ideal. You will put it on a letter sized print out, and then we will discuss it next week."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I can do that."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good. In addition, I think you have reached a point now where you could do with some occasional, extra coaching. Keep an eye on your e-mails for any new tasks."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Of course, $player.firstName. Thanks so much, I think it's going so good so far."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm glad to hear that. Goodbye, Stella. See you next week."</span> Stella gets up to leave, and as she heads through the bar you can see she is, a bit clumsily, trying to add extra sway to her behind as she walks.
What a perfect first client, you think to yourself.
''You can now assign Stella midweek tasks, which will turn her into a bimbo faster.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Stella", "Session2"); AddEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTasks"); AddEvent("Stella", "MasturbateFirstTime"); $player.cash += 150; $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.stella.slut += 1;>>\You're back in the bar and, though you are on time, Stella is not. You order yourself a beer, and go and sit at your usual table at the back. You spend the next 10-15 minutes looking at memes on your phone.
<span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName?"</span>
You look up, and standing at the bar is Stella.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training3/Blonde.jpg" height="600">
You mouth proud words at her. <span class="mc-text">"What. The. Fuck."</span>
Once she has her drink she comes to the table. She places her handbag down on a chair, then poses, making a cheesy face.
<span class="mc-text">"You've gone blonde! And your shirt is unbuttoned so low."</span>
She sits down, and laughs. <span class="stella-text">"Are you proud of me? Anyway, don't worry, I know blonde doesn't really work for me. Not yet, at least. But I thought I would try it out. After all, how do I really know what is my absolute best self unless I experiment a little?"</span>
You nod, appreciating her logic. <span class="mc-text">"Very, very good Stella. I can see our work together is really having an impact."</span>
She smiles brightly, and giggles.
<span class="mc-text">"Let's start our session then, shall we?"</span>
[[Check Stella's Homework|Stella Session 3 Homework]]<span class="mc-text">"Have you done this week's homework, Stella?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Yes, of course."</span> She twists slightly in her chair and pulls out a glossy, printed photo. A few weeks ago this would have embarrassed her beyond belief, but today she only looks around quickly before placing it on the table in front of you, for all to see.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/StatTransform1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Tell me what you see here, the things that you see and know you will share when you are your absolute best self."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Well."</span> She begins to count off reasons on her fingers. <span class="stella-text">"She has beautiful dyed red hair. She has striking makeup. She has a beautiful, elegant face. Her clothes not only flatter her body, but show it off too."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Very good. This photo is a bit too conservative, I'm sorry to say, so I suppose you will just have to tell me about your ideal body."</span>
She twists in her chair again, and smiles a lopsided smile. <span class="stella-text">"I thought you might say that..."</span> She pulls out another photo, and lays it on the table.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/StatTransform2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Tell me why this is your ideal body."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"She has thin, strong arms, like I already have. She has a tight stomach, and long, thin legs. She even has a cute little belly button piercing. Most of all, though, she has huge, womanly breasts. Perfect, firm, round breasts, with perfectly sized nipples."</span> Her eyes linger on the photo, and then she looks up at you with a big grin. <span class="stella-text">"It's the nipples I like the most."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"How do you think she felt here, looking into the camera?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Happy? Free? Perhaps she thought about the people that would enjoy looking at this photo. Do you like looking at her?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I do. You chose well, I think she is an excellent example for you to follow. Tell me, what is your ideal pussy like?"</span> She was getting too confident, she was too far ahead of your planned curve and you decided to put her back in her place.
Her voice drops. <span class="stella-text">"My ideal... pussy?"</span>
You drop your voice too, but add a tone of harshness. <span class="mc-text">"I told you to detail every aspect. Did you not do that? What does her pussy look like?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I did, I did what you told me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Then show me. You must have checked."</span>
She pulls out her phone, and shielding it with her hand she pulls up a new photo. She hands it over to you, but you make a point of not obscuring anyone's view of what is on her phone.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/StatTransform3.jpg" height="600">
You look at her, and smile. <span class="mc-text">"You made an excellent choice."</span> You slide the phone back to her. <span class="mc-text">"Describe her pussy, describe this photo."</span>
She tucks her hair behind her ears and answers your question. <span class="stella-text">"It's... Neat, I suppose. It's inviting, and pink. It looks like it tastes good."</span> Stella begins to forget her nervousness, and even taps her phone screen to stop it going black. <span class="stella-text">"She looks happy here. She's presenting her breasts, for people to enjoy."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Do you want to be able to do that, some day?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Maybe."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What would you do, if you had her tits?"</span>
[[Continue|Stella Session 3 Fantasy]]<span class="stella-text">"I'd want someone else to enjoy them with."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Principle Four: Be a source of joy, not stress."</span>
Stella ignores you, and her phone screen goes blank. She stares at an empty patch of wall a couple of feet above your head.
<span class="stella-text">"I'd show them off, teasing men with them..."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training3/Boobs.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"I'd take a man home, a man I want to treat. I'd tease him even more... I... I'd begin to oil them."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training3/Oil.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"I'd get them really oily, just swimming."</span>
She's only describing her fantasy, but you can picture it, and you can feel yourself getting hard under the table.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training3/Play.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"I'd use them to please him."</span>
You can feel your cock begin to throb. <span class="mc-text">"Tell me how you would start."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I'd begin by rubbing the tip of his penis on my perfect, oily nipples. I'd be happy."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training3/Cock.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Then I would put them between my tits, and begin to jerk him off, just using my tits."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's often called a titjob, you know."</span>
She is still ignoring you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training3/Titjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Then..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Then?"</span>
She's silent. You notice that her hand has slipped down underneath the table, and you can see her arm twitching slightly.
[[Make her finish her story|Stella Session 3 Story][$bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1;]]
[[Tell her to go to the bathroom, and not to return until she has come|Stella Session 3 Bathroom][$bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.stella.slut += 1;]]<span class="mc-text">"Stella, finish your story."</span>
She looks at you, and tries to get a word out.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella, I am ordering you to finish your story."</span>
Her arm keeps twitching slightly, but she continues <span class="stella-text">"I get on my knees, and I put his dick between my tits. I look up at him, looking him right in the eye, and I can feel how hard he is."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training3/POV.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"I tell him how good it feels, and I ask him if I'm being a good girl."</span>
Fuck, you think to yourself. What have you created?
<span class="stella-text">"I ask him that, I tell him I want him to cum on me, I tell him I want him to make me dirty. I tell him how happy I want him to be, and how happy I will be when his cum adds another layer to my oily, dirty tits."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training3/Cum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She stops talking, but you don't push her, as you see her shudder slightly.
<span class="stella-text">"And then he comes, all over me."</span>
You look at her, eyes wide. Before you can ask her anything, she giggles, and continues. <span class="stella-text">"Then, of course, I eat his cum."</span>
You collect yourself. <span class="mc-text">"Impressive fantasy, Stella."</span>
She smiles. <span class="stella-text">"I know, right? Of course, it is just a fantasy. It's not like I could ever do something like that."</span>
[[New Assignment|Stella Session 3 Finish]]<span class="mc-text">"Stella, I can see you touching yourself."</span>
She stops, and looks at you wide eyed. She looks around, shocked at herself.
<span class="mc-text">"I am giving you a new, and immediate assignment. You are going to go to the bathroom, and you are going to masturbate while thinking about being titfucked. You are not to leave that bathroom until you are done, do you understand?"</span>
She nods, and then gets up quickly. You time her, and as the minutes pass all you can think about is cumming all over the big, oily, fake tits of Stella's bimbo ideal.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training3/Cum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Eventually, she returns to the table, looking flushed. You grab her right wrist before she can sit down, however. You lift it up to your face, and you smell her fingers. It smells sweet, and slightly salty.
<span class="mc-text">"Good. Thank you for doing as you were told, Stella. Tell me how you masturbated."</span>
She looks slightly embarrassed, but she does as she is told. <span class="stella-text">"I went into the far stall, furthest from the door. I put down the toilet seat, then I lifted my skirt up."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Then what?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Then... I began to rub my clit, just like I was doing when we were sitting together."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What else did you do?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I... I stuck two fingers inside myself. It always makes my orgasms more powerful..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Did anyone walk into the bathroom when you were there?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"No, thank God."</span>
[[New Assignment|Stella Session 3 Finish]]<span class="mc-text">"You've done very well this week, Stella. I'm very proud of you."</span>
She smiles proudly. <span class="stella-text">"Thank you, $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"This week, I'm not going to ask you to do anything new for your homework."</span> She looks a little confused, and a little disappointed, but you continue. <span class="mc-text">"Did you dress like this to work?"</span>
She shakes her head, and laughs. <span class="stella-text">"Like this? No."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, that is your homework for this week. Perhaps not this exact outfit, but this week is a week for consolidation. I want you to take what I have taught you, and what you have practiced on your own, and begin to integrate it into your current life."</span>
She glares at you. <span class="stella-text">"I, no.. I..."</span>
You smile at her, in an almost deliberately patronizing way. <span class="mc-text">"Stella, Stella. Did you really start doing this just to have it be a part of your private life? Bimbos, good bimbos, are not ashamed. All of what you're learning is to change your life, your whole life, all for the better. Is that not what you want?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Yes, but it's too soon, I don't know if I can..."</span>
You look directly in her eyes. <span class="mc-text">"Just try. I expect you to write a short diary, only a few sentences, each day, describing what you began doing that day, and what the impact was."</span>
She nods. <span class="stella-text">"OK, $player.firstName. Guess the least I can do is try."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good. Next week, we will be meeting at my workspace, where I also live. Same time, same day. New place."</span>
She tilts her head at you slightly, but you don't think she's too worried. As you both stand up, she kisses you on the cheek before she leaves. <span class="stella-text">"Thank you, $player.firstName. I'll try my best for you."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Stella", "Session3"); $player.cash -= 6; $player.cash += 150; $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.stella.slut += 1;>>\The buzzer goes, and when you press the intercom you see Stella is outside. As she walks up the stairs you tidy up a few last things. Your apartment hasn't been this clean in months.
The doorbell rings. <span class="mc-text">"It's unlocked!"</span>
She walks in, and opens her mouth in only partially affected shock. <span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName! What an amazing place!"</span>
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Apartment.jpg" width="600">
You smile in faux modesty, then gesture towards your open plan kitchen. <span class="mc-text">"Can I get you anything? A glass of wine, perhaps?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Yes, white please."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Come."</span> You walk over to her, and offer her your hand. You see that today she is wearing high heels, and though she is walking well you can tell she is having to concentrate on not falling over. You wonder how long she had has them on for. You lead her to your sofa. <span class="mc-text">"Sit here, I'll be right back"</span>
Heading to the kitchen you can see Stella's head turning this way and that, soaking in the room. You pour two glasses of white wine, then head back to the living room.
<span class="mc-text">"Here you are."</span> You hand her the wine, then sit at the opposite end of the sofa from her.
<span class="stella-text">"Thank you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So, tell me about your week."</span>
[[Continue|Stella Session 4 Principles]]Stella bends down to grab her handbag, and you notice that it is different from before. Last week she had carried a large, practical black leather handbag, but this week you see that it is smaller, made of brown leather with a prominent buckle.
<span class="mc-text">"I see you've upgraded your handbag."</span>
She leans towards you, and smiles. <span class="stella-text">"It wasn't the only thing I upgraded. I also think you'll be proud of me, I put a lot of thought into this week's assignment. Not too much, of course. I am learning to be a bimbo, right!?"</span> She cackles briefly at her own joke, then pulls a sheet of paper out of her bag, and begins reading aloud.
<span class="stella-text">"On Sunday, I started simple. The first Principle of Bimboism is 'pride in your appearance', and so I spent all Sunday on my beauty regime. I plucked, I waxed. I moisturized, I facialized."</span> She winks at you here.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training4/Makeup.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"The second Principle of Bimboism is to 'please those around you'. On Monday I had the cable guy scheduled to come, and I decided to make his day a little brighter. I had been chopping carrots, and I decided to give him a little show."</span> She shrugs here. <span class="stella-text">"It was spur of the moment, and I worried it might look stupid, but he seemed to enjoy it."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training4/Tease.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"The third Principle of Bimboism is to 'be your absolute best self'. This was the toughest, by far, of my daily changes. On Tuesday I decided to work towards my ideal self, and start wearing the clothes that I really want to wear. All day, wore a skimpy little, short dress."</span>
You look at her with eyebrows raised in disbelief. <span class="mc-text">"When you were teaching, too?"</span>
She looks away slightly embarrassed. <span class="stella-text">"Yes, though I did try and spend as much class time as possible sitting behind my desk. I think the guys enjoyed it, though."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training4/Ass.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"The fourth Principle of Bimboism is to 'be a source of joy, not stress'. The cable guy had still not fixed my problem, and I had to be on the phone half the evening fixing it. I could feel myself becoming stressed, and I could feel this stress showing itself in my voice. I decided to make myself feel joy, and hope that this joy spread to the man helping me."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training4/Masturbate.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"The fifth Principle of Bimboism is to 'let yourself be taken care of'. This was the most risky of the changes, but also the one I enjoyed the most. My daughter's friend -"</span> You make a mental note to yourself that Stella has a daughter <span class="stella-text">"- is visiting from college, and was in the shower. She must not have heard me get home, because she was showering with the door open. I let her take care of me, by giving me a little show. Perhaps I have applied this rule too broadly?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training4/Spy.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She folds up the paper. You smile at her, and lift your glass to toast her. <span class="mc-text">"You're right, Stella, I am very impressed. But what about today?"</span>
She clinks her glass against yours, then beams a bright smile at you. <span class="stella-text">"Well, I thought that to say thank you for all your help, I could find some way of pleasing you?"</span>
[[Have Stella try on lingerie for you|Stella Session 4 Lingerie][$bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1]]
[[Have Stella show you her ass and tits|Stella Session 4 Strip][$bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1]]<span class="mc-text">"I think that's a very good idea. Let me have a think."</span>
You take a sip of your wine, and you ponder. Stella extends her back, and waits for you with a smile on her face.
You stand up, and go to your bedroom. You have a set of lingerie, untouched, that you had bought for one of your prior girlfriends. She was roughly Stella's proportions - before, that is, you bought her implants.
You unwrap it, and lay it out on your bed, before returning to the living room.
<span class="mc-text">"On my bed you will find a set of lingerie. I want you to put it on, and then come out here and show it off for me."</span>
She smiles, and nods, then walks off to the bedroom. You watch her ass sway as she goes, and you can feel your dick tingle.
After about 10 minutes, she steps out, walking to a quiet, empty corner of your apartment. You stand up to get a better view.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training4/LingerieWalk.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Her ass looks amazing, and you congratulate yourself on your choice of lingerie. She gives you a smouldering look, then to your surprise she begins to pull down her panties.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training4/LingerieTease.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She's just teasing you, though, and pulls them back up. By now your cock is growing harder and harder, and the imprint of your erection is clearly visible through your trousers.
Stella makes eye contact with you, then smiles. She begins to undo her bra, and to lower it...
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training4/LingerieStrip.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
But she walks over, and holds it to her chest with her left arm. She whispers in your ear.
<span class="stella-text">"Think how much more you will enjoy it when you actually get it."</span>
Then she brushes her fingertips over your rock hard cock, before walking back into the bedroom to change.
[[Next Assignment|Stella Session 4 Finish]]<span class="mc-text">"I think that's a very good idea. Let me have a think."</span>
You take a sip of your wine, and you ponder. Stella extends her back, and waits for you with a smile on her face.
<span class="mc-text">"I want to see your ass, and your tits."</span>
She smiles, and cocks her head to the side. <span class="stella-text">"Just like that?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Just like that."</span>
Stella stands up, and comes to stand in front of you. She slides the straps off her dress, then lets it drop straight to the floor. You see that she's waring a garish pink bra and panty set, with black stockings held up by a garter.
You immediately feel your dick begin to tingle.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training4/Dance.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She steps close to you, so that she is standing right over your lap, but she doesn't touch you. She pulls down her bra, and plays with her nipples.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training4/Boobs.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
By now your cock is fully erect, and it's sticking up from your lap. She looks down, sees your erection, then looks you in the eye.
She turns around, then pulls down her panties, leaving them on the floor with her dress.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training4/Display.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She bends over again, putting her ass inches from your face. She jiggles it with her hands, and turns slightly to give you a glimpse of her neat, slit of a pussy.
She turns back around to face you. <span class="stella-text">"Does this please you, $player.firstName?"</span>
You drag your eyes away from her neatly shaved little tuft of pubic hair, and look into her eyes. <span class="mc-text">"Clearly."</span>
She laughs, then begins to put her dress back on. She picks up her panties and considers what to do for a moment, before throwing them onto your erect cock like a lasso. <span class="stella-text">"I thought you might like to keep those."</span>
[[Next Assignment|Stella Session 4 Finish]]You adjust your pants and push your semi-erect cock into a more comfortable position. <span class="mc-text">"Well, Stella. You've excelled yourself this week. If ever you look back on this process and see a turning point, this week was it."</span>
She bumps up and down excitedly. <span class="stella-text">"Thank you so, so much! I won't lie, I've found some of it tough, but I agree. I feel so much more different this week than last. I feel so much better, so much happier, so much freer."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Have men begun to pay more attention to you?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Yes! That's the best part. I get more doors held open for me, I get men offering to carry my groceries. I have had to deal with a few more creeps but..."</span> She shrugs, then smiles widely. <span class="stella-text">"It's worth it!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm glad you like the extra attention, because your assignment for this week is to show off, to draw attention to yourself. I want you to do one thing that will please and bring joy to a stranger, and then I want you to plan something that you will do next week at our session that will please and bring joy to me. Do you understand?"</span>
She's already staring off into space, thinking.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Yes, of course. I can't wait!"</span>
She virtually runs out of the apartment, but kisses you goodbye on your cheek.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Stella", "Session4"); $player.cash += 150; $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.stella.slut += 1;>>\''BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZ-BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ''
It's 6pm exactly. On the intercom you see Stella standing outside, and you buzz her up. You go to the kitchen and pour two glasses of white wine, which you carry over to the sofa.
<span class="stella-text">"Hello $player.firstName! And oh my God, thank you for the wine!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"In a good mood are we?"</span>
She jogs over carefully, essentially tiptoeing in her heels. She kisses you on the cheek, and takes a glass of wine from your hand. She has some shopping bags in her other hand, which she puts on the floor by the sofa. You sit down on the sofa, and pat the seat next to you. She plops herself down.
<span class="stella-text">"I. Have. Had. Such. A. Week."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Tell me all about it. Did you do your homework?"</span>
She giggles and slaps her thighs. <span class="stella-text">"Of course! But wait, let me show you something I just bought. Tell me if you like it."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training5/9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"What do you think? I think it matches my hair, and it makes my ass look amazing, right?"</span>
You nod, and beckon her closer to you. You're amazed that she's just showing her ass to you like this now. <span class="mc-text">"I think you look great."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"But let's take care of business. Start with what you did to bring joy to a stranger."</span>
[[Hear about her week|Stella Session 5 Flirt]]Stella trots over to the sofa, and sits next to you.
<span class="stella-text">"So! You know how I've been having so much trouble with my cable and internet, right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yep."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Well it turns out that I was too far from the box, or whatever. Doesn't really matter, but they sent someone out to fix it on Sunday. My plan was that I'd greet him at the door in my lingerie, and see how he responded. If he was nervous and upset, I'd be a good bimbo and let him just do his work, but if he seemed interested I'd give him a little show, you know?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Very thoughtful of you, Stella."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training5/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Well, he was a little nervous, but I could tell he was interested. I showed him into the living room, where he was gonna run a new cable underneath the window sill."</span>
She smiles, and giggles.
<span class="stella-text">"When he was working, I took off my bra, and then walked over to ask him a question!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training5/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"He was shocked, but really happy. At first he only looked at my tits occasionally, but I told him he could look all he wants. I even turned around so he could see my ass."</span>
You almost cry out. <span class="mc-text">"Excellent, Stella!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training5/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Then, when he was done, I brought him a glass of water. I sat him down for a bit, then I asked him some questions about himself while I gently played with his hair, and leaned over him with my tits out."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Was he happy?"</span>
She nodded. <span class="stella-text">"I think so. He couldn't stand up for a bit, he was too embarrassed about that, but I think he'll look back on that day as a good day."</span>
[[Continue|Stella Session 5 Show]]<span class="mc-text">"And the second part of your assignment? The prepared show for me?"</span>
She sounds impatient. <span class="stella-text">"Yes, yes $player.firstName. We're doing it in your office, and I am afraid that I don't want you there while I prepare, so I am kicking you out to your bedroom."</span>
She stands up, then shoos you away. <span class="stella-text">"Off you go."</span>
You do as your told, and sit in your bedroom for a few minutes, looking at your phone.
Stella calls from the office. <span class="stella-text">"You can come out now!"</span>
You step out and she's changed into the outfit of... Well, a slutty secretary. A white blouse, buttoned low. A tight, short, pencil skirt. Black heels.
Your office chair has been pushed back to the middle of the room, and she gestures to it. She guides you, a little happy laugh in her voice. <span class="stella-text">"Sit there, please."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training5/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She begins to undress, and gives commentary as she does so. <span class="stella-text">"With this I not only wanted to do something that would please you, but I also wanted to be my absolute best self. I spent a few days really thinking about what to do, and I decided that it would be best if I gave you a show you really weren't expecting. One that will make you very proud of me."</span>
She bends over, and spreads her cheeks.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training5/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Does my ass look good? I bet you're wondering how tight my asshole is..."</span> She does this for a while, rhetorically asking your opinion on each part of her body, as she describes it.
Then she hops up on the table, and your eyes widen as she takes out what looks like a big, pink truncheon from your drawer.
<span class="mc-text">"Where on earth...?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training5/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
To your even greater surprise, she doesn't begin to work its tip on her pussy, but her asshole. Evidently she sees your surprise. <span class="stella-text">"Surprised? Disgusted? Shocked by your trainee bimbo?"</span>
It's clear her ass is tight, and it seems that Stella didn't think far enough ahead to bring lube. She improvises, however, and begins to masturbate furiously, ending up sopping wet. Using this, she lubricates the dildo, and slides it into her ass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training5/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She gently slides it in and out. <span class="stella-text">"I'm just too tight to do anything else"</span>, she explains, almost apologetically.
She adjusts her position, so that her ass is almost in your face, then begins to masturbate as she slowly slides the bumpy red dildo into her ass. <span class="stella-text">"I just need to stretch myself out, I guess."</span>
She continues to masturbate until the new dildo is half the way in, then she comes. Her eyes close and her face flushes, she leaks and drips down her leg. Once she comes she pulls the dildo out most of the way, then poses for you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training5/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Look at me. Have I pleased you? Have I brought you joy, and taken away your stress?"</span> She laughs, knowingly, the dildo still in her ass.
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, Stella, you have. In fact, I think the beginning phase of our coaching is over."</span>
[[Continue|Stella Session 5 Implants]]While Stella cleans up, you head to the kitchen and pour two more glasses of white wine. You think to yourself that Stella has been doing an amazing job, and it is time that you proceed to the next phase of coaching: consolidating the progress, and making permanent changes.
<span class="stella-text">"I've cleaned your office for you."</span>
She's still naked, but without a care in the world she comes to the sofa and begins to dress, this time in the leotard she had bought earlier. <span class="stella-text">"I thought I might wear this out today, though I'll put on a short skirt too."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training5/10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"As I said, Stella, I'm really impressed with your progress. I think you've really internalized the Principles of Bimboism, and now it's time to start thinking of how to build upon those achievements."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Thank you, $player.firstName. It means a lot to hear you say that. I could never have done any of it without you, you know."</span>
You smile at her, and place your hand on your shoulder. <span class="mc-text">"It means a lot to hear that from you, too."</span> You drop your hand and sit on the sofa. <span class="mc-text">"But the next steps will mean that whatever steps you've taken so far to conceal your transformation will be impossible to continue doing. The world will know you are a bimbo, or at least becoming one. Are you ready for that?"</span>
She sits down, one tit still hanging out of her leotard, and looks at you. <span class="stella-text">"Yes, I think so... I mean. It's what it's all for, right? And I feel better than I have in a very long time. Since our second or third session I've barely thought about my ex, and to tell you the truth I only really started doing this to make him jealous."</span>
She laughs, then pulls up her other strap, covering both her breasts. <span class="stella-text">"It's silly, really. Why was I so attached to someone, to something, that brought me so little joy?"</span> She looks into your eyes. <span class="stella-text">"So yes, I'm ready. What's the next step?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Enhancement."</span> You point at her chest. <span class="mc-text">"You're beautiful, but your tits... Well, they just aren't good enough. That is not the absolute best you can be, is it? People have even said you have the chest of a boy, right?"</span>
Stella looks sad, and squirms about self-consciously. <span class="stella-text">"Yeah..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Remember the assignment when you had to describe your ideal bimbo? Do you remember how glorious, how big her tits were? The next step is for you to buy breasts like that. I know a guy, an excellent doctor in Manhattan, who can make you look exactly like your ideal bimbo."</span>
She smiles now, but tilts her head to the side. <span class="stella-text">"How much?"</span>
You grimace slightly. <span class="mc-text">"Well, that's the issue, isn't it? You can't cheap out on this, so it will be roughly $12,000."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"''$12,000?!?'' I don't have that kind of money, how can I afford that? I've got a daughter at home, I've got to..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Calm down. Let's approach this in order, OK? Tell me how much money you have to spare."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I don't know, let me figure out."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"OK, you do that. Next week, come with a figure of how much you can spend on it, and we can work together to figure something out."</span>
You look her up and down, consciously eye fucking her. <span class="mc-text">"It would be such a shame if you do not become your absolute best self."</span>
She winks back at you, and twists slightly on the sofa to better show off her ass.
''You can now visit the cosmetic surgeon.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Stella", "Session5"); $player.unlocks.cosmeticSurgeon = true; $player.cash += 300; $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 2; $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 2; $bimbos.stella.slut += 2;>>\It's that time of the week again, and you follow your usual routine. By the time she arrives you are already sitting at the sofa with the wine, and you simply hop up to buzz her in. As the door opens, you turn around and see that she's wearing a long raincoat.
<span class="mc-text">"Have we been jacking off in bushes in the park?"</span>
She laughs. <span class="stella-text">"No, but we have been shopping again!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You were supposed to be figuring out your finances..."</span>
She admonishes you. <span class="stella-text">"Don't be a party pooper, I'm not here to be stressed, am I?"</span> You think to yourself that she does have a point there. She goes over to the wall, and then drops the raincoat.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training6/Lingerie.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She beams at you. <span class="stella-text">"The necklace is old, but the swimsuit is new. My daughter bought one just like it, and I thought I'd get one too!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You look great in it. Turn around."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training6/Ass.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You pinch her, and touch her. <span class="mc-text">"I couldn't help myself."</span> She giggles. <span class="mc-text">"Have you been working out?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"A little more than normal"</span>, she concedes, but you can see she looks proud that you've noticed. She takes you both back to the sofa, and picks up her wine. <span class="stella-text">"I went over my finances, like you told me to..."</span> She shrugs, and sighs, then continues. <span class="stella-text">"I have $4,000 I can spend on enhancement. Which means I am $8,000 short."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's not too bad, not too bad at all. I've been doing some thinking, and I've come up with some ideas of what you can do."</span>
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "CharlotteWork")>>\
[[Stella works for you|Stella Session 6 Work]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "StellaStrippingIntro")>>\
[[Top Floor|Stella Session 6 Stripping]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "StellaEscort")>>\
[[Escorting|Stella Session 6 Escort]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Stella", "StellaLoan")>>\
[[A loan from me|Stella Session 6 Loan]]
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "CharlotteWork") and CheckEvent("Stella", "StellaStrippingIntro") and CheckEvent("Stella", "StellaEscort") and CheckEvent("Stella", "StellaLoan")>>\
[[Tell her about Photoshoot|Stella Session 6 Finish]]
<</if>>\<span class="mc-text">"You can work for me. I can't pay you all that much, but there are various things you can do, that we can do."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Like what?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You can clean my house, you can cook my dinner."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I can be your servant?"</span> She laughs.
You look at her. <span class="mc-text">"You can please me, and I can please you. Plus, there's other work, I'll be wanting to increase my profile and if you help me with that I'll pay you."</span>
Her eyes wander slightly. <span class="stella-text">"I have enough trouble trying to keep my place clean, thanks to my daughter..."</span>
[[Your Daughter?|Stella Session 6 Charlotte]]<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Stat1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Does she work?"</span>
Stella looks a bit sad, then hesitates for a moment, before continuing. <span class="stella-text">"No, she doesn't. She just finished school, and she was going to go to college this fall but..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"But?"</span>
Stella sighs. <span class="stella-text">"Charlotte just wants to have fun, she's a young girl in the city, you know?"</span> Stella gestures to you, to herself. <span class="stella-text">"It isn't like I don't get where she's coming from."</span>
You think for a moment, and you can hear the kitchen clock ticking, silently. <span class="mc-text">"Perhaps I can help you."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"You want to help turn my daughter into a bimbo too? I don't think that I would..."</span>
You laugh, somewhat too forcefully. <span class="mc-text">"No, no. Perhaps she can work for me sometimes. I can pay you for the work she does. That way she can learn some discipline. I'll pay the same to you as if you had done the work, you can decide if you share it with her or not."</span>
Stella nods, looks like she's considering it very seriously.
[[Return|Stella Session 6][AddEvent("Stella", "CharlotteWork")]]<span class="mc-text">"With your new skills and attitude, I'm sure you can get some work as a stripper. It would be two birds with one stone, on the one hand you can earn money, and on the other you can become even more comfortable with your true self, even more aware of how you can please men."</span>
She thinks about it, but looks nervous. <span class="stella-text">"Perhaps. I am a teacher, so I have to be careful..."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Rebeca/StrippingDiscuss.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"I know a club, and some of the strippers there. I can arrange for one of them to talk to you? My friend Rebeca is very nice, and will help you if I ask."</span>
Stella smiles, but is noncommittal. <span class="stella-text">"OK! Take me there some night to meet her. I'll decide then."</span>
[[Return|Stella Session 6][AddEvent("Stella", "StellaStrippingIntro")]]<span class="mc-text">"I know a way that you can make money very quickly..."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Jessyka/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She gives you a harsh look.
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"Look, call girls, they earn -"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"No! Absolutely not. I'm not taking those kinds of risks."</span>
[[Return|Stella Session 6][AddEvent("Stella", "StellaEscort")]]<span class="mc-text">"Of course, the quickest way would simply be for me to loan you the money. I am a rich man."</span>
She looks at you, with one eyebrow raised.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sure we can find a way for you to repay me, one way or another."</span>
Stella laughs, but says nothing.
<span class="mc-text">"Either way, though, I won't be willing to lend you the money until you find some way - any way - of earning extra cash."</span>
[[Return|Stella Session 6][AddEvent("Stella", "StellaLoan")]]<span class="mc-text">"Anyway, there's something I can pay you $300 for this week, if you want. I need to take some photos for the Bimbo Life Coaching website, and I want to use you."</span> You don't tell her, that as your only client, you don't have much choice.
<span class="stella-text">"OK! I can do any day after 4pm, just let me know! What kind of photos will we be taking?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Ones that show off your progress, but nothing that will get you in trouble, I promise."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"What if I want to get in a little bit of trouble?"</span> She giggles, and then gets up to leave. <span class="stella-text">"See you then."</span>
''You are now able to hold individual consultations at the bar.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); RemoveEvent("Stella", "CharlotteWork"); RemoveEvent("Stella", "StellaStrippingIntro"); RemoveEvent("Stella", "StellaEscort"); RemoveEvent("Stella", "StellaLoan"); AddEvent("Stella", "Session6"); $player.cash += 150;>>\<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskPantiesWorking")>>\
[[You wake up to an e-mail from Stella|Stella Additional Panties Complete]]
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskNakedWorking")>>\
[[You wake up to an e-mail from Stella|Stella Additional Naked Complete]]
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskNeighborWorking")>>\
[[You wake up to an e-mail from Stella|Stella Additional Neighbor Complete]]
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskErrandsWorking")>>\
[[You wake up to an e-mail from Stella|Stella Additional Errands Complete]]
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Operation")>>\
[[Your phone buzzes with a message from Stella|Stella Post Op Text]]
<<if $bimbos.stella?.dayCounter is 0 and not GameDayIs("Sunday") and not GameDayIs("Saturday")>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist gte 15 and CheckEvent("Stella", "Stripper") and not CheckEvent("Stella", "SchoolTease")>>\
[[You wake up to an e-mail from Stella|Stella School Tease]]
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist gte 17 and not CheckEvent("Stella", "SchoolFlash")>>\
[[You wake up to an e-mail marked 'URGENT' from Stella|Stella School Flash]]
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist gte 20 and $bimbos.stella.happiness gte 5 and $bimbos.charlotte.pornCount isnot 9 and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "FourthLesson") and not CheckEvent("Stella", "SchoolSex")>>\
[[You're woken up in the middle of the night by your phone...|Stella School Sex]]
<</if>>\<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/NoPanties.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">$player.firstName,
I did as instructed. I can't believe it, but I even went to work like this! Obviously, I made sure that none of my students ever saw anything, and I felt quite nervous in class. But the rest of the day, I was... Well. It was so exhilarating. I felt so free, so happy. I ended up touching myself when I was alone in the teachers' lounge.
I was only really upset that I couldn't show off to everyone.
- Stella</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskPantiesWorking"); RemoveEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskInProgress"); AddEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskPanties"); $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1;>>\<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/Door.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">$player.firstName,
I'm really sorry about this, but I have to admit I chickened out at the last minute. I had undressed and ordered some food delivery, but when he rang the buzzer for my apartment... I...
Well, I have to admit, I rushed to my bedroom and put on lingerie. It was sexy, but.
I'm sorry to have disappointed you.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskNakedWorking"); RemoveEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskInProgress"); AddEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskNaked"); $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1;>>\<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/DVD.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">$player.firstName!
You will be so, so proud of me. As much as it made me cringe a little, I made Sancho down the hall very happy. I saw him coming into the building with a small black bag, and I struck up a conversation with him. One thing led to another and we were inside his apartment, and as he was getting me a glass of water, I decided to look what was inside the small bag.
Sancho, it seems, has something of an oral fetish. It was a bag of porn DVDs! Who even buys DVDs anymore?
When he came in, he was shocked, really embarrassed, and more than a little angry. But I was nice to him, and we actually talked about the DVDs.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskNeighborWorking"); RemoveEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskInProgress"); AddEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskNeighbor"); $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.stella.slut += 1;>>\<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/AdditionalTasks/Lingerie.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">Hi $player.firstName,
I did as you asked. At first I was pretty happy. I wore this really revealing bodysuit that barely covered me down there. I did my makeup, straightened my hair - Principle One! - and put on jewelry.
But when I got outside I was really embarrassed. Guys yelled at me when I was walking to the supermarket, and one even said I had tits like a boy. Once I got to the store I became happier, though. I went to one a little farther away than normal, but they still know me. The deli counter guy only charged me for my sliced cheese, and not the cold cuts.
When I walked home I was a lot happier, with a bounce in my step, and I swear that this was reflected right back at me. I even did a little wiggle in front of an old guy sitting outside the bodega! He smiled at me like I had made his year.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskErrandsWorking"); RemoveEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskInProgress"); AddEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTaskErrands"); $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1; $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1;>>\<span class="stella-text">"LOOK AT THESE BAD BOYS!"
"Thanks for all the help xxx"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Implants/Text.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Stella", "Operation"); AddEvent("Charlotte", "StellaBoobTalk");>>\<span class="stella-text">$player.firstName,
I think that my coaching has started to change how I behave at work! I got into a bit of trouble today. Ever since I started wearing pretty clothes, I may have been pleasing my seniors a bit too much.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/School/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
I dropped my marker at the front of the class. Somehow, I just TOTALLY forgot how short my dress was, and bent down to pick it up. I flashed my ass to the entire class!
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/School/1c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The student right behind me let out a little groan, and before I knew what I was doing I was walking up to him to tell him everything is OK. I just wanted to please him, you know?
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/School/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
I don't know what came over me, but I ended up touching his cock through his trousers. I don't think anyone saw me, though.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stella", "SchoolTease"); $bimbos.stella.dayCounter to 7;>>\<span class="stella-text">OH SHIT!
What's happened to me? I've only just managed to keep my job. I was taking the after school dodgeball club, and I had three senior boys I needed to work with that afternoon. All afternoon they were eye fucking the shit out of me, and I could feel myself getting wetter and more turned on as I thought about how much they must be enjoying it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/School/2a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After the bell rang, and school ended, I was alone in the gym. I decided to take off my top to play with my tits - they're so fun, you know! - and suddenly one of the guys walked in.
He stared right at me, and I got worried, but for whatever reason I didn't pull my top back on.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/School/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
He sucked on them, like a good boy, and I just couldn't help myself. I kept him down on the floor, took off my gym shorts, and made him please me.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/School/2c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Fuck. FUCK. FUCK! I really hope he doesn't tell anyone...
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stella", "SchoolFlash"); $bimbos.stella.dayCounter to 7;>>\You phone is ringing. It's only 5am, but Stella is calling you. You answer, the sleep barely out of your voice.
All you can hear is sobbing. <span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Stella?"</span> You wake with a start, panicking a little. <span class="mc-text">"Are you OK? What's wrong?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"*SOB* I'm... I'm not OK. I've been fired... *SOB*"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh, Stella..."</span> You try and sound as sympathetic as you can, but you know it's been coming a while. <span class="mc-text">"Tell me what happened."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I... I was cleaning my whiteboard during my planning period when a boy from one of my senior classes snuck up on me and pinched my ass. He's been staring at me for weeks, and I... I was encouraging him."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/School/3a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"I tell him off, but I'm smiling too much and he knows I don't mean it. He comes around the table and stands close, way too close, asking me how I was... Next thing I know, we're kissing. He begins to suck on my tits, and is rubbing my pussy when the bell goes and next period's students begin to enter the class!"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/School/3b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"I push him under the table, not knowing what else I can do. The bastard, he... He begins to rub my legs, rub my pussy. I'm struggling to concentrate on teaching, when he pulls aside my panties, and I can feel him licking me..."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/School/3c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh Stella, I'm sorry..."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"It felt so good, but the students, they could tell something was wrong..."</span>
[[Continue|Stella School Fired]]<span class="stella-text">"One girl, I think she sees his feet under the desk, and she begins to laugh when she realizes what's going on."
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/School/3d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"Slowly, everyone in the class begins to realise too... I should have stopped him, but I just pretend to be sick and dismiss the class early."
"I'm just crazy by this point, totally dick crazy. I take him out from under the desk, and rip his clothes off. I pull my dress off, sit him on the desk, and just begin to ride him."
"*SOB* I just... I couldn't stop... I just..."
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/School/3e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"He only lasts a couple of minutes, but I was so turned on that I managed to come twice before he did. He comes inside me."
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/School/3f.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
"He runs out, and I just sit on the edge of the desk, tasting his cum. One of the other students then comes in, and sees me, sitting on the desk with a cum-filled pussy. After that it's a blur... I was taken to the principal's office, I was suspended immediately. It only took 24 hours for them to fire me."
"*SOB* $player.firstName... What am I going to do? How am I going to survive?"</span>
You begin to soothe her, and spend the next half hour trying to calm her down. You agree that when she's ready, she'll come to your house and you two can plan her next steps.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Stella", "SchoolSex")>>\<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Stripper")>>\
[[Stella goes to work|Stella Stripping Job]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "StrippingTest")>>\
[[Stella's third shift|Stella Stripping 3]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "StrippingTraining")>>\
[[Stella's second shift|Stella Stripping 2]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "StrippingStart")>>\
[[Stella's first shift|Stella Stripping 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "Session6")>>\
[[Introduce Stella to Rebeca|Stella Stripping Intro]]
<</if>>\Stella is wearing the slutty, tiny dress that she wore for one of your first assignments. As you guide her to a table near the front, she explains. <span class="stella-text">"I remember how confident it made me feel, and since then..."</span> She pauses, as you pull out her chair. <span class="stella-text">"Since then, I wear it when I think I'll need to make myself be brave."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Training4/Ass.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Enjoy the show, I'm going to find Rebeca."</span>
She looks around giddily, eyeing up each stripper in there with an appraising eye. She looks jealously at the women with big, fake, tits, and you realise that you made a good choice bringing her here to meet Rebeca, instead of somewhere else. Here Stella can see what she is working for.
You head straight for the bouncer at the rear.
<span class="mc-text">"Is Rebeca around? I'm one of her regulars, $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"She's just in the back. I'll let her know you're here."</span>
You return to the table, and you talk with Stella assessing the strippers. Her favorite, by far, is a tall, red head, with a big athletic ass and big fake tits.
The bouncer returns. <span class="minor-text">"Rebeca asked that I put you in one of our private rooms, she will meet you there."</span>
[[Follow the bouncer|Stella and Rebeca Meet]]The room is a sofa, with a glass wall opposite. There is a curtain, but it isn't drawn, allowing you to look out into the club.
You and Stella chat, looking at each other, until you hear knocking on the glass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Rebeca/RebecaIntroduce.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Rebeca walks in, laughing hard. <span class="rebeca-text">"Did you enjoy that, papi?"</span> She looks at Stella. <span class="rebeca-text">"Did you bring me someone to play with? Is this your girlfriend?"</span>
Stella stares wide eyed at Rebeca, clearly intimidated, but she answers for you. <span class="stella-text">"No, I'm his client."</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"His client?"</span> She sounds incredulous.
You spread your hands to explain. <span class="mc-text">"I run Bimbo Life Coaching, we teach women on how to truly live the life of a bimbo."</span> You gesture towards Stella. <span class="mc-text">"Stella is one of my most promising clients, and I told her you could be very helpful. She's interested in becoming a stripper."</span>
Stella looks right at you, and continues looking at you rather than Rebeca. <span class="stella-text">"What $player.firstName means is that I have some questions about..."</span> You zone out, as you notice that there is a strand of cum on Rebeca's chin. She follows your gaze, then quickly scoops it up with her fingertip, before licking it off. She shrugs, innocently. <span class="stella-text">"...so I thought it would be best to ask a friend of his, to see whether I would work out."</span>
Rebeca sits down. <span class="rebeca-text">"What do you want to know?"</span>
[[Continue|Stella and Rebeca Talk]]<span class="stella-text">"Are you happy working here?"</span>
She smiles. <span class="rebeca-text">"Yes, very. There are some creeps, and some guys smell a bit, but... I make a lot of money, and I have a lot of fun."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Do people ever recognize you in public?"</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"I don't know, maybe?"</span> She makes an exaggerated shrug. <span class="rebeca-text">"It's not like a look, or dress, quietly. I dress to get stared at, so who the fuck knows why any one person is staring at me?"</span>
Stella nods, and you can see her accepting the logic of that. A bimbo dresses like a bimbo to get stared at - what worry is it why some people may be doing that?
<span class="stella-text">"How do you maintain such a confident act all the time, day in, day out?"</span>
Rebeca emits a dismissive laugh. <span class="rebeca-text">"Ha! An act? Oh, chica, this ain't no act."</span>
Stella looks at her skeptically, but her face softens. She looks around the club. At Rebeca, who winks at you. At you, who smiles at her. At the lithe women working the stage, raking in the dollars. <span class="stella-text">"How are you so confident?"</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"$player.firstName, stand up."</span> You stand. <span class="rebeca-text">"Watch this, Stella."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Rebeca/StrippingDemonstrate.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Rebeca pulls up her top, exposing her big, fake tits. She pulls down her leggings, showing her ass and pussy, before shoving it in your face and spanking it.
She paws at your crotch, touching your erect cock. <span class="rebeca-text">"See that? If I can do that in, what, eight seconds... How could I not feel like I own the world?"</span>
She pushes you back down into the sofa.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Rebeca/StrippingDemonstrate2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She takes off her shirt right over you, and you gawp up at her.
<span class="rebeca-text">"Let me clean you off papi, you got some dribble on your face."</span>
[[Continue|Stella and Rebeca Finish]]Stella is standing to the side, slack jawed and wide eyed.
<span class="stella-text">"Teach me."</span>
Rebeca shrugs. <span class="rebeca-text">"Lemme think..."</span> She looks off as if she's pondering, but you know she'll do it. <span class="rebeca-text">"I'll do it, if you give me your tips the first three nights you work, deal?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"The first three nights I work?? I just want to..."</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"Chica, you learn by doing. You've got a great face and a nice ass. With the money you make here you can get yourself some real tits, and start making some real money. We gotta deal?"</span>
Stella looks put out, but agrees. <span class="stella-text">"We got a deal."</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"Drop by whenever the club's open, I should be around."</span> Rebeca walks up to Stella, and puts her finger under Stella's chin, lifting it to examine her face closely. <span class="rebeca-text">"Huh."</span>
Rebeca leaves, and you and Stella look right at each other. Maybe, you think, Rebeca should be the one running Bimbo Life Coaching.
''Now that Stella has a way to earn extra money you are willing to lend her cash, which can be done from her journal page.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(4); AddEvent("Stella", "StellaLoan"); AddEvent("Stella", "StrippingStart");>>\<<if $bimbos.stella.transformLevel gte 1>>\
<<set AddHours(4); AddEvent("Stella", "StrippingTraining"); $player.cash -= 16; $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1;>>\
<span class="stella-text">"I've got this, right...?"</span> She doesn't wait for you to answer. <span class="stella-text">"I've got this, I've got this."</span>
You enter the club, and see Rebeca up on stage. You wave to her, but she doesn't give any indication that she's seen you, and you figure you have some time to kill. <span class="mc-text">"Come on, let's get you a drink to calm your nerves."</span> You sit Stella at a table near the stage, and flag down a passing waitress, who apart from a money belt is only wearing a string bikini.
<span class="mc-text">"Two glasses of your dryest white wine, please."</span>
She nods, then heads to the bar. Stella is silent while you two wait for the drinks, but when the waitress returns Stella asks her a question. <span class="stella-text">"How long are they normally up on stage?"</span>
The waitress shrugs one shoulder. <span class="mc-text">"It depends on the girl, and on the songs. The girl up there now is Rebeca, she likes to do a bunch of short dances through the night, keep up interest from new customers."</span>
You look over and Rebeca is shoving her tits into the face of a fat man, who is busy stuffing money into her underwear. The song ends and Rebeca blows him a kiss, before walking over. Her tits are still out.
She shouts over as she approaches. <span class="rebeca-text">"Well, well. I must admit, Stella, I didn't think you'd have the guts to come."</span> As she gets closer, she sees Stella's new, larger, bust. <span class="rebeca-text">"Oh my God!"</span> She begins to run over, the hard-ass act dropped. <span class="rebeca-text">"They look so good!"</span>
Stella does a little shimmy, shaking her new tits, and beams at Rebeca. Rebeca leans down to hug Stella. <span class="rebeca-text">"Congratulations!"</span> As she stands back up, she reaches down and gives them a squeeze. Stella looks momentarily surprised, but Rebeca ignores that. <span class="rebeca-text">"Firm. Good work."</span>
You cough, interrupting Rebeca. <span class="mc-text">"Speaking of work..."</span>
Rebeca rolls her eyes at you, but grabs Stella by the hand. <span class="rebeca-text">"Come on, I've got a slutty outfit that'll be perfect for you in the back."</span> Only a few minutes pass before they're back. Stella hands you a plastic bag with her dress and underwear in it, as she's now wearing a bright pink bikini.
Rebeca looks at you and raises an eyebrow. <span class="rebeca-text">"What do you think, papi? Bright pink is perfect for a slutty bimbo, no?"</span> Before you can answer, Rebeca continues. <span class="rebeca-text">"Stay here. We're gonna work together tonight."</span> She turns to face Stella. <span class="rebeca-text">"Just watch me, then try to do the same thing, OK? We'll start easy."</span>
Rebeca takes Stella by the hand and within minutes they're at a table on the other side of the room talking to two men. They chat, and laugh, and you see one of the men put his hand on Stella's knee. You're prouder than you can imagine when you see her respond to this by giggling and subtly pulling down her top, to reveal more of her tits. After the four of them have a drink, they go to a private room.
You finish your wine, then order another, before Stella sits back down at your table.
<span class="mc-text">"How did it go?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Great! Rebeca gave them a little show on the floor, while I let them touch my legs and thighs."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Rebeca/Naked.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"I was too nervous to do anything else at first, but Rebeca got me to stand up and start showing off my new tits."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stripping/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"I put them inches from one guy's face, and afterwards I could see his cock twitching in his pants."</span> She sighed, happily. <span class="stella-text">"Anyway, we're gonna finish the rest of the shift together like that. You can go home if you want. I'll meet you here for my next practice shift? I find it reassuring, and perhaps you can give me a bit of coaching."</span>
<<set AddHours(1)>>\
As you get closer and closer to Top Floor, you see that Stella is becoming more and more nervous. As you walk up the avenue, about to turn onto the block where the strip club is, Stella stops.
<span class="stella-text">"I... I don't think I can do this. Not yet."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I really want to, I promise, it's just that I'm too nervous to. Not until I actually have something to shake, you know?"</span>
You sigh, and look up the block to the neon sign at the entrance.
<span class="mc-text">"Of course. Good thing Rebeca isn't expecting us."</span>
''Stella cannot start working as a stripper until she has big, fake tits and is confident enough to work.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>You enter the club and sit down at a table near the back. Neither Stella nor Rebeca are anywhere to be seen. Looking around, you see it's a busy night tonight. After ordering a drink, you're nearly finished with it when you see Stella and Rebeca walk out of the changing room door, laughing with each other.
Stella looks about, and when she sees you they begin to walk over. Rebeca lifts her chin up in greeting, while Stella bends down to kiss you on the cheek. <span class="stella-text">"Hi $player.firstName! Thanks for coming again. We're gonna start work now, but I'll talk to you after my first customer, OK?"</span>
The two walk off, and after a few minutes are sitting at a table with three men. They sit between boy, girl, boy, girl, boy. Stella's legs are being felt up from both sides, and as the drinks arrive Rebeca pulls down one side of Stella's bikini, flashing her left tit to the group.
After a while the group head to a private room. You kill some time looking at your phone, debating whether you will get a private dance, when Stella and Rebeca leave the private room, blowing kisses back in. Stella gestures for Rebeca to wait and as she skips over you realise she's wearing high, fluffy, transparent pink stripper heels.
<span class="stella-text">"Oh. My. GOD!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Did something go wrong?"</span>
She laughs. <span class="stella-text">"I mean, yeah, but not for me!"</span> She laughs even harder. <span class="stella-text">"We were doing the usual, Rebeca giving a show, me hanging with the guys watching, letting them feel me up. Rebeca's got her tits out by now..."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Rebeca/Boobs.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"I decide to join in - "</span>
You smile, impressed. <span class="mc-text">"Good job, Stella."</span>
She winks at you. <span class="stella-text">"Thank you, $player.firstName. Anyway, I decide to join in. I get my tits out, and then let the guy next to me shove his face in them."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stripping/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Next think I know, he pulls away, and makes a low grunting noise. Rebeca notices, and lets out a little laugh."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What did you do?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I was proud! So I was nice. I lean over to him, my breasts brushing against his face, and I stroke his hair for a moment. Do you think I did the right thing, being nice to him like that?"</span>
[[Yes|Stella Stripping 2 Lesson][$passageRoute to 1; $bimbos.stella.slut += 2;]]
[[No|Stella Stripping 2 Lesson][$passageRoute to 2; $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 2;]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, of course. A good bimbo is a source of joy, not stress, and I'm sure you made him feel better, to reach out and touch him in new ways."</span>
She smiles, and then stands up. <span class="stella-text">"Anyway, I'm going back to work, I'll see you here again soon!"</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I must admit, I don't think you did."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"No? Was it wrong for him...?"</span>
You smile at her, kindly. <span class="mc-text">"What he did was totally understandable, but you should have continued the show. Kept his face there, and make sure he got his money's worth."</span>
She nods thoughtfully, and then stands up. <span class="stella-text">"I'll keep that in mind. Anyway, I'm going back to work, I'll see you here again soon!"</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(4); AddEvent("Stella", "StrippingTest"); $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1;>>\You walk in and as you find a table, the waitress comes up with a whisky on the rocks. As you reach for you wallet, she speaks up. <span class="minor-text">"On the house. Also, your girl is already working with Rebeca, they're in a private room."</span>
You nurse your whisky, and after a while you see Stella and Rebeca leave one of the private rooms. They walk in separate directions, without speaking to one another. Stella walks over, and you can see her boobs are shiny and oiled, but she looks upset.
<span class="mc-text">"What happened?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Rebeca fucking ambushed me, that's what happened."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh?"</span>
She sits down, and adjusts her bikini, covering herself up a little better. <span class="stella-text">"Everything had gone as usual, and we had two guys in the back room. Rebeca pushed a bit further than normal and was totally naked. She began to rub her ass on the guy, and while I kept my panties on, I did the same."</span>
She sighs, shortly. <span class="stella-text">"I look over and I can see Rebeca whispering with her guy, but I think nothing of it, and guide my guy's hands up to my tits. I can feel his hard cock against my ass, and I'm thinking, woo, good times. Then Rebeca gets up, and takes me by the hand."</span>
You have a feeling you know where this is going...
<span class="stella-text">"She whispers to me, saying that she's gonna show me how the real money is made and that I can make $500 right then if I fuck my guy. I get angry and turn her down, obviously. She shrugs, doesn't give a fuck, then chucks me a bottle of oil, telling me not to be totally fucking useless."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Then she just strips the guy down, and sits on his cock."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Rebeca/Sex.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"I'm slack jawed now, but my guy takes me by the hand, and sits me down on top of him. He starts squirting the oil on my tits, and takes his dick out of his pants. I don't let him put it in, but my mind is just blank, as I sit there getting oiled up, someone's dick rubbing into the side of me."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stripping/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks at you. <span class="stella-text">"Can you believe it? I'm no whore."</span>
You look at her, trying to look sympathetic. <span class="mc-text">"No, you aren't. But don't be too judgemental."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I'm not being judgemental, I just..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You want to please men, right? Be a good bimbo?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Yes, but..."</span>
You cut across her. <span class="mc-text">"There are many ways of doing that. If you don't want to be a whore, then don't, but there's nothing wrong with being a whore. Being a good whore, in fact, is something to be proud of, and many of the best bimbos are also excellent whores."</span>
Stella looks at you, suitably chastised. <span class="stella-text">"I didn't mean to be too harsh, I do want to please men. I just..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I know, Stella. I know. You be your best self, and if that doesn't involve being a whore, so be it."</span>
She looks over to Rebeca, and then back at you. <span class="stella-text">"I think I owe her an apology..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, you do. Enjoy the rest of your shift, though."</span>
''Stella can now work as a stripper whenever the club is open. As her manager, you will get 20% of her income.
Stella will turn up to work whenever she wants to, but if you visit the club she will decide to work that night.
By visiting the club and watching Stella work, you can make her sluttier and more exhibitionist.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(4); AddEvent("Stella", "Stripper"); $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.stella.slut += 1;>>\<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stripping/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stella begins her shift dancing in front of the faux-tropical background at Top Floor. Personally, you think that the backdrop makes the otherwise OK club look a bit tacky, but the other clients seem to like it. Perhaps it makes all the bikinis seem more normal?
You sit at the back nursing a drink and watch as Stella prowls the room, looking for customers. She sits down at a few tables and studiously ignores you, until she finds two men who are willing to buy her a drink. She winks at you while they aren't looking, then adjusts her top to reveal a hint of nipple.
After their drink is done, she takes one of them into a private room, where you're sure she's showing off her investment.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stripping/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Letting them see exactly what she has to offer...
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stripping/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Pushing them onto his face as she sits on his lap.
<<if $bimbos.stella.slut gte 50>>\
Oiling them up as she lets him get behind her, rubbing in the baby oil and letting his erection throb into her back.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stripping/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stella, slutty Stella, sits the man down and begins stroking his cock through his pants.
<span class="stella-text">"You know, when they say private room, they really do mean private."</span>
She begins to rub her tits up and down the outline of his cock, and he quickly hands over the money.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stripping/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She sandwiches his cock between her oily tits, and teases him, spitting down into her cleavage.
<span class="stella-text">"Come for me."</span> She moves her face closer to his, feeling his panting breath as he gets closer and closer to orgasm. <span class="stella-text">"Come on me."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stripping/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.slut gte 36>>\
Oiling them up as she lets him get behind her, rubbing in the baby oil and letting his erection throb into her back.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stripping/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stella, slutty Stella, sits the man down and begins stroking his cock through his pants.
<span class="stella-text">"You know, when they say private room, they really do mean private."</span>
She begins to rub her tits up and down the outline of his cock, and he quickly hands over the money.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stripping/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She sandwiches his cock between her oily tits, and teases him, spitting down into her cleavage.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist gte 26>>\
Oiling them up as she lets him get behind her, rubbing in the baby oil and letting his erection throb into her back.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Stripping/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.stella.trainingComplete>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist lt 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 3>>\
''Stella is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
<<if $bimbos.stella.slut lt 50>>\
<<set $bimbos.stella.slut += 3>>\
''Stella is now much more of a slut.''
<<if $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist lt 34>>\
<<set $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 3>>\
''Stella is now much more of an exhibitionist.''
''Stella cannot become more exhibitionist by repeating this action.''
<<if $bimbos.stella.slut lt 24>>\
<<set $bimbos.stella.slut += 3>>\
''Stella is now much more of a slut.''
''Stella cannot become more of a slut by repeating this action.''
<<if $bimbos.stella.slut gte 50>>\
$player.cash += 200;
$bimbos.stella.cash += 800;
''As Stella's 'manager' you take a 20% cut and get $200.''
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.slut gte 36>>\
$player.cash += 140;
$bimbos.stella.cash += 560;
''As Stella's 'manager' you take a 20% cut and get $140.''
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist gte 26>>\
$player.cash += 100;
$bimbos.stella.cash += 400;
''As Stella's 'manager' you take a 20% cut and get $100.''
$player.cash += 80;
$bimbos.stella.cash += 320;
''As Stella's 'manager' you take a 20% cut and get $80.''
<<UINavigation "StripClub">><<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2)>>\You sit down to read the e-mail, which is from Tan. Tan Nguyen. You haven't seen her since she attended that session of Bimbo Life Coaching and ran out. You didn't know she worked for the City, and you're a little nervous as you open the message.
<span class="tan-text">Hello $player.firstName,
I'm reaching out to you on behalf of my boss and your local representative, Councilmember Rosa Hernandez. I attended two of your 'meetings' to evaluate your business, but now it is evident that Bimbo Life Coaching is a viable business, we wanted to reach out.
The Councilmember is very supportive of local small businesses, particularly those which increase footfall in the district, but the nature of your business is, to say the least, somewhat unusual. We would like to invite you to a meeting to discuss your business, and broader issues in the area, this Thursday morning at 10am.
Tan Nguyen
Constituent Affairs - Office of Councilmember Rosa Hernandez
Representing Brooklyn and Queens with pride, the 34th district with honor
You reply back confirming that you'll meet them, then start doing some research on Councilmember Hernandez.
[[Continue|Tan E-mail Final]]You begin with a simple Google Image Search, because even though you like to consider yourself a well informed citizen, the truth is you don't even know what she looks like.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/Stat1.jpg" height="600">
She's surprisingly hot, but she looks tough. A browse of her biography confirms this. Born in Puerto Rico, she moved to New York as a baby. For most of her life she lived in the Williamsburg Houses up on Bushwick Ave. Still a little grimy now, but a couple decades ago they were some of the toughest projects in the City, as well as a center of Brooklyn's Puerto Rican community.
Against all the odds she attended CUNY, first for a degree in history, then a law degree, all at night on top of working days at a clerical job. After she got her JD and passed the bar, she worked as a state's attorney in Queens, prosecuting a few of major drug cases in the mid-2000s, before winning her seat on the City Council in 2010.
It seems, however, that her career trajectory slowed after joining the City Council. Despite initial hype, she hasn't made much of an impact. Instead of becoming one of the leading lights of the New York Democratic politics she's ended up a reliable, but low profile, Councilmember. You note that she's developed a reputation as a transactional politician who focuses on delivering concrete improvements for her district. Or, to be more blunt and less charitable, she'll vote for whatever pie-in-the-sky bill is passing through the chamber at a given time if she can ensure the Department of Transport fixes the lights on Union St.
Once you're done you lean back in your chair and let out a long sigh as you look at a picture of her. <span class="mc-text">"Councilmember Rosa Hernandez... What to do, what to do..."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Tan", "TanEmail");>>\After you wish farewell to the few straggler bimbos who had hung about after the meeting, you pack up your equipment and promotional materials. As you're nearly done you hear a gentle knocking at the doorway.
You look up, and see Tan.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Email/CoffeeShop.jpg" height="600">
<span class="tan-text">"Hi. When you're ready, I'm out front. We should have a drink and talk about things."</span>
Before she can leave you to it you respond. <span class="mc-text">"Sure. I'll have a Budweiser if you're treating."</span> Tan laughs, then heads back to the main bar.
[[Finish tidying up, then meet Tan|Tan Bar Chat Business]]Pulling your suitcase behind you, you find Tan sitting at a table at the front of the bar. She's sipping on a coke, and a Budweiser tall boy is sitting on the table, gently sweating in the warm bar.
<span class="tan-text">"I didn't think you would like Budweiser."</span>
You lift your beer in thanks, then take your first sip. You wipe the condensation from your chin before answering her. <span class="mc-text">"It's simple, cold, and reminds me of being much younger. Plus you always know what you're getting."</span> You take another long sip, surprised at how thirsty you are. <span class="mc-text">"What are you drinking?"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Just a coke."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No drinking on duty, huh?"</span> Tan just smiles and gives a cute little shrug. <span class="mc-text">"So, to what do I owe the pleasure?"</span>
She looks a little confused. <span class="tan-text">"What? I... Oh."</span> She catches up, after a moment's hesitation. Her English is clearly very good, but occasionally she trips up on colloquialisms. <span class="tan-text">"I - we - wanted to follow up on the meeting you had with the Councilmember. Though it was not necessarily productive for you, it was useful to open the channels of communication. Rosa wants me to reassure you that she has nothing against your business."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"But?"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"But?"</span>
You lean in a bit closer to Tan. <span class="mc-text">"Usually when people reassure you that they aren't against you they're about to tell you how they're about to fuck you over. How are you going to fuck me, Tan?"</span>
Tan meets your gaze head on. <span class="tan-text">"We aren't going to fuck you, $player.firstName. I was just asked by Rosa to give you what she called friendly advice. Your business is an unusual one, yes? And it's potentially quite controversial should it become famous. A man, with a string of younger ex-girlfriends, taking other insecure women under his wing to transform them into sex objects? You must be able to see how this could end up looking very bad for you."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"It's definitely a concern, but if you're telling me that it's better to shut up shop than..."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"We don't want you to close. If everyone who made a profit off of vulnerable people were shut down there wouldn't be a bar left in the city. You just need to know that if you get too famous, too quickly, we won't be standing up for you, and that if your business becomes a liability for the reputation of this neighborhood's night economy, you will find it very difficult to continue operating here."</span>
You widen your eyes and drain your beer. <span class="mc-text">"Message received."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"I'm glad."</span>
You make to stand up and shake your beer can. <span class="mc-text">"You want another drink?"</span>
To your surprise, because you had offered with absolutely no expectation of her accepting, she nods. <span class="tan-text">"I'll have a gin and soda. Now that work is over."</span> You smile at each other.
[[Buy drinks and return to Tan|Tan Bar Chat Finish]]You buy two more drinks, another Budweiser tall boy for yourself, and a gin and soda for Tan.
You place the drink in front of Tan, then sit down. <span class="mc-text">"Here you are."</span> She picks up her drink and you make a toast. <span class="mc-text">"To the honorable leadership of the City of New York."</span>
Tan laughs, and clinks your glass. <span class="mc-text">"So, Tan. If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up working in politics?"</span>
Tan inhales sharply through her nose, then slowly exhales. <span class="tan-text">"I kinda just did? When I was new in America I was helped by an immigrants' rights group, but once my English was good I began to volunteer with them. At first I just helped other Vietnamese find housing, or go with them to see lawyers. Then, when I started taking college courses, I started to work for them on political things."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Is that how you met the Councilmember?"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Yeah, it is. The first time we actually met I yelled at her! Can you believe it?"</span> She laughs, then puts her hands in front of her to excuse herself. <span class="tan-text">"It was justified. There was this senior centre that was going to be built, and though it was getting a lot of city funding it was basically only going to be for Puerto Ricans. What about the other people in the area? This was soon after she first got elected and she was defending the plan. I organized a big group of young people with old parents - not just immigrants' kids, but people whose parents were born here too - to go to a meeting and make ourselves heard."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Did you win?"</span>
Tan snorts. <span class="tan-text">"No! But after it was all over I got invited to a meeting with Rosa. She told me that I had changed her mind, and that she regretted that she couldn't change her stance, but that she was impressed by me and wanted me to work for her doing constituent affairs. I said yes, and a couple years later I became her director of constituent affairs."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Very impressive."</span> Tan smiles, evidently proud of her achievement. You lift your glass again, to toast her. <span class="mc-text">"Sounds like you work very hard."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Work, work, work, work. That's me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"When do you schedule in some fun?"</span>
She laughs. <span class="tan-text">"When I'm retired?"</span> She laughs again. <span class="tan-text">"No, but seriously, I love my job. It's interesting and I get to meet all kinds of people, and make a difference."</span>
You two chat for a while longer, and though you fail to persuade Tan to stay for another drink, you think that Tan has started to enjoy your company. Tan's clearly a useful woman to know, and you make a mental note to try and pick her brain a little more.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Tan", "BarChat");>>\Tan attends the meeting today and sits through the entire thing, barely looking disdainful. She even waits for the rest of the bimbos to finish asking questions before she approaches you.
<span class="tan-text">"Hi."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hi. I didn't really expect to see you back here."</span>
Tan blushes slightly. <span class="tan-text">"I... Well... Neither did I, actually. But I kinda like it, you know? I'm not going to be a bimbo - I mean, obviously - but perhaps I could do with having a little more fun in my life."</span>
You nod, then look at her. <span class="mc-text">"Want to have a drink on my roof and talk about it?"</span>
Her eyes widen, but you lift up your hands in a gesture of innocence. <span class="mc-text">"No ulterior motives, I just have my laptop with me today and I don't want to leave it sitting here while we have a drink at the bar."</span>
She looks at you suspiciously, but she grunts her approval. <span class="tan-text">"Sure."</span>
You two walk around the corner and along the block to your building. Tan turns right in the entrance to walk up the stairs.
<span class="mc-text">"We're not going to Hang's, remember."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Sorry, habit."</span>
Tan follows behind you as you walk to the elevator, which is waiting at the lobby. You press the top floor, and are whisked up there. Your front door is diagonally across from the elevator, and is the only one in the small hallway. <span class="tan-text">"Convenient!"</span>
You unlock the door, and push your small suitcase of materials off to the side and drop your other bag by the front door. Tan follows in behind you.
<span class="tan-text">"Wow... I thought Hang's apartment was nice..."</span>
You have your back turned to her and she can't see your sly smile, but as you turn back to face her you answer. <span class="mc-text">"Thanks. What do you want to drink? I'm going to have a beer."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"A beer sounds good."</span>
You grab two bottles of cheap beer from the fridge, and begin to walk towards the long corridor leading away from the living area and towards the staircase to your section of the roof. <span class="mc-text">"Let's go on the roof."</span>
[[Continue|Tan Meeting Roof]]You two go up to the roof and sit at a small table nestled against a line of potted bushes. The view of Manhattan stretches out in the distance, and Tan gives you an impressed look. You open the beers, and hand her one.
<span class="mc-text">"To having a little more fun in life."</span>
Tan clinks your bottle, then takes a sip. She looks in silence at the view for some time before you talk to her.
<span class="mc-text">"I've been meeting Hang for coffee sometimes, down at Henrique's."</span>
Tan smiles a thin smile. <span class="tan-text">"Yeah, I know, she's said..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Does Hang seem unhappy to you?"</span>
Tan's eyes widen, and she blows her cheeks and exhales loudly. <span class="tan-text">"I mean..."</span> She takes a swig of her beer then leans in. <span class="tan-text">"She's not not unhappy, you know? Why? What did she say to you?"</span>
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"Nothing, really... Just that she misses dancing, and that all she really does is take care of Rupert and practice her English. And meet you, of course."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"And you now... But yeah. I don't think it's what she expected. I don't want to tell you too much, but you're not exactly wrong."</span> Tan begins to pick at the label on her bottle. <span class="tan-text">"In fact, to tell the truth, looking at her is part of why I think I should try and have more fun..."</span> She looks out at the skyline and then back at you. <span class="tan-text">"Tell me if you don't want to hear my neuroses, right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure, but I do."</span>
Tan nods. <span class="tan-text">"I like... I felt pity for her. She's younger than me, she's only like 22, but I kinda feel like she's wasting her youth with Rupert. And I hear that she can be so fun, but she's trying so hard to be this good little wife now. But then I found out that back in Vietnam her parents agonized over her, she snuck around drinking and smoking and seeing boys. And that made me feel bad."</span>
You look confused. <span class="mc-text">"Why did that make you feel bad? Because she had to change so-"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"No! Because ''I'' never did stuff like that. ''I'' have always been good, and hardworking, and responsible. When I found that out from my one of my uncles - all Vietnamese people know each other, at least here - I realized that my pity was misplaced, or at least not shared evenly. You know? Like... I'm a few years older than her and I've spent all my life in offices and schools. About half the beers I've had this year have been with you."</span>
You nod, and Tan looks back at the skyline, saying nothing.
<span class="mc-text">"You know, it's not too late. You are still young."</span> She snorts dismissively. <span class="mc-text">"No, seriously. I mean it. I used to be the same... Ten years ago all I'd really done was go to college and spend my life hunched over computers. Sure, I made a bunch of money, but I didn't really live my life. But I changed that."</span>
Tan nods, downs her beer, then looks at you. <span class="tan-text">"You have another of these?"</span>
You go downstairs and grab two more bottles, then another two. When the sun sets you go back to your apartment.
[[Continue|Tan Meeting Sex][$passageRoute to 1]]You two go up to the roof and sit at a small table nestled against a line of potted bushes. The view of Manhattan stretches out in the distance, and Tan gives you an impressed look. You open the beers, and hand her one.
<span class="mc-text">"To having a little more fun in life."</span>
Tan clinks your bottle, then takes a sip. She looks in silence at the view for some time before you talk to her.
<span class="mc-text">"I've been meeting Hang for coffee sometimes, down at Henrique's."</span>
Tan smiles a thin smile. <span class="tan-text">"Yeah, I know, she's said..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Does Hang seem unhappy to you?"</span>
Tan's eyes widen, and she blows her cheeks and exhales loudly. <span class="tan-text">"I mean..."</span> She takes a swig of her beer then leans in. <span class="tan-text">"She's not not unhappy, you know? Why? What did she say to you?"</span>
You shrug. <span class="mc-text">"Nothing, really... Just that she misses dancing, and that all she really does is take care of Rupert and practice her English. And meet you, of course."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"And you now... But yeah. I don't think it's what she expected. I don't want to tell you too much, but you're not exactly wrong."</span> Tan begins to pick at the label on her bottle. <span class="tan-text">"In fact, to tell the truth, looking at her is part of why I think I should try and have more fun..."</span> She looks out at the skyline and then back at you. <span class="tan-text">"Tell me if you don't want to hear my neuroses, right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure, but I do."</span>
Tan nods. <span class="tan-text">"I like... I felt pity for her. She's younger than me, she's only like 22, but I kinda feel like she's wasting her youth with Rupert. And I hear that she can be so fun, but she's trying so hard to be this good little wife now. But then I found out that back in Vietnam her parents agonized over her, she snuck around drinking and smoking and seeing boys. And that made me feel bad."</span>
You look confused. <span class="mc-text">"Why did that make you feel bad? Because she had to change so-"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"No! Because ''I'' never did stuff like that. ''I'' have always been good, and hardworking, and responsible. When I found that out from my one of my uncles - all Vietnamese people know each other, at least here - I realized that my pity was misplaced, or at least not shared evenly. You know? Like... I'm a few years older than her and I've spent all my life in offices and schools. About half the beers I've had this year have been with you."</span>
You nod, and Tan looks back at the skyline, saying nothing.
<span class="mc-text">"You know, it's not too late. You are still young."</span> She snorts dismissively. <span class="mc-text">"No, seriously. I mean it. I used to be the same... Ten years ago all I'd really done was go to college and spend my life hunched over computers. Sure, I made a bunch of money, but I didn't really live my life. But I changed that."</span>
Tan nods, downs her beer, then looks at you. <span class="tan-text">"You have another of these?"</span>
You go downstairs and grab two more bottles, then another two. When the sun sets you go back to your apartment.
By now you're feeling a little tipsy and Tan is clearly feeling it. She insists on ordering delivery from her favorite Vietnamese restaurant, and you pretend to argue, but you're just teasing her. Eventually the buzzer rings. Tan jumps up, and has a momentary stumble but catches herself and laughs it off before she runs to the door.
<span class="tan-text">"Thank you!"</span>, she shouts at the deliveryman. She runs back to the sofa with two bags of food and begins to unpack it all on the coffee table. <span class="tan-text">"It's gonna be so, so, so, so good! You'll love it, I promise, I totally promise."</span>
You eat the noodles from the first box that she gives you. At first you love it, but then the spice creeps up and you cough. <span class="tan-text">"I should have known you couldn't handle spice!"</span> She grabs that from you and gives you another box. <span class="tan-text">"Here."</span>
She eats some of the first noodles and watches you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BLCMeeting/Dinner.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tan-text">"So?"</span>
You smile and take a second bite. <span class="mc-text">"You know... I really like it."</span> Tan giggles gently and takes another bite.
You begin to sample other foods, Tan explaining which each one is, and giving your review of each. Eventually you've tasted everything, but together you've only eaten about half of the food.
The conversation stops. You look at Tan, who puts her box of noodles down. She looks you in the eye and you feel your heartbeat jump, but then she looks away from you and picks up the noodles again. You move an inch towards her and she looks back at you, then you lean forward fully, and put your arm around her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BLCMeeting/Flirt.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You begin to kiss her, gently, and you can feel the spice from her dishes on your lips.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Let her take the lead|Tan Meeting Sex][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Take control|Tan Meeting Sex][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You decide not to push things, and let Tan guide you. You kiss for a few minutes, Tan getting more excited as you do, before she pulls away for a moment and looks you in the eyes. You expect her to say something, but she doesn't. She begins to kiss you again, and moves closer to you, lifting her left leg over yours.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BLCMeeting/Kiss.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You continue to make out, rubbing her ass and stroking her face for half an hour. Her sitting on you, you laying on top of her. She can feel your erection, and makes a point of pressing her body against you, but she does nothing more.
<span class="tan-text">"It's late."</span> You look at the clock, and it's nearly 1am. <span class="tan-text">"I think I should go."</span> You kiss her gently on the lips then whisper in her ear. <span class="tan-text">"Do you want to go?"</span> She shakes her head, and you lift her up. She wraps her legs around you and you carry her to your bedroom, where the two of you spend most of the right of the night making out.
You two barely sleep, but you don't have sex either.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Tan", "BLCAttend3")>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You pull tan over so that she is half straddling you, and you begin to stroke her face and rub your hands over her body.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BLCMeeting/Kiss.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She begins to kiss you faster, and to gently claw at you when you lower your head to kiss her neck and collarbone. You touch her breasts, then begin to rub her crotch through her jeans.
<span class="tan-text">"$player.firstName..."</span>
You keep rubbing and look up at her. <span class="mc-text">"We don't have to do anything you don't want to do."</span> She nods once, then closes her eyes, then reaches down with her hands and undoes the top button of her jeans.
You stick your hand inside her pants, underneath her panties, and you can feel how wet she is. You gently insert a finger and you can feel her gasp against your neck, then kiss you desperately. You take your finger out and begin to rub her clit, and look into her eyes as your learn what she does and does not like.
<span class="tan-text">"Please... Please... Fuck me... Please..."</span>
You kiss her more and begin to undress her. Once she is naked you flip her on her back and kiss her, the tip of your dick resting near her opening. As you kiss her she grabs it, and inserts you into herself.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BLCMeeting/Sex.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You begin to fuck her, on the sofa, slowly at first, but then a little faster. You have sex for half an hour, an hour, before eventually you come, but she doesn't. She collapses onto you, though, sweaty and tired, and you carry her to bed.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Tan", "BLCAttend3")>>\
<</if>>\Tan attends a meeting and, by now, is participating like any other newbie bimbo. She waits for you after class.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Encounters/Meeting2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"You're looking good."</span>
She looks down at her cleavage and smiles at you. <span class="tan-text">"Thanks... I uh.... We have a lot to talk about."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Let's go back and chat at my apartment."</span>
She raises one of her eyebrows skeptically, but she agrees.
[[Continue|Tan Meeting 2 Talk]]Tan doesn't really say anything until you are both sitting down on the roof, beer in hand.
<span class="mc-text">"So."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"So..."</span>
Silence persists and Tan fidgets, until you raise your eyebrows at her to hurry her along. <span class="tan-text">"I... Well... Firstly, I wanted to apologize for turning up at your house totally wasted. Sort of. Like, it wasn't my idea and I'm not sure why Hang didn't just take me back to my place. She said she only realized she lost her keys once we were there, but like... Yeah. I'm sorry. And I do appreciate you putting me up for the night."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're welcome, I didn't really mind. What are friends for?"</span>
She nods, but then fidgets some more, peeling at the beer bottle label. Eventually she spits it out, all at once. <span class="tan-text">"WhatareyoudoingwithHang?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"What are you doing with Hang? She told me she's started to teach you how to dance, but I met her today and she was wearing heels..."</span>
You smile.
Tan points at your face and laughs. <span class="tan-text">"See, that's what I'm worried about."</span>
You laugh too, before answering, a cheeky grin across your face. <span class="mc-text">"I mean, look, she's unhappy, right?"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Yeah, but, that doesn't mean -"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And you're starting to get something out of my coaching, right?"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Hey, just because I'm coming to the sessions, doesn't mean that..."</span> You angle your head at her with vaudevillian levels of doubt. <span class="tan-text">"Well, OK, but she's different, she's..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Her own woman. Did you know she loves dancing? And that Rupert won't ever dance with her, or even let her go to dancing classes?"</span>
Tan nods, a little sadly. <span class="tan-text">"Yeah. He's pretty uptight... Just be careful, I haven't know her that long but I feel like I need to protect her. And I don't want her to get caught up in your fight against Rupert. That's all I wanted to say, really."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'll be careful. Don't worry... Isn't there anything else you want to talk about?"</span>
Tan looks at you and cocks her head at you, before remembering what happened after you two started making out last time she came over after a session. She dismisses that with a wave of the hand, then raises her beer bottle to cheers you.
<span class="tan-text">"Any update on your fight against Rupert?"</span>
You fill Tan in on the latest goings on over a couple more beers, and she does the same with neighborhood gossip. You don't start making out tonight but when she leaves you give her ass a little squeeze, and to your relief she reacts with faux outrage, before giving you a kiss on the cheek and hugging you.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Tan", "FirstNight");>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
Tan is sitting at your dining room table reading through numerous legal articles.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/HomeVisit/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Tan."</span> You walk past her and grab a drink from the fridge.
<span class="tan-text">"Hi, sorry to intrude, just trying to get ahead of this."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's no intrusion, you are always welcome here."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"This statute says that any buisness is previously established cannot be tried under state-issued subsequent laws. However, in the state of New York, any business that is deemed to be beyond the scope of a reasonable establishment may be condemed after a vote by the city council. Regardless of when the law was established. What's the point of passing or even stating this statute."</span> Tan complains frustrated.
[[Help her relax|Tan Legal Visit][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"How about you take a break and relax. There is not much we can do at this point, though I do appreciate you trying to help."</span> You walk over to her. <span class="mc-text">"Would you like to watch a movie? We could even go work-out to release some tension?"</span>
You start rubbing her shoulders.
<span class="tan-text">"Ugh, that feels good."</span> She looks up at you smiling. <span class="tan-text">"I can think of a better way to release some tension, and we don't get to hang out anymore. Is anyone else going to be home any time soon?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I don't believe so."</span>
Tan stands up and pulls your shirt off. She runs her hands across your chest and begins to unzip your pants.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/HomeVisit/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tan-text">"You're sure nobody is going to walk in on us?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Pretty sure."</span>
Tan drops to her knees and starts to lick your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/HomeVisit/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Maybe we should take this to the bedroom though."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Hmm what for?"</span> She looks up at you smiling.
[[Take Tan to the bedroom|Tan Legal Visit][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You lead Tan back to your bedroom, it feels like a while since the two of you have been together sexually.
<span class="mc-text">"Come here."</span>
Tan drops her clothes to the floor and climbs on top of you.
<span class="tan-text">"Oh my god."</span> She begins moaning.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/HomeVisit/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tan-text">"Oh fuck $player.firstName."</span>
Tan starts riding you gently at first, and then a bit harder. You roll her off and put her on her hands and knees.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/HomeVisit/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tan-text">"Please... Fuck me... Please $player.firstName..."</span>
You grab her ponytail and start slamming your cock into her. Tan squirms on the bed as she begins to have a strong orgasm; you can feel her pulsating on your dick. After a few seconds she collapses onto the bed covered in sweat and panting, before rolling off onto her knees in front of you.
<span class="tan-text">"Your turn."</span> She grabs your cock and slowly strokes it back and forth till you begin to cum on her face.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/HomeVisit/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="hang-text">"Wow."</span>
You startle and look to your right to see Hang.
<span class="hang-text">"That was kinda hot babe."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Tan", "LegalVisit"); $bimbos.tan.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\The phone continues to buzz as you receive new messages. You finish washing your dishes, wipe your hands dry, then pick up your phone. You see an unexpected name on your screen, someone you haven't talked to in some time.
You open up the thread and see messages from her.
<span class="tiffany-text">hey
im in ny
i miss u
i still hate you but i miss you lol
do u want to meet later
hit me up im at the standard
<span class="mc-text">"Fuck."</span>
You hem and haw for about 15 minutes, but in the end you decide to text her back.
<span class="mc-text">Hey Tiffany, long time no talk. I'd love to see you. What sort of time?</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">6
take me for pre-dinner drinks</span>
[[Continue|Tiffany Backstory]]Tiffany wasn't always called Tiffany.
Tiffany had been your idea. She used to be called Claire, Claire Rogers. You met at your first job out of college, she had been a manager for a different team. When you got promoted to the same level you two became friends, then slowly admitted your feelings for one another. Before the year was out you were living together, and living a life of self-improvement and self-realization.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Meet/Before.jpg" height="600">
She was your first project, your first bimbo. Fake tits, fake ass, fake lips. Blonde, blue eyes. Bimbo perfection.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Meet/Model.jpg" height="600">
If you were being honest with yourself, you had to admit she was the only one you truly cared about. The only break up that really hurt you. The past three girls you were basically trying to recreate what you had with her, but it just wasn't - and couldn't be - the same. They weren't as enthusiastic as she had been, and you weren't as invested as you had been.
Unlike the others, though, it wasn't your typical assholery that caused it to end. Together you did such a good job, turning her into such a good bimbo, that she outgrew you. She began to spend more and more time in LA and Miami, getting modelling work, stripping at top clubs. Around the time that she started to shoot some girl-girl scenes you began to feel jealous.
Instead of talking to her, instead of trying to make it work, you gave her an ultimatum, saying that you didn't really care either way but you just needed some stability. You broke her heart by treating her so casually. She broke yours by calling your bluff.
You spend the rest of the day going through the motions, ruminating on your past, waiting to head into the city to meet her.
[[Continue|Tiffany Dinner][SetHours(18); SetMinutes(0);]]You arrive a few minutes early, but spy Tiffany across the room, already scoping out the local prey.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Meet/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You psych yourself up, then walk across the room to her, hoping that she is suitably impressed by your best suit and designer stubble.
<span class="mc-text">"Hi Tiffany. You're looking good."</span>
She looks up at you with her big blue eyes, shaking a lock of perfect blonde hair over her cheek. She offers you her hand, stands up, and plants a kiss on your cheek. She smells of expensive, fruity perfume and the touch of her lips on your cheek literally takes your breath away.
<span class="tiffany-text">"So do you. I love the stubble, it suits you."</span> You say nothing and just smile a thin smile at her, which she misunderstands. <span class="tiffany-text">"Don't worry, it's stain, not lipstick. You don't have to rub anything off your cheek!"</span>
She sits back down and you pull a low backed leather chair close to her.
<span class="mc-text">"Have you ordered a drink yet?"</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"No. But you can get me a vodka soda."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Still watching your calories, I see. Not going to get something fancier to celebrate our potential reconciliation?"</span>
She emits a short, sharp, but happy laugh. <span class="tiffany-text">"No, no. I'm here for work."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Still in the same line of business?"</span>
She nods, but a waiter approaches with two leather bound cocktail menus. You take them, but order a vodka soda and a Lagavulin on the rocks. Tiffany remains silent until he has left. <span class="tiffany-text">"Yeah, this old dude is flying me off to Morocco for a week. We leave tomorrow but I thought I'd fly in a day early... I told myself I'd see what's up, decide whether to reach out to you if I still wanted to when I got here... But once I'd done that it was gonna happen, you know?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm glad you did. How are you?"</span>
She smiles, but shakes her head slightly. <span class="tiffany-text">"Great, actually. I'm very happy in LA. I had a fiance for a while, but it didn't work out. His daughter was a total bitch, accusing me of being a gold digger."</span>
You squint at her and suppress a smile. She catches your eye and you both laugh. <span class="tiffany-text">"She wasn't wrong, but she didn't know for sure yet!"</span> The tension immediately drops away and she places her hand on your forearm. <span class="tiffany-text">"Thanks for meeting me. How are you? Honestly, $player.firstName, not some happy clappy bullshit."</span>
[[Tell the truth|Tiffany Conversation][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Tell her everything is great|Tiffany Conversation][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Honestly? I've been stuck in a rut since we broke up. I'm only just breaking out of it."</span>
The drinks come, and you two slowly sip them as you talk about your lives over the past few years. Her time in porn, her aborted gold digging. Your travels around the world after the sale of your business, your apartment. You order one drink, then another. You're just finishing the third drink when the subject turns to your girlfriends.
<span class="mc-text">"... I've had a string of girlfriends. Some for a few weeks, but three somewhat serious ones. Always broke up around a year in, though."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"You upgrade all of them like you did me?"</span> You look at her wondering how the hell she knew. <span class="tiffany-text">"You're really lame about IG and FB and snap, but you're not a total dinosaur. I saw."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I did."</span> You grin and cock your head at her. <span class="mc-text">"You could say I have a talent for it. Just a shame that I'm always around for the startup phase not the buyout."</span>
She laughs, then slightly pulls down her top, better exposing her cleavage. You can't help but stare right at her perfect globes of breasts, and she follows your eyes. <span class="tiffany-text">"Feel free to stare, you bought them."</span>
Before you can stop yourself you blurt out, in a joking tone, <span class="mc-text">"Does that mean I can touch, too?"</span>
She stands up.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Meet/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">"We should bounce, but if you're lucky enough and we get an elevator alone you can. Or brave enough to do it in front of some randoms."</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Really good, actually. I'm just starting a new business in fact, though I did just break up with a girlfriend. "</span> You force a smile. <span class="mc-text">"She was too young for me anyway."</span>
The drinks come, and you two slowly sip them as you talk about your lives over the past few years. Her time in porn, her aborted gold digging. Your travels around the world after the sale of your business, your apartment. You order one drink, then another. You're just finishing the third drink when the subject turns to your relationships.
<span class="mc-text">"... I've had a few girlfriends. You know my type."</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"You upgrade all of them like you did me?"</span> You look at her wondering how the hell she knew. <span class="tiffany-text">"You're really lame about IG and FB and snap, but you're not a total dinosaur. I saw."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I did."</span> You grin and cock your head at her. <span class="mc-text">"You could say I have a talent for it. Just a shame that I'm always around for the startup phase not the buyout."</span>
She laughs, then slightly pulls down her top, better exposing her cleavage. You can't help but stare right at her perfect globes of breasts, and she follows your eyes. <span class="tiffany-text">"Feel free to stare, you bought them."</span>
Before you can stop yourself you blurt out, in a joking tone, <span class="mc-text">"Does that mean I can touch, too?"</span>
She stands up.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Meet/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">"We should bounce, but if you're lucky enough and we get an elevator alone you can. Or brave enough to do it in front of some randoms."</span>
[[Continue|Tiffany Hotel][AddHours(2)]]The elevator comes and, to your joy, it is empty. You two walk in and Tiffany backs up to the wall.
<span class="tiffany-text">"For old time's sake."</span>
She pulls down her top.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Meet/Naked.jpg" height="600">
You reach out and touch them, and the floors tick slowly past. You bend down and look up at her, you squeeze them and feel the difference between her natural breast and her implants. You feel yourself getting a bit hard and, sensing it, she pulls her top back up.
<span class="tiffany-text">"If I let you have any more fun I'd need to charge you."</span>
You laugh and tuck your semi-erect cock into a less visible position in your pants. <span class="mc-text">"What's the going rate for an evening with you?"</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">"$7,000. You'd get the friends and family discount, though. $2,500."</span>
You begin to laugh but looking at her face you know she isn't joking. Either about spending the night together, or charging you for it.
[[Well...($2,500)|Tiffany Sex][$player.cash -= 2500]]
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $npcs.tiffany to clone($minorTemplate); $npcs.tiffany.dayCounter to 1; $npcs.tiffany.happiness to 1; $npcs.tiffany.messageCount to 0;>>\You stare at Tiffany and she grabs your hand.
<span class="tiffany-text">"You can wire it to me."</span>
You say nothing more, just kissing. You get to the floor with her room and she begins to undress in the hallway. She pulls you through the door, and takes your cock out.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Meet/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She begins to suck your cock, and whatever residual hesitation remaining melts away. She starts gently, but after a few minutes you take control and fuck up into her mouth, holding her head down.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Meet/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">"Getting your money's worth?"</span> You laugh, and she sits down on your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Meet/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As you slip a finger into her asshole, you look up into her eyes. <span class="mc-text">"Don't you just fucking know it."</span>
You toss and writhe around the bed, her on top, her on bottom, from behind. The sheets are tangled and the neighbors disturbed, the room smells of sweat and sex.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Meet/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Finally you are close and have her on her back. You feel her tits and shut her up by putting your hand over her mouth.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Meet/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
And, finally, you're done. You're about to come inside her when she sees what's happening.
<span class="tiffany-text">"No! No. On my face."</span> She jumps up, kneels down, and jerks you off onto her face. Your groans fill the room, yielding to a silence that fills your ears. All that you can hear is the honking of taxis 20 floors below, and the wet sound of Tiffany sucking the last drops of cum from your dick.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Meet/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She stands up and pushes you down onto the bed before heading to the bathroom. She turns the lights off and neither of you say anything, but as she is about to fall asleep you feel her hand reach out to yours and give it a little squeeze. She drifts off, still holding your hand.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">><<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<set $npcs.tiffany.messageCount += 1; $npcs.tiffany.dayCounter to 7;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set $npcs.tiffany.happiness += 1>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<<set $npcs.tiffany.happiness -= 1>>\
<<switch $npcs.tiffany.messageCount>>\
<<case 1>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">u like
im on set today
wanna touch?</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[You're too far away, I'll just have to touch myself|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">You're too far away, I'll just have to touch myself</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">lol
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didn't used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 2>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/2c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">got an interesting client today
normally they just want to touch my tits
remember when we used to play with cream?</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[You're looking really fucking good|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">You're looking really fucking good
Show me more</span>
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/2a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">xxx</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">fun you would have cum all over my creamy tits</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 3>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">im so clean!
clean clean clean
clean clean Tiffany
you could eat a twizzler out my asshole
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Hold up, lemme go to Costco|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Hold up, lemme go to Costco
Gotta get a bargain bucket of Twizzlers</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">hahha
dont forget lube</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">its just innocent
only cleaning
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 4>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">felt cute
might delete
might find a guy to cum all over them</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Why stop at one?|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Why stop at one?
Find a football team</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">hahahaha you fucking perv
think id choke though
im too pretty to die young</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 5>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">in jamaica
the beach boys enjoyed this</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Don't get sunburn|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Don't get sunburn
Need a hand with the sunblock?</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">no but if you were here you could help me with my frozen margarita
hope new york isnt smelly and dirty
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 6>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She doesn't say anything, but it's a link to a cam site. Apparently she's doing a special show.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[You watch|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me links to your cam shows...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You watch for a few minutes, then send her a thumbs up emoji.
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me links to your cam shows</span>
She doesn't respond
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 7>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">gg shoot today
never worked with her before
she seems nice?
tbd tho
lets see if she makes me cum
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Sure you'll get as good as you give|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Sure you'll get as good as you give</span>
An hour later you get a text.
<span class="tiffany-text">def new friend
thought the big one had finally hit la</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 8>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">worked last night
paid well but small boring cock makes be cry
like my dumb face?
never guess I used to be a better manager than you</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Hahahahaha|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Hahahahaha
Feels like an age ago
You gotta find bigger dicked clients</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">cant all be as lucky as you
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">your texts are almost as boring as that cock</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 9>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">model shoot today</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Your gym work is paying off|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Your gym work is paying off</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">gym?
thought he was called dr yanovic lol
going every day now</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 10>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">first bg in a while
do i look ok to u
kinda nervous</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[You look great|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">You look great
But you fucking knew that, you're just fishing for compliments</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">never!
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 11>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/11.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">WOOOOO
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Enjoy!|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Enjoy!
Where are you?</span>
She doesn't respond.
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">fuck you
gonna go find someone fun to bone</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 12>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/12.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">heading home
driving in bikinis is def one of my fav things about living in la</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Knowing your driving it can't hurt|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Knowing your driving it can't hurt
Get you out of many speeding tickets?</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">you're such a dick
but yes
a few</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">because your a pussy or you are worried for my safety</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 13>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/13.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">chicago
never liked baldies before but this guys ok</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Thought you didn't like to be fingered that aggressively|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Thought you didn't like to be fingered that aggressively</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">lol
tough life for a working girl</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 14>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/14.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">my ass says hello</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[My dick says hello|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">My dick says hello</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">hello dick
<span class="mc-text">What was that?</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">the sound of my throat giving your dick a proper hello
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 15>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/15.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">hitting the club tonight
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[You're working your fingers to the bone lately|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">You're working your fingers to the bone lately</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">rofl
not strip club dumbass
club club
am i such a slut now that you can't tell the difference
dont answer that</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 16>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/16.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">At the pool today</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Why wasnt I invited|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Why wasnt I invited</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">haha
not your girlfriend remember?
waters nice though, not too hot, not too cold
I like this bikini too
dont you like it?
you dont even need to answer that we all know youre a tit guy</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 17>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/17.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">At the stripclub in uptown tonight</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Didnt even tell me?|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Didnt even let me know!</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">haha
you are always busy
im in uptown anyway
pretty far
disss asss though</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 18>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/18.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">On the bus</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Where u goin?|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Where u goin?</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">to get some
<span class="mc-text">coulda been mine</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">coulda</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 19>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/19.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">Thinking of you</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[me? :)|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">me :)</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">need u now</span>
<span class="mc-text">where?</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">in me</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 20>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/20.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">Coulda been yours.</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[mine? :)|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Coulda shoulda woulda</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">own me</span>
<span class="mc-text">what a booty</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">i know :)</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 21>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/21.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">holla at ya girllllll.</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[mine? :)|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Hey there</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">messed up</span>
<span class="mc-text">uh huh</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">you know it</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 22>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/22.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">bought some lingire, thoughts?</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[mine? :)|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">look cute</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">duh</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 23>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/23.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">like the swimsuit?</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[mine? :)|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">I do.</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">I need some more like this</span>
<span class="mc-text">shoudl wear them all the time</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">buy me some and i will</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 24>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/24.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">thoughts on the dress?</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[mine? :)|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">shoulda been shorter</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">oh please I look sexy as hell</span>
<span class="mc-text">haha you do</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">i know :)</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 25>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/25.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">getting ready for a video.</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[mine? :)|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">What? what kinda video</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">music video</span>
<span class="mc-text">with that booty?</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">yup some rap</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 26>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/26.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">check it outttt.</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[mine? :)|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">wow thats some quality</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">quality ass</span>
<span class="mc-text">haha</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<case 27>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Text/27.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tiffany-text">Wish it was you sometimes.</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[mine? :)|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">whatever</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">I do</span>
<span class="mc-text">mmhmm go to bed</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">busy</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm not sure you should be sending me photos like this...</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">wtf
you didnt used to be this boring</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</switch>>\<<set $npcs.tiffany.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<span class="tiffany-text">u havent been very nice to me lately
i thought that it would be good to reconnect
i guess i was wrong</span>
If you don't apologize, Tiffany will stop texting you.
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[I'm sorry Tiffany...|Tiffany Upset][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[You haven't been very nice either...|Tiffany Upset][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">I'm sorry Tiffany
It's just tough, but I do want to stay in contact with you
I'll be nicer from now on</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">thats what i want to hear
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $npcs.tiffany.dayCounter to 1; $npcs.tiffany.happiness += 2; $npcs.tiffany.messageCount to 10;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">You haven't been very nice either
What makes you think I want to see videos of you sucking cock?
What makes you think that I want you to rub all this in my face?
Like, you just don't fucking get it, do you?</span>
You receive no response.
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.
Tiffany will not send you texts any more.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Tiffany", "Mad"); $npcs.tiffany.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\<span class="tiffany-text">im really glad we reconnected
it feels like...
i guess like we turned a corner
you know?
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
[[Friends :)|Tiffany Happy][$passageRoute to 2]]
[[Friends?|Tiffany Happy][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">Friends :)
You don't often get emojis out of me, don't expect it to be a regular thing</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">Oh I know how to get what I want out of you</span>
<img src="Images/NPCs/Tiffany/Friends.jpg" height="600">
<span class="tiffany-text">LOL</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has improved.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Tiffany", "Friends"); $npcs.tiffany.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">Friends?
I'm not really sure how I feel about all this
I want to be friends with you, but I'm not sure I can do it if it means having to watch you lick cream of other guys' cocks</span>
<span class="tiffany-text">price of entry babe</span>
''Your relationship with Tiffany has worsened.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $npcs.tiffany.happiness -= 2; $npcs.tiffany.messageCount to 10; $npcs.tiffany.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\You receive a text from Tiffany.
<span class="tiffany-text">Hey $player.firstName. I spoke with your mom last night. Pretty interesting conversation, but I just wanted to say hello and give you a big congrats on being so successful. I truly am glad for you. I wish you all the best. Keep in touch OK? I know our lives went different ways, but I wish the best for you. Sorry I couldn't be there to see the new place. Perhaps if I am in town I'll stop by sometime.</span>
You feel good about the text but you wonder if Tiffany is sincere. You hesitate to respond. But you send back a simple -
<span class="mc-text">Thanks.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Tiffany", "BuildingText")>>\You arrive at your building just before 9am. As you walk in you see Dani waiting. She's wearing a cute black dress with heels.
<img src="Images/Events/Contractor/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="dani-text">"Hi Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Dani, I did not know if you would show up or not. Didn't hear from you last night."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Yeah, sorry about that. I was with the girls and I saw your text and just forgot to respond."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No problem."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"So what are we doing exactly?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, I have a designer and contractor coming by. Hopefully won't be too crazy, but we should be able to get most of the planning done and get their take on what needs to be accomplished."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Yes! This is the fun part."</span> Dani laughs.
<span class="mc-text">"Hopefully."</span> You chuckle as well.
You chit chat with Dani, talking about how you plan to use the new building. Dani talks about her new club and how excited she is to have a safe place to hang out.
You hear a knock at the door.
[[Open the door|Building Contractor Arrive][$passageRoute to 1]]<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<<set _designerName to "Elle"; _designerText to "elle-text"; _designerImage to "Images/Events/Contractor/Elle1.jpg">>\
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<<set _designerName to "Kira"; _designerText to "kira-text"; _designerImage to "Images/Events/Contractor/Kira1.jpg">>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
_designerName walks through the door with the contractor. You notice _designerName is wearing a modern black dress with her hair down. She looks at you with a glowing smile, and you get a good second impression that you made the right designer choice.
<img @src="_designerImage" height="600">
<span @class="_designerText">"$player.firstName, Meet Jim. He's the main contractor we work with."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hello, and nice to meet you Jim."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
You shake his hand.
<span class="mc-text">"_designerName, Jim, this is Dani."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Hi."</span> Dani acts shy but shakes their hands.
<span class="minor-text">"_designerName has filled me in on your previous discussion but I would like to take some measurements and get a general feel for the place. We can sketch up a design and go from there. Sound good?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Absolutely."</span>
Jim starts to inspect and take measurements.
<img src="Images/Events/Contractor/2.jpg" height="600">
<span @class="_designerText">"Well, this is quite a place $player.firstName."</span>
You both look around.
<img src="Images/Events/Contractor/7.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks, I think?"</span>
<span @class="_designerText">"I don't mean that in a bad way. It has potential. I like how it has an open industrial feel but space for offices over here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I thought so."</span>
<span @class="_designerText">"What is the primary purpose again?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hosting events and meetings."</span>
<span @class="_designerText">"Great."</span> _designerName jots down notes on her iPad. She rolls out some graph design paper and starts to draw out the building. <span @class="_designerText">"Jim?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Yeah?"</span>
<span @class="_designerText">"Shout out the measurements, I'll start drawing"</span>
Jim begins to read off his notes of the measurements of the building. _designerName neatly draws the layout and starts to sketch lines for rooms and an entry way.
<span class="minor-text">"Going to check the electrics if thats OK with you sir?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, do whatever you need to do."</span>
<span @class="_designerText">"OK, this is sort of what I am thinking will work $player.firstName."</span>
_designerName shows you a layout.
<img src="Images/Events/Contractor/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"_designerName!"</span>
You look up at Jim, who has a meter hooked up to the wall.
<span @class="_designerText">"Yeah Jim?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"The electrics are up to code, so that will save some time and money."</span>
<span @class="_designerText">"Excellent."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Though the HVAC will need some work."</span>
<span @class="_designerText">"There is always something."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Is that good or bad?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah which one?"</span> You laugh.
<span @class="_designerText">"It really just depends. We'll have them take a look."</span>
You, Dani, and _designerName chat and draw out how you envision the building. Jim finally finishes his inspection. He walks up to the table you are all standing around.
<img src="Images/Events/Contractor/5.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"We need to do some lighting, walls obviously, piping for water, and ceiling work. Unfortunately the HVAC needs replaced. It's wired incorrectly and not up to code."</span>
Jim hands a paper to _designerName. She inputs the notes into her IPad.
<span @class="_designerText">"OK. Here is what we are looking at $player.firstName."</span> _designerName slides her iPad over to you.
You see a list of costings. Supplies, furniture, labor, and fees. The total... $25,000.
<span @class="_designerText">"I understand that is a big number, but I really do think it will get you what you want. Take some time to think about it and reach out to our office to let us know."</span>
Dani peaks over at the iPad.
<span class="dani-text">"Holy Sh..."</span>
<<if $player.cash gte 25000>>\
[[Pay the $25,000|Building Contractor Arrive][$passageRoute to 2]]
You do not have $25,000 to pay for renovations.
[[Wait before making a decision|Building Contractor Arrive][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah _designerName. It's no problem. When is it due?"</span>
<span @class="_designerText">"At completion. We are estimating one month. Jim?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Checks out."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sounds good, let's do it."</span>
Dani looks a bit shocked, as does _designerName.
<span @class="_designerText">"That's great $player.firstName. We will get right to work. I really do think you will be happy with the finished product."</span>
_designerName and Jim pack up, point out a few last details, then leave together.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, we are all in now."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Looks like it."</span>
You both start laughing.
<span class="dani-text">"It'll be great Mr. $player.lastName. Have faith."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I hope so."</span>
You pick up your things and head out with Dani, talking about what the future holds.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Player", "BuildingRenovation"); $player.dayCounter to 28; $player.cash -= 25000; $bimbos.dani.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Sorry _designerName. Do you mind if we hold off on making a decision right now?"</span>
_designerName looks a little disappointed. <span @class="_designerText">"OK $player.firstName. If you change your mind, give me another call."</span>
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(3); $bimbos.dani.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<<set _designerName to "Elle"; _designerText to "elle-text";>>\
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<<set _designerName to "Kira"; _designerText to "kira-text";>>\
You receive a text from _designerName.
<span @class="_designerText">Hello Mr. $player.lastName. Your building is complete. I put the finishing touches on it last night. If you'd like we could do a walkthrough or you can reach out to me by text/phone if you would like to just go yourself. I am available tomorrow morning at 9am.</span>
You text back.
<span class="mc-text">Thanks. I will check it out myself, going to head over there now. I'll let you know if I have any questions.</span>
You text Dani.
<span class="mc-text">Hey. Going to head over to the new building if you want to take a look. They just finished.</span>
<span class="dani-text">OMG! I'll meet you there.</span>
[[Go to your new building|Building Complete Arrive]]You arrive in front of your building. It looks great from the outside. After about a minute Dani shows up.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Dani. You ready to see this?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"I am. I hope it is everything you dreamed of."</span>
You walk over toward the door and unlock it.
<span class="mc-text">"Here we go."</span>
[[Walk inside|Building Complete Inside]]You walk into your new office building with Dani.
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
Your first impression; Elle delivered.
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Well, I love it!"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"This is freaking amazing Mr. $player.lastName. Oh my god. We are going to have so much fun in here. Look at all this space! It's modern and welcoming. Oh and look at this!"</span>
Dani runs around looking at everything. You walk upstairs and you look around. You love how it's open to the first floor; it looks great. You step toward the offices and see a gorgeous meeting room, set up to look classy but comfortable.
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle2.jpg" height="600">
Lastly, you open the door to your new office.
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle3.jpg" height="600">
It looks stunning. Contemporary, modern, and just the right amount of design.
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
Your first impression; Kira did her best.
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Well, it looks great!"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"This is cool Mr. $player.lastName. We are going to have so much fun in here. Look at how open this is! It's super industrial, but very welcoming. Oh and look at this!"</span>
Dani runs around looking at everything. You walk upstairs and you look around. You love how it's open to the first floor; it looks great. You step toward the offices and see a meeting room, set up to look classy.
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira2.jpg" height="600">
Lastly, you open the door to your new office.
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira3.jpg" height="600">
It looks contemporary, modern, and just the right amount of design.
After looking around a bit, you decide its time to head home. On your way out you invite Dani to come by tomorrow with your mom and closest friends to continue checking out the building.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Player", "RenovationComplete"); $player.dayCounter to 1;>>\Now that your building is complete you decide to show it off. You call some of the girls, telling them the building is finished and asking if they would like to see. Of course all of them are excited to. You get dressed in casual attire and head to BLC's new official headquarters. On your way you stop by the liquor store and pick up a few decent bottles of wine. When you arrive, Dani is already there talking with Stella, Charlotte, your mom, and June. You walk over to the counter and set out the bottles of wine with glasses.
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Wine.jpg" height="600">
Your mom is the first to come up to you. <span class="mc-text">"Hey mom."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Hey hunnie."</span> She hugs you. <span class="sofia-text">"I just wanted to come give you a hug. This is amazing. I am so proud of your accomplishments."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks mom."</span>
Charlotte runs over. <span class="charlotte-text">"This is amazing Mr. $player.lastName!. Look at this place!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's great right?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I can't wait to have meetings here and have fun with the girls!"</span>
You look over and see June. <span class="mc-text">"What do you think June?"</span>
June, being her bratty self blurts out <span class="june-text">"Yeah it's pretty cool, I guess. I don't really get the point though."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's a place for my meetings and future business. As well as any meetings or get togethers you girls want to have. Kinda like a hang out spot for women."</span>
<span class="june-text">"Neato...</span> June walks off looking at things.
Your mom pipes in. <span class="sofia-text">"Don't mind her, it's great $player.firstName."</span>
Dani walks up and gives you a hug. <span class="dani-text">"Hey. This is really great $player.firstName, and your family is amazing."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks Dani. I am going to head out. You can hang out as long as you'd like. Just lock up when you leave."</span>
You hand your mom a spare key. You pass Stella on your way to the door.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"This is great $player.firstName. I'm going to love hanging out here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm glad the new bimbo headquarters has the official approval of my bimbo MILF."</span>
Stella gives you a smile and a playful smack.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"The place looks great $player.firstName. It's fantastic what you have achieved."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What we have achieved. Can't forget my executive coach."</span>
Stella looks at you questioningly. <span class="stella-text">"I thought I was your personal assistant?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You kind of are both. As CEO I am officially giving you a better sounding title."</span>
Stella just chuckles.
<span class="mc-text">"Goodnight girls."</span>
They all yell back goodnight.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Player", "BuildingVisit"); $player.dayCounter to 1;>>\You think Elaine might like to see the building as well. <<if CheckEvent("Player", "BuildingElainePartner")>>She did help you buy it after all.<<else>>She was very interested in it after all.<</if>>
You give her a call to see when she would like to visit. Elaine says she is available now, so you decide to meet in five minutes. Arriving your new headquarters, Elaine is already waiting.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Building/Greet.jpg" height="600">
<span class="elaine-text">"Hello $player.firstName. I must say, this is most impressive."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm glad you like it. Shall we?"</span>
Stepping inside, you begin to show Elaine all the aspect of the renovations, paying particular attention to the aesthetics.
<span class="elaine-text">"I love it! The style fits well with BLC."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I think so."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Listen $player.firstName..."</span> Elaine hesitates and looks a little uncertain. She pulls a piece of paper out of her pocket.
<span class="mc-text">"What's this?"</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"My resume. I... I wish to join Bimbo Life Coaching."</span>
You stand there for a few seconds. <span class="mc-text">"This is unexpected. Why?"</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Since I started with this training, meeting you and the others, I've felt happy. Happier than I have in a while. I feel it's time to start something new in life; something I enjoy for me. I have experience as our building's treasurer which would be useful. And having a fully qualified doctor in the company opens up a number of opportunities..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think it's a fantastic idea. I've been think we would need a vice president soon to handle finances anyway. You would be perfect for the role as both VP and company doctor."</span>
Elaine looks a bit stunned, then breaks into a big smile. <span class="elaine-text">"Thank you $player.firstName. This will be a most interesting experience; but a fun one as well hopefully."</span>
Exiting the building together, you comment on how nice her outfit looks.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Building/Compliment.jpg" height="600">
<span class="elaine-text">"Thanks. I know it's different from my usual attire."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Building/Flirt.jpg" height="600">
<span class="elaine-text">"I thought if I am going to join BLC, I should start embracing the culture. I'll speak to you soon."</span> She walks back to the apartment.
Did Elaine just...
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Elaine", "BLCEmployee"); $bimbos.ana.dayCounter to 7;>>\You sit down in your office and begin to check your e-mail.
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle3.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira3.jpg" width="600">
As you sift through countless spam, you remember you wanted to talk to Charlotte more about advertisements.
[[Call Charlotte|Charlotte BLC Ad Arrive]]The phone rings for ages; finally she picks up.
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hello? Oh hey $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Can you swing by my office when you get a chance?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Sure thing, I'll be there in about 15 minutes. Let me get dressed."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"See you in a bit."</span>
You hang up the phone, knowing damn well that it won't take Charlotte a mere 15 minutes to get ready; more like 30. You decide to pour yourself a drink, sit back, and watch some funny videos.
After about half an hour you hear Charlotte walking up the stairs, her heels clicking across the floor.
[[Talk to Charlotte|Charlotte BLC Ad Wait]]Charlotte opens the door to your office.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hi $player.firstName."</span>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/1-2.jpg" height="600">
Charlotte is wearing a sexy, black, see-through top, with a knit chest. You can see her pink bra underneath. She also has on a black stone necklace that accents her outfit quite well. Your dick twitches a bit thinking about smashing your face between those beautiful fake tits. Business first though.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Charlotte, just a sec."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"OK."</span>
Charlotte saunters over to the couch and takes a seat.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/1-1.jpg" height="600">
Charlottes wearing a cute, greenish tank top with white pants and high heels. She looks great.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Charlotte, just a sec."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"OK."</span>
Charlotte saunters over to the couch and takes a seat.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/2.jpg" width="600">
You glance up at her and notice her tugging at her shirt. She looks up and catches you staring.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Done yet?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Almost."</span> You go back to finishing up the e-mail you were sending.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Ahem."</span> Charlotte sits up on the couch.
You look up at her.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/3.jpg" width="600">
Charlotte runs her tongue around her lips. <span class="charlotte-text">"How long are you going to ignore me?"</span>
You quickly finish typing. <span class="mc-text">"Done."</span>
[[Talk to Charlotte|Charlotte BLC Ad Plan]]You close your laptop and put your feet up on your desk.
<span class="mc-text">"So. I had an idea."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"OK... I had to come here for that?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No, but I did want you to come here so we could discuss the future plans with you and BLC."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh."</span>
Charlotte smiles. You can tell she likes being involved in things.
<span class="mc-text">"So I was thinking we could do a photo shoot, hopefully get some good pictures that we could use for advertisements or billboards."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"That sounds fun."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"If you are ready now, we can head over to the house and use the studio."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I need to like, fix my makeup and stuff first."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No you don't. You look beautiful. I have a bunch of that stuff in the studio anyway."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Fine. But I am picking out the clothes."</span>
[[Head home to the photo studio|Charlotte BLC Ad Clothes]]You arrive back home and enter your photo studio.
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/PhotoStudio.jpg" width="600">
You hear Charlotte yelling something to Stella. While you wait you begin to set up the studio for the shoot. Walking around you turn on the lights, set up some props and adjust the camera angle. You end up looking through your previous photos to waste time.
Getting tired of waiting you go find Charlotte. As you walk in to her room you see she has not even changed.
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte! Come on. I've been waiting all this time."</span>
Charlotte has clothes thrown from one end of the room to the other.
<span class="charlotte-text">"I couldn't figure out what to wear."</span> Charlotte frowns.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Here, just climb up on the bed."</span>
Charlotte does what you ask. You raise the camera and snap a photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/4-2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"See, easy. Now grab this and this."</span> You throw clothes at Charlotte.
<span class="mc-text">"Come on."</span> You grab her hand and drag her to the studio.
<span class="mc-text">"Change into that, it's cute and looks sporty."</span>
Charlotte changes into the pink top with yoga pants you grabbed for her.
<span class="mc-text">"Here, just stand over by the window."</span>
Charlotte does what you ask. You raise the camera and snap a photo.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/4-1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"See look, easy. Now grab this and this."</span> You throw clothes at Charlotte.
<span class="mc-text">"Come on."</span> You grab her hand and drag her to the studio.
<span class="mc-text">"Change into that, it's cute and looks girly."</span>
Charlotte changes into the pink top with shorts you grabbed for her.
[[Begin photoshoot with Charlotte|Charlotte BLC Ad Photos]]<img src="Images/Locations/Home/PhotoStudio.jpg" height="600">
Charlotte finishes getting dressed. You walk around and point out different props and poses she could do, then begin to take photos.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
Charlotte is dressed in her pink top with a flower and leopard print bra, sporting tight yoga pants, which make her ass look great.
Charlotte gives you the classic hands up in the hair shot.
<span id="charlotte-image-1"><<link "Snap a photo">><<replace "#charlotte-image-1">><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/Photos/2-1.jpg" height="600"><</replace>><</link>></span>
She then tugs at her pants a bit.
<span id="charlotte-image-2"><<link "Snap a photo">><<replace "#charlotte-image-2">><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/Photos/2-2.jpg" height="600"><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="mc-text">"Fantastic. Bend over."</span>
<span id="charlotte-image-3"><<link "Snap a photo">><<replace "#charlotte-image-3">><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/Photos/2-3.jpg" height="600"><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="mc-text">"Great. Now grab a hold of them and pull your shirt down."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Like this?"</span>
<span id="charlotte-image-4"><<link "Snap a photo">><<replace "#charlotte-image-4">><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/Photos/2-4.jpg" height="600"><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span id="charlotte-image-5"><<link "Snap another photo">><<replace "#charlotte-image-5">><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/Photos/2-5.jpg" height="600"><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span class="mc-text">"Perfect. Now let's try the jean shorts and pink top."</span>
Charlotte goes and changes into a cute top and jean shorts. She gives you a few poses and you snap a few more pictures.
<span id="charlotte-image-6"><<link "Snap another photo">><<replace "#charlotte-image-6">><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/Photos/2-6.jpg" height="600"><</replace>><</link>></span>
<span id="charlotte-image-7"><<link "Snap a final photo">><<replace "#charlotte-image-7">><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/Photos/2-7.jpg" height="600"><</replace>><</link>></span>
Charlotte is dressed in her pink top with some cute jeans, which by the way make her ass look great. You show her some areas to sit and stand, she asks about poses and you tell her to use her imagination. Charlotte begins to pose.
<span id="charlotte-image-8"><<link "Snap a photo">><<replace "#charlotte-image-8">><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/Photos/1-1.jpg" height="600"><</replace>><</link>></span>
She pulls down her pants for you.
<span id="charlotte-image-9"><<link "Snap a photo">><<replace "#charlotte-image-9">><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/Photos/1-2.jpg" height="600"><</replace>><</link>></span>
Charlotte sits on the ottoman with her shirt pulled up.
<span id="charlotte-image-10"><<link "Snap a photo">><<replace "#charlotte-image-10">><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/Photos/1-3.jpg" height="600"><</replace>><</link>></span>
Charlotte climbs on top of the ottoman.
<span id="charlotte-image-11"><<link "Snap a photo">><<replace "#charlotte-image-11">><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/Photos/1-4.jpg" height="600"><</replace>><</link>></span>
After you are finished, Charlotte changes into some jeans. As she walks round the corner you pick up the camera one more time and snap another photo.
<span id="charlotte-image-12"><<link "Snap a photo">><<replace "#charlotte-image-12">><img src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/BLCPhotoshoot/Photos/1-5.jpg" height="600"><</replace>><</link>></span>
After that photo session you think you have some usable photos. Maybe useful for more than just your bedroom.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "BLCEmployeeStart")>>\You open it to see Stacy.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey. What are you doing here?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Was in the area and figured I'd say hi."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You should come around more often."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh, I should huh?"</span>
Stacy squats down, pushing her ass out.
<span class="stacy-text">"How come papi? Want this big ass?"</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Random/BLCVisit/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Who wouldn't."</span> You smack her ass.
<span class="stacy-text">"Spank me again."</span>
You give her another solid smack. Unable to resist any longer, you push her over the counter, tugging at her pants. She pushes you back. You decide to pull your cock out anyway and start poking.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Random/BLCVisit/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"Sorry, don't have time today daddy. I have to go meet the girls."</span>
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Stacy", "BLCRandom"); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 1;>>\You have mountains of work to take care of, so you sit down with your laptop and start to chip away at the pile of paperwork you've been ignoring.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Random/Office/Desk.jpg" width="600">
As you stare at your computer you can't help but think about the women in your life. They are intoxicating. You drift off daydreaming about where the future might take you, only to be brought back to reality by the clicking sound of heels.
[[See who it is|Stacy Visits BLC Blowjob]]You look out of the office and see Stacy.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, what are you doing here?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Just swung by to say hi."</span> Stacy puts her purse on the counter and walks over to you.
<span class="mc-text">"That was nice of you."</span>
She walks behind you and starts rubbing your shoulders.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Random/Office/Massage.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"Busy?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I am supposed to be."</span>
Stacy smiles at you and climbs under the table.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Random/Office/Sex1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You try to focus on your laptop, but Stacy keeps tugging at your pants. She eventually frees your cock, and begins to slowly lick you from the base to the tip. You can't focus any longer and slide your chair back.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Random/Office/Sex2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She pulls your dick out of her mouth. <span class="stacy-text">"Still Busy?"</span>
[[Take charge|Stacy Visits BLC Sex]]You grab stacy by the hand and pull her over to one of the couches in the lobby. You nearly destroy her clothes trying to rip them off. Stacy giggles as you begin thrusting into her.
<span class="stacy-text">"Fuck yeah baby, give it to me."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Random/Office/Sex3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You can't hold back any longer. <span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck."</span> You moan and start cumming.
You collapse on top of Stacy with your cock still pulsating inside her.
<span class="stacy-text">"I think we both needed that."</span>
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Stacy", "BLCOffice");>>\You are sitting in your office checking e-mails when you hear heels walking up the stairs. Who could that be you wonder, just as Hang walks round the corner.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Office/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hey! How are you? Didn't expect you to visit, I'm glad you did though."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Sorry, did not mean to surprise you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No no, I like it. You should be here all the time."</span>
You smile at her. She smiles back.
<span class="mc-text">"You're all dressed up."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Just got off work, like it?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I love it."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Office/2.jpg" height="600">
Hang bends over the desk and you can see her ass through her tight skirt. She looks sexy as hell; more and more like a bimbo every day.
[[Continue|Hang Office Sex Kiss]]You cross around the desk as Hang takes a step forward and embraces you. The two of you begin to kiss each other. Hang runs her hand down your pants and over your cock as you reach back and squeeze her ass. You can tell Hang's been working out, her butt is firm, shapely, and tight. She's more and more beautiful every time you see her.
<span class="hang-text">"$player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Can I suck your cock?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Whenever you want to."</span>
Hang smiles, gets down on her knees, and starts to passionately suck your cock.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Office/3.jpg" height="600">
Hang slowly moves her mouth back and forth as she strokes the length of your cock. She wraps her big, luscious lips tightly around your cock and swirls her tongue round.
<span class="hang-text">"You like?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"God yes."</span>
[[Continue|Hang Office Sex Final]]After letting Hang make love to you with her mouth she crawls up on to your desk.
<span class="hang-text">"Have you fucked anyone on your desk yet $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Office/4.jpg" height="600">
<span class="hang-text">"You should fix that."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think so too."</span>
You begin to fuck her. She grabs a hold of the desk to brace herself as you drive forward harder and harder. Hang's cries tell you she loves being fucked; she is becoming more and more of a sex addict. You lose track of time, eventually finding yourselves on the floor. You grip her tiny waist, pounding her relentlessly. She reaches back, pushing on your arm as you pin her to the floor with every inch of your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Office/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You cum deep inside of Hang.
<span class="hang-text">"Oh my god!"</span> Hang falls to the floor, spread-eagle with your cock buried inside her.
<span class="mc-text">"You are the most amazing woman."</span>
After recovering, you help Hang clean herself up. You then close the office and building, and head home together.
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Hang", "OfficeSex");>>\Spending the afternoon in your office, you hear your mom calling from downstairs.
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle1.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira2.jpg" width="600">
You head out of your office to see what she wants.
<span class="mc-text">"Yes mother?"</span> You respond sarcastically.
You see your mom with a stunning middle-aged woman.
<span class="sofia-text">"Come and say hello to your aunt. She is traveling for work and messaged me. I have asked her to stay for dinner tonight. I don't think you've seen her in years!"</span>
You walk over, not even really recognizing her.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Olivia/Meet.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Aunt Olivia?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"That's me. Mon dieu the time flies. I have not seen you in so many years. Look at you all grown up and handsome. Even started your own business."</span>
You show your aunt around your office, explaining everything you do for a living. Your aunt just goes along with it; being sisters with your mom, most of this isn't new. At one point you catch yourself looking at your aunt's ass. She notices, but lucky for you doesn't say anything.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Olivia/Ass.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"C'est fantastique $player.firstName. I can see why Sofia is so proud of you."</span> She leans towards your mom. <span class="minor-text">"He might even be able to teach you something."</span>
You catch your mom blushing a little.
''Your mom is now more of a bimbo.''
<<if $bimbos.sofia.happiness lt 5>>\
<<set $bimbos.sofia.happiness += 1>>\
''You mom is now happier with you.''
<<UINavigation "BLC">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Sofia", "OliviaMeet"); $bimbos.sofia.bimbo += 1;>>\<<if CheckEvent("Player", "RenovationComplete")>>\
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle1.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira1.jpg" width="600">
The building next door to your apartment complex and head office of Bimbo Life Coaching.
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/OwnBuildingStart.jpg" width="600">
The old building you bought next door to your apartment building.
<<if $bimbos.dani>>\
<<include [[Dani Events]]>>\
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
<<include [[BLC Events]]>>\
<<include [[BLC Activities]]>>\
<<include [[BLC Clients]]>>\
<<elseif $player.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Player", "RenovationComplete")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "BuildingVisit")>>\
[[Invite everyone to see the new building|Building Completion Visit]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Elaine", "BLCEmployee")>>\
[[Invite Elaine to see the work|Building Elaine Visit]]
<<UINavigation "Home">><<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BLCEmployeeStart")>>\
[[Go to office|Charlotte BLC Ad]]
<<if $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 30 and not CheckEvent("Elaine", "Blowjob") and BetweenTime(13, 18)>>\
[[Elaine has organized medical checkups|Elaine BLC Medical]]
<<if not $clients.bethany and BetweenTime(13, 18) and $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
[[You see a woman waiting in the lobby|Bethany Intro]]
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Girlfriend") and not CheckEvent("Hang", "OfficeSex") and BetweenTime(10, 15) and $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
[[Sit down to do some work|Hang Office Sex]]
<<if CheckEvent("Sofia", "RoomEvent") and not CheckEvent("Sofia", "OliviaMeet") and BetweenTime(13, 18)>>\
[[Your mom is here with someone|Sofia Olivia Meet]]
<<if $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter is 0 and $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCRandom")>>\
[[You hear a knock at the door|Stacy BLC Visit]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stacy", "PhotoShoot") and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCOffice")>>\
[[You sit down to do some work|Stacy Visits BLC]]
<<if $npcs.kira and not CheckEvent("Kira", "TrainingBegin")>>\
[[As you read through your e-mails for the day, your phone rings|Kira Training Begin][$passageRoute to 1]]
<</if>>\<<if BetweenTime(8, 18)>>\
[[Do a private coaching session (1 hour session)|Coaching Sessions]]
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.modelling isnot undefined or $bimbos.charlotte.porn isnot undefined>>\
<<UIEvent true "Charlotte Agent" "Charlotte" "Manage Charlotte's Career">>\
<<if GameDayIs("Tuesday")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("June", "BimboTraining") and CheckEvent("June", "Session5") and BetweenTime(9, 9)>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("June", "Session6") or (CheckEvent("June", "PhotoShoot5") and not CheckEvent("June", "Session9"))>>\
<<UIEvent true "June Training Hub" "June">>\
<<elseif GameDayIs("Thursday")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Stacy", "Surgery") and BetweenTime(18, 18)>>\
<<if not $clients.katie and CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym")>>\
<<UIEvent true "Katie Workout Yoga" "Stacy" "Stacy's Exercise Group">>\
<<elseif $clients.katie and not CheckEvent("Katie", "WorkoutGym")>>\
<<UIEvent true "Katie Workout Gym" "Stacy" "Stacy's Exercise Group">>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym")>>\
<<UIEvent true "Stacy BLC Exercise Group" "Stacy" "Stacy's Exercise Group">>\
<<elseif GameDayIs("Friday")>>\
<<if BetweenTime(18, 18)>>\
[[Bimbo Life Coaching Session|Weekly BLC Meeting]]
<<elseif GameDayIs("Saturday")>>\
<<if not $bimbos.sofia.trainingComplete and CheckEvent("Sofia", "BimboTraining") and BetweenTime(18, 18)>>\
<<UIEvent true "Sofia Office Hub" "Sofia">>\
<</if>>\<<if $clients.skylar?.dayCounter is 0 or not $clients.skylar>>\
<<UIEvent true "Skylar" "Skylar">>\
<<if $clients.lauren>>\
<<if $clients.lauren?.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Lauren", "FirstMeeting")>>\
<a data-passage="Lauren First Meeting"><img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Lauren0.jpg" width="80" title="Lauren"></a>\
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Lauren", "Meeting2")>>\
<a data-passage="Lauren Meeting 2"><img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Lauren0.jpg" width="80" title="Lauren"></a>\
<<elseif ClientRandom()>>\
<a data-passage="Lauren Intro"><img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Lauren0.jpg" width="80" title="New Client"></a>\
<<if not $clients.evelyn and ClientRandom()>>\
<a data-passage="Evelyn Meet"><img src="Images/UI/Profiles/Evelyn0.jpg" width="80" title="New Client"></a>\
<</if>>\<<set $passageRoute to random(1, 3)>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<set AddHours(1); $player.cash += 500;>>\
You've received an opportunity for a session from a colleague. They sent you their client to get another perspective. You invite them in your home and the two of you take a seat in your living room. The woman sits down with their hands clasped in shared vulnerability. Her eyes were filled with tears, the weight of her troubles pressing heavily upon her shoulders.
You find out that she is on the verge of a divorce, unsure why your colleuge sent you this client you dig deeper and find out its an emotional detachment. You encourage her, share you views on what a woman can do for a man, and introduce her to the idea of bimboism. This could encourage her husband to be more sexual with her.
You earned $500 this session.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set AddHours(1); $player.cash += 300;>>\
Today you had a woman contact you for a short notice session. She has been feeling negelected and undesirable. You coach her in the ways of bimboism and invite her to join your weekly sessions. She's receptive, and you may have gotten yourself a new client in the future.
You earned $300 this session.
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<<set AddHours(1); $player.cash += 400;>>\
A woman approached you via email to have a counseling session. She wants more attention and feels that she is inadequate for her boyfriend. You talk with her for an hour and coach her to make more ambitious moves toward bimboism and being her true self. You also encourage her to be more open sexually.
You earned $400 this session.
<<UINavigation "Home">><<if $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Ana", "TransformVisit")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Ana", "MeetingAttend")>>\
<<set AddEvent("Ana", "MeetingAttend")>>\
You notice Anna in the back watching and listening. She has a few empty glasses in front of her and looks a bit tipsy.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Ana", "TransformMeeting")>>\
[[You notice Ana in the back again watching and listening to you|Ana Transform 2][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "BimboPath")>>\
[[Look for Elaine|Elaine BLC Meeting Random]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Elaine", "OfficeMeeting")>>\
[[You notice Elaine has attended this meeting|Elaine BLC Meeting]]
<<switch random(1, 10)>>\
<<case 1>>\
[[You notice someone new|Meeting Event 1]]
<<case 2>>\
[[There is a woman staring at you|Meeting Event 2]]
<<case 3>>\
[[Someone wants to ask a question|Meeting Event 3]]
<<case 4>>\
[[There is a woman you can't take your eyes off|Meeting Event 4]]
<<elseif $player.fame gte 5 and CheckEvent("Hang", "MeetSubway")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Tan", "BLCAttend")>>\
<<set AddEvent("Tan", "BLCAttend")>>\
As you're giving this week's presentation, you see an elegant looking woman sitting at the back. Despite the room not being particularly bright, she's kept her sunglasses on.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Encounters/Meeting.jpg" height="600">
You get distracted for a moment, trying to remember where you have seen her, but you can't put your finger on it. You collect yourself and continue. After the session is over you try to make your way to her through the crowd of trainee bimbos with questions, but by the time you get back to where she was sitting she has vanished without a trace.
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Tan", "BLCAttend2")>>\
<<set AddEvent("Tan", "BLCAttend2"); $bimbos.tan.dayCounter to 7;>>\
You keep an eye out again for the elegant woman from last week, and to your surprise you see her again.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Encounters/Meeting.jpg" height="600">
This week, though, you don't let yourself be detained by questions and at the end of the session you rush to block her exit.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello! Thanks for coming. Did I see you here last week?"</span>
The woman tries to walk around you. <span class="tan-text">"I don't think so, I was just interested..."</span>
You suddenly remember her. Big breasts, milky skin, a strong Vietnamese accent.
<span class="mc-text">"Are you Hang's friend?"</span> She stops. <span class="mc-text">"You are, right? Tan? We met at Henrique's."</span> She takes off her sunglasses and looks at you, an awkward smile on her face.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Encounters/MeetingCloseup.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I'm so happy to see you here. Did you find it useful? How did you find out about Bimbo Life Coaching?"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"I, uh... I saw a poster."</span> She begins to try to leave again. <span class="tan-text">"Anyway..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"See you next week! You should see if Hang wants to come. I'll let you both in for free!"</span>
Tan makes a little sarcastic snort, but nods, as she races for the exit as quickly as she can without being impolite.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "CouncilMeeting")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Tan", "BarChat")>>\
[[Tan is waiting for you in the Bar|Tan Bar Chat]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Tan", "BLCAttend3")>>\
[[Tan attends another meeting|Tan Meeting]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "HangDrunk") and not CheckEvent("Tan", "FirstNight")>>\
[[Tan attends another meeting|Tan Meeting 2]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Erica", "CoachingEmail") and not CheckEvent("Erica", "MeetingFlash")>>\
<<set AddEvent("Erica", "MeetingFlash")>>\
Erica is wearing a rather flirtatious skirt and red shirt with half the buttons undone. Even though the others have left, she is still sitting there.
<img src="Images/Clients/Erica/MeetingPanties.jpg" height="600">
Wait... is she doing that deliberately?
<span class="mc-text">"Erica, could you pass those pamphlets over?"</span>
<img src="Images/Clients/Erica/MeetingUpskirt.jpg" height="600">
That minx is definitely bending over to flash you.
<span class="erica-text">"Here you go $player.firstName."</span>
As you turn round to put them away, Erica starts chatting.
<span class="erica-text">"It was a good meeting today."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm glad you liked it."</span>
<span class="erica-text">"Did you like my outfit today?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, you look great."</span>
Spinning around, you are confronted with an interesting sight.
<img src="Images/Clients/Erica/MeetingBoobs.jpg" height="600">
<span class="erica-text">"I like it too."</span>
Buttoning up her shirt, Erica stands up, gives you a quick kiss on the cheek, and exits; leaving you standing there a little stunned.
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Clients/Erica/Meet.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/Meet.jpg" width="600">
<<back "Go back">>During the meeting you notice a new face off in the corner. She seems quiet and reserved. After the meeting is over you approach her as she is gathering her things.
<span class="mc-text">"Hi."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Hello."</span> She looks away from you.
<span class="mc-text">"I just wanted to come over and introduce myself. I am $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I know."</span> She looks up at you bashfully and then looks down again.
<span class="mc-text">"I hope you enjoyed the meeting."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I did. I overheard Charlotte after class talking to some girls about this meeting the other day. Figured I'd come see for myself."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"And?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I like it."</span>
The two of you chat for awhile. She begins to warm up to you, telling you her life story, ambitions, and desires.
<<UINavigation "Home">>During the meeting, you see a black-haired woman eyeing you up the entire time. Afterwards you walk over to her. The two of you chat for a while, and end up being the last two left in the building. You notice her peak around your shoulder, checking for anyone else. She reaches down and grabs your cock through your pants.
<span class="minor-text">"I love the way you create better women. I love domination too. Nothing like grabbing a big-titted girl by her hair and fucking her right? Especially girls like Charlotte; she's a good girl."</span> She looks at you dead serious with a near death grip on your cock.
<span class="mc-text">"I-"</span> She squeezes your cock even harder. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah I, I mean who does not love women."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Good answer, but we both know that was just the safe answer. I'm not bashful, but let's get down to business and fuck already. I saw you staring at my tits all night."</span>
This girl seems to be a little crazy, you should be careful.
<span class="minor-text">"Come on."</span>
You can't resist, you grab her and pick her up. She wraps her legs around you as you start to push her dress up while carrying her toward the bathroom. As the two of you start to kiss you smash her into the wall, then onto the bathroom counter sink.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/BLC/Meetings/Random/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The two of you fuck for a while, both enjoying yourselves. Once finished she hops off the counter, turns around and slaps you on the ass.
<span class="minor-text">"Thanks."</span> She walks out.
This girl is interesting, that's for sure. Afterwards you realize you did not even catch her name.
<<UINavigation "Home">>Once your meeting is complete one of the girls hangs around and comes up to talk to you as you go to leave.
<span class="minor-text">"Hi $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Do these pants look good? I am trying to be more... fashionable, desirable. You know, like guys to want me."</span>
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/BLC/Meetings/Random/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She spins around for you, showing off her ass.
<span class="mc-text"> You look great, maybe try some variations of heels and jewelry to match."</span>
She turns around glowing and smiles at you. <span class="minor-text">"A step in the right direction I guess, still a ways to go."</span> She heads off.
<<UINavigation "Home">>During your meeting you notice a beautiful, voluptuous woman attending your meeting. The two of you make eye contact and she lets out a small smile. You continue with your meeting. Once finished walk over to say hello.
<span class="minor-text">"Hello $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hello, and you are?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Shawna."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Nice to meet you Shawna."</span>
The two of you chat a bit but your eyes are thoroughly glued to her chest the entire time. She has massive tits; you can't quite tell if they are natural or fake, or a combination of the two leading to her voluptuous figure. After a short time you manage to get her on her knees in front of you jerking you off. It's now obvious she did get implants, and quite large ones to boot.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/BLC/Meetings/Random/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You cum all over her fake tits as she continues to stroke your cock. She looks up at you smiling as she rubs back and forth, covering her tits in cum.
<span class="mc-text">"I hope maybe we can start some coaching sessions in the future."</span> you say panting.
She nods in agreement before the two of you clean up and head your separate ways.
<<UINavigation "Home">>You walk through the bar nodding your hello to Rob, and head into the back room to set up. You know what you're doing by now and are done and dusted in less than 15 minutes. You charge $20 to attend, but it costs you $75 to hold the event.
<img src="Images/Locations/Outside/BarBackroom.jpg" width="600">\
<<if $player.fame gt 30>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 25>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 925>>\
Fifty women attend today's meeting, packing the room to full capacity. Two had to be turned away. You would have allowed them in, but Rob was very strict on abiding by the capacity rules.
You make a $925 profit.
<<elseif $player.fame gt 27>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 25>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 545>>\
Thirty-one women attend today's meeting. You had to ask Rob for extra chairs today, and the sound of conversation from the women attending almost threatened to drown out the beginning of your speech.
You make a $545 profit.
<<elseif $player.fame gt 22>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 25>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 445>>\
Twenty-six women attend your now busy meeting. As you begin today's session the girls clap and cheer.
You make a $445 profit.
<<elseif $player.fame gt 15>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 25>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 325>>\
Twenty women turn up for your meeting today. [[Erica|Meeting Photo][$passageRoute to 1]] and [[Stacy|Meeting Photo][$passageRoute to 2]] arrive together, in tight pants and high heels. Together with a few other women they seem to be becoming friends, and as you all wait for the session to start they laugh together and talk about clothes. The other women attending look at them with a variation of nervousness, envy, and disdain. One woman, who had paid for a ticket, walks out before you can even begin.
You make a $325 profit.
<<elseif $player.fame gt 10>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 25>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 185>>\
Thirteen women buy tickets for your meeting today. [[Erica|Meeting Photo][$passageRoute to 1]] returns, as do a couple of other women. You see that Erica has begun to dress even more provocatively, and you see that the girls have arranged a glass of water with a bottle at the front without you even having to ask.
You make $185 profit.
<<elseif $player.fame gt 6>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 25>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 85>>\
Eight women attend your meeting today. A few women listen attentively to your class, and you only see one openly rolling her eyes.
You make a $85 profit.
<<elseif $player.fame gt 3>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 25>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 25>>\
Five women arrive and buy their tickets. None are taking you particularly seriously, though do you notice one woman who seems to be listening to what you have to say, much to the amusement of her friend.
You make $25 profit.
<<if $player.fame lt 25>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash -= 15>>\
Three women turn up and buy their tickets. You give a short speech about the principles of Bimboism. One woman walks out halfway through, and the remaining two don't look especially impressed.
You lose $15.
<img src="Images/BLC/PrinciplesOfBimboism.jpg" width="600">
What do you want the focus of this week's meeting to be?
[[Pride in your appearance|Weekly Meeting Appearance]]
[[Please those around you|Weekly Meeting Please]]
[[Be your absolute best self|Weekly Meeting BestSelf]]
[[Be a source of joy, not stress|Weekly Meeting Joy]]
[[Let yourself be taken care of|Weekly Bar Meeting Care]]You begin setting up the building for the evening's session. You know what you're doing by now and are done and dusted in less than 15 minutes. You charge $20 to attend.
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle1.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira1.jpg" width="600">
<<if $player.fame gt 40>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 50>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 1900>>\
Nearly one hundred women attend today's meeting, packing the building to full capacity.
You make a $1900 profit.
<<elseif $player.fame gt 30>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 50>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 1000>>\
Fifty women attend today's meeting, the room is starting to look quite full.
You make a $1000 profit.
<<elseif $player.fame gt 27>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 50>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 620>>\
Thirty-one women attend today's meeting. You had to set out extra chairs today, and the sound of conversation from the women attending almost threatened to drown out the beginning of your speech.
You make a $620 profit.
<<elseif $player.fame gt 22>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 50>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 520>>\
Twenty-six women attend your now busy meeting. As you begin today's session the girls clap and cheer.
You make a $520 profit.
<<elseif $player.fame gt 15>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 50>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 400>>\
Twenty women turn up for your meeting today. [[Erica|Meeting Photo][$passageRoute to 1]] and [[Stacy|Meeting Photo][$passageRoute to 2]] arrive together, in tight pants and high heels. Together with a few other women they seem to be becoming friends, and as you all wait for the session to start they laugh together and talk about clothes. The other women attending look at them with a variation of nervousness, envy, and disdain. One woman, who had paid for a ticket, walks out before you can even begin.
You make a $400 profit.
<<elseif $player.fame gt 10>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 50>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 260>>\
Thirteen women buy tickets for your meeting today.
[[Erica|Meeting Photo][$passageRoute to 1]] returns, as do a couple of other women. You see that Erica has begun to dress even more provocatively, and you see that the girls have arranged a glass of water with a bottle at the front without you even having to ask.
You make $260 profit.
<<elseif $player.fame gt 6>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 50>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 160>>\
Eight women attend your meeting today. A few women listen attentively to your class, and you only see one openly rolling her eyes.
You make a $160 profit.
<<elseif $player.fame gt 3>>\
<<if $player.fame lt 50>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 100>>\
Five women arrive and buy their tickets. None are taking you particularly seriously, though do you notice one woman who seems to be listening to what you have to say, much to the amusement of her friend.
You make $100 profit.
<<if $player.fame lt 50>><<set $player.fame += 1>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash += 60>>\
Three women turn up and buy their tickets. You give a short speech about the principles of Bimboism. One woman walks out halfway through, and the remaining two don't look especially impressed.
You lose $60.
<img src="Images/BLC/PrinciplesOfBimboism.jpg" width="600">
What do you want the focus of this week's meeting to be?
[[Pride in your appearance|Weekly Meeting Appearance]]
[[Please those around you|Weekly Meeting Please]]
[[Be your absolute best self|Weekly Meeting BestSelf]]
[[Be a source of joy, not stress|Weekly Meeting Joy]]
[[Let yourself be taken care of|Weekly Bar Meeting Care]]You spend much of the session explaining how important it is to look good if you want to be a good bimbo. Not only does it reflect personal commitment, but it also serves to demonstrate how proud you are to be a bimbo. After this you explain how there are many ways to take pride in your appearance, and that though the most popular - and most frequently desired - bimbo is the blonde, incredibly fit bimbo, there is a niche for almost any kind of bimbo.
You end the session by asking the attendants what they would look like if they were able to take total pride in their appearance and focus on almost nothing else.
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "MagazineAd")>>\
As the attendees leave, you stand at the door handing out flyers advertising your partnership with Dr. Yanovic's practice.
<<if $player.meetings.appearance gte 7 and $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
<img src="Images/BLC/Meetings/Appearance/7.jpg" height="600">
After the session BLC lingerie club, as they like to be known, decide to show off their latest outfits.
<<elseif $player.meetings.appearance is 6>>\
A few women head off to the bathroom giggling. After about ten minutes they emerge and head over to the bar.
<img src="Images/BLC/Meetings/Appearance/6.jpg" height="600">
You approve.
<<elseif $player.meetings.appearance is 5>>\
<img src="Images/BLC/Meetings/Appearance/5.jpg" height="600">
One of the women attending today is wearing a long, flowing shirt - and nothing but that. As she stands up to leave she slightly tugs up the shirt, making a point to show you her bare ass.
<<elseif $player.meetings.appearance is 4>>\
<img src="Images/BLC/Meetings/Appearance/4.jpg" height="600">
Half the women attending for a second time are dressed like that. Tight skirt, translucent top, flattering bra. You think to yourself that you really shouldn't complain, but you make a mental note to emphasize that there is no cookie cutter approach to bimboism, not even for appearances.
<<elseif $player.meetings.appearance is 3>>\
<img src="Images/BLC/Meetings/Appearance/2.jpg" height="600">
You notice a new woman today, and even though you're sure she hasn't attended before, you see that she arrived in full makeup, immaculate hair, and cool sunglasses. Is word getting around about BLC?
<<elseif $player.meetings.appearance is 2>>\
<img src="Images/BLC/Meetings/Appearance/1.jpg" height="600">
After the session one of the attendees approaches you and asks how you like her heels. She shows them off and you can see that she spent quite a bit of money on them, and you must admit that they make her legs look good.
<span class="mc-text">"Very good, a fine investment. The gentle shade of pink works really well. Do they make you happy?"</span>
She nods, then waves goodbye, striding out with a little more purpose in her step.
<<include [[Weekly Events]]>>\
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $player.meetings.appearance += 1>>\You begin the session with a question, asking the attendees how they feel when someone makes an effort to make them happy, to please them. Everyone likes that, right? That feeling is a wonderful feeling. You move on to explain how in order to be a good bimbo it is important to find joy in pleasing others, in helping them enjoy life and leave day to day worries behind. At the end of the meeting you highlight how important the sexual component of this is, and why a good bimbo will find her own happiness from sexually pleasing others.
<<if $player.meetings.please gte 7 and $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
After the meeting, you see a bunch of attendees comparing notebooks.
<span class="mc-text">"What's going on?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"We're looking to see who made the most people happy this week. We write it all down in our books."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's wonderful girls. It's heartening to see you so dedicated."</span>
<<elseif $player.meetings.please is 6>>\
As the meeting breaks up, a group of women have gathered around one of the tables.
<span class="minor-text">"...I'm telling you, it felt amazing and he loved it. I learned about it in a book I found at the library."</span>
It's good to see them taking such initiative.
<<elseif $player.meetings.please is 5>>\
As the session is ending you overhear one of the women telling a story to a small group.
<span class="minor-text">"...I was like, OK, just because YOU have had a bad day doesn't mean you get to be all boring. But then I remembered these meetings and what we've been learning. "</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"So? What happened?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"So..."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/BLC/Meetings/Please/Blowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"... then he blew all over my face. He brought me coffee in bed to wake me up the next morning. He hasn't done that since we first started dating."</span>
<<elseif $player.meetings.please is 4>>\
You're the last one out of the meeting room, and you leave with all of your gear packed into your bags or tucked under your arm. Just as you're exiting the room you see two women leave the bathroom giggling with each other.
<span class="mc-text">"Fun night planned, girls?"</span>
<img src="Images/BLC/Meetings/Please/Buttplug.jpg" height="600">
They don't say anything but outside they flip up the bottom of their skirts to reveal their bare asses - each with a pretty, jewelled butt plug inserted.
<<elseif $player.meetings.please is 3>>\
For the very last part of the meeting you encourage the girls to think about what they've done in the past week to please someone. A young, thin woman approaches you as everyone gets ready to leave.
<span class="minor-text">"I rubbed myself on a coworker."</span>
Your own mind had wandered and you blurt out. <span class="mc-text">"What?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"What I'd done to please someone. I was on the subway travelling to a different site with a coworker I'm friendly with. I know he's attracted to me, and the car was busy, but I... I don't know what came over me. I knew it would please him, so I sandwiched myself against him. I wasn't wearing a bra, and I made sure my blazer was open, so when I pressed myself against him and swung about with the car, he could feel and see my nipples through my thin work shirt."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Did it please him?"</span>
She blushes a little bit. <span class="minor-text">"I think so.. He took me to a bar a bit later that night, and, well..."</span> Her voice trails off and someone else grabs your attention, but you are happy that even the group sessions are having an impact.
<<elseif $player.meetings.please is 2>>\
As the session breaks up you hear a woman chatting to her neighbor, discussing their boyfriends. She suggests that she just get on her knees and go to town to please her stressed boyfriend. They both cackle, but the second one agrees.
<span class="minor-text">"Should put all this into practice, right?"</span>
<<include [[Weekly Events]]>>\
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $player.meetings.please += 1>>\<span class="mc-text">"Is being a bimbo easy? Lift your hand if you think it is."</span>
A few women raise their hands.
You shake your head vigorously. <span class="mc-text">"It might seem like that, but the truth is..."</span> You continue the meeting emphasizing how difficult it can be to be a good bimbo. You show how the dedication to living up to the principles of bimboism is what marks a good bimbo. More than anything being a good bimbo requires living up to the best aspects of your personality, and trying to improve the worst aspects. Something that is true not only for your personality, but your appearance, making permanent changes if need be.
<<if $player.meetings.bestSelf gte 7 and $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
Dani decided to attend the meeting tonight. Not surprisingly, she is the first to speak.
<span class="dani-text">"The BLC social club has decided to host some self-improvement sessions. Nothing like bimbo training, but it's for the girls to get better at a skill they like. Is that a bit like what you mean?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It depends. Being your best self is not just about becoming better at obviously bimbo traits. If the skills they are learning are part of who they want to become, then yes."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Oh cool. You all should come along and check it out!"</span>
This causes some excited chattering around the room. Dani looks at you with the biggest smile. You suspect she might have a bit of a crush on you.
<<elseif $player.meetings.bestSelf is 6>>\
Going round the room, you come to a women who hasn't attended for a few weeks. She looks a bit different from last time.
<span class="mc-text">"It's nice to see you back Casey. Is there anything you focussed on this week?"</span>
She hesitates for a second. <span class="minor-text">"I got my boobs done"</span>, pulling out her phone.
<img src="Images/BLC/Meetings/BestSelf/3.jpg" height="600">
You congratulate her for her courage and dedication.
<<elseif $player.meetings.bestSelf is 5>>\
You go around the room asking each returning woman what they focused on over the past week. A few of the girls at the from begin to laugh.
<span class="mc-text">"Anything you want to share ladies?"</span> The ringleader gets out her phone, flicks through it for a while, then pulls up a video which she shows you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/BLC/Meetings/BestSelf/Deepthroat.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"We, like, kinda do this thing where we're practicing together. We have these hangouts where we practice deepthroating with dildos together and whoever does it longest gets their drinks for free after the Friday session. I won this week."</span>
You can feel your dick begin to tingle watching the video, which you then ask Amy to show around the room. As you walk and take an extra wide step to stop your semi showing through your trousers, you hear the girls giggle.
<<elseif $player.meetings.bestSelf is 4>>\
You go around the room asking each returning woman what they focused on over the past week. One woman puts up her hand to volunteer to go first.
<span class="minor-text">"I gave a way a bunch of old clothes."</span> You look confused for a second, but she continues. <span class="minor-text">"I've been changing how I dress, right, to be all hot and stuff. But I kept all my old clothes just, like... As security."</span>
<img src="Images/BLC/Meetings/BestSelf/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"So I had all these old boring frumpy clothes and I gave them away. Some to my sister, who could do with coming to these sessions, but most to a charity. I think that, like, if I'm going to be my best self, I have to go all in, yeah?"</span>
You nod, and then spend a few minutes commending her for her decisiveness, and explaining to the rest of the group how cutting off your past can really propel you forwards into the future.
<<elseif $player.meetings.bestSelf is 3>>\
You go around the room asking each returning woman what they focused on over the past week.
<span class="minor-text">"I, uh... I went to the gym every day this week."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good Alexa, good."</span>
<<elseif $player.meetings.bestSelf is 2>>\
You go around the room asking each returning woman what they focused on over the past week.
The first woman answers. <span class="minor-text">"I quit smoking. Or, I tried to quit smoking. I've only had half a cigarette since last week, though."</span>
You hear another attendee sigh in a slightly dismissive way. <span class="mc-text">"No, no. This is good. Smoking isn't just unhealthy, but it also ages you, discolors your teeth, and makes it harder to be athletic. Why did you only have half a cigarette?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I really, really wanted one. The first drag was amazing, but on the second one I dunno... I just felt guilty. I felt like I could taste failure."</span>
The session continues and the rest of the women talk about doing squats every day, not taking anything from the office candy jar all week, or making a point of talking to their family each day to see how they are.
At the end of the session, you ask the bimbos to focus on one particular aspect of themselves, and to report back next week.
<<include [[Weekly Events]]>>\
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $player.meetings.bestSelf += 1>>\You begin by asking the girls what the difference is between this and the second principle, 'please those around you'. Some understand this difference, but you spend half the meeting driving home how pleasing those around you is a proactive effort you make to improve other people's enjoyment of life, but being a source of joy and not stress will often require being passive, letting people be themselves and not imposing your effort to improve their day upon them.
You end the session by asking each of the attendees to spend the last half hour talking to their neighbor, taking it in turns to ask each other about their day, about their lives, and trying to make each other feel good about their decisions.
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "NakedGym")>>\
<<if $player.meetings.joy gte 7 and $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Erica", "MeetingFlash")>>\
<<set _image to String.format("Images/BLC/Meetings/Joy/Erica/{0}.jpg", random(1, 3))>>\
As the everyone starts to leave, your phone buzzes. Looking at the screen, you find it's a message from Erica.
<img @src="_image" height="600">
Looking over at Erica, she winks, and disappears out the door.
<<elseif $player.meetings.joy gte 6>>\
Packing up the room, Rob walks in holding a drink.
<span class="minor-text">"One of the girls bought this for you."</span>
<<if $player.meetings.joy gte 5 and CheckEvent("Stacy", "HomeGym")>>\
<<set AddEvent("Stacy", "NakedGym"); $clients.erica.dayCounter to 7;>>\
After the meeting is done Stacy waits for you and talks to you as you walk home. <span class="stacy-text">"I wanted to ask your permission for something."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, Stacy?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Well, for our exercise sessions, I was hoping to free everyone up a little. It's also just so, so hot in that home gym of yours. I was wondering if you would be OK with us working out naked?"</span>
You stop walking. <span class="mc-text">"You really think that's something I would have a problem with, Stacy?"</span>
Stacy laughs and puts her hand on your shoulder. <span class="stacy-text">"No, in fact we're mainly doing it for you. Bringing joy and that shit."</span>
<<elseif $player.meetings.joy is 4>>\
At the end of the lesson Erica and Stacy come up to you. Stacy speaks first. <span class="stacy-text">"So, we were wondering if you wanted to have a drink? Our treat. We'd like to make sure you're having fun too."</span>
You agree and to your pleasant surprise about five of the girls hang about after the session to buy you a drink. Stacy and Erica buy the first round of drinks and you settle in to chat with the group of bimbos about their lives, blowing off a little steam.
You pass away a couple hours drinking, not once buying a drink, until Stacy slaps the table to make an announcement. <span class="stacy-text">"Kim was supposed to buy the last round, but she doesn't have the money."</span>
The other women begin to chant <span class="minor-text">"New girl! New girl!"</span> as you try to explain that's fine.
<span class="stacy-text">"No, it's not fine, but she's agreed to do a forfeit."</span>
Kim stands up and takes you by the hand, walking you to the bar. <span class="erica-text">"If you buy me a drink, I'll give you something."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What do I get?"</span>
<span class="erica-text">"You'll just have to see! I want a beer, an IPA or something."</span> You two chat and when the drinks come Kim takes a huge swig of the beer, downing a third of it in almost ten seconds. Then, to your joy and surprise, she flashes you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/BLC/Meetings/Joy/Flirt.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="erica-text">"Does that bring you joy?"</span> You feel your pants tightening, and you smile at her.
<span class="mc-text">"Fuck, Kim! You're crazy!"</span> You both laugh, and she takes you by the hand again as she walks you to the sofas in the middle of the bar.
<span class="erica-text">"Let's sit here."</span> She positions herself so that she is facing the other girls, who you have your back turned to. She lifts up her legs and then flashes you, as the other girls hoot and holler at the back.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/BLC/Meetings/Joy/Display.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Encouraged by the support, Kim quickly fingers herself, before catching herself and quickly covering up. Blushing slightly Kim makes to move back to the table, but you make a point of taking her hand and feeling the wetness on her fingers.
As you walk past you see Rob give you a glance like he hasn't quite decided whether he is annoyed or impressed.
<<elseif $player.meetings.joy is 3>>\
At the end of the meeting Erica stands up and says that some of the regulars have a little present for you. It's a card, which most of the girls have signed each writing <span class="minor-text">Your bimbo,</span> and their name after each message of thanks.
Honestly, you're touched, and give Erica a warm hug as the rest of the bimbos clap.
<<elseif $player.meetings.joy is 2>>\
At the beginning of the lesson Erica approaches you. <span class="erica-text">"I made brownies for everyone this week. Can I give them out?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sure! That was very thoughtful of you Erica."</span>
<<include [[Weekly Events]]>>\
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $player.meetings.joy += 1>>\The fifth principle is, surprisingly, the most difficult for many otherwise good bimbos to accept. You explain to the attendees that many otherwise good bimbos have put in the hours, and dollars, for their body. That they are the life and soul of any party, and a trusted companion for quiet nights. That they excel in almost every way - but they fail to let themselves be taken care of by people worthy of that trust.
You ask the girls to remember times when they have trusted someone, then been betrayed. You ask for a volunteer to tell their story, and hear a tale of cheating and betrayal by a boyfriend who had only recently moved into a shared apartment. You then ask them to think of times when they had taken a risk and trusted someone, and then had that trust rewarded.
You don't ask for a volunteer to tell their story, but you ask each woman to remember that feeling. Trusting someone is too personal a decision to apply blanket rules to, but is it not more deeply rewarding to give someone a chance and find that trust deserved, than deeply painful to find trust betrayed?
<<if $player.meetings.care gte 7 and $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
You see Alexa talking to the others after the meeting.
<span class="minor-text">"...he treated me to a nice dinner. It was so lovely. I'm seeing him again tonight."</span>
<<elseif $player.meetings.care is 6>>\
<span class="minor-text">"Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
Turning around, there is a new woman looking at you shyly.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello. You're new here?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Yeah. I just wanted to say how great the meeting was. What you were talking about, it's just like my boyfriend said."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So your boyfriend is supportive of you choice to come here?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"He is. He says what makes me happy is important. I love sir... him so much."</span>
She trails off and looks at you a bit embarrassed.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm glad you learned something tonight. Trust is such an important part of being a good bimbo."</span>
She leaves, a smile on her face. You realise you forgot to ask her name.
<<elseif $player.meetings.care is 5>>\
A woman blurts something out almost immediately after you ask the bimbos to think. You didn't understand what she said, so you ask her to repeat herself.
<span class="minor-text">"I'm taking a huge leap of trust."</span> You gesture to her to continue, and she does. <span class="minor-text">"I'm quitting my job and letting my girlfriend take care of me."</span>
You take half a beat to digest the information that this woman has a girlfriend, not a boyfriend, but you think you remained professional. <span class="mc-text">"How do you feel about it? How does she feel about it?"</span>
She smiles, widely. <span class="minor-text">"We both feel great, I think. Like, I'm nervous, and I think she's a bit nervous, but it's both something we want. She's a lawyer, a total ball buster, but I've never really cared much about my career. I've always just wanted to be pretty and happy and supportive... She wants some arm candy, and I think deep down I've always just wanted to be arm candy."</span>
This revelation opens up loud discussion across the room, and tonight's session runs late, somewhat to Rob's annoyance.
<<elseif $player.meetings.care is 4>>\
As you're packing up one of the women, Alexa, approaches you.
<span class="minor-text">"I turned down someone's help a few nights ago."</span>
You put down your stack of brochures and look at her. <span class="mc-text">"Why did you do that?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"He seemed creepy. I just got a bad feeling about him, and he wanted to give me a lift home. Was that bad? I kinda feel like it was going against all this to not, like, cut him some slack."</span>
You nod thoughtfully and put your hand on her shoulder. <span class="mc-text">"Trust your gut. If he seemed creepy, even if he wasn't actually, it's better to trust yourself and be safe than to put yourself at risk. And don't for a moment think that doing so will somehow make you a worse bimbo, it won't."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"But..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I know that I talk a lot about how important it is for bimbos to let themselves be taken care of, but the foundation of that has to be decency on their part. They have to be worthy of taking care of you, and you made your decision that this person wasn't worthy of that. There's nothing wrong with that."</span>
She smiles and nods meekly, and you make a note to yourself to really emphasize how important mutual trust is, and how a good bimbo values herself enough to not put herself at risk.
<<elseif $player.meetings.care is 3>>\
After the session is over you hear one woman talking to a friend.
<span class="minor-text">"$player.firstName is not wrong, this is the thing I am gonna struggle with the most. We're planning a vacation at the moment and I'm letting Greg plan it all. Letting him take care of me like he says he wants to."</span>
<span class="erica-text">"How's that going?"</span>
She laughs. <span class="minor-text">"How d'you think?! But, you know, I'm getting there, I'm getting there. I'm biting my tongue and smiling, and nodding... And... It's actually really cute how excited he is getting about it. We'll be laying in bed and he'll occasionally tell me how much he hopes I enjoy the holiday. We haven't even been going out a year yet, but it is nice to know that he's, like, excited over doing something nice for me."</span>
<<elseif $player.meetings.care is 2>>\
In the silence one of the bimbos does, however, begin to tell a brief story. <span class="minor-text">"Someone held the subway for me today."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What happened?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I nearly missed my train, because I still can't walk that quickly in these heels, but this guy held open the door for me after they tried to close it. I thanked him and he smiled at me before he went back to his phone."</span>
You're about to ask her how that made her feel, but she tells you anyway. <span class="minor-text">"I... I felt good. I felt noticed. But I could tell he also felt good, too."</span>
<<include [[Weekly Events]]>>\
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $player.meetings.care += 1>>\<img src="Images/Locations/Outside/Bar.jpg" width="600">
Squeaky Bunker, your local bar.
<<RandomLocationImage "Bar">>
<<if not $bimbos.stella and GameDayIs("Friday") and BetweenTime(18, 19)>>\
[[Bimbo Life Coaching First Meeting|First Meeting]]
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeFirstDay") and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeBar") and random(1, 6) is 3>>\
[[You notice Charlotte standing alone at the bar|Charlotte College Bar]]
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting2") and not CheckEvent("Rosa", "BarMeeting") and GameDayIs("Thursday") and $gameDate.getHours() gte 20>>\
[[Look for Rosa|Rosa Bar Meet][SetHours(22); SetMinutes(0);]]
<<if $player.fame gte 20 and not CheckEvent("Player", "BarFuck")>>\
[[You see an attractive girl sitting at the bar|Bar Fuck][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<UIButton "Drink">>
<<if GameDayIs("Monday")>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella?.trainingComplete is false and not CheckEvent("Stella", "Session3") and BetweenTime(17, 18)>>\
<<UIEvent true "Stella Training Hub" "Stella">>\
<<elseif $bimbos.stella and not $player.unlocks.BLC and GameDayIs("Friday") and BetweenTime(18, 19)>>\
[[Bimbo Life Coaching Session|Weekly Bar Meeting]]
<<UINavigation "Outside">><<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Outside/Bartender.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Hey $player.firstName, what can I get you?"</span>
[[Just a beer ($6)|Bartender][$passageRoute to 2; AddMinutes(45); $player.cash -= 6;]]
[[Whisky on the rocks ($8)|Bartender][$passageRoute to 3; AddMinutes(45); $player.cash -= 8;]]
[[Think I'll go for a cocktail ($13)|Bartender][$passageRoute to 4; AddMinutes(45); $player.cash -= 13;]]
<<UINavigation "Bar">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Robert pours you a pint.
<img src="Images/Locations/Outside/Beer.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Any news?"</span>
Robert shakes his head, and looks around. <span class="minor-text">"Nah, nothing much going on. You see that new pizza place that opened a few blocks away? $4 a fucking slice."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Four bucks a slice? Damn. Any good?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"No clue, but this place is changing fast man."</span>
[[Order another drink|Bartender][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<UINavigation "Bar">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
Robert pours you a whisky, with some ice.
<img src="Images/Locations/Outside/Whisky.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Hey, $player.firstName. You see that girl over there?"</span>
You follow his eyes and see a thin, tattooed woman sitting in the corner. <span class="minor-text">"She's had two drinks and she's been eye fucking me the entire time."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You gonna do anything about it?"</span>
He looks at you like you're stupid. <span class="minor-text">"Like complain?"</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"No! Fucking hell. Give her a drink on the house, see if she wants to hang out. Act like a bartender for once."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Nah, I think she's that chick that works down at that new coffee place. If it goes badly I'll be stuck with her for way too fucking long."</span>
[[Order another drink|Bartender][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<UINavigation "Bar">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
Robert makes you an old-fashioned.
<img src="Images/Locations/Outside/Cocktail.jpg" width="600">
Robert seems distracted, and you nurse your cocktail at the bar, staring at your phone.
[[Order another drink|Bartender][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<UINavigation "Bar">>
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You walk over to a girl sitting with her friends at the bar.
<span class="mc-text">"Hi. Could I buy you a drink?"</span>
She looks you up and down.
<img src="Images/Events/Bar/BF1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Sure."</span>
You take a seat next to her as she looks over at you smiling.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm $player.firstName."</span> You reach out to shake her hand. She obliges and smiles as you shake hands.
<span class="minor-text">"Kate."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Kate, nice to meet you."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"You too, $player.firstName."</span>
You chit-chat for a while.
<<if $player.fitness gte 30>>\
[[Buy Kate a few drinks|Bar Fuck][$passageRoute to 2]]
Kate does not seem that interested in you. Maybe try working out more.
<<UINavigation "Bar">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
With the aid of a few drinks, the two of you seem to be getting along.
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Events/Bar/BF2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Let's play a game of pool."</span> Kate jumps up from the bar.
<span class="mc-text">"Ah, I think you'll win."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Yeah right."</span>
You play one round of pool and let her win.
<span class="mc-text">"See, I told you."</span>
Kate laughs and edges closer to you, sliding her hand up your shirt as she walks around you. It almost gives you chills. She then bends over, pushing her ass against you and takes a shot.
<span class="minor-text">"Alright, let's make a bet. If I win you take your shirt off."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Only if you do if I win."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Sure, whatever. I'm going to win anyway."</span> Kate sticks her tongue out at you.
After breaking, Kate begins to line up her shot. You sneak behind her and tickle her side just as she goes to shoot, making her miss.
<span class="minor-text">"No fair!"</span> Kate pushes you back. <span class="minor-text">"Cheater."</span>
You laugh and take your own shot. Kate smacks your ass but you still sink the ball.
<span class="mc-text">"Nice try, but you are in trouble now."</span>
You take a few more shots, eventually missing your last one on the eight ball. Kate takes her shot and misses.
<span class="minor-text">"Damnit!"</span>
You laugh. <span class="minor-text">"Miss!!"</span> You sink the eight ball and turn to her.
<span class="mc-text">"Let's see it missy."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Ugh. A bet's a bet...</span>
Kate pulls down her shirt in the middle of the bar.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Events/Bar/BF3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Continue playing pool with Kate|Bar Fuck][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Another game?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Maybe."</span>
Kate wraps her hands around your waist and pulls you toward the table. She tugs at her shirt again, smiling at you.
<span class="minor-text">"I mean, we could play. Or you could play with me instead."</span> Kate lays back on the pool table.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Events/Bar/BF4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She pulls down her shirt some more; everyone in the bar is looking over at her. She looks sexy as hell. You walk up between her legs and run your hands up her thighs.
<span class="minor-text">"Come here.</span> Kate grabs your hand and pulls you toward the back, walks you into the bathroom and closes the door behind you. Kate spins around and tugs at her shirt again, revealing her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Events/Bar/BF5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"You look amazing."</span>
[[Have sex with Kate|Bar Fuck][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<span class="minor-text">"I want you inside me."</span> Kate grabs your shirt, pulling you closer.
Kate gets down on her knees and starts to unbutton your pants. As she pulls down your pants she wraps one of her hands around your cock. She looks up at you, sticking her tongue out, and begins to suck your cock.
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Events/Bar/BF6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Mmm."</span> Kate moans as she swallow your cock.
<span class="mc-text">"Fuuuck."</span> It's been awhile since you've had your cock so eagerly sucked on. You reach down and grab her hair as she swallows your length entirely.
Kate stands up and bends over, pulling down her jeans. <span class="minor-text">"Fuck me."</span>
You grab your cock and slowly slide inside her.
<img src="Images/Events/Bar/BF7.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Ugh, Yes."</span>
You push deeper.
<span class="minor-text">"God, fuck me."</span>
You begin sliding back and forth inside of Kate, eventually grabbing a hold of her hair and smashing your cock into her pussy. It feels so good you wish you could fuck her forever.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Events/Bar/BF8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Continue fucking Kate|Bar Fuck][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
As you continue to fuck to Kate she slides forward and your cock pops free. She turns around and gives you a kiss.
<span class="minor-text">"You're pretty good."</span> Kate bends over leaning against the door.
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Events/Bar/BF9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You grab a hold of her hips and continue to fuck her.
<span class="minor-text">"Fuck. Fuck yes."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh shit."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Cum for me."</span>
You strain as you are about to explode.
Kate panics, <span class="minor-text">"Shit! Not in me!"</span> but begins laughs as she spins around and grabs your cock. Before she even gets a grip you've already begun to cum. Kate kneels, smiling up at you as you cum all over her face.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Events/Bar/BF10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Kate licks up your cum. <span class="minor-text">"You didn't have a condom on buddy. Tryin to get me pregnant?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sorry, you felt too good."</span>
You both get cleaned up and head back to the bar. As you get to the counter, Kate's friend points at her cheek. Kate runs her finger down her cheek and finds a string of cum she missed. She licks it off, looking at you and laughing. The two of you have a few more drinks before she calls it a night and heads home.
<<UINavigation "Bar">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Player", "BarFuck")>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Outside/CoffeeShop.jpg" width="600">
Henrique's, your local hipsterfied coffee shop.
<<include [[Ana Coffee Events]]>>\
<<if $bimbos.hang?.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Hang", "MeetCoffeeShop")>>\
[[You see Hang in the coffee shop|Hang Coffee Shop]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting") and not CheckEvent("Hang", "CoffeeDate")>>\
[[You see Hang at her usual table|Hang Coffee Date][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Hang", "CoffeeDate") and not CheckEvent("Hang", "CoffeeDate2")>>\
[[You see Hang at her usual table|Hang Coffee Date 2]]
<<UIButton "Coffee">>
<<UINavigation "Outside">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<if not $bimbos.ana>>\
<<set $bimbos.ana to clone($bimboTemplate)>>\
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/CoffeeShop/CoffeeShop.jpg" width="600">
You walk up to the counter and the tomboyish barista behind the counter is leaning up against the counter running against the back wall. She smiles at you as you walk in, but she doesn't move position. <span class="ana-text">"Hey, what can I get you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Lemme get a cold brew, not too much ice, and... You got any good snacks?"</span>
She stands up and begins to prepare the coffee. <span class="ana-text">"All the snacks are in the case. I like that rainbow brownie the most, though."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'll take that, then."</span>
She begins to make your order, and once she's made the coffee you strike up a conversation. <span class="mc-text">"How new is this place?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Only a couple of months. I've been here since they first opened, used to work at one of those fancy ass places in the city, but I jumped at the chance not to take the train in each day."</span> She looks at you expectantly. <span class="ana-text">"That'll be $7."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I've never been in here before but I live just a block over. You close by?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Ten minutes walk."</span> She sticks out her hand. <span class="ana-text">"I'm Ana."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"$player.firstName. Nice to meet you."</span>
She turns around to do something with the espresso machine. <span class="ana-text">"Enjoy your coffee."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Ana", "Surgery") or CheckEvent("Ana", "CoffeeShopVisit2")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Ana", "AnaReturnText") and not CheckEvent("Ana", "CoffeeShopVisit")>>\
You look around the Coffee Shop... and wonder where Ana is? As you proceed to the counter you say to the barista...
<span class="mc-text">"The usual please."</span>
You hand over your $7, and spend a couple of minutes chatting about what your "usual" is. Then you head to a table to enjoy your coffee and small brownie.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Ana/CoffeeShop/CoffeeShop.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"The usual please, Ana"</span>
You hand over your $7, and spend a couple of minutes chatting with Ana before heading to a table to enjoy your coffee and small brownie.
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">>
<<set AddMinutes(10); $player.cash -= 7;>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Locations/Subway/CosmeticSurgeon.jpg" width="600">
You walk into the lobby and see your trusted cosmetic surgeon Dr. Yanovic leaving a consulting room.
<span class="yanovic-text">"$player.firstName! My best customer! How are you, are you looking to get any work done?"</span> Dr. Yanovic laughs hard at his own joke. <span class="yanovic-text">"Of course not!"</span> Though his voice gets serious for a moment, and he earnestly continues. <span class="yanovic-text">"That said, if you were going to transition, you know I am your man."</span>
<<if $npcs.yanovic and not CheckEvent("Yanovic", "Advert") and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>\
[[Dr. Yanovic's Office|Doctor Yanovic Office][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $bimbos.sofia?.transformLevel gte 1 and $bimbos.natalie?.transformLevel gte 1 and not CheckEvent("Yanovic", "Discount") and $gameDate.getHours() lt 17>>\
[[Dr. Yanovic would like to meet with you|Doctor Yanovic Office][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if $bimbos.stella?.transformLevel is 0 and CheckEvent("Stella", "Session6")>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella.cash gte 12000>>\
[[Stella buys her new tits|Stella Big Implants]]
Stella does not have the $12,000 to buy her new tits.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte?.transformLevel is 1 and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "SecondImplants") and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.cash gte 20000>>\
[[Charlotte Goes Full Bimbo|Charlotte Transformation 2]]
Charlotte does not yet have the $20,000 she needs to get more work done.
<<if $bimbos.sofia?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Sofia", "Surgery")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Sofia", "Implants2")>>\
[[Meet your mother|Sofia Transformation 2][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Sofia", "VisitDoctor")>>\
[[Take mom to surgery|Sofia Implants Surgery]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Sofia", "Implants")>>\
[[Introduce your mom to Dr. Yanovic|Sofia Implants Visit][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if $clients.skylar?.transformLevel is 0 and CheckEvent("Skylar", "Meeting7") and GameDayIs("Friday") and $gameDate.getHours() is 14>>\
[[Meet Skylar for her surgery|Skylar Transform][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<UINavigation "Subway">>
<<audio "Subway" stop>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="yanovic-text">"$player.firstName! Hello."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hello Dr. Yanovic, how have things been going?"</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Great actually. I'd say a good deal because of you. Which is why I wanted to speak with you. You've brought in some great business for us here at the clinic. Because of that, I'd like to offer bigger discounts, and bundle pricing in the future for multiple operations. I think this could benefit us both, no?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That sounds great. What would the structure be?"</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Truthfully, we are still working out the details, but we can add a 5% discount right off the top to get things going. I have my front staff working on the bundle deals, trust me we won't be beat."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think we could also maybe get some good photo shoots to promote, maybe raise a few ads in town?"</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"That is a great idea $player.firstName. Would any of your girls be interested?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'll be sure to ask them and send them your way."</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Thank you, I appreciate you coming by."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Any time, Dr. Yanovic, have a good day."</span>
<<UINavigation "CosmeticSurgeon">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Yanovic", "Discount");>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Yanovic", "AdvertReject")>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Subway/YanovicOffice.jpg" width="600">
<span class="yanovic-text">"Changed your mind, $player.firstName?"</span>
[[Yes, let's work together|Doctor Yanovic Office][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[No, not yet|Doctor Yanovic Office][$passageRoute to 4]]
<img src="Images/Locations/Subway/YanovicOffice.jpg" width="600">
The nurse tells you that Dr. Yanovic is in his office, and takes you down the hall to his office. She knocks on his door, sticks her head in and lets him know you are here.
You hear a booming welcome from inside the room. <span class="yanovic-text">"$player.firstName!"</span>
You walk in, and take a seat on a leather patient chair in front of his desk.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello Dr. Yanovic, how are things?"</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Good, $player.firstName, good. Have you come to arrange another operation or to discuss other business?"</span>
You smile and let out a quiet laugh. <span class="mc-text">"No operations planned yet, so other business it is. You said you had a proposal for me?"</span>
Dr. Yanovic pushes his plush office chair away from his desk and begins to gesture in broad, wide movements. <span class="yanovic-text">"I hear that you have a new business, yes? And that we may have a similar client base?"</span>
You cough and realize that you had never told him about this. <span class="mc-text">"Yes, that's right. I am the founder of, and first life coach for, Bimbo Life Coaching."</span> You shrug dismissively, then continue. <span class="mc-text">"To be honest, business is going well but we are still meeting in a bar backroom, and I only have one individual client."</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Interesting.. Very interesting."</span>
There's a moment of silence as Dr. Yanovic looks out of the window, onto the street.
<span class="mc-text">"What were you-"</span> Before you can finish Dr. Yanovic interrupts you.
<span class="yanovic-text">"I was thinking we could do each other a little favour, perhaps? It seems likely that your clients might be interested in my services some day, and it seems likely that my clients might at least be curious about your services. Perhaps we could distribute some literature at each others place of business?"
"You scratch my back, I scratch your back?"</span>
You consider it. On the one hand, it probably would give you new clients and raise your profile, but equally it could diminish your brand, to cooperate with a surgeon so quickly.
[[Yes|Doctor Yanovic Office][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[No|Doctor Yanovic Office][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Subway/YanovicOffice.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Sure, I think that's a great idea. I'll send over a small stack of pamphlets for you to put in reception."</span>
<span class="yanovic-text">"Excellent! I think this could be the beginning of a very fruitful relationship."</span> Dr. Yanovic winks at you.
<<UINavigation "CosmeticSurgeon">>
<<set AddEvent("Yanovic", "Advert"); $player.fame += 2;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Subway/YanovicOffice.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I'm afraid not, at least not yet. I think it's a good idea in the long run, but I don't think my own brand is developed enough yet to begin marketing for other businesses."</span>
Dr. Yanovic pulls a face and shrugs, but then smiles at you. <span class="yanovic-text">"Well let me know when you are ready. I really think we could have a very productive relationship."</span>
<<UINavigation "CosmeticSurgeon">>
<<set AddEvent("Yanovic", "AdvertReject")>>\
<</if>>\You get off at Subway Station 4 and head toward the main shopping center downtown.
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/Downtown.jpg" width="600">
After walking two blocks you arrive at the shopping center.
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/DowntownLarge.jpg" width="600">
<<RandomLocationImage "Downtown">>
<<if CheckEvent("Isaac", "Support") and not $bimbos.natalie>>\
[[A girl runs into you, spilling your coffee|Natalie Intro][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Natalie", "Convention") and not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Park") and BetweenTime(10, 18)>>\
[[You see Natalie by the park|Natalie Park]]
<<if $bimbos.ana?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Ana", "StripClub") and not CheckEvent("Ana", "Hairdresser")>>\
[[Pass the Icon Salon|Ana Downtown]]
<<if CheckEvent("Rebeca", "WildeMet") and not CheckEvent("Rebeca", "WildeStreet") and BetweenTime(10, 18)>>\
[[Take a walk down the street|Wilde Street Run-in]]
<<UINavigation "DowntownGym">><<UINavigation "DowntownCoffeeShop">><<UINavigation "FashionShop">>
<<UINavigation "Townhall">><<UINavigation "Subway">><<UINavigation "Home">>
<<audio "Subway" stop>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<set _random to random(1, 4)>>\
You walk into the gym.
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/BodyWerx.jpg" width="600">
Damn this place is nice.
<<RandomLocationImage "Gym">>
<<if CheckEvent("Rebeca", "DiamondWorkout") and not CheckEvent("Rebeca", "DiamondGym") and BetweenTime(13, 16) and GameDayIs("Wednesday")>>\
[[Meet Diamond|Diamond Gym]]
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC and BetweenTime(9, 18)>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "ChloeMeet")>>\
[[You see someone interesting|Chloe Intro]]
<<elseif $player.fitness gte 40 and not CheckEvent("Player", "YovvonaMeet")>>\
[[You see a girl working out that you haven't seen before|Yovvona Intro]]
<<if $player.fitness gte 30 and $player.fame gte 25>>\
<<if not $clients.sarah>>\
[[As you work out a young lady approaches you|Sarah Intro]]
<<elseif $clients.sarah.dayCounter is 0 and not CheckEvent("Sarah", "BeginTraining")>>\
[[Sarah is working out again|Sarah Begin Training][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if $npcs.elle and not CheckEvent("Elle", "TrainingBegin")>>\
[[You see Elle downtown|Elle Training Begin][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if $player.gymMembership gt 0>>\
<<UIButton "DowntownWorkout">>
<span class="minor-text">Um, excuse me sir?</span>
[[Oh sorry|Body Werx][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<if $clients.sarah?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Sarah", "BeginTraining") and BetweenTime(9, 18)>>\
<<if $clients.sarah.happiness lt 10>>\
<<UIEvent true "Sarah Workout Sessions" "Sarah">>\
<<elseif $clients.sarah.happiness lt 14>>\
<<UIEvent true "Sarah Training Sessions" "Sarah">>\
<<elseif $clients.sarah.transformLevel is 0>>\
<<UIEvent true "Sarah Transform Session" "Sarah">>\
<<UINavigation "Downtown">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/BodyWerxReception.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"How can I help you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I was thinking about signing up for a membership here."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Wonderful. We have monthly memberships available for $250. There is also the option of a yearly membership for $2,000."</span>
<<if $player.cash gte 250>>\
[[Purchase a monthly membership|Body Werx][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<if $player.cash gte 2000>>\
[[Purchase a yearly membership|Body Werx][$passageRoute to 4]]
You do not have enough cash to purchase a yearly membership.
You do not have enough cash to purchase a membership.
<<UINavigation "DowntownGym">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/BodyWerxReception.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"That's great. Welcome to Body Werx."</span>
<<UINavigation "DowntownGym">>
<<set $player.cash -= 250; $player.gymMembership to 4;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/BodyWerxReception.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"That's great. Welcome to Body Werx."</span>
<<UINavigation "DowntownGym">>
<<set $player.cash -= 2000; $player.gymMembership to 52;>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
<<set _imageChoice to random(1, 15)>>\
<<if _imageChoice is 15>>\
<img src="Images/Misc/Workout/15.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif _imageChoice lt 10>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/Misc/Workout/{0}.webm", _imageChoice)>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source @src="_imageName" type="video/webm"></video>
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/Misc/Workout/{0}.webm", _imageChoice)>>\
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source @src="_imageName" type="video/webm"></video>
You are now much fitter.
<<if BetweenTime(8, 19)>><<UINavigation "DowntownGym">><<else>><<UINavigation "Downtown">><</if>>
<<set AddHours(1); AddFitness(2);>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/BlackRockCoffee.jpg" width="600">
You walk into BR coffee.
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/BlackRockCoffee2.jpg" width="600">
Ahh. Smells Delicious.
<<RandomLocationImage "CoffeeDowntown">>
<<if CheckEvent("Ana", "CoffeeShopVisit2") and not CheckEvent("Ana", "OtherCoffeeShop")>>\
[[You see someone familiar|Ana Other Coffee Shop]]
<<UIButton "DowntownCoffee">>
<<UINavigation "Downtown">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You look around the Coffee Shop; a hip modern joint and damn, does their place smell good.
<span class="mc-text">"Large Coffee please."</span>
You hand over your $7, and spend a couple of minutes chatting. Then you head to a table to enjoy your coffee and read the news.
<<UINavigation "DowntownCoffeeShop">>
<<set AddMinutes(10); $player.cash -= 7;>>\
<</if>>\You head to Councilmember Hernandez's office, but neither she nor Tan are there.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rosa/Office/Profile.jpg" height="600">
As you leave the office you look at the Councilmember's face, blown up on an aging campaign poster, and you can't help but wonder what she looks like naked.
<<UINavigation "Downtown">><img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/ModernFashion.jpg" width="600">
You open the door.
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "FashionStore")>>\
<<RandomLocationImage "FashionStore">>
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/ModernFashionReception.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Hello sir. Chat can we help you with today?"</span>
<<if not $player.inventory.includes("BlueLingerie")>>\
<img class="table-images" src="Images/Misc/Fashion/BlackBlueLingerie.jpg" height="150">
<<if $player.cash gte 300>>\
<<link [[Blue Lingerie|Modern Fashion]]>><<set $player.inventory.push("BlueLingerie")>><<set $player.cash -= 300>><</link>>
You do not have enough to purchase blue lingerie.
<<if not $player.inventory.includes("BlackBra")>>\
<img class="table-images" src="Images/Misc/Fashion/BlackBra.jpg" height="150">
<<if $player.cash gte 200>>\
<<link [[Black Bra|Modern Fashion]]>><<set $player.inventory.push("BlackBra")>><<set $player.cash -= 200>><</link>>
You do not have enough to purchase black bra.
<<if not $player.inventory.includes("BlackBraPanties")>>\
<img class="table-images" src="Images/Misc/Fashion/BlackBraAndPanties.jpg" height="150">
<<if $player.cash gte 300>>\
<<link [[Black Bra and Panties|Modern Fashion]]>><<set $player.inventory.push("BlackBraPanties")>><<set $player.cash -= 300>><</link>>
You do not have enough to purchase black bra and panties.
<<if not $player.inventory.includes("Corset")>>\
<img class="table-images" src="Images/Misc/Fashion/HangCorset.jpg" height="150">
<<if $player.cash gte 500>>\
<<link [[Corset|Modern Fashion]]>><<set $player.inventory.push("Corset")>><<set $player.cash -= 500>><</link>>
You do not have enough to purchase corset.
<<if not $player.inventory.includes("SeeThroughLingerie")>>\
<img class="table-images" src="Images/Misc/Fashion/HangPornSet.jpg" height="150">
<<if $player.cash gte 300>>\
<<link [[See Through Lingerie|Modern Fashion]]>><<set $player.inventory.push("SeeThroughLingerie")>><<set $player.cash -= 300>><</link>>
You do not have enough to purchase see through lingerie.
<<if not $player.inventory.includes("HotPinkBra")>>\
<img class="table-images" src="Images/Misc/Fashion/HotPinkBra.jpg" width="150">
<<if $player.cash gte 200>>\
<<link [[Hot Pink Bra|Modern Fashion]]>><<set $player.inventory.push("HotPinkBra")>><<set $player.cash -= 200>><</link>>
You do not have enough to purchase hot pink bra.
<<if not $player.inventory.includes("PinkBraPanties")>>\
<img class="table-images" src="Images/Misc/Fashion/PinkBraAndPanties.jpg" height="150">
<<if $player.cash gte 200>>\
<<link [[Pink Bra and Panties|Modern Fashion]]>><<set $player.inventory.push("PinkBraPanties")>><<set $player.cash -= 200>><</link>>
You do not have enough to purchase pink bra and panties.
<<if not $player.inventory.includes("PinkFishnets")>>\
<img class="table-images" src="Images/Misc/Fashion/PinkFishnets.jpg" height="150">
<<if $player.cash gte 200>>\
<<link [[Pink Fishnets|Modern Fashion]]>><<set $player.inventory.push("PinkFishnets")>><<set $player.cash -= 200>><</link>>
You do not have enough to purchase pink fishnets.
<<if not $player.inventory.includes("SchoolSkirts")>>\
<img class="table-images" src="Images/Misc/Fashion/SchoolGirlSkirts.jpg" width="150">
<<if $player.cash gte 500>>\
<<link [[School Girl Skirts|Modern Fashion]]>><<set $player.inventory.push("SchoolSkirts")>><<set $player.cash -= 500>><</link>>
You do not have enough to purchase school girl skirts.
<<if not $player.inventory.includes("WhiteHeels")>>\
<img class="table-images" src="Images/Misc/Fashion/WhiteStripperHeels.jpg" height="150">
<<if $player.cash gte 200>>\
<<link [[White Heels|Modern Fashion]]>><<set $player.inventory.push("WhiteHeels")>><<set $player.cash -= 200>><</link>>
You do not have enough to purchase white heels.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Sorry sir, we are closed for renovations."</span>
<<UINavigation "Downtown">><span class="minor-text">Greetings New York,
Modern Fashion, this city's go to location for all your classy clothing needs, is pleased to announce the completion of our new renovations.
We welcome you to visit our downtown store for adding that extra element of luxury to your wardrobe.</span>
Good to know.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Player", "FashionStore")>>\<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Bedroom.jpg" width="600">
Your bedroom.
<<if $player.cash >= 500>>\
<<UIEvent true "Jessyka" "Jessyka">>\
<<UIEvent false "Jessyka" "You need $500 to hire Jessyka.">>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<<UIEvent true "Stella Bootycall" "Stella">>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<<if not GameDayIs("Saturday") and not GameDayIs("Sunday") and BetweenTime(9, 16)>>\
<<UIEvent true "Stella Bootycall" "Stella">>\
<<UIEvent false "Stella" "Stella only works at your apartment 09:00 - 17:00, Monday - Friday.">>\
<<if $bimbos.stacy?.timesTrained gte 5>>\
<<if $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter is 0 and $gameDate.getHours() gte 12>>\
<<UIEvent true "Stacy Bootycall" "Stacy">>\
<<UIEvent false "Stacy" "Stacy is probably busy at work. She did not answer her phone.">>\
<<if CheckEvent("Tan", "SexVisits")>>\
<<if $bimbos.tan.dayCounter is 0 and $gameDate.getHours() gte 18>>\
<<UIEvent true "Tan Bootycall" "Tan">>\
<<UIEvent false "Tan" "You can only invite Tan over after she finishes work at 18:00.">>\
<<if $clients.katie?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Katie", "Bootycall")>>\
<<UIEvent true "Katie Bootycall" "Katie">>\
<<UINavigation "Home">><<set AddMinutes(15); _image to String.format("Images/Misc/Masturbate/{0}.jpg", random(1, 6))>>\
<img @src="_image" width="600">
You lay in bed and put on some porn, killing a bit of time and clearing your mind.
<<UINavigation "Bedroom">><<if $npcs.jessyka.happiness gte 10>>\
<<set AddHours(2); $player.cash -= 500;>>\
You decide to give Jessyka a call. Thirty minutes later she is knocking at the door.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Jessyka/BootyCall/Arrive.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Hey $player.firstName. Was hoping you would call."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh really?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Of course. I love visiting my favorite customer."</span>
You chuckle, not entirely sure if she is genuine.
<span class="minor-text">"What would you like $player.firstName?""</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Surprise me."</span>
With a smirk, Jessyka pulls a bottle of oil out of her bag. She pushes you on the couch, pulling down her top as she does so.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Jessyka/BootyCall/TitRub.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"You like these tits baby? Do you want to feel your big cock between them?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Jessyka/BootyCall/Titjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Do my tits make you feel good $player.firstName?"</span>
She is so sexy looking up at you. <span class="mc-text">"They are perfect Jessyka. But now I think we need to compare other parts of you."</span>
With a wicked smile, she hops up and lies down against you on the couch.
<span class="minor-text">"What are you waiting for?"</span>
You push into her and start pounding.
<span class="minor-text">"Oh fuck! That's it baby. Fill me up."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Jessyka/BootyCall/Sex.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After the titjob earlier, you won't last long; and after a few minutes you start cumming.
<span class="minor-text">"Yes baby, fill me with that cum."</span>
You lie there, completely spent. Jessyka gets up and starts dressing. After leaning down and giving you a quick peck, she leaves.
<<set AddMinutes(30); $player.cash -= 500; $npcs.jessyka.happiness += 1; _image to String.format("Images/NPCs/Jessyka/{0}.webm", random(1, 4));>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source @src="_image" type="video/webm"></video>
You call up Jessyka and invite her over to have some fun...
<<UINavigation "Bedroom">><<if $bimbos.stella.trainingComplete>><<set _upperLimit to 8>><<else>><<set _upperLimit to 6>><</if>>\
<<set AddHours(1); _randomChoice to random(1, _upperLimit);>>\
<<switch _randomChoice>>\
<<case 1>>\
You're bored. <span class="mc-text">"Stella!"</span> You call for Stella. You wait a moment or two, but hear nothing. <span class="mc-text">"Stellaaaa!"</span>
You listen, closely, and you hear Stella walking down the hallway to your office, the apartment floorboards creaking as she approaches. She shouts to you as she nears the office. <span class="stella-text">"Yes, $player.firstName?"</span> She peers round the doorway and looks at you as you unzip your trousers.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I'm bored. Let's fuck."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I'm changing your work task momentarily... Let's fuck."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 2>>\
You surprise Stella in the kitchen, where she is pouring milk from a plastic jug into a crystal one.
<span class="mc-text">"What are you doing?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Oh, just putting the milk into the nice jug. Charlotte's bringing home a special dinner tonight and I wanted to make sure the table was pretty."</span>
She's only wearing a black silk dressing gown and you move to stand behind her. You pull apart the gown, and begin to feel her breasts.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/2a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"I've always had a thing for milk... Get up on the counter."</span>
Stella begins to laugh and does as she's told. You pull her dressing gown off her and throw it to the floor. <span class="mc-text">"Now pour it over yourself."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"What?"</span>
You get naked and begin to jerk yourself off as you answer her. <span class="mc-text">"Pour it in your mouth, pour it over your tits, let it drip down to your pussy."</span>
Stella shrugs and begins to pour it over herself. At first a little clumsily, a little self-consciously, but seeing how excited you get she gets into it too.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As she pours the milk over her body you lick it up, and kiss her. You pull her panties aside and begin to finger her. When the milk is gone, you pull her up onto the counter and she sits on your dick.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/2c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte?.trainingComplete>>\
You two fuck on top of the kitchen counter, facing the front door, when you hear the lock begin to turn.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hey mom, sorry it took so long, I just-"</span> It's Charlotte, and she's looking right at your two. Her mom, spread, with your dick inside her.
Stella shouts at you as you stop. <span class="stella-text">"DON'T STOP! I'm so close!"</span> You begin fucking again and within seconds Stella comes. A shuddering, full body orgasm that leaves her red in the face and her eyes watering. Stella collapses down on top of you.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
Charlotte walks over and tenderly brushes sweaty hair from Stella's face. <span class="charlotte-text">"You really needed that, huh?"</span> Wordlessly, Stella nods. You give a little wave to Charlotte and she winks at you. You still haven't come, however, and you begin to thrust back into Stella.
<span class="stella-text">"No, no.. I can't... It's too sensitive..."</span> You look a little disappointed but Stella takes Charlotte by the hand. <span class="stella-text">"Sweetie?"</span> You and Charlotte make eye contact, and she takes off her hoodie.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
Charlotte walks over and tenderly brushes sweaty hair from Stella's face. <span class="charlotte-text">"You really needed that, huh?"</span> Stella clears her throat and nods, but she doesn't open her eyes. You give a little wave to Charlotte and she winks at you. You still haven't come, however, and you begin to thrust back into Stella.
<span class="stella-text">"No, no.. I can't... It's too sensitive..."</span> You look a little disappointed but Stella takes Charlotte by the hand. <span class="stella-text">"Charlotte?"</span> You and Charlotte make eye contact, and she takes off her hoodie.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Always the one picking up the pieces..."</span> You pull out of Stella, who then rolls off you to sit on a high kitchen stool. You stand up and before you can say anything Charlotte is licking the tip of your dick, tasting where you were only seconds before.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sex/Transform2/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sex/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Once she's sucked your dick clean you lead her over to the sofa opposite the kitchen. You're about to slide into her soaking wet pussy when she stops you. <span class="charlotte-text">"I've got standards, you know. If you just fucked her pussy you can only fuck my ass. Got it?"</span>
She fingers her own asshole for a few seconds, lubing it up with spit, before you are guided into her.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sex/Transform2/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sex/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As you fuck her you make a point of looking straight into Stella's eyes who, after a moment of hesitation, comes and sits on the same sofa as you. Stella watches, fascinated, and still naked and glistening from when you were fucking. As you speed up Charlotte's hair begins to fall into your face, and Stella reaches out and bunches it up, holding Charlotte's hair for her as you approach climax.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"Fuck yeah, Charlotte."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"You're doing such a good job sweetie."</span>
At that you orgasm, hard, and long. You fill Charlotte's asshole and you feel her speed up, milking every last drop from you. When you're done, and you let Charlotte go, the mood grows a little awkward once again, and the two women walk off the change into clothes.
She rides you as you thrust up into her. A shuddering, full body orgasm rolls over her, leaving her red in the face, eyes watering. Stella collapses down on top of you. You stop, for a few moments, but then continue to thrust up into her limp, post-orgasmic body until you too come.
<<case 3>>\
Leaving your desk for a moment you walk into the living room and see Stella. She's laying there, naked, masturbating. You stand and look at her for a moment, and as she opens her eyes and looks at you she continues to play with herself.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"I'm boooooored."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"I'm on a break."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/3a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Nothing better to do today?"</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"Not unless you give me some attention."</span>
You sit next to her on the sofa, and take off your pants. <span class="mc-text">"I suppose I have a few minutes to spare."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Yay!"</span>
Stella bends down and sucks your cock til you're hard, and then jumps on top of you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/3b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
In reality, she's fucking you, and she comes within minutes. She continues riding you, however, until you orgasm. Then she stays on top of you and plays with you hair. <span class="stella-text">"Thank you for having fun with me."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"Not unless you give me some real work to do..."</span>
You sit next to her on the sofa, and take off your pants. <span class="mc-text">"Something urgent has come up."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"You make the lamest, most corny jokes, you know that right?"</span>
Stella bends down and sucks your cock til you're hard, and then jumps on top of you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/3b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
In reality, she's fucking you, and she comes within minutes. She continues riding you, however, until you orgasm. Then she stays on top of you and plays with you hair. You open your mouth to speak but Stella interrupts you. <span class="stella-text">"If you make a 'bonus' pun I'm never touching your dick again."</span>
<<case 4>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
You are working in your dining room, financial papers spread across the table, when Stella walks in. It seems she has been shopping.
<span class="stella-text">"Look what I got!"</span> You look up and she's holding a gold necklace, with irregular gold spikes hanging down from it. <span class="stella-text">"It's so cute, right?"</span>
You nod and then get back to work.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
You are working in your dining room, financial papers spread across the table, when Stella walks in with more.
<span class="stella-text">"Look what I got!"</span> You look up and she's holding a big legal binder of documents, with '2008' scribbled on it. <span class="stella-text">"Bet you're glad to see these, right?"</span>
You put on your most deadpan voice. <span class="mc-text">"Yay."</span> Then you turn back to your work.
<span class="stella-text">"Oh, $player.firstName. Are you stressed?"</span>
You let out a long sigh. In truth, you suppose you are. The nature of your original business sale, and the most recent deal you cut with James, has left you dealing with a litany of tax issues. Nothing that risks throwing you in jail, but something that leaves you with a looming burden of boring work that you never quite get around to tackling.
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I am a little, to tell the truth"</span> Stella stands behind you and wraps her arms around you. You can feel her breasts on either side of your head, warm and firm, exciting and reassuring.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"Let me give you a massage. Lie down on the table."</span> She begins to tidy up the documents on the table. You nearly try to stop her, but you go along with it. House bimbos are gonna house bimbo, and at least she's trying to keep the papers in something resembling good order.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"Let's take a break. Lie down on the table."</span> She begins to tidy up the documents on the table, and she can't help but let out a little 'tsk' when she sees how disorganized you've let the documents become.
<span class="mc-text">"On my back or on my front?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"On your front of course. Take off your clothes."</span>
You do as you're told and once you've lied down Stella begins to massage your legs. <span class="stella-text">"I can feel how tense you are. Your muscles feel like a sack of charcoal."</span> Slowly she massages you, and works her way up your body. By the time she reaches your thighs you've begun to get hard. Stella quickly sucks your semi-flaccid dick into her mouth, making a popping sound, then giggles as she spits it back out. She does this a few times until you are properly hard.
Without the mood changing, without her becoming more serious, or more deliberately sexy, Stella seamlessly eases into sucking your dick.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/4a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks up at you and plays with her breasts. She leans over you and begins to play with herself, briefly stopping to take off her skirt. When you're close to orgasm she stops and looks at you. <span class="stella-text">"Would you like me to keep on massaging you, or do you want to come inside me?"</span> You look up at her and she knows the answer. She sits on the edge of the desk and as you enter her she wraps her arms and legs around you.
<span class="stella-text">"Shhhh, let it all out. Just let it all out."</span> You thrust into her for a couple of minutes, getting back to where you were, as she continues to gently reassure you. As you begin to come, you look into her eyes, and she kisses your face, smiling widely as she feels you fill her. Once you're done, she whispers in your ear. <span class="stella-text">"Have I brought you joy?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/4b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You say nothing but you smile and kiss her on the forehead. As you pull out and walk off she begins to giggle, as the cum drips out of her, and she plays around with it.
<<case 5>>\
You're lying in bed, browsing your phone and feeling guilty about not doing work, when Stella knocks on your door.
<span class="stella-text">"I was hoping I'd find you here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh? What's up?"</span>
Stella flops down on your bed, she's only wearing a blue lace nightie, but she has on a necklace too. <span class="stella-text">"I've been practicing."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
You put your phone down. <span class="mc-text">"Practicing what?"</span>
Stella rolls over so her head and left shoulder is on your body. <span class="stella-text">"I've been practicing my gag reflex. So I don't gag as easily. Want to see?"</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
You put your phone down. <span class="mc-text">"Practicing what? On company time?"</span>
Stella rolls over so her head and left shoulder is on your body and shoots you a dirty glare before continuing. <span class="stella-text">"I've been practicing my gag reflex. So I don't gag as easily. Want to see?"</span>
Before you can even say yes she is unbuttoning your trousers, and has your flaccid penis in her mouth. <span class="mc-text">"OK."</span> That's all the instruction she needs and she begins to gently suck your dick, making you hard. Only a few moments pass before you're hard and she is throwing her throat onto you and holding it there.
<span class="stella-text">"Stand up, take control from me, really see how good I've gotten."</span>
You push her up against the headboard, and hold her arms above her. You try to guide your dick into her mouth, but you miss the first couple of times until she reaches out and takes it in her mouth.
Then you begin to fuck her face.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/5a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You talk to her gently, and quietly, the only sounds coming from her being the sound of her breathing, and her wet throat around you. <span class="mc-text">"Good work, Stella. You really have been practicing."</span> You withdraw a few times to give her a chance to take in a deep breath, but you reinsert before she can say anything.
After a while, though, you get a bit bored. Truth be told you're feeling a bit lazy today, and just want to fuck her, fill her, and be done.
<span class="mc-text">"On your front, Stella."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/5b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
When you're done with her you get up and debate actually starting work, but put the thought out of your mind.
<<case 6>>\
<span class="charlotte-text">"No, put something better on."</span>
Charlotte's staying at home today and she is bothering you to put something on the TV to watch, as she idly sucks your dick. You two bicker for a while until you both agree to watch an old Seinfeld episode.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte?.transformLevel is 2>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sex/Transform2/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sex/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As you lay there half watching Seinfeld, half watching Charlotte slobber on you, Stella walks in. You look quickly at Charlotte for a cue on how to behave but she simply takes your dick out of her mouth and greets her. <span class="charlotte-text">"Busy day?"</span> She takes you back into her mouth.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"Yes, actually, I've been tying up loose ends from my old job. I might have to go into the city later but nothing special planned. You?"</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="stella-text">"Yes, actually, I've been trying to get his chaotic finances in order. I might have to go into the city later but nothing special planned. You?"</span>
Charlotte shrugs and keeps on sucking your dick. Stella sighs, a little on edge, and an idea pops into your head.
<span class="mc-text">"Stop for a moment, Charlotte. Your mom's a little stressed, I think I should help her relax."</span>
You begin to undress her, down to her lingerie, a beautiful, white, matching lace set. You pull down her panties and sit her on the sofa, and begin to taste her.
<span class="charlotte-text">"So this is the pecking order? I suck your dick, you eat her out."</span>
Neither of you say anything, but you laugh a little, and the vibrations of your laugh make Stella shudder.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/6a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte sits, at first fixed on the sight of you eating out Stella, but increasingly focused on Seinfeld. You spend a long time - easily 15 or 20 minutes - eating her out and your jaw begins to get sore. Slowly, however, you can feel Stella's body tense up, little by little, as she approaches orgasm. Another few minutes pass until she comes. It's not intense, but it's long, and she moans as gentle wave after gentle wave of orgasm laps over her.
You wipe your face and look at Charlotte, who has an eyebrow cocked. <span class="charlotte-text">"You just gonna leave him like that after pushing me out the way?"</span> Your dick is rock hard, and you can feel the precum dripping inside your boxers.
Stella opens her eyes, and sits up. She rubs the outline of your penis through your boxers, then stands up. She spreads her legs slightly and leans forward against a pillar. <span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/6b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You take your dick out of your boxers again and slowly slide into her. She winces slightly as you enter her, but says nothing else. You begin to speed up, and you can sense the outline of your own orgasm when Stella begins to shudder. She's come again. You don't stop until she reaches out behind you with her hand, and pushes you away from her.
<span class="stella-text">"Stop... Stop... I can't..."</span>
You're about to tuck your dick away, debating if you could just jack off quickly in your bedroom, when Charlotte gets on her knees in front of you.
<span class="charlotte-text">"You both fucking owe me for this."</span>
She begins to suck your dick, vigorously, not caring where it had been only a few moments before. She spits and gags and before Stella even gets her panties back on you're coming.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte?.transformLevel is 2>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sex/Transform2/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Charlotte/Sex/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Charlotte milks every last drop from you, then makes a point of playing with your cum as she taunts Stella. <span class="charlotte-text">"Jackson girl number ONE! I am the best, the best of aaaaall!"</span>
Stella rolls her eyes dramatically, but still gives a little chuckle.
<<case 7>>\
You find Stella relaxing on the sofa.
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Spending the day loafing around?"</span>
Stella just looks at you smiling. <span class="stella-text">"Not much else to do. Unless you have some other ideas."</span>
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Relaxing during work hours?"</span>
Stella just looks at you smiling, and rolls her eyes. <span class="stella-text">"I think I deserve a little break. It's not as if there is much to do right now."</span>
Sitting down beside her, you have a great view down her dress. Not that it was difficult before with the copious amount of cleavage Stella's dress shows off.
<span class="stella-text">"Enjoying the view?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Not exactly difficult to miss. Your style has certainly changed living here."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I know. When we first met I never would have dared to wear something so revealing. Now look at me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Don't mind if I do."</span>
Grabbing hold of Stella's shoulders, you lift her up, while pulling down her top at the same time. She lets out a sigh as you start fondling her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/7a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stella melts into your touch. Reaching back, she grabs your cock and lets out a moan.
<span class="stella-text">"Mmm. Careful $player.firstName."</span>
She pulls down your pants, your cock flapping against her ass. With another sigh, she drops to her knees and begins playing with it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/7b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Having fun?"</span>
Stella lets go of your cock with a popping sound. <span class="stella-text">"It's your fault. Getting me worked up."</span> She gives you a playful lick. <span class="stella-text">"Now I need my fix."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That makes two of us."</span>
You push her onto all fours and kneel behind her. Stella looks back giggling, which quickly turns to a gasp as you aim for a different hole.
<span class="stella-text">"$player.firstName!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You said you needed a fix. I'll give you a fix to last all day."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/7c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"Oh my God $player.firstName!"</span> Stella shoves back against you in time with your thrusts. <span class="stella-text">"So good!"</span>
Her moans echo through the apartment as she near orgasm. With a scream, she begins to shudder and cum. Once her orgasm subsides, Stella can only fall to the floor with you on top.
<span class="mc-text">"Such a cock happy bimbo."</span>
Stella simply lets out a contented sigh in the afterglow.
<<case 8>>\
Stella is sitting in the living room, reading a book.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm bored."</span>
Stella looks up. <span class="stella-text">"So?"</span>
You don't say anything, just stare at her with a knowing smirk. Stella sighs in return, but can't help a smile as she drops her clothes.
<span class="mc-text">"Where?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"My ass."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Sex/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.stella.bimbo lte 35>>\
<<set $bimbos.stella.bimbo += 1>>\
''Stella is now more of a bimbo.''
<<elseif not $bimbos.stella.trainingComplete>>\
''Stella cannot become more of a bimbo by repeating this action.''
<<UINavigation "Bedroom">><<if $bimbos.stacy.transformLevel gte 1>>\
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
The phone rings; within seconds Stacy answers.
<span class="stacy-text">"Hello?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey babe, how are you?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Pretty good."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Just wanted to see if you would like to hang out tonight."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Of course, can you come over?"</span>
Stacy pans the camera around for a view.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Transform/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Head to Stacy's apartment|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You head over to Stacy's and knock on the door.
<span class="stacy-text">"Just a minute!"</span>
You can hear the click of heels running across tile.
<span class="stacy-text">"Hey! I gotta finish changing; one sec."</span>
Stacy runs back to her bedroom.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Transform/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"There you are. Sorry, I felt like getting dressed up."</span>
She returns wearing a sequenced dress that hugs her every curve.
<span class="mc-text">"You look great."</span> You look down at your jeans, t-shirt, and hoodie. <span class="mc-text">"But I feel a bit underdressed."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh whatever, men look good in everything; especially you. Let's eat. I cooked."</span>
It's only a small meal, but you share a bottle of wine with it.
Stacy takes sip and sets down her glass. <span class="stacy-text">"Shall we?"</span>
She stands up and heads towards her bedroom; pauses, and looks back at you.
[[Head to Stacy's room|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You walk into the bedroom where Stacy is already taking off her dress. Her new booty is large and round; perfect for slapping. You walk up and run your hand over her ass whilst kissing her neck. It is a bootycall after all.
She giggles. <span class="stacy-text">"I know what you're here for."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh? And what is that?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"This fine ass."</span>
You both smile.
<span class="stacy-text">"But I want that dick first."</span>
You lay back on the bed and Stacy starts rubbing her ass over your cock. Eventually leading to her climbing on top of you sucking your cock viciously.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Transform/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stacy pulls your cock out of her mouth and looks back at you.
<span class="stacy-text">"Are you going to fuck me? Or just came here to let me suck your cock?"</span>
[[Tell Stacy to stay put|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 4]]
[[Tell Stacy you want to fuck|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 5]]
[[Tell Stacy you want to fuck her mouth|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 6]]
[[Tell Stacy you'd like to try reverse cowgirl|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 7]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
You decide you want to continue to sixty-nine with Stacy.
Stacy giggles, <span class="stacy-text">"I'm good with that"</span> and then swallows your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Transform/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"That it?"</span>
[[Tell Stacy you want to fuck|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 5]]
[[Tell Stacy you want to fuck her mouth|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 6]]
[[Tell Stacy you'd like to try Reverse Cowgirl|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 7]]
[[Cum on Stacy's ass|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 8]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
You decide you want to have Stacy ride your cock with her big, round ass.
Stacy giggles. <span class="stacy-text">"Oh really?"</span>
You smack her ass as she climbs up on top of you. As she lowers herself down on your cock you feel her tight pussy gripping you. Your cock hardens and twitches inside of her, as she begins a rythmic motion with her hips.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Transform/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stacy rides you harder and faster; you grab hold of her ass and give it a solid smack.
<span class="stacy-text">"That it daddy?"</span>
[[Tell Stacy to stay put|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 4]]
[[Tell Stacy you want to fuck her mouth|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 6]]
[[Tell Stacy you'd like to try Reverse Cowgirl|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 7]]
[[Cum on Stacy's ass|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 8]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
You decide you want to fuck her mouth. It's been a while since she's properly sucked your cock.
<span class="stacy-text">"Men."</span>
Stacy lets out a cute sigh.
<span class="mc-text">"Whatever."</span>
Stacy positions herself on the end of the bed on her hands and knees and you begin to thrust your cock into her throat. She tightens her lips, letting you do the work as you grab the back of her head.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Transform/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stacy slowly pulls your cock out of her mouth.
<span class="stacy-text">"That it?"</span>
[[Tell Stacy to stay put|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 4]]
[[Tell Stacy you want to fuck|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 5]]
[[Tell Stacy you'd like to try Reverse Cowgirl|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 7]]
[[Cum on Stacy's ass|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 8]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 7>>\
You decide you want to have Stacy ride your cock with her big round ass in an easily smackable position.
<span class="stacy-text">"Like this ass huh?"</span> Stacy remarks confidently.
You smack her ass as she climbs up on top of you. She leans forward, putting her ass right toward your face. Your cock stiffens and twitches before she even gets your cock in her pussy. Stacy slowly lowers herself down as she begins a rythmic motion with her hips.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Transform/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Stacy bounces her ass up and down; her bubble butt looks huge. You smack it multiple times as she rides up and down on your cock.
<span class="stacy-text">"Come on, cum for me daddy. Are you ready?"</span>
[[Tell Stacy to stay put|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 4]]
[[Tell Stacy you want to fuck|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 5]]
[[Tell Stacy you want to fuck her mouth|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 6]]
[[Cum on Stacy's ass|Stacy Bootycall][$passageRoute to 8]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 8>>\
As you fuck Stacy she rolls on her side. She starts moaning and screaming as you push your cock deeper into her. You reach over and grab her panties that were still laying next to you on the bed.
<span class="stacy-text">"Hey don..."</span>
Stacy words are garbled as you push her panties into her mouth. You smack her ass cheeck and begin slamming your cock against her pussy. Her big ass jiggles as you thrust back and forth.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Transform/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"MMMMmmmmfffhhgh"</span> Stacy moans.
You pull your cock out and begin to cum on her ass. Stacy reaches up and pulls out her panties.
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh shit"</span> She lets out a long sigh. <span class="stacy-text">"Damn, that was good."</span>
Stacy runs her finger in your cum and takes a lick.
<<UINavigation "Bedroom">>
<<set AddHours(2); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 1>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym")>><<set _bootyCall to random(1, 10)>><<else>><<set _bootyCall to random(1, 6)>><</if>>\
<<switch _bootyCall>>\
<<case 1>>\
After calling Stacy she arrives at your apartment. You are sitting watching a movie. She walks over and gets down in front of you and slides down ur pants.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey babe."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Hi" </span> Stacy smiles. <span class="stacy-text">"You going to let me suck your cock?"</span>
Stacy slides forward and starts rapidly sucking your cock.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck."</span>
You start jerking off as she smiles filming her sucking your cock.
<span class="stacy-text">"Stretch my throat."</span>
Stacy instantly throws her mouth back on your cock and deepthroats as far as she can.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm going to cum."</span>
Stacy pushes it further down her throat.
Once finished she grabs her phone and films herself playing with ur cum.
<span class="stacy-text">"I think I look cute."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Damn right you do."</span>
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 2>>\
You text Stacy asking for her to come over hoping for a bootycall.
She responds "Sorry I'm busy-" almost instantly your phone rings and its Stacy on Facetime.
<span class="stacy-text">"Hi."</span>
Stacy waves.
<span class="mc-text">"What are you doing?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Just saying Hi, I'm out of town for a work trip and figured I'd let you watch. I'm bored."</span>
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As you watch the video you jerk off cumming multiple times.
<span class="stacy-text">"Have a good night $player.firstName, you probably wont be able to sleep now though."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Probably not."</span> You laugh
<span class="mc-text">"Call me when you get back."</span>
<<case 3>>\
Stacy comes over and tells you to take out your phone.
<span class="stacy-text">"Film me so you can watch it later."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're in an adventurous mood."</span>
She drops down in front of you.
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stacy-text">"Mmm Thank you, I was hungry."</span>
<<case 4>>\
You call Stacy.
<span class="stacy-text">"Hey how are you $player.firstName?."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good was hoping you could come by tonight."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Sorry, I'm out of town. Maybe next time though."</span> She laughs.
A few minutes later your phone dings with a text.
You walk over to your phone and theres a video on it from Stacy.
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<case 5>>\
You call Stacy.
<span class="stacy-text">"Hey! Good timing. I want you to check out my new outfit"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What outfit?"</span>
Stacy hangs up and Facetimes you back.
You hear music blaring and stacy looks to be in a hotel room.
<<timed 5s transition>><video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video><</timed>>
<span class="mc-text">"You're not wearing anything"</span> You laugh.
<span class="stacy-text">"I know, isn't it cute? But seriously check out these panties."</span>
<<case 6>>\
You Call Stacy's Cell.
<span class="stacy-text">"Hello?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey was wondering if you wanna come by today?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Hell why not, I just got done at the store. I'll head over in like 30?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"See you in 30."</span>
...you wait patiently for Stacy to arrive, dick hard as a rock. You can't wait to pile drive straight into that ass.
Stacy knocks at the door.
<span class="mc-text">"Come in! It's unlocked"</span> You yell.
Stacy walks through the door in jean shorts and a hoodie.
<span class="mc-text">"You look cute."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Thanks, but I look like shit. I've been running errands all day."</span>
Stacy walks over toward the sofa and grabs ur hand leads you to the bedroom. She starts kissing you and then gives you a dirty little grin.
<span class="stacy-text">"We both know why you called me."</span> Stacy giggles as she leads you away.
Stacy drops her shorts and hops up on the bed on all 4's on your bed waving her ass in the air. <span class="stacy-text">"This what you want baby?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/booty1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Damn, you are a slut."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Only for guys I like."</span> She laughs.
Stacy licks her fingers and reaches back. She starts rubbing her ass lubing it up for you.
<span class="stacy-text">"Stick it in already."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"My god, you are sexy."</span>
You start to slide your cock into her ass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/booty2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Damn all that working out is paying off, look at this tight little ass."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"I know doesn't it look gre-"</span>Stacy moans as you penetrate her ass.
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh fuck, give it to me $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck."</span>
You start fucking her ass even harder. Driving deep into her as she moans louder and louder.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/booty3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh shit."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"God you feel good."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"You gonna cum for me babe?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Fuuuckkk."</span> You yell as you bury your cock deep into her.
Right before you cum stacy hops off your cock and spins around.
<span class="stacy-text">"Cum for me."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/booty4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You start cumming in her mouth moaning as she sucks on your cock.
<span class="mc-text">"Holy shit girl."</span>
Stacy sits there with a mouthful of cum and starts to play with it.
<span class="stacy-text">"Thanks for calling me, I needed that."</span>
You groan as you plop back down on the bed.<span class="mc-text">"Shit, me too. We should do this more often."</span>
<<case 7>>\
You call Stacy and ask if she's busy, or would like to come over. Not long after she walks in the front door.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/LapDance/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Stacy!"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Hey Hun. How are you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Great now that you are here."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Uh huh."</span> Stacy smiles and turns to put her bag down, showing off the shiny, blue spandex pants covering her amazing ass. You can't get enough of it; It's like an addiction.
Stacy walks toward you and your cock twitches.
<span class="mc-text">"Look at you girl."</span>
She climbs up onto your lap.
<span class="stacy-text">"Spank me daddy."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/LapDance/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Your cock gets rock hard as she grinds up and down on your lap.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh my god yeah! It was so pretty!"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"You should have bought it."</span>
You hear voices from outside and keys jingle at the door. Fuck! The girls are home. Stacy leaps off and sits next to you acting like nothing happened as Sofia and Charlotte walk in. It looks like they just got back from shopping and don't notice how flustered you are. Stacy looks over at you laughing.
<span class="stacy-text">"I guess next time babe."</span>
She starts to gather her things as you stare up at the ceiling.
Why me?
<<case 8>>\
You call Stacy and she decides to come over. You jump in the shower to prep for her arrival. Just as you are finishing up, Stacy enters the bathroom and closes the door.
<span class="stacy-text">"Hey sexy. We gotta make this quick."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"OK give me a sec."</span>
Stacy walks over and kisses you deeply.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Bathroom/1.jpg" width="600">
She reaches down and pulls out your cock.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Bathroom/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Mmm"</span> you moan as she strokes up and down.
You can barely contain yourself as Stacy starts to pull your pants off, gets down and starts to suck your cock. You grab a handful of hair and push her head down, making her swallow your entire cock.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Bathroom/3.jpg" width="600">
Stacy grabs onto the floor to brace herself and lets you fuck her mouth.
<span class="mc-text">"Fuck!"</span>
She pops your cock out of her mouth. <span class="stacy-text">"Going to fuck me yet?"</span>
You roll Stacy over and rip off her top. She spreads her legs and you move them out of the way as you push forward.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Bathroom/4.jpg" width="600">
<span class="stacy-text">"Oh fuck yes."</span>
You keep pounding into her; she feels amazing. Her pussy is soaking wet and grips onto your cock as it drips down to your balls.
She rolls over on to her knees. <span class="stacy-text">"Fuck my ass. I haven't had a cock in there in weeks."</span>
You push your cock into her asshole.
<span class="stacy-text">"Please babe, fuck me."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Bathroom/5.jpg" width="600">
It does not take long, after listening to her moan and scream taking every inch. Just as you are about to cum she pulls your cock out and you explode all over her perfectly round ass.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Bathroom/6.jpg" height="600">
<<case 9>>\
Stacy decides to head over when you call her. You decide to clean up the house a bit and she arrives shortly after. Today she's wearing a cute crop top and jeans which show off her ass; how does it always look so appealing? Your cock twitches in your pants, and within seconds somehow Stacy has you naked on the bed sucking your cock.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Bedroom/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"God damn girl."</span>
Stacy just keeps sucking, making sure it's super sloppy; it feels fucking amazing. Stacy pulls your cock out of her mouth slowly.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Bedroom/2.jpg" width="600">
There is a huge mess dripping down her chin and a wet spot on the bed. You can't resist any more and bend her over.
<span class="stacy-text">"No! Let me suck-"</span>
You rip off her jeans and panties and push your cock into her already soaking pussy.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Bedroom/3.jpg" width="600">
<span class="stacy-text">"Ohhhh-"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Feel good or something"</span> You laugh as you plow into her.
Stacy grips onto the bed.<span class="stacy-text">"Uh huh."</span> She begins shaking and starts to cum already.
You can't hold back for long yourself and quickly start cumming. Stacy flips around and lets you cum all over her face.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Bedroom/4.jpg" width="600">
<span class="stacy-text">"Thank you."</span> She starts licking up your cum.
<<case 10>>\
You call Stacy and she asks you to hang out at her place this time. Not long after you arrive at Stacy's place. You knock and hear her yell to come in. Pushing the door open, you don't see her anywhere. You walking through the apartment you see Stacy bent over her bed reading.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Apartment/1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Look at you."</span>
Stacy looks over at you smiling. <span class="stacy-text">"Hello."</span> She puts down the paper she was reading and crawls up onto the bed.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Apartment/2.jpg" width="600">
Stacy wiggles her ass at you while she sticks a finger in her mouth and licks it teasingly. You pull down her panties and run your hands over her ass.
<span class="stacy-text">"Ugh, bad boy."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Me? What? You're the bad one."</span>
Stacy looks back at you, grinning devilishly. She pulls her top off and bends over, pushing her ass toward you. You start to take off your clothes as Stacy waves her ass in the air back and forth. You can't get naked fast enough. As soon as you do you your cock into Stacy.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Apartment/3.jpg" width="600">
Stacy grabs on to the bedding as you slowly slide in and out. You fuck her for a while, which leads to her getting so worked up she climbs up on top of you to ride your cock.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Apartment/4.jpg" width="600">
You grab hold of her ass, gripping as tightly as you can as she slams down repeatedly. Her pussy feels so good you already feel like cumming. How does this girl do this? Stacy rolls off and lays back onto the bed, motioning to you. You walk between her legs and kneel down as she widens her legs and grabs your cock, pulling you into her once again.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stacy/BootyCall/Apartment/5.jpg" width="600">
Stacy begins to look quite flushed and even more worked up. You lean over and start to kiss her as she grabs you tightly and begins to climax. Within seconds you begin to cum as well, not even bothering to pull out. The two of you lay together in post-orgasmic bliss, eventually dozing off. You wake to Stacy getting dressed. She gives you a kiss and walks out.
<<UINavigation "Bedroom">>
<<set AddHours(2); $bimbos.stacy.dayCounter to 1>>\
<</if>>\<<switch random(1, 7)>>\
<<case 1>>\
Tan comes over but she isn't quite done with her work. She sets herself up to send a few important e-mails at your breakfast counter, as you try to distract her by flashing your dick at her.
To your dismay, she successfully ignores you, and even looks a little annoyed. When she's done with work you approach her from behind and place both your hands on her shoulders.
<span class="mc-text">"Stressful day?"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Yes. I heard a new saying the other day, 'herding cats'. That's what this job is."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Need something to relax?"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Sure, I'll have..."</span>
You take her by the hand and whisper in her ear as she stands up. <span class="mc-text">"I wasn't offering you a drink. Come with me."</span> You lead her to your bedroom's anteroom and begin to take her clothes off as you kiss her. Once she's naked you push her down onto the sofa, then spread her legs. You see she's trimmed a little triangle, but is otherwise bare.
<span class="tan-text">"I got it done a couple days ago..."</span>
You bury your face in her pussy and begin to eat some of her stress away.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/1a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Once she's relaxed enough that she's a little puddle on the sofa, dripping onto your face and quietly moaning, you push her knees to her head and put yourself inside her. Her eyes grow wide and she looks up at you as you begin to thrust into her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/1b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
It doesn't take her long to cum. A gentle, long orgasm, and you continue fucking her through it. When her eyes open she nods. <span class="tan-text">"I want you to come too."</span> You begin to fuck her harder, and grasp onto her tits hard, squeezing them so her flesh begins to stick through your fingers. In a few minutes you, too, are coming. Tan reaches around and strokes your balls as you're coming, then sits dripping onto your sofa as you pull out and sit next to her.
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, not touching, before she looks up at you again.
<span class="tan-text">"Beer on the roof?"</span>
<<case 2>>\
Tan arrives quickly, and walks through the door. You don't get the chance to even greet her properly before she's kissing you, and pushing you towards your bedroom.
She's wearing a full dress today, with what to an untrained eye looks like expensive jewelry, but to the trained eye is good costume jewelry. Once you're inside your room she strips her dress off, then jumps on the bed. <span class="tan-text">"I've got an event downtown tonight, so we have to be quick."</span>
She begins to peel off her pantyhose, but before she can you rip open a hole on her crotch - <span class="tan-text">"What the...!"</span> - and then stick your already hard dick inside her.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/2a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She says nothing more and you two roll around on the bed for a while, until you feel yourself getting close. You push Tan onto her front and begin fucking her from behind.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/2b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tan-text">"Oh fuck yes!"</span> You speed up, and soon you feel yourself coming, filling Tan. You stop thrusting, but she pushes her ass back onto you, the tip of your dick reaching almost all the way up inside her. She looks back at you and momentarily raises her eyebrows, then you see professional Tan return.
<span class="tan-text">"Uhhhh... Can you get me a towel?"</span> She flips over, and sits with her legs spread, oozing cum onto your sheets. You look at her, and your dick still hard, you stick it back in her, and fuck her for half a minute more as you kiss her, before she pushes you off, laughing.
<span class="tan-text">"Seriously! A towel. I can't turn up smelling like your cum."</span> You hand her a towel and she wipes up before going to the bathroom. As she puts her earrings on in the mirror you squeeze her ass and head to your office.
Tan leaves without saying goodbye, but as you drift off to sleep you get a text from her.
<span class="tan-text">You left me dripping for half the night. Good thing I keep a spare pair of panties.</span>
<<case 3>>\
You've had a tough day, with BLC work and tying up old loose ends, and by the time that Tan arrives you're not really sure whether you are really in the mood anymore. You let her in and she greets you with a kiss, a deep, heavy kiss. After a few seconds she can tell your heart isn't in it.
<span class="tan-text">"Something wrong?"</span>
You let out a sigh with a shrug. <span class="mc-text">"Long day. Nervous day."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Want to talk about it?"</span>
You shake your head. <span class="mc-text">"No. But perhaps we could just have a drink on the roof?"</span>
She shakes her head. <span class="tan-text">"No. You don't get to call me out here for nothing. What do you think we are, friends?"</span> She laughs, but seeing you were a little hurt by her joke, she smiles at you and plants a gentle kiss on your lips. <span class="tan-text">"Come on, I'll make you feel better."</span>
You follow Tan to your bedroom where she tells you to take off your clothes and lie down on your bed. You do what you're told, and then Tan gets on all fours on the bed, her head above your flaccid dick. She begins to jack you off, alternating between talking to you and sucking it into an erection.
<span class="tan-text">"Just relax."</span>
You relax, and lean back with a sigh, looking up at the ceiling. When you get hard Tan begins to lick your balls and you look down.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/3a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You take her hair and she laughs. <span class="tan-text">"I knew you'd feel better soon."</span> You pull her up and she licks your shaft as she rises, then you let her bob her head up and down quickly on your dick. She doesn't swallow any of her spit and soon you can feel it dripping down your crack.
<span class="tan-text">"You like my breasts?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I love them. Big, floppy, naturals..."</span>
Tan shuffles up the bed and lifts up her shirt, placing your dick between her tits. <span class="tan-text">"I've never tried this before."</span> At first she has difficulty keeping it in place, but soon she uses her hands to squeeze her tits around your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/3b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Quickly - very quickly - you're on the verge of orgasm, and she can tell. <span class="tan-text">"Come for me."</span>
You do as you're told, and come all over her chest.
<<case 4>>\
Tan arrives and kisses you as she walks in. You briefly discuss your days as you walk to the bedroom, neither under any illusion why she is visiting, or why you called her over. You spend ten minutes or so making out and taking each other's clothes off, but when you're both naked and in bed Tan stops and looks into your eyes, her tits dangling above your cock.
As she speaks, you spit on your hand and begin to rub her nipples.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/4a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tan-text">"I want you to fuck me slowly today. Please?"</span> You play with her tits some more, but you nod, and she kisses you. Then she gets on top of you, facing away. Setting the pace she's gentle, and slow, but after a while she asks you to fuck her from behind, laying down.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/4b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
In this position the tip of your dick is rubbing right along her G-spot, and from her frequent moans and sheet grabbing you can tell she's desperately chasing an orgasm that just isn't quite hers yet. You follow her instructions to stay slow until right at the end, when you speed up for a dozen thrusts.
Immediately she drops over the edge, and has one of the most powerful orgasms you've seen her have.
<<case 5>>\
<<set AddHours(2)>>\
Rather than get straight to fucking you and Tan spend most of the evening chatting. In fact, you two spend so long talking that it's nearly time for bed. With Stella staying over, and getting ready for bed, you don't have the house to yourself.
As you begin to touch Tan this makes her nervous, and you excited. You rub her pussy through her panties and very quickly you feel her wetness seeping through. Then you pull down the straps of her top, revealing her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/5a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if $bimbos.tan.slut gte 14>>\
You spend a few minutes rubbing Tan's tits and crotch, but when you hear Stella flushing a toilet down the hall Tan gets nervous. When she tries to cover herself up, you stop her, grabbing her hand and leaving her tits out. You stop rubbing her pussy and slide a finger inside her.
<span class="mc-text">"She's gone to bed now. Besides, she won't mind..."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"I can't... If she sees..."</span> You stick another finger inside her, and begin to rub her clit with your thumb. <span class="tan-text">"Be quick."</span>
She jumps up and takes all her clothes off before opening your fly and pulling your dick out. Getting on top she slides down onto you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/5b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She fucks you, quickly, always keeping an eye on the hallway, and you both come within a few minutes. You know Stella wouldn't mind, but seeing how nervous Tan is turns you on like nothing else. Tan's orgasm is sharp and short and she bites into her own hand to stifle her moans. As soon as you're done she jumps back up and puts her clothes on, then sits next to you.
<span class="tan-text">"Wow."</span>
You spend a few minutes rubbing Tan's tits and crotch, but when you hear Stella flushing a toilet down the hall Tan gets nervous, and covers herself up.
Tan is not slutty enough yet for you to finish this scene.
<<case 6>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I just want a blowjob today, I'm tired."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"If you want to give instructions, get one of your bimbos. Or a sex worker."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're a hardworking professional girl. What if I paid you? $100?"</span>
<<if $bimbos.tan.slut gte 14>>\
<span class="tan-text">"Yeah?"</span>
You're surprised she's taking you seriously, and wonder if it's a trick, but you play along. <span class="tan-text">"Yeah. $100. Cash."</span> You take out your wallet and hand her a $100 bill.
She looks at it. <span class="mc-text">"It's usual to pay before, you know."</span> She snatches it from you and makes a scoffing sound, before kneeling down in front of you and slipping it up into her panties.
<span class="tan-text">"It's usual to put your money in your g-string."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You're thinking of strippers."</span>
Tan gives you a flat look, but slightly lifts up her top, then takes your dick from your trousers.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/6a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She begins to jack you off and is dipping her head when you stop her. <span class="mc-text">"Pull your top up all the way. I want what I'm paying for."</span>
She smiles for a second, before playing innocent. <span class="tan-text">"Yes, sir."</span> She fully reveals her tits, then lowers her head down.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/6b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Tan stares up at you the entire time, jacking you off and sucking your dick. Her mouth is barely empty the entire time.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/6c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After about ten minutes she can sense you getting closer, and begins to use her other hand to play with your balls. When she does that you go over the edge, and you begin to come into Tan's mouth.
She swallows every drop, and when you're done she kneels back up and looks at you. <span class="tan-text">"Did I do a good job?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Amazing."</span>
She smiles, then takes the $100 back from her panties and hands it to you. <span class="tan-text">"Just so we know I'm not actually a whore... But that was hot, wasn't it? Paying me to suck your dick."</span>
She looks at you offended, then punches you in the shoulder. <span class="tan-text">"I'm not a sex worker, $player.firstName!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK, OK, it was a joke, I'm sorry!"</span>
She doesn't stay mad at you for long, but you two don't have sex tonight.
Tan is not yet enough of a slut for you to finish this scene.
<<case 7>>\
You call Tan for some late night fun. She agrees but tells you to come over to her place, texting you the address. You can hear almost an excitement in her voice. You head over, knocking on her door once you arrive.
<span class="tan-text">"It's open."</span>
You slowly push the door open. <span class="mc-text">"Hello?"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Sorry, I'm back here."</span> You hear from the back of the apartment. You walk towards her voice and push open the bedroom door you see Tan kneeling on a couch. She looks sexy as hell.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/7a.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="tan-text">"Hi $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, hello beautiful."</span>
She smiles. You take off your coat and begin to get comfortable; Tan instantly looks excited and starts wiggling. You walk over to her and she starts rubbing the front of your pants.
<span class="tan-text">"I need cock."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/7b.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You move closer as she reaches to unbutton your pants.
<span class="tan-text">"Mmmmhh..."</span> Tan moans licking her lips.
Your cock stiffens almost instantly. She grabs a hold of it quite tightly and starts stroking back and forth.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck."</span>
Tan starts to suck your cock. Slowly at first, then grabs it and starts throating you as far as she can, gagging herself over and over. You wonder if she has been watching porn. She has definitely gotten more aggressive; it feels amazing.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/7c.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
It does not take long before Tan is swallowing your entire cock. She seems to be enjoying it. Your cock twitches and Tan knows that you are about to cum. She opens her mouth and waits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/7d.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She stays kneeling on the couch and sucks on her fingers.
<span class="tan-text">"That's exactly what I needed."</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"Me too."</span>
Tan looks over at you biting her lip. She reaches out and grabs you cock. <span class="tan-text">"Any more for me?"</span>
Your cock feels ticklish, and you pull away.
<span class="tan-text">"What's wrong? Bring it back."</span> Tan looks at you, cum dripping down her chin. She sticks her tongue out and then swallows it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/BootyCall/7e.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Once finished Tan goes to the bathroom and gets cleaned up. You both chill out on the couch watching a movie. After a while you head home. Tan seems to really enjoy being slutty.
<<if $bimbos.tan.slut lte 16>>\
<<set $bimbos.tan.slut += 2>>\
''Tan is now more of a slut.''
''Tan cannot become more of a slut by repeating this action.''
<<UINavigation "Bedroom">>
<<set AddHours(2); $bimbos.tan.dayCounter to 1>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
A few minutes later you here a knock at the door. You yell out <span class="mc-text">"It's open!"</span>
The door opens and closes. Katie is standing in the living room doorway, leaning against the doorframe.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/BootyCall/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Hey."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well hello."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Miss me or something?"</span>
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/BootyCall/2.jpg" height="600">
Katie pulls her pants down. It did not take long, her teasing making you want it even more.
[[Take Katie to your bedroom|Katie Bootycall][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Reaching your bedroom Katie quickly strips her clothes off. She pounces on top of you and begin pulling at your clothes as the two of you kiss.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/BootyCall/3.jpg" width="600">
Before long she is riding your cock, the two of you almost perfectly in sync.
<img src="Images/Clients/Katie/BootyCall/4.jpg" width="600">
Katie can't take it anymore and begins to cum. You reach up and grab her hair, pulling back, you begin to cum as well. Instead of stopping this time you just keep slamming your cock up into her over and over. Your cum drips down your cock as you continue fucking.
<<UINavigation "Bedroom">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); $clients.katie.dayCounter to 1>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Apartment.jpg" width="600">
Your top floor apartment. Big, bright, industrial. Only a couple of blocks from the subway, with a great view out to Manhattan from the roof. You can take care of business at your desk, go sleep (or other things...) in your bedroom, or go out.
<<if BetweenTime(8, 23)>>\
<<include [[Home Events]]>>\
<<include [[Home Activities]]>>\
<<UINavigation "Bedroom">><<UINavigation "HomeGym">><<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<<UINavigation "Study">><<UINavigation "BLC">><<UINavigation "Outside">>
It's too late, you should really go to bed.
<<audio "StripClubMusic" stop>>\
<<audio "Subway" stop>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Gym.jpg" width="600">
A room dedicated as your own personal gym.
<<UIButton "Workout">>
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "GymEmail") and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "HomeGym")>>\
[[Tell Stacy you now have a gym|Stacy Visits][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Misc/Workout/Home.jpg" width="600">
You are now a little fitter.
<<UINavigation "HomeGym">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddFitness(1);>>\
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Locations/Home/PhotoStudio.jpg" width="600">
A room with specialist equipment and setup to act as a photography studio.
<<if $bimbos.hang?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Hang", "Photography")>>\
[[Take photos with Hang|Hang Photo Hub]]
<<if $bimbos.charlotte?.dayCounter is 0 and $bimbos.charlotte?.photoshoots lt 8 and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeMoney")>>\
[[Have Charlotte do a photoshoot|Charlotte College Photoshoots][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<UINavigation "Home">><<include [[Stella Home Events]]>>\
<<include [[Charlotte Home Events]]>>\
<<include [[Ana Home Events]]>>\
<<include [[June Home Events]]>>\
<<include [[Stacy Events]]>>\
<<include [[Sofia Home Events]]>>\
<<include [[Natalie Events]]>>\
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
<<include [[Hang Home Events]]>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "JamesCall") and $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
[[An unknown phone number is calling you|James Call][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if $npcs.tiffany>>\
<<if $npcs.tiffany.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "BuildingVisit") and not CheckEvent("Tiffany", "TiffanyMad") and not CheckEvent("Tiffany", "BuildingText")>>\
[[You receive an unexpected text from Tiffany|Tiffany Building Text]]
<<elseif $npcs.tiffany.messageCount lt 27 and $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
[[Your phone buzzes with a message from Tiffany|Tiffany Messages][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $npcs.tiffany.happiness gte 20 and not CheckEvent("Tiffany", "Friends")>>\
[[Your phone buzzes with a message from Tiffany|Tiffany Happy][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $npcs.tiffany.happiness lte -5 and not CheckEvent("Tiffany", "Mad")>>\
[[Your phone buzzes with a message from Tiffany|Tiffany Upset][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() lt 17 and $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
[[Your phone buzzes with a text message|Tiffany Meet]]
<<if $clients.erica>>\
<<if $clients.erica.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if $player.fame gte 5 and not CheckEvent("Erica", "FitnessEmail")>>\
[[You receive an e-mail from Erica|Erica E-mail Fitness][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stacy", "NakedGym") and not CheckEvent("Erica", "CoachingEmail") and not GameDayIs("Monday") and not GameDayIs("Friday")>>\
[[You receive an e-mail from Erica|Erica Coaching E-mails][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $player.fame gte 3>>\
[[You receive a new e-mail|Erica Intro E-mail][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if $npcs.rebeca.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Rebeca", "RavenMet")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Rebeca", "RavenText")>>\
<<if (CheckEvent("Hang", "Photography") or CheckEvent("Natalie", "Cosplay2")) and $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
[[You receive a text|Raven Text]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Rebeca", "RavenPhotoShoot") and CheckEvent("June", "StripClubFirstTime") and BetweenTime(16, 20)>>\
[[Call Raven for the photo shoot|Raven Photo Shoot]]
<<if CheckEvent("Rebeca", "StormyMet") and not CheckEvent("Rebeca", "StormyText") and $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
[[Check your phone|Stormy Text][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if CheckEvent("Rebeca", "DiamondNumber") and not CheckEvent("Rebeca", "DiamondWorkout")>>\
[[You receive a text from Diamond|Diamond Workout Text]]
<<if $bimbos.tan?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Stacy", "HomeGym") and CheckEvent("Tan", "BLCAttend2") and not CheckEvent("Tan", "TanEmail")>>\
[[You receive an e-mail from an @nyc.gov address|Tan E-mail]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Isaac", "Visit") and not CheckEvent("Elaine", "Visit")>>\
[[You decide to visit Elaine|Elaine Visit]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Isaac", "Visit") and not CheckEvent("Phil", "Visit") and $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
[[Someone is ringing your doorbell|Phil Visit]]
<<if CheckEvent("Isaac", "Email") and not CheckEvent("Isaac", "Visit") and BetweenTime(18, 21)>>\
[[Go to Isaac's for a drink|Isaac Home]]
<<if GameDayIs("Tuesday") and $gameDate.getHours() is 19>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentLetter") and not CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting")>>\
[[Co-op Board Meeting|Co-op Board Meeting 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentLetter2") and not CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting2")>>\
[[Attend Co-op Board Meeting|Co-op Board Meeting 2]]
<<if $gameDate.getHours() lt 20>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "RupertResponse") and not CheckEvent("Phil", "Convince")>>\
[[Talk to Phil|Convince Phil]]
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "RupertResponse") and not CheckEvent("Priti", "Convince")>>\
[[Talk to Priti|Convince Priti]]
<<if $player.dayCounter is 0>>\
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BLCEmployeeStart")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BLCPhotos")>>\
[[Look through Charlotte's photos|BLC Logo]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BLCLogo")>>\
[[An e-mail arrives from the artist|BLC Logo Arrive]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Elaine", "OfficeMeeting") and (GameDayIs("Saturday") or GameDayIs("Sunday"))>>\
[[Show Elaine your business ledgers|Elaine Office]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "FashionStore") and $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
[[You receive a strange e-mail|Modern Fashion Open]]
<<if $clients.katie?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Katie", "WorkoutGym") and not CheckEvent("Katie", "Bootycall")>>\
[[Call Katie again|Katie First Bootycall][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if $npcs.priti?.dayCounter is 0 and $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Priti", "Garden")>>\
<<if BetweenTime(12, 18)>>\
[[Visit the garden|Priti Garden][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Priti", "Lunch")>>\
<<if BetweenTime(11, 13)>>\
[[Stella is having a guest over for lunch|Priti Lunch][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if $bimbos.stella?.trainingComplete and $bimbos.sofia?.trainingComplete and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BLCLogo") and CheckEvent("Priti", "Lunch") and CheckEvent("June", "Hotel") and CheckEvent("Ana", "HouseVisit") and CheckEvent("Stacy", "Return")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertReturns")>>\
[[You receive a phone call from Isaac|Rupert Returns][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertReturnsTanVisit")>>\
[[You hear urgent knocking at the door|Rupert Returns Tan Visit]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertReturnsHouseMeeting") and $gameDate.getHours() lt 18>>\
[[Call a meeting to discuss Rupert|Rupert Returns House Meeting][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Elaine", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "ProtestPlanning")>>\
[[Talk to Stella about planning|Protest Planning]]
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "ProtestInterview")>>\
[[Elaine has booked an interview|Charlotte & Hang Protest]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "CouncilResponse") and not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertResponse") and $gameDate.getHours() gte 18>>\
[[You should check your e-mails|Rupert Response]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Priti", "Convince") and CheckEvent("Phil", "Convince") and not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertFired") and GameDayIs("Wednesday") and BetweenTime(21, 22)>>\
[[It is time for the board meeting about Rupert|Rupert Board Meeting]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "RupertLeave") and $gameDate.getHours() lt 19 and GameDayIs("Saturday")>>\
[[It's time for the grand opening|Grand Opening][SetHours(19); SetMinutes(0);]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "RupertReturnsTanVisit")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Tan", "LegalVisit") and BetweenTime(16, 22)>>\
[[You see Tan working at the dining room table|Tan Legal Visit][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif $bimbos.stella?.dayCounter is 0 and not $bimbos.dani and $player.unlocks.building and (CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee") or CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo"))>>\
[[Stella introduces you to someone|Dani Meet]]
<</if>>\<<if GameDayIs("Monday")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Session3") and not CheckEvent("Stella", "Session6")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 18>>\
<<UIEvent true "Stella Training Hub" "Stella">>\
<<UIEvent false "Stella" "Stella's appointment is at 18:00.">>\
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "BimboTraining") and BetweenTime(8, 9)>>\
<<UIEvent true "Hang Training Hub" "Hang">>\
<<elseif GameDayIs("Tuesday")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("June", "BimboTraining") and (not CheckEvent("June", "Session5") or (CheckEvent("June", "Session9") and not CheckEvent("June", "Session10"))) and BetweenTime(9, 10)>>\
<<UIEvent true "June Training Hub" "June">>\
<<elseif GameDayIs("Wednesday")>>\
<<if not $bimbos.charlotte?.trainingComplete and CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BimboTraining") and $gameDate.getHours() is 18>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "FifthLesson") and $bimbos.stella.happiness lt 5>>\
<<UIEvent false "Charlotte" "Stella must be happier with you in order to complete Charlotte's training.">>\
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "FourthLesson") and not (CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo") or CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee"))>>\
<<UIEvent false "Charlotte" "You need to progress further with Stella to continue training Charlotte.">>\
<<UIEvent true "Charlotte Training Hub" "Charlotte">>\
<<elseif GameDayIs("Thursday")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "HomeGym") and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "Surgery") and not CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 18>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym")>>\
<<UIEvent true "Stacy BLC Exercise Group" "Stacy" "Stacy's Exercise Group">>\
<<UIEvent true "Stacy Exercise Group" "Stacy" "Stacy's Exercise Group">>\
<<UIEvent false "Stacy" "Stacy's exercise group begins at 18:00.">>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery")>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 0>>\
<<UIEvent false "Charlotte" "Charlotte hasn't been answering your text messages...">>\
<<UIEvent false "Charlotte" "Charlotte cannot come to work, she has not healed yet.">>\
<<elseif not BetweenTime(8, 15)>>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.trainingComplete or not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BimboTraining") or not GameDayIs("Wednesday")>>\
<<UIEvent false "Charlotte" "Charlotte will only come round 08:00 - 16:00.">>\
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel gte 1>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "BimboTraining")>>\
<<UIEvent true "Charlotte Work" "Charlotte">>\
<<UIEvent true "Charlotte Work" "Charlotte">>\
<<if CheckEvent("Sofia", "HomeVisits") and not CheckEvent("Sofia", "Surgery")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 18>>\
<<UIEvent true "Sofia Activities" "Sofia">>\
<<UIEvent false "Sofia" "Your mom will come round at 18:00.">>\
<<if CheckEvent("June", "Home") and not CheckEvent("June", "Surgery") and not (CheckEvent("June", "BimboTraining") and not CheckEvent("June", "Session5") or (CheckEvent("June", "Session9") and not CheckEvent("June", "Session10")) and GameDayIs("Tuesday") and BetweenTime(9, 10))>>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() gte 16 or GameDayIs("Saturday") or GameDayIs("Sunday")>>\
<<UIEvent true "June Activities" "June">>\
<<UIEvent false "June" "June is not home.">>\
<<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession4") and not CheckEvent("Elaine", "PartnerTalk") and $gameDate.getHours() gte 18>>\
<<UIEvent true "Elaine Session 5" "Elaine">>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
The number isn't in your address book, but the number has a 650 area code. It's been a while since you got many calls from the Bay Area.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Hello $player.firstName, long time... Well, long time."</span>
It's James. Your old partner? Your old backer? Your old mentor? It's complicated, but not all that long ago you two had an incredibly close working relationship. You two fell out over the sale of your startup, with James wanting to focus on expansion. Which was easy enough for him to say, given he wasn't the one doing the hard work.
<img src="Images/Events/James.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Very long time. You've moved out West now?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Yeah, it was a long time coming. Better opportunities out here, plus the winters don't suck."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, so I hear."</span> You let the issue drop there, and there's silence on the line.
James clears his throat. <span class="minor-text">"So, uh... I bet you're wondering why I called."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You might say I'm curious. Wasn't sure you'd want to talk to me again."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Yeah... Yeah... I mean... Look, I'm gonna level with you $player.firstName, I don't really want to be making this phone call. But remember before the big one, you'd set up that company Bartleby?"</span>
A note of confusion crept into your voice. <span class="mc-text">"Yeah...?"//
<span class="minor-text">"You still own it, right?"</span>
Even more confusion. //"I mean, I guess? I wound it up years ago but I never actually sold it on or anything."</span>
You hear James let out a short, and quickly interrupted, sigh of relief. <span class="minor-text">"Well, that's good to hear. I want to buy it from you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What? Why?"</span>
James doesn't say anything and you can sense he's weighing up whether to try and bullshit you, but he knows you too well. You're too curious, and you'd say no to his deal just out of pigheadedness until you found out the truth.
<span class="minor-text">"One of the ventures I'm sponsoring out here has met with some, shall we say, legal issues. The case is strong, but it would limit court time and lawyer fees if we owned Bartleby's intellectual property."</span>
You chuckle. <span class="mc-text">"So now you want me to cash in and sell a company."</span>
James clears his throat again. <span class="minor-text">"Yeah... Funny old world, huh?"</span>
[[Continue|James Call][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="minor-text">"So, will you sell Bartleby to us?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I would prefer not to."</span> James laughs despite himself, and you continue. <span class="mc-text">"But I'll hear you out. What's your offer?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"15k."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"A month?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Uhhhhh...."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm joking. But make that 25k and that could potentially work... Though... What about licencing it to you? Say for $1,600 a month?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Exclusive licence might work, but two year term. And no more than 20k up front, it'll be cheaper for us to front the appeal contingency then."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"OK. Let me think. Your e-mail still the same?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Yes, it is, but I think we should - "</span>
You hang up the phone. Leave him to stew a bit. You stare out your window, looking at the city skyline as you consider your next moves. On the one hand, James is in a tough enough place that he called you. But, on the other hand, you know he's clinical about finances. You have no reason to doubt him in thinking that the lawyers' fees are $20,000, making that your max. Really, you think to yourself, your only choice is whether to take a lump sum or give them exclusive licence for Bartleby's intellectual property.
[[Take the $20,000|James Call][$passageRoute to 3; AddEvent("Player", "JamesCall"); $player.cash += 20000;]]
[[Take the $1,600 a month|James Call][$passageRoute to 4; AddEvent("Player", "JamesCall"); $player.income += 400;]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">James -
$20k. Send the papers over and wire me the cash.
- $player.firstName</span>
By the end of the day the papers are with a courier and the cash is on its way into your bank account.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<span class="mc-text">James -
$1,600 a month for the license. Send the papers over and wire me the first payment on Monday.
- $player.firstName</span>
By the end of the day the papers are with a courier and the standing payment is set up.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Desk.jpg" width="600">
Your desk. The site for almost all your work, some of your good ideas, and most of your bad ones.
<<if BetweenTime(5, 10)>>\
[[Do consulting work (+$300, Back home at 18:00)|Consulting]]
It's too late to do any work. Come back between 5 and 11 to work.
<<if $player.fame gte 3 and not $player.unlocks.BLC and BetweenTime(8, 18)>>\
[[Do a private coaching session (1 hour session)|Coaching Sessions]]
<<if not $player.unlocks.gym or not $player.unlocks.photoStudio>>\
[[Home Improvements][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "Advertising")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "BLCWebsite") or not CheckEvent("Player", "BLCGoogle") or not CheckEvent("Player", "MagazineAd") or not CheckEvent("Player", "PostersStella") or not CheckEvent("Player", "PamphletsStella")>>\
[[Bimbo Life Coaching Marketing|BLC Marketing]]
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "BimboGuide")>>\
<<if $player.bimboManualCount gte 15>>\
[[Share the guide with Isaac|Isaac Guide]]
<<elseif $gameDate.getHours() lte 19>>\
[[Write Bimbo Coaching Guide|Bimbo Coaching Guide]]
It is too late to write, go to sleep and try again tomorrow.
<<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "Visit") and not $player.unlocks.building>>\
<<if $player.cash gte 700000>>\
[[Purchase Building][$passageRoute to 1]]
You need at least $700,000 to buy the building next door without a mortgage.
<<if $player.cash gte 140000>>\
[[Purchase Building With Mortgage|Purchase Building][$passageRoute to 2]]
You need at least $140,000 to buy the building next door with a mortgage.
<<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "PartnerTalk")>>\
<<if $player.cash gte 70000>>\
[[Purchase Building With Elaine|Purchase Building][$passageRoute to 3]]
You need at least $70,000 to buy the building next door with Elaine.
<<if not $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
<h2>Manage Bimbos</h2>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "AdditionalTasks") and not (CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee") or CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo"))>>\
<<UIEvent true "Stella Additional Tasks" "Stella">>\
<<if ($bimbos.charlotte?.modelling isnot undefined or $bimbos.charlotte?.porn isnot undefined) and not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Surgery")>>\
<<UIEvent true "Charlotte Agent" "Charlotte">>\
[[Enter Cheat Code|Cheat Codes]]
<<UINavigation "Home">><img src="Images/Misc/Consulting.jpg" width="600">
You take on some troubleshooting work, and after spending the morning looking over some reports you head into Manhattan for a meeting. You're $300 richer, but you only get home at 6pm.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set SetHours(18); SetMinutes(0); $player.cash += 300>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Desk.jpg" width="600">
Your apartment is, frankly, too big for one man. Because you own the entire floor, you have plenty of space to expand into.
<<if not $player.unlocks.gym>>\
<<if $player.cash gte 13000>>\
[[Fitness Room ($13,000)|Home Improvements][$passageRoute to 2; $player.unlocks.gym to true; $player.cash -= 13000;]]
Fitness Room ($13,000)
<<if not $player.unlocks.photoStudio>>\
<<if $player.cash gte 25000>>\
[[Home Photo Studio ($25,000)|Home Improvements][$passageRoute to 3; $player.unlocks.photoStudio to true; $player.cash -= 25000;]]
Home Photo Studio ($25,000)
<<UINavigation "Study">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Gym.jpg" width="600">
Having planned out the gym for a long time, you finally pull the trigger and arrange for it to be installed. On the day an entire crew of men arrive, to deliver and install your equipment. Within only a few hours you have a brand new, fully equipped home gym.
<<UINavigation "HomeGym">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/PhotoStudio.jpg" width="600">
It's expensive, but you turn one of the emptier, south facing rooms in your apartment into a photo studio. You buy a top level DSLR, an HD video camera, and a variety of strobe and continuous lighting. You are now able to shoot professional grade photo and video, both in your studio and on location.
<<UINavigation "PhotoStudio">>
<</if>>\<img src="Images/BLC/PrinciplesOfBimboism.jpg" width="600">
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "BLCWebsite")>>\
<<link [[Make Bimbo Life Coaching website (10hrs)|BLC Marketing]]>><<set AddHours(10); AddEvent("Player", "BLCWebsite"); $player.fame += 1>><</link>>
<<elseif not CheckEvent("Player", "BLCGoogle")>>\
<<if $player.cash gte 1000>>\
<<link [[Make Bimbo Life Coaching ads on google search (-$1,000/6hrs)|BLC Marketing]]>><<set AddHours(6); AddEvent("Player", "BLCGoogle"); $player.fame += 2; $player.cash -= 1000>><</link>>
You do not have enough money to make and advertise online ($1,000).
<<if CheckEvent("Yanovic", "Discount") and CheckEvent("Isaac", "Support") and not CheckEvent("Player", "MagazineAd")>>\
<<if $player.cash gte 4500>>\
[[Make Bimbo Life Coaching Magazine Ad(-$4,500/8hrs)|Yanovic Advert][$passageRoute to 1]]
You do not have enough money to make the Magazine Ad ($4,500).
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "PamphletsStella")>>\
<<if $player.cash gte 2000>>\
<<link [[Make Bimbo Life Coaching pamphlets with photos of Stella (-$2,000/6hrs)|BLC Marketing]]>><<set AddHours(6); AddEvent("Player", "PamphletsStella"); $player.fame += 2; $player.cash -= 2000>><</link>>
You do not have enough money to make and print pamphlets featuring Stella ($2,000).
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "PostersStella")>>\
<<if $player.cash gte 5000>>\
<<link [[Make Bimbo Life Coaching posters with photos of Stella (-$5,000/8hrs)|BLC Marketing]]>><<set AddHours(8); AddEvent("Player", "PostersStella"); $player.fame += 4; $player.cash -= 5000>><</link>>
You do not have enough money to make and print posters featuring Stella ($5,000).
<<UINavigation "Study">><<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You start to think to yourself. You need to increase awareness of your brand, whilst also reaching out to a wider customer base. An idea suddenly pops into your head. You stumble over to your desk and start scribbling down a logo.
After a few minutes of scribbling and drawing out ideas, you come up with a new one. A magazine article with Dr. Yanovic. First, it would increase your reach; second, you don't have to pay for it yourself. You scribble out a page featuring a lingerie-clad woman. On the top it reads "Be the best you"... No. "Be your absolute best self".
After some more thought you add at the bottom of the page, "Let us take care of you". In the middle you leave a section for Yanovic to advertise some of his services. Overall it looks sexually appealing, attractive, and generally professional.
<img src="Images/BLC/Magazine Ad.jpg" width="600">
You e-mail Yanovic with the idea.
[[Send Email|Yanovic Advert][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
He replies almost immediately.
<span class="yanovic-text">$player.firstName,
Absolutely, it looks great. I'll have my secretary send over the details. We've done this thing before. Are you willing to split the costs? They generally run about $9000.
[[Send Reply Yes|Yanovic Advert][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="yanovic-text">Great. Like I said, we've done these before.
I'll get it sent over to our previous contact. She will draft it and I'll send you a proof for publish.
Great idea.
<<UINavigation "Study">>
<<set AddHours(8); AddEvent("Player", "MagazineAd"); $player.fame += 4; $player.cash -= 4500;>>\
<</if>>\<<set AddHours(4); $player.bimboManualCount += 1>>\
<img src="Images/Misc/Writing.jpg" width="600">
<<if $player.bimboManualCount gte 15>>\
You have completed the guide! It is now ready to be shared with others.
''To share the guide with someone go to your desk and click the relevant link.''
You finish writing one of the sections for the guide that you have planned.
You have now written $player.bimboManualCount of 15 sections for the guide.
<<UINavigation "Study">><<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<<set $player.unlocks.building to true; $player.cash -= 700000;>>\
After the stress of actually getting the money together to buy the property the actual act of buying it was almost a let down. The building was safe, insured, and had clear title, so it moved smoothly.
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/OwnBuildingStart.jpg" width="600">
You owned land, actual land, in New York. Sure, it was a crappy old paint warehouse, and sure, you'd need to do it up before you could properly do anything with it... But it was yours.
You phone Elaine, and luckily she picks up.
<span class="elaine-text">"Elaine speaking."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Elaine, it's $player.firstName. I've bought the building, the keys were handed over today."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Excellent. I'm happy to know that it is in safe hands now. I'll be able to be much more understanding of your business activities in the building. Anyway, I have a meeting in five minutes. Talk to you soon."</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<<set AddEvent("Player", "Mortgage"); $player.unlocks.building to true; $player.mortgage to 560000; $player.cash -= 140000;>>\
After the stress of actually getting the money together to buy the property the actual act of buying it was almost a let down. The building was safe, insured, and had clear title. Once the bank's funds were received the agent handed you the keys and you walked in.
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/OwnBuildingStart.jpg" width="600">
You owned land, actual land, in New York. Sure, it was a crappy old paint warehouse, and sure, you'd need to do it up before you could properly do anything with it... But it was yours.
You phone Elaine, and luckily she picks up.
<span class="elaine-text">"Elaine speaking."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Elaine, it's $player.firstName. I've bought the building, the keys were handed over today."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Excellent. I'm happy to know that it is in safe hands now. I'll be able to be much more understanding of your business activities in the building. Anyway, I have a meeting in five minutes. Talk to you soon."</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<<set AddEvent("Player", "BuildingElainePartner"); $player.unlocks.building to true; $player.mortgage to 630000; $player.cash -= 70000;>>\
After the stress of actually getting the money together to buy the property the actual act of buying it was almost a let down. The building was safe, insured, and had clear title. Once the bank's funds were received the agent handed you and Elaine the keys and you walked in.
<img src="Images/Locations/Home/OwnBuildingStart.jpg" width="600">
You owned land, actual land, in New York. Sure, it was a crappy old paint warehouse, and sure, you'd need to do it up before you could properly do anything with it... But it was yours. Well. Yours and Elaine's.
You both walk around the space silently for a few minutes, until Elaine turns to you, hand outstretched. <span class="elaine-text">"To Bimbo Life Coaching."</span> You take her hand and shake it, enjoying how her voice echoed in the empty space. <span class="elaine-text">"Of course, we'll need to redo the place to get it up to commercial standards, but I will leave that in your capable hands. Needless to say, my worries about this space - and your business activities in the building - have melted away."</span> Elaine takes out her phone and looks at the time. <span class="elaine-text">"Anyway, $player.firstName. I'm going to leave you to it. I have a meeting with some City health officials in an hour that I need to prep for."</span>
''Elaine now supports you on the board.''
<<UINavigation "Home">><img src="Images/Locations/ApartmentBuilding.jpg" width="600">
You're standing outside of your building. Where do you want to go?
<<if $npcs.rupert and not $bimbos.hang and $player.fame gte 2>>\
[[You see Hang sitting by the front door|Hang Introduction]]
<<UINavigation "CoffeeShop">><<UINavigation "Bar">>
<<UINavigation "Subway">><<UINavigation "Home">>
<<audio "Subway" stop>>\<img src="Images/Locations/Subway/Station.jpg" width="600">
You get on the train heading into Manhattan. Where do you want to go?
<<if CheckEvent("Tan", "TanEmail") and not CheckEvent("Player", "CouncilMeeting")>>\
<<if $gameDate.getHours() is 10 and GameDayIs("Thursday")>>\
[[Attend meeting at councilmember Hernandez's District Office|Rosa First Meeting][$passageRoute to 1; SetHours(10);]]
Councilmember Hernandez will not meet you until Thursday at 10:00.
<<if $bimbos.hang?.dayCounter is 0 and $player.fame gte 4 and CheckEvent("Hang", "MeetCoffeeShop") and not CheckEvent("Hang", "MeetSubway")>>\
[[You see Hang waiting on the platform|Hang Subway Station]]
<<if $bimbos.natalie?.dayCounter is 0 and not CheckEvent("Natalie", "Locker")>>\
[[You think you see Natalie by the lockers|Natalie Locker][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<UINavigation "CosmeticSurgeon">><<UINavigation "StripClub">>
<<UINavigation "Downtown">><<UINavigation "Outside">>
<<audio "Subway" volume 0.6 play>>\
<<audio "StripClubMusic" stop>>\You see Diamond strolling through the club and decide to ask if she'd like a drink.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Diamond, can I buy you a drink?"</span>
Diamond looks over at you and smiles.
<span class="minor-text">"Sure. You're $player.firstName right? Stella has told me about you. She said you're a real lady killer."</span> Diamond giggles a bit as she heads toward the bar.
You share a drink together; Diamond gives you her number, telling you to text her sometime.
<<UINavigation "StripClub">>
<<set AddEvent("Rebeca", "DiamondNumber"); $npcs.rebeca.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<<audio "StripClubMusic" stop>>\<span class="minor-text">Hey! Stella told me you run some workout group or something. Pretty cool, but you should come check out Body Werx sometime and give me some coaching!</span>
<span class="mc-text">Absolutely.</span>
<span class="minor-text">Promise? :)</span>
<span class="mc-text">I Promise.</span>
<span class="minor-text">Ok! It's a date. I'm usually there on Wednesday early afternoons. You can show me how to perfect this body.</span>
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Diamond/DiamondWorkoutText.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Rebeca", "DiamondWorkout"); $player.dayCounter to 1;>>\You walk into the gym, impressed as always how good the facilities are. Maybe you should work out here more.
<<if $player.gymMembership gt 0>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/Downtown/BodyWerxReception.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"How can I help you?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Just heading in for a workout, thanks."</span> You flash your gym id.
<span class="minor-text">"Thank you. Let us know if you need anything."</span>
You walk into the gym, see Diamond working out, and head over.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Diamond/DiamondGym.jpg" height="600">
Diamond looks up at you staring. <span class="minor-text">"Hey $player.firstName! You made it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Looks like you don't need any coaching."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I don't really know what I am doing."</span> Diamond giggles. <span class="minor-text">"I'm trying though."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's half the battle."</span>
The two of you continue chatting for a while during which you give her some workout advice. After which you continue to work out; overall gains were made on both sides. Diamond does one last set before you decide to leave.
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Diamond/DiamondGymWorkout.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Thanks $player.firstName"</span> Diamond smiles at you. <span class="minor-text">"Had a great time, and learned a lot too."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Great, we should it again some time."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Sure thing."</span>
The two of you head toward the locker rooms and part ways.
<<UINavigation "Downtown">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Rebeca", "DiamondGym")>>\
<<set $passageRoute to 2>>
<<include [[Body Werx]]>>
<</if>>\Diamond leads you back to one of the VIP rooms. This one looks like a hotel room, except for the camera set up at the foot of the bed and a stripper pole for private dances. Diamond directs you to the bed as she heads over to the pole. Hitting a button on the wall, loud music starts blaring as she begins her routine.
<span class="minor-text">"Like my titties?"</span>
She bends over you and pushes her tits into your face, rubbing them back and forth on your lips.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Diamond/Sex/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Of course, who wouldn't?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Are you ready?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"For?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"To fuck silly."</span>
Diamond giggles. She's obviously hinting at making this quick.
<span class="mc-text">"Sure."</span> You begin to take your pants off.
<span class="minor-text">"I'll help."</span>
Diamond sits on the edge of the bed and dives on your cock as soon as it appears.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Diamond/Sex/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"God you have a nice cock."</span> Diamond looks up at you. <span class="minor-text">"Let's fuck. I want this inside me."</span>
She pulls you down onto the bed and climbs on top of you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Diamond/Sex/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Oh fuck, oh fuck."</span>
Diamond moans as she rides your cock. It does not take much, and you already feel your cock pulsating. You begin to cum in your condom. It does not even phase Diamond; she keeps riding you; pushing as deep as she can before climaxing with a soft moan. Without even skipping a beat, Diamond hops off you and begins cleaning herself with a towel. Throwing onto your chest with a smile, she heads back to the main floor like nothing happened.
<<if not BetweenTime(4, 17)>><<UINavigation "StripClub">><<else>><<UINavigation "Home">><</if>>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Rebeca", "DiamondSex");>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
She must be a new girl. She looks sexy as hell.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Jade/1.jpg" height="600">
You walk over to her. <span class="mc-text">"Hey."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Hi Hun."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I haven't seen you here before."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I just started last week."</span> She turns and starts to walk away.
<span class="mc-text">"Wait. What's your name?"</span>
She either does not hear or ignores you as she walks through the back door.
[[Follow her|Strip Club Jade][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You decide to follow her through the door, but can't see her. After a few minutes of wandering you run into her. She's changed into a sexy white toga'esque outfit with a giant cross necklace; like an alter girl waiting to be violated.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey! I didn't catch your name."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"You're not supposed to be back here."</span> She looks up and glares at you. <span class="minor-text">"And my name is Jade."</span>
You can't read if she's mad or impressed you've decided to hunt her down.
<span class="mc-text">"Jade. That's a great stripper name."</span>
She looks up at you again. <span class="minor-text">"That's my real name."</span> She laughs. You are slightly embarrassed but begin to laugh as well. <span class="minor-text">"Is that all you wanted babe? I gotta get on stage in a minute."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah I guess. Cute outfit by the way."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Thanks."</span> Jade plops down on the floor and flings her head back in front of you.
<span class="minor-text">"Whatcha think? Will the crowd get riled up?"</span> Jade runs her tongue around her lips.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Jade/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"How could they not."</span> As you look down with your eyes glued to her chest.
Jade stands up and heads for the door, intentional brushing against you; so you reach out and grab her hand. She spins around and runs her hand up along your face.
<span class="minor-text">"Naughty boy. You can't touch the priest's favorite girl."</span> Jade leans in and starts kissing you.
Soon jade is laying on her back as you fuck her tits. She sticks out her tongue and tickles the tip of your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Jade/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Jade lets you cum on her tits, but is quick to clean them off with towel. She quickly gets dressed and looks at you.
<span class="minor-text">"I am late for the stage, but we should do this again some time."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm game."</span>
Jade walks out, cleaning herself up on her way. After you get cleaned up yourself you walk back out to the club floor. Within moments Jade is strutting out on to the stage, looking a little flustered. You feel a bit excited knowing you just fucked her before she danced for all these people.
<<if not BetweenTime(4, 17)>><<UINavigation "StripClub">><<else>><<UINavigation "Home">><</if>>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Rebeca", "JadeMet");>>\
<</if>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You approach Mya as she dances on stage and take a seat in front of her.
<span class="minor-text">"Hey hun."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hi."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Would you like a dance?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I don't know; I'll have to think about it."</span> You smirk.
<span class="minor-text">"Acting shy isn't your forte $player.firstName."</span>
[[Pay for a private dance with Mya|Mya Private Dance][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Mya finishes her dance and grabs your hand, leading you to the back rooms. The one you enter is quite fancy; complete with chairs, a sofa, and a stripper pole. The private rooms have gotten quite an upgrade since the increase of both clients and dancers in the club.
As you sit on the chair Mya steps onto the stage and begins to dance for you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Mya/PrivateDance/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Looking a bit excited over there $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Maybe; what's this going to cost me?"</span>
Mya continues to dance looking over toward you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Mya/PrivateDance/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She licks the pole. <span class="minor-text">"Depends on what you want. Most customers want the platinum package."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What comes with platinum?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Whatever you want."</span>
You feel your cock twitch.
[[Take the platinum package|Mya Private Dance][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Mya/PrivateDance/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Mya shakes her ass at you, before bending over right in your face. You can't resist the temptation of smacking it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Mya/PrivateDance/6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Oww. Naughty boy!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You did say whatever I want."</span>
Mya giggles. <span class="minor-text">"I did."</span> She runs her hand over your crotch. <span class="minor-text">"Damn $player.firstName, I didn't know you were packing."</span> She unzips your pants. <span class="minor-text">"No wonder all these girls talk about you."</span>
[[Explore Mya's platinum package|Mya Private Dance][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
Mya caresses your cock with kisses.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Mya/PrivateDance/7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She smiles at you, <span class="minor-text">"You should come by more often"</span> and goes back to stroking.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Mya/PrivateDance/8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Glurh, Glurh."</span> Mya makes a sloppy mess all over your crotch.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Mya/PrivateDance/9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You can't hold it back for long and cum starts seeping from your cock. Mya just keeps the rythmn and continues sucking.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh god."</span> You let out a sigh of relief as your cock begins to pulsate in her mouth.
Mya runs her hands up your cock and then tightly squeezes.
[[Cum on Mya's face|Mya Private Dance][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
Mya strokes your cock faster, running her hands from the base to the tip.
<span class="minor-text">"Cum for me baby."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Mya/PrivateDance/10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Mya stands up slowly and starts getting cleaned up so she can head back into the club. <span class="minor-text">"I'll see you out there hun. I need to get cleaned up a bit."</span> Mya smiles while wiping her mouth.
<<if not BetweenTime(4, 17)>><<UINavigation "StripClub">><<else>><<UINavigation "Home">><</if>>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Rebeca", "MyaPrivateDance");>>\
<</if>>\You walk up to to the girl on the stage.
<span class="minor-text">"Hi Hun I'm Raven, looking for a good time?"</span>
<img src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Meet.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Always"</span>
[[Decline her offer|No to Raven]]
[[Pay Raven for a private dance $500|Yes to Raven]]<span class="minor-text">"Sorry babe, you gotta pay for the best. I need to get back to the floor."</span>
<img src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Dance.jpg" width="600">
You start walking away and look back.
<span class="minor-text">"You seem unsure. I guarantee you wont regret it."</span>
<img src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Dance2.jpg" width="600">
[[I really can't|Raven Unsure]]
[[*I need this* You've convinced me|Yes to Raven]]<span class="minor-text">"Are you sure? We both know you will have a good time.."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Raven/AmyStripClub.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[*Why can't I say no?* Alright lets go|Yes to Raven]]
<<UINavigation "StripClub">><span class="minor-text">"Come here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Huh?"</span>
You walk toward her, she wraps a neon glow stick string around your neck.
<img src="Images/StripClub/neck1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Go see Stacy at the door."</span>
You walk over to the door on the side of the club and see a sexy waitress waiting.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Stacy.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Follow me."</span>
[[Follow her|Hall to VIP]]<<audio "StripClubMusic" volume 0.75 fadeout>>\
<<audio "Remix" play>>\
She leads you down a red lit hall. The music begins to fade and change as you leave the main club.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Hall1.jpg" width="600">
A few of the doors are cracked open as you walk down the hall.
[[Peak through the door on the left|Room1]]
[[Peak through the door on the right|Room2]]
[[Continue following her|Hall2-1]]You try to peak through the door, the door creaks and opens wider.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Room1.jpg" width="600">
After a few seconds the girl in the room looks up and yells <span style="color: red;"><strong>What the fuck? Get out of here!</strong></span>
[[Continue following her|Hall2-1]]You look through the door and see two beautiful women kissing and grinding each other.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Room2.jpg" height="600">
[[Continue down the hall|Hall2-1]]You fell behind as she leads you down the hall.
<span class="minor-text">"Hey, are you coming?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah Sorry!"</span>
<img src="Images/StripClub/Hall2.jpg" height="600">
[[Follow her|Room Opening]]She opens the curtains into your private room.
<img src="Images/StripClub/VipEntry.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Can I get you a drink?"</span>
[[Just a beer ($5)|Drink2][$passageRoute to 1; $player.cash -= 5;]]
[[Whisky on the rocks ($10)|Drink2][$passageRoute to 2; $player.cash -= 10]]
[[Think I'll go for a cocktail ($15)|Drink2][$passageRoute to 3; $player.cash -= 15]]<<if $$passageRoute is 1>>\
She hands you an ice cold pint of beer.
<img src="Images/Locations/Outside/Beer.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $$passageRoute is 2>>\
She pours you a whisky, with some ice.
<img src="Images/Locations/Outside/Whisky.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $$passageRoute is 3>>\
She makes you their special for the night.
<img src="Images/Locations/Outside/Cocktail.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Sure thing."</span>
<img src="Images/StripClub/VIPRoom.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Take a seat. She'll be right in."</span>
[[Thanks|Raven Lap Dance][$player.cash -= 500]]Raven walks out and gets up on the pole dancing stage.
<span class="minor-text">"You ready?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Raven/VIP/AmyLapdance.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
After dancing she whispers in your ear.
<span class="minor-text">"I'll suck your cock for $500"</span>
[[Pay for it|Raven Blowjob][$player.cash -= 500]]
<<UINavigation "StripClub">><span class="minor-text">"Jesus you have a big cock."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Raven/VIP/AmyBlowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She pops her mouth off your cock for a second.
<span class="minor-text">"Damn you taste so good."</span>
Raven goes back to feverishly sucking your cock. She looks up at you and says
<span class="minor-text">"I don't know if your eyes have left my tits all night. You want to play with them some more?"</span>
[[Fuck Yes, let me see them|Raven Titfuck][$player.cash -= 100]]
<<UINavigation "StripClub">>You slide ur cock between her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Raven/VIP/AmyTitfuck.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Ohh fuck. I don't know if I've ever seen tits this big."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"You going to cum for me babe?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Common $player.firstName you wanna cum on my ass?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"FUCK, I'm gonna.."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Yes, YES"</span>
[[Pay her whatever she wants ($1000)|Raven Cum][$player.cash -= 1000]]
<<UINavigation "StripClub">><span class="mc-text">"Ohh SHIT."</span>
You cum all over her big round ass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Raven/VIP/AmyCum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<UINavigation "StripClub">><span class="minor-text">Hello babe. I spoke with Stella; she told me about some photos. I took a look and you have quite a talent. Any interest in taking some of me?
- Raven</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Rebeca", "RavenText"); $npcs.rebeca.dayCounter to 1;>>\You call Raven telling her to come over. You mill around, clean up a bit, and set up all the lights for the shoot.
There is a knock at your door. It's Raven.
<span class="raven-text">"Hey babe. Can I put my stuff anywhere?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Over there."</span> You point Raven to the photo room.
[[Tell Raven you'll be outside while she gets ready|Raven Photo Shoot 2]]<span class="minor-text">"$player.firstName!"</span>
You hear Raven yell out your name.
<span class="mc-text">"Coming."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"$player.firstName, my makeup is so messed up. I smudged it. Help!"</span>
Raven has messed up her eye shadow pretty badly. You laugh a bit.
<span class="minor-text">"This is not funny $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's not that bad."</span> You can't help but laugh more. <span class="mc-text">"I don't think I can fix that, but maybe one of the girls can. Be right back."</span>
You run out to see if one of the girls can fix this disaster.
<span class="june-text">"You two OK?"</span>
You hear June from behind you.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Photos/June.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"June! You've been helping out with makeup at the club. Can you go help Raven?"</span> You laugh.
<span class="june-text">"Ugh, fine. You owe me."</span> June stomps off toward the photo room.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Photos/Makeup.jpg" height="600">
Looks like June saved the day as she fixes Raven's makeup.
<span class="june-text">"Don't forget. You owe me."</span>
[[Get ready to take pictures|Raven Photo Shoot 3]]Raven walks out of the bathroom and back into the studio. She's wearing pink and white pants, a tight tank top that can barely contain her breasts, and some sexy black heels.
<span class="minor-text">"Ready babe?"</span>
Raven looks down fixing her hair and clothes. You snap a photo.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Photos/1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Over there."</span>
You point over at the center of the floor. Raven walks over and puts her hands on her hips.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Photos/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Here?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yep. Perfect."</span>
[[Have Raven bend over and pose|Raven Photo Shoot 4]]Raven turns around and bends over. <span class="minor-text">"Like this?"</span> She looks back at you.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Photos/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Turn round and squat down."</span>
<img src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Photos/4.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Alright. Now what? Better be making me look sexy $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Don't worry."</span>
[[Have Raven get down on the floor|Raven Photo Shoot 5]]Raven gets down on the floor and spreads her legs.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Photos/5.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Wonderful Raven."</span>
Raven smiles at you and bends over...
<img src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Photos/6.jpg" width="600">
...and pushes her ass into the air.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Photos/7.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Perfect; one more. Turn around and let me see that ass again."</span>
Raven's ass looks amazing. Those pants, that side boob; you snap another photo.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Photos/8.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I think that'll do it."</span>
Raven walks over and gives you a peck on the cheek. <span class="minor-text">"Thank you babe. I'd adjust your pants before you walk out in front of your sister."</span>
Raven laughs as she walks toward the bathroom. You look down at the hardcore tent you have been pitching this entire time; how embarrassing. You reach down and adjust yourself.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Rebeca", "RavenPhotoShoot");>>\As you stroll through the club a girl yells out to you.
<span class="minor-text">"Hey! Aren't you $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah?"</span> You respond questionably.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Stormy/Meet.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Name is Stormy. Stella mentioned that you knew a good plastic surgeon. Maybe you could point me in the right direction?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh, yeah I do."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Great. Need to pump these babies up."</span> Stormy squeezes her rather small tits together.
<span class="mc-text">"His name is Yanovic."</span> You hand her a card. <span class="mc-text">"We have a good working relationship. Let him know I referred you."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Thank you!"</span> She gives you a hug.
<span class="mc-text">"No problem."</span>
It's good to have connections.
<<UINavigation "StripClub">>
<<set AddMinutes(15); AddEvent("Rebeca", "StormyMet"); $npcs.rebeca.dayCounter to 7;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You receive a random text from an unknown number.
[[Open it|Stormy Text][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="minor-text">Hey $player.firstName. Figured you'd like to see the finished product. Doc did a great job, thanks for the referral!</span>
<img src="Images/StripClub/Stormy/TitsPhoto.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">Healing up pretty nice. See you at the club</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Rebeca", "StormyText")>>\
<</if>>\You catch up to Stormy after she finishes her dance.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey! You looked great out there."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Thanks. These new tits sure paid off. Nearly doubled my tips."</span> Stormy squeezes her tits together.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Stormy/Tits.jpg" height="600">
You walk up to the bar.
<span class="minor-text">"Well, I'm done for the night. Let's get out of here? I gotta pay you back, if you know what I mean."</span>
You are not quite sure what she means but hell, it can't be bad; the two of you head back to your place. You walk through the door and she drops her bag on the counter. You proceed toward the fridge and grab a couple of beers and crack them open; Stormy chugs hers down like a champ.
[[Sit on the sofa|Stormy Blowjob]]You take a seat on the sofa and turn on the TV. Stormy sits next to you.
<span class="minor-text">"Seriously though, thanks for the help with the tits."</span> Stormy grabs her chest with her free hand, the other holding her beer.
<span class="mc-text">"No problem."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I've heard you've helped a few women get fake tits. That true?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I'm sure that comes with some benefits."</span> Stormy smiles then takes a sip of her beer.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, nothing wrong with making the world a sexier place."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"True."</span> Stormy sets down her beer and slides between your legs. <span class="minor-text">"Gotta repay you somehow."</span> She laughs, unzips your pants, <span class="minor-text">"Nice cock boob king"</span> and starts to lick.
Before long she's sucking like she has somewhere to be.
<span class="minor-text">"Ready?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"For wha-"</span>
Before you can finish Stormy swallows your cock whole and runs her tongue across your balls, making you cum down her throat.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Stormy/Suck.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She does not move, letting you completely empty your balls. Then slowly pulls her mouth off your cock with a loud pop.
<span class="minor-text">"Thanks again."</span> Stormy smiles and picks up her beer.
The two of you chat a bit more and then Stormy heads off.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Rebeca", "StormyClub");>>\Walking down the street, you notice Wilde from the club.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Wilde/CityWalk.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hey beautiful."</span>
Wilde looks up at you and smiles. <span class="minor-text">"Hey $player.firstName. Far from beautiful but thanks."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"How are you doing?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Pretty good; just running some errands. Let's get a drink together sometime ok?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Sounds good. See you."</span>
<<UINavigation "Downtown">>
<<set AddMinutes(15); AddEvent("Rebeca", "WildeStreet")>>\You notice Wilde has joined the workout group today. How does that top even contain those tits?
<img src="Images/StripClub/Wilde/Workout.jpg" height="600">
You try not a stare, but Wilde catches; she just smiles back.
<span class="mc-text">"Have a good workout girls."</span>
You walk away, sneaking one more look at her.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddMinutes(15); AddEvent("Rebeca", "WildeWorkout")>>\<<if $player.stripClubVisits gt 15>>\
You walk into the club, and the woman working the stage gives you a little wave as you walk in. Your favorite table is free, and she works her way down the stage to it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/StripClub.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You arrive at the bar.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Bar1.jpg" width="600">
As you look around the club. One girl in particular with large breasts catches your eye.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Wilde/Dance.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Hey $player.firstName. Only the best for you."</span>
She turns around and lifts up her skirt, which you squeeze, your pinky finger just slipping into her ass crack. She winks back at you before turning to other customers.
<<elseif $player.stripClubVisits gt 6>>\
You walk into the club and the bartender spots you as you walk in. She lifts her head up to greet you. You see one of your favorite tables in front of the stage is free, and you walk over and take it.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/StripClub.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You arrive at the bar.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Bar1.jpg" width="600">
As you look around the club. One girl in particular with large breasts catches your eye.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Wilde/Dance.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You walk into the club, and linger at the back and head for the bar. Looking around as you walk by you see a few fellow customers getting lap dances, and a few women working the stage.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/StripClub.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You arrive at the bar.
<img src="Images/StripClub/Bar1.jpg" width="600">
As you look around the club. One girl in particular with large breasts catches your eye.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Wilde/Dance.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<include [[Stella Strip Club Events]]>>
<<if CheckEvent("Ana", "StripClubRebecaText") and not CheckEvent("Ana", "StripClub")>>\
[[Ana is dancing tonight|Ana Dance]]
<<if CheckEvent("Rebeca", "DiamondMet") and CheckEvent("Player", "CouncilMeeting") and not CheckEvent("Rebeca", "DiamondNumber")>>\
[[Diamond is here tonight|Diamond Ask Out]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Rebeca", "StormyMet") and $player.unlocks.BLC and random(1, 6) is 3>>\
[[Take a stroll through the club|Stormy Club]]
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Stripper")>>\
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "ClubRandom")>>\
[[You hear a party in the VIP room|Strip Club Random]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Rebeca", "JadeMet")>>\
[[You notice a blonde looking at you|Strip Club Jade][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Rebeca", "MyaPrivateDance") and (GameDayIs("Tuesday") or GameDayIs("Friday"))>>\
[[Approach Mya for a private dance|Mya Private Dance][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "CollegeMoney")>>\
[[Watch Charlotte work|Charlotte College Club]]
<<if GameDayIs("Monday")>>\
[[Ask the bartender who's on stage|Strip Club Stage][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<elseif GameDayIs("Tuesday")>>\
[[Ask the bartender who's going to be on stage next|Strip Club Stage][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif GameDayIs("Wednesday")>>\
<<if random(0, 1) is 1>>\
[[Ask the bartender who's on stage|Strip Club Stage][$passageRoute to 3]]
[[Ask the bartender who's that is dancing|Strip Club Stage][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif GameDayIs("Thursday")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Rebeca", "StormyMet")>>\
[[Ask the bartender who's on stage|Strip Club Stage][$passageRoute to 6]]
[[Ask the bartender who's that is dancing|Strip Club Stage][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif GameDayIs("Friday")>>\
[[Ask the bartender who's coming on stage|Strip Club Stage][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif GameDayIs("Saturday")>>\
[[Ask the bartender who's on stage|Strip Club Stage][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<elseif GameDayIs("Sunday")>>\
[[Ask the bartender who's on stage|Strip Club Stage][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if BetweenTime(18, 23)>><<UINavigation "Subway">><<else>><<UINavigation "Home">><</if>>
<<set AddHours(1); $player.stripClubVisits += 1>>\
<<audio "StripClubMusic" volume 0.1 loop play>>\
<<audio "Subway" stop>>\
<<audio "Remix" stop>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="minor-text">"That's Raven, Isn't she amazing?"</span>
You look back over your shoulder.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Raven/Amy.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Holy Shit, those tits you think to yourself.
[[Walk up to the dance floor|Strip Club Raven][AddEvent("Rebeca", "RavenMet")]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Mya comes out on stage as her music starts to boom through the club.
<span class="minor-text">"That's Mya dancing."</span>
You walk up to the seats in front of her stage.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Mya/Dancing.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<UINavigation "StripClub">>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="minor-text">"That's Wilde. Talk about a MILF."</span>
You look back over your shoulder.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Wilde/Strip1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You are mesmerized by her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Wilde/Strip2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
All you can think about is this god damn MILF.
<<UINavigation "StripClub">>
<<set AddEvent("Rebeca", "WildeMet")>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<span class="minor-text">"That's Wilde being a slut again. Not even supposed to be on the stage and she can't stop dancing."</span>
You walk up to the seats in front of her stage.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Wilde/Strip3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">*Whistles*</span>
Wilde comes over and gets down in front of you.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Wilde/Strip4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<UINavigation "StripClub">>
<<set AddEvent("Rebeca", "WildeMet")>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
<span class="minor-text">That's Diamond, she's only in town for a few weeks.</span>
You walk up to the seats in front of her stage.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Diamond/DiamondStrip.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if not CheckEvent("Rebeca", "DiamondSex") and CheckEvent("Rebeca", "DiamondGym")>>\
Diamond looks straight at you, and beckons with her finger.
[[Go with her|Diamond Sex]]
<<UINavigation "StripClub">>
<<set AddEvent("Rebeca", "DiamondMet")>>\
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
Stormy comes on stage as her music starts to boom through the club.
<span class="minor-text">"That's Stormy dancing, she's a cool girl."</span>
You walk up to the seats in front of her stage.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Stormy/Dancing.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if CheckEvent("Rebeca", "StormyText") and not AddEvent("Rebeca", "StormyClub")>>\
[[Try to talk to Stormy after her dance|Talk to Stormy]]
<<UINavigation "StripClub">>
<</if>>\You walk around the corner and look into the VIP room. You see a few dancers and it looks like everyone is enjoying themselves. As you are about to walk away you notice a gorgeous blonde stroking the cocks of two guests.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/StripClub/Random/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You pause for a moment, unable to take your eyes off of her. Why isn't that guy you? You realize how horny you are... you need to get laid.
<<UINavigation "StripClub">>
<<set AddEvent("Player", "ClubRandom")>>\This is it. The first meeting. You spent all your free time putting up flyers around the neighborhood, and posting about your new life coaching service on Meetup.
<img src="Images/Locations/Outside/Bar.jpg" width="600">\
As you walk through the bar, you wave hello to Rob, the regular bartender.
<span class="minor-text">"We got it all set up back there for you, lemme know if you need anything."</span>
[[Start the meeting|First Meeting Room]]The room is empty, and you begin to unpack your materials.
<img src="Images/Locations/Outside/BarBackroom.jpg" width="600">
You move a table to the front, and lay out some flyers on it. You then arrange about two dozen chairs to face a bare brick wall, which will be the backdrop for your presentation. To the side you set up your small Bimbo Life Coaching banner.
It's 30 minutes until anyone arrives. You finish your prep in 5, and you're starting to feel a bit nervous. You decide to go to the bar and get a drink to calm your nerves. This only kills a few minutes, and you find yourself fidgeting, looking at your phone for a few minutes before putting it down and staring down the hall, then checking the time on your phone yet again before cycling back and trying to distract yourself on Twitter.
Eventually, and achingly slowly, 7 o'clock rolls around. You go and stand near the entrance to the room. In a bar mirror you practice poses and greetings that seem both approachable and authoritative. You won't shake their hands, but you will greet them with a friendly smile, and then guide them to their seats. Too late you realize that you should have put on music to ease the tension and set the mood.
5 minutes past... Nothing. No one has arrived yet.
You tell yourself. <span class="mc-text">It's fine, the trains are probably just fucked up.</span>
15 minutes past... You're getting nervous now.
20 minutes... 30 minutes... You look out into the bar and make eye contact with Rob. He quickly turns away, embarrassed for you.
45 minutes... You sit down, and write off the entire plan. <span class="mc-text">Bimbo fucking life coach? What the fuck were you thinking? Who the fuck wants that?</span> You begin to pack up your materials, and groan as you consider that you'll actually have to answer the next headhunter that reaches out to you on LinkedIn.
[[Just as you collapse the banner, you hear a small knock behind you|First Meeting Stella]]A black haired woman stands nervously at the doorway.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/Meet.jpg" width="600">
<span class="stella-text">"Hi... I... I, uhhh..."</span> She looks around the room, worried. <span class="stella-text">"Am I too late for Bimbo Life Coaching? I thought it was at 8, but I see on the flyer it was actually 7."</span>
Not wanting to make a bad impression, you lie to her. <span class="mc-text">"You were too late for the meeting I'm afraid, but I'm free to talk to you one on one. Come sit down."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Oh, thank you so much."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/MeetTalk.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She sits down, and you stand opposite her, hands on your hips. <span class="mc-text">"What's your name?"</span>
She looks up at you and smiles sweetly. <span class="stella-text">"My name's Stella. Stella Jackson. I was curious about your services and thought I would come to a meeting."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Tell me a bit about yourself, Stella."</span> You turn your back on her and grab a chair as she begins.
<span class="stella-text">"I.. I don't really know where to begin."</span>
You place the chair close to her and so it faces her directly. <span class="mc-text">"Start at the beginning. Where are you from?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I'm from Ohio, a small farming town, but I've lived in New York for nearly 20 years. I..."</span> Her voice trails off and you can tell she's having second thoughts.
You smile at her reassuringly. <span class="mc-text">"Tell me Stella, what do you do for a living?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I'm a teacher."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Are you single, Stella?"</span>
She squirms in her seat. <span class="stella-text">"Sort of? I'm getting divorced. My husband..."</span> She looks at you and takes a breath. <span class="stella-text">"My husband left me for a younger woman."</span>
You smile sympathetically, trying to look kind. <span class="mc-text">"Is that why you are here today? Do you think that's something I can help you with?"</span>
[[Next|First Meeting Stella Finish]]<span class="stella-text">"I mean, I'm not looking to get him back, but I would like to make him jealous. On the one hand I just want to - "</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You want to become a bimbo?"</span>
Her eyes widen and she begins to explain herself.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Stella/Training/MeetTalk2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="stella-text">"I wouldn't say that. I don't want to become some dumb whore, but I... I want to be pretty, I want to be attractive, I want..."</span>
You lower your voice an octave and lean closer to her. <span class="mc-text">"You want to be an object of men's attention?"</span>
She looks down at her feet, but nods.
<span class="mc-text">"Then that, Stella, is something I can help you with. I promise you that if you work with me, and do as I tell you, men's conversations will stop short when you walk into a room."</span> You stand up, and push your chair back under a table. <span class="mc-text">"You won't be able to get on the subway without every man on it mentally undressing you."</span>
Stella blushes. <span class="stella-text">"I wouldn't go that far, but... Something like that would be fun. Like when I was younger."</span>
You walk over to her and offer her your hand, to help her stand up. <span class="mc-text">"I can tell you were once a stunning woman. To be honest, we still have a lot to work with. Most of it is mentality, and by turning up here in jewels, and a low cleavage, I think you might have what it takes. Was it difficult for you to leave the house dressed like this?"</span>
She stands and, unconsciously, pulls up her plunging neckline by tugging on her shoulder. <span class="stella-text">"Yes, a little. I hid from my daughter, and I haven't worn this dress in years."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's good, I'm proud of you for trying."</span> She reaches out to shake your hand, but you hold onto it. <span class="mc-text">"So, tell me. Shall we start working together, Stella?"</span>
She leaves her hand in yours and answers. <span class="stella-text">"I'm not sure... How does it work?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Each session we have costs $150. The first session will be free, for you to see how we get along and if you like my methods. We can stop any time you want, but!"</span> You raise your other hand here for emphasis. <span class="mc-text">"This will only be a true success if you follow my methods completely. Do you understand? Will the cost be an issue?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"I understand. And no, I can do $150 a session. If you can do as you promise, it will be worth it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Are you free on Monday?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Yes, after I finish work."</span> You drop her hand.
<span class="mc-text">"Good. Meet me Monday, at 6pm. Back at this bar. We can get to know each other a bit better, and start your transformation."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); $bimbos.stella to clone($bimboTemplate); $bimbos.stella.bimbo to 1; $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist += 1; $bimbos.stella.slut += 1; $bimbos.stella.cash to 4000;>>\You slowly amble towards the door, the knocking still pounding.
You throw open the door.
<span class="mc-text">''"WHAT?"''</span>
Your neighbor Rupert is standing there.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rupert/Intro.jpg" width="600">
<span class="rupert-text">"I needed to speak to you, $player.firstName."</span>
You groan, audibly. Rupert moved into the building at the same time you did, right after the conversion, and has essentially appointed himself the head of the Residents' Association. He is a man whose greatest pleasure in life is to leave angry notes concerning recycling at the bottom of stairwells.
You've learned to listen politely, then ignore him.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh? What about?"</span>
<span class="rupert-text">"The residents -"</span> Rupert always dresses up his problems as collective concerns <span class="rupert-text">"- have concerns about what is going on in this apartment. We've seen a number of immodestly dressed women coming in and out of this apartment at all hours of the day. It was bad enough that we had to cope with your revolving cast of girlfriends, but for this many strangers to enter and exit at all hours is unacceptable."</span>
He's not exactly wrong to think something is up, but you seek to put him at ease, to better avoid future questions.
<span class="mc-text">"Firstly, Rupert, with all due respect there are no rules limiting guests, either by time or number. We haven't been making an undue amount of noise, so there is no issue there. But, not that it is any of your business, I have not suddenly built a harem, or started operating a brothel. You'll be happy to know I no longer have a girlfriend, while the others are merely friends."</span>
Rupert exhales through his nose and squints at you. <span class="rupert-text">"Well, that better be the case. Specific rules may not prohibit such behavior, but it's certainly against the spirit of the rules. Good day, $player.firstName"</span>
Rupert turns on his heel, and as you watch him walk down the corridor you spy a face looking around the corner.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Meet.jpg" width="300">
Rupert's wife. You've never even talked to her, but from mail left in the lobby you know her name is Hang. She's much younger than Rupert, and you wouldn't be surprised if she were a mail order bride.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set $npcs.rupert to clone($minorTemplate)>>\You wake up and slowly stretch and groan your way around the house, pulling open curtains and inwardly muttering about the work you have to do today. As you approach the kitchen you notice what looks like a letter, pushed under your front door.
<span class="rupert-text">$player.firstName $player.lastName</span>
Your name is the only thing written on the envelope. You tear it open.
<span class="rupert-text">Mr. $player.lastName,
It has come to the attention of the board that you are violating the terms of your lease, and the rules laid down by the co-operative. Not only are you operating a so-called company, 'Bimbo Life Coaching', from your apartment but you are conducting regular commercial meetings in your apartment.
On at least two Thursday evenings it has been noted that a number of women have been seen entering the building without keys, all heading up to your apartment, where they remain for at least two hours before all leaving together.
A special meeting of the board has been called to discuss your violation of the rules, and to consider potential steps to be taken in response. You are invited to attend to and to explain yourself. It will take place in the Chairman's apartment, 7pm on Tuesday.
Rupert Cosgrove
You shout at the door and ball your fists, crumpling up the letter in the process. <span class="mc-text">"FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUCK!"</span> A wave of anger crashes over you, and disappears almost as quickly as it arrived. Your hands drop to your sides, the letter flutters to the floor, and your head rests against your front door with a gentle thud.
You remain there for at least a minute, until you turn on the coffee machine and hop in the shower.
[[Continue|Rupert Morning Letter Research][AddHours(2)]]<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Desk.jpg" width="600">
You dress quickly, donning crisp, austere blue jeans and a flattering grey t-shirt. Sitting down at your desk with a hot cup of coffee, the first thing you do is hunt through your drawers for the documents relating to the purchase of your apartment.
As you feared, the purchase agreements and the co-op rules quite clearly forbid commercial uses for members' apartments. You begin to Google for alternative gym spaces that Stacy can use, and wonder how best to make amends with the board, when you slow down...
You stop, and mutter to yourself. <span class="mc-text">"Pull the band-aid..."</span>
You lean back in your office chair and stare at the ceiling. Rupert's letter shocked you and certainly took you by surprise. You are also disappointed in yourself for being so unaware of the rules you are apparently bound by. But if Bimbo Life Coaching were ever to take off, a dispute like this would be inevitable. Why not fight it now, when the stakes are lower and your apparent offence is as minor as a weekly exercise class?
Plus, you know your neighbors well, at least by the standards of New York. Rupert might be the chairman, but he can't fine you, or evict you, without the approval of a majority of the board. Not only that, but if you were really lucky your actions might even be endorsed by a majority of the board.
[[You pull up your building's website|Rupert Morning Letter Co-Op]]After Rupert the most important member of the board is Elaine Kennedy.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/Elaine.jpg" width="600">
Elaine, you have to admit, you don't know that well. She largely keeps to herself. As far as you know, though, she's an important doctor up at Woodhull. You've never seen her be bothered by other people living their own lives, but she is sensitive to anything that she perceives as lowering property values in the building or area.
As the Treasurer of the board she has significant influence over the board.
The Secretary of the board is Isaac Goldfarb.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/Isaac.jpg" width="600">
Isaac is probably the nearest thing you have to a friend on the board. A young lawyer, he grew up in the city and, it pains you to admit it, probably has more fun that you. Gay, he has a rotating cast of hot young boyfriends, each seemingly more jacked and more Brazilian than the last. You don't expect you'll have to do much to win him over.
Priti Waters is, however, a much tougher nut to crack.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/Priti.jpg" width="600">
Priti doesn't have any particular responsibility on the board, but she is good friends with Rupert and has taken on the unofficial role of the building's enforcer. She is a stay at home mom, whose husband works on Wall Street and is rarely at home. Her youngest child is only 7, but as far as you can tell she also has a couple of adult kids, and must have about 5 or 6 children in total. It might be worth reaching out to her, but you doubt she would do anything without Rupert's agreement.
The last member of the board, and by far the least active, is Phil Cortez.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/Phil.jpg" width="600">
Phil is the sole holdover from the old neighborhood. Somehow, when the developers were doing up the building, Phil snagged a free apartment. It's barely half the size of all the other apartments in the building, but he didn't have to pay a dime for it. He doesn't really have time for all the petty shit that goes on in the building, but he does love gardening. The communal part of the roof is stunning, with seasonal flowers and plants making it shine almost all year. To Phil's credit, he's pretty much the only person that puts in the work, and he gets re-elected to the board each year to keep him happy and the roof garden blooming.
You don't think Phil is inclined to help you, though, because he truly does not give a shit about the pettiness in the building. He isn't posing and trying to make it seem like he is against it, rather he just goes with the flow. You know that unless you manage to really win him over, Phil will side with whoever offers him a quiet life.
After a couple of hours of planning and consideration, you think you can turn up to the meeting and make a good effort. You're about to move onto other tasks when you remember Tan, and her offer of an open door. You text her and ask to meet briefly.
<span class="mc-text">I'm having some issues that you might be able to give me advice on. Can we meet soon?</span>
<span class="tan-text">That was quick.
It is your lucky day though. I will be at Henrique's in 15 minutes. Meet me there.</span>
[[Meet Tan|Rupert Morning Letter Finish]]You throw on your shoes and hunt for your keys then head down to Henrique's to meet Tan. You walk in, though, and you are surprised to see Hang instead of Tan.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Encounters/Planning.jpg" height="600">
Hang looks at you and waves you over.
<span class="hang-text">"Hello $player.firstName. Good to meet you again. Tan says she is running late for our meeting. How are you today?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Our meeting?"</span> A look of concentration passes over Hang's face, but you decide to move on before she can answer. You assume that Tan just invited you to make a threesome. <span class="mc-text">"Anyway, that's fine. I'm good, I'm good. How are you?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I am good, thank you."</span> You say nothing but Hang looks up at you happily. You see she already has a coffee, so you point towards the bar.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm just gonna get a coffee. Mind if I sit with you when I come back?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes."</span> She still smiles at you, and you decide to pay attention to her body language, not the precise meaning of her words. A few minutes later, black drip in hand, you sit down next to Hang.
You look at her and you are both silent for a moment, then you both try to start a conversation at the same time. This happens twice, then you both laugh, and you gesture at her to speak. <span class="hang-text">"How is your work? Tan has told me about your classes."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"How much has Tan told you about these classes?"</span>
Hang shrugs. <span class="hang-text">"You teach women how to be...."</span> She searches for the word, but you make no effort to help her. <span class="hang-text">"Bimbos? Beautiful, blonde, and... stupid. At least this is what Tan says, and what my husband thinks."</span> She bites her lip slightly after.
You smile at her to reassure her that she hasn't offended you. <span class="mc-text">"They're pretty much right, but I wouldn't say that bimbos are stupid. They just focus on certain things over others."</span> You blow on your coffee to cool it, then take a sip. <span class="mc-text">"Bimbos do end up being a lot more relaxed than most people, and occasionally can become irresponsible, but if they do that' just who they are. Most bimbos are smart, smart enough to realize that life is short and meant for fun."</span>
Hang nods, and you are about to ask her what she does for fun, when Tan arrives.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Tan/Email/CoffeeShop.jpg" height="600">
She greets Hang in Vietnamese and they hug, then turns to you. <span class="tan-text">"Are you two getting along?"</span> She raises an eyebrow appraisingly, then speaks to Hang for a little while in Vietnamese. You can see how much more animated Hang is in Vietnamese, and if Tan's laughs are any guide, how funny she is.
Without any warning Tan turns to you. <span class="tan-text">"So. $player.firstName."</span>
You cough gently, and look at Hang. <span class="tan-text">"Let's talk quickly before I catch up with Hang, OK?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's actually to do with her husband..."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"What is going on?"</span>
You consider just dismissing it and e-mailing her later, but you figure what the hell. Hang probably knows little about Rupert's work. If she did, she would likely have been more awkward when you sat down.
<span class="mc-text">"I have been letting one of my clients run a weekly exercise session at my home gym. The co-op board, which Rupert is the Chairman off, is dragging me over to punish me for breaking the rules. I was wondering if you had any advice."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Is it against the rules?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Uhhh... Yeah, it seems so."</span>
She shakes her head as if the solution is the most obvious thing in the world. <span class="tan-text">"Then stop breaking the rules."</span>
You sigh, and should have expected that to be the advice, but you continue. <span class="mc-text">"Look, I know I'm breaking the rules, but it's important to the business and I don't think that it can really take off without this session. Maybe in the future it can take place at a proper gym, but right now this is the best I can do. You work in politics, how do I get them to cut me some slack?"</span>
Tan snorts, but Hang remains glued to her phone screen. <span class="tan-text">"Then slow it down. Don't admit fault, but ask for time to correct. Find out any ways that you can bring the entire rule into question...."</span> Tan stops speaking for a second, and you're about to continue your line of questioning when she holds up a finger to silence you. <span class="tan-text">"Your building used to be warehouses, yeah?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah..."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Look up what uses the building is zoned for, what uses are grandfathered in. An awful lot of these buildings are still zoned for commercial use. It could still be against the rules, but it would be much harder to evict you or fine you heavily if your weekly class is legal, albeit unwanted. You still won't win, but you can buy that time you need."</span>
You nod vigorously, and take out your phone to write down Tan's advice. Tan begins to speak to Hang, in Vietnamese, but as you get up to leave Hang stops and switches to English. <span class="hang-text">"I often have a coffee here during the day, if you would like to help me practice my English."</span>
Tan raises her eyebrows in surprise, but says nothing. You smile down at Hang. <span class="mc-text">"Sure thing, Hang. I'd love to get coffee with you."</span>
''When Hang is at Henrique's you can now chat with her.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Player", "ApartmentLetter"); $bimbos.hang.dayCounter to 1;>>\It's 7pm. You dress nicely, in an immaculate white collared shirt, and light blue slacks. You walk down the two floors to Rupert's apartment and press the doorbell.
Rupert answers the door.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rupert/Meeting.jpg" width="600">
He's wearing a tie, and a full suit. His eyes narrow, but only for a moment, when he sees that it is you.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello Rupert."</span>
<span class="rupert-text">"Glad you could make it, $player.firstName. Come on in."</span>
Rupert turns on his heel and walks you through his apartment, which you are glad to see is notably smaller than yours, and into the living room. The living room appears to have been furnished by a Victorian explorer.
<img src="Images/Locations/RupertApartment.jpg" width="600">
Elaine, Priti, and Phil are already at Rupert's, leaving only Isaac running late. After briefly greeting them you all stand around awkwardly, that is until Hang brings in a tray with some chips and dips.
<span class="rupert-text">"Have you been introduced to my wife, $player.firstName?"</span>
You look over to Hang and you see her eyes widen. You decide discretion is the better part of valor, and stick out your hand. <span class="mc-text">"A pleasure to meet you...?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Hang. My name is Hang."</span> Hang briefly shakes your hand then returns to the kitchen. You look over at Rupert and he is busy flipping through papers, having paid no attention to your little lie with Hang.
You're about to go to the bathroom, more out of boredom than any real need to piss, when the doorbell goes. Rupert goes to open the door and you can hear Isaac talking, as usual, at the top of his voice.
<span class="isaac-text">"...so he just shuts the door on me! It was 8 minutes to the next train, and you can just IMAGINE how packed that was. Ugh. Sometimes I hate this city."</span>
When Rupert and Isaac walk into the room Isaac looks at you and lifts his chin up in greeting, but otherwise says nothing. Rupert speaks to the other board members, though. <span class="rupert-text">"Shall we begin?"</span> He gestures to a circle of brown leather chairs, 5 arranged in a semi circle, the 6th facing the others.
Phil sighs, then grabs the chair closest to him. <span class="phil-text">"Yup. Let's get this over with."</span>
[[Continue|Co-op Board Meeting 1 Enter]]The meeting begins with Rupert giving a short, but nevertheless tedious, speech about the necessity of common rules for living together. Only Priti is smiling through it, and of the rest only Elaine bothers to make eye contact with Rupert and make it seem that they are listening.
After this, Rupert reads out the sections of the co-op rules and the initial purchase agreements which forbid non-residential use of any apartment in the building. He then details the information they have on Stacy's exercise class, including exact times at which women were seen entering and leaving the building.
<span class="rupert-text">"Do you deny any of this?"</span>
You phrase your words carefully, Tan's advice sticking in your mind. <span class="mc-text">"I do not deny that these people went to my apartment, no."</span>
Rupert sighs. <span class="rupert-text">"Do you deny that you are using your apartment to host commercial events?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I have a home gym, a particularly large one. I am merely allowing a friend of mine to use it."</span>
Rupert looks round triumphantly to the others in the room. <span class="rupert-text">"There you have it. He does not deny it."</span>
Priti smiles at Rupert, but Elaine leans forward, looking you in the eye. <span class="elaine-text">"Do you make money from this? Does your friend?"</span>
You squirm awkwardly in your seat, unsure of how to avoid answering this without lying. <span class="mc-text">"I... Well, yes. We both do. It is only temporary, though, soon-"</span>
Rupert interrupts you, then jabs a stubby finger in your direction. <span class="rupert-text">"See! He fully admits it. He must stop at once. It's intolerable for this building to turn into some cheap stop off point for untrustworthy women. I propose that we officially inform $player.firstName that he must stop this at once, at risk of eviction-"</span>
It is your turn to interrupt Rupert, however.
[[You remove documents from your attache case|Co-op Board Meeting 1 Finish]]You remove five sets of documents from your attache case, then stand to distribute them.
Rupert looks up at you as you hand him his. <span class="rupert-text">"What is this?"</span>
You don't answer until you have sat back down, the last copy in your hand. <span class="mc-text">"These are the various certificates and documents from the Department of Buildings relating to the conversion of this building into its current form. If you will turn to the third page -"</span> at this, the room becomes a rustle of flipping paper <span class="mc-text">"- you will see that the original developers' application merely sought to add residential use as an acceptable use for the building. If you turn to the next page, you will see the City's decision to accept this application."</span>
Priti speaks up for the first time now. <span class="priti-text">"What does this mean?"</span>
Before you can answer, Isaac speaks. <span class="isaac-text">"It means that we cannot evict him, or even fine him beyond any damages his commercial activity may cause to us."</span>
Rupert begins to splutter. <span class="rupert-text">"This is besides the point, it is against the rules, he can't simply-"</span>
Isaac puts his hand on Rupert's forearm, and looks around the rest of the board. <span class="isaac-text">"Sorry, Rupert, but it is exactly the point. $player.firstName is breaking our rules, but unless he is willing to work with us we do not have much recourse. I believe he was saying something about it only being temporary?"</span>
You look at Isaac and as you make eye contact he gives you an almost invisible smile. You think, however, that he is more enjoying throwing a spanner in Rupert's plans than looking out for you in particular.
You're about to speak, but Rupert raises his voice and begins to argue. Elaine begins to do the same when Phil leans over to you.
<span class="phil-text">"This could take a while, son, I'd go back to your apartment while you can. You can't participate anymore anyway."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set SetHours(19); AddMinutes(45); AddEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting"); $bimbos.elaine to clone ($bimboTemplate); $npcs.isaac to clone($minorTemplate); $npcs.priti to clone($minorTemplate); $npcs.phil to clone($minorTemplate);>>\You wake up and there is an e-mail from Isaac flashing on your phone.
<span class="isaac-text">Hey!
What a shit show that meeting turned into last night. I know you are breaking the rules, but it was nice to see Rupert run into a brick wall.
Anyway, after a big argument it was decided that you would be officially asked to stop the exercise classes and that any damage your visitors cause will be added to your co-op fees. Because you are conforming to the code, not much else can be done, but Rupert started talking about applying to the City to ban non-residential uses in the building.
You said it was just temporary, though, so even if he does push that through it'll take way too long to affect you.
Drop by for a drink one evening! We should talk about all this, plus you haven't met Pedro yet.
You close the email, and realize that the battle for the building has just been elevated. You need to stop Rupert getting the building's certificate changed.
''Whatever day you want, you can visit Isaac at his apartment at around 18:00.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Isaac", "Email")>>\You messaged Isaac earlier in the afternoon to see if he wanted to have that drink tonight. He said come on over any time after that evening for a low key chat.
When you're done for the day you head down to Isaac's apartment and ring the bell. It takes a little while, but eventually you hear the sound of someone running down the hallway.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/Isaac2.jpg" width="600">
Isaac opens the door, and when he sees you he throws open his arms.
<span class="isaac-text">"Hey! You naughty boy!"</span> You step in and give him a hug, and then follow him as he scuttles off to the kitchen. <span class="isaac-text">"I thought we could have mojitos, you like mojitos right? Pedro makes the best mojitos. Come say hi to Pedro."</span>
You walk into his kitchen, as minimalist and chic as everything else in Isaac's apartment, to see a stunning man crushing mint leaves at the counter.
<img src="Images/Events/Pedro.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Nice to meet you Pedro."</span> Pedro wipes his hands, throws the cloth over his shoulder, then sticks out his hand to shake yours.
<span class="minor-text">"A pleasure."</span> His voice is low, and his grip strong, and so clearly muscular that even though you are as straight as an arrow you can't help but admire him. Isaac is standing behind Pedro, and seeing the look in your eyes, he mouths 'RIGHT?'.
<span class="isaac-text">"We're going to go sit down and chat Pedro, come join us once you're done in the kitchen."</span>
You follow Isaac back through to his living room and you sit down, him on the sofa and you on a low, white leather chair. Isaac leans into you, his voice dropped low. <span class="isaac-text">"He's in New York to make it as a model."</span> Isaac's eyes roll back into his head, and when he opens them again he is looking up at the ceiling, his hands together in front of him in prayer. <span class="isaac-text">"Lord help me but I can never leave this city as long as they keep on making them that pretty."</span>
You both laugh and Isaac leans back and begins talking at a normal level. <span class="isaac-text">"So? How are things with you?"</span>
You shrug, and wish the mojitos were ready. <span class="mc-text">"Oh fine. Rupert's entire thing has got me a little stressed, but at least it isn't hanging over my head like a sword."</span>
Isaac nods emphatically. <span class="isaac-text">"Seriously. You just can't be living like that, can you?"</span>
Pedro comes in with three mojitos and hands you yours, before sitting next to Isaac. He gives Isaac a little kiss on the cheek, then gives you a friendly smile. You feel a little more relaxed just having him around, and it strikes you that Pedro is a male bimbo.
<span class="mc-text">"What is Rupert's plan for the occupancy certificate?"</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"Well! I've never seen him so frustrated. Half the meeting was us just telling him that opening that can of worms is an entire stress, and that if we want this to be residential only we might lose grandfathered deviations from the code that would be stupid expensive to fix. Anyway, something like that would have to be ratified at the annual meeting."</span> Isaac takes a sip from his mojito, then looks at Pedro and smiles. <span class="isaac-text">"Delicious as ever Pedro! But yeah, he's really got it out for you. I mean, he always has, but now he can taste the blood in the water..."</span>
You two spend a while discussing your predicament, and while you can sense that Isaac is not keen on you making Stacy's class a permanent thing, he is willing to cut you some slack. After the second mojito the subject shifts to interior decor, and Pedro describes his family estate in the coffee growing regions of Brazil.
Pedro agrees to make a third mojito, but says that after that he needs to leave.
[[Pedro Leaves|Isaac Home Intro]]Once Pedro is gone Isaac looks at you conspiratorially. <span class="isaac-text">"How did you start this bimbo thing anyway?"</span>
You give him what is, by now, your usual spiel. Isaac finds the entire thing hilarious, not least because he remembered Sophie.
<span class="isaac-text">"I hear she is going out with some Wall St. type now."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh?"</span>
Isaac nods, in the emphatic kind of way someone does when they are on their third strong drink. He says nothing, and you say nothing. You stand up and wander over to the window and watch the skyline twinkle in the twilight. You think back over Sophie, and though you're jealous you're also happy that she's moving on. You turn back around to Isaac and he's searching your face.
<span class="isaac-text">"I'm glad you're over her."</span> You chuckle and he laughs. He always was a bit of a lightweight. <span class="isaac-text">"But, seriously, I actually think it's pretty cool what you're doing. Do you...?"</span> Isaac looks down, slightly nervously. <span class="isaac-text">"Do you think you could do this with men?"</span>
You squint at Isaac and sit down opposite him. <span class="mc-text">"You... You want to become a bimbo?"</span>
Isaac lets out a single, deafening laugh. <span class="isaac-text">"No! No, no no.... Not me. Pedro. Or others..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Ahh, I see. Well, the general principles of it, definitely, I see no reason why the ethos of bimboism can't be something for men too."</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"Would you coach him?"</span>
You think for a moment before responding to Isaac.
[[I'm afraid not|Isaac Home Finish]]You suck in air through your clenched teeth. <span class="mc-text">"I'm not sure I can successfully coach him myself. You see, my own motivation is, generally, to try and help these women live up to my own fantasies, which are inherently sexual. I'm not sure how good a job I can do if I don't have that drive, you know?"</span>
Isaac looks disappointed. <span class="isaac-text">"I had hoped..."</span>
You interrupt Isaac. <span class="mc-text">"That said, that doesn't mean I can't coach you to coach him. I could even write a guide for you, if that would help."</span>
His eyes light up. <span class="isaac-text">"Would you?"</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"Sure. It's something I've been meaning to do for a while anyway."</span>
''You can now write your bimbo life coaching guide at your desk. When the guide is complete, and you give it to Isaac, he will support you on the board.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Isaac", "Visit"); AddEvent("Player", "BimboGuide"); $player.bimboManualCount to 0;>>\<span class="mc-text">Hey Isaac-
Here's the guide. I hope you find it useful!
- $player.firstName</span>
A couple of hours later you get a message back from Isaac
<span class="isaac-text">Thanks so so much! It's so comprehensive! I'll have to read over it this weekend and start putting it to practice.
I really am very grateful for your help, and I'll try and make sure Rupert doesn't ruin things for you.</span>
''Isaac now supports you on the board.''
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Player", "BimboGuide"); AddEvent("Isaac", "Support"); $npcs.isaac.dayCounter to 7;>>\You open the door to find Phil in the hallway, smiling at you.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/Phil.jpg" width="600">
<span class="phil-text">"$player.firstName! How's it going?"</span> Phil begins to walk into your apartment, and you close the door behind you. He whistles through his teeth. <span class="phil-text">"I see the retired life is treating you well."</span> He laughs and wags his finger at you. <span class="phil-text">"I see those girls you're running around with. Damn."</span>
You smile and begin to laugh, almost a little embarrassed. Phil laughs again.
<span class="phil-text">"Anyway man, I just wanted to drop by to fill you in on Rupert's latest shit show. That boy, I swear he just finds shit to get worked up about."</span>
You nod.<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, it's not nice being in his crosshair this time... I swear he's got it in for me."</span>
<span class="phil-text">"He probably does, he probably does, but... You ain't doing yourself any favors, breaking these rules. What did you expect him to do?"</span>
You begin to defend yourself. <span class="mc-text">"I, I-"</span>
Phil holds his hands up in the air. <span class="phil-text">"Now I don't really care, you know me. But what's the point in fighting this when you know you're doing wrong? Even if the wrong isn't hurting anybody."</span>
You nod. <span class="mc-text">"I assume you won't be backing me on the board?"</span> Phil says nothing, but he looks at you with a sad expression and nods slowly. <span class="mc-text">"So you're totally backing Rupert?"</span>
He shrugs. <span class="phil-text">"If everyone else backs you, not including ol' Napoleon of course, I'll join them. But I'm not gonna be the one to flip it, you know?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Not even if I can get the City to approve that variation you were wanting?"</span>
Phil laughs and claps you on the shoulder. <span class="phil-text">"I'll tell you what. If you can get my fancy growing patch out back through the DoB, I'll let you hold the classes at my place."</span>
He continues to laugh, but you cut across him. <span class="mc-text">"But seriously, though. I'm on friendly terms with the some local pols, perhaps..."</span>
The smile drops from Phil's face. <span class="phil-text">"OK, if you're being serious. I still won't do it if we lose, but if you need a third vote... Well, you have it. If I have my variance."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Deal. Anyway, I need some advice about my roof, the flowers I got..."</span>
You change the subject to your roof garden and take Phil up there, where he gives you some advice on perennials that you can plant to pretty the space up a little.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Phil", "Visit");>>\After a slow start to the morning, involved plenty of groaning, you make your way to the kitchen. Passing the front, you notice another dreaded letter has been slipped under the door.
<span class="rupert-text">Mr. $player.lastName,
You are required to attend the next meeting of the co-operative board. This is to discuss the imminent re-zoning of the establishment and the legality of your continued commercial activities.
Also on the agenda will be the serious violations in your conduct as a resident of this building.
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
The changes Hang has been going through recently have some of us very worried about the type of influence you are having on residents.
The disgraceful and immoral influence you have had over Hang is but one example of the danger people like you pose to our society.
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Girlfriend")>>\
And you can tell that whore living with you she will never be welcome back on my doorstep.
7pm, Thursday.
Failure to attend will result in the board voting without your presence.
Rupert Cosgrove
You knew this would be a problem eventually. The fitness club is an issue you now have a solution for. But the tone in this letter is different; more hostile. You doubt it bodes well. However this time you aren't going in to this fight alone. It might be time to call a meeting to discuss the best move.
After your morning coffee of course.
[[Call a meeting|Co-op Board Meeting 2 Plan]]You organize a meeting for that afternoon. Fortunately no-one is late. Sitting in your living room you start telling Elaine, Isaac and Tan about the letter you received. Elaine and Isaac knew about the meeting and that the issue of zoning would be raised, but are completely shocked at the implication of conduct violations.
Elaine is the first to speak. <span class="elaine-text">"Personally, I have never heard of anyone facing anything more than a reminder about behavior, and only in instances where it is disruptive to other residents. Isaac, is there any legal standing to official repercussions for behavior?"</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"Officially no. Unless the law has been broken, in which case it becomes an actual legal issue, the board has no power to punish residents for how they live their lives. And the residential agreements do not contain any such clauses either."</span>
You think about all that has happened lately. <span class="mc-text">"I don't think this is simply a board issue. I think Rupert has a personal vendetta to see me gone."</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"He has been acting differently since returning from Vietnam. More erratic and irritable. This could pose problems, as he is unlikely to let the issue go."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"So what are the options going forward? With the new building being renovated the exercise classes will not be a problem. But if he tries to have the board evict me on some arbitrary conduct issue, I'm relying on you guys to vote no."</span>
Elaine does not look happy with this. <span class="elaine-text">"Of course Isaac and I will vote against any motion. However I don't think that will be enough against the others."</span>
Tan speaks for the first time. <span class="tan-text">"I could raise the issue with Miss Hernandez at the town hall. I do not think she will be pleased with this. She respects the opportunities you are providing to women in the community. There may be a way to get her support."</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"Tan's right. Maybe we could find a way to get the council involved and override coop board. I'll look into it and see, $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"At this stage I think that's all we can do. Thanks for the support everyone."</span>
You decide to call the meeting there. After everyone leaves, you think about how easily everything you've built could just fall apart. One thing is for certain; at the end of this, Bimbo Life Coaching will need to become a proper company. No more meetings out of the bar or your apartment. It is time to establish BLC as a permanent enterprise with you as CEO.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set SetHours(14); AddEvent("Player", "ApartmentLetter2");>>\Once again you find yourself outside Rupert's apartment. After ringing the bell it only takes a moment before the door opens.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rupert/SecondMeeting.jpg" width="600">
You're surprised by Rupert's appearance. He looks quite disheveled.
<span class="rupert-text">"Mr $player.lastName. Come in."</span>
<img src="Images/Locations/RupertApartment.jpg" width="600">
Entering the apartment, you see the other board members have already arrived.
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
Peeping around the kitchen corner, you see Hang before she quickly disappears.
Before you can greet any of them, Rupert starts talking. <span class="rupert-text">"Sit down Mr $player.lastName. We have a number of important issues to deal with."</span>
You have barely sat down when Rupert continues.
<span class="rupert-text">"The first item on the agenda is the current issue of the building zoning. This situation cannot be left to continue, and so I have submitted an application to have the building zoned only for residential use. This means all of your commercial activities must stop."</span>
Before Rupert can continue, you take out copies of the deed for the new building. <span class="mc-text">"This will not be a problem. As you can see, I have recently purchased the neighboring building. All fitness activities will be relocating to here, as well as hosting for a number of social and community groups."</span>
<span class="rupert-text">"Of course this would encompass all commercial activities. This 'Bimbo Life Coaching' farce you having decided to stain our neighborhood with is a part of the issue. It cannot operate in any capacity from your apartment."</span>
God he has such a punchable face!
<span class="rupert-text">"Furthermore, Mr. $player.lastName's recent activities have raised great concerns about his character and the manner of business he is dealing in. Such things are unbecoming of the of what is expected from tenants under the agreement. Therefore, I am putting forward a motion to have Mr. $player.lastName evicted under our powers as the homeowner's association."</span>
The whole room sits in stunned silence for several seconds.
Elaine is the first to speak. <span class="elaine-text">"Eviction? What part of the agreement are you referring to which could in any way justify eviction?"</span>
<span class="rupert-text">"It is quite clearly stated that 'All residents are expected to be respectful of others in the building, and not conduct any illegal or disreputable activities on the premises.' Consider Mr. $player.lastName's conduct during his tenancy. He has been hosting immoral women in his apartment and engaging in indecent activities."</span>
The look you give Rupert at the mention of immoral women.
<span class="mc-text">"Firstly, you have no right to judge how any of them wish to live. And how are our lifestyles 'illegal or disreputable' activities? Is there a definition, or just whatever you don't like?"</span>
You look over toward Elaine, she looks uncomfortable with what Rupert just said. After a few seconds of silence -
Isaac jumps in. <span class="isaac-text">"He does have a point. From a legal standpoint, penalizing someone for disreputable behavior is such a vague and subjective reason it is virtually meaningless. It would never hold up."</span>
<span class="rupert-text">"We have a responsibility to act in what we determine is the best interest of the residents."</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"We do, for the betterment of all residents. However we have never spoken to any resident about how they live. To evict someone now would seem unfair and we would have to act this way in the future every time it happened."</span>
Rupert thinks on this for a while. <span class="rupert-text">"We will drop the eviction then. But we must ensure that there is an incentive for Mr. $player.lastName to remove his business from the building. I propose Mr. $player.lastName's weekly rent include a fine, until such a time as can prove that no commercial activity is going on in his apartment."</span>
[[Elaine is the first to react|Co-op Board Meeting 2 Vote]]<span class="elaine-text">"Rupert that is outrageous! The building has not even been re-zoned yet. He has broken no part of the agreement so there is no justification for this!"</span>
You didn't even think Elaine could look as angry as she does now. Isaac is also shaking his head. Rupert however does not even give them a reply, just looks over at a nodding Priti.
<span class="rupert-text">"So shall we take a vote? I vote yes."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"Yes."</span> Priti responds immediately.
<span class="phil-text">"Yeah."</span> Phil looks at you with some sympathy, but you know he won't rock the boat.
<span class="elaine-text">"Of course not. This is absurd."</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"No."</span>
You knew this would be the result. It still hurts.
<span class="rupert-text">"It is decided. Mr. $player.lastName will be required to pay a fine of $1000 every week, until such time as he has removed all commercial activity from his residence. If the building re-zoning has been finalized before this, then we may have to readdress the issued with the possibility of eviction."</span>
With this the meeting is quickly concluded. As you are being escorted to the door, Rupert quietly mutters to you <span class="rupert-text">"I would not become too comfortable with the situation. Things may become much worse very soon."</span>
[[Head home|Co-op Board Meeting 2 Finish]]You arrive back at the apartment. Stella and Charlotte are waiting in the living room. \
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
Tan walks out of the kitchen. \
Hang walks out of the kitchen with Tan. \
<<if CheckEvent("June", "Home")>>\
You also see June emerging from her room.
<span class="stella-text">"How did it go $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"As well as could be expected Stella. We're not getting kicked out, but the board is fining us for as long as BLC is operating here."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"OMG! That's like, so unfair! Is there anything you can do Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
Before you can answer Charlotte, there is a knock at your door. Outside are Elaine and Isaac. Once everyone has gathered in the living room, you start to plan your next move.
<span class="mc-text">"Not the best position to be in. At least we have some time to plan our next step."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"This is quite serious for all of us actually. Rupert has overstepped his authority and created a personal vendetta gainst you."</span>
Isaac speaks up. <span class="isaac-text">"I agree. It is clear that Rupert in no longer fit to be president of the homeowner's association. He must be removed from the board."</span>
The statement hangs in the air.
<span class="elaine-text">"That would require a unanimous vote by the other members. It would take a very serious situation to convince the others."</span>
<<if not CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
<span class="hang-text">"Like a public scandal?"</span>
Surprised with the statement, everyone looks at Hang.
<span class="hang-text">"We go public, and convince people to support us."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"It could work."</span> Tan chimes in. <span class="tan-text">"The council would be compelled to do something, or it could look bad for them."</span>
It is Tan who provides a solution.
<span class="tan-text">"We could make a big public scandal out of it; get public opinion on our side. The council would be forced to act in the interest of keeping local support."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"It would be a PR nightmare."</span>
You feel the energy in the room lifting, now that you have a direction to go from.
<span class="stella-text">"I'm sure many of the girls attending meetings would be willing to do a couple of public protests. Charlotte and I could speak with them."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"The key is councilmember Hernandez. Her support can make anything happen."</span> Tan pauses in thought. <span class="tan-text">"I can organize a meeting, but I don't know if she will support you. She might think it is a personal issue."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'll just have to find a way to persuade her. Thank you, all of you. I never would have gotten this far without your support."</span>
With a plan in place, the gathering takes on a more lighthearted tone. People start to filter out, either to bed or their own apartments.You notice Tan is hanging around waiting for people to leave. You start packing up the house; finally, you two are the only ones left.
<span class="mc-text">"Tan?"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Oh Hey. I wanted to talk to you about Ms. Hernandez. She goes to the bar almost every Thursday night. It's ladies night. It could give you a chance to speak to her if you can get her alone for a moment."</span>
You think that is a great opportunity.
<span class="mc-text">"Perfect! That is exactly what I needed. Thank you Tan."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Good luck. Let me know how it goes."</span>
Tan packs up her things and heads for the door.
<span class="mc-text">"Have a good night Tan."</span>
Tan looks back and smiles at you. <span class="tan-text">"You too."</span>
You aren't quite sure of the future, but the end of this will spell a new chapter for Bimbo Life Coaching.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting2"); AddEvent("Player", "WeeklyFine");>>\After speaking with everyone, you sit down with Stella to see what she can do to help with the final push on Ms. Hernandez.
<span class="mc-text">"Stella could you maybe get some of the girls involved in the protest?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Absolutely. I have already talked to a few of the girls from the Top Floor club. I even got the owner to sponsor some of the supplies. We've got your back."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks Stella. You really are the best."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"The others all feel the same way. Men like Rupert want our entertainment, but also want to treat us like dog meat."</span>
Your mind now turns to your Thursday workout group; Stacy and the girls would be another great resource. If you lose this battle the workout sessions are going to come to an end. You call Stacy while sitting with Stella.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Stacy. Have you heard about what's going on?"</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"No, not really $player.firstName. What's up?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"To give you the down and dirty the board here is trying to shut down our gym sessions saying that I can't run a business out of my home. They also did not like the "scantily clad" women coming in and out of here."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"I'd tell them to kiss my ass."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I wish I could."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"You can any time you want."</span> You both start laughing.
<span class="mc-text">"In all honesty though I need your help. We are trying to organize a protest and would like to push the local council to intervene. Could you maybe rally the girls together? I could make it worth your while."</span> You laugh a bit.
<span class="stacy-text">"Anything for you babe. I know Erica actually does some activist rights work. She may be of some help."</span>
[[Thank her and end the call|Protest Planning 2]]You've now spoken with Stella and Stacy about the protests, but you still do not have enough bodies to make the situation seem as dire as you need it to. You decide to contact Dani and try to involve the college campus.
<span class="mc-text">"Dani? Hey."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Oh hi $player.firstName!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Remember the talk the other day about rallying support for BLC?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Yeah?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Do you think you could rally up some of the college girls. Maybe push the women's rights movement?"</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Oh for sure. I even made a poster already. I think I can get more girls to come too. The sorority girls will absolutely get involved."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Awesome Dani, Thank you."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Any time. Just let me know what you need $player.firstName."</span>
Hanging up, you think what else can you possibly prepare for. Getting the local media involved would be a blow to the council. But who has that kind of influence? You call Elaine.
<span class="mc-text">"Elaine? It's $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Oh hello."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I need to ask you a favor. We have a lot of support for our cause, but need something to compel the council to act faster. You wouldn't happen to have some media contacts would you?"</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Actually, I might. Leave it with me and I'll see what I can do."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks Elaine."</span>
You hang up the phone and look at Stella, taking a deep breath. <span class="mc-text">"Not sure what more I can do."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Not sure there is more you can do. I hope this works out $player.firstName. For all of us."</span>
With that you end the preparations for the protest. You spend the next hour wondering if this will enough to make Rosa act.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Player", "ProtestPlanning"); $player.dayCounter to 1;>>\With the protest taking place tomorrow, Elaine has managed to secure an interview with a local news group. She really has been doing a fantastic job. You need to make sure the interview sends the right message, so it might be a good idea to let one of the girls lead on this; play up how beneficial being a bimbo has been for their life. Of course, there is only one standout.
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte, can you come here for a second?"</span>
She comes bounding into the living room. <span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I have an interview today to discuss the protest. How would you like to come and sell how great BLC is?"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah! That sounds super cool! Let me get changed."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
Charlotte literally skips back to her room. It takes her almost an hour to get ready; typical for her routine.
Charlotte literally skips back to her room. On the way she passes Hang, who as been listening at the entrance. An idea strikes you.
<span class="mc-text">"Why don't you come along Hang?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I don't know $player.firstName. I've never... OK."</span> A smile spreads over her face. <span class="hang-text">"I think, it is time to show everyone who I am now."</span>
It takes them almost an hour to get ready; you suspect it was mostly Charlotte and her routine.
<span class="mc-text">"Finally! Let's go before we're late."</span>
It's fortunate that you decided to hold the interview in your new headquarters. An advantage of both distance and first impressions. The news crew arrive not long after you do.
<span class="minor-text">"Hello Mr. $player.lastName, my name is Greg Fredericks. Thank you for reaching out to us with this story."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
<span class="mc-text">"It's $player.firstName, please. Thank you agreeing to meet with us. This is Charlotte Jackson. She will be answering most of your questions today."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I was under the impression I would be speaking with you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Personally, I do not think there is a better person who can explain the purpose of BLC and how this whole issue has impacted us better than Charlotte."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's $player.firstName, please. Thank you agreeing to meet with us. This is Charlotte Jackson and Hang Cosgrove. They will be answering most of your questions today."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I was under the impression I would be speaking with you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Personally, I do not think there is anyone better who can explain the purpose of BLC and how this whole issue has impacted us then these two."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Don't worry Greg, we're going to have a great time."</span>
Poor Greg.
[[Let Charlotte take the lead|Charlotte & Hang Protest Interview]]You have to acknowledge that when Charlotte sets her mind to something, she becomes a force of nature. You hardly have to say a word; in fact, barely anyone else can get a word in.
<span class="charlotte-text">"...and I don't think I would have ever discovered who I really was without Mr. $player.lastName..."</span>
Beginning to zone out, you are interrupted by your phone ringing.
<span class="mc-text">"Excuse me for a minute."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"...and it's so unfair that they're doing this..."</span>
Stepping into your office, you answer, <span class="mc-text">"Hello?"</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"$player.firstName, it's Isaac. I have some news about that garden extension you want to put in."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Is it legal?"</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"Absolutely. All you would need is a variance from the council, and that is simply applying for a permit. Should only take a few weeks."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I might be able to speed that up. Thanks for that Isaac. I'll call you later."</span>
<<if not CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
<<set AddEvent("Hang", "NameChange")>>\
Hanging up, you find Hang standing in the doorway.
<span class="mc-text">"Not answering questions?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Charlotte is speaking enough for both of us."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That sounds like Charlotte,"</span> you chuckle.
It looks like something is bothering Hang. <span class="hang-text">"You called me Hang Cosgrove."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Isn't that your name?"</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Girlfriend")>>\
<span class="hang-text">"Cosgrove is Rupert's name. I want to go back to my maiden name of Duong. And it would be weird for my boyfriend to keep using his name."</span>
She says the last part with a bit of uncertainty.
<span class="mc-text">"And I wouldn't want my girlfriend to feel weird"</span> you say, giving her a kiss.
Hang beams at you.
<<set AddEvent("Hang", "Girlfriend")>>\
<span class="hang-text">"Cosgrove is Rupert's name. I want to go back to my maiden name of Duong. And it would be weird for the man I love to keep using his name."</span>
Hang quickly stops talking, her mouth dropping open and a panicked look on her face.
After a pause you reply <span class="mc-text">"And I couldn't be more proud of my girlfriend."</span>
Somehow, Hang manages to look even more shocked. Then she bursts into a smile and starts peppering you with kisses.
<span class="mc-text">"Time to get back I think."</span>
Arriving back, you find Charlotte has completed explaining everything that has been going on and has moved on to other topics.
<span class="charlotte-text">"...I always knew I liked showing off but doing it in front of a camera makes it extra exciting..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Charlotte, I think they might have enough now."</span>
A look from Greg makes it clear he was starting to agree.
<span class="charlotte-text">"OK Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Do you have anything else you need Greg?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I don't think so $player.firstName. Thank you again for this story."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"If anything else comes up you will be the first to know."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I look forward to it."</span>
You escort Greg and his team to the door.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Don't be a stranger Greg."</span>
After they have left she turns to you. <span class="charlotte-text">"He was kind of cute wasn't he."</span>
Charlotte will always be Charlotte, you think to yourself.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(3); AddEvent("Player", "ProtestInterview"); $player.dayCounter to 1;>>\You spend the morning getting everything ready for the protest; there isn't much left you can do. You've rallied the girls, Top Floor is helping pay for supplies, Stacy and the girls from the workout class are going to show up, Charlotte did a interview for the media, and Dani got her sorority to help and put up posters all over campus. You are hopeful at least a hundred or more people show up.
You call Dani. <span class="dani-text">"Hey Dani. It's $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Hi $player.firstName, ready for the big day? Do or die right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yeah, I guess so. I was going to head down to the coffee shop on 4th first. Just wanted to see if you'd like to meet up there."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Sure. I'll meet you over there."</span>
You gather your things. It's a bit cold outside so you get dressed in a nice pair of jeans and a long sleeve top. You head outside and walk to the coffee shop.
<img src="Images/Events/Protest/mc1.jpg" height="600">
As you walk down the street you notice a few others heading toward the downtown area. Hopefully they are going to the protest. You arrive at the coffee shop and head inside. As you look around you see quite a few women, and you notice Dani at one of the tables. She is sitting with her back to you and doesn't notice your approach. She's wearing a mid-sleeve top and red pants. You glance down; damn, has her ass always been that big? Just as you are staring she turns around and looks right at you.
<img src="Images/Events/Protest/dani1.jpg" height="600">
Fuck, this is awkward. Dani grins, there's no way she didn't see you looking at her ass.
<span class="dani-text">"Hey $player.firstName"</span> she says with a big smile.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey! How's it going."</span> You try not to be awkward about it.
<span class="dani-text">"I'm excited for this."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Me too. Hopefully it will be a good turnout."</span>
You and Dani chat for a bit and drink your coffee. Once you are finished you head downtown to the city council building. As you are walking down the street Dani lets out a cheer.
<span class="dani-text">"Tell em girls!"</span>
There is a group of sorority girls that Dani seems to know marching down the street toward the council building.
<img src="Images/Events/Protest/1.jpg" height="600">
Dani runs up and hugs one of the girls, then comes back to you.
<span class="dani-text">"Those are girls from my sorority. Good turn out huh?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It really is Dani."</span>
You're noticing a few more police than usual, and they are blocking the streets for the protest. It looks like the media plug worked. You send a quick congratulatory text to Charlotte.
[[You arrive in front of the city council building|The Protest 2][AddHours(2)]]As you come around the corner there are at least a few hundred people; mostly young women. The turn out from the college and businesses is better than you could have hoped. There are people holding posters and signs, the walls are plastered with women's rights posters. There is no way Rosa can ignore you now. You look toward the council building.
<img src="Images/Events/Protest/3.jpg" height="600">
<span class="dani-text">"Wow. I did not expect this many people."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Me neither Dani, thank you so much for helping."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Of course."</span> Dani smiles at you. <span class="dani-text">"I'll come find you in a bit, going to go say hi to some of my friends OK."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No problem."</span>
Dani walks off and you continue down the street. As you navigate the heart of the protest there are people chanting slogans for women's equality and an end to slut shaming.
<img src="Images/Events/Protest/2.jpg" height="600">
It does not take long until your phone starts ringing.
[[Answer the phone|Call from Ms. Hernandez Office][AddHours(5)]]It's Tan.
<span class="tan-text">"$player.firstName, it's working! She is freaking out."</span> Tan seems excited for you.
<span class="mc-text">"Perfect."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"I'm hiding in the back room. I just wanted to call and tell you to keep it up."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thank you Tan, I appreciate it."</span>
You hang up the phone. After a few more moments your phone rings from an unknown number.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello?"</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Mr. $player.lastName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes? Who is this?"</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"It's Councilmember Hernandez from the district office."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Rosa", "GoodPath")>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Good Morning, Ms. Hernandez."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"I've looked into your situation and I believe I can help. I will have my assistant send over the details. In short, we will send official communications to the board's president stating what he is doing is beyond his scope of power. Additionally, we will include that targeting women is wrong and should they continue pursuing this path of discrimination they will face legal repercussions."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That is very good news. But I must confess, I also have one more issue that does require your assistance."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"What else could you possibly need?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I need a variance request approved by your office. Quickly if that is a possibility."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Of course, that is an easy fix as long as it is nothing outrageous."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I assure you it is not. I look forward hearing from you and ending this issue with the board. I will get the variance request sent over as soon as possible."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Absolutely, we will send you a copy.</span> Rosa lowers voice. <span class="rosa-text">"Good work on this $player.firstName."</span>
A small smile breaks across your face <span class="mc-text">"I'm glad you approve."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Of course I can't officially support either side for fear of bias in this issue. But it has been fun seeing you raise hell; standing up for your community. Even if it has caused me a shocking headache."</span> Her voice raises back to she original volume, <span class="rosa-text">"I think that is all. Have a good day Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
You can hear other people in the room and Rosa is trying to sound official.
<span class="mc-text">"Good Morning, Ms. Hernandez."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"I'll get straight to the point Mr. $player.lastName. Why are there women in the streets protesting and hanging flyers around my city? I'm holding one in my hand and it has your business' name on it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Ms. Hernandez, with all due respect, I've already asked you for help with this problem. You cannot tell these women how to live their lives. It is gender discrimination."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Look. We need to settle this and I need these protests to end."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's great. But, we need a safe place to go, which is under threat happen until these issues are dealt with. You have the power to do that."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Fine. But I want these women off the streets within an hour Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I also need a variance for our building approved Rosa."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"What do you think this is $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Rosa, I am trying to be civil with you. I need this variance immediately."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Fine, I'll have it sent over. Now get them off the streets and take the flyers down. We support women and their desires in this office."</span> Rosa hangs up the phone. She had to make it into a political statement. We both knew you were blackmailing her in a way. You call the girls to tell them to call it a day and remove any signs and flyers on their way back.
You should expect an e-mail from Rosa shortly.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Player", "ProtestRally");>>\You check your e-mail and see a message that you've been CC'd on. You decide to open it, seeing a message addressed to Rupert with an attachment.
<span class="minor-text">Dear Mr. Cosgrove,
Please see the attached memo.</span>
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rupert/Letter.jpg" height="1000">
After reading the letter you realize it's time to act. But you also wonder what Rupert's response will be. It's time to get ahead of this.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Player", "CouncilResponse")>>\Later that evening you check your e-mail again to see if Rupert responded.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rupert/Email.jpg" width="600">
[[Open Rupert's Response Email|Rupert Response 2]]You begin reading the reply. Boy, this is going to be good.
<span class="rupert-text">Ms. Hernandez and the City Council,
Whilst I can see how you think you are bettering the situation for the resident, you seem to not understand what is occurring. I constantly have lewd women going in and out of my building. It is essentially a brothel.
I will remove the fines as requested. Expect that this issue is not over however. I will pursue any means necessary to put an end to this.
Rupert Cosgrove.</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Player", "RupertResponse")>>\This is your chance. If you convince the council to remove Rupert you can solve all your problems. He overstepped. Now to take advantage of his mistakes. You walk over to Phil's apartment and knock on the door.
<span class="phil-text">"Hello?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Phil, it's $player.firstName."</span>
Phil opens the door.
<span class="mc-text">"I think it's time. I want your help to remove Rupert from the board."</span>
<span class="phil-text">"We've had this talk before $player.firstName. If everyone else backs you, not including Rupert, I'll join them."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I know. But, like we talked about before I have gotten you that variance for your garden."</span> You hold out the letter from the Council for Phil to take.
Phil laughs, slaps you on the shoulder, and takes the letter. <span class="phil-text">"My man."</span> He begins reading over it quickly, then looks at you questionably.
<span class="phil-text">"How did you get this approved? I was denied multiple times."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I know some people Phil, they are stepping in. We need to remove Rupert. You should have seen the response he sent them. He won't stop until we force him to."</span>
<span class="phil-text">"Look, I see what you are getting at. However, you need a unanimous vote to remove a member. If you can get Priti, Elaine, and Isaac to vote, I'll back you. You have my word."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Alright Phil. Thank you."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Phil", "Convince");>>\Your next big move; try to get Priti to join in removing Rupert. This is the last big step before you can have a board meeting called.
[[Call Priti|Convince Priti 2a]]
[[Go in person to Priti|Convince Priti 2b][$passageRoute to 1]]<span class="priti-text">"Hello?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hello Mrs. Waters, it's $player.firstName $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"Oh, well this is unusual. What can I do for you $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I was wondering if we could talk about the building issue... and about Rupert."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"You know $player.firstName, the Cosgroves and I are friends. Truthfully, I don't really care what you do with your life but I'm not going to ruin a friendship for someone I don't know. I am sorry."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"But Priti, we both know-"</span>
Priti hangs up the phone on you.
[[Convince Priti 2b][$passageRoute to 2]]You knock on the door to Priti's apartment.
<span class="priti-text">"Hello? Who is it?"</span>
<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Hello Mrs. Waters, it's $player.firstName $player.lastName from your building."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"What can I do for you $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I was wondering if we could talk about the building issue... and about Rupert."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"You know $player.firstName, the Cosgroves and I are friends. Truthfully, I don't really care what you do with your life but I'm not going to ruin a friendship for someone I don't know."</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"Mrs. Waters, it's $player.firstName. I think we really should talk about this."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"And why do you think my answer would be any different in person?"</span>
Priti looks nearly shocked that you would even think she would support you.
<span class="mc-text">"Well Mrs. Waters. I wanted to let you know about the city council's involvement. I just wanted to get you on board for what is best for Rupert."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"And how would you know what is best for Rupert?"</span>
Priti looks at you almost angry.
<span class="mc-text">"The council has already taken action. We both know Rupert won't stop when he sets his vengeance on something."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"I wouldn't call it vengeance."</span>
Priti motions to you, but you can tell she knows he's crazy.
<span class="mc-text">"You know what I mean Mrs. Waters."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"Look, he can be hard-headed. But he is a good person."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I understand that. But if he continues these actions he is going to get himself a lawsuit and maybe even more repercussions."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"So you want me to what? Talk to him?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I think we are past that. I want to remove him from the board as president. He's overreached and made us all look foolish."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"I don't know $player.firstName..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Priti, it's best for all of us, including Rupert. If we allow him to continue this he's going to get himself and the board into trouble."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"I will talk to him $player.firstName."</span>
Now's your chance push her into a corner.
<span class="mc-text">"It's too late for that Priti. We have to act."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"I can't $player.firstName. He is my friend."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I need you onboard with this Priti. Please make the right decision."</span>
You spend some time explaining the situation in detail, including the council's decision and memo.
<span class="priti-text">"Fine $player.firstName. I will talk to him. But if he will let it all go he stays on the board, yes? If not... I guess I will support you in the vote."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Alright. Thank you Priti."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"Good day $player.firstName."</span>
You head back to your apartment. You all know Rupert will not let this go. This is a done deal, and with Priti and Phil's votes you can finally usurp Rupert. You give Elaine a call, asking her to set up another Co-Op board meeting, but this time meet at Elaine's apartment. You want to take Rupert out of his comfort zone. She agrees and sends out the request to all members. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday at 9pm.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Priti", "Convince");>>\Again you find yourself having to deal with Rupert's Bullshit. This time however you control the playing field. Arriving at Elaine's apartment, you ring the doorbell and hear her yell to come in. You enter the apartment, and head toward the living room area.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/1.jpg" width="600">
You enter and are greeted by Elaine. She is wearing a low-cut pink top and jeans. Not her usual professional attire but amazingly hot.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/3.jpg" width="600">
Holy shit. Stay focused, you think to yourself.
<span class="elaine-text">"$player.firstName. Sorry, I am just cleaning up some work."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh please, your house is beautiful and spotless."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Nonsense. This place is filthy."</span>
You're not sure what her interpretation of dirty is. You could eat off this floor.
<span class="elaine-text">"I set up the table so we can have the meeting in the dining room, if that works for you."</span> Elaine points over at the dining room.
<span class="mc-text">"That's perfect."</span>
Entering the dining room, you notice there are name cards on the table in front of the chairs. Elaine is always so organized. Thinking about it, you realize this is an opportunity to control the meeting even more. You grab the cards and organize them so it goes yourself, Isaac, Elaine, Phil, Priti, and lastly Rupert. This means you and Rupert will be sitting across from each other at the heads of the table. You pass the time discussing with Elaine about how this needs to play out. She in turn encourages you but also reminds you that not everything will always go your way. After what feels like ages the doorbell rings. You tell Elaine you will answer it and head for the door. Opening the door you find it is Isaac. He heads inside after a short greeting.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/4.jpg" width="600">
<span class="isaac-text">"Well guys, this is it. Let's see how this goes. Honestly, I just want this whole thing over with so we can move on."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I agree. It has been more trouble than it should have. Hopefully we can settle this once and for all with Rupert."</span>
The doorbell rings again. You head over to answer it.
[[Answer the door|Rupert Board Meeting 2][AddHours(2)]]It is Phil and Priti. Phil dressed in jeans and a hoodie, exchanges greetings and shakes your hand before walking in.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/5.jpg" width="600">
Priti gives you an odd look, surprisingly she looks quite attractive. It's nearly impossible to read her though. Is she mad at you? Nervous? Or just annoyed she has to make a decision. You give her a greeting, which she acknowledges and then heads inside.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/6.jpg" width="600">
There is only one left, Rupert. With the rest of the group inside you are all chit chatting, avoiding the topic on hand. Rupert finally arrives. You make sure you are the one that answers the door. As you open the door Rupert stammers for a second, taken back by already having to face you. He looks right past you at the group and awkwardly walks past without even acknowledging your presence. He's got that fake smile going as he walks up to the table.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/7.jpg" height="600">
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
Surprisingly, Hang was standing by his side. If only she knew how crazy her husband really is.
You give Hang a "hello" hug and walk her toward the rest of the board members.
[[Start the meeting|Rupert Board Meeting 3]]As you walk up Elaine speaks first. <span class="elaine-text">"Well everyone, should we get the meeting started?"</span>
You all take your seats at the table.
<img src="Images/NPCs/CoOpBoard/2.jpg" width="600">
Elaine clears her throat and begins to speak. <span class="elaine-text">"First, I want to thank everyone for coming. I hope we can all move forward after this meeting. I want to clear the air and just let everyone know that I don't believe any of us have hard feelings for anyone else. Let's be adults and solve this issue. $player.firstName? You requested this meeting to discuss the events of the previous one."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes Elaine. Thank you for inviting us to your home, and I agree we should all look to move past this. Let's move right into the issues at hand shall we. The fines raised against me must now be removed."</span> You pull out the printed memo from the city council. <span class="mc-text">"The city has gotten involved and mandated that I be excused of any fees or penalties."</span>
Priti looks at you surprised. She glances back toward Rupert who is now stewing. You can tell he's about to explode.
<span class="mc-text">"I also just want to clear the air and explain that we all knew this was not right from the outset. I've done nothing wrong here."</span> That'll do it.
Rupert stands up. <span class="rupert-text">"This is insane. Are you all for real? How are we even letting this happen? Who are you fucking over on the council."</span>
The entire room gasps.
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
Hang yells out <span class="hang-text">"Rupert!"</span>
Isaac is the first to address him. <span class="isaac-text">"That is enough, Rupert. You do not need to be talking like that here. We understand you are angry but you handled this the wrong way."</span>
<span class="rupert-text">"I absolutely did not. This is absurd, we literally have a damn brothel running in our building."</span>
The entire group is now riled up, trying to calm him down. Everyone is almost shouting over each other.
<span class="mc-text">"Alright, Alright!"</span> You yell out. <span class="mc-text">"Everyone, please."</span> Everyone quiets down. <span class="mc-text">"I would like to propose a motion to the board."</span>
Rupert blurts out <span class="rupert-text">"What on earth could you want now, more fines?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"For acting recklessly, being unprofessional and demeaning to women, and for violating tenants rights, I move a vote to the board to remove Rupert Cosgrove, not only as president, but as a member of this board."</span>
<span class="rupert-text">"Oh, come on. That is preposterous!"</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"We can move left to right around the table. I vote yes."</span>
Isaac votes next. <span class="isaac-text">"Yes, I am sorry Rupert. But this has gone too far."</span>
Elaine looks over at Phil who now looks nervous. He said he would only vote if all the others did, but you staged it so he had to vote before Priti.
Phil clears his throat. <span class="phil-text">"Hmm umm."</span> Phil takes a deep breath. He looks over at you annoyed. <span class="phil-text">"You know, I don't really agree with any of this."</span>
Elaine interjects. <span class="elaine-text">"You have to vote Phil. Do what is right."</span>
Phil looks toward Elaine. <span class="phil-text">"Yeah, I guess."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Is that a yes, Phil?"</span>
<span class="phil-text">"Yes."</span> Phil sighs.
Alright, you're almost there. Lastly is Priti.
<span class="elaine-text">"Priti, what is your vote?"</span>
<span class="priti-text">"You know, I've known almost all of you for quite a while. I can not really believe we are having this vote. Rupert is a good person. I think this is pretty absurd to tell you all the truth."</span>
Rupert slaps his hand down on the table. <span class="rupert-text">"Yes! Enough is enough. I've had enough of this bullshit. You live here, but that does not mean you can have women running about half naked running some strip club or escort business out of your apartment. These women need a husband, a real man to keep them in check and teach them how to act proper."</span>
<span class="priti-text">"Rupert that is enough."</span>
<span class="rupert-text">"No, this is insane. Society is far too caught up in flaunting women. They can't just run around here with their breasts out. I am tired of women just thinking they can sleep with everyone and run around like they own the place. I have a family too. You are done $player.lastName."</span>
Everyone is just staring at Rupert.
<span class="priti-text">"Rupert sit down."</span>
Rupert looks at Priti shocked.
<span class="priti-text">"You know, I've know you for a long time. But you don't get to decide what women do with their lives or how they act. While I disagree with what Mr. $player.lastName is doing, if it is legal, it's legal. That means there is nothing more we can do about it. But what I do care about more than that is the way you are acting Rupert. You've gone too far. I am really sorry."</span>
Priti looks toward the floor. <span class="priti-text">"I vote yes. Now can we please all move on."</span>
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
Rupert stands up. <span class="rupert-text">"Well. Fuck you, $player.lastName. You all can have this fucking shit-hole of a building. I am moving out."</span> Rupert stands up and starts to march off. <span class="rupert-text">"Let's go Hang."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I am sorry everyone."</span> Hang lowers her head and follows Rupert out the door.
Rupert storms off and slams the door on his way out.
Rupert stands up. <span class="rupert-text">"Well. Fuck you, $player.lastName. You all can have this fucking shit-hole of a building. I am moving out."</span> Rupert stands up and storms off, slamming the door on his way out.
There is a silence until you finally speak. <span class="mc-text">"Thank you everyone for your time. I apologize that this got some people riled up but it had to be settled. Now we can all go back to living our own lives."</span>
Everyone else begins to exit the apartment.
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set AddHours(1); RemoveEvent("Player", "WeeklyFine"); AddEvent("Player", "RupertFired"); $player.dayCounter to 7;>>\You walk out into the hallway to see what is going on. As you walk around the corner you see movers coming out of Rupert's apartment. Thank god that asshole is moving out. You head back upstairs with a smirk and a slight sense of victory. Once back in your apartment you pop a bagel into the toaster and make some coffee, taking a sip as the delicious aroma fills the air. Strolling over to the window facing the street you take a few more sips of your coffee. Looking out you see the moving truck on the street with a few movers packing up what looks like Rupert's things.
After a few moments Rupert strolls out; he looks frustrated and angry. He points and snarls a bit at the moving crew as they load up his furniture. He looks up toward the building and notices you in the window. He scowls as you raise your mug in a smug way, a devilish grin on your face. Rupert storms back inside as you continue to watch the results of your sweet victory.
<span class="hang-text">"What are you doing up so early?"</span>
You are startled by Hang. She walks toward you dressed in lingerie from last night.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh just woke up, wanted some coffee."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"You left me in bed all alone, it got cold."</span> Hang makes a shivering sound. <span class="hang-text">"What are you looking at?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Nothing. I want to look at you."</span>
Hang smiles. <span class="hang-text">"Look at you mr."</span>
She points at your crotch. Your dick is fully erect, poking out of your robe.
<span class="mc-text">"Looks like I could use your help."</span>
Hang kneels down on the floor in front of you.<span class="hang-text">"I guess so."</span> She slides her index finger into her mouth, drawing it out slowly. <span class="hang-text">"Are you going to fuck my mouth?"</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Dream/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Come here"</span> you demand, pulling out your cock.
<span class="hang-text">"Mmmmm!"</span> Hang moans as she slides her hands over your cock and wraps her lips around the tip, only tasting it with her tongue. She smacks her lips together and gives you a naughty smile.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Dream/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Hang has gotten so good at sucking cock, she deserves an award. She continues to move her mouth back and forth, occasionally sliding her hands down over your balls. It gives you a little tingle. The periodic gulps as she slams her face down on your cock are making you insatiable.
Her hair gets stuck in her mouth and she backs up to spit it out. <span class="hang-text">"Ugh. Damn it."</span>
Hang pulls her hair back and holding it up goes right back to business. You take a moment and look out the window. A mover has noticed the two of you and is staring, slack jawed. Should you stop Hang? Fuck no.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Dream/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
It doesn't take long and Hang can tell you are about to cum. She slowly slides her mouth all the way off your cock. Reaching up, she grabs the tip of your cock and lifts it away from her face. She runs her tongue down to the base of your cock and starts sucking on your balls.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Dream/4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh shit."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Cum for me baby. Cum on my face."</span>
Hang swallows your balls and starts stroking your cock even harder. She can tell you are about to blow. Pulling back, she grabs her tits and waits. You explode, rope after rope of cum shooting to glisten on her face in the sunlight.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Dream/5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Holy crap!"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yes! Yes baby!"</span> Hang giggles and runs her tongue around her lips licking up as much cum as she can.
You look out the window and see Rupert standing next to his truck, also staring at you.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Hang/Dream/6.jpg" width="600">
Hang stands up and Rupert realizes it was her. His face goes beat red. You raise your glass to him once again. Rupert smashes the lamp that was in his hands on the ground, and with a loud crash it catches Hang's attention. She looks over, now realizing you were in front of the windows.
<span class="hang-text">"Oh my god."</span> Hang looks out the window. <span class="hang-text">"Oh my god!"</span> Her face is covered in cum as she stands openly in the window wearing lingerie. She catches a glimpse of Rupert <span class="hang-text">"Is that..."</span> She quickly realizes what you just did as she saw you raise your glass. <span class="hang-text">"You asshole!"</span> Hang runs off.
You turn towards the window again and see Rupert. With a smirk on your face... you wake up and realize it was all a dream. Your underwear is soaked through with cum. Fuck.
[[Start your day|Rupert Leaves]]What on earth is all that noise in the hallway? You walk out to see what is going on. As you round the corner you see movers coming out of Rupert's apartment.
<img src="Images/NPCs/Rupert/Moving.jpg" width="600">
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Faithful")>>\
Well you guess he was not kidding. You turn around and see Hang looking mopey.
<span class="hang-text">"Hey $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You really are leaving huh?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Yeah. He just can't deal with it anymore. Sorry."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's not your fault Hang, I am sorry it turned out this way."</span>
Just as you finish your sentence Rupert walks in from outside. He stares you down.
<span class="rupert-text">"Let's go Hang, let this asshole have his brothel."</span>
Hang walks off with Rupert. You head back upstairs to your apartment and walk over to the window facing the street.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, he wasn't kidding. Rupert and Hang are leaving for good."</span>
June overhears and walks up to the window.
<span class="june-text">"Damn bro, ruthless. So mean you made a guy move out with his wife."</span> June laughs as she walks away.
<<if not CheckEvent("Charlotte", "College")>>\
Charlotte runs over to the window. <span class="charlotte-text">"What? Why? I really liked Hang. We were supposed to be bimbo sisters."</span> She looks quite sad.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sorry Charlotte. There is nothing we can do."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Well this sucks."</span>
Well you guess he was not kidding. You turn around and see Hang.
<span class="hang-text">"Hey $player.firstName."</span> Hang looks a little frustrated.
<span class="mc-text">"He is really leaving then?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I guess so. I went to talk to him, tried to rationalize with him. He just can't deal with it anymore. Maybe it is for the best."</span>
You walk over to Hang and give her a hug.
<span class="mc-text">"And what about you? Are you doing OK?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"I... I... Yeah. Rupert needs some time to figure things out and I am no longer part of that."</span> Hang gives you a peck on the cheek.
Rupert walks in from outside. He stares you down. <span class="rupert-text">"Really?"</span>
<span class="hang-text">"Rupert stop."</span>
Hang looks over at Rupert; he freezes in his tracks. You can tell he still cares for her.
<span class="hang-text">"Go inside."</span> She pulls you toward the door; you can tell she is trying to diffuse the situation. You oblige and go inside. Walking over to the window you look down at Rupert's moving truck. You see Rupert and Hang having an argument. Hang looks like she's about to burst into tears but walks inside and comes up to your apartment. As Hang walks in Charlotte sees her about to cry.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Hang!"</span> Charlotte screams all giddy. <span class="charlotte-text">"Cheer up. This is going to be so much fun. We are going to be the BEST BIMBO SISTERS EVER!"</span> Charlotte practically jumps on top of Hang. Hang lets out a bit of a smile. <span class="charlotte-text">"Oh my god I cannot wait! The sexy, perfect bodied asian goddess. The blonde, bimbo queen. We are going to kill it at the clubs."</span>
Hang and Charlotte walk off together towards Charlotte's room. At least you know Charlotte will keep a smile on anyone's face.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Player", "RupertLeave");>>\You've let everyone know the grand opening of the new Bimbo Life Coaching headquarters is tonight. Opening your closet you put on a rather fine blue suit; you need to look professional after all.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/mc1.jpg" width="600">
Heading out to the living room you find not a single one of the girls is ready yet. You yell that you are heading over to the building and that they can meet you there. You need to make sure everything is ready. On your way down stairs you text Dani.
<span class="mc-text">Hey Dani, I am heading to the building, anything you can think of we are forgetting?</span>
<span class="dani-text">Ha! That's funny. I am already here. I want everything to be absolutely perfect for you :)</span>
<span class="mc-text">You didn't have to do that, but thanks. I'll be there in a minute.</span>
Arriving at the front of your building, Dani opens the front door.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Dani1.jpg" width="600">
Wow. She is absolutely Stunning! You've never seen this side of Dani before.
<span class="dani-text">"Hey Mr. $player.lastName!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hello Dani, you look beautiful."</span>
Dani smiles. <span class="dani-text">"Thanks! I figure even though I'm no bimbo I gotta make an impression."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You do have what it takes though."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"I do huh?"</span>
You both chuckle a bit as you walk inside.
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle1.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira1.jpg" width="600">
You look around your beautiful new building. It's clean, it's professional; and it's going to, hopefully, make you a whole lot of business. You look over at the counter and see that Dani has already set up Wine and Hors D'oeuvre's.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Wine1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Wow. This looks great Dani."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"I thought so."</span> Dani smiles and pops a grape into her mouth from the dish. You grab a glass of wine, and look over the length of the counter.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Wine2.jpg" width="600">
Thankfully the catering company brought over enough wine.
<span class="mc-text">"Alright, time to check on everything and put together the final touches."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Let's do it."</span>
Dani finishes the final preparation of the catering table as you walk around looking everything over, making any necessary adjustments; you want this to go without a hitch.
[[Go to your office|Grand Opening 2][AddHours(1)]]You head up to your office to tidy up a bit, as you know everyone will want to check the place out. Once finished you head back downstairs just in time as your family arrives. Your mom, Charlotte, and June walk through the door. Your mom yells out to you and runs over in her dress and high heels. She looks... hot.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Sofia1-2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Sofia1-1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"$player.firstName! I am so proud of you. Look at this place. I know I already saw it but oh my god, c'est fantastique. You are going to do great!"</span> Sofia hugs you.
You hug her back hoping she doesn't feel the bulge in your pants that just stiffened.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
Charlotte comes up to you.<span class="charlotte-text">"I am really happy for you Mr. $player.lastName! I cannot wait to be the best bimbo here!"</span> Charlotte is wearing a gorgeous white dress that accentuates her cleavage. She's also carrying a diamond encrusted purse, quite a nice touch.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Charlotte1-2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sure we will have a lot of fun. You look beautiful as always."</span>
Charlotte comes up to you. <span class="charlotte-text">"I am really happy for you Mr. $player.lastName! I know I've been busy with college, but I hope I can be more involved. This looks amazing."</span>
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Charlotte1-1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sure we can work something out. You look beautiful as always."</span>
Charlotte blushes. <span class="charlotte-text">"Thanks."</span>
As Charlotte saunters away, you watch her tight ass shakes back and forth.
Your mom makes a throat clearing noise. <span class="sofia-text">"June! Come say hello to your brother."</span>
You turn around as June walks through the door, giving you a cordial hug once she reaches you.
<span class="june-text">"Congrats bro."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks June. There are some of Dani's friends coming, maybe you could make some friends."</span>
As soon as June realizes what you are saying she spins around and starts walking off, <span class="june-text">"Uhhh huh"</span> twirling her little wallet in the air.
Sofia injects. <span class="sofia-text">"That girl, sometimes I swear."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It's fine mom."</span>
More and more people begin to arrive, you can tell it's nearly a full house. You look at your watch and realize it's time to hit it off. Walking over to the front counter and catering table, you yell out.
<span class="mc-text">"Everyone. Everyone!"</span>
The groups of people quiet down, you look around and see so many people, both that you know and have never met.
<span class="ana-text">"Don't choke!"</span>
You look over and see Ana and Charlotte together. They both start laughing and you smile.
<span class="mc-text">"I just wanted to thank everyone for coming out tonight. If you don't know, we've had many trials just getting this place started. But in the end, everything worked out. I want to give a big thanks to my family and friends, and also to Dani. She's been enthusiastic from the get go, getting this place put together."</span>
Everyone starts clapping.
<span class="mc-text">"One last thing, Have fun tonight! Beer and wine are on tap, and there are mountains of food for everyone. Again, thank you!"</span>
The room fills with cheers and applause.
[[Look around the room|Grand Opening HUB]]You walk away from the center of attention and notice groups of people have started to form. It's only polite to talk to everyone.
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "CharlotteTalk")>>\
[[Talk to Charlotte|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 1]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "AnaTalk")>>\
[[Talk to Ana|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "DaniTalk")>>\
[[Look for Dani|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "DesignerTalk")>>\
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
[[Talk to Elle|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
[[Talk to Kira|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 4]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "HangTalk")>>\
<<if ("Hang", "Girlfriend")>>\
[[Go look for Hang|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 5]]
[[Go look for Tan|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 5]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "IsaacTalk")>>\
[[Go find Isaac|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 6]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "ElaineTalk")>>\
[[Go find Elaine|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 7]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "SofiaTalk")>>\
[[Talk to your mom|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 8]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "GuestsTalk")>>\
[[Talk to guests|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 9]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "DFTalk")>>\
[[Chat with Dani's friends|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 10]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "StacyTalk")>>\
[[Talk to Stacy|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 11]]
<<if not CheckEvent("Player", "StellaTalk")>>\
[[Talk to Stella|Grand Opening Talk][$passageRoute to 12]]
''Once you head up to your office the event will come to an end!''
[[Head up to your office|G.O. Office]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You walk over to Charlotte. <span class="mc-text">"Hey Charlotte."</span>
Charlotte turns to you.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.transformLevel is 2>>\
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Charlotte2-2.jpg" width="600">
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Charlotte2-1.jpg" height="600">
Damn she's sexy, you think to yourself.
<span class="charlotte-text">"Oh hi Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I've been meaning to tell you, just $player.firstName. I think we're close enough now."</span>
Charlotte giggles at your lame joke.
<span class="mc-text">"I wanted to talk to you about something."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yeah?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I mean we can talk about specifics later, but I think you would be perfect as the official face of BLC."</span>
Charlotte smiles.
<span class="mc-text">"You-"</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"Yes, Yes, and YES!"</span>
You laugh a bit. <span class="mc-text">"You didn't let me finish. You can earn some money from advertisements and interviews. I think it would be great for you."</span>
<span class="charlotte-text">"I've got some great ideas $player.firstName. We are going to take over the world."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I hope so!"</span>
That went great, hopefully it works out. You head back toward the lobby area.
[[Head back to the lobby|Grand Opening HUB][AddEvent("Player", "CharlotteTalk")]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
You finally see Ana hiding over in the corner talking to Charlotte. She's wearing a cute black dress with white and black heels.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Ana1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hey!"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Hey bimbo master."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That again?"</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Oh my bad, kingpin. Bimbo Kingpin."</span>
You both laugh. Ana stands up and gives you a friendly hug.
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks for coming out."</span>
<span class="ana-text">"Yeah, I wouldn't miss this. Though I'll be honest I was hoping you'd choke during your speech."</span> She starts laughing.
<span class="mc-text">"That's not nice."</span> You know she's kidding though.
<span class="ana-text">"For real though, congrats. This is dope."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks Ana."</span> You feel a little more motivated.
[[Head back to the lobby|Grand Opening HUB][AddEvent("Player", "AnaTalk")]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
You walk up to Dani, who is chatting with some of her friends by the bar.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Dani2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Dani."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Oh hey Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I wanted to let you know I really appreciate what you've done."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"You don't have to keep thanking me Mr. $player.lastName. I like doing it."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Well, I was thinking about it and I'd like you to work for me. That is, I'd like you to work for BLC."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Oh my god! Yes! But I'm still in college and stuff. Though I think I'd like to do both maybe."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Both? It would just be when you are able to for the moment."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Yeah, both. Maybe work here a bit. Earn some free coaching sessions, you know."</span> Dani looks up at you smiling.
<span class="mc-text">"Absolutely."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Alright. That sounds awesome. But don't worry with that stuff tonight Mr. $player.lastName. Go have fun with your guests. And these girls, they may be your new customers. You never know."</span> Dani chuckles a bit and goes back to talking to her friends.
[[Head back to the lobby|Grand Opening HUB][AddEvent("Player", "DaniTalk")]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 4>>\
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
You see the designer Elle showed up. You head over to greet her. She's wearing a super modern and sexy white dress. She might be the best dressed in this building.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Elle1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Elle."</span>
<span class="elle-text">"Hello Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm glad you came. I hope you are enjoying yourself."</span>
<span class="elle-text">"I am, thanks. This is quite a crowd you've brought in here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"More than I expected."</span>
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Elle2.jpg" height="600">
Elle reaches up and rubs her neck, smiling at you. <span class="elle-text">"Maybe I'll just have to stop by some time and see what this is all about..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Any Friday you'd like."</span>
<span class="elle-text">"I'll remember that."</span>
You laugh a bit and head back toward the lobby. Was she just flirting with you?
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
You see the designer Kira showed up. You head over to greet her. She's wearing casual clothes, but but some really cute heels. The result does not look too out of place.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Kira1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Kira."</span>
<span class="kira-text">"Hello, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'm glad you came. I hope you are enjoying yourself."</span>
<span class="kira-text">"I am, thanks. More people here than I expected to be into this kind of thing."</span> She looks surprised.
<span class="mc-text">"It's the new thing."</span>
<span class="kira-text">"Uh huh. Well, whatever it is you are doing clearly you are doing it right."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks, I guess?"</span>
You awkwardly end the conversation and head back to the lobby area.
[[Head back to the lobby|Grand Opening HUB][AddEvent("Player", "DesignerTalk")]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 5>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Girlfriend")>>\
You walk around a bit and see Hang and Tan talking together.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey you two, I've been looking for you."</span>
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Hang1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="hang-text">"Hey!"</span> Hang plays with her hair.
<span class="tan-text">"It's about time you paid some attention to us."</span>
Tan glares at you jokingly. All three of you start to laugh.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Tan1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Sorry. I guess I am popular now."</span>
<span class="hang-text">"You are still a dork, we all know the truth."</span>
You can tell Hang is flirting with you.
<span class="mc-text">"I just wanted to come and say hi. I appreciate what you've done and all the support for me."</span>
You walk around a bit and see Tan talking with some people.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey, I've been looking for you."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"It's about time you paid some attention to me."</span>
Tan glares at you jokingly. You both start to laugh.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Tan1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Sorry. I guess I am popular now. I just wanted to come and say hi. I appreciate what you've done and all the support for me."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Happy to help, though I am not sure how happy Rosa is with you."</span> Tan giggles.
<span class="mc-text">"Another day, another problem. That is for tomorrow's me."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"True story."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Have a good night, I'll check on you later."</span>
[[Head back to the lobby|Grand Opening HUB][AddEvent("Player", "HangTalk")]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 6>>\
You see Isaac walking by.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Isaac1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Isaac. Hey."</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"Oh good evening $player.firstName. I was looking to congratulate you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks. Want to come up to my office away from this noise real quick. Have a drink and chat?"</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"Lead the way."</span>
You walk up to your office, chatting on the way. You open the door and he takes a seat on the couch. You walk over and pour two glasses of whiskey.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Isaac2.jpg" width="600">
<span class="isaac-text">"Thank you. So this is where you hide the good stuff."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Out of sight, out of mind."</span>
You take a seat.
<span class="mc-text">"Well Isaac. First, thanks for your help with all of this."</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"My pleasure $player.firstName."</span> Isaac takes a sip. <span class="isaac-text">"Ah."</span> Isaac smacks his lips. <span class="isaac-text">"That's good."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I wanted to offer you a proposition. I've been thinking BLC might need official legal representation. You've already seen the trouble I've had to deal with. I'd rather be prepared than not."</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"Smart, but these things can get expensive."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I know. But I think you are the right person for the job."</span>
The two of you chat a bit more about the specifics, to include what you need and how you will be represented.
<span class="isaac-text">"Alright, how about this. I'll set up a meeting to bring you on as a client of my firm. I will be the one managing your portfolio of course. In the meantime, send me any legal issues you have immediately. It's best to get ahead of things than find out when it's too late."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"For sure. I'll contact you as soon as possible."</span> You take a sip of your whiskey.
<span class="mc-text">"Cheers."</span> You raise a glass to Isaac, and you both clink your glasses together.
<span class="isaac-text">"Cheers."</span>
The two of you chat a bit more then head back downstairs.
[[Head back to the lobby|Grand Opening HUB][AddEvent("Player", "IsaacTalk")]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 7>>\
You notice Elaine standing by the bar. She looks stunning in a white dress that reveals more than you have ever seen of her.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Elaine1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hello Elaine."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"Good evening $player.firstName. This is very impressive."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks. To be honest I can't believe we've come this far. It all just started as a stupid fantasy."</span>
<span class="elaine-text">"You're selling yourself short. You have a passion few possess. It's one of the reasons I joined BLC."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I'd say the same about you. Your life has been one big success story."</span>
A melancholy look crosses Elaine's face. <span class="elaine-text">"Not a complete success. It's been a long time since I have truly had some fun in my life. So if teaching bimbos is just a stupid fantasy, why can't I join in?"</span>
You smile at her. <span class="mc-text">"Why not? You're doing pretty well with that dress. You look absolutely gorgeous in it."</span>
Your comment makes Elaine blush. <span class="elaine-text">"Thank you. It's something new. I like it."</span>
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Elaine2.jpg" height="600">
As Elaine strikes a bit of a pose, you notice something.
<span class="mc-text">"Wait... Elaine, when did you get your tits done?"</span>
You blurt it out before thinking, and your face begins to pale at what you just said. Elaine however just smirks.
<span class="elaine-text">"I had a youth as well $player.firstName. I might tell you about it some time."</span>
She leaves you standing at the bar, a bit stunned.
[[Head back to the lobby|Grand Opening HUB][AddEvent("Player", "ElaineTalk")]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 8>>\
You walk around looking for your mom, just to check on her. You see her chatting with some women over on the sofas.
<<if $bimbos.sofia.transformLevel is 1>>\
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Sofia2-2.jpg" height="600">
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Sofia2-1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Hunnie!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Hey mom."</span>
Sofia takes a big drink out of her wine glass. <span class="sofia-text">"This is a great party, and this wine!"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Don't drink too much mom."</span>
The other women chuckle a bit. They are all already tipsy.
<span class="sofia-text">"Oh viens $player.firstName!"</span> Sofia reaches out for your hand and tugs you toward the sofa.
<span class="mc-text">"Not now mom."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"You are such a party pooper!"</span> Sofia takes another drink. <span class="sofia-text">"Amuse-toi!"</span>
She's been speaking in French a lot more recently, you should ask her about it later. <span class="mc-text">"I just wanted to check on you mom, I'll be back..."</span>
[[Head back to the lobby|Grand Opening HUB][AddEvent("Player", "SofiaTalk")]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 9>>\
You stroll around the event, making sure to say hello and greet everyone. You notice some ladies having a good time and decide to introduce yourself.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Skylar1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Good evening ladies."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Good evening, Mr?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"$player.lastName, $player.firstName $player.lastName."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Of course, you gave that speech earlier."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes that was me."</span>
The blonde one speaks up. <span class="minor-text">"I'm skylar. This is Melonie."</span>
She reaches out and shakes your hand.
<span class="mc-text">"Nice to meet the two of you."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"You as well."</span>
You and Skylar begin to chat about the event.
<span class="minor-text">"So like, do you have workout classes here? Or what exactly is it you do?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I do have a workout session that is held in my home gym, which will be moved here very soon. But we offer life coaching, not just a get fit scheme. It is a total body and mind concept."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"That sounds pretty cool. Any chance you could get me in shape?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I am a firm believer you can do anything if you are committed."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Alright. So when are these classes?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"The gym classes? Thursday at 6 pm."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Perfect. I'll be at the next one. Let's see if you can turn this girl into a goddess. I've got my doubts."</span> She starts laughing.
You are unsure if she really grasps what she is getting into. Either way she wants to get healthier and workout so why not. Only the future will tell. You finish chatting with Skylar and Melonie about BLC and how it works. Once you are done you decide to head back to the party.
[[Head back to the lobby|Grand Opening HUB][AddEvent("Player", "GuestsTalk")]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 10>>\
As you walk around you see a group of college girls, those must be Dani's friends.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/DF1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hello Ladies."</span>
The girls all turn toward you. <span class="minor-text">"Hello. You're the one this party is for right?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I guess. More like I am the one who threw the party."</span>
The girls laugh. <span class="minor-text">"Well it's great, thanks for letting us come. And this place is cool, we'll have to come check it out when you open."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That'd be great. Have fun tonight."</span>
You start to walk away and see June getting asked something and her arm getting pulled on by some guy. Not tonight buddy.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/June3.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hey June."</span> June turns toward you, swatting at the guy's arm, finally driving him away.
<span class="mc-text">"You good?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Yeah, just some guy. I met Dani's friends. they are nice."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good, stay inside alright?"</span>
<span class="june-text">"Alright."</span>
[[Head back to the lobby|Grand Opening HUB][AddEvent("Player", "DFTalk")]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 11>>\
You see Stacy over at the bar with her friend. They both look a little... tipsy.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Stacy1.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Hello ladies."</span>
<span class="stacy-text">"Hey! Andria this is $player.firstName. He's the guy who owns the place we work out."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Oh hi, I've heard a lot about you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I hope nothing bad?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Of course not, just good workout stories."</span>
You begin to blush a little.
<span class="stacy-text">"We do put in some good workouts."</span> Stacy pokes her ass out a bit, making your dick twitch. <span class="stacy-text">"Ain't that right daddy?"</span>
Stacy moves closer to her friend, reaches round and grabs her ass. Andria does the same.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Stacy2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"What do you think $player.firstName? Does my booty need a good workout too? Like this one?"</span> She squeezes and slaps Stacy's ass.
<span class="stacy-text">"Come on daddy. Work us out."</span> Stacy knows what she's doing to you.
<span class="mc-text">"Alright girls, I think you've had enough to drink."</span> You have a raging hard-on. How the hell are you going to hide this wearing this suit? You motion for the bartender to slow down their drinks. He raises a glass to you laughing. You break away and quickly make your exit.
<span class="stacy-text">"Aww, I guess next time daddy. She'll just have to be mine for tonight."</span>
God, why are you walking away from this?
[[Head back to the lobby|Grand Opening HUB][AddEvent("Player", "StacyTalk")]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 12>>\
You see Stella in the lobby area sitting in a chair.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Stella1.jpg" height="600">
<span class="mc-text">"Stella!"</span>
Stella looks up and smiles at you.
<span class="mc-text">"You look quite nice."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Thank you $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Have you eaten?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Yes thank you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Alright, need a drink or anything?"</span>
<span class="stella-text">"No, I'm good. This is really great though $player.firstName. I'm so happy for you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks, Stella. That means a lot."</span>
<span class="stella-text">"Just don't forget about me alright?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Never. You'll always have a place in my home and in my heart. We're in this together."</span>
Stella hugs you. <span class="stella-text">"Go get em."</span> She turns you around and smacks your ass.
[[Head back to the lobby|Grand Opening HUB][AddEvent("Player", "StellaTalk")]]
<</if>>\As the party atmosphere unwinds you head up to your office to take a short break. It's going to take forever to clean all of this up. Though most of the people have left, a few groups still hang around.
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle1.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira1.jpg" width="600">
You trudge up the stairs. It's a nice feeling to know people support you. It gives you a good outlook for the future. You finally reach your office and plop down in your sofa.
<<if $npcs.elle>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Elle3.jpg" width="600">
<<elseif $npcs.kira>>\
<img src="Images/Locations/BLC/Kira3.jpg" width="600">
It feels great to take a load off. You sit back relaxing, looking at the ceiling and close your eyes.
[[You fell asleep|G.O Office 2]]You are startled by a knock at the door. You sit up a bit as the door pushes open. It's Dani. Damn, you forgot how good she looks in that dress.
<span class="mc-text">"Hey Dani"</span> you moan as you reposition on the sofa to sit up.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Dani2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="dani-text">"Hi Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
Dani is standing there with a glass of wine. She walks over to your whiskey cabinet and starts to pour you a drink. She walks over to you smiling and hands you the glass.
<span class="mc-text">"Thanks."</span> You take a sip.
<span class="dani-text">"Yep."</span> Dani sits down next to you. <span class="dani-text">"Well? What do you think?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"It went pretty well."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"I think it went great, you might even get some of these college girls back in here. It will at least boost the business."</span> Dani kicks off her heels and starts to get comfortable. <span class="dani-text">"I'm done with this thing, can you unzip it."</span>
Dani turns around so you can unzip her dress.
<span class="dani-text">"Ugh, thank you. While it may look good this is super uncomfortable after a few hours. The things we do for beauty."</span>
You both chuckle.
<span class="mc-text">"Well, you looked good. That's what counts."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"If you say so."</span>
Dani smiles at you and pushes her dress down. You thought she was just loosening it up. She stands in front of you in her bra and panties. Your eyes are glued to her; your cock stiffening in a hurry.
<span class="dani-text">"I think after all that work we deserve a break, don't you agree?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Dan-"</span>
She comes over and straddles you, putting her fingers over your lips.
<span class="dani-text">"I see the way you look at me. I know I'm not crazy."</span>
Dani leans in and begins kissing you. At first it begins soft, leading to aggressive tongue-swapping mayhem. Fuck it. You can't say no. Why would you? You reach up, grab her bra and start to un-clip it. She slides it down. You begin to play with her breasts.
<span class="dani-text">"Oh yeah, nearly forgot. How could I, boob guy."</span>
Dani pushes her tits in your face. After a few moments of enjoying her boobs she slides down between your legs and pushes your legs apart.
<span class="dani-text">"Mmm. Can I?"</span>
You look at her in excited agreement. Dani backs up and pulls down your pants and sits between your legs again. Your cock is rock hard, twitching in anticipation. This isn't going to take long. Dani beings sucking your cock. She runs her tongue from the base up to the tip, slowly licking while looking at you. Who knew she was so... experienced. You love it when they look into your eyes. Dani starts playing with her saliva while licking your cock.
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Blowjob1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"Wow."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Feel good?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Uh huh."</span>
<span class="dani-text">"Gotta learn from the best."</span> Dani squeezes your cock tightly.
<span class="mc-text">"The best?"</span> You ask questioningly, then moan as she squeezes tighter.
<span class="dani-text">"Pornstars."</span> Dani beings throating your cock. She goes as far as she can, nearly gagging herself.
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Blowjob2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Girlfriend")>>\
As Dani continues to blow you, you hear the door creek. You look up and see Hang peeking through the doorway. Shit. Hang looks shocked. Fuck, please don't make a scene. You look back down at Dani almost nervously. She is feverishly sucking your cock. Hang pushes the door open slowly. Dani hears it and nearly panics; she doesn't realize it but she has a death-grip on your cock. Dani looks back as Hang walks into the room. She looks back at you. Neither of you know what to do.
<span class="hang-text">"Don't mind me."</span> Hang leans up against the wall. She pulls down her top, revealing her ample breasts. They look amazing in that pushup bra and dress. Hang reaches down and starts to rub herself watching the two of you.
<img src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Hang2.jpg" height="600">
You didn't even realize it but Dani has gone back to sucking your cock, seemingly with even more motivation. She reaches down with one hand and starts playing with herself. The other is tightly locked around your cock. It does not take long and she can tell you are ready to go. You start pushing her head down, and she looks up at you smiling. Without missing a beat Dani thrusts you into her mouth, swallowing you entirely. She runs her tongue around your cock, completely engulfed in her mouth.
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Blowjob3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You being to explode in her mouth, causing her to gag. Dani though does not lift her head even an inch, just begins to swallow.
<span class="dani-text">"Mmmmmm. Ugh."</span>
Dani opens her mouth, raising her head just trying to breathe. Cum drips down all over the base of your cock. Dani begins to laugh, making her gag. She pushes back down around your cock after taking a deep breath, rubbing her tongue and lips in your cum. She slowly raises her head; her mouth covered in cum.
<span class="dani-text">"Mmm. Thank you."</span>
You look up and Hang is walking over to the two of you. She gets down on her knees next to Dani and starts kissing her, licking up some cum.
<span class="hang-text">"That was hot."</span>
Maybe they are both truly bimbo material.
Dani pauses for a moment and rubs your legs, from your knees up the inside of your thighs. You throw your head back and let out a deep breathe. Dani has gone back to sucking your cock, seemingly with even more motivation. She reaches down with one hand and starts playing with herself. The other is tightly locked around your cock. It does not take long and she can tell you are ready to go. You start pushing her head down, and she looks up at you smiling. Without missing a beat Dani thrusts you into her mouth, swallowing you entirely. She runs her tongue around your cock, completely engulfed in her mouth.
<video autoplay loop height="600"><source src="Images/Events/GrandOpening/Blowjob3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You being to explode in her mouth, causing her to gag. Dani though does not lift her head even an inch, just begins to swallow.
<span class="dani-text">"Mmmmmm. Ugh."</span>
Dani opens her mouth, raising her head just trying to breathe. Cum drips down all over the base of your cock. Dani begins to laugh, making her gag. She pushes back down around your cock after taking a deep breath, rubbing her tongue and lips in your cum. She slowly raises her head; her mouth covered in cum.
<span class="dani-text">"Mmm. Thank you."</span>
Dani might just be truly bimbo material.
''Weekly BLC meetings will now be held every Friday at your new BLC headquarters.
You can now meet with clients for coaching sessions and manage your current bimbos at BLC headquarters.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set RemoveEvent("Player", "AnaTalk"); RemoveEvent("Player", "CharlotteTalk"); RemoveEvent("Player", "DaniTalk"); RemoveEvent("Player", "DesignerTalk"); RemoveEvent("Player", "DFTalk"); RemoveEvent("Player", "ElaineTalk"); RemoveEvent("Player", "GuestsTalk"); RemoveEvent("Player", "HangTalk"); RemoveEvent("Player", "IsaacTalk"); RemoveEvent("Player", "SofiaTalk"); RemoveEvent("Player", "StacyTalk"); RemoveEvent("Player", "StellaTalk");>>\
<<set AddHours(4); $player.unlocks.BLC to true;>>\You look through the photos you took of Charlotte. Some of them are great. You notice one where she is leaning back on her hands, body arched; it looks perfect. You have an idea...
<img src="Images/BLC/Logo/Laptop.jpg" width="600">
You send off the image of Charlotte to a character creator. He scribbles up a draft, which you approve. In a day or two you should have your new logo.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "BLCPhotos"); $player.dayCounter to 1;>>\After waiting impatiently you finally have your new logo. You open up your e-mail and see the image.
<img src="Images/BLC/Logo/Logo.jpg" width="600">
It looks fantastic.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddEvent("Charlotte", "BLCLogo")>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
*Buzz* *Buzz*
You look down and see it's Isaac.
<span class="mc-text">"Isaac? It's been a while."</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"It has. I hope things have been going well up until now. We've got a problem $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Can't be that bad."</span>
<span class="isaac-text">"It might be. I've sent my assistant over to talk with you; she should be at your office in a few minutes. I'm currently out of town but she will fill you in."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That important?"</span> You questionably inquire.
<span class="isaac-text">"It may be. You should clear up your schedule."</span>
[[Head down to BLC|Rupert Returns][$passageRoute to 2]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
A well-dressed woman walks through the front door holding a manilla envelope and a small briefcase.
<span class="mc-text">"You must be Isaac's intern."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I am. Sarah, nice to meet you."</span> She extends out her hand.
<img src="Images/Events/RupertReturn/SarahMeet.jpg" width="600">
<span class="mc-text">"And you as well. Would you like to come to my office so we can discuss things?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Of course."</span>
You enter your office and close the door.
[[Take a seat|Rupert Returns][$passageRoute to 3]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 3>>\
<span class="mc-text">"What's this news Isaac was referring to?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"It's pretty bad, Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
She hands you the envelope.
<img src="Images/Events/RupertReturn/SarahTalk.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Isaac said we need to get ahead of this right now."</span>
You open the envelope; inside is a flier that looks like it was attached to a wall somewhere.
<span class="mc-text">"Shit."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"That's what Isaac said."</span>
Looking at the flier, you see Rupert standing in front of a rally. It appears he is now running to take over the city council.
<span class="mc-text">"I am going to have to sit on this one and give it some thought."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"No problem. I'll be in touch. You can call the office; I'll handle anything you need till he returns. Good luck Mr. $player.lastName."</span>
Sarah walks out of your office, closing the door behind her. Immediately you hear a knock and the door opens.
<span class="dani-text"> "Everything alright $player.firstName?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Yes, just an old problem has surfaced once again. Can you call Tan and have her meet me at my place as soon as possible."</span>
<span class="dani-text"> "Sure thing. Anything else?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"That's all. Thanks."</span>
Dani heads back down to the front desk.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(2); AddEvent("Player", "RupertReturns")>>\
<</if>>\You answer the door and see Tan standing there with a worried look on her face.
<span class="mc-text">"Are you OK? You look like you've had a rough day."</span>
<img src="Images/Events/RupertReturn/Tan.jpg" height="600">
<span class="tan-text">"Yeah I'm good, but the office was insane today. Chaos everywhere; a full blown meltdown."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Oh? What for?"</span>
<span class="tan-text">"You haven't heard?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Rupert? I didn't think it'd be that serious."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Rosa is freaking out; she's got everyone in a panic. Even more of a problem, Rupert called saying he knows she supports you. He's trying to blackmail us."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Interesting. This could be more of a problem than I initially thought."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"We need to get ahead of his campaign. Whether you like it or not, we need allies to shut him down. I'd lose my job. I can't afford that."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Your not going to lose your job. And, if the worst happens, you can stay here."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"Thanks, but I still need to make my own money. You need to call a meeting; have a gameplan before this thing explodes."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Good Idea."</span>
<span class="tan-text">"I'll get it organized. Soon as everyone can meet I'll let you know."</span>
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddMinutes(30); AddEvent("Player", "RupertReturnsTanVisit"); $player.dayCounter to 1;>>\<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
You've requested a meeting with everyone to deal with Rupert's reappearance in town. His campaign could cause massive issues for you, and anyone else involved with you.
You send out a few texts hoping everyone will show tonight.
[[Attend the meeting Tonight|Rupert Returns House Meeting][$passageRoute to 2; SetHours(18); SetMinutes(0);]]
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
Everyone you've invited starts to show up. Elaine has arrived along with Tan, Phil, your mom, Isaac, and even June. They are all talking at the dinning room table. You walk up and place down a campaign ad from Rupert. Elaine speaks first.
<span class="elaine-text">"So I take it we have a problem?"</span>
You stand for a moment collecting your thoughts and clear your throat.
<span class="mc-text">"Thank you all for coming. I wanted to make sure everyone understood the gravity of what might happen. If Rupert wins this election for city council he will come after me. You can gurentee that. Which also means he comes after this house."</span>
Priti looks at you, fed up. She glances back toward Phil who also has a worried look on his face.
<span class="mc-text">"I also just want to clear the air again and state I've done nothing wrong here."</span>
Priti stands up.
<span class="priti-text">"I'll be honest $player.firstName, this is getting old."</span>
The entire room starts talking.
<span class="elaine-text">"I think everyone here can agree, $player.firstName is not at fault here."</span>
The entire group murmurs in agreement.
Phil clears his throat. <span class="phil-text">"Uh."</span> Phil takes a breath, he hates speaking in public. <span class="phil-text">"I just want to live in peace man. So whatever we need to do, let's do it."</span>
Tan joins in. <span class="tan-text">"We all need to do what is right and make sure Rupert does not win. He's going to try to ruin everything we have going."</span>
Elaine looks at Tan. <span class="elaine-text">"Thank you Tan. I agree. Let's start weekly meetings, we have to come up with a solution."</span>
Phil nods.
<span class="elaine-text">"Priti, will you attend?"</span>
<span class="priti-text">"I suppose, when I am not busy I will attend. But only to get this over with."</span>
After talking to the group, you decide Friday evenings are the best for everyone. You notice a couple people are missing however. You will need to convince everyone to get max participation going forward.
<<UINavigation "Home">>
<<set AddHours(1); AddEvent("Player", "RupertReturnsHouseMeeting"); $player.dayCounter to 1;>>\
<</if>>\<h2>Bimbo Life Coach is a game intended only for players aged 18+.</h2>
<h3>If you are not 18 or over please close the game.</h3>
What is your first name? <<textbox "$player.firstName" "Sean">>
What is your last name? <<textbox "$player.lastName" "Banner">>
[[Start from beginning|Beginning]]
Or select the starting point event:
<<listbox "$passageRoute" autoselect>>
<<option "Completed Act 1: Co-Op Board Conflict" 1>>
<<option "Completed Act 2: BLC Grand Opening" 2>>
<<option "Start from version 0.8" 3>>
[[Skip to starting point|Start Choices]]<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Apartment.jpg" width="600">
Your quiet evening is ruined by the intercom buzzer going crazy. You lift yourself up off the sofa and run over to it.
<span class="mc-text">"Hello? What's the -"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"$player.firstName! Seeing you won't answer my texts, I thought I would come over and talk to you."</span>
Oh shit. Sophie.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh, hi Sophie, sorry about that, I..."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Just fucking let me in, $player.firstName. I'm not going to rip your head off, we just need to talk."</span>
You press the button to let her up and release a long sigh.
[[You wait for her to knock|Sophie Enters]]She surprises you and just pushes open your unlocked door, bumping it into you and making clear that you had your eye pressed to the peephole.
<video autoplay loop width="600">
<source src="Images/NPCs/Sophie/Argue.webm" type="video/webm">
<span class="minor-text">"You always were a big creep, $player.firstName."</span>
As the shock of her arrival wears off you find yourself increasingly irritated that she barged in on you like this.
<span class="mc-text">"Nowhere better to be, Sophie? No dicks you can trip on to?"</span>
Sophie forced out a sharp, dismissive laugh.
<span class="minor-text">"Oh, you can talk, you fucking..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I never did anything with her, I just...!"</span>
Sophie put her hands up to stop you shouting at her, and growls in a mix of resignation and suppressed anger. <span class="minor-text">"I didn't come here to argue with you."</span>
You splutter sarcastically. <span class="mc-text">"So why did you come here? To chat about the weather?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"To tell you that I am never going to see you again... To tell you that you have treated me poorly, but also, as much as I hate to admit it, to thank you."</span>
[[Well that was unexpected|Sophie Reminisces]]<img src="Images/NPCs/Sophie/Before.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"Yes, thank you. Do you remember how I was when we first met? How shy I was? The old Sophie would never have stormed up here like this."</span>
You sit down on a dining chair near the door, kick your legs onto the table, and look back at her. <span class="mc-text">"I'm not sure whether I quite appreciate that transformation at this exact moment."</span>
Sophie laughs and smiles a genuine smile at you. <span class="minor-text">"Look, things may be over between us, but I think we're both better for it."</span> She gestures at her body. <span class="minor-text">"I have this, and a boatload of extra confidence. You... Well, you got to enjoy this."</span>
You weren't ready to be gracious, not yet. <span class="mc-text">"I invested a lot of money in you."</span>
[[You really did...|Sophie's New Body]]<span class="mc-text">"You walked into my life and all you had was that tight ass."</span>
<video autoplay loop><source src="Images/NPCs/Sophie/Ass.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="mc-text">"You felt so self-conscious about your body, about your looks. Your boyish tits... You were so happy when I bought you your new tits."</span>
<video autoplay loop><source src="Images/NPCs/Sophie/Boobs.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You sigh and lift your head up to look at the ceiling before looking back at her. <span class="mc-text">"What went wrong?"</span>
She looks at you skeptically. <span class="minor-text">"You mean, apart from the cheating?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I told you, I -"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I don't care. It wasn't just that. It was everything. I became your project.</span>
[[Sophie the Project|Sophie The Project]]<span class="minor-text">"The way you'd examine me..."</span>
<img src="Images/NPCs/Sophie/Inspect.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"The way you'd do your pervy little 'checks' on me..."</span>
<img src="Images/NPCs/Sophie/Finger.jpg" width="600">
<span class="minor-text">"I'm more than just your project. I wanted to be your girlfriend. I could have loved you and all you wanted was to... To..."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Be your life coach?"</span>
Sophie nodded, somewhat sadly, but with a lopsided grin. <span class="minor-text">"Yes, my life coach. A fucking bimbo life coach."</span>
You let out a slightly embarrassed chuckle and she walks over to you. <span class="minor-text">"I need more than that, and you're incapable of giving more. I wish you all the best, and I hope you are happy, but I'm just not gonna be around to find out."</span>
She bends down and kisses you gently on the lips.
<span class="minor-text">"Goodbye, $player.firstName."</span>
You stay silent as she walks to the door, her heels knocking on your hardwood floor. As she slams the door shut behind her you mutter to yourself in a sad voice.
<span class="mc-text">"Goodbye, Sophie."</span>
[[Sunset on the Roof][AddMinutes(30)]]The sun is setting and you have no plans for the night. With a somewhat heavy heart you take a two-thirds full bottle of whisky up the roof.
<img src="Images/Locations/Sunset.jpg" width="600">
Your life hasn't been going all that well lately. In fact, if you're being honest with yourself, it hasn't been going well for some time. It's been nearly four years since you cashed in and sold your start up. Perhaps you sold a bit early, but you were burning out and only in it for the money anyway. Besides, a little over $8 million after taxes was nothing to complain about.
It started off well. You took a half a year off and saw the parts of the world you'd always dreamed about seeing. Walked the foothills of the Himalayas and retraced the last steps of Jesus in Jerusalem. You travelled across a continent on the Trans-Siberian Railway and dipped your feet into the perfect waters of Lake Baikal.
But when you returned to New York... Let's just say buying your apartment was the last sensible decision you made. You've spent three years blowing through the $6 million you had left over on drugs, booze, and partying. Not to mention three pairs of fake tits, and two bolt-on asses. At least Sophie's perfect, natural ass kept your costs down.
You take a heavy swig of whisky, and think aloud to yourself. <span class="mc-text">"Bimbo life coach."</span>
She wasn't wrong there. Since you'd become rich you hadn't really had a girlfriend, just a series of projects. You'd never been controlling, at least you hoped you hadn't, but they all fell into the same rut of you being a cheerleader for changes that, when complete, left the relationship hollow.
Perhaps there was something to that? You kept trying to turn girlfriends into bimbos. What if, instead, you helped clients become bimbos? You're not bad at it. Not bad at all, $player.firstName. Brooklyn is full of hucksters 'helping' people reach their dreams, but as far as you know they're all new age, yoga flexing, fart sniffing assholes helping finance wives center their Chakras and do handstands on their personal trainer's cock. They never actually caused anyone to change permanently.
Why not help the good women of NYC become big titted, thick lipped, party making bimbos? That'd be real change, and positive change.
Worst comes to worst, you just go back to tech. Best comes to best...
[[You live your dream|Guide]]<img src="Images/Locations/Home/Desk.jpg" width="600">
You wake up, somewhat hungover from your rooftop whisky session. Part of you can't even believe that you're taking the idea of becoming a bimbo life coach seriously, but another part of you is already racing ahead to the practicalities.
The first among them is to actually check how much money you have. You feel like you've woken up from a coma, and you realize to your horror that you haven't checked your bank account in //months//. As your computer boots, you pour yourself a cup of coffee. You face the music you log into your bank's website.
<span class="mc-text">"Fuuuck..."</span>
Adding everything up, including your emergency cash, you have $9,500. Most people would be very happy to see that sitting in their pockets, but for you that means your life of luxury is over. You'll have to start making money again. Soon, hopefully, as a bimbo life coach, but in the meantime you will have to start accepting at least a few of all those consulting gigs that get thrown your way.
You steady yourself, then open up your budget spreadsheet. Thankfully, as you own your apartment outright, you don't have to worry about rent. Your regular outgoings - building maintenance, utilities, your groceries - aren't too bad, and adding in the Metrocard you'll now have to start buying instead of Ubers, it comes to about $600 a week. Your regular income is, luckily, $650, mainly from licencing fees and royalties paid out by the company the bought your start up.
[[Start BLC|Start Business]]You begin your research by looking up whether anyone has ever actually tried to become a bimbo life coach before. Apart from some Russian photographers whose model/girlfriends become progressively more bimbo-like through time, you realise that this is totally uncharted territory. Exciting, on the one hand, but it also means you can't learn from anyone elses mistakes.
Next you examine your local life coach competition.
The smoothie pushing, fitness obsessed yogis...
<img src="Images/Events/Intro/Yoga.jpg" width="600">
The driven, type-A, craggy jawed career coaches...
<img src="Images/Events/Intro/CareerCoach.jpg" width="600">
And the hippies.
<img src="Images/Events/Intro/Hippie.jpg" width="600">
None strike you as posing any kind of real competition. The yogis might offer the prospect of a hot bod, and the career coaches the possibility of purpose, but not in the way you'll be offering.
[[Continue working|Start Business 2]]You make a cup of coffee and sit down at your desk and think. If the other life coaches aren't a threat, who is?
You tap your feet in concentration, but your mind wanders and you wonder if you have time to quickly jack off and clear your mind. You're just about to unzip when...
<span class="mc-text">"Strippers! Strippers and sex workers!"</span>
<img src="Images/Events/Intro/StripClub.jpg" width="600">
Your main competition isn't from other people trying to help women become bimbos, your main competition will be from other people trying to make money off of bimbos. In fact, you realise grimly, the best prospects will already be up on stage shaking their asses and shoving their tits into the faces of coked up bankers. Or even fucking their way around the city for cash.
But, people being people, there will be plenty of women who want the attention bimbos get, the fun life they have, but don't have the confidence to do it on their own. Plenty of women who just need a little push and some guidance.
<<if not $npcs.rebeca>>\
[[Go talk to a stripper|Start Stripclub 1]]
<<if not $npcs.jessyka>>\
[[Hire a call girl and interview her|Start Escort]]
<<if $npcs.rebeca and $npcs.jessyka>>\
[[Get started!|Start Business 4]]
<</if>>\You take the subway into the city and visit Top Floor, a fairly middling strip club in Midtown. You're visiting at an off time, so the place should be relatively quiet, giving you the chance to get a stripper's attention.
<video autoplay loop><source src="Images/StripClub/StripClub.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
When you enter a skinny, but stunning, girl is working the stage. You lurk at the back, scoping out the room, before you walk forwards and sit yourself down at a small booth. You're only alone for a few moments, barely long enough to order a cocktail.
<span class="rebeca-text">"Is anyone sitting here, papi?"</span>
You feel a hand on your shoulder, and turning around you find yourself staring into dark brown eyes, piercing into yours from behind heavy makeup.
<span class="mc-text">"It's free. Come on, sit down next to me."</span>
She sits down, grabbing your thigh with her hand as she does so, to 'balance'. She has big tits that stick right out from her skinny frame. She's just wearing a simple black lingerie set, with clear, see-through stripper heels. She begins to play with your hair.
<span class="rebeca-text">"You're here for the lull, tough day at work?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I wouldn't say that. In fact, I came here for work."</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"To New York?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"No, here, to this strip club."</span>
She laughs, then pulls her bra down lower, so you can see the edge of her nipples. <span class="rebeca-text">"And what kind of work brings a hardworking man like you to a bad place like this?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I came to talk to a woman like you, ask you some questions. Can we go talk somewhere more private?"</span>
She looks around, and you can tell she's assessing how many other clients are in the club. Not many, so she'll just have to try and get what she can from you now.
<span class="rebeca-text">"If we go to the back, papi, we can do whatever you want..."</span>
[[Talk to a stripper in VIP|Start Stripclub 2]]You enter a private room in the back, hidden from the rest of the club by a thick curtain. She pushes you down onto the bench, and pulls down her top.
<span class="mc-text">"I just wanted to -"</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"Shhhh... Just enjoy the show while we talk."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Rebeca/StripperMeet.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Her tits are glorious, and you find yourself getting hard. Before you can ask her anything, she pushes her tits into your face and you can feel the tight implants underneath her skin. She takes your hands, puts them on her ass, and then sits on your lap, right on your dick.
<span class="rebeca-text">"Don't tell me you aren't enjoying this,"</span> she says, as she inches her ass back and forth on your dick. This is gonna be tough.
You exhale, to focus your mind, and begin. <span class="mc-text">"Do you like men objectifying you like this?"</span>
For the first time since she approached you her act stops, and she looks at you skeptically. <span class="rebeca-text">"You aren't some kind of hero are you, wanting to save me from this life?"</span>
You laugh. <span class="mc-text">"No, not at all. Nothing could be further from the truth. I..."</span>
You realize you need to decide what to say. Shall you lie, or tell her the truth?
[[Tell her your girlfriend wants to become a stripper|Start Stripclub 3][$passageRoute to 1]]
[[Tell her you are wanting to become a bimbo life coach|Start Stripclub 3][$passageRoute to 2]]<<if $passageRoute is 1>>\
<span class="mc-text">"My girlfriend wants to become a stripper. She wants to make herself look like a bimbo. Like you."</span>
She turns around and begins to rub her ass on you, rubbing your erect cock through your pants.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Rebeca/StripperDance.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She looks over her shoulder and answers your first question. <span class="rebeca-text">"I love it. I love walking through a room knowing every straight man around is undressing me, wondering how they feel. You know how your dick is throbbing right now?"</span> She sits next to you and rubs her index finger up and down your cock. <span class="rebeca-text">"I did that."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Are you happy being a stripper?"</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"Yeah, I am. I get paid a lot, I get to set my own hours. I know that it won't last forever, but..."</span>
You cut across her. <span class="mc-text">"What work have you got done?"</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"My lips, my tits. My ass is natural."</span>
You slide your hand around, and you feel her ass. She smiles up at you, and you begin to slide your hand around, until your fingertips are touching her pussy through her panties.
<span class="rebeca-text">"We have the room to ourselves. Do you want something extra, papi? If your girlfriend wants to become a bimbo, you should see what we can do."</span>
<<elseif $passageRoute is 2>>\
<span class="mc-text">"I'm starting a company. I'm going to coach women on how to become bimbos, like you."</span>
She turns around and begins to rub her ass on you, rubbing your erect cock through your pants.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Rebeca/StripperDance.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She laughs at what you said. <span class="rebeca-text">"Every woman knows how to be a bimbo, honey. You just gotta work with what you have."</span>
You reach up and squeeze her tits. <span class="mc-text">"Like you did?"</span>
She laughs and sits down next to you. She moves her face close to yours, her tits touching your chest. You can feel her breath on your face. You look into her eyes. <span class="mc-text">"Why did you get your work done?"</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"My tits? My lips?"</span> She leans out a little, rests her hand on your cock, then kisses your cheek. <span class="rebeca-text">"That. That little jump your cock did? That's why. I can walk in to any room and all the men will be undressing me, wondering what they feel like, wondering what it would feel like to fill me."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Was it worth it?"</span> You reach your hand around, and place your hand on her ass. You give it a squeeze.
<span class="rebeca-text">"What you're touching right now is all natural, by the way. But.. Yeah, it was. I won't lie, there are times I'm not taken as seriously as I want to be. In the end I always get my way, but my way is usually just to suck some cock..."</span> You begin to inch your hand lower on her rear, until your fingertips are touching her pussy through her panties.
She gives your cock a hard squeeze. <span class="rebeca-text">"Do you want something extra, papi?"</span>
[[Buy 'something extra' (-$300)|Start Stripclub 4]]
[[Return|Start Business 2][AddHours(2); $npcs.rebeca to clone($minorTemplate); $player.stripClubVisits += 1; $player.cash -= 215;]]<span class="rebeca-text">"300 bucks. You don't get to fuck me, but I promise you've never had better."</span> You pull $300 out of your wallet, and she tucks it into the strap of her heel.
She kneels down in front of you, and runs her finger down your face, letting you suck gently on her fingertips. Throwing her hair back, she unzips you. Slowly , the stripper pulls your pants, and boxers, down to your ankles.
Your cock stands up, and she holds it in her hand. <span class="rebeca-text">"Wow, I say this to every guy, but I mean it this time. You were born lucky."</span> She dips her head down, and you feel her thick lips kiss your tip, then she lowers her head and you feel her tongue circling around the tip of your dick.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Rebeca/StripperBlowjob.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She pushes your legs further apart, and then she wraps her tits around the bottom of your cock as she sucks the tip. She never swallows, never properly closes her mouth. Every time that your cock hits the back of her throat, a little more spit drips down onto her tits, into her cleavage. After a few minutes it's soaked and your balls are dripping.
She lifts her head up, and begins to jerk you off just using her spit soaked tits. <span class="rebeca-text">"What do you like most about my body, papi?"</span>
All you can manage is to swear. <span class="mc-text">"Oh fuck, don't stop."</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"Is it my tits? You love my big, fake, bimbo tits?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I love them, I love your fake, bimbo tits."</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"Show me you love them. Cum on them."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Rebeca/StripperCum.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She lies down, and you stand over her. She begins to jiggle her tits underneath you. <span class="rebeca-text">"Give it to me, give it all to me."</span> You jerk yourself off and feel wave after wave of orgasm, and you cum all over her.
Spent, you sit down. <span class="mc-text">"Goddamn."</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"Have fun, papi?"</span>
You smile, and throw your head back. She turns back to you, and sucks the last of the cum out of the tip of your shrinking dick.
<span class="mc-text">"What's your name?"</span>
<span class="rebeca-text">"Rebeca. Come back and see me some time, I'm sure we can become great friends."</span>
[[Return|Start Business 2][$npcs.rebeca to clone($minorTemplate); $player.stripClubVisits += 1; $player.cash -= 515;]]You open up a new tab and begin to look for call girls available today. You only check the high end sites, but you're scouting for the fakest titted, big lippiest, whoreish bimbo call girl you can find.
You ring up the company, and after hearing the usual disclaimers and providing the necessary verification, you're booked in. Jessyka will be around in two hours. Even her working name is slutty and dumb.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Jessyka/1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
She arrives wearing a long, light coat, but when she takes it off you see she's wearing a pink fishnet shirt, with matching pink hoop earrings. The nipples of her giant tits are poking through it. You can't help yourself blurting out what you are really thinking.
<span class="mc-text">"You look like such a bimbo slut!"</span>
She giggles. <span class="minor-text">"I try!"</span> She looks expectantly at you, and you realise that you have to pay her first. You walk over to your counter and get the money, handing her five crisp $100 bills. She subtly counts the money as she places it into her handbag. Turning around, she places a hand on your chest.
<span class="minor-text">"I'm all yours for two hours. What do you want to do with me?"</span>
You take her by the hand and walk her over to your sofa. <span class="mc-text">"Before we have fun, I want to ask you some questions, Jessyka."</span>
She smiles at you, and you continue. <span class="mc-text">"Do you like being a bimbo?"</span> She looks at you, biting her lip erotically, but you interrupt her before she can answer. <span class="mc-text">"Seriously, not just to make me happy, because I'm gonna fuck you either way. I really just want to know."</span>
She nods, slowly, and answers. <span class="minor-text">"Like, totally. It's amazing. Men love me, I get to make people happy, I get to look so pretty. I only do this to pay the bills, looking like this is expensive, and not all my clients are... Well, like you."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What makes a bimbo?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Well, first of all, you gotta be really hot. Then... I guess you can't be too stressed out, too worried about bullshit. You gotta let people take care of you, and just have fun."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"What about men?"</span>
She smiles brightly, and touches your thigh. <span class="minor-text">"A bimbo, a real bimbo, wants to please men. You know, make sure they're always happy."</span>
She leans into you. <span class="minor-text">"Can I make you happy?"</span>
[[Well, you may as well have some fun...|Start Escort Finish]]You take your dick out of your pants and you push her down to her knees.
<span class="mc-text">"Open your mouth."</span>
She's on her knees and not only does she open her mouth wide, sticking out her tongue, but she wriggles happily. She lifts up her fishnet top, exposing her huge, tanned tits.
You stand, and look down at her. She moves her head slightly towards your cock, and you move it away from her. She looks momentarily unhappy, but she keeps her mouth wide open. Forgetting any warm up, and thinking about your $500, you shove your dick into her mouth and down her throat.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Jessyka/2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
You fuck her face and your otherwise quiet apartment is filled with the sound of her gagging. You pull out and she lifts up her tits and spits on them.
<span class="minor-text">"Do you like that?"</span>, she asks.
You don't answer, and shove your dick in her mouth again. You fuck her face and she begins to cry, but when you take your dick out of her mouth she smiles up at you. You sit down on your sofa, and pull her on top of you.
<span class="mc-text">"Fuck me"</span>, you command.
She does as she's told and she hovers over your dick, which is dripping with her spit. But to your surprise she doesn't put you into her pussy, she slides your dick into her asshole.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/NPCs/Jessyka/3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Am I a good bimbo?"</span>
You fuck up into her, you can feel her clean, tight asshole gripping your cock.
<span class="minor-text">"Tell me I'm a good bimbo."</span>
She spreads her legs, and balances herself over you, freeing your hands. With your right hand you grab onto one of her tits, squeezing it hard, as the other giant tit flops up and down with every thrust.
<span class="mc-text">"You're a good bimbo."</span>
You can feel yourself coming.
<span class="mc-text">"You're a good bimbo."</span>
You begin to cum.
<span class="mc-text">"You're a good bimbo."</span>
Her ass fills with your cum, and as you stop she takes over, milking every last drop, before stopping, leaving your dick in her ass as it shrinks. You lie back on the sofa, spent, as she gets up off you and pulls down her top.
<span class="minor-text">"You know what every good bimbo needs?"</span>
You look up at her, and shake your head, literally too drained to speak.
She leans in, and whispers in your ear. <span class="minor-text">"A purse full of cash, and an ass full of cum."</span> She kisses you on the cheek, and then walks out the door.
[[Return|Start Business 2][$npcs.jessyka to clone($minorTemplate); $player.cash -= 500;]]After finishing your research you realise your ideal candidate would be someone like a recently divorced woman, or a young women fresh to the city, who'll accept your instruction and enthusiastically follow it. The perfect bimbo to publicize, and to recruit new clients with.
You decide to start small, with a meeting in the back room of your local bar. You figure Friday after work is the best time to arrange it for, and it will cost $75 to reserve the space. You spend another $575 getting a small vinyl banner made to hang on the wall behind you as you speak, printing out pamphlets, and having other promotional materials prepared.
Over the next few days you'll make sure that you prepare some materials in your spare time.
''Your first meeting will be on Friday. Arrive by 18:00 in the back room of your local bar.''
<<UINavigation "Sleep">>
<<set $player.introComplete to true; $player.cash -= 750;>>\<<if $gameDate.getHours() gt 7>><<set AddDays(1)>><</if>>\
<<set SetHours(8); SetMinutes(0); UpdateDayCounters();>>\
<<print $dreamImages.random(1, 47)>>
You sleep, and dream of bimbos.
<<if GameDayIs("Monday")>>\
[[Your Weekly Finances|Weekly Finances]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ThirdLesson") and $bimbos.charlotte?.analTraining lt 7>>\
[[Charlotte's Anal Coaching|Charlotte Anal Training]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "ProtestInterview") and not CheckEvent("Player", "ProtestRally")>>\
[[Today is the day of the rally|The Protest]]
<<elseif $player.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Player", "RupertFired") and not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertLeave")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Girlfriend")>>\
[[What on earth is all this damn noise?|Hang Dream]]
[[Start your day|Rupert Leaves]]
<<include [[Sleep Events]]>>\
[[Go right to work (+$300, Back home at 18:00)|Consulting]]
<<if $player.fame gte 1 and GameDayIs("Friday")>>\
<<if $player.unlocks.BLC>>\
<<link [[Skip to BLC Meeting|Weekly BLC Meeting]]>><<set SetHours(18)>><</link>>
<<link [[Skip to BLC Meeting|Weekly Bar Meeting]]>><<set SetHours(18)>><</link>>
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "SkipDay">>
<</if>>\<<include [[Stella Sleep Events]]>>\
<<include [[Charlotte Sleep Events]]>>\
<<include [[Ana Sleep Events]]>>\
<<include [[Hang Sleep Events]]>>\
<<include [[Sofia Sleep Events]]>>\
<<include [[June Sleep Events]]>>\
<<if not $npcs.rupert and $bimbos.stella and $gameDate.getDay() is random(0, 6)>>\
[[You are woken up by someone banging on your door...|Meet Rupert]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Tan", "BarChat") and not CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentLetter")>>\
[[You find a letter pushed under your door...|Rupert Morning Letter]]
<<elseif $npcs.isaac and not CheckEvent("Isaac", "Email")>>\
[[You wake up to an e-mail from Isaac|Isaac E-mail]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Tan", "BLCAttend3") and CheckEvent("Hang", "CoffeeDate2") and not CheckEvent("Hang", "HangDrunk") and GameDayIs("Sunday")>>\
[[You're woken up by someone buzzing your intercom|Hang Tan Night]]
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Elaine", "Training") and not CheckEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession1")>>\
[[You send Elaine and Stacy an e-mail|Elaine Session 1]]
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession1") and not CheckEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession2")>>\
[[Stacy sends you an e-mail|Elaine Session 2]]
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession2") and not CheckEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession3")>>\
[[Stacy sends you an e-mail|Elaine Session 3]]
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine?.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession3") and not CheckEvent("Elaine", "ElaineSession4") and not $player.unlocks.building>>\
[[Elaine sends you an e-mail|Elaine Session 4]]
<<elseif $bimbos.hang?.trainingComplete and $player.unlocks.building and CheckEvent("Isaac", "Support") and CheckEvent("June", "Home") and not CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentLetter2")>>\
[[You find another letter pushed under your door|Co-op Board Meeting 2 Letter]]
<<if $player.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Ana", "ParkDate") and CheckEvent("June", "Introduce") and CheckEvent("Player", "ApartmentMeeting2") and not CheckEvent("Player", "RenovationComplete")>>\
[[You receive a text about the building renovations|Building Complete]]
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "ProtestRally") and not CheckEvent("Player", "CouncilResponse")>>\
[[You have been included in an e-mail from the council|CoOp Response]]
<</if>>\<<set $player.cash += ($player.income - $player.expenses);>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Elaine", "OfficeMeeting")>>\
<<if $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 50>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Finance/{0}-5.jpg", random(1, 3))>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 36>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Finance/{0}-4.jpg", random(1, 3))>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 26>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Finance/{0}-3.jpg", random(1, 3))>>\
<<elseif $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 16>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Finance/{0}-2.jpg", random(1, 3))>>\
<<set _imageName to String.format("Images/Bimbos/Elaine/Finance/{0}-1.jpg", random(1, 3))>>\
<img @src="_imageName" height="600">
You sit down with Elaine to manage your weekly finances.<<if $bimbos.elaine.bimbo gte 26>> You get a bit distracted a few times though.<</if>>
<h4>$player.firstName $player.lastName</h4>
Your weekly passive income is $<<print $player.income>>.
Your weekly regular expenses are $<<print $player.expenses>>.
<h4>Bimbo Life Coaching</h4>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "BLCEmployee")>>\
<<set $player.cash -= 600>>\
You pay Stella her weekly wage of $600.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stella", "HouseBimbo")>>\
<<set $player.cash -= 400>>\
Stella gets a weekly allowance of $400 as your house bimbo.
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym")>>\
<<set $player.cash += $player.fame * 20>>\
You receive $<<print $player.fame * 20>> from Stacy's workout session.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Stacy", "HomeGym")>>\
<<set $player.cash += 50>>\
You receive $50 from Stacy, for letting her use your home gym for her weekly session.
<<if CheckEvent("Stacy", "BLCGym")>>\
<<set $player.cash -= 300>>\
You pay Stacy $300 this week for her training services.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Elaine", "GymPay")>>\
<<set $player.cash -= 300>>\
You pay Stacy $300 this week to train Elaine.
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "WeeklyFine")>>\
<<set $player.cash -= 1000>>\
You pay your weekly fine of $1,000 to the co-op board.
<<if CheckEvent("Player", "BuildingElainePartner") and $player.mortgage gt 0>>\
$player.cash -= 650;
$player.mortgage -= 325;
You pay $325 to Elaine in rent this week, and $325 in mortgage and insurance for the building next door.
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "Mortgage") and $player.mortgage gt 0>>\
$player.cash -= 650;
$player.mortgage -= 650;
You pay $650 this week in mortgage and insurance for the building next door.
<h4>Bimbo Finances</h4>
<<if $bimbos.stella?.transformLevel is 1>>\
''Stella Jackson''
Stella's Savings: $<<print $bimbos.stella.cash>>
Stella's Debt to you: $<<print $bimbos.stella.debt>>
<<if CheckEvent("Stella", "Stripper")>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella.exhibitionist gte 26>>\
<<if $bimbos.stella.slut gte 50>>\
$player.cash += 1600;
$bimbos.stella.cash += 6400;
You received $1,600 from Stella's stripping.
<<elseif $bimbos.stella.slut gte 36>>\
$player.cash += 1120;
$bimbos.stella.cash += 4480;
You received $1,120 from Stella's stripping.
$player.cash += 800;
$bimbos.stella.cash += 3200;
You received $800 from Stella's stripping.
$player.cash += 640;
$bimbos.stella.cash += 2560;
You received $640 from Stella's stripping.
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "Finances")>>\
''Charlotte Jackson''
Charlotte's Savings: $<<print $bimbos.charlotte.cash>>
Charlotte's Debt: $<<print $bimbos.charlotte.debt>>
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 38>>\
<<set $player.cash += 525; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 2625;>>\
Your 20% cut of Charlotte's modelling this week earned you $200.
Your 20% cut of Charlotte's Instagram and Snapchat income this week earned you $325.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 33>>\
<<set $player.cash += 380; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 1900;>>\
Your 20% cut of Charlotte's modelling this week earned you $150.
Your 20% cut of Charlotte's Instagram and Snapchat income this week earned you $230.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 28>>\
<<set $player.cash += 210; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 1050;>>\
Your 20% cut of Charlotte's modelling this week earned you $60.
Your 20% cut of Charlotte's Instagram and Snapchat income this week earned you $150.
<<elseif $bimbos.charlotte.exhibitionist gte 23>>\
<<set $player.cash += 80; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 400;>>\
Your 20% cut of Charlotte's modelling this week earned you $30.
Your 20% cut of Charlotte's Instagram and Snapchat income this week earned you $50.
<<set $player.cash += 35; $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 175;>>\
Your 20% cut of Charlotte's modelling this week earned you $15.
Your 20% cut of Charlotte's Instagram and Snapchat income this week earned you $20.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.photoshoots gte 7>>\
<<set $bimbos.charlotte.cash += 7250>>\
Charlotte has earned $7250 from magazine ads.
<<if $bimbos.charlotte.cash gte 0>>\
Charlotte has $<<print $bimbos.charlotte.cash>>.
Charlotte is $<<print $bimbos.charlotte.cash>> in debt.
You start the week with $<<print $player.cash>>.
<<if CheckEvent("Charlotte", "ThirdLesson") and $bimbos.charlotte?.analTraining lt 7>>\
[[Charlotte's Anal Coaching|Charlotte Anal Training]]
<<elseif CheckEvent("Player", "ProtestInterview") and not CheckEvent("Player", "ProtestRally")>>\
[[Today is the day of the rally|The Protest]]
<<elseif $player.dayCounter is 0 and CheckEvent("Player", "RupertFired") and not CheckEvent("Player", "RupertLeave")>>\
<<if CheckEvent("Hang", "Girlfriend")>>\
[[What on earth is all this damn noise?|Hang Dream]]
[[Start your day|Rupert Leaves]]
[[Go right to work (+$300, Back home at 18:00)|Consulting]]
<<UINavigation "Home">><<UINavigation "SkipDay">>
<</if>>\After a long day you close up the building and head up to your office. Just as you sit down at your desk you hear a knock at the door. Weird, you are closed. You decide to investigate; peering down at the entrance you spy your mom through the glass.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/Trim1.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Sofia and her friend have brought you some late afternoon desserts.
<span class="mc-text">"Sofia! What are you doing here?"</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"I brought you some snacks and this is Monica."</span>
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/1.jpg" height="600">
You can't take your eyes off the desserts it seems. But is it the cake and pie or those beautiful tits.
[[Walk the girls inside|Dinner2]]<span class="mc-text">"Come on in, let me take those from you."</span>
You walk the desserts inside to the kitchen on the first floor of your office building.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/Trim2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
The two girls follow you. God damn Sofia's tits look amazing in that dress.
<span class="mc-text">"Thank you so much. I bet these will be delicious"</span>
Sofia catches you staring at their tits.
<span class="sofia-text">"You know they are."</span>
*Bang Bang Bang*
You hear a loud knock at the door again.
<span class="mc-text">"Again? Who's that."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Well Jane's here."</span>
You walk over to get the door.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/Trim3.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"So you are $player.firstName."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"I am."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Charming."</span>
She walk's past you.
<span class="mc-text">"I didn't get your...name."</span>
[[Go check on the girls|Dinner3]]<span class="mc-text">"Ladies."</span>
You walk into the living room with them.
<span class="minor-text">"Thanks for having us. I heard you take women and make them hot."</span>
Sofia looks toward you.
<span class="sofia-text">"No-."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Not exactly."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Oh please. You don't have to lie to me. You want every girl int his damn town to have big tits like we do."</span>
<span class="sofia-text">"Jane!"</span>
The girls start laughing.
<span class="minor-text">"You all know its true look at these babies."</span>
Monica looks at Sofia shocked, Jane grabs her tits, and Sofia is unsure of what to do.
<img src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="sofia-text">"Jane, you are such a slut. Quit."</span> Jane giggles.
<span class="minor-text">"Jane, not all of us are sluts."</span> Monica looks at Jane sort of angerly.
<span class="minor-text">"Oh please."</span> Jane pulls out her tits.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/Trim4.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Now, look at this poor boy. Should'nt we reward him?"</span>
Jane turns toward Monica.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/Trim4-2.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
It does not take more than a second and Sofia joins them.
<span class="mc-text">"My god. You women."</span>
The girls continue to kiss eachother infront of you.
[[Sofia walks toward you|Dinner4]]Sofia walks up and climbs up on the sofa next to you. She whispers in your ear.
<span class="sofia-text">"I'm pretty sure these two sluts are going to suck your cock."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Uh huh."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Hey no secrets."</span>
The 2 girls join you and Sofia.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/Trim5.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Jane and Monica pull out your cock.
<span class="sofia-text">"Wow babe, look at these hungry sluts. Should I join them?"</span> Sofia asks you quietly.
You nod inconspicuously.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/Trim6.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Sofia slides down and joins the girls.
Jane slides over on top of your cock while Monica rubs your balls.
<span class="minor-text">"OH SHIT."</span> Monica yells as your cock enters her.
Sofia grabs and squeezes her tits.
<span class="sofia-text">"Get it girl."</span>
Jane rides your cock deep and hard.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/Trim7.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
[[Moncia wants to suck your cock.|Dinner5]]Monica jumps down and begins to suck your cock after Jane is finished.
<span class="sofia-text">"Damn girls."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Ugh, where has this cock been all my life."</span> Monica moans aloud.
<span class="minor-text">"Hey don't be greedy, fuck it already."</span> Jane spurts out.
Monica climbs up on your cock.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/Trim8.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
Monica rides your cock harder and harder moaning while you lick Jane.
Meanwhile Sofia is in awe, just watching you fuck them while she plays with her pussy.
<span class="minor-text">"Sofia not going to take a turn? Hey Monica you bitch, quit beign selfish its her turn."</span> Jane yells.
Sofia turns beat red.
<span class="sofia-text">"It's ok girls you can take turns."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Your loss."</span>
Wait what...?
Sofia leans in and whispers in your ear.
<span class="sofia-text">"They have no idea."</span>
All of a sudden you feel Jane smash her pussy down onto your cock again.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/Trim9.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"Oh my god."</span> You let out a loud moan.
You feel a tongue licking your balls while Jane fucks you.
<span class="minor-text">"Ughhhh."</span> You moan again.
[[Cum for the girls.|Dinner6]]The girls get down infont of you. All three of them tugging at your cock.
Jane and Monica begin sucking your cock. Sofia goes right for your cum filled balls.
Sofia occasionally glances up at you grinning.
<span class="minor-text">"Oh fuck give it to us."</span>
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/Trim10.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
As you are about to cum you stand up over the three girls.
<span class="mc-text">"Ohhhh shittttt."</span> You release.
<video autoplay loop width="600"><source src="Images/Bimbos/Sofia/officedinner/Trim11.webm" type="video/webm"></video>
<span class="minor-text">"See. Every man wants his woman to have big tits and fuck."</span> Jane laughs.
<span class="minor-text">"I guess you are right."</span> Monica grins and wipes her chin.
<span class="sofia-text">"Mmmhmmm."</span> Sofia smiles.
[[Clean up and head home.|Home]][[Variables]]
<<link "Go back" $passageName>><</link>>You head out to the patio.
<span class="mc-text">"Hi."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Hello."</span> She smiles at you and grabs the loops at her waist.
<span class="mc-text">"I saw you from inside, just figured I'd say hi. Can I get your name?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Tessa. Yours?"</span>
<span class="mc-text">"$player.firstName."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Nice to officially meet you."</span>
<img src="Images/Tessa/Bar/1.jpg" height="600">
She reaches out to shake your hand.
<span class="mc-text">"Officially?"</span>
<span class="minor-text">"I've been attending your meetings for a awhile now."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"We must have met then."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Nope. I usually run away afterward."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"Why's that."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Deathly afraid around new people. I get really nervous."</span> She giggles.
<span class="mc-text">"I'm sorry."</span> You jokingly say.
<span class="minor-text">"Well I noticed you at the bar and I've wanted to tell you thank you for a long time. Ever since I got these. My confidence has been boosted. I've always been so worried about my body. Now I have guys hitting on me all the time."</span> She grins at you.
<span class="mc-text">"Glad I could help."</span> You laugh.
<span class="minor-text">"But really. I owe you big time."</span> She squeezes her tits together.
<img src="Images/Tessa/Bar/2.jpg" height="600">
<span class="minor-text">"I mean look at these."</span>
<img src="Images/Tessa/Bar/3.jpg" height="600">
Your jaw drops a little.
[[Tell her how great she looks|Bar Client Tessa 2]]<span class="mc-text">"Well you look amazing, I am happy everything is working out for you. I'd love to sit down and chat some more some time."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"Really?"</span> She smiles. <span class="minor-text">"I'd love that. Maybe a personal coaching session or two?"</span> She smiles even more.
<span class="mc-text">"Of course. First ones on the house."</span>
Tessa begins to pull down on her shirt.
<span class="minor-text">"I think these could be larger though."</span>
<img src="Images/Tessa/Bar/4.jpg" height="600">
Tessa shakes her tits, turns around and shows her ass. <span class="minor-text">"Maybe some booty work."</span>
<img src="Images/Tessa/Bar/5.jpg" height="600">
She busts up laughing and quickly pulls her pants up and covers her tits.
You hear some girls walking out on to the patio making a ruckus.
<span class="minor-text">"Well, it was really nice to meet you. I think my friends are here."</span>
<span class="mc-text">"You too. I hope I see you again."</span>
<span class="minor-text">"You will."</span>
Tessa and her friends take a seat at a table.
[[Head back to the bar|Bar]]<span class="rosa-text">"$player.firstName! I saw you out here pestering this young girl."</span>
<img src="Images/Tessa/Bar/6.jpg" height="600">
<span class="rosa-text">"Who's this?"</span> Rosa motions to the girl out on the patio.
<span class="mc-text">"Oh, this is Tessa."</span>
<span class="rosa-text">"Oh ok. Hey girl, watch out for this one. He has a thing for disappointing women. Not the most trustworthy if you know what I mean."</span>
Well, Rosa did a good job of fucking that up. Damn I shouldn't have fucked with her.
[[Bar]]Yeah. Could mix it up a bit and make it:
- Slept with Rosa, she doesn't approve of Tan's changes, so she fires her. Tan becomes a fitness model, but you lose the relationship with her.
- Didn't sleep with Rosa, Tan's changes are okay with her. She doesn't transform, but acts more like a bimbo, still has sex.
So the transformation is the path away from bimbo.Path choice -
Stay same casual
Start Coaching[[Go Back|Test Passage]]
<h3>Global Game Variables</h3>\
<dd>BimboGuide <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>WeeklyFine <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>CharlotteTalk <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>HangTalk <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>SofiaTalk <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>DaniTalk <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>StellaTalk <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>DFTalk <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>DesignerTalk <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>GuestsTalk <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>AnaTalk <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>StacyTalk <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>IsaacTalk <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>ElaineTalk <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>Session1Principles <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>Session1Looks <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>Session1Sex <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>AdditionalTaskInProgress <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>AdditionalTaskPantiesWorking <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>AdditionalTaskNakedWorking <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>AdditionalTaskNeighborWorking <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>AdditionalTaskErrandsWorking <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>MasturbateFirstTime <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>CharlotteWork <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>StellaStrippingIntro <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>StellaEscort <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>StellaLoan <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>Operation <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>HappinessDinner <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>ModelApprove <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>DressOption1 <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>DressOption2 <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>DressOption3 <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>StellaDinnerEmail <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>Surgery <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>BimboTraining <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>Vietnam <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>Surgery <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>SurgeryFull <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>BimboTraining <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>BimboTraining <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>Surgery <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>Surgery <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
<dd>GymPay <span class="rupert-text">(Temporary Flag)</span></dd>
[[Go Back|Test Passage]]